#light moments of happiness and what i felt was foreshadowing to moments that didnt happen
breninarthur · 2 years
you ever settle in for some nice fic reading and end up reading the most harrowing shit of your life
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order-progress · 5 years
I used to have a really entitled outlook on life. In my mind though, I was entitled to my thought processes because it was where my mind existed in the place having had come from a once far more turbulent era. Back then I didn't question things that werent outwardly obvious. I didnt question the unremarkable identities of things that exhibited no distinctions amongst one another. Life was a stream of experience, and I just did the best of choices I decided to arrange, or really actually, more like shuffle choices into a messy pile and pat myself in the back cause I could squint at it my mismatched pile of non related events and not feel guilty for putting off routine, structure and goals.
I guess it isnt so surprising to anticipate that like all my other experiences, disicpline would present itself when and if I needed it to be summoned out of wherever creative and yet very hard to imagine location i would imagine it arriving at some future, ambiguous date, just in time to make no work look like fancier no work and with ribbons on it.
Something very common happened to me, something that is happinning right now all around the world, no matter how many days, or years after i first posted this here.
My boyfriend broke up with me.
I wore my entitlement pretty high that day, because somehow, despite there having been no carefully executed plan made on ky end--some masterpiece scheme of genius where one could really see there existed some reasonable and healthy attention to tackle to fucking problem.
Nope. My mother fucking entitled ass decided id actually be shocked. Not even fake shocked. Thats how you know you have lost touch with your surroundings, because big things happen in your wake..while your awake and yet somehow your stuck on who killed the butler in the library with the candle stick.
What makes this one of the most significant event despite its occurance being fairly common globaly, is that his presence had caused me to become more aware of more of the things I would have otherwise taken in stride, none of these events were remarkable on their own, but collectivelly, I had inadvertantly cleaned up my mindspace to find neatly organized clusters of thoughts no longer blending into the subconcious like 70's urban grafitti.
I didnt hold that moment to some disporportionately skewed sugar coating scale just to get ribbons on them after they were organized,I just acknowledged them, like a breath,where as before, they were simply obstacles or pit stops that would perpetuate the chronic attention deficit I had welcomed into my head. I like to think of ADD as the worlds most innefective street sweepers, they sweep alright, but they just make a bigger mess and then you got things in places they have no business being in.
I was in a place of low self worth because of an accumulated collection of short lived and half assed adventures, disastrous endeavers and the nefarious presence of something so obscured, so black and forboding, made me avoid certain places for simply not wanting to deal with the house keeping it wouldve required to mitigate its destructive intentions.
I kept myself busy to not force the acknowledgent that this would become a source of not only my insecuruties, but then in addition to its ever increasing interconnectedness, its complexity. Its chambers that hardened like a mystical kight of armor, whose drawers were full of destructive objects and thoughts that rattled in their confinement as a means of foreshadowing something so sinister, I could not then yet fathom the destrutive ways its icy talons would engulf and twist into my everyday life simply to create chaos, and it didnt register that this was a problem because amidst this battle royale of fragments and bits of poorly put together patterns, Francisco's presense was a light whose emimation lulled me into a complacecy I hadnt anticipated
It wasnt that in this period, that I conciously made a decision to disregard the growing issue, it was the novelty of being in a loving, beautiful and mature relationship with someone that as each day grew, so did my conviction that this person was becoming the brightest fixture in an ever cramped confined hallway of possibilities.
As I stood there aware of this moment, feeling a satisfaction and a gratitude I had never felt before, I realized that I had come so far on autopilot, it was a move that was almost instinctual, I rolled my sleeves up, put on the rocky theme song, got my gym bag ready, went and bought like every stupid unessecary stupid trinket shit people buy to feel like their getting a handle and a good start on some shit, but really it just becomes the infuriating bag of junk that is now the obstacle between you and the door handle to exit your car and actually start your project.
I felt a sense of urgency, I saw how unequipped I had been and while I was and it was this moment that taught me how much I loved him. I reckognized that somehow I was one of those fucking weirdos that jumped through those seedy ass short cut type scenarios in life to give you the same effect of the real thing in less the time, kind of like a GED vs high school diploma, or plan b instead of condoms.
I recognized that there was an innate element of unneccesary risk involved in many of my accomplishments. The risk was usually always a concious decision that I would accept a certain amount of totally unnecessary consequences that typically would define the life of those people who you catch specific glimpses of in mysterious times like dawn or dusk. And be like..yea i could totally see that guy having to figure out what to do with the llama he inherited as a result of some gamble.
This was no longer an acceptable risk. It wasnt that i thought it was dangerous or scare him away, its that I am not the kind of man that wakes up and sees the problems his factory has and finally knows how to fix it and then just be okay with going to bed and put it off.
This is where I get annoyed again. I knew that I wasnt capable of actively doing something against him, because we both agreed on things, and also neither of us was completely high as fucking kite on methamphetamines while operating a forklift to tune a paino yet.
I couldnt ever feel bad about atheletes who ugly cried after being disqualified for juicing to get an unfair advantage in the sports world.
Yet once again my overwhelming confidence, my lovable man mentality of "fuck a map or tools you got grit, spit and teeth". Prevailed.
Im mad because it was this moment right here. In a sea of me being happy to grow and learn and doing the rignt thing. I saw a place i overlooked, its presence was almost like a marker that there were many other areas i needed to work on, and i got sad.
I didnt feel good enough. I felt like a mess. I felt dissapointed at the pride in nothing I had taken so many times. I was finally proud of the changes i was making again, only to be reminded in a very real way of how I never had structure, never had a fail safe implemented effectively to instead of adopting either anxiety or no fucks about an event that could have been in my power to mitigate, i either didnt even notice I missed it, or didnt care.
As I started seeing the mountain of work I had to do, I wondered what it meant about how effectively i could handle other things moving forward, it was an irrational fear that I had that I would dissapoint him because I wanted us to be happy. But i am an artistic person, people who work with details to make a larger picture learn early on how to work details, and I never evaluated just how shoddy my altertanitive crash course was like getting PlAN B instead of putting a condom on.
I can handle pressure effectively. I can be okay with my decisions. What I cant do is open up a factory, see everything that was negelcted when I now know how to fix it, and then go to sleep like nothing bothered me.
