lgcmanager · 4 years
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thank you to everybody for your auditions ! on monday september 10, the following muses have received the news that they have passed the audition and which type of role they received! as everybody is currently busy with the concert ic wise, information further detail concerning the drama will be released on october 11 !
Jung Miso as Kim Miso
Kang Jaemin as Kim Jaemin
Kim Mia as Kim Minjee
Lee Aaron as Kim Daewon
Lee Jiae as Kim Jiae
Son Alec as Kim Seongjin
Bae Doha as Kwon Doha
Im Nari as Lee Nari
Jung Jihye as Lee Jihye
Kang Dongwon as Baek Dongwon
Lee Hanbyul as Son Hanbyul
Lee Youngmin as Kang Youngmin
Seo Minseok as Park Minseok
Ahn Jaesun as Han Jaesun
Bae Nathan as Baek Nathan
Choi Jongsuk as Lee Jongsuk
Geum Danbi as Gong Danbi
Hwang Subin Park Subin
Im Bomi as Ok Bomi
Im Hyunjin as Lee Hyunjin
Jang Taesung as Go Taesung
Jeon Haru as Lee Haru
Ji Haneul as Cho Haneul
Joo Jiwoo as Hwang Jiwoo
Kim Alex as Nam Alex
Kim Ara as Lee Ara
Kim Jinah as Park Jinah
Kim Jinseo as Park Jinseo
Kim Junghwan as Choi Junghwan
Kwon Jiyeon as Min Jiyeon
Lee Jiho as Bae Jiho
Lim Sanghyun as Yoo Sanghyun
Min Soyoun as Lee Soyoun
Nam Jueun as Na Jueun
Oh Eunhye as Yoon Eunhye
Park Seojin as Kwon Seojin
Seo Yumi as Jung Yumi
Seo Yura as Yang Yura
Shin Yeseo as Lee Yeseo
Son Nabi as Kang Nabi
Son Seolmi as Park Seolmi
Song Ahri as Jeon Ahri
Techaapaikhun Kit as Horvekjul Kit
Tsai King as Li Yijun
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lgcseojin · 4 years
╰  TRACK 020
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Park Seojin would have laughed in someone’s face and called them a liar if they told him, one year ago, that he would be going for an acting try out. An audition to put his face on a screen that wasn’t for a music video. He figured it would be decent practice for... something in the future. Something for him to do as time started to pass by at 200 km/h. 
The way he stepped into the audition room was surprisingly formal, though he kept on the rest of his usual demeanor. He was auditioning for a role but he didn’t want to lose track of who he really was.
He was mediocre at best in comparison to the others who would be going for a part but he wouldn’t allow his own skill level dictate his confidence. ( Hell, he even made a point to dress himself up more than usual. A white t shirt and jeans without a rip or scuff mark in sight. Rare for him. )
What he didn’t expect was staying after line readings to answer a random series of questions.
“Love?” It almost felt like they knew, somehow, it would be the subject to make him fidget the most in his chair.
“Ahh. I think love can never have only one clear meaning.” Way to be vague right off the bat. Maybe he was embarrassed to open up. “What I’m trying to say is... there’s so many different forms of love. Family, friends, love for being alive, what you’re doing... romantic.” He seemed to choke on the last word, for obvious reasons. “Love is something that can make you feel like you’re on top of the world but also make you feel like you have a mountain of expectations on your back. I know a lot of people think it’s all for the best but sometimes love is a lot. Though, I’d never ask to not have the feeling of love available to me. It’s one of the most powerful things a human has. Overcoming the odds and stuff like that.” He hummed to himself in thought. “It’s special. So I don’t like to tell someone I love them often. If I do, I feel like it doesn’t have as much meaning.”
“Who hasn't? But it was probably my fault.”
“I hate to be repetitive but ... who hasn’t? But I feel like I’ve done more of the directing hurt at others instead of being hurt, if that makes sense. Not on purpose.” Once on purpose. But only once. He would never admit that out loud to people who didn’t need to know. the real details.
He preemptively laughed at himself. “I usually like to brand myself as someone who proudly says they don’t have regrets, y’know?” Which wasn’t entirely a lie. He still lived by his no regrets motto to the t. However, there would always be special exceptions. Her. She was on that list of special exceptions. Even if he had her in his heart now, the things he did before still haunted him. 
“But yeah, I have regrets. There’s stuff I wish I hadn’t said or done to the girl I didn’t realize I loved back then. It was stupid. I try to rationalize. Like... what teenager hasn’t messed up on some scale with the girl he liked, thinking what he was doing to push her away was to protect her when it really ended up hurting both, in the end. Misplaced sense of pride, is what I had. I wanted to protect her from that, for some reason. My worst fear was having her see me become someone I never was, because I could really feel myself heading in a bad direction. So I thought... it’s better to just make sure she never sees that. In reality, keeping her in my life would have been the best decision. Maybe things wouldn’t have gone so poorly for me. That’s one of the few regrets I have.”
“A positive question now, huh?” There was a notable change in his posture. “My ideal...” All he had to do from there was describe the relationship he was already in. Though, there were still aspects that weren’t in their favor. 
“I think the best sort of relationship is built on a foundation of trust. If you can’t trust you partner, there’s not much that can be gained from them. I like... communication but also being able to feel like my own person, like I don’t have to eat, sleep, breathe them and they don’t have to either. At the end, we still come together and remember that we’ll always be there. Someone whose presence I can always feel because her words always mean something. And she’s strong, with a spirit that’s got a flame to it. She shows me beautiful smiles and lets me take snapshots of it so I can never forgot how that face looks when I need it the most if she’s not in front of me. She sends me messages out of the blue, even though I prefer phone calls... I would send her every word I could type if it made her happier to talk like that. And she listens to the songs I send her in the middle of the night and wakes up on instinct to listen to them even if it’s 3 in the morning.”
He released a long sigh. “Funnily enough, in this relationship... I’m the type where I don’t say half of the things I said in response to this question... Go figure.” Again, he thought of Jueun and how they managed to go so many months with minimal contact and still felt a pull toward one another. Dare he say, absence made the heart grow fonder? 
“The real deal breaker though.. she has to laugh at my jokes. Even if it’s a fake laugh.” Joking, of course. Mostly. “I think I just ended up describing my ideal type on accident.”
“Tell them. You should always tell someone, no matter what. No matter how much it might hurt you, it’s the best thing to do. Otherwise, what starts out as love festers into something that eats you from the inside. Never hide your feelings for someone. Never. You don’t know if it’s gonna end up being too late. The worst ... anyone could ever say in response is that they don’t love you back. The best being that they love you back just as much, maybe more. When it comes to love, I don’t think you should ever hold anything back or you’ll regret it.”
