#liam lupo
laserpinksteam · 1 year
Film after film: Ghosts of Mars (dir. John Carpenter, 2001)
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I remembered it as a slog, but this time I really enjoyed this late Carpenter. I am more of a fan of the idea of being Carpenter's fan than I am his fan: I've never really fully engaged with any of his films. This one is entertaining mostly thanks to finely-tuned acting from the "Martian police unit," especially Grier, Cassidy (who squeezes in her signature laughter), and DuVall, as well as Henstridge, who is a good lead, surprisingly, maybe, given her signature starring role in Species. There are some funnily outdated visual touches: a Power-Point-presentation-like screen change, slow-motion overlays of images, and a red filter signifying the presence of the titular ghosts. The reveal of Kingi's and Lupo's characters ("they used to be miners"), with the ritual of cutting heads off and impaling them on super-fake-looking sticks, makes for a great campy moment.
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bordoring · 10 months
Falliscono, anche se con risvolti molto differenti, le due spedizioni pugilistiche italiane in terra inglese, entrambe valide per il titolo Europeo.
Alla Manchester Arena il 28enne di Pagani Vincenzo LA FEMINA ha rimediato una dura lezione dal campione d'Europa dei supergallo, il 26enne Liam DAVIES. L'orgoglioso pugile campano, nonostante una guardia troppo spesso tenuta bassa, ha disputato un combattimento coraggioso in cui non si è tirato indietro pur dovendo soccombere alle leve più lunghe, al ritmo incalzante e al pugno duro dell'avversario.
Emozionante il terzo round il quale ha addirittura offerto un knock down per parte: prima Davies centrava l'italiano con un destro d'incontro che gli faceva appoggiare il guantone destro a terra. Dopo il conteggio, però, nonostante il forcing del campione, La Femina riusciva a stampare sul volto dell'inglese un bel sinistro col risultato di metterlo al tappeto tra l'incredulità del pubblico.
Davies riusciva tuttavia a terminare la ripresa e al quarto tempo rimandava a terra La Femina sul finire del round grazie ad un potente sinistro largo alla mascella. Nella quinta ripresa l'inglese chiudeva i giochi: un secco destro al volto faceva arretrare La Femina pericolosamente sulle corde, dove Davies lo investiva di colpi inducendo l'arbitro a fermare il combattimento.
La Femina, seppur coraggioso, a mio parere ha sbagliato nell'atteggiamento troppo imprudente e spavaldo che ha finito per ignorare i consigli che arrivavano dal proprio angolo di tirare su la guardia. Contro un pugile di valore come Davies fare a meno di questi precetti si è rivelato fatale. Se Vincenzo farà tesoro di questa lezione penso che potrebbe avere altre opportunità.
Dal triste finale anche l'impresa del Giaguaro Matteo Signani, 44 anni, che sul ring della Wolverhampton Hall difendeva la cintura EBU dei Supermedi contro il 32enne locale Tyler DENNY. Chiunque mastichi un pochino di pugilato sapeva che l'impresa non era semplice e infatti il Signani di stasera, seppure indomito come sempre, ha mostrato solamente per pochi tratti il vero volto della propria boxe. Spesso è andato fuori misura non azzeccando i tempi dell'attacco. Inoltre il ritmo imposto al combattimento non è stato il solito. Qualche buon sinistro è riuscito a piazzarlo col passare delle riprese e, probabilmente, se non fosse stato fermato da una brutta ferita apertasi dopo una testata dell'avversario, se la sarebbe potuta giocare.
Tyler Denny, pompato forse oltremisura dalla Boxxer di Ben Shalom e dal pubblico amico, francamente non mi è sembrato un gran pugile. Ha piazzato qualche buon sinistro, qualche buon montante, si muove benino ma nulla più. Gli manca il pugno e anche la correttezza, considerati gli innumerevoli clinch prolungati e le strategiche testate lanciate quasi ad ogni contatto con l'avversario. Quella fatale arrivava sul finale del settimo round. La criticità della ferita scaturita dall'impatto con le teste induceva l'allenatore Meo Gordini a fermare il combattimento prima dell'inizio dell'ottavo tempo.
Ciò premesso, bisogna per l'ennesima volta rimarcare la non adeguatezza dell'arbitro, il belga Wouters, che non ha mai preso provvedimenti per arginare le scorrettezze di Denny e il forse un pò troppo casalingo punto di vista della giuria che, nonostante un sensibile vantaggio per Denny, al momento della sospensione, sui suoi cartellini aveva un netto dominio dell'inglese.
Non sappiamo ancora quale decisione prenderà Matteo Signani e se questo sarà stato l'epilogo della sua carriera. Francamente credo sia un pugile ancora in buona forma e con tanta voglia di sacrificio per questo sport. Vedremo se la testa e soprattutto l'età gli consentiranno un ulteriore capitolo per chiudere la sua storia pugilistica come un campione come il Giaguaro merita. In bocca al lupo!
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homosandhomies · 3 years
Interesting facts on the third draft of the Switched at Birth pilot:
It originally took place in Austin, Texas
Kathryn’s original name was Kristen
Bay and Toby have an 11-year-old brother named Luke
Luke takes Daphne on the house tour and she teaches him how to sign “wow” “creepy” “crazy” “stupid” “poo” “boobs” and a bunch of other words throughout the episode
Daphne generally signs a lot more to the Kennishes
Daphne’s on the track team instead of basketball, and she’s part of the student council and honors society
The line “It’s her hears that don’t work, not her brain” was originally “She’s deaf, John, not [r-word]”
John was a professional golfer instead of a baseball player
Instead of playing basketball with Toby she plays golf with John
Adrianna calls Regina “Reggie”
Melody is a gay man named Penn
Bay and Liam never dated, but he does have his scene with Daphne at Buckner
There’s a scene where Bay and Simone are hanging out and Bay makes fun of the way Daphne speaks and signs
Bay gets arrested for driving without a liscence because Simone was too drunk, not for buying beer with a fake ID
Daphne’s too emotional to speak orally during the scene in the kitchen with her and Regina, so she just signs
Bay calls Daphne her “swister” in the bedroom scene
Regina isn’t behind on rent, so they only move in to get to know each other
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bonniehooper · 7 years
I get why Bay was upset, but I hate that Daphne broke up with Liam.
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The interracial ship of the day is: Liam Lupo and Daphne Vasquez (Switched at Birth)
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geooooooorge · 2 years
Anyone else notice how flustered Max got on the pitwall when Dr Lupo said he looked like he and Lando could be brothers.
That's not the behaviour of someone who isn't in love with their bestie my guy.
has the same vibes as an interviewer saying louis and harry are basically brothers and liam looked with the most 'brother?🤨😏😌🤪' look ever
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iphigeniainaulis · 2 years
Vita somnium breve
Key words: Josephine, Liam, Lilith/Selena
Rate: R
Josephine is surely not a saint. But her story is far more complex than one can imagine. Sometimes a villain is just a princess who has not been rescued, don't you think so?
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The ancient Romans believed that life is nothing but a short dream. And with every passing year we get closer to awakening from it. 
Little Joe is five. She loves her parents, puppy Lupo and milk chocolate. Today everything at home is upside down — the family is choosing a name for her newborn cousin. 
Mr.Salisbury picks her up and says, smiling,
— If only she was a boy…
and then adds, turning to the guests,
—  …I would call this lovely bébé my pride. Well, at least my sister was more lucky!
Joe laughs together with everyone, but deep inside she feels like crying.
A few years later her dear mother leaves this sinful world, but Little Joe doesn't have time to cry. Her father becomes the focus of all her attention as he looks more thoughtful than usual, mumbles something whether alone or not, and laughs often out of place. 
Joe wants to ease his suffering, so she stays till late midnight in a local healer’s hut and teaches herself herbal medicine. But as she learns more, she comes to realize that all this stuff is only the imitation of real science. So, the young woman starts doing unspeakable — she allows herself to dream. Being a doctor is impossible for women of her time, but if only she has enough courage and diligence to move forward, if only she proves everyone how smart and hard-working she is, then maybe they will at least allow her to freely attend some classes as a lecture goer. Sure, the medical school is about twenty kilometers from Totspel, but who cares when you are fifteen, when dahlias bloom in the garden, and the whole world looks both so small and so big at the same time? 
And thus Joe buries herself in all those piles of books, takes notes from anatomical atlases, learns by heart formulas with the passion that doesn't suit good and respectable young ladies. 
