#liferay dxp
Transform your business operations with Enterprise Portal! In our blog, we have shared details on what is enterprise portal, types of it, and their importance for your enterprise. It brings essential tools under one roof to enhance productivity and streamline workflows. Discover how data consolidation, real-time synchronization, and robust security measures can revolutionize all your business departments. Read more in our blog:
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aspire-blog · 6 months
Hire Liferay Developers from Best Liferay Development Company
Aspire is the best Liferay Development Company in USA, UK, Australia, and 20+ other countries. We provide Liferay DXP solutions to many businesses such as enterprises, SMEs & startups. Hire Liferay developers team from Aspire to take your business to the next level.
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softservg2c · 10 months
How do I outsource software development to India?
Outsourcing software development to India may be a cost-effective strategy that provides access to a big pool of talented experts.
Here are the procedures to effectively outsourcing software development to India:
**Define Your Project needs: Outline your project's needs in detail, including goals, features, and functions. This will assist you in efficiently communicating with potential outsourcing partners.
**Conduct Extensive Research to find possible Outsourcing Partners in India: Conduct extensive research to find possible outsourcing partners in India. Look for firms with a track record of success, excellent customer feedback, and experience in the technology relevant to your project.
**Examine Technical competence: Examine the outsourcing organisations' technical abilities and competence. Take into account their knowledge of the programming languages, frameworks, and technologies essential for your project.
**Check References: Request client references from outsourcing businesses and contact former clients for comments on their performance, dependability, and communication.
**Consider Cultural and Time Zone variations: Recognise and take into account the cultural and time zone variations between your location and India. Effective communication is critical, so find a partner that understands your company's culture.
**outline the Scope and Budget of Your Project: Clearly outline the scope of your project, as well as milestones and deadlines. Create a budget that accounts for all expenditures, including development, testing, and any changes.
**Contract Negotiation and Signature: Negotiate the contract's terms, including payment schedules, deliverables, intellectual property rights, and any other pertinent elements. Make certain that the contract is both unambiguous and legally binding.
**Create Effective Communication Channels: Create effective communication channels, such as video conferencing, messaging platforms, and project management systems. Regular communication is critical for a fruitful cooperation.
**Project management: Project management tools and procedures should be used to track progress, manage activities, and keep the project on track. In software development, agile approaches are extensively utilised.
**Quality Assurance and Testing: Clearly describe your project's quality standards and testing methods. Review and test the deliverables on a regular basis to verify they satisfy your expectations and objectives.
**Protect Intellectual Property: Make certain that your intellectual property is safeguarded. Include in the contract terms addressing ownership of code, data, and any other project-related assets.
**Create a Long-Term relationship: Think of outsourcing as a long-term relationship. Developing a solid relationship with your outsourcing partner might result in improved collaboration and future success.
Keep in mind that effective outsourcing necessitates active and transparent communication. To guarantee a smooth development process, keep a careful check on the project's progress, give timely feedback, and handle any concerns as they arise. Well, there is no need of outsourcing your software development project, you just need top search for the best software development who will give you the best solution as same like outside companies.
You can contact us: We are software people, and we are giving our best solutions on Liferay portal, and AwareIm and many more as per your needs.
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inextures · 1 year
Developing a React Application using Liferay
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The Liferay React Module is a module that allows developers to create React-based web applications within the Liferay platform. React is a popular JavaScript library used for building user interfaces. With the Liferay React Module, developers can leverage the power of React while taking advantage of Liferay’s features, such as user authentication, content management, and workflow management.
The Liferay React Module provides a set of tools and components that developers can use to build their applications. It includes a React component library, which provides pre-built UI components that can be used to create web pages and interfaces. It also includes a development environment that allows developers to create, test, and debug their React applications within Liferay.
Creating React Module Using Liferay module  
Right click on the Liferay workspace go to New -> module
Choose Liferay Modules and click on next
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3.Give the module name and select npm-react-portlet
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4.Click on next and give the package name 5.Click on create
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6.Now, React module is successfully created using Liferay module.
Creating React Module Using Liferay JS Generator
1.Using npm, install the Liferay JS Generator:
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2.Generate a React based portlet bundle project for deploying your app to your Liferay DXP installation.
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3.After that give the answer of some questions and react app is ready to deploy
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We are able to deploy the react module using the npm run deploy
To Display the react module widget
Create Widget page.
Click on plus icon
Search for DemoReactModule
Drag it and Drop into Page.
Now You are able see the react module.
In conclusion, the Liferay React module can be a useful tool for developers building applications with Liferay who want to take advantage of React’s benefits. However, the usefulness of the module will depend on the specific needs and goals of the project, as well as the skills and preferences of the development team.
