#lewis tan preference
swimmingchicken9 · 16 days
bit of oc lore bc why not:
rosemary was driving late at night intoxicated one time and accidentally hit sapphire with her car and thats how the two met.
sapphire, being an inhuman chaos bisexual, flirted with rose while she was literally in the hospital bed
saph was really like "youre cute. we should date." and somehow pulled rose into a relationship that lasted all of two months
the breakup is clean. rose is just like "hey, i really enjoy your company and all but i just didnt feel anything. im sorry."
saph goes "oh! thats all good, understandable :) wish youd told me sooner but its okay." and they still remain friends bc they just work better that way
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swoosbadfuture · 6 months
ian mckinley (FD3) is autistic here's why
i orginally wrote this for twitter for autism awareness day but my friend said to post it on tumblr so . throws this to the masses no particular order im kinda just rambling . i have autism myself a lot of this will be relating to My personal exprience being autistic and why Ian sticks out to me and is a character I feel seen by :) -- Ian seems to have low empathy for others. Not that he doesn't care - he very much does and I will get to that too - but rather he struggles to relate to people on an emotional level prefering to use logic instead of emotion. Hell his first line in the movie is he alongside Erin trying to reassure Wendy that she'll be fine on the rollercoaster.
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Though unlike Jason, their approach is more logic and reason based. Using facts and logic to communicate their point > saying something like "hey, it's okay to feel scared, but you'll be fine". And like many autistic people including myself who do this it's kinda regarded as him being rude/a smartass by those around him. When his intentions were entirely the opposite and he was actually just trying to be helpful.
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Something personally I relate to a lot. I've been told countless times that I "don't need to be a smartass" when just trying to use logic to deflate a problem because, to me, it makes more sense than being emotional about it.
Ian trying to find logic in things is shown again in the scene where Wendy and Kevin come to warn he and Erin about death's design. Ian is completely opposed to the idea that death could possibly be a thinking or feeling entity. Again he isn't trying to be a smartass or be sassy about it, just trying to work out what the fuck Wendy and Kevin are on about because to him? It makes no logical sense.
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He's very rooted in his beliefs and even when he choses to humour Wendy and Kevin he still takes a logical approach and tries to make sense of it in a way that makes sense to him. Even coming up with a solution that would seem most logical.
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And yet again, he's treated like a bit of an asshole for it. It's not like he grabbed Wendy and shook her and told her to die no he just accepts this. He might have low empathy but he's still understanding.
Ian actually seems to care a lot about people. Especially Erin, who he's closest to in the movie, but this care extends even to Ashley and Ashlyn. Who he very likely wasn't friends with judging by how he and Erin laugh at them when they try to invite Wendy to the tanning salon.
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But he cares, still, and has a very strong sense of justice. His interruption at the funeral is a prime example of this. You can see him dwelling on it for a moment before he speaks. He's not speaking up because he wants the attention, he's not trying to cause drama, he's just upset. Because to him, even as people who he wasn't close with, Ashley and Ashlyn's deaths were unfair and the fact that someone is trying to suggest otherwise just set him off.
If he was doing it for attention or to cause drama he would've put up more of a fight when Kevin and Lewis got him to leave. But he doesn't. He's probably pretty aware that what he did was wrong but the need to speak up outweighed that in the moment. Something again that I can relate to heavily. If something is unfair you will know about it. And people with autism often have strong senses of justice.
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Ian also has very few people he's close with. Erin being his closest friend possibly even Only. Hence why her death impacted him as much as he did. He may not have been Wendy's best friend or anything but he did trust her and get along with her. So when Erin dies - a death that only occurs because Wendy interrupted his death causing it to skip to Erin - it feels like a betrayal. An injustice against someone he cared deeply about.
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And that feeling of betrayal coupled with the fact Erin died so awfully is what drives him to act so irrationally.
His whole thing at the tricentennial was almost like a meltdown or at the very least an all-reason-out-the-window moment and god as someone who's autistic and frequently misunderstood by people / misunderstanding people leading to moments of severe anger and lashing out... i get it man i get you Ian.
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Think. Erin died horribly less than 24 hours ago. It's fresh in his mind. He's focused so so heavily on Wendy being there, thinking about how unfair it is. Wondering "Why could Wendy save me but not Erin?". He's acting irrationally, he isn't thinking. Hell he sounds like he's on the verge of crying. And again I get it I GET that. When I feel something wrong has been done to me / someone I love I tend to fixate on that person and place blame onto them and act very irrationally about it.
Lastly I'm also 99% sure Ian never makes direct eye contact with anyone in this movie for longer than 5 seconds. So.
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He's just a bit silly and him being autistic means a lot 2 me. end of thread . god hes just like me for real.
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janedeleon · 9 months
let me post it here because my blog is finally no longer shadowbanned but my indie still is rip i got some more time on my hands so i’m now back to looking for future besties 1x1/mumu writing partners because i’m brimming with muse and have a lot of ideas and fcs i wanna play, so if you wanna be annoyed with lots of headcanons, muse posts, songs that i think would work for our pairing(s) and manips by someone who really delves into ships and practically lives on pinterest, hit that like and i’ll come to you ♡ i write both on tumblr and discord (preferred), can play/play against mostly anyone, am more than willing to double up (preferred), have no triggers and am very smut-friendly! can be kinky too lbr because i have no triggers as long as there's still an actual plot. however, if you only play white fcs or only play female muses, let’s not waste each other’s time. i'm not interested.  for plots: i’m mostly into slice of life plots (exes, good girl x bad boy, fake dating, best friends to lovers, enemies to lovers), but i’ve also been really wanting reality tv plots lately (are you the one, love island, love is blind, too hot to handle, single's inferno), celebrity plots & anything that's super angsty! for a sneak peek, some fcs i've been REALLY wanting to play lately: kim yoo jung, mason gooding, jane de leon, shin seung ho, dilraba dilmurat, lewis tan, greta onieogou, kim min gue, patricia tanchanok good, ok taecyeon & kylie verzosa, to name a few.
additional note: i do want to be friends with the people i write with, and i’m online everyday because of work so i’m pretty much always around if you want to talk! ♡ additional note to this additional note: if you like this, i'll be messaging you from a different blog because i don't want to be shadowbanned again omg
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12-seconds-to-live · 1 year
Pierre Gasly’s Farewell
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“Are you sure about this?” I asked to Kika and Pierre’s parents, almost shaking, feeling hopeless ‘cause I’ve been crying no stop till yesterday morning, since he’s gone.
