#lieutenant oliver x mc
knetherack · 2 years
Intro to my paras / characters
- UNDER CONSTANT EDITING - in first stage
🔸 - Athios Family / Apothian royalty
🔹 - Cazarez Family / Casiliad royalty
♦️ - Paltyne Family / Xigan Royalty (Zee-Gin)
🟩 - Cephatyte Family / Domynu royalty
🟨 - Kesian royals
👑 - king / queen
🗡️ - prince / princess
⚪️ - all others / unimportant atm
🔸🗡️Saturn - wind “child of the moon”
🔹🗡️Sylus/Sam - water control & quill
⚪️Lucifea - necrosight, a Xigan Lieutenant general, close to Abzue
🔹🗡️Juniper - necromancer, wants to be known for more than that
🔹🗡️Gail - electricity, responsible
🔹/⚪️Lucius - ex-cazarez, projector
🔹/⚪️Alastor - ex-cazares, power stealing
🔹🗡️Leonne - ??, likes to stay out of the public eye and into the books
🔹🗡️Zade - electricity, gregarious
🔸🗡️Amone - “child of the sun” dream manipulation
⚪️🗡️Starling - innovative & introverted
⚪️🗡️Olive - good for wine and parties
⚪️Cloud (Avael) - ???
🔹🗡️Amethyst - ??, innocent, extroverted
⚪️🗡️Velic - unofficial prince of Soteq (city)
⚪️Bea - ??, Indi/indigo
⚪️🗡️Solomon - healing, good at potions, prince of Cetacia
⚪️🗡️Asaillia - princess of Brisbell
🟨👑Ozyl - Regent of Kesian
⚪️👑Glovely - King of Trise
🟨👑Talis - killed leaving Ozyl as regent
🟨🗡️Lavender - Amone’s future wife if she has anything to say about it
♦️🗡️Abzue/Ayzy - controls blood, mc,
⚪️🗡️Azeru/Siery - prince of very rarely visited planet. Portrayed as evil to outsiders
🔹👑Caota - electricity, (Cazoran dynasty)
🔸👑Dodi Athios - fire, King of Apothos “sun king”
🔸👑Krea - wind, Queen of Apothos
♦️🗡️Atrius - prince of Xigan Empire
♦️👑Sayosi - King of Xigan Empire
♦️👑/🟩👑Melania - dead but important
🟨/🟩Senna - Melania x Talis
🔸🗡️Nauri - Dodi’s kid, killed by Amone
🔸🗡️Mochen - Dodi’s kid, killed by Amone
♦️👑Ashiveil - First of Paltyne Dynasty also known as Raine in her early years, Note: Ashiveil’s Rebellion
🔸??? - Ashiveil’s “love interest” and an Athios king who she betrays
⚪️??? - general who falls in love with Ashiveil. When she was Lt. Raine
♦️👑Zyphix - blood control, long dead, Ayzy’s calique (Kal-ik-ay)
⚪️Commander Aura - Ayzy’s mother figure
⚪️General Shibua - Strict, Abzue’s specialized instructor
⚪️General Shiya - taught Ayzy rural and urban survival
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pixelsbichoice · 4 years
Oliver: *appears for one chapter*
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boring-doll · 4 years
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A portrait of Oliver from diamond scene, where we saw our possible future with him. 😞✊ Once again, I’ll appreciate every like or reblog. It isn’t too much for you, but it means a lot to me!
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meindraws · 4 years
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This has been sitting in my WIPs for more than 2 months, finally found the time and strength to finish it. 😅
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alais-bladesoflight · 3 years
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Legendary love story of Navy Officer Oliver and Pirate Captain Will
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ratanslily · 4 years
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chiabeanz · 4 years
When you see the one prisoner you have a crush on tend the wounds of the other and they start getting too close:
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scgdoeswhat · 4 years
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I am SUCH a sucker for this trope... especially in a pirate story 😩😩😩
I am so far beyond gone and I am captaining this ill fated ship but I don't care 😂😂😂
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itsbrindleybinch · 4 years
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Ok but... In my defence...
He was cute.
