#like 'hey watch me obsessively stalk and harass these people! i did good right?'...do you not see how bananas you look
teamhawkeye · 2 years
me on any social site/app these days always just ends up:
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Seeing Red | bodyguard!Bucky Barnes x actress!reader (part 2)
(part 1)
series summary: bucky used to brag that he didn’t have a celebrity crush, or really care about famous people at all, which is what made him the perfect person to start working for a celebrity like yourself.  except, of course, it’s just his luck that he’d fall for you.  
word count: 3k
chapter warnings: kinda smut? (male masturbation), stalking (not bucky lol), a bit a violence, angst
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It had been a month.  Well, 29 days, to be exact; he’d been counting them.  29 days since he’d seen so much more than he was supposed to, and he was pretty sure you’d seen him too.  29 days of tense silence as he wondered if you were ever going to say anything about it.
It must have been that you hadn’t seen him, if you hadn’t said anything for so long.  But god, it really did feel like you were looking right into his eyes as you came that night.  He knew the reality was that it was a horrible mistake and he was a terrible person for looking at you like that, and that he was never going to be any closer to you than watching someone else pleasure you; he knew that truly.  But regardless, that moment had been playing on repeat in his mind for 29 days.
And now, as he took his shower, he prepared to finish off day 29 and start day 30.
“Fuck,” he hissed under his breath, head falling back against the cool tile as his hand stroked slowly over his cock.  He’d dreamt about you (again) and woken up so hard that it actually hurt; so this wasn’t a continuation of his perversion, or his unhealthy obsession, no, it was pain relief.  It was medicine, really.
In his dream, like always, it had been him between your legs in the back of the car and not that other guy— who he’d seen on TV the other day, dying in the first five minutes of an episode of some awful CW drama, by the way.  It killed him that he couldn’t know how you really taste, or how you really would sound saying his name, but the best guess of his subconscious would have to do.  He tried to conjure in his mind how you sounded that night, each frame of the memory burned into his brain until it was what he saw every time it closed his eyes.
That was what you’d said first, and it still made his heart stop every time it echoed in his head.  Baby.
The word itself was sort of innocuous, but it was the way you said it— just below your breath, deep but airy— and what it meant.  It was a plea: you were begging him to touch you, to make you feel good, to help you.  Bucky could listen to you beg for hours, it would be like music to his ears; like poetry, even.  
Later that night, when he’d given you the rest of his sandwich, he’d gotten the closest he ever would to hearing you moan his name.  What you’d said originally was just ‘oh my god, Bucky, this is so good’ and it was just generic enough that he could imagine it being a little more specific.  Sure, it was stupid to get off on memories of you praising a sandwich (that you ate while drunk in the shower) but it still did wonders for him as his hand pumped his length faster and faster.
Oh my god, Bucky, it feels so good— you feel so good.  You’re so good.  Oh my god, Bucky—
He bit down on his lip, already so close to the edge that there was no turning back, toes curling underneath the stream of hot water as his breathing moved just as quick as his thoughts— thoughts of you in the back of the car, or in the shower with your foggy silhouette just barely visible to him, or doing all sorts of things that he’d never seen you do but he’d love to pretend he had.  
“Oh my god, Bucky!” you yelled as you swung open the door, a choked moan jumping out of his throat in shock as his eyes shot open, come starting to spill down over his hand.
You couldn’t see him through his shower curtain, thank all that’s holy, but it was a sort of sensory overload as he tried to process what was going on mid-orgasm.
“What?!” he yelped, voice clearly rougher but hopefully not in a way you would find suspicious.
“Come quick,” you requested.
Already did, he thought to himself with a shudder of guilt.
“What’s going on?”
“There’s somebody in the yard,” you explained frantically, “it’s probably nothing, but I don’t know how they got past the gate—”
Your mitigation was lost to him as he was already turning off the flow of water, the evidence of his misdeed already washed away, leaving only the ringing in his ears and the burning in his cheeks as reminders.
You stepped out into the hall to give him just enough privacy to slip on a robe, which he was certain he looked ridiculous in but he really had no choice.  Storming out of the bathroom, he wasn’t sure he was ready to confront a potential threat while dripping wet and barefoot, but the whole point of him living here most of the week was so he could keep you safe at all times— apparently, shower time included.  
“Stay inside,” he instructed you quickly, “and stay out of the line of sight of any windows and doors, got it?” 
You nodded, and he could tell you were scared.  He hated that you had to worry about this sort of stuff.  He was glad to be there to help, yes, but he would rather this line of work didn’t need to exist at all even if it put him out of a job.  You waited for him there as he pushed past you and moved through the living room, considering whether or not he should grab a weapon from the safe he kept hidden in this room— but then he glanced to his left arm, drying quicker than the rest of him, and remembered he already had a weapon.
By the time he reached the door he could hear someone shouting your name outside.  As Bucky flipped on the damn-near-blinding security light on your porch and entered the yard, he saw a guy— smaller than him, but not exactly tiny— who seemed to ignore him and the light completely as he continued his desperate attempts to get your attention.  
“This is private property, you need to leave,” Bucky told the man in his best ‘stern but not quite yelling’ voice. 
“Is she home?” he asked him instead, totally unfazed by the warning.  As the fan looked back up and called your name again, Bucky shivered with the realization that he was looking up at your bedroom window.  Had he already seen you there?  Or, worse, did he have some other way of knowing which window was your bedroom?
“You need to get out of here before I call the police.  You’re trespassing,” Bucky continued, pushing the man back towards the gate.  Sadly, Bucky knew from experience the police weren’t that concerned about celebrity stalkers— you and him had both called to no avail once they learned the name of the homeowner.  It made his blood boil just to think about it.
“Hey, let go of me!” the man resisted, pushing Bucky back.  He seemed to sober up a bit when Bucky’s face changed, though, but it was too late.  He tried to duck but totally missed, and Bucky’s right fist made contact with his jaw.  “Ow!” he screeched, cowering and trying to cover his face.  “What the fuck?!  That’s assault— you just assaulted me!”
“And you’re trespassing.  And harassing.  And probably stalking,” Bucky listed, continuing to guide the man back towards the gate.  “Tell me how you got in here.  Did you hop the fence?”
He couldn’t go any further back as the man was pressed back against a stone column, squirming a bit but otherwise putting up little fight— or maybe he was actually trying his best, and it was just lost on someone as strong as Bucky.  
Unamused by his stammering and lack of an answer, Bucky brought his metal fist to the column right beside the man’s face, hitting hard enough to break off a sizable chunk of the stone.  “Tell me!” he demanded.
“There’s a tree out back, I climbed it!” he explained with a whimper, “I’m sorry!”
“Don’t come back here, you hear me?  Or this—” Bucky pointed to the dent in the column that he’d made— “will be your face!”
Letting him go and swinging open the gate a bit, the man ran away of his own volition, stumbling down the street and out of the glowing light of the streetlamps.  Bucky let out a low sigh, hoping it was the last of him but terrified that it wouldn’t be.  He made a mental note to call a landscaper about trimming this mysterious tree in the back, or maybe chopping it down altogether, as he made his way back inside.  He found you in the living room, chewing your nails nervously and watching him step closer with wide, watery eyes.
“He’s gone,” Bucky informed you quickly.
“Thank you,” you mumbled.
“You okay?” he asked gently.
“Um, yeah,” you decided, but you didn’t seem so confident.  Even so, he wasn’t sure what more he could do.  
“Oh, I broke your pillar, by the way.  Sorry.”
“I saw that,” you smiled a little, but he frowned.
“I told you to stay out of sight of the windows,” he reminded you.
You sighed.   “I know, I know, I just…” you trailed off, lip quivering a little as you got emotional again.  “I know it’s stupid but—”
“No, don’t say that,” he interjected.
“— but I was so scared,” you finished, voice wavering as you ran towards him, suddenly pulling him into a tight hug.  It took him by surprise, but he figured it was okay to hug you back.  He was only wearing a robe, he suddenly remembered, and your face was against the exposed portion of his bare chest.  If he hadn’t gotten off just minutes ago, he certainly would’ve gotten hard just from that (embarrassingly enough).
“Hey, it’s okay,” he soothed gently, indulging himself in resting his chin on top of your head as he stroked your hair.  
“Thank you,” you mumbled against his skin, pulling him even closer, “god, I don’t even know what I would’ve done if you hadn’t been here.”
A pang of guilt rattled in his chest; you trusted him so completely and he was crushing on you, spying on you (only the once, but still), taking advantage of your need for protection, staying in your guest bedroom and jerking off to you in your shower— when had he turned into an unstoppable pervert?
“Will you stay in my room tonight?” you asked him suddenly, looking up at him with those big shiny eyes and a pouty lip.
“Oh nonononono,” he shook his head, instantly recognizing that trap.
“No, Bucky, please,” you whimpered, “that guy might come back, I don’t want you all the way across the house.”
“I shouldn’t— I’d be overstepping—” he stammered.
“Please,” you sighed, and he sighed too, because when you said it like that, he couldn’t say no to you.
Bucky had insisted on staying on the floor as opposed to getting up on your bed, which was a drag but whatever.  At least you had a lot of good spare blankets and pillows to make him a comfy-looking pallet.  He seemed to agree when he appeared behind you in the doorway to find you on your knees on the floor, putting it all together.
“You didn’t need to do that, I’m pretty good at sleeping on floors as-is,” he dismissed.
“No, I’m happy to!” you beamed, turning around and choking a bit when you looked up at him in his pajamas.  Even though they were still pretty conservative, specifically sweats and a scoop neck sweater-y sort of top, it was probably more than you’d ever seen of him since his uniform was very concealing.  You were kind of hoping to catch a glimpse of his metal hand— you didn’t get to see it much because he wore driving gloves the vast majority of the time, and you hadn’t really been paying attention when it was exposed earlier by his just being in a robe— but he was noticeably leaning against the doorframe in such a way that you couldn’t see it.  The thing that really got a reaction out of you was his dog tags, though; you’d never seen him wear them before and there was something perfect about the way the silver chain dangled over the slight peek of collarbone visible above his neckline.  “Aren’t you warm wearing that much to bed?”
“No, it’s fine,” he dismissed.  You hoped he wasn’t wearing more just for your benefit.  Shirtlessness would’ve benefited you more, certainly.  In fact, now you felt kind of bad that you were just wearing a thin, silky short-and-tank set.  Hopefully it didn’t make him uncomfortable.
Getting up from the floor, you slipped under your covers and motioned for him to do the same.  He turned off your lamp first, stealing your last chance at a good view of the hand, and you heard him get comfortable on the floor.
“Thank you for this,” you mumbled quickly into the darkness.  “I don’t think I’d be able to fall asleep if you weren’t in here.
“Oh, of course,” he replied softly.  
“Goodnight,” you whispered.
“Goodnight,” he answered back, and his low, sleepy voice was somehow both soothing and energizing.
You weren’t sure if you even tried to fall asleep, or how long you laid staring out into the void of the darkness.  It was so dark in your room that you saw purple spots dancing in the corners like static as your eyes adjusted, incomprehensible shapes forming to make up for the lack of visual stimulation.  You wished that there was enough ambient light to be able to see Bucky’s shape on the floor and know he was there; instead, you settled for the subtle sound of his slow breathing.  When you heard him adjust slightly, you decided maybe just the breathing wasn’t enough to be sure it was really safe.
“Bucky?” you whispered under your breath.  “Are you awake?”
“Yes,” he answered, making you sigh with relief.
“I can’t sleep.”
“I thought you said you wouldn’t be able to sleep if I wasn’t here.”
“But I never said you being here would make me sleep,” you pointed out.
“Then I should go,” he decided.
“No, please,” you hissed, “don’t go.”
You took a deep breath.  “Tell me something,” you requested.
“Tell you what?”
“I don’t know, anything.”
He paused for a moment.  “Will it help you sleep?”
“Maybe,” you shrugged.
Bucky sighed, and you heard him turn on his side.  “Want me to tell you a bedtime story?” he asked, sarcasm noticeable even in a whisper.
“Yes,” you announced with a smile.
“Okay,” he pondered, “um… once upon a time—”
“Good start,” you rolled your eyes.
“No interrupting!” he scolded.
“Anyways, once upon a time there was a princess, who lived in a castle in the Isle of Manhattan.”
“A castle?” you asked excitedly.
“A somewhat modest castle, but yes.  One with big golden gates and marble columns.  The princess didn’t live all alone in her castle though— at least, not all the time.  She had many royal attendants, and servants, and plenty of friends of course.  But the problem with being a beautiful, kind, generous princess is that sometimes people get too friendly and want to visit her in the castle when she’d rather be alone.  Thankfully, the princess had a last line of defense—”
“Let me guess, a knight in shining armor?”  Or more like knight with shining arm.
“Wish I could say so,” he disagreed.  “No, this princess needed something a little fiercer, and that was why a dragon guarded the castle.”
“A dragon?!”
“Mhmm.  A big, scary dragon with sharp teeth and big wings, that breathed fire on anyone who got in his way.  The thing about knights is that they’re noble, and handsome, and righteous.  But righteousness prevents people from doing bad things, and sometimes bad things need to be done to protect good things.  So, knights can’t protect princesses like they should.  That’s what dragons are for.  They’re mean and nasty— it’s their nature, after all— and sometimes you need somebody burnt up, so you call a dragon and he’ll deal with it for you.  And this dragon was the meanest and nastiest of them all, and he’d burnt a lot of people in his time.  Oddly enough, the princess was still nice to him, but she had a lot of knights and princes and kings who wanted her hand.  Good thing the dragon was there to pick off the worst ones.”
You giggled a little, even though your heart was racing.
“The dragon watched over the castle every night— well, five nights a week… cause the princess wanted weekends to herself— but, still, he was very dedicated and did his best to keep her safe.  Sometimes he would take her to whatever lavish ball she had been invited to that week; she would ride on his back as he flew there, even though he was pretty scared she would fall off or something.  And sometimes…”
Your breath caught at the pause, waiting anxiously for what would come next.  
“Sometimes the dragon wished he wasn’t a monster.  But if he wasn’t a monster, then he couldn’t keep her safe.  So, he resigned himself to a life outside the castle, because at least he could be near her— even if she was impossibly far away.”
You swallowed as you tried to process it, finding yourself at a complete loss for words.
“The end,” he whispered gently, before giving you a goodnight and saying your name in a way that he’d never said it before— at least, you’d never heard him say it that way before.  But you really, really hoped you’d get to hear it again.  You did manage to fall asleep eventually, dreaming about flying and wishing you didn’t have to wake up.
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stalksbyakuyatogami · 4 years
*cackles evilly as I ask for more yandere Izuru*
Ok ok I got it.
Yandere Izuru, but his S/O is very oblivious to how dangerous and how their situation of being trapped isn't normal
Aka they like Izuru but they're just too innocent for their own good
Yandere Izuru Kamukura With An Innocent S/O
Every time I type "Yandere" my keyboard then suggests "Izuru Kamukura". Also, OWBDLANDKANXKDB yes please.
TW: yandere, death, suicide, harrasment, imprisonment, stalking, threatening, manipulation, obsessive behavior, murderer
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•Who knew Izuru could fall for such a sweetheart like you?
•Not just fall, he's obsessed with you.
•And hey, man means no harm, right?
•You feel eyes on you everytime, maybe it's just your feeling. Oh well.
•He doesn't let you go until you go home? He's just being protective. You say it's fine but he doesn't seem to pay attention. He insists that he accompanies you. He says that there's a serial killer in the loose and he doesn't want you killed. You agree.
•He often asks about people you encountered today. Maybe he wants to be friends with them too.
•He was right. There was a serial killer in the loose.
•Your childhood friend that confessed to you yesterday via text message, his body was on TV. Throat slit.
•The girl that recommended you to another boy was also found dead. Hanging from the ceiling.
•The pervert that harassed you days ago when Kamukura went to get cans for you two. Also lifeless.
•How could this be? Why would the killer do this? Especially on your friends...
•One day, he takes you out for a drink at a nearby cafe. You know, to calm your nerves.
•You two talked about your current situation. And he sympathizes, of course.
•The drink was delicious. Almost too delicious that you think you're gonna pass out. Which you did.
•The moment your eyes saw the ceiling, your brain instantly processed that this was not your house. We're you even here before? You can't remember. Even your memory is too fuzzy to remember. Geez.
•You were about to sit up on the... bed? Only to be met with ruby eyes, staring intently at you.
•Oh, it's your boyfriend.
•"Hi, Kamukura."
•"Did you sleep well, darling?"
•You hum in response. "Where am I?"
•"You're where home is. My home."
•"Huh? Couldn't we just hang out in mine?"
•"Ah, that's the thing. You see, your neighborhood has sighted the killer that I mentioned."
•You perked up with no hesitation, "They did?! Hnn, I wish that I police could catch him already..."
•"Whatever's the best for him... I guess."
•You both hear your tummy grumble.
•"Hungry already? Don't worry. Let's go, dinner's ready."
•You break down while you ate, remembering your friends that died. He comforted you of course, saying that you don't have to worry because you have him anyway.
