#like basically Everyone around my age very clearly remebers so many of them
thatone-highlighter · 2 years
Something about minecraft parodies and animations and the human desire to create
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cherriesradio · 4 years
Isn’t love meant to be easy? Todoroki
So this is already pretty long and I don’t feel like finishing it so uh yeah.
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Warnings: mentions of abuse, forced engagement, bad parents on both sides, one-sided love, mentioned like of musical theater (that’s not really a warning is it lol)
Quirk: Earth. Basically earth bending.
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Shoto remebered when he was a kid and his siblings would sneak in books for him. Endeavor being the little jerk he is only let them read books about heros. And only he’s that he saw as “good enough.” Aka the overly arrogant and merciless hero’s. Shoto’s siblings didn’t care what books they brought in, just that it wasn’t revoking around a pro-hero. As long as it would give Shoto and ouce of a normal childhood, unlike them.
He remembers that sometimes, the stories he read in secret would have a romance. The boy and the girl, they would bump into each other. Probably at school. The boy picks up the girls books, their hands touch. And it goes on from there. They eventually confess under a cherry blossom tree, and they kiss. And then live happily ever after.
So, he thought that live would be easy as that. Bumping into each other. Little did he know, love was much more complicated.
You whimpered, scared by how many people were at the party. Even more scared by what your parents told you about this party the day before. You were going to meet a boy, at the same young age as you, and possibly be engaged to him by the end of the night.
Marriage scared you. It’s such a big commitment, yet you had to make the choice in one night? And as a young child as yourself? And knowing how everyone you had meet over the years who were also rich, then it probably wasn’t even going to be your choice. Simply dishonorable.
“Darling, make sure to hold onto my hand. We’re about to meet the boy.” Your mother said. You nodded your head and gulped.
A red and white boy. Around five, the same age as you. He had big eyes. One was grey and the other was icey blue. He looked just as nervous as you, trembling in his perfectly fitting tux.
You looked up, to where your neck would hurt for looking to long. His father probably, was Endeavor. Your parents praised him because he was a big and powerful hero, but he clearly didn’t have a good heart. He look intimidating even without fire bursting from his skin.
“Hello Y/n. I heard you have a powerful quirk. (“Of course he would start with that.” You heard a girl from behind the small boy sigh.)
You gently nodded. You were always told your quirk was powerful. You trained when you wanted but being determined to be a great hero, you trained constantly. When you Frits got your quirk only a year ago it was rather weak, you could barely pick up a rock that weight more then a few pounds. Now you can pick up double your weight.
“Hm. This is my son, Shoto. Shoto, introduce yourself.” The man looked down on Shoto and pat his back, Shoto stepped forward. He was right in front of you.
“My name is Shoto Todokri. I’m five years old. My quirk is Half-Cold Half-Hot. I can make ice with my right side and create fire with my left side.” He said in a monotone voice. He had a strange tremble when he said “left side.”
“Hi. I’m Y/n L/n. My quirks Earth.” You smile softly and held your hand out, he nervously shook it.
Your parents made you spend the whole night with Shoto. He was a good kid. He was patient and queit, you were stuck doing most of the talking. You thanked the lord that your parents were respected, or else you could have been in danger with all the strangers.
That’s how it started.
He didn’t realize he had real feelings for you. You were going to be forced to marry him as son as you turned eighteen, there was no reason either of you should remotely enjoy a forced relationship.
And then came UA. He was going to get into UA for sure, and so we’re you. Purely because you were both powerful. Either way, your both from rich family’s, they could’ve bribed you into it if you weren’t powerful.
And you were clearly avoiding him. He didn’t blame you, you were forced into this relationship and so was he. You would occasionally wave at him in the halls or give a small hello. That was the most you would give him.
He couldn’t help but feel bad about it. You were a kind and patient person, but you didn’t have I care in the world about him.
And like he did with most of his problems, he went to his best friend. Deku.
“Hey Midoryia? Can I ask you something?” Todokri said, tapping on Dekus shoulder. Deku turned to him.
The empty common room was strange. Of course it was rather late, but Todokri knew Dkeu would still be up studying.
“Sure Todokri! What’s up?” He smiled. His freckles popped off his face even in the dim room, the fridge and lamp being the only sources of light.
“I… thsi is going to be rather personal, but I’m engaged to L/n. And it’s kinda bothering our relationship.” Todokri awkwardly said, rubbing the back of his neck.
Deku looked surprised. Everyone he told did, since arranged marriages are so rare now. He quickly connected the dots, that you both had powerful quirks and that Endeavor would take advantage of that.