“He would like that, even if he was with me, you were his favourite person, even more tan Charles. Everybody notice that” said Kika. I looked at her. She was as me, broken. Pierre’s dad noded in the back of my motorhome.
“He was waiting for the song, he told me that it was going to be a surprise?”
“Yeah, it’s just…the song is ok but in the end I put my favourite memory with him” I put my hands on my fase avoiding to cry again “I’m so grateful that he helped me all the road to be here with him in F1 so in the video there’s the moment that I feel all right to share with the fans”.
“He is happy, don’t doubt it” Pierre’s mom hug me. It didn’t feel ok but I was going to sing it. Don’t get me wrong, as being the only child of my parents and be away from home, Pierre feel like I was his little sister and he always been for me and for the 2023 season, his seat in Alpha Tauri is mine, thanks to him, for help me and be give me his shoulder every time I feel like I wanted to give up.
I took Kika’s hand and exited my motorhome. His helmet was in the middle of the pitlane, the other 18 drivers were there and above us there’s a screen when everybody was going to watch the video. “He’s going to be looking for us from heaven and thank you” said Kika
“I don’t wanna cry anymore” I whisper. I walked in front of his helmet, I looked at Charles, Yuki, Max, they were looking to the floor, unable to see his helmet. Lewis was beside me and took my hand.
“You always were so closed and with you here, his spirit is going to keep in you. You’re going to feel sad because he’s not present, you’re not going to hear his voice but remember all the good memories, his words to you before every race” I could feel my eyes watery again “He’s proud of you y/n, never forget that”
“Thank you Lewis”
“Can I introduced you? Take a breath before the song” I smiled to him
“Yeah, that would be lovely, thanks” He smiled and get closed to the microphone
“May I get your attention, please? Yesterday an important member of our family passed away. We know how risky this sport is but at the same time we know what we do and the reasons that put us in a certain situations that sometimes we can’t avoid and as many of us in our carrees, we ge tinto the wall or well, the wrost. Pierre’s still one of us and his best friend is going to show us what was to be his gift”
I get in front of the microphone, I feel nervous and the boys hugs between each other waiting for me “This is for my best friend and I hoped that wherever he is right now he could see how grateful I am and how much I’m gonna miss him and… now he’s gonna be with Anthoine who I missed too. Hope you liked the song”
“Will you forgive me for what I've missed?
It's been two years now
You're already ten
Almost eleven
Are your eyes sky blue or navy blue?
I don't know what you like
Whether you prefer races
Spaceships or sailing ships
If you live calmly or live with war
If you're falling in love or still fighting
If you feel warmth, you feel it on the inside
It's because there's an angel
Burning in your chest
If in your heart, you're no longer cold
It's because there's an angel, the one that I sent you”
 “You're always quiet like the grown-ups
I'm gonna tell you without ornaments or flowers
And I have to be where I don't want to be
This isn't "El Mal Querer", it's bad desire
I'm somewhere I wouldn't take you
No one's at peace here between stars and needles
Marble stars cut into the floors
Foilies all over the streets where models stroll
You might also like”
 “Tracks on the arms
Points on the stars
I don't wanna bring you
So you'll never come
Points on the stars
Tracks on the arms
They hold tight when it's cold
The same way I hug you”
As the instrumental break came the outro of the song and the video appears on the screen. It was a recording of a very smiley Pierre with a blue sweater. The video he send the day that my seat in F1 was announced.
“Good morning, kiddo
I can’t believed that everybody is so happy for you, celebrating and you’re sleeping, it’s 11 a.m
I like that... another liked by Pierre Gasly has been taking place on every instagram post where I saw your silly face
I’m so proud and not only because I’m the friend you would ever have but you know, I’m gonna try to keep the seat warm for you, the one who can’t tolerate cold weather but has an apartment in London, cute
As a friend, I’m proud of you and as a brother I can’t believe that you and I are going to be Racing together and enjoying all the circuits
Always remember to keep humble and keep on your head that you and your family goes in the first place
And if one day you feel that you have everything and your career as a driver has been so successfull, you can come to me and yeah, watch how near the sky is at that point
But now, this is just the beggining
When I look at it I think “What a complicated world is the one y/n and I have gotten into” it’s deffinitely worth it
See you in Austin, F2 champ and soon F1 champ
But well, if you’re happy, I’m happy as well
Love you”
The video ends showing his smile and with that everybody is clapping to celebrate his life, how loved he is and still be. I walked to his helmet and hug it. I’m not going to run into him again but in my head his memory is going to keep alive, my greatest lost friend, I marked his goodbye with this last song I wrote.
“I’m not letting you go Pierre so see you in another lifetime, I missed you already”
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baby-alien11 · 2 years
Like in the movie
Lewis Tan x Afro-Latina reader
A/N: I decided to fix the situation about Lewis Tan fics (english is not my first language)
Summary: You didn't think that a walk with your dog could turn into meeting a star
Warnings: just fluff, overdose of cuteness, first time writing on tumblr
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When you booked the vacations to Hungary, you knew that you couldn't leave your precious corgie of six months, Nugget, at home, sure, your parents could take care of her, but you prefered to travel with your precious baby
Fortunely for both of you, the usually cold weather of Budapest turned into a sunny day, which allowed you to take a walk in a park nearby your hotel
"This is nice, right?", you asked your dog while walking, "It's good for us, you know, having a little of sun"
In response, Nugget just barked making you smile
"Thanks for agreeing with me", you smiled, "Maybe you can meet another dogs"
During a few minutes, you continued walking until you found a bench to rest for a little time, while giving Nugget water and a few treats, while also taking sips of water for yourself, but with your little potato nothing is calm, because in a brief moment when you let go of the leash, Nugget took the opportunity to run away from you
"Nugget!" You scream, quickly taking your things, to run after her, "Come here, you little naughty!"