The self delusion she enjoys living in disappears just as quick as it occurs. As if someone cuts indifferently a taut rope in one stroke. 
Hell fire licks the walls of Salisbury Hall, no one can escape from it, no one can catch it. Joe desperately holds Liam's tiny body in her shaking hands as her eyes reflect the coda performed by the madman who is dancing with a burning torch around two motionless bodies on the floor. 
Time goes by. Dreams about medical school remain dreams. Now citizens of Totspel only call this short lady in a dusty mouse color dress Josephine. All the city's guests, mostly prim and proper old bourgeois wrapped in cheap velvet, whisper that her ship has sailed. Josephine doesn't understand the meaning of these words because there have never been sea harbors in Totspel. 
She is already in her thirties, and the world outside her bedroom is all but gray and dull. She wakes up at six in the morning and waits desperately to go back to bed at ten in the evening. Life has lost its colors, and sleeping is the only way not to face it. 
There is still one person that gives Josephine this illusion of being alive, since he is both the source of her greatest joy and the cause of her deepest misery. Cousin Liam. His future is ruined because of her past, so she is going to bear this guilt like a child nursing and picking a flesh wound for the rest of her life. 
They have a new guest — Charlie. He is kind, always asks about the weather and somehow reminds Josephine of her father. One night he comes to her room, and they make love. She spends the whole next day praying on her knees despite Liam begging her to stop. 
Today she herself put Charlie’s portrait in the grand entrance hall of the Valle Deliria Hotel.  
Liam’s health is getting worse, and Josephine can sit for hours on the floor in front of his room, listening to the raspy melody of her cousin’s breath. 
She knows how to cure him. Lilith. That Lilith. Only Lilith. This is odd but Josephine hates this girl almost as much as she respects her, the outstanding strength she possesses, the ability to make Liam happy with one single word while Josephine can use thousands and still lose.  
Stop playing innocence, you dirty hussy.  
The doorbell ringing breaks through the darkness. This monotonous sound provokes a smile to appear on Josephine’s pale face, though it's more of an animal grin. She cuts that stupid conversation with Lilith who keeps acting like a bad actress and rushes to the hall, saying loudly, 
— Welcome, Mr.Steltz!
Her gaze leaves Rob’s melancholic face for a second, flying to the empty hole near Charlie's portrait.
A new painting is going to be finished soon.
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my-random-ocs · 3 years
Teen Wolf OC Masterlist
A-J | K-Z
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Name: Kaleb Reynolds Lupo
Story: A Million Choices
Faceclaim: Matthew Daddario
Species: Human
Love Interest: Lydia Martin
Summary: Being the only human in the Lupo werewolf pack of Beacon Hills was difficult for Kaleb, to say the least. His parents could never get over the fact that he was… ordinary. His siblings never minded, though, and always made sure Kaleb was included in their activities, whether it was playing basketball or doing homework. But none of that acceptance mattered when the house burned down, leaving Kaleb as the only survivor. As the one of the few people in the know in Beacon Hills, Grace Reynolds took him in, and he felt more at home with Josie and her aunt than he ever had with his parents. He lives a normal life with Josie and their foster sister Percy, going to school, making friends, being ordinary. And he could have gone the rest of his life being ordinary if, on January 9th, Josie had not heard the presence of her pack.
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Name: Katarzyna Kit Stilinski
Story: The Cunning of the Fox
Faceclaim: Bailee Madison
Species: Human, eventual chimera
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
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Name: Lita Castellan
Story: Dissonance
Faceclaim: Kristine Froseth
Species: Greek demigod
Love Interest: Ethan Nakamura, Scott McCall
*crossover with PJO
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Name: Luna Altman
Story: New Moon
Faceclaim: Olivia Holt
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Name: Lux Matthews
Story: Supernova
Faceclaim: Nicole Maines
Species: Faerie
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Being the new girl is never easy. This is Lux’s fourth time starting over, and she needs Beacon Hills to work. What she doesn’t need is to be trapped in her new school with her brother and new friends while a strange guy tries to kill them. Beacon Hills is apparently a lot weirder than she thought it was, but Lux realizes that the small town, and her new friends, are more different than she realized – in more ways than one.
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Name: Lyla Martin
Story: Reasons
Faceclaim: Danielle Panabaker
Love Interest: Derek Hale
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Name: Maeve Stilinski Connelly
Story: Taking Over
Faceclaim: Natalia Dyer
Species: Banshee
Love Interest: Scott McCall
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Name: Marcelina Mars Stilinski
Story: Seven Years
Faceclaim: Eliza Taylor
Love Interest: Scott McCall
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Name: Melinoë ‘Mellie’ Guerrero
Story: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)
Faceclaim: Ariela Barer
Species: Dreamwalker
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Name: Mikaela Jacobs
Story: Paper Shields
Faceclaim: Candice King
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Mina Carter
Story: Come Alive
Faceclaim: Shay Mitchell
Species: Greek demigoddess
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Name: Mirielle ‘Miri’ Bradbury | Kazimiera
Story: Walk Through the Fire
Faceclaim: Abigail Cowen
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Mirielle Bradbury always knew she was special. She had a heart defect in her mother’s womb that mysteriously disappeared almost as soon as she was born. She was her parents’ hope – their miracle. She knew this, but somehow she knew she was more. Miri knew she was different- wrong. The only people who never noticed were Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski, her best friends since they were five. They were pretty much all she had. Which is how Miri found herself venturing out to look for a dead body – sorry, half a dead body – against her intuition this was a bad idea. And, big surprise, she was right. But Miri is about to find out that acting like normal sixteen-year-olds can make someone realize just how not normal they really are.
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Name: Nantosuelta ‘Ella’ Nerezza
Story: Battle Scars
Faceclaim: Sarah Jeffery
Species: Druid
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Ella was happy with her life. She lived with her parents in Connecticut, she had friends, did well in school, and was starring in a play in her theater camp. Then it all fell apart when she was eight-years-old. After losing her parents, and gaining vivid scars, to what the local police ruled a ‘bear attack’, Ella is moving across the country to live with her uncle in California. But she adapted. She made friends with her neighbor Lydia Martin, became class president in middle school, and made head cheerleader in high school. But when her uncle’s assistant gets bitten by a werewolf – something he sucks at keeping a secret, BTW – Ella’s life is about to change again.
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Name: Nicolette ‘Nico’ Grosvenor
Story: Blood in the Water
Faceclaim: Madelaine Petsch
Species: Hunter
Love Interest: Isaac Lahey
Summary: Her whole life, Nico wanted to know her father’s family. She heard stories about him growing up with his sister, Victoria. Nico longed for that kind of connection. She didn’t know if her father knew this, but sometimes she looked the Argents up on Facebook, just to see what they were up to. Her aunt and uncle didn’t have much on their pages, but her cousin posted events at each school she went to, how she decorated her bedroom at each new house. It wasn’t much, but it was all Nico had to go on. But when her father gives her a choice between staying in Maine or going to Beacon Hills to find her uncle and cousin, Nico chooses the latter. She thought that… well, not that it was going to be all rainbows and unicorns, but that it would be good. Her and Allison would finally get to know each other, her family would get over its weird feud, and Nico would graduate high school with actual friends. And then crows attack her first period English class, and those expectations wash slowly down the drain.
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Name: Marguerite Ninette ‘Nina’ Argent
Story: Hurricane Child
Faceclaim: Katherine McNamara
Species: Hunter-REDACTED hybrid
Love Interest: Isaac Lahey
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Name: Penelope Eastman
Story: Full of Life
Faceclaim: Kaya Scodelario
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Scott McCall
Summary: When a group of hunters raided her house when she was twelve, killing most of her family, Penelope became the alpha and the last surviving member of the Eastman pack. She was taken in by her human aunt in Beacon Hills, and tried to live a normal life. Until her surrogate older brother breaks into her house and says he needs her help fighting the new alpha. She meets Scott, the new beta who really has no idea what he’s doing and Stiles, Scott’s human best friend who is trying his best to help, but most of his sources are from the Vampire Diaries websites. That’s when Penelope gives up on ever having a normal life.
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Name: Persephone ‘Percy’ Reynolds West
Story: A Million Choices
Faceclaim: Kiernan Shipka
Species: Human, eventual chimera
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
Summary: Percy wasn’t like her foster siblings, she had no relations to the supernatural. Her sister Josie was a werewolf, her brother Kaleb, though a human, was born into a family of werewolves. Percy, however, was not. And so she couldn’t understand why, when he died, her birth father sent her to live with Grace Reynolds, Josie’s human aunt. There was no reason to. Her father barely knew Grace. But when she starts high school, Percy starts to understand that reason.