Originally published by: React Application using Liferay 
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surekhatech · 3 months
Liferay Theme Development Services
Surekha Technologies is a globally trusted company providing liferay theme development services, portal development, and Liferay DXP with 7.3, 7.2, 7.1, and 7.
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baileyanthony638 · 2 years
B2B Ecommerce software solutions have helped them get ahead of the pack and deliver wow experiences to the customers. Liferay DXP platform stands out as the life raft for drowning B2B businesses. Liferay DXP platform features Liferay DXP commerce solutions, Liferay DXP commerce order management system, Liferay consulting services, and other tools that B2B Ecommerce businesses leverage to grow their revenue and nurture customer relationships. If you are ready to roll out digital transformation organization-wide using the Liferay DXP platform, the certified and experienced developers can help you make the strategic decision through Liferay consulting services.
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hackathonlovers · 11 months
Retrospectiva del #HackAccesibilidad
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El pasado 28 de octubre se celebró en las oficinas de Liferay  #HackAccesiblidad, un Hackathon sobre accesibilidad web que trataba de dar solución al reto: “crear un minijuego tipo aventura escape room virtual, con un escenario del que hay que lograr salir resolviendo puzzles más o menos sencillos.”
Las reglas que el juego tenía que seguir eran las siguientes:
La tecnología será HTML+CSS+JS. Se podrá usar algún framework de front tipo Angular, React o Vue, pero nunca un framework de desarrollo de juegos. Lo importante no es el juego en sí, aunque también, pero sobre todo que sea accesible.
En el escenario habrá diversos objetos con los que el jugador puede interactuar de distintas formas. Una de las primeras cosas que deberán hacer es pensar en un método accesible de recorrer el escenario para descubrir e interactuar con los objetos.
Las acciones obligatorias deberían ser al menos: mirar y usar; esta última acción debería permitir usar un objeto con otro.
Todos los objetos deben de tener una respuesta para cada acción, aún cuando ese objeto no se pueda usar.
Ni que decir tiene que el reto es sobre accesibilidad, evidentemente también se valorarán otras cosas, como la jugabilidad, la historia, la dificultad, pero es preferible gráficos “cutres” y juego accesible antes que unos gráficos del copón y un juego inaccesible.
Como ayuda a los participantes se desarrollo un ejemplo de juego no accesible https://github.com/angelisco1/prueba-hackaccesibilidad
El hackathon se compuso de dos jornadas:
25 de octubre.-
Con carácter previo a la celebración de hackathon y, para que los participantes tuvieran unas nociones básicas sobre accesibilidad y las pudieran utilizar en su desarrollo, Ramón Corominas (Twitter: @tinitun) impartió un taller presencial y online sobre nociones básicas para la creación de interfaces accesibles, que podéis ver en el enlace:  https://www.youtube.com/live/HhdUlP15NM4?si=VqUvnofsjtgGO71p
Taller de cerca de 2 horas de duración, donde se explicaron aspectos tan interesantes como las 5 reglas de ARIA para ayudar a decidir cómo hacer que los elementos sean accesibles:
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(1) No  uses ARIA, (2) No cambies la semántica nativa, (3) Siempre admitir la navegación con teclado, (4) No ocultes los elementos enfocables, (5) Usar nombres accesibles para los elementos interactivos.
A partir de este momento los participantes podían empezar a desarrollar sus juegos con las reglas propuestas, o bien mejorar el código del ejemplo/juego propuesto.
27 de octubre.-
A las 9:30 empezó la recepción de los participantes en las oficinas de Liferay Durante cerca de tres horas terminaron de desarrollar sus juegos.
A las 12:30 se inició la presentación de los mismos. En concreto fueron tres juegos:
Juego de recolección de monedas en el que había que llegar al final a tiempo y recolectar las monedas que se encontraran en el camino. Desarrollado por Alicia (Buzkall).
Bienvenido al Museo Liferay, donde había una misión: robar el diamante negro Orlov. Desarrollado por Bárbara Cabrera Castro y Victor Galán Grande.
Bienvenido a Escape Bros!, Desarrollado por Valpa Bros (Rubén y Javier Valseca).
Después de la exposición se pasó a deliberar los juegos, teniendo en cuenta aspectos como: nivel de accesibilidad, originalidad de la historia, la jugabilidad, el grado de finalización del proyecto y su dificultad técnica.
Nuestro jurado estaba formado por:
Ramón Corominas: apasionado de la accesibilidad, así como consultor freelance, formador y asesor a todo tipo de empresas e instituciones.
Marcos Castro Vallejo: diseñador de producto / UX y desarrollador frontend, formado en accesibilidad por la ONCE hace casi 15 años.  En los últimos años ha estado centrado en el gran reto que supone convertir Liferay DXP en un producto accesible.
