#and thats healthy and i want that! I want more trans people!
kaninchen-reblogs · 1 year
okay but honestly? big love to all the transfems out there who don't fit the "usual stereotypes" that get tossed around a lot in online spaces.
Straight transfems
Asexual/Aromantic transfems
Sex-repulsed/non-hypersexual transfems
Transfems who aren't good at math
Transfems who aren't good with computers
Transfems who aren't big on gaming
Fat and/or hairy transfems
Transfems who like sports and the outdoors
Transfems who are "mainstream" and don't really do subcultures
Transfems who aren't furries
Neurotypical transfems
And of course, the biggest love to older transfems and transfems of color -- without you, this community wouldn't be here at all.
As a furry transfem gamer nerd who listens to weird music and is neurodivergent as hell, I love seeing all these folks online who are like me -- but I just wanted to post this thingie to make it clear that all transfems (and all trans people in general! I love you too, transmascs!) are deserving of love and appreciation, not just the ones we typically see online, y'know?
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theorahsart · 1 month
Jsyk I have zero tolerance for shame culture/'cringe culture'. Its cruel and most of the time unnecessary. Its ableist. Its the perfect way to shut down creativity, curiosity/open mindedness, and shut down the positives to mental health and society that come with that.
When you participate in this idea of shaming people over whatever line you have decided in your personal comfort zone they have crossed, you're participating in the same culture that:
Bans queer books for kids
Stops a decent sex education, which leads to people harming themselves because they're too ashamed to ask questions/learn
Makes people think its okay to beat up trans people just because they feel disgust
Stops people with depression from expressing those feelings through a healthy (but cringe) outlet such as poetry or writing
I started with the big things it impacts, but theres the smaller things too, like making someone feel ashamed of their poor art skills and never wanting to draw again. Or making someone feel too scared to cosplay, or outwardly enjoy that thing that makes them get up in the morning cos theyre too scared other people will think theyre 'weird'
I see people do these smaller things a lot and I dont think they see how its connected to those bigger things.
I guess I do because Im old lol And grew up in a time where it was very wrong to be queer and neurodivergent. But we went to these 'cringey' spaces that other people made fun of, because they were spaces where you could be as ugly and weird as you liked, and then through those spaces we learned how to get rid of shame. And then discovered we were queer and neurodivergent. And so built this culture you see now where kids are so lucky as to openly apply and explore labels with much more safety.
If they arent hurting you or anyone else, or they aren't disrespecting your boundaries, dont shame people.
If you dont like smth thats totally fair, just block the person and move on.
Dont make a big song n dance where they can see. Dont make them feel ashamed for being weird.
Just dont take part in that, its not cool and I find it especially contradictive when nerds/queer/neurodivergent people go out of their way to make fun of other peoples harmless interests.
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this is not spop-related and it's something i've talked about before but i just want to rant so feel free to skip ahead.
(mild spoilers for heartstopper!)
i just find it weird that people want "spice" in highschool romances. i remember seeing people complain about how heartstopper is too "vanilla" as if it's not a story about two underage boys falling in love. why the fuck would you want that to be smutty?
if you don't like cute romances, that's fine. consume the content you like. and if you have constructive criticism about heartstopper, that's fine too.
i'll admit that i didn't like the netflix show as much as i liked the graphic novel. the characters had more personality and interesting dynamics in the book. this is personal opinion and it can also be constructive criticism.
but saying that you hate heartstopper or that it's trash, just because you don't like wholesome romances or healthy relationships. that's a you problem. if you don't like it, don't watch/read it. simple as that.
also heartstopper isn't all vanilla fluff. it addresses some serious issues like abusive relationships, the pressures of discovering your own sexuality and coming out, eating disorders, etc. idk how much the show has touched on these, since i only watched the first season, but the book definitely goes into detail and addresses all of it pretty respectfully.
i just don't understand why people are suddenly against healthy romances. it isn't a question of preference when you openly bash a piece of fiction and its creator for simply writing something that you personally don't like. do you not have freewill? you could just find something that you do enjoy, not every single thing in the world is catered to you.
i've also heard people complain that heartstopper only got a show because it's an mlm romance, and that wlw romance is not as popular. which is just bullshit because i see mostly wlw romances nowadays. lumity, bubbline, rupphire, caitvi, fucking c//a.
and this isn't supposed to be a competition. i'm a wlw myself and i'm happy that mlm people got a chance to see themselves in heartstopper. not to mention, it has secondary characters who are wlw, trans, ace, etc. at the end of the day, i'm just happy we're getting more queer fiction, and good ones at that. not a toxic romanticized mess.
anyway yeah, this has been my rant. you can have your preferences or you can provide constructive criticism, but to act like a highschool romance is "too sanitized" is stupid at best, and weirdly creepy at worst.
(also i want to add that there is some smut in the webcomic but thats only after the characters graduate from highschool and are of an appropriate age.)
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bruciemilf · 2 years
#like - ill be very transparent. sometimes i write fem bruce solely for harvey or clark eating pussy content KSKSKS #but thats very much achievable with trans bruce so
!!!!! ohhhh pleasepleaseplease give us a few headcanons/some content!! there's not enough trans!bruce out there esp. with harv and clark!
OH MANNN. MAN. MAN. so!! I don't know If you had a set preference between nsfw or sfw and/or harv an clark hcs,, so I think it'll be a mix for both!
