#like I keep being thrown into situations that involve triggers that I can't even think about without having panic attacks
thethingything · 4 months
our current dilema is that the pain from our wisdom tooth keeps getting so bad we have to take pain meds (like it keeps hitting an 8/10 for several hours at a time. we can't not take pain meds) but the only pain meds that touch it have a warning on them saying not to take them for more than 3 days in a row, and we have at least another month of dealing with this, so I don't really know what to do.
the warning is because they're opioids and can cause addiction but I don't actually know how bad the risk is because everything seems to treat it like opioids are the worst thing ever and should be avoided at all costs and you'll get addicted if you so much as glance at them.
either way, my options are to either keep taking them and just accept that risk, or deal with being in so much pain I can't function. even with taking the pain meds I can tell we're a lot more irritable and short tempered and probably just insufferable to be around honestly and I hate the fact that pain causes this, but once again we've got to deal with this for over a month and we've also got to deal with the anxiety over what the treatment for it is going to actually involve.
I've had to deal with medical trauma stuff I didn't even know about until like yesterday when Lucy suggested it might be part of why I feel so shit, and I've had multiple panic attacks per day and constantly feel way more anxious than usual and I get the feeling we're just gonnaa have to put up with this for the next month and I don't know how the fuck I'm meant to cope with any of this
#personal#thoughts#🍬 post#vent post#posts made on pain meds#there is absolutely nothing that gets rid of what essentially amounts to a constant sense of impending doom#like our brain has just fully decided we're fucked and going to die or some shit and now I have to deal with the anxiet from it doing that#and like I know logically we're gonna be fine and this is ridiculous#but I know we sometimes get a delusion where our brain just decides we're gonna die on a specific day or whatever#and I think that's flared up and combined with the severe medical anxiety#and since knowing a delusion isn't real doesn't do shit to stop you feeling like it's real#no amount of logic seems to be able to make our brain not freak out over this and make me have panic attacks because of it#we already had that delusion kind of going on in the background because something about this time of year seems to trigger it#and I guess having something planned that's incredibly triggering and causing that feeling a dread#probably just made our brain combine the two things#we also are definitely experiencing stress-induced psychosis just in general because I've been hallucinating so fucking much#actually I wonder if the fact that I've had to take pain meds so much might also be messing with our psychosis#I would like to maybe not have to deal with any of this#we were looking forward to just getting that one tooth removed and then resting and recovering and not having anything planned for a while#and instead we've got at least a month of dealing with this shit and I'm fucking exhausted#this year has basically just been me dealing with one unbelievably triggering thing after another because I have no other choice#like I keep being thrown into situations that involve triggers that I can't even think about without having panic attacks#there's a whole bunch of shit going on in our personal life and stuff just keeps piling up and we don't get a break from any of it
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brucenorris007 · 9 months
All right, it seems that a. . . not insignificant number of people take issue, or at least are upset by, the reaction of Sonic and friends to Metal Sonic in the final story of Heroes.
Yes I did just reblog that specific post, scroll down a just a little for reference.
I think the anguish and angst of Metal's perspective of the situation definitely warrants exploration; and HELL YEAH if we got to see that in any official media. I do caution against vilifying Sonic and his friends for how they reacted to Metal Overlord, though; nuance, everyone, nuance. (Not saying that was the intended purpose of that other post, I've just seen takes like that get twisted in fandom a lot before and would prefer it nipped before anything starts. Far be for me to want to even try to preach, of course.)
Would Metal interpret all the smack talk thrown at it as genuine hatred, as ignoring what might be a very dramatic and destructive cry for help? Yes, it's certainly possible. But A) Sonic and friends don't hate Metal whatsoever, since even Omega, who based his entire personality around destroying Eggman robots, gently gathers Metal into his arms after everyone else leaves and B) that angst isn't really theirs to address.