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lgcara · 4 years
.・゜how deep is our love?゜・
her nerves have now left her after the reading of the three scripts. what she does not expect is the questionnaire interview that makes her feel like she is applying for a job. not that she would know what that feels like, since she hasn’t actually ever gone to one before, but probably something similarly to this. maybe.
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she naturally is a cheery girl, but the fact is - she doesn’t do well with ‘on the spot’. granted, she knows she can’t be entirely 100000% honest, because she’s on the clock here. this isn’t 20 questions among friends over pop and wings.
so she takes a deep breath and looks at the interviewer with a smile, despite the fact that - the first question already throws her off.
what is the meaning of love to you?
“well- it’s push and pull. building upon layers at the end result. it can be different, love encompasses so many things. romantic love, platonic love, familial... but at the root of it, there’s a foundation because it can’t be without reason, in my opinion.” 
have you ever been hurt in love? 
“i think so. but.. it’s hard to say. what is truly love or the idea of it?” she isn’t sure what the right answer is. in fact, there is no right answer, so ara goes with her gut. “but with my age, i’d say i have felt like i have been hurt in love. and.. that even if to the me in 5 years, it wasn’t anything beyond a little crush, or puppy ‘love’, it’s not inaccurate for me to be valid in my feelings that i haveen hurt in love.”
have you ever hurt in love?
these questions were getting harder. her facial expressions were probably disintegrating at the seams. “i wish i could say i haven’t, but i probably have. going back to what i said before, push and pull. it..... sometimes ends up being the way of an interaction. even if unintentional, when i am hurt, i find that i end up retaliating in the same way. looking back, it does seem immature but it was my natural response because i was hurt, myself. coping mechanism perhaps? wow, this is teaching me a lot about myself. what’s next?” 
do you have any regrets regarding a love or a love interest? which?
to deviate slightly, she thinks to someone that wasn’t a former relationship of hers, and ara contemplates again. life experience. would it have been better never to have loved or liked at all? “i guess every experience does just that - gives me more experience for my attitude towards the future. so i would like to say no matter what, even positive or negative, that all love i have had in my life, was worthwhile.
what is the ideal relationship to you?
“harmonious, mutual, and one where i don’t feel as if i am needing to run away, or chase after someone endlessly. it shouldn’t be about forcing someone to love you, and vice versa. compromise.... unconditional... work.” ara nods. “i hope that answer was alright.”
if you love somebody, would you hold it in or tell them? 
“in an ideal world, i would hold it in to see if it was something that would work, or if it’s just me being silly again, and jumping on my whims. i have a tendency to fall quite quickly, but it can be very fleeting or meaningless. so to harbour it, it would give me more time to be sure. i want to be sure and not make rash decisions.” ara nods again, smiling at the interviewer, depsite the fact that these questions had honestly given her the opposite of what they would call, the time of her life. these questions were harrowing and she’s tired. honestly - she can’t wait to get out of the room and flop on her bed after this and text yura or seon over the persistent questionnaire. hopefully it was worth it. 
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lgcdanbi · 4 years
fear of flying
                                           we saw ourselves as heroines                                            and couldn’t understand what had become                                            of all the heroes.                                                                                                      e. jong
what is the meaning of friendship to you?
“i think it’s... a lot deeper than most people like to think,” she starts with a hesitant hum, a subtle vibration in her voice as she ponders upon her next words. “especially as i get older, i realize more and more that friendship is less about who you spend time with or talk to the most—it’s more nuanced than that, i believe.”
hands lightly clasp over her knees as she leans forward in her seat, chest just barely hovering over the length of her thighs. “it’s hard, isn’t it? because we all know what a friend is, but friendship? an entirely different concept that most of us have probably never taken the time to think about.
“if this were a dictionary, and i had to provide a meaning to the word ‘friendship’, then i would say it’s a kind of togetherness. you know, a home of sorts, for even if along the way you find yourselves fighting, disagreeing, and getting into all sorts of mishaps—at the end of the day, true friendship keeps you from getting lost. for if you’re truly friends, you’ll always find your way back to each other.”
would you say you’re an insider (many friends, deep social life) or an outsider (small friend circle, small social life)?
“can i say that i’m an insider-leaning outsider?” she suggests with a giggle. “i don’t want to make myself sound more pathetic than i actually am, but i think in terms of friends, i don’t have as many as other people probably do—but in terms of people of i’m friendly with, well... then that’s practically everyone, isn’t it?”
if you were to describe your position/role within your friend circle, what would it be?
she smiles (although there’s a hint of sadness in her eyes). “most people call me the ‘mom friend’—for example, in the dorm, i’m the one making sure the younger ones eat breakfast, have an ironed uniform, and get to school on time. i keep tab on when and how the other girls need help, and remind them to do things like wipe their make-up off before bed—you know, the little things a mom would do for you—” not like she would know. “—but in a less-nagging, more-friend-like form.”
have you ever lost a friend? how and why?
her eyes glance upward, vision pinpointing on the light in the middle of ceiling—every so often it flickers, just like her thoughts as she painstakingly searches for such a specific memory. “i don’t think so—at least, probably not in the way you’re describing. people change, and it’s only natural to grow apart when that happens.
“for instance, i haven’t lived in daejeon for over four years now, and while i keep in contact with people i was close to back in, like, high school—i don’t think i’d still consider them ‘friends’ like i did back when we were still students. i-it’s nothing to be sad about, though. that’s life, after all.”
if you could be friends with anybody in the world, who would it be?
“maybe...” her voice trails into a faded ‘um’. eyelashes flutter as she blinks once, twice, in thought—a loading screen of a face as her eyes remain still, her mouth perpetually agape.
“it’d be nice to be friends with some senior artists—especially the blazing-sunbaenims, since they’re some of the female idols i’ve been looking up to since the beginning of my trainee days. during the ‘dun dun’ promotions, we got to meet a lot of other celebrities in the industry, and it’s difficult to get close to people who don’t share the same ‘lifestyle’ as us—so getting closer to the people i’ve, basically, idolized my whole life would be cool.”
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lgcjaesun · 4 years
auditioning for a GUEST ROLE
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jaesun was determined to get more than a guest role in legacy's new drama, but there were rumors flitting around that a debut would be coming, and that all the boys should audition for guest roles if they were interested. he didn't know if it was a prank or if it was the truth, but he didn't want to risk it. he could always try for a supporting role once he had debuted, right? playing with fire now when the timing was most important wouldn't be a good idea.
so, here he was, auditioning for yet another guest role. it was too bad, but he also knows that acting is meant to just be his side gig. he'll never be the next kim soohyun, and that was probably okay. soon enough, he's pulled in, and an interview begins.
the topic of the interview was friendship, which was interesting. he wonders why it's about friendship of all things, but he won't complain. it seems like a safe topic to discuss.
what is the meaning of friendship to you?
