#lia's favs <3
fatale-distraction · 6 months
What if tieflings did the ekekeekekekekekeke
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sobun1est · 1 month
MY HYPE GIRL @mochamvgz <33
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gracefoster · 2 years
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lia tanaka // "don't talk to me about what i can or can't do."
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waltzipow · 3 months
Dkn't have a story idea rn, but i'll take anything for lia wälti pls
(that's fine it's just random)
y/n.y/l/n just posted
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liked by alishalehmann7, alayahpilgrim, ana_crnogorcevic and 31,293 others y/n.y/l/n- myle meadema & lia wälti tagged-@liawälti liawälti - bästa vänner (best of friends) ^ y/n.y/l/n- mabye we should get one username1- meadema making another day view. username2- so cute username3- y/n dream dog should happen. alishalehmann7- so cute, kärlek kärlek (love love) ^ y/n.y/l/n- älskar dig alisha (love you)
liawälti just posted
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Liked by bachmannr10, katie_mccabe11, stinablackstenius and 44,023 others liawälti car trips, dog walks, and dinner tagged- @y/n.y/l/n y/n.y/l/n- cutie ^ liawaelti- <3 stinablackstenius - she finally got the dog username1- NEW DOG LOVE username2- pic 3 >>>>>>>> username3- Wallyyyyy❤ username4- The first picture 😍 katie_mccabe11- oh my word, you must realy love that girl if you got a dog ^ liawaelti- new era 😂
y/n.y/l/n just posted
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liked by bethmead_, liawälti, stephcatley, y/n.y/l/n- my girls bethmead_-🤪😘❤️ ^ y/n.y/l/n- silly Beth Mead liawaelti- my fav username1- ARSENAL username2- my fav team username3- what a team stephcatley- y/n, your head is cut off ^ y/n.y/l/n- omg im suing the photo taker @beathmead_ ^ beathmead_- wait, what not my fault
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forgeofthenine · 6 months
Hi, can i request our fav tieflings finding Tav who was hiding from everyone cus they were having a panic/anxiety attack? And tieflings comforting them?
Could be before them forming a relationship, could be after, however you prefer ^^
This one was an interesting request to write, particularly because I had to base the headcanons on both my own experiences and what I know of how other people experience anxiety attacks. I ended up deciding to be fairly vague about things, but all the tieflings are in an existing relationship with the reader in these :)
The bachelors helping their partner through a panic attack
Dammon knows pretty quick when you seemingly disappear, especially if he already thinks you might not be doing so well
It doesn't take him long to find you hidden away in your shared bedroom, the panic radiating from you obvious to the tiefling
He's very aware that if he isn't careful it could make things worse
You'll find he's very careful with getting your attention, gently making his presence known
Dammons first response once he does have your attention is to check if he can touch you
There's no way he's touching you unless you initiate or tell him it's okay
If you do let him, you can expect to be wrapped up in a huge warm hug
Dammons breath on your ear as he talks you through it, using a mix of deep pressure therapy and his words
It's easy to focus on the feeling of him when your boyfriend acts like a weighted blanket for you
Warm hands rub over your arms, slow repetitive motions that sooth you as soon as he does it
Dammons careful with comforting you, and he's happy to sit with you curled up against him for hours if it's what you need
Zevlor always has a little latent worry for you, no matter what
He's lived through a lot and he knows how overwhelming anxiety feels
When he sees you struggling he keeps a better eye on you, and when you slip away for too long he'll go check in on you
It's when he finds you hyperventilating alone in your shared room that his heart absolutely breaks
Zevlor is quick to get your attention before anything gets worse, bringing your focus back to him
He's the type to take you through breathing exercises, leading you with his own breathing
It doesn't matter how many times he has to restart or regain your focus, he'll stay there for as long as it takes
And you can guarantee that once you're settled again he'll take the rest of the day to spoil you
You'd like a kiss? Absolutely, you look cold too, let him wrap this fluffy blanket around you
Zevlor delivers you food and drinks for the next couple days, knowing you're eating and drinking eases the tieflings own anxiety
Rolan can act like he's better than others or that people are just an inconvenience to him, but he loves the people close to him fiercely
You're one of the people he's very protective of, possibly even moreso than Cal or Lia
When he finishes up with running the tower for the day and stumbles on you having a panic attack he's already kicking himself
Once Rolan has your attention he knows exactly what he's going to try to ground you
He leads you through the 5-4-3-2-1 technique
Name 5 things you can see, 4 you can feel, 3 you can hear, 2 you can smell, and 1 you can taste
Rolans so patient as he encourages you through it, holding your hands and praising you for every thing you can name
He's another that barely lets you out of his sight for the next few hours, but he tries to be smooth about it
Runs you a relaxing bath with all the extras, asks if he can wash your hair for you, the whole nine yards
Beneath his spiky exterior Rolan is truly very caring and sweet, a bit like a bright red magically inclined mother hen
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yyawnjun · 4 months
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a.n: it's won's birthday, one of the biases I've become most fond of in a short time, HAPPY JUNGWON DAYY.
Actually this is dedicated my favorite girl, lia @sobun1est !!! I wrote all this and thinking of you mwah mwah mwah, I hope you like it bby <3
princess!reader x gardener!jungwon ; fluff!! ; second part?? who knows; gentle won supremacy; I tried to use ur favs trope lia mwah mwah; 2.2k wc
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Your father had ruled over the kingdom of Ethera for as long as you could remember. Your twenty-one birthday has arrived, and the kingdom will soon be yours. It was a family tradition; 21 was the ideal age, and you were more than prepared to follow it and rule the kingdom. 
Or so you repeated to yourself insistently in the mirror as you stood alone in your room during a full moon night.
