#like a little macaron
sophisticatedheart · 1 month
clamping my jaw around his head and shaking him really hard while growling loudly
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sheepalmighty · 3 months
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I made too many pages towards my Chai-joins-Vandelay-for-half-a-day AU: the headcanon heavy edition. It's also mostly the ending bit of it (there's still a little more I want to draw but they're mostly full of tricky dialogue so I hope I can find time later for them). I underestimated how many pages I wanted to make and it took twice the time I was hoping it would but I was able to get almost all of the fun and funny images I had stuck in my head out.
Luckily for all of us I can fit 'em all under this read more. Enjoy at your own leisure
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#hi-fi rush#hfr#hi-fi rush spoilers#hfr spoilers#chai hi fi rush#kale vandelay#or as i like to call him kale 'hubris' vandelay#808 hi fi rush#peppermint hi fi rush#macaron hi fi rush#cnmn hi fi rush#mimosa hi fi rush#roquefort hi fi rush#for one panel#chai x kale#kale x chai#this oddball au kinda just carries on with the rest of the game with little dialogue changes here and there for comedy's sake#don't really have the imagination to see how it can end differently after thinking a bunch about character motivations#i do feel like i've just reiterated the game a bunch of times here though...#it's not all in colour or has proper values and shading hope it didn't look like it from before the read more that'd be crazy impressive#i really wanted to find an easier way to colour them but nothing looked particularly good so i settled with this#i sorta messed up a couple things. one was the stage part but it works okay without the bots for emphasis i think#the other was the locations where chai fights were swapped but id already drawn one in the wrong part of the story#so the fire bit is really clunky#there're some wonky bits of perspective anatomy and handwriting but hope it's not too much of a bother#i've spent far too much time i don't really have on this but i wanted to see what i could do#looking at parts of kale's outfit i decided to make his waistcoat simple. better than having to draw his coat jacket thing more#if you're wondering why something happens the way it does the ultimate answer is 'cos there was a silly little panel i wanted to draw#'tis mine#i seem to have hit a tag limit? but i got most of what i wanted to say out. also sorry for the image quality and stuff
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fizzy-dizz · 8 months
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Origins of the "grey stuff"..... the descent to chaos having 2 french perfectionists in the kitchen at a time
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(french yelling translation below)
Lumiere: I'm someone who cares about PRESENTATION, you big moron!!! SURE, go ahead and serve some slop on a plate, but in case your big metal head forgot, we are in a HIGH CLASS environment!!
Bouche: You insolent idiot!!! I'll have you know, the entire castle would starve without me!! You're just a lousy waiter, know your place! You have no idea what you're doing when it comes to food, so why don't you stick to cleaning plates!!!!
(Ty to a mutual for the translation ;0;)
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ren-or-rin · 4 months
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God of Chaos thinking chaotic thoughts
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zmediaoutlet · 3 months
🍄 and 🏜️ and maybe 🐚? (wth is that even... a conch?)
(i think it is a conch but honestly it could be a megaphone. why are the emojis so SMALL)
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Dean would be unlikely to do it, but I think he has the patience to be a baker, and Sam does not. Sam would get offended by the way that yeast can react differently every time and be like IT SAID TO RISE FOR AN HOUR AND IT'S BEEN AN HOUR, WHY DIDN'T IT WORK. Sam is very patient and precise but he doesn't have the particular kind of obsessive energy that's required; in contrast Dean -- if he gets suckered into something -- treats it with wackjob fandomite energy. I heard someone else described recently as "she's either never heard of it, or she was at the convention," and that's how Dean is about like. All things, lol. So I can see him getting super into his sourdough starter and rolling with mistakes and learning how to form dece rolls and getting all invested in making the Perfect Loaf. And then watching Sam bite into a slice slathered with butter and making that Sam Eating Dean's Cooking face, and feeling all smug and delighted. He's a homemaker at heart. :)
🏜️ ⇢ what’s your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Literally anything substantive. Honestly, that's it. I know that the people who leave like emoji hearts or whatever mean well, but my actual heart sinks every time I open an AO3 email and that's all it is. And whoever invented that 'you have already left kudos here ;)' meme can stub their toe once a week for a year, honestly. I know that makes me sound ungrateful and I truly appreciate that anyone would even take the time to open up the comment box at ALL, given how rare the behavior is, but... We do this because we want connection, sending creative work one way and hoping there will be some kind of reaction coming back the other, and when it's been hours and weeks and sometimes years of sweaty effort on this side, being met with "❤️" in return is just. Miserable, lol. (I guess it's less miserable than nothing at all.) But any time -- ANY time -- a reader mentions something specific they liked, or asks a question, or proves that they thought about the piece for longer than a second, it is a jolt of loving adrenaline straight to the withered heart and it makes it all worth.
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
I like them! I guess it depends, haha. e.g. "hey we're all going to dinner, do you want to come? it's in an hour!" is the kind of surprise that makes me want to die. I'm very John Mulaney about plans. But given this is a creation-fandom-etc set of asks I'm trying to think about fandom-related surprises... A surprise gift? Always good. A surprise mention? Always a shock! A surprise sequel to a complete work? ...Could go either way, lol.
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ofdreamsanddoodles · 5 months
a la mode was like what if a kitty girl & a puppy butch were the hottest girls at school and they were soooooooo into each other they made it everyone elses problem. and it rocked
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hyp3rfixation-h3ll · 8 months
considering making a pmatga edition of my "say cheese" project where i take pictures of every character so people have easy access to photos (for edit blogs and the like!) of the characters . what are we thinkin chat
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restinpeacesensei · 1 year
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ever since that part in the otoge where akoya’s aunt is opening a vegetarian restaurant, ive always secretly liked vegetarian akoya hc
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lilaccoffin · 6 months
Also because I love to clown on homophobes like...half of the men in this game are fucking crazy over Chai. Did these people just zone out when Zanzo was having the gayest lil mad scientist moment over this rockin' twink?
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coldbug · 10 months
kinda fun to like. intentionally and actively re-absorb a previous hobby. i baked a ton in high school and always loved it. decided i wanted to bake more often again bc it’s fun and i miss it. and i’ve baked something every single weekend for a month :)
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casskarna crochet i’ve been messing around with (is it a stress ball? pincushion? ornament? who knows. could be another keychain but it’s a bit bigger than the others)
sun/moon/star pattern here / boggy crochet / figayda crochet
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thank you canon for confirming my suspicion that rio would, in fact, fight the townspeople without any sort of remorse
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cheesey-rice · 8 months
Just put pastry cream on a piece of whole grain bread and honestly I recommend it it's like better cake I would eat a stack of bread with pastry cream in between as if it were my goddamn birthday
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lanshappycorner · 8 months
I bought myself a little treat.....
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mildmayfoxe · 9 months
i'm genuinely so sad about my coworker's last day today... like that was my FRIEND and it's so hard to keep up with coworker friends when you don't work together anymore. plus she's really busy so we're going to go from seeing each other 3 days a week to MAYBE once a month if i get lucky & probably not even that. and like who am i supposed to talk to at work now???? HUH?? when i was closing up today i was wondering if getting paid more is even worth it bc the job still sucks and now my friend is gone!!!!
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glitteratti · 1 year
4 days out from a full year of living in what is essentially my dream house :’)
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