elysiangrace · 1 year
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Sillyyy bubusss
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reinassance-tragedy · 2 years
Levi AckermanXOC story
Hello everyone! Have you ever wondered how it’s like to be a writer’s aid and pillar of support? I’m writing this in hopes of finding a beta for my LeviXOc fanfic published on ao3. It’s a romance story written in the style of magical realism full of black humor, questionable characters and unique plot. I have already published 5 chapter and i need help with the 6th, which has about 7k words. 
Story published on ao3 under the name Goodbye, Ladybug:
What am I looking in a beta: grammar and phrasing corrections, since English is not my first language. But any suggestions or opinions are welcomed!
If you are interested, please message me. I’d be happy to work with you!!!!
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nofacedpoet · 1 month
Ch 29: Vampire
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Because the mission had been prolonged due to questioning from the many MPs and officers regarding the incident that occurred hours ago, it was already sunset by time the streets fell silent. Levi made the decision that they were to stay the night in the Capitol before making leave and they settled inside of an old abandoned building that once served as an emergency base and shelter for local soldiers.
Due to the valiant efforts by the Special Ops Squad, the mission was a success and the wagon had successfully exited Wall Sina.
What was concealed within the wagon remains a mystery, and more so, the reasoning for the efforts by the opposing squad; all of which were declared deceased on the scene, except for one in which was declared MIA—Kenny Ackerman.
Blue, purple, and orange flames weaved within each other through the large fire. Embers broke off and ignited into the air like a million fire flies. One of the larger embers gracefully danced toward Armin. His eyes followed as it passed across his face and fell into his palm that laid lifelessly in his lap. 
The ember sizzled into his numb skin and he watched its color slowly fade as it died, its bright orange glow fading into eternal ash. His eyes shrunk as he smeared its remains across his sweaty palm with a single finger. 
BANG! His eyes widened at the sound of a gun shot echoing through his head and his hands began to tremble…
BANG! Ava’s eardrums erupted, causing her to fully wake from this state of fainting. A loud ringing followed after and her eyes shot open. The first thing she noticed were three bodies that laid across from her. The second thing was the small red puddles underneath their bodies that diffused into one giant one. 
A thin stream escaped and hastily headed in her direction, pointing blame and reminding her of the inevitable guilt that she could never run from. Her boots separated and she watched it drift between them, passing under her, and into her shadow of a person that she couldn’t recognize.
A cloud of confusion flooded her mind as her memory from the last few seconds completely vanished.
Did I…she glanced at the rattling rifle in her trembling hands with question. I don’t remember… She glanced up and noticed a bullet hole straight through two men’s heads. Eren grunted as he pushed one of them off and sat up. His expression fell into distraught as he glanced towards Ava’s direction.
“Eren,” Ava was still trying to understand. “What—” a heavy pant came from behind her and she slowly turned around. 
Armin stood a few feet back as he held a rifle that was still smoking. It slowly slipped from his grip and he collapsed to his knees. His eyes widened with terror as he stared into his palms as if they weren’t his own. And he screamed a loud and painful cry that would echo through the streets for a moment, but through their minds for eternity.
“What are you doing out here?” a familiar voice asked. 
“Huh?” Armin glanced up. Eren sat at a wooden bench to his left, one of the four that laid around the fire. He gripped onto the edges of a soft white blanket that completely shielded his head and body. 
“It’s freezing out here,” Eren glanced down at Armin’s hands that were held out in an awkward position. He noticed a black mark across his palm before Armin quickly flipped his hands over on his knees. Eren moved his gaze back up to Armin’s eyes, which looked slightly frantic. 
“You should be resting,” Armin tried to calm his light panting. 
“I could say the same for you.” 
“Yeah well,” Armin swallowed. “I wasn’t shot.”
“The bastard on that rooftop hardly got me. It barely even scraped my arm.”
A desolate shadow cast over Armin’s eyes and he moved his gaze back to the fire, but not even its bursting flames could ignite a light within them. His fingers clutched onto his knees but the tremble in his hands was still far too obvious.
“Are you cold?” Eren gestured one of his arms outward and opened the blanket cave that he hid inside.
Armin glanced at him for a moment. His entire body felt aflame with the layer of sweat that beaded over—even with the single bit of clothing he wore in this cold night—a thin long sleeve T-shirt. 
“Sure,” Armin sat beside him and pulled his half of the blanket over. “Thanks.”
Eren scooted closer to him until their legs touched and Armin slightly flinched. Eren moved his leg away. “Sorry—”
“No,” Armin quickly moved his leg over to where it laid against Eren’s. “It’s fine. Sorry. I don’t know why I’m so squirmish.” 
“Are you sure? I don’t mind giving you some space,” Eren was nearly about to stand. 
“No, really,” Armin meant to grab Eren’s arm but incidentally clutched onto his thigh. Eren sat up straight with wide eyes. “Sorry,” Armin snatched his hand back. “I didn’t mean to—”
“No,” Eren huffed a nervous laugh as his cheeks grew incredibly red. “It’s fine. I don’t know why I’m so squirmish either.” 
He and Armin glanced at each other with an awkward smile. “Heh,” Armin turned toward the fire across and his smile quickly dropped. If he wasn’t showering in sweat before, he was sure swimming in it now. He wiped his forehead to clear any obvious indications as he felt Eren’s stare from the side. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah—fine,” Armin leaned over and covered his mouth like he was about to puke. “It’s just—” a light pant stole the words from him. “I—uh,” he tried to swallow to clear his sudden dried throat. 
“Hey,” Eren gently laid his hand over his shoulder. 
“I just,” Armin’s eyes blurred with tears and he sounded like he was choking with how hard he attempted to hold it back. But he just couldn’t anymore. Everything suddenly poured out like a flood gate that had been snapped by the waves of a tsunami. “I a-almost lost y-you—” the words themselves shattered his insides and he began to sob uncontrollably. 
“Armin,” Eren grabbed him and Armin immediately fell into his chest as he clutched onto the back of Eren’s shirt with one hand and onto the back of his hair with the other. Eren tightened his arms around Armin as he gently held the back of his head. 
“I n-nearly lost i-it when I thought—w-when I thought—oh god,” the agony in his voice was like a knife being twisted in Eren’s chest. 
“It’s okay,” Eren laid the side of his cheek against Armin’s head and his eyes watered. “You’re not losing me.”
“P-promise?” Armin whimpered as he slightly broke away to glance up at him. 
“Promise,” Eren whispered as he freed one of his hands to wipe Armin’s cheek. 
“S-sorry. I got your shirt wet.” 
Eren smiled from the corner of his mouth. “It’s alright.”
Armin fell back into his arms and rested his head on his chest as he listened to his heart beat, a sound he yearned to hear forever. They stayed in this position for awhile longer, in silence, with only the crackling fire. It was a few minutes later when Eren glanced down at him that he’d realized he’d already fallen asleep. 
Ava stared into a single crooked ceiling tile above as a nearby lantern cast its yellow light unto it. She attempted to focus on only that and not the tall walls that towered over and caved in like her collapsing lungs that suffocated her. It seemed like this large vacant room could never be spacious enough. She tried to grasp a deep breath, but as before, she failed to tread above the water and her grueling sigh echoed.
I’m nothing like them, she thought to herself. While they’re real scout soldiers, sacrificing their lives for humanity, for exploration of the world, to end the titans…I’m just a poser. The tile above began to blur with her tears. I never gave a damn about any of those things. Because I’m selfish. I only joined for one reason…
A warmth spread across her cheeks as she thought of a memory—She and Valentine laying on the ground near the cabin, pointing to the sky above. 
I could’ve stayed there forever…but that world just wasn’t big enough for you, was it? That’s alright. I’d run through fire to follow after you…I’d do anything as long as you were next to me… She raised her hand toward the ceiling and stared through the cracks between her fingers. It was always me and you…But things are changing quickly. I feel it. I feel it all slipping through my hand, her fingers fell weak and slowly bent like a decaying flower. 
