#like I know she'll pay me she is unable to ghost me
crownedinmarigolds · 8 months
A lil grumpy with my art commissioner and just wanna vent publiclyish a smidgen. (NONE of you on here, this is the supervisor that wanted me to draw her grandkids) The finish line just keeps getting moved... I'll patch up the drawing with her notes, and then she gives MORE notes but in regards to things that should've been given to me AGES ago. She now wants me to update the coloring on the skintone of these various action shots of her grandson... I've had this colored for a month now! How frustrating!! I want to pull my hair out.
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grogusmum · 6 months
November: Mourning Moon
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A Conversations with Dead People Companion
This one probably does require reading the original fic; you can find it here
W/C 1400ish
WARNING: angsty, dead wife, ghost, that's about it.
A/N Welcome to my very late November installment for @yearofcreation2023 (a fantastic notion by @oonajaeadira.)
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Frankie climbs the steps of the 400-year-old cemetery, this time with his daughter, Julieta. Snow has been falling for a good twenty minutes, and last night's snow crunches underfoot. It’s not unheard of to have snow in November in the Northeast, even if it’s becoming more rare. It’s been a little more than a year since Frankie’s first visit with Holly. It only takes a moment before she falls into silent step with them. Slipping between them, as they seem to have left space for her, she takes each of their gloved hands in her bare ones.
“I'm so glad to see you, my loves.”
“Holly,” Frankie sighs. “Missed you, babe.”
“Oh jellybean, I'm so glad you came," Holly brings her daughter's hand to her cold cheek, then turns to her husband, “You came.”
“But not just to say hello.”
“Yeah,” Frankie looks at his wife, looking just as she did in life. This isn't going to be easy. “I've- I-”
Holly smiles, right up to her eyes -
“You've met someone.”
Frankie just gives a tight smile, she always makes things easier, he should have remembered.  His eyes go bright, and he rubs his face with his free hand. 
“Darling, that's truly wonderful. You deserve it, Frankie. And you deserve a mama.”
“I only have one mama, but I like her,” Julieta says. 
as they reach the top of Burial Hill the wind kicks up, snow swirling unable to decide which way is down. They are alone, no dog walkers, no couples taking in the view. It's beautiful but cold.
“We just wanted to tell you that. I don’t know, I couldn't just… not without your blessing.”
“You know my answer,” Holly says, giving Frankie a chilly kiss on the cheek, he shivers and smiles. “Tell me all about her.” 
Frankie tells Holly where you are from, what you do… how he feels when he's with you. Julieta shares stories of the first time you came to her soccer game, and how you make the best hot chocolate- with a quick apology, meaning no offense to Holly’s cocoa. To which Holly gifts them with the hearty laugh they love so well. 
“You aren't offending me, jellybean, it comes from a box!  But watch out, I hear the Swiss Miss gets migh-ty jealous!”
“We told her all about you. She wants to come and visit,” Julieta says, swinging Holly's arm as they walk and hold hands.
Holly looks at Frankie, then at Julieta-
“Me me? Or my -” Holly nods at the white gravestone a few paces away. 
“I told her I talk to you a lot, and about that time last fall…” 
“You did?”
“Yeah, and she wasn't weirded out at all. She doesn't expect you to come to her- make yourself um… known. She just wants to put a wreath on your grave, pay her respects.”
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You sat in the little coffee place on the main street, mindlessly stirring your tea, watching the windows for Frankie and Julieta. The wreath you made of blue spruce, juniper berries, pine cones, and of course, holly, a wide white grosgrain ribbon tied in a single fluffy bow sits on the seat next to you. You don't expect to see Holly. No. But you figure she'll hear you… you thought about all the things you wanted to tell her, trying to imagine being at the receiving end of it. As if you are the one who lost her life, the love of her life, and the apple of her eye… you close your eyes, a small tear slips down. 
Are you being weird? Performative? 
Just then you see the two most important people to come into your life, saving you from spiraling.
They wave. Frankie gives Julieta some money and kisses her head, then comes to your table while his daughter goes to the counter. He kisses your forehead and sits, “Jules is ordering us a warm-up. It's freezing up the hill. The wind.”
You nod, and another sneaky tear rolls down.
“Hey,” Frankie's brows knit together, “are you- did something happen?”
Frankie looks around for the culprit. You huff a smile at his protectiveness. You found yourself a bulldog, complete with soft, sad brown eyes, who loves his belly rubbed.
“I'm just- it's an emotional day. I guess.”
“I guess it is,” Frankie nods.
After hot chocolate and coffee (and the cookie the size of Jules' face), everyone is warmed up and bundles up to climb back up the hill.
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Holly keeps her distance this time, watching the three of you reach the crest of the hill. Frankie puts his hand on your lower back, guiding you on the snow-covered brick path toward Holly’s stone. Holly pines for that hand, warm and solid on the small of her back, just one more time. Pearly tears spill over. She isn't jealous, well, that's not true. Holly is envious of you; she's just not angry with you. She feels swindled, but not by you. You are again bringing joy to her husband and child, love and care that Holly can not provide anymore. She's grateful for you, just incredibly sad for herself. 