Your hair was loose, and your face looked tired, but the moonlight illuminated it fiercely bringing out your deep-set eyes and moving lips. The candles had long since gone out, and you had been trying for about two hours to repeat in a low voice the speech you had prepared for the next day - and you knew it by now by feel. 
Actually, you were used to talking in public; after all, you were a princess and had often found yourself having to communicate with the people of your kingdom. 
You did not despise the court world, and you were willing to continue to conduct an approach of peace and, at the same time to preserve the interest of your people. You had altruistic goals; you would put your devotion to the people who so admired you in front of everyone. 
At the same time you had always been firm and thoughtful in your decisions, everyone believed that you would only make shine the kingdom. 
Your kingdom. 
For on that night, you were not the only one divided between fears, agitations, tensions, and concerns; everyone was just as nervous (almost) as you. Everyone was looking forward to the next day, when a golden crown with a crimson ruby would be placed on your head, forever changing your life.
And your mother was writing the letter you'd receive on your birthday the next day; this was a tradition she'd kept since you were born. Twenty-one letters would be delivered tomorrow, all from her, lovingly talking about you, your growth, and the strong bond and responsibility that was going to blossom.
However, those are not the only letters you will receive tomorrow. You snorted at the idea; you were tired of letters that were large and inflated in style but hollow in content from various princes who lusted only after the status of king.
The prospect of spending the next evening politely rejecting all the guys, all under your father's severe gaze, made you shudder slightly.
You got up from your chair where you were sitting and went to fetch a small medium of paper that you so secretly hid under the floorboards.
There was the letter there that made your heart flutter the most, the letter where the power of the content was more than enough to make you daydream of a happy and perfect future.
Not to misinterpret you, your future as queen appeared perfect to you... but there was one condition that has not yet been mentioned so this perfection was not only in appearance.
One more condition for your perfect future. 
By your side, you would have wanted no one but the author of that letter - the only writing of which was "To my Y/n." ; in which your name was written without preciseness, with a poorly practiced stroke and a few erasures. 
By your side, you would have wanted no one but Yang Jungwon.
Not a noble prince, not a rich king nor a refined marquis. 
Rather, the court gardener.
Well yes, you read it well. You had fallen in love with the court gardener. 
You had quickly given up fairy tales about princesses falling in love with the charming prince after he saves her from an evil dragon.  Because you got lost in the young gardener's hazel eyes as you first spoke to him. 
-We can ignore that your first conversation began when he gently (and maybe cheekily) critiqued you for wanting to pick the flowers early. -
You initially tried to hide the blush that appeared on your cheeks when he spoke to you. But you soon noticed that he didn't understand what was going on because he leaned toward you and placed his hand on your forehead. He was instinctively concerned that you did not have a fever.
"Your Highness. You are warm. I wonder if you have a fever." he had told you surprised.
"Of course. It's the middle of summer, and we've been under the sun for at least five minutes," you had promptly lied as you turned to allow your blush to fade.
He had nodded, and after a slight bow and a polite goodbye, he had turned away. And he had gone back to caring for the plants he so loved.
He moved agilely through the field of flowers, hopping from one side to the other where he would pause for a few seconds to observe every plant; and after a few whispered reflections he would run into his toolshed and come out with some new essence to give to the plants to allow them to cool off on that hot summer day. 
For moments that seemed interminable, you stood watching that boy, while your guard had stepped aside and was in turn, watching you from a distance.
Jungwon appeared so focused, so happy and so at ease while surrounded by so many colorful flowers and plants. You had been so mesmerized that you had almost forgotten about the heat you were taking. As soon as this realization came to you - maybe because he had noticed that you were still there or maybe because twenty minutes in the hot sun would have drained anyone - you felt a great heat and a great struggle to remain impassive. 
You made to turn away, but soon he caught up with you even before your bodyguard could notice. As he watched with his careful gaze those colorful flowers he so adored, at that moment he was watching you as your face was red, and your gaze fixed on his.
As soon as he had noticed your astonished look, he had looked away and explained that he had reached out to you to make sure you were all right. Emphasizing that you had reached in your face the color of the red dahlias flower that he had pointed out to you as he spoke those words
It was on that summer day when you had almost fainted from the heat, that you had begun to like that precious gardener.
You had thus begun to spend whole nights fantasizing about him, and whole days observing him from afar. 
Within a year you would become queen, never a love affair with the gardener would be well-liked. But as with all forbidden things, the more you tried to suppress these feelings the more they grew.
In an attempt to get to know him better, you had also made the first move - was this controversial? Weren't you supposed to just like him from afar? Well yes, but we are talking about young love so everything is acceptable.
You listened to each other, and slowly the tender love blossomed in your hearts. 
Without your being able to realize it, your talks had been increasingly crowned with romantic words and gestures of more than kindness or mere formal politeness.
Jungwon was now talking to you about flowers and plants that reminded him of you: your scent, the blush on your cheeks, your bright face, your personality - indeed once he had explained to you how (according to him) each flower had a specific personality.
And you hung on his words, feeling vulnerable and bewitched before his words and sincerity. No malice, no other reasons, was it just a dream? 
No. He was more than just a dream. 
You also now spoke freely to him about all your interests, and he listened in silence, nodding. Sometimes he lost the thread because he focused a little too much on your figure, your beauty, your words, your gentle manners, your reddish lips…
Months had passed, and love after blooming like a flower now let its intense scent fill the air.
And without you both realizing it you were caught in the web woven by this intense scent and decided to start dating.
Secret dating. No one was supposed to know about you. You did not want any grumbles, complaints, protests, or obstacles. You just wanted to savor as much as possible, that young love that was as sweet as the scent of apricot - to Jungwon that scent reminded him of honey.
And as you remembered that, so many other things you knew about him. He had told you how he ended up being a royal gardener, following in his father's footsteps - who had died a few years earlier. 