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El orden de los ganadores fue: 
Primer premio: Bienvenido a Escape Bros
Segundo premio: Bienvenido al Museo Liferay
Tercer premio: Juego de recolección de monedas
Todos los participantes se llevaron 200 € de descuento en la compra de cualquier producto de Slimbook salvo los minipcs ZERO y los portátiles Essential, un Hosting Uno de Cyberneticos durante un año, y LViS Lite gratis durante 3 meses.
Para el ganador un Dominio y servidor VPS Básico de Cyberneticos durante un año.
Dar las gracias a Liferay por prestarnos sus instalaciones y colaborar con nosotros, así como a su equipo que nos apoyo durante las jornadas: Álex Arjomandi, Sergio Jiménez, Jesús Domínguez, Luis Díaz Royuela y Elena Bodas. 
Dar las gracias a nuestros sponsors: Slimbook, Cyberneticos, Murena, y LVIS.
Tenéis todas las fotos que hicimos en Flickr.
Vídeo resumen
Nos vemos en la próxima.
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tvscolombia · 1 month
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Resumen De La Moto TVS Apache RTR 160 4V
La motocicleta deportiva TVS Colombia Apache RTR 160 4V es una de las mejores para carreras y aventuras.Visite el sitio web ahora para ver sus imágenes,diseño y precio, y para conocer el apache 160 precio colombia.La TVS RTR 160 4V es una entrada poderosa en la línea de máquinas de carrera de TVS. Con una presencia imponente en la pista, esta máquina es un testimonio del futuro de la tecnología de carreras de vanguardia.
TVS es un reconocido fabricante de vehículos de dos ruedas con una fuerte presencia en Colombia. Con una rica herencia que se remonta a varias décadas, TVS se ha establecido como una marca de confianza en el país. Conocida por su compromiso con la calidad, el rendimiento y la innovación, TVS ofrece una amplia gama de motocicletas y scooters diseñados para satisfacer las necesidades de los motociclistas colombianos.
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teragames · 1 year
Cinco características básicas que debe tener un portal del empleado
El equipo de especialistas de @Liferay apuntan las tendencias para empresas que buscan ampliar la productividad de sus empleados por lo que revelan las 5 características básicas que debe tener un portal del empleado
Liferay, proveedor de la plataforma de Experiencias Digitales (DXP) implementada en la nube, ha hecho público un listado de características básicas a considerar en cualquier proyecto de implementación de intranets. A juicio de los expertos de la compañía, líder en este tipo de soluciones, consideran que los portales de empleados o intranets modernas permiten centralizar y hacer accesible el…
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View On WordPress
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tridhyatech · 1 year
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kritikapatil · 1 year
Digital Experience Platform Market to Eyewitness Massive Growth by 2027
Latest added Digital Experience Platform Market research study by AMA Research offers detailed outlook and elaborates market review till 2027. The market Study is segmented by key regions that are accelerating the marketization. At present, the market players are strategizing and overcoming challenges of current scenario; some of the key players in the study are
Adobe Inc. (United States)
SAP SE (Germany)
Oracle Corporation (United States)
Infosys Limited (India)
Acquia, Inc (United States)
Liferay Inc (United States)
SDL plc (United Kingdom)
Progress Software Corporation (United States)
Quadient (France)
Sitecore (United States)
The digital experience platform (DXP) is a software program that enables one to build and deliver integrated, optimized user experiences across all the digital channels, to all customers. This platform helps in managing digital customer experience in understanding customer behavior towards the brand online. In today’s time organizations are focusing on creating emotional connections with the users to get feedback and respond to their issues. The digital experience platform includes open DXP and Closed DXP, the experience platforms offer services like content management, analytics, orchestration, customer relationship management, etc. These services are offered to various digital channels like web, mobile, social media and other connected devices.
Influencing Trend: The Emerging use of Voice Commerce to sell the Products and Services in Digital Experience Platform
The Surging IoT-era, with its Smart Speakers and Intelligent Refrigerators, is bringing the World to Real-Time Experiences Platform
Challenges: Less Awareness about the usage of Digital Experience Platform Properly
Opportunities: The Use of Digital Experience Platform to Digitally Transform Staff Training Procedures will Boost the Market
Shifting Staff training to Online Portals and Collaborations Tools
Market Growth Drivers: The demand for digitization in a business organization to deliver connected customer experiences and collect customer insights that matter to the organization. The organization needs to improve the accuracy of marketing and customer engagement through comprehensive customer data and cost-effective implementation. These requirements are driving the DXP market
The Global Digital Experience Platform segments and Market Data Break Down by Type (Open DXP, Closed DXP), Application (Large Enterprises, Small-medium Enterprises), Services (Context, Portal, Analytics, Orchestration/Composition, Integration and API Services, Others), Technology (Java, Microsoft, PHP, HTML, Others), Industry Verticals (Manufacturing Industry, IT & Telecom Industry, BFSI Industry, Healthcare Industry, Hospitality Industry, Others), Deployment (Cloud-Based, Web-Based), Digital Channels (Web, Mobile, Social, Email, Connected Devices)
Presented By
AMA Research & Media LLP
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aixtor-technologies · 9 months
Unlock Your Business Potential with Aixtor Intranet Portal Solution!