After what it felt like an eternity, you finally spotted Nugget sitting next to a small pug, causing you to sigh of relief
"There you are, baby", you smile kneeling next to the dogs, "And you make a friend, what's your name cutie?"
At the moment of hearing that, the pug stand on her four legs barking of happinnes, making you smile while standing up with Nugget in you arms, watching a guy no more older than you running in your direction
"Oh my god, baby, you scared me", the guy sighed in relief taking the dog in his arms, "Don't do that again"
Hearing that, you let a small laugh of cuteness, making him to pay attention to you
"Sorry for that", he apologized, "Sometimes Bear gets to energetic, I'm Lewis, by the way"
"Don't worry, is the same with Nugget", you shrugged, "I'm Y/N, and I think I've seen you before, you seem a little familiar"
"Actually I'm an actor, I'm here for work"
In that moment, the engines in your brain started to work, remembering were you'd seen his face
"No way! You're playing Tolya in Shadow and Bone!", you exclaimed with exciment making him laugh, "I love the books!"
"Please tell me Tolya is your favorite character", he basically begged in a joke mode
"Actually is Tamar and Jesper, but Tolya is pretty badass too"
"And you just won my heart with that", Lewis joked making you laugh, "Hey, I'm here with Anna who plays Tamar, do you and Nugget want to come to hang out?"
"I'd love to, but I need to go back to my hotel", you sighed, "I need to see a few things of my business"
"Oh! You're your own boss", Lewis joked again, "What kind of business is?"
"I sell jewelry online, mostly by Instagram"
"Well, I'm happy for you"
"I can say the same for you, and I hope to see you again"
With a last smile, you and Nugget turn around to go back to the hotel, while Lewis did the same but to return to the picnic blanket were Anna was waiting for him laying on the floor.
"What take you so long, little brother?", Anna asked
"Bear made a friend, and the owner and I just talked for a while", Lewis responded, "She was nice"
"You had a 101 Dalmatians moment, like in the movie", Anna joked, "Did you get her number?"
"Unfortunately not, but her name in Y/N"
"Nice name, lets find her on Instagram"
"Wait, are you serious?"
"Of course, I'll tell the girls to help"
"She also said that she is a fan of Shadow and Bone, and Tamar is her favorite character"
"I like her more!"
So, this is my first time writting on Tumblr (i'm already a writter with six fics on wattpad) and lets see how this goes, and I hope all of you liked it
Thanks for reading it!! Love you all 💜
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dear-indies · 6 months
Hello! I'm looking for FCs that can fit a character that is tough, gruff and seems like they would only respond in one word sentences. I'm open to any gender and ethnicity, just need some help finding FCs that fit the quiet but tough vibe. thank you in advance!
Eric Bogosian (1953) Armenian.
Emilio Rivera (1961) Mexican.
Michelle Yeoh (1962) Chinese Malaysian.
Benjamin Bratt (1963) Peruvian [Quechua] / White.
Ming Na Wen (1963) Macanese / Malaysian Chinese.
Peter Dinklage (1969) - has achondroplasia.
Park Hee Soon (1970) Korean.
Clemens Schick (1972)
Andrew Lincoln (1973)
Daniel Wu (1974) Hongkonger.
Omar Metwally (1974) Egyptian / Dutch - has spoken up for Palestine!
Ito Hideaki (1975) Japanese.
Pedro Pascal (1975) White Chilean.
Chaske Spencer (1975) Yankton Dakota Sioux, Sisseton-Wahpeton Dakota Sioux, Lakota Sioux Nakoda Sioux, Nez Perce, Cherokee, Muscogee, White.
Nonso Anozie (1978) Igbo Nigerian.
Natasha Lyonne (1979) Ashkenazi Jewish.
JD Pardo (1980) Argentinian / Salvadoran.
Krysten Ritter (1981)
Alberto Guerra (1981) Cuban.
Dichen Lachman (1982) Nepalese Tibetan / German, English, some Scottish.
Riz Ahmed (1982) Pakistani - has spoken up for Palestine!
Brian Tyree Henry (1982) African-American.
Son Suk Ku (1983) Korean.
Cara Gee (1983) Ojibwe
Clayton Cardenas (1984) Mexican, some Filipino.
Asia Kate Dillon (1984) Ashkenazi Jewish / Unspecified - non-binary and pansexual (they/them) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Richard Cabral (1984) Mexican.
Jessica Matten (1985) Red River Metis of Cree and Saulteaux descent, Chinese, White.
Martin Sensmeier (1985) Tlingit, Koyukon, Eyak, White.
Rahul Kohli (1985) Punjabi Indian - has spoken up for Palestine!
Oliver Jackson-Cohen (1986) Egyptian Jewish and Tunisian Jewish / English.
Sonoya Mizuno (1986) Japanese / English, Argentinian.
Monica Raymund (1986) Afro-Domincan / English, Ashkenazi Jewish -is bisexual.
Deepika Padukone (1986) Konkani Indian.
Kyle Gallner (1986)
Kali Reis (1986) Wampanoag, Nipmuc, Cherokee, Cape Verdean - is two-spirit (she/her) and queer.
Michaela Coel (1987) Ghanaian - is aromantic - doesn't have social media but in 2022 she boycotted an Isr*el-sponsored film festival!
Lewis Tan (1987) Chinese Singaporean / Irish, possibly English.
Rob Raco (1989)
Daniel Kaluuya (1989) Ugandan.
David Castañeda (1989) Mexican.
