dalamusrex · 2 years
“let me take care of you, for once.”
(Answering with a Mortal Dalamus)
Every limb burned in the aftermath of the nearly-failed Guild Job from the previous night. Dram had told him to rest, and he had reluctantly obliged, and now sat in bed. And now he somehow felt more sore than when the wounds were fresh. What is with that?
The only mercy was Llaara's absence, so she was unable to tell him what a right fool he had been.
As much as he wished to refuse help, he could not deny Tommy. And he did not feel like standing over a cooking fire. Or standing at all.
"Some tea would be lovely, Tommy. And, if it is not too much to ask.. something to eat, as well?"
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“ i don’t see anything scary. do you?”
“I see that Elspeth has become quite proficient at several different weapons, including a crossbow. You don’t think that’s scary?” Trygve was incredulous. 
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askdusty · 4 years
❛ Words are always getting in my way. ❜
She’d heard rumours about this one, hadn’t she? A newer member of the Companions, some shiftless young man drifting place to place. She very nearly rolled her eyes at the overheard argument, then paused in thought.
... Wasn’t that exactly her type, once upon a time? Or at least he would have caught her eye.
Getting old is nonsense.
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boarchasers · 5 years
“Me? I’m not anyone particularly special.”
Hjolrin’s stare might have been one of annoyance, or fear, or simply boredom. As always it was hard to read, particularly when most of his face was obscured by beard. He leaned on the stick he had been using to poke his way through the undergrowth.
‘Then why d’y’keep turning up near m’camp?’
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therunawayscamp · 5 years
“Should you really be getting up?”
Ethysil paused in his slow climb from flagstone to chair to stood upright in order to squint at Tommy, through the bruise across his eye.
‘In truth? Perhaps not. But morning prayers are more usually spoken in the morning, not past noon, and I fear--’ he winced as a fresh spasm of pain flashed through his head ‘--I have a lot to pray about today.’
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whatoddities · 6 years
Kid Meme: Tommy/Nelle
Name: Aubrey Mae MoorGender: FemaleGeneral Appearance: Soft dirty blonde hair that she keeps no longer than shoulder length. Capturing blue eyes, pale skin, full lips, rounded face, slender frame. Has a gap between her front teeth that she’s slightly self conscious about.Personality: A gentle soul. Mae prefers to quietly tend to her garden and devotes a lot of her time to the Temple of Kynareth and Mara, her patron saints.Special Talents: Alchemy, a green thumb, restoration magic.Who they like better: NelleWho they take after more: TommyPersonal Headcanon: It was a deep relief for Tommy when Mae never developed beastblood. Mae herself wasn’t too worried on the outcome, but she understood how much it stressed her father and so she felt relief as well, though more for him than herself.Mae becomes a Priestess of Kynareth and chooses to reside in Tommy’s old family home, where she brings her grandmother’s garden to full bloom once again.
Faceclaim: Lea Seydoux (gifs under cut)
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southronsongbird · 6 years
Helping Hand [Tommy/Bergitte]
Tommy had only just noticed the woman struggling with the bolt of fabric, but it took him less than a second to ask to help. He had only moved fabric once before, when he helped a Khajiit repack their carriage, and he knew it was heavy for most people, especially when they were longer.
“No, it’s no trouble at all,” he answered, taking the bolt from her gently and hoisting it onto his shoulder with a grunt of effort. Steadying the fabric, he nodded towards the city.
“Lead the way?”
There was a moment of surprised hesitation after he took the bolt from her. That was not what she had expected at all, and in truth, she felt rather bad. Bergitte still for a moment, as if wanting to make sure he really meant to carry it on his own. It would be easy enough for them each to take an end if it turned out to be too much, but it seemed he was managing quite well on his own.
“Thank you so much,” she smiled, and started up the road again, wiping the sweat from her brow, “Usually the dock workers help me, but it seems they were too busy today, lots of shipments to be unloaded I suppose. And it’s just my employers and I in the shop and...well, they don’t like to be troubled with this sort of thing.”
Kind and generous as he was, somehow she doubted that he cared all that much about the details, “...I’m Bergitte, by the way. I’m very glad to meet you.”
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101tesversians · 6 years
Llaara/Tommy: Set 2/Gif 3 or Set 3/Gif 7
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Gif Prompts Galore; Fluff Edition. Set 2/gif 3
Llaara had drawn her legs up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them in an attempt to keep the chilling breeze at bay. For a time it had worked, but now that the sun was dipping low on the horizon. 
It was then that she felt Tommy shift beside her, and she glanced over at him with furrowed brows. At first she didn’t really understand what exactly he was doing, but when he pulled the shirt off his shoulders and slid it down his ams. Realization crossed her features, “Tommy, why are you.. you’ll get cold,” she protested weakly, but it seemed he would have none of it. 