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Name: Phoebe Finstock
Story: Red Riding Hood
Faceclaim: Kaylee Bryant
Species: Seer
Love Interest: Ben Greenberg
Summary: Being raised by Bobby Finstock was probably the best thing Phoebe could have asked for. Her mom had been best friends with Bobby growing up, and after Lisa lost custody when Phoebe was ten, there was no question about what would happen to her. Bobby had never really thought of himself as a father, but he loved that little girl like his own, and he was determined to do right by her. And he did. He made sure she did well in school, had friends, and yes, played lacrosse. Phoebe was happy in the quaint, almost boring, town of Beacon Hills. And so, of course she was surprised when a dead body showed up in the woods – way out of character for the monotonous town. But what Phoebe didn’t expect was for that body to lead to a million other things – werewolves, hunters, and whatever the hell Phoebe was.
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Name: Piper Marinos
Story: Wild, Water, Home
Faceclaim: Auli’i Cravalho
Species: Siren
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Name: Martyna Polly Stilinski
Story: To Be Human
Faceclaim: Lily James
Species: Human
Love Interest: Derek Hale
Summary: Stiles knew that he had the coolest big sister in the world. Polly was a talented singer/songwriter, a mythology nut, she never minded helping him and Scott train for lacrosse – even if they weren’t very good –, and she would do anything for her brothers. And Stiles knew that most siblings lose touch when the older one goes to college, but Polly made it a point to make it like she had never left Beacon Hills. So, when Scott gets bitten by a werewolf, Stiles knows just who to call.
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Name: Rosaline ‘Rose’ Argent-Gaumond
Story: Something New
Faceclaim: Sabrina Carpenter
Species: Hunter-protector hybrid
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
Summary: When Claire Argent married Nathaniel Gaumond, she was disowned by her family. The Gaumonds protected the supernatural, instead of hunted it, like the Argents. Despite the estrangement of her family, Claire lived happily with Nathaniel, and they had their own family. However, this is not Claire’s story.
Rose Gaumond always described her parents as Romeo and Juliet; a love story that no one planned. She thought that the happily ever after her parents got, however, would set them apart from the star crossed lovers. Then her dad dies, and she, her mom, and her sister moved across the country to live in Beacon Hills. Two years later, her sister’s friend gets bitten by a werewolf, and Ronnie would love to help out- if only her whole family would stop being so protective.
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Name: Sara McCall
Story: Sky Comes Falling Down
Faceclaim: Emeraude Toubia
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Sara and Scott McCall grew up as best friends. They loved each other more than anything in the world. They were survivors. They survived their father’s alcoholism. They survived their parents divorce. They survived being less than popular in high school. But now Scott is pulling away from Sara for the first time, keeping secrets. But they’ll survive that, too, Sara knows it. The McCall twins have been able to survive everything else in life so far, and even with werewolves, hunters, and family secrets thrown into the mix, Sara figures if the McCall twins can get through this, they can get through anything.
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Name: Serafina ‘Sera’ Stilinski Baro
Story: To Be Alive
Faceclaim: Sofia Carson
Love Interest: Scott McCall
Summary: Sera didn’t remember much about the fire that burned down her family home. She only remembered the heat, and the smoke around her, and somehow finding her way outside, where she passed out and eventually awoke in the hospital. She remembered the doctors saying it was a miracle Sera didn’t suffer any burns, or even have smoke inhalation. She remembered learning her parents were dead, and moving in with her godmother, Claudia Stilinski. That was it. Or so everyone thought. There was one more thing Sera remembered: a woman, maybe in her twenties, standing in the shadows of the trees. No one else saw her, but Sera did. She never told the police about her, afraid she would come after Sera and finish the job. And she wasn’t totally sure there even was a woman there. After all, like was said, no one saw her in the woods behind Sera’s house. And she could have gone her whole life thinking that woman was a figment of her imagination if she didn’t see her standing in her new best friend’s house.
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Name: Sophie Morris Theron
Story: Legacy
Faceclaim: India Eisley
Species: Hunter
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
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Name: Stella Hall
Story: Constellations
Faceclaim: Virginia Gardner
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Stella loved her family, she really did, she just didn’t advertise her family tree to everyone. Instead, she pretended to be the perfect orphaned church girl her classmates thought she was, raised by her grandparents in small town Beacon Hills. Yes, maybe it was lonely not having many friends, not being able to actually talk about her feelings, but she kept up the image. And Stella could have kept the image up for longer if she hadn’t forgotten her history notes in her locker while a supposed serial killer had her and her classmates trapped in the school.
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Name: Taryn Arquette
Story: (Romeo and) Juliet
Faceclaim: Amanda Seyfried
Species: Hunter
Love Interest: Derek Hale
Summary: Being the daughter of hunters was not easy. Taryn hated every second of it, every training session, every time her parents had her kill an innocent supernatural being. But she soldiered on, faking contentment in her life. She had once considered moving out, but she never had the heart to leave Eliza. Until Taryn heard of a new alpha in town, and realized that her little sister was a lot more connected to it than she expected. And what was Derek Hale doing back in Beacon Hills?
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Name: Terra Blossom
Story: Thorns
Faceclaim: Kat Graham
Species: Dryad
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Theresa ‘Tess’ Lowell
Story: Anchors
Faceclaim: Kathryn Newton
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Scott McCall
Summary: Tess knew that werewolf packs adopting orphaned werewolf children wasn’t uncommon, she just never thought it would happen to her. But there she was, seven-years-old, hiding in the woods, and scared out of her mind. Peter Hale found her hiding in a cave, brought her home, and Tess was adopted by Talia Hale. She had a normal life, and it was almost happy, until a fire set by hunters killed most of her new family. She and one of her sisters ran, and landed in South America. Six years later, Tess and Cora hear about one of the great Hales, building a pack. They travel back to Beacon Hills, and end up getting kidnapped by a pack of alpha werewolves. This is bad enough. It was made even worse when Tess finds that one of the alphas was the wolf who killed her family.
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Name: Topanga Ocean Myers
Story: Terra Marique
Faceclaim: Lucy Hale
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Name: Vivian Byrne
Story: Blackbird Fly
Faceclaim: Jenny Boyd
Species: Banshee
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Vivian Byrne didn’t have a lot in life. After the accident, her brother moved them both to Beacon Hills, to be closer to Griffin and Vivian’s godfather, Noah Stilinksi. Despite what had happened, Vivian is happy. She is reunited with her best friend Stiles, she is going to a school where no one knows her – or her family –, and she even discovers werewolves are real. Oh, yeah, Vivian’s eight-year-old self is definitely fangirling about that. But knowing the truth about the weirder side of the world isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. And now Vivian is experiencing things like werewolves, hunters, and almost dying every time she leaves the house. But hey, that’s just Beacon Hills.
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Name: William Grosvenor
Story: Blood in the Water
Faceclaim: Josh Dallas
Species: Hunter
Love Interest: Melissa McCall
Summary: Victoria and William Grosvenor had grown up wonderful siblings. They were twins, and knew each other like the back of their hand. Until Victoria met Christopher Argent, and actually married him. To say their father was angry was an understatement, and he forced his daughter to choose: love or blood? When Victoria became an Argent, she gave up being a Grosvenor, which meant giving up her twin brother, and eventually, giving up her niece. But even after twenty years, William was still heartbroken when he received word his sister was dead, that she was bitten by a werewolf and killed herself. He decided enough was enough, and decided that he wanted to know what little family he had left. What he didn’t expect was a werewolf/druid war, or for an old friend’s son to be caught in the middle of it all.
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Name: Ximena Calavera
Story: Wolves and Fire
Faceclaim: Camila Mendes
Species: Hunter turned werewolf
Love Interest: Scott McCall
Summary: When Ximena was a little girl, her favorite place to be was at her abuelita’s club. Not on the dance floor – Araya never would have allowed the elementary schooler to dance with the clubbers – but in her office, where the real fun took place. Ximena grew up hearing stories from Araya. Not fairytales; no, Ximena thought fairytales to be a silly thing compared to the stories of her family’s history. The young girl was in awe of her family, and vowed to one day follow their code and hunt werewolves just like them. Until one day she went out on a mission with her father and grandmother and was bitten by a werewolf. Thirteen, alone, and scared, Ximena refused to stay in the Calavera’s so-called ‘custody’. So she ran, all the way to Beacon Hills. Three years later, Derek Hale comes knocking on her door. There’s an alpha pack in town, and one of the members? The alpha who bit Ximena.