Warnings/tags: Degradation, housewife kink, dirty talk, name calling, breeding kink, daddy kink mention, size kink
Transitioned early; Martha, Thomas, and Alfred were as discreet as a star family gets in Gotham City, where the media's eyes never shuts. Which is never enough.
They couldn't pay rich people, media people to ignore the Bruce before the Real Bruce. But if you cared about your life even a little bit, and you didn't want to die under Thomas' scalpel, you kept your mouth shut.
Bruce got in a stage where he was cis passing enough that people didn't think twice to call him a man; I feel like he grew up around healthy examples of masculinity, but when you're in college? You try to make up for your lacks.
There's a subgenre of sexism among men tbh, that its like, specifically To them; It's like, misogyny in the open, but they victimise eachother about it.
Bruce can't quite understand why drinking and hooking up and getting blasted without even worrying there's a pill in your drink is necessarily masculine. It's certainly a privilege, thought, and he's a bit (a lot) bitter abt it
Also most def carries testosterone shots on his batman belt that he accidentally injects instead of adrenaline like, all the time.
Oh, and testosterone and estrogen? Free in Gotham. Courtesy to Wayne Enterprises
Bruce not giving a wet fuck about gender norms in the slightest bit; He'll rock a coral pink tennis skirt and shiny, peach perfumed lip gloss.
He'll rock divine silk dresses. He'll look angelic with motor oil smudged on his cheek from breaking into the autoshop.
And he doesn't really care who has what to say about it, because Harvey Dent? Can't peel his eyes off of him, and that's enough of an achievement for Bruce.
(Nsfw HCs ahead!!!)
Harvey always always worries he might say the wrong thing; the wrong name, (they have a very soft spot for Princess and Baby)
Harvey calls him Baby Girl while Bruce worked him hard with his hand and mouth, dragging holy noises out of him with just a few tugs, and Harvey apologizes profusely
" My masculinity won't shrivel up and die because of a name, Harv. Even I'm not that fragile. "
Bruce is a big time virgin but no surprise there; Have you seen that man. He falls apart at a few words and gets wet so easily it's ridiculous.
Batman riding Harvey's thigh while he's supposed to interrogate him? It's more likely than you think
That being said, he's big on degradation; Harvey calls him a perfect little slut and Bruce's brain goes fuzzy and dim. I'm sorry, but Battinson has huge " pls just break me and take care of me after" energy I am PROFITING
With Clark it's almost the same, because personally? Mean Clark. Mean Clark who'll grip Bruce's diamond sharp jaw and make those strawberry lips pucker. Just to watch those pretty eyes roll back. " Aww. Are you that needy, darlin '?"
HARVEY AND CLARK AND BRUCE? biggest housewife kinks. I'm sorry, don't shoot the messenger, they SPECIFICALLY told me to tell YOU that they love Bruce in a pink apron, legs spread open on the kitchen counter while they're " having dinner"
THE BREEDING KINK???? Bruce rides the hell out Harvey/Clark, making an absolute mess on their laps, whining, squirming, sobbing up a storm because he DEF cries during sex, and he's begging so sweetly
" please-- please, can - can I have a baby? Please? Pretty please? For me, daddy? For daddy's little wife?"
He's very persuasive when he wants to be
And as the tags mentioned; Bruce has his legs spread open wide more often than not.
If he's not laying on his back, getting the soul slurped and licked and milked out of him, he's most definetly riding Clark's or Harvey's faces and I'll die on that hill.
Harvey/Clark love how fucking Big they are compared to him. They love Bruce is small enough to move around, but big amd strong enough to grope and manhandle. Praise kink is on Heavily. " That's a good boy. "
This man's pussy makes Harvey/Clark CRY. They're completely addicted to him. Bruce is all day everyday getting spread on princess pink sheets, lingerie shredded, heels digging in his partner's back and getting SERVICED like he deserves
Pillow princess 100%%%
He likes hard stuff, but he's Very fragile in the after-care process. He's ashamed of ask for it because he's affectionate, or starves for it anyway, and doesn't expect to receive it because he didn't until Then
But it's all so soft, after. Gentle kisses. Harvey/Clark carrying him around everywhere, not minding clingy arms or sharp nails squeezing their shoulders. They're happy to hold that big baby for hours
Gets the baby he wants but like. Of course it's conceived in the dirtiest baby making sex you'll ever hear of. RIP Harvey's old DA office/car and Clark's family barn
That's all folks!!!
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gettinontopic · 4 months
Transandrophobia is real and it isn't about Trans Women opressing Trasn Men its about how the patriarchy attacks all masculinity that isnt the Cishetallo peri-sex able-bodied white man style that's been cultivated since this land was stolen!!!
It covers anyone who's felt like their identity was dictated by them not being allowed to be a man, or being forced to be a man due to factors they couldn't control. It covers anyone who's masculinity was punished because they aren't a man or weren't a man at one point.
It covers how the patriarchy treats masculinity like a prison and anyone who fights that is treated like an escaped prisoner.
[More under cut bc this got way longer than I originally meant]
Patriarcy hates you if you aren't cis no matter how well you preform, designed to try and make you feel like to relax you have to pass as their idea of man, even if thats not anywhere near who you are as a person.
God forbid you be assigned male and the go through and different puberty then they want. Or god forbid you have a physical traigh that the Patriarchy doesn't thing adds up to man. And go fuck yourself if they assign you male and then find something that makes them sneak off, change shit (possibly without parental consent either) and say "haha we were wrong its a healthy baby girl actually!" Only for your classmates to mock you as you start to have seemingly a "wrong" puberty for girld your age.