Holly pops over to the stone, their destination, and continues observing you. You have kind eyes, carrying a rueful smile. At least now it is, understandably, but Holly can see the shadow of crinkles around your eyes and laugh lines. You have a lovely wreath. If Holly had to picking one out of a million for herself, she would have chosen that one. 
You look at Jules and kiss her brown curls; they look at Frankie like you're looking for some help. He gives your hand a squeeze.
“It's a beautiful stone,” you murmur. Frankie puts a little rod, like a shepherd's hook, in the ground before it. Since it’s so early in the season, the ground isn't frozen hard despite the snow. Then, you hang the wreath on it. 
“Thank you for your family,” you say, and then cringe a little; Frankie kneels next to you, taking your hand in his. He nods.
“I'm…” you look at them with pleading eyes.
Julieta takes your other hand and introduces you. You kiss a thank you on her temple.
“I just wanted to come and give my respects, to um, tell you that I love your husband, and your kid here is a delight. By the photos all over the house, I can see she is the perfect combination of the two of you. I just wanted t-to assure you that they will be cared for, I hope nearly so well as when they were with you. Because, I can see your love everywhere in that house. The nursery room mural you painted full belly pregnant with Jules here, Frankie's shown me photos of your gardens. And the recipe book you put together b-before… everything, so Frankie could make all his and Julieta’s favorites. I can't replace you, of course, no one can. But I hope - well, I just-”
You look up at the white stone, your knees cold in the snow but your face hot, trying to find the words.
Holly moves to stand behind the headstone, looking down at your worried face, and puts out her hand. You blink. A graceful hand suddenly appears before her stone, right between the carved words wife and mother. Your eyes slowly follow the wrist, then arm, to the face of Holly Morales. 
After a small gasp, you take her outstretched hand and stand. Frankie and Jules slowly follow.
“Thank you for loving my family,” Holly says, placing her other hand over yours. You can feel the seeping cold through your glove, but you feel no reason to shiver. Her eyes are so full of love and gratitude and grace. “I am entrusting them in your care.”
“I do,” you say, “I mean, am, I will love and care for them with all my heart.”
“and let them care for you, and love you,” Holly so wisely adds.
Tears prick the corners of your eyes.
“I will.”
Holly looks at Jules, hand grazing her cheek. Her eyes travel to Frankie's, his tears falling freely. Unnoticed, the snow had stopped falling, and sunshine fought its way past the clouds.  Only noticed now when a shaft brightened the hill, causing a swirl of snow caught on the wind to sparkle like diamonds. And in that shimmer of snow and light, Holly is gone.
Frankie presses a kiss to your temple.
“She likes you.”
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Year of Creation: the Wheel of the Year Masterlist
If you care to be tagged for any of my works, my taglist form can be found here! I've added my Year of Themed Creations Series
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dire-kumori · 1 year
I'm glad you liked my last idea- I had another idea (I am also very scattered brained and just come up with like 16 new ideas for random au I find on the internet) We're after like I'm gonna say 80 time loops where Michael is like fully devolved into the reaper He decides not just to kill his younger self this time... He only plans on doing it once just one little piece of revenge.. And he knows it will hurt his younger self too so it's like a double win...
Basically he sneaks into the Afton house at night and kidnaps Elizabeth.. Then he takes her to wear sister location would be built.. He knows that Michael saw him and is probably going to follow him in an attempt to save Elizabeth he's planning on it.... Elizabeth is like freaking out and reaper Mike Is trying to justify... Hes got her tied up to a tree and everything
Reaper Michael: I know it's my fault you became that thing.. If I had watched if I had come sooner I could have saved you.. *Touches her hair Elizabeth squirms away*
Elizabeth: When my dad and brothers find you they're gonna make you pay you're a bad man!! (She is trying really hard to act brave but she is terrified)
Reaper Michael: I know.. cause I care about Elizabeth.. I've always cared about you're my little sister for God damn sake... And I know that somewhere in that horrible twisted mass of metal and plastic you cared about me too.. But you still killed me you wore me like some kind of dress up..
*Elizabeth suddenly realized that this thing somehow is Michael screams and wiggles against her restraints. Younger Michael hears it and rides his bike towards the scream*
Ripper Michael: I honestly should thank you Elizabeth you showed me that no matter how much I tried to hide it all I am is a dirty rotten creature and all I can do is hurt people... But you still killed me and it hurt so so much.. And one death won't mean anything in the greater scheme.. (Man has gone full monster He knows what hes doing is terrible and hes not actually helping anyone it's more just cathartis)
*Elizabeth not really understanding what he means by everything... But understanding that somehow she did this to him.. She is so terrified she wants to just start crying there not only because of the monster in front of her but because this monster is her brother and she made him like this for some reason...*
Elizabeth: What happened to you Michael? what did I do what's going on? I'm so sorry?