Keep in mind, the titular Heroes of the game are all teenagers and kids who just heard Neo declare "All living things, kneel before your master!" before turning itself into a lightning rod to trigger a transformation into Metal Overlord. Mitigating that alarming statement and the aggression packaged with it is their first priority; and if that involves a smack down, that's kind of Sonic's style anyway.
As for the fact that they lob smack talk in the first place, well, group think is a thing; and Shadow, amnesiac or otherwise, and Omega are both quite proud creature who don't kowtow to anybody, to say nothing of Omega's animosity for anything Eggman made. And honestly, I think Sonic might have been less likely to throw around and encourage smack talk if Tails and the other kids hadn't been present.
But Cream, Charmy and Tails were present, and being the youngest, likely scared of Overlord who, let's be honest, looks fairly monstrous. The adventure up to the point of the Final Story took all of three days when they were all on the move; worn out and frightened, people like Vector and Sonic would've carried themselves a certain way.
"Hey little buddy, this is just business as usual; nothing to worry about, yeah?" etc.
As for the line everyone knows from the Super Sonic fight of this game "You thought you could defeat me by transforming into a monster" yeah, yes, absolutely that isn't going to help Metal's turmoil whatsoever.
BUT. Consider the events of Sonic's most recent adventures: Chaos' rage, simmering for thousands of years, threatened to destroy civilization when it was released. The Biolizard, fused with the ARK, was minutes away from destroying the planet.
By comparison: "Oh, this guy doesn't care about destroying things, they just want a piece of me; I can handle that eight days a week!" would probably feel like something of a relief and a step down in tension and stakes.
Sonic's not out to hurt Metal's feelings, he's just leaning into what he sees as a fight with a rival. That Metal's personal stakes on the fight are much, much higher than that isn't a fact he's really privy to.
And the ultimate question at the end of it all, when Neo reverts back to Metal and, using the last seconds of a voice box it has left to ask "Why can't I defeat you?"
That question isn't really for Sonic to answer. It's not for anyone to answer except maybe Metal's shitty dad. Because there isn't a single thing Sonic could say in that moment that wouldn't worsen Metal's angst. I think the nearest to helpful that Sonic might have been able to give Metal that doesn't break character would have been:
"Because you keep trying to be me; and you're not."
Say what you will about whether or not Sonic and friends listened to Metal during final story, but Metal was never going to be able to listen to any answer Sonic had for it, no matter how helpful.
Metal's programmed to see Sonic as The Enemy of All; to the point of paranoia. Despite the fact that Sonic's open invitation for a rematch is his way of saying he's down to hang out, Metal cannot interpret anything Sonic says as anything less than mockery, an insult or a threat.
In fact, that actually why the whole plot of Heroes kicks off; Metal's obsession with Sonic, with conquering the 'threat' briefly superseded its loyalty to Eggman. That's how deeply ingrained its fear of Sonic, and the pre-packaged identity crisis that comes with it, is.
Because that's the way Eggman made Metal.
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aminiatureworld · 3 years
HI! Quick note: write this whenever you want and be sure to take care of your health first! Your works are amazing and masterpieces take time, I can be patient <3 Hope you have a lovely day! (also, 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: trigger themes like attempts of suicide, probable hints to dissociative amnesia? I was inspired by it at least and some... Limb being bitten off as well as latest archon quest spoilers so readers be cautious!)
Anyway, I'd like to request for Xiao, Albedo, Zhongli, Kaeya and Diluc (if the number is too much you can cut off whoever from the list) with Traveller! s/o that like has no memory of their past but have clues through these... "Visions/Dreams".
