aixtor-technologies · 21 hours
What Makes Liferay the Best Choice for Developing an Intranet Portal
Is your team struggling with communication or finding crucial information? It might be time to rethink your intranet portal. Discover why Liferay is the go-to choice for businesses aiming to boost collaboration, enhance security, and scale with ease! In our latest blog, we have discussed into how Liferay’s unmatched flexibility, integration capabilities, and cost-effectiveness can revolutionize your business operations. Don’t let inefficiencies hold you back—empower your employees with the right tools today. Read the article to know more: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-makes-liferay-best-choice-developing-intranet-portal-aixtor-4ub9f/?trackingId=kZJrfS6JQ2ydq6eDzl%2FzgQ%3D%3D
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surekhatech · 3 months
Liferay Theme Development Services
Surekha Technologies is a globally trusted company providing liferay theme development services, portal development, and Liferay DXP with 7.3, 7.2, 7.1, and 7.
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aspiresoftware-blog · 6 months
Hire Liferay Developers from Best Liferay Development Company
Aspire is the best Liferay Development Company in USA, UK, Australia, and 20+ other countries. We provide Liferay DXP solutions to many businesses such as enterprises, SMEs & startups. Hire Liferay developers team from Aspire to take your business to the next level.
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softservg2c · 9 months
Benefits of Using Liferay
Choosing the right Liferay development service provider is critical to the success of your Liferay project. The Liferay consulting company provides a high-quality, cost-effective, and customized solution that meets your specific needs.
Here are some key advantages:
Unified Platform: Liferay provides a unified platform for creating and managing digital experiences. It allows organizations to consolidate various digital assets, applications, and content in one central hub.
Versatility: Liferay's versatility is a significant benefit. It supports a wide range of use cases, from building enterprise portals and intranets to developing customer-facing websites, community platforms, and e-commerce solutions.
Open Source: Liferay is an open-source platform, which means that the source code is freely available and can be customized to meet specific organizational requirements. This openness fosters innovation and collaboration within the developer community.
Hello We are Liferay Be Connect
Customization and Extensibility: Organizations can customize and extend Liferay to fit their specific needs. The platform supports the integration of third-party applications, and developers can build custom plugins and extensions.
Scalability: Liferay is designed to scale, making it suitable for organizations of varying sizes. Whether it's a small intranet for a local business or a large-scale enterprise portal, Liferay can handle different levels of complexity and traffic.
Responsive Design: Liferay supports responsive web design, ensuring that digital experiences created with the platform are accessible and user-friendly across a variety of devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.
Community Support: Liferay has an active and engaged community of developers, users, and contributors. This community support provides a valuable resource for sharing knowledge, addressing issues, and staying updated on the latest developments.
Security Features: Liferay places a strong emphasis on security. It includes features such as user authentication, role-based access control, and secure communication protocols to help organizations safeguard their digital assets and user data.
Content Management: Liferay's built-in content management system (CMS) allows organizations to efficiently create, manage, and publish content. This is crucial for maintaining a dynamic and engaging online presence.
Collaboration and Communication: The collaboration tools within Liferay, such as wikis, blogs, forums, and social networking features, facilitate communication and collaboration among users, both within and outside the organization.
Workflow and Business Process Management: Liferay supports workflow and business process management, allowing organizations to automate and streamline their operations. This is particularly useful for complex business processes that involve multiple stakeholders.
Ecosystem of Apps and Extensions: The Liferay Marketplace provides a wide range of apps, themes, and extensions that organizations can leverage to enhance and extend the functionality of their Liferay-based solutions.
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pseudocode123 · 11 months
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brandizzi · 1 year
Dez anos de Liferay
Dias atrás, recebemos aqui em casa um pacote inesperado. O que encontramos dentro dele foi ainda mais surpreendente! O que estaria acontecendo? Bem, acontece que há alguns meses atrás, eu completei incríveis dez anos trabalhando na Liferay! Isso não é apenas um long período, mas também uma jornada que me proporcionou muito crescimento. Morei em duas cidades, viajei para algumas outras ao redor…
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View On WordPress
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arenakelly02 · 1 year
Wondering how Liferay DXP can benefit your insurance agency? With its customizable modules and robust CRM capabilities, you can streamline your processes and enhance customer satisfaction. Discover the power of Liferay DXP today! #insuranceagency #customizablemodules
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eleenharper111 · 1 year
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inextures · 1 year
Deactivating and activating custom modules for a particular site in Liferay 7.4 (Part 2)
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In previous part, we have created a panel module now we will create a service builder to store the values given from the user and to pass it to theme. Then we will create a theme to get this data and deactivate it from the site.