"friendship is having a support system around you but also being that support system to other people. they're there to cheer you up when you're down and to celebrate with you when you're up. however, they're also there to be honest with you when you do things you shouldn't." jaesun thinks about what else friendship means to him. "life would just be terrible without friends. they're just so great to have around," he admits with a smile on his face.
would you say you’re an insider (many friends, deep social life) or outsider (small friend circle, small social life)?
"definitely an insider," jaesun nods his head. he is known to be legacy's social butterfly ( or maybe that's just a name he's given himself ). part of it simply comes from having been here so long, and as such, knowing more people as a result. he also just loves being around people, which he supposes could be attributed from being from a large family, though he's also certain there are some who want to be alone just because their large family is so tiring. "i just love being around people and i get lonely very easily. i don't see anything wrong with having a smaller friend circle, but i think those handful of people would tire of me very quickly if they were the only ones i could hang out with."
if you were to describe your position/role within your friend circle, what would it be?
"the leader of the pack," jaesun laughs. "i like when people trust me to make the decisions of what we're going to do and things like that. of course, i also appreciate it when my friends are willing to share their thoughts of what they truly want to do instead of just agreeing to my plans, but overall, i think that bit does come more naturally to me. being the oldest boy in a family of five might also play into that," he points out. it might also just be the fact that he's one of the most senior trainees at legacy, and the others are too scared to share their opinion ( he hopes that's not the case though ).
have you ever lost a friend? and how and why?
"um .. well, not recently. i don't think so anyway," jaesun scratches his head. his friends outside of the company have always been aware of how busy he is and they don't really bother him even if he goes mia for a little bit. they know that, if they need him, he will be there. and then, within the company, no one really comes to mind either. "when i was a kid, my parents got divorced. i guess that's the closest to losing a friend. i didn't speak to my father for a long time since i was so upset with him. well, my parents remarried, so we're on fine terms again, but that's the only time i really think i've lost a friend... if that counts."
if you could be friends with anybody in the world, who would it be?
"friends with anybody in the world? that's such a big question," he exclaims, "there are so many amazing people that i'd want to be friends with. but i'm going to go with kim hyuncheol. am i too cheeky for saying that?" he laughs. "i just think it would be nice to be able to dig into his brain a bit and know him as someone more than just my boss, but maybe you shouldn't let him know about this."
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lgchyunjin · 4 years
not that anyone is asking, but hyunjin thinks he nailed the emotional part of the dialogue reading. maybe not the romantic or funny one (he sort of doesn’t quite have that comedic timing), but hey one out of three isn’t too bad. he thinks he’s done when the interviewer indicates that there is more. but of course there is more, hyunjin isn’t even surprised at this point. 
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“oh, i see.. give me a moment to think about it.” 
hyunjin sits, attempts at quelling his foot to stop tapping as he is antsy waiting for the questions.
‘what is the meaning of friendship to you?’
“i think friendship is important. it’s our sustenance for daily life. i don’t see how i could function without it, just going around daily life without friendship would seem ultimately futile. it is there to share joy and sad times with each other, and to support one another through all the times, not just the good times.” 
‘would you say you’re an insider (many friends, deep social life) or outsider (small friend circle, small social life)?’
“outsider?” hyunjin isn’t sure. it’s hard to say, because there are so many friendships that he makes at the company, that sort of diminish the moment they leave the company and whatnot. one of the many downfalls of the industry, where broken promises happened where they say they’ll stay in touch but it doesn’t always happen, for one reason or another. “i have some very close friends and... i’m friendly with the people in my dorm. there’s some people i’m closed to from university and highschool, but relatively small social circle.” 
‘if you were to describe your position/role within your friend circle, what would it be?’
“someone that can give relatively good advice, and want to help...? or maybe the baby. i’m a big baby sometimes. i can’t help it, around my older hyungs and noonas it - sort of happens naturally.”
‘have you ever lost a friend? and how and why?’
“ah yes, i... distance sort of makes it ‘happen’. even if we don’t want to. where text messages start diminishing, and phone calls and facetimes no longer happen, and then silence. it..... i can sense it happening right now with one of my former friends at the company. we’re both busy. i’ll try sending another message after i am out of this interview. is it truly lost? i think it can be saved, but it will take time.” 
‘if you could be friends with anybody in the world, who would it be?’
“hmmm? this seems like a random question... can i be friends with tom holland? he seems to live a very cool life. yea. sorry if you were expecting a deeper answer,” hyunjin laughs. “but yes, spiderman. i mean, tom holland. he seems nice.” 
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lgcdaehyung · 4 years
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Why would you ask a heartless man about his love life?
Three different pieces of dialogues later, they arrived at the interview portion of this audition. This was the difficult part, because Daehyung was much more comfortable pretending to be someone else than having to deal with any situations as himself.
Perhaps this was part of the game and he was expected to lie - spin a romance tale so intricate and grand that it might entice the director to write him his own tragedy. Unfortunately, honesty was one of Choi Daehyung’s few virtues and one he had difficulty shedding.
What is the meaning of love to you? Ah, there it was, the accursed four-lettered word.
"Nothing,” he replied easily, a corner of his lips lifting with a hint of a smile. “I’ve tried loving once. It hurt me, and it also hurt the other person. I don’t think it is something I would like to attempt again.”
What was this, a therapy session? Perhaps the director had certain personalities in mind and weren’t expecting trainee actors to have a huge amount of skill, so they were trying to choose people who had similar outlook/perspective as the characters in this show. It was a clever strategy but one that irritated Daehyung. Just tell him what sort of characters you have and he’ll pretend to be whichever one you want. Don’t make him dig through his chest of supposed nothingness, only to find there was something still lingering there.
Resentment gathered in his chest, seeping into his veins and rushing along with his blood. Not at the question, but at the reminder.
Do you have any regrets regarding love or a love interest?
Well, do you?
Do I?
“No.” His eyes were hard, icy cold just like his voice. “I am not the type to regret. If I make a decision, I follow through with it no matter what.” Daehyung leaned back against his chair, relaxed. “My ideal relationship would be with someone who understands me and doesn’t try to hold onto me.” Some people were solid and can be each other’s rocks. Others were flowers, there for a season and beautiful while they last. Daehyung thought of himself as a piece of cloud, available but also distant. Impossible to grab onto, even though sometimes he appeared close.
“Sounds rather selfish now that I say it out loud.” He didn’t smile, but his tone lifted. This was, after all, a professional setting - he was at an important interview and he didn’t want to be unpleasant. It didn’t matter how well his dialogue reading was, if he wasn’t delivering what the director was looking for during this interview, then he still wouldn’t get the role. Daehyung didn’t expect himself to actually start giving a shit about his career, but look at him now. “Maybe I am just too young to truly understand love and will change my mind one day,” he offered, directing his gaze briefly towards the open window, where the clouds drifted towards the warmth of sun.
Or perhaps not. Perhaps never.