I never in my life found myself in a place where i came face to face with old life and it made me feel sad or humilated. I felt like a fraud for just having gotten lucky that everytning worked out, while he worked hard.
I suddenly felt something I never experienced before, fear in love. The moment where you realize your not a piece of shit because you actually dont want to let someone down, the moment when you feel bad because you walked around in life with luck you didnt give a second thought to and passed it off as hard work. And here was this beautiful man, whose life was suffering and hard work, and you realized all of it at once, and there I was, eager fucking beaver captain america man of the house cause now i feel like a god damned engineer since i could assemble an ikea 3 piece wrench-back the fuck up motherfuckers.
I just felt humbled and i felt driven. I also felt the pressures rise up around me and I dont know why I couldnt look away from the sight of the realization of how id been. And its not like i did it all on purpose, but from that moment on, it was as if I had something to prove to myself that at that time I couldnt understand yet because I hadnt reflected yet. And as I was taking the scenic route on ways to "punish yourself is actually how we fucking motivate ourselves around here cus were fucking men" the bigger I created something inside me that wasnt ever there. And then as the places that I had been tendering to and growing in started to not be kept, pressure in my life at home happened. And for the first time in my entire life I was embarrassed at my life.
I remember the moment I felt it, my mom leaving me at work after I lost my car. I walked 2 miles in the cold because i was infuriated that I allowed another event I could have forseen to happen.
I never in my life reflected this intensley on my actions before. Having him in my life made me realize I had been holding myself to a higher standard because I am at my best when I when I am actively building towards something. I opened a place in me I never saw with those eyes and it hurt me. I tried to let him in, and to be honest, the insecurities of him seeing all that mortiified me..not because I would be seen as a slob or this or that, i was just dissapointed that I for a time during when I needed it the most in my early life, I wasnt necessarily taught healthy ways to do things. Mostly because I came to this country at 10, didnt know english, parents worked all the time until i was 16 and then dad got sick with brain cancer and we caught it after he had a seizure cause dad apperently loved moonlighting as my biggest fan when he would go reading my journal at night.
I didnt know how to explain it to francisco. I was feeling. New concept, i was feeling out of sync, i didnt understand why it hit me so hard. I was trying to look away and orient myself on the present.
I could have just dealt with that. But i suddenly felt raw and vulnerable. My boyfriend and I were getting into arguments because I just wanted us to be closer due to this need i didnt know how to vocalize about what I was going through, and he hesitated because he probably thought id leave him if i saw his dirty secrets.
That was the one thing he really never appreciated about my love. I just knew. If everything else was as evident ..like this feelings and where they came from and how to process them healthy while ...it just all got too much. I didnt know how to tell him what I needed. I just needed him.
I started to feel like i wasnt tethered to the focused areas I was so eager to work in. I just kept telling myself communication is key we will get through it.
Then I the drugs did something I didnt expect them to. They turned off this guilt and switch. They gave me the quiet to make them come down to a more manegeable place where I wasnt overwhelmed anymore.
Because I couldnt process this in words at the time, i didnt know how to express that to him. It led to me feeling guilty for not understanding why i enjoyed doing the drugs aside from the stimulant effect. When i tried to explain it to him, it was like trying to coin a cheesy motto for a doomed cereal commercial in french, basically everuthing sounded like something he had no understamding or could relate to.
I started feeling depressed because i could see that although from his perspective we were fighting..
I was even more frustrated becauese we werent fighting. I was pretty much crying, trying to tell him in french something he didnt understand while he was yelling at me in english about me not respecting him by not speaking english.
This was the worst fucking part. Because part of the issue that led me here was accountabiliyy and communication.
I kept telling him in the only way i knew how.please im sorry i know things are getting worse. But this isnt how we are.
I thought we could get through anything.
In his mind he saw a piece of something, he ignored my emotional attachment to it..and i mean i cant blame him, other people never quit.
But even in those moments i knew i wasnt going to be other people.
And suddenly i was alone. I was depressed. I had realized that it wasnt us that was th issue so i tried so hard to communicate more effectively that he got frustrated and said i talked in loops. I felt so alone because i understood his frustration and i just needed him to trust me. But that was the perfect storm when i just got so alone feeling from his inability to just not look at me how i felt at myself. And i honestly tried to fix it in the middle of him running away and the most painful thing was that he couldnt understand and i didnt know how to say it.
I dont blame him for leaving
But a part of me breaks to my very core to know that if he just literally lookrd at me like yes i was going crZy but i was just hurting and overwhelmed.
All i wanted and needed was him.
The worst. Pain was that he didnt see that.
And i needed to explain it. And he didnt let me.
I felt like i was desperatly trying to express something of real explaination. I just honestly was desperate to because he was running.
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actual-disaster-bi · 5 years
Okay this is very late, I was meant to post this days ago and forgot to but here's my Battle Of Winterfell thoughts:
I felt really bad for Sam during the entire episode but I also got kinda annoyed after his little speech last episode about how they need him to fight. I get it that it was war and he was scared, and rightfully so, but something about it just annoyed me.
I love how quite it is when they are waiting for the Night King and his army, it just adds to the tension and helps put people on edge.
Not gonna lie I was a little scared when The Hound and Gendry pushed through to the front, I really want my boys to live and going to the front isn't gonna help with that.
I'll never know how Davos knew that was Melisandre from that far away but I have been waiting to see her again. At least she tried to help them and, more importantly, light the goddamn screen so I could actually see. Honestly I thought Davos was straight up gonna kill her and I'm a bit sad that he didn't get to tbh cos I feel like he did deserve bit of revenge.
Seeing all the Dothraki swords go out was pretty intense, I honestly didn't expect them to go down like that and I didn't expect the survivors to come running back. After that you can just see everyone realise that they are fucked.
The intense moment of horror I felt when I saw Brienne go under was horrible, I seriously thought they had got her. I dunno what I would've done if she died.
Arya sending Sansa was so sad, you could see that Sansa didn't want to leave but in all honesty she wasn't much use up there if she can't fight. Sansa looked so lost when she went down to the crypts and even Tyrion looked at her with shame, they both know that they have no place upstairs, I really felt bad for them.
Edd dying really doesn't mean too much to be tbh, he was a good character but he wasn't that important to me.
The Unsullied sacrificing themselves to let the others get back inside the gates hurt me, after the way the North treated them they still gave their lives to save them. At least Greyworm survived.