“Oh. Sorry, Todokri. What do you need me for in that, though?” He titled his head to the side. Todokri’s left side glowed with the white light of the full fridge.
“Your good at friendship. If we’re going to be married one day, than I want to at least have a platonicly good relationship with them. I don’t want them miserable.” Todokri said. Deku could clearly see the guilt in his eyes. Deku gently nodded.
“Well, I could try to get you to connected. Their mostly friends with Kacchans group, but I know them pretty well. They asked to study with me a few times.” Deku muttered. “Next time we study together I could mention you, say how great of a person you are. Maybe get you two to hang out somehow.”
Todokri quickly nodded and was glad to be given the offer. “That sounds perfect Midoryia. Please do.” He said, then turned and went back to his dorm room. He slept more Pres fully than normal.
“Hey Y/n, you know Todokri right?” Deku casually said, turning the yellowing page of the old school text books. The library was empty beside you two and the workers.
“Yeah.” You say and raise an eyebrow. You knew him and your fiancé were friends but you didn’t see a reason why he would have to mention him.
“All Might told me I should try training harder with my legs, since I’m only now trying to use them. So, I’m gonna be pretty busy for a month or two.” He said, looking directly at you insteda of over his book. The room felt hotter. You were definitely leaning on Deku’s support with school, you would probably start failing again if you stopped.
“That good for you. But bad for me. You know how bad I was before you offered to study with me.” You say.
“Don’t worry! Todokri is a smart guy, try studying with him! He’s more queit than I am, but if you spend some time with him he’ll come out of his shell.” Deku said.
You puzzle it in your mind. It would be overwhelmingly uncomfortable, you two wer engaged yet you had ingnored him for most of the school year so far.
“Sure. I’ll ask him about it later.” You say offhandedly. You scoff in your mind. You had only seen this kid at party’s your parents forced you to go to, they didn’t even put the effort into getting you two to know each other well.
You walked up behind the half and half boy. You refused to call him more than a poor, shy and anxious kid. His existence pissed you off. He was a nice kid, polite and patient. But the fact that you were forced to marry this guy you had barely talked to made your blood boil.
“Shoto Todokri? Could a talk to you for a second?” You said, in the voice and tone your parents told you was proper.
“Yes, Y/n? Sure.” He said and turned away from the lunch he wasn’t focused on eating. “What do you need?”
“Could you help me study? Deku’s gonna be busy for a while and I’m a little dependent on him. Which I should probably fix…” You said, drawing your hand back to your chest from his shoulder.
“Yes. I don’t mind. Um… would eight be good? Meet in my dorm?” He said gently. He felt like you were like a wild animal, would scurry away at the slightest wrong move.
“Sure, that’s fine. Well uh… see ya later.” You awkwardly wave and walk back to Mina and Denki, they could clearly tell how nervous you still were. Yet, Todokri stood still. He played with the sting on his hoodie, and blushed.
“Yeah, I’m sure that George Washington was the fourth president.” You sarcastically said. You should’ve remembered that Shoto was horrible at American History, the only class he was bad in.
“Trust me! I’ve very sure he was the fourth!” He defensive cried. You snicker and roll your eyes.
“And who was before him? And after em’?” You say and hide a laugh.
“Um… Alexander Hamilton was a president right? And then… then Thomas Jeffery?” He said, almost shaking from how nervous he was. He had already helped you with every other subject, this was the only one you said you were good at but wanted help just in case.
You made a system. On mondays you would do history, on wednesdays you did math, and on sundays you did American history. And any other day you would train. What a great Sunday you were having.
You snickered and banged your fist on the counter of the empty common room. “Heck no! Alexander was in charge of the treasury, and also wrote for George Washington during the war for independence. Thomas Jeffery,” You did quotation marks with your hands. “wasn’t a person. Your thinking of Thomas Jefferson. He was a president, the third.”
He sighed, it came out white from his cold side taking over. He was trying to keep himself from catching fire. It always felt like that would happen around you after the month you’ve been studying together, fro some reason.
“I think your gonna have to help me with this. How do you even know this stuff?” He said with a sad and pouty look.
“Hamilton, it’s a musical. One of my favorites.” 
He took a menatal note of that.
“Shoto!” You giggled, elbowing the teen. He laughed wildly, not for the first time. Not anymore.
Your jokes always made him laugh wildly, not caring if others see him in the act. Because your there, laughing with him. Sometimes at his own silly actions, and others at your own statements.