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brycemaloliver · 4 years
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Lieutenant Oliver Cochrane aesthetic
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Wow this is not ok PB 😡 how dare you
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kelseaaa · 4 years
Alone with the Sunrise
Part One: When It’s Over
Pairing: Lieutenant Oliver Cochrane x f!MC (Abigail Bellamy)
Word Count: 1.5k
Warnings: angst city b
Series Summary:  What really happens when Abigail goes back through the time portal after their fight against the Admiral? And how will Oliver and the pirate crew handle it? This is a follow up series to my first Oliver fic: Together with the Sundown.
Tagging:  @jaxsmutsuo​, @krishu213​, @greedy-choices, @imrookieramsey, @choicesficwriterscreations​ please let me know if you would like to be tagged or removed :)
Oliver had never known love. Not true, head over heels, make your heart stutter, love. He knew the love of his mother. He regretted not being able to tell her how much he loved her when she was here. He knew the love he held for his father, once. Though that love was long gone now. He had a love for the sea and her mystery. But none of that could compare to the love he held for Abigail Bellamy.
As they laid in his cabin, the gentle waves had already lulled her to sleep. He was sure she was exhausted, just like him. They had been through a hellish ordeal, fighting his father’s and Robert’s crew then his father himself on that strange island that came from the sea. But they had won. And now, after a night of love and passion, him and Abigail were finally together. 
And she was beautiful. Her warm, bare body curled against his now-healed side. Her long hair fanning out over his shoulder and pillows. Eyes closed and lips parted slightly, her gentle breathing filling the space between them.
Oliver had never known love before. But right now, at that moment, he knew it well.
He tilted his head, letting his lips brush against her hair to leave a feather-light kiss. He inhaled, reveling in the sea salt and sun scent of her skin. Wrapping his arms tighter around her body, Oliver closed his eyes and settled further into the bed. His fingers trailed down her spine, across her waist and settled on her hip. With one final kiss to her parted lips, Oliver waited for sleep to consume him.
But before he released his mind to dream, he opened his mouth one more time to whisper in her ear.
“I love you, Abigail.”
Oliver knew that when he woke up, his new future - their future - awaited them. And with that knowledge, he could finally rest.
When daybreak hit, he was alone.
Oliver slowly opened his eyes, already sensing the lack of heat next to him. When his eyes were fully opened, he scanned the bed. Empty. Then scanned the room. Empty, as well. The only sign of their tryst from last night was the pile of his discarded clothes. Only his. He breathed a sigh of relief, realizing she must have already left the room for the day.
Oliver stood from his bed and quickly got dressed. He walked out of his cabin, pulling his loose blonde hair back and out of his face, and made his way up to the helm to check in with his men. Both Officer Doyle and Officer Alvarez were standing there, deep in conversation. They quickly broke apart when Oliver cleared his throat and greeted them.
They spoke briefly, talking about the ship’s course and the next port they were headed to. Doyle filled them in on how the night went - uneventful. After a few more minutes of conversation, Oliver finally asked them if they had seen Abigail.
“No, sir,” Doyle replied quickly.
Alvarez shook his head. “Haven’t been up here long but I haven’t seen her yet. Might check the mess hall.”
Oliver nodded his head and bid his men a good day then made his way down to the mess hall. He pushed open the door and was greeted with a large, empty room. Save for the one man sitting in the galley.
“Mornin’, Henry,” Oliver greeted the old pirate who simply waved his hooked hand lazily in response. “Has Abigail been by here?”
Henry tilted his head, possibly in thought, then eventually shook it. “Haven’t seen her all mornin’.”
Oliver frowned but nodded his head in thanks. He turned around and headed back out of the mess hall onto the top deck. All around him the Poseidon’s Revenge’s crew worked the sails and rigging. Oliver still couldn’t believe that this was his life now. A Navy Lieutenant defying the law. But it was all worth it because Abigail was worth it.
His eyes scanned the many faces, looking for one in particular. He frowned when he didn’t find it. 
Making his way across the deck, Oliver joined a group that consisted of Jonas, Kendrick and Charlie who were talking casually.
“Ollie!” Kendrick exclaimed, clapping his hand on the Lieutenant’s shoulder. Oliver didn’t flinch at the nickname this time, though he wasn’t exactly used to it. Maybe this crew of criminals were finally growing on him.