He had also told you, during one of your discreet late-night dates in the garden under the weeping willow tree, that he had fallen in love with the as beautiful as a faraway princess long ago. However, he wasn't expecting to be able to express his feelings, and even less had he hoped to be able to kiss the beautiful princess under that tree.
His initial shyness now appeared only in the most intimate moments, when, for example, you would interrupt one of his speeches with a kiss. Always apologizing by saying it was too irresistible, like a beautiful flower, so he would blush like a newly bloomed red rose, and you could do nothing but kiss those rosy cheeks again and again.
It happened that admirers would come to you to ask for your hand, and because Jungwon knew he had no chance of making them go away. So, to remind you of his closeness - but let's be honest, he was incredibly jealous - he would bring you a bouquet each time to keep in the room in which you would meet your admirer.
"You will look at these dahlias, and you will remember our first meeting. So it is as if I were there with you love," he had whispered to you once when you had found each other under the weeping willow. 
He had called you by that nickname for the first time on that night, and if we think that just the pronunciation of your name sounded as sweet as an apricot - let's talk about how much that nickname completely melted you.
And so the meetings with the admirers passed quickly, you remained unemotional, your eyes fixed on the flowers as you contemplated when you might see Jungwon again.
The evening would come, and like every time you would sneak out and stand under the weeping willow tree to wait for your beloved.
One evening he was late, very late. Circumstances that had never happened, he was always early. You worried.
But it was no use because when he arrived he held in his hands a candle, a piece of paper, and a fountain pen - and in his teeth, a red rose he had shyly held out to you.
"Please teach me how to write, princess. I want to be able to make eternal the thoughts I want to dedicate to you. I want something you can always bring with you that will remind you of me and my devotion." 
So you taught it to him that night, and the first thing he wrote, after multiple tries to write flower names, was on the piece of paper you clenched to your heart on that spring night before your coronation.
That night, the silence seemed timeless and peaceful. 
But an odd noise outside the window made you gasp. Who on earth would have thrown you an apricot in the middle of the night? Who else but your beloved?
You giggled at the fruit splayed at the window, and promptly opened it to check if it was still down there. 
And there it was, looking dreamily toward your room's window on the second floor.
As soon as your gazes met, both of you blushed and reddened, like dahlias, and you moved to lower a rope ladder, allowing him to enter your room.
As soon as he arrived, he took you in his arms, as if he had been waiting all day for this moment. He kissed you, grabbing your face. And in one kiss, all of the worries that had been bothering you only moments before slipped away.
The silence in your room was filled only with delicate kissing noises and pleasure-filled whispers.
You remained in front of the window, lost in each other's arms, almost attempting to unite and conjugate your love. 
While you were feeling all of this, he quickly took your face in his hands, drew your faces closer together, gave you a shy kiss on the nose, and then whispered words so sweet...like apricots.
No matter what the next day would be like, for nothing in the world would you have given up on him. And he would not give up on you.
You were talking about this when you had found yourselves admiring the sunrise from under your weeping willow tree when your kingdom rose and your promise of eternal love was renewed.
Whatever the next day brought, you would never have given up on him; and he refused to give up on you.
You were talking about this while appreciating the morning under your weeping willow tree when your kingdom rose and your promise of forever love was born.
[to be continued??]
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Let me know your opinions and hcs !! comments, like and reblogs are always greatly appreciated. I hope y'all will like it ♡
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aureatchi · 2 months
hnnn miss reverie… the thoughts of fyodor is currently filling my brain… i need to let it out-
AXNAJXJS fyodor dostoevsky would akin your love to a chess game, each piece and movement signifying the decisions and the outcomes that both of you would make throughout your relationship. but then he thinks your love is like playing the cello, each note resonating with the memories you’ve made with each other, but that each wrong melody is like a misunderstanding, both (wrong note and misunderstanding) of which happens rarely, if at all.
he’d burn the world to see his plans in effect, but then he changes his mind. he’d burn the world still, but he’d burn it for you if you asked, so long as it goes well with his plan.
(i know he wouldn’t literally but please listen-) he’d give his heart out for you, in all its bloody, visceral mess, because while he believes secrets and plans make him invincible, he has finally gotten the courage (and he’d finally decided after a long, long while) to give you his heart as it is. he believes that his love should be presented as it truly is. messy, bloody, and all for you.
he’d give his brain too, if you wanted, but he’d dangle it like a game first, see if you can read between the lines and decipher it. but when all is said and done, fyodor dostoevsky is a man of secrets, allure, and the charisma that drew you towards him in the first place.
fyodor dostoevsky can finally be vulnerable (to an extent) around you, because to him, he considers you important. now have some tea with him and listen to him read in his mother tongue, da?
adjajs that’s all !! i could talk about him for months, i recently just got possessed with testing his character out, sorry for the long ask qwq
ouu miss lia you’re my fav for sending these thoughts to me !! >ᴗ< pls don’t apologize i was so happy to read this ask <3 big BIG AGREE !! on the comparison to love as a chess game ♞ …i’ve always envisioned tht fyodor would imagine his lover as his queen on the chessboard (& honestly off the board too !!) bcz the importance of the piece…i could delve into tht sm more but it will be saved for a fic ehe ;)
second thought reminds me of how he would canonically gift a country to someone he loved. so so true, his plans rly would shift to include u. you got so poetic w this <3 this whole thing gave me sm thoughts ate !! def sitting down w/ him rn to listen to him read an istoriya :)
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sobun1est · 13 days
how's my pretty angel??🤍🤍
Hi pretty girl!! I’ve been okay hbu??
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tmf-confessions · 6 months
lia i love you but sending that audio definitely threw her way off from my top 3 fav characters... hope she gets a more developed redemption arc in season 2 because i dont want to not like lia i feel like shes iconic but after ep 10 its just....... eeeehhhhhhhgggg so many mixed feelings about her now
confession #386
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earthtooz · 2 years
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༉‧₊˚. 𝑩𝑳𝑶𝑮 𝑹𝑬𝑪𝑺:
these are some of my fav writers!!!! if you ever need recs, these people are my no 1 - as well as checking out #earfrecs!
