#lairy neg
oscconfessions · 23 days
I'm gonna b real I don't like contestants x host ships. Mephoj ❌❌❌ gatwo (or whatever the ship name is) ❌❌❌❌❌❌ lairy ❌❌❌❌❌❌❌
I have no reason for this. I just don't fw it
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hfjoneconfessions · 7 months
been wanting to Yap abt this for a while but been scared of what the backlash might be so I'm putting this here
Anyone who's in the one fandom for a while and uses Twitter or Ao3 knows abt lairy shippers and there's one trope that I've seen a lot of them use (I won't go into to much detail bc the mod said no nsfw) but it's usually airy not understanding boundaries but way worse (if yk yk) my issues with it is that it just feels like their using airys trauma for their weird fiction by using the excuse that "oh he wouldn't understand boundaries and he's touch starved so he'll do want he wants bc he's rlly empathetic!!" and the fandom already doesn't do a good job at recognizing his trauma bc most ppl see it as "oh being alone for a decade is bad for your mental health" but It does go deeper than that. A simple Google search can show so many negative effects of being isolated and not to mention the trauma of litterly dying multiple times?? It just gives me the ick when airy is characterized like that bc it feels like their fetishsing his trauma
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mr-payjay · 7 months
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i wanna be your only friend
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saccharinemeat · 9 months
I'm sorry but HOW do you find sodapack to be worse than lairy??
Oh anon, you've opened a Pandora's box.
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Let's go through it in parts,shall we?
First, Why people consider lairy to be 'bad'?
From what I've seen, it's often mostly based around the fact that Airy himself had Liam trapped on the Plane, and it can be considered that Airy has an inherent abusive dynamic with Liam because of this. This is the major one,since Airy doesn't show any animosity, negative or positive towards Liam immediately. He didn't pick Liam out of malice,or abuse,or anything. It just was coincidence,and he wanted them to play the game,but didn't punish him for not playing. Even stuff like the drowning is shown to be unintentional or at least, Airy himself doesn't seem to consider it a punishment. When it was time for Liam to be returned home after the 5 month period, Airy did so without major hesitation, it's not like he wanted to keep Liam more than wny of the other contestants.
Second, why is sodapack seen as wholesome?
No, seriously. Liam and Bryce are mostly friendly and amicable within the game, especially while Amelia was still involved,and after they are placed on the same team along with Texty and Stone but without Amelia, Bryce becomes quite less responsive and sort of gives up on trying to communicate with Liam, he is mentally checked out. At this point, it's more of a traumatic bond than it is a deeper friendship. The later development,which i will comment on, is mostly driven through Liam pushing Bryce,and Bryce only ever says hes glad they went through it way past the point of no return. There's implications that this is how Bryce just deals with things,he tries to see them as 'for the best' to compartmentalize them. Same as never mentioning Stella, same as deciding that his life post-plane was better. Bryce is not particularly attached to Liam on his own volition.
Third, fandom blindness
Okay,this part is where I criticize the fandom. So here it goes: At this point, the fanon versions of Liam and Bryce are forcefully fit into what you (general you) want them to be,rather than actually acknowledging them as they are. ONE's characters are all morally grey,however the interactions within themselves are more or less harmful depending on intention or disregard of care at an interpersonal level.
Let's look at 'fanon' liam,for example
fanon!Liam is:
romantically interested in Bryce
trying to save the others
non violent
caring for the fellow objects still in the Plane
Canon!Liam however is...
Doesn't care about Bryce's trauma
Selfish, wants to solve this mystery because he feels his life got ruined
Uses Bryce's guilt to make him go along with things
He's considerably violent
My point here is that the fandom has a particularly skewed vision of both Liam and Bryce and their friendship
Fourth, Intentional Harm
In the case of sodapack, let's see how these awful behaviors are spread or balanced within canon. Liam's bad or harmful actions toward the other in green, Bryce's are in red
Liam seeks the unknown address,and hitchhikes his way over there, fully on impulse.
Once he sees Bryce's terrified reaction, he insists on having him open the door. He starts by explaining why hes here but starts getting mad, accusing Bryce of ignoring or not caring for the other contestants
Liam yells about how bad things were for him in the 7 month period,drawing a comparison of how 'easy' it must have been for Bryce to forget it,guilting him.
Liam walks away....and comes right back,instead deciding to sleep against Bryce's door,effectively trapping Bryce and making it so he can't leave his apartment or home at all.
Bryce lets him in and states his boundaries about listening Liam out and giving him Bradley's address.
Liam IMMEDIATELY manipulates him into driving them to Bradley's house. Bryce pays for the laptop,too.
Bryce states his boundaries AGAIN and Liam insists until Bryce breaks and agrees to seek Oscar. At no point Liam has even TRIED to learn Bryce's name,he gets told his name on the drive there, Bryce is clearly uncomfortable with his game name.