Úrsula Corberó (1989)
JuJu Chan (1989) Hongkonger.
Hannah John-Kamen (1989) Nigerian / Norwegian.
Assad Zaman (1990) Pakistani.
Kiowa Gordon (1990) Hualapai and White - has spoken up for Palestine!
Sarah Kameela Impey (1991) Indo-Guyanese / British.
Kasamatsu Sho (1992) Japanese.
Hari Nef (1992) Ashkenazi Jewish - is a trans woman - has spoken up for Palestine!
Kawennáhere Devery Jacobs (1993) Mohawk - is queer.
Freddy Carter (1993) - has spoken up for Palestine!
Alex Høgh Andersen (1994)
Gabriel Basso (1994)
Ayo Edebiri (1995) Afro Barbadian / Nigerian - is queer.
Ambika Mod (1995) Indian.
Emilio Sakraya (1996) Moroccan / Serbian.
Tati Gabrielle (1996) African-American, 1/4 Korean.
Archie Renaux (1997) Punjabi Indian and British.
Lizeth Selene (1999) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Black, White] - is genderfluid and queer (she/they).
Zoe Terakes (2000) Greek Australian - is trans masc non-binary guy (they/he) - has spoken up for Palestine!
D’Pharaoh Woon-A-Tai (2001) Ojibwe, Cree, Chinese Guyanese, Afro Guyanese, White.
Here you go! If you /tagged/NAME search on my blog you'll find gif packs with the vibes and please let me know if you need more preferably with a specific age rage!
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onboardsorasora · 9 months
I truly can't help myself lol. I wanted some fluff to like relax my brain. Lmao I hope it's good because of course...I haven't reread this😅😅
This is my Dewis vampire au
“Cmon Roscoe.” Lewis called taking the leash from its hook by the door. Roscoe shuffled forward in all his glory, excitedly wiggling his booty. Lewis plucked up an umbrella and led his dog through the door.
Their stroll looped through a park where there were some children playing. Roscoe liked to stop by and get some pets and cuddles. Lewis always indulged him.
He felt a presence beside him and then lips on his cheek. He turned to smile at Daniel who grinned back. Lewis opened his umbrella, lifting it to block them both from the sun.
“Hey babe.” Daniel's sunglasses glinted under the stray rays. He took a sip from his Tumblr. It was teal and had a few worn stickers on it.
“Hey Danny.” Lewis took in his sweatshirt and shorts, Daniel always said that he preferred his legs to be more tanned than his arms.
They continued to walk after Roscoe had his fill of children's attention. Lewis bumped his shoulder into Daniel's, reveling in the casual intimacy.
“The season will be starting soon.” Lewis started, shifting Roscoe's leade from one hand to the other. “Would you want to come to a race?”
Daniel took a noisy sip from his straw, Lewis watched his Adam's apple bob. Daniel looked at him through the corner of his eyes.
They didn't really talk about what they did for a living, Lewis had asked early to be considered just like everyone else. Daniel had followed up with the cheesiest joke Lewis had ever heard.
He'd laughed embarrassingly long.
He didn't really know what Daniel did with his days, when he wasn't with Lewis.
“Are you asking me to be your wag Lewis?” Daniel's grin was lascivious. He tilted his sunglasses down and waggled his brows suggestively. Lewis laughed joyously.
“Maybe. If you want to.” Lewis shrugged in a carefree manner.
“Sure why not. I can find time between brooding in the dark, looking for my reflection and Bat Olympics.” Daniel shrugged. Lewis giggled.
“Are you sure taking time off won't throw you off your game?”
“I'm a high performance athlete Lew. Kikiki rrraa rraa!” Daniel's grin was cocky and carefree and Lewis loved it. He also couldn't help but notice that his fangs were still a bit protracted. He shivered.
Daniel's gaze sharpened.
“Cmon Roscoe– home time.” Daniel called, eyes never leaving Lewis'.
Roscoe came running, barreling his new favourite person onto the ground.
“No– Roscoe! Ack! No! No kisses!” Daniel complained, trying and failing to get his face from Roscoe over eager greeting. Lewis doubled over, wheezing.
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old-lorarri · 10 months
─ lost cause . . . ❨ send me a description of yourself + a fandom and gender preference, and i’ll ship you with a character. ❩
I am north indian, female, 5'1 with a tan-ish skin. My hair is curly and goes down just below my back. I like to dress comfortable and my style would be considered very minimalistic street style like. I am studying kinestheology and want to be a doctor in the future. I love jewelry, especially rings. I like dancing and art. Currently in a dance team as a dancer and a choreographer. I love doing labs and dissections, hate lab reports. I am creative, love dogs, cats and snakes and cars.
The fandom is Formula 1 and 2
two words
fashions icons
def gets you all the best clothes
loves that you wanna help people
def helps you study
matching jewellery
has a ring with your name and anniversary on it
loves watching you dance
and enjoys it when you teach him a couple moves
roesco is you child
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airxn · 10 months
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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NAME: Airin Nimenscu ( son of no one ).
NICKNAME: Airi, Airbear, Airbud, Pisscat, Pissdog, Mutt, Rat.
TITLE(S):  Domnul Muntelui ( lord of the mountain ), Gemenii ( the twins – title tied to his brother as well )
AGE: appears to be 32 ( is 371 ).
SPECIES: Felicid / Barren-Souled ( an absence of ones own soul which allows host to take the shape of any other soul they harbor )
SEX: Cis-male.
NATIONALITY: His human form is of Romanian descent.
INTERESTS: Hunting, reading, note-taking, research, protection work, work that involves hunting / potential assassination, undercover work, dancing, exploration of the forest and urban kind, singing, performing, playing saxophone, and being goofy.
PROFESSION: Bouncer at the Gear Shift, Mercenary, Assassin ( retired ).
BODY TYPE: His human form's body type is muscular with a thick, fluffy happy trail and tuft of fur on his chest and tail bone. His Felicid form has a sharp, canine face and a feline body / tail. His mane is super fluffy and soft.
