#light commercial trucks for sale
gibbonscommercial · 16 days
Choosing the Right Truck: Key Considerations for Successful Buying
When it comes to purchasing a truck, whether for personal or business use, making the right choice is crucial. With so many truck sales NZ available in the market, navigating through the sea of choices can be overwhelming. To get more information about how to choose the right truck for your business, navigate here.
Fear not! In this guide, we'll break down the key considerations to help you make an informed decision and drive off with the perfect truck for your needs.
Understanding Your Needs
The first step in the truck-buying process is to assess your specific requirements. Are you looking for a vehicle for personal use, such as hauling recreational gear or towing a trailer? Or are you in the market for a workhorse that can handle heavy payloads and withstand rugged terrain? Understanding your needs will play a vital role in narrowing down your options and ensuring satisfaction with your purchase.
Consider factors such as payload capacity, towing capabilities, fuel efficiency, and terrain suitability. If you're unsure about which features are essential for your needs, consulting with a knowledgeable sales representative can provide valuable insights.
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Setting a Budget
Before diving into the truck sales NZ market, it's essential to establish a budget that aligns with your financial situation. Determine how much you're willing to spend on the purchase, including any potential financing or leasing options. Keep in mind that the initial cost of the truck is just one aspect of the overall expense. Factor in long-term costs such as fuel, maintenance, insurance, and potential resale value.
By setting a clear budget upfront, you can focus your search on vehicles that fall within your price range, saving time and avoiding disappointment.
Researching Available Options
With your needs and budget in mind, it's time to explore the truck sales market and research the available options. Consider various makes and models, comparing their features, specifications, and reviews from both experts and owners. Pay close attention to factors such as reliability, safety ratings, towing capacity, and available technology and comfort features.
Visiting dealerships, attending auto shows, and leveraging online resources such as manufacturer websites and automotive forums can provide valuable insights into the truck sales landscape.
Test Driving
Once you've narrowed down your options to a few contenders, the next step is to schedule test drives. Experiencing how different trucks perform on the road is essential in determining which one best suit your driving preferences and needs. Pay attention to aspects such as handling, comfort, visibility, and overall driving dynamics.
During the test drive, don't hesitate to ask the sales representative any questions you may have about the vehicle's features, maintenance requirements, or warranty coverage. Their expertise can help you make a well-informed decision.
Considering Resale Value
While it's exciting to focus on the features and capabilities of a new truck, it's also important to consider its resale value down the road. Certain makes and models tend to hold their value better than others due to factors such as brand reputation, reliability, and demand in the used market.
Researching historical resale data and industry trends can provide insight into which trucks offer the best long-term investment potential.
Finalising the Purchase
After careful consideration and thorough research, it's time to finalise your purchase. Review the terms of the sale, including any financing or leasing agreements, warranties, and additional fees. Take your time to ensure that all paperwork is in order and that you fully understand the terms and conditions of the transaction.
Once everything is squared away, you can drive off confidently, knowing that you've chosen the right truck for your needs and budget.
Purchasing a truck is a significant investment that requires careful consideration of various factors. By understanding your needs, setting a budget, researching available options, test driving, considering resale value, and finalising the purchase, you can navigate the truck sales NZ market with confidence and find the perfect vehicle for your needs.
Source From: Choosing the Right Truck: Key Considerations for Successful Buying
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buytrucknbus · 11 months
Find Tata Motors Commercial Vehicles Prices Online
When you are booking a commercial vehicle with Tata Motors, you will not only gain a mode of transport for your business, but also the promise of durability, strength, safety, and performance. Be it a small commercial vehicle like the Tata Ace or a heavy commercial vehicle like Tata Signa 4825, when it comes to lower total cost of ownership, rest assured that the Tata Motors advantage is one that is worth the investment.
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iosonomer-blog · 2 months
In 2013, Volvo surprised the world with this beautiful ad that is a piece of visual, musical and physical art.
They wanted to show the stability of their Volvo FM trucks, so they hired iconic 90s actor, Jean-Claude Van Damme to do a leg spread between the two roads while they were driving backwards.
Many thought it was special effects, but no. It was planned over 5 months. It was planned for 5 months. The place chosen was the Central Airport of Ciudad Real in Spain, exactly with natural light. There were 3 days of rehearsals but the shot for the commercial was taken on the first attempt, while the song "Only Time" by Enya was playing.
The actor was protected with a harness in case he couldn't make it, but the whole thing was a success and the image went around the world, as well as increasing Volvo's sales in the month of its launch by 31%.
It's not just about hiring a celebrity, it's about using their symbolic, scenic and media power. Let everything flow in an assertive coherence.
With creative affection.
- Lucas S
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plethoraworldatlas · 1 month
The United Nations' top humanitarian affairs officials on Friday called for an immediate deescalation of hostilities in Sudan, where rival factions in the military government have been fighting for a year and where an attack on the city of El Fasher is reportedly imminent.
About 800,000 people in the city, the capital of North Darfur state, are in "extreme and immediate danger," U.N. aid operations director, Edem Wosornu, told the U.N. Security Council earlier this week, as she reported that clashes between the Rapid Support Forces (RSF), a paramilitary group, and the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) are nearing El Fasher.
Fighting between the two groups has intensified in recent weeks, forcibly displacing an estimated 40,000 people.
The U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said Friday that the security situation in North Darfur has left more than a dozen aid trucks with relief supplies for 122,000 people stranded in neighboring Northern state, unable to proceed into the only capital city in Darfur that is not controlled by RSF.
"A patchwork of armed actors, including the Darfur Joint Protection Forces, the SAF, and the RSF control different parts of the El Fasher area," Human Rights Watch reported this week. "Tense calm alternating with episodic fighting has prevailed for months."
Since April 14, when RSF began to push into El Fasher, at least 43 people—including women and children—have been killed due to fighting between the SAF and RSF.
"Civilians are trapped in the city, afraid of being killed should they attempt to flee," said Seif Magango, spokesperson for the U.N. high commissioner for human rights, Volker Türk. "This dire situation is compounded by a severe shortage of essential supplies as deliveries of commercial goods and humanitarian aid have been heavily constrained by the fighting, and delivery trucks are unable to freely transit through RSF-controlled territory."
The lack of humanitarian aid in North Darfur has pushed the state toward a famine, with one child dying of starvation every two hours, according to a February report by Doctors Without Borders.