Bryce helps get some information out of Oscar and PAYS HIM for his time,which Liam didn't even consider. Also he does this without reviving Oscar's possibly traumatic memories,which Liam was willing to do and hadn't been considerate of the other's mental health
Bryce,AGAIN states his boundaries,and tells Liam that he is NOT driving him to the smokestack. Liam says he understands.
And immediately steals AND CRASHES the car. has a fight with Bryce,holds the car keys hostage,and calls Bryce 'soda bottle' during the fight. Bryce calls Liam out on doing this out of selfishness,and hits him.
And as an extra:
Liam couldn't have not noticed that Bryce said the waiting room looked like his childhood neighborhood/Bryce trying to reach Stella. He just didn't care enough.
Liam got himself and Bryce killed several times during this ordeal.
Bryce let Liam stay in his home out of guilt,not kindness.
Through all of these interactions, there's not an ounce of balance, it's mostly Liam doing shit to fuck up Bryce's attempt to return to normalcy,and Bryce doing mostly emotiona self-harming
Now, let's look at Lairy,and how Liam and Airy interact in terms of intentional harm
Liam in green, Airy in blue
Airy picks Liam as a contestant for ONE,at random
Liam freaks out and breaks a leg during the challenge
Airy forgets about Liam's cast and accidentally drowns him during another challenge
Airy disappears for the 7 month period,then sends Liam back to san Francisco
So far,none of this is intentional harm. Let's jump forward to their out-of-game interactions
Liam pushes Airy out his chair and yells at him,trying to hit him, upset.
Airy remains polite and a little confused and explains why he can't do that yet
Liam talks to texty,and refuses to consider killing Airy
Liam Negotiates with Airy
Liam falls and loses his belongings, Airy attempted to hold him from falling
After Liam does attempt to kill Airy,a tree breaks his leg, and Airy makes him a wooden cast,and a bed of reeds.
As it's visible, there's almost no intentional harm from Airy to Liam,and even the murder attempts from Liam to Airy are mild at best.
Fifth, Intentional Kindness
I'll keep this shorter,but, Bryce,once he meets Liam again back on Earth, doesn't show kindness to him unprompted at all. It's always guided through Liam's manipulation and behavior. He let's Liam in because Liam had him physically trapped. He goes along because Liam insists and guilts him. He helps get information out of Oscar and keeps it vague for OSCAR'S SAKE NOT LIAM'S,because he doesn't want to do to others what liam is currently doing to him.
He gets on the smokestack to ask for his keys back. Not a single act of kindness is unprompted. Bryce is a better person than Liam,and he falls for Liam's controlling behavior and struggles to say no.
Now, Airy is... tough,just as morally grey, Airy truly believes he's doing his best,and he has no animosity for actually hurting others,not even Liam. Not even when Liam is trying to Kill him. Airy, unprompted, makes Liam a reed bed,attempts to save liam from the fall, makes Liam a cast after his accident,and is generally open about his backstory to Liam. Airy has been alone 10 years,only with the plane and it's contestants for fun,trying to do something relatively harmless,and he is willing to send everyone home in exchange for the cassete player and because Liam asked and negotiated. He's happy to have Liam around. And Liam mourns Airy's death,too. He looks horrified when Airy speaks of how he was trying his best,and how his life was beforehand. There's even a hint of Liam basically becoming the next one to fill Airy's role at the end. He seems to understand this deep loneliness,and hears Airy out. Liam can resonate with someone he called a monster especially when in retrospective, Liam himself is more of a bad person than Airy is. Airy just,lost part of his mind in the process,but he stays kind. He could've killed Liam. with the computer,leave HIM in the waiting room,forever.
So... yeah
in the big picture, Airy is just a guy whos trying his best after then years of loneliness,and tried to do something that's morally abhorrent but without intention of harming anyone as long as it could be undone. He's not harmful or a threat to Liam,or at least,not more than Liam is a threat to him. It's sad,and doomed,and balanced
And Bryce is a poor traumatized man who got forced into doing stuff he never wanted to do,ans to relieve trauma he never wanted to relieve,just to be thrown back into the plane,for no reason,just to be trapped in a looping hell. He fears or at least really dislikes the way Liam manipulates him,and stays in denial about it. And Bryce is not a threat to Liam,in any way, other than Liam making Bryce responsible for his life as long as this own.
I think that's all i got in me,at least right now
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sillayobjects · 18 days
The funniest thing about Lairy haters is that a good handful of them also happen to be tacomic shippers and I noticed a lot of the reasons they use to justify shipping tacomic ( why do people even have to justify ships??? these arent real people dawg 💀💀💀 ) could be used for lairy
( not neg for tacomic btw i love tacomic )
YEAH ITS PRETTY IRONIC 😭 i just think like (do they hear themselves…?)