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1)Qual è il primo suono lontano che sente Scott a scuola dopo essere stato morso? Il suono di un telefono 2)Chi aiuta Peter Hale nell'impedire a Stiles di fuggire dall'ospedale? Un'infermiera 3)Dove viene attaccato Isaac nella sua prima apparizione? Al cimitero 4)Quale messaggio lascia Stiles al padre di Jackson da parte del figlio nell'episodio 2x06? Ti voglio bene 5)Qual è il significato in Samoano di "tatuaggio"? Ferita aperta 6)Quali categorie di persone il Darach (Jennifer Blake) NON ha preso di mira? I polizziotti 7)Quali numeri lascia Stiles sulla lavagna che lo convincono di essere lui il Nogitsune? 19 K-53 I-88 RA (Kira) 8)Come si chiamano i "seguaci" di Kate Argent nella quarta stagione? Berserker 9)Come si chiama il ragazzo che Stiles uccide per difendersi? Donovan 10)Chi NON compare nell'ultima scena della sesta stagione? Jackson 11)quante stagioni di Teen Wolf ci sono? 6 12)Con quale ragazza Scott non ha mai avuto una relazione? Lydia 13)Quale coppia di personaggi è morta nella seconda parte della terza stagione? Allison e Aiden 14)Chi era il cattivo della quarta stagione? Benefattore 15)Come ha fatto Scott a diventare un vero Alfa? Superando il cerchio di Sorbo dell'ucellatore 16)Cosa succede a Derek nella quarta stagione? Si evolve totalmente in lupo 17)Come muore Allison? Trafitta dalla spada di uno degli Oni 18)Chi aveva il controllo del Kanima? Matt e poi Gerard 19)In che anno è uscita la prima stagione di Teen Wolf? 2011 20)Chi ha detto la frase "Il sarcasmo è la mia unica difesa"? Stiles 21)Quale creatura soprannaturale è Lydia? Banshee 22)Qual è il vero nome di Stiles? Mieczysław 23)Chi ha dato fuoco alla casa degli Hale? Kate 24)Chi è Liam? Il beta di Scott 25)Qual è il nome della madre di Derek? Talia 26)Chi ha detto: "È colui che cresce grazie al suo carattere, alla rettitudine, alla vera forza di volontà" Deaton 27)Qual è la prima battuta pronunciata in "Teen Wolf"? <Stiles cosa ci fai qui?> 28)Quale personaggio non è MAI stato baciato davvero da Lydia? Parrish 29)Qual è il nome di Boyd? Vernon 30)Qual è l'arma preferita di Allison? Arco e freccie 31)Lydia ha un legame psichico con il Segugio Infernale? Si 32)Stiles si è trasformato in un licantropo? No 33)Derek ha avuto una storia con Allison? No 34)Siles ha avuto una cotta per Lydia? Si 35)Liam ha lottato contro Malia? No 36)Peter Hale ha ucciso Kate Argent? No 37)Stiles ha salvato la vita di Derek? Si 38)Lydia ha avuto una storia con Parrish? No 39)Malia ha baciato Scott? Si 40)Allison è stata uccisa da un essere soprannaturale? Si 41)Chris Argent è morto? No 42)Stiles ha dato un pugno a Derek? Si 43)Nella prima stagione, chi taglia la gola di Kate? Peter 44)Come si chiama il locale dove lavora Hayden? Sinema 45)''L'ora del decesso'' di Scott nella quarta stagione, secondo l'ospedale avviene alle: 21:02 46)Completa la frase: Kate regala ad Allison il ciondolo con il simbolo degli Argent per il suo ... compleanno 17esimo 47)Chi ha detto: ''Adoro vedere quanto mi odi''? Kate 48)Il codice dei cacciatori dice: <Nous protegeons ceux qui ne peuvent se proteger eux-memes.> 49)Nella terza stagione, quale oggetto porta Scott per salvare i genitori dal sacrificio dei Guardiani? Un orologio da polso 50)Il mantra di Satomi, ''Tre cose non possono essere nascoste a lungo: il sole, la luna e la verità'', da quale religione deriva? Buddista 51)Quando il killer rapisce Kira, dove la porta? Alla centrale elettrica 52)In quale giorno sono morti i genitori di Jackson? 14 giugno 53)Chi uccide Ennis? Deucalion 54)Con quale lettera inizia il secondo nome di Derek? S 55)Derek Hale è l'Alpha che trasforma Scott in un licantropo? No 56)Nella seconda stagione, il morso dell'Alpha trasforma Jackson in un kanima, un serpente con fattezze umane? Si 57)Il Nemeton riattiva i suoi poteri quando il giovane Derek uccide la sua ragazza Julia Baccari tra le radici dell'albero? No 58)Per ricevere le cure adeguate, dopo aver ucciso la madre e la sorellina, Malia Tate viene rinchiusa al Radley Sanitarium? No 59)Nella seconda parte della terza stagione, Stiles viene impossessato da uno spirito maligno, chiamato Nogitsune? Si 60)La banshee Meredith Walker è il Benefattore, che minaccia di uccidere tutte le creature soprannaturali a Beacon Hills? Si 61)La Bête du Gévaudan fu uccisa da Marie-Jeanne Vallet, doppelgänger di Lydia e antenata della famiglia Martin? No 62)I Cavalieri Fantasma, durante la Caccia Selvaggia, rapiscono le persone per cancellarle dalla realtà? Si 63)Gerard Argent viene ucciso nell'ultimo episodio della serie da Scott McCall? No 64)In quale episodio scopriamo il vero nome di Stiles? 6x08 65)In quale stagione Scott diventa un vero Alpha? 3x12 66)In quale stagione incontriamo il Kanima? 2 67)Primo bacio tra gli Stydia: perché Lydia bacia Stiles? Per fare cessare l'attacco di panico di Stiles 68)In quale stagione Scott viene a conoscenza del Bestiario? 2x04 69)'Le combinazioni perfette sono rare in un mondo imperfetto'. Chi pronuncia queste parole? Peter 70)'Siamo creature violente, non possiamo tenere nascosta la nostra natura per sempre', chi pronuncia questa frase? Satomi 71)Quando entra in scena Theo Raeken? 5x01 72)Nella seconda stagione Derek chi trasforma? Erica,Boyd e Isaac 73)In una puntata della terza stagione i ragazzi devono dormire in un motel dove sono avvenuti vari suicidi. Questi erano: 198 74)Chi viene tramutato in Berseker? Scott 75)Chi dice la frase: "Mia madre si occupa della spesa"? Scott 76)Chi dice la frase: "Il dolore ti rende umano"? Scott 77)Chi dice la frase: "Come si salva qualcuno che non vuole essere salvato"? Scott 78)Chi dice la frase: "Lei non ti indebolisce, lei ti permette di controllarti: è come un'ancora"? Stiles 79)Chi dice la frase: "La forma che assumi riflette la persona che sei!"? Derek 80)Chi dice la frase: "Non tutti i mostri fanno cose mostruose"? Lydia 81)Chi dice la frase: "Mentre cerchiamo di non morire dobbiamo comunque vivere."? Scott 82)Chi dice la frase: "Non fare il brontolone"? Stiles 83)Chi dice la frase: "Pensa a qualcos'altro. Pensa a me. Nuda."? Allison 84)Chi dice la frase: "Perché sei bellissima quando piangi"? Stiles 85)Chi dice la frase: "Fa male a te quanto fa male a me"? Aiden 86)Chi dice la frase: "Loro sono Scott e Stiles.Quando hanno agito applicando la logica quei due?"? Lydia 87)Chi dice la frase: "Trova un punto fermo"? Melissa 88)Chi dice la frase: "Ti invito a sorridere.Non preoccuparti, offro io."? Liam 89)Chi dice la frase: "Sono venuta per salvare la mia migliore amica"? Allison 90)Chi dice la frase: "Ed io per salvare il mio"? Scott 91)Chi dice la frase: "Io non avevo voglia di fare i compiti"? Isaac
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ao3feed-larry · 5 years
Collision (Italian Translation)
by Sweet_CreatureHL
Mitologia/Fiaba!AU in cui Louis è una fata delicata con un temperamento che vuole essere intimidatorio, ed Harry adora fare del male alla gente, dal momento che è uno spirito maligno. Naturalmente, si odiano a vicenda. (Con la partecipazione di Liam, il lupo grande e non così cattivo che ha un debole per gli umani. Zayn, un umano dall'aspetto soprannaturale, e Niall, il cupido che vuole solo che il suo lavoro sia più facile. - PS: la storia non è nostra, ma solo una traduzione. Tutti i diritti vanno all'autrice originale, che è stata molto gentile a darci il permesso di tradurre.