In December, the U.S. State Department announced an $85 million sale of radar and other military equipment to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which The New York Times reported last year has been covertly supporting the RSF.
U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) proposed a joint resolution to block arms sales to the UAE in January, in light of its support for the paramilitary group.
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rwby-roman-red · 6 months
[RWBY: Roman Red] Chapter 1 ~ Criminal Business as Usual (Part 2)
The night before the start of the Vytal Festival, Roman and the White Fang get to know each other better with a bonding exercise - some light robbery! IN THIS PART: It turns out the back door is a very convenient way to enter a building, and Roman meets an old friend.
[RWBY fanfic, canon-compliant alternate timeline. Character focus: Roman Torchwick, White Fang Lieutenant. Chapter and poll under the cut.]
[Previous Part] [Next Part]
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Roman turned on his heel, pointing to the White Fang member who’d spoken up about the back of the building. “You, with the talons. What’s your name?”
“Uh-” The Kite Faunus was taken aback for a moment. “Chili. I’m Chili.”
“Chili, Chili, Chili.” Roman slowly walked over, throwing his arm around the Faunus’ shoulders. “I’m a big man, I can admit when there’s a better plan. You’re absolutely, one hundred percent certain there’s a loading door out back?”
“That didn’t sound very confident.” “YES! Yes, there’s- definitely a loading door behind the building.” Chili replied, shaking out of Roman’s grasp. “I’ve seen it when walking past.”
“Cool! Then we’ve got a plan.” Roman noted. “You brought the duffel bags?” One of the henchmen quickly held up a duffel bag filled with folded duffel bags. “Perfect, perfect~ Let’s make our way to the target, then. See you folks there!”
Before anyone could stop him, Roman danced his way to the edge of the building and casually hopped off. Melodic Cudgel caught on the edge of the building, holding him momentarily and killing his momentum, before Roman pulled his cane up and caught it on a drainage pipe on the underhang of the building. Using his foot to steady himself, he casually slid down the side, using a 90-degree turn in the pipe to catch himself at ground level and casually hop off. With a smile, he tugged down on his hat to cover his face as he moved into the alleyway of the street, making his way towards the rental building.
All things considered, this job was a steal - in more ways than one. Over the past few heists, Roman had bled the Commercial District dry - and in so doing, turned it into a hub for the fuzz. There were only four notable Dust storage sites left in the city that hadn’t already been robbed. One of them was in the Commercial District, another was right next to the freaking police station, the third was all the way in the Residential District and the fourth was in a warehouse all the way in Forever Fall. Fortunately, that fourth had now become a fifth - the products of the hidden forest warehouse now brought to the seaside for a prime sale. It was a wonderful opportunity for Roman, making it so much easier to get that quota filled.
…y’know. Assuming he could fill the quota. There were days Cinder ran him like a whipped horse. And what even was all the Dust going towards? She still hadn’t explained that part…
Roman came out of his reverie upon reaching the back of the rental building. A small parking lot was set up behind it, part of it sectioned off specifically for trucks due to the presence of-
“Well, would ya look at that! A cargo door.” Hooking Melodic Cudgel on his forearm, he lightly clapped as he walked into the parking lot. “And like that, you folks have already proven yourselves much more confident than the last guys I had to work with.”
“The compliment is appreciated.” The voice of the Lieutenant spoke up. The White Fang had seemingly just appeared behind him. Roman didn’t feel like questioning it. They understood the assignment. “The door has a simple chain lock.”
“Yeah, figured they’d be cheapskates like that.” Roman replied. Moving over to the lock, he lifted up Melodic Cudgel before slamming its end down onto the lock, breaking its shackle. The chain almost instantly dropped, only for the Lieutenant to catch it and begin leading it through, the clicks of the moving chain against metal much quieter than it would have been if it had simply dropped. Once the entire chain was removed, Roman and Chili both bent down, grasping the door’s handle and lifting it open.
A small whistle as Roman entered the building, plucking a flashlight from his pocket and flicking it on. The light danced around various display cases and shelves, each holding Dust of all kinds. Some were canisters of liquid Dust, but most were the raw crystal form, processed and unprocessed alike. Lifting his flashlight to his mouth and holding it between his teeth, Roman turned to the White Fang member with the duffle bags and snapped his fingers. The signal was received, the group quickly getting their duffle bags distributed among them.
“Right!” Lifting the flashlight out, Roman turned to the group. “Elder, Chili, with me. Everyone else-” With Melodic Cudgel, he gestured to the display. “-smash and grab.”
The White Fang were naturals. One of the group elbowed the glass of a display case, plucking out a Dust crystal between each finger. Another got to work unscrewing the liquid Dust canister itself instead of bottling the Dust individually, and the third pulled over a chair to get at the high shelves. It almost brought a tear to Roman’s eye. He really was working with professional Dust thieves…
“What are we doing?” Chili asked.
“My young friend, this building has three floors.” Roman replied. “We’re headed upstairs. Lieutenant-!”
Elder raised a leg, kicking down the door to the staircase. No key needed.
“Well, that works.”
Jovially, Roman and his two companions made their way upstairs. As expected, the second floor was far less organized. It was mostly filled with shipping containers and pieces of furniture that didn’t fit into the display, many branded with the Schnee Dust Company logo. He heard the audible hiss made by the Lieutenant as the crates came into view. A radio seemed to be positioned on one of the crates as well, giving off some idle tunes. Country music, it sounded like.
“There’s probably some Dust they’re keeping in reserve.” Roman noted. “It’d be bad business to put everything out front on the first day of a month-long festival. Might be more than we can take, but see what you can grab, yeah?”
With that, the three moved out to the boxes. The Lieutenant threw one open, scooping crystals into the bag. Chili managed to get his hands on a case already filled with Dust, holding it separately from the duffle bag he was filling. As for Roman… He walked a bit further in than the others. Walking towards the radio, he saw one of the cases was half-open, more than a few pieces of Dust present. With a smile, he flicked the case open and started scooping the Dust crystals into his bag. He smiled at the size of the chunks he was pulling out, lifting a piece of snow white Dust up to eye level to inspect it and see how it caught the light.
…hold up. Within the reflection of the Dust crystal, the side of the radio showed something Roman hadn’t seen before. A name written on the side… Roch?
Roman had milliseconds to spare as he rolled out of the way, the end of his hat grazing against a row of spikes. The blade carved into the wooden box he’d been right in front of, grunts coming from the hands Roman could barely see holding onto it with his flashlight rolling across the room.