•Yeah... That's right. You have Kamukura. Nothing to fear.
•You were in his house for a week now, but he refuses to let you out. He tells you that the murderer hasn't been caught yet.
•Not wanting to end up in the same fate as the others, you obey him.
•Almost a month. You didn't even care if the killer was caught. You loved it here.
•You'd notice him closing the curtains every time sirens were heard. You wondered for a moment as to why he was doing this.
•You had the courage to ask him this, and he replied, "Maybe... I'm just being cautious. I don't want them to take you away from me."
•"Why would they take me away? I didn't do anything wrong..."
•"That's right. We didn't do anything wrong. All we did were the right things. And those things benefited us both."
•He kisses your forehead and pats your head. Then you two go back to watching Black Clover, a bowl of popcorn in your lap.
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Are there any grammar mistakes? If so, I'm sorry. I'm sleepy, you see. I enjoyed writing this though. Thanks for requesting, anon.
-Mod Toko
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Hey! I saw your request were open.sorry if their not you can delete this of their not.anyway can i please request prompt #32 with Ran-Mao from black butler please?thank you a lot! Btw I really love your blog.your a great writer!!
I’m always giving my best darling❤️.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, harassment, stalking, obsessiveness, violence, killing, blood, body parts
Prompt 32: “Babe! I brought you a gift. You don’t know what that is? Let me tell you. These are the eyes of the person who kept looking at you today.”
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You wondered where she had gone. It was not like her to miss out a chance to spend time with you, this just wasn’t like Ran Mao. Usually she always waited in front of your house, following you silently in the house and spending the rest of the night and early morning cuddling with you.
You had no idea when exactly she had even confessed to you, you couldn’t remember that she had ever told you about her feelings. Ran Mao wasn’t very talkative.
When you had first met her, together with this guy named Lau, you had even doubted that she could understand your language at all. The few times she had said something, she had spoken in a more broken tone, giving you the feeling that she didn’t know the words.
But she seemed to understand everything just fine, you had taken notice of that the moment you had accidentally mentioned one time that you had wanted desperately some pastries a new bakery had started selling. Sadly you were at that time a bit short on money, having to miss this sweet temptation.
Maybe that was how she had confessed to you now that you were thinking about it. Because she had stood for the first time in front of your house at that time, holding a huge box with the logo of the bakery in her hands. Not a single word had been uttered, she had just given it to you, waiting for your reaction.
You had never interacted with her before, she had only sat on Lau’s lap, watching when you two had been talking. God knows how you had managed to make friends with that guy, but he was a funny guy to be with after all.
But at one point she had just started to pay more attention to you, her golden eyes constantly watching you and seemingly being interested in whatever word you had spoken.
And on that night you had let her for the first time in your house, this gorgeous Chinese beauty.
And from there on this had become a routine, her always waiting for you at the front door after you had finished work and you two just spending the following few hours together before you two fell asleep together.
You had at first been worried for Lau, fearing that he might be somewhat hurt by Ran Mao’s sudden change in behavior. But luckily he didn’t seem all too affected by it. Much more on the contrary. He had told you that he was happy for her since he had noticed that she seemed to be in a much more good mood since she had met you and you had started dedicating more time to her.
The first time she had suddenly started sitting on your lap rather than Lau’s, you had been a bashful mess, not a single word had left your mouth. You hadn’t been able to think clearly, not with her on your lap and hugging you in front of Lau, who had seemed more amused by this.
You still weren’t completely used to it, Ran Mao was incredibly distracting. Not in a bad way, but she was very attractive, no one could deny that. You had once tried to talk with her about this behavior of hers. It wasn’t like you didn’t like it, but it was just the fact that you would like to avoid misunderstandings since she even did it in front of other people.
She had not understood it, she had just tilted her head back then and watched you as if not sure if she had heard it right. You had felt terribly bad afterwards, trying to make it up by being more cuddly and tolerating when you two were in private. It wasn’t like she wouldn’t have been touchy even if you wouldn’t have been.
She had learned to restrain herself more in public even though she still clinged into your arm all the time. But at the very least she had stopped placing herself in your lap except when with Lau or alone. You had never expected her to be the clingy type when you had first seen her, she had looked more cold.
In reality she was anything, but cold. In fact she was one of the most lovely persons you had met. She rarely talked, but she was just so mindful and lovingly with everything else she did that you felt thankful for having crossed paths with her. She had always been there for you.
Maybe that was why you felt a bit hurt right now. Because she wasn’t here. And especially today you really would have needed someone to comfort and listen to you. Ran Mao knew that as well, didn’t she? She had been there when this person had kept looking at you, the reel of alcohol and his rotten breath still causing you to feel nauseous.
Luckily he hadn’t approached you, Ran Mao having stopped him with a quick kick which had led him to landing on his face before she had grabbed your hand and quickly dragged you away from the man who had started shouting and cursing at you two, spitting out some rather nasty words before an police man had stopped him and taken him under custody. Letting a drunken man like this run freely around wouldn’t have been a good idea anyways.
You turned around in your bed, eyes trailing instantly to the spot Ran Mao would have layed by now. You missed her a lot right now. Lau had informed you that she had been busy with something, but you hadn’t expected that it would take her that long. Normally she always finished her tasks in the matter of less than an hours. What was taking her so long?
He could only stare at the person in fear, shaking like crazy. It was too dark to confirm who exactly it was, but from the dim light that the moon was gifting him, he was sure he could indentify the body line of a woman.
But that was not possible, not from the utter display of skilled and brute strength he had just witnessed. No one fought like this! No human could destroy a whole wall and knock out all officers!
Maybe he was still drunk? He had quite the few shots after all. No, he surely hadn’t drunken that much. The fear was way to real and even if he should still have been somewhat foggy before, he was sure he had sobered up by now.
“No human can do this...” There was this small and terrifying thought crossing his mind, one he refused to believe. What was he thinking? Stuff like vampires and witches where some dumb shot from fairy tails. And yet, when he looked into those golden eyes, ice-cold and yet burning with a bright fire, he couldn’t help, but think of one word. “A demon.”
It seemed like the devil had decided to go after him. He should have listened to his parents, his friends, everyone around him. Everyone had warned him that one day he would get a payback for his actions, his disloyalty, his habit of drinking until late at night. And now death would finally punish him in the form of the creatures he had always chased after. How mocking fate was.
“You hurt...the most precious person.” After that he only remembered darkness. Eternal darkness.
“Babe!” You stirred up from your slumber, being softly shaken by someone. Who? What? Where? You slowly sat up, stretching yourself to get rid of the stiffness and rubbing your eyes.
With still half-closed eyes you turned around, blinking several times in an attempt to widen your field of vision. And that’s when you finally noticed the person sitting beside you on the bed.
You were at first happy that she had finally made it, you must have fallen asleep whilst waiting for her. But that’s when something else crossed your mind. How did she get inside...?
Just as you were about to ask her the question, you noticed the open window, halting in your actions. Had she...?
“Ran Mao...” Judging from the way she had cuddled herself comfortably next to your side, she was listening, eyes waiting you to finish your sentence.
“Did-did you enter through the window? The closed window? At least ten meters above the ground?” You were flabbergasted the moment she simply nodded like it wasn’t anything special. It wasn’t like you weren’t aware of the abilities of Ran Mao, you knew she was agile, strong and an excellent fighter. You hadn’t known that she had much more up her sleeves, but that wasn’t what shocked you so much. It was the fact that she didn’t seem to realize that breaking into your house was...well, wrong.
“Why are you here?” You we’re still staring stunned at the opened window, asking yourself how she had managed to open it from the outside without breaking it. That was before your attention was shifted from the window to a small and noble looking wooden box, fine patterns being carved into it. “I brought you a gift.”
Her words still sounded a bit slow-spoken, but it was surprising that she was talking so much in the first place. You didn’t mind, you really liked her voice. But mixed with this rather...odd situation it felt a bit weird.
You slowly took the box, observing it a bit. “Is that the reason why you were so busy?” A small nod of confirmation from Ran Mao was all you needed. And in that moment you started feeling a bit guilty, giving her a somewhat unsure look.
“I appreciate it, really. But I feel bad since I don’t have anything for you...Just like all the other times you gifted me something.”
It happened all so often that Ran Mao gifted you something, no matter how expensive or rare. She seemed to always find ways to get you what you wanted. And different from with the physical affection, she hadn’t slowed it down when you had talked with her about it. You had felt terrible because you knew you would never be able to get her the things she gifted you, there had even been a time where you had tried to reject the presents because you had felt too bad.
You had stopped not long afterwards, after she had just stood there, holding her arms out in expectations of you taking it, a certain feeling of slight desperation and hurt surrounding her. You hadn’t been able to say no to those leading eyes.
What had she gifted you so far? Pastries, expensive ingredients, jewelry, clothes, flowers, decorations...The list was long. Whenever you had expressed your interest in something, you had gotten it only shortly afterwards from her. But you couldn’t recall that you had showed interest in anything lately, making you curious about what she had gotten you so suddenly. You suspected she had bought you something due to the recent accident.
“You don’t know what this is?” You guessed your reaction could have been worse than just kind of freezing the moment you opened the small box and were met with a nasty stench, two round-like things laying inside the piece of wood. You didn’t know why you were so calm, this would have been the perfect moment to scream and have a panic attack.
Maybe...just maybe it was due to the fact that you had used to work in a hospital and had seen some stuff in there.
But you had definitely never seen eyeballs that detailed and clearly before, not to mention not placed in the skull which they should have been instead of in a small expensive box, gifted as a present to you. Were you crazy for suddenly thinking how she had been able to rip them out so clearly and cleaned them up so well? Shouldn’t you worry more about the person who was missing them right now or if they were even alive anymore? Yes, yes you should.
“Let me tell you.” You really wished to find out how she could sound so incredibly casually right now given the fact that she had just given you the eyes of someone. Shouldn’t she act a bit different as well? Panicked? Guilty? Maybe angry because that person did something wrong to you? Really anything, but her usual clingy and calm self?
“These are the eyes of the person who kept looking at you today.” You didn’t do anything when she started rubbing her face against yours, wanting more physical contact with you. You didn’t know if you were either too shocked or if your brain had just stopped working, you only knew that you felt somewhat blank in that moment. You probably just didn’t know how to react to this and what to think, leading you to doing nothing.
Ran Mao seemed to notice it as well, blinking a bit confused. “Don’t you...like it?” What was this even for a question?
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weaselbeaselpants · 4 years
Weird week behind me weird week ahead of me but I’ve done a lot of self reflection and came to the weirdest epiphany. The older I get the more I realize all my ‘problems’ with VivziePop - her thoughts on criticism;  the choices she makes in story telling; some of the people she’s worked with (not that any of that’s my business; I’m not her mom) really aren’t about Viv, but more about her fandom.
I’m speaking of the preHazbin era Viv here and as someone who’s only watch horny fish jump at the surface rather than jump straight into the Hazbin-fandom, but given my ‘noncritical’ fellow fans have told me that the Vivziefandom now is also terrible - I guess I’ll go over my experience and make the most out of what I do know.
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I followed Viv in 2009 and fell off in 2013 cause I kinda just lost interest and found myself wrapped up in other fandoms. I’ve always felt amicable about her content; I could give or take designs or the way in which she wrote characters -- ((Zech represent!!!)) but it’s honestly surreal and really fun seeing this person I recognize make it big and improve so much. Like I’ve said before I am very happy and very impressed with Viv doing all she’s done in the span of TWO YEARS. wow gurl.
Trouble is, there was the particular breed of fan who really made me...uncomfortable. They felt almost possessive of Viv’s attention. They sang praises about her work in a way that just made me want nothing to do with it because I was worried if I drew those characters these people would be like ‘hey, I’M Viv’s fav artist, not you!”. They would  unironically write Viv messages like:
“you are a GOD” -- “I’m so not worthy compared to you” --“I wish I was as talented as you” -- “YOU ARE EVERYTHING AND CAN’T DO WRONG VIV”.
The kind of messages which were meant to sound flattering but, intentional or not, came off as gaslighting, like they were guilt tripping Viv about being better than them. This behavior, treating your favorite artist/internet personality like your superior and groveling like Starscream, it strikes a nerve with me; partly because I was this way with my favorite artists and influences back in the day,  but also because once I got a taste of that treatment myself I realized just how bad it could be:
There was once a girl on dA who was jealous of me because of the attention I got on my art instead of her. I told her that I wasn’t gonna stop drawing but also that there was nothing wrong with her art and she’d find her place. It was weird being put in that position where someone is very clearly upset at you but also looking for your approval.
The second was some scumball who I blocked in 2016. He wouldn’t speak to me, only write condescending, backhanded comments on my art; check on my profile daily; call me a bootlicker (cuz I took commissions) behind my back; redrew my art and would talk about me in his personal artist notes about how I ‘probably wouldn’t see this’ - oh yeah all the while he did fan art of my characters but again never spoke to me when I replied. When I finally messaged him about his behavior he said he thought I was “really overrated” and “bad for the fandom” cuz I took money and kept him from getting the love he deserved. It took messaging another person within our fandom, one I had been in spats with online before, to finally realize I shouldn't put up with that bs....
That guy who was stalking me btw did so while I was well under 1.K watchers and am still pretty obscure. Anyway, I had one guy unhealthily watching me for the wrong reasons. Just one. This is why when Viv says she “hates creeps” I 150% believe this woman and am not about to call her a liar who just can’t take criticism. Like, if you really think that, I’m sorry but you don’t know what Viv’s gone through from both her critics AND fans.
Of course, a lot of people will be like “I bet you’re just jealous and really just want that kind of attention yourself so you’re preaching to the choir”, but like...no. I am envious of just about any creator who’s the social butterfly I’m not, but, like, if I'm jealous of an artist none of that is that artists’ fault. Ever. It’s my own issues with being comfortable with myself are at stake. If I criticize Viv’s work it’s not because I see her as competition or my Squilliam Fancyson; it’s because I’m a critical fan of animation and cartoons and have my own thoughts to share on the cartoons of an artist I’m familiar with.  Jealousy/envy/mixed-admiration/godIwishthatwereme.jpeg feels are totally natural and valid emotions when you’re a creator. Envy becomes a problem when you internalize, weaponize, and scrutinize people on the basis of them being what you aren’t which -yes - some people do in the name of criticism. ((Although, I would hardly say some of the nastiest AntiViv folk are jealous as much as they are angry that this project they think is harmful is getting attention and using that as justification for some really shitty behavior of their own, which no, this post is not a part of by virtue of coming from a critical fan.))
Critique can come from either a good place or bad place; good critique can be used to bad ends and bad critique can come from a well-meaning place, and vice versa.   It’s the difference between many a criticalfan having a sour taste in their mouth regarding the Viv’s base but persisting in a critique+admiration separate of that, and this asswipemonster trying to weasel his way into Spindlehorse while also bashing Viv on a public forum for clearly vitriolic reasons. He was a creep.
So yeah um please stop insisting that every Hazbin critic is just jealous’ because a) there are people who have a past with Viv’s base and that clouds their judgement, but in a lot of cases that doesn’t invalidate their feelings or thoughts on her work separate from that, and b) I’ve seen what clingy gaslighting jealous fans are. Spoiler: they’re not so much Annie Wilkes as much as they are Tommy Wiseaus. You don’t want Tommy Wiseau following you.
Another bad vibe I really picked up on that I can kinda confirm is still probably the case now: people think that they know Viv and the Spindlehorse crew and have the right to send them shit they don’t need or WANT to be seeing.
Like, I talked with Viv once ages ago. I don’t remember what I said other than we were talking about Frankenweenie, I think. She was nice. Outside of that she said “thank you” to my comments on her deviations but that’s it. I DO NOT KNOW THIS WOMAN AND unless you’ve worked with or are a legit friend/mutual of hers, NEITHER DO YOU. But I don’t think every Vivzie stan/critic knows this. Whether it be people assuming she MUST think they’re headcanon is now canon-canon cuz she liked a comment they made; or some critic thinking they must have seriously hurt her pride because they’ve been blocked by her on twitter (or you know, maybe she and the rest of Spindlehorse is tired of getting @s and don’t have to time to read through your analysis so they’re gonna just block and move on cuz they’re busy).
Just because the creators talk with fans doesn’t mean fans are literally their best friends and have a part in the show’s direction. And yes, critics and reviewers fit that bill as well. Know your damn boundaries people.
If you find/make some kind of contribution as a viewer that’s awesome but you should never expect nor DEMAND the creator see it. The most obvious horror stories involving this and Helluva/Hazbin have been the Instagrams made by the crew being harassed by incestpedo enthusiasts, but it applies even to just @ing creators as well.
I’ve seriously had someone tell me to just take my criticisms directly to Viv and like...no. Why would I do that?