Words: 2184, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Italiano
Fandoms: One Direction (Band), Greek and Roman Mythology, Norse Religion & Lore
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Eleanor Calder, Stan Lucas, there are plently of small characters that are there for like a minute, fair amounts of gods/goddesses, and fairytale characters
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik/Liam Payne, teeny tiny winy eleanor/stan, even teeny tiny winier liam/sophia
Additional Tags: Mythology - Freeform, Grimm Fairytales - Freeform, Alternate Universe - College/University, Wonderland, Alternate Universe - Fairy Tale, Love/Hate, Pining, Fairy!Louis, Dark!Harry, (i guess), Sexual Content, eventually, Top Harry, Bottom Louis, World Travel, Slow Burn, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, regarding the warning: there is one scene with fairly descriptive violence, Enemies to Lovers, i’ve put a warning in the notes on that chapter so u can be prepared/avoid it if u want
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/38RbVbd
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hwings · 7 years
- 3 volte in cui Theo palpeggia il sedere di Liam + 1 in cui è Liam a farlo.
La prima volta che accadde, Liam pensò di essersi immaginato tutto. Era sul campo di lacrosse a fare qualche tiro in porta ad aspettava Theo, che era in ritardo di ben due minuti.
Normalmente non l'avrebbe nemmeno notato, ma era Theo, Theo-potrei-pugnalarti-alle-spalle-quando-meno-te-lo-aspetti, che aspettava, e quindi per lui non era un buon segno.Che qualcosa l'avesse trattenuto?Che avesse ucciso qualcuno mentre andava al loro appuntamento?.Appuntamento, che brutta parola. Quello non era un appuntamento.Liam sentì dei passi, e poi l'odore inconfondibile della chimera.- Ce ne hai messo di tempo!- sbottò, anche perché non sapeva cosa dire, e le sue mani cominciavano a sudare.- Hai contato i minuti?-.Ed eccolo lì. In tutto il suo glorioso e detestabile aspetto da fighetto con la puzza sotto il naso, e la convinzione di avere il mondo ai suoi piedi.- E' pur sempre un ritardo-.- Colpa mia. Non sapevo cosa mettere-.Liam storse il naso.- Dovevamo vederci qui, al campo di lacrosse. Cosa volevi mettere? Lo smoking?-.- No, solo che...lascia stare. Allora, che facciamo adesso?-.Liam si strinse nelle spalle. Cosa doveva dire? Non aveva la minima idea di cosa proporre.Borbottò qualcosa sottovoce che fece corrucciare l'altro ragazzo.- Non ho capito, cosa hai detto?-.- Ho detto che possiamo giocare insieme!- esclamò diventando rosso.Dio, quel ragazzo era un vero strazio.Theo sorrise compiaciuto, come se non si aspettasse quelle parole. Poi, quasi come un fulmine, Liam se lo ritrovò addosso, incollato dietro, a respirargli nell'orecchio.- Giocare?- lo sentì sussurare.Fu' allora che se ne accorse, o almeno si accorse che qualcosa non andava. Sentì una mano che gli accarezzava il sedere, e poi stringere con forza.Ringhiò talmente forte che la chimera balzò lontano da lui, intimorita, ma non abbastanza.Liam gli diede un pungo che gli ruppe il naso, e lo sentì gemere di dolore.Pensava di essersi sbagliato, invece quel porco gli aveva palpato il sedere.- Ehi Liam, ehi! Aspetta, okay me lo sono meritato, ora torna indietro! Non lo farò più, promesso, ma tu non avresti dovuto dirmi di giocare in quel modo!-.Liam sapeva di non dovergli credere.
La seconda volta erano a casa di Liam. I suoi non erano ancora rientrati, e loro due stavano guardando un film. Non era molto interessante visto che Liam aveva cominciato a spulciare il suo telefono, e Theo gli lanciava i pop-corn addosso. Sapeva di doversi arrabbiare, ma era così rilassato in quel momento.- Liam-.Ed ecco l'atmosfera rovinata.- Mmh-.- Liam-.- Mmh-.- Liam-.- Che ce!- sbottò alla fine.Quando Theo voleva attenzioni diventava peggio del solito.- Non mi piace questo film. Metti un altro DVD-.- Mettilo tu-.- Mica è casa mia-.- E sarebbe un problema, da quando?-.- Dai, non fare il polemico-.- Non ho voglia di alzarmi dal letto, e smettila di lanciarmi i pop-corn-.- Ma dai, non ti annoi a non fare niente?-.Le dita di Theo andarono nei suoi capelli e cominciarono ad accarezzarli. Liam chiuse gli occhi, poichè nulla era più rilassante di quello al mondo, e si sistemò meglio sul letto, a pancia in giù. Ci mancava poco che facesse le fusa.- Sai, ci sono così tante cose da fare in casa, soprattutto quando non c'è nessun altro a parte noi due-.E quello doveva essere il suo campanello d'allarme, lo sapeva.Theo gli parlava con voce roca, e sempre più vicino, e il suo odore lo stava inebriando. La sua mano si faceva più sicura e suadente, e Liam era completamente sciolto nelle sue mani.Poi accadde di nuovo.L'altra mano della chimera aveva cominciato a scorrazzare un po' troppo liberamente, e Liam doveva davvero interrompere il tutto, se non voleva incasinarsi in tutti i sensi possibili e immaginabili. Per fortuna il suo punto di rottura avvenne quando la mano fin troppo curiosa si era chiusa sulla sua natica sinistra e aveva stretto forte.Il suo urlo probabilmente era stato sentito in tutta Beacon Hills, ma poco importava.Era saltato giù dal letto, e aveva afferrato Theo per la maglia.- Liam, non fare nulla di cui potresti pentirti-.- Avevi promesso!-.- Ho mentito-.Le azioni allora si fecero confuse. Con esattezza ricordava solo la figura di Theo che veniva scaraventata fuori dalla finestra, e il rumore del suo corpo che finiva sul capanno degli attrezzi.
Liam avrebbe voluto ricordare tutto. Che giorno era, com'era il tempo, cosa aveva mangiato a colazione. Ma non ci riusciva. Fino ad un momento prima stava bene, ma adesso era ansioso.Era l'ultima partita della stagione, molti dei suoi compagni di squadra facevano schifo a lacrosse, e il coach l'aveva minacchiato di vincere, altrimenti gli avrebbe reso il resto della sua vita un'inferno.Quindi si sentiva un po' sotto pressione, e forse aveva mangiato cereali a colazione.- Buongiorno raggio di sole-.Theo era l'ultima persona che aveva bisogno di vedere. Se ci fosse stato lui al suo posto, sarebbe stato fresco come una rosa, e avrebbe vinto senza ombra di dubbio.- Ti prego- gemette.Theo alzò le sopracciglia, e gli sorrise malizioso.- Qui? Davvero? Bè, sei piuttosto audace, mi piace-.- No! Stupido, non in quel senso! E' solo che sono un po' in ansia per la partita-.- E' solo un gioco, che vuoi che succeda?-.- La maggior parte dei miei compagni non centra la rete nemmeno quando non c'è il portiere!-.Theo fischiò.- Cavolo, siete messi proprio male-.- Lo so-.- Vuoi che m'imbuchi e venga con te?-.- Davvero?-.- Certo. Dammi due minuti, do' un bel pugno a qualche ragazzinio con la divisa e arrivo-.Liam ridacchiò.- Poverini. T'immagini avere noi due contro?-.- Gli faremmo il culo!- dichiarò con orgoglio la chimera.Liam si sentì meglio, certo che Theo avesse ragione.- Già, non siamo proprio niente male noi due-.- Vuoi dire: non siamo proprio niente male noi due insieme-.-Il lupo arrossì a quel commento, e vide l'altro guardarlo intensamente.- Adesso va', e falli neri raggio di sole-.Dicendo ciò gli strinse il sedere, tastandolo per qualche secondo, poi lo spinse fuori, e Liam non ebbe nemmeno il tempo di fargli un po' male.Gli fece il dito medio però, mentre la partita aveva inizio, e lo video sorridere sugli scalini.Sapeva che odiava quando gli palpava il sedere, eppure quello inperterrito continuava.Stronzo.La partita iniziò, e mai la sua squadra gli sembrava aver giocato meglio.Avevano vinto, e Theo sorrideva.