“CHILI, HIT THE LIGHTS!” Roman ordered.
“Okay?!” The confused Faunus replied, quickly running to the light switch and flicking it to life.
As the second floor’s cheap lamp fixtures hummed, Dust triggering to spark illumination into the room, the jagged end of a staff retracted as it reduced to half size, a sharp three-pronged claw visible on its other end. Stepping out from behind a makeshift hiding place of several empty boxes placed together was a man adorned with long silver hair and a messy, unshaven fuzz-beard. His gray sleeveless shirt was torn in several places, his belt held many pockets, his loose-fitting pants ran down to steel-studded combat boots and his eyes were filled with hatred for the man he saw in front of him.
“Roman Torchwick.”
“My, my!” Climbing to his feet, Roman spread his arms jovially as he paced back, giving himself some more room as he moved to not have his back against the wall anymore. “If it ain’t the Szalt of the earth. How’s it going, buddy?”
“I ain’t your BUDDY!” The man yelled out. The Huntsman-turned-mercenary practically flung himself towards Roman, the serrated end of his staff aiming to cleave off a limb. “You… YOUUUU can’t stay out of my LIFE!”
Grabbing onto the end of Melodic Cudgel, he hooked its handle around Roch’s staff’s length to force it to the side as he slid past him and back towards the White Fang. “I’d argue it’s more that you keep taking jobs for the types of bastards I like stealing from, but hey, blame me for your incompetence all you want, ex-Huntsman.”
Roch Szalt’s eyes flared. He leapt forward to smash Roman with a punch - only to have an empty box thrown into him, knocking the man to the back of the room.
Lieutenant Elder stepped to Roman’s side, crossing his arms. “Missing some context here.”
“That sad sack of a human being-” He pointed to the recovering Huntsman. “-is Roch Szalt. Tried to stop me on my first bank heist in Vale, got his rear end promptly handed to him and destroyed more of the bank than I did in the process, getting himself fired as a Huntsman. Tends to take on defense gigs for people with money to spare. Typical braindead human muscle.”
“Hm.” Elder’s mask tipped slightly. “Shall I step in?”
Now, that was a thought. As much as Roman was willing to make fun of Roch’s sad existence, it was true that their second fight had left Roman with a torn-open left leg and bruises from a ten-feet fall. All over… coffee. (Shame that scheme hadn’t worked out for particularly long.) Some help would probably be appreciated, especially considering Neo was busy becoming a Haven transfer student for… whatever Cinder’s greater plan was. The Lieutenant seemed more than qualified, and could be an easy helping hand.
On the other hand, this was about earning the White Fang’s trust as much as it was about them earning his. If Roman showed weakness here, it could compromise that first impression and make it harder to work together. By the same coin, if he beat Szalt single-handedly and bought more time for the others to get the loot, it’d make him more respectable as a leader and business partner…
There was a choice to be made here.
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beardedmrbean · 7 months
A Houston Police Department officer driving to work last month felt the buzzing vibration alert of a cell-phone sized device provided by the federal government as part of a grant program.
The buzzing was no phone call. It was a warning, about dangerous levels of radiation, right in the midst of the fourth largest city in America.
And the detector that found it was one of 2,000 carried in Houston – and 56,000 nationwide – aimed at preventing terrorists from slipping a radiation-spewing “dirty bomb” onto American streets.
Now, budget fights in Congress and a House majority seeking major spending cuts mean the office that supplied those detectors is on the chopping block.
During a House Homeland Security Committee hearing last week, representatives questioned the work of – and funding for – huge swaths of the federal security agencies, often focusing on border security.
But testimony that day from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas brought to light the work of one lesser-known arms of anti-terror work: the agency’s Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction office.
He offered it as an example of where the system worked as intended, supporting a local agency to ward off disaster before it happened.
How 'hot' material ended up in a Houston scrap yard
As the detector buzzed Oct. 16, the Houston officer first suspected a false alarm. He circled his car back around to the same street. It went off again.
The detector, similar to a Geiger counter, was built to pick up gamma radiation. Soon, larger units arrived to help triangulate the radiation’s source.
DHS provides some officers backpack-sized devices. The agency says they can detect material as far as a mile away. It also provides truck-sized devices that can scan for radiation near major events like the Super Bowl and Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Houston’s sensors led them to a recycling yard on the city’s northwest side. There, the bomb squad isolated containers the size of paint cans. Officers only needed to wear specialized protective gear when they were closest to the material, past a “turn-back line” alerted by their detectors.
The radiation was not coming from a dirty bomb. It was only harmful within a few feet. But it was real radiation.
The source was Cesium-137, a material used in commercial and industrial settings. It is found in medical radiation therapy devices to treat cancer. As the byproduct of nuclear fission, it’s also found at the scene of nuclear reactor disasters — think Chernobyl.
In Houston, the radiation-emitting canisters had been used as flow gauges at a chemical plant. Instead of being properly stored, they had ended up at the scrap yard.
A crew carefully recovered four radioactive sources and transferred them to a U.S. Department of Energy storage facility near San Antonio.
Texas authorities are investigating the chain of custody of the material to determine how it ended up in the scrap yard and how long it had been there. Owners of the yard, which police have not named, will not face penalties because they cooperated with authorities, said Sgt. James Luplow, a member of the HPD bomb squad.
“This is not a very common occurrence. We routinely encounter radioactive material, but nothing at this level,” Luplow said. “It’s a textbook example of having a lot of people cruising around with these detectors.”
The ongoing threat of radioactive waste
Radioactive material ends up in scrap yards and causes major headaches for workers and those called to dispose of it.
In 1984, a scrap metal sale in Mexico led to one of the largest radiation disasters in U.S. history. About 600 tons of radioactive steel from Juarez ended up in 28 states. In that case, Cobalt-60 pellets caused radiation poisoning where junkyard employees became nauseated, had their fingernails turn black and suffered sterilization.
With a 30-year half-life, cesium isotopes can present a long-lasting threat if not properly disposed of at a storage facility.
Radioactive contamination of scrap materials happens far more frequently than people realize, said Jessica Bufford, a senior program officer at the non-profit global security organization Nuclear Threat Initiative.
“We’re concerned that a determined adversary like a criminal group or terrorists or lone wolf actor could steal a cesium device and use it as part of a dirty bomb to cause panic,” Bufford said. “It could be transported in powder form easily through water or air and spread over a large area.”