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first and foremost, my BOYYSSSSS need their place on the list so:
彡 @basilly : an 'after you've read angst' writer. short yet super sweet haikyuu works :,) so many toothrotting-fluffy-headcannons - singlehandedly responsible for me starting to see the hype with kageyama
彡 @limitlesshq : incredible writer. my destined rival (jk), but seriously, go check out art for jjk works that hit exactly where you need it to!!! i love the way they write more headstrong, sarcastic readers &lt;3 it's so real and personal
彡 @mitzimania : bane of my existence but UNDERRATED AF!!!! i need you to check mitzi out!!! so so talented, the descriptions, the imagery, the techniques embedded throughout their writing? incredible>>
彡 @sixosix : LAWD where do i start. multi-fandom writer who is also singlehandedly responsible for me starting to understand the hype behind izuku - characterisation, on point, six is amazing >>
moving on - certain writers below have nsfw content and do not allow minors to interact with said posts so be careful!!!! respect writer's boundaries !!
彡 @ufo-ikawa : literally like the FIRST anime writer i ever followed bc i LOVEEEEE ari's works so much - i don't think i can ever fathom just how amazingly she writes like UGH SERIOUSLY I'M IN LOVE pls ari's so lovely too. i love when she pops up on my dash &lt;3
彡 @coconutdays : eren simps come get yo juice! LMAO but seriously, violet appreciation <3 one of the first writers that i have ever read for eren and i still love her works sm. girlboss reader realness!!!!
彡 @lytters : a lot of creative works with ideas that i would have never thought out. not only that, but they're executed super well!! everybody loves a good timestamp fic and L has tons of those so i really really recommend checking them out!
彡 @sipsteainanxiety : i think i ascended when shay followed me - no joke, i think i'd read over her masterlist fifteen times so if it's any blog i recommend IT IS HERS DFOADHOFFDF if you follow me bc of my bnha works and you don't follow shay then that's a crime wtf go now!?!?!?!?
彡 @shotorozu : I'M UR BIGGEST FAN!!!! so many creative ideas and they're all super fluffy - the tiktok series is unmatched. anaïs is one of my fav bnha writers on this app >>>>
anaïs if u ever read this just know that i'm very intimidated by you slash pos.
彡 @/chimielie : beautiful beautiful beautiful writer!!!! so talented and i can only hope to ever think thoughts as creative as lia's :c writes for a range of haikyuu characters !!
彡 @vrmxlho funniest mf on god 🤣🤣🤣 will always be a fan of zaina's smau's, but i love his fics regardless !! very creative ideas for everything they write, seriously, i'm :OOOOOO every time she posts. FIREEEEEEE POSTS 100/10 GO SLUT GO !!
彡 @sacchariins stan hanni bc the fact that she can actually remain multi-fandom and not zero in on one fandom is actually so impressive to me. PLUS every fic is saur high quality?? i'm. yeah. yeah. always a good day when hanni posts their drabbles.
彡 @escapenightmare zuki pookie (slash not affectionate i hate u) posts such amazing things i'm- thank goodness for you tbh bc every time i see that you've posted a drabble i'm 💳💥💳💥💳💥 IMMEDIATELY. bnha + bllk content !! go check them out !!
彡 @fallenssun another very creative and very gorgeous writer !! (i think abt ur one isagi drabble daily LOLS) if u ever want a talented writer for bnha + bllk + genshin to follow then rosie is ur gal! GO FOLLOW I TRIPLE DOG DARE U.
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forgeofthenine · 6 months
Wouldn't it be cool that Larian gave us a mini adventure where your companions are some of the NPCs of the game, such as Alfira or Rolan, and that gives you the possibility to have some subtle slow romance options to interact with them?
For me it would be awesome. Not to say that I would gladly give some extra money if that meant that my Tav can have some sweet moments with the fav blacksmith.
Like, I can perfectly imagine how (since the VA of Dammon does not like the idea of a romance route, affirming that once the players can "have" him he might lose his charm and mystique) during the adventure, your character is able to have some bonding moments with the NPC you choose in order to have a more deeply connection and could aim into a beautifully strong friendship or aim into the beginning of a romantic interest. But just that.
Either friendship or the beginning of "what it could be". Getting the tension and the vibes of romance but never actually getting a kiss or a more physical option.
Just let my half-elf character have a nice "no-date" with Dammon where they spend all night long talking about their interests and at some point he tries to show her how to properly hammer or do some blacksmithing stuff by helping and correcting her posture from behind. Like in Ghost.🥲
I can totally understand why Frazer doesn't want Dammon to be a love interest, and he brings up a great point with the mystery aspect, but I would love a patch or a dlc that adds more to the NPCs.