Liam assaporò con lentezza la bellezza di quel sedere. Era morbido e sodo, e perfettamente rotondo. Quella tuta poi, non faceva che metterlo in risalto, ed era così bello.Adesso capiva cosa Theo trovasse di così speciale nel palparlo. Lui lo faceva da pochi secondi, eppure ne era già totalmente dipendente. Diede una strizzatina più forte, beandosi della nuova sensazione.- Ah-.Sentì Theo gemere, e voltandosi lo vide sdraiato a pancia in giù, con gli occhi aperti.Liam raggiunse tutte le tonalità di rosso. Fece per togliere la mano, ma la chimera lo bloccò, guidandolo di nuovo a stringere la sua natica.- Piacevole, vero?-.- S-sì-.- Non ti fermare, mi piace-.Il lupo allora continuò il suo operato.Theo era ormai completamente spalmato su di lui, e faceva dei versi piacevoli, versi che Liam avrebbe voluto ascoltare ancora per moltissimo tempo. Ore, o forse giorni, ma anche settimane. Diciamo che al momento non ci stava molto pensando, ma forse per sempre era la parola giusta.Poi qualcosa di duro sembrò volergli perforare la carne. Deglutì a vuoto parecchio, prima di sentirsi abbastanza coraggioso da guardare Theo in faccia.- Bè? Cosa pretendi se mi tocchi in questo modo? E' colpa tua se sono in queste condizioni! Prenditi le tue responsabilità-.Per un momento Liam pensò di gettarlo di nuovo dalla finestra. Ma poi con sorpresa della chimera, scoppiò a ridere con gusto.- Chiudi il becco, idiota-.Lo baciò a lungo, così tanto e con così tanta passione che a nessuno dei due importava di avere le labbra rosse, gonfie e doloranti.
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cuablog · 5 years
Biệt Đội Hành Động
KingPhim TV Biệt Đội Hành Động
Biệt Đội Hành Động - The A-Team 2010 - HD Vietsub + Thuyết Minh
Biệt Đội Hành Động với tựa đề tiếng anh là The A-Team, đây là dự án phim hành động chống tội phạm của điện ảnh Mỹ được công chiếu năm 2010. Phim dựa trên series phim truyền hình cùng tên được viết bởi Frank Lupo và Stephen J. Cannell. Phim có sự tham gia của nhiều diễn viên đáng chú ý, chúng ta có thể kể đến những cái tên như Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Jessica Biel, Quinton ‘Rampage’ Jackson,…
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Nội dung phim Biệt Đội Hành Động xoay quanh nhóm biệt kích gồm bốn thành viên Hannibal (Liam Neeson), Templeton Peck (Bradley Cooper), Baracus và Murdock. Sau 8 năm sát cánh bên nhau, trải qua 80 chiến dịch lớn nhỏ, nhóm trở thành tấm gương sáng cho các thế hệ sau trong quân đội Mỹ. Trong chiến dịch mới nhất tại Iraq, cả nhóm được cấp trên tin tưởng giao cho nhiệm vụ đi cướp lại 1 tỷ USD nhưng sau đó họ bất ngờ bị CIA đổ mọi tội lỗi lên đầu và bị tước bỏ quân hàm.
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Để lấy lại danh dự cho cả nhóm và cũng để tìm ra kẻ chủ mưu đang đứng trong bóng tối, 4 người quyết định vượt ngục…Với kinh nghiệm nhiều năm của mình, nhóm có thể tìm được kẻ chủ mưu đứng sau vụ hãm hại này?
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Bộ phim được sản xuất bởi Stephen J. Cannell, Ridley Scott và Tony Scott và được phát hành tại các rạp vào ngày 11 tháng 06 năm 2010 bởi hãng 20th Century Fox. Bộ phim Biệt Đội Hành Động đã được phát triển từ giữa những năm 1990 và bị đình trệ trong khoảng thời gian rất lâu, cho mãi đến tận năm 2010, nó mới chính thức được công chiếu. Sau khi phát hành, bộ phim đã nhận được các ý kiến trái chiều từ các nhà phê bình và không đạt được những thành công như mong đợi tại các phòng vé khi chỉ thu về tổng cộng 177 triệu USD trên một ngân sách 110 triệu USD.
Biệt Đội Hành Động kingphimtv
source https://kingphim.net/biet-doi-hanh-dong
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maxpaperdolls · 5 years
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Teen Wolf è una serie televisiva statunitense di genere fantasy, ispirata al film Voglia di vincere del 1985, trasmessa per 6 stagioni dal 2011 al 2017. 
Scott McCall è uno studente di liceo che vive nella città di Beacon Hills. La vita di Scott cambia drasticamente quando viene morso da un lupo mannaro alfa, durante un'uscita di notte nel bosco con il suo migliore amico Stiles Stilinski. Dopo aver scoperto di essere diventato a sua volta un lupo mannaro, Scott è costretto a ricercare un equilibrio tra la sua nuova identità, fonte di molti pericoli, e la sua vita da adolescente. In questo viene aiutato da Stiles, Allison, il suo primo interesse amoroso che viene da una famiglia di cacciatori di licantropi, Lydia Martin, che diventerà una Banshee alla fine della prima serie e che è la migliore amica di Allison, ed infine Derek Hale, un lupo mannaro misterioso e con un passato oscuro. Lungo la sua strada, incontra nuovi amici e rivali che lo rendono un licantropo più forte e in una persona migliore; Jackson Whittemore, un atleta della sua scuola, Malia Hale, un coyote mannaro, Kira Yukimura, una kitsune e Liam Dunbar, primo beta trasformato da Scott.
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bowiehunts · 7 years
HERE are SIXTY FIVE roleplay icons of the super adorable CHARLES MICHAEL DAVIS throughout his role as Liam Lupo in Switched at Birth. Credit for the screencaps goes to screencapped.net, though I did take the time to make the icons. I would super appreciate a LIKE or REBLOG if using.
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my-random-ocs · 4 years
Teen Wolf OC Masterlist
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Name: Adina Morris Theron
Story: Legacy
Faceclaim: Brec Bassinger
Species: Hunter
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
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Name: Ainsley Dunbar
Story: Wild Side
Faceclaim: Kiernan Shipka
Species: Chimera
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Name: Alexandra ‘Alex’ Ivanov
Story: Flower Hearted Girl
Faceclaim: Nina Dobrev
Love Interest: Scott McCall
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Name: Amaya Reyes
Story: The Year of Your Wolf
Faceclaim: Ciara Bravo
Species: Human
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
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Name: Arden Myers
Story: Walk Through the Fire
Faceclaim: Abigail Cowen
Species: Greek demigoddess
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Avery Krasikeva
Story: You Will Be Found
Faceclaim: Marie Avgeropoulos
Species: Human
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Sofía-Belén Belén Arellano
Story: Love and War
Faceclaim: Emeraude Toubia
Species: Norse demigoddess
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Name: Briana 'Brie' Geyer
Story: Alight
Faceclaim: Jessica Parker Kennedy
Species: Witch
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Cassandra 'Cass' Turner
Story: Come Alive
Faceclaim: Madelaine Petsch
Species: Roman demigoddess
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Name: Chandler Quinn
Story: Rise From the Ashes
Faceclaim: Sophie Turner
Species: Phoenix
Love Interest: Scott McCall
Summary: Chandler Quinn always thought she was normal. But when she and her father move to Beacon Hills, California to be closer to family, she learns she is anything but. After learning her cousin is a banshee, and seeing her new friends get pseudo-sacrificed, Chandler’s ordinary life is about to get extraordinary.