EYES: A calm blue that is rather striking. They're a bit brighter when he's a Felicid.
HAIR: A golden-yellow that's insanely fluffy and a bit dense to the touch. It carries to his human form so he doesn't have natural hair.
SKIN: A pinkish-pale that can tan very easily, and has freckles on his shoulders and butt cheeks.
POSTURE: He carries himself with confidence in a more relaxed posture. It can make him appear to be cocky.
HEIGHT: 6'3" / 2'3"
VOICE: A bright, warm masculine tone that comes more from the throat. He can mimic many different accents– his current one being more of an American west coast vibe, but his Romanian accent does slip now and again.
SIGNATURE OUTFIT: At work he wears modified slacks, dress shoes, a muddy, light-blue button up with a dress vest and dark-blue tie. Outside of work he'll wear more hoodies, specifically his black 'moo' hoodie.
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: glances at all of Apolo's muses– his canon partner is a true vampire named Lewis. He's a world renowned chef and puts his skills to work at the Gear Shift. He tends to keep to himself but he has dominant, sassy nature that is very alluring.
COMPANIONS: All of his coworkers at the Gear Shift and his brother Xavier. Xavier being his most trustworthy and loved companion.
ANTAGONISTS: The biggest being his ex-wife who is seemingly trapped in a pocket dimension. Otherwise it's extremely rare for Airin to make an enemy since he makes acquaintances out of everyone regardless of moral code.
STRENGTHS: Excellent physical strength and stamina. He has cat-like reflexes in both forms and is proficient in several kinds of hand-to-hand combat and weaponry. His preferred weapons are his modified twin hydra shotguns and twin modified crossbows called his Ragtime Gals. He's also good at swordplay, but even with his weapons he'd prefer a direct approach as a Felicid. He also knows several languages and is a strong reader. With his social and analytic skills being a source of pride.
WEAKNESSES: He's still learning to fully maintain his anger management, and his patience is very thin once it stakes its claim. His fragile mental health is always on the brink of snapping, so the demeanor he carries around others is simply a mask with many cracks. He also doesn't get enough sleep or eats properly to maintain his physical health.
FRUITS: His all time favorite is strawberries! He'll eat any fruit though.
DRINKS: All sorts of teas, and he's banned from drinking apple juice due to a past addiction.
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Nothing, he's straight edge.
DRUGS: Does catnip count.
DRIVER'S LICENSE: Cars are… scary...
Tagged By: @hriobzagelthewanderer and @bleedinghearth ( thanks! )
Tagging: @cablexclub ( for howl! ) . @unfortunatedarling . @ama-tcra-su
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barkskins · 10 months
i would love to have some more interactions with these babies. please drop a like/comment and i'll write up something little to introduce you to my sweethearts (if you have a preference, please specify!)
elspeth sun  —  embalmer  —  fc: jessie mei li.
ender baptista  —  piercer  —  fc:  savannah lee smith.
evanie-may jennings  —  bartender  —  fc:  olivia cooke / isabel may.
fletcher liu  —  fight club host + personal trainer  —  fc:  lewis tan.
jaden jace “jj” lapointe  —  it technician  —  fc:  nicholas galitzine.
jasper finch  —  bookseller  ��  fc:  jack wolfe.
kasper marr  —  conspiracy theorist + hacker  —  fc:  michael vlamis.
kier darling  —  tba  —  fc:  freddy carter.
mariella mae becker  —  psychic medium  —  fc:  florence pugh.
milena serrano  —  manicurist  —  fc:  zion moreno.
sparrow moore  —  radio host  —  fc:  emma mackey.
striker cannon  —  rancher + moonshiner  —  fc:  johnny knoxville.
summaiya sachdev  —  tba  —  fc:  amita suman.
vale nekoda  —  barista  —  fc:  fivel stewart.
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unveiledveins · 7 months
lewis tan, bisexual, cis-male & he/him → isn’t that matai huang? i’ve seen them hanging out with the were-creatures. i hear they’re thirty-four years old, but they’ve only been in alexandria for less than a week. they seem to be agile & athletic, but also impulsive & guarded. it’s cool that their animal counterpart is a cougar!
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Name: Matai Huang
Nickname(s): Tai, Matai "Bàozi" Huang
Age: 34
Date of Birth: May 9th
Zodiac: Taurus
Place of Birth: Washington
Race / Ethnicity: Chinese-American & White
Gender: CIS-Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Romantic Orientation: Homoromantic
Species: Were-Creature (Cougar/Puma/Panther/Mountain Lion - whichever you want to call it) 
Siblings: A fraternal twin brother
Height: 6′3
Build: Athletic, Fit
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Distinguishing Features: Determination in his eyes
The Huang family name is a name that is well known among the hunter community, one that always produced strong and capable hunters that took down some of the most notorious supernaturals in the world, and with a name that held as much prestige as that, there were expectations placed upon Matai and his fraternal twin. Training from a young age on how to wield various weapons, Matai finding himself preferring either a bow or a knife, and the various weaknesses of supernatural creatures, the twins were more than prepared enough for their first hunt - one that would take them into a vampire den that had been wrecking havoc on the human population of a small town that was in the territory that the guild the Huang’s were in protected - and they both walked away with blood on their weapons and a kill added to their chart.
It wasn’t until the following full moon that Matai and his brother learned a hard truth.
Romeo and Juliet, Jack and Rose, Gatsby and Daisy - they all had tragic love stories but none of them were quite as tragic as the star-crossed love affair between the twins’ mother - Abigail - and a member of a were-creature pride that the Huang family had been watching to ensure that nothing sinister was happening under their watch. They kept things quiet, using the were’s enhanced senses to be able to tell if someone was nearby, but eventually things slipped… Abigail became pregnant and after confessing to her father, her father - the Chief of their hunter’s guild - grew so furious that he made a kill order for the entire pride of were-creatures and with their deaths, the secret of his grandchildren’s genealogy would be left only to him and Abigail.