Are you looking to elevate your business efficiency and collaboration to new heights? Look no further than Aixtor Intranet Portal Solution! 🚀
🌐 Centralized Workspace: Our Intranet portal creates a digital hub for your business, providing a centralized workspace that enhances collaboration and communication.
🔐 Privacy and Security: Rest easy with Aixtor's robust privacy and security features. Your data stays protected, and you control who has access to what, ensuring confidentiality and compliance.
🔄 Streamlined Information Sharing: Say goodbye to scattered information! Aixtor's Intranet enables seamless sharing of data, documents, and updates. Everyone stays on the same page, fostering a more connected and informed workforce.
👥 Collaboration at its Best: Facilitate active collaboration with a platform that allows team members to contribute, provide input, and offer approvals. Boost productivity as ideas flow effortlessly within your organization.
📈 Business Growth Catalyst: Wondering how Intranet portals fuel business growth? By optimizing communication, fostering collaboration, and enhancing efficiency, Aixtor's solution becomes a driving force behind your business expansion.
📲 Stay Connected Anywhere: Aixtor Intranet Portal Solution is accessible anytime, anywhere. Whether in the office or on the go, your team remains connected, ensuring a flexible and dynamic work environment.
Ready to witness the transformation? 🚀 Embrace Aixtor Intranet Portal Solution and take your business to new heights of success! 💼✨ Read More: https://aixtor.com/blog/intranet-portal-solution-helps-to-business/
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aspire-blog · 9 months
The Pinnacle of Expertise: Leading Liferay Development Company
How skilled Liferay developers empower your digital journey. Elevate your enterprise with expert solutions in Liferay development. Discover tailored strategies for seamless digital experiences. 
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softservg2c · 10 months
What is the history of Liferay as an open source project?
Liferay is an open-source corporate portal and content management system (CMS) with roots in the early 2000s.
Here is a timeline of Liferay's history as an open-source project:
Founding (2000): Liferay was developed in 2000 by Brian Chan, a software engineer, with the purpose of developing a platform for the building of dynamic websites and portals. Liferay, Inc., the firm behind Liferay, was founded in 2004.
Liferay Portal 1.0 (2004): Liferay Portal's initial version was published in 2004. It gave customers a solid foundation for creating enterprise portals and content management systems.
Open Source (2005): Liferay accepted the open-source concept in 2005, when it released the source code under the GNU Lesser General Public Licence (LGPL). This action fostered community participation and collaboration.
Community Growth: Liferay's open-source nature has attracted a growing community of developers, users, and contributors. The community was instrumental in improving and expanding Liferay's capabilities through plugins, themes, and other contributions.
Liferay Portal 6.0 (2009): A important milestone for Liferay, this version introduced improvements in usability, speed, and scalability. It also included capabilities for social collaboration and digital content management.
Liferay Marketplace (2011): The Liferay Marketplace was developed to simplify the distribution and discovery of Liferay Portal plugins and extensions. Plugins might be published by developers and readily found and installed by users.
Liferay Portal 7.0 (2016): Version 7.0 included a modernised architecture, enhanced user experience, and support for cutting-edge technologies. Modularization with the OSGi framework, a new user interface (AlloyUI), and improved mobile responsiveness were all incorporated.
DXP (Digital Experience Platform) (2017): Liferay DXP (Digital Experience Platform) (2017) DXP represents a broader and more integrated approach to digital experience management. It integrates portal functionality with document management, collaborative tools, and analytics.
Ongoing Development: Liferay is still being developed, with frequent updates and new releases. The developer community is still active, contributing to the platform's growth and expansion.
Liferay 7.4 (2021): At my latest knowledge update in January 2022, the most recent major version was Liferay 7.4, which continued the platform's focus on digital experience management and offered advances in areas such as user experience, security, and integration capabilities.
It's important to check the official Liferay website or community channels for the latest information, as developments may have occurred on regular basis.
You should contact to the best software development company in India, who is well aware of all Liferay Development updates and giving you the best solution with developing the best results.
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arenakelly02 · 1 year
Wondering how Liferay DXP can benefit your insurance agency? With its customizable modules and robust CRM capabilities, you can streamline your processes and enhance customer satisfaction. Discover the power of Liferay DXP today! #insuranceagency #customizablemodules
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surekhatech · 1 year
Choose the right enterprise portal from Adobe AEM vs. Liferay DXP that benefits your business. It benefits your business to deliver personalized content and transform customer experiences.
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