Even if we don't get romance routes (though both Rolan and Zevlor would slot perfectly into being love interests, though I digress) I would like more options to flirt and/or chat with NPC fan favourites like the tieflings (Alfira, Cal, and Lia included) and others like Rugan. Really, I just want more content for our favourites, and having Dammon and Rolan hanging around in act 3 is nice, but I'd still like to at least be able to get my first on with them instead of just having to think it in my head lol
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peachanonie · 7 months
10, 21, 41 ^^
hi peach i miss you :>
LIA :DDD !! hi ☺️ i miss u tooooo~ i gotta get back on here more lol i’ve been sooo busy lately
but anywaysss these are for the ask game if anyone’s curious :3
10: top or bottom?
this is actually hilarious to me cus when i say i’m a switch i seriouslyyyyy mean it. the ONLY 100% i have on the bdsm test its switch LOL i lean the tiniest littlest bit dom like if i HAD to choose but i’m definitely a true switch haha
21: how big is too big?
ok tmi but my fav dildo is 8 inches BUT i’ve also never had anything bigger than that so i’ll just stick with 8 inches as my personal cap for now lol. personally i also like them thick
41: have/would you ever have a threesome?
i haven’t but i totally would- tbh i’ve been thinking extra hard abt how much i wanna have a threesome recently so yes 100%
ALSO sorry if any of this is incoherent i’m a little high rn lol
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yyawnjun · 1 month
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choitaeyang x reader; summary: two best friends in a room, they might kiss? ; warnings: mention of alcohol and cheating (yn gets cheated on) (not theo !!); best friends to lovers ; the urge to write theo's pov is real now; 2.7k wc ; @kflixnet; biggest shot out to my fav girl, supporter and proofreader lia ( @sobun1est !! ) ; her comments and energy gave me the will to post this, the biggest thanks to her <3
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Endless tears poured down your cheeks as the hiccups, a sign of your near panic attack, took hold. You tried to rationalize what you saw while attempting to figure out where you could go now, with the bowl of ice cream, tears in your eyes, and a broken heart.  
On that summer evening, you ran away from your boyfriend's (now ex-boyfriend's) home. That evening, you had confirmation of one of your worst worries and doubts that you had been attempting to ignore for far too long. 
You had been suspicious of his behavior for a time, but you had always tried to ignore your suspicions and trust him. But your trust was brutally shattered when you witnessed him carry a girl out of his car and kiss her.
Your heart had jumped, your hands trembled along with your entire body, and ultimately, your head had almost unconsciously directed your legs to move as far away from the place as possible (not before dumping your water bottle into that boy). You then turned to go.
At that exact moment, you let the tears flow and turned towards your place, where you feel most comfortable of all: your best friend's house, from your closest friend Choi Taeyang. 
During the walk, no music could distract you from the overwhelming sense of betrayal you felt. You promised yourself that you would bear this exhausting pain. But in the end, in that moment of misery, what happened to those empty promises?
You repeated it to yourself as if it were a mantra, persuading yourself that it wasn't that bad. You intermingled insults and sobs, but you attempted to remain calm as you walked with your head held high and your cheeks as crimson as your eyes. You arrived like this after walking for almost an hour in front of Taeyang's door. At that point, the shame became obvious. Your conditions were awful, the ice cream had melted, and it was 11 pm. Maybe he wasn't even home? Maybe he went out with friends, or maybe he was still at the gym?
While these thoughts tormented you, your hand was moved by an unknown force and rang the bell. "who's this?" His voice was enough to make you gradually collapse. 
You just started crying while trying to say your name. You were tempted to hold back your feelings because you felt pathetic. However, it was too late to back out. You were slowly sitting on the floor, hoping Theo hadn't heard you so you could think straight about what to do. But before you could touch the ground, you listened to the door open and saw his figure approaching you.
"yn? are you ok?" He questioned you in a worried tone after approaching closer as soon as he could. You looked up, and as soon as your eyes linked, he spotted the blush on your face. He didn't notice your runny makeup or messy hair. He realized that there was something deeper behind the tears, some pain that was less obvious than what you wanted to show. "Let's go inside," he said without giving you a chance to reply. You stood up, gathered your belongings, and followed him into the home, your gaze lowering. Only then did you notice that he was wearing short black pajama trousers and a huge white shirt, and his hair was soaked. 
Could he have just gotten out of the shower? You confirmed your theory as soon as you entered the flat, where the lights were brighter and you could see his shirt clinging to his chest. It was almost transparent because of all the water that it absorbed... allowing you to see his rangy figure and his well-defined muscles... You instantly shifted your sight to his face for fear of being caught staring at him too long.
However, you also lost yourself while looking at his face. He was busy putting his wet hair into a rash ponytail while he wondered about what would have been the best thing to say. You were sitting in your normal seats, facing each other at his small kitchen table. He had silently given you some tissues and a glass of water. He had noted that your breathing had returned to normal and that your lost look was now more apathetic than the anger and despair that he had seen previously.
Minutes had passed, and none of the you two spoke. It was a strange silence in which you had a chance to not think about your pain and leave yourself vulnerable in front of him. "Do you want some cereals?" he asked. "Cereals?" you ask confused. "Yeah, I bought your favorites as well," he replied. You remember the ice cream that you still hold in your hands, and you gave it to him. "Ice cream soup, yummy," he said, mocking you. You smiled as you looked at him placing the ice cream in the freezer.
"You want to talk?" he inquired as he arranged your bowl of milk and cereal. "Milk first and then cereal," you said, pointing out that he was doing the opposite. "Come on, let's discuss seriously. It's cereal and then milk," he said, raising his brow and shaking his head. "We'll never agree on this huh," you stated swiftly before launching into another fight over that existential topic. So you sat down to eat some cereal at 11:30 p.m. during that summer Wednesday.
"Sorry I know it's late," you said at one point, coming from your thoughts. "Don't be sorry yn..wanna talk about what happened?" He responded to you with sincerity and empathy. "You were right; I left him. He cheated on me You told him with a faint smile.  
"That bastard," he murmured impulsively, nearly spitting out the food in his mouth. "You warned me, and I didn't listen to you."
"Not your fault, yn." he told you. He felt the anger mounting, but he didn't want you to notice: it was his turn to be strong for you. "Do you want to stay for this night?"
"Mh, are you sure?" 
"Of course! Stop feeling embarrassed yn. we're best friends right?" As a result, you nodded, removing the remaining doubt. "Yeah, you're right," you continued. Perhaps you were in a state of weakness because of what happened, but you still felt an unusual sensation in your stomach, you smiled and returned your gaze to your best friend. Many bright stars glowed in his eyes, and no words could express the feeling of peace that he was able to give you with just that glance.
