seyoonlgc · 11 months
harmless matching making fun.
Time was ticking, the night was vanishing and he still had so many candies left, yikes!
Please ctrl + f your character's first name if you don't want to read the whole thing. If I mentioned you, it's because you liked my plot call or told me on discord/twitter that you would not mind participating.
Cupidyoon fully intended to ship Tee (@lgctee) with another V&A member, but decided the Jintee fangirls were way too scary to mess with. Tee got his soda candy first and Cupid took his sweet time walking around before finally dropping the matching one in Jinseo (@lgcjinseo)'s palm. The patience couple, he shall call this ship, because it was sailing at the speed of molasses. At this point, Seyoon might end up with four kids before these two even get any.
Seyoon noticed some sort of tension between Minkyu (@lgcminkyu) and Jihan (@lgcjihan). He figured any tension could be good tension and sometimes a little resentment made better sex. Regular cherry flavored candies went to this couple - just make up already!
The blueberry candy in his hand was reserved for Seunghyun's match but honestly, Seyoon was struggling. Seunghyun (@shxlgc) was his childhood friend, occasional enemy and an annoying twat. Nobody really deserved Seunghyun, take that sentence however you would like. So with a grin, Cupid approached his dear Mushushu with both blueberry candies in hand. He slipped them into Seunghyun's pocket with a wink. "I am sure you would rather take care of yourself." Hey, at least he didn't say the F word out loud.
One party boy deserved another and Seyoon simply knew Hyuk (@lgchyuk) and Haneul (@lgchxneul) would have fun together. In fact, he might want to join them. For partying, of course. Pineapple flavored candy for them, Seyoon's precious dance all night ship.
Now, what about Maylin (@lgcmaylin), dear Maylin. She hated most guys, didn't she? Seyoon handed her a peppermint candy because she spicy and looked around for her perfect match. Oh, maybe Eunwoo (@lgceunwoo)! The guy was hot and pretty quiet from what Seyoon remembered. If a man didn't talk much, he had less chance of saying the wrong thing, perfect!
Seyoon was pretty certain Max (@lgcxmax) was already dating a dude, but real life boyfriends didn't count for this Halloween game. After some contemplation, he decided to match Max with Kai (@lgckai) and came up with a whole dramatic story about two hardworking trainees, constantly stuck in evaluations together. Slowly developing feelings, stealing looks across the room and...Yes, it could be fun with their grape flavored candy.
Who was left?
Seyoon tossed Rowon (@rowonlgc)'s black cherry into the air and caught it back in his hand. Oh Rowon, this one was so very tricky.
So focused on his thoughts, he nearly ran into Soyoun (@lgcsoyoun). "Ah, I am sorry." He bowed his head like a good lil trainee but slipped the idol a light pink candy he believed to be cherry-blossom flavored. One of the more unique ones he'd gotten. The matching one he'd given to Ichika (@lgcichika) onee-sama earlier. Certain fanfics may have changed his favorite ships forever. Long live Ichiastrid.
His basket was nearly empty and the last couple to be matched with Hanie (@lgchanie) and Hyun (@lgchyun). They were both young, cute and could make an adorable puppy pair with their vanilla-flavored candy. In fact, if those two ever debut together, he might ship it.
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lgcjino · 9 months
LIFELINE. lost in a sea of people, @lgcjihan unexpectedly saves jino from himself.
well, this was a first.
without an accolade to his name, for the first time in — well, forever — jino actually felt inadequate. it was a foreign feeling, one he never really paid much notice of, nor did he really have to. he had never felt it before, never had reason to.
for some reason or being, he had always belonged. whether it was in school, in sports, in life, in legacy: he had always found a way. and yet, for the first time in his twenty years of living, jino didn’t feel like he belonged and it was weird. (it wasn’t enough for him to regret his decisions but it sure was eye-opening) it wasn’t like he was expecting to be the center of attention — never. but surrounded by many others who’ve had their shines and their notches on the shelf, jino paled in comparison.
he was so green in a world colored by gold.
it was hard to not be intimidated — so much so that the moment he catches the sparing glance of someone he knows, he’s all but latching onto them as if they were his one and only lifeline.
