#liam pleckack
hfjoneconfessions · 2 months
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hfjoneconfessions · 7 months
been wanting to Yap abt this for a while but been scared of what the backlash might be so I'm putting this here
Anyone who's in the one fandom for a while and uses Twitter or Ao3 knows abt lairy shippers and there's one trope that I've seen a lot of them use (I won't go into to much detail bc the mod said no nsfw) but it's usually airy not understanding boundaries but way worse (if yk yk) my issues with it is that it just feels like their using airys trauma for their weird fiction by using the excuse that "oh he wouldn't understand boundaries and he's touch starved so he'll do want he wants bc he's rlly empathetic!!" and the fandom already doesn't do a good job at recognizing his trauma bc most ppl see it as "oh being alone for a decade is bad for your mental health" but It does go deeper than that. A simple Google search can show so many negative effects of being isolated and not to mention the trauma of litterly dying multiple times?? It just gives me the ick when airy is characterized like that bc it feels like their fetishsing his trauma
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