I serve no purpose for any of you anymore. Eren nearly died because of me today, Armin lost a part of himself because I couldn’t pull a trigger, and now…you…But if I serve no purpose for any of you at all, what am I even doing here? Maybe…I’m just better off—
The front doors slammed open and she quickly wiped her tears and glanced up to see Eren stumbling inside as he struggled to hold Armin on his back. Armin’s arms loosely dangled around Eren’s neck and down his chest and his head gently tucked into Eren’s neck as he drooled. The entire sight of it all made Ava laugh a bit.
“How is he so small and still this heavy?” Eren grunted as he attempted to kneel down without dropping him.
“Hm,” Ava smiled. “Is Valentine still out there?”
“No,” Eren gently lowered Armin on the sleeping bag and began to zip it up. “It was just me and Armin.”
Ava gazed the room and noticed the only two people missing were Valentine and Captain Levi.
“Ah!” The last sleeping bag in Valentine’s hand slipped from her grip as she stumbled back and nearly fell from ramming straight into Levi. His hands quickly clutched onto her and their eyes locked with the same mortifying glance.
They’d both been avoiding each other all day and said as little as two words—a subtle moment as everyone cleaned and patched up their wounds:
Levi and Valentine nearly reached for the same roll of bandages before she pulled her hand back and said, “you go ahead.”
“Take ‘em,” he nodded and they both stared at one another for way too long that even the others began to notice. He wanted dearly to ask her in that moment how was the wound that she got only due to his own negligence. And she wanted so badly to ask how he was, not that he had even a scratch on him, but his mood seemed rather somber after the mission even after it was a major success. And he kept doing that thing again where she’d catch him glancing at her like he wanted to say something, but couldn’t. 
And now, after all that effort to avoid each other, they were forced to confront one another.
The first thought that crossed Valentine’s mind was, Damn it, I wish I could’ve fixed my hair a little better before seeing him. But it did make her feel a little better that his hair was also still drenched from his shower and split sporadically into different directions. It was still dripping from the edges and onto his long sleeve grey T-shirt, which looked even more damp itself like he hadn’t even completely dried before putting it on. It pressed against his skin and made his muscles even more visible, especially in his chest. A light blush appeared across her cheeks and her eyes quickly shot back up to his. 
It wasn’t until Levi’s eyes widened and his teeth clenched of embarrassment that she realized that his hands were clutching onto her waist and she was clutching onto his forearms. 
“S-sorry,” her fingers quickly unclenched from him just as fast as his released from her waist. “Clumsy,” an awkward smile stretched across her face. 
“Yeah,” Levi kneeled down to pick up the sleeping bag. “I can see that.”
“I was talking about you—” she cut off as he stood and his eyes were back at her level. His stoic stare was the most expressionless thing yet it was still intimidating for some reason. “Heh, I’m kidding.” 
His eyes didn’t blink once for the entire duration he stared back into hers. He didn’t even seem to breathe in that entire moment. “I know,” he finally said as he gestured the sleeping bag towards her. 
“Oh—uh,” she fiddled her fingers. “That’s yours. Mines already up there.”
“I don’t need it.”
“What—why not?”
“I’m not sleeping tonight. I’ll be keeping watch.” His hand still gestured the sleeping bag towards her. 
“We’re in like the safest part of the walls. What could possibly happen?”
His eyes subtly glanced at the wound on her neck, then he glanced to the side. “I don’t sleep much anyway. So it won’t make much of a difference.” He leaned over to toss the bag back into the closet behind her and his body just barely brushed up against hers. 
She took the opportunity to sneak one last peak at his muscles that shown through his drenched shirt just right before he stepped back and glanced at her. 
“How is it?” he asked stoically. 
Her eyes widened as she blushed. “W-what?” 
“The wound,” he glanced to the side as he mumbled, “idiot,” but his tone was rather innocuous than his usual brusque. 
“Oh,” her hand laid over it. “Fine. It’s just a scratch.”
He glanced at her and though it was with his usual boring expression, she felt as if he knew she was lying. Thankfully, it was covered with a bandage—
“Let me see it,” he ordered. 
“What? You want me to take the bandage off?”
“Yes.” That was the first time this entire conversation that he held no hesitation or long pause before responding. She panicked.
“It’s really not that big of—”
“Am I going to have to take it off for you?” 
Her eyes widened. Only he could make such disputatious words sound so benign. He still carried such an assertiveness, but there was a fondness to it. It was extremely off putting and confused her.
She knew that he meant it. He’d do it. “Alright, alright. Fine.” Her finger nails pinched at the corner of the bandage and her eyes squinted as she slowly peeled it back. “See. Nothing,” she rushed to seal it back over but he beat her to it. 
She gasped at his sudden grip on her face and neck. He was firm, but not rough, as his fingertips held the bottom of her jaw and the back of her neck as he leaned in to get a better glance at it. She could feel the calluses on his palm against her cheek and the strength of his muscles pressed against her body. 
His warm and calm breath lightly trickled down her neck, dispersing an alien feeling throughout her entire body. A warm chill sprinkled across every centimeter of her skin, sending her body into a sweat. Her breath became short and heavy as her heart rate rapidly increased.
Levi leaned in closer and his eyes shrunk at the two-inch wide slit across her neck. The flesh inside of it was visible and raw. The outer skin throbbed a painful purple-red with crusted bits of dried blood along the edge. 
“Just a scratch, my ass,” his voice tickled her ear and only accentuated everything she was already feeling.
“For a germaphobe,” more air than words escaped her lips as she struggled to speak through her heavy and short breath. “You sure are into it—” he pulled his head back and glanced at her. Her eyes shot open as she rushed to compose herself. GULP! “I mean—what are you—like some vampire?” The words stumbled from her lips so quickly.
He looked into her one hazel and one white ghostly eye with a stern stare that made it a difficult for her to translate his thoughts.
“Well, that’d be rather fatuous of you”—he leaned in closer—“allowing me this close, wouldn’t you think?” His wet hair dripped onto her chest and her gaze fell gentle unto him. 
“It could’ve been worse if you hadn’t shown up,” her tone was so delicate and his eyes widened at her sudden rash thought. “So, thank you, Levi.” His name was the most delicate part of her words. It left her gentle lips like velvet and he could almost taste it.
He gently released his grip on her. “Yeah, well,” his hands stuffed into his pockets as his gaze met with the floor. “I would’ve done that for anyone.”
“I know that,” she grabbed for the bandage that desperately hung by the edge and patched it back over the wound. She stared into the curtain of wet hair that laid over his eyes. “It just seems like you’re always getting stuck saving me.” He could tell by the way she said it that she was smiling. 
His gaze returned to her and his eyes softened. “Yeah,” his tone was rather relaxed for the first time this entire conversation. “You’re really starting to become a pain in my ass.” 
A blush clouded over her cheeks and a small smile appeared from the corner of her mouth. “Sorry,” she whispered. 
He glanced to the side as his hands fidgeted in his pockets. “It’s late…you should probably get some rest.”
“Oh, yeah,” she fiddled her fingers. “…Night then…” she turned to walk away and glanced at him one last time, hoping to get another glance at his eyes, but it never came. It was right as she turned around that he took one last glance at her, before returning his gaze to the floor.
Valentine’s steps echoed through the long hallway and Ava grinded her teeth as they grew further away. A small slit of faint light cut across Ava’s eye as she glared into the back of Levi’s head from the crack of a door on the opposite side. The longer she stared, the more burning acid diffused throughout her stomach and fumed into her skin like an explosive battery.
As the door shut behind Valentine, it sounded as if a second door shut from the other end and Levi glanced over. “Huh?” 
But no one was there…
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levisalexandria · 7 months
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Unwavering - Captain Levi Ackerman (Levi x OC) - Chapter 14 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1399883765-unwavering-captain-levi-ackerman-levi-x-oc-chapter?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=AlexandriaCastello&wp_originator=eqlUZnsS%2BkjQmBXtgYt4DmZqKGDl4wWMxyn5w2ekAwq3%2B%2B%2Fl%2FVIhkbV08icApg11qfERCslTOUmk%2FhaOBDr2pPdLvOgwngJnSf6wh8wHBUU65hFHmrJKB4%2Fe4JUmvZT3 From fellow soldiers to friends. From enemies to lovers. Alexandria Castello finds herself falling for the Captain after a recent appointment to co-Captain. Their tragic pasts threaten to breach their newfound relationship, are they strong enough to resist?