The evening ended with a great video game in which your competitiveness kept you awake until 2 a.m. When you both agreed to declare a draw and fell asleep on the sofa. The last thing you recalled was him gently stroking your hair as you fell asleep.
And by that evening, you had proof that a day can be significantly improved in just a of hours thanks to the right person. What a sweet and comforting thought, mhm? 
It is, till you find yourself on that specific night dreaming about that starry-eyed boy who confesses to you with a kiss...
The dream was vivid, and you clearly remembered Theo blushing and handing you a bouquet. Confused words filled the air, and the next thing you knew, the two of you were caught in a passionate kiss that you both craved.  
And so you chose to die - leave a part of yourself - and then be reborn in his arms.
You woke up astonished in the middle of the night, opened your eyes, and looked around. The room was dark, and you could only barely see Theo's face, which was dangerously close to yours. You were lying on the couch near to each other, and you both fell into a deep sleep. You were still confused by your dream, but too many emotions had worn you down. So you opted to go back to sleep. You bent your head towards him and laid it under his chin, close to his chest, gripping you as tightly as possible to make him feel at ease. You unconsciously started counting the boy's breathing, like children do with sheep when they have to fall asleep.
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"Do you have a dream about someone and then fall in love? or does the appearance of someone in your dream imply that you are already in love with them?" You asked Theo quietly. 
Two weeks passed since that day when: you saw your ex cheat on you, when you were in tears with your best friend(so as not to forget the dream of his confession...) 
"I would say first you fall in love, and then you dream of them"
"Ohh," you muttered, blushing slightly and looking away. "Maybe I'm not drunk enough for this conversation. Do you want anything? It's on me," Taeyang said as he stood up to head to the counter to buy some drinks. 
"The usual, thanks."
"Okay, pretty," he replied casually as he walked away.
You gulped loudly at his statement. Since when have nicknames become so serious in your friendship? When did insults and jokes stop being acceptable? But who knows? Maybe you misheard due to the loud music.
What you did not hear incorrectly was his first response... first you fall in love, and then you dream about someone, which is especially true if the dream includes a romantic aspect. What the hell does this mean? Now will you ever be able to naturally tell him your dream, or would your flushed face continue to betray you?
While you were thinking about this, you realized you were looking for him in the crowd, and that the space was becoming increasingly busy, and you no longer felt comfortable sitting at the table alone. So you got up and walked through the people to the counter to find Theo. Shortly after you recognized him, he was about to take the drinks. At that specific moment, you observed how captivating he looked.
He had the wallet in his mouth, and the drinks in one hand, while helping the bartender to clean up the liquid that had accidentally spilled on the counter. He had his hair partially over his eyes and was frowning as he grabbed the napkins to clean up. Soon after he finished, he turned and your gaze met. He grinned at you and moved to approach you. 
You spotted the stars in his eyes again, and a feeling of spinning pain filled your stomach. What was that?
"the air was getting oppressive, do you want to go out for a bit?" you asked him. "Sure, I am going to tell it to Keeho and the others, and then I will meet you outside," he said, offering you the drink and smiling kindly at you. 
As you approached the exit, you thought about how lucky his future girlfriend would be. You reminisced how he had stayed close to you for such a long time without ever being pushy or complaining, instead listening to your words through your emotions and thoughts.
You were sitting in the garden hammock, focusing on the sensations you felt and what was going on with you. Soon after, he came from the house and sat next to you.  
You two continued the conversation about the meaning of dreams, and he seemed confused as to why he had asked that sudden and random question. But you lied, telling him that you had dreamed of your favorite singer. He appeared disappointed; why did he expect it to be someone else? maybe him? or you were already too drunk to think straight?
Your conversation quickly turned to the general topic of dreams, and you started to feel the consequences of the alcohol. Tiredness came in, and you collapsed on the boy's shoulder while you were psychoanalyzing his dream, in which he confessed to a female whose identity "wasn't that relevant".
Once again, the last thing you remember before falling asleep was him lifting you on his shoulders and carrying you to the taxi while giggling about how happy he was in that moment.  
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The third time you noticed the sparking stars in his eyes was on the last summer night before starting college. Months had passed since you first felt your heart flutter for him. 
Yes, it took you two months to realize that you were in love with your best friend. And you weren't stupid; you knew the feeling was mutual. All the tiny things he started doing for you, all the little gifts, all the sweet words, nicknames, all the times he told you he was thinking of you or that something reminded him of you (also thanks to Keeho, who openly told to you that Theo had a crush on you for at least a year and that he was head over heels for you).  
You were fastly moving to reach the boy's flat. You were supposed to be there already, but you were late because that day you chose to spend a little more time getting ready. It was supposed to be an easy outing with friends. But you were determined that it would be something more, which is why you meticulously planned every detail of your outfits.  
While you were imagining how the evening might turn out, your legs had led you to the boy's home. When you rang the bell, he answered the door and urged you to come up because he was a bit late too. You entered without asking any questions and made it to his front door. A few seconds later, you found the boy in front of you. He was wearing a white shirt, baggy brown pants, silver necklaces and bracelets, and a black pencil tip under his eyes.  
He had used a brown pencil and an eyeshadow of the same color for his eye makeup, as well as a brownish lip balm that made his lips shine.  This makeup suits him so well, you thought while looking at him with a lost gaze.  
To say you'd been watching him all evening is an underestimate. That simple image of him was enough to warm your heart and brighten your evening. "Who are you making yourself so beautiful for this evening?" he said after countless seconds of staring at each other. "Look who's talking, huh?" you replied, glancing him up and down for an excuse to admire the beautiful boy in front of you once more. He chuckled and allowed you in. You sat at the kitchen table while he was finishing getting ready.