You made him happy. Happier than he ever remembers being. He’s been happy before, just… not this much. Not with Iida or Ochako, or his siblings or even Deku. You made him happiest.
“I can’t believe you sometimes!” You giggled and covered your mouth as to not make the white room explode with laughter. Everyone was staring at you already. Half of the class already thought you were dating, the other thought you were pining. Well, Shoto was.
But, the sweet stares you started to give towards Izuku during class, the lingering touchs when you grabbed his arm to ask to study, the tab bit longer than it should be hugs, those heart eyes you would give to him during lunch. It all seemed to stain into his memory, never able to leave.
Friday, January 5. You and Shoto were having your now normal sleepovers, watching romantics comedy’s and crappy tv till midnight.
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tsubychan · 5 years
On this “He/She must retire already!!!1!” Bull**it
Ok, now, I maybe be new to figure skating fandom but I’m not new as a figure skating fan and as a sport fan. I keep reading things about why various athletes need to retire and being called names for not doing it already. So, I apologize only for my terrible english (I know, my bad), but sorry not sorry, you’re gonna hear me rant and it will be long.
When I say I’m not new as a figure skating fan I mean I’m around watching competition since the 90′s. Literally, I was a child but I still remember 1992 Olympics. Over the years I admire various skater for all kind of reasons. I started with the fandom only recently (what can I say, I’m weird and akward, sue me), and I need to say it, as always fandom can bring the better and the worst from a fan, but in sports fandom we all need to remember that we are talking about real people who work hard every day.
Now, in the last couple of weeks I found myself more and more angry, yes angry, while reading comments or tweets about people who want Yuzuru to retire, Alina to retire, Evgenia to retire, Liza to retire... and the list actually goes on, you get the point.
First of all, I do believe that, for every athlete, retirement is a very personal and delicate choice. If is not forced, like for some serious injury, everyone has the right to decide when and why ending their career. Like, it’s a life-changing choice for an athlete! You actually build your entire life untill that point on your sport and you have to change basically everything. Even in a sport like figure skating where you can be good/popular enough to do shows, but training for shows is totally different from competition training.
That said, let’s get into the “””reason””” on why some people must retire already.
“They already won enough! They had gold medals/are WC/ecc....” askhfdgkljfaa like, ok, they’re all COMPETITIVE ATHLETES WINNING IS KIND OF THE POINT. Sure, once you arrive at the top of your sport you set goals, and not everybody can realistically win, but you do your best every time to get the best result. And sometimes, even the middle pack can have their glory, you know. Sometimes a Steven Bradbury wins an olympic gold or Leicester FC wins the Premier League. THERE’S NOTHING WRONG IF SOMEBODY WANT TO WIN EVEN MORE. (louder from people in the back). Yuzuru and Alina have to retire because they already won enough? Oh please, whyyyyyyyy. You all want to tell me that if Boyang or Nathan won gold at Pyeongchang they had to retire? Or Sui/Han? Or Papadakis/Cizeron? Don’t even get me started with the ladies. That’s totally crazy.  We need fresh blood after the olympics? Yeah, I’m always open to new faves here, but you don’t need to put out the old leaders in order to do so. PLus, it’s how you grow up as an athlete, competing and try to beating the top dogs. For example, Simone Biles won everything, so she had to retire? Let me tell you, my poor stan ass will cry all the tears when she retire for good, because she’s a real queen and I love her. Or do you want to tell Messi or Cristiano Ronaldo that they won enough? Like, they dominate the last decade in football but we are all here dreading the inevitable end of an era. Or Roger Federer, he clearly won everything, right? I hope you see my point, because the desire to win more it’s not a crime. And if someone compete for that, that’s good.
“They want to win because they need attention/are insicure/are divas/ecc....” I spare you all the variation. So, again, we are talking about real people here. They are all perfect? Absolutely not. We know them personally? Again, no. We can watch everything, read every interview, following them on social media, but we still don’t know them, not really. In most case, we can speculate or have an idea on somebody. And ok, I have some opinion myself. But please, remeber to not let that get out of hand. Spread hate or bombarding a person on every social media on the internet, saying something like “You’re just a narcisist, retire already!!!” (just an example, but you get it), it’s wrong. YOU DON’T KNOW IF THEY ARE REALLY LIKE THAT. And even if they are, what’s the problem? If they are willing to keep training hard and fight and doing things in the right way, who cares? Look, I personally never had a particulary sympathy for Patrick Chan outside the competition, but he is a wonderful skater and I enjoyed his skill over the years. I never wish him retirement, I was just really curious on who would finally beat him (and I’m still salty about 2012 and 2013 worlds but it’s on the judges, not him, so not the point here). Plus, for the insicure part, we entering a delicate field here. Athletes are not immune to insicurities or worst, don’t treat it like it’s a flaw please.