“there you are —“ relief floods him, an angel had come to his rescue. “finally, someone i know.”
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lgcagency · 1 year
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LGC AGENCY is proud to announce that we are now representing PAK JIHAN.
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lgcmedia · 1 year
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𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬
she seems to have such a good personality, probably a variety queen in the making here!
is this all she could demonstrate? talk about talentless...
even though she is just starting out, i wish she had something else to show other than knitting and talking about herself for 5 minutes
jihan is a cutie who is working those fingers fast~ i wouldn’t mind watching her knit a whole sweater
a very stunning girl!! i like her cute personality too, it really shines through
▷ 𝐋𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬
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lgcbk · 1 year
⸻ MINOR LEAGUES ( ft. @lgcjihan )
Project Origin - Behind the Scenes
If someone had told Byeongkwan six months ago that he would be starring in a musical, he probably would have laughed in their face, walked away, and circled back just to laugh again. Yet, here he was, projecting his voice and flashing jazz hands like the gold-star trainee that he was (and would continue to be as long as those little red dots continued to blink around the room). He knew a minor role wasn't much, but considering his lack of acting experience and the fact that he wasn't aiming for anything higher than guy who collects tickets #3, one could say Byeongkwan was doing pretty well for himself. Besides, a face like his had no business getting lost in the ensemble.
...And he wouldn't let anyone forget it. He had spent most of the break checking his hair in one of the camera's viewfinders, in the midst of yet another monologue about how "lucky" everyone was to witness his stage presence this early in his career. Jokingly, of course ( ...kind of ). The cameraman quickly grew bored of his self-admiration and wandered off to capture something productive, leaving Byeongkwan to his own devices until the trainees were called to their places.
So, it was time to do what he did best. To the delight of his characterization coach, his beloved horse head mask had been locked away in a prop closet. Until he was reunited with his old friend, a clunky medieval helmet would have to suffice. He was certain the wardrobe department wouldn't mind if he borrowed it for a while. Granted, no one was in costume for this run, but it was a rehearsal, after all. If anything, he was just being an overachiever.
He roamed around the room, pausing occasionally to strike a pose next to groups of trainees or wave at a camera. His silent bids for attention went relatively unnoticed - until he ran headfirst into one of the lighting stands, that is. Muttering a curse under his breath, he freed himself from the armor and took a moment to glance over his shoulder for potential witnesses, only to meet eyes with Jihan standing nearby. "Oh, hey... Have your healing powers started working yet? Got anything for headaches?"
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lgcminkyu · 1 year
must be fate. with @lgcjihan
Chuseok holidays had passed in a blur; work was back in session, and—it had taken a little over a week—but reality had finally settled. Minkyu was finally caught up with everything he had put on pause for a few days.
All that was left to do was unpack his things from his visit to his mother's place, clean up his apartment where several manga books lay scattered across the floor, send his clothes to the laundromat, and figure out what to do with the gift basket his mother had so lovingly sent him home with.
Due to Minkyu's lack of culinary skills, he carelessly left the basket on the kitchen counter, assuming he would find a solution later.
Amid all the back and forth between Seoul and Busan, juggling his drama filming and managing his YouTube channel, and rarely being at home, he had failed to notice that he had acquired a new neighbour.
The realisation didn't come until later, when he entered his apartment and discarded his shoes by the door, when he changed into his favourite jogger pants and tank top and decided to tend to the two flowers he had standing proudly on his empty balcony. Realisation only came when he stood outside and looked to the right, and it was at that moment life suddenly felt like a comedy show he'd never signed up for.
Perhaps comedy wasn't the correct term because his face was filled with a mixture of surprise, terror, and even more surprise when his eyes landed on a very familiar figure.
"Jihan…" he whispered subconsciously, his mouth hanging open as he gazed at his best friend. ( He wasn't sure if they were still best friends, but he would like to believe so. )
It wasn't often that Minkyu was left speechless.
His hands suddenly felt like little jiggly worms he couldn't control, and his eyes strayed from the sight of her revealing top. The silence between them had persisted for weeks, leaving Minkyu to ponder how much of her life he had overlooked, unaware that she now resided next to him.