You sat down and ended up thinking about all the possible scenarios; what would your confession be like? Would you have had the courage? How would he react?
"Yn...," you heard. You quickly turned towards that voice, which was both familiar and soothing. As soon as you turned, you observed him standing, holding a tiny bouquet and keeping his attention on you. "Did it happen like this in your dream?" he said as he handed you the most fragrant and magnificent arrangement of flowers you'd ever seen. "How do you know it was you?"
"Oh, you told me that while you were drunk," he said nonchalantly.  
"So you knew I liked you!" you replied. 
"Do you like me?" he immediately asked. 
Silence fell, your eyes widened, and your hand moved to cover your mouth. to discover her immediately afterward, when you once again recognized in her eyes the most beautiful starry sky you had ever seen. “Well, I had not expected my confession to be like this," you said, giggling and walking closer to him.
Only to move it right away, when you saw again the most gorgeous starry sky you'd ever seen in his eyes.   
You both broke your closeness, and a sweet kiss changed the mood. "if you gonna break my heart, this is a good start you know Theo…" You muttered to him between breathless lips. That boy had witnessed your whole trust, vulnerability, and entire existence. You had allowed him to see and experience that aspect of you, but you knew you'd never regret it. "I saw you, I knew you, and I loved you yn. Allow me to do it, and trust in my endless feelings for you. The beginning of us will never finish."
And so you chose to die - leave a part of yourself - and then be reborn in his arms.  
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lia-loves-youu · 17 days
Introduction + Masterlist
Lia ☆ multi stan → taking requests for many groups<3
Some of my fav groups: The Boyz | Ateez | Seventeen | P1Harmony | Ampers&One | RIIZE | | Enhypen | ALL(H)OURS | Xdinary Heroes | TXT | (G)I-dle | Purple Kiss
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Kim Hongjoong
Park Seonghwa
A Little More
Jung Yunho
Kang Yeosang
Choi San
Song Mingi
Jung Wooyoung
Choi Jongho
~more groups coming soon~
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my intro (sarah's version)
i changed my url!! prev: -> just-sarah-xx // 14/05/2024
☆ sarah, s, moon ☆ she/they ☆ bi ☆ sun: libra ♎︎ moon: libra ♎︎ rising: pisces ♓︎ ☆ australia !! ☆ infp<3 (pls talk to me im so introverted lmao) ☆ taylor swift, conan gray, phoebe bridgers, tv girl, olivia rodrigo, the neighbourhood, steve lacy, dominic fike<3 ☆ i love art, reading, astronomy, taking long walks, playing guitar, making playlists and aesthetics ☆ fav aesthetics: rockstar gf, downtown girl, chaotic academia, y2k grunge, etc.
☆ stuff you'll see me posting about: -> one direction -> genshin -> league/heartsteel -> random shitposts -> shifting -> rants about stuff -> drawing -> many different books -> obsessing over someone -> etc.
my socials<3 ☆ pinterest: justsarahxx ☆ spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/31nyeusuv342xa4h4thn3j7ujzoy?si=b8f0fc1b36864e52 ☆ insta: saracha_sauce.xo
my mooties<3: @niallermybabe - bells, probably will tag as bells💛 (im sorry i dont have a better name) @quackethh - tay, will tag as quack quack @antisocialgaycat - lele, will tag as bestieboowifeyforlifey @cc-horan - cc, will tag as cc or 🍍 @strawberry-lia - lia/laura, will tag as 🍓 @localrockstargf - my shifting bestie xe, tagged as 🎸 @sad-trash-pigeon - fernie, tagged as pigeon🌿 @shutup-andletme-go - jack, YOU ARE JACHARY IM SORRY U DONT HAVE A SAY IN THIS @thatsawesomedontyouthink - emma, i also havent given you a tag yet im very sorry @waitingforthesunrise - ari, will probably tag as ari☀️🌿 @5ducksinatrenchcoat - flora, will probably tag as duckies x5 @svnflowermoon - lucy, will probably tag as luc🪩<3 waaaaiiittt wait wait wait @sleepy-vix (im so so so sorry i am so sorry ur so special omg i cant believe i didnt add u) - vix, uhh ill tag u as vix (mitski's version) @elemelom OMG my irl, imma tag you as em :D melon (im sorry thats just what i associate your name with) @demigoddess-of-ghosts - tess, ill tag u as tessy :3 julie schwieters is my bae (she doesnt know i exist) so she deserves a tag too, which is #julie schwieters supremacy my asks tag is #i'm not introverted !! (my asks) i will do more im sorry if i missed u (i haven't fully added the moot tags so some might not show up)
so yeah thats my intro imma prolly edit it later have an amazing day<333
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seelestia · 26 days
Analyzing word choice is a hobby I've had since I was 12 (song lyrics>>>). Here are my favorite sentences from your latest work and why (all statements are /srs /gen unless stated otherwise).
BUT FIRST! A message from our sponsor:
Mirei Has the Vocabulary of a 6th Grader (aka words that impressed me):
• Plentitude
• Relish
• Grime
• Pristine
• Cognizant (what does this one mean????)
• Innocuous (imma have to pull out Google...)
• Languidly (the longer this list grows, the more I feel humbled 😔 /j)
• Nefarious (IK WHAT THIS ONE MEANS... I think ._.)
• "Sure, the pillows are extremely comfy but he always has a preference for things with much, much more value."
When I read this line I SQUEALED bro finds me more valuable than a pillow I'm FLATTERED !!
• "His witty quips are as feather-light in weight as light-hearted they are in intent."
Connecting the lightness of his remarks because they're not serious to the lightness of his heart because he feels content and playful SO GENIUS OMG
• *That whole angsty flashback leading up to this sentence* "Although he deems himself unworthy, an ugly grime on your pristine existence that still insists on cradling him --- but despite it all, he finds this last melody to be his favorite so far."