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am-the-renegade · 2 years
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You have no idea how difficult making creases are.
Ive been trying out or maybe trying to upgrade my style again but I like it.
its very different.
I am going forward with this. And fellow artists, critiques are welcome. I want to better my craft.
Thank you. ✨🦖❤️
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vampxrebarbie · 2 years
literally i put my foot down and refuse to budge from my decision that levi is essentially a feral kitten that erwin has to hold back by the scruff of his neck at all times if they want to avoid bureaucratic incidents.
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leviismybby · 2 months
However, I don't know how to feel about Levi because of the real source material (Isayama interviews, smartpass story and side material like that…) and the 'professional' Japanese translators on this blog. I think he really is, according to the correct Japanese translations and Isayama interviews, he is really dragging humanity through the mud for his personal feelings… and he is someone who is floating and aimless because of Erwin's death… So much so that Isayama even thought of killing him many times because he didn't know what to do about him and threw him aside… also I guess he has no interest in women… oh and Ackerbond is probably real… I know it's not a canon ship and I know he's not in love, but that doesn't mean it's not written too reductively to Erwin. And it disgusts me…
Because of the source material, side material, canon discourse and Japanese translator blogs, my opinion of him is changing more and more and I think I will throw my LevixOc project in the trash… Levi is really someone who (because of Isayama's writing) has been hypnotized by Erwin's own goals and has taken control of Levi's entire character and actions. I don't think I could take him (or s/o) out of this hypnosis.
I know you can say "Isayama's opinions can change" or "only what is in the manga is canon" and I used to hide behind that for consolation, but I realized that once Isayama said it, it was true and it stayed there. And I think the interviews are necessary to understand the content of the scenes etc. in the manga.
Even analysis is no longer a comfort for me… after all, why need complicated writing when interviews and manga are the source of what really happened there…
I guess he's not the character I thought I wanted… I wish he was his own man… I wish he wasn't a character to be discarded just because he died because of another character… or someone who is too picky and only accepts high standards… (this is just my own opinion based on the manga and the material/opinions I think Canon!Levi would be like that)
I'm deeply disappointed… As delulu as the Eruri fandom is, most of what they say is unfortunately true… after all, they take real sources and cite them as evidence… I don't think they are mistranslating because there are professional cold-blooded translators in this fandom and most of them quote what that blog says…
I wish I had never encountered this fandom and this character, so I wouldn't have to be so upset all these years…
Except that half of the interviews are either fake, completely twisted or don't exist. Especially that flaoting ballon bullshit, which a lot of Japanese fans say wasn't even said.
I will this again, please read the manga on your own and base your opinions on Levi on your own.
Since you already mention Eruri and i might ruin your day here but Eruri is as canon and Levihan is, it isn't. No Levi never prirotized Erwin over humanity and you'll understand that if you read the manga for yourself and analyse it for yourself without letting the fandom get to you.
Levi is his own man, he has his brain to think with and the only people who think he doesn't are shippers. Not once did Levi put his own selfish desires before humanity for anyone, he was as sad about Erwin's death as he was for the rest of his comrads. Not a single instance in the manga/anime or any actual official interviews given by Isayama was Levi reduced to Erwin, only a shipper would think that way. Oh and Ackerbond thing too, not only is that damaging to Levi's character, it is just creppy and definitely not a thing.
I am sorry anon but it seems like you don't understand Levi and his character at all. Isayama always said that Erwin and Levi were equal and sworn friends, he didn't say that because he hid some sort of hidden romance between the two, he said it because that's how it is, its a strong bond of trust and commandership and reducing it only to "Oh Levi is a love sick puppy who only cares about Erwin." is a mischaractertion at max.
My advice to you is to take a break from the fandom is they are making you not like your oc x Levi anymore, that's the best way to get them out of your head and please, base your own opinions, not what people online say.
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cosmicjoke · 6 months
Hey! I just saw your posts with that unhinged Eruri anon and uh I’m sorry you keep getting stupid asks like these, it seems so exhausting. They do realise they can enjoy Eruri without needing to prove its canonicity, right? I say this as a multishipper who likes Eruri and several other Levi ships whilst knowing that they definitely aren’t canon lol.
Also, their not-so-subtle dig at Levi x OC/Reader shippers in one of their asks is pissing me off. How does us enjoying that type of content make us homophobic? They sure seem ‘frightened at the mere thought’ of people having a different interpretation than them, because, oh don’t you see, there can only be one right way of viewing Levi’s sexuality, because that’s the most important thing about him, sure 🙄
Anyway the sooner they realise they’re allowed to like non canon ships and not be insecure about its non canonicity, the better.
Hey @jayteacups, and as always, thank you so much for the support.
I don't know why I specifically keep getting targeted like this, other than I guess just the fact I'm a known Levi fan who's somehow gotten a reputation as a "nonshipper", which is hilarious, because like you, I ship Levi too, with multiple characters. The only difference is, people like you and me know it isn't canon and are alright with that.
I didn't even realize they'd taken a dig at LeviXOC/Reader ships, since I stopped reading once they sent me that mile long message. I'd already given them a long answer of my own, but they couldn't accept it. But I'm not surprised. Talk about petty and stupid. It's the same way so many eruri shippers attack Levihan shippers and accuse you of being a Levihan shipper if you say LeviXErwin isn't canon. Any ship outside of their preferred ship is tantamount, in their mind, to blasphemy. Unhinged is the right word for this person. They just can't let it go. I'm just waiting for them to create yet another account and send me yet another message. I wouldn't hold my breath for them to ever realize they can ship Levi and Erwin and not have to have it be canon. Like you pointed out, they seem to think Levi loving Erwin is the only interesting thing about him. They have no actual interest in his character, or the actual motivations behind his actions. Their questions are as boring as they are, I guess.
But again, thank you so much. I appreciate your kindness more than you know.
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jayteacups · 16 days
I'm surprised that you didn't try to treat Nüwa and fic you wrote as canon. I usually think that most aot oc and reader fic writers try to write and treat as canon. Especially if they include canon divergence. If you say because your fic is different from canon, as I said, there are authors who add canon divergence in their fic and try to fit it to canon. I guess you fuck fandom and canon and write for your own entertainment. Sometimes I wish I could fuck all that like you and focus on my fanon fun.
For example, I'm someone who added my oc to Sc both to have some action character and to get some screen time. And as you say, Survey Corps is one of the main themes that gets the most screen time. But the Survey Corps is really a ruthless corps led by a hypocritical leader where they sacrifice themselves in a meaningless way over and over again, many of them sacrificing themselves to their death in vain, and it's a corps full of contradictions and treacheries that bother me. And of course Survey Corps is a theme that I'm uncomfortable with, so I must have reflected that in my oc, who is not happy to be there. I'm not sure if I should explain the background of my oc, but to explain a little bit, she's there more for Levi. They've been together for a long time, since they were kids.
So I can say that the chemistry I tried to make up as canon and also the chemistry I wrote to bring them closer. Their relationship reminds me a little of eremika and I can't help but wonder if they looks like a copycat or if I wrote a stupid lazy background. If it were canon I think the fandom would make similar criticism and hate speeches haha. But now I'm in the middle of designing my own levixOc because I'm trying to get away from him and the fandom lol. Because I can say that the constant canon discourses and Levi discourses in this fandom have pushed me to be more selective prescriptive and skeptical than fun.
"Levi would sacrifice you for the mission. Because he is a member of Sc" "Levi is very obsessed with Erwin very loyal he wouldn't treat you the way he treats him" At the same time, I constantly see that he would like superior strong smart people, "he would never tolerate weakness" including the ideal partner Hc's that Levi is selective, where there are similar articles like this, many discourses like this have made me frankly not enjoy this Levi and fanfic content. Sometimes when I read fic, I can't help but think "I wonder if this is how Levi would act canonically". I apologize for going so far out of context. I must have gotten a little carried away here reflecting on my negativity about the fandom.