Reaper Michael: That's what I said to you... *Michael thinks back to the scooping room* Want to know what you said?
*Younger Michael is in the clearing with a baseball bat*
Reaper Michael: The scooper only hurts for a second.. (Quickly kills Elizabeth I don't know how he just does-)
Then he probably makes a quick work of Younger Michael before it starts all over again..
Sorry I couldn't stop thinking about this since you said earlier hes only doing This to deal with his own feelings of self-hatred. It's kind of Marinate in it.. I thought it would be interesting if in one loop he kills Elizabeth It's like hes gone fully off of the deep end at this point and doesn't really have a way to justify what hes doing anymore- And even though he does blame himself for what happened to Elizabeth he still hates that she did it to him.. Sorry for how long this ISL OLI hope you like it!!
This is pure evil and I am absolutely living for it!
Reaper Mike has fully gone off the deep end if he's outright willing to kill his little sister. He knows that she isn't the one who killed him, but can't completely erase the pain and terror he felt when he was down there alone in the scooping room. And as a ghost possessing his own derelict corpse, those emotions he felt at the moment of his death never dull. Circus Baby and Ennard are gone but the human soul who controlled them is right there, so weak and vulnerable, unable to fight back, and it's not like it will stick, right? One he slaughters the young version of himself time will be reset and she'll be fine. It's just once, a brief momentary release...
William would be proud of how alike they are in that moment.
(Bit of gore talk ahead; par for the course with a lot of my writing but if it's upsetting to you, skip over to 'He knew.')
And young Mike is utterly broken at the sight of his sister's corpse, drenched in blood with her belly slit open, intestines hanging down to the ground with her face frozen in an agonized scream for help that never came. He knew that something dangerous was coming. He knew his family was in danger but selfishly, he only thought about saving his own skin. Why didn't he try to warn anyone? Why didn't he try harder to protect his siblings? It's his fault Elizabeth's dead, and in the face of how utterly he's failed is sister, he doesn't even put up a fight when the Reaper comes for him next.
Whether or not anyone else aside from Michael remembers any of the loops depends entirely on the author. But let's say in this case Elizabeth does remember some of it, if only as a bad dream. The next morning Elizabeth reacts to the sight of Michael with a mix of guilt and horror and actually vomits at the sight of him.
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coruscantguard · 4 years
Safety is Our Priority
For sigye for the Obi-Wan Kenobi Gen Fic Exchange!
I am a serious author who writes serious things... so this is 3k words of Obi-Wan and Ventress going through space TSA. (ft. the maybe-Force ghost of Ky Narec.)
Warnings for mentions of canonical character death (re. Ky Narec, Qui-Gon Jinn, as well as unnamed clones, Jedi, & civilians), canon-typical violence, and death threats, because, well... the POV character is Ventress. Threats, violence, and mentions of death are kind of par for the course when writing her.
(Ao3 Link)
The line to security isn’t the worst line Asajj has ever been in, she can admit that. Kenobi has found a suitably small spaceport for them to leave from, one that should be discreet enough for them to get a good distance away from this hellhole of a planet before anyone realizes that they’ve left, and all their other clientele seem to be good at minding their own karking business, at least so far.
But that also means that she’s astronomically bored, and she can’t even kark with people for fun. Well, she could, but Kenobi would presumably take offense to that, and then she’d have to call the Count and admit her failure, and Asajj is not about to do  that, not while she knows the holocron is still out there. As irritating and infuriating as it is, Kenobi is her best chance at getting off this hellhole without calling her Master’s attention to her… delay.
It’s not a failure, it’s a delay. Maybe if she says that to herself enough, it will become true.
Kenobi doesn't seem to be paying attention, his nose buried in a holopad he's reading. It is, quite honestly, remarkably rude. Or at least remarkably annoying to her, and she's perfectly fine with equating that to rudeness. It's not like anyone is going to correct her about it.
There's a snort to her right at that thought, and Asajj deliberately ignores it. She knows that if she turns her head, she'll see the ghost of her dead Master standing there, his amusement at her statement obvious by the way his arms are crossed and one eyebrow is raised. That's like the pot calling the kettle black, my young Padawan, Ky would have said. And this version of him, this infuriatingly persistent figment of her imagination, will say something similar if she gives him an opening to, so she just turns more firmly to Kenobi and tries to will him away.
"Asajj, you do realize that that's like the pot calling the kettle black, don't you?" Ky says anyway. She grits her teeth, and doesn’t reply.
“Ignoring me doesn't make it not true."