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Name: Claire Grosvenor
Story: A Family Matter
Faceclaim: Lauren Graham
Species: Hunter
Love Interest: Noah Stilinski
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Name: Elizabeth ‘Eliza’ Arquette
Story: (Romeo and) Juliet
Faceclaim: Dove Cameron
Species: Hunter turned werewolf
Love Interest: Allison Argent, eventual Malia Tate
Summary: The Arquettes are a family of hunters just as old as the Argents. Jacques Arquette attempted to go after the Beast of Gévauden, but Marie-Jeanne Valet got there first, and the Arquettes have been angry about it ever since. Eliza and her parents have followed the same code as the Argents: hunt those who hunt us. Eliza never thought she would change her beliefs. She grew up with the knowledge she would continue her parents’ legacy. Until she turns into the one thing her parents hate the most. And now she spends her days terrified of the alpha that bit her and of her parents finding out. Most of all, Eliza is petrified of what she is, and what it might mean for her.
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Name: Dana Flores
Story: Thorns
Faceclaim: Sofia Carson
Species: Dryad
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Emma Lahey
Story: Sorcery
Faceclaim: Britt Robertson
Species: Witch
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Gabriela ‘Gabby’ Carvalho
Story: Thrown to the Wolves
Faceclaim: Allegra Acosta
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
Summary: All Gabby remembers is bullets flying through the air, shattered glass digging into her skin, and the bodies of her family fallen to the floor. When she wakes up, she finds herself in the vet office of Alan Deaton, learning about the Dead Pool from true alpha Scott McCall and his pack. According to a sheet of paper, Gabby is worth three million dollars. From there, she is brought in to fight the hunters and professional killers and people who have never picked up a gun who want to kill people like her for money. Well, Gabby’s freshman year was going to be boring- there’s nothing like becoming an orphan and fighting bad guys to spice it up, right?
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Name: Ghaziyah ‘Zia’ Banerjee
Story: Rise Up
Faceclaim: Naomi Scott
Species: Greek demigoddess
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Zia Banerjee grew up with the Greek myths. Her father told them to her like they were bedtime stories, like the Little Mermaid. She always thought that stuff- werewolves, goddesses, that sort of thing- wasn’t real. But after looking for a dead body in the woods (thanks, Stiles!), Zia learns just how real they are.
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Name: Helena 'Lena' Altman
Story: Come Alive
Faceclaim: Lilli Reinhart
Species: Greek demigoddess
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Name: Isadora ‘Izzy’ Hayes
Story: Supernova
Faceclaim: Danielle Campbell
Species: Witch
Love Interest: Erica Reyes, eventual Lydia Martin
Summary: Izzy Hayes has exactly two friends: Scott McCall and Stiles Stilinski. When they go out looking for a dead body, and Scott turns into a werewolf, Izzy thinks that that is the most abnormal Beacon Hills will ever get. Then she learns something about her family- and herself- that she never could have imagined. Through this, Izzy knows that nothing will ever be the same. And she’s okay with that.
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Name: Jameson ‘Jamie’ Stilinski
Story: (We Will Call This Place) Our Home
Faceclaim: Chloe Grace Moretz
Species: Fury
Love Interest: Scott McCall
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Name: Josephine ‘Josie’ Hale
Story: A Million Choices
Faceclaim: Maia Mitchell
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: When Josie was ten, she lost everything: her parents, her siblings, her home. With her whole pack gone, she was taken in by her human grandmother, and spent the next years of her life trying to put herself back together again. She went to school, made friends, even joined a few clubs. Six years later, Josie was packing her school things when she felt something she hasn’t felt in years: the presence of her pack.
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Name: Kaleb Lupo
Story: A Million Choices
Faceclaim: David Lambert
Species: Human
Love Interest: Lydia Martin
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Name: Kazumi ‘Kaz’ Takahashi
Story: Blood is Thicker than Water
Faceclaim: Lyrica Okano
Species: Witch
Summary: Kaz Takahashi has lived her whole life doing things for other people. Her dysfunctional father, mostly. She thought that her whole life would be spent caring for people. She would never be free of her responsibilities. Until her best friend Stiles dragged her and Scott to find a dead body. Well, half a dead body, anyway.
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Name: Kiara ‘Kie’ Matheson
Story: Something Wild
Faceclaim: Ashleigh Murray
Species: Human turned werewolf
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Name: Paulina Kit Stilinski
Story: Seven Years
Faceclaim: Eliza Taylor
Love Interest: Scott McCall
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Name: Laurel Jacobs
Story: Paper Shields
Faceclaim: Vanessa Morgan
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Scott McCall
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Name: Lilith ‘Lily’ Hale
Story: Girls and Monsters
Faceclaim: Kaylee Bryant
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: When she was ten-years-old, Lily Hale saw her house go up in flames, taking most of her family with it. She woke up at the hospital with smoke inhalation, burns on most of her body, and nightmares to last a lifetime. With both her parents dead and no next of kin to speak of, Lily was put into the custody of her godmother, Melissa McCall, and became Lilith McCall. For six years, Lily worked to create a normal life- well, normal enough. But what happens when her best friend decides to look for a dead body in the middle of the night? Lily’s normal comes crumbling down, and she is forced to face a life she was so afraid of remembering.
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Name: Logan Garcia
Story: What A Family Is
Faceclaim: Isabella Gomez
Species: Human
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
Summary: The McCall family was broken. Mom and son were in Beacon Hills, dad was who knows where, and the surprise daughter was in Los Angeles. Only, she’s not in Los Angeles anymore. Logan Garcia shows up on Melissa’s doorstep one day, and honestly, Scott isn’t surprised that his dad had another kid. So now Logan is starting freshman year at Beacon Hills High School. She thought it would be like any other freshman year- she would be invisible to the upperclassman, she would get good grades, and maybe she’d even go out for lacrosse. Then a bunch of crows attack her class, and suddenly her brother is a werewolf. Well, her life was already interesting. Why not make it dangerous, too?
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Name: Lunetta ‘Luna’ Alessi
Story: New Moon
Faceclaim: Olivia Holt
Species: Greek demigoddess
Summary: When Luna and her father move back to Beacon Hills to live with her grandmother, she reunites with her childhood best friend Stiles, and meets his friend Scott. Of course, after ten years of living in Los Angeles, Beacon Hills is nothing like Luna remembers. When a flock of crows attacks her English class, Stiles tells her about the supernatural world. Needless to say, she’s shocked. Then the dead bodies start showing up, and now Luna is dealing with alpha werewolves, a human sacrificing maniac, and junior year all at once. Now, if she could just figure out why she glows, she would be golden.
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Name: Lux Matthews
Story: Supernova
Faceclaim: Virginia Gardner
Species: Faerie
Love Interest: Isaac Lahey, eventual Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Lux Matthews was a normal girl. She was best friends with Lydia Martin, she got good grades, and she went to the lacrosse games. Then she walks in on her new friend’s boyfriend… hulking out in the locker room and suddenly Lux is thrown into something she had no idea how to survive. Lux doesn’t know much, but she does know that Beacon Hills was not the town she thought it was.
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Name: Maeve Stilinski
Story: Taking Over
Faceclaim: Natalia Dyer
Species: Banshee
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Name: Maricela ‘Mari’ Guerrero
Story: Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)
Faceclaim: Ariela Barer
Species: Dreamwalker
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Name: Mikaela Hale
Story: (Never) Grow Up
Faceclaim: Candice King
Species: Born werewolf
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Name: Morgan Stilinski
Story: (We Will Call This Place) Our Home
Faceclaim: Jennifer Morrison
Species: Human
Love Interest: Chris Argent
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Name: Nantosuelta ‘Ella’ Delgado
Story: Battle Scars
Faceclaim: Sarah Jeffery
Species: Druid
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Ella was happy with her life. She lived with her parents in Connecticut, she had friends, did well in school, and had almost completed her training into the druid community. Then it all fell apart. After losing her parents to what the local police ruled a ‘bear attack’, Ella is moving across the country to live with her aunt and cousin in California. And it turns out her cousin is a werewolf, and her uncle and her aunt know. If she thought her life was complicated before, she didn’t want to know what junior year was going to look like. But she figures if the Delgado-McCall cousins can get through this, they can get through anything.
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Name: Natasha 'Tasha' Hale
Story: Wolf Wild Heart
Faceclaim: Phoebe Tonkin
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Nicolette ‘Nico’ Grosvenor
Story: A Family Matter
Faceclaim: Zoey Deutch
Species: Hunter-REDACTED hybrid
Love Interest: Isaac Lahey
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Name: Marguerite Nina Argent
Story: Hurricane Child
Faceclaim: Katherine McNamara
Species: Hunter-REDACTED hybrid
Love Interest: Isaac Lahey
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Name: Persephone ‘Seph’ Adler
Story: A Million Choices
Faceclaim: India Eisley
Species: Chimera
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
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Name: Phoebe Eastman
Story: Full of Life
Faceclaim: Kaya Scodelario
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Scott McCall
Summary: When a group of hunters raided her house when she was eight, killing most of her family, Phoebe became the alpha and the last surviving member of the Eastman pack. She was taken in by her human aunt in Beacon Hills, and tried to live a normal life. Until her surrogate brother breaks into her house and says he needs her help fighting the new alpha. She meets Scott, the new beta who really has no idea what he’s doing and Stiles, Scott’s human best friend who is trying his best to help, but most of his sources are from myth websites. That’s when Phoebe gives up on ever having a normal life.