“One thing is for sure, though, if I do happen to fall in love again...” He turned back to his interviewer. “I am not the type to hold back - if I like a person, I will definitely let them know.” And that person will never be able to get away from him.
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lgcalex · 4 years
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☁ Audition for guest ☁ Word Count: 935 words
     Here lately, Alex really didn’t know what he was doing anymore. Why was he even doing this audition? He really didn’t even know. Maybe it was because it was another possible chance of getting some publicity, or maybe it was because he just was curious about whether or not someone like him could even do something like this. He did put on an act a lot when he was around any of the staff of the company, more because he didn’t want to deal with the outcome if he were to act out in any way. Not wanting to deal with the headache of it all.
     The audition portion was pretty simple and didn’t seem to take very long, which he was actually thankful for really. Though when he was told that he would have to do an interview he mentally kicked himself for even doing this to begin with. He hated interviews. Why? Because there was no telling what kind of questions would be asked and he hated trying to come up with answers to them on the spot. It was too late to back out now though and he figured that he might as well just get it done and over with since he had already come this far.
     He figured this would be easy though when they finally brought up the topic. Family. Maybe this would go smoothly, at least that’s what he hoped for.
“what is the meaning of family to you?”
     The first question wasn’t actually bad and as he sat there thinking of a way to word his answer, Alex couldn’t help but smile a bit. “Family is actually everything to me. They’re the moral support that helps me actually get through even the toughest times and no matter what happens we’ll always be there for one another.” Yes, Mia liked to embarrass him a lot and he often tried to avoid her because of this, though really he did love his sister. He would do anything for her just like he would do anything for his cousins or even his parents as well.
“how would you describe your relationship with your family?”
     He thinks for a moment on the next question asked, pressing his lips firmly together. “I would like to say that my relationship with them is great. There’s my parents who are supportive of anything I do, my sister Mia who will always have my back just like I’ll always have hers. There’s also my two cousins Jueun and Hyunbin, both of which I’m really close with as well.” He pauses for a short moment before continuing. “I can say that I really love my family and wouldn’t know what to do without them and the relationships I have with each of them.”
“which word would you associate family to?”
     It doesn’t take him long to actually think of an answer for this one, knowing very well that his answer is short but also true at the same time. “If I had to choose just one word...chaotic.” He actually lets out a soft chuckle at his own answer. There were other ways to actually discribe his family, though this one was the one he felt actually fit them all the best in the end.
“if you were to describe your position/role within your family, what would it be?”
     Why was this even a question? He really didn’t know, just like he honestly didn’t know how to answer it. Alex sits there quietly for a moment as he racks his brain for any type of answer that could actually work for this sort of question. He hums softly to himself before finally he speaks. “I really don’t know actually. Though I guess I’d be given the role of the cook? That is if you don’t include my mom, the one who actually taught me everything I know about cooking.”
“what is your strongest family memory?”
     This question brings the small smile back to his face, quick to answer without giving it a second thought. “I think it would have to be when I auditioned for Legacy, my parents packed everything up and actually moved back here from the states so I could follow this path.” He nods a bit before continuing. “That’s definitely one of the memories I would say is the strongest for me at least.” He honestly had a lot of memories with his family, though that one was the one that stuck with him the most because even though he wasn’t fully set on even joining the company in the first place, just the fact that his parents were willing to do that for him had left the memory imprinted in his mind even up until now.
“if your family was to be portrayed in a drama, what type of drama would it be?”
     The last question is one he really doesn’t have to even think about, just like earlier. “Definitely a sitcom. My family is chaotic enough to have this type of drama because of all the chaos and just the fact that you never know what will happen when we all get together.” He laughs at this, thinking of his parents, Mia and even Jueun and Hyunbin. Each of them all had their different personalities and traits that would actually entertain people if they were to actually have themselves portrayed in a drama. He bet even a director wouldn’t know what to do or even how to start half of the scenes off. It’s actually what made his family more fun to put up with, more enjoyable to be a part of.
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lgcjaemin · 4 years
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jaemin had heard talks of what the final interview would entail after his audition. the feelings were still heavy on his heart as the words from the script continued to play round in his head. the emotional scripts were where he excelled and he would fit handpicked into a melodrama were he called upon and the romantic ones he let his charms come to the forefront as he basked in and gave into adoration. it was the comedy script he'd had to practice the most and he'd opted for performing that one first. he'd wanted his forte to be his lasting impression even if he was not prepared to perform on gag concert anytime soon.
family. friendship. love.
they were recurring themes that appeared frequently in dramas and there wasn't much that could be done to avoid them. even if his own memories were filled with hurt surrounding them, he also was aware just how beautiful each one could be.
what is the meaning of love to you?
a question that shouldn't be too hard to answer. he mulled over his words as he stood before the panel of casting directors, a low hum sounding gently in his throat. "for me... love is untamable. no matter how much you may want to reel yourself in and remain rational when it comes to who you may have fallen for, you are always deep within the grasps of something that is so above you that you can't help but succumb to its every whim and desire. love is powerful and truly can transcend all adverse outcomes as long as it is true but that's where love becomes tricky because love is rare. to find actual love would be equivalent to finding a needle in a haystack in my opinion. i think love comes in many forms beyond just romantic and it is something that is inescapable but it also varies in degrees. you may have love for someone but you may not be in love with them and it is that difference that will determine the strength of someone's relationship because, as nice a thought as it may be, i don't believe love to be unconditional."
have you ever been hurt in love?
the question genuinely almost made jaemin laugh but he reeled himself in for fear of sounding bitter. it was a very light smile he wore as he gave his head a deceivingly easy nod. "yes, many times. not just romantically but also the kind of love that draws you in with family and friends as well. it's excruciatingly painful and scary to open yourself up like that again after feeling what it's like to be hurt that deeply but it is a part of the process of learning to love and live with yourself as well that strengthens you. even though my heart hurts often because of it when i think on the experiences, i'm not sure i'd change a thing. so much was learned from my experiences that i think any that i'd have going forward would be all the richer for it."
have you ever hurt in love?