Thank you for this ask! Let me just explain what I meant when I said that my fic is an alternate universe to AOT and not entirely canon to the original story. The setting of my fic does still take place in the AOT canon setting, i.e., three walls, titans surrounding the walls and roaming the island, an Underground, the history between Marley and Paradis/Eldia, etc. Basically the setting is the same, but there will be some canon compliance that I'll be sticking to, but yes, there will be some canon-divergence indeed, because the way I've written Nüwa and her very existence isn't exactly canon-compliant lmao. So I decided not to stress too much about trying to blend her seamlessly into canon AOT, but more like a parallel universe to AOT, if that makes sense! That's the type of story I decided to write, but of course I still respect canon-compliance and I respect the canon material itself (I'm not saying 'fuck it' completely lol). The canon divergence is more me playing with ideas that weren't really touched upon in canon and expanding on the changes that come with adding original characters to a story that already exists. I'm writing this more for self-indulgence and fun, and honestly that's why I write fic in the first place!
It's really interesting to see that your OC is a Survey Corps soldier but is actually jaded and unhappy about being there, that's certainly not something that many stories touch upon! You're right that there is a darker element to the Survey Corps' purpose and to the way Erwin operates (I like him a lot as a character though, don't get me wrong, I find him really interesting). Your project sounds really exciting. And I wouldn't say that the Eremika parallels are 'lazy' or a copycat - there are many different ways to spin that dynamic, and again, it's your story so you have the freedom to do whatever you wish with Levi and your OC!
I know the discourse - especially the discourse on this platform over the last six months - is incredibly exhausting and can be demotivating. I'm sorry that it's had such a negative impact on you :(( I think it's important to remember that at the end of the day, fandom is supposed to be a fun hobby, it's supposed to bring you joy. You absolutely don't have to subscribe to the headcanons that you don't like or agree with - because those headcanons are just one possible interpretation of canon, but they aren't necessarily the right interpretation. It's more than fine to think, 'actually, I don't think he would act like this', and click back out of that fic.
In canon, Levi is never explicitly in a romantic relationship with anyone, and therefore nobody can say definitively how he would act with a partner who's in the Survey Corps. It's up to you what you want to do with your story, and you shouldn't have to worry about appeasing to the people with different headcanons than you. If you don't agree with someone's opinion, you're valid for disagreeing with it (just remember to stay respectful haha I know fandom discourse can really rile people up), and you can write your fic with what you have in mind rather than what other fans have in mind.
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jinzoma · 7 months
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My OC, Jin, with Levi and their daughter. I love it so much ❤️❤️❤️ made with bing
I want to wrote fiction but I’m too shy to publish them 🥹
#leviackerman #levixoc #levi #snk #attackontitan #shingekinokyojin
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imkumichan · 4 months
If you were someone who really appreciated Levi's character, you wouldn't share some delusional shipper-centric blogs if you were actually a solo Levi stan. This way, Solo Levi or Levixoc content consumers like you can see content that they don't want to see when they see posts that reduce Levi to another character, or make him a weak needy character for his own ship. What I mean is that one of the blogs you are spamming is one that believes that Levi is E's watchdog, and that even in his analysis and writings he interjects his own ship
I do appreciate Levi chara! His characters r why he is my fav! I actually don't really know which blog u referred to (one that believes Levi is Erwin's watchdog (?)) because i blocked the tags for 'Eruri' or 'Levi x whatever' if it's not 'Levi x Reader', so I wouldn't know.. but if I found a good fic about 'Levi x Reader' i would just reblog it so i can reread it in the future.. so I guess that's why I don't really care about their blog in general or if they ship Levi with a canon chara as long as they don't force it to me
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sparkywrites25 · 1 year
Writing Ask Game
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I shared this fic writers ask game on the wrong blog so I'm answering these here with a link to this post on the blog. I really appreciate the kind words lollipop anon. Thank you for engaging with the blog.
1 - What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
I would want to showcase the work I think was better written and something I am fairly proud of to someone new so I think I would choose my Hearts and Crafts piece which was a request fill for both @levi-supreme and @ladycheesington. I really enjoyed writing that AU and immersing myself in the Levi x Reader autumn date. I do plan to return to that AU one day as it really filled my heart to write and I don't think the writing itself was awful.
3. What are some tropes or details that you think are very characteristic of your fics?
Emotional hurt is definitely a common theme in most of my fics, one shots or WIPs etc. I am a sucker for hurt/comfort or complicated and painful scenarios. I also tend to write a fair bit of characters biting their tongue on their own feelings rather than doing the healthy thing and expressing them.
8. What song would make a great fic (to either write or read)?
One song which I can think of, I've already kind of written for. Astronaut by Simple Plan was used as mood music for Lost and Petra's predicament within it echoes the theme of the song. But other than that, Beautiful Disaster by Kelly Clarkson would be good to write or read. Again, this is my weakness for angsty or complicatedly emotional situations.
13. Are there any tropes you used to like but don’t anymore?
I'm not a massive fan of amnesia plots and I think that is because they used to come up a fair bit in private roleplay as people I was writing with would quite like that trope. I lost some of my interest in it after that. I don't know if I could write it as I am not the most patient person and would want to write the remembering way too soon!
15. What’s your favorite AU that you’ve written?
So far the collegeLevi x Reader universe from Hearts and Crafts is easily my favourite but I have some stories coming which do have more of my heart and I've been brainstorming them for so long. Because I love them so much, I keep getting contradictory ideas and reworking the plan so me having so much love for them has actually delayed them being written, haha.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
So far the ones I'm working on aren't at the writing stage - they're still in the planning stage. I'll mention a few rather than them all because I have a ridiculous amount planned.
To Love An Ackerman - A LevixChildhoodSoulmate AU following their story from their lives in the Underground up to and including some canon events. Also features a teenage Ackerbaby eventually too. This is my biggest brain child right now.
Seven Deadly "Sins" - A series of LevixOC stories each named after a sin but each "sin" isn't quite as clear-cut of a sin as the title might imply. In some, for example, the behaviour within the story may look like one of the sins but it actually comes from a mental health issue etc.
Sacrifice Your Heart - A LevixOC story wherein the OC, Sofia. (Levi's girlfriend at this point) has to take on the Armoured Titan in an AU of the Return to Shiganshina arc. She struggles with it especially after learning that she'll only have 13 years left. It'll be a story of navigating the following events while brewing with resentment.
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azureashes · 3 years
Mess Her Up
NSFW 18+ ONLY, Minors DNI Summary: Levi Ackerman is just an ordinary gang member who receives an order he knows well. To mess her up. Only things don't turn out as he expects.
Pairings: Levi x OC, (Levi x Reader if you squint) Word count: 6.9 K Trigger warnings: Noncon, Dubcon, Blood Play, Knife Play, Gang Activity, Beatings, Masochism (?), Torture (?)
A young woman traipsed through the abandoned, yellowed stone alleyways, the sun shining high illuminating their surfaces and leaving deep shadows under the overhangs and archways. The buildings here were built out of stone centuries ago, in what must once have been an applauded endeavor in stone masonry but had since been abandoned for nearly as long. The beige tint of the stones set the image of a sepia landscape and was interrupted only by the flash of green of a rare tree or shrub in the area. It was a place that would look beautiful in pictures but was eerie in its abandoned echoes in person.
Her long hair trailed behind her and she smoothed down her skirts, clutching her cross-body purse as she climbed in her black flats lightly over the large stone steps that were clearly built for humans more intimidating than herself in size.
Spying a handsome young man leaning against the wall of a darkened alleyway, she marched towards him with renewed determination. His black hair was parted to the side falling loosely into his aloof face that looked displeased with the world in general. His stormy grey eyes were intent on the knife in his hand that he polished to a shine, glinting in the afternoon sunlight.
As she approached, his gaze flicked onto her, like a jaguar whose prey had fallen into his line of sight when he wasn’t interested in the hunt. A warning to back off.
“Excuse me,” she called, her voice ringing sweetly off the abandoned stone walls. He frowned at the young woman, irritation sparking in his eyes that she had disregarded his unspoken warning. “I’m looking for someone,” she continued obliviously.