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Name: Piper Marinos
Story: Wild, Water, Home
Faceclaim: Auli’i Cravalho
Species: Siren
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Name: Rachel Harlowe
Story: Constellations
Faceclaim: Kat Graham
Species: Witch
Love Interest: Lydia Martin
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Name: Rebecca ‘Bex’ Argent-Gaumond
Story: Something New
Faceclaim: Kathryn Newton
Species: Hunter-protector hybrid
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
Summary: When Sara Argent married James Gaumond, she was disowned by her family. The Gaumonds protected the supernatural, instead of hunted it, like the Argents. Despite the estrangement of her family, Sara lived happily with James, and they had their own family. However, this is not Sara’s story.
Bex Gaumond always described her parents as Romeo and Juliet; a love story that no one planned. She thought that the happily ever after her parents got, however, would set them apart from the star crossed lovers. Then her dad dies, and she, her mom, and her sister moved across the country to live in Beacon Hills. Two years later, her sister’s friend gets bitten by a werewolf, and Bex would love to help out- if only her whole family would stop being so protective.
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Name: Riley Williams
Story: (I Won’t Go) Speechless
Faceclaim: Meg Donnelly
Species: Amazon
Love Interest: Liam Dunbar
Summary: If anyone asked her, Riley would say her favorite superhero is Wonder Woman. She’s been Riley’s hero ever since she was introduced to the comics. She would dream of being like Wonder Woman, saving the world. Riley just never thought she would be Wonder Woman. Or, more specifically, like Wonder Woman. Yep, turns out Riley is an Amazon. She didn’t believe it at first, but when a group of juniors tell her that her name is on a hit-list for supernatural creatures, it sort of got hard to ignore.
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Name: Sabrina Argent-Gaumond
Story: Something New
Faceclaim: Vanessa Marano
Species: Hunter-protector hybrid
Love Interest: Isaac Lahey
Summary: When Sara Argent married James Gaumond, she was disowned by her family. The Gaumonds protected the supernatural, instead of hunted it, like the Argents. Despite the estrangement of her family, Sara lived happily with James, and they had their own family. However, this is not Sara’s story.
Sabrina Argent always admired her parents. She thought they were the bravest people she’d ever met. After her father’s death, she, her mother, and her sister moved to Beacon Hills, and met the family that didn’t want them. Sabrina vowed to continue her mother’s wishes and stay out of the supernatural. But when her best friend gets bitten by a werewolf, she realizes she doesn’t have to live her parents’ story, only her own.
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Name: Sara McCall
Story: Sky Comes Falling Down
Faceclaim: Melonie Diaz
Species: Human
Love Interest: Derek Hale
Summary: Sara McCall knew one thing: protect her little brother. It was easy growing up. She loved him more than anything. She helped him with his homework, practiced lacrosse with him, and stayed with him when their father came home less than sober. Their relationship didn’t change when she went away to college. Then a few days before Sara is supposed to head back to school, Scott starts acting weird, her old classmate suddenly reappears after six years of silence, and Stiles is googling the supernatural on Wikipedia. She is determined to figure out what is going on. Sara McCall knows one thing: protect her little brother.
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Name: Sierra Johansson
Story: Roots
Faceclaim: Liana Liberato
Love Interest: Scott McCall
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Name: Sybil ‘Sib’ Gajos
Story: We May Break (But We Won’t Stay Broken)
Faceclaim: Hailee Steinfeld
Summary: Sybil Gajos is a survivor. She’s survived being picked on in elementary school, she’s survived her mother’s abandonment, and she’s survived the car accident that left her baby sister dead. When Sib learns that her cousin is involved in things that are... let’s say not what she expected, she is determined to survive them, too.
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Name: Theresa ‘Tess’ Lowell
Story: Anchors
Faceclaim: Danielle Rose Russell
Species: Born werewolf
Love Interest: Scott McCall
Summary: Tess knew that werewolf packs adopting orphaned werewolf children wasn’t uncommon, she just never thought it would happen to her. But there she was, seven-years-old, hiding in the woods, and scared out of her mind. Peter Hale found her hiding in a cave, brought her home, and Tess was adopted by Talia Hale. She had a normal life, and it was almost happy, until a fire set by hunters killed most of her new family. She and one of her sisters ran, and landed in South America. Six years later, Tess and Cora hear about one of the great Hales, building a pack. They travel back to Beacon Hills, and end up getting kidnapped by a pack of alpha werewolves. This is bad enough. It was made even worse when Tess finds that one of the alphas was the wolf who killed her family.
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Name: Veronica ‘Ronnie’ Delgado
Story: To Be Alive
Faceclaim: Natalie Alyn Lind
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
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Name: Vivian Byrne
Story: Blackbird Fly
Faceclaim: Jenny Boyd
Species: Banshee
Love Interest: Stiles Stilinski
Summary: Vivian Byrne didn’t have a lot in life. After the accident, her brother moved them both to Beacon Hills, to be closer to Griffin and Vivian’s godfather, Noah Stilinksi. Despite what had happened, Vivian is happy. She is reunited with her best friend Stiles, she is going to a school where no one knows her- or her family-, and she even discovers werewolves are real. Oh, yeah, Vivian’s eight-year-old self is definitely fangirling about that. But knowing the truth about the weirder side of the world isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. And now Vivian is experiencing things like werewolves, hunters, and almost dying every time she leaves the house. But hey, that’s just Beacon Hills.
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Name: Ximena Calavera
Story: Wolves and Fire
Faceclaim: Camila Mendes
Species: Hunter turned werewolf
Love Interest: Scott McCall
Summary: When Ximena was a little girl, her favorite place to be was at her abuelita’s club. Not on the dance floor- Araya never would have allowed the elementary schooler to dance with the clubbers- but in her office, where the real fun took place. Ximena grew up hearing stories from Araya. Not fairytales; no, Ximena thought fairytales to be a silly thing compared to the stories of her family’s history. The young girl was in awe of her family, and vowed to one day follow their code and hunt werewolves just like them. Until one day she went out on a mission with her father and grandmother and was bitten by a werewolf. Thirteen, alone, and scared, Ximena refused to stay in the Calavera’s so called ‘custody’. So she ran, all the way to Beacon Hills. Three years later, Derek Hale comes knocking on her door. There’s an alpha pack in town, and one of the members? The alpha who bit Ximena.
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Name: Zoey Stilinski
Story: (I Don’t Mind Your) Shadows
Faceclaim: Willa Holland
Love Interest: Derek Hale
Summary: Stiles knew that he had the coolest big sister in the world. She was basically an archery pro, a mythology nut, she never minded helping him and Scott train for lacrosse- even if they weren’t very good-, and she would do anything for her brothers. And Stiles knew that most siblings lose touch when the older one goes to college, but Zoey made it a point to make it like she had never left Beacon Hills. So, when Scott gets bitten by a werewolf, Stiles knows just who to call.
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tinysplendor · 8 years
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The Kewpiedex is now available here! So is the kewpie metallic gold pin here. Each is $8 but you can get both for $12 here. 
Pin is 1.5" tall. Zine is 4" x 5.5" (mini-but-packed) - 62 pages of kewpie illustrations by 30 artists:
Faryn Akita, Ari Bird, Elle Breidenthal, Matt Carignan, Anjelica Colliard, Raphael Cornford, Liam Ericson, Emily Gui, Djohan Hanapi, Itoyo, Ara Jo, Sanaa Khan, Louise Leong, Mariangela Le Thanh, Cassia Lupo, Jeff Meadows, Mixed Greens, Cynthia Navarro, Never Brush My Teeth, Niña Piña Por Vida, Adrian Rotzscher, Daniel Shimoda, Tamiko Sidore, Kenny Srivijittakar, Max Stadnik, Ross Sullivan, Sam Vaughn, Sean Vranizan, Richard Wohlfeiler, Daniel Zender
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