#like I'm done here *eats a bag of pecans*
reallifepotato · 1 year
Also unrelated part of my dream someone served me the most scrumptious looking brownie and I was so excited until I realized there were pecans on top and also all throughout and I can't have pecans 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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nescaveckwriter · 10 months
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Paintbrushes and Romance
Part One 🥰
Dean x reader
A/N: this is my first ever written piece on here, so let me know what y'all think, much love my little twinkies💞
Warnings: Talking of killing, swearing, police case, not sure what else.
The smell of freshly grounded coffee beans fills the cozy little coffee shop. There's about six or seven tables in the middle, but you always choose the little corner seat, mostly everyday you sit there, watching people, listening conversations, finding inspiration.
No one except the waitress ever notices you, though that's the way you like it, sitting there admiring the way autumn takes over the leaves, its always been your favourite season ever since you were that little girl, running around, playing with the leaves, your parents would get so mad at you, for messing up the garden, a smile tugs at the corner of your lips, your thoughts get inturupted by the waitress, need a fill up? Ah! Yes please Julie, I'd appreciate that, not getting much work done today, saying with a smile. Sure, Julie said, you'll get there, one day I'll know what you do for a living I guess... You laugh a little, yeah one day.
It's not that your in the secret service or something, its just, you are a very private person, despite the fact that you're a social media influencer, and an author of three best selling books. You're actually busy working on a new book right now, but its going slow, you need inspiration of the male character, but just can't seem to find one, hell you can't even think of one, and since its one of those spicy romance books, you can't exactly base the character loosely on your brother, that'll be damn weird. Deep in thought, you hear the bell of the door, chime, welcoming a new customer. You look up from your laptop and see its two men , one man looks like a freaking giant, brownish hair, kinda messy looking, hanging over his ears, the other one a bit shorter but still tall, with his dark blondish hair, neatly spiking in the air, with a little stubble beard enhancing the already amazing, sharp jaw line, pink rose plump lips forming a smile when he excitedly said, with a kinda gruffy voice, look Sammy, they've got pecan pie. Yeah okay! Let's take a seat, and try to behave said the taller one.
You can't help it, you are drawn too him, like a moth to a flame, you quickly look in your flower tote bag, grabbing your sketch book and favourite pencil, and with out waisting anymore time , you pick up the pencil and start sketching the outline, of his nearly perfect face, getting swept away in the aroma of the coffee, the outline of his face, the way his savouring every single bite of the pie, you just have to sketch this man, maybe you can loosely base your books character on him, damn he sure is good-looking you think sketching away.
Damn Sammy, this pie is just what I needed, Dean said. How is it possible that we never came to this coffee shop, Dean said, looking over at Sam eating his salad, dude he said, live a little, try some pie! I'm fine, thanks man, you know I prefer healthy choices Sam said with a not amused look on his face. Yeah well, whatever, I prefer living a little, we can die at anytime with our line of work Dean said.
Dean can hear a sort of muddled sound of his brother's telling him something, but can't really focus, in the corner, is a woman sitting with black jeans and a black top with a long mustard yellow jersey, with flat shoes matching the black, the light coming through, shining on one side, making her appear like an angel, with a messy hair bun and loose pieces of hair framing hair face, she's wearing glasses with a purplish frame, complimenting her pale, white skin, she's biting her lip, while focussing on something, not quite sure what it is. She is medium built, definitely not the type of women he goes for with their sleek long legs and high heels, but damn she was beautiful, a kind of beautiful Dean had rarely seen!
Dean! Hey! Dude! Snap out of it, Sam said while hitting Dean on the shoulder! What! Is your problem Sam, Dean said frustration clearly in his voice. What the hell man, I've been talking for the past few minutes, and then I just lost you. Bite me, Dean said. Clearly confused Sam taking a bite of his salad, you okay Dean, is it this case that has you all worked up? Yeah maybe! We need to get this guy before he kills anyone else, Dean said frown visible taking another bite of pie, keeping an eye on you in the distance, thinking you take his breath away without even saying a single word...
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heavyhitterheaux · 1 year
Concept for adult Jack & FL : FL goes out shopping and invites little baby since Jack and Urban didn’t want to join her.
“You two promised me that you would be done playing almost an hour ago!” You exclaimed looking at both your husband and best friend as they were playing 2k.
All they did was share a glance before looking over at you.
“Don’t even try to get out of this because you both promised me!”
“I was probably high when I told you that.” Urban said and you immediately rolled your eyes.
“I’ll take you out tomorrow, baby. Promise.”
“No! I have a full day tomorrow and today would be the only day that I get to go!”
“Babe, we can go in the morning!”
“You know what? Never mind and don’t ask me to bring you two back anything because you aren’t getting a damn thing.”
You grabbed your purse and keys and made your way out the door slamming it behind you.