And maybe it's because she's had a long kriffing day, maybe it's because she still doesn't have the Force forsaken holocron, but Asajj is unable to completely stifle her sound of rage at that, whirling on her heel. Just as predicted, her Master's flickering form is there, and the fact that her imagination can still conjure him so accurately to this day just fuels her rage. She wants to scream at him, break him, wants to carve every memory she has of Rattatak out of her brain, wants the life she was promised and had ripped away when he up and died —
"Is something the matter, my dear?" Kenobi asks, breaking through her thoughts, and Asajj freezes. She can sense the jagged edges of his wariness brushing up against her mind in the Force, knows his hand is on his concealed lightsaber, anticipating the worst, and she forces herself to lock up any feelings she has on the matter, and throw them in her pile of things to deal with never. 
Ky Narec is useless, dead and forgotten. The rage his memory brings is a useful tool when she's channeling the Dark Side, so she keeps it with her, but when she's not using the Force, it just does more harm than good.
"I thought I might have seen someone troublesome. You might've seen them as well if you were paying any attention to something besides the holopad," she says pointedly, and Kenobi gives her a look, but relents, sliding the holopad away into his bag. As he does, Asajj catches a hint of a stray thought brush past her mind, something about invitation and ball and Naboo. 
"Kenobi," she starts, "do you actually have a plan—" Asajj breaks off when she realizes that he doesn't appear to be listening. Huh. "Hey, Kenobi. Master Jedi. I'm talking to you."
Kenobi blinks, says, "my apologies. I'm afraid I was lost in thought."
Yeah, no shit, she doesn't respond, because she does have some manners. "Something about Naboo?"
"Ah- no," Kenobi lies, just right on the side of too quick. He quickly changes the topic. “Ventress, I have to ask—"
"Do you really?"
"—are you planning on sharing why you decided to actually grace me with your presence this trip?”
“There’s little doubt in my mind that Dooku could end this manhunt with a snap of his fingers, or a few strategically placed bribes,” Kenobi continues, apparently deciding to pretend not to hear her. “And while I don’t object to your company, I wasn’t expecting it.”
“My dear Obi-Wan, the Count doesn't want me rely on him for everything, you know. Unlike your Skywalker, he understands that people need space to grow."
Kenobi snorts. "Very well. I do suppose it's a good thing I am here after all, then"
Asajj pauses, because that jump in logic makes zero sense. "Why the hell would you think that?"
"I don't imagine Dooku would be happy if it was Anakin you ended up teaming up with."
"If it was Skywalker I had to team up with, there would be a murder, not a team up."
"I feel like I ought to be offended on Anakin's behalf."
"Darling, I never said I'd be the one doing the murder."
"Are you really expecting me to believe that you wouldn't be?"
"No, I absolutely would, but he'd attempt it before I even opened my mouth. He’d fail, but he would try."
"... I suppose you do have a point."
The reluctant resignation in his voice counts as a win in her book, and Asajj takes a moment to savor it before moving on. "Now, do you have any genius plans for getting us out of here without alerting security to our real identities?"
"Oh, you think my plans are genius? I'm flattered."
Asajj huffs in disgust. "Do the Jedi not teach their younglings sarcasm?
"Oh, no, they absolutely don't," Kenobi says sarcastically. "Sarcasm is actually forbidden for Jedi. It's in our code, right after 'don't murder younglings' and 'don't become a politician.'"
Out of the corner of her eye, Asajj sees Ky raise his eyebrows at that statement, and while he doesn't laugh out loud, his mouth presses into the thin line that means he's absolutely laughing internally.
Asajj wrenches her gaze away from her former Master, and hits Kenobi's arm instead, making sure not to pull her punch.
"Hey!" Kenobi exclaims, reaching a hand up to rub at it. Good. "That was uncalled for."
"Don't be a baby," she says, dismissive. Kenobi rolls his eyes, like he's Skywalker, or the brat that he has following him around these days. Ugh. "Do I get to know your plan now?"
"After that? No. You are capable of improvising, are you not?"
"Am I capable of improvising— Kenobi, that's the most idiotic plan I've ever heard, Force above, why the hell do they call you the Negotiator— "
"Excellent," Kenobi interrupts, cutting her off, and she sneers at him. He ignores it. "Just follow my lead, then," he says, and he smiles, walks up to greet the security agent.
Rolling her eyes and following him sulkily is not the most dignified of reactions, but he did it first, so, whatever. Anyway, she's not a prissy little karker like he and his Order are, so she doesn't need to be all repressed and dignified.
(The voice in her head reminding her that there is a world of difference between one being repressed, and simply not letting one's emotions dictate their actions, is a voice that can shut the hell up. She got Ky's lecture about how the Jedi encourage the latter, not the former, enough times when he was alive, thank you very much.
Dooku says otherwise, anyway, and he's her Master now, not some useless, washed up, guilt driven, hypocritical Jedi. What Ky said doesn't matter. He was a kriffing liar, anyway. They all are.)
Asajj doesn't bother paying attention to the conversation Kenobi is having with the security agent— a small Rodian who gestures way too much— so she only tunes back in when Kenobi hands her a fake ID.
“Serenno University, huh? What are you studying?" the Rodian asks, and Asajj doesn't bother to muffle her groan. Force hells Kenobi, really?
