#life style in Gilgit
shahananasrin-blog · 10 months
[ad_1] Tragedy struck as Japanese climber and accomplished mountain guide Shinji Tamura lost his life, while his partner Takayasu Semba sustained injuries during their daring ascent of an unnamed 6,800-meter peak in Ghanche district, Gilgit-Baltistan. Undertaking a challenging first ascent in alpine-style through the Kande Valley of Ghanche, the duo faced adversity on August 11 when they slipped from their rope at an altitude of 5,300 meters. The fall resulted in Tamura's disappearance, and Semba was left injured. Ghanche Deputy Commissioner Umer Vaqar informed reporters that the accident occurred due to the climbers' rope slip. Both were hurt, with Tamura's injuries being severe. Despite his own injuries, Semba managed to move Tamura to a tent before descending to the base camp in search of help. A ground rescue team was swiftly dispatched from Hushe Valley to aid the stranded climber. After three days of intensive efforts, the rescue team was unable to locate Tamura. It is presumed that he might have fallen into a crevasse during his solo descent in the dark. Authorities concluded the search operation yesterday. Semba, reported to be in stable condition, was airlifted by a Pakistan army helicopter from the base camp to Skardu. Shinji Tamura was renowned for his pursuit of alpine-style first ascents alongside Takayasu Semba. Their past endeavors included an unsuccessful 2021 attempt on the first ascent of Bondit Peak, a feat that a Hungarian team achieved the following summer. Born on August 14, 1966, Tamura was not only a proficient mountain guide but also a skilled photographer. Sadly, his 57th birthday coincided with the sorrowful end of the search operation. Tamura had relocated to Zermatt, Switzerland, in 1989, later establishing Active Mountain, a Zermatt-based travel agency, in 1997. Since 2003, Tamura served as a high-altitude mountain guide with Himalayan Experience. His climbing career was distinguished by remarkable achievements, including four successful summits of Everest, four ascents of Manaslu, and three of Cho Oyu. He amassed a portfolio of expeditions across the Himalayas and Karakoram, conquering peaks like Broad Peak, Ama Dablam, Tawoche, Lobuche, Bondit Peak, Laila Peak, and Thamserku. He also accomplished significant climbs on Aconcagua, Denali, Mount Logan, and Vinson in Antarctica." [ad_2]
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adventurepk · 3 years
Village Life & lifestyle in Gilgit Baltistan Amazing Village Lifestyle i...
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araibalibaigsblog · 4 years
Rock Art in the Upper ~Indus Region
Harald Hauptmann Rock Art in the Upper ~Indus Region
The majestic peaks of the Himalayas with their I4 eight-thousanders towering above the scenery, separate the Tibetan Plateau and the South Asian subcontinent on a length of 2,500 km. They do not. though. form an impassable barrier to man, as evident from its western part comprising the Hindu Kush, the Western Himalayas. and the Karakoram in the north of Pakistan. From the Tarim Basin, several paths lead over passes more than 4,000 metres high over the glaciers of the mountain chains of the The Karakoram down to the deeply cut canyons of the Indus river and its tributaries. This network of routes that connects the northern steppe regions with Kashmir and the Indo-Pakistani lowlands has been frequented by hunters and nomads since the end of the Ice Age as well as during historical times by merchants with their caravans, by Buddhist pilgrims, Chinese emissaries. and foreign conquerors. The high mountain range that today encompasses the Northern Areas of Pakistan formed, on the one hand, the shortest connection to the trading posts in the Tarim Basin for Indian caravans, but on the other hand, it was also, in the opposite direction, at least temporarily the gate to India for Sogdian merchants from Samarkand. A southern section of the legendary Silk Route led through the Indus Valley. It consisted of a network of trading routes that started in the ancient Chinese imperial cib of Changan and led to the Mediterranean Sea via the oasis cities in the Tarim Basin, such as Khotan, Yarkand and Kashgar as well as Turfan and Kucha. The first description of the passages leading from the Tarim Basin via the Hindu Kush and Karakoram to the kingdoms ofJibin (Chi-pin) and Nandou - kingdoms that are located in the regions around Kapisa-Peshawar and Gilgit - is provided by the chronicle Han Shu (25-221 B.c.E.) from the time of the Han dynasty. The difficult route continues until it reaches the "Hanging Passages", spanning deep chasms, which are described as life-threatening challenges for man and beast. This toponym might either refer to the paths running in vertiginous heights along the scarps above the Hunza and the Indus rivers or, more probable, to the shaky rope bridges stretching over mountain torrents. The adventurous itineraries of Chinese pilgrims vividly narrate the arduous journeys across the snowcovered peaks of the "Onion Mountains" down to the Indus Valley. The earliest among these pilgrims, according to the tradition, was the monk Faxian (317-~zo), who started his 15-years-long pilgrimage in the imperial city of Changan. After having scaled the Karakoram Faxian reached the kingdom Jiecha (Kie-cha), probably modern Baltistan, and the small kingdom of To-lieh or ~uoliin the year 400. This place was of supraregional religious importance, as its sanctuary was most prominent for a gilded wooden statue of Maitreya, the future Buddha, which was over 20 metres high. Only afterwards, Faxian crossed the "Route of the Hanging Passages", i.e. the Indus river, to arrive at his destination, the kingdom of UddiyHna, in Swat. In the report of the most famous pilgrim, Xuanzang (629-645), a Chinese Marco Polo, who had also chosen the southern route over the "Onion Mountains" to Gandhara. the miraculous Maitreya statue and an adjunct monastery is described again at a place that he calls Ta-li-lo. This location is probably to be identified with a religious centre such as the one in the Chilas Basin. Apart from these reports and some later chronicles, there exist no other historical sources on this region. Yet, there is another group of monuments giving a deeper insight into the history of this high mountain region: A collection of rock art images ~~niiqn ~the~ire  diversity and ex Fig. 2 Hodur-West. Stupa-Buddha group traordinary in their quantity. Carved into the rock faces and boulders of the Indus gorge, reaching from Indus-Kohistan to Baltistan, and, even beyond, to Ladakh and Tibet, expands one of the worldwide largest and most impressive rock art provinces. These monuments can also be found on the important pass routes and subsidiary valleys of the Indus river be it along with the Gilgit, at Yasin, in Hunza up to the Kilik pass. along the Shigar or the Shyok in Baltistan. They concentrate along the Fully developed routes to both sides of the Indus river. having their richest clusters within a stretch of more than 100 kilometres between Shatial in Indus-Kohistan and the bridge of Raikot. In these rock art galleries, which are centred around Chilas and Thalpan in the district of Diamer at the foot of the 8,125 meter high Nanga Parbat, over 50,000 rock drawings and more than 5,000 inscriptions represent a period lasting from the late Stone Age to the Islamisation of the mountain region that took place in the l6th century. The remarkable diversity of these engravings, also known as the "guest book of the Silk Route", mirrors the history, the cultural and social traditions and the religious ideas of local as well as immigrated peoples. The existence of this rock art as well as that of the two monumental Buddha reliefs of Kargah near Gilgit (fig. 7) and Manthal near Skardu in Baltistan (fig. 8) has already been known since the 19'~c' century. But only after the completion of the 751 km long Karakorarn Highway - the direct connection between China and Pakistan - Karl Jettmar. Heidelberg, and Ahmad Hasan Dani, Islamabad, could commence systematic research of the rock art province. The work started as a joint German-Pakistani project in 1980 and in 1984 the project was taken over by the Heidelberg Academy of the Sciences and has continued with the approval of the Pakistani Department of Archaeology and Museums in Islamabad to date.