#like I’m thinking about cas going through his backpack and 15 18 where he reached into his back pocket
pussypopstiel · 2 years
The thing about dean and cas is yea there’s the whole pride and prejudice tenses hand after touching energy but there’s also the casual intimacy of someone you’ve known for a decade. They literally dig around in each other’s pockets, pull and push each other around to guide each other, even when they were first getting to know each other dean adjusted cas’s tie and collar. They’re far more casually intimate than ppl realize and DEAN in general is far more affectionate and willing to touch than what people give him credit for (including myself but I like to make my little jokey jokes on the internet) he is a tactile and effortlessly affectionate guy and that was one of his downfalls with his dads version of masculinity, one of the things he could just never live up to on a list of things he could never be.
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