Kenobi pays her no mind as he answers. “Galactic relations," he says, handing over his fake ID.
"That's got to be an interesting subject to study right now."
"It is."
Kenobi gets his ID back, and steps out of the way. Asajj takes his place, and hands her own over. "And what about you, hm?"
Kriff kriff kriff kriff kriff kriff —
"Business,” Kenobi says smoothly. Asajj blinks, then turns to stare at him incredulously, damn their covers. "She's getting a Masters of Business Administration."
Oh that karking son of a—
"Well, there's nothing wrong with that!" the Rodian chirps, and Asajj responds to  that  with a glare. The Rodian visibly wilts. "I'll just… go get that for you then, sirs."
The Rodian scampers off, and Kenobi sighs. "Really, Asajj?"
"A Masters of Business Administration?" she demands in reply. "Our cover is that we're at Uni, and I'm a kriffing business student?"
"Well, you do seem to be in the business of failing to kill Jedi, and I'd imagine that you'd like to change that, so a bit of higher education in business might do you well."
"Oh, you're one to talk. Remind me, just how often has my Master slipped out of your grasp?""
"Ventress, I've killed 50% of the Sith that I've interacted with, I'd say that's a pretty good record"
"You haven't killed me."
"You're not a Sith."
That karker.
"Whatever. There aren't many true Sith for you to interact with, so that's really not an impressive record."
"I, for one, would disagree."
"And you would be wrong. Suck it up, Kenobi, this isn't the kriffing creche, I'm not going to coddle you."
A pause, and the Rodian returns. She chooses to let Kenobi handle dealing with the fool, and moves towards the luggage scanners. Kenobi doesn't have any bags, because, Jedi, so he goes straight to x-ray machines. Once she's sent her bags through, she joins him.
He speaks up before she can. "And why would you say that?"
That— does he mean coddling? Or— ah, right. He probably means the creche. Asajj rolls her eyes, crosses her arms, sends him an incredulous look. "I may not be a Jedi, Kenobi, but I'm not completely ignorant about your way of life. You were raised in the creche, just like all the other Jedi brats, right?"
"... One could say that." Kenobi pauses to step into the x-ray machine, and only resumes speaking once he's exited it, the light having blinked green. "I didn't think that Dooku was the type to reminisce about his time in the Jedi Order."
Asajj steps into the x-ray machine, and she nearly laughs, because, well, Kenobi isn't wrong. The mental image of him doing so is surprisingly funny. "He's not," she confirms, stepping out.
"Than how do you know that?" Kenobi asks, voice low, and she pauses. She can hear the suspicion clear in his voice, which, for once, is absolutely not warranted— "because I can confirm that it isn't public knowledge."
Oh, kriff. Kriff.
"Mind your business, Jedi," she snaps back. Her temper is already flaring, and she determinedly pushes back the memories the presence of a karking Jedi have pulled to the forefront of her mind. It doesn't matter how she knows that, doesn't matter that Ky had told her—
"I disagree. Ventress, we may be working together for now, but you are an enemy operative, and you have shown that you have no qualms about murdering innocents, and actively enjoy both killing Jedi and clones. This is absolutely my— wait," Kenobi pauses mid-self righteous rant, cocks his head to the side, and suddenly his eyes go wide. Asajj narrows her eyes, tries not to see Ky out of the corner of her eyes, then— "Really?"
In the Force, she feels something brush up against the edges of her mind— a presence that's not invasive, not probing, just... picking up on the thoughts she's projecting.
On the—
She brings up her shields in an instant, bile bitter in her throat, and snarls, "shut the kriff up, Kenobi." Dimly, Asajj notes that she hears a dull roaring in her ears, and roaring that wasn't there before.
Kriff. Kriff.
"Jedi Master Ky Narec?" Kenobi says. Kenobi continues, because Kenobi is a fool. She will take his head for this, for being the one to witness— "So that's what happened to him."
Asajj blinks. In her ears, she still hears a roar. She blinks again.
Then the world around her turns red.
She's slamming him against the wall before she knows it, using the Force to propel herself as she lets out a wordless scream of rage. How dare he— how dare he—
She ignores Ky. It's been getting easier to do so as she pledges her time to Dooku. Asajj is vaguely aware of the fact that there are other beings around— civilians, sheep— and oh, she takes back what she said about the clientele of this place minding their own kriffing business. There's a mix of fear, horror, and shock rolling off them all in the Force, and it just serves to make her stronger, keeps her blood boiling as she grabs her lightsabers, ignites them,, and—
"You don't see anything out of the usual," Kenobi states, and the sheer power he laces his words with stops Asajj dead in her tracks. He can't seriously think he can control her with a mind trick, can he?
That fool. The indignation rises in her like bile, but then…
The room isn't the molotov cocktail of emotion it was before. 
"Look," Ky instructs her, and she's snarling kark off at him reflexively, but Kenobi is doing something in the Force, so she submerges herself in it anyway. She's a beacon of darkness and rage in the Force, she's worked to make that so, but beyond the trail of darkness she's left behind, Kenobi's influence is obvious. 
