starseededhippie · 5 years
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sacrednomad · 4 years
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Went outside today. Jogging. Fell and skinned my knee. I’m OK. ❌⭕️❌⭕️ #outside #jogging #skinnedknee #sunset #dirtroad #nature #rurallife #lightworkerwarrior training #sacrednomad (at Outside) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-JVlAyBefT/?igshid=956ugyhi99n
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starseededhippie · 6 years
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There are some very intense energies on the planet at this time. Some are working for Love and Light while others wish the destruction of Gaia and her sentient beings. I have felt a deep need and desire to build up protection for myself and for Gaia. There is a war going on of which many still seem to be unaware. If you are truly a warrior and/or worker of Light and good, arm yourselves, prepare yourselves, for the time of battle has arrived. Are you ready?
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starseededhippie · 6 years
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DNA Activation.  Raising the vibration of the Planet and the sentient beings upon her. 
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starseededhippie · 6 years
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Gaia and many of her beings are undergoing an ascension process. 
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starseededhippie · 7 years
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Spiritual Protection.  Remember to say grounded and connected to the Source of Love and Light. 
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starseededhippie · 6 years
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I have found it quite amazing how much interaction I have had this past year with angels.  If you were to ask me a year or so ago if I believed in angels, I would tell you “I don’t know.”  Now, I am positive and firm in my belief of their existence.  I have had numerous angelic experiences with a number of angels that I did not even know existed prior to the experience.  
My most interaction has been with Archangel Chamuel.  Over the course of the past several nights, I kept seeing a pink orb.  I had no idea what this meant, but I knew it was connected to an angel.  I also knew that it wasn’t Michael who is the angel with whom I have had the most experience.  
When I researched the angel associated with the color pink, I was led to Archangel Chamuel.  Archangel Chamuel is the angel of peace and harmony in relationships.  I found this rather befitting as I had been having noise issues with my new neighbors above me. I asked Chamuel to help me to have quiet and peaceful relationship with all of my neighbors.  Soon thereafter my neighbors quieted down.  
As an empath who can be quite overloaded on a sensory level, I have found it rather difficult to find a place to live that is quiet enough for me.  As a result, I often end up moving and/or at odds with my neighbors.  I have realized that if I want to continue to live in urban environment, I must learn how to cope with noise that can feel quite intolerant.  I thank Chamuel for his/her presence and assistance.  Now, I know who I can call on during interactions in relationshpis that feel less than peaceful.  
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starseededhippie · 6 years
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starseededhippie · 7 years
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starseededhippie · 7 years
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Today, the moon is a New Moon in Scorpio.  New moons are symbolic of new beginnings.  They provide an ideal opportunity for letting go of past hurts and pain and opening your heart to forgiveness, love, and taking steps towards achieving the life you desire.  As I have mentioned countless times before, there is an intense energy at our disposal on the planet at this time.  New moons provide an opportunity to use this energy to work towards achieving your goals, dreams, and aspirations.  
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starseededhippie · 7 years
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Greetings Dear Ones,
We are the Arcturian Council of Light who come to you at this very moment at this very time with a message.  This message is to reiterate what has already been told to you.  Prepare to protect yourselves from the grave dangers and chaos that is to come to your Planet very soon.  Guard yourselves in Love and Light.  Know that we are always with you.  Your planet and yourselves are in a state of great transition.  With each ending comes a new beginning.  One phase must end in order for the next to begin.  We are currently in the process of awakening the galactic codes in your DNA dear lightworkers and starseeds of light.  As many of you know, most of your brain power rests dormant until told otherwise or shall I say until activated.  You alone do not have the power to cause this activation.  No, dear ones, your galactic family and soul group are here to help you with this activation as it is necessary for the upgrade and shift of the collective and your planet.  Many of you are already aware of this shift as we send you images and visions both while you are awake and while you are sleep. These are the codes necessary for this activation.  You may feel quite drained and may be depressed due to your lack of energy and the knowledge of the upoming apocalypse, but know that you dear ones have nothing to fear for we are always with you.  It is those who operate in the realm of darkness and evil who have much to fear, not those who operate in Love and Light.  
The book that many of you call the “Bible” has hinted at some of the upcoming events that will take place.  Please know that not all of this is literal, as much of it involves symbolism.  Just know that the demise of your current way of life and the current state of this planet you call Earth is inevitable, therefore prepare yourselves. We will continue to come to you to provide further instructions, but for now remember to stay connected to The Source and in Love and Light.
All Our Love.
- The Arcturian Council of Light
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starseededhippie · 6 years
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As a Lightworker, I have come to realize the power of thoughts, words, and intention.  For a long time in my life, I found myself in a state of deep depression, confusion, and overall stagnation.  I had no desire to remain on this planet, let alone build a life here.  Everything felt so foreign here to me.  I mean in many ways this is understandable as this planet is not my place of origin, however while I am here, I might as well make the best of it. Through much therapy, soul searching, energy healing, and meditation, I have slowly come to realize that I am the creator and manifestor of all things that happen in my Earth body at this time.  If I want something different, I have to think, create, and manifest something different. 
After years of simply having dreams, I decided to live my dreams.  I packed up my car, my pets, and my belongings that would fit into my car and drove West. Many of the people, if not , all of the people that I knew thought I was crazy.  I was literally surrounded by people who seemed to be content being unhappy and unfulfilled.  I couldn’t do it anymore.  Ever since my early teens, I knew I was meant to be in California.  I didn’t know why.  I just knew that California was where I belonged and so that is where I went. 
My life here in California has had its own array of ups and downs, but it has hands down been one of the best experiences of my life.  I have grown so much since I moved here.  I have found myself being and continuing to become the person that I always knew I was meant to be instead of the extremely depressed person I was who was continually trying to fit in all of these boxes in which people tried to place me.  
As I sat on the beach this morning not long after sunrise with my dogs, I realized that I WAS in fact living in MY OWN truth.  I knew what I wanted at this point in my life and I manifested exactly that.  The moral of this rant is that you HAVE the power and the ability to create the life that you want to have.  You just have to take the time and energy to manifest it. 
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starseededhippie · 6 years
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starseededhippie · 7 years
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11:11 portal
As many of you already know, yesterday was 11:11 which symbolized the opening of another portal.  The energy throughout the planet is intense right now as Gaia renews herself and prepares herself for a higher dimension.  She needs her sentient beings upon and throughout her surface to do the same.  The energy available to us at this time will help us to transform and elevate.  We only need to take the time to feel it, embrace it, and allow it to penetrate us to the very core of our being.  Are you ready? 
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starseededhippie · 7 years
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Here is a list of Angels and their roles. 
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starseededhippie · 7 years
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An event of unknown proportions is due to take place today.  It is theEMP drill that is due to take place over the United States.  This event is one that may result in catastrophic consequences for the nation as a whole.  THe idea of our government playing with energy in a way that may cause the death and/or serious illness of many people is cause for concern.  This is definitely a time where it is imperative to stay connected to the Source of Love and Light.  This is the only way to ensure safety mentally, physically, psychologically, and spiritually. Remember to stay connected to the Source of Love and Light.  Call upon your angels, spirit guides, positive ancestors, and higher self for help navigating through this realm at this time. 
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