I respect Viv and the artists working with her enough to know that they’re working their asses off on an animated series and should not be bothered. I don’t want them to stop all they’re doing and reply to me. I want them to keep working. Also, that kind of logic makes me wonder how many critics Viv’s found because she found it on her own or if some obsessed fan told her about it - which is really messed up cuz if it IS just good critique you’re, again, just pestering her, and if it wasn’t critique but full on harassment WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU MESSAGE HER ABOUT THAT ANYWAY? I’m sure she doesn’t need to be reminded that people drew and said really awful shit about her on Tapatalk. My point being I’m sure what people think they’re doing is
“OOOoh Viv lookitwut this person is doing in our fandom we need to ban together against this toxic behavior”
but what they’re actually doing, and sounding like, is -
“Hey Viv I know you are working so hard on the show and you’re trying to figure out where to go from here but LOOKITWHUTTHISHATERSAID. LOOKATIT! VALIDATE ME VIV AND PUT’EM IN THEIR PLAAAAAACE!”
TL;DR Viv’s fanbase back in the day consisted of everyman artists and interests but there was this one breed of fan -who I hope was just a vocal minority- that ruined it for everything else.
Call it stanning or ‘simping’ or as it’s classically known, ‘white knighting’, whatever it was it really soured a lot of people on her because of those fans.
That’s why the DollCreep drama got so bad from what I can tell. Doll and Viv had a falling out and then called out eachother online where people who took it upon themselves to speak for them starting throwing mud.
Back in the day I remember Viv used to get mad at artists for ‘stealing’ her style. I think this attitude from Viv directly has vanished but I remember it happening because one of the people she thought was stealing her style did art for me at some point and they were basically shamed/chased off deviantART by a gaggle of these really nasty Vivfans.
I don’t know that. And honestly, where I’m inclined to believe she’d do something like that then I think Viv is really different and has improved her business and public image from her college days. I’d be very disappointed in her if she was pulling a Butch Hartman or Derek Savage, but I just don’t think she is one, k?
Viv is more self critical and aware than any of these uber protective-gatekeeping fans give her credit for. She said on the Pizzapartypodcast that she knows the Hazbin pilot wasn’t perfect; she’s been able to identify the problems with old Zoophobia; this woman knows that criticism of all kinds need to exist and from what I see she sounds like she’s trying to get used to that. It’s just, you know, when you have nasty antis badgering you, stalkers, obsessive yes-mam’ fans, opinionated shit posters, r34 artists, entitled shippers and the NDAs of a company alongside your own branded image - all that negativity, even the constructive bits, tend to clump together and you just want to scream at it so you can finish the damn cartoon already!!!!
VivziePop/mind is basically indie Tim Burton.  Her work is fun, shallow and made with love but is marketed as being for everyone when it’s really not. Parts of it I love to watch; parts of it drives me crazy cuz of reasonswhatev this isn’t a review.
BUT any fanbase where people tell me I should just “expect what’s coming to me” when I’m trying to argue against dragging creators into fandrama is troubling. People have a parasocial bond with fandoms and their creators and they need to learn when to back off.
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black-streak · 4 years
Little Pistol - Daisy
Chapter 1
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I'm trying to keep this in line with her canon personality to an extent here. Determined, focused, conniving and scheming. A little obsessive. But also needs to give herself a little pep talk to go through with things. Let me know how I'm doing?
Btw, title is by Brand New.
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Convincing a miniaturized pocket god that your intentions are sound came surprisingly easy to her.
That could be in part due to all the prior planning. Considering every possible argument the goddess could come up with and creating contingencies to match. Really though, taking out Tikki's own advice and laying it out as a perfect reasoning quieted her down quite nicely. Not that Tikki agreed with her, but the logic was too sound to push back on and the little bug never expected Marinette to come up with such thoughts without getting emotional. It just wasn't the way the girl was as far as Tikki was concerned. So it could only be taken at face value without the usual accusations of her being overdramatic.
It was an early Saturday when she voiced her thoughts.
"Hey Tikki?"
"Yes, Marinette?" the red bug looked up from her perch.
"Our biggest priority is to stop akumas and find Hawkmoth, correct?"
"Of course. You know that," she dismissed.
"So is it reasonable to say that Chat has been a hinderance to our duty?"
"How do you mean?"
"He distracts me or sits out on important battles. Threatens to quit if details that don't pertain to our purpose are withheld. He refuses to remain professional in the face of an attack."
"Well yes, he has been rather unhelpful lately, but then again, you are teenagers. It's to be expected, I suppose. Though I do wish he'd be a bit more focused," she easily agreed.
Marinette bit back a victorious smile and kept her expression closed off but for the determined, calculating expression she saved for important moments. Like now.
"In that case, it would be a good idea to make him focus any way I can. To make it easier. To hurry along the hunt for Hawkmoth."
Tikki's expression became weary as she stared at her welder, taken off guard by the open statement, "I don't know, Marinette...What did you have in mind?"
"Nothing yet, but I think I'm going to start brainstorming some ideas. Maybe do a little research. Something needs to change though," she emphasized, staring down her kwami with a hopeful, prodding look until she hesitantly nodded her agreement.
With the god's blessing, she turned to her tablet, pulling up everything she could on different heroes and their methods. Down the rabbit hole she fell.
Some thirteen hours had passed and she felt the strain of her eyes and the bright burn to her retinas for the effort of her work. She refused to believe that no inspiration would come from this effort, though she'd moved on from conventional heroes and into a more sketchy territory by now, having been let down by the uptight views of others who'd obviously never been harassed or neglected by their partner and therefore wouldn't understand her need for a more, let's say, gray solution.
She'd seen the ideals of Superman and the Lanterns and the generalized view of both the Teen Titans and Justice League alike. Many worked with partners, many had betrayals or interpersonal problems. The solution they always took was for one or both parties to leave the team and travel to opposite sides of their country. Or world. Or separate worlds. Either way, avoidance was key. That didn't really work for her though. She had to stay in close contact with her partner while not truly working together. Remain civil within the same city limits. Fight side by side even. And it's not like she could just leave her responsibility here or allow Chat to go unchecked with a miraculous on his own. 
Then she stumbled upon Batman's history. The infamous bat had many a partner or sidekick with their own rough history and seemed to be operating with them regularly still. His solution to a lost or dead partner seemed to be a steady stream of replacements. Unfortunately, unlike a vigilante suit, a miraculous has to resonate with the wearer and no one she knew and trusted would fit the black cat. So she was stuck with the one.
Still though, Batman apparently had a falling out with his first Robin who became Nightwing. Those two were seen together regularly now so something must have happened to fix their issues. Gods, she was so lucky the internet seemed to stalk these people hardcore enough to have so much information on them so readily available. However, looking deeper, the resulting theories and knowledge did not bode well for her. It seems Nightwing had been in much the same state as her and with zero apologies from the Bat, had forgiven the man and resumed operations as usual. Well she was done with forgiving and forgetting. She wanted a real solution, not just rolling over and letting Chat do as he pleased! 
Alright, so Batman was the Chat Noir to the Robin's Ladybug. Maybe the others fared better?
Nope, second one died.
Current one seems to be a literal feral child out to bleed Gotham dry. Not sure how that helped, though maybe she could go just psycho enough to force Chat to be the responsible one? No, he'd just try and quit again.
There was a third and fourth one apparently? Between the murder baby and the dead one. What happened to them?
The fourth was a blonde girl with a short stint. Seems she just moved departments since many speculated she might be a batgirl or working with a few others in the city. Not much more.
But what about the other one?
The third Robin, who worked with the Teen Titans for a stint. Who worked many years under the Bat, who gave away the title to the blonde only to return after and disappear once more with the coming of the blood toddler. What happened? Where'd he go?
Thousands had apparently asked the same question themselves. All signs seemed to point towards a betrayal. Something went wrong. The first resigned, the second died, the third just seemed to drop off the face of the planet. Did Batman kick him out? Replace him? For child's play, sword addition? She couldn't be sure, but it seemed the most likely guess. Much more believable than alien kidnapping or a quest for a dead man or his predecessor coming to life to end him.
But what after that? 
Surely, Marinette could've stopped there. Obviously, this wasn't the same as her situation, but she couldn't help but be so very intrigued. She watched videos of the boy in his Robin suit (much more practical than the first two if you asked her, though still slightly shameful) fighting and flying across rooftops and working with his team. He was so. So. Efficient. So clean. Ruthless when he decided to be. Calculated. Everything she ever wanted to be. 
He was amazing.
And then he disappeared.
Where did he go, that perfect Robin. How could anyone ever think the position needed an upgrade when the perfect bird was already there? It made no sense. And then she found him. Hunting through the rogues and heroes and inbetweens of Gotham, hidden in his own layerings of cover stories and identities. Her new aspiration of what a hero should be, mixed into the Anti-heroes of the city.
The vigilante of the more morally ambiguous variety, manipulating the world to the way he saw fit, using whatever method he wished. And the way he seemed to bend the city to his whim, well it matched quite well with how she wished her own city would be. She found her solution. Now it was showtime.
"Are you ready to apologize, m'lady?" Chat dropped down at her side, the akuma of the week tied up below them. It was a relatively easy battle, with no need for special abilities for once.
"Whatever for, Chatton?" Marinette asked, already tensing at the response she knew she'd receive. She hated when he tried to coerce her into apologizing for things that aren't her fault.
"For your neglect of your kitten, obviously."
"I don't have a kitten," she stated plainly.
"What? You wound me, to disown me so abruptly," he put a clawed hand to his chest, offense and hurt in spades marking his features.
"I can't disown what I never adopted," she went along with the analogy so he wouldn't complain about her ruining his fun again. The last thing she needed was his whining.
He perked up with this, "Well we can draw up some adoption papers right now if you wish? I'd love to be yours," he smarmed, leaning into her space further. 
This was it. Time to turn the tables. To make this work in her favor. She just needed to play it right, the way her Robin did. By manipulating the enemy into doing her bidding. She could do this.
"That's just it, though. I don't believe you would," she frowned, letting her eyes soften the way she'd seen Lila do so often. Might as well learn something from the girl.
"What? I would," he insisted, eyebrows furrowing.
"See you say that, but where's the proof? You've done nothing but pester and punish me over these weeks. You say you love me, but then watch me get hurt by akumas and make me fight all alone and threaten to leave me. That's not the actions of a loving partner. It feels like you hate me."
That had him panicking.
"No no, I don't hate you, you're my sun and my moon. My everything. Surely you know your worth in my life. I only did those things to show you how much you hurt me." He attempted to reason with her.
"See, but I've never intentionally hurt you. And always apologized to you when I realized I had. Whereas you just admitted to causing me distress as a form of punishment. It seems to me that I'm far more attached to you than you are to me and I'm just not willing to hurt myself by getting involved with someone who so obviously dislikes me."
"I- no- that's not- I love you! I didn't mean to do that, I shouldn't have. Please believe me? I love you, Ladybug," he begged, ears dropping and body tensed in fear.
"I'm sorry, but until I see some proof, I can't do that," she shook her head before taking off home without a backward glance, leaving the cat to his misery.
That night, Tikki went straight to bed and refused to speak to her for the next two days.
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killian-whump · 5 years
(I wanna preface this with a trigger warning for mentions of rape) Hey, I was scrolling through my twitter feed and saw some people being nasty about season 7 (and the cast) but something that stood out to me was the fact that there's a couple of people who are accusing Wish!Hook/Rogers of being a r*pist and accusing him of admitting to it. I'm currently rewatching s7 and was wondering if there was something I missed, either explicitly or implicitly stated 😅
Are these people STILL going on about that shit???
I’m going to fucking rant about this for a bit, so hit the jump. Or don’t.
Okay, refresher for Nonny and those who are new to this ShitShow:
A bunch of people decided to opt out of S7, because Emma Swan was no longer going to be on the show. Now, not watching a show after your fave character/actor leaves it is absolutely understandable. There’s nothing wrong with it. However, hate-watching that show, campaigning for it to be cancelled, attacking the actors, writers, show-runners and crew who are continuing to work on that show or join the show after your fave’s departure... That’s all completely shitty (and absolutely batshit CRAZY) behavior. There is NO excuse for it. Ever.
And that segment of batshit crazy assholes is who we’re talking about here.
Now, most of these motherfuckers haven’t even watched S7. They base their crazy-ass opinions on synopses of the episodes, and heresay from their similarly sanity-impaired friends. So most of the time, it’s useless to counter their rantings with facts and canon interpretations. They’ll simply repeat, “Well, my friend Janet said it, and I believe her.” or some other nonsense.
So. With all of that in mind, Episode 2 of Season 7 re-introduced Wish Hook to viewers and revealed that he was Detective Rogers, set up Emma as his “savior” as a respectful nod to the idea of every Hook being “destined” to be saved by Emma Swan, and also established his primary and singular drive as a character - reuniting with his daughter. THOSE were the main points of the episode.
However, the fuckwits I spoke about above decided to focus, not on any of the important aspects of the episode, but on his cockamamie plot to score a True Love’s Kiss from Emma in order to cure his poisoned heart. The plot entailed using magic to de-age himself, returning to Storybrooke with Regina, getting a kiss from Emma to cure said heart, then returning to his own Enchanted Forest to reunite with Alice. It is this last part that the nutters refuse to believe. They prefer to believe that Hook intended to stay in Storybrooke, take over OG Hook’s entire life, and in so doing - engage in sex with Emma under the pretense that he is “her” Killian. And that is where the rape claim comes in.
Now, for those of us who actually watched the show, it’s painfully (and embarrassingly, for those nutters) obvious that Wish Hook would never have stayed in Storybrooke for even a second longer than necessary after curing his heart (or finding that his plot didn’t work). His entire impetus as a character was to reunite with Alice, his daughter. Remaining in Storybrooke, a realm far away from where his daughter even IS, and maintaining the charade of being someone else, someone without said daughter, and bothering to keep up that pretense... doesn’t suit his character’s main goals whatsoever. It’s ludicrous to think he would. It’s literally insane and one has to be awfully dedicated to besmirching the show and the character to even maintain it.
And yet, they do. Their ONE “ace in the hole” is that they managed to get one of the writers (Adam Horowitz, I believe) to answer a question about what Wish Hook intended to do with his plan with an admission that Wish Hook intended to take over Hook’s life. Now, I’m gonna come right out and say it: That answer, regardless of who it came from, also doesn’t fit the narrative of S7 or Wish Hook’s main drives as a character. And I’m also gonna say that sometimes even the people who should know best about a show don’t... and also, sometimes people mis-speak or are trying to emphasize one thing (in this case, how “bad” Hook was going to be to get what he wanted, and how “in need” he was of Emma’s saving him and setting him right) instead of the more important thing (that these fuckers had no interest in Wish Hook’s redemption and only wanted to bait Adam into saying something they could use as “proof” of their claims).
But regardless, it’s the ONE thing they have to “back up” their insanity, and they use the fuck out of it. Mind you, these same people will summarily throw out any and all claims that there wasn’t rape involved or intended there as factually incorrect, regardless of where they come from. Instead, they will simply trot out that ONE well-worn screencap yet again and insist, as always, that they are right and Everyone Else is wrong.
So... Long story short, it’s absolute apeshit, and the people who argue it’s true are so asinine and obsessive that they’re not worth arguing with. You can’t change their minds or make them see sense, because they desperately want to cling to their belief that S7 Is Bad and Wish Hook Is Bad and that they were/are right to boycott, campaign against the show, and attack those who took part in creating it, because it is clearly Bad and does Bad Things. This is also the entire basis of their claims that Wish Hook, Rogers, and S7 itself are “triggering” to them and deeply disturbing. They use this claim to try to essentially erase S7 from existence by complaining whenever the S7 exclusive actors are involved in “Once” events, or whenever S7+ actors refer to S7 events or Wish Hook, himself. Colin has even been directly accused by these assholes of “approving” of rape and being “insensitive” to his fans by wearing clothing he got from Rogers’ wardrobe to conventions. It’s absolutely batshit, toxic, and rude.
I suspect this is all rearing its ugly head yet again because Jen is scheduled to appear at Enchanted 3, and some of these crazies (who are all Jen fans, incidentally) are already trying to get Starfury to not invite anyone who exclusively starred in S7. Which, considering the only other announced star is Tiera Skovbye, I sincerely wish them all the luck in the world with XD But regardless, the SANE fans are all pretty much telling them, “Hey, what? That’s rude? Why are you being a dick?” and I’m assuming the jerks quickly resorted to “but rape is bad!” arguments to derail all the legit complaints about their shitty-ass behavior.
SO! My advice to you, Nonny, and to everyone else... is to mute those assholes and not engage with them in any way, shape or form. Like the comments of those poor fools who try, because their hearts are in the right place, even if their brains are doomed to be scrambled by the illogical reaches they’re about to be subjected to. It’s good to show support for the sensible people in our fandom(s). But I don’t recommend actually engaging with them, yourself. They’re hateful, toxic people... and your entire life will be better off for steering clear of them. Also, there’s only about 10-20 of them in their entirety, so once you weed them out and mute them, it’s like they don’t even exist.
And, hopefully, if they’re ignored by enough people for a long enough time, they’ll move on to something else. I guess that hasn’t happened yet, but here’s hoping it happens eventually. If not for our sake, then for Jen’s. I can’t imagine getting a reputation for having fans who literally harass and stalk her co-stars, employers and even people who simply continue to work on a project after she voluntarily leaves it will actually help her career at all.