Oliver smiled and greeted the rest of the group. “How was everyone’s evening?”
Jonas grunted and Kendrick started to drone on about needing more rum. Charlie rolled her eyes at the two pirate men then smiled a dangerously coy smile to Oliver. “I should ask you the same question,” she said through a smirk.
Oliver felt the heat rush to his face but cleared his throat, brushing off the insinuating remark - no matter how true it may be.
“My evening was… pleasant,” he responded. He didn’t miss the slight eye roll Charlie shot him but chose to ignore it.
“I see,” Charlie replied. “So ‘pleasant’ that Abigail couldn’t even bother to get out of bed?”
Oliver opened his mouth to respond but shut it quickly. He furrowed his brows and for a moment, he thought maybe she was joking. But the look she gave him proved otherwise.
“Abigail was gone before I awoke,” he said quietly, nervous.
Charlie’s smile faltered as her eyes started to wander around the deck, just like Oliver’s had earlier. When she realized that Abigail was nowhere to be found, she turned to Kendrick and Jonas. “Have you seen her?” she asked them.
Jonas and Kendrick looked at each other before turning back and shaking their heads.
A pit was now forming in Oliver’s stomach. His palms grew damp and he had to remind himself to breathe. He turned in a circle, eyes scanning everyone on the deck again, hoping that he had been momentarily blind earlier.
He distantly heard Charlie calmly say his name before he turned back around to the pirate group. “Fan out!” he instructed, his mind switching into military mode. “Gather everyone that you can and search every deck. Every room.”
The three pirates didn’t argue, quickly breaking away to do as they were told. Oliver didn’t wait to see where they went. He broke out into a sprint, heading to the door that led inside to the cabin Abigail had been staying in. He quickly pushed the door open and his heart nearly shattered.
It was empty.
His eyes flicked between the desk, the bed and finally to the trunk at the foot of the bed. He opened it and had to hold in a cry. Inside the trunk were the two weapons that Abigail carried on her at all times, the detailed pistol and Robert’s sword. His fingers grazed the hilt of her blade, feeling it to make sure it was real. When he felt the cold of metal on his fingertips he nearly collapsed.
No no no no no.
Oliver ran out of the room, nearly colliding with Ginny as she bounded down the hall. Her face was one of determination and Oliver silently begged that her search would prove bountiful.
Oliver walked back out onto the deck, his steps sluggish with no direction. His thoughts were clouded with concern and confusion. He eventually made his way back into his cabin, searching the small space of any sign that she had been there. That he hasn’t made up everything.
When his search turned fruitless, he made his way out onto the small balcony. He knew it would be empty, and being right didn’t help the large pit in his stomach or the ache in his chest. He gripped the railing, fingers digging into the wood so hard that he silently hoped it would splinter beneath his hands.
He had believed Abigail when she told him about the time travel nonsense. As absurd and outlandish as it had sounded, somehow it had all made sense. When they had touched the amulet together in the cave - when he saw their future - he knew that there was nothing more he could ever want in this world. And when they closed the portal, he thought that maybe the fantasy they had envisioned would actually become reality.
But now...
Oliver dropped his head into his hands. “Please,” he whispered to the ocean, a hope and prayer that somehow she would hear him. “Abigail, please. Not like this. I… I can’t…”
He was silenced when he heard a knock at his cabin door. He quickly tried to regain his composure then went back inside to answer the door. Hoping that when he opened it, this nightmare would be over and he would be greeted with the woman he loved. But when he opened it, he was surprised to see Captain Edward on the other side.
His expression was forlorn and Oliver felt his heart plummet. Every fear was making its way to the surface and Oliver wanted desperately to be anywhere but there.
Edward frowned, his eyes looking down at the deck below him. Then finally - finally - he spoke.
“She’s gone, Lieutenant.”
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pixelsbichoice · 4 years
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ExcUSE yOU that is MY boyfriend
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boring-doll · 4 years
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Oliver x m MC
requested by @ezekielbhandarivalleros
i haven’t drawn in a while :/
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meindraws · 4 years
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Someone made me do it.
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alais-bladesoflight · 3 years
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Will and Oliver's alternative future together...Wow I miss them so much :(
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