It started out a little simple; every once in a while, Y/N would see these little figures floating around their environment. Shadowy wisps, sometimes ghosts talking to them. But in real life, people can't see them and only sees them talking by themselves (and some are a little weirded out). But then one day, while they were out adventuring in the ruins slimes or seelies... Whatever small cute creatures can exist in Teyvat suddenly gathered in Stormterror's lair and they grew curious cuz they heard... Music? Playing? It was echo-y and creepy but then they heard a very familiar tune that they KNOW is linked to their past so they followed and went into the vicinity
(As reference, or for some idea: https://youtu.be/JZ6buLNIgs8)
The moment they stepped inside and pinpointed where the music is coming from they bolted up the stairs (if there are any, which probs not but in reader's case there is) and suddenly the stairs lead them to a hallway from a tower/palace, and walking further, there were two huge doors that lead to a ballroom with more than dozens of ghosts waltzing and singing with the music
(No they did not question why would stormterror's lair have a hallway or how it even has a ballroom inside, nor why creatures would gather in said lair. Questions that break away from dreams are nonexistent)
So obviously they were happy at the wondrous sight and began waltzing along with everyone from strangers to... Unrecognizable but familiar faces? Until They danced with this boy their age. The more they looked the more they were enamored and the world around them was but a hazy dream (as vague and hazy the environment in their head can get) but the boy became more and more vivid and so did the music until they practically sang together. But then as the music stopped and s/o turned their back for a second; the boy sang: "And a song someone sings..." And wisps suddenly flew out of him and towards Reader, making them fall unconscious into their arms as the Prince of the Abyss sang in their ear. "Once upon a december..." Before Aether disappeared and he was but a dream.
And then all of a sudden Reader was yanked away from their dream; almost literally. They turned to see their lover holding onto their arm with concern all over their face and explained to them they were so close to the edge dancing away they could've fallen off of the third floor (which was already high!).
And that's when things get a turn to the worse.
Every dream gets worse than the last; anything that involved the abyss, or seeing these star pendants like what Paimon has on her hair or Kaeya's little decor on his clothes or involving Khaenriah or whatever Albedo's research is rn lure them into a dream vivid than the last and it gets even harder and harder to break them off their dreams. One night of going to bed they suddenly had a dream of their old family/friends swimming in the ocean and telling them to join them, and they wouldve if their lover didnt sweep them off their feet and broke away from another dream they didnt realize was 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑛 a dream. And the realization that if they jumped off, their bones wouldve broken cuz a bunch of boulders and rocks on a steep cliff would make a nice floor for landing right?
But still, Aether and the abyss (which in their dreams were ghosts and just... this blond guy you knew but never realized it was your brother and the abyss) are recurring themes. Coming across any of the factors instantly puts them in a dream and reader cant tell whats reality and what isnt. Everything is too vivid they didnt see a bubble coming their way or an attack coming towards them and they were about to be thrown off. It got to the point Reader was getting claustrophic from the rooms suddenly shrinking as they were cornered by these ghosts that turned frightening and whenever they fight back they end up nearly murdering someone of mindlessly attempting to destroy one of The Seven statues.
It lead Reader to be.. Kinda suicidal. Not just because they hate themselves and their situation its cuz its the 𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦 𝑤𝑎𝑦 they knew how to escape the dream and wake up in a bed in their lovers arms. And because reader cant distinguish reality from dreams sometimes even if their lover is present they see these ghosts and think 'this must be a dream I have to wake up from!' cuz in the long run theyve learned fighting back meant hurting someone so they.. Redirected the pain to themselves so theyre very confused to see their lover throw their dagger across the room and they end up breaking down no matter where they are (or in worse cases in the middle of battle). Reader grew dependant on them and panic attacks after these dreams became more frequent until they cant even trust their surroundings whether its a dream or not.
(I'm very sorry with how long this is and I rambled in grotesque detail you may polish it however you want :"DD)
This can be in any format you'd like! But I mostly prefer headcanons + scenarios? like the bullets then comes scenario etc. But ye write however you want sorry for rambling hope you have a nice day thank you
As a Romanov history enthusiast this request was both very interesting and very difficult. Mostly because I found myself veering off into “lore dumping” for lack of a better term. Still I hope the general feeling of your request was captured well.