Creating a service builder (IntelliJ)
To store the state of the portlet on a particular side and to send this information in theme we need a service builder.
To create a service builder this are the following steps:
Go to File -> New -> Module
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2. Update the service.xml file
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!DOCTYPE service-builder PUBLIC "-//Liferay//DTD Service Builder 7.4.0//EN" "http://www.liferay.com/dtd/liferay-service-builder_7_4_0.dtd"> <service-builder dependency-injector="ds" package-path="moduleblacklistservice">  <namespace>ModuleBlaclist</namespace>  <!--<entity data-source="sampleDataSource" local-service="true" name="Foo" remote-service="false" session-factory="sampleSessionFactory" table="foo" tx-manager="sampleTransactionManager uuid="true"">-->  <entity local-service="true" name="Portlet" remote-service="true" uuid="true">      <!-- PK fields -->      <column name="id" primary="true" type="long" />      <!-- Group instance -->      <column name="groupId" type="long" />      <!-- Audit fields -->      <column name="companyId" type="long" />      <column name="userId" type="long" />      <column name="userName" type="String" />      <column name="createDate" type="Date" />      <column name="modifiedDate" type="Date" />      <!-- Other fields -->      <column name="portletId" type="String" />      <column name="active" type="boolean" />      <!-- Finder methods -->      <finder name="portletId" return-type="Collection">        <finder-column name="portletId" />      </finder>      <finder name="groupId" return-type="Collection">        <finder-column name="groupId" />      </finder>      <finder name="group_portlet" return-type="Collection">        <finder-column name="groupId" />        <finder-column name="portletId" />      </finder>  </entity> </service-builder>
3.  Update the local service implantation class
package moduleblacklistservice.service.impl; import com.liferay.portal.aop.AopService; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.exception.PortalException; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.model.User; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.service.ServiceContext; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.OrderByComparator; import moduleblacklistservice.model.Portlet; import moduleblacklistservice.service.base.PortletLocalServiceBaseImpl; import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Component; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; @Component(  property = "model.class.name=moduleblacklistservice.model.Portlet",  service = AopService.class ) public class PortletLocalServiceImpl extends PortletLocalServiceBaseImpl {  public Portlet addPortlet(        long userId, long groupId,String portletId,Boolean active, ServiceContext serviceContext)        throws PortalException {      User user = userLocalService.getUserById(userId);      Date now = new Date();      long id = counterLocalService.increment();      Portlet portlet = portletPersistence.create(id);      portlet.setPortletId(portletId);      portlet.setActive(active);      portlet.setCompanyId(user.getCompanyId());      portlet.setGroupId(groupId);      portlet.setCreateDate(serviceContext.getCreateDate(now));      portlet.setModifiedDate(serviceContext.getModifiedDate(now));      portlet.setUserId(userId);      portlet.setUserName(user.getScreenName());      portlet.setUuid(serviceContext.getUuid());      portlet.setExpandoBridgeAttributes(serviceContext);      portletPersistence.update(portlet);      return portlet;  }  public List<Portlet> getPortletByPortletId(String portletId) {      return portletPersistence.findByportletId(portletId);  }  public List<Portlet> getPortletByGroupId(long groupId) {      return portletPersistence.findBygroupId(groupId);  }  public List<Portlet> getPortlet(long groupId,String portletId) {      return portletPersistence.findBygroup_portlet(groupId,portletId);  }  public List<Portlet> getPortlets(int start, int end) {      return portletPersistence.findAll(start, end);  }  public List<Portlet> getPortlets(int start, int end, OrderByComparator<Portlet> obc) {      return portletPersistence.findAll(start, end,obc);  }  public int getPortletsCount() {      return portletPersistence.countAll();  }  public List<Portlet> getPortlets() {      return portletPersistence.findAll();  } }
After this you would be able to disable a portlet on a particular site. To disable:
Go to the ModuleBlackListConfiguration tab
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2.Then go to action and uncheck the active status.