"i honestly can't say." he spoke a bit candidly as his head tilted a touch, head shaking gently. "i tend to be on the more naive side when it comes to love and so i was often told i missed cues or signs from others." he gave a soft laugh, his ears touching just a bit red. "i can be kind of clueless in that regard. if i had hurt someone because of it... it's likely that i very well might have but i can say that it was never my intention to do so. i was never really one that was the bad boy type but sometimes you unintentionally end up being the bad boy. i hope that hasn't been me..."
what is the ideal relationship to you?
he began to smile softly just thinking about it. he was never good at romance or being romantic with someone but there were more than enough times he'd thought it over and fantasized about how perfect it could be if he was. "like i said, i don't believe love is unconditional. it is hard to overcome and while things may drive you absolutely insane, there's always going to be a grasp over you that that person holds. i would like for that grasp... those parts about me that drive them insane.. i would like for them to not become a burden on them and change their perception of me. a relationship where communication is key and where walls that are worn in public are nonexistent so that honest conversations can be had even if the words are tough to hear. someone that is like a partner to me who will help me the way that i can help them and our journey together is one of growth and admiration for one another. someone who like a constant best friend that knows when to challenge me but also when to let me be. i wouldn't want them to derail their entire life to be with me because that would fill me with guilt and burden my heart but i would want them to passionately pursue their dreams no matter the cost because seeing them happy and ambitious would make me happy too. i'd want someone who was a best friend, a lover and a caregiver all in one that always keeps me in their heart even when it gets tough so that we can continue to grow together."
if you love somebody, would you hold it in or tell them?
"i...." he started before he paused a moment, his teeth biting at his lower lip as he gave a gentle shake of his head. "i would love to be the type that would speak up but i'm not. i hold it in because it's scary to think about losing them more than it is to be rejected. love is a tight grasp that is a hard one to escape and when people hear that word, they begin to think of all kinds of things and sometimes that makes them run. i would rather keep that within myself unless i knew there was the chance they might feel the same just so that i could keep them by my side. i'd hurt in silence on my own before i'd face the possibility of a severed tie with someone i care about so deeply. my own wounds would heal but not all burned bridges can be repaired."
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lgcmiso · 4 years
now i don’t give a fuck about my family name
                                                           an audition interview solo
miso knows she has nailed the audition. acting is what she's been doing since almost her birth. it's what she does. but then comes the interview. her confidence crumbles even if she manages to keep a straight face. even as a child, acting had always been dependable on her skills, interviews however, were always closely monitored by her mother. her stage mother always had hundreds of replies prepared for miso to memorize before an audition, a glance towards the woman midway always stirred her the correct path if she wasn't certain and if the woman herself figured miso wouldn't reply properly, she would interject herself.
but today, there's none of that. it's just her sitting in front of the producers and writers. no one by her side to nudge her the 'correct' replies. while, as she grew older, it had been a freedom she had wished for, now, as an adult, going through this for the first time alone, she feels... vulnerable. 
"what is the meaning of family to you?"
she almost snorts. her family has been destroyed for over two years now. what is the meaning of it now? pain, perhaps. discomfort... sadness when she thinks about her father. precious when she thinks about her brother. "to me family means..." she pauses again. it's a difficult question. "foundation. my family is my foundation, it's the base of me. sometimes it's strong, sometimes it wobbles, often i build over and other times i have to start back from the beginning, but all the members of my family are still the core of who i am now." as much as she hates to admit it, indeed, they are.
"how would you describe your relationship with your family?’
"it's complicated. i have a close relationship with my brother, but it's a different story with my parents for various reasons. i try to live as independently as i can from them. i'm not much of a filial daughter, i guess." she chuckles. her mother brought that upon herself and her father wants nothing to do with his kids.
more questions are asked about her family, and there isn't anything notable to say about it. it's difficult for her to elaborate on such difficult private matters. 
"if your family was to be portrayed in a drama, what type of drama would it be?"
"a sad one, with no happy ending as of now, just more pain." she replies simply.
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lgcmanager · 4 years
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** this is an acting casting call. each role has different schedule type/restriction, so pay attention to those. read more here about the type of roles**
MBC has extended an invitation to Legacy Entertainment’s talents to audition for their 2020 daily family sitcom which is set to beginning broadcasting on the network in the 4th quarter of the year. the sitcom will follow the adventures of the kim’s family; kim sunchang, the patriarch in his 70s, his triplet sons in their 40s, his grandchildren and family friends.
LEAD CHARACTERS [ CAREER schedule type, cannot be paired with another CAREER schedule (autumn trimester) ]: 75 acting required. ** those characters usually requires prior experiences, but for this trimester, none will be asked from muses in the ACTING career path.**
SUPPORT CHARACTERS [ RECURRING GIG schedule type, no restriction ]: 50 acting points.
GUEST CHARACTERS [ GIG schedule type, no restriction ]: 25 acting points.
CRAM SCHOOL LEADS cannot audition for a lead role in this drama
MALE MUSES WANTING TO DEBUT are highly recommended not to audition for lead or support characters due to foreseeable schedule conflicts ( wink wink, nudge nudge )
during the audition, muses will be required to read three generic dialogues; a funny one, an emotional one, a romantic one. they will then be interviewed on one of the three following subjects (no one knows ahead which subject will be picked, nor the questions asked):
what is the meaning of family to you?
how would you describe your relationship with your family?
which word would you associate family to?
if you were to describe your position/role within your family, what would it be?
what is your strongest family memory?
if your family was to be portrayed in a drama, what type of drama would it be?
what is the meaning of friendship to you?
would you say you’re an insider (many friends, deep social life) or outsider (small friend circle, small social life)?
if you were to describe your position/role within your friend circle, what would it be?
have you ever lost a friend? and how and why?
if you could be friends with anybody in the world, who would it be?
what is the meaning of love to you?
have you ever been hurt in love?
have you ever hurt in love?
do you have any regrets regarding love or a love interest? which?
what is the ideal relationship to you?
if you love somebody, would you hold it in or tell them?
make sure to use the hashtag lgc:castingcall005 for everything related to this event. you have until SEPT 16 to complete the following requirement:
write a  solo of 300+ words about your character’s audition, putting a focus on the INTERVIEW for +5 ACTING POINTS and +5 POINTS TO DISTRIBUTE ANYWHERE ! ** remember to pick ONE of the theme presented and that this is a professional setting **
to validate your skill points and collect your notoriety points, please submit the following form ONCE on the points blog before SEPT 17, 11:59EDT.
- ROLE AUDITIONED FOR: Lead/Support/Guest
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lgcwon · 4 years
Comedy wasn’t his forte. 
Therefore, he was hesitant to audition when he heard about the casting call for a family sitcom. He wanted to get out of his comfort zone, and auditioning was the first step to do so. He had zero expectations about landing a lead role, but a supporting role would be his ideal choice to explore a side of him that he wasn’t comfortable with at all. 
He didn’t have luck on his side for this audition. Out of the three dialogues, he was asked to read the comedic one, which had him pushing down the embarrassment he felt by the end of the scene when the interview section started. 
