#lex talionis
voidloidsstuff · 2 days
Lex Talionis is out now!!
A character study into Oedipus’s personality and backstory, featuring a mysterious man who offers him a deal he cannot refuse; and later becomes more important to him than he can ever imagine.
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intermundia · 2 years
Hahaha ok so I was playing the star wars MMO game and i saw another player with the name Lex Talionis and i had to immediately ask, "LIKE THE FIC??" 😂😂
Sadly, no, they'd not named themselves after the fic but it still made me laugh.
jakldflkjas incredible, if only. hopefully if they do look it up they won't be shocked by the gay socialist bdsm lol
i do love spotting LT in the wild though, this reminds me of one time my friend was on the prequels subreddit i believe, and there was a meme about the fight at mustafar:
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my friend messaged them to ask about it, and the fic they recommended was LT 😂
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thegodcyclecomic · 2 years
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Athena bullying Achilles
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ashes0909 · 8 months
tfw a fic is so good that once you finish it, you're not ready to move on. you just click back to chapter one and start all over again.
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evilsatisfaction · 2 years
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variantofnick · 2 years
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Lex Talionis, Aggie-o-keys, The Silent Death, She-Who-Hunts, Heart-Eater and The Bird Woman
This Gentry returns every 15 years to abduct those she has marked as key-bearers in Mystic, CT. Her last appearance was in 1983, and Caitlyn Destrange, Norville Rogers, and seven others were taken. This is the keeper I created for a world of darkness game set in Mystic, CT, 1983. The player characters were marked, and they were taken. Now it's 1998. They escaped, but can they stop or evade her huntsman? Can they stay safe? Can they... Stop her?
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edelgarfield · 1 year
finished lex talionis in one sleepless night. god, you made me form MUCH deeper interest in the gavin siblings where before there was none. as i read i sat there enraptured and flipping rapidly between fear and hate and fondness and pity towards kristoph that i hadn't expected in the slightest, and neither had i expected a character with a stupid pun name i audibly snorted at upon reading (anna. turney.) to be so dear to me so quickly. i know it's OLD but i wanted to say it's extremely well done
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jfc this ask is three years old & i just realized I never got around to answering it. thank you so much for this! LT holds a special place in my heart bc of how.. integral it is to my characterization & headcanon of klavier. klavier is one of my favorite characters and there's so much I want to know abt his family. but the complete lack of backstory is a bit of a gift bc it means i can project myself onto it.
LT is turning 8 this year but it still makes me smile whenever I see people reading it & talking abt it even this far down the line. if I were to write it today, i think there's a couple things I'd do differently, but overall I'm really happy with it and I love the life it brought to kristoph & klavier. i just think there's an extremely interesting story hidden in the details we know abt kristoph abt someone who started out with noble aspirations who was corrupted by bitterness & greed. i don't think capcom intended it, but it's still there.
& as I've grown older, more bitter and jaded, parts of it resonate with me in a way they didn't when i wrote it. it's extremely easy to let the world sour everything that brings you joy. in the face of an unspeakably cruel world, i think the important thing is to hold onto kindness & compassion.
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dblackthorne · 1 year
I. The Nine Satanic Statements, The Satanic Bible, Anton Szandor LaVey. Music & Narration by Peter H. Gilmore. Graphic by Rev. Draconis Blackthorne.
II. Selections from The Antichrist by Friedrich Nietzsche. Composition & Narration by Peter H. Gilmore. Video by Draconis Blackthorne.
III. Law of The Talon. AKA, Lex Satanicus. Latin, principle developed in early Babylonian law and present in both biblical and early Roman law that criminals should receive as punishment precisely those injuries and damages they had inflicted upon their victims. Many early societies applied this “eye-for-an-eye” principle literally.
Orchestration by Peter H. Gilmore.
Video by Draconis Blackthorne.
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in0ctobercountry · 1 month
Authorities arrested 20-year-old Joshua Alexander Heckathorn, a resident of Gardiner, Oregon, on 23 April, a day after the chemicals were dumped into one of the hatchery rearing ponds. — The Guardian
These fish are live beings. They weren’t killed for food. They were killed in a slow inhumane fashion. Rotting in a tank by some chemical that a disturbed dimwit thought might be a good idea to use.
Can I pour bleach in you and watch you rot away? You sick fuck. Seems only fair.
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fraelchilde · 2 months
Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: neither give place to the devil. — Ephesians 4:26-27.
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kdmiller55 · 1 year
Take Ownership
33 “When a man opens a pit, or when a man digs a pit and does not cover it, and an ox or a donkey falls into it, 34 the owner of the pit shall make restoration. He shall give money to its owner, and the dead beast shall be his. 35 “When one man’s ox butts another’s, so that it dies, then they shall sell the live ox and share its price, and the dead beast also they shall share. 36 Or if it is…
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intermundia · 2 years
joining other anons crying abt the rots novelization, it was interesting to see inside anakin’s head for the palpatine reveal, how he basically short-circuits and is just like I NEED OBI-WAN: “Words will not fit themselves into the answers you need. If only Obi-Wan were here—Obi-Wan would know what to say. What to do. Obi-Wan could handle this. Right now, you know you can’t.” (and to Mace: “Obi-Wan …,” he said faintly. “I need to talk to Obi-Wan—!”) it reminded me of how you wrote them in LT. an overwhelmed anakin reaches instinctively for obi-wan :’)
ahhhh YES! it's funny because i read RotS as part of my research for characterization of both of them, and made my versions as close to the canon versions as possible, though obi-wan was admittedly based more on his angry, impetuous phantom menace self, anakin was very much drawn from RotS. i adjusted his neediness up by maybe 5%? obi-wan was the one who i obviously had to change more, but the way he talks about being in control etc in RotS? he needed just a slight knock on his moral compass and he's a beautiful sith lmao
this reminds me of when someone once commented that they thought my version of anakin in LT was exaggerated in being needy (not in a bad way, in a this-is-right-for-your-story way) until they read RotS and realized that no, that's just how anakin is in canon lmao. he IS that unsure of himself, he DOES outsource his single braincell to obi-wan. it's so sad and frustrating because it absolutely contributes to his fall in that he does not handle everything that's going on very well without the rational part of his brain present
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builtbybrokenbells · 3 months
something is coming soon, my loves. brace yourselves 🤍☺️
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cansofbees · 1 year
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alister312 · 2 years
i need another sp fic to come and alter me on a molecular level
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harveydont · 11 months
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Lawful Evil || Neutral Good Brutalist || Nouveau Lex Talionis || Reconciliation Lamya || Zmei
just some words and faces
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