At least, until the first full moon after their first hunt.
Forced to chain themselves up in the basement that first full moon, both Abigail and her father watched with bated breath to see if the future of the Huang name would be tarnished. One hour into the night of the full moon, it became obvious. While his brother was mostly scared and bored, nothing was happening but for Matai? His entire body felt like it was on fire, his muscles ached and his blood was burning and eventually, a grotesque snap echoed in the basement and everything went black.
When Matai awoke, however, he was still chained up in the basement - the basement that a great many Huang’s had used to torture their charges for information before eventually killing them - but he was all alone. For over a day, or at least he assumed it was at least a day given that there hadn’t been a clock or any windows to let light in, Matai had been left alone until finally, he heard footsteps scurrying down the stairs and he looked up to see his brother who looked… torn. It was then that he learned that his grandfather had sentenced him to death and that they were going to make it look like he had lost his life on the job but Matai’s brother hadn’t agreed and, instead, he was there to free him. And after a quick and tearful goodbye, Matai left the only home he had ever known and he had to learn how to fend for himself.
Leaving the state of Washington, Matai had to learn to do something to be able to survive and, luckily, he had found that there was one thing he was great at that people often underestimated on - fighting. Settling in California, Matai began to take part in underground fighting rings throughout the state, earning a good lump sum of cash that he was able to use to be able to afford to rent out a motel room. But more importantly, it also earned him the attention of an MMA trainer. The trainer, a dragonkin that had seen the promise in the young were, had approached him and offered him with an opportunity to come fight under him and that he’d make him great. Matai, liking the idea of great, was more than quick to follow suit.
Joining the man’s gym, suited to training supernatural creatures on how to fight - and teaching weres, vampires and dragonkin how to fight humans without drawing suspicion or seriously injuring them - Matai found a sense of family with the ragtag bunch of misfits and while Matai had long decided to forget about his mother and his grandfather, he couldn’t help but always think about his brother. Still, the more that he fought, the more that he was seeing the name Huang being talked about on the message boards as he became more and more of a Middleweight fighter that people wanted to see. And, after several years of self-loathing over his status as a were-creature, he decided that the best moniker for him to use? It was Matai “Bàozi” Huang - a way to find a sense of pride in who he was while also spitting at his grandfather’s legacy all at the same time.
Now, fresh off his third Middleweight championship, Matai has decided to head to Alexandria to see what all the fuss was about. Hearing talk about the place from both his coach and some of his fellow fighters, he figured that it might be a good place to take some time off and relax. And if he needed to somehow keep in shape and keep his moves from getting rusty? Well, he was sure there’d always be a dragonkin or a were-creature down to wrestle.
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briarridgerp · 7 months
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[ RESERVED ] VALENTINA FLORES (Francia Raisa) is looking for their YOGA ARCH-NEMESIS.
Val’s Yoga Arch-nemesis 
I’m flexible, but I’d prefer 35+ 
VERY much UTP! But some suggestions are Jacqueline Fernandez, Nick Seger, Candice Patton, Angelica Ross, Catherine Haena Kim, Alfie Enoch, Suraj Sharma, Lewis Tan, Şükrü Özyıldız, etc.
This person is a yoga instructor as well and for whatever reason, Val and this person did not get off on the right foot. Maybe they taught a different type of yoga and insinuated that theirs was better than Val’s, maybe there was a lot of competition over who would get called to teach classes at the rec center, maybe one of them lived in and taught yoga in Briar Ridge first, and the other was ‘encroaching’ on their territory. Whatever the reason, where Val would normally have an attitude of ‘let’s help each other learn and grow and do better,’ there’s now a petty rival between the two and shortly after Val started looking into opening her own yoga studio, she found out that this person was planning to open their own studio as well. Now, there’s a bitter race to see who can open the first yoga studio in Briar Ridge. There could even be a competition over the actual studio space. I imagine there's not a whole ton of available spots to rent in town and so maybe these two end up competing to actually get to rent out a space from the owner. If said race is laced with sexual tension/banter, even better! lol 
X, X, X, X, X,
Please contact the BECCA on this blog.
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worldburnrp · 8 months
can i reserve the brotherhood underboss for caius? do you have any faces you'd like to see? men preferably!
Hi there! Of course, so excited you're interested in our Underboss role! Here's some suggestions: Colman Domingo, Steven Yeun, Daveed Diggs, Nathan Stewart-Jarrett, Sendhil Ramamurthy, Daniel Dae Kim, Michael Ealy, Seu Jorge, Corey Hawkins, John Cho, Taika Waititi, Lewis Tan, Manny Jacinto, Daniel Henney, Nikesh Patel. <3
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assfcrdays · 11 months
top 10 fcs to write against
Ask me my "TOP 5/TOP 10" anything!
This is nigh impossible for me to answer for many reasons. On the one hand, I'm not picky with FCs, as a hot character is more important to me than the FC itself being super hot. Secondly, I drool over so many men and my preferences shift so much that it's hard to pick a definitive top 10. However, here are 10 of the men that come to mind that I am thirstiest for these days and am not getting enough of, in alphabetical order:
Aaron Taylor-Johnson
Chris Pratt
Derek Theler
Florian Munteanu
Josh Dallas
Lewis Tan
Nolan Gerard Funk
Pablo Schreiber
Rainer Dawn
Zane Phillips
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syfyhq · 2 years
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⌱   SYFYHQ is an 18+ ( mun/muse ) adventure survival horror tumblr roleplay inspired by jurassic park, lost, sweetheart, the wilds, & other survival media. this roleplay will explore different mysteries & various creatures while muses are stuck on a deserted island. the story begins with a plane crashing into the pacific ocean during the turn of the millennium and will only get wilder  !  