What is the meaning of family to you? He had opted to stand in the center of the room instead of sitting down, wanting to get the audition over with as quickly as possible. He felt his cheeks flush with a hint of color when the warmth settled on his skin, biting on the inside of his cheek as he pondered how to answer the question. He could be honest, or play it safe to not anger his parents. “For me, familial ties are much more than just bloodlines. Some of us are lucky to be born into a strong, and close community while others have to form those ties outside of their family because of various circumstances. As I grow older, I’ve come to realize that while I can rely on my family. I’ve created another family that understands me in a different way than what my parents’ perception is of me.” He inhales properly through his nose, corner of his lips tugging upwards into a warm smile. “I guess, family to me would be anyone in my life that I’m comfortable baring my soul to.” How would you describe your relationship with your family? “I have a close-knit relationship with my younger siblings.” A smile accompanies his response, lifting his hand to rub the back of the neck. “Sometimes I feel like a pseudo-father who has two ducklings following him around all the time, but I would honestly do everything in my power to protect and support my siblings. They’re growing too fast. I have to come to terms with them not needing me as much. I’m the one missing them now while they’re on tour, and asking them to meet when they’re back in Seoul. I’m probably the clingy one now.” Which word would you associate family to? “Complex.” He blurted out with a soft laugh. “Is that too honest? But I would say that word fits my family… We’re close and yet sometimes we don’t see eye to eye. We might think we know what is in each other’s best interest, but that might not actually be the healthiest route for the person. We love deeply, and we hurt deeply. I would say that forgiveness is difficult to ask for when you’ve grown inside such a nuclear type of family.” What is your strongest family memory? “I think my earliest family memory would have to be my birthday.” His eyes scan the room, smile widening when he recalls the memory. “I was turning five years old, and I ended up with frosting in my hair because my younger brother wanted me to hold him. I wasn’t happy, but he shared his ice cream with me to make up for it.”
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lgcxking · 4 years
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he's not passionate about acting, but he does believe that it brings him decent exposure and opportunities. starting out with guest roles is perfect too. he knows he probably wouldn't be skilled enough to pull off a lead role yet and he wants to spare himself the embarrassment when netizens start criticizing someone's acting. idol actors especially are often being ripped apart online and scrutinized. he agrees that many casting agents use idols popularity to boost their viewership and ratings, but it can come at a price for those who accept these offers. he doesn't want to be one of them. he doesn't enjoy acting nearly enough and... he can wait. maybe one day.
he gets given the emotional dialogue to perform, which is probably the most challenging one of the three. it's easy being romantic and charming, or being silly. almost like second nature to him. showing his emotions however, that's a different story. it turns out to be slightly easier if he pretends to be someone else, as if he's free to express all that he denies himself. he doesn't cry or anything ( that would just be embarrassing for everyone ), but if he's to fail an audition for a tiny role of a few lines because he can't cry on cue, they would just be insane.
the improvised interview comes as a surprise, but king is excited and curious to see what king of questions they'll ask. it's about love, which is admittedly not his strong suit, not that any of the subjects would have been, really.
    what is the meaning of love to you?
"the meaning of love? you're really starting me off easy aren't you?" he chuckles. he doesn't have a single clue what to answer. he figures they mean romantic love and don't want him to start talking about loving life or something stupid like that. "uh... for me, i guess it would be someone i can't imagine my life without?" it's all that comes to mind without going into an existential crisis. he's never thought about those things before and being forced to for an interview is a bit unsettling. aren't they supposed to avoid talking about love and romance?
   have you ever been hurt in love?
"i'll be honest..." king starts with what looks like an apologetic smile. "although i have dated before, i've never really been in love. or at least i don't think so? i'm not really sure which signs i should be looking for in order to know that." he's being entirely open right now even though some could say he's lying. but if he thinks about it, it's true that he's never felt in love... partly because until miso no relationship he had really meant something, but also because he has no idea what loving someone really feels like. at which point does it stop being "and i don't mean it as if i've never had feelings... for someone. but at which point 'like' becomes 'love'? i'm not really sure. but to answer your question i can't say i've ever been hurt in love."
   have you ever hurt in love?
"i think i have. it's something i felt sorry about doing. i don't think i'm the easiest person to deal with? though i'm slowly getting better. it's a situation where a girl really like me and was very nice to me. i didn't feel the same but instead of telling her, we kept dating and i wasn't very invested or caring. she deserved better, that's for sure." he thinks of sarang in particular and the way he treated her. of course, he can't afford to be a hundred percent honest. "relationships are the same whether it's family, friendship or romance, right? sometimes you hurt, sometimes you're hurt. otherwise break ups would never happen."
   do you have any regrets regarding love or a love interest? which?
"i said this before, but i don't like regrets. i try not to have any, of course i don't think anyone can sit here and pretend they're satisfied and happy with everything they've ever done. but i wouldn't really change any of it. i would rather just learn from the past instead of holding on to it" and it will always be the case. it's one thing to learn to apologize if he did wrong ( and that is still very difficult for him ) and be better next time, but it's another to hate himself over things he doesn't have any control over anymore.
   what is the ideal relationship to you?
it's dangerous territory, but if that's what they want then he should go for it. "it has to be someone i have as much fun with as i would a friend. someone who knows me very well, the good and the bad, and accepts me for all of that. someone who makes me a better person, or makes me want to be a better person for them. and lastly... someone who has just as much ambition as i do and will understand that most of my time is dedicated to my career. i wouldn't want someone who would feel like i'm abandonning them or neglecting them when i'm focusing on work. i sacrificed a lot to be where i am and i would want any partner to be understanding and supportive of that." and just as he finishes, king realizes that he's been describing his relationship with miso the entire time.
   if you love somebody, would you hold it in or tell them?
"i would tell them," he says without hesitation. "the problem is, i'm not sure if i would know it once i love someone?"
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lgcalec · 4 years
new challenge
a casting call 005 audition auditioning for a lead role
     when he hears that there’s a family sitcom on the horizon, he knows that he needs to try to get a lead role this time no matter what. there’s something about his general demeanor and sense of humour that he thinks will do well in a family sitcom, especially if he gets a character that will be part of the funnier scenes. if there’s anything that alec is pretty proud of himself for, it’s his ability to make other’s laugh, even if they’re laughing at his expense rather than with him. 
     he’s definitely not above body gags or anything. 
     and while a supporting role like namgil’s had been a perfect on-screen debut for him as an official actor under legacy, he really hopes that this time he’ll be able to land something bigger and better. 
     (go namgil, you’re forever in his heart!)