* With the onset of the ~olocene(9,500-6,200 B.C.E.),the milder climate in this region went along with heavier precipitation that also favoured a lush vegetation in the valleys and thus permitted the expansion of diverse fauna. Tllese propitious environmental conditions. starting with the melting of the large glacersa, ttracted groups of hunters who created the earliest rock images ofwild animals: depictions of ibex, markhor, and bharal (~imalayanb lue sheep), but also hunting scenes that occasionally even feature depictions of humans (line drawings 1.1-2). The artist's symbolic presence seems to be expressed by representations of hand and foot prints. The pictures of animals. usually engraved in silhouettes and showing a subnaturalistic style, find their counterparts in the rock art provinces of Western Asia and Siberia, ranging from the late Stone Age to Neolithic times. Impressive images of large, naked figures of men can be ascribed to the Bronze Age, the late 3d millennium B.C.E. Depicted in frontal view, with arms outstretched (line drawing 1,3), these "giants", found as single figures or in pairs, are attested in more than 60 examples from prominent places in the lndus Valley to Ladakh and might represent images of ghosts, demons, or local deities. Alternatively they might just depict shamans. In isolated cases the faceless giants are connected with images of masks (line drawing 1,4), that, if compared with the Siberian Okunev culture, could be explained as relating to shamanistic actions. We can only assign some rare rock art examples of wild animals or hunting scenes, and some depictions of chariots, to the 2"hillennium B.C.E. The earliest megalithic round tombs in lshkoman and Yasin can be ascribed to this era as well. With the beginning of the first millennium B.C.E.. a new population appears in the Upper lndus region, which can be traced back to invasions of Scytho-Sakian tribes. These steppe nomads that entered from Central Asia and are known as Saka from the inscriptions of the Persian Great King Darius 1 (522-485 B.c.E.) contr~bute numerous pictures of ibexes. deer, and predators featuring the Eurasian animal style (line drawings 15-7). They correspond to animal bronzes discovered in ~cythimku rgans from Kazakhstan and Siberia. With the eastern expansion of the ~chaernenid-Persian kingdom in the 61h century B.C.E. and the establishL~ neD rawrng 1 1 Dadam Das, 2 Barlo Das, 3 Thor.4 Z~yarat5, Kalat Doduk,Bo 6Turr1l Nala. 7 Dong Nala Llne Drawlng 2 1-3 Thalpan.4-5 Chllas 11.6 Barlo Das, 7Thalpan.B Shat~al ment of the Indian provinces of Gandhara and Hindu5 (Sind), also Iranian influence reaches the Upper lndus Valley. This is reflected in perfectly rendered images of stylized horses, mythical creatures in the characteristic bent-arm, bent-leg posture that indicates flying, and particularly, in warrior figures dressed in Western Iranian costumes (line drawings 2,l-3, fig. 1). Under the reign of the Kushan dynasty (1" century C.E.). Buddhism started to spread as a new belief system in the Upper lndus region. With the beginning of the earlier Buddhist era, lasting from the 1'' to the 3rd century, the region enters the stage of history, as engravings of stupas worshipped by pilgrims (line drawings 2,4-5), scenes abundant with figures and enthroned rulers (line drawing 2.6), and in particular, the first inscriptions in Kharosthi show. In the area concerned, the Buddhism reached its peak between the 51h and 8'l' centuries. Small principalities were founded in the high mountain areas, such as the powerful Great Palur of the Palola %hi dynasty in the east (called Bolor in Tibetan sources), with its centre in Baltistan as well as Little Palur (Tibetan Bruia) on the high plateau ofGilgit with Yasin that borders in the west. Starting from the 7'l' century, those principalities fell under the alternating rule of twogreat powers: the Chinese rang dynasty and the Tibetan kingdom. The third political power were the Daradas or Dards living in the southern part of the Upper lndus Valley. The kingdomfs centre was located in the Nilum-Kishaganga area and from its outpost chilas, situated at one of the main crossings of the lndus (possibly the seat of a regional ruler), it controlled the route across the Babusar pass leading to Kashmir and Taxila, an old centre of the Gandharan kingdom, The imagery is dominated by numerous remarkable depictions of ,t,pas and images of the Buddha (fig. 4) that were engraved on both sides of the lndus river along the developed traffic routes secured by sentry posts and fortresses, at places of smaller sanctuaries, at river crossings. and at central locations such as Shatial. Thor, Hodur and Chilas-~hal~an, and Shing Nala. From the numerous religious buildings, particularly the ~tupaso, nly one monument has been preserved in an aln~ostc omplete state, the "Minar of the Taj Moghal" ofJutial above Gilgit. Very sporadi-, rui ns of these monuments can be observed in the Gilgit valley, in Baltistan in the Buddhist hill settlement of Shigar, or at Surmo in the shyok valley. Due to their high artistic quality and vibrancy, several scenic depictions, showing Jritaka scenes, that is episodes narrating previous existences of the Buddha, are outstanding among the rock art. Three of them. the Vyiighri or Tiger Jdtaka (line drawing 3.1), the &ipaticaka litaka or Jitaka of the Greatest Evils (line drawing 3. 2), and the Sibi jdtoko (line drawing 3,3), which adorn rocks at Chilas and Thalpan, were apparently created by one and the same artist and can be dated to the 6Ih century. An older depiction of the SibiJdtaka in Shatial is comparatively crude and compared to theJdtakos of Chilas-Thalpan, shows more Gandharan influence. (fig. 3). The magnificent composition consisting of two pagoda-like stupas hints at the close connections between the Upper lndus region and the Buddhist world laying beyond the "snowy mountains", namely Kashmir and Gandhara. The temptation of the Buddha by the beautihl daughters of the demon king MHra, a popular motif in Gandharan art, is depicted on a rock in Thalpan (line drawing 3.4). With the gesture of touching the earth with his right hand (bhirnispariarnudri). the earth opens, the earth goddess testi- Fig 3 Shatlal $~bJi atako,Stupas and lnscrlprtons in Kharosthi,Brahm~.andS ogd~an Fig. 4 Thalpan. Sitting Bllddha Fig. 5 Chilas III.Late Buddhist stupa worshipping scene and warriors with battleaxes F1g.6 Chilar X.Post-Buddhist battle are symbols 356 Fig 7 Standlng Buddha In the Kargah Valley near Gllg~t Fig.8 Buddha rock of Manthal near Skardu In Balt~stan fies to the ~uddha'sv ictory over MLra (rndravgaya), and the temptresses away quickly. He overcame this obstacle, and was subsequently enlighted under the Bodhi tree near Urubilva, where Gautama became the Buddha in a night of the full moon of the year 528 B.C.E. The first sermon he gave as the Buddha in the Deer Park of Sarnath near varanasi (Benares) is one of the most important events of the Buddha legend. ~t is at Thalpan in an impressive engraving (line drawing 3,5). This scene, very popular in Buddhist art, shows the Buddha in the company of his first five disciples, who were companions of SiddhHrtha during his phase of asceticism. The deer park is represented by two gazelles at the bottom, and the wheel symbolizes the act of teaching. Among the most beautiful images at Thalpan is the enthroned Buddha with his companion ~odhisattvaV ajrapPni portrayed in the background (line drawing 3.6). Due to its highly artistic execution and its distinctive importance for Buddhist imagery, an image found in Hodur-West has to be put in line with the most impressive examples of this art genre represented along the Upper lndus (fig. 2). It shows two Buddhas both seated on a single pedestal with a stupa between them. Apparently, this depiction hints at chapter 11 of the famous Lotos Sitra; one figure represents Sakyamuni, the historical Buddha, the other Prabhijtaratna, a Buddha of the past. The motif of the two sitting Buddhas with Prabhijtaratna's "Stupaof the seven precious materials" is very popular in the Buddhist art of Central Asia and China, as its numerous examples in paintings in the cave temples of Dunhuang, Lung Men, and Yungang as well as on relief steles show. The historical background of the Buddhist era in this region is particularly apparent in inscriptions. In the earlier phase, they are written in Kharosthi, whereas in the later phase of the 3rd to ath century, they use, in large numbers, the BrPhmTscript (cf. Falk, p. 14). The inscriptions are often added to images and render personal names and consecration formulas. Over 700 Sogdian, but also Bactrian, Parthian, and Middle Persian inscriptions that predominantly concentrate at Shatial, which is now interpreted as a former market place, attest the presence of Parthian and particularly Sogdian merchants from Samarkand. We can trace drawings of Iranian fire altars (line drawing 2.8), tamgas interpreted as heraldic family signs or emblems of cities such as Samarkand, and even Nestorian crosses. These images not only mirror the special importance of the Sogdians as merchants on the Silk Route, but also as mediators between the great religions such as Buddhism. Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Manichaeism. Among the most beautiful creations are the saddled but riderless horses, that are, in Central Asian fashion, depicted in the pace gait (line drawing 2.7). Hephthalithic, i.e. Hunnic, as well as Turkish names appear in the inscriptions, too. Thirteen Chinese inscriptions, probably applied by merchants or pilgrims, and even one composed in Hebrew testify to the ethnic diversity of the region. A Chinese graffito on the rock formation of Haldeikish in the Hunza valley, through which the path up to the important pass leading to Kashgar in Xinjiang runs, mentions even an envoy of the dynasty of the "Great Wei". This site represents the most important epigraphic monument so far discovered in the The Karakorum, with 131 inscriptions in Kharosthi, Brahmi. Sogdian. Chinese, and Tibetan. From the 4th century onwards. anti-Buddhist influences appear on the scene, which indicates the arrival of foreign horse-riding peoples from the surrounding high mountain ranges of the Indus Valley. This new ethnic element is represented by crude depictions of battle axes, round disks which could be understood as reminiscent of sun symbols, and pictures of riders and warriors (figs. 5 and 6). Images of attacking war axe people evidently besieging Buddhists practically seem to defend stupas inform about the political and religious changes taking place in the area. In the northern regions, for instance, Gilgit and Baltistan. Buddhist traditions seem to have kept flourishing. though. The approximately three-metre high relief of a standing Buddha at Naupur in the Kargah Valley near Gilgit depicts him with the right arm held aloft in the gesture of fearlessness and indicates growing influence of Tibetan style in the century as does the relief on a six-metre-high rock in Manthal near Skardu in Baltistan (fig. 8). b here, together with 20 smaller Buddhas the meditating Buddha is seated in a Mandala-shaped assembly. This exceptional composition is flanked by two standing ~odhisattvasP; a dmapani with the lotus to the left, Maitreya to the right. Below, a ptimaghaka, the Vase of Plenty. is depicted (fig. 8). The only large-sized rock painting of ~haghdon ear Skardu. showing a magnificent stupa worshipping scene with the Raja of Shigar, attests to the final significant period of prosperity of Buddhism during the 12th century. Islamisation started from Kashmir in the 16th century and has its most impressive monuments in the first characteristic mosques with rich wood carving decoration in Khaplu. Shigar, and Skardu in Baltistan.
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mabajwa03007992658 · 5 years
When you come to Pakistan, the country is blessed with exceptional and mesmeric landscapes, beautiful rivers, huge and wide desserts, calm lakes, tranquil waterfalls, exotic, huge and calm icy glaciers, and a few exciting awing sceneries. There's no doubt Pakistan the country is holy with each face and style of natural beauty.
Place 1: Chitral
When talking regarding the foremost favorite holidaymaker destination in an Asian country, Chitral continually tops the charts. At Chitral, there are several choices to explore like Tirich Mir; that is one in all the best mountain peaks within the range chain. There are many majestic mountains and lush inexperienced meadows that solely defines the spectacular landscape of Chitral valley.
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There are several hotels and resorts within the valley that are giving mesmeric views of the geological formation. Garam Chashma could be a spot wherever each holidaymaker enjoys the foremost. The universal truth is that the water from Chashma is often cold however what makes Garam Chashma unbelievable is that it's a fountain that has miraculous healing properties in it moreover. Barmoghlasht could be a well-known resort in Chitral. within the summers, sightseers love paragliding whereas in winters they like sport. the 2 spots particularly Koghazi and Goleen have remarked as paradise on Earth thanks to their large beauty. These locations are simply fourteen kilometers far away from Chitral.
You can find several trees that are bearing fresh fruits, unbelievably amazing inexperienced meadows and exceptional landscapes in Chitral that creates it a prime priority once it involves traveling to northern areas of an Asian country.
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Place 2: Neelum Valley
Nearly 240 kilometers long, the picturesque and scenic Neelum valley is placed at the north and also the northeast aspect of Muzaffarabad. It runs parallel to the attractive Kaghan valley that goes up to the Kel. it's separated from Kaghan depression by snowy peaks and blue water.
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Neelum Valley could be a good spot for trekking with friends and family. The Ratti Gali Lake in Dowarian is not simply a hypnotic lake, however the engaging and quaint piece of heaven. Jagran Nallah is an exotic and entrancing place that joins Neelum valley and permits trout fishing. There are Kundal Shahi and Kutton that's one hundred fifty-five kilometers and sixteen kilometers far away from Neelum watercourse, that is additionally fascinating to go to.
At Neelum valley, the tourist's witnesses superb scenic beauty, exclusive perspective, on each side of the watercourse there are high hills, lush inexperienced flourishing forest, high altitude huge lakes and attractive surroundings that create the dream of beauty truth.
Spot 3: Hunza
A mountainous valley within the neighborhood of Gilgit is a neighborhood currently underneath Pakistan named as Hunza. it's the foremost notable traveler destination simply because of its classic beauty and natural beauty. it's normally called if there is any heaven on Earth than Hunza depression is that
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 The Hunza valley is amid range and also the range that's nearly a hundred klick from Gilgit. There are several beautiful spots to go to in Hunza like the historic Baltit Fort that's within the United Nations agency world heritage tentative list. The Borith Lake has some spectacular read, specifically in winter season once several ducks, moreover because the birds, migrate from different heat regions of Asian nation. there's the second highest peak within the world, K-2 that is ideal for trekking expeditions.
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 Hunza is additionally notable for its beautiful eateries that provide the normal Sharbat, diram-fete, muleda, dildo and lots of different exotic ones. Hunza isn't simply stunning to travel and revel in the heavenly beauty however conjointly attractive to go to with favorite ones. it's a favorite spot particularly for new married couples to get pleasure from their golden amount of married life within the heat of incommensurable nature’s beauty.
Spot 4: Swat
Swat is that the district within the Malakand Division of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. it's celebrated for its exceptional natural beauty and scenic landscapes. In 2007 the land of pure beauty was condemned by the Taliban and therefore the district lost its tourists importance. when the war against the act of terrorism in Swat by the military commandos in 2009, the land got free from criminal occupants and once more opened for tourists everywhere the planet.
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 There are several reasons to go to Swat once you come back to the Asian country. It offers astonishing views of the stream of Swat, ennobling Malamjabba resort hotel, Mingora, Kalam, Saidu Sharif, and Bahrain. All those tourists who are history aficionado than Swat could be a good spot with nice historic and fine arts worth. there's a recreational space named Fizagat Park that's not simply lovely however additionally has exciting views. Marghazar that's simply a number of miles off from Saidu Sharif could be a gorgeous white marble palace additionally called Sufed Mahal.
 The celebrated Malala Yousafzai was additionally from the attractive valley of Swat. Swat holds utmost beauty awarded by Almighty and it's an ideal spot to get pleasure from some unforgettable moments with friends, family and your lover.
Spot 5: Kaghan Valley
A beautiful valley that's forever able to forge a wizardly spell on its spectators, Kaghan valley is an alpine-climate valley that's found within the district of Mansehra in KP (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) province of West Pakistan. The mesmeric natural depression extends to just about a hundred and fifty-five kilometers beside a beautiful pine forest, tremendous mountain streams, and luxurious inexperienced meadows, creating it an awesome spot for tourists from everywhere in the country.