I spread various aspects of your request around as best I could, depending on character, outline, fic structure, etc. The only thing I didn’t keep in was the suicidal ideation. This is for various reasons, some personal, but in a more general term I think that it can be very difficult to portray something like that in a way that isn’t excessively triggering and is worthwhile to read for a variety of people. The way one person would process through such emotions and put them to paper could be harmful to another. Overall I thought it best to steer clear from such a topic, with the knowledge that I didn’t find it necessary to the story and thought it would be an imperfect addition on my part. Not that I find never addressing such topics necessarily the right path either, only I think that in this case better not to. I hope I explained why adequately. 
I know that wanting to read and write about such topics does not directly correlate to being in such a mental state but I do hope you also take care of your own mental health. Though getting out of such crises can be difficult I want to tell you this at least. You aren’t alone in feeling this way, even if others in your direct vicinity cannot understand. And also sometimes finding a direct reason for continuing on comes later. Sometimes surviving is enough. And even if you cannot see the light at the end of the tunnel, that doesn’t mean you should take a step which you will never be able to reverse, the only step you will never be able to reverse in your existence.
I also leaned into the Romanov family dynamic, rather into that of the traveler siblings. Whether the reader is the traveler is kept vague on purpose, as I generally as a rule don’t write the siblings. I also found that in keeping them specifically canon compliant to the traveler siblings I’d have to cut back on the more historical illusions. Being a total history nerd I chose the latter option. 
Otherwise my fics varied in complete accuracy to the prompt, though I hope you find it enjoyable to read nonetheless.
Here they are in order of Albedo, Diluc, Kaeya, Xiao, and Zhongli. I hope you find them a worthwhile read and thank you for your request. I hope you have a lovely week.
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smileyoongle · 5 years
Mafia Yoongi! Mea Culpa
Requested by @floofwrites
This is my first Yoongi one shot and I'm not sure if I did it nicely. I think it's crap, tbh. But I was drowning in inspiration and I just had to write this. Hope you enjoy it!
Summary: Yoongi tries to teach you basic self defense only to have you fail again and again due to your hesitation and fear regarding his violent work. Unwanted words are thrown and regret settles in until you find yourself in an ironic situation. Time to put your self defense techniques into action.
You nodded, pretending to understand all the instructions that Yoongi was giving you. But in all honesty, you weren't the least bit interested in learning any self defense techniques and Yoongi strongly opposed you on this. He kept telling you that there were many people who would want to hurt you just to get to him which was absolutely true. You did go through something like that in the past once and Yoongi hadn't been there. And when he saw you wounded and crying, he swore he would never let anyone lay a finger on you ever again.
"Okay, now let's start with the practice." He said, bending down on one knee and fixing his shoelaces. Your eyes widened at his words since you didn't think he was actually gonna make you practice. For some reason, you had thought that he would just explain everything to you and finish it off.
Stupid Y/N.
"P-practice?" You asked, hoping that he hears the hesitation in your voice. Yoongi looked up at you and frowned. He did hear the hesitation but he didn't give any mind to it. Everyone hesitated before things like this. He did too. And since you stayed miles away from any kind of violence, it was definitely expected from you.
"Yes. Practice." He replied, making you sigh in defeat. You had no idea how you were going to practice since you hadn't heard a single thing that Yoongi had told you. He was gonna be so mad at you.
"I said, hit my knee with your foot! Not your hand!" Yoongi scowled, slowly getting the hint that you had absolutely not paid attention to anything that he had said. With a fake sob, you lay on the ground, whining about not wanting to do this. For the past two hours, you hadn't gotten a single thing right. You did everything wrong. You hit Yoongi's knee with your hand, which according to him, would give more advantage to the attacker. You hit Yoongi's forehead, instead of his nose, which according to him, wouldn't buy you enough time to run away. "This just isn't my day." You mumbled, pushing yourself to stand up. You brushed the dust from your pants and looked up at Yoongi to find him glaring at you with his arms crossed. You gulped and glanced at the ground, wincing internally at how everything was a mess.
"You didn't really pay attention to whatever I said, did you?" He asked, narrowing his eyes at you. You immediately faked a frown. "Of course I did!"