Rummaging through her purse, she withdrew a photograph of a smiling young man with hair the shade of her own. “This is my brother. He hasn’t come home for three days. An elderly gentleman told me he had seen him somewhere around here. Do you think you could help me?” Her pleading tone of voice and wide, innocent eyes were met with a hardened, unmoved expression.
When he spoke, she was equally as surprised by the soothing quality of his voice as she was by the harsh, irritated tone he chose to speak in.
“Get lost, brat.”
She was taken aback by the rude rebuttal but, biting her lip, refused to back down. “Please,” she voiced, reaching out for his arm to convey her urgency, her eyes turned up to him desperately. He flinched at her touch and turned a livid glare in her direction. “Please,” she repeated, “He’s my only brother. I’m so worried about him.”
“Get your hands off me,” he hissed, his hands stilling in their movements where they were polishing the knife. She was suddenly struck by the realization that the gleaming switchblade in his hands was only a whim away from embedding itself in her flesh. That surely, him cleaning his knife meant it had recently been in use? Hesitantly, she withdrew her hand. “Can’t you help me?” she entreated again breathlessly.
“Is there something wrong with your ears? I said fuck off.” The scathing retort, clearly meant to scare her away, only served to have her dig in her heels in response. He hadn’t claimed not to know the young man in the photograph.
“Hey, Levi,” came a raspy voice from the shadows, “Who’s the visitor?”
When she turned her gaze towards the darkened alleyway, she found a tall, rugged blond standing there, his countenance partly veiled by the shadows, despite the brilliant sunlight.
For whatever reason, the man’s sudden appearance served to irritate the black-haired man and he shot the strange girl a disparaging glance. One that seemed to read, “You brought this on yourself.”
Casting a wary glance at the raven-haired man - Levi, apparently, was his name - she sidestepped him to approach the blond man towering over her in the alleyway. Up close, she could see a thin scar running from one temple, down across the bridge of his prominent nose. 
“Excuse me, sir,” she began, holding up the photograph, “Have you seen this man? He’s my brother and hasn’t been home in three days.”
Levi averted his gaze as the stupid woman made her stupid plea. Fools with no sense of danger could only blame themselves for whatever followed.
True to character, the blond took one look at the picture in her hand and laughed aloud, a deep, rumbling sound that grated against Levi’s ears and made the young woman hesitate uncertainly.
“Why, Levi,” the man chuckled, “it’s rude to leave a young woman standing outside like this. You should have shown her in.”
The long-haired woman looked from one man to the other nervously as she clung to the strap of her cross-body purse. Levi came up behind her with an irritated expression, as if she were severely wasting his time. Caught with the muscular man towering over her in front of her and Levi approaching from behind, all routes of escape were cut off. She swallowed nervously as Levi met her eye with a bored expression. “You heard the man,” he drawled, nodding towards the alleyway.
With apprehensive determination, she nodded and stepped into the darkness, bypassing the taller man who was still chuckling ominously to himself. Unable to see in front of her for the darkness, her footsteps slowed, and Levi, pressing a hand to her back, shoved her forwards. “Keep moving,” was the gruff command. His hand on her back felt warm – larger and stronger than she would have expected - and in the darkness, his low voice sounded as if he spoke directly into her ear, sending chills up her spine.
At length, he pushed open a door that was invisible to her in the darkness and she stepped into the light on the other side, blinking.
She had entered what appeared to be a large common room with mismatched sofas and tables in various states of disrepair scattered across the sprawling space. A generous refrigerator hummed loudly in a corner and a pool table with worn-out green felt stood off to the side. A single lightbulb flickered in a green lampshade that hung oddly, almost comically, to one side.
She noticed now, that the room was filled with people equally as intimidating as the man she had left behind, absorbed in drink, games, or tobacco and talk. Their muscular bodies implied that these were men who depended on their strength to survive, and the scars that decorated what she could see of their skin were evidence of the lengths they would go to, to do so. In comparison, she was small and insignificant, less than a morsel to the fearsome men in front of her. She clutched the photograph to her chest and stepped backwards, looking from one terrifying face to the other. When she bumped into a broad chest, she spun around in surprise, only to find Levi closing the door behind them, looking at her through unfeeling gray eyes down the bridge of his nose.
She backed away from him, intimidated, and found herself in the center of the room surrounded by the watchful eyes of men whose intentions she failed to read.
“Well, well, well...” voiced a gruff voice from the back of the room, With a gasp, she saw a tall, gangly man lying on a sofa hidden from view. His face was concealed by a cowboy hat but as he rose to his feet now, he replaced it on his head, covering his long, straggly gray hair. His low chuckle and his self-assured smirk confirmed what the silence in the room implied – this was the leader of the group.
“What do we have here?” The man marched right up to her and caught her chin in an unforgiving grip, as he lifted her eyes up to him. “Pretty little thing you brought in, Levi.”
Still, the raven-haired man behind her was silent and unmoving. The man with the cowboy hat suddenly caught sight of the photograph and with one fluid movement snatched it out of her hands. His eyes lit up in recognition and he lowered his head as a deep, sinister chuckle rumbled from his lips. “Well, isn’t this precious?” he barked with a laugh.
“Tell me, sweetheart,” he waved the photograph in front of her face mockingly, “Who is this?”
“That’s-,” she took a deep breath for courage, “That’s my brother! If you know anything about his whereabouts, please tell me!” She lifted entreating eyes to the man, despite the sadistic amusement apparent on his features.
“Well...” he drawled, “We might know something.” He laughed, turning around and holding the picture up for the men gathered there to see, “Don’t we, boys?”
Raucous laughter erupted in the room at the girl’s poor fortune. “Listen here, girl,” he leaned in close until she could smell the unsavory mixture of tobacco, coffee, and alcohol on his breath, “Your brother has been our guest for the last couple of days. And he can’t leave here until we’ve shown him the full extent of our hospitality. That’s just good manners, isn’t it?”
“Is- is that so?” she stepped backwards, her eyes darting from one harsh, unforgiving face to another, “Well, then, I...”
“Oh, no you don’t,” the man had a lazy, laidback demeanor, but when his hand shot out to catch hold of her wrist, it was fast as the strike of a viper. He held her hand high, so that she had to stand on tiptoe to ease the pressure on her arm. “Now that you’re here, we can’t just let you leave. You’re our guest, too, aren’t you?”
He whirled her around and faced the men who had abandoned their card games and drinks to give their leader their full attention. “Who wants to show our princess here a good time? No one should be able to say that we treat our guests poorly, isn’t that right?”
A hum of agreement and low chuckles met his words as more men than she could count shouted back volunteering statements.
With one last burst of strength, she tore her hand free and made a mad dash for the exit only to come up against the chest of the raven-haired man once more. He stood with his back towards the door and lifted his eyebrows, unimpressed by her attempts to escape.
“Well, look at that,” the man in the cowboy hat jeered, “I think she likes you, Levi.”
Raucous laughter erupted in the room as Levi narrowed his eyes at the girl, irritated that she was causing this uproar and dragging him into this.
“Is this really necessary, Kenny?” he complained, turning narrowed eyes onto his boss.
“Oi. Go on, then. Show her a good time.” A shiver passed through her as she turned her eyes up to the raven-haired man who was pointedly ignoring her.
“It’s not her fault she has a piece of shit for a brother, and unlike you sleazy bastards, I don’t have a thing for brats,” his arguments fell on deaf ears, but his eyes dropped to the girl in front of him in surprise, when he saw that she had taken hold of the hem of his shirt between her thumb and forefinger, her head lowered, expression unreadable. Her action was invisible to the men behind her, but confused Levi, even as Kenny barked further orders.
“Birds of a feather, Levi.” He jerked a thumb at a door behind them, “Mess her up. That’s an order.”
“Tch,” irked beyond expression, he grabbed hold of her wrist and dragged her down through the living area to the jeers and catcalls of the men, pushing open one of the closed doors and pulling her through before pressing the door shut behind them, muffling the vulgar statements of the men beyond.
He eyed her calculatingly, his grey eyes walled off from her as his gaze wandered over her form from head to toe, his sharp mind mulling over a definition to the words, “mess her up.”
The resounding click that met her ears informed her that the door had been locked, and she was stuck with this enigmatic, terrifying man. He approached her slowly, annoyance still lingering in his eyes as he muttered, “I told you to get lost.”