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 Naran and Balakot is a part of this glorious valley. Through Kaghan valley, Kunhar stream flows adding additional splendor and magnificence to the scenic space. Tourists visiting Kaghan valley can never miss the chance to ascertain Lake Saif-ul-Mulook that's a fascinating lake enclosed by verdure never seen before. The pointed peak, Malika Parbat may be seen as a mirrored image within the lovely crystal clear lake. A quaint inexperienced pasture named as Lalazar has thick dark forests of pine and fir with wildflowers growing everywhere the mountain slopes. House For Sale in DHA Lahore
 Kaghan Valley could be a paradise that came on Earth. It offers splendid scenic views and beautiful landscapes that are beautiful to observe. The far-famed Jheel Saif-ul-Mulook and therefore the Lalazar is a number of the foremost picturesque places of West Pakistan to go to, particularly at the time of spring.
Spot 6: Gilgit Baltistan
The northern territory of West Pakistan is thought as Gilgit and Baltistan that is enclosed by marvelous and majestic tall mountain peaks. It borders with Azad Kashmir to the south, whereas borders Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to the west, Wakhan the passageway of Afghanistan to the aspect|side} and state region of China to the eastern side. it's stunning simply the method {kashmir|Kashmir|Cashmere|Jammu, and kashmir|geographical area|geographic area|geographical region|geographic region} is; as Kashmir is actually an area which may be compared to the wonder of Heaven higher than the sky.
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  The incomparable celebrated Yasin natural depression, Naltar and mountain peak are a part of} wonderful Gilgit and Baltistan and are part of the bucket list of each tourer visiting the place. This region as called in a veryll|one amongst|one in every of} the attractive places of West Pakistan that are not simply stunning however once you are there you are feeling like being in a paradise of solitude and eternal beauty. The inexperienced meadows are found at the bottom of Nanga Parbat and for hiking the durable Nanga Parbat, the tourist takes around four to five hours of continuous hiking to achieve the highest of it.
Spot 7: Rawlakot
The capital of Poonch district in Azad Cashmere, Rawalakot could be a lovely spot for tourists everywhere on the planet. it's additionally stated as ‘Valley of Pearls’ as a result of within the summers the almond trees blossom giving an overall impression of pearls being scattered on the bottom.
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 A noted peak space of Rawalakot is Tolipir that is at a pair of hours’ drive from Rawalakot. For honeymoon tours, this pristine beauty place in conjunction with hypnotic landscapes builds it a perfect spot for young couples.
    Spot 8: Shogran And Siri Paye    
Shogran and Siri PAYE are 2 tourists spots settled within the Kaghan valley, that are somewhat underrated as compared to different places in West Pakistan. Shogran maybe a hill station that has lots of resorts likewise as hotels for accommodation of the tourists. Whereas, Siri PAYE may be a high mountain lake encircled by undulating clouds, nearly eight kilometers far from Shogran.
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Both these places don't seem to be simply stunning however conjointly offers exotic landscapes, lush inexperienced grassland, and picture scenic read to treasure each moment of life with delight and happiness. House For Sale in DHA Lahore 
This is the list of most stunning places that as a tourer you have to be compelled to visit. Update your bucket list directly expertise|and knowledge|and skill} the heavenly experience right Earth in West Pakistan. At ilaan.com we tend to carry on posting tourists guide for you to understand a lot of regarding exceptional places everywhere West Pakistan. keep tuned for contemporary updates.
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kitaabnowsblog · 3 years
What is Urdu poetry?
"Urdu Poetry"
Every language develops profound effects on the culture of that particular region. If we talk about the region of South Asia, we clearly find that the Urdu language has a vast impact on the tradition and culture of all the sub-regions. From Dehli to Kashmir and Karachi to Gilgit Baltistan, the history is extensive of Urdu poetry. During all the emperors and rulers in South Asia, tradition and culture were considered incomplete without Urdu Poetry.
Forms of Urdu Poetry
As time passed and according to the style of tradition and culture, the forms of Urdu poetry also changed. But, the ignorance and absence of Urdu poetry are not be considered in any way. Let's know about these forms of Urdu poetry briefly.
"Hamd" means "Praise." Actually, the word "Hamd" is derived from the Quran. Hamd is an Urdu Poetry in which the poet praises Allah.
Naat is also an Urdu poem in which the poet used to praise the Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W).
Nazm is a primary type of Urdu poem. The poet writes on any topic of life. It may be related to philosophical thinking, national issues, patriotic views of mountains, rain, or anything else. The great poets that are the top name and inheritance of the Urdu language also covered Nazm in their vast poetry.
Qasida is said by the poet due to any event. It is like a ghazal, but there is a difference in length compared to the Ghazal it usually larger in length.
Well, "Ghazal" means "to talk with women" in the Urdu language. A ghazal is a set of two lines of Urdu classic poetry. An interesting thing in Ghazal is the ending of these two lines. Both lines end in almost the same rhythm or can be the same word. In a ghazal, there are usually at least five sets of two lines called couplets are required to complete the Ghazal.
The prominent and top Urdu poets, i.e., Mir Dard, Allama Iqbal, Mir Taqi Mir, Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib, Faiz Ahmed Faiz, Hasrat Mohani, and many others put a considerable part of their Urdu classic poetry for the Ghazal.
Manqabat is another prominent form of Urdu poetry that is said to develop feelings and devotions for Sufism. This poetry is said in praise of Sufi and Waliullahas like Mola Ali Ibn-e-Talib and others.
An Urdu poem or Urdu poetry in which the poet talks and remind the sufferings and torture that the Aal-e-Pak Muhammad (S.A.W) bore in the event of Karbala. Usually, each stanza of this poem consists of six lines.
Urdu Poetry Books
Many poets have written a considerable number of Urdu poems. From which some of the Urdu Poetry books are listed below and you can buy from Kitaabnow.com
●        "Dewaan-e-Ghalib" By Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib
●        "Bang-e-Dara" By Muhammad Iqbal
●        "Naqsh-eFariyadi" By Faiz Ahmed Faiz
●        "Mah-e-Tamam" By Parveen Shakir
●        "Bal-e-Jibreel" B y Muhammad Iqbal
●        "Nuskha ha-e-Wafa" By Faiz Ahmed Faiz
●        "Shikwa Jawab-e-Shikwa" By Muhammad Iqbal
Urdu Poems about Pakistan
From the time when the Muslims and Hindus lived all together in the subcontinent, there is a vast collection of Urdu poetry about Pakistan. Many poets, in fact, all the legendary poets of the Urdu language, impact their vast area of poetry for Pakistan. Muhammad Iqbal, Mirza Asadullah Khan Ghalib, Hasrat Mohani, Faiz Ahmed Faiz, and many others are included in the top poets contributing their part of life for the Urdu Poems about Pakistan.
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savetopnow · 6 years
2018-04-05 22 TRAVEL now
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Enjoy tours in Pakistan, Your destinations are our priority.
Pakistan is a country in South Asia and its official name is the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Pakistan is a beautiful country that is gifted with the highest peaks to the largest deserts of the world, beautiful water streams, long and heavy river systems, large canal systems, lush green mountains, and a lot more. Here we will tell you about the tours in Pakistan and places where tourists love to go.
Swat Valley Swat Valley is a very beautiful valley in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. It is one of the most attractive places for the tourism industry in Pakistan. It is like something out of fairy tales. It is full of beautiful mountains, lush green sightseeing fields and forests, prestigious villages, fresh blue water streams, and cold-water lakes. It is one of the most beautiful and recommended places for the tourist to do tours in Pakistan. People here are very good and co-operative. They have a natural living style. The main attractions in Swat Valley for tourists are Kalam Valley, Kumrat Valley, Magyan, Bahrain, Saidu Sharif, Mahudand Lake, Malam Jabba, Kundol Lake, and Fizaghat.