Don’t get me wrong here, working with Jen on Once was a huge step up for Colin’s career... but the crazies in her fandom are literally following him into his next projects, naysaying them, criticizing and insulting him, attacking his fans for supporting him and his projects, and insisting that nothing Colin does will ever be as good as the work he did with Jen... and that’s just fucking NUTS. And it’s not limited to Colin. Remember the fervor when Josh Dallas dared to call another actress his “Tv Daughter”? Yeah, that was charming. If this keeps up, it won’t be long before Jen’s earning herself a reputation for being “lovely to work with, but comes with a cloud of toxic fans who will make her co-stars sorry they worked with her for YEARS afterwards.” And, I mean, color me weird if you want to, but I think that’s generally NOT a good plan.
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vyralglitch · 6 years
The Day We Lost Everything
                                           Encounter 1: 
It had been almost six months since that God forsaken anti-hero showed up, forcing Mysterion to reemerge onto the streets of South Park.  Crime had been small, at least to Kenny's awareness, until a creepy masked individual started revealing average townspeople as criminals or victims to a grander issue in the town.  While all of this kid's research matched up, there were a few facts about him that the vigilante couldn't ignore.
He was killing or at least harming those involved, and he was calling out the retired superhero with an upside down question mark at each scene.  Things became personal when his little sister and all the others in her class started talking about him.
“Why are you so dumb, Karen?  That mean masked guy is obviously just Mysterion.”. Kenny overheard this conversation as he walked up to pick the youngest McCormick up from school, ditching his last class to do so like always.
“You're wrong!  My guardian angel wouldn't hurt people!  He's gonna stop that guy, I promise you.”. It had been years since Mysterion was mentioned, the caped protector of innocence only wandering the streets in vain as he tried searching for a lost friend.  Eight years of waiting, he'd all but given up on the missing red head.
“Hey, Ken, tell your sister she's delusional.  You know this Vyris guy is just Mysterion as a villain now, everyone knows that.”. One particularly bratty boy commented, making the brown haired girl start to cry.
Before Kenny could say anything, a very happy voice responded, “Vyris isn't Mysterion.  Mr. Vy talks with me online sometimes.  He said he's going to help me move on from big brother going away, but he needed an audience with Mysterion first.  I think they're old friends!”. A bright smile accompanied Ike's face as he joined the classmates he was usually teased by for being too young to be in their class.
“...Ike, Karen, let's get going home.  We're not talking about that freak.”. His response quieted the class, taking the two kids in hand and walking them home.  Add that as another reason this asshole forced him to be a god damn hero again.  No one would endanger Ike, he'd promised Kyle that in return for the latter coming home.  Maybe if he kept that up, Kyle would listen for once and get his ass back to the group.
“Kenny, you seem really upset.  I know you miss Mysterion too, maybe he'll come back and have a cool fight with Vyris!”
“No, Karen, he's my guardian angel.  You aren't allowed to sick yours on him.”. This dependence on the masked figure was concerning, something he'd have to alert Sheila of.  Ever since the incident, Ike has been shifting from obsession to obsession, always talking about how he was going to talk all about the latest pick with Kyle when he got back from his trip.  Anytime Kenny hears this phrase, all he can think of is the bloody green hat he found two years after losing the one friend he never thought would leave him.  
Best case scenario, Kyle didn't suffer when whatever took him killed the poor guy.  That didn't stop him from searching every fucking nearby town for the past eight years.  Now that he wanted to give up and move on, this fucking creep shows up to taunt him.
He sighed deeply, remembering the information Ike had given him.  It was a message from Vyris to Mysterion, a formal invitation to meet on the rooftops of the Ustore It.  An hour had passed, it was fucking freezing in the snow wearing just tights, and Kenny was beyond pissed at himself.  
“Why would I believe the ramblings of some asshole pretending to be Vyris on fucking Minecraft.  I get Ike believing it, but you're better than this.”. Yelling at yourself in a blizzard was the best way to cope with getting one's hopes up, right?
“Are our ramblings too inconsistent for you, Mysterion?  We waited a long time for you to find us, the least you can do is patiently wait for me.”. An obviously altered voice sounded from behind the blond, causing the muttering hero to turn on his heels.  This would be the first time they saw each other, the first real appearance of the Vyris of South Park, and the bane of Kenny's existence.
Before Mysterion spoke, he took a long moment just looking over the unexpectedly solemn anti-hero.  Vyris wore a pair of freshly stolen black jeans coupled with heeled boots Kenny was shocked made no noise as he stepped, making the individual about five feet and six inches, still a good amount shorter than his forced rival.  The boots were decorated with neon green writing, the word 'Vyris’ on both outer sides.
A long yet thin black cloak draped over the ensemble, barely showing the sleeveless dress top underneath, something clearly for a girl.  A black glove covered his left hand, the rest of this arm blocked by his cloak.  Aside from hiding under a hood just like Kenny, a dirty masquerade mask also hid the top of Vyris’ face.  A veil hung down from the mask, covering up the rest of his face.
“Stay where you are, unless you really are a masochist.”  The voice warmed, not coming from Vyris himself.  Mysterion stalked over to the threat regardless, not seeing a weapon and stupidly assuming he had the upper hand.  A few steps before he could attack, already reaching out to grab Vyris, a bear trap snapped around his foot, having been concealed in the snow.  There was a groan of pain, but this wasn't anything new to him.  He'd just bleed out now and fight this asshole later when he's terrified of a dead man hunting him.
“Congratu-fucking-lations, you're just going to kill someone else for no reason.”. He almost growled, every bit of anger he had for the past few years begging to be unleashed on the overconfident man.  “Why are you even in this shithole town?  This is my fucking territory.”
Vyris stepped forward, his gloved hand reaching out to touch Mysterion’s face, but the latter pulled away.  This effectively cut at his ankle more, the twisting bringing about a new wave of pain.  “You weren't supposed to fall for that.  We always thought you were smarter.”
“Jokes on you, I'm a fucking retard!  Tell me why you are here and harassing Ike Broflovski.”. He could bleed out, but first he'd need information. Vyris suddenly knelt down at Mysterion's feet, opening up the device.  “What are you doing?”
“We can't let you die again.  This has to go better than our first meeting.  We weren't in our disguise that time, but our eyes never met.”. The voice was quieter now, his right hand moving Kenny's injured foot and forcing the vigilante onto his back.  “...We can't cure that, perhaps letting you die would be merciful, we can meet here again tomorrow night.”
This calm reaction only made Kenny more furious, but the pain in his mangled foot was starting to blur his thoughts.  “If I die here, there isn't a second meeting, idiot.”
“Spawn of Cthulhu, you cannot fool us.  We've watched you die for your town over and over this past few weeks.  Why is it you pretend to be mortal?  Are you afraid of being looked upon like a god?”. He was sitting in the snow now, packing up the metal contraption.  “Ask us anything you wish, you might as well interrogate us before dying again.  Last time we brushed paths on the roof of our home, we scared you off the roof.  We do apologise for that.”
This made him jolt up again, getting to his knees to face the mask in front of him.  “Who are you, why are you harassing Ike, why are you harassing me, and what the fuck do you know about the disappearance of Kyle Broflovski.”. He rattled off, earning an amused yet low chuckle from the actual source.  “What's so funny?”
“You are.  Always so quick to anger in this form.  He was like that too.  The boy you're inquiring about.  His temper never did him favors, why would yours?”
“Don't you talk about him so casually!  Answer the damn questions before I break your neck.”. Without responding verbally, Vyris moved closer now, sitting next to the injured hero.  The stranger took his gloved hands off of the floor, placing the purple clothed fingers around his own neck.
“Kill us, Mysterion, that is why we are here.  We've done terrible things, hurt innocent people, and corrupted someone who once trusted us.  We want you, the moonlight of this town, to kill us.  We've tried to do it ourself, but we can't.  It won't let us die.”
There was silence now, nothing but tension between the two.  Vyris’ left hand tapped impatiently onto the back of Mysterion's own hand, the appendages delivering more force than expected.  When the hero didn't respond, one finger slowly pressed against his glove, starting to break skin pretty easily.
The blond managed to squirm away, kicking his new enemy off with his good foot.  “Kid, I don't know who you think you are, but I don't kill anyone.  I'll arrest you like everyone else.”
His tone betrayed that confidence, wavering due to the blood pouring out now.  “I'm too busy to waste time on something like you, if you'll excuse me.”. It was time to wake up, which meant plunging off the rooftop again.  
Before he could actually get himself to the edge of the building, something dug deep into his left shoulder.  “Mysterion, if you insist on abandoning us again and giving her more control, at least let us make that decision.  You aren't just dying for you anymore.  Your life may not concern you, but your constant deaths will make us your worst nightmare.”
Blue eyes looked up in fear at the hand on his shoulder, seeing metal pierced through the fabric of Vyris’ gloves and into his skin.  For the first time, he faltered in his speech. “What are you talking about?  You can't get that I'll come back, no one does.  And why does it even matter to you, I don't fucking know you!”. No one had ever openly accepted his curse before, he might have been relieved if it were someone important to him.
“You are correct.  I..I...we mean nothing to you.  We never did.  But you mean life or death to us, and it would be in your best interest to choose death.”. The grip on his shoulder loosened just a bit, and without warning Vyris pulled Kenny to hang his head off the edge.  “Do you want to die?”
“Not by your hands, you crazy bastard!” Just as he tried to shove himself off, the metal hand clawed deep into to the fleeing teen's neck, suspending his body above the fall for just a moment longer, vision fading to black.
“We guess we are going to be the bastard this time.  See you tomorrow, Mysterion.”. He let go, watching the boy crash to the ground like a ragdoll before leaving the storage area.
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imaginekpoplikethis · 7 years
Mixing It Up - Troublemaker! Min Yoongi X Reader - Part 4
Oh my gosh an actual update
Okay so my idiotic self thought that when college started again, I’d be able to keep up with my work and stories. How wrong I was. I’ve mentioned many times that I’ll attempt to resume my original pace but I don’t know if that will be possible. I’m hoping within the next week or two I can but because final exams are this year it may be unlikely. I’ll just have to stop wasting time on useless stuff and spend said time on writing. Please bare with me.
Preview  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4 - Here  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9  Part 10  Part 11 - Final
During lunch, you spent your time glaring holes into Yoongi's head. He noticed five minutes in and returned your glare yet that didn't stop you from deepening your scowl. You should have known he wouldn't care about your reputation and school records being ruined. He's Min Yoongi, notorious for being a troublemaker.
You felt fingers pry your now squashed water bottle from your grip and only then did you come to your senses.
"Hey, you don't actually know if Yoongi was responsible. He never admitted it." Suhyun placed the bottle beside her before directing her expectant gaze at you.
"And he never denied it either. It makes sense that he would be the cause of this mess. All he's done since I've met him is harass me."
She took a moment to think about the previous weeks before she nodded her head in agreement.
“Fair enough... but you know what they say. When someone teases you, it usually means they like you.”
She was greeted with a scoff.
“I’m pretty sure I said ‘harass’ not ‘tease’.”
“Same thing for Min Yoongi.”
At this point Mi-Rae decided to join your table, settling beside Suhyun. She gave you both a small smile as a greeting and proceeded to chew on her food.
“Hey Mi-Rae. Haven’t seen you around in a while.” It was true. Mi-Rae seemed to disappear often recently leaving you with no clue as to where she was.
“Oh, really? Well I’ve just been about.” You paid no mind to her vague answer and stood from your seat.
“I hate to say this since you just got here but I need to go. If I start cleaning the class now, I won’t have to spend so long after school.” Both girls nodded in understanding and you took that as your cue to tidy up your lunch, heading straight for your classroom after.
Ten minutes later, you were scrubbing at the teachers desk, hoping to remove at least a little bit of the black marker left on it. You had to admit that some of the comments left on the desks were quite amusing. The typical ‘he likes her’ was one you came across more  times than you would have expected.
Your thoughts drifted back to that morning. To do this much damage the culprit would have had to have arrived early in the morning. It wasn’t something that could be done in a mere hour. You suspected maybe two and a half to three hours were spent on this mess.
“What kind of sad life does Yoongi have to be spending this much time drawing on desks?” As you mentioned his name, your scrubbing became more aggressive as you absentmindedly read the sentence.
“‘It was Min Yoongi... he’s a pyromaniac?’” You stared blankly at the writing, not able to process what it had said. It was only when the lunch bell rang and students began to file into the class where you realized what they had been implying. You quickly moved to cover the writing, although it was probably useless as everyone had already read a majority of the writing that morning.
That didn’t stop you from quickening your cleaning and you wiped with such ferocity that the only remains were a faint pen mark.
So the culprit was not Yoongi.
You felt the weight on your chest lighten a bit with that thought.
Still... who would call him a pyromaniac? You had no doubt in your mind they were trying to make a link between Yoongi and the school fire.
Although you too had initially believed he had something to do with it, the time you had spent getting to know him and how he worked made you have second thoughts on the real culprit.
Even if Yoongi was a pyromaniac, there was no evidence yet to suggest he was behind it and you hoped it stayed that way.
Being lost in your thoughts, you were only pulled out of them when your class’ teacher entered the room. Greeting your teacher, you took your seat, letting your thoughts wander again.
Apologising to Yoongi was a given. You had unnecessarily flipped out at him and he had just taken it, surprisingly. You half expected him to drop kick you or something but he just seemed offended that you of all people would accuse him.
Maybe you were getting through to him more than you thought.
That same day you had decided to visit the bubble tea café by yourself. Suhyun offered to go with you but you simply denied her offer, explaining you needed time to think about how to approach your dilemma. You were quite stubborn so you found it hard to face it head on. You could practically feel the embarrassment that was sure to come with your apology. You had acted out of order.
Sipping on your usual drink, you blankly stared out of the front window. Within the next few moments, Yoongi appeared in front of you, shooting you an apathetic look. Almost choking on your drink, you shot up off your seat and all but sprinted out of the shop after him. He seemed to hear you coming as he spun around, raising an eyebrow.
“Are you hot but bitchy Y/N or cute detective?”
A smile almost spread across your lips, keyword almost. That didn’t stop the faint pink from dusting your cheeks, however.
“Neither, just me although I’m not that great...” You muttered the last part to yourself though Yoongi caught it.
“Well, you’re not as loud as Tae so that’s an automatic plus.” A chuckle escaped you before you turned serious, intent on getting back on Yoongi’s good side.
“Listen, I’m sorry for accusing you earlier on. That was so uncalled for.”
He just smirked at your words and shifted his weight back onto the balls of his feet.
“Wow. Screaming at me, sending me evil looks and then apologising all in under twenty four hours? That’s got to be a new record. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you couldn’t live with me hating your guts or something.”
You wanted to punch his smirk right off his face but you refrained from doing so. Maybe later. Yes, you didn’t just swallow your pride for nothing.
“Hellooo? Earth to Y/N? Do my words have that much of an effect on you?”
You shook your head, ridding it of the somewhat violent thoughts you were having.
“Something like that. But there is one more thing I need to ask you. I don’t know if it’s too personal but... do you by chance have an obsession with fire?”
A look of shock flashed on his face for a millisecond before his smirk returned.
“In other words ‘Are you a pyromaniac?’ That’s what you’re asking, right?”
A blunt nod was his reply.
“I personally don’t think so. I guess that’s what everyone labels me since I always carry fireworks and shit.”  
Well that was somewhat unexpected.
He didn’t reply but turned on his heel and set back on his way.
“I’ll explain that another time... see you later.”
You successfully delivered your apology albeit you were left a little confused. You ultimately decided it wasn’t something you should dwell on.
“At least that’s over and done with.”
You too set on your way home, all the while smiling to yourself over your success. You took a detour into a stationary shop as you realised you were running low on school supplies and selected your usual pens. Taking them towards the counter, you realised that Mi-Rae was before you, paying for her items.
“Hey, Mi-Rae. Running low too?” You gestured to the pack of markers the cashier was placing into a plastic bag along with notebooks and sticky notes. Your sudden appearance caused her to jump slightly before turning towards you and smiling kindly.
“Ah, yeah. I seem to find myself here often.” You nodded in understanding as she picked up her purchase and bid you a farewell.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” Waving her off, you too paid for your items, thoughts drifting back to your deal with the principal.
It wasn’t Yoongi so that’s one suspect down. Lord knows how many to go.
The days seemed to fly by and before you knew it it had already been a month since the deal. You had long since cleaned the markings left inside the class though it had taken you more than a week. Whoever was the culprit didn’t think to give you any mercy as they went as far as scribbling inside lockers. You didn’t know what you were going to do once you found them but it definitely involved hurting them as much as they hurt you.
Your back, legs and arms were all sore from the constant switch in posture.
You hadn’t gotten any closer to finding the culprit with the month that went by and you were beginning to give up until you heard the latest gossip from none other than Suhyun.
“Guess what!? They know what cause the fire in their school.” You almost grabbed her by the collar, eager to know what had been the catalyst to the unexpected occurrence. That and you wanted to reassure yourself that it had nothing to do with Yoongi.