He… wasn't trying to mind trick her, it seems. His words have twisted around the other sentients in the room, a distinctly firm, calming presence bumping up against all the other Force signatures in the room. It's a controlled, gentle persuasion, for them to disregard what's happening between the two Force users in the room, and Asajj has the absurd realization that if this works, she could just murder Kenobi here and be done with it. 
And… it does work. Slowly, they start backing down, one by one, and their voices overlap as the beings around repeat the order Kenobi gave, one on top of the other, and…
And she swings her lightsaber to Kenobi's neck.
"Never say his name again," she orders, "Understood?"
Kenobi tilts his head, and—
"Is. That. Understood."
A moment of silence. Then: "Of course, my dear," Kenobi says, "I apologize for overstepping."
"I don't want your karking apologies, Kenobi," she snarls, leaning in. Kenobi looks back at her, completely unruffled. "And I sure as hell don't want your pity either."
"I wouldn't dream of it, Asajj."
She reminds herself of the holocron, of the spaceship she needs to catch, and makes herself move back. She leaves her lightsaber at his throat for one more long minute though, before scoffing and flicking it off. "I didn't always serve the Count, you know," she sneers, her tone dismissive, apathetic, bored. "Ky Narec trained me for a while, years ago. Then he died, and his flesh became bird food." 
"You cremated me," Ky corrects, tone mild. 
Asajj ignores him and crosses her arms, rolls her eyes at Kenobi. Her brain can take its technicalities and go kark itself. "There's your answer. Happy?" 
Kenobi stares at her for a moment, before nodding. But he doesn't move away from the wall, still studying her, and Asajj rolls her eyes again. 
"Are we going to move or not?"
That seems to shake Kenobi out of it. "I suppose we should, yes," he says, and she turns on her heel, stalking towards the luggage scanner to pick up her bags, then heading in the direction of the gate. She doesn't bother to turn around to check if hes following her, instead focusing on glaring at other passerbys and seeing how quickly they jump out of her way. They walk in silence until—
"My Master was murdered during the invasion of Naboo," Kenobi says suddenly, and she turns to look at him in surprise, causing the twi'lek who'd been behind her to trip over his own feet as they try to get out of her way. "Earlier. When you asked about Naboo." Kenobi's voice is uncharacteristically void of emotion. "The anniversary of it is this week."
Asajj blinks. Was he really—
Oh Force kriffing hells, seriously? Jedi. Jedi. The stupidity of them all kind of makes her want to scream. She literally just told him that she didn't want his pity, and and now he's pulling this? What kind of soft, pathetic idiot would just tell an enemy operative that kind of information?
She won't stop him from sharing. If he wants to build his own pyre, he can lie in it. It's not her problem.
(She's not touched. She really isn't. Kenobi is being an idiot, there's nothing touching about that.)
"His master was Qui-Gon Jinn," Ky says, "we were in the same clan as children. He took Obi-Wan as his Padawan Learner shortly before I left."
And, well, that's a useful piece of knowledge she didn't know she had. "Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn," she purrs in response, mocking his earlier statement, because she's not above twisting the metaphorical knife. He did it first, anyway. Kenobi's surprise is nothing but a brief flicker in the Force, and he gets it under control quickly, but it's absolutely present. Ha. Got you there, Jedi. 
Still, Kenobi doesn't miss a beat in responding. "Dooku's been telling those tales instead then?" 
No… but he doesn’t need to know that. "My Master likes to speak," she says dryly, picking up her bag again, and swinging it onto her back. Kenobi snorts, and follows suit.
"That he does," Kenobi agrees. "His monologue on Geonosis was ridiculous, truly."
"You’re one to talk."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
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ms-rampage · 4 years
Eden's Gate: Left Behind Chapter 4 - Bonding
Warnings: Some swearing, slight cuteness between Kate and Wheaty, slight angst
Word count: 1.8k
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Alissa (FC: Rhea Ripley)
Sarah (FC: Toni Storm)
Morgan: (FC: Kathryn Newton)
Ashley (FC: Chloë Grace Mortez)
Layla (FC: China Anne McClain)
Becky (FC: Taissa Farminga)
Ryan (FC: Ryan Potter)
Kevin (FC: Evan Peters)
Ivan and Isaiah (FC: Dylan & Cole Spouse)
Dylan (FC: Joe Keery)
March 2013
Payette National Forest
McCall, Idaho 
18 year old Paige and 14 year old Kate drive down the quiet lonely roads of Idaho. Working a case on a potential "animal" attack. 
Paige driving, and Kate searching the attack. 
"So what's the case?" Paige asks keeping her eyes on the road, Kate clears her throat and reads the report from her laptop. "4 people 2 male, and 2 female go camping one night, they hear an unusual sound, typical teen werewolf movie, the 2 guys and 1 of the girls are attacked, and killed. 