I'm imagining a rust stain on a glimmering silver vase and I just *heart breaks* NO AVENTURINE YOUR THE POLISH THAT LET'S ME SHINE ON BRIGHTER DAYS.
The consistent days of bliss and peace brought on by the love your life after years of unrest and turmoil. It is similar to the last chorus of a sad song, isn't it? Carrying a lighter tone than the earlier verses, an ending happier than he thought he ever deserved (PLEASE I LOVE ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING MUSIC RELATED 😭)
• This whole paragraph: "the light of noon greets your eyes... Penacony's limited edition perfume kisses your nose."
Tell me why I could PHYSICALLY feel every sensation omg Lia your descriptions are so VIVID
• "...instead, aventurine's arms reestablish their hold on you. Hooking you closer to him as if to wring out whatever proximity is left..."
i LOVE this line lemme tell you why cuz we often hear/read proximity being "squeezed" out until space becomes "tight" but metaphors become weaker the more they are used and yet you EXPERTLY AVOIDED THAT BY USING A VERY SIMILAR BUT DISTINCT VERB ("wring out") WHICH KEEPS THE ORIGINAL MEANING BUT GIVES IT A SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT IMAGE (I could grasp the utter *extent* to which there was no space between us cuz it felt like he had twisted every last drop of air out from a towel) THUS MAINTAINING THE IMPACT OF THE METAPHOR !! I'm probably reading WAY too much into this BUT I CAN'T HELP IT IT'S UNIQUE AND EFFECTIVE AND PERFECT !!!
• "Aventurine knows [you can never be too stern with him], yes, and he gives you an A+ for effort each time."
*GIGGLES* <---- me anytime I receive validation, even if it's from a fanfic (PLEASE praise me/hj)
• "He has half a mind to pinch his skin, as if to remind himself that this is real. He can feel your giggles tickling his skin as if to tell him in return: yes, you are."
Odelia I cannot exaggerate when I say this line made me fall in love with him. Perfect way to end his part.
I couldn't do the writing for the other characters cuz this is SO MUCH LONGER THAN I ANTICIPATED BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT !!
Truthfully I had thoughts on EVERY SINGLE SENTENCE, it genuinely feels like every word was carefully considered and I loved all of it. You really outdid yourself with this fic and clearly MANY other people agree (THE AMOUNT OF NOTES OMG) oke gonna go study for my pre calc exam see ya !! ^•^
[ in reference to this! ]
mirei.... UR JUST LIKE ME FR! /pos. i also like analyzing and annotating my fav books!!! so to have it done for me makes me wanna sob happy tears. i'm glad it helped broaden ur vocab! english isn't my first language either so it's nice that we get to trade new words together ‹3
( yapping abt my thought process while writing aven's part in i'll show you (if you'll let me). under the cut 🙏 )
extra: speaking of innocuous!! that paragraph was one of my favs in aventurine's part. i used that specific word bcs he knows that u don't really mean it / are actually that annoyed when ur pushing his face away - so it's harmless and doesn't offend him in any way, thus considered innocuous!
moving on to ur delightful commentary !!! LOL if ur flattered, then his goal is a success. the man's a sneaky flirt even in his inner monologue... ur falling for his inescapable charms 😔 /j
THANK U! i was a little proud of that line bcs there is a nuance in meanings despite the presence of “light” in both feather-light and light-hearted. and i wanted to tie them together !! sososo, thank u for noticing aaaa ‹3
LMAOOO the way u simplified the angsty flashback pfft. hoyoverse dumped a bucket of angst in the mixing pot when they designed him 💔 a personal take on aventurine: he thinks of his past as ashes from a flame on the verge of going out (it's him, he's the flame). he doesn't think of it as a burden, rather as a symbol of the innocence he once had. he is content with bearing those ashes using his own hands. but when someone learns of it, tries to hold his hand through it, he can't help but feel like his ash-stained palm will ruin the purity yours has.
AWWW thanks :'( i still think my skills in terms of describing realistic stuff (compared to abstract emotions LOL) are lacking, but it's smth i'm trying to work on. +++ did u know? the penacony's limited edition perfume is a reference to an official skit abt aventurine's timeline! u can find it here.
it's like a towel. u gotta wring out every single drop of water left until there's none - except the water droplets are a replacement for personal space. it's giving “this is mc, they like their personal space. this is aventurine, he also likes mc's personal space.” energy LMAO. i hc him as clingy in the morning with his messy bedhead and groggy voice... (<- can't continue otherwise i'll melt at the domesticity)
THIS SMUG MAN !!!! ahem, he may or may not be patronizing us but that's ok. it's a compliment and he means it ‹3
THANK U AGAIN ( ;´ - `;) one thing abt me is that i loveeee writing the ending in my works. it's one of my fav parts to write. i treat it as an opportunity to either tie everything up nicely or do a smart & ironic callback or to put in a revelation / monologue that leaves me feeling smth after i proofread it. bcs if i feel smth from reading that then hopefully, it'll make my readers feel smth too.
^^ ANYWAY back to the context of the point above: i find that ending line to be heart-wrenching??? in a bittersweet way. this ending line also ties back to a line in an earlier paragraph: [ you question whether it could be nostalgia or instead, silent awe at a reality he never imagined could ever be his. ]! so u could say that in aventurine's part, the concept of his disbelief - over having you as a source of happiness in his life; is it truly a reality and not a dream? (and being reassured by you that this is, in fact, a reality) - is somewhat consistent in the background. it is intentional ><
NONONO, THANK U!!! this analysis has so much thought put into it and that alone is beyond enough for a silly little writer like me. i can't even express how much it matters to me that u took the time to write this and tell me ur thoughts! it's the best kind of feedback a writer can ever receive 🤍 having my writing get annotated.... i'm truly living the dream!!! T_T
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