Her eyes darted from one corner of the dimly lit room to another, shoulders trembling. An armchair and a tattered sofa stood haphazardly in the room, a beat-up old table with scratch marks stood tossed to the side. Light from a single, boarded up window strained to get inside. Telltale signs of struggle were visible in every corner of the room.
“You brought this on yourself,” his voice was deceptively soft and the skin at the nape of her neck prickled in response.
“I –“ she faltered, “Do you really want to do this to me?”
He drew closer as she retreated, backing up until her legs came up against the worn-out table. Her fingers traced its edge as she leaned backwards, trying to put every possible inch of distance between them. “Not my call,” he answered easily, towering over her now. She sucked in a breath, summoning mindless protests, but his closed fist slammed into her abdomen before she could utter a word, causing her to double over in pain.
“I’ll make this quick,” he offered, no touch of emotion lacing his voice. An unfeeling hand took hold of her long tresses and he tossed her carelessly backwards, the clattering sound of her falling against the table and the wooden legs skidding against the stone floor loud enough for the gathering outside to hear. She struggled back to her feet, and the next blow landed on the side of her face, leaving a large bloody bruise but carefully avoiding her nose. Women were vain about their noses.
She staggered towards him, disoriented, confused as to which direction was the one required to escape and falling unintentionally, straight into his arms. Using his grip on her, he kicked upwards into her stomach with his knee, causing her to cough up bile and fall to her knees. From there, she was at his mercy and he aimed one kick after another at her, his expression impassive and unchanging. A last kick to the face flung her to the side where she lay on the stone floor exhausted and beaten.
“Tch,” rolling his shoulders, he approached the young woman lying prone on the floor. Every move of his was calculated. He knew well enough which injuries would heal in a matter of days and which would leave lasting damage. The assignment was clear enough - “mess her up”. As long as she left here in a state that would make the group outside think she had duly suffered, it did not matter how much actual pain she had been in, or what he had done to her. It was all about appearances, after all.
He crouched down and, sliding a hand into her long, thick tresses, pulled her up from the ground, he turned her face this way and that and, seeing the blood leaking from her nose and the bruises blooming to life on her face, he determined she was injured enough to be allowed to leave without further hindrance.
“On your feet,” he muttered, rising and pulling her up with him. She stumbled to her feet and clung to the table for balance. He noted with satisfaction that her arms and legs were also bruised and battered, bruises large enough to satisfy the audience outside, but shallow enough that they should heal in a few days’ time.
He lifted a hand and indicated towards the door with a nod and a jerk of his thumb. “Get out of here, brat. Before I change my mind.”
She coughed and spat out the blood that had collected in her mouth. Levi blinked, veiling his surprise. The naïve, innocent, feminine impression she had carried into this room with her disappeared as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand and narrowed her eyes at him.
“What?” she ground out, “Is that it?”
He only returned her glare with a blank stare of his own, nonplussed.
“Is that all you’ve got?” she continued, looking up at him defiantly, “And when they said ‘mess her up’ here I was, thinking you were actually going to do something to me.” She scoffed, and gave him a disappointed look, as if he wasn’t quite up to scratch.
What the actual fuck?
“Oi,” a dangerous spark flared in his otherwise cold grey eyes as he grabbed her by the collar and pulled her up to face him, “Take a look around you before you start talking shit. Are you asking me to break your legs right now? That what you want?”
“Correct me if I’m wrong,” she taunted, “But is this what your boss meant when he said ‘mess her up’? It’s not, right?”
He glared at her, unable to believe his ears. She should have been cowering in gratitude that he was letting her go without touching her. She should have been scrambling for the exit.
“They wanted you to fuck me, right? Or was I the only one who understood it that way?” The sarcasm that laced her voice, so sweet and innocent when she had approached him outside, now low and almost sultry even in its indignant anger, confused him.
He released her as if burned. What was wrong with this woman?
“So, what happens if I tell them out there you couldn’t get it up?” She indicated towards the group outside with a jerk of her chin as she leaned back against the table. He narrowed his eyes at her. Of course, he knew precisely what would happen to her, it wasn’t anything he hadn’t seen before. Men get beaten, girls get defiled. Those are the rules of the game. The price for rubbing up against their group the wrong way. There was no such thing as mercy. Levi knew that better than anyone else. He had learned that the first time he had tried to allow a woman to escape unharmed. She had turned grateful eyes to him before trying to leave, only to be caught by one of his brothers and then passed around until she lost consciousness.
He had been made to watch. She had been made to thank him for his kindness, for sparing her – words that meant nothing as tears streamed down her face and the group stood in a circle around her. “It’s great that you’re so fucking nice, Levi,” someone had hissed into his ear. He couldn’t for the life of him now remember who had spoken. He had swallowed half a bottle of painkillers, but his body had recovered in no less than 48 hours, just to spite him.
He learned not to show any misplaced sympathy. He learned it was better to have a woman screaming and begging for mercy beneath him, than to have her be literally torn apart by the men outside. He learned how to tune out their cries. He learned how to have a heart that felt nothing. But it didn’t change the fact that he hated sex. He hated having to use it to break their wills. To punish them. He would much rather have just broken an arm or two. He hated the fact that he could not remember the last time he had had a willing woman beneath him.
With time, he had learned how to fake it. Learned where to leave bruises, where to tear clothes so that no one would stop and question them. It wasn’t that he couldn’t do it. He was just fed up of it. Fed up of playing this ridiculous game. Fed up of using intimacy as a weapon. It wasn’t like he was into that kind of shit.
But this brat.
He narrowed his eyes at her, but she returned his gaze unabashed, shamelessly – demanding, almost.
“Are you asking to be raped right now?” he growled, stalking towards her. He was not going to let himself be intimidated by this slip of a thing.
“If that’s what you want to call it,” she shrugged.
“You tell them out there I didn’t touch you and you might not ever be able to have children. So, if you decide to open your mouth that’s on you,” his tone was devoid of intonation, but his narrowed eyes expressed his irritation with her.
“Are you gay?” she asked, blinking up at him inquisitively.
He only glared at her in return, he wasn’t about to play this game with her.
“Alright, sure they’ll have their way with me instead. But what about you? Does nothing happen to you if you don’t follow orders?” She seemed genuinely curious, and unbothered by the bruise swelling on her cheek or the blood seeping out of the wound above her right eyebrow as she crossed her arms over her chest.
Would nothing happen to him? He had been loyal to the group since he was barely more than a child. If it got out, however, that he had taken to sparing women again, it spelled trouble for whoever else they sent his way after this damned frustrating brat. If she wanted him to fuck her up so badly, then she had it coming.
“What do you want, brat?” he seethed.
“I don’t want you to harbor any illusions of having done me a kindness when I leave here,” she answered, her voice dark and unforgiving. “If you’re going to mess me up, do it right and let me curse your name for the rest of my days. Wallow in the guilt. Don’t deceive yourself into thinking you’re some kind of good guy.”
The irritation vanished from his face, only to be replaced by a deadened apathy, he placed one hand on the table on either side of her, leaning forward, inadvertently forcing her to lean back as her chest brushed against his. He leaned in close, his lips brushing against her ear as he spoke, his voice as soft as it was dark, “The things I’ve done? Wouldn’t dream of it.”
She shuddered at the close proximity, at his warm breath against her ear, but those soft words were all that was gentle about him. She had asked for it, and he wasn’t kind to the point of being foolish. He could break a stupid woman as good as anyone. He pulled back, looking her coldly in the eye as he took hold of her collar and, without warning, tore her shirt open. She blinked, scarcely able to understand just what had happened as she stood there in the tattered remains of what was once her shirt.
She watched the buttons roll off into the corners of the room and was still wrapping her mind around this sudden change of behavior when his hand found purchase in her hair again and jerked her head mercilessly back, exposing the smooth column of her throat. His mouth instantly closed in on her pulse point, making quick work with his teeth, sucking on the sensitive skin there before biting down mercilessly. She gasped at the painful sensation that made one thing terribly clear, this encounter was not designed to provide her with any pleasure.