Arya saving The Hound is so underrated, they two will always have each others backs and no one can convince me otherwise.
Thank fuck for Melisandre, at least she's helping them this time since the dragons fucked up and didnt light the wood. I gotta say the dragons really disappointed me this episode.
I feel really bad for Tyrion, he just wants to help but even Sansa has to admit that they are useless. I really enjoyed Sansa admitting that Tyrion isn't that bad but seriously, she wasn't saying anything bad about Dany. All she was saying was divided loyalties would be a problem so people can stop acting as if she was hating on Dany.
Bran telling Theon that he was home was so important. Theon needed to hear that even after everything he done, Winterfell is still his home and that he belongs there.
Gotta admit I was a bit impressed when the dead created a bridge of bodies to get over the fire, I didn't expect them to be that smart.
Braime fighting for each other and protecting each other this episode gave me life, also protecting their son Podrick as well. I'm so here for their little family surviving everything together.
The Hounds panic attack was one of my favourite scenes this episode, it really shows the big guys trams and it just proves how much Arya means to him. We was ready to just give up and die but when he knew Arya was in danger he had to save her. Honestly one of the best duos in this show.
Lyanna Mormont killing this giant hurt me so much. That little girl had more balls than most the characters on that show and if she was gonna go out she was gonna go out fighting. Even when she was dying she took out a giant, she is such a badass little queen who will be greatly missed.
Arya alone inside that castle was honestly more intense than most horror movies, that was definitely there to foreshadow her being able to sneak past the dead at the end of the episode to kill the Night King.
I'm sad to see Beric go but at least the guy will be at peace now, knowing he died for what he was meant to do. I knew he was gonna die but I kinda hoped Melisandre
I have been waiting for Ayra and Melisandre to meet again. I never took much notice of the eye thing but when she said that it all clicked and the little "not today" part was a reminder I didn't need. God I had forgot all about Syrio Forel and I really liked that little reference to season 1.
I knew that burning him wasn't going to work but I was hoping that Jon would go into the flames at one point. I want to see if he will be like Dany and not get burnt or if cos he's half stark it will kill him. I feel like this is where the Night King got a bit cocky and that's was his downfall, Dany's dragon didn't work and he thought he left Jon to die so he didn't see anyone else as threats, only obstacles.
I FUCKING KNEW THAT WOULD HAPPEN IN THE CRYPTS. I said this to my stepdad last week when they said they were gonna his people in the crypts, I knew it was gonna be a bad idea. He said to me it wouldn't happen cos they are decomposed, well fuck you it happened. I told you so.
I knew that Jorah was gonna die protecting Dany but I didn't expect him to fight until he was dead. That man was so loyal that he fought until his last breath (must be a Mormont thing) but seriously I'm gonna miss him. Even with his faults he was a great character.
Speaking of which Sansa and Tyrion (with no training) were prepared to die fighting for the people in the crypt. The little hand kiss bit got me, I really believe that they will grow closer after this.
Theon fighting even when he was the last man standing hurt me so much. I really hoped he wouldn't die and get a happy ending but I kinda expected him to die like this. He done amazing and he tried so hard to protect Bran, when Bran told him he was a good man I think that was what he needed to hear to know that it was okay to die. He gave everything to protect Bran and I hope Winterfell remembers him.
Jon giving up and screaming back at the dragon was so relatable for some reason? Honestly bro, me too.
ARYA KILLED THE NIGHT KING. MY GIRL DID IT AND IVE NEVER FELT SO PROUD. I never thought about her killing him till now but it makes so much sense, she has been training for this for years and has learned about death. I'm raging that I didn't realise it before but I'm happy that it wasn't Jon or Dany who done it cos it would've been too obvious.
Dany crying over Jorah was heartbreaking and I think it will definetly add to the Dark Dany that she is becoming now that she has lost her most loyal friend. Also Drogon trying to comfort her was a horrible thing to add, I was already sad I didn't need to see that.
Missadre being a dramatic bitch and dying like that. Davos was just pissed he wasn't the one to kill her.
I really enjoyed this episode and I'm surprised that more major characters didn't die, definitely not complaining tho. I really hope the next episodes give the chapters time to rest and have them meet their loved ones after the battle (Aka Gendrya and Braime). I also looking forward to seeing everyone's reactions when they find out that Arya killed The Night King.
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comicteaparty · 6 years
January 31st, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party chat that occurred on January 31st, 2019, from 5PM - 7PM PST.  The chat focused on Apricot Cookie(s)! by Louis Lloyd-Judson.
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Good evening, everyone~! This week’s Thursday Book Club is officially beginning! Today we are discussing Apricot Cookie(s)! by Louis Lloyd-Judson~! (https://apricotcookies.net/)
Remember that Thursday discussions are completely freeform! However, every 30 minutes I will drop in OPTIONAL discussion questions in case you’d like a bit of a prompt. If you miss out on one of these prompts, you can find them pinned for the chat’s duration. Additionally, remember that while constructive criticism is allowed, our focus is fun and respectfully appreciating the comic. All that said, let’s begin!
QUESTION 1. What is your favorite scene in the comic so far and why?
hey super~!
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Hi everyone This is late into the comic, but I loved the reveal of Apricot's family -- how it was treated as normal and matter-of-fact in-universe, because for her it is, even though it's a real Wham Moment for the readers.
Glad to be here!
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
(And that's gotta be the reason why she can't transform properly, right?)(edited)
https://tapas.io/episode/1265858 This oen gave me a good chuckle
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Yeah, I love all the self-aware genre jokes.
i agree with erin. my favorite scene is when we find out that apricot's secret is that shes the princess of darkness. because i did not expect the secret reveal right then, and just like the entire process as things evolved was personally comical for me. cause first her dad shows up in this weird attire, then grandma darkness, then the helmet thing, and then just more from there. like it was a bunch of puzzle pieces all falling into place. if i was a cartoon character thats when a lightbulb and exclamation point wouldve appeared over my head.
the genral humor of the comic is top notch
and how it plays with stereotypes
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Ooh, it was totally unexpected. And most people would consider this as a possible reason why she can't transform! But it's perfectly in-character for her that she never spoiled the reveal by even thinking about it.