“They’re oooolddddd” My favourite really. So, I’m italian but I don’t want to play it easy and tossing Carolina Kostner on your small pity party. But let’s analize.....Liza needs to retire because she’s old for a lady???????Like, first of all, how dare you, disperect our queen like that. Second, I know that now figure skating seems to be on a dangerous path, but the ladies don’t actually have an exphiration date around 18, you know. You can still get better every year, it’s not you are always the same. Puberty hit hard? Yes, but it doesn’t mean you are worth nothing after. Liza has an oustanding personality and charisma. Seriously, how many ladies have that actually? You gain that with experience (or you refine it, if you’re naturally gifted like Kostornaia for example). It’s so stupid, wishing them to retire because they’re not teenagers anymore. I can’t wait to see what some of the ladies will give us next season. For example, Satoko has great competitors even at home, but I hope she keep skate forever because she’s wonderful. Do you want Michal Brezina to retire? He basically gets better with the age, pleeeeease! Oh, and what about our dear Voronov, he puts the rink on fire at NHK and he keeps survive at everything. If he wants to keep skating, why he has to stop? You literally had Aljona Savchenko fighting with everything she has for an olympic gold medal and get it at the age of 34. I admire all of them! Want to talk about age? Let me introduce you to Ski Jumping and two of my darlings, Simon Amman and Noriaki Kasai. They both won a lot in their careers and already suffer injuries, but they keep going because they feel like it and can still be competitive. Oh, Ammann is 39 and Kasai 47, just saying....
“They’re never going to win again/win something” ok, now, like I said earlier winning is kind of the point, but it’s not the only one. You can go on with your entire career, being good but not good enough to win and still be satisfied, because at the end of the day you did your best. Can I say Misha Ge here? Just one, or I can stay here all day, listing people. Look, doing a sport at high level is all about motivation. Maybe you never win, but your goal is to be satisfied with your performance, and that’s ok. Or you won years ago but you keep competiting for the joy of it. Good too. You keep enjoy competition. Perfect. I saw some nasty comments about Brian asking Evgenia if she still love skating. And in my opinion it’s a fair question. We have many example of athletes who resented their sport at some point. Evgenia keeps going because she want a chance and she still love it? GOOD. She will never win again? It can be, but THAT’S SO NOT THE POINT. For example, I’m into motogp and we had a real champion like Casey Stoner cutting his career relatively early because he has other priority (his family) and he didn’t feel like risk his life anymore (there were some deadly incident in that period, like Marco Simoncelli’s death). And we all respected his decision, he has no motivation anymore. Than you have Valentino Rossi, who is 40 now and started his career at 16. Winning is difficoult now, he still can but it’s difficoult and his last 1 place was in 2017, but he keeps going because, and he said so, he still love it. Or like, Alex Zanardi (and if you don’t know who he is, doing yourself a favour and googling him). He won as a pilot and after the incident where he lose both his legs, he did everything to return on a car. He also discovered paralympics discipline and he won gold in 2012 and 2016 paralympics. He partecipated at the Iron Man competition. And the point wasn’t even winning, but discovering his limits, something new, what a man can do. I think it’s wonderful.
So, I probably talk to much and not clear enough, but please stop tossing retirement around like it’s nothing.
Ok, rant over for now :)
(I applaude everybody who read all of this nonsense XD)
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ohnohetaliasues · 7 years
Haven OC
I reviewed this OC a very long time ago when this blog was newer. I decided, since it's been a while, and my gif folder has filled in a bit, it would be fun to review again.
Link to original review: http://ohnohetaliasues.tumblr.com/post/125717671213/this-oc-is-an-ecanon-interfering-mary-sue-you
Let's go.
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Does she remind anyone else of Belarus (and England), or is it just me?
Haven (Human name: Sophie Nyan [ソフィーニャン]), Who declared herself a country even though she possesses no land
Like Ladonia who only exists online? Or Niko Niko? I guess she can be a micronation, but it just says she's a country.
Haven (避難所)
Character Info Name : Haven
Japanese Name: 避難所 (Hinansho)
Human Name: Sophie Nya
'Nya' means 'meow' in Japanese. That's not a good choice for her last name.