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3.This will deactivate the module from the site.
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We will only be able to deactivate MVC modules which are present in widget panel.
Using this you would be able to disable modules on a particular site without affecting the rest of the site.
Originally published by: Deactivating and activating custom modules for a particular site in Liferay 7.4 (Part 2)
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aixtor-technologies · 5 months
Decoding Digital Transformation: Building Blocks of a Successful Strategy
What Is Digital Transformation?
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the term "digital transformation" has become a buzzword across industries. But what exactly does it entail, and why is it crucial for businesses to embrace it? Let's delve into the essence of digital transformation and uncover its key components for a successful strategy.
At its core, digital transformation involves leveraging digital technologies to fundamentally change how businesses operate and deliver value to customers. It goes beyond simply adopting new tools or automating existing processes; it encompasses a comprehensive overhaul of business models, processes, and organizational culture to thrive in the digital age.
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Key Components of Successful Digital Transformation Strategy:
Clear Vision and Leadership: Successful digital transformation begins with a clear vision articulated by top leadership. It's essential to have a unified understanding of why digital transformation is necessary and how it aligns with the organization's goals. Strong leadership provides the direction and support needed to drive change across the organization.
Customer-Centric Approach: Customer experience lies at the heart of digital transformation. Organizations must deeply understand their customers' needs, preferences, and pain points to tailor digital solutions that enhance their journey. By prioritizing customer-centricity, businesses can create meaningful interactions and foster long-term relationships.
Agile Mindset and Flexibility: The digital landscape is dynamic and constantly evolving. To adapt swiftly to changes, organizations must embrace an agile mindset and foster a culture of experimentation and learning. Agility enables teams to iterate quickly, respond to feedback, and stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly competitive market.
Data-Driven Decision Making: Data is the lifeblood of digital transformation. By harnessing the power of data analytics and insights, organizations can make informed decisions, uncover valuable trends, and drive innovation. Establishing robust data governance frameworks ensures data integrity, security, and compliance.
Integration of Emerging Technologies: Embracing emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, blockchain, and the Internet of Things (IoT) is pivotal for digital transformation. These technologies offer transformative capabilities, from enhancing operational efficiency to creating personalized experiences for customers.
Collaboration and Cross-Functional Teams: Digital transformation requires breaking down silos and fostering collaboration across departments and teams. Cross-functional teams bring together diverse expertise to tackle complex challenges and drive innovation more effectively.
Continuous Learning and Upskilling: As digital technologies evolve, so must the skillsets of employees. Investing in continuous learning and upskilling initiatives ensures that teams remain equipped to leverage the latest tools and techniques, driving the success of digital transformation initiatives.
In conclusion, digital transformation is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor; it's a journey unique to each organization. By embracing these key components and fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability, businesses can navigate the complexities of digital transformation successfully and emerge stronger in the digital era.
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josemaos · 2 years
Es difícil encontrar información de nivel intermedio a avanzado de la herramienta Liferay Portal. Vuelvo a publicar después de mucho tiempo, explicando qué son las organizaciones en Liferay, más una pequeña introducción a las principales operaciones que podemos realizar con ellas. Espero que os sea de utilidad y que éste sea el primero de muchos más vídeos.
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aspiresoftware-blog · 6 months
Need a top-notch Liferay development partner in the USA? I've compiled a list of the leading companies in 2024 based on expertise & client satisfaction. These companies will take your project to the next level.
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softservg2c · 10 months
Is it worth to let us learn Liferay?
The value of studying Liferay is determined by your unique objectives, goals, and the environment of your job or projects. Liferay is a web platform designed especially for the development of enterprise-level websites and portals.
You can concern to Liferay development companies. Here are some things to think about when considering whether or not to study Liferay:
Job Opportunities: If there is a high need for Liferay developers in your area or sector, understanding Liferay might help you get a better job. Examine job postings and industry trends to determine the level of demand for Liferay abilities.
Enterprise Solutions: Liferay is frequently used to create complicated business solutions, such as intranet portals and collaboration systems. If you work on projects that require such solutions, knowing about Liferay might be advantageous.
Specific Project Requirements: If you're working on a project or in an organization that uses Liferay, studying it will help you contribute effectively and grasp the technological stack.