Yoongi raised an eyebrow and took a step closer to you, making you spill the truth. "No I didn't."
Yoongi sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, shaking his head in disbelief. All this time, he was getting excited at the fact that one day you'd be able to fight people and he won't have to be worried about you getting hurt. But here you were. Absolutely oblivious to how dangerous your life was. "Y/N, we're doing this so that you can protect yourself." He explained, placing his hands on your shoulders.
"You can protect me." You muttered, making Yoongi's heart melt. Of course, he could protect you. He would do anything to keep you safe but unfortunately, he couldn't be with you all the time. "I can't be there with you all the time, can I, doll?" He rubbed your back as you hugged him, your hands lightly wrapped around his waist and your head resting on his chest. You smiled at the smell of his cologne, snuggling closer to him. Yoongi chuckled and kissed the top of your head before resting his cheek on it. You closed your eyes and wished that he'd forget all about the training session. But obviously, that wasn't possible. Yoongi was determined to make you learn self defense.
"Maybe you'd be better with weapons." Yoongi wondered out loud, making your eyes widen as you pulled away from him. Yoongi thought for a moment before giving you a curt nod.
"Not everyone is good at hand combat so maybe I should teach you how to use a gun. Yes, that sounds good." He declared, immediately rushing to grab his gun. You mentally slapped yourself. You should have just learned hand combat. Because guns scared the hell out of you. You gave Yoongi a nervous smile as he walked towards you with his gun in hand.
"Okay let's start."
You bit your lip harshly, trying your best to aim at the target in front of you but your hands kept shaking. A drop of sweat trickled down your forehead as Yoongi kept a close watch on you. This was your 20th attempt and you hadn't shot the target even once. It was mainly because of how scared you were but Yoongi's intense gaze also contributed to it. You clenched your eyes shut and pulled the trigger, jolting a little at the impact that firing a bullet left behind. A loud noise echoed through the basement as you slowly opened your eyes, immediately sulking on seeing the new hole in the wall while the target board stood untouched. You groaned and sat on the floor, burying your head in the palm of your hands.
Yoongi clenched his jaw on seeing you drop to the floor, his anger finding ways to come out. He had been trying to be so patient with you but it became harder with every shot you missed. It had been about 5 hours since your training started but there was no progress. You both were tired and hungry, making it easier for your frustration to grow.
"What are you doing?" You immediately looked up at Yoongi on hearing his cold voice. He looked at you with no emotions in his eyes, making you frown at the sudden change in his mood. He had been so supportive and understanding this entire time, letting you try again and again because obviously, fighting was hard. "What do you mean?" You asked, standing up with the gun in your hand. The metal felt heavy between your fingers, just like how your heart felt.
"What I mean is, what the fuck are you doing? Even after me teaching you everything so perfectly, you can't do it! For godsake, Y/N, be useful for once, will you?!" He growled, his nose flaring as he clenched his fists. You scoffed, staring at Yoongi unbelievably. Your heart broke at his words. How could he even say that?
"So you think I'm useless?" You asked, placing your hands on your hips. Yoongi had already realized that whatever he said was beyond wrong. He didn't mean to say any of it but his temper got the best of him.
"All I'm saying is, you are making it very hard for me to be patient with you and I'm so close-"
"Oh I'm sorry I'm not a trained killer like you!"
The words left your mouth before you could comprehend them, a bitter taste being left behind on your tongue. Yoongi's eyes widened momentarily before going back to being cold. In that moment, he felt so distant that you wanted to cry. "Yoongi-" you called out, stretching your hand to hold his but he took a step back.
"Save it, Y/N." He mumbled and walked away. Your eyes started watering as you gasped for air, your lips quivering as you bit your bottom lip. You were well aware that what you had said was worse than what Yoongi had said. The only person who he cherished the most, dared to say something so terrible. It broke him.
You broke him.
With a small sob, you started walking out of the compound of his house, completely disappointed in yourself. You didn't deserve Yoongi at all. He was anything but a killer.