She's such a ditz, I love her.
yeah. the humor of the comic is definitely top notch. this, imo at least, is parody done right. because its walking that fine line between mocking the tropes but having them and loving them anyway.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
i also love the reveal cause suddenly this page made more sense https://tapas.io/episode/274726
and i love that sneaky foreshadowing i didnt mark in my mind as sneaky foreshadowing
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Ooh, nice.
but yeah, i definitely think everything played out in a natural way for apricot. cause of course she denies all the things. cause her family doesnt fit into her tragic back story
which btw i love when shes talking about that and her dad is just sitting there reading the newspaper
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
A+ introduction there.
I like how it all clicked together too. Though I think my favourite moment was on this page: https://apricotcookies.net/5/31 ... Not only a BTTF reference at the sake of fashion but also a callback to an earlier joke that I hadn't expected.
Time traveling movie references in a reference to a past joke. Genius(edited)
Yeah, it's interesting the stuff in the background, not just that bit with her dad, but her sister in the background of one shot, and I was like, hmmmm wait? Then it all gets explained.
Missed the "An" bit though.
yes. i love that this joke made a comeback. like this is the sort of attention to detail i love and that i think really makes the comic's humor top notch.
Speaking of which, I will say, not impressed by the fart humour. I feel like it's (comic's) too clever to need to reach for the bottom shelf there. It's the one thing I shake my head over.(edited)
But that's me.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Nah, it's me too.
Fart humor in 2018/19?
Back to the amusing, the line about her being "16 but 18 outside of Japan". OMG.
that was way too topical and i loved that line
cause its so true
I was thinking about it again when she was in England. Like... hm?
especially now with more companies cracking down
and suddenly all these 18 year old high school girls
Yis. eyeroll
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
That's a good example of a joke that's clever and genre-savvy, it just happens to refer to something that's bad news IRL. In contrast to the "it's gross, that automatically makes it funny" bits.
Yeah, there's lots of clever genre stuff.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
A little more seriously...I really liked Starlit Pony's whole arc. It's irreverent and wacky but there's actually something sincere underneath.
Sorry, which? Abysmal with names.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
The trans one!
Ah! I suspected but wasn't sure. I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about that one, like I almost wish it had gone deeper. I wasn't sure if the dad was being sarcastic with the "son" comments near the start or not. But I agree there was some good consideration there.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
She's a great counter-example for the kind of people who say "what, you don't want us to make fun of crossdressing-boy characters?? How will we be funny now? You obviously just hate jokes!"
Like, no, you can be funny and respect trans people. Here's proof.
i really liked they involved the trainers aspect more in that arc. because i also love the boys all card duel just as much as i love the girls are all magical girls.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
And her dad refers to her as his daughter eventually -- it's a happy conclusion, that he comes around to accepting her gender.
Yup, smashing stereotypes through use of stereotypes. Or something.
Erin: Yes, but I wasn't sure if she was actually a girl who liked cards, or a boy who liked magic. Like, the way it was presented felt ambiguous, even through the dad's comments, until later.
Of course, I'm also sleep deprived.
Gawd I hate January.
As someone that dislikes stereotypes anything that's used to bash/take shots at them is welcome by me
I know that feel
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Well, she's a girl who likes magic. But she has the card-based powers because apparently those are divided by biology, not gender identity.
QUESTION 2. One of the main aspects of the comic is to parody manga and anime in a comedic manner. Of all the parodies so far, which one do you think is the most accurate? What about its execution in the comic do you think makes it work as a parody? Additionally, which of the parodies did you find the funniest? Outside of the writing, there are also plenty of visual gags. Visually speaking, which moment stood out to you as particularly comedic? Lastly, what do you personally feel the underlying commentary is saying about manga and anime? Has any parody in the comic made you think about manga or anime in a new light?
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
It's really funny that there's this whole card-game-based conflict going on in the same world, in the background to the magical-power-based conflict.
Like, that's how the industry as a whole feels sometimes -- though obviously it's not along such a rigid divide (much as marketing companies wish it was).
The visit to the Convention was rather amusing. There's these times when the creator pokes fun at themselves, visually or otherwise. (eg "No one does these things in full colour").
Yeah, doujinshi are rarely drawn in full color
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Yeah, that was good. I love that even the in-between pages have that kind of self-referential gag. "This is best read out loud, in a crowded place, such as on a train."
I had feels for the artist when Apricot critiqued. Though Apricot also seems to appreciate things that are "hard to draw".
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Yeah, the explanation pages are clever. I like how it's actually a different character and bird each time.
I still remember when they were looking at that post with all the wires too.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Usually "that looks hard to draw" is a cartoonist's lampshading of the fact that they're fudging their way out of drawing something. Here, nope, we get to see the whole thing.
i love thatd moment where they took a moment to look at the electrical telephone pole
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
("They", I say, as if I'm not included in this group, heh.)
for the hard to draw thing
A+ joke
I liked the dark lord muttering about having to watch teenage girls too. With the globe he got and everything. He probably would prefer Anzu to be doing it as part of her training.
Actually, his intros are hilarious.
I'm not sure what it parodies, but it works.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
He seems like a riff on the standard Video Game Final Boss to me.
i think my favorite parody of them all is the one where apricot actually does wake up late and then takes the time to go get bread, and etc. etc. cause its just so drawn out in how long it takes. but its true, you cant go late to anime school without toast in your mouth.
lol yes
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
...realizing now that I don't actually have much personal experience with Video Game Final Bosses, I'm basing this impression mostly on how they get parodied in other webcomics. Like RPG World, or Adventurers.
Heh. That was clever (the toast). I felt like it went on a bit long was the only thing. (Also, in the background, 11-11. Subtle.)(edited)
The language thing (are we speaking Japanese or English) felt like it went on a bit long too. I think it only stands out because usually the pacing feels very good.
I don't play the Video Games, I only watch Let'S Plays.
i also loved the translation bit. it did go on for a bit, yet i think what sold me on it was the OK that was supposed to be english was actually changed to the correct universal font for trying to show things in english
I did notice that. Another clever detail.
he seems most assuredly a riff on video game final bosses, especially considering everyone mistook him for sephiroth at the convention
Do not challenge him. He will summon your parents.
that would be amazing
one of my fave visual gags is probably this page https://tapas.io/episode/483838
The navigation is also really clever (on the main site). My first time there, I just clicked right arrow. It brought me to the first page again, and I had to actually read what was going on.
where shes telling jacques shes surely pretty under that helmet
but nope
those eyes tho o_o
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
And the "sorry if you were looking for recipes" in the header cracks me up.