Tours in pakistan Hunza Valley Hunza Valley is located in Gilgit Baltistan. It is about 100 KM away from Gilgit Baltistan City. It attracts adventurous tourists by its difficult areas and rocky hills with its unique beauty. This valley is gifted with snow-capped peaks and glaciers. When you travel in this valley you will realize that real peace of mind is here in the beautiful high mountains. Here are two famous castles called Altit and Baltit forts that look likes something in fairy tales. Altit fort is located at the top of Karimabad, however Baltit fort is situated at the bottom. They were used by the armies in the past to resist against enemies. Here another attraction is Atabad Lake filled with magical blue water, where people love water rafting. The main places where tourists love to visit in Hunza Valley are Passu Cones, Altit and Baltit Forts, Naltar Valley and Lake, Atabad Lake, and Khunjrab pass.
trip to pakistan 2021 Deosai Plains National Park
Deosai Plains National Park is located at the western end of the Himalayas along with the Karakoram. It is a beautiful place with lush green fields and cold water streams with a height of 4000 M height on average. Due to its height, it is a cold place and yet closed for tourism for seven months in Year. People can go there from July to September because during this period snow melts and you could have beautiful views to see. Tourists, miles away from other countries love to go there as its environment is best for camping and enjoying a life that is most near to nature.
pakistan tour Neelum Valley
Neelum Valley is situated in Azad Kashmir. It is in North and Nort-East direction from Muzaffarabad, Capital of Azad Kashmir. Every year many tourists from all over Pakistan come here and enjoy the natural beauty of Neelum valley. The path from Muzaffarabad to Neelum Valley goes beside the Neelum river provides a satisfying panoramic view along with mountains covered with green grass and trees. The main tourist attractions in this Valley are Neelum Village, Ratti Gali Lake, Kel,  Arang Kel, Sharda, Tao Butt, Kutton, Jagran, and Chitta Katha lake.
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seemabatool · 4 years
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The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #girl #danyore #bridge #pakistan #instagood #cute #photooftheday #smile #beautiful #seemabatool #nagar #style #happy #picoftheday #beauty #photography #selfie #instagram #myself #travel #tunnel #model #instadaily #photo #instalike #gilgit #life #fun #girls (at Danyor Suspension Bridge) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEmXTEZBMvJ/?igshid=1psctwnkvas10
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atifshafique · 4 years
Book Hunza tour packages 2020 at 10% cheap rate | Pakistan Travel Guide
A mountainous valley in the extreme northern part of Pakistan is famous as Hunza Valley. This valley is divided into 3 different regions. Upper Hunza, Lower Hunza and Central Hunza  are the regons of Hunza Valley. Due to High Literacy rate most of the people speak Urdu and English instead of it each regon have their own local language.
Hunza is now the global tourist’s attraction you will see every second tourist will be a foreigner and now Britain issued a positive travel advisory for visiting Northern areas of Pakistan.
Enjoy vacations at Hunza valley, sightseeing to Gilgit, in a customized Hunza tour package, book Hunza tour at 10% cheap rates for 2020.
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Here are the Top places which have to  visit in Hunza Valley Tour.
Rakaposhi and its View Point.
After an hour drive from the Gilgit City there is a spot known as Rakaposhi where you ca gaze rakaposhi.
Karimabad well known due to diversity of Culture where ancient rulers feel proud to rule. People of Karimabad had Smiling Faces, Modern life style, small colonies, welcoming gestures, community base system). Tourists love the way, how people of Karimabad live, “that make the Karimabad, a hot destination of Pakistan”.
Altit Fort:
Altit fort designed to give a panoramic view of valley where in ancient times people used to trade silk and other goods. Armies keep an eye on the track, who is going through the roads. While entering into gates of Altit Fort there is a beautiful garden of Cherries with orchard of apricots, lush green grass, walk way and beautifully design small cafes and an ancient fort.
Baltit fort:
The 750+ years old fort depicts the traditional Tibetan and Balti architectural heritage. The fort is now a museum open for all for visiting. Traditional events like Bofao and Ginani are also held at the fort. The best thing about the fort is that unlike many other forts in the regions, it has a great variety of antiques and equipment of olden days displayed inside the fort.In Hunza the Baltit Fort deserves a significant place.
Eagle Nest Hunza:
If you want to view all the regions of hunza simultaneously then eagle nest is the best spot for you.
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Attabad lake Hunza Valley:
A 29.3 kilometers long beautiful lake started from a small village Ganish which was build in a disaster few years ago which stopped the passage of Hunza river and turned it into beautiful Lake known as Attabad Lake.
 Passu Cones:
One of the most romantic place at Hunza Valley is Passu. Every year thousands of tourists rush to explore this mesmerizing small town.
Rush lake
 One of the highest alpine lake in the world which is about of 5000m plus height known as Rush lake,
Gojal Village
People of Gojal are the loving, live-hearted and cultural blessed people which are tuned into mesmerizing voices and skilled instrumental players.
 Sust Border:
Sust a beautiful village on edge of Pakistan-China Border where thousands of tourists come to explore its mightiness. 
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baichday · 5 years
Learn Multimedia from Globally Recognized Institute-IPATS3035530865
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Learn Multimedia from Globally Recognized Institute-IPATS3035530865 We offer the following courses: 1. CIM (Certificate in multimedia Duration: 6 months 2. DIM ( Diploma in multimedia Duration: 1 year 3. GWD (Graphics and web design Duration: 1 year 4. CWE ( Certificate in web engineering Duration: 6 months 5. AMSP (Arena Multimedia Specialist Program Duration: 2 years 6. GAD (Game and art design diploma 1 year Game and art design advance diploma 2 years SHORT TERM COURSES: -Graphic design Adobe photoshop ( 3 months Adobe illustrator ( 2 months Adobe indesign ( 1 month Corel draw (1 month -Audio video and digital fx Adobe premiere pro ( 2 months Adobe after effects (2 months -Web designing Html (3 weeks Java script ( 2 weeks Adobe flash (3 months Dreamweaver (1 month -3d modeling and animation 3d studio max (4 months Autocad ( 2 months Maya/advance animation (6 months Art of digital photography ( 2 months WHATSAPP: 03035530865, 03219606785 IPATS Admission open Professional Diplomas and Certifications http://www.ipatsedu.com/ || courses.ipatsedu.com || http://diplomas.ipatsedu.com/ Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785, 3315145601, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Zone-Khanna Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad Civil 3D Professional Short Course 3035530865 Rawalpindi Civil 3D Professional Short Course Rawalpindi AutoCAD Civil 3D as a surface construction modeling tool for infrastructure professionals. The content in this course has been devised to help users quickly learn the most efficient methods for designing a surface model, starting with points and working toward a completed corridor, Students will learn how to design basic site plans using points, surfaces, alignments, profiles, underground pipe systems, and corridors; create grading solutions and cross sections; and calculate site volumes. After completing this course, students will be proficient in using AutoCAD® Civil 3D tools and resources to boost productivity in the design, drafting and analysis process for civil engineering. Getting Started Styles and Objects Feature Lines Working with Survey Tools Working with Points Transferring Data Working with Parcels Working with Surfaces Sharing Data Working with Alignments Working with Profiles Assemblies & Subassemblies Designing Corridors Grading Working with Sections Working with Pipe Networks Working with Pressure Pipe Networks Working with Plan Production Tools