"Why is your best friend so dramatic?" Jack asked Urban and he did a double take.
"She might be my best friend, but you're the one who married her so you knew what your ass was getting into."
"Touché. But do you think she really won't bring us back anything?"
"I'm texting her now to bring me a pretzel from Auntie Anne's."
"Oohh. Tell her I want a cinnabon."
Big Whore- Bestie bring me a pretzel and bring Jack a Cinnabon
You- Fuck off Wyatt
Not even thirty seconds later you sent him another text.
You- Extra pecans for hubby and extra salt for you?
Big Whore- 😌
You- Still don't like either of you and I'm not cooking for a week
You- Bye 👋🏽
It was around 10 PM when you came to the door to see them both still sitting in the same place you left them in and Clay was behind you bringing in some of the bags. This caught Jack's attention.
"What is the accidental child doing here?"
"JACKMAN!" You exclaimed and he simply shrugged while Urb was trying not to laugh.
"For your information your wife asked me to go with her since you two wouldn't."
"Surprised you survived it." Urban muttered and you smacked him in the back of the head.
"And that’s why I ate your pretzel Urb and Jack…."
"If you ate my Cinnabon, I'm knocking all this shit over."
"Should've went with your wife."
"BABY! You let him eat our snacks?" Jack asked as you were unwrapping your latest purse from a high end boutique.
"Maybe next time you two promise me to do something you'll do it."
All you did was roll your eyes before pulling out multiple bags of food for them and set them in front of them.
"You two are lucky she loves you because she went back to get more including what you had asked her for." Clay said as both Jack and Urban started eating.
"Thank you, baby. Love you."
"Bestie always comes through."
"Now you my husband are coming with me next weekend to Sephora and I don't want to hear SHIT!"
"Umm can't Neelam go?"
"Last time I checked I wasn't married to her and Jack bring your black card."
"Fuck." Jack quietly muttered to himself while Urban stifled a laugh.
"Urby, just for that you're coming too."
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yeahwellyourface · 4 years
In the BoN chat, we've been talking about Southern US recipes and I wanted to share a couple that I make.
The first one is a family recipe that my dad taught me and his dad taught him. It is INCREDIBLY easy. It just takes time. It is A LOT of food, but you make it for a family gathering and then people can also take some home. It is delicious leftover, both cold and reheated.
-chicken, officially 1/2 chicken per person who is gonna eat. However, breasts take FOREVER (like 8-10 hours). Thighs taste amazing in this recipe, so if you can not to breasts and do more thighs, thats fine. Also, you want the skin on. That'll hold a lot of the spices and it'll keep the chicken moist.
-garlic powder
-apple cider vinegar
-peanut oil
Thats it.
Now, you are gonna wanna start the fire relatively early because you dont want a lot of flame. And doing this on a charcoal grill is MUCH better than a propane grill. Trust me. I tried it. It really didnt work out well.
Anyway, you wanna get your coals burned down a bit. You want high heat and low flame. So, you are gonna have to work at keeping the fire going throughout the day.
Okay, now for the food. You want the chicken in pieces. I usually get a flat of drumsticks, a flat of wings, and a bunch of thighs.
Rinse 'em all off. Go through and COVER each piece in equal parts salt, pepper, and garlic powder. For awhile I was premixing the three of them into their own shaker. But I never mixed the correct amount. So, now I just put em on one at a time. Your hands are gonna get messy because the correct way to do this is to pick up a piece, shake each spice over it, turn it over in your hand and do the other side. We keep the unspiced chicken in the sink and pull each piece out and cover it while holding it over the bowl that we put it in after. That way, whatever falls off the piece will go onto the other pieces below. And thats it. Cover them all REALLY well.
Here is a pic of some chicken I did:
On the stove (and this can be started whenever as long as you let it sit for a few minutes before taking everything out to the grill), mix equal parts apple cider vinegar and peanut oil in a saucepan. Then mix equal parts salt, pepper, and garlic powder in. None of it matters much for exact amounts. I never seem to make enough and have to go make more. This is gonna be your paint, so don't skimp on the spices.
Okay, fire is at a good level, paint is done, and chicken is rubbed. Carry it out to the grill.
You want the coals to be put to one side, so that none of the chicken is over direct heat.
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Here is my chicken on the grill. You can see the chicken pushed to one side so the coals can be on the other side.
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So, you put all the chicken on and you are gonna wanna paint it. Just absolutely cover it in the paint. Dont skimp on that. It makes it really juicy.
Once youve done that, cover the grill and go back to whatever else you were doing. In half an hour, come back out, paint the chicken again, turn it over, paint that side, and check the coals. Do this every half hour. Paint, flip, paint. Like I said, go for it with painting. You want the chicken to be nice and juicy and thats how you get it.
Theres no exact timing because it depends on your coals and the chicken. Usually, the small pieces come off in about 3-4 hours. Thighs come off in about 6 hours, and breasts come off in 8-10 hours.