Jacques is creepy. Another nice detail with the missing a leg in human form, but like, wtf with birds.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
I'm so glad she put the helmet back on
yes i really loved that detail in the header
Header's good too, yup.
but makes me wonder how many ppl have gotten to this site wanting apricot cookie recipes XD
I like how "Anzu" means "Apricot". Though it just adds more language confusion.
oh lol, i didnt know that. never crossed my mind to translate her name XD
I suspected, so I went to a translation program.
god bless translations
smart. thats a great detail then
i enjoy the last panel
about the adaptions
especially cause the hollywood one would be terrible
too accurate
but i also appreciate the art style switch in the next page
cause that takes some skill
and i love the filters kind of effect on it that references the kind of shit quality 90s anime had
I'm bad for noticing art stuff at times.
Interesting how she started blonde though.
i assume the blond is their natural color, and their hair only becomes black when infused with dark power
so ya know
typical anime stuff
QUESTION 3. The comic features a slew of colorful characters with even more colorful personalities. Which character at the moment is your favorite and why? Further, of the comedic moments related to them, which one do you think was the best? What sort of scenarios are you hoping to see this character in in the future? Finally, what do you think their relationship with our protagonist Apricot adds to the story? Speaking of relationship dynamics with Apricot, how do you feel like those dynamics in general might change between all the characters as the story continues? Overall, what typical manga scenarios are you hoping to see addressed in the comic, and which character are you hoping to see participate in them?
It amusing that Apricot wants her parents to be dead in her backstory, but her real story is kind of messed up too.
Design wise, Meal Deal and Moonlight Spritzer.
Cream ftw. For definite.
Can't beat teleporting and quipping like Spiderman.
I'm bad for noticing designs too.
Especially with a name like Cream
im really sad there wont be more moonlight spritzer cause shes now an office lady
... ... I had always pictured it as "cream and sugar" until you said that ...
I was amused by "that doesn't count". I'm not a motorcycle fan though. ^.^
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
I was thinking whipped cream. To go with the other desserts.
I guess I was automatically onto the tea or coffee mindset.
Wait, butter's a dessert?
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Butter cookies are?
They're not all desserts, just several of them.
Did not even pick up on that. Point.
mmm, butter
Speaking of, Apricot's interest in Butter, like trying not to look at her transforming or how she reacted to the idea it was just the two of them at a sleepover... that amused me. Because of the yuri implications. ^.^
Though I guess Apricot's turned out to be... pansexual?
they at least all have a food theme i think.
Not sure if that's the right term.
i assume apricot is just into whatever although i doubt were gonna get any actual ships going on alas.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Bisexual or pansexual would both work. Unless she uses a specific word in-universe...and AFAIK there aren't separate words in Japanese.
She just says she's into "men and women...and trains."
Bisexual implies male or female to me though, versus the trains thing. ^^
apricot x trains otp
apricot x ships?
apricots on ships sounds liek the name to a song
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Eh, there are straight and gay people who talk about weird xeno attractions too.
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
Geh. 9A9 I'm late! jumps in anyway
I like the Apricot x Butter ship. XDDD
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
So many anime with trains/planes/boats/etc personified as sexy moe girls...
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
Much agreed with Erin. ; v ;
i wonder if jacques plays hatoful boyfriend
Erin: ... Point. I hadn't even gone there yet. O.o
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
It would be some epic planning if the endgame ships turned out to be foreshadowed by "they're named after foods that go together well."
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
I've had Apricot Butter before... 8L
Well, the girls seem to go for harem-style guys (aside from Butter).
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
I do have to say, I didn't expect Butter to be called Butter because she's got a blue scheme going.
In before there's a yellow-themed girl called blueberry
I wonder why Butter sleeps underwater.
yeah butter's mostly blueness really stood out to me. but maybe reflective that you dont want too much butter
Yeah, lol
cause you put too much butter on something and it tastes icky
I can't believe it's not Butter.
Too much butter on something is kinda gross tbh
I can't believe I missed that reference/joke Math just said
the character i really want to see more of is jammy smasher the head bully. cause she and apricot need to have that arc where they become the true best friends who still constantly bicker but are on the same team and all those shenanigans. cause im really interested to see what punches the comic throws at all those tropes
Just gotta put Butter on Apricot.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
I'd be into this Jammy Smasher arc.
I could see that, Rebel, though it might get subverted.
I only read some of the beginning so far but I wanted to say all it’s breaking of the fourth wall was great. I liked the lord of darkness guy the best or whatever his name was
I'm still on about Cream. She knows more about Apricot's family now, could be relevant later.
always love me some good fourth wall destruction
@Superjustinbros sometimes it needs to be broken
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
I actually got a bit confused when I started out reading because I thought Lord of Darkness would be the main character. XDDD
he can be the main character in your heart
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
True, true. ;v;
and im sure hed be the type to tell you everyone is the main character of their own life story
Dude can't even figure out slide shows, let alone the internet. (Though I guess now we see where some of Apricot's incompetence comes from.)
and his mom did say his love story with his wife would be like a 10 year manga so he can be the protag of that
and 100% its gonna get subverted cause this is a parody comic. no way theyll play it straight. i half expect apricot to turn to jammy in the climatic bond moment where they admit they arent so bad and apricot just goes "just kidding youre a bitch"
well stories aren't limited to just one main
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
That too~~. XD
Sometimes you get a side character or two that has such a large impact on the story that they become a major fofure
i really did like the opening introduction though where the lord of darkness treats it like a business meeting and such.
who exactly are we in this context. like what if this isnt just a fourth wall break, but were just first person cameraing a character
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
I actually felt like I was being thrown back into the days when I was in Uni. XDDDD
Like, Lord of Darkness felt like a professor and his powerpoint struggles... ; v ;(edited)
i enjoyed that he called tech support XD just wasting more of the time. and i enjoy that panel where hes crying about the wasted hours he spent on a powerpoint that doesnt even work
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
RIP oh great Lord of Darkness. XDDD
QUESTION 4. Apricot’s one true dream in the story is to become a magical girl. Do you think that Apricot will achieve her dream eventually and learn to transform? If so, what measures do you think she might have to take to ultimately achieve this dream? How might this affect Apricot’s relationship with her family? Alternatively, will she eventually come to accept her role as the Princess of Darkness? Regardless of which event occurs, how do you think Apricot’s friends/school mates would react to finding out who her parents are? Do you think they’ll find out or will it stay a secret forever? Finally, what shenanigans do you think Apricot will get up to in general throughout the story?