It hates you if you aren't white, and sees your masculinity as Femininity (in a derogatory way) or as a funny mimicry of its own. It laughs at you or marks you as more violent no matter how many of the acceptable White Words you use. It kills you if you inspire too many people to like you and agree with you. Your're treated stange and forgein no matter how many of you there are in the world around them.
It hates you if you aren't the ideal allo. If you look at romance as anything as Husband and Wife in a Nice White House and with at least Two White Kids and behind your White Picket Fence. If you look at friendship as anything other than secondhand to romance. It teaches you to see critisisms of centralizing romance and sex everywhere, as personal attacks to lash back on.
It hates you if you are a Women who likes masculinity. Because the Patriarchy doesn't see Women as somone who should have masculinity. Women bring new ways to look at masculinity and new ways to present it. Thats is a threat to the Patriarchies need to keep tight fitting boxes.
Butches, cis or trans, are treated like ticking time bombs who should be carefully wire cut so they don't explode and leave their self crafted masculinity where the Patriarchy has to see it.
It hates you if you aren't able bodied. It looks at you as something to be fixed to fufill a role that it assigned, not nature. It looks at you as a failure for not being able to preform the song and dance it choreographed. It mocks you and abandons you because it knows you can't keep up, the goalpost always moving past what you prove you can do.
No man has a mobility aid until he's old. No man has sickness in his body until he earns it (by being old) Men can always lift heavy things (and must hurt themslves being a proud old man). Men always work the Jobs. Men always have working bodies and big muscles (but not fat haha. Never fat thats gross).
The Patriarchy hates fat. Fat makes you a failure. Fat means you aren't a worker. Fat means you're probably greedy with food. Fat is something to be bred out of us or forced off of us and god forbid someone know they're loveable while fat. Patriarchy find fat people who love themselves and it tries to convince them with every breath that they should take it back. It's made to humiliate bodies that don't fit an imagined porn outline.
The Patriarchy hates you if you're a child. Boy or Girl it sets you up to assume distrust in each other. It eagerly shoves away children who don't fit a future beauty and behavior mold and even children who can pretend they fit, are left empty because it's not what they want to grow into. It's what the Patriarchy told them they had no choice but to grow into, as it covers their eyes and ears to better things.
Are there other words too? Yeah. There is. There's so many words that overlap and explain lots of these. And this is one of them.
It's for the demonization of masculinity in a society that recognizes only 1 as correct. It's about the Patriarchy and it being a glutton for giving punishment. It's about the System and how it intsects with us as people.
Please find it in you to understand that we are all fighting this together, and that Patriarchy whats you to hate a word more than you hate the system that made that word real.
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pillarsalt · 7 months
hi Im the same ex transmasc anon who sent you that aask about rhe tumblr ban thing, I did a lot of reading without forcing myself away this time. (I used to look at radblr sometimes bc I got curious, but when it started making too much sense i would make myself stop reading and tell myself I was being manipulated and try to forget about it..looking back that probably wasnt normal haha,)
I have mixed feelings tho. I don’t regret looking closer, the amount of sexism in the trans community was horrible. I think even radfems don’t understand how bad it was because it was all subtle styff. But seeing it constantly irl and online was terrible for me as a female. It gave me so much internalized misogyny, it made me hate myself and I felt worthless and stupid! and whiny! and annoying! all the time!! unless I was able to be perceived as a man. I felt like I had to be a man to have any respect in the community. I remember being so amazed to see abortion be covered by trans people I followed in even a reblog because it was the first time I saw people in the community talk about female issues at all. Even then it was covered with disclaimers and terfs DNI banners. male,opinions were always prioritized.
I thought this was dysphoria and a sign I was really a man. then I started reading radfem things and its like that feeling instantly lifted. I felt respected, listened to, even though I wasn’t speaking. It was also like all this stuff I’d internalized from being female, all the trauma around sex based oppression, was actually being addressed. in trans circles you get called a terf for acknowledging females face any kind of oppression (they acknowledge sex when it’s to talk about how hard male loneliness is on young trans women, and how the incel to trans woman pipeline happens, though…)
but the reason I have mixed feelings is bc I now feel….dumb? And afraid. And angry. I spend well over a decade being part of this community, half my friends are in the community, I’ve been trans since I was 9. My typings not the best… dyslexia sucks lol. But I like to think I’m smart. Now I don’t know,
And it makes me think totally different of these people I saw as progressive cis male allies, who were so loud about trans rights and hating JKR and terfs. Now they just feel like the same flavor of anti-feminist man I hate.
And the community is so huge and it’s so widely accepted and I don’t know how to deal!
But I am happy to be a woman now. In a healthy way I haven’t been for a long time. thats all that matters.
I'm sorry for everything you were put through. Many girls and women have been sucked into this thinking it will provide a solution for their distress at the social ramifications of the body they're born in, only for more people, namely men, to take advantage of their distress and gain power over them. As you mentioned, even "cis" men get in on the action when they justify intimidating and threatening women with violence in response to perceived transphobia. It's a terrible situation to be in. Made worse when you can't openly talk about with people you're close to for fear of alienating them.
I think you should give yourself more credit. You ARE smart. You questioned what you were told was never allowed to be questioned and realized you were being misled. And what you said about trying to make yourself forget the realizations you've had, that is normal. It's a difficult and scary thing to hold opinions that conflict with those of the majority of your peers. I think it's like the climax of cognitive dissonance -- when what you know is true clashes so hard against what you want to believe, you find it impossible to justify anymore, so you just resort to pretending you never learned the information in the first place. Been there.