“Apparently, it was fireworks or something.” As if in cue, the speakers around the school boomed to life, the principals voice flowing out of them.
“Can Min Yoongi please make his way to my office. This is an urgent matter.”
Eyes widening, your head whipped around to watch Yoongi shove his hands into his pockets and stalk out of the lunch hall, a scowl present on his face. His friends all shared confused looks between each other and Jimin stood from the table, trailing after him.
“Wait-“ The hushed whispers that erupted from the students around you cut you off and you found yourself gritting your teeth in exasperation.
“I heard it was him...”
“It would make sense since he’s a pyromaniac.”
“What!? He’s a pyromaniac?”
“What’s that?”
“Are you stupid? It’s someone who is constantly setting fire for some kind of sick pleasure or relief.”
“Woah that’s scary! We’ve been attending school with a criminal!”
He hadn’t even been proven to be the cause of the fire and students were already labelling him a criminal. You wanted nothing more than to punch the obnoxious girl who screamed the last sentence but instead opted for slamming your hands down onto the table, gathering everyone’s attention. The hall grew relatively silent except from the few whispers bouncing around and your glare grew darker.
“Y-Y/N? Just ignore it and sit down.” Suhyuns panicked whisper did nothing to calm you down and instead you moved from your table, raising your voice so you could be heard by the majority of students.
“Ah, I hate ignorant comments! It’s sad that you have to feed off creating rumours like this. Criminal? Cut it out with that kind of bullshit, you just sound like an air headed idiot.”
With that, you stormed out of the hall, the silence following you.
You just hoped that wasn’t all in vain and Yoongi really wasn’t a criminal.
Yoongi never returned to class. You were sent on an errand to said boys class and you couldn’t help but scope the class for him but to no avail. He was nowhere to be seen.
When school finally ended, you caught up with Jimin on his way out of school.
“Jimin! Er... what happened with Yoongi?” A crestfallen expression fell on his face and he sighed.
“They say they caught him on tape with fireworks right before the fire started...”
Your heart dropped at this.
“So that means...”
“I guess it means he’s going to get in a heck of a lot of trouble but I don’t get it... that day he said he was called into a classroom by someone. The same class the fire started. Sure, he had fireworks on him but they were meant for when we hung out later on.”
“You don’t think he done it?”
Jimin’s immediate response was a shake of his head, orange hair bouncing with the movement.
“I believe he didn’t. Sure, he’s not the best student but setting a class on fire is too much, even for him. If it was his fireworks maybe he didn’t mean it? Do you believe he did it?”
You didn’t need to ponder over his question. Your answer came straight away.
“Nope. Not in a million years. I don’t know Yoongi that well but he’s not as bad as everyone makes him out to be. Although I did think he was before I met him...”
Either Jimin didn’t hear you mutter your last sentence or he chose to ignore it because he didn’t reply.
“Anyway, I’ll see you tomorrow Jimin. I’ll... I’ll try and figure out a way to get Yoongi out of this. I don’t know if you’ve heard but I’m kind of playing detective now.”
“Yoongi mentioned something about that a few weeks ago. But thank you for your help and concern. We appreciate it, especially Yoongi.”
You shot him a sympathetic smile before leaving the school gates.
So basically, once again, someone innocent was being blamed for something they didn’t do. It just so happened to be Yoongi this time and not you.
You were definitely going to help as much as you can. It was the least you could do since your apology did not seem sincere enough to you.
Jimin watched the retreating form of Y/N, smiling slightly at her worry.
“Gosh Yoongi... you’re lucky to have her care about you that much.”
“I am aren’t I?”
Yoongi’s arm wrapped around Jimin’s shoulders making said boy jump before he placed a hand over his racing heart.
“Hey! Don’t do that! Are you trying to make my heart stop?!”
“You’re just a scaredy cat. Even Taehyung doesn’t react that way.”
He pouted in slight annoyance whilst Yoongi took a few steps forward.
“She may even care too much. I might hurt her...”
He stood in silence before motioning towards the schools entrance.
“You coming?”
Yoongi began on his way again as Jimin nodded his head, jogging to catch up with his fast pace.
You’re incapable of hurting her Yoongi. Not everything you come to love will break so easily.
Jimin kept his thoughts to himself.
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the-e4b · 7 years
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…You know….I do this to myself.
I tell myself that I’m no longer gonna waste my time with Ephrom Josine because really, it’s the same cycle every time.
He insults someone in the community or makes up a shit accusation, we come to the person’s defense, and he goes on our case with more accusations and smug comments, all while sitting on his tumblr making commentary on political topics that he obviously has no knowledge of.
After the shit he said about 9/11 victims, I thought that was the bottom of the barrel and he had become “THAT GUY”, the person people begin to notice and want to avoid or marvel at their complete lunacy. I myself even thought “He can’t get worse…can he?”.
Apparently someone sent him two anon questions (which raises some flags for me anyway, considering his content, either (A) He himself sent himself the ask (which would be sad really..), or a “friend” of who follows in this madness sent him the ask to again, poke at Sega.
As seen before, Jojo, Saturn, and myself did a retrospective on Josine’s little stupid video mocking Sega’s blocking and as usual, I was fucking livid. He had done at best four videos on Sega. One being about the fact that it was so stupid Sega went to the defense of her boyfriend, the other was where he took her peace offering out of context and made it seem like she was insulting the brony fandom, the reviewing community, and Voice, the recent video where he fucking “discussed” Sega’s terms and conditions to Peet after the bastard did a video mocking and insulting Voice of Reason and the aforementioned video where he found her blocking “hilarious”.
So basically from the looks of it:
Ephrom turned Sega into his secondary GoldenFox punching bag.
He’s bullying and harassing her.
And I have this one question:
Why the fuck are you harassing the shit out of Sega, Ephrom. And before you say ‘This isn’t harassment/bullying”, YES IT IS. You’ve made four videos fucking commentating on her and painting her in a negative life, you made several twitter posts on her, and even went as far as to question the fact she’d come to Voice of Reason’s defense when Peet decided to do a video on VoS.
She has a right to defend her boyfriend, or what you’ve fucking never had a loved one come to your defense on something like that? Guess not considering your fucking stalker like behavior.
She tried to fucking make peace with you because she felt there was more to you than your constant screeching and wild accusations and you instead kick her to the curb by accusing her of insulting bronies, the reviewing community, and Voice despite that’s not what she did.
And you in return stalk her, bitch about her posts criticizing Peet, and do two more videos on her.
Oh and better yet, Why do you fucking give two shits over the reviewing community. You have no knowledge of the community whatsoever, you snark and make petty comments towards all of them (The aforementioned comments on Sega and Golden, getting angry and whiny over the fact AnimeChristy blocked you when you fucking kept bothering and harassing her over the DCMA incident with Peet, getting owned by MagnaKamen after he was upset at the shit fact he got a strike on his channel and you proceeded to do a video on that, flat out accusing MisAnthroPony of being “biased” because he called out your third video on Sega, your entire fucking bullshit towards Ink Rose, and that’s to name a few). You claim to be a fucking fan of MLP despite the fact you’ve only recently started watching the later seasons and even then, showed complete lack of knowledge over certain things of the show like saying Scootaloo and Fluttershy are orphans (Scootaloo kinda, but even then it’s theorized that her parents aren’t around that much but Fluttershy?!). That’s a literal definition (and I really hate this term…) of a poseur.
That’s what you fucking are: A poseur.
And I know that someone will say ‘Well he has a right to say what he wishes”, except all Ephrom does is lie, lie, misinterpret, and then has the gall to present it as fact.
I am sick of you doing this shit because the community, for how flawed it was during Season 3-4, but they don’t deserve to have some pathetic, sad, low-life, self entitled, egotistical dickbag who thinks he can push out 5 videos a week ranting about people reviewing a show about magical horses, making wild accusations (in the same way as the same “McCarthy” term you obsess of) all while having this shit eating grin on his that shows everyone how fucking full you are of yourself because you think your fucking videos are all important.
They aren’t.
You do not matter Ephrom.
The Analysis community don’t care for you.
The fandom doesn’t care for you.
We don’t care for you.
And we sure as hell don’t think anybody else doesn’t.
Especially with the egocentric and complete lack of fucking empathy over everything else.
And again, knowing you, this will be the result:
> sees blog posts about his commentary on someone of the reviewing community
> gets pissed
> ignores EVERYTHING that was said
> does video missing the point
> video consists of you having this fucking, pathetic, and obnoxious self absorbed grin 
> video may contain failing, moronic accusations, and laughing at person’s point
> ends the video with some stupid sign out message.
> rinse and repeat
I can’t.
I just can’t.
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- deafpony.
I really have nothing to add towards DP’s comments on that dickwad…
What I do have to say something about is the person who’s asking these questions.
Firstly, if it’s really himself asking the questions then that’s just pure deplorable shit. The deep end of the pool of shit he’s wading through.
Secondly, and here’s where the real rage starts, if this was posted by someone else (I have a nagging feeling who):
What’s your fucking problem? You really think that is who Segasister is? You think that she’s a person that would only love a person for their fame? Sega has, and I got this from good sources, through some very VERY bad shit and Voice has probably been one of the first lights in her life. That’s love, pure and heartwarming love. She would do anything for him and she did. She came out of her shell to defend him against a sociopath and a waste of humanity, fully knowing that this creature could do so much harm in return. But did she falter in her resolve? No, she didn’t. And all because she LOVES Voice and I hope for them both that they will stay together for a VERY long time.
And even THINKING that she would cheat on him. Such a disgusting feat. You know who thinks those kinds of things? People who have never felt true love, someone who has never been in a real relationship. People don’t cheat on each other because they love each other, they cheat when one of the two partners isn’t good enough for the other. Did you go through that, anon? Weren’t you good enough? Didn’t you love your significant other enough? Probably, otherwise you wouldn’t be thinking this or asking this.
Sega and Voice don’t have this. They love each other. They are there for each other. Through good AND bad.
So, anon, I pity you. Pity that you’ve never felt true love and if you keep this sort of attitude up then you’ll never feel it. But hey, you always have the internet, where you can fap your troubles away and be an anonymous little shit that creeps on others’ happiness.
- Space Mare
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2017 -
ex-girl-person gets kicked out of my boyfriend, Andreas, restaurant (my suggestion) - I also saw the surveillance footage.
the next day, curious of why this girl is obsessed with contacting this family - I go to ask her face to face :
I pull up a person's work, as soon as I park about two minutes pass and it so happens that person comes outside. she sees me through my car window - her mouth drops to the pavement. I get out of my car and say “hey can I talk to you?” person then wants to go inside and I tell her & I quote “it’s not like I’m going to do anything to you” but person insists on going inside then to which she tells me I’m welcome to come in and we walk down a hallway to another co-worker. I then tell her who I am and throw her past in her face then I was asked to leave so I left.
she then calls the cops to which she claims I jumped out from behind her car and began to try and fight her, she then somehow got me to go inside and I lunged at her and left.
after speaking with officer Pinnell ( waiving my own rights), he said the incident was way clearer after speaking with me. basically, her story didn’t add up and after me telling him step by step my faults it was clear about what faults were hers and the case was dismissed. side note: one of the questions officer Pinnell asked when he came out to her work was, “was it a bad break up to cause that reaction” (for her to have gotten kicked out) she replies no but in reality, she basically cheated twice (lied about it) got caught which followed in drama; that’s her definition of a good break up? (Andrea also tried breaking up with this girl on multiple occasions and honestly he was not faithful to her quite a few times with several girls throughout the “relationship” from what I saw/read)
five months later, my boyfriend proposes to me! coincidentally a week later person resurfaces claiming I was begging to fight her and jumping out and going all sorts of crazy on a yelp review for the restaurant she was kicked out of (yelp themselves continuously had to keep taking down her review & flagged her account) and so then we sent her a cease and desist in the mail which led to her sending me a restraining order.
which, yes, we went to court.
now we’re in court, and she is getting interrogated by my attorney and all of sudden she remembers what happened, she admits that I did ask to talk to her and that then we went inside and I told her to stop trying to insert herself in someone's life who wants nothing to do with her. a customer came in and I left and that was it. no mention of anyone trying to fight/threaten her & so so so very different from her statements/documents vs what she just said under oath in court. she got sent home with a restraining order that day. (disclosure: apparently someone put shit in this persons mailbox one time and as a horrible defense she tried to use that on the stand I guess because I told her to watch for her mail lady & as she was talking about the shit in her mailbox she got interrupted and shut down because it simply had nothing to do with me and then the judge yelled at her to stop talking because she wouldn’t shut up as he was trying to talk lolol I was dying of laughter on the inside, anyway whoever put shit in her mailbox is the real MVP) and there is no statute of limitations for perjury in the state of South Carolina.
also after I had confronted this girl she shared an old photo of Andrea and his deceased grandfather, captioning it: “we miss ya, frank” so grossed out by this & in my opinion 100x more vile than my actions. just goes to show true color in all shades.
the beginning of 2014 person tries speaking to Andrea at the making of the Ishmael mural downtown, he refused to associate (you would think someone would get the hint after being blatantly ignored) then she stalked Andrea down at his own restaurant, during work by knocking on the door followed by cornering him and begging to be “art friends” as well as continuously tagging him in pictures via Instagram and trying to sell drugs to his little sister (which she later got arrested for)- all while dating the guy she cheated with. not to mention she kept sharing older post of andrea and his family, leading up to her tantrum - a contradiction to say the least.
I will also mention this same summer (2017) she bullied this girl that used to host with me at renatos for separate issues, person was tagging this girls place of work with drama and told this girl she shouldn’t step foot back in Spartanburg again, “for her sake”; then trying to accuse a local artist of purposely littering (they once called her out for her bullshit) she also accused one of these same artists of “threatening her with violence” (sound familiar) because she kept purposely vandalizing work around town. this same artist said that she got kicked out of every bar in town and was trying to get with him/kept pushing herself on to him while she was still with the guy she cheated on Andrea with. side note: some birdie told me she harassed a girl once and was tracking her address down and people had to tell her to stop being so immature/creating drama/harassing the girl. - obvi harassment/not leaving someone alone when they have washed their hands clean of her seems to be a very consistent pattern of behavior with person.
screenshots on screenshots on screenshots. #exposed
in conclusion, I do not regret telling her to move on to her face and in hindsight, she had to make up a reason/situation because she didn’t like what I said to her. (i guess a yelp review posted via Facebook was “revenge” lmao & it surely did not keep people from eating at the restaurant, in fact, some of her “friends” came to eat shortly after AND told me I was awesome! obviously, person was mad enough to manipulate the incident. person shoulda just took the hint back at the graffiti wall)
p.s. is it weird or sad how this person recently (dec2019) tags her friend in old pictures of Andreas' dad, Renato? & more. those screenshots most definitely have been received and saved.
only goes to show :)
can i just say that i confronted this girl because she was harassing andrea (him being a guy) would probably have had way sooner or worse consequences given if it was vice versa! she was the one that brought it to light for all her social media followers, which got several peoples attention of her antics of which she continued to act out even after all the drama had subsided. (several people came to me about this person lol)
plan executed - success!
i have SO much more to say about this, but until then -
i would be embarrassed at this point,‬ ‪but to each their own bb - ‬‪all that is, is negative energy‬ ‪& THAT, you may keep and carry all to yourself! 💥💛 enjoy‬
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annakarizza-blog1 · 6 years
A Pentad Analysis of One Day at a Time: Women Deserve Respect
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Elena Alvarez and the entire family’s thoughts on women’s rights and being respected is spot on.  Women tend to be disrespected by their preferred gender, preferred pronouns, beliefs, they way they are dressed, the way they talk, etc...  Women have the right to express their emotions and thoughts and to be able to act on it without being disrespected and judged.  