His body eventually leaned against the railing, finally finding his voice after numerous attempts to say something. "Hi."
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lgcsujin · 10 months
fearless @lgcjihan
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They met in the morning, while Sujin was in the middle of his run. He spotted the cat first and slowed down, not wanting to scare the poor creature from its comfortable lounge by the sidewalk with his footsteps. Although, knowing his typical luck with animals, it would run away anyway.
It didn't.
In fact, the feline got up, stretched lazily and APPROACHED Sujin.
He crouched down to receive this delightful surprise, keeping the movement leisurely and non-threatening as he offered his finger.
The cat went in for a sniff and Sujin...well, he was so happy that he actually cracked a smile. It was faint, but definitely there as he rubbed on the cat's head with a careful thumb. The poor thing was missing an eye - perhaps this was a gangster cat who'd seen some things, and that was why it was unafraid. "Do you want to come home with me and be my kitty?" He spoke softly to the large bucket sized cat, the way he did to his younger sister back when she was a baby.
And then he noticed the other person in the scene. He must have missed her earlier because he was too focused on wooing the gangster cat.
"...Hi." He rearranged his expression back to his usual scowl. "May I help you?"
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cherrylgc · 1 year
WACC Ep2: “santa, the toothfairy and more”
           oh how lucky the female was. cherry had been quite sad when there was a break, and she didn’t get to have her second season of ‘our incherrysting history’, then finally, legacy allowed them to submit ideas for shows and podcasts. cherry could’ve been guaranteed a second season of her earlier show, but in the break of having nothing, she’d come up with new ideas. she was aware, submitting an idea for a new show meant it wasn’t guaranteed she’d get it, but she got it, and she was now having her first ever podcast. this was her second time appearing on a podcast, her first time being the first episode of the show. cherry was happy and excited, and for the second episode today her dormmate was joining her. 
this time there was no cameras, so cherry hadn’t really gotten ready, her hair in a messy ponytail, no make up, but she was still excited, all night having thought about everything they needed to talk about for this episode. “welcome everybody, and thanks for returning to episode two of what a childish cheory! i’m kim cherry who cherish you all, and i’m the host of this show, today i have a special and lovely guest joining me! please introduce yourself” she sends a smile to jihan. “for the second episode of the show, today’s theme will be fictional characters such as santa and the toothfairy! let’s get rolling!”.
“jihan, when did you first learn that santa didn’t exist?”.
written for... @lgcjihan
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lgchyoseop · 1 year
wild cat
         hyoseop would consider himself cool. he’s barely scared of anything, he can sleep with his feet over the edge of the bed, he can easily remove bugs with his bare hands, put him into a haunted house and he’ll manage to get through it calmly. and he’d also say he doesn’t often do embarrassing things (probably depends on who you ask). hyoseop was enjoying his walk, the weather was nice, and it was finally hot enough to walk with sandals (not that he actually cares whether it is hot enough or not).
he decided to ‘explore’ a little bit, going to streets he hadn’t been to before. on his walk he encounters a cat, he’s usually pretty good with pets, so he sits down to pet it, only to get attacked instead, and suddenly he’s fighting a cat. they both pause when hearing a noise, another person has seen them, and the cat calmly leaves hyoseop’s arms and goes lovingly over to the stranger.
                                                              <3 @lgcjihan
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lgchyunhee · 2 years
starter for @lgcjihan
ever since her cafe performance this trimester, hyunhee’s become more interested in learning how to dance. she’s been focusing on how to make her performances better, realizing that her dance moves need to be a bit more expressive to have the impact she desires. though she’s not a big fan of the punishments, it’s similar to what the trainees do on a regular basis. who is she to complain? 