I'm just being a stereotype now, but there's a classic Dworkin quote for this:
"Many women, I think, resist feminism because it is an agony to be fully conscious of the brutal misogyny which permeates culture, society, and all personal relationships."
Anyway my point is, don't beat yourself up. I'm really happy to read that you're accepting your womanhood, it's a hard journey but it's worth it to have a good relationship with yourself. And in my experience (at the sage and wisened age of 25) that it gets easier as you get older. You work through mistakes, and that prepares you to handle the next mistake better. You're right, your health and happiness is all that matters, keep striving for that and it will steer you right.
I wanted to give you some reading recommendations, you mentioned you have dyslexia but I believe these two are available in audiobook form if that's up your alley:
Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference by Cordelia Fine
Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez
There are tons more great books on feminism but these two are my go-tos for hard facts on gender, socialization, and the systematic discrimination against women worldwide through biases that are built into society.
Well uh; TLDR thanks for gracing my inbox, anon :) Hope you keep well.
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mrsillytickles69 · 10 days
Breaking into terrible peoples houses and stealing their oc's and changing their lore part 778 + their lore (don't be afraid to ask questions)
R.I.P Cain you would have loved Ethel Cain and hated BookTok 😔 "Why did you make Vincent, Sano and Farz (I don't assisote btd Farz with TINR Farz stfu)?!" Bc I love WOMEN!!!
Deleted things: -Sa scenes between them and MC -No incest between Akira, Sano and Cain (they're found family) -Sano dosen't fuck everyone rage emoji -Damian dosen't cheat on Vani with MC -Daman, Akira and Vani aren't really part of the btd lore that much, honestly out of the btd lore -Cain has a clone that travels around the mortal realm to check up on Sano an Akira plus to find someone interesting so he won't be lonely Added things: -The marking on Cain's face is the amount of tears he cried after being sent to his prison -Vincent is a lesbian -Vincent and Sano are trans fem -Sano is in a healthy relationship -Sano is a morally gray character who thinks she's helping other sa victims but is causing worse by trying to make them feel clean again -Cain, Vincent and Farz are the only ones that gets a romantic relationship with Mc
-Can't really die from Sano, only dying from blood loss or if you try and attack her which will result in you getting killed by her boyfriend -Sano and Mc's relationship is platonic, they stay in touch after :3 -Vani is the forgotten/old ruler of the universe
Cain, Damian and Veni:
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Lore: Before the original lore the world was rather peaceful being ran by 3 gods. Veni and two other goddess that were lesbians bc I can't make lore without lesbians. Of course my other oc Jude during his rain of terror took notice of the universe and saw how un "pure" it was. Veni already knew yet he couldn't do anything thus he made himself a clone so Damian would never get lonely and so he could trick Jude into thinking that he had killed him. Anywho, Jude kills Veni and the two other goddesses and took over the universe. As he began, he took notice of Cain who was 16 at the time. Sadly Jude ended up grooming Cain until Cain turned 20 were Jude broke off their relationship. Jude instantly went after his brother Damian and of course out of anger Cain killed Damian. Cain hated being alone, he thought Jude was the only person who understood that and just like his parents replaced Cain with Damian. Jude got pissed and tore Cains wings off (yes a metaphor for sa) before casting Cain out of the world and into his own hell. A eternity of loneliness. So many years later, a forgotten and casted out God that was cursed with mortality was to casted into the prison (Yes part of Jude's plan on torturing Cain more). They fell in love and got married, along with adopting baby Sano and Baby Akira (Yay!!). Years passed, Sano and Akira now lived in the mortal realm and of course his wife dies from old age. (More will be included in Sano and Akira lore!!) Sano:
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Lore: Akira was born first, he lived a relatively normal life with his mother and father. That was until Sano was consived. His mother struggled through out the entire pregnancy. After being told so many times that she needed to get an abortion, her family disagreed. Especially her husband who was dead set on both the baby and her surviving the birth. After hours of labor, Sano was born and of course their mother had died right after from blood loss. From there on, their father neglected them completely. Akira spent days taking care of baby Sano making sure that Sano was well taken care of. 7 days after Sano turned 5, their father ended up killing himself where Akira and Sano had to become homeless which is where they met Cain! Cain was able to leave his prison because of his wife thats the only way he would have even been able to get out. Cain and his wife took them in and raised them as his own. Sano was of course Cans favorite (dw Akira was Cains wife favorite). They grew up to be really good people despite their upbringing. Akira wanted to be a lead guitarist and Sano wanted to be a doctor always finding the human body fascinating and how it could survive without certain limbs. Akira and Sano remain close yet part ways. Akira joins a band and Sano attends collage where she studied hard. On one stressful study night, Sano went to a bar where she met Strade! She thought she was gonna make a new friend as she never really had any. Sadly Strade ended up kidnapping and torturing her for 4 days. Akira finds out that Sano had been kidnapped and the dumbass took it into his own hands to try and find her. Akira ends up getting killed in front of Sano in the process (until Strade hid is body and ofc Cain brings him back bc nuh uh). After grieving his death, on the 4th day Sano ends up escaping bc dumbass Strade FORGOT TO LOCK THE FUCKING DOOR (also b4 you ask abt Ren this was before Strade kidnapped Ren). Soon after returning home, Sano debated on killing herself to get rid of the unclean feeling along with preventing it from happening again. After hours of laying in her bathtub, she came up with the idea of making prosthetic arms and legs. She gave herself bottom surgery (girlboss behavior ik ik) and replaced her arms and legs with protreptics. After days of not leavng her house in fear still, she came up with a plan which was taking in other people who went through the same thing she experienced and replacing their body parts with prosthetics. This is getting long so she does that, goes back to collage, meets her bf and wham bam thank you ma'am she is happy but Akira and Cain still thinks she dead. Vincent and Farz:
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Lore: Both of their backstories are the same BUT how they met is different. Vincent is still a veteran (got that money money from sueing the place LOL) and Farz is just a photographer! Vincent runs a lesbian strip club and Farz had to do a little report about it. Vincent noticed how pretty and nice Farz was, getting a lil crush on her. Farz who interviewed Vincent about the club also couldn't help but get a lil crush on Vincent. Vincent of course looked like an asshole on the outside, even putting on a persona to protect herself but Farz saw past that. Anywho after a month of interviewing the place (she got busy hanging out with Vincent and other projects LMFAO) they started dating YIPPIEEE!!!!!! Vincent is very protective over Farz, will in fact punch a cat caller or someone trying to homophobic towards them. Overall it's a healthy relationship lol. Vincent only hurt Farz when she pushed Farz a lil to hard.