The other girl gets away bruised but uninjured" she stops reading the report. "Sounds like an animal attack to me" Paige says 
"That's what the coroner's said, but they examined the bite marks and they don't look like bites from a bear, wolf or a mountain lion. They said the bones were broken, and the flesh was torn clean off". 
Paige thinks for a moment "So a Werewolf? Vampire? Leviathan?". 
Kate shrugs, and says "Possibly the bite marks look like ones of a werewolf". 
They drive down the road, and stop at a gas station, Kate goes inside the market, and Paige fills up the Impala, as she’s grabbing snacks and drinks, the TV behind the cashier plays the news "In local news the McCall police department have found two more bodies at the Payette National Forest, the identities of these bodies are of George Fillman and Robert Peters". 
Kate pays for their stuff and leaves the store, Paige is done filling up the car. "Well they found 2 more bodies in the forest". 
Paige sighs as she puts the pump back "Son of a bitch" she says frustrated. They get into the car and drive to the forest.
Kate is with her friends Morgan, Sarah, and Alissa hanging out in the grass area of the quad of their college campus. During their mandatory 1 hour lunch break from work. 
Talking to their friend Sarah about what happened at the diner the day before. 
“Yeah for real. Holly was pissed” Morgan says to Sarah. 
Kate and Alissa, laugh at this. 
“Yeah, she was pissed off because this guy. I guess him and Holly had a thing in the past. He was flirting with Kate” Alissa adds.
Sarah turns to Kate “For real?!?”
She nods her head “Yeah. I felt his eyes on me the whole time”.
“I told you. He wants to fuck you!!” Morgan exclaims. 
Kate shrugs, and says “Well he did ask me out”.
They all stare at her in shock, “Yep, he definately wants to fuck you” Alissa says.
“When are you two going out?!?” Sarah asks.
“Tomorrow. After work, he’s gonna take me for a ride in his plane” she replies.
They all gasp at the same time. “Are you sure that’s not code for something else??!” Morgan asks.
Kate shrugs as a reply. Unsure but kinda hoping it is.
“Well maybe, he does wanna have sex with you!!” Sarah says.
“What was his name?!” Morgan asks.
“John. I didn’t get his last name, but he also mentioned he’s a lawyer” Kate replies. 
“Damn girl, going after the rich ones” Sarah jokes. 
They all laugh. None of them don't know of the Cult that’s growing in Hope County. They’re all new to the whole town, and its residents. 
Kate has known Sarah, and Alissa for 4 years, they met in University back in Wyoming. Morgan, she’s known her pretty much her whole life, she’s a hunter as well. Their mothers were childhood friends.
Alissa changes the subject to something else.
“So, about tonight?!. The get together!! The Whitetail Mountains!!!” she says.
“Yes, we’ll be there” Morgan says. 
“Kate are you going?!” Sarah asks.
Kate hesitates on her reply. Not sure if she wants to go after all.
“Of course, she'll be there. I’ll pick her up, and take her home” Morgan says before Kate could answer.
“Who else is gonna be there?!” Kate asks.
“Becky, and Ashley the Junior Deputies, Ryan, Kevin, Dylan and a few others” Alissa says.
Sarah checks the time on her phone, and immediately stands up. “Shit, my next class starts in 5 minutes. I’ll you guys tonight” she says, running to class. 
They bye to her, and head back to the diner. Having to deal with Holly for another 5 in half hours. 
At Joseph’s compound, John enters the church, and sees his older brother sitting at one of the pews. He approaches him, and stands next to him as he remains sitting down. 
“The girl?” Joseph asks. His voice soft, and calming.
“I’m seeing her tomorrow” John replies. 
Joseph stands up, faces him, placing his hand on his younger brother's shoulder. 
“I’ve seen her. Make her a wife. A mother. God has plans for the both of you” he says.
He nods, “Yes, Joseph. I will".
“What do you know of her?” he asks.
John tells him everything he knows about Kate.
“Her name is Kate. She works as a waitress, she’s a student and from Phoenix. Lived in Jackson, Wyoming”.
“God was right. Make her a part of our family. The Lord knows. He knows what he’s doing. Don't let her go."
John nods again, “Yes Joseph”.
“She must not be harmed in any way. Tell my Children not to do her any harm. I don’t want her to be scared away. You must protect her” he adds.
He nods once more, “Yes, Joseph I'll tell them, and I will do everything to protect her".
Several hours later, Kate, Morgan and Alissa leave the diner, finishing their shifts. Walking to their cars.
“I’ll pick you up at 7:30!!” Morgan yells out to Kate.
“Okay!!! See you then!!!” she yells back, and enters her car. Driving home. 
10 minutes later, Kate pulls into her driveway, and goes inside her house.
Dropping her stuff to the floor in a dramatic fashion.
Haley wagging her tail excitedly at her owner.
Kate lets out an overly exaggerated groan, “Fuck!!!!’ she says, tired. 
She drops herself onto one of her chairs. She really needs to get a couch in this house. 