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rebelscumlena · 2 years
Space Sailor
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Pairing: Marnie x Willy (Stardew Valley)
Word Count: 2.4K
Summary: It’s common knowledge in Pelican Town that there’s something going on between Marnie and Mayor Lewis. But how exactly did Marnie end up with Lewis? Wasn’t she seeing someone prior to him? Could it possibly be the fisherman who’s constantly watching her from across the Saloon? Why aren’t they together anymore?
A/N: Not the way I expected to get back into fanfiction, but I’ll take it. The Dynamic Writing Duo is back at it again! This idea was developed a week ago when @javier-djarin​ and I went down a rabbit hole of SV conspiracies, and the song Space Cowboy by Kacey Musgraves made it complete. Thank you as always to @javier-djarin​ for being my beta on my stories and giving me encouragement to write. Your usual recipe of teeth rotting fluff and soul crushing angst is here! Enjoy! 🐮
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The music from the jukebox and the smell of pizza flooded Willy’s senses as he entered the Stardrop Saloon. Another Friday night meant just about everyone had shown up to celebrate the end of another long week. The younger ones were off playing pool in the side room, Robin and Demetrius were tearing up the dance floor, and Clint was waiting at their usual table with a cold pint ready for him. 
“How’s the ocean, Willy?” Clint asked, sliding over the glass of beer as Willy took his seat.
“Same as usual. How’s the forge?”
“Same as usual.”
The two friends chuckled at their little banter before clinking their glasses and taking a swig. They fell into some light conversation about their weeks, occasionally getting up to get another round. Although Willy always made sure that it was Clint’s turn to get drinks when Emily was up at the bar counter. He was a good friend in that way. He understood more than most what it meant to pine after someone. 
Willy finished his pint just as Clint went up for another round.  He focused his gaze on the little droplets of ale running down the side of his glass before pooling at the bottom. He knew what would happen if his eyes wandered across the Saloon. But desire got the best of him. Willy’s eyes swept across the bar, landing on her.
Marnie had always been able to draw his attention in a crowd. At all the festivals and events held over the years, he never failed to miss her. As painful as it was to think about their past, he preferred her attention then compared to now, because every time he took notice of her nowadays, Lewis was always lingering in her shadow.  It was no secret the mayor was interested in Marnie, even though he was adamant there was nothing going on between them. 
Lewis returned to the petite woman with another round of drinks, drawing a huff out of the old mariner. Sure, nothing going on, Willy thought as he drew his attention back to the droplets in his glass. Where was Clint with a new one?
Marnie had seen Willy’s lingering gaze. She always noticed when he was watching her. She could feel his gaze like a gentle caress: warm and comforting. Despite the many years that had passed and the fact that Mayor Lewis had been keeping her attention as of late, she wished Willy would look at her the same way he used to all those years ago. Back then his gaze was tender and loving, now it was always filled with remorse.
It was the summer before Marnie turned 20 when Willy and his Pappy had decided to settle in Pelican Town. She remembered seeing him around town as she grew up, but he always seemed to disappear the next day. Guess that’s what being raised by a mariner meant. But Willy’s Pappy was getting on in years, and so Willy had decided to open the Fish Shop down by the docks. He could make money and still let his Pappy enjoy the salty air.
It started as all young love usually does with a summer romance. She had just gone to buy a fishing pole and some bait for her older brother, and suddenly she was being charmed by Willy. The slightly older young man was tanned from all his time being out on the water and he smelled of mead and the ocean, instead of the piss and vinegar she heard most sailors described with. Willy was mild mannered and humble. That day she left with her brother’s birthday gifts and a promise to meet Willy that evening on the docks. And every night after that…
“Marnie, dear?”
Marnie jolted back to the present, her eyes focused on Lewis who was looking at her in slight annoyance.
“I’m sorry, Lewis. What were you saying?” she asked, taking a sip of her drink.
“I was just saying that Pierre claims I’m going to have to start special ordering truffle oil from now on since it’s too expensive to keep in stock. Isn’t that just ridiculous? And after all the corners I’ve cut for him.” Lewis guffawed in derision before taking a long pull from his drink.
Marnie gave a light chuckle, her mind beginning to wander again when she noticed Clint showing Willy a crystal he pulled from his apron.
Quartz, Marnie mused. He’s always been a sucker for quartz.
She had noticed he was collecting quartz one summer after his Pappy had passed. Not thinking much of it, Marnie ended up bringing him some quartz she had found on a hike up near the mountain. 
“I don’t know why you’re collecting them, but I saw this one and figured you could use it,” she stated, pressing the little crystal into the palm of his hand.
He gave her the warmest smile, his eyes watering a bit before pulling her into a deep embrace. Without a word, he then pulled her up from the dock they had been sitting on and took her inside the Fish Shop. Behind the counter, he pulled out a little wire hanger that had bits of quartz hanging off of various length strings: a sun catcher.
“I was thinking of hanging it up in the windows. Figured it would make this place a little more homey,” Willy said, a blush slowly rising to his cheeks as he rubbed the back of his head, “especially when you come around.” 
Marnie had jumped across the counter to plant a firm kiss on his lips, the largest grin on her face. She’d known how she felt about Willy for a while, but she waited for him to give her some sign that he felt the same: this was her sign.
After that day, it was rare that Marnie wasn’t down at the docks. Her parents were initially against the idea of Marnie spending all her time with the fisherman, but so long as her chores at the Ranch were completed, there wasn’t much they could say. Marnie was happy, and there were worse options than the fisherman.
Meanwhile, Willy was still in slight disbelief that he had managed to catch Marnie’s eye in the first place. She was the prettiest woman in town, and surely had better prospects than a weathered man who would perpetually smell of fish. Yet she had agreed to meet him that evening all those years ago, where he taught her how to bait a fishing pole so she could show her brother. She had come back almost every night since, joining him to watch the sunset and chat about their days. After a few months, they’d shared their first kiss on the docks. They’d exchanged birthday gifts, told each other secrets no one else would know, and even renamed his Pappy’s boat the Manatee. It wasn’t too long after that Willy was presenting Marnie with a bouquet of flowers.