It had become darker and there was no sign of you coming home. Of course, Yoongi was upset but he could never be upset with you for too long. You were his everything. He planned on talking everything out with you, once you came back home. But you weren't back and he was waiting. A very unsettling feeling came over his heart. So, forgetting everything, he picked up his phone and tried calling you. You didn't pick up at the first try, making Yoongi panic. So he called again, sighing in relief when you finally picked up the phone. But his relief was short lived when he heard a whimper before the call was disconnected. Wasting no time, he rushed out of his study and called his guards, throwing directions here and there.
"Track her phone! Tell me her location, now!" He barked, running towards his car. He felt guilty for even trying to make you do something you didn't like. Yoongi knew since the beginning that you hated every aspect of his job but never once complained. Instead, you just stayed away from anything that could get you involved in it. You definitely didn't mean the words that you had said. You couldn't have. Because you were the one who kept reminding Yoongi that he wasn't a killer.
"Sir, her phone seems to be heading towards the docks at the edge of the city." Yoongi nodded at the guard in response and turned on the engine before speeding away towards where you were. He had to find you before it was too late.
You groaned at the throbbing pain at the back of your head, your eyes seemingly stuck together due to the immense amount of light that fell on your face. With a huge amount of effort, you slowly opened your eyes, blinking again and again to be able to look at your surroundings clearly.
"Finally! I didn't think I hit you too hard." A voice startled you, making you turn your head to see the source of it. An ugly looking man came into view, sporting black sunglasses that made him look blind. His hair was pushed back with gel and you wondered if he had actually ended up taking a bath in it. Your eyes widened when you remembered what had happened.
You had been walking around with no destination in mind, trying to think about all the bullshit that you had said to your boyfriend. It was already dark but you weren't ready to go back home and face him, too scared to be rejected for all the apology speeches that you had prepared. Your eyes felt hot as if they were on fire which was probably because of all the hours you had spent crying. You knew it was best to leave Yoongi alone when he was upset but at that moment, all you wanted was for him to tell you that it was okay. That he had forgiven you. Suddenly, your phone started ringing making you flinch in surprise. With a tired sigh, you pulled it out of your pocket and glanced at the screen with a bored look. That was until you had seen your boyfriend's name pop up, of course. You widened your eyes and looked around you in disbelief.
Yoongi was calling you?
A miracle, indeed.
By the time you could pick up the call, it was gone. He must have hung up. You pouted and kicked at a stone on the footpath, wondering how horrible you were. Honestly, it was surprising that Yoongi had even called you. You shook your head and took a deep breath, deciding that it was time for you to call him now. But Yoongi beat you to it again. Quickly, you accepted the call and placed the phone against your ear. Before you could even mutter a word, something or someone hit you hard from behind. You whimpered as white dots danced across your vision. You tried to stay conscious but it was too hard. With a forced attempt, you tucked your phone under your shirt because if you were really being kidnapped then Yoongi could find you by tracing your location. He would find you, right?
With narrowed eyes, you glared at your kidnapper, trying get out of the thick ropes that tied you to the uncomfortable wooden chair. You could feel the phone tucked under your shirt, indicating that no one had bothered to check you for weapons. How stupid must these people be?
"What the fuck do you want?" You spat, not wanting him to see that you were a little scared. He wasn't really worth being scared of but you were scared. Mostly because you didn't know if Yoongi would come and rescue you on time.
He would, Y/N! WTF?!
You shook your head and turned your attention back to the ugly man in front of you. "Ah, kitten's got a dirty mouth, I see. Maybe we could put it to better use when I kill your boyfriend, hmm?" He grinned, making you want to throw up.
"You know, the fact that you have me tied up while talking shit makes you look like a little weakling. So untie me and we'll see who kills whom!" You provoked, giving him a death glare. But in all honesty, you didn't have a clue as to what you would do if he untied you. Scratching his face with your not-so-sharp nails would only get you so far....