The material found in the Houston scrap yard was discarded waste, not a dirty bomb. But authorities say the need for detecting the radiation is the same in either scenario.
“You’d be detecting bombs,” said Luplow, the Houston sergeant. “But we’d much prefer to find it just in the material form, and it’s a lot easier to deal with.”
'No border security, no funding'
The Houston incident first came to light when Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified last week in front of the House panel.
Without naming the location, agency or date of the incident, Mayorkas said cryptically: “a local law enforcement officer equipped with some of the equipment we provide to detect radiological and nuclear material was wearing a device that detected abandoned material in a very unsafe location that could have caused tremendous harm to the people in the surrounding community.”
A DHS official referred further questions about details on the incident to Houston police.
The Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction office within DHS, created in 2018, had a five-year sunset clause and will shutter without reauthorization by Congress.
The Biden administration specifically lobbied key committees to save the DHS office and the jobs of roughly 230 employees plus 400 contractors. DHS officials want to see the office permanently funded. With a budget of $400 million a year, the staff works to detect chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons.
The office works with 14 “high-risk” urban areas: New York City; Newark and Jersey City; Los Angeles and Long Beach; the Washington, D.C. area; Houston; Chicago; Atlanta; Miami; Denver; Phoenix; San Francisco; Seattle; Boston; and New Orleans.
GOP members of the House Freedom Caucus have blasted the DHS border policy under Mayorkas and have demanded the cuts as leverage for change.
Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas, and 14 other Republicans signed on to a letter seeking no DHS funding until the changes: “No border security, no funding,” he wrote in a letter to colleagues.
Without approval, the office was set to shutter on Dec. 21. The current continuing resolution passed by Congress and signed by President Biden last week punts that deadline to February.
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saleintothe90s · 1 year
478. 93 things about 1993, part 2
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(part 1)
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7. The Buffalo Bills lose their third Super Bowl in a row.
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8. The Red Shoes loses $8 million on broadway (12/19)
I don't know much about Broadway shows, but I tried watching some clips from what I'm guessing was the press reel? and (this is just me) the performances looked so stiff. I got straight up Balki vibes from George de La Pena.
The day the reviews were published, box-office sales dwindled to $20,000, Mr. Starger said, a death knell for a show that cost more than $400,000 a week to run. It might have lost $200,000 to $300,000, he said, if he had kept it open another week and invited the Tony voters, fulfilling the award requirements, and it would have taken an infusion of $1.5 million to allow the show to run through January, thus giving it a chance, however slim, to go on. He decided not to take it.
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(Tallahassee Democrat, April 16, 1993)
9. The Mega Mac (April)
Anybody else think it wasn't a coincidence that McDonalds tested this large burger in Washington D.C. -- where former McDonalds lover President Bill Clinton had just moved to? Were they trolling ol Bill?
That burger doesn't even look that big now.
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10. People killed while copying The Program (October)
Michael A. Shingledecker Jr., 18, of Polk, Pa., was killed almost instantly about 1 A.M. Saturday when he and a friend were struck by a pickup truck while lying on a two-lane highway in Polk, a small borough in western Pennsylvania. His friend, Dean G. Bartlett, 17, was critically injured. And Michael Macias, 17, of Syosset, L.I., was critically injured when he was hit by a car at 10:40 P.M. Saturday as he lay in the middle of Bayville Avenue in Bayville.
Law-enforcement authorities and family members said the teen-agers were apparently copying the daredevil stunt from "The Program," in which the college football hero shows how tough he is by lying down in the middle of a busy highway as cars and trucks whiz by in the dark. There are fears that scores of other young men are copying the stunt. 2
A few days later:
The Walt Disney Company said today that it would delete a scene in its new movie "The Program" after one teen-ager was killed and two others critically injured while apparently imitating the scene.
The brief sequence near the film's start involves several drunken college football players lying in the middle of a busy road to prove their toughness. The scene will be removed by Friday, Disney said today, and the film's coming attractions trailer will be pulled.
"While the scene in the movie in no way advocates this irresponsible activity, it is impossible for us to ignore that someone may have recklessly chosen to imitate it," the film's writer and director, David Ward, said in a statement released along with Touchstone Pictures, the division of Disney that released the film. "In light of the incidents reported, we are deleting the scene from the movie."
The movie is playing in about 1,220 theaters and was the nation's 12th-most popular release last weekend. 3
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11. Major advertisers turn their back on NYPD Blue
So, remember when NYPD Blue premiered and there was a huge controversy on how violent and graphic it was
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and how Dennis Franz showed his butt in the shower or something? (source)
Some ABC stations wouldn't air it, (including my local ABC station which is something I didn't know until just now! 4) Major advertisers refused to buy commercial time during the show:
And while each episode of the series has been fully sponsored, at prices averaging around $115,000 for a 30-second spot, almost all the commercials so far were bought by marketers of over-the-counter drugs and film distributors, which are far less susceptible to complaints over program content, because they are much more interested in quick mass-market impressions.
Many spots are for products that are far from household names: Permathene-12 diet aid, Wash 'n Curl shampoo, Cortizone-10 anti-itch cream. But those advertisers on the show seem satisfied. 5
I found a commercial break, and sure enough it felt more like a day time talk show commercial break instead of one for a major television program. I know people don't really pay attention to commercial breaks, but you could really tell a difference.
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OH. I thought it was kind of funny that Caruso bought an ad for their curler system. Get it? David Caruso?
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Weber, Bruce. “What Went So Very Wrong With ‘Red Shoes.’” The New York Times, December 30, 1993, sec. Theater. https://www.nytimes.com/1993/12/30/theater/what-went-so-very-wrong-with-red-shoes.html. https://archive.is/U3eW3
Hinds, Michael Decourcy. ‘Not Like the Movie: A Dare Leads to Death’. The New York Times, 19 October 1993, sec. U.S. https://www.nytimes.com/1993/10/19/us/not-like-the-movie-a-dare-leads-to-death.html. https://archive.is/E8O6
Press, The Associated. ‘Disney Plans to Omit Film Scene After Teen-Ager Dies Imitating It’. The New York Times, 20 October 1993, sec. U.S. https://www.nytimes.com/1993/10/20/us/disney-plans-to-omit-film-scene-after-teen-ager-dies-imitating-it.html. https://archive.is/4wsDW
Bonko, Larry. ‘CHANNEL 13 REVERSES POLICY, WILL AIR ``NYPD BLUE’’’. Virginian Pilot , 27 September 1994. https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/VA-news/VA-Pilot/issues/1994/vp940927/09270336.htm.