After a few minutes, she gets up and takes a shower. 
The warm water feels fantastic against her skin, relaxing her muscles. After 15 minutes, she gets out, drys off and changes into some clean clothes. 
Jeans, high top Vans, and a flannel shirt. Her usual attire. 
She chills on her chair, watching tv, waiting for Morgan to pick her up. 7:30 rolls around, and she hears a honk outside her house.
She gets a message on her phone “I’m here!” - Morgan. 
Kate gets up, grbs her jacket, locks up her house and goes into Morgan’s car.
“Sup” she greets her, followed by a smile. 
“Hey” she responds, with a smile of hers. 
They drive to the Whitetail Mountains, catching up, laughing and reminiscing.
“Remember when we were 10, working a case with our moms in Rogers, Arkansas and we put a mix of horseshit, dog shit and cow shit in that racist old man’s gas tank of his car!?!” Morgan asks laughing. 
“Shit, yeah I remembered that, and we never got in trouble” Kate says laughing. 
“So how’s Paige doing?!. How did she react to you wanting to leave the hunting demons, and ghosts life behind?!” she asks. 
Kate stays silent for a moment, looking down, then out the window. Then back to Morgan. 
“She’s doing good. She wasn’t mad, but umm”. She goes silent for a moment.
“She-she was disappointed,” she says hesitantly, looking out the window again.
Silence fills the car once more. Morgan breaks the silence, asking her. 
“I don’t want you to take this the wrong way. But, you know I love Paige, I think she’s an awesome person. But do you think she holds you back?”. 
She stays silent again, looking down at her hands. 
“Sometimes” she mutters. “Sometimes” she says again, slightly louder.
“But she’s my sister. She basically raised me, protected me, and I know all the times where she held me back was because she wanted to protect me”.
They make it to the campsite. The only bonfire in the dark wooded area. 
They get out, and approach the bonfire.
Alissa, and Sarah arrive at the same time they exit their vehicle. They stop and wait for them to catch up.
“So how do you feel about not hunting monsters anymore?” Morgan asks her, practically in a whisper. 
“It feels great. I’ve been wanting this for a long time now” she answers.
“You know, even if you call it quits. Those bastards don’t stay away” she reminds her.
Nodding her head, “Yeah, I know but I have faith that they won’t come around” she responds. 
Alissa and Sarah catch up with them, and they walk the rest of the way to the fire pit. 
They approach their group of friends, who are sitting around a bonfire near the lake. 
The moon shining off the water.
"Hey guys" Morgan says, approaching the group.
"Hey, it's about time you 4 showed up" Ryan jokes.
Their friends group is Hope County Junior Deputies Becky Taylor, Layla Michaels and Ashley Saunders. 
Classmates Ryan Cho, Dylan Paulson, Kevin Baker, and the Wren twins Isaiah and Ivan.
Lastly, Wheaty who is a member of the Whitetail Militia, and host of the Whitetail radio. Playing pirated music.
"Yeah, well I had to make a multiple detours to pick up Sarah because of some stupid redneck fucks" Alissa says annoyed, rolling her eyes.
Wheaty who is looking down, looks up and his eyes immediately go to the short brunette of the group, Kate. Staring at her, unable to look away from her.
"Wow, she's really cute" he thinks to himself.
The 4 of them sit around the fire with their friends, and Kate sits next to Wheaty. 
She gives him a little smile as she sits next to him, and his heart skips several beats.
"H-Hi" he says nervously.
"Hi" she replies with a smile.
"Are you new here?" he asks, trying to keep his cool.
"Yeah I just moved here last week" she answers.
"You go to the University?" he asks. 
She nods her head, "Yeah, I'm a psychology major". 
They talk for a few minutes, as well as everyone else, and Ashley steps away from the bonfire.
"That damn heat" she whines exaggerating, waving her hand in front of her face.
Morgan looks over at Kate and says. 
"Girl, don't say anything about heat, or hot weather around her" pointing her thumb to her.
Ashley looks at Kate with confusion, and a slight head tilt.
"Yeah I'm from Phoenix, Arizona. So if anyone knows hot weather it's me!" she jokes, chuckling.
"So you're from the desert?" Wheaty jokes.
"Yeah basically, I was born there in August, where it's literally Hell, and then my family moved to Jackson, Wyoming" she replies.
“How’s life in Wyoming?!” Ivan asks.
“It’s pretty boring” she jokes, “But it’s really peaceful, you get used to it after awhile”. 
Everyone talks, gets to know each other. Kate and Wheaty spend the whole time talking. Getting to know each other. Wheaty can feel his feelings for Kate grow by the second.
They even exchanged numbers, as well with everyone else. 
Wheaty has never had a crush on anyone until he saw, and met Kate. He got more information about her, than John did researching her. 
After 12am, everyone parted ways, said their goodbyes and went home.
Morgan dropped off Kate at home, and she practically passed out the second her head hit the pillow. 
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