Rendering Subscribe Today WHATSAPP: 03035530865, 03219606785 IPATS Admission open Professional Diplomas and Certifications http://www.ipatsedu.com/ || courses.ipatsedu.com || http://diplomas.ipatsedu.com/ Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785, 3315145601, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Zone-Khanna Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad Advance Diploma in Construction Civil Surveyor in Saudi Arabia 3035530865- Rawalpindi Advance Diploma in Construction Civil Surveyor in Saudi Arabia Infrastructure is the glue that keeps cities and towns connected, vibrant, and safe. From water, to storm, sewer and highway systems, our health and safety relies on trained and experienced civil engineers to maintain, design and build the vital infrastructure of our cities and towns , Civil Engineering Technology program, you'll study structural engineering concepts like the design of steel frame and reinforced concrete buildings. You'll analyze theories for the treatment of water, sewage and solid wastes. You'll learn how to select and test construction materials, and you'll develop skills in computer assisted design (CAD) and drafting, electronic surveying methods and writing technical reports. You'll be trained to ensure that our communities remain safe and connected by learning on cutting-edge engineering technology, and with in-class lectures , Dhana Sar, Diwana, Duki, Dushi, Duzab, Gajar, Gandava, Garhi Khairo, Garruck, Ghazluna, Girdan, Gulistan, Gwadar, Gwash, Hab Chauki, Hameedabad, Harnai, Hinglaj, Hoshab, Ispikan, Jhal, Jhal Jhao, Jhatpat, Jiwani, Kalandi, Kalat, Kamararod, Kanak, Kandi, Kanpur, Kapip, Kappar, Karodi, Katuri, Kharan, Khuzdar, Kikki, Kohan, Kohlu, Korak, Lahri, Lasbela, Liari, Loralai, Mach, Mand, Manguchar, Mashki Chah, Maslti, Mastung, Mekhtar, Merui, Mianez, Murgha Kibzai, Musa Khel Bazar, Nagha Kalat, Nal, Naseerabad, Nauroz Kalat, Nur Gamma, Nushki, Nuttal, Ormara, Palantuk, Panjgur, Pasni, Piharak, Pishin, Qamruddin Karez, Qila Abdullah, Qila Ladgasht, Qila Safed, Qila Saifullah, Quetta, Rakhni, Robat Thana, Rodkhan, Saindak, Sanjawi, Saruna, Shabaz Kalat, Shahpur, Sharam Jogizai, Shingar, Shorap, Sibi, Sonmiani, Spezand, Spintangi, Sui, Suntsar, Surab, Thalo, Tump, Turbat, Umarao, pirMahal, Uthal, Vitakri, Wadh, Washap, Wasjuk, Yakmach, Zhob, NEBOSH course in Federally Administered Northern Areas/FANA, Astor, Baramula, Hunza, Gilgit, Nagar, Skardu, Shangrila, Shandur, Federally Administered Tribal Areas/FATA, Bajaur, Hangu, Malakand, Miran Shah, Mohmand, Khyber, Kurram, North Waziristan, South Waziristan, NEBOSH IGC course in Wana, NWFP, Abbottabad, Ayubia, Adezai, Banda Daud Shah, Bannu, Batagram, Birote, Buner, Chakdara, Charsadda, Chitral, Dargai, Darya Khan, Dera Ismail Khan, Drasan, Drosh, Hangu, Haripur, Kalamm, Karak, Khanaspur, Kohat, Kohistan Design of steel structure Environmental engineering Design of reinforced concrete structure. surveying – II Irrigation engineering Estimating and costing. Concrete technology and RCC Road, bridge and airport engineering Advance construction technology Irrigation Engineering Railway tunnel and harbor Water Resource management WHATSAPP: 03035530865, 03219606785 IPATS Admission open Professional Diplomas and Certifications http://www.ipatsedu.com/ || courses.ipatsedu.com || http://diplomas.ipatsedu.com/ Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785, 3315145601, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Zone-Khanna Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad Diploma in Civil Engineering Advance Course in Dubai 3035530865 – Karachi Diploma in Civil Engineering Advance Course in Dubai Attested Diploma civil engineering for gulf Civil engineering influences almost every aspect of modern human life. Much of the physical infrastructure of modern society is provided through Civil Engineering. Civil Engineers plan, design, construct, maintain and recycle the structures in communities such as dams, bridges, roads, buildings, pipelines, railways and tunnels. Civil engineering is also responsible for the design, construction and maintenance of the critical elements which keeps communities functioning, such as transport systems, wastewater treatment, gas, water and electricity supplies , It is not only one of the oldest engineering disciplines, but its direct impact on safety and quality of life means that it carries larger consequences and responsibilities than any other engineering discipline Concept of measurement of mass, force, time and space, system of units, Fundamental & Derived units, conversion of units, required accuracy of results General Principles of static’s, Vector addition, subtraction and products Resultant of distributed (linear & non linear) force systems General conditions of equilibrium of co-planer forces, Laws of triangle, parallelogram and polygon of forces -Types of Beams, supports and loads, simple cases of axial forces, shear forces and bending moment diagrams-Problem involving friction on flat surfaces Geometrical properties of plane areas-Work, energy, power, impulse, momentum, conservation of momentum and energy-Rectilinear and curvilinear motions, Tangential and normal components of Acceleration, Simple harmonic motion WHATSAPP: 03035530865, 03219606785 IPATS Admission open Professional Diplomas and Certifications http://www.ipatsedu.com/ || courses.ipatsedu.com || http://diplomas.ipatsedu.com/ Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785, 3315145601, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Zone-Khanna Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad Health & Safety Engineering Diploma One & Two Year Course in Dubai 331-5145601 – Bagh Health & Safety Engineering Diploma One & Two Year Course in Dubai 331-5145601 , Environmental safety and health professionals must meet specific requirements to acquire and retain certification , environmental safety and health; hazardous materials; hazardous waste; and occupational safety and health that will solidify your certifications and advance your career , This program educates engineers in the specialty of occupational safety and health. Upon graduation, students are able to assume both the technical and managerial responsibilities of safety professionals , pirMahal, Uthal, Vitakri, Wadh, Washap, Wasjuk, Yakmach, Zhob, NEBOSH course in Federally Administered Northern Areas/FANA, Astor, Baramula, Hunza, Gilgit, Nagar, Skardu, Shangrila, Shandur, Federally Administered Tribal Areas/FATA, Bajaur, Hangu, Malakand, Miran Shah, Mohmand, Khyber, Kurram, North Waziristan, South Waziristan, NEBOSH IGC course in Wana, NWFP, Abbottabad, Ayubia, Adezai, Banda Daud Shah, Bannu, Batagram, Birote, Buner, Chakdara, Charsadda, Chitral, Dargai, Darya Khan, Dera Ismail Khan, Drasan, Drosh, Hangu, Haripur, Kalamm, Karak, Khanaspur, Kohat, Kohistan, Lakki Marwat, Latamber, Lower Dir, Madyan, Malakand, Mansehra, Mardan, Mastuj, Mongora, Nowshera, Paharpur, NEBOSH IGC Course in Peshawar, Saidu Sharif, Shangla, Sakesar, Swabi, Swat, Tangi, Tank, Thall, Tordher, Upper Dir, NEBOSH Course in Punjab, Ahmedpur East, Ahmed Nager Chatha, Ali Pur, Arifwala, Attock, Basti Malook, Bhagalchur, Bhalwal, Bahawalnagar, Bahawalpur, Bhaipheru, Bhakkar, Burewala, Chailianwala, Chakwal, Chichawatni, Chiniot Introduction to Occupational Health and safety Advanced risk assessment and Management Electrical Safety & Manual Handling Work place safety Mechanical and Ergonomic hazards Waste management & Environmental pollution Road safety Fire protection Behavioral based safety Incident investigation and root cause analysis Construction safety Major diseases to be caused at work place Industrial safety. Contractors safety Emergency response and preparedness. Common industrial & work related hazards WHATSAPP: 03035530865, 03219606785 IPATS Admission open Professional Diplomas and Certifications http://www.ipatsedu.com/ || courses.ipatsedu.com || http://diplomas.ipatsedu.com/ Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785, 3315145601, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Zone-Khanna Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad Primavera-P6 Construction Project Planning/ Scheduling/ Budgeting – 3035530865-Islamabad Petroman, UET Lahore, ICMAP, Arid Agri. University RWP AIOU, University of Jamshoro and Industrial Implementation Karachi, Lahore, Faisalabad, Islamabad, Rawalpindi UAE, KSA, QATAR, Oman, Bangladesh, UK, USA Canada, Spain, Germany, Malaysia, and