I'll bet anyone that Sophie is probably the creator's name.
Age: 21
How does this correspond with her history? 
America is only 19 because he's a fairly young nation.
She is usually seen in her trademark maid outfit, this consists of a Royal blue Dress, Light blue Blouse (Sometimes she wears an Apron oTie. She also likes to wear Black Gothic dresses when not being formal.
This just reminds me of Belarus. 
Also why black gothic dresses?
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Her natural appearance consists of Lightly tanned skin, Long Blonde hair that reaches down around her waist, Green eyes and slightly thick eyebrows.
She has an ahoge much like America’s also.
Please tell me what that represents. Curls or ahoges usually represent something. America's represents Nantucket. Austria's represents Mariazell. The Italian brother's curls probably represent Rome and Venice. These things represent things that are important. This also applies to OCs.
Brief Story
Haven grew up as a normal English child in the middle ages, treated poorly by her father, she decided to move out into the crowded streets of London when she reached 16. 
She would die on her own. The middle ages in England were full of famine and disease. 
She soon decided that she wanted freedom, so that she could do whatever she wanted to do. Plucking up her courage she approached the head of country pleading for her to builld her own nation, Laughed at by many highly rated people, she was very nearly turned down.
Um. I would probably ask if she was on something.
You cannot just build a nation. It costs money. A freaking lot of money, I'd imagine.
If it hadn’t of been England sitting in the sthame room as her at the time, she would never of been allowed to build her own country.
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I literally just explained why this is bad. Also, if England's boss didn't agree, why would England? He can't contradict his boss. His boss tells him what to do.
Following this, England decided to take her in under her wing, He taught her the basics of how to become a strong country just like he was and introduced her to many of his colonies at the time. 
Oh, how convenient.
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Around the time of the revolutionairy
war, Haven insisted to fight by her dear Friends side, Who insisted he would not let a lady help him as it was too dangerous. After losing to America, America found out that he had a blood relation to Haven and claimed that he should be the legal guardian from now on
You said she was 21. America is 19. To be someone’s legal guardian, you have to be older than them
deeming any efforts against him useless. England had to agree to this deal and handed Haven over to America, This broke young Haven’s heart.
Labelling America as her ‘Big Brother’,
The two got along well, Apart from when Haven refused to eat America’s hamburgers or when Haven cooked as she had apparently inherited England’s bad cooking. America raised her well but never let her stay in contact with England as he thought he was a bad influence, she has nothing against her big brother as she loves him dearly.
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Haven then went to World Academy W at the same time as other nations were starting to join, this is where she met England for the first time in a long time, She had completely forgotten what he looked like but remebered what they did together whilst England on the other Hand remebered who Haven was clearly. 
Countries don't just forget each other.
England eventually reminded Haven of who he was and the two eventually became inseperable.
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This is a picture of Haven and England.
It's spelled inseparable** 
This is going in a downward spiral.
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Haven is still seen to this day with England and is often seen either attempting to help clean his house, which England put’s a stop too as she was invited to his house as a friend and not hired to clean, or drinking tea with him and his friends whom Haven can see.
Oh good, she can se magical creatures, too. 
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When she’s on her own, she can often be seen planning what her counntry will look like, designing her flag or just lazing around
It takes more than that to be a nation.
Also, her flag apparently looks like this:
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I could only find that tiny version, unfortunately.
Raising her from when she declared herself a country, Haven cherishes England as one of her closest Friends and is often teased by other countries upon how much she loves England. She would do anything for him.
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Why am I not surprised?
Also, did I mention that the creator ships her OC with England?
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Blood brother to Haven and is good friends with her also. Raised her after the Revolutionairy war. Often seen bickering with eachother over oneanother’s cooking
She can’t be his blood sister because she started out as a normal British teenager. There’s no way they could be related.
Also a blood brother, A close friend to Haven and is quite suprised that she can actually see him.
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Although he denies it, he’s one of Haven’s Close friends. He is sometimes seen with Haven and Canada when she decides she wants to go out somewhere (Cinema or shopping)
Of course she's all buddy-buddy with everyone.
Haven get’s along well with Germany but lost contact with him during the World Wars, After them they met up again and became friends.
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France approaches Haven like any toher nation, although he tends to flirt with her a lot. Haven doesn’t mind France but can be creeped out by him sometimes
I'm just going to leave this here casually.
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If someone told him to stop flirting with them, he would listen. The picture above proves it. I personally think that if someone dated France, that he would treat whoever he was with like a friggin queen, and love her like one too. So leave France alone, and let him run free
Haven sometimes sits outside with Italy and paints with him as she enjoys painting a lot.
