#like “oh you have a blahaj you *must* be trans”
kaninchen-reblogs · 1 year
okay but honestly? big love to all the transfems out there who don't fit the "usual stereotypes" that get tossed around a lot in online spaces.
Straight transfems
Asexual/Aromantic transfems
Sex-repulsed/non-hypersexual transfems
Transfems who aren't good at math
Transfems who aren't good with computers
Transfems who aren't big on gaming
Fat and/or hairy transfems
Transfems who like sports and the outdoors
Transfems who are "mainstream" and don't really do subcultures
Transfems who aren't furries
Neurotypical transfems
And of course, the biggest love to older transfems and transfems of color -- without you, this community wouldn't be here at all.
As a furry transfem gamer nerd who listens to weird music and is neurodivergent as hell, I love seeing all these folks online who are like me -- but I just wanted to post this thingie to make it clear that all transfems (and all trans people in general! I love you too, transmascs!) are deserving of love and appreciation, not just the ones we typically see online, y'know?
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