Open Source Community: Liferay is an open-source platform, which means there is an active community of developers and users. This might be advantageous if you love working with open-source technology and appreciate community support.
Learning Curve: Consider your current skill level as well as the learning curve connected with Liferay. If you're already experienced with Java and web programming, learning Liferay may be easier.
Alternatives: Determine whether there are any alternative technologies or frameworks that would be more aligned with your objectives. Consider the larger web development trends and if Liferay fits into your long-term career goals.
Liferay's future perspective: Consider Liferay's future perspective. Examine the technology for updates, the roadmap, and community conversations to verify that it is evolving and remaining relevant.
Personal Interest: Finally, examine your own personal interest in the technology. If you are interested in Liferay and love working with it, the learning experience will be more pleasurable and satisfying.
Finally, learning Liferay or any other technology should be aligned with your professional ambitions, market demand, and the unique requirements of the projects you're participating in or interested in pursuing. Seek guidance from pros in your sector whenever feasible, and remain current on industry developments to make an informed conclusion.
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Liferay Consultancy
When it comes to Liferay consulting services, we’re not about one-size-fits-all solutions. Our approach is deeply rooted in customization. We understand that every business is unique, and your Liferay experience should reflect that uniqueness. At the core of our services is the idea of tailoring solutions to perfectly fit your business needs. Read More
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futuretechblogs · 9 months
A Journey of Growth, Learning, and Triumph with an Auto Major
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Our inspirational journey about a renowned Auto Major deciding to join hands with us to scale its digital footprint worldwide
We believe that in the ever-evolving landscape of technology, collaboration and innovation can surface remarkable transformations. Almost two years back, we set sail on one such inspirational journey when a renowned Auto Major decided to join hands with us to scale its digital footprint worldwide. 
The result? A story of unwavering determination, profound growth, and an incredible transformation that extended beyond just the companies themselves.
From 8 to 100+ - The Journey of Digitization
Good work speaks for itself! Evon, a trusted Liferay portal development company, was recommended to the client by another company we had worked with. So even before that first call came, we were aware that we had to do our best to live up to the expectation. We did not disappoint. We were set to create secure applications and international business websites that would pave the way for the motor company to reach a wider international audience, digitally.
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed life, public health, and business altogether. The organization was already in the process of implementing digital transformation, pre-pandemic. However, there was a need to implement more digital capabilities in their work operations, and fast. Earlier, the customers went to the showroom to learn about the products and make a purchase. Now they needed to do that and more from the comfort of their homes through applications that we had to create.
At the very first step, our developers had to learn all about Sitecore, a closed-source software platform, and deliver a part of the product in a few week’s time. While the learning curve was steep, some developers were unsure about spending time learning a technology that was not sought-after. Nevertheless, the successful delivery of the product was valued by the client as it showcased our team’s sincerity and level of commitment.
Then, Sitecore was a very expensive platform. Evon already had the expertise to solve this problem for the client. We proposed a shift from Sitecore to Liferay, a digital experience platform, for the client’s digitization in one of the neighboring countries. The decision and the switch were not easy but the major advantage of bringing down the cost of the project to 1/10th of the original stood above all. The result was another successful delivery of a project, this time helping our client cut costs significantly!
Going forward, we realized centralized data (large databases) was hard to scale so we had to segregate the data according to different regions and migrate it to Liferay. Over time, we were able to make the data independent, proving that the solution we had suggested was scalable and the right choice for fulfilling the client’s requirements.
Ever since we have been working together on various projects to achieve digital transformation. While helping them build secure mobile applications and international business websites across countries, we have been automating manual processes, reducing errors, and improving their overall productivity and efficiency. As the number of projects we were assigned increased, so did our commitment and the strength of our team - from 8 to 100+. 
Our 2 years of Association: A Learning Expedition
The journey was not easy, but it has been one full of learning. We were bent on delivering a meaningful and personalized customer experience while keeping the client’s customers at the heart of our strategy.
As we delved deeper into the digital transformation process, we met with many challenges. Be it having to learn a new technology as fast as possible, or tight deadlines making our team train and work parallelly, to meet release deadlines. However, it was precisely in such moments that Evon’s team discovered its untapped potential, resilience, and collective strength. We honed our skills and emerged stronger and more confident. Read more - A Journey of Growth, Learning, and Triumph with an Auto Major
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