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vent-fmc · 7 months
{‼️TW mentions of mental health, sh, ed‼️}
helloo!! my names finnley, im 16, pansexual and trans (ftm he/him). i am currently diagnosed with autism, spd, depression and anxiety.
ive had this account for so long just never posted. but im on the sh/ed side of tumblr and ive seen so many posts of people saying they have no one to talk to but they need to talk, and thats why im here.
i have been struggling with sh and an ed for a very long time and i know how hard it is. im not gonna go into too much detail here but all ill say is i havent been clean from sh for more than 3 months in 2 years, but now i want to help myself and more importantly, i wanna help others too.
so if anyone needs someone to talk to, please do reach out. i wont be triggered by anything so give as much detail as you want and ill do my best to help.
please dont reach out to me if youre over 18 as i am a minor. please dont send any sexual messages as, again, i am a minor and im also in a healthy relationship.
so dont be shy if you need help, im always here to help!!
stay safe out there ml <3
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starryjoy · 14 days
i think i get it. as a more or less asexual and sex repulsed trans guy i feel like i have basically the inverse of your situation, where people think the two are related even though im pretty sure i would be that way if i was a cis guy. and theres parts of me thats scared to dress certain ways or get certain haircuts cause im like Well Thats A Stereotypical Trans Guy Look, even though theres probably way more cis guys that look like that than trans guys. and its not really that im embarrassed but its like well so many people are going to think my personality and hobbies are already dictated by my being trans anyway i dont want to feed into it any more than i have to. but theres not really any way to get out of it unless you purposefully change your whole personality to avoid whatever people associate with being Trans.
thank you anon ❤️
i do want to say that yeah I don't think that's a healthy response to it. the way to get rid of this theoretically would be to combat misogyny and transphobia but also that's a long way off to be completely removed. for now I think we gotta just... stay with people who get it, who have examined their internal biases, and be happy with them, while trying to educate who we can.
also as an aside: get that haircut you want !!! trans guys with stereotypical haircuts look good as hell!!!
also also: yeah honestly I think my identity as an aromantic trans woman does add to my feelings a lot you know? aromantic trans women 🤝 asexual trans men
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genderlessgirltwink · 9 months
Suppose I, a trans girl, was fully capable of making my voice sound like a passable girl. How do I not be scared of people's thoughts about it?
the shit you did with your dad was inspiring, and I need some of that confidence.
I dont know. I used to be extremely insecure about everything i did. What i did personally was just pretend to be confident. If you want to make your voice more feminine, go and do some voice training. While youre doing that and while you still have a manly voice dont put yourself down because of it. The more you internalize how much your voice sucks and how much you hate it (maybe) the worse you feel about yourself and the less confident you will be moving forward. Instead focus on how much progress youre making, or just focus on other things you like about yourself first. Basically trick yourself into liking yourself and you will soon learn to tolerate the things you dont like about yourself yet.
An example from my own life maybe. I used to feel very stupid and ugly a couple of years ago. In math i would always fail every test and i was underweight as hell. But guess what i still suck at it and it doesnt bother me anymore. Instead i focused on the subjects im good at. I speak fluent english, aced every history test and so on. That realization let me build up a sense of self worth outside of the stuff i suck at. And now i can do whatever i want to do without feeling insecure about it. Because i know that i have value and anything i want to do is fine to do because i am and feel important enough to do it no matter what other people might think.
So much for the whole confidence thing i guess. If you wanna do something, do it! Thats basically it.
"How do i not be scared of peoples thoughts about it?"
Why would you need to be scared? You obviously dislike your current voice but does anyone hate you for it? Why would anyone dislike it if you changed it? Unless youre talking about transphobes/bigots which are and always will be a problem no matter how much you change your voice for the better.
Tl;dr: focus on the stuff youre good at and you will be able to deal with the stuff youre bad at in a more healthy manner. Also your voice doesnt define your character and wont make people like or dislike you based on it alone.