Elliott, Stuart. ‘THE MEDIA BUSINESS: Advertising; A Hit Prime-Time TV Show without Most Mainstream Advertisers? Dial “N.Y.P.D. Blue.”’ The New York Times, 2 November 1993, sec. Business. https://www.nytimes.com/1993/11/02/business/media-business-advertising-hit-prime-time-tv-show-without-most-mainstream.html. https://archive.is/i9PBi
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vijay1225 · 9 days
Global Automotive Overhead Console Market Report 2024: 2033
Overview and Scope An automotive overhead console refers to an automobile component that is attached to the roof of the vehicle. It is primarily a used component of the interior vehicle eco-system that is only designed to match the interior theme. It is used for storing lighting equipment and displaying navigational information.
Sizing and Forecast The automotive overhead console market size has grown strongly in recent years. It will grow from $38.46 billion in 2023 to $40.42 billion in 2024 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.1%. The growth in the historic period can be attributed to consumer demand for advanced features, rising focus on interior aesthetics, integration of infotainment system, luxury vehicle segment growth, regulatory emphasis on safety and convenience.
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The automotive overhead console market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $49.24 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.1%. The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to rise of electric and autonomous vehicles, increased integration of touchscreen displays, growing customization and personalization, focus on sustainable materials, connected car ecosystem development, ergonomics and user experience optimization. Major trends in the forecast period include integration of advanced electronics, adoption of smart lighting systems, focus on interior aesthetics and design, integration of driver assistance features, customization and personalization options.
Segmentation & Regional Insights The automotive overhead console market covered in this report is segmented –
1) By Console Type: Front End Console, Rear End console 2) By Technology: Electro-Mechanical, Capacitive, Display 3) By Vehicle Type: Passenger Vehicle, Light Commercial Vehicle, Trucks, Buses and Coach 4) By Sales Channel: Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), After Market 5) By Application: Vehicle Telematics, Infotainment, HVAC, Sunroof, Driver Monitoring, eCell, Airbag Control, Microphone, Lighting, Other Applications
Asia-Pacific was the largest region in the automotive overhead console market in 2023. The regions covered in the automotive overhead console market report are Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa
Major Driver Impacting Market Growth The increasing demand for passenger vehicles internationally is expected to propel the growth of the automotive overhead console market going forward. A passenger vehicle is a multi-track automobile with at least two axles, its driver or is automatically propelled and commonly has four or more wheels. Automotive overhead consoles are utilized to conceal small objects for quick access in passenger automobiles. It is attached to the roof to help with navigation. For instance, in January 2023, according to a report shared by The European Automobile Manufacturers Association, a Belgium-based main lobbying and standards group for the automobile industry in the European Union, the number of new car registrations in the EU increased by 12.8% in December 2022, making it the year's sixth month of continuous growth. The German and Italian auto markets also had double-digit growth in 2022, with gains of 38.1% and 21.0%, respectively. Therefore, the increasing demand for passenger vehicles internationally is driving the growth of the automotive overhead console market.
Key Industry Players Major companies operating in the automotive overhead console market report are Continental Automotive Systems, Diamay Automotive interior Co. Ltd., Gentex Corporation, Grupo Antolín, International Automotive Components Group LLC, Johnson Controls International PLC, LS Automotive India Pvt. Ltd., Meghna International Inc., Methode Automotive Solutions, Plastic Omnium SA, Yanfeng Automotive Interiors, AGM Automotive LLC, Valeo SA, Flex Ltd., Motus Integrated Technologies, Nifco KTS GmbH, Toyota Boshoku Corporation, JPC Automotive Co. Ltd., Magna International Inc., Hella GmbH & Co. KGAA, Diamond Coatings Inc., Kojima Industries Corporation, Visteon Corporation, Lear Corporation, Faurecia, Harman International Industries Inc., Calsonic Kansei Corporation, Delphi Automotive LLP, Magneti Marelli S.p.A., Panasonic Corporation, Pioneer Corporation, Robert Bosch GmbH, Denso Corporation.
The automotive overhead console market report table of contents includes:
1. Executive Summary
 2. Automotive Overhead Console Market Characteristics
3. Automotive Overhead Console Market Trends And Strategies
4. Automotive Overhead Console Market - Macro Economic Scenario 
5. Global Automotive Overhead Console Market Size and Growth
. .
31. Global Automotive Overhead Console Market Competitive Benchmarking
32. Global Automotive Overhead Console Market Competitive Dashboard
33. Key Mergers And Acquisitions In The Automotive Overhead Console Market
34. Automotive Overhead Console Market Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
35. Appendix Explore the trending research reports from TBRC:
Contact Us: The Business Research Company Europe: +44 207 1930 708 Asia: +91 88972 63534 Americas: +1 315 623 0293
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sudeepkedar · 13 days
Used Trucks Market   Share, Trend & Growth Forecast to 2032
Used Truck Market will reach USD 98.4 billion by 2032. As per the report, the growth of e-commerce is among the key factors driving market growth over 2023-2032. According to Hostiger, online shopping is on the rise worldwide, with 33 percent of people shopping online, up 5 percent from 2022. By 2028, that number is expected to rise to 63.2 percent, making 4.5 billion people e-commerce consumers over the next four years.
As the global e-commerce sector booms, there is a growing demand for efficient and reliable transportation solutions that facilitate the smooth movement of goods. Used trucks meet this demand by providing e-commerce companies with cost-effective and flexible transportation options. In addition, the expansion of e-commerce platforms has increased the need for last-mile delivery solutions, further boosting the demand for used trucks.
Request for Sample Copy report @   https://www.gminsights.com/request-sample/detail/5905
The diesel segment will capture a notable used truck market share by 2032, as diesel trucks continue to be the backbone of the transportation industry due to their unmatched power, durability, and fuel efficiency. The wide availability of diesel infrastructure, combined with continuous improvements in engine technology, ensures that diesel trucks remain a viable option for companies looking for durable and reliable transportation solutions in the used truck market. In addition, the relative affordability of diesel compared to alternative options will further increase the demand for diesel trucks among cost-conscious buyers.