A chuckle rang through the room as you continued to glare at your kidnapper, finding yourself getting more agitated at the fact that he had the audacity to laugh when he had Min Yoongi's girl tied up in front of him. Everyone knew what happened to those who dared to touch you. This idiot was clearly oblivious.
"Okay then, I'll untie you and let you make a fool out of yourself." He simply replied and proceeded to untie the ropes, making your heart beat faster. You gulped, planning your strategies and mentally slapping yourself for not paying attention to Yoongi's training sessions.
As soon as the last of the rope was off your skin, you bolted out of the chair and stood opposite your kidnapper, frowning on hearing voices outside the rusty door.
"There are about 20 men outside those doors so don't try anything stupid." He warned and you rolled your eyes at him. As if 20 men were a match for Yoongi and his gang.
With a sharp intake of breath, you lunged at your kidnapper, only to have him turned you around and hold your hands behind you. He laughed, his breath tickling the back of your neck and you swore you felt beyond disgusted.
"So strong, kitten. I thought Min Yoongi's girlfriend would know better." He mocked as you struggled to get out of his grip.
Come on, Y/N. You must remember something.
Suddenly, gunshots echoed through the place. Your eyes lit up and you smiled widely, craning your neck to look at your kidnapper.
"He's here and you're gonna regret doing this." You said, before lifting up your right foot and kicking his leg with all your strength.
Good work.
He stumbled behind you and let go of your hands. You quickly rubbed your wrists and prepared to kick him where the sun doesn't shine, sighing on seeing him fall to his knees while clutching his crotch. The door flew open behind you but you were too busy to see who came in. With a swift twirl, you hit his face with your elbow, wincing on seeing the blood coming out of his nose as he fell back on the coarse floor.
You weren't aware that Yoongi had just witnessed every single thing that you had done. He watched you do everything that he taught you perfectly. He felt like his heart was gonna explode with all the pride he had for you.
"Y/N?" He called out, making you turn around to face him. You smiled and ran to him, throwing yourself in his arms as he wrapped them around your waist. Burying your face in his neck, you started crying. You were happy to be back in his arms but you were sad about everything that had happened previously. If you were to die without telling Yoongi that you loved him, then you weren't sure how your soul would have been at peace. Yoongi rubbed your back, trying to calm you down. It wasn't like he wasn't worried, he was beyond worried.
You were his life.
If anything were to happen to you, could he have forgiven himself?
"I'm so sorry, Yoongi. But you know me, I'm stupid and dumb and pathetic and-and I don't deserve you. I didn't mean anything that I said. I love you a lot and you mean the world to m-me. Please forgive-"
"Hush, baby, hush......" Yoongi held you tighter, feeling his heart aching on hearing your words. He knew you didn't mean anything, obviously. If anything, then he had to apologize to you too.
"You, my love, are the smartest, the prettiest and the most soulful woman I've met. I am the one who doesn't deserve you. I love you more. Always have." Yoongi said, smiling on hearing your cries die down. He continued holding you to his chest as his men filed inside the room and dragged your kidnapper out. That man was gonna pay severely. How could he even think of laying a finger on you?
"I saw you fighting him, baby."
You pulled away from Yoongi, quickly looking away on seeing him smiling fondly at you. His smile could kill people. You always told him that.
"I guess you don't need to train anymore. You were better than half my men." He stated, tilting his head and running his eyes over your face. You sniffled a little and looked at him with a slight smile. "Really?" You asked as he leaned his forehead against yours. He hummed and kissed you, his lips soft and gentle against yours.
"Let's get you home now. I also have to deal with that asshole."
And so, you both headed home as you told him all about how dumb your kidnapper was and how you had outsmarted him. Yoongi kept smiling at how proud you looked. Your eyes shone brighter and your lips smiled wider. Maybe the day wasn't so bad. Apart from the fear of losing you, of course. He promised himself that he wasn't ever gonna let anyone touch you again, no matter who he had to kill.
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Isn't he just gorgeous? Please, tell him I love him ❤️
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