💩 💩 💩 YY 💩 💩 💩
I havent' read that far, but I think Apricot will become a magical girl at some point.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
I think she's gonna get a Devil Homura type of magical-girl form. And it'll be epic.
(Back - little one's entered a fussier time of the evening.)
that would be awesome if her form just winds up being pretty evil looking. as long as all the others comment loudly about it. like "Wow who would expect the ditz girl to have a form like this." "Isn't this form a little evil looking?" and apricot just has to flail assuring them nah its fine, perfectly normal
The others are all aware of a great power when Apricot tries to transform. Thing is, didn't someone say at some point that Princesses couldn't transform? I think she'd need to renounce her throne for it to work. Which she might do, but then regret.
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
I thought it was "only the Princess can transform without relying on her bird companion."
I'm torn between thinking her form would show off too much, or like practically cover her entirely like a snowsuit. (There's few in betweens with her.)
Erin: Oh, that might have been it, good call.
Maybe that's the important thing the bird had wanted to tell her, the power's in you, I'm only holding you back.
it was specifically the princess of light though. who can transform without a bird companion. and her sister is the princess of light and i assume its a there can only be one thing.
Is that so?
although idk what would happen if the parents decided to have a third child
very convenient they stopped after two
Princess of darkness might have similar restrictions.
What if it was a boy? Would darkness have a deck of cards?
What about the princess of in-between?
yes i support this if the third child is a boy. a boy who is destined for a magical cube that contains the soul of an egyptian pharoah. and that even as a baby he becomes the best dueller in japan.
and you cant have a princess of in-between. theres only light and darkness. this isnt real life where all the things are actually gray and cant be fit into two boxes O_O
Are you sure about that
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
I get the impression there could be multiple light/dark Princesses within the family -- it's just that this kind of power can't manifest outside the family.
Aah ok
definitely can agree it cant manifest outside the family.
i def cant wait to see the fallout when others find out apricot's secret. not that i expect huge amounts of drama
but no way they wont react
i could actually see them encouraging apricot to accept her role
cause once her dad retires what are they supposed to fight if theres no ruler of the darkness
director of darkness
cause suddenly remembered the appropriate title
Director of Darkness sounds badass
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
Maybe at some point they'll meet a girl who hates being a frilly magical girl and longs for a dark evil powerset. (With parallels/foreshadowing in how Starlit was born with the deck-of-cards powerset but wanted the frilly powerset.) And then she and Apricot can engineer a swap somehow.
Well not every girl wants to be some sweet and dainty rightly colored girl that's for sure
this does seem like a potential arc, but more like the kind thatll blow up in their faces and not work out. XD
(Back again.)
i really hope chapter 7 is about cream though. cause as i think math mentioned earlier, i want to see cream deal with being the only one who knows at the very least that almond and apricot are sisters
Maybe the family decides to adopt.
I just want more Cream! ^.^
*ads more cream to Math's dessert
I wonder, if students transfer to Japan, do they get wrapped up in this stuff? Because there aren't magical girls in the UK, as Cream indicated.
i think cream is evidence that yes
What about in the US?
yes they do
it is destiny
the comic hasnt said anything about the US
So what if they move away? Powers are sealed?
(Reminds me, they're able to toe the line rather neatly, what with tentacles and rope tricks, without crossing over.)
thats basically what is implied. that they dont get to use their powers anymore. since cream was barely there a few mins before the visa kicked in
i was looking at earlier pages
i wanna know who the figure is that got her own panel
cause that is the chara who shouldve been butter if we go by color scheme XD
Oh yeah, the figurine. I'd forgotten about that.
Also, sleeping in hair ties for branding. Hah.
If only we had known
(Was it Cream who said "in the name of the spoon?"... I forget but it sounds like something she'd say.)
Maybe the figurine is Mom when she was younger.
Anyways since the tea party's ending I'd like to wish Louis luck on continuing the comic, this is a great read so far and I'l looking forward to what happens next
One last wondering, is Apricot's last name "Cookie"? Or is that a web cookie pun? Because her real last name is "Hikari", right?
Lol, that'd be one hell of a last name
i assume its apricot's pre-chosen magical girl name
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
considering her first name is anzu
not apricot
Fair enough
ErinPtah (Leif & Thorn | BICP)
But anzu means apricot, yes? So that's just a translation thing.
yeah but still her actual first name. i dont think its necessarily just a translation joke
I suppose. I wondered about translations.
Anyways cya (edited)
Anyway, final remark is the recipe if people hadn't spotted it yet. With 3D printing. Well done. https://apricotcookies.net/specials/2
All very clever.
Sadly, this wraps up this week’s Thursday Book Club chat for now. Thank you so much to everyone for reading and joining us! We want to give a special thank you to Louis Lloyd-Judson, as well, for making Apricot Cookie(s)!. If you liked the comic, make sure to support Louis Lloyd-Judson’s efforts however you’re able to~!