But then he’d received a job offer out in the Fern Islands. It would make good money, but it meant Willy would be out at sea for months. He’d been nervous to tell Marnie about it one evening as they sat on the docks to watch the sunset. But when she told him to take the job, he was stunned. “And when you come home,” she had said, “I’ll be here on this dock waiting for you.”
The disappearing sunlight outlined her face perfectly, and he swore she’d never looked more beautiful than she had in that moment with a daisy from her bouquet nestled in her braid.
A week later, Willy and Marnie shared a passionate kiss on the docks before he set off on the Manatee. The inevitable months seemed to drag, but then a year passed. Willy had finished the job, but had picked up another with the prospect of catching an extremely rare species of fish. But the fish eluded the fisherman, and by then, the Manatee was in desperate need of repairs. More months passed by before the Manatee was ready to set sail again. Having used most of his money for repairs, Willy needed to take on more jobs to make up his losses. Then there were the storms that forced him to try alternate routes back to Pelican Town, which drained more of his supplies and money, and required him to take on more jobs.
Before he knew it, five years had passed by the time he docked back in Pelican Town. The Manatee was in worse shape than when he left, forcing him to retire the ship until he could come up with more money and materials to get her properly fixed. What little money he had managed to earn was barely enough to be called a profit after losing so many years at sea. But worst of all was the knowledge that Marnie wasn’t waiting on the docks for him.
He couldn’t blame her, especially since he had stopped sending letters after the first year. Between all the jobs he had barely found enough time to sleep, let alone write and send a letter. But more than anything, he felt ashamed. After the first job finished he realized how much he had missed the sea. The thrill in his blood when he woke up bobbing to the rhythm of the waves, the rush of excitement as he navigated through both calm and storm, and the sheer joy of just being out on the open water. It was his first love, and it had managed to surpass the love he felt for Marnie and the desire to start a life with her. So he stopped sending letters and instead let the sea take him wherever she deemed fit, hoping that somehow Marnie would understand.
So it was no surprise when he ventured into the Stardrop Saloon on his first night back and found Marnie and Lewis occupying a table together. Admittedly, Willy was surprised it was Lewis at the table with her. Then he remembered how the mayor had always had an eye on the young woman even when they were together. Marnie’s gaze moved to him, and Willy waited with anticipation for what she might say or do. He expected wrath from her, but instead was given a small smile and a nod before she turned her attention back to Lewis who was rambling about the governor coming to visit. Too stunned to do much else, Willy nodded back before heading to the bar. 
Marnie found herself thinking back to the day he left and everything changed. Somehow as she watched the Manatee take him away, she had a sinking feeling that he might not return. She would tell herself every time that wasn’t the case, that he would return after a job or maybe two and they’d turn the Fish Shop into a home and raise cows on the beach. Then the letters stopped coming and suddenly waiting on the docks made her feel silly rather than hopeful. Such is the life of a mariner, she would tell herself. So she forced herself to move on, and over time came to the conclusion that the sea would’ve called to him one way or another. She had noticed he was getting restless, and sometimes found him gazing longingly out into the horizon. Perhaps it was better that it happened before they had actually started a life together.
So when he walked into the Saloon that night, she felt every emotion she had bottled over five years run through her before she landed on contentment. Willy had chosen his path, and she had learned to become okay with that. She gave him a small smile to convey her understanding and a nod to welcome him home. All the while she focused on tampering down her beating heart as she turned her attention back to Lewis. Yet without fail every time he walked into the Saloon after that night, her heart would speed up in a way it never would around Lewis.
Before long, Gus was making the announcement for last call. Most everyone had cleared out aside from the late nighters. Pam was slowly falling asleep into her drink once again, and Elliott was visiting the toilet before his walk home. Lewis had gone to settle the tab with Gus, leaving Marnie to finish her drink and prepare for the walk back to the Ranch. She noticed Clint saying his farewells to Willy, throwing one last gaze at Emily before making his way out into the night. Willy nodded after his friend, puffing away contentedly on his pipe as his gaze moved to Marnie.
When their eyes locked, all the good memories flooded back: Marnie showing Willy how to bake pumpkin pie, Willy teaching Marnie how to rig up a crab pot; summer nights drinking mead on the deck of the Manatee, winter days making out in the hay loft while the cows watched in a mixture of curiosity and boredom. Then for the briefest second, Marnie thought of what life would’ve been like. Waking up to the call of seagulls or bringing the cows in at night? Teaching their kids to fish at the Festival of Ice? Holding hands while watching the Moonlight Jellies? A giddy grin broke out on Marnie’s face that was for Willy’s eyes only, which caused the edges of his lips to move up just a tad.
“Ready to go, Marnie?” Lewis called, walking back over to her.
The grin morphed into a more reserved smile as Marnie turned her attention to Lewis, nodding and getting up to follow him out.
Willy watched as the two departed, Marnie’s gaze every so subtly going back to him before she disappeared into the night with the mayor. The fisherman softly chuckled around his pipe, wondering what she was thinking about before getting up to stretch as Elliott joined him.
“Ready, Willy?” the younger man asked.
“Aye, lad. Let’s get going,” Willy responded, following him out. They made their way south through town and back to their homes. They passed Lewis’s house on the way, and Willy tapped out the ashes from his pipe on the steps of the Manor.
Elliott gave the older man a smirk, shaking his head in amusement. “Must you do that every time we walk by?”
“Gotta give him some actual work to do,” Willy responded, a cheeky smirk on his face as he stowed his pipe in his pants.
The two men continued their walk, and once Elliott parted ways to his home, Willy was left to approach the docks on his own. The wood creaked under each step, and he took a deep inhale of the salty air. For a moment, he was a younger man sitting next to a pretty woman underneath the stars and figuring out how to raise cows on the beach. As he gazed forlornly out into the dark, Willy realized that kind of love ran deeper than the sea. And perhaps one day, the tide would come back in his favor.
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