She gathered the shirt in the front, wrapping it around her before she leaned into him. “Thanks,” she said, her voice little more than a soft whisper as she rested her head on his shoulder. 
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hoistingcolours · 6 years
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
Willa rubbed at her arm, quickly averting her eyes from the young man before shrugging her shoulders. “It’s just… last time we met… I wanted to thank you. For helping me. Even if there was nothing in it for you. And I uh… I hope I didn’t startle you,” she spoke softly.
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wrathofsithis · 7 years
“I think they’ve earned their lesson, you can stop hitting them now.”
Varasa held the man by the collar of his shirt, blood streaming from his nose and lip. The Dunmer merely raised an eyebrow at the young man, but there was some truth to his words. “Fair enough,” she agreed nonchalantly before she dropped the man on his ass. 
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dalamusrex · 3 years
TES Summer Fest 2021 Prompt: Family or Apotheosis
A family can be a vampire, his half-vampire daughter, his werelion boyfriend, his daughter’s mortal god-mother, his werebear best friend, an orphaned werewolf, a Vampire Lord father figure...
Just thirty years ago, Dalamus would have laughed at the prospect. Him, a husband? A father? As if he could ever settle in one place without fearing a knife in his back come the morning. As if a vampire was something that could love and be loved. He was a wounded animal, trusting no one, and snarling at those who insisted they were different.
But oh, how he was wrong. When at last he dared to hide his fangs and let people approach, he found them to be kind. Warm. They held a thirst as insatiable as his own, but for understanding.
A Dunmer woman offers her blood willingly despite having only met. A Nord curiously asks what being a vampire is like, chatting while blood still stains his fangs. A werelion offers consoling words even while his Lion warns him away. A werebear warns Dalamus of his newly acquired Beast Blood to keep people safe, regardless of friendship status. A young werewolf cautiously greets and chats after a tragedy of his own. A Vampire Lord mistakes him for another and launches an assault, only to realize his mistake and apologize before injury can occur.
So many times he could have been warned away, brushed off, or flat-out killed. Yet these people became the closest to him over the years, becoming irreplaceable people in his life, and proving him wrong. He could love and be loved, even as a vampire.
Some vampires form clans--their family is made up of those they have turned into vampires themselves. Some are closely-knit, others function more like hives, and even some are discordant and function only because the Sire commands it. Dalamus chose his family in a different manner.
And though he would never refer to his family as a Clan, one can rest assured that he would defend them just as fiercely.
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“ maybe we should just go.”
“Okay,” Elspeth said, looking around the tavern. They had only arrived moments ago and, to her, the crowd seemed unremarkable at best. But Tommy was clearly uncomfortable and that was enough.
“We can just go back to my place and raid Trygve’s liquor cabinet” she suggested. “Then we can play cards if you like.” 
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telltalethief · 7 years
What do you think of your mom living in Whiterun? Have you made any friends out there?
“I think it’s great,” the women grinned. "The house is lovely. A bit smaller than our, er, my da’s house in Riften, but I like it.”
“I haven’t really met anyone new, but I’ve gotten closer to the people I already knew a little, like Tommy and Bo. I’ve also spent some time with Halldis, Bo’s girlfriend, which has been fun. It might seem odd, but it’s nice to have another girl around, you know?”
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askdusty · 7 years
“Are you enjoying yourself?”
Dust laughed aloud, even throwing back her head. “How could I not? The food, the company, the music - oh, I forgot how wonderful it is to hear good music! No, not just hear, feel. It’s something you feel in your bones, like the smell of the bonfire. And you, dear?”
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therunawayscamp · 5 years
“Which would you choose?”
'If I had to?’ Turithys kicked her boot against the table it was resting on a few times. ‘Werewolves. ‘Least they’re only a problem once a month. Vampires’re a pain in the arse all the bloody time.’
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whatoddities · 6 years
Tommy/Llaara set 1/gif 4 or set 2/gif 2
Night was falling and it felt wonderful outside. The temperature had gone from near-sweltering to a tepid warm, with a gentle breeze winding its way through the trees and tall grass.
It was as Tommy looked away from Llaara, so she wouldn’t notice him staring, that he realized just how clear the sky was. 
“Look,” he murmured, pointing up toward the stars, which were coming into view more and more as the sun set. Not wasting any time, he found a decent spot to sit, and gently tugged on Llaara’s hand for her to join him.
Positioning the two of them back to back, Tommy instructed Llaara to rest her head on his shoulder, and then did the same. Now they could enjoy star-gazing in a more comfortable position.
Once their necks grew tired, Tommy suggested simply laying down in the grass. The two settled in, and after a few moments of heart-pounding uncertainty, the Breton reached out to gently interlace his fingers with hers, hoping the gesture wasn’t out of bounds.
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