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     the script reading goes by easily. in particular, the funny one gets him a few laughs from the staff on hand and it makes him grin as well. the romantic one is a bit harder, though he just keeps a certain someone in mind the entire time and it actually goes by without too much of a hitch at all. it’s a bit unfortunate that he doesn’t actually have a girlfriend to pretend he’s thinking about, but he has something close to that. he thinks. the family script is easy to get through as well, considering he mostly just pretends he’s talking to his sister for the most part, or his parents when the time calls for it. 
     all in all, alec is very pleased with how smoothly the audition has gone. hopefully, he won’t psyche himself out after when waiting for the results again. with cram school it was easy to just take it in stride because he wasn’t too concerned over what role he got, as long as he appeared in more than just one episode. 
     but, he really wants a lead role in this one. of course, if he ends up with a supporting role again, he’s not going to complain or be mad. he’ll just have to work harder next time as always. 
     that doesn’t change how much he wants the role though. the interview is something new to him though, considering he hasn’t really sat down for many interviews aside from job ones. there’s something inherently different about this one though—though at the same time, it’s just another job interview isn’t it? only, this time, he’s not just in it for a bi-weekly paycheck in his pocket. no, this time he’s in it for the sake of his future career. 
     and there’s something so much more harrowing about that. 
     he doesn’t allow it to change his perspective though, trying to think of it as just another really important job interview for a good position that he really covets. when the questions come, there’s no surprise that the questions are about family—it’s supposed to be a family-based sitcom after all. 
what is the meaning of family to you? 
     the answer is one that comes easily and he thinks he’s been very blessed to have grown up with a really loving family. “endless support,” he answers honestly, a smile on his face as he thinks of his little family of four. his parents have always supported him and his sister in whatever they wanted to do, and he thinks he’ll never not be grateful for them. it goes both ways too, because he knows he and his sister would support anything their parents did as well. 
     family relationships were a two-way street and he would always be grateful for how much support he’s been given so far. there had been a crazy amount of text messages from his parents when the fifth episode of cram school had come out and his first few scenes had aired and it brings a wide grin to his face as he remembers both the praise and the constructive criticism he had received.  
how would you describe your relationship with your family? 
     “ah,” he purses his lips, trying to think back the last few years and how he had called his parents pretty frequently despite their differences in schedules. “pretty good considering i don’t see them very often. it was a bit of a big change when i was signed to legacy—we went from seeing each other 24/7 to seeing each other rarely because of the training schedule. but i think it just made sure that our communication skills got better.” a laugh leaves him here as an errant thought pops up into his brain. 
     “my mom got really good at texting, and it’s funny because she was terrible at it before. she sent me an emoji when i first moved to seoul and i was so shocked i dropped my phone? i had never seen her use one before and now suddenly she sends me tons. but yeah—” back on track he goes. “our relationship is good. it helps that my sister is also a trainee though, under legacy, so we see each other every once and a while when our paths cross in the building.”
which word would you associate family to? 
     he blinks at that, thinking it was a bit of a similar question to the first one he had been asked but he doesn’t hesitate at all when he answers: “love.” it feels cheesy and dumb but it’s true, because he’s never known anything but endless love and support from everyone in his family. “this might sound really cheesy, but i really love my family and i would do anything for them, honestly.” 
if you were to describe your position/role within your family, what would it be? 
     there’s a pause as he thinks of the answer to this question. he’s not quite sure of how to label his role in the family since he’s both been the youngest of the family for a few years (before his sister was born of course) and then the big brother of the family once he was old enough to be trusted with taking care of a living human that was called his sister. 
     “i would probably consider myself the older brother slash eldest child role?” he says after a moment, trying to think of whether that was an appropriate trope name for who he was and what he did in the family. “like my parents don’t have a business for me to take over, so i wouldn’t technically be considered the heir or anything, but i did help out a lot at home and i took care of my sister when she was growing up! i think she still listens to me better than she listens to our parents because i was around her the most when she was growing up. she’s a bit of a brat, but i wouldn’t trade her for anything in the world.” 
     ah, maybe dongsaeng babo would be a better term for his role. oh well. 
what is your strongest family memory? 
     he, once again, has to think about this question for a moment before he grins. “we went to niagara falls for canada day pretty regularly, because admission is cheaper on national holidays even if it’s more packed and this one time we actually went on the ferry to go through the falls and whatever—anyways, i leaned over too far once and got fully sprayed and got soaked from head to toe. thankfully, they give us all ponchos before going on the cruis-thing! but, get this, my sister copied me immediately after and also got sprayed!” the memory brings a fond smile onto his lips as he thinks back to that day. 
     “i think i was like, ten. or something. my sister tends to just copy whatever i do, but i didn’t think she would do it since the repercussions were pretty obvious! my parents laughed so hard that they were both crying from laughter as they frantically tried to wipe us off. it was really funny, honestly.”
if your family was to be portrayed in a drama, what type of drama would it be? 
     a laugh leaves his lips. “probably a sitcom, honestly. my dad’s pretty funny when he wants to be, and he can always get me laughing if he times a joke right and his timing is usually really good. we have a lot of really good laughs when we’re all together.” he thinks it over for a moment before he grins. “it would be really funny to see my family portrayed as something dramatic though. maybe something like, literally a drama. you know the soap operas where everyone has secrets and everyone is lying to each other? we could never accomplish something like that, but i think it would be an interesting twist!” 
     once the interview is finished and done with, alec stands and gives a deep bow to thank everyone for putting up with him for the last however-long he had been there. “thank you so much for the opportunity,” he says politely, a wide grin on his lips as he bows again before leaving. 
     here’s to landing a good role! 
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lgcsubin · 4 years
is there really a point in doing his best for this all over again? especially when subin knows the most he’ll get is a guest role, even if he tries for something more and wants to latch onto it with his own two hands? it’s a joke  -  he’s honestly making a fool of himself standing here and doing his best for this when the reality will hit later that once again, he wasn’t good enough for any of it.  especially more so when the audition process itself is normal, but the interview afterwards isn’t.  it’s not like subin will be playing himself on a sitcom; what’s the point in an interview that asks him too many questions about things that he’d like to keep private?
because of course, right now they’d ask him about love.  subin’s about ready to leave the room before they even try.
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how is he supposed to answer this?  it’s a question that’s full of twists and turns, and subin quite frankly, isn’t sure he knows the answer himself.  he thought he did.  he thought that love was something that was easy, as long as there was love it would all make sense  -  it would all work out.  but again, he was proven wrong and in love, he’s a failure, too.  it’s like he really can’t catch a break.  “ sometimes, it’s confusing.” he admits finally, brow furrowed.  “ you’d think that love was something simple  -  something you could understand because you could feel it, and you can feel it when it goes away, too.”  subin shrugs, sighing and scratching the back of his neck.  “ i just know that love is important.  i don’t know if i can find a meaning in it right now, though.”
subin sucks in a breath through his teeth  -  annoyed as he is, it’s not like he can really tell the staff conducting the interview to fuck off or leave him alone.  he’s supposed to want this role, so he can’t botch it in the interview for being an asshole.  instead, subin just gives a very vague answer.  “ i think you’d be hard pressed to find a twenty -something who hasn’t suffered a first heartbreak.  whether it’s from family or a friend or a lover.”
again with the annoying questions.  subin purses his lips as he thinks, tries to find the words for the fact that it wasn’t him who caused the rift in their relationship, but rather the lack of time.  just an effect of being a trainee in a world that doesn’t respect personal boundaries.  “ i don’t think so.  sometimes things just don’t work out.  i think time was my biggest enemy.”