The used truck market size from the light truck segment will grow appreciably through 2032. Used light trucks are suitable for a variety of applications, from local deliveries to small-scale construction projects, making them an invaluable asset for companies in various industries. As organizations strive to optimize operational efficiency and minimize transport costs, these trucks offer a compelling solution that combines versatility, reliability, and affordability. In addition, technological advances are improving the performance and fuel efficiency of light trucks, increasing their appeal among buyers.
Request for customization this report @  https://www.gminsights.com/roc/5905
Europe Used Truck industry will amass sizeable gains through 2032, driven by a combination of economic factors and regulatory initiatives. As one of the largest commercial vehicle markets in the world, Europe has a solid infrastructure and well-established logistics networks that create a favorable environment for the market expansion. Additionally, stringent emission regulations and increasing emphasis on sustainable development are increasing the demand for fuel-efficient and eco-friendly trucks, fueling market growth in the region. Led by countries such as Germany, France and the UK, Europe is poised to maintain its position in the global used truck market in the foreseeable future.
Partial chapters of report table of contents (TOC):
Chapter 1   Methodology & Scope
1.1    Market scope & definition
1.2    Base estimates & calculations
1.3    Forecast calculation
1.4    Data Sources
1.4.1    Primary
1.4.2    Secondary   Paid sources.   Public sources
Chapter 2   Executive Summary
2.1    Used Truck market 3600 synopsis, 2018 - 2032
2.2    Business trends
2.2.1    Total Addressable Market (TAM)
2.3    Regional trends
2.4    Type trends
2.5    Sales Channel trends
2.6    Fuel Type trends
Chapter 3   Used Truck Market Insights
3.1    Impact on COVID-19
3.2    Russia-Ukraine war impact
3.3    Industry ecosystem analysis
3.4    Vendor matrix
3.5    Profit margin analysis
3.6    Type & innovation landscape
3.7    Patent analysis
3.8    Key news and initiatives
3.9    Regulatory landscape
3.10    Impact forces
3.10.1    Growth drivers    Increasing demand for electric & hybrid heavy-duty trucks across the globe    Growing freight transportation activities across North America    The rising number of small and medium-sized businesses    Rising investments in infrastructure development activities in Asia Pacific    Cost effectiveness and affordability
3.10.2    Industry pitfalls & challenges
3.10.3    Economic downturns and low economic growth
3.10.4    Regulatory Compliance and Government Regulations
3.11    Growth potential analysis
3.12    Porter’s analysis
3.13    PESTEL analysis
About Global Market Insights:
Global Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.
Contact us:
Aashit Tiwari Corporate Sales, USA Global Market Insights Inc. Toll Free: +1-888-689-0688 USA: +1-302-846-7766 Europe: +44-742-759-8484 APAC: +65-3129-7718 Email: [email protected] 
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downincmi · 20 days
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Market Growth Projections for the Next Decade
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The diesel exhaust fluid market comprises selective catalytic reduction systems that inject urea-based liquid into vehicle exhaust streams to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides. As a colorless, non-flammable, and non-hazardous liquid, diesel exhaust fluid helps meet stringent emission regulations when used in diesel engine vehicles and diesel generators. It breaks down into ammonia and carbon dioxide after entering the SCR catalyst that converts NOx gases into less harmful nitrogen and water vapor. The Global Diesel Exhaust Fluid Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 11.60 Mn in 2024 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 7.6% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030.
Key Takeaways
Key players operating in the diesel exhaust fluid market are Yara International, BASF SE, CF Industries Holdings Inc., Agrium Inc., Cummins Inc., Shell ROTELLA (Royal Dutch Shell Inc.), Mitsui Chemicals Inc. and KOST USA. Yara International dominates the diesel exhaust fluid market with its vast global distribution network and production facilities across major markets. The growing demand for diesel-powered commercial vehicles and machinery has propelled the need for diesel exhaust fluids to reduce tailpipe emissions. Major players are expanding their production capacities and distribution networks across developing markets in Asia Pacific and Latin America to capitalize on the high growth potential. The stringent emission regulations implemented by governments worldwide to curb air pollution have increased the demand for diesel exhaust fluid significantly. Various countries in Europe and North America have made the use of diesel particulate filters and selective catalytic reduction compulsory, driving more vehicle owners to use exhaust fluid additives. Leading OEMs are also promoting the benefits of using exhaust fluid to clean vehicle emissions. Global expansion of the diesel exhaust fluid industry has taken place at a fast pace over the past decade. China, India, and Brazil represent high growth regional markets where sales of commercial vehicles are rising rapidly along with mandatory norms for curbing vehicular emissions. Manufacturers are focusing on these developing economies through joint ventures with local players and direct investments in production facilities.
Market Key Trends
One of the key trends in the diesel exhaust fluid market is the development of new applications beyond EURO 4/5/6 vehicles. Traditionally, diesel exhaust fluid was majorly used in heavy commercial vehicles, buses, trucks, construction equipment, diesel generators, and ships. However, with tighter emissions controls globally, automakers are introducing SCR technology even in passenger cars. Light-duty diesel cars are now a key target segment driving theusage of exhaust fluid. Several developing markets in Asia Pacific and Central & South America are also mandating the deployment of SCR systems in various vehicle categories, propelling new opportunities.
Porter's Analysis
Threat of new entrants: Diesel exhaust fluid manufacturing requires specialized machinery and large capital investments, limiting threats of new entrants. Bargaining power of buyers: Large fleet operators and vehicle OEMs have significant bargaining power over diesel exhaust fluid suppliers due to their bulk purchasing abilities and ability to play suppliers against each other. Bargaining power of suppliers: raw material suppliers such as urea producers have moderate bargaining power as urea is a generic commodity chemical sold globally in bulk. Threat of new substitutes: No close substitutes exist for diesel exhaust fluid as a passive system for reducing NOx emissions from diesel vehicle exhausts. Competitive rivalry: The diesel exhaust fluid market is highly consolidated, with top manufacturers like Yara, BASF and Shell wielding significant market shares and influence over pricing and supply.
Geographical Regions
North America accounts for the largest share of the global diesel exhaust fluid market in terms of value, led by the U.S. where stringent EPA emission norms have made DEF systems ubiquitous in heavy-duty diesel trucks and machinery. The Asia Pacific region excluding Japan is forecast to be the fastest growing market for diesel exhaust fluid between 2023-2030, driven by rapidly expanding diesel vehicle fleets, tightening emission regulations and increasing adoption of SCR technology in China, India and other emerging Asian economies.