Description of Artifact and Context
A Spanish family starts to talk about Instagram that is mainly for friends which I called “Finsta.”  An Instagram account that is made that is not to be shared with family.  In this case there are a group of people involved in this scenario.  Elena, Alex, Penelope, and Lydia who are a Spanish family living in California.  Elena’s girlfriend, Syd, accidentally drops the bomb on Penelope, Elena and Alex’s mother, that Alex who is a 16 year old teenager has a “Finsta.”  Penelope leaves her home to go to work rattled that Alex has a “Finsta.”  She is rattled and disturbed by the fact that Alex is hiding things from her.  Penelope shows up to work worried and disturbed and explains the situation to her male co-workers.  One of her male co-workers Scott accidentally says that he is friends with Alex on “Finsta” because they are co-workers and bros meaning they are bro-workers.  Penelope then takes Scott’s phone to stalk Alex and to check his “Finsta.”  While looking through Alex’s “Finsta” Scott and the other male co-worker mentions that they took a sexual harassment seminar which requires them to be sensitive towards others (men, female, etc...) and to be respectful of others and that it goes both ways.  While they were all talking at work Scott gets an alert on his cellphone about Alex’s new post on “Finsta” which is Alex posting about how “he has hoes in different area codes.”  Then another post where he is touching a statue’s boobs in a museum then another where he is touching his girlfriend, Chloe’s boobs.  Penelope goes home and vents to Elena, Syd, Lydia and Schneider about how work was and then drops the bomb that Alex, her son, is a pervert.  Penelope then shows them Alex’s post and how disappointed they are of him.  Schneider, their neighbor, makes a joke that Alex is a... about to say something funny but stops himself and instead says, “that kid is a filthy monster.”  Elena, Alex’s sister, then says with disappointment “I can’t believe my brother has no respect for women.”  Alex walks in the door and mentions that he had a wonderful time at the museum exposing himself to art.  Penelope then says that she saw his “Finsta.”  Alex shocked says, “what?! and that Scott told him bro-workers before hoes.”  He then explains that it isn't a big deal and that everyone has “Finstas.”  Penelope argues “does everyone post pictures of themselves running around like a goose honking everything in sight?”  Alex all confused says, “what?”  Penelope yells, “honking boobs!”  Alex argues and says, “that it is just dumb stuff that makes his his friends laugh and gets him 300+ likes.”  Penelope says that it isn't cute and especially how he is treating his girlfriend Chloe.  Everyone then chimes in and says he was raised better than that.  Ludia, his grandmother, then says that it is her fault because she is the reason he got a date with Chloe.  Chloe initially said no but Lydia explained to Alex to never take no for an answer and that every no is a yes in disguise.  Elena then chimes in and says “oh my god Abuelita, you are an enabler of toxic masculanity.  Adding that society has encouraged men to define their maleness as being aggressive, unemotional, sex-obsessed.”  Lydia responds to Elena and says, “you’re just describing a man.”  Penelope chimes in and says. “maybe in your day, but time has changed and that men need to be careful about how they talk to women or else they get in trouble.”  Elena then exaggerates and says, “Oh poor men.  Now I can’t yell from a passing car that I think a woman has nice tatas.”  Lydia dramatically says, “I know it is a shame.  In my day when I walked down the street, I would hear a symphony of compliments.”  Elena replies and says to her grandma that she was being harassed.  Lydia all excited says, “Oh yes! Much more than all the other women.”  Penelope chimes in and says that maybe she was comfortable with that type of attention but not everyone is.  Lydia then says, “Women are crazy because women liked to be wooed.”  Schneider chimes in and says, “Alex, here’s the thing.  Women are beautiful.  The curve of their neck, the way the they move, everything.”  Schneider then continues to say, “Which is why I am an ally; no means no and yes means yes.”  Elena expresses that it is not a yes or a no; the yes needs to be an enthusiastic yes.  Schneider then stops and thinks about all the times he has been with women and how he has never gotten an enthusiastic yes.  Elena and her girlfriend, Syd, then demonstrates how a woman or a female shows or says an enthusiastic yes.  Schneider then feels that he's in a funk; he leaves the apartment to make some calls and to check whether he has ever gotten an enthusiastic yes or not.  Alex then confusingly says that he is all flustered and confused.  Penelope expresses that she too is confused, that she hates to admit it but she feels sorry for men because this whole consent thing is tricky.  Elena yells, “NO!”  And adds that women are always blames themselves and that the man never has to take responsibility.  Elena makes an example: where a school during prevention week all the signs are aimed at women.  “Girls, don't dress provocatively.  Girls, don't walk alone.”  She then adds, “Hey guys, don't rape!”  Alex angrily says, “Oh my god, why are we even talking about this?”  He then explains himself that he only took a couple of pictures as a joke and that Chloe thought it was funny.  Elena screams at Alex, “Did she?  Or did she feel like she had to laugh because she didn't know what else to do with your hands on her boobs?”  Their mom then says to Elena that she needs to take it easy.  Elena then yells and says, “No, Alex thinks what he did is cute.”  She then points to Alex and says, “You are basically a predator.”  Alex fires back at Elena and says, “You are basically a psycho.”  Elena raised her voice and says, “Good call me crazy for depending a woman’s right not to be groped.”  They continue to argue back and forth while Alex says, “Elena, you are just mad because the internet told you to be.  You don't know my life, you don't even leave this apartment!”  Elena finally felt the need to say, “Because of guys like you!”  Alex responds all confused, “What are you talking about?”  Elena opens up and tells everyone that a couple of weeks ago her and Syd were coming home from the movies, while on the bus holding hands a couple of guys were staring at them.  Finally they got out of the bus and the guys followed them saying, “Come on you guys, kiss.  We really want to see you both kiss.”  Both Elena and Syd it was terrifying and scary while the guys thought it was funny.  They ran into a crowd and lost the guys and finally ran home all scared.  Since then they haven't left the house or been anywhere.  Alex all emotional says, “Elena, I am so sorry that sucks.” He didn't know and that he wanted to kill those guys who disrespected them.  Elena tells everyone how upset she was because she didn't stand up to those guys and that she wished she had.  Penelope then goes on about a similar story that happened to her too but that she didn't know whether she should have said anything or kept it to herself.  Finally, she had but she didn't receive the help she needed and deserved.  Long story short she finally said to Elena and Syd that the future is bright because of strong, amazing women like them who don't take any crap.  Alex finally understands the whole point where women need to be respected and that he doesn't ever want to make women, Elena or anyone feel the way they did.  
The Pentad Method
The Pentad is a method introduced by Kenneth Burke in the 1950s.  It is a method used to analyze a dramatic scene from a movie, a story or a conversation.  The Pentad is broken down to five elements which re the following:
1. Scene is the setting or background for action;
2. Act is the action completed in the story;
3. Agent is the protagonist or actor in the story; 
4. Agency are things that help the agent achieve the act; and 
5. Purpose is the agent’s higher cause. 
In my analysis I found that the five keys points are very strong.  In this particular scenario scene is where Elena and Syd were harassed by random men asking them to kiss in front of them.  They were on the bus being all romantic and coming home from the movies after a good day spending time together as a couple. Being followed by these random men, harassed, and being forced to kiss in front of them as a joke.  The second key point is act where Elena pin points facts and tells a story about the time her and Syd were harassed while coming home from the movies.  The act is where Elena and Syd both explain to everyone especially Alex how terrifying it was and how scared they were which caused them not to leave the house for weeks at a time.  The third key point is agent which in this case Elena, Penelope, Lydia, Syd and Schneider are all agents.  However, Elena dominate the part of being and agent by all the fact and stories she provided during the dramatic scene.  This scenario made so that there is a group trying to convince Alex of how important it is for women to be respected and just how much they matter.  The fourth key point is agency where everyone’s actions led to the whole scenario to escalate very quickly.  In this scenario agency is  the dominant key point due to Elena, Penelope, Lydia, Syd and Schneider’s reactions and facts/stories.  For example, part of the scene where Penelope yells at Alex that not everyone is out here posting pictures of themselves honking women's boobs.  Also, the fact that Elena mentions that during their school prevention week all signs were aimed at women to not dress provocatively, or walk alone.  As well as Elena mentioning well how about men don't rape!  Lydia mentioning how much she loved the attention, symphony of compliments or that women love to be wooed leaving both Schneider and Alex all confused.  Most of the stories/facts brought up by the agents helped achieve the act, which in this case is called agency.  Lastly, purpose is where Elena, Penelope, Lydia, Syd and Schneider finally gets Alex to realize that it is important it is to always respect women.  In this scenario Elena was the main agent who drove the story and made Alex realize how important it is for women to feel respected.  
Motivation Statement - Conclusion
Elena and the rest of the group were motivated to get Alex to understand that it not okay to disrespect women.  Women matter and they deserve to be treated with respect and be respected all scenarios included.  Women have rights and they should never be disrespected based on their gender, preferred pronouns, the way they are dressed, the way they talk, etc... Women have the right to express their emotions and thoughts and not be judged or disrespected by it. 
Blake, W., Manings, Allan., & Lear, N. (2017) Netflix https://www.netflix.com/watch/80990870?trackId=14170286&tctx=3%2C0%2Cffbd808e-fd2d-4a91-a541-152d702ad906-278619994%2C79296a98-ed1c-48ea-9ede-85ba8896ed53_11245726X3XX1550287596630%2C79296a98-ed1c-48ea-9ede-85ba8896ed53_ROOT
Blake, W., Manings, Allan., & Lear, N. (2017) Netflix Flixablehttps://au.flixable.com/title/80095532/
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heebiejbies · 7 years
Limerence - Chapter V
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Limerence Masterlist
Characters: Sehun, Suho, and OC (Ursula)
Warnings: This series contains mentions of assault, sexual violence, and stalking.
Word Count: 5.8k
Limerence:  The state of being infatuated or obsessed with another person, typically experienced involuntarily and characterized by a strong desire for reciprocation of one’s feelings. 
The annoying sound of a ticking clock was the only sound in the room. I had been left in this room for what seemed like an hour at that point. Ever since I sat down my leg had been shaking nonstop. I looked up at the mirror in front of me, knowing that the men outside could see me through it. I looked up even more at the clock to see that it was half-past 2 in the morning. Why am I here? Who even questions someone this late?
The sound of someone banging on the front door woke me from a peaceful sleep. I tossed a robe on and stomped down the stairs, ready to give an ear full to whoever was making such a loud noise at this hour. I opened the door, but my words were halted in my throat when the two gentlemen flashed badges at me. I recognized the officer, officer Bryant. He brings in the police dogs for regular checkups, and he always speaks to me when he is there.
“Hello, Ursula. This is detective Phillips. We hate to bother you this late, but we need you to come down to the station for questioning.”
“I’m confused, what is this all about?” Why would they need to question me? And at 1 in the morning too!
“We will explain it on the way to the station. If you will put some clothes on and come with us, we would greatly appreciate it.”
I scoffed when I remembered the events from earlier tonight. Neither of them said a word on the way down here, nor did they say anything when they took me to this room and left me here. Finally, the detective that brought me here entered the room. When he sat across from me and didn’t say anything, I decided to speak up.
“You still haven’t told me why I had to come down here, detective.”
He placed a manila folder down on the table and then clasped his hands together over it. His eyes met mine before he spoke, “Can you tell me about a coworker of yours? Eric Revlin is his name, do you know him?” He took a picture out of the folder on the table and slid it over to me. “Yeah, I know him. I barely know him, though. Why do you ask?”
“Eric Revlin was found unconscious in his apartment earlier tonight by his sister. He had been beaten severely, he is still in surgery as we speak and we are not sure if he will live.”
I was sure that my eyeballs were going to fall out of my eye sockets because of how wide my eyes became. I saw him nearly every day at work, but we weren’t friends. Why they brought me in still remained a mystery.
“What does that have to do with me?”
“Our search showed no signs of forced entry, so we suspect it was someone he knew. Our search also found no missing items from his home, so it’s highly unlikely that this was a robbery. His sister told us that you and he had an argument earlier this week. Do you care to tell me what that was about? What started the argument?”
It’s been a few weeks since that night with Sehun. We have spent more time together, and that unknown feeling I have has gotten stronger. My mom has had a field day with teasing me about him, calling him my lover boy and random nicknames like that. He has been on my mind so often lately, I have been with him during most of my free time. The past three days I haven’t been able to see him much, though. I’ve been pretty busy at the vet’s office. I’ve also somehow ended up in a never ending argument with a coworker of mine. At first, it started out as a few snarky comments here and there while at work, and now it has evolved to him basically calling me just to harass me.
“Listen, Eric, if you have a problem with me why don’t we sit down and actually talk about this instead of you just being a downright jerk to me while I am trying to work?” I pulled into my driveway arguing on the phone with said coworker. I don’t even know how this started, one day this guy randomly just started being really hateful towards me. I’ve only spoken to him a handful of times for Christ’s sake! I barely know him!
“Why should I sit down with you? You wouldn’t listen anyways, you never do!” He said. I had parked in the driveway and was now sitting in the car arguing. How could this guy know anything about me when I have barely spoken to him five times?
“What the hell are you talking about?” I get out of my car, slamming the door in the process, “You don’t know me at all!”
“I know you plenty Ursula, plenty to know that you’re all about yourself and you don’t care about who you step on to get what you want! You ignore everyone else’s feelings and you don’t care about anybody but yourself! Women like you are so disgusting! How can you live with yourself! Your mother ought to be ashamed of you!” I became so enraged at his words, I dropped my keys as I tried to unlock the door. “Are you serious? Okay, listen here, kid. You don’t know a damn thing about me. Why don’t you quit acting like an immature brat and leave me alone? I have never done a thing to you, you have no right to speak to me like you know me. I have no idea what is going on in your head to spark such pointless anger towards me, but I am done with dealing with you! Now, do me a favor and leave me the hell alone!” I hung up the phone and groaned. With the way he spoke to me I know it must have been brought on by something I did, but I can’t think of anything I have done to him to make him have such anger towards me.
I told the detective everything as I remembered it, he seemed to be writing it down on a notepad he took out of his pocket. “So you were angry with him?”
“Of course I was angry with him. He spoke to me as if I had done some atrocious crime to him when I knew I had done nothing for him to be that way towards me.”
“Would you ever hurt Mr. Revlin?”
What?! He seriously can’t think that I did this! Yes, I was angry at him, but I wasn’t so angry that I went and assaulted him in his own home!
“Where were you between the hours of 8:00 pm and 10:00 pm?”
“I was with a neighbor of mine, we were working on his garden in his backyard.” Earlier that evening I had dropped by to help Suho plant flowers in his garden. He said something like Sehun didn’t like messing around with dirt because it got under his nails and he didn’t like getting it all over his hands.
“Has he ever met Mr. Revlin?” Oh, okay so now he is going to try and accuse Suho as well? I replied and told him that they have never met, they probably didn’t even know one another existed. “Can I have his name and number? I’d like to confirm your whereabouts with him personally,” He said, the tone in his voice led me to believe that he seriously thought that I had something to do with what happened to Eric. I gave him Suho’s real name and his phone number, the questioning stopped after that. “We will call you if we have any more questions.”
Officer Bryant took me back home, once again he didn’t say anything the entire way back. Once I got in my house, I dropped my body down onto the couch. I was utterly dumbfounded, to say the least. I could never beat someone until they are almost dead, no matter how angry they made me. I had no idea who would want to hurt Eric, I didn’t know him well at all but I knew him well enough to know that he’s not someone who lots of people want to hurt.
I decided that I should call Suho so I could let him know that Detective Phillips would be calling him. This wasn’t something that I could explain in a text because knowing him he would ask lots of questions.
“Hey, Suho, it’s Ursula. I know you’re probably asleep by now, but when you get this can you come over so we can talk, please? Nothing is wrong, don’t worry, but I think you want to know about this ahead of time.” I left him a voicemail and hoped that he would come talk to me as soon as possible.
I stood up and went upstairs to change back into my pajamas. There was no way I would be able to go back to sleep, so I went back downstairs and decided to watch TV until I finally fell asleep. It wasn’t long before another knock came at the door. I looked out the window and saw Suho on the porch. I let him in and immediately began telling him the story.
“Wait, so you’re telling me that this detective honestly thinks that you can pull off a beating like that? No offense Ursula, but I don’t think you have the guts to do something like that,” He joked, trying to lighten the mood in the room.
“I don’t know how he thinks I could have done it,” I laughed, “Hey, Suho, why are you up so late?”  
“Late night work. I was taking a shower when you first called, so that’s why I didn’t answer. When I heard the serious tone in your voice I knew I had to get over here asap.” I could tell that he needed to go to sleep, so I told him to go home and go to bed. I needed to go to bed, but what happened to Eric would keep me up no doubt.
I laid back down on the couch and decided to really think about the situation. I started looking at the situation from an outsider's standpoint. I had watched enough Criminal Minds and Law & Order to understand now that I could be a very good suspect. I did have the motive to do so. I also knew that I had a solid alibi, though. Once Suho confirms that I was with him yesterday, my name should be cleared from the suspect list.
The detective mentioned that there were no signs of forced entry, so Eric had to let them in himself. He also said that nothing appeared to be missing from his apartment, so I highly doubt it was a thief. There was one thing that confused me. Besides his newfound aggression he had towards me, he was a relatively quiet and shy guy. He was also very nice from what I knew. What could he have done for someone to want him dead that badly? If he was beaten so bad that they didn’t know if he would live, that had to be personal. Who would have such a grudge against him?
I woke up around early afternoon, having finally fallen asleep at around 5 in the morning. I decided to go see if detective Phillips had called Suho yet, so I showered and got dressed and went across the street. I knocked on the door but no one answered. I noticed his car in the driveway, and I don’t think he’d still be asleep this late, so I knew he had to be here and awake. I decided to walk around to the back of the house to look for him. I pushed open the gate and finally found him. He had a straw hat and gloves on, and he seemed to be planting more flowers in the flowerbed we had started on yesterday.
“Hey, you started without me!” I exclaimed in a shocked tone. He dropped the shovel he had and snapped his head towards me, apparently I had surprised him. He let out a small chuckle, “Sorry about that! I thought you would want to rest after the stressful night you had in the slammer,” He teased. I grabbed another pair of gloves off of the steps of their deck, put them on, and crouched down beside him. “For your information, there is a big difference between going in for questioning and going to jail.” I bumped his shoulder with my own, causing him to lose his balance and almost fall over.