Read and Comment: https://apricotcookies.net/
Louis’ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Louistrations
Louis’ Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/louistrations
Louis’ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Louistrations
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dianaagron · 8 years
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hello darkness my old friend i’ve come back on tumblr once again (after like one month of not uploading anything or reblogging or answering messages for that matter because im a shit person who is actually very busy)
once upon a time this was called the your fave crack edits maker watched the thing earlier review but let’s be honest im not editing a flying fuck lately so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  (here are part 1, part 2 AND part 3 tho)
warnings: i talk like a sailor, i haven’t been in touch with the fandom or with the whole franchise for like months and if you’re not that interested in the actual plot of the thing and you’re just watching out of love for the characters, there’s a 99% chance i’m even more disinterested than you (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:·゚✧
basically if you’re looking for in-depth analysis and metas yo this ain’t the post for you my friend
good luck reading lmao
it’s a truth universally acknowledged that if a tri movie is coming out, tumblr user dianaagron (clara for friends) won’t know about it until the day after, when she’ll wake up and check twitter after 84 years of not logging in and realize that yesterday was the day. actually, this time i remembered the episodes were out the same day they were released, but still it was because of good ol’ twitter, because with all the mess that’s going on with me (part of the reason why i’m never here) even if i happened to check at the beginning of the week when soushitsu was coming out, i still managed to completely forget about it in the span of a fucking day. also, i’m fucking pissed because i’ve always watched the thing after downloading the various episodes because that way i have all my stuff and i can go back and easily find caps and other stuff like that but nope not this time because i can’t fucking find a single torrent and i’m refusing to download subbed episodes because a) it’s gonna take so long to direct download something and b) what use are subbed episodes when i know i’d be replacing them with unsubbed ones as soon as i can find working dls (this is a cry of help: tell me where i can download the episodes, im dying, thank you)
one thing to take into account: i was extra pissed for various reasons yesterday night when i watched the first two episodes, so i’m not really sure if that’s why, compared to the shit that i had to deal with in real life, the episodes (in the contrary to all expectations) weren’t bad at all. truth is i actually liked this installment? INCREDIBLE, I KNOW. of course it had its nonsense moments and parts that made me roll my eyes (im buying pizza for everyone who can guess which were those moments) and other negative parts, but i really preferred movie 4 to movie 3. i’m guessing this is an unpopular opinion because i remember everyone was so happy with kokuhaku back in the day and i was the only soul going like lmao i didnt even cry but idk, i liked this one, it wasn’t bad. btw, i said i’m guessing mine could be an unpopular opinion because i’m writing this sorry excuse of a review before reading anything else cause i don’t want to be influenced :)))))
(save me ive written 500 words on nothing) (meanwhile i finally found torrent links) (and i had to pause the review because i ended up going out yesterday night so this is me talking one day later from what you’ve read before)
once again, i feel like nothing happened in the course of these four new episodes. now, i know i’m extremely slow when it comes to get plot points and all that (not because i’m that stupid, thank you very much, but because of my attention span varies from 1 second to 2 and a half so it’s hard for me to recall what happened in the previous installments unless i go and rewatch all of them - thing i won’t ever do because this girl right here is lazy as fuuuck) but if you sit down and think about what was revealed, you get close to nothing lmao.
winning points of the movie (for me):
not too many extreme closeups like in the previous installment. it flowed better, the animation quality wasn’t as terrible as it was in the previous four episodes (im saying this just by quickly looking at the caps i took - while in the other i had so many ugly caps here they all look presentable and usable) (i say this from the point of you of someone who makes edits of course, i dont have the knowledge of an animator lmao), the majority of the shots with mimi, which are the ones that i pay the most attention to, are super pretty, but also those with taichi’s!!! his design was super on point, i have many caps im probably gonna insert later of just him looking hella attractive, and sora!!! omg sora was so fucking beautiful in these episodes i was so :)))) yay for nice designs, they make me happy.
the lack of you know who for basically two episodes. it was so good, so nice, so calming. i was loving life and life was loving me.  
HOW THEY HANDLED THE TAIORATO!!!! if you know me or if you’ve been following me for a while you’ll know this already, but i’m saying this in case i have new readers (HI) or, y’know, to swipe some dust off: i’m not the biggest fan of the main three. that comes from the fact that michi is my otp and i love taishiro probably too much for my own sanity, so i tend to be on the taichi/koushiro/mimi & yamato/sora/jyou side of things (which is like, super unpopular because if it’s not taiorato then it’s yamichi, so you get why my life is a constant struggle). anyway, thing is that i actually loved the interactions between the three? it was light and it felt super real, it could easily be relatable. it was also clear to me that taichi’s and yamato’s roles in sora’s life were blatantly different and i also loved to see how the two of them while being in the same situation reacted differently, but i’m gonna touch this topic later. overall tho, good job on the dynamic between those three. im clapping my hands, i wasn’t excited about it when the movie poster came out five months ago but i’m so happy that they made me love the parts with taichi, yamato and sora.
it wasn’t heavy on fight scenes. i know. I KNOW. but as i’ve said, i’m not the average digimon fan so i’m happy with my bonds developing and less fights and all that stuff :))))
meiko exceeding all expectations and NOT CRYING for all four episodes. such sorcery. 
on the other hand tho
y’all, who the fuck is that ygdradude? am i supposed to know? did i miss a focal point? am i that disinterested in the plot to miss a fucking focal point????
also what the fuck was that part with i dont know his name, the teacher, with the white space shit and the talk about libra. what is libra, who is libra, what the hell, what the fuck
pedo gennai dear lord i felt so fucking uncomfortable 
remember when i said meiko didn’t cry? she didn’t cry because they replaced her with her partner and made meicoomon whine for 3/4 of the movie instead 
the opening scene ????????????????  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ artistic choice ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the fact that they basically wasted half an episode (the last one) on three evolutions. they really need to cut down the timing of those, for real
i can’t think of anything else rn 
they could’ve kept meiko away for other three episodes if it was me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
then again they could’ve just kept meiko away from tri in general if it was me
warning: i have 98 screenshots ready to use, i’m gonna try to cut some stuff because that’s too many, but here we go 
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they were pulling some hikari shit right here (as well as some charlie chaplin sorcery for the whole sequence)
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that’s what i’m saying
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OKAY LISTEN, that fucking egg with the circular thing under it made me highkey hope for some sort of magic shit happening and bringing the 02 kids back because it looks like a digimental egg or however those things were called. like my hope was so highkey that i fucking ended up dreaming the night between me watching the first two episodes and the latter two that miyako was back. unfair. i hated it. i want my kids back. 