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buytrucknbus · 1 year
How to book commercial vehicle online | Tata Motors OSP
If you're looking to purchase a commercial vehicle for your transport business, Tata Motors OSP (Online Sales Portal) provides a convenient and efficient way to do so. In this blog post, you'll find valuable tips on how to book your favorite Tata truck online. By visiting the Tata Motors OSP website, you can easily browse through a wide range of commercial vehicles, compare their features and specifications, and make an informed decision. With just a few clicks, you can book the vehicle that best suits your business requirements and propel your success in the transport industry.
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gqresearch24 · 1 month
GM Beats Wall Street Expectations, Raises Annual Forecast
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In a surprising turn of events, General Motors (GM.N) has outperformed Wall Street expectations with its quarterly results and has subsequently raised its annual forecast. The Michigan-based automaker attributed this success to stable pricing and sustained demand for its gas-engine vehicles, which has spurred a 5% surge in its shares.
Exceeding Projections
General Motors has revised its adjusted pre-tax profit projection for the year, now aiming for a range between $12.5 billion to $14.5 billion, up from the previous estimate of $12 billion to $14 billion. Paul Jacobson, GM’s Chief Financial Officer, praised consumers for their resilience amid higher interest rates, noting that demand remained robust in the first quarter.
Optimism Amid Challenges
Despite facing challenges in the Chinese market and with electric vehicles (EVs), GM’s strong performance in vehicle pricing, particularly with gasoline-powered trucks, has buoyed investor confidence. Analysts were pleasantly surprised by the resilience of pricing, with some acknowledging the pivotal role played by trucks and SUVs in GM’s profitability.
Tim Piechowski, a portfolio manager at ACR Alpine Capital Research, emphasized the importance of GM’s robust profit generation from its core products, which he believes will continue to support its EV initiatives.
Mixed Sentiments
However, some analysts remain cautious, citing potential market share losses in the absence of hybrid gasoline-electric vehicles. Garrett Nelson from CFRA Research raised concerns about the impact of heavy spending on EVs on GM’s cash flow, despite the company’s positive quarterly performance.
Financial Highlights and Challenges Ahead
In the first quarter, General Motors reported a 24.4% increase in net income to $3 billion, accompanied by a 7.6% rise in revenue to $43 billion. Adjusted earnings per share of $2.62 surpassed the average Wall Street target, reflecting the company’s strong performance.
Looking ahead, CEO Mary Barra faces significant challenges, including revitalizing GM’s sales in China and addressing issues within Cruise, its autonomous vehicle unit. Cruise faced setbacks after an incident involving one of its self-driving cars, leading to operational halts and substantial financial losses.
Future Prospects and Market Dynamics
Despite these challenges, GM remains committed to its long-term growth strategy. Barra expressed confidence in the potential of GM’s business in China and reiterated the company’s dedication to the world’s largest auto market. Additionally, GM’s joint venture with LG Energy Solution, Ultium Cells, is ramping up production of battery cells, signaling the company’s commitment to EV development.
Also Read: Global Light Commercial Vehicle (LCV) Market
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resolutionsblog · 2 months
ReSolution Tyres| Named As The Best Car Service in Hotfrog
In Unanderra, Resolution Tyres is a stand-alone, family-run tyre store that offers sales and maintenance services. We serve Wollongong, Illawarra, Dapto, Albion Park, and the neighbouring districts in addition to the broader regions. Leading tyre manufacturers, such as Pirelli, Falken, Continental, Dunlop, Goodyear, and BFGoodrich, are available in our tyre shop for use on automobiles, trucks, SUVs, light commercial vehicles, and off-road (OTR) vehicles.
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jayanthitbrc · 2 months
Navigating Growth: Automotive Seat Belts Market Opportunities and Competitive Landscape
The Automotive Seat Belts Global Market Report 2024 by The Business Research Company provides market overview across 60+ geographies in the seven regions - Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, the Middle East, and Africa, encompassing 27 major global industries. The report presents a comprehensive analysis over a ten-year historic period (2010-2021) and extends its insights into a ten-year forecast period (2023-2033). Learn More On The Automotive Seat Belts Market: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/report/automotive-seat-belts-global-market-report According to The Business Research Company’s Automotive Seat Belts Global Market Report 2024, The automotive seat belts market size is expected to see strong growth in the next few years. It will grow to $18.4 billion in 2028 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.7%.  The growth in the forecast period can be attributed to growing awareness of road safety, increasing growth of electric vehicles , growing demand for three-point seat belts, increasing focus on driver safety, increasing leisure and travel activities. Increasing road accidents are expected to propel the growth of the automotive seat belt market going forward. Road accidents refer to unexpected events involving vehicles on a road that result in damage, injury, or death. Automotive seat belts enhance vehicle safety by reducing the severity of injuries in road accidents during unexpected halts or collisions, thereby reducing the risk of injury or fatalities. Get A Free Sample Of The Report (Includes Graphs And Tables): https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/sample.aspx?id=13811&type=smp The automotive seat belts market covered in this report is segmented – 1) By Seat Belt Type: Three-Point, Five-Point 2) By Vehicles: Passenger Cars, Light Commercial Vehicles, Buses, Trucks 3) By Technology: Pretensioner Automotive Seatbelts, Retractor Automotive Seatbelts, Active Automotive Seatbelts, Inflatable Automotive Seatbelts, Load Limiter Automotive Seatbelts, Reminder Automotive Seatbelts 4) By Sales Channel: Original Equipment Manufacturer(OEM), Aftermarket Major companies operating in the automotive seat belt market are increasing their focus on developing innovative solutions, such as heated seat belt technology, to increase their profitability in the market. Heated seat belt technology in automotive refers to the integration of heating elements into seat belts, enhancing occupant comfort by providing warmth during cold weather conditions. The automotive seat belts market report table of contents includes: 1. Executive Summary 2. Market Characteristics 3. Market Trends And Strategies 4. Impact Of COVID-19 5. Market Size And Growth 6. Segmentation 7. Regional And Country Analysis . . . 27. Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles 28. Key Mergers And Acquisitions 29. Future Outlook and Potential Analysis Contact Us: The Business Research Company Europe: +44 207 1930 708 Asia: +91 88972 63534 Americas: +1 315 623 0293 Email: [email protected] Follow Us On: LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/company/the-business-research-company Twitter: https://twitter.com/tbrc_info Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheBusinessResearchCompany YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC24_fI0rV8cR5DxlCpgmyFQ Blog: https://blog.tbrc.info/ Healthcare Blog: https://healthcareresearchreports.com/ Global Market Model: https://www.thebusinessresearchcompany.com/global-market-model
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lalsingh228-blog · 3 months
Aluminum Target Market Value, Growth, and Trends
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Advance Market Analytics published a new research publication on "Aluminum Target Market Insights, to 2028" with 232 pages and enriched with self-explained Tables and charts in presentable format. In the Study you will find new evolving Trends, Drivers, Restraints, Opportunities generated by targeting market associated stakeholders. The growth of the Aluminum Target market was mainly driven by the increasing R&D spending across the world.