“Okay, take back what I said last night, you are strong for a girl. Maybe you did have something to do with that guy’s assault,” He joked, reminding me why I came over here in the first place.
“Oh! Speaking of that, did you ever get a call from the detective?”
“Yes actually, at 9 o’clock this morning. He asked me so many questions that I thought had nothing to do with the situation, he was really grilling me. I did tell him that you were here with me yesterday, though.”
I crouched down beside Suho and started helping him plant the rest of his flowerbed. By the time we were finished, we both had tossed our gloves aside and were using our bare hands. He invited me in so I could wash my hands, pointing me in the direction of the bathroom upstairs.
“It’s down the hall to the right,” He said, “Do you want to stay for dinner?” He added before I could walk up the stairs. “You’re not going to poison me, are you?” I joked. “No! I’m not going to be cooking anyway, Sehun is. He’s at the store shopping right now,” He explained. I nodded my head in response, then went upstairs as Suho disappeared into the kitchen.
Once I got upstairs I looked down the hallway and saw three doors to the right. “Gee thanks, Suho, I hope I’m never lost with you in the woods,” I mumbled. 
I tried the first door and found a closet. Nope, not there. I went to the second door and it opened into a bedroom. This must be Sehun’s bedroom. My curiosity got the best of me and I found myself walking into his room, shutting the door back. His room looked like what I’d expect it to, right down to the choice of bed sheets. I went over to the window in the middle of the back wall and pulled back the curtains. Wow, you can see into my bedroom window from this window.
“I guess I better start keeping my curtains closed,” I joked.
I turned to my left and went over to his dresser. He had a picture of himself, Suho, and seven other men sitting on it. I assumed they were friends of theirs back in South Korea and scanned over the other things on his dresser. The one thing that stuck out to me was a picture laying face down under a book. I slid the picture out from under it and flipped it over. What? Is this a picture of�� Of me?! The picture was a picture from my 18th birthday, my mom took me out to a club and she took a picture of me in my birthday outfit so “she could brag on her Facebook page about how beautiful her daughter was” as she put it. How did he even find this picture? Better yet, why did he have this picture?!
I picked the book up and found two more pictures under it. These pictures made me feel more comfortable. One was of him and me together that he must have printed out and the other seemed to be a picture of him when he was younger. Why would he have these pictures here? Isn’t under a book a weird place to keep pictures? Calm down Urs, I’m sure there has to be a reasonable explanation.
I heard a car door shut outside. I looked out the window and saw Sehun getting bags out from his car. I put the pictures and book back where it was, closed the curtains, and went back out the door. The third door turned out to be the bathroom, of course. After washing my hands I went downstairs to greet Sehun. The moment I stepped off the last step, Delilah came running over to me and jumped up on me.
“Hey, pretty girl! I missed you,” I smiled, patting her head. “Delilah, get down!” Sehun called, standing in the kitchen doorway with an oven mitt in hand. “Oh no, it’s alright. I love when animals get excited over seeing me.”
After dinner, I helped Suho in the kitchen with the dishes. “You have a dishwasher, don’t you?” I asked. “Yeah, but neither of us really like using it,” He said. “Oh, both of you will make such wonderful housewives one day!” I nudged Suho on the shoulder.
“Are you saying I’m spouse material?” Sehun came behind me with a smirk on his face. “That’s for me to know and you to find out,” I tossed a dish towel over his shoulder as I said this.
After we finish the dishes, all three of us sat down in the living room to watch a random movie. Halfway through the movie Suho stood up and stretched, “Well you crazy kids, I’m going to turn in for tonight. Don’t stay up too late,” He laughed, then he turned and went upstairs to go to sleep.
“I guess I should be getting back too. I didn’t plan on staying this long,” I said.
“Can I walk you across the street? I have something I’d like to talk about,” He said. I nodded my head and let him follow me outside. He seemed to be hesitant to speak, but eventually, he spoke, “Suho told me about what happened last night… Are you alright? Are you nervous or scared or anything along those lines?”
“Oh did he? I suppose I’m alright. It’s just,” We walked up on my porch and sat down on the swing, “I don’t know who could have done this to him. Yeah, he was rude to me and dragged me into a pretty heated argument, but besides that, he was shy and polite to basically everyone. I thought about it and I think whoever attacked him did it for personal reasons, but what could that be? I couldn’t see him doing anything that bad, especially nothing to deserve nearly being beaten to death,” I sighed and leaned my head against Sehun’s shoulder.
“What started the argument?”
“I’m not sure. All I know is one day he just became oddly hostile towards me. That night he said some pretty nasty things to me. I’d rather not repeat them, but one thing he said really struck a nerve with me. He said my mom should be ashamed of me… I know I act like I don’t care about what other people think of me, and I don’t, but my mom is an exception. I just want her to be proud of me, that’s something I have worried about for years. My mom is the most important person to me, it would break my heart if I disappointed her,” I stopped talking about the subject before I started crying, “I’m sorry to have dumped something like this on you.”
“Ursula listen, I will always be here to listen to you. If you ever need to talk about anything, I promise you I will be there. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, I’ll be there. I’m so glad that you feel comfortable enough to share something like this with me. I know it isn’t easy talking about your vulnerabilities with other people, and I want to thank you for trusting me with it,” He kissed the top of my head and wrapped his arm around my shoulders, “I know your mom is proud of you. She’s raised such a beautiful, intelligent, and caring woman and she should be proud of that. You’re one of the most amazing people I have ever met, you have no idea how lucky I feel to have met someone like you.”
I wrapped my arm around his waist and hugged him. I’ve never met a man like Sehun before. Something about him makes me open up to him so easily. It’s as if I could tell him anything and he wouldn’t judge or change his view of me. He truly is a special guy.
“Can I ask you something personal?” He asked.
“Of course, go ahead,” I replied.
“You always talk about your brother and your mom, but what about your dad?” He asked about the one part of my life I would die to forget about. I really don’t want to talk about the subject, but something is telling me that I need to tell Sehun about it. “It’s okay if you don’t want to answer! I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked-”
“It’s alright, Sehun. I just haven’t spoken about him in a long time and the question stunned me for a second. My dad, well, he isn’t a positive topic in my life. His and my mom’s marriage wasn’t a healthy one at all, to say the least. I was too young to remember most things but Caspian remembers them well and he filled me in on the years that I couldn’t remember. He never really hit her or anything, but he was mentally abusive. He always talked down to her and treated her like dirt, I don’t know how she put up with it for so long. She finally had enough and left him when I was 9 and Caspian was 17. That was the last time we heard from him until I was 16. He found me on Facebook one day and messaged me and begged to meet up with him. At first, I said no, but eventually I agreed because I thought that maybe he had changed… That was probably one of the biggest mistakes of my life.
The first couple of months were alright. It was awkward trying to get used to him being in my life again, but I went along with it. One day he asked me if I wanted to meet his family. I agreed because I thought it would be a move in the right direction, but I was so wrong. I saw the way he treated his wife and her kids, he never treated us like that. He treated them with such love and affection, something I never knew he could do. Even though he was trying to be apart of my life, he didn’t treat me as if he loved me. I tried to push it off and not think about it, but it bothered me to the point where I couldn’t ignore it anymore.
Have you ever lowered your expectations for someone in hopes that they won’t disappoint you one day? I have… I did it until I had absolutely no expectations and was still disappointed. I was 17 when I started trying to push him out of my life, that didn’t end well at all. He became so moody, I wouldn’t reply to his text for three minutes and he would text back saying things like ‘Oh okay I guess you do not feel like talking to me’ and he would say things to try and guilt trip me into speaking to him. I finally had enough and I blocked him from everything so he couldn’t contact me anymore. Then one day he,” I couldn’t stop my tears as I got to the end of my story. Sehun looked at me with concern, telling me that I didn’t need to continue.
“No, I need to finish this. You need to know the whole story,” I sniffled and started telling the end, “Somehow he found out where we lived and he came here. I didn’t go to the door but he kept banging and banging on the door until I forced myself to open it. I opened it and he started yelling at me and making a huge scene. He said ‘I try to be a good father and reconnect with my only daughter and this is what I get.’ and I told him that he needed to calm down because some of the neighbors had started coming outside to see what was going on. Apparently, I made him even angrier and he started yelling even worse…” I closed my eyes and could see that day as if it was a movie.
“You’re just like your mother! You’re an ungrateful little brat. You should be thankful that I actually reached out to you! What a mistake that was. You’re going to end up just like her, alone. No one will ever love an entitled bitch like you!” I attempted to run down the stairs so I could go to one of the neighbor's houses, but the second I stepped off the bottom step he grabbed my arm and yanked me towards him. “You’re not going anywhere, Ursula!” His grip on my arm tightened, I could see the rage in his eyes. I tried to break away, but he was too strong for me.
“Do you want to know why I came back to you? I wanted to rub it in you, your mom, and your snot-nosed brother’s faces that I never loved any of you. Yes sweetie, you heard that right. I never loved you. How could I ever love someone so worthless? You’re so stupid for thinking I came back into your life because I actually cared about you,” He started laughing, apparently proud of himself for the words that he was saying. One of the neighbor’s husbands had come home and he came into our yard and yelled at my dad. At the same time, I saw my brother’s truck speed up the road and stop in front of our house. I was slung onto the ground and my dad tried to hop in his car and leave, but the neighbor grabbed him before he could leave.
“Ursula!” Caspian ran towards me and held me in his arms. I looked at my arm and saw that bruises were starting to form from how tight my dad’s grip was on me. I wasn’t crying up until that point, but when my brain registered the words said to me I started crying. When Caspian saw me crying, that’s when he lost his cool. He ran towards our father and punched him, making him stumble out of the neighbor’s hold. He punched him again and again until he backed up our dad to the stairs and he stumbled on them.
“I used to be scared of you as a kid but I’m not that scared little boy anymore. You will get what is coming to you one day. I may never see it, mom may never see it, Ursula may never see it, but you will. You will have to answer to someone one day, and he will not be a nice judge. We will sleep peacefully at night knowing that you’ll be punished one day.” He started to turn around to walk back to me, but our dad still had some spite left in him.
“Don’t lie to yourself, son. I’m your father, you care about me and what happens to me!”
Caspian’s face turned so dark, I had never seen him with such an expression. He clenched his fists and he stiffened his jaw, “No, that’s where you’re wrong. You are nothing to me! I don’t care if you live or die. If you died right here, I wouldn’t care. Hell, I’d probably clap and celebrate one less piece of shit on this Earth.”
I could see that Caspian was about to hit him again, but I stopped him. I had to stop him before this went any further. “C-Caspian,” I cried out. His entire demeanor changed when he heard my voice. He rushed back over towards me and held me in his arms. I had never cried in front of him like this before.
“It’ll be okay, Ursula. I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere. I love you.”
“We found out later that a neighbor had called Caspian when they saw what was going on. I was thankful too, who knows what would have happened if he hadn’t been there. I still have a feeling that part of our dad is mentally unstable and that is why he said and did what he did, but regardless of that, I don’t think I’ve been the same since that day,” I trailed off in thought. Sehun hadn’t said anything while I was telling him, and he didn’t say anything after so I began to get afraid as to what he was thinking. “Sehun?” I lifted my head to look at him, the expression on his face reminded me of Caspian’s that day. I reached a hand up and cupped his cheek, his facial expression immediately softened. He leaned his head into my hand and smiled, then he spoke.
“I am so sorry that happened to you, Ursula… I could never imagine going through that. After hearing that, if I ever see that asshole I will kick his ass. It’s despicable that someone would speak to anyone that way, especially their own daughter… Wait, no. You’re not his daughter, and he is not your dad. He’s everything that a dad shouldn’t be. A dad is supposed to protect you, give you love and affection, and raise you to be the best that you can be. Your brother was right, he will have to answer to someone one day. I know he will, and I hope you don’t feel burdened by the words of such a worthless man. Everything that he said was a lie.” He had grabbed my face with his hands and was staring intently into my eyes. What is it about his eyes that make me feel so at peace?
I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him. I questioned how he seemed to know exactly what to say to calm me down. I was so grateful for him. “He was right about one thing… Who would ever love a girl with such emotional baggage?” I said to myself, or so I thought.
“I would.”
“Ursula, don’t say anything, please. Never think of yourself as unlovable or unloved. You are lovable and you are loved. Anyone who thinks different has to be insane. It doesn’t matter about your past or what weighs heavy on your heart, the right person will love you despite all of that and make you feel like the most cherished and loved person in the world.”
My mind flashes back to those weeks ago when we were at dinner.
“Being scared is a natural part of developing feelings for someone. I don’t expect you to feel much for me yet, but believe me when I say that I care about you.”
“Thank you, Sehun. I’ve never had someone say such a thing to me. I can never express how thankful I am for you. You’re an amazing guy and such a genuine person.” That was the last thing we said on the subject. He insisted on coming inside and making sure I had a glass of water to drink. He rubbed my back as I drank the water, such a simple gesture but it made me feel so happy and safe.
“Can I ask you a question?” I asked, both of us now sitting down on the couch. “Ask away.”
“How is someone like you… How do you not have a girlfriend?”
“Well… I just don’t. I can’t explain it. I haven’t felt anything for someone in a long time,” He admitted.
“How do you feel about me?” I didn’t intend on actually asking that, but it came out regardless. His eyes widen for a moment before softening. A shy smile came across his face, a slight red tint came to his cheeks. Oh my goodness, he is so adorable. He bit his bottom lip, “Let me show you.” He leaned in and softly pressed his lips against mine. He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around me in a firm embrace. Thoughts began racing through my head.
What is going on? I want to say we shouldn’t be doing this, but this is the one thing I have wanted to do for awhile now. God, Sehun is so amazing. He’s such a genuine person, he’s so sweet and simply… Wonderful. Everything he said made my heart flutter. What is this feeling? How is it that I have had this feeling for weeks but I still can’t put a name on it?
No, wait… I think I know what this is.
-Sehun’s POV-
That man better pray that I will never meet him. He had the opportunity to love Ursula and he took it for granted. She was willing to try and love him and he just pushed her aside. I would kill to have her love me. There’s nothing I want more than to be loved by the only woman I will ever love. I will do anything to make her love me.
She’s not unloveable... I love her, I loved her the moment I first saw her. How dare he say such things to her! She’s the most perfect thing in the world, it hurts me to know that someone didn’t see that. Especially her biological father. If I ever see him I... I don’t know what I will do.
‘If you ever see him you have to take care of him. You must do it. For Ursula.’
‘Sehun, no. You do not need to do that.’
‘You want to protect her, right?’
Of course, I want to protect her... I love her. I love everything about her. She’s the most perfect woman I have ever met. I can’t believe I am holding her in my arms right now and kissing her. This moment is so perfect. I never want it to end. How could I have gotten so lucky?
‘Sehun, you do not deserve to love her nor to have this moment you two are sharing. How can you hold her in your arms and say you love her knowing what you have done?’ 
Author’s Note: I am SO sorry that this has been so delayed! I hope all of you who waited patiently for this chapter enjoy it. Lots of things happened in this chapter oh gosh. Our poor Sehunnie, he’s gotten himself into some sort of trouble 😢 So many feels right now.
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This is to Rory: when I was talking to you, it was clear. Most of my posts are talking about you too because you treat me the same way as everyone else, you just mobilized a huge squad of Tumblr followers to do so. I got on here to be your friend again, it looked like a good way to reach you, that stopped eventually and it became a place to go to
You. Are. Abusive. As are Alli and Troy probably, but like they stopped, troy even led me through the steps of “if someone treated me like how I supposedly treated you, I would not be there friend anymore”.
You are going to virtue signal your way out of this by saying I am lying. You have mobilized a mass of followers, and people in real life to perpetually obsess, analyze and basically stalk my behavior. My number one most clear boundary was stop testing me.
You make me afraid. You psychoanalyze me so much. Go die in a tire fire you piece of shit. In what world was doing this alright? Forming a giant web of a puzzle to see if I could figure it out? Do you think I couldn’t? Was that the test? If I could I’m not Autistic cause I could figure it out? Shiiit that’s dumber than I am.
Do you remember the night I learned “sniff” can be used to communicate?I started smiling because I thought I had picked up on a code that few new. It quickly turned to terror. You perpetuate that terror regularly. I fucking hate you. Why would you do this? What was possibly so bad that you and your friends all have to constantly talk about me and my behavior? You orchestrated a test in the house that was everyone doing shit to fuck with me. It was so crazy making because WHY WOULD PEOPLE BE SO OBSESSED WITH ME
This was not okay. Now go virtue signal to say why it was all justified in the end.
Edit: you offering me rides when I reimbursed you for gas money is not exploitation. Posting stuff in hopes you might like it is not exploitation. If empathy is an exploitable commodity, then the world, and you, exploit me, or attempts to, constantly through lies “oblivious humor triggers me”
i reimbursed you for taco Bell. I gave you gas money. I stopped asking you for rides to shit and walked 2-3 miles home regularly. Tell me how I abused you plz or you’re talking our your ass. Not every person you are friends or acquittances with then turns sour is exploiting you. Espescially when you keep offering, although make sure it’s known, i very quickly stopped asking. Any time we did stuff in the end, it was because you offered a ride, like to the homeless events. Hope you enjoyed all the free pot you exploiter /s.