(Also i havent even started voice training and im still a real girl just like you)
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ankhisms · 3 months
Need to get myself into the habit of journaling i tried to do some journaling when i first started my job but i always am very tired and go to bed at 9 every night so its been hard to find time to. But anyway rambling a little under the cut
Its very weird to like be 26 years old and to feel like i dont..... really know myself or have a very solid sense of self. And i keep having like crisises of horror and despair realizing just how much i am void of wanting things in a more abstract sense for myself and that i have been trained all my life to put what everyone else wants first and that i go along with what other people want from me and its like. I know i need this to stop. I know i do. But i literally dont know how and literally dont know how i can even begin to allow myself to want things in an abstract sense like i dont even know where to begin. And then i also keep being like. Well do i even deserve to be happy or do i just deserve to suffer forever will people be mad at me and hate me if anything good ever happens to me. And idk i mean i think there are certain things i know about myself like i know im trans & nonbinary but ive also felt confused about like attraction to people and i just lately keep being like wow maybe i should be a hermit forever. But i know thats not healthy and i need to break out of that self isolation
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whole-circus · 1 year
could I request any of the creepypastas with a ftm reader who’s basically like urumi akamaki from alice in borderland please? this can be seen as platonic or romantic btw :)
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Nina the Killer and Eyeless Jack with ftm Urumi Akamari like reader!
➥ Hi hello!! Im actually pretty fine, comparing to other days lolol. Hope you are fine too!! Ohh i remeber my huge AiB phase lol. Anyways here you go dove!!! If you wanna someone specific too then feel free to inform me, I will always gladly update!! :) Ah im so so so sorry that you waited so long :((
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˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
Nina the Killer
You and Nina are definitely pretty similar in some aspects - even if its hard to believe! Nina tend to be pretty..well pretty crazy and insane, so its not like you will be freaked out by her..! From the killing part to some stupid ideas (for real, every adult who would see what she wanna do would  clutched one's head in disbelief). Sooo, I guess she would need someone like you! With your tendency to be total control freak, you can easly make most of decision for her and Nina would even thank you! Also she isnt scared to take any risk, as i said earlier - Nina is a bit of adrenaline junkie!! Your a bit distant and mysterious mask would be the perfect balance to Nina, who is really out-going and a huge chatterbox!! And your fake persona will perfectly match hers!
When it comes to you being trans, she is such a huge sweetheart i swear!! Well, by accepting and not treating you any diffrent she isnt doing anything super special - its just the bare minimum! But Nina is always ready to soothe you if you feelin dysphoric - she tries talk to you and she never ignore your feeling, all you say and do is valid! Be ready for lots of complements - she means every single one of them! You are the coolest boy she had ever met, how could she not like you??
Eyeless Jack
Okay, Jack just loves smart people!! Is all into brain > body thing, so you are perfect! He is an intelectual person (demon, im sick), and appreciates these things in people. With you, being all two-sided and often using manipulation in order to get what you want - man, you are just his type of person i swear!! He enjoyes psychological games, and will gladly team with you against someone..you guys will be partner in crimes 100%! Enjoys that you are such a mysterious person, and no one can see through your sweet and cute persona, you have so much power! Would like to see what you are really like, he can guess that there is so much more in you. Yet, i think that Jacks personality makes him easy to get along with, and you kinda seem similar in some aspects. Jack also isnt scared to take a risk, becasue well..its not like he has anything to lose. But he got the right spirit!
Jack absolutey wouldnt mind if you are trans or not - you are still this handsome boy he liked and nothing will change that! He literally would eat kidneys from people that were trasnphobic (thats all what they good at i guess). He is the first one to be always by your side and reassure you how many times you need it if you feel dysphoric. Would also try to help you the best he can, trying to find you some healthy ways in order to make you feel at least slightly better. Jack is also patient, and wont be mad if you yell at him or be mean during your bad days - he gets how hard it can be for you, and wants to be your safe place!
˚  ✦   . ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚.    ✦  ˚
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transboysokka · 6 months
mako headcanons?
HELLO are you ready for me to just dump everything inside my brain at you?? I've made like his entire backstory at this point...
this one
this one
gay. obvs. (and with wu. obvs)
the gloves are very much a page from elsa's book. conceal don't feel. he kind of hates being a firebender because he can't separate his identity from like the evil that killed his parent etc etc
click here for angst
and here
he didn't learn how to read until super late but now he loves reading and is a little bookworm. i wonder if he has lil bookclubs with jinora. he's so booksmart now???
he has a triad tattoo somewhere under his shirt and like it was NOT his choice to get it so he sees it more as a brand anyway thats the REAL reason he doesn't take his shirt off to swim or go in the sauna not that it's period appropriate or whatever. also yeah he's wearing a binder always.
daddy issues w zolt
no concept of self care bc hes always given everything he's ever earned to bolin. yikes. big parentification stuff to deconstruct here
ok are you ready for MAXIMUM ANGST bc these ones are HOT off the presses aka my brain!!!!
mako will always have issues with eating because he went so long surviving on SO little. it's super hard for him to recognize when he's hungry because there was a point when he just stopped feeling it
mako would give his coat to bolin to wear in the winter. this is how he got real good at his bending real quick. if he didn't find a way to heat himself up he wasn't gonna make it out on the streets
one time when they were younger bolin found mako beat to shit in an alley. bolin freaked out and nursed mako back to health. mako didn't say anything at all to bolin for a long time and after he got better he became way more protective of bolin. this was the time mako tried to get out of the triad on his own. bolin never finds out.
one of the big reasons mako becomes a cop is because he's killed people under zolt and he can't get their faces out of his head. he needs to repent
when he started probending he was WAY to violent about it because that was all he knew how to be anymore. it took a long time for him to get used to NOT hurting people.....
he never feels Earth Kingdom enough because he looks so different from his relatives
so actually mako is REALLY bad at some things, like grocery shopping and finding good prices, budgeting, cooking actual meals that are also healthy, these kinds of things he never got the chance to do.......