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taichi being handsome: exhibit A
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mimi being beautiful: exhibit A
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sora being incredibly pretty yet sad: exhibit A (i told you guys the design was extra better compared to the last movie) 
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random caps taken merely for the fact that taichi and mimi were next to each other looking aesthetically pleasing to the eye  (also do you ever cry about the skin tone difference between these two because i tend to do that a lot) 
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i can’t stand them hahahahah
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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) frankly they could’ve shown yamato in the next scene so that way the foreshadowing would’ve been blunt and people wouldn’t still be bitching. or maybe they would anyway lmao. also look at the girls being all pretty together im so :))))
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just pretty mimi and taichi + koushiro talking i was :)))) i love them all i love my kids, especially kou when he goes on about his tea
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and i also FINALLY appreciated a koumi scene!!!! it happened!!!!! honestly, as i’ve said, i’m not entirely sure if it was because i was facing so much rl shit right before i watched the thing or what, but this time i was just enjoying what tri had to offer me without caring too much about other stuff like “ugh they’re pushing the fanservice with ship baits” and such. this was just plain cute, mimi was terribly in character, koushiro as well, and it was just the kind of interaction that i love. i love my kids pt. 2974521248 like, of course i would’ve loved for mimi to feed one to taichi, but i’m still somehow sane and i know they’ll never show something like that in canon? but still, it’s nice cause i know how differently from koushiro taichi would’ve reacted in a setting like this and i just can use it in my fanon world. goodbye.
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this is why i’m team taichi, yamato
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taichi being handsome: exhibit B
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JUST IMAGINE HIM LOOKING AT MIMI LIKE THAT BEFORE THEY KISS IM SO ??????????? im gonna make a manip just wait for it
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AH YES The Interaction™ also known as one of my fave parts of the movie lmao but it’s so nice whenever mimi talks it’s taichi the first one to answer im happy goodbye
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cutie patootie be looking at his cute patoote
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legit thought palmon was going to transform into sailor palmoon or something
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why so ugly good lord
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AAAHHHHHH!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH THIS!!!! THIS THING RIGHT HERE!!!!  let me put it into context in case you don’t remember: this was taichi asking his LEGIT CANON BEST FRIEND IZUMI KOUSHIRO TO NOT PUSH HIMSELF TOO MUCH AND REST. can anything be as beautiful as this? this made my heart defrost, im alive, y’all need to reevaluate your “taichi and yamato are bffs” business because. of. this. right. here. (im slamming my fist on the table, in case you were wondering) 
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hikari being smug af with takeru tho, that gave me life as well. also jyourato sitting next to each other <33333
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AND THE SISTER IN LAWS <3333333 under a blanket that it’s so mimi’s 
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penis shot
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taichi you fool...
a word on the so called triangle that of a triangle it has nothing but whatever: it was clear to me that yamato and taichi hold two very different spots in sora’s life, while both being important to her. there are multiple times when we see yamato trying to make taichi break the ice and talk to sora, and that’s because he is her best friend, so he should be the one who is supposed to know how to make her feel better at all times. another thing i noticed was how it was yamato to be the most sensitive to sora (unsurprisingly so): you see it especially when taichi is busy with agumon and he’s still monitoring sora, worried
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and of course this whole exchange was beautiful, and i don’t have much else to add. truly iconic. 
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[insert penis joke here]
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can we please take a moment to appreciate sora and mimi? they are so important
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DA BACKHUG DOE guess who also watches kdramas lmao
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minute 18 of episode 2 say goodbye to all your dreams of greatness 
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CRYING HE’S SO PRECIOUS I LOVE HIM SO MUCH imagine him holding a baby 
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i’m too lazy to go back and take another screenshot, but jyou with both palmon and patamon holding onto him was something else
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🙄  🙄  🙄  even here mere expression makes me 🙄  but at least she wasn’t crying
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i wasn’t
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actually, as studies say, mimi is, in fact, a libra
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why you know who tho when we all know it was sora who was supposed to be in the picture
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why you know who pt. 2 
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the fluff tho
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the contrast between hikari being the calm one and having accepted the situation vs taichi still being unsure and lost was nicely done by making her facing the light and him staying in the shadows, good job with the cinematography im clapping my hands
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F U C K I N G  W H Y  no, but seriously, i was already uncomfortable before with him being on top of her but this just just like yikes to a whole new level like i just don’t get it???? was it necessary???? just ew
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i love mimi and the lowkey koukari pass it on
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who the fuck is ygdrasil tho
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ah yes, chosen children be so fit, they be running from huge monsters wanting to kill them off, they be escaping just with their two legs. incredible. 
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digimon au: cruise OR digimon au: titanic (spoiler: meiko is jack) 
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tag urself im jyou speaking the words of wisdom
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takeru was cute here
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weird lighting aka good luck to those who gif these scenes lmao
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teach me this choreography guys don’t keep it to urselves 
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this was some weird shit right here let me tell you
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ah yes again with the superhuman strength, surviving after a fucking huge machine slams you repeatedly against a mountain or smth like that
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ur the one saying it gennai get a fucking grip 
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! MY JYOURA HEART, JYOU BEING DASHINGGGG how can they not believe him when he says he has a girlfriend i mean have you seen the dude? he’s going to be a doctor, he can fucking catch a girl falling from 20 meters up in the sky i meAN 
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THE REAL HIGHLIGHT OF THE MOVIE. GALS BEING PALS. (for real tho, i felt so blessed? it’s in moments like these that i just feel all the love for this anime, im so :)))))) )
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and jyou comforting sora as welllllll~~~~
and that’s it with the pics you guys!!! a couple of further points
if they didn’t waste half an episode on three evolutions, they could’ve just gone further with the plot, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
im not saying meiko grew on me, because i still want her out, but i can deal with her if he doesn’t cry as much as he did in the first three installments 
what’s up with that ygdradude and libra talk is my question
they still need to address the 02 kids mystery and i need my babies back 
the triangle is not, in fact, a triangle
i love my kids 
and the episodes weren’t bad, come on. they went a little further with the plot by showing that the chick whose name i don’t remember had a partner that died and so that was the reason for the reboot, so they did give some answers, and at least the pacing of this movie was faster than in the previous one. 
also, as i’ve said, idk what’s the popular opinion but i loved sora’s arc, it was nicely done and i don’t have anything to bitch about (except for meiko’s unnecessary presence). i felt for her and i wanted to wrap a blanket around her and just give her all the love.
and that’s it i think? 
im blocking out the memories of the scenes with gennai because im feeling super uncomfortable whenever i do
we’re talking first kiss between wang so and hae soo in scarlet heart levels of uncomfortable
the ending sequence was so cute <3333 especially sora and piyomon, they were my faves closely followed by taichi and agumon
and im done
thank you for reading
i’ll probably go back to my hibernation now 
ily all 
if you got to this point i’m truly buying you a pizza 
and let’s not forget the winning screencap, you can use it every day at every hour, every moment in your life
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