Get Free Exclusive PDF Sample Copy of This Research @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/sample-report/1601-global-aluminum-target-market-1 Some of the key players profiled in the study are: E-light (United Kingdom), Lesker (United States), Beijing Scistar Technology (China), Kaize Metals (India), Beijing Guanli (China), ZNXC (China). Scope of the Report of Aluminum Target Aluminum Target market is expected to mark significant growth over forecasted period owing to increasing consumers spending on passenger vehicles, passenger vehicles and others applications and technological advancement. Aluminum Target allows users to generate an eco-friendly, efficient and cost-effective provide output. This result in rising popularity of commercial activities and escalating need for commercial applications may trigger demand and help in industry expansion. The titled segments and sub-section of the market are illuminated below: by Type (Plane Target, Rotating  Target), Application (Microelectronics, Monitor, Storage, Other) Market Trends: Increasing demand at Asia-Pacific region.
Opportunities: Better performance against chemical attack.
Upsurge Demand of aluminum target that used for vacuum deposition and electroplating.
Market Drivers: Increase demand of aluminum target in passenger vehicles and commercials trucks.
Rapid Demand of aluminum target due to eco-friendly, efficient and cost-effective in nature.
Region Included are: North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Oceania, South America, Middle East & Africa Country Level Break-Up: United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, South Africa, Nigeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Germany, United Kingdom (UK), the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, France, Poland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, China, Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, India, Australia and New Zealand etc. Have Any Questions Regarding Global Aluminum Target Market Report, Ask Our Experts@ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/enquiry-before-buy/1601-global-aluminum-target-market-1 Strategic Points Covered in Table of Content of Global Aluminum Target Market:
Chapter 1: Introduction, market driving force product Objective of Study and Research Scope the Aluminum Target market
Chapter 2: Exclusive Summary – the basic information of the Aluminum Target Market.
Chapter 3: Displayingthe Market Dynamics- Drivers, Trends and Challenges & Opportunities of the Aluminum Target
Chapter 4: Presenting the Aluminum Target Market Factor Analysis, Porters Five Forces, Supply/Value Chain, PESTEL analysis, Market Entropy, Patent/Trademark Analysis.
Chapter 5: Displaying the by Type, End User and Region/Country 2015-2020
Chapter 6: Evaluating the leading manufacturers of the Aluminum Target market which consists of its Competitive Landscape, Peer Group Analysis, BCG Matrix & Company Profile
Chapter 7: To evaluate the market by segments, by countries and by Manufacturers/Company with revenue share and sales by key countries in these various regions (2023-2028)
Chapter 8 & 9: Displaying the Appendix, Methodology and Data Source finally, Aluminum Target Market is a valuable source of guidance for individuals and companies. Read Detailed Index of full Research Study at @ https://www.advancemarketanalytics.com/reports/1601-global-aluminum-target-market-1 Thanks for reading this article; you can also get individual chapter wise section or region wise report version like North America, Middle East, Africa, Europe or LATAM, Southeast Asia. Contact US : Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager) AMA Research & Media LLP Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ New Jersey USA – 08837 Phone: +1 201 565 3262, +44 161 818 8166 [email protected]
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nikjmiles · 3 months
How pickup trucks have taken over America. from Our Auto Expert on Vimeo.
In a dramatic shift that could only be described as the automotive equivalent of a coup, pickup trucks and their close relatives - SUVs and vans- have officially taken over American roads. Once the bastions of the car-dominated landscape, the highways now hum with the sound of heavier, more robust vehicles. This seismic shift has not happened overnight but is the culmination of a decades-long evolution that has now seen trucks becoming the preferred choice of American drivers.
The Ford F-Series, Chevrolet Silverado, and RAM Pickup are at the forefront of this revolution, claiming the top three spots as America's best-selling vehicles. These models alone have outpaced traditional cars in sales, painting a clear picture of where the American heart lies when it comes to choosing their rides.
The journey towards this truck-dominated era started back in 1989, with Alaska leading the charge. Over the years, especially after the economic impact of the Great Recession, more states followed suit, transitioning towards a preference for trucks. The Federal Highway Administration's data revision in 2012 only confirmed what many had suspected: trucks were on a steady climb, capturing more of the market and the roads.
Rhode Island's recent switch to a majority of trucks on the road marked the end of an era, being the final state to succumb to the trend. Despite this nationwide shift, Washington, D.C. stands out, holding on to its majority-car status, a unique outlier in a sea of truck-dominated states.
What's driving this monumental shift? The reasons are multifaceted, including America's relatively low gasoline prices, making the operation of more oversized vehicles more economically feasible for the average consumer. Additionally, the appeal of larger vehicles for their convenience, capacity, and perceived safety has contributed significantly to their popularity.
The automotive industry has also played its part, with car companies finding the sale of light trucks not just preferable but significantly more profitable. This profit margin is buoyed by historical government incentives and the flexible classification of what constitutes a truck. This category now includes a broad range of vehicles, from pickups to SUVs, vans, crossovers, and even commercial and government vehicles.
This trend is not without its critics, who point out the potential implications for fuel consumption, road safety, and environmental impact. Yet, the market speaks for itself, with consumers voting with their wallets to elevate trucks to the top of the automotive food chain in America.
The conversation around them evolves as trucks continue to dominate the sales charts and highways. From issues of sustainability to the changing identity of American automotive culture, the rise of trucks is a story that touches on broader themes of change, adaptation, and preference in the American way of life.
This revolution on the roads is a clear indicator of shifting trends in American mobility, economy, and lifestyle preferences. As we look towards the future, one thing is clear: the era of the truck is well and truly upon us, reshaping America's automotive landscape in once unimaginable ways.
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