Why is she literally friends with everyone?
Haven visits Japan regularly, When visiting they often draw or read manga or watch anime whilst eating something cultural.
I'm so tired of all the OCs liking anime and manga that aren't related to Japan. It's getting old.
Haven babysits Sealand often when no other countries will take him, Sealand gets along ok with Haven, mainly because they are both micronations. Haven usually gives tips to Sealand to help him be recognised.
Haven is good friends with Wy and the two can often be seen together joking about something (Usually about how they’re recognised and Sealand isn’t)
If this isn't hypocrisy, I don't know what is.
As they are both micronations, they get along well. Haven is not at all phased by Seborga, even when he’s lying upside down on a tree with ketchup on his head.
That only happened once. I don't think that's something Seborga does on a day to day basis.
Even though Ireland makes no appearence in the Anime or Manga, Haven has a good relationship with Ireland, mainly because some of her roots go back to Ireland.
Um, okay, but what roots? Please tell me.
Even though Scotland makes no appearence in the Anime or Manga, Haven gets along with Scotland mainly for his weird sense of humour
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Links (These links lead to videos/pictures that include Haven)
Youtube- [Link Removed]
DeviantART- [Link Removed]
The YouTube videos are basically just MMDs about their fan pairing of Haven and England. Deviant art is more art of this oc.
2P! Haven
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That looks like female 2p! America.
Most Hetalia charcters have another side to them, or another colour. Haven is no exception as she also has another side to her. Her human name is Myriam Nyan (ミリアムニャン)
2P!Haven Chibi Appearence (Up ^)
Much like 1P Haven, 2p Haven keeps her long hair but makes it a lot more curly and is toned in a dark red. Her eyes are also a red colour but they’re much brighter in colour. She also wears a pair of pink sunglasses ubove her head for appearence. Her skin is much darker than 1p Haven’s. Clothes wise, she wears a short pale yellow dress with a pink tie. She also wears a black backpack, It’s contents is unknown. She also wears a black belt with a gold circular buckle.
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This OC just comes off to me as unoriginal 
Her personality is very different to Haven’s as it usually is with most 2p Characters. 2p Haven isn’t sunshine and rainbows like 1p Haven, She fight’s to get most of the things she wants. She is much more brutal than 1p Haven. Her only flaw is that she is easily frightened.
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One flaw?
Her biggest fears are mostly of Insects and being attacked by another person unprepared. In her spare time she can often be seen with 2p England in the kitchen making cakes oor biscuits., 
This person seems to have an unhealthy obsession with England. There are other Hetalia characters, Creator-san.
Her relationships are much the same as 1p Haven
They'd be different. I'm sure of it.
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Nyo!Haven Like most countries, there is alsoo a genderbend version of Haven. His name is Ethan Nyan (イーサンニャン)
Like.. Like the meme? Nyan cat?
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Nyo!Haven looks very differnt to Haven.in many different ways, but keeps some features. —
You know, other than the gender swap.
His hair is a light brown colour whilst his eyes stay the same green colour, just a little bit brighter. He has abnormally large eyebrows which are smaller than England’s. He dresses very smartly as he was brought up mostly by Nyo!England up until he was taken charge over by Nyo!America. He mostly walks around in suits all the time. When he’s not wearing suits he likes to laze around in a white polo shirt and shorts, He picks this trait up from Nyo!America.
You just described England to me.
Please be more original.
Nyo!Haven is a very shy character, He mainly likes to stay inside as he doesn’t like to go near strangers but he is very loyal to those he knows. There is one contradiction to his personality though, He likes to sing, and when he’s singing he’ll sing in front of anyone. If he’s not inside though, He’ll go outside for a walk.
Yeah, and that contradiction is not a thing that should happen.
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Oh goodie.
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Most used pairing. Haven is known as affectionate towards England and England to Haven. But the two seem very well together. The pairing was well known throughout certain websites.
No, not really. I googled Haven x England and all I found was things from the OC creator's youtube channel and Deviantart. 
Germany does like Haven, Haven doesn’t know that though and just continues to be friends with him
...Germany was mentioned once, why is she pared with him?
Japan has some feelings towards Haven as they spend a lot of time together watching anime, Haven doesn’t mind Japan
That is not a deep relationship.
That's it, apparently. This OC is just as bad as I remember. You guys know how I feel about made up country OCs. They interfere with canon, and usually end up as sues. I'm out for now. 
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