They should look like this
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Since things take different amounts of time, I usually take a paper bag (to soak up any excess grease) and put it inside a cooler (to keep the chicken hot). As the wings and drumsticks vome off, people can start eating them, but that is a good way to store anything not eaten while you are still waiting for the rest to cook.
When everyone is done eating, put leftoveres in Ziploc bags and put them in the fridge. They can last up to a week in there,but you will be eating them as you go. Like I said, good leftovers either cold or reheated. Mmmm.
Now, I got this one off a website and then changed it to what I knew would work better. This is the original recipe: callmepmc.com/pecan-pie-bread-pudding/
Now, thats an okay recipe. But it needs a little work.
Changes I recommend:
- instead of day old French bread, use day old croissants. They soak things up better. And dont cut them nicely. Tear 'em up. Come on.
- instead of the milk and half and half, use sweetened condensed milk. Same amounts, so you dont have to worry about that.
- she is very insistent about the size of the pan. It doesnt matter. I usually make it in a bigger pan because I'm taking it to a family gathering and I need more.
- personally, I think you can mix up more if the "pecan pie" part. Whenever I make this amount, I wish I had more to spread over.
- I add alcohol. It really depends on what I have around the house, but I'll put a but of rum or brandy into the mixes. Just for fun.
Here are my pictures:
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My aunt always demands that I leave any leftovers with her. She reheats small amounts and puts vanilla ice cream on top.
Thats it! Those are the recipes that I make for my family!
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faithbooksfiber · 3 years
Ow teeth, and also catching up
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Okay, the pictures go with the baby shower I went to, but I can't figure out how to move them down there.
I had a whole update a few days ago, and just as I started to post, the power blipped and poof, gone. So I quit in a sulk and haven't written for a week.
Anyway, voting went ok. Found out the reason for my last-minute call was that one of the team's usual members had covid, so they were antsy about my cough, but I had no fever and went in. Kept my mask on all day.
I was sent to a tiny community and the other three women, who had lived there for decades and been manning the voting station for who-knows-how-long, knew everyone and their families and their jobs and their kids, and would ask how the baby is and say sorry about your mom, and remind that they were owed a recipe, and commiserate over how much work there is at harvest time (farming community).
They'd also said I could bring some snacks, and we'd order in lunch and dinner. So I brought granola bars and crackers. The rest brought treats like they thought their grandkids might stop by: donuts, pecan rolls, cookies, all their leftover halloween candy. I was avoiding sweets due to being sick, so this was rather tantalizing. One did bring grapes and I could eat that. Grapes and dayquil, crackers and the salad I'd ordered in at lunch; nice and healthy while they're talking about how good the pecan rolls are and where the bakery is that made them.
I ended up maxing out how much dayquil you're allowed to take in one day not being able to take cold meds that night, but I'm better now. Mostly.
We also had my niece's baby shower. Most of her friends who'd said they were coming flaked out morning of, but we still had a nice time with relatives, a neighbor, and the one work friend of hers who came. We ended up with too many cupcakes and games and prizes, because of preparing for the number of people who had said they would come.
I sewed a dozen burp cloths, half a dozen wash cloths, and four bibs, and knitted a baby sleeping bag with matching hats for baby, stepgrandnephew, niece, and nephew-in-law, and an extra bonnet for baby. I have a layette in progress, but it's fiddlier and taking a while. I need to get after that to have it done while it will still fit.
I'm frustrated about the local obgyns, who, we learned as she was talking to mom about her most recent appointment, canceled childbirth classes due to covid (understandable), but did not replace them with anything. Apparently they gave her a few youtube links and some pamphlets. That's it. She did not know anything at all about certain very pertinent information, like you'll bleed for a while after childbirth, so will need pads to soak it up. Or anything about breathing through the contractions, needing a coach, the amount of time it takes. That it hurts like hell.
Apparently her midwife told her that it feels like menstrual cramps, and she'll have an epidural, so don't worry about it. I've never even had kids, and I know THAT IS NOT HOW CHILDBIRTH WORKS. Even with an epidural. And I've got inlaws who've been badly injured with mis-jabbed epidurals at the local hospital, so I'm skeptical about that as well. (did not stop pain, did make her whole leg numb for weeks.)
So, mom agreed to be her birth coach, as she's done that before and the baby's father can't deal with blood and will be of no use unconscious. And she's trying to catch her granddaughter up on everything she will need to know in the imminent future, without freaking her out, because most recent appointment also showed she is starting to dilate and will be doing into labor at any time now.
As for the teeth; had a wisdom tooth pulled this morning on one side of my face and a cavity filled on the other, and now my whole face hurts.
Just sitting here, at nearly 6, waiting on a package that is supposedly, according to the tracking number, still out for delivery. I bet it doesn't come.
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