other Countries Attn-Construction/Engineering Companies and Individuals We offer Consultancy and Training Services for: 01-Project Schedule ( CPM ) Development 02-Project Resource Management with Multiple Rates 03-Project Cost Estimation and Budget Allocation/ Baselining 04-Project S-Curve, Histogram Reporting 05-Project Earned Value and SPI, CPI Indicators Reporting 06-Project Progress Updating and Monitoring 07-PV, EV, AC, SV, CV, BAC, EAC, ETC and VAC Calculation 08-Project Schedule / Cost Reports Preparation for Controlling 09-Project Procurement and Project Cost Accounting Support 10-Project Coordination Management Types of Projects offered for Planning and Control 01-Multistoried Buildings Project Planning & Controlling 02-Infrastructure Project Planning & Controlling 03-Highways Project Planning & Controlling 04-Dams and Bridges Project Planning & Controlling 05-Pipeline Project Planning & Controlling 06-Railway Track Project Planning & Controlling 07-Oil & Gas Project Planning & Controlling 08-Textile Plant Installation Planning & Controlling 09-Plant Shutdown Project Planning & Controlling 10-Production Order Planning & Controlling We offer following Project management Software: 1-MS Project-2007, 2010, 2013 2-Primavera-P3 3-Primavera-P6.0 4-Primavera-P6 Professional R-8.3 5-SAP ERP for Procurement and Project Cost Accounting WHATSAPP: 03035530865, 03219606785 IPATS Admission open Professional Diplomas and Certifications http://www.ipatsedu.com/ || courses.ipatsedu.com || http://diplomas.ipatsedu.com/ Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785, 3315145601, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Zone-Khanna Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad Tally Accounting Course & Training for All & get Job Islamabad3035530865 Tally Introduction Tally is the simplest and complete business solutions available in the world. Today, over 20 lakh users across 90 countries are using Tally to expand their business and enhance performance. Anybody who has a prior knowledge of accounts or a basic knowledge of English can use Tally. By using a business accounting software like Tally 9, you will be able to simplify, integrate and streamline all your business processes, easily and cost-effectively.it creates Groups, Ledgers, Vouchers and reports.-It maintains vendor info, like contact people, phone numbers, addresses, and purchase history.It can be used to keep track of customers and certain customer attributes, as well as purchase and payment history, and it will also keep a list of employees, employee information (addresses, phone numbers, social security numbers, and tax withholding info. It will prepare and print payroll checks (it deducts the taxes and stuff for you). Regards IPATS Government Recognized Education Zone WHATSAPP: 03035530865, 03219606785 IPATS Admission open Professional Diplomas and Certifications http://www.ipatsedu.com/ || courses.ipatsedu.com || http://diplomas.ipatsedu.com/ Whatsapp: +923035530865, 03219606785, 3315145601, 03495021336 IPATS Government Recognized Education Zone-Khanna Pul Rawalpindi-Islamabad Read the full article
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muqtadir-mamoon · 5 years
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True colors of Life🔥 Naran Vally June 2019 Vally of Love Gilgit Hunza! . . #love #instagramers #social #amazing #snowfalling #look #igers #food #insta #style #silkroute #mensfashion #fashion #tourist #northern #fashionblogger #hunzavalley #gilgit #pakistani #tour #tourism #glacier #babusartop #portrait #muqtadirmamoon (at Naran Kaghan Vallay) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzFxeeQhsah/?igshid=15scz82hax55d
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goharbalti · 5 years
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Here you go our first snowman representing our Gilgit Baltistan culture and obesity life style of🤣 (at Kharkoo Valley) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsP-kfrgc0u/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ki1bhqtw5vgu
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emergingislamabad · 8 years
Unseen Beauty of Hunza Valley
The Hunza  is a mountainous valley in the Gilgit–Baltistan region of Pakistan. The Hunza is situated north/west of the Hunza River, at an elevation of around 2,500 metres (8,200 ft). The territory of Hunza is about 7,900 square kilometres (3,100 sq mi). Aliabad is the main town while Baltit is a popular tourist destination because of the spectacular scenery of the surrounding mountains like Ultar Sar, Bojahagur Duanasir II, Ghenta Peak, Hunza Peak, Passu Peak, Diran Peak and Bublimotin (Ladyfinger Peak), all 6,000 metres (19,685 ft) or higher.
Hunza was formerly a princely state bordering Uyghurstan to the northeast and Pamir to the northwest, which survived until 1974, when it was finally dissolved by Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. The state bordered the Gilgit Agency to the south and the former princely state of Nagar to the east. The state capital was the town of Baltit (also known as Karimabad); another old settlement is Ganish Village. Hunza was an independent principality for more than 900 years. The British gained control of Hunza and the neighbouring valley of Nagar between 1889 and 1892 through a military conquest. The then Mir/Tham (ruler) Mir Safdar Ali Khan of Hunza fled to Kashghar in China and sought what would now be called political asylum.
The ruling family of Hunza is called Ayeshe (heavenly). The two states of Hunza and Nagar were formerly one, ruled by a branch of the Shahreis, the ruling family of Gilgit, whose seat of government was Nager. First muslim came to Hunza-Nagar Valley some 1000 years (At the time of Imam Islām Shāh 30th Imam Ismaili Muslims). After the introduction of Islam to Gilgit, married a daughter of Trakhan of Gilgit, who bore him twin sons, named Moghlot and Girkis. From the former the present ruling family of Nager is descended. The twins are said to have shown hostility to one another from birth. Thereupon their father, unable to settle the question of succession, divided his state between them, giving to Girkis the north/west, and to Moghlot the south/east bank of the river.
Today, the Karakoram Highway crosses Hunza, connecting Pakistan to China via the Khunjerab Pass, although blocked by the Attabad Lake north of Hunza. Travelling up the valley from the south, Hunza is to the left, and the former state of Nagar to the right of the Hunza River. Regular bus and van services operate between Gilgit and Central Hunza (Ganish Village, Aliabad and Karimabad) and also between Gilgit and Sost Gojal. PTDC Office at Gilgit, Sost and Islamabad arranges tours and transport for visitors. NATCO (Northern Area's Transport Co) runs a daily bus from Rawalpindi to Hunza.
Several high peaks rise above 6,000 metres (20,000 ft) the Hunza valley. The valley provides views of several tall mountains, including Rakaposhi 7,788 metres (25,551 ft), Ultar Sar 7,388 metres (24,239 ft), Bojahagur Duanasir II 7,329 metres (24,045 ft), Ghenta Sar 7,090 metres (23,261 ft), Hunza Peak 6,270 metres (20,571 ft), Darmyani Peak 6,090 metres (19,980 ft), and Bublimating (Ladyfinger Peak) 6,000 metres (19,685 ft). A watch tower is located in heart of Ganish Village, Baltit Fort stands on top of Karimabad whereas Altit Fort lies somewhat lower down the valley on another outcrop. The valley is popularly believed to be the inspiration for the mythical valley of Shangri-la in James Hilton's 1933 novel Lost Horizon.
The local languages spoken include Burushaski, Wakhi and Shina. The literacy rate of the Hunza valley is believed to be more than 95%.[4] Virtually every child is educated up to at least high school level.  The Life style of People of Hunza is very simple and they are considered to be very warm and welcoming.
Most of the inhabitants of Hunza are Ismaili Shia Muslims, followers of His Highness Prince Karim Aga Khan IV, while in Ganish more than 65% are Shia Muslims.
The Hunza region is principally home to people of four ethnicities:
The Lower Hunza area - from Khizerabad to Nasirabad is mainly inhabited by the Shinaki people who are Shina speakers.
The Central Hunza area - from Murtazaabad to Attabad is mainly inhabited by Burushaski speakers, however, there is a centuries-old locally inhabiting community as well that is known as the 'Domaki' which lives in a village lying in the immediate vicinity of 'Baltit' called 'Mominabad'.