Double edit: “I like hearing you talk”- words from when we still hung out after I asked about my rambles. Don’t try to act like that was some aggregious use of mental labor, although it was labor, but that’s what people who like each other do. But then you stopped liking me so it stopped. This is the same pattern as with Maria, but you made it sound like she got sooooooo many rides from you. Times you picked me up when we didn’t go out together: maybe like 5 but definitely under 8. I also gave you many tanks of gas for more than the 2-3 miles it would take to pick me up. But hey, who’s counting? You were. But it sounds like you counted awfully. You are a piece of shit who has to be better than everyone around you so that you are excused from effed up behavior
following the harassment onto the internet, is fucked up. inviting people into our place to have them mock me from the other room to see how I would I respond was wasso probably fucked up too. Telling so many lies I have to go back through and see how many there were, that’s fucked up. The moment I started figuring it out was when you said “yeah, j often don’t know when to stop talking”. Like you’re good at keeping your mouth shut. That should have been a larger red flag. I still trusted you. I trusted you on the way out I trusted you not to hurt me and to be honest, you did everything but that.
I just in general trusted you to not be such a fucking abusive asshole to get a gang of Internet followers to harass me, or passively post things regarding me (still probs harassment if it’s made to appear on my blog). I shouldn’t have trusted you at all.
Now what did I do? Exploit kindness from a person who was 1000x more kind to you, even in the end, now thaaats exploitation
Tripple edit: all boundaries you established I respected, because it’s easy to never contact you again (until yesterday when you really stated fucking with me). Everyone watches me too much but this takes the cake. I never blocked you because you could always just Google my blog, and after seeing how much people stalked Me, the number of blogs you could ha e follow me to report to you, well I was right in thinking it would be futile
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samanthasroberts · 6 years
4 Straight-Up Lies Movies Tell Teens About High School
When you’re about to enter the hormone-fueled thunderdome that is high school, there are very few things that can act as your guide. You’re far too cool to listen to anything that your parents or teachers have to say about the issue, so most of your guidance comes from the coked-up Sherpa known as pop culture. Sadly, you usually have to graduate before you learn that movies are full of filthy lies. For example …
Getting Drunk Will Make You So Popular
Screenwriters use a messed-up version of the transitive property to get from “Popular kids drink” to “Drinking must make you cool!” Cooly is definitely one of the seven dwarves of drinking, but so are Pukey, Sleepy, Angry, Sad-y, Horny, and Doc. Doc is when you have to go to the doctor because you decided to jump on a trampoline while you were drunk. You never know which dwarf you’re getting, but only one of them makes people like you. The rest always do the opposite.
Yet teen movies seem to have this idea that if you’re a nerd, it’s only because you aren’t drunk enough. The best example of this is in Can’t Hardly Wait. Nerdy Will gets drunk for the first time ever, and suddenly becomes so goddamn cool that a group of his peers actually applaud him for interrupting their party to lip sync “Paradise City” while wearing a tan polo shirt.
I feel like I can very objectively say that nothing he’s doing is cool, despite the fact that he is portrayed as Bacchus, god of wine, revelry, and late ’90s fashion trends.
You can see the same transformation on a smaller scale in Paper Towns, when geeky Ben gets drunk and ends up doing a keg stand while a bunch of jocks cheer him on. He then makes a giant sword out of beer cans and knights his friend.
20th Century Fox
20th Century Fox
20th Century FoxHoly shit, alcohol is awesome! I should drink it every day for the rest of my life!
Absolutely no one gives him an atomic wedgie for this, despite that being the scientifically accurate way to end the scene. Movies haven’t exactly figured out that you don’t get to be prom king after ten seconds of light intoxicated interaction with the football team.
In 10 Things I Hate About You, America’s cool older sister Julia Stiles gets drunk and dances on a table. It’s admittedly a pretty damn cool dance, but everyone is supposed to hate and fear her, and they’re suddenly just like “Sure, I’ll move my beer so you can cha-cha slide or whatever.” Alcohol can do some magical things for people, but it’s not popularity juice.
Touchstone PicturesPoor Heath Ledger’s nervously eyeing for an exit into a less cliched scene.
A Live Band Will Play At Your School Dances
Maybe I’m the only person who’s angry about this, but I grew up assuming live bands played at all school dances all the time. Imagine my disappointment when I found out that my school just had a DJ, and his name was Principal Owens, and we eventually replaced him with an iPod. I can’t decide if that’s more or less cool.
I then assumed that if I went to a larger school, I would get the high school dance experience I deserved. Imagine my surprise when I started dating a guy who went to a school with 2,000 students and no live band to infuse their events with the proper amount of pop culture relevancy. What gives? There are so many live bands in teen movies that The Donnas, an early 2000s all-female punk band, is featured in two of them: Drive Me Crazy …
20th Century Fox
… and Jawbreaker.
TriStar Pictures
Although they go by the name The Electrocutes in Drive Me Crazy. Keep that in mind the next time you attend a trivia night hosted by Melissa Joan Hart.
And it’s not just school dances that go whole hog and pay for live music in teen movies. Matt Damon gives the least-convincing lip-syncing performance I’ve ever seen as the frontman of a fictional punk band that plays at a house party in the beginning of the movie Eurotrip.
Which calls into question: What house parties are these screenwriters going to? And what transcendent bands are they seeing there? Whenever I go, it’s just a dude with a guitar secretly hoping that people will sing along when he starts to play “Wagon Wheel.”
Even the Yule Ball in Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire has a full band, and that universe has magic and shit! They could just magic all the instruments to play, but nope, Harry Potter needs to have his Obligatory Teen Movie Moment, so Hogwarts went out of its way to find a hip band that just plays songs about what it’s like to go to fucking Hogwarts.
They cut the scene in which Ron gets wasted on butterbeer and lip syncs “Fuck Tha Police.”
Teachers Are Obsessed With Their Students’ Personal Lives
I have so many friends who are teachers, and let me tell you, they are just counting down the hours until they can go home and take their pants off like the rest of us. They want to be accessible and helpful to their students, but they don’t obsess over them the way teachers in the movies do.
For instance, they wouldn’t go to a student’s super illegal drag race and cheer them on like the shop teacher does in Grease. She shouldn’t be there! (Side note: I love her character. A female shop teacher who wears pearls and fancy earrings with her jumpsuit? Nice, Grease!) But as nifty as Mrs. Murdock is, drag racing is a crime, and she should probably refrain from helping her students prepare to commit that crime real good and then cheering them on while they do it.
Then you’ve got the insane Mr. Rooney in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, who leaves school and spends the entire day trying to catching a single student in a lie. There were a lot of other students in that school, man.
And I’m not even sure what a dean of students specifically does, but taking an entire day to obsess over one teenager has to be leaving some paperwork not-done. Unless he’s actually been spending the whole day filling out form 236-C, and it requires you to break into a student’s home to complete it?
In the end of Fast Time At Ridgemont High, the history teacher shows up at Sean Penn’s house to angrily force knowledge down his throat right before a school dance. Let me think of all the times a teacher has shown up at my house when I was in school. This may come as a shock to you, but never. Not once. No teacher, no matter how ceaselessly inspirational they were, has ever gone to my house unannounced to ensure that I was schooling harder. I don’t mean to diss the education system, but I don’t think most teachers are that dedicated.
Universal Pictures
Universal PicturesEven people who are paid millions of dollars avoid hanging out with Sean Penn unless absolutely required to.
The Popular Kids Are Doomed To Lead Crappy Adult Lives
Every teen movie with an epilogue uses it to give a good dig at the popular jerks’ bleak future. Mike Damone gets caught scalping tickets and ends up working at a 7-11 in Fast Times At Ridgemont High. We’re told Mike Dexter (a lot of assholes are named Mike, apparently) becomes an alcoholic who washes cars after the events of Can’t Hardly Wait. Biff from Back To The Future … also winds up washing cars for a living? Screenwriters must see this as the ultimate punishment.
Universal Pictures“Hey, remember when I tried to rape your wife? Man, crazy times. Anyway, I’ll get back to work.”
It’s what we want — justice for all the times those popular assholes were popular assholes at us. The thing is, sometimes popular people kind of rule at life. Popularity is often shorthand for “people skills,” and that often stems from being aggressive and/or physically attractive, all of which is really, really beneficial in the adult world.
We mentioned Mike Dexter up there. He was a jerk in Can’t Hardly Wait, but he was also good enough at football to get a scholarship to college. Communities tend to have a long memory when it comes to people who were good at sports. In my hometown, football players are the closest things to local celebrities we have. Mike would have to screw up pretty badly to not be able to land a cushy job at a local car dealership there, even if he dropped out of college. So what did Mike do?
Columbia Pictures
Columbia PicturesI need a Cant Hardly Wait 2, in which we see … the murders.
The Mikes of the real world will learn to tie a tie, play golf, and get good jobs from their frat alumni, working overtime to figure out how to keep their sexual harassment away from witnesses. And while he’s interviewing you for a job years later, you’ll look at his gold watch and think, Damn, this could have been me, if only I’d drank more in high school.
If you’re the type of person who enjoys reliving your glory days on video, try it with a sick projector set from DB Power.
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For more, check out 5 Horrible Life Lessons Learned from Teen Movies and 6 Ways Society Is Designed To Screw Teenagers Every Day.
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Source: http://allofbeer.com/4-straight-up-lies-movies-tell-teens-about-high-school/
from All of Beer https://allofbeer.wordpress.com/2018/07/12/4-straight-up-lies-movies-tell-teens-about-high-school/
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adambstingus · 6 years
4 Straight-Up Lies Movies Tell Teens About High School
When you’re about to enter the hormone-fueled thunderdome that is high school, there are very few things that can act as your guide. You’re far too cool to listen to anything that your parents or teachers have to say about the issue, so most of your guidance comes from the coked-up Sherpa known as pop culture. Sadly, you usually have to graduate before you learn that movies are full of filthy lies. For example …
Getting Drunk Will Make You So Popular
Screenwriters use a messed-up version of the transitive property to get from “Popular kids drink” to “Drinking must make you cool!” Cooly is definitely one of the seven dwarves of drinking, but so are Pukey, Sleepy, Angry, Sad-y, Horny, and Doc. Doc is when you have to go to the doctor because you decided to jump on a trampoline while you were drunk. You never know which dwarf you’re getting, but only one of them makes people like you. The rest always do the opposite.
Yet teen movies seem to have this idea that if you’re a nerd, it’s only because you aren’t drunk enough. The best example of this is in Can’t Hardly Wait. Nerdy Will gets drunk for the first time ever, and suddenly becomes so goddamn cool that a group of his peers actually applaud him for interrupting their party to lip sync “Paradise City” while wearing a tan polo shirt.
I feel like I can very objectively say that nothing he’s doing is cool, despite the fact that he is portrayed as Bacchus, god of wine, revelry, and late ’90s fashion trends.
You can see the same transformation on a smaller scale in Paper Towns, when geeky Ben gets drunk and ends up doing a keg stand while a bunch of jocks cheer him on. He then makes a giant sword out of beer cans and knights his friend.
20th Century Fox
20th Century Fox
20th Century FoxHoly shit, alcohol is awesome! I should drink it every day for the rest of my life!
Absolutely no one gives him an atomic wedgie for this, despite that being the scientifically accurate way to end the scene. Movies haven’t exactly figured out that you don’t get to be prom king after ten seconds of light intoxicated interaction with the football team.
In 10 Things I Hate About You, America’s cool older sister Julia Stiles gets drunk and dances on a table. It’s admittedly a pretty damn cool dance, but everyone is supposed to hate and fear her, and they’re suddenly just like “Sure, I’ll move my beer so you can cha-cha slide or whatever.” Alcohol can do some magical things for people, but it’s not popularity juice.
Touchstone PicturesPoor Heath Ledger’s nervously eyeing for an exit into a less cliched scene.
A Live Band Will Play At Your School Dances
Maybe I’m the only person who’s angry about this, but I grew up assuming live bands played at all school dances all the time. Imagine my disappointment when I found out that my school just had a DJ, and his name was Principal Owens, and we eventually replaced him with an iPod. I can’t decide if that’s more or less cool.
I then assumed that if I went to a larger school, I would get the high school dance experience I deserved. Imagine my surprise when I started dating a guy who went to a school with 2,000 students and no live band to infuse their events with the proper amount of pop culture relevancy. What gives? There are so many live bands in teen movies that The Donnas, an early 2000s all-female punk band, is featured in two of them: Drive Me Crazy …
20th Century Fox
… and Jawbreaker.
TriStar Pictures
Although they go by the name The Electrocutes in Drive Me Crazy. Keep that in mind the next time you attend a trivia night hosted by Melissa Joan Hart.
And it’s not just school dances that go whole hog and pay for live music in teen movies. Matt Damon gives the least-convincing lip-syncing performance I’ve ever seen as the frontman of a fictional punk band that plays at a house party in the beginning of the movie Eurotrip.
Which calls into question: What house parties are these screenwriters going to? And what transcendent bands are they seeing there? Whenever I go, it’s just a dude with a guitar secretly hoping that people will sing along when he starts to play “Wagon Wheel.”
Even the Yule Ball in Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire has a full band, and that universe has magic and shit! They could just magic all the instruments to play, but nope, Harry Potter needs to have his Obligatory Teen Movie Moment, so Hogwarts went out of its way to find a hip band that just plays songs about what it’s like to go to fucking Hogwarts.
They cut the scene in which Ron gets wasted on butterbeer and lip syncs “Fuck Tha Police.”
Teachers Are Obsessed With Their Students’ Personal Lives
I have so many friends who are teachers, and let me tell you, they are just counting down the hours until they can go home and take their pants off like the rest of us. They want to be accessible and helpful to their students, but they don’t obsess over them the way teachers in the movies do.
For instance, they wouldn’t go to a student’s super illegal drag race and cheer them on like the shop teacher does in Grease. She shouldn’t be there! (Side note: I love her character. A female shop teacher who wears pearls and fancy earrings with her jumpsuit? Nice, Grease!) But as nifty as Mrs. Murdock is, drag racing is a crime, and she should probably refrain from helping her students prepare to commit that crime real good and then cheering them on while they do it.
Then you’ve got the insane Mr. Rooney in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, who leaves school and spends the entire day trying to catching a single student in a lie. There were a lot of other students in that school, man.
And I’m not even sure what a dean of students specifically does, but taking an entire day to obsess over one teenager has to be leaving some paperwork not-done. Unless he’s actually been spending the whole day filling out form 236-C, and it requires you to break into a student’s home to complete it?
In the end of Fast Time At Ridgemont High, the history teacher shows up at Sean Penn’s house to angrily force knowledge down his throat right before a school dance. Let me think of all the times a teacher has shown up at my house when I was in school. This may come as a shock to you, but never. Not once. No teacher, no matter how ceaselessly inspirational they were, has ever gone to my house unannounced to ensure that I was schooling harder. I don’t mean to diss the education system, but I don’t think most teachers are that dedicated.
Universal Pictures
Universal PicturesEven people who are paid millions of dollars avoid hanging out with Sean Penn unless absolutely required to.
The Popular Kids Are Doomed To Lead Crappy Adult Lives
Every teen movie with an epilogue uses it to give a good dig at the popular jerks’ bleak future. Mike Damone gets caught scalping tickets and ends up working at a 7-11 in Fast Times At Ridgemont High. We’re told Mike Dexter (a lot of assholes are named Mike, apparently) becomes an alcoholic who washes cars after the events of Can’t Hardly Wait. Biff from Back To The Future … also winds up washing cars for a living? Screenwriters must see this as the ultimate punishment.
Universal Pictures“Hey, remember when I tried to rape your wife? Man, crazy times. Anyway, I’ll get back to work.”
It’s what we want — justice for all the times those popular assholes were popular assholes at us. The thing is, sometimes popular people kind of rule at life. Popularity is often shorthand for “people skills,” and that often stems from being aggressive and/or physically attractive, all of which is really, really beneficial in the adult world.
We mentioned Mike Dexter up there. He was a jerk in Can’t Hardly Wait, but he was also good enough at football to get a scholarship to college. Communities tend to have a long memory when it comes to people who were good at sports. In my hometown, football players are the closest things to local celebrities we have. Mike would have to screw up pretty badly to not be able to land a cushy job at a local car dealership there, even if he dropped out of college. So what did Mike do?
Columbia Pictures
Columbia PicturesI need a Cant Hardly Wait 2, in which we see … the murders.
The Mikes of the real world will learn to tie a tie, play golf, and get good jobs from their frat alumni, working overtime to figure out how to keep their sexual harassment away from witnesses. And while he’s interviewing you for a job years later, you’ll look at his gold watch and think, Damn, this could have been me, if only I’d drank more in high school.
If you’re the type of person who enjoys reliving your glory days on video, try it with a sick projector set from DB Power.
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For more, check out 5 Horrible Life Lessons Learned from Teen Movies and 6 Ways Society Is Designed To Screw Teenagers Every Day.
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