He tore off her cardigan, quickly followed by the torn shirt, leaving her in nothing but her skirt and the lacy black bra she wore. It did not occur to him that her choice of undergarments was alluring. He did not think to question whether that had been intentional on her part. Her eyes flew open when she felt cold metal between her breasts, before she could look down to see what it was, his knife had cut through the lacy fabric of her undergarments, inadvertently cutting her in the process. Knowing his skill, she could only assume that it had been intentional. Blood trickled down her chest over her abdomen, the stinging pain of the weeping wound rushed to her head. Exhilarating her.
She sucked in a cold breath of air, only moments before his hand closed around her throat, pinning her against the table. Her hands flew up in reflex, closing around his arm, gentle fingers pressing into the corded muscles of his forearm, she blinked up at him as her mouth opened helplessly for breath that would not come. She gaped at him, trying to word something with what little breath she had.
“What’s that?” he murmured calmly, his eyes cold and expressionless. “I can’t hear you.”
Her eyes fluttered shut as she arched her back, pressing her breasts up against his arm. Was this an involuntary reaction? Or... what the hell was she doing?
When he felt her convulsing from lack of oxygen, he released her with a grim expression. Something wasn’t right. Something about the balance of power between them. That unimpressed look in her eyes still irritated him. As if she had no sense of the actual danger she was in, even though she was in this state, literally bruised, battered, and bleeding. Now, coughing for breath. So, why did it feel like she was the one in control?
He let his knife fall to the floor as he unbuckled his belt, watching her eyes turn towards him, wide with something akin to terror - or was that anticipation? Had he become one of those lecherous swine who imagined they saw willingness in the eyes of a woman who wanted nothing more than to escape them? Had he really fallen to a point that he had begun to justify his actions?
He slid the belt out with one smooth action and, binding her wrists, turned her roughly on her stomach before he hung the buckle from a hook screwed into the wall. Her front was pressed roughly against the harsh surface of the wooden table and her arms were extended further than was comfortable, bound by the rough leather. From this angle, he could not see her face and that was certainly for the better.
“You asked for this, didn’t you, brat?” He placed one booted foot between her own black flats and pried her feet apart. His hands slipped under her skirt and found the curve of her bottom and kneaded roughly, his fingers greedy and bruising. The hair on the back of his neck rose in alarm when she moaned in response.
“Oi,” he responded, “What the hell?”
She bit her lip, not allowing another sound to escape her mouth, and he lifted a hand to flip up her skirt, tossing it carelessly over her back. She had, quite literally, asked for this. When he lifted a hand, the resounding slap echoed throughout the room. Her skin quickly flushed red, and knowing that he had not held back, would likely be bruised as well. She had asked him not to hold back. No illusions of mercy.
One resounding slap after another echoed throughout the room and could likely be heard in the common room as well. He wanted to punish her. For being so stupid. For coming here at all. For not just leaving when he had given her a chance to. By the tenth slap she could not take it anymore and a husky moan escaped her lips.
“Don’t tell me you’re enjoying this,” his voice was dripping in disbelieving sarcasm. “Is it just some kind of shitty coincidence that this kind of shit turns you on?” Indeed, there was no denying it now. Her moans were proof enough of that, not to mention the fact that her panties were positively soaking. Did this crazy bitch have some kind of abuse kink?
Hooking a finger into her waistband he pulled her lacy black underwear down to her knees. “Tch, look how wet you are.” It sounded like a complaint and her face burned in response. “You’d almost think you wanted this.” When his fingers stroked her slit, she bucked her hips in response, chasing his touch, instantly wanting more.
“Oi,” he blinked at her, “Calm the fuck down, will you?” With a flick of his wrist, he unhooked the belt from the wall and brought her to her knees with a single kick at the inside of her knee. He held on to the belt with one hand and angled her head backwards with a firm grip on her hair with the other. When she lifted her eyes to his, they were dark with lust and he swallowed, realizing the situation had curiously grown out of his control. He had never seen a bloodstained face like that looking up at him with such desire. Tugging on the belt, he brought her forward as he regarded her through apathetic grey eyes.
He unzipped his trousers and pulled out his engorged length to her wide-eyed surprise. “Well, go on then,” he muttered coldly, with a curious edge to his voice, “Since you’re so fucking eager.”
She wasted no time in closing her bound hands around his length and long-lashed eyes fluttered elegantly shut as she brought her lips to his tip. She began with a chaste kiss before dragging her tongue over his slit lapping up the precum gathering there. She closed her lips around him, using her tongue to heighten the friction as she took him in as deeply as her gag reflex allowed. She bobbed her head back and forth, wanting to drive him to the brink as he had done with her. He closed his eyes, despite himself, enjoying her mouth on him more than he thought he would allow himself to. He stifled a moan rumbling to life in his chest as her warm, wet mouth worked magic on his erect member.
Why not? She was his assignment. She was willing. She was undeniably attractive. If she truly wanted him to have his way with her, then why the fuck not? She would have only herself to blame at the end of all this. Gripping her hair more tightly, he thrust into her mouth, more deeply than she had been willing to take him at first, but helpless to resist him all the same as he fucked her face, his length thrusting into her throat and her muffled sounds indecipherable. Were they protest or pleasure? Damned if he knew.
At length, he released her. Having made up his mind to make the most out of this encounter, he was far from done with her. His eyes roamed over her nearly naked form now, as if seeing her for the first time. The full swell of her breasts, the dip of her thin waist, the curve of her hips. The short, pleated black skirt that pretended to cover her. Her almond eyes, darkened with lust and her long, silky hair. She was a sight to behold.
He tugged her to her feet and threw her onto her stomach on the table before thrusting without so much as a warning into her wet and aching cavern. She released a throaty moan, one that was undeniably of pleasure. He could not for the life of him explain why that sound made him feel more guilty than protests would have. All the same, he reached up to knead her breasts as he thrust in and out of her, quickening his pace, eager to reach his own release. His ears perked as her moans intensified, growing louder and more insistent.
“Oh, more... Just like that, don’t stop...”
Was she hearing herself?
“Harder, Levi... hurt me, please...”
This was far from the words she was supposed to be saying. She was supposed to be cursing his existence. Wishing him a slow and painful death.
“Oi,” he hissed, slamming into her with increased force, “Shut the fuck up, will you?”
Her answer was another desperate groan, and with a frustrated groan of his own, he reached up to fill her mouth with two fingers. It was the fastest and most effective way to gag her. His conscience could not take her pretending to enjoy this. But he was equally as ill-prepared for the way she began sucking off his fingers. He was nearing his climax but literally every thing she did was infuriating him.
In the span of one thrust, he pulled out of her, flipped her over and reentered her without missing a beat. But was that a mistake? Now that he could look into her lust-filled eyes with his own frenzied, grey irises, he was sure she was not pretending. She seemed to be genuinely enjoying this. No matter, she would have time enough to regret it when it was over. For now... for now, he just wanted to reach that climax that was fast approaching.
If she could just keep her mouth shut for two minutes, that was all he needed. “Oh, Levi...” she whined. Having a complete stranger call his name that way sent shivers down his spine. It was unnatural. He closed his fingers around her throat again. He just needed her to shut up. For just one goddamn minute. Her large, expressive eyes fluttered closed and her terrible sounds stilled as he squeezed her airways closed as he slammed into her, faster now, harder, chasing the sensation he knew was close.
She came first, first convulsing from oxygen deprivation, then trembling from the intensity of her orgasm, her back arching off the table as her walls clenched around him, providing him with the last push he needed to reach that height. He squeezed his eyes shut as the sensation tore through him, leaving him breathless. With a low growl, he pulled out of her to spill his seed literally anywhere else. The last thing he needed was to father a child with a nameless nobody. He hovered over her still. His hands resting on either side of her. Catching his breath, both their chests heaving as they came down from their mutual high.
What had they just done? Could that truly have been considered non-consensual? Well, perhaps that would be what she decided it was, given a day or two to think it over. They stayed that way for a minute, catching their breaths. A smirk crossed her face, unbeknownst to him as he pressed his eyes shut, calming his racing heart.