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netunleashed-blog · 6 years
Johnny Vegas' bitter weight battle: From 48-hour vodka binges to tragic event that changed everything
http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=12926 Johnny Vegas' bitter weight battle: From 48-hour vodka binges to tragic event that changed everything - http://www.internetunleashed.co.uk/?p=12926 Fans were floored when Johnny Vegas unveiled his newly slim self yesterday, telling fans he'd dropped a whopping three stone. The comedian has been on a health kick ever since his seven-year marriage to wife Maia Dunphy collapsed towards the end of last year, just months after his dad tragically died from bladder cancer. And sharing a shot of his protein-rich breakfast of eggs, avocado and tinned tomatoes, the once hard-boozing, pie-eating stand-up admitted he's a changed man. “Apologies fellow tweeters, busy of late and treating our chats like a bacon butty, sadly an all too rare a treat of late x,” he wrote. Read More Johnny has recently lost three stone (Image: Twitter) Pictured in 2005 (Image: Channel 4) Once notorious for his boozing, it's not the first time the 47-year-old - whose real name is Michael Pennington - has overhauled himself in a bid to save his own life and throw off the shackles of his drunk, lairy character. A former hypochondriac who feared he had everything from cancer to lock jaw, he created Johnny Vegas and his devil-may-care attitude as a way to escape his fears. "When Johnny did away with the hypochondria, it was suddenly like I had no fear of death. There was a real carelessness towards my wellbeing," he explained. Read More He split from wife Maia late last year Back in the late 90s the St Helen's native would down two bottles of vodka a day to bring out his inner Johnny and tipped the scales at 18st. “Johnny had a theory that if you counted how much you were drinking, you weren’t enjoying it," he wrote in his autobiography, Becoming Johnny Vegas. “He never kept track but he could go on drinking for hours. I was ill with nerves before going on. Read More He made no secret of his love of boozing "As Michael Pennington I’d build up during the day, hoping to coax Johnny out of his box.” His first wife Kitty Donnelly claimed he could stay up for two days and nights just drinking Guinness and vodka. But all that came to a stop after the birth of his son Michael in 2004, and the collapse of his marriage just months later. Read More Ex-wife Kitty said he could booze for two days solidly By 2005 he had lost six stone, admitting he "couldn't have said what my life expectancy would've been" before he made the changes. "Johnny was a reaction to so many things, but I had a very loving upbringing, and a very good relationship with my parents, and my son didn't deserve Johnny as a dad," he told the Guardian. "I didn't want my son one day thinking that he'd come second-best to someone who had chased an early grave and notoriety." However, he feared the weight loss had ruined his appeal. Read More He changed his ways for son Michael Pennington Jr (Image: Getty) "I think I was always a charming, sexy ******," he told Zoo magazine. "But now I look less vulnerable, if anything it's had a negative impact. "I used to attract a lot of feeders. I'd be quite happy to be locked in someone's flat and fed liquidised burgers." Gradually the stones crept back on and the funnyman suffered repeated bouts of gout whilst shooting Benidorm, sparking another weight loss effort in 2010. This time he lost five stone after cutting out booze and 'temptation food', and instead turning to salads and fish. Johnny had another weight loss attempt in 2010 His current diet doesn't feature a single pie (Image: Twitter) Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in 8Cancel Play now "I've calmed right down, but I had a run of five nights drinking and I don't know how I used to do it every night," he previously said. "I don't really go into town, but if I do I don't normally make it home!" This time around, he's hoping the weight loss will last and admitted that his 60-a-day smoking habit will be the next thing to go. Replying to a Twitter user, he revealed he was 'trying' to give up. "Dropped three stone in advance of the inevitable weight gain that will follow dropping the coffin nails," he said. "Need to be light enough to break out the skipping rope again." Source link
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thebrandtag · 7 years
Is Jamie Harron really innocent and Dubai as unreasonable as the media claims? via /r/dubai
Is Jamie Harron really innocent and Dubai as unreasonable as the media claims?
I live in London and I’ve been hearing a lot about this case and the more I’ve read about it the less I believe Harron. Every single article is from a British source and I’m really curious to hear from an alternative source.
I find it very hard to believe that he was detained for something that trivial. Harron has been a previous offender for alcohol related cases and I don’t want to stereotype but there’s a good chance he could be one of those bad drunks that makes a nuisance of themselves after a couple (probably more) and then sober up and play innocent.
I’ve lived in Dubai almost my entire life and been on many an alcohol fuelled night out. I have encountered cops when I and many people around me have been noticeably drunk. All I’ve ever seen them do is watch out for any real trouble. Never once have I seen the cops be unreasonable.