The Upper Hunza area, known as Gojal - from Shiskat to Khunjerab is mainly populated by Wakhi speakers and burusho speakers.
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skardu99 · 4 years
Why You Should Visit Skardu Once In Your Life
Why You Should Visit Skardu Once In Your Life
Well, you should visit Skardu once in your life because you will discover a new world wherein nature’s beauty expresses itself in all its fresh, organic, unpolluted, and enchanting bloom. Skardu, Gilgit Baltistan is the land of majestic mountains where the non – polluted and unseen valleys pose a view of perfection and this is why the natural masterpiece is called the most scenic majestic beauty…
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hunzabazar · 4 years
Garnet - Stone of Growth, Protection and Healing
Garnet is a workhorse in the mineral family. It has been used since ancient times for healing and protection. It has many functions, some of them known, some of them long forgotten. When you work with this mineral on a regular basis, it carries you back to the origins of the planet, the family of humanity, and your own origins here on Earth. It takes you back to the beginning of your soul's journey, and at the same time back to the Now. It is in this depth that all the layers of your own incarnations become illuminated, many layers which make up the progress of your soul along its unique path.
There is a depth and richness to every person, a fertile soil where growth has happened, can happen, and is always happening. Garnet puts you in touch with this growth process and connects you to those things which may be beneficial for your growth in the present moment. The goal of life is to grow, all the while knowing that there is also perfection in this particular Now.
The ancients knew to look deep within this stone for the information needed to grow and thrive. To work with garnet for this information:
Hold it in your receptive hand (usually the left)
Gaze into a candle flame, or fire if you have one available
Ask to be shown the way for your own growth
If there is something keeping you stuck in one place, ask to be shown the origin of this pattern
The garnet and the fire will work together to allow you to see how to proceed. You may want to write down this information to work with it. Or, if you are shown something that needs to be released, use the fire for this purpose.
Garnet has also been worn for protection, and for its physical healing and energizing capacity. You can carry a small garnet for protection from negativity and even danger. It creates a kind of energy shield around your energy field which repels negativity in any form. It has remained a prominent stone throughout the years because of its ability to protect. In ancient times it was worn on actual battle shields to keep the wearer safe from injury.
Use this stone for deep healing on all levels - physical, emotional and spiritual. Physically it is a great energizer, strengthening health and well-being. It aids in regulating heart and circulatory system, and also works with skin inflammations. It can easily be found in jewelry and worn close to the body, where it can work its healing magic.
For grounding, good health, protection and deep soul work, garnet is the stone to have.
Garnet Birthstone Jewelry
Garnet birthstone jewelry has been known to have healing properties, due to the unique properties of the garnet stone. The red garnet have been known to improve blood circulation, reduce heart palpitations and remove toxins from the body, as a matter of fact there are still places in the world where people would wear garnet jewelry because of their belief in its healing properties. Antique garnet jewelry has also been associated to provide courage and stability to the wearer. Some ancient warriors would wear garnet gemstones whenever they would go to battle due to this particular belief. There are some who believe that garnet jewelry gives a calming effect and is known to protect the wearer from anger as the garnet would absorb the negative feelings. The same belief also says that danger may befall the wearer if the garnet would start to lose its luster.
Garnet stones come in different shades - violet, orange, yellow, green, brown, black, red or colorless. Among all these shades, the most famous would be red. This is the reason why most garnet gemstone jewelry comes in this particular shade. The difference between a ruby and garnet can be determined by its color elements.
There are a lot of websites where you can purchase garnet birthstone jewelry. These websites would be able to provide you the price as well as the design that you would be looking for. Garnet jewelry can be dramatic due to the color of the garnet stone. This is ideal when it comes to different settings. You would mostly find garnet rings, earrings and more with a mixture of diamonds and garnets, as the contrast can be most flattering to anyone who would wear it.
Antique garnet jewelry (even those that are faux antique and just styled to look vintage) is also very popular and stylish these days. In order to know that you are getting good quality garnet gemstones, it would always be wise to consult a professional prior to the purchase. This way, you would be able to know that you are getting the correct value for your money. Garnet birthstone jewelry is an excellent choice for those born in the month of January, and is a wonderful alternative to more common stones, offering a unique, vibrant and beautiful flair!
If You’re Interested to Read More Benefits of Garnet Stone or You want to Buy Online Garnet Stone (Rings & Jewelries) Please Visit Hunza Bazar Online Shopping Store. Hunza Bazar sells all the traditional products of Hunza Valley, Gilgit Pakistan Like Hunza Dry Fruits, Hunza Handmade Products, Gilgit Salajeet, Gemstones, and Much More at very Cheap Prices with FREE Home Delivery.
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gbnewsurdu · 5 years
The Dance-Pure Chilasi Style Goherabad Chila || Chilasi Dance Series Video 1. Gilgit Baltistan Traditional Dance. The cultural heritage of Gilgit Baltistan, Pakistan is rich, beautiful and unique and it manifests in local traditions, music and local dress. The dress plays a central role in identity of a person. Traditional clothing of the region is influenced by local culture, geography and weather. The traditional cap of Gilgit Baltistan has played a major role to define the identity of people of Gilgit Baltistan. The cap has different names in the major local languages. In Shina and Khowar languages the cap is called Khoi ,in brushaski it is called Phartsun or Pharsen and in Wakhi it is called Sekeed. The design of cap is slightly different in Baltistan and it is called Nating in Balti. Tradtional cap is soft round toped woolen hat. It is made by local artisan and is available in various colors. White caps are most popular in the region and considered as a part of formal local dress. In many areas people specially the older generation still wear their traditional cap all the time with pride. They consider it a sign of honor. The most striking feature of the cap is the peacock plume and the feather stuck in front or on the side of the cap. It gives a very elegant look to the cap. It is considered a part of formal dress cap and used in groom’s dress. In many parts of Gilgit Baltistan a small fresh flower is stuck in front and side of the the cap. Flower is a symbol of freshness, fragrance and livelihood. When the spring season starts sometimes the farmers and shepherds stuck a pine tree leave to symbolize life. On of the custom of many regions in Gilgit Baltistan is to stuck money into the cap while someone is dancing. This symbolizes the love and respect to the dancer from his friends relatives and fans. The dancer gives this money to the musicians once the dance is finished. A variety of cultural festivals held in Gilgit Baltistan throughout the year present an exclusive facet of its cultural assortment and different forms of expressions. These festivals represent a number of important recurring merriment, cultural events and religious festival brings value additions to the surroundings. The folk music instruments commonly used in Gilgit Baltistan are Dadang (drum) Damal (percussion) Duff (a circle framed drum) Suranaye(a kind of flute) Ghajak (spiked fiddle) Sitar, Rubab and Gabi (flute). A majority of the people in Gilgit Baltistan prefer to live in a joint family, which could comprise anywhere between a group of two or more, even over 20 members sometimes. The commanding position in a family is held by the eldest earning male member. He consults other adult members on important issues, but it is his decision that ultimately prevails. However, a lot of importance is also given to the advice of the eldest retired members of the family. It is the duty of woman to take care of her home. As such, from her very childhood, a girl child is taught cooking, cleaning and dish washing by her mother and other ladies in her family. She is also taught to attend to guests and strangers politely and elegantly because it is thought to greatly reflect upon her upbringing. The traditional arranged marriage has long been an integral part of the Gilgit Baltistan culture as against love marriage. It is the concept in which the parents and family members search for the prospective bride or groom, through their acquaintances or relatives. ►Website https://ift.tt/2mNTMsg ►Twitter https://twitter.com/urdugb ►YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWS6Q77iel-quE-ZiV7gieA ►Facebook https://ift.tt/2lTqBUt ►Instagram https://ift.tt/2mNgP6z ►WhatsApp https://ift.tt/2mQaOG3 ►Pinterest https://ift.tt/2nqJPRN ►Reddit https://ift.tt/2lHpnvz ►Email [email protected] #gilgitbaltistan #tradition #dance
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