At length, he drew back, and she pulled herself up to a seated position. She held her hands up to him expectantly and he wordlessly unbound them, before looping his belt back into his trousers, watching her out of the corner of his eye as she scanned the room for her clothing, only to see her note with a distant smile, that most of it was unusable. Foregoing the torn shirt and slit bra, she reached for her cardigan, wrapping it tightly around herself, using the belt to wrap it tightly closed as a makeshift shirt. She ran a hand through her hair, brushing it away from her face and Levi could only stare at her with awe.
She had, at some point wiped the blood from her nose, her face was still undeniably battered. Her arms and legs were severely bruised and yet- and yet – why the fuck did she look so content?
“You didn’t kiss me,” she voiced, lifting her eyes to his. Was that a complaint?
After everything else he had done, a kiss was the least he could offer her, wasn’t it? He stepped forward, taking hold of the back of her head gently. Here was something he didn’t do often and when he did, he only ever did it the way he wanted.
So, that was what he did now, angling his head to claim her lips. Kissing her slowly, deeply, intently – as if he meant it. There was only one right way to kiss someone. When he drew back, she released a sigh that seemed to come from the depths of her soul.
“Thanks, Levi Ackerman,” she breathed.
As he buckled his belt again, he lifted stormy grey eyes to her, taking in her dazed expression. “You should get that head of yours checked out,” he commented, “Something isn’t right with you.”
She giggled at that comment from her perch on the table, kicking her legs back and forth cheerfully as she waited for him to finish dressing.
“There’s nothing to be so fucking cheerful about,” he reprimanded, “Look at your face.”
“It hurts,” she agreed, but with a smile on her face that disturbed him. Shaking his head, he took hold of her elbow and led her out of the room. The men in the common area fell silent at her battered appearance.
One of them released a low whistle, “You’ve outdone yourself, eh, man?”
Levi froze in his tracks, pausing to deliver a deadly glare over his shoulder. “I’m not quite done yet, though. Should I just take your tongue out next?”
The man blinked up at him before quickly turning his gaze back to the card game in front of him. That Levi was not one to be trifled with was well known among them, with exception of their leader.
He led her to the exit and tore open the door, he hesitated only for a moment, regarding her for a second. She had been beautiful, before he had “messed her up”. She still was, if you asked him. But for the entire duration of her short stay in their hideout, every thing she had said and did had only served to confuse him. He did not even know what he should say to her, if anything at all. She nodded in parting and turned to leave, and he let her go.
He supposed he would think back to her, in dark, contemplative nights. Wondering if he should perhaps have done this differently. How it would have been if he had not had to hurt her. He watched her disappear into the darkness before shaking his head and closing the door behind her. Whether he had actually fulfilled his assignment was anyone’s guess.
He moved past the common room to a hallway behind it. He needed to see Kenny. To get some actual work done and take his mind off of the ridiculous encounter. He followed the sound of screaming and found their boss with relative ease. A brown-haired man tied to a chair was screaming profanities as one of their men carved intricate designs into his flesh with a knife.
Kenny sat nearby, his feet propped up on another chair as he dragged on a cigarette. Catching sight of Levi, he coughed, and rasped, “Back, are you? You sure took your sweet time.”
Levi said nothing to this, nodding at the man instead, clearly the young man from the girl’s photograph. “Still nothing?” he asked, turning grey eyes on to Kenny. “Not yet,” Kenny commented, but turned towards the screaming man.
“Hey, that reminds me. You won’t believe who was just here.”
The dragging of the knife stopped, and the man caught his breath before turning incredulous eyes towards them.
“What a coincidence that she would come all this way looking for you, eh?” Kenny barked a laugh, “But don’t worry, Levi took good care of her, didn’t you, Levi?”
Levi did not respond, letting his silence serve as his answer.
“The fuck are you on about?” the man hissed, breathing raggedly from the hours of unabating pain.
“Why, your sister, of course,” Kenny remarked, bringing his cigarette back to his lips. “She was here looking for you.”
The man blinked at them incredulously before releasing a weak laugh, “I don’t have a sister, you sick fuckers! You bastards raped an innocent girl!”
Levi felt the blood in his veins run cold as Kenny turned towards him with a raised brow.
His mind raced - the way she had approached him, clung to his shirt, insisted he not let her off easy, the way she had looked at him, the way she had left without so much as asking about her brother again, and most of all ... Thanks, Levi Ackerman.
Where had she learned his last name? No one had used it in the short time she had been there. Levi turned on his heel and stalked out of the room, down the hallway, back through the common room, tearing open the door before bursting back out onto the stone-laid roads beyond. No matter where he turned, she was nowhere to be found.
Turning back, he froze at what he saw, and realizing what it meant, a sickening feeling crept over him. He felt used, exposed, and somehow violated. He felt sick to his stomach. He had been sent to force himself on her but, recalling how forward she had been with him, how she had insisted he finish what he started, which of the two of them had truly been taken advantage of?
When Kenny came out after him, ducking under the archway, he turned to look at what had caught Levi’s eye. His boss and uncle released a low, amused chuckle.
“Looks like she had a thing for you.”
“Well, fuck.”
“You catch her name?”
“Of course not.”
He blinked at the wall, at the red graffiti emblazoned on it.
“Thanks for a good time, Levi Ackerman.” And beside that, a ridiculous red heart.
He should have known she was fucking crazy.
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nofacedpoet · 1 month
Chapter 29 will drop in a week from today.
I meant for it to drop today but I am not fully satisfied with it just yet.
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levisalexandria · 7 months
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Some sleepy, cheeky Levi fluff in Chapter 13. I hope you enjoy!
Unwavering - Captain Levi Ackerman (Levi x OC) - Chapter 13 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1399425828-unwavering-captain-levi-ackerman-levi-x-oc-chapter?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=AlexandriaCastello&wp_originator=RS05ng15%2FN04LX7NIfuORZFtaQz5IhV7A0riBSsSZQeY2OoQxh5WmFml3FlwywzfjamHn1D15OAKSedht7o8PXeTs2raZWSbBmmence81b%2F9RxMJ13iKgmmCRaKvgOsf From fellow soldiers to friends. From enemies to lovers. Alexandria Castello finds herself falling for the Captain after a recent appointment to co-Captain. Their tragic pasts threaten to breach their newfound relationship, are they strong enough to resist?
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mrsackermanbrat · 3 years
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In the Underground, survival is the only thing that matters. Levi's time with Kenny taught him that. As Claire arrives, Levi begins to understand that there is more to life than cutthroat existence. Claire teaches Levi how to feel, what a family is like, and why he needs friendship. But nothing too good could ever last in this hell inside the walls, beneath the City of Mitras.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents apart from the author's (MrsAckermanBrat) original characters belong to Hajime Isayama. Any semblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Copyright © 2021 by MrsAckermanBrat
All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, copied, or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner.
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Chapter List:
Chapter 1: To The Darkness That Awaited
Chapter 2: An Encounter Much Different
Chapter 3: State of Uncertainty
Chapter 4: To Be Understood
Chapter 5: Proper Introductions
Chapter 6: A Taste of Family
Chapter 7: Sense of Normality
Chapter 8: His and Her Reality
Chapter 9: Try As They Might
Bonus Chapter: Unalone From Now On (Levi’s Birthday)
@koulakoukoula2003 @maries-gallery @levi-supreme @lucysarah-c @anjellypoopy @m-jelly @leiriswhore @wall-maria-fritz @galactict3a @xsugarysweetsx @shepfics @annyeong-bishes @lazyarcadebear @angeldi @casspea @surverycorpsslut @smb29732 @ash37474 @jasminperez18 @l1ly-of-the-valley @spacepretzelss @litheclouds @murasaki-taiyoka @teachthec-ntroversy @mistress-riddle @mistresssriddle @ahmedztr @cheezbot @thee-achilles @dead-set-on-sirius @nicoliputski @nicoli-reblogsss @nesli26 @nicoliais @euphoricn @naturenaruto @merinfawleygoestohogwarts @blur-of-colours @eucalii @goldenn-prxncess @caijae @g-arafa @the-ackerman-clan @knightinshiningplastic @itsvedaaa @ejuliet999 @lunar-willows @yesiamabitchwhosementallyill @willowflakez @ackerfics
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