Yes it's against the rules to be drunk in public but its widely accepted. Just like the grey legal areas concerning cannabis in Amsterdam. Laws don't change just like that but it's common for authorities to turn a blind eye where it's unreasonable to prosecute every little case. In both the East and West.
My bet's that the guy did something more serious and tried to pass it off as irrational totalitarian injustice. This is his second case in three months... I’m not saying he did something drastic, but I wouldn’t be surprised if he was just another rowdy and lairy drunk.
I obviously don’t know enough to pass judgement but I tried gathering info about the defendant, Mr Emad Tabaza and I can see little reason why he’d want to throw his weight around. Of course there are unfortunately too many individuals out there (especially in Dubai) that feel the need to flaunt their “vasta.” He naturally withdrew the charges after all the threats and negativity coming his way. I’ve seen some of the tweets directed towards this man and it’s sad how people have been demanding he gets fired from his job and even worse. Again, I am not claiming Tabbaz is innocent, just questioning what his motives could have been.
Dubai does NOT deserve the negative light this case has been shining on it. And it's sad that there's nothing countering any of it. The more I think about it the less I believe Harron's side of the story and am very bothered with how sympathetic people are towards him. You Redditors who actually know Dubai as well or better than I do, do you actually believe that he was just an innocent victim?
(Soz for this being so long winded, it was a bit of a rant I know)
Submitted October 23, 2017 at 07:42PM by LukeAtMeNow101 via reddit http://ift.tt/2zKr8Kn
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oscconfessions · 4 months
Ok I really gotta get this off my chest AHEM.
Earlier in a Discord server I was in a Saw someone’s Art and they said it was implied Liam x airy. I confronted them about it and they suddenly claimed that it was an AU and that “they took out the problematic stuff”
I wanna make one thing clear for everyone; A Proship is ALWAYS a proship. Doesn’t matter how much you change it or if you look at it a different way. It is still proshipping and it is still unacceptable.
Another thing I wanna point out — proshipping isn’t just Child x adult. While that is bad, There are others that still count as proshipping too! (Kidnapper x victim, Teacher x student, that kind of thing)
I wanted to get that out there because I’ve seen so many people do this and it’s honestly infuriating.
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oscconfessions · 7 months
I'm so confused on how people still fucking like Liary. Are we watching the same show hello??? That fucker hated his ass (I don't care if it's your comfort ship I will forever bash it until I perish <3)
I don't care if you draw them hugging or some shit but the moment I know you DO ship them you're getting blocked
Anyways queer platonic Parker/Charlotte REAL (They also give eachother platonic kisses LOL and they have another partner that's totally not my oc or anything hahaha... OKAY BYE)
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oscconfessions · 5 months
the lairy ship makes me uncomfortable as hell. signed, a liam fictive :(
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hfjoneconfessions · 7 months
i can’t believe some people ship liam x airy.. i’ve seen it many times and it infuriates me. it is quite literally a proship. it’s abusive, toxic, unhealthy and STOCKHOLM SYNDROME!! i cannot stress this enough it is not a healthy relationship.
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hfjoneconfessions · 7 months
yall lairy is literally Stockholm Syndrome how do yall not see that??
‘weh but he’s autistic and he didn’t want to hurt them on purpose 🥺🥺’ okay? autistic people can be bad (coming from someone that most likely autism) and it didn’t matter that airy ‘didn’t do it on purpose’ he still did something terrible.
I also run the @ask-liam-plecak blog and I’ve gotten asks about how ‘airy suffered enough’ and it dosent matter. he dosent deserve forgiveness from the people who’s live he ruined.
-🖋️‼️ (also sorry for forgetting the ‼️ in my last ask loll)
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oscconfessions · 7 months
Am I the only one that's like really iffy about Airy x Liam? (or any of the contestants really)
Like dawg. That man kidnapped them. Airy literally ruined their lives like?? He gave them all trauma I don't think their relationship would be healthy. At all.
Like I hate ship discourse but um. Yeah it's just really iffy to me.
(Also I hope this doesn't come off as me hating Airy. I think he's a funny little character.)
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hfjoneconfessions · 7 months
yeah. okay. soadpack isn’t canon but like. when you bash on it, don’t tag it. i went to the tag for art and headcanons not u talking about how it’s toxic.
i saw one bashing on it but then saying that lairy wasn’t toxic but sodapack was??? like i think you got it the other way round babe
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hfjoneconfessions · 7 months
I swear on the color wheel if I see ANOTHER lairy fic I will die
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mr-payjay · 7 months
Your art was literally tagged as “lairy”, negative portrayal or not it’s a proship, instead of yelling at people and calling them stupid and saying they were ‘dropped on their heads’, you own up to what you did and stop trying to act like a victim.
im owning up to fucking your mom 🖕
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