“ the fact that i’m not normal.” he laughs a little, though the sound is humourless and hollow.  “ i’m not trying to live a normal life.  all my time is devoted to training, and to school and i don’t think there’s much room for anything else.  i wish there could be, but there isn’t.”  he pauses.  “ i want to be loved, too.  i think i told you, though  -  my enemy is time.  i don’t have enough of it in a day, otherwise i think i would be happier now.  i wouldn’t be as tired, and i wouldn’t have to give up being normal for the sake of my future.”
“ one that doesn’t die.” subin tilts his head.  “ isn’t that true for anyone? i just want something that will last. something that will be there even when time isn’t on our side.”  he smiles bleakly.  “ maybe i’m naive.  that kind of thing doesn’t happen anymore.”
shaking his head, subin sighs.  “ what’s the point in saying anything? at least until i’m good enough, i don’t think i’m ready to hold my heart out.” 
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narilgc · 4 years
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𝐈𝐌 𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈 meets casting call 005 auditions, 091620 !                                                  ↪  reading a script & partaking in an interview ! [ 👑 ]
wc: 1,357 words
cram school could be described as a journey and a half, and although the ending was very bittersweet, she’s grateful to get a break. nari had thought that she’d be bummed after realizing she wouldn’t be able to go big and audition for another lead role, but cram school has taught her to appreciate something very important - rest. it hadn’t been much after the filming of new faces that the drama had started up, and so nari found herself exhausted once it was all over. 
so she’s not upset that today she’ll be auditioning for a support role. instead, she’s pretty excited. there was even more challenge in making the most our of a smaller part. and as they say .... there’s no such thing as small roles - just small actors, right ? and nari would not be small.
the read-through goes pretty well, the emotional one being her best performed on nari’s terms. she wasn’t too used to being naturally funny on camera yet, and it was hard to connect to the romantic script without any real memories to attach her emotions to. though some of the parts have been rocky, the confidence that nari has gone into the whole thing with assures her that no matter what, she can still come out with fairly good results. sureness of herself was certainly a new concept, and something she was grateful to be slowly obtaining after her performance was well received. compliments were nari’s power up, after all.
she’s shocked to hear that there’s an interview at the end of the audition, although by now she should be prepared for just about any tricks legacy has down their sleeves. as they explain the interview to her a thousand thoughts already run through her head, wondering which side of herself she wanted to most prominently show to the panel. no, no, no. just be yourself. your whole, true self. she wants to be as authentic as possible, especially considering the premise of the show, but there’s always that lingering doubt running through her mind.
but there’s no time to think on that. for now, the interview.
“ what is the meaning of family to you ? ”
“ oh ! well, this is an easy one, ” she blurts out without thinking, a grin appearing on her face. “ family is ... family is wild, and bold, and fun ! to me, it’s getting mad at my brother’s when i was younger for teasing me, and laughing it off when they gave me piggy back  rides. and it’s not just my human family, either ! all the farm animals, even the small ones - especially the small ones - they’re all my family. it’s chaotic, and loud, and .... messy, at times, but they’re family to me ! ”
nari is evidently much more comfortable with the interview given the premise, not expecting to have gotten a topic so fond to her. hopefully, the rest of the interview will go as smoothly.
“ how would you describe your relationship with your family ? ”
“ hm ... ” that’s a hard one. with so many people in the mix, it’s hard to decide on just one thing. but, she figures there’s one thing that seems to pertain to all her family members nowadays. “ transitioning, ” she settles on, nodding along with her words. “ our relationship is transitioning. i think the more i grow, and the longer i go out and live life on my own, i see that our dynamic is changing ! and not really ... in a bad way, per se ! it’s just ... different. we’re all growing up ! and i guess that’s how life works, but it definitely is weird when you’re the one who life is changing around. ”
“ which word would you associate family to ? ”
“ chaos, ” she doesn’t hesitate to say, a playful grin creeping onto her face. “ i mean, i don’t know about your family, miss, but if you’re anything like us, i’m sure you get no sleep ! ” she jokes, abruptly bringing the attention on the interviewer ... much in nari fashion. “ most of the time i love it, i do, but oh my gosh things can get hectic. you’ll have some of my playful brothers running around with each other, my quieter brothers studying or ... something like that, my dad is out on the farm, and my mom’s making some sort of new clothing trend. and ... me ? i’m somehow jumbled into the mix. so ! i think you could definitely call us ... very chaotic. ”
“ if you were to describe your position/role within your family, what would it be ? ”
“ the baby, ” she answers, face warming to a slight red with embarrassment. she wonders just how many other people they’ve interviewed share that role in their respective families, but she can’t lie. it’s the truth. “ i’m the youngest of a whopping six older brothers, and of course, a loving mom and dad. so uh ... i definitely am the baby of the bunch. no doubt about it ! ” though she always denies being a baby in her family’s presence, it’s a title she takes with pretty solid pride, and has had for so long that it’s just become a part of her. “ i definitely seem to get babied and protected by all the kids in the house. it’s ... nice, if i’m being honest.  it’s comforting to know everyone loves you so much ! and even if it’s annoying, i appreciate everyone looking after me. ”
“ what is your strongest family memory ? ”
hm ... stumped. there’s so many, so how can she narrow it down to just one ? “ hm. well if i have to pick just one, i think it’d be when i was like three and we were all taking christmas family pictures. you know, like the ones that look real 90′s, where everyone has those cheesy sweaters on ? exactly that. well, turns out, the photographer we went to was super rude, and my brothers were all acting so busy, they wouldn’t stand still for the picture. we just ended up going home and taking pictures outside at the farm ! i think that was a moment that was initially chaotic, like i told you are family always is. but i think that was the first time i realized our chaos can also be ... a little endearing, you know ? when we were all sitting there together, laughing and taking pictures, i think that showed me for the first time how important memories are over material. ”
“ if your family was to be portrayed in a drama, what type of drama would it be? ”
“ ooh, what a good question ! ” the female praises, knees bouncing in excitement at the idea, “ hm ... honestly, my mind wandered to comedy first, but i don’t think that’s it. we’re more ... controlled than that. oh ! you know what we are ? a parody. something that seems to be serious at first sight, and really have it together ? that part’s my more serious brothers, and my dad, sometimes me. but then the joke comes in, completely changing the drama and how you expected it to be ! i think that part’s especially my younger brothers, my mom, and ... you know, a little bit of me in there too ! ” satisfied with her answer, she nods, a smile coming to her face. “ yes, that’s what i think ! ”
following the interview, nari thanks them for her time, as she’s rehearsed over a hundred times in her head. grinning, she makes her way towards the door, satisfied with the course of the audition. no matter how the judges felt, the questions made nari think deeply about her relationship with her family, and gave her the opportunity to express those thoughts to someone else for a change. and that ? was worth everything.
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