hyunhee didn’t realize that the workshops would be so intense, though. she’s sweaty, out of breath, wishing things would be over by now. “jihan,” she whines, looking over at the older girl. she doesn’t know how well she’s fairing in comparison, but assumes the worst. “i didn’t expect the choreography to be so difficult,” she confesses. “are you struggling just as much as i am?” ​
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lgcpoints · 8 months
♡ SD&L GALA OUTFIT: +5 modeling, +4 notoriety [ Link ]
♡ SD&L GALA: +6 Variety, +8 notoriety [ Link ]
♡ 2023 REVIEW: +7 English [ Link ]
♡ UPDATE: +7 MCing/Host [ LINK ]
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lgcanm · 8 months
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Pak Jihan is seen leaving Legacy Agency. ©
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lgcagency · 10 months
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📆 November 18, 2023 from 12PM - 4PM KST 📍 The LEGACY Café 🎟 Admission free upon entry. Receive a CUSTOMIZED CUP SLEEVE and 1 of 3 RANDOM PHOTO CARDS with every purchase of the limited edition dessert + drink combination, designed by JIHAN herself! Limit one order per customer. Offer valid while supplies last.
▶️ 네이버TV : tv.naver.com/LGCagency ▶️ YouTube : youtube.com/channel/LGCAGENCY ▶️ Instagram : instagram.com/angel.han
#LGCENT #PAKJIHAN #2023_HAPPY_JIHAN_DAY   Copyright © 2023 LEGACY Entertainment. All rights reserved.
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lgcmedia · 1 year
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
Summertime is the best time to spend it with animals who deserve all the love 
#lgctrainees #lgcent #pakjihan
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lgcbk · 1 year
⸻ ONLY A CLOWN WOULD TRY TO JUGGLE ( ft. @lgcjihan )
In which BK is crowned ( prom ) king of the assholes.
He shouldn't have dropped Introduction to Probability. Sure, math was never really his thing. Something about all those theoreticals and solving for 'X' just never sat right with him. But at least with Probability courses he would've learned a few real life skills. Like considering all the potential outcomes associated with his own idiotic decisions. The social consequences of pissing off a popular cheerleader. The relative likelihood of getting one's teeth knocked in by someone's older brother after prom. Or worse, blowing his chances with the one girl he actually wanted to be there with in the first place.
But he's not that forward thinking... And probably would've failed that class anyway.
Right about now all he can really think about is his foolproof ( debatable ) prom night strategy. Photo booth, dance floor, left corner table. As long as he'd managed to keep Yoona preoccupied with holding their place in line, Jiae dancing the night away, and Jihan as far away from them as possible - There was a 99.987% chance that he might actually end the night on a good note. What he didn't account for, was the unpredictable nature of his dates and his inability to multitask.
"Hey! Sorry I took so long, the line was crazy. Uh, here - " he offers a small plate of hors d'oeuvres he'd snagged from one of the snack tables mid-sprint. The 'line' moreso him trying to figure out where the hell Yoona could've disappeared to in the two minutes it took to get back over to - Wait. This was the right corner table. Not good. Not good at all. "Uh, let's sit for a bit, yeah? Don't want anyone to take our seats, right?"
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lgcseojin · 2 years
✱ 노래 BATTLE EP.01 — ( @lgcjihan )
When Seojin was rumored to have an upcoming show, several of the staff he had grown ever close to over the years were quick to tease him about it. One of the makeup artists asked him if it would be a match to his mischievous nature — to which he deceptively shook his head. He decided on a concept that would display his own and other’s vocal talent... or lack thereof. What could be more perfect than noraebang ( with a twist )? Simple, enjoyable to watch and sing along to at home. And the guest could be as rambunctious as they so desired.
Jihan was, by now, someone he considered a good friend. Their first meeting was nothing special, but over the months she arrived in Seoul, he came to find they had far more in common than he would have thought. He wasn’t sure if he should appear so close to her on a broadcast. Would they mind if he showed comradery with a girl? Not hassling or teasing a friend whenever he had the chance would be too difficult to resist.
Seojin began his rehearsed introduction script, regardless. He clapped his hands together.
“Hello, everyone, it’s Park Seojin and welcome to my show... NORAEBATTLE." He extended his hand to the camera. “You heard right... battle. Of course, we'll see who ends up with the most points at the end of the show but there's a twist that will make it extra challenging. You'll have to keep watching to find out.”
His hands remained clasped behind his back as Jihan was ushered onto the set. He bowed in a casual manner, then glanced into the camera with a skeptical expression. "Ah, we have our first guest? Who is this person?" One of the staff members shot him a similar expression, albeit genuine in her confusion.
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