ok so i have this half-formed idea that mako has seen and confronted his parents' killer before!!!! but bolin doesn't know!!!! and i can't decide why like did mako kill them or just freak out and not want to deal with it i dont know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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genderstarbucks · 8 months
holy shit sorry to say this in your inbox but i have to share this with someone because its so fucking funny. i was gonna make a post debunking some anti-bi lesbian carrds and i found a point that literally made me laugh out loud.
they were debunking some points and this was one of their answers was this:
"It's possible for lesbians to be in a healthy romantic or sexual relationship with men. “This is blatantly LESBOPHOBIC, as lesbians are often pressured to enter relationships with men (compulsory heterosexuality).”
there are tons of reasons why a lesbian might date a man. for example, having children, their partner being multigender or a non-binary people who looks like a man, their partner coming out as a trans man but they still feel some attraction to them, or even the fact that their partner is a closeted trans woman who refers to themselves as a man around family/people they aren’t out to. it’s genuinely fucking terrible that right as someone comes out as a lesbian they have to immediately break up with their boyfriend (according to exclusionists/gold star lesbians.)
i feel like these people demonize(if thats even the right word?) men. and that everyone who dates or likes a man is impure and sinful and dirty. or that when lesbians date men its automatically because they’re being forced to, or their forcing themselves to. like does that not sound like TERF rhetoric to you?
like theres bisexual people who spew this shit, but do they not realize their also being biphobic? not just to bi-lesbians, but to themselves.
thanks for listening to my rant, bye bye now! ^_^ i apologize if there are any mistakes.
- @sleepycorvidzz
They act like dating or wanting to be with a man is the worst thing in the world
Like you said, just bc they're a lesbian dating a man doesn't mean they're being forced to??
Gold star lesbians are even exclusionary to people who recently figured out they're lesbians and used to date / have sexual relationships with men
I don't know what's more stupid, the gold star lesbians or bi people who act like dating men is the most horrible thing ever
People who are against bi lesbians and lesboys (I swear it's always just bi lesbians and lesboys, they only care about "contradictory" lesbians, they never really mention bi gays or turigirls) always have the dumbest fucking argument points it's so funny
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pasteloctoz · 1 year
I am always looking to have FL and the rest of the damn crew interact with any of the other characters. But especially FL with the other listeners. I already headcanon an entire friend group with the mates, lovely, and darlin' because OF COURSE THERE IS. If you're lookin for that bit that set off this idea, here's the post I made:
SO- I have more :D
FL, Gavin, Baaabe, and Asher are the most fashionable couples in the group. But most importantly, Gavin and Baaabe both talk a lot about where they get their clothes.
Speaking of which, when Gavin meets Asher, Ash just embraces Gavin's flirting and Gavin eats it up.
It takes a while for everyone in the group (even their partners) to get used to Gavin, but when they see how laid back FL is about it, they warm up to him.
David is still hella protective of Angel though and it shows. 'Tis why Gavin stopped flirting with Angel (obv he's not gonna be that shitty of a person) even though he still messes around with David.
Milo is equally as protective as David is about SH but as long as SH doesn't say anything to him and Gavin doesn't over step their boundaries, Milo is chill about it.
Sam doesn't get anything Gavin says and Darlin' just laughs at him for it, while its the other way around for Vincent and Lovely.
On an angstier note- All the listeners trauma dump to one another. Whether its stuff we've seen or just random stuff from their past. They have such a precious relationship with one another that one of them can just simply say "Hey, I can someone come over, I need a distraction." And they all drop everything. Suddenly a full day of going out on the town and partying is planned and they're all down for it. They all know what its like so they don't ask until the person in question is ready. Then they listen. I remember typing something like this up but I either can't find the post or I never posted it. All the listeners have been through so much whether the inversion or their own personal/childhood trauma. I feel like its only fair for them all to have this kind of healthy understanding and safe place with eachother.
Also, for Angel, Baaabe, and Darlin', Lovely hooked them up with their therapist because even though they weren't in the ward, Lovely knows how much stress they felt knowing their partners were in there.
Speaking more about the inversion, when the wave of magic happened, I'd like to think that the people in the wards could feel their friends/family/partners that helped the wave go off. So David, Asher, and Sam all felt Darlin's magic along with a few others when it happened. I want that to be the reason why Darlin' was shifted when they met back up with Sam (but also to sniff him out ofc).
Baaabe is a lawyer so anytime one of the listeners + asher get angry at someone they say, "You'll hear from my lawyer." And two minutes later Baaabe is there like "What did you do to piss 'em off."
Thats all I got rn!!! Have a lovely day! (No pun intended)
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x1s7z8 · 1 month
im just gonna yap
idk if anyone will read this, and ill probably delete it later fr
i like a gay (cis) guy; i am a gay (trans) guy
he doesnt know im trans, and i know he doesnt like me, but we’re friends, and now someone else is in his life and they mutually like each other.
its very complicated. i think part of me hates him, while another part desperately loves him. he has a lot of flaws, and so do i. i know a relationship would never work with him. he tends to imitate me..? or, kind of copy things i say i do. i dont know if its intentional, and i dont plan on asking him about it. we used to argue a lot, and we still kind of do, despite me trying to avoid it more now. i think i resent him.
doesnt sound too bright, i know. we have been friends for a little over a year now. we met on a friend finding app, and then we formed a group chat where we would talk with my two other friends. he lives about two to three hours away. he didnt really have any friends when we met since he had just recently moved to a neighbouring city from Vancouver. i dont know when i started to like him. “oh you like someone you haven’t even met yet?” unfortunately, yeah. that wasnt the plan. you cant blame me for liking personality over appearance. it sounds ridiculous. i know. it really does.
i was simply looking for people who were interested in the same topic i was - typology. i had recently gotten into cognitive functions and psychology, and i wanted people to discuss and share my ideas with. thats what we were for a month. then we just became friends. always talking and playing games. always debating. i usually won, not to brag, but thats something to keep in mind when i get to how he behaves in the present.
i wasnt healthy then. im not exactly healthy now, but i was worse then. more insecure, argumentative, defensive. i was more judgmental. i hated being trans, and i hated being gay and trans at the same time. im still touchy about it, but i think im more comfortable now. they didnt know. one of them still doesnt know im gay. none of them know im trans. ive contemplated telling them, but theyve asked me before, and ive said no. itd be awkward to finally tell them, even if they suspect it.
for some reason, after a month or two, hed always flirt jokingly at me. you know, how some people are with friends. its funny. maybe thats why i started liking him, who knows. i sure dont. i always knew he was bi/gay because he told us from the start. id flirt back in a joking manner as to not be weird. i never really realized it, but he only did it with me.
i eventually told him i was gay, and that i didnt want him to tell anyone, since i had already told them i was straight and i had heard some iffy jokes. he said it was fine and asked me my type. i told him. then he told me his. i wasnt his type, but he was mine.
a few months later, i told him i liked him. i told him, “even when i was being mean i liked you”. thats not all i said but yk. i had wanted to tell him for a while. he told me “im a fan of friends to lovers”. i found that funny. he asked if i still liked him, and i said “maybe a little”. he said i hurt his feelings, but in a joking manner.
we then played a game we really liked, and he called us love birds. i knew we weren’t going to date or anything, but it felt really nice. at least for a night i could like him without feeling ashamed about it. i still held some resentment but it felt good letting it go away for a night. then everything went back to normal a week or a little over a week later. we debated more. played games. maybe argued some as a group.
then a couple months later we had a big argument. went silent for a few weeks, made up. then a month later the same thing happened, and we made up again. then another few months later we argued, and he was contemplating on getting rid of us. the group.
i was hearing this in the middle of class, after waiting a week or three for him to answer my message. i didnt know why it was so heartbreaking to hear. i didnt know why it hurt, since i resented him. i was sitting in class, staring out the window, and wondering why i wanted to beg him to stay. why i was so upset, and why i missed him so much. i knew why, but i didnt.
we make up again. all is well. then another argument two more months later. this time, it was me contemplating leaving. except i didnt contemplate it. i did it. i got rid of them. on nearly everything. i had issues, and they were ruining my friendships.
i was fine the first week. fine the second. then i started missing him again. why?? after all that, did i still miss him? why was i attached to this guy??? why did i want to tell him how much i missed him and im sorry? well, i did. it didnt really matter why, just that i did. and so i told him on the game we used to love to play so much.
he eventually found the message. he talked to me. i was anxious to even check what he said. then we made up again.
a month goes by. im sure hes already forgotten what i had told him. that i liked him. it was fine though. i was content that we could be friends. he became more argumentative though. im sure it was just the stress, but he got unhealthy. he still is. i think i had become healthier before the last two big arguments. the break from him seemed to make me healthier. i didnt really care though. he had made new friends many many months before now. we were happy for him. i had been giving him as much advice as i could. i wanted to meet his friends but he kept saying no. that was fine. i didnt pressure him.
he eventually told me and my friend that someone liked him. someone who was his type. someone who lived close to him. that they had kissed and talked about dating when hes less stressed. i told him i was happy for him. i told him i hope things go well. i told him to do what felt right. why would i ever say anything different? i mean, hes a gay amab guy. he just got told someone his type likes him, and theyre another amab guy.
i had known there was no chance for me from the start. hes gay. he wants someone who has the body of a dude. i dont have one. im not going to put pressure on him. if i had ever asked him out i would have to mention im trans, and i know hes not attracted to that. its fine. he doesnt need to be. even if i wasnt trans, there were all the other issues we had. the arguments. the resentment we both had. the odd “copy-cat” thing he has going on w me that i havent even talked about yet.
despite knowing it would never work, despite knowing he wouldnt want me, and that he doesnt like me, it was still heartbreaking. you know? its one thing liking someone while theyre single and your friend, but its another to like them while they get into a relationship. i dont know. i felt sick and anxious. a deep pit feeling in my abdomen. i love him and i hate him, and it hurts seeing him love someone else.
he used to hangout with us so much. hed play games every night, we’d watch movies, we’d have long early morning conversations. he mentioned that, since i struggle waking up in the morning, if we ever lived together for university, he’d wake me up and drag my lazy a*s out of bed. i don’t think he remembers that, but i do. now he only hangs out with his new friends. every night. when we finally get time with him, its cut short because hes hanging out with his friends. i found out yesterday hes even hanging out with them while he hangs out with us.
maybe im being selfish, like he says. maybe i wasnt clear enough when i told him i liked him. maybe hes just forgotten. or maybe he just doesnt care. i dont expect him to care. its okay. i dont blame him. i know. i just wanted to whine somewhere other than my writing app.
i wish his jokes werent jokes. i was still kinda hoping that when we got to the same university, maybe things would have been different.
anyhow. big yap. i like this song
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