#like bought new clothes a new phone and a phone case with a slot to hold a pc
uwooyoungs · 2 years
yall 11 days til i see ateez at kcon i-
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dbgdbw · 2 years
외전 1화
Extra 1
‘A swimming pool, huh—how long has it been.’
Since, in Hong Kong, only Chirpie had gone into the water. It would be the first time since the time I’d learned to swim, prior to regressing. Apart from that, there’d been a time I’d gone playing in the water with everyone else as a little kid. And then, I’d never had the leisure to be able to go on my own. If only there’d been a bit more leeway, time-wise and monetarily; it would’ve been nice to have been able to do a variety of activities with my dongsaeng, when we’d been younger. I felt regretful about it once again. 
“Ahjussi! Are you all ready?”
A loud voice sounded from outside the door. So impatient. 
“Hold on just a moment!” 
There was a dressing room near the swimming pool as well, but they’d said that it’d be fine to change in our rooms before going. A private room definitely won out over a dressing room in comfort. I took the new swimwear I’d bought out of my carrier bag. 
‘It’s just like regular clothes.’ 
I was pleased. I’d thought that rashguards only came in a fitted style, but there was a surprising variety that were available. And from among those, the one that had appealed to me the most had a top that fit like a loose t-shirt. That it didn’t stick to me was convenient, and it hid my figure as well.
‘It’d probably be best to cover up the scar.’
Yoohyunie had already found out, and I could always tell the others that it was a scar I’d had since I was young, but was there a reason to make them worry unnecessarily. What if they attempted to heal the scar completely. Not to mention that the location of the wound was a bit risqué, too. 
“Hyung, you’re gonna wear that?”
My dongsaeng, who had approached at some point while I’d been taking off my top, asked me while making no move to conceal his unhappiness. 
“Ah… Should I wear something else?”
“Mn. This suits you more.”
Yoohyunie said, bringing out a zip-up rashguard. This dongsaeng who always defaulted to the same thing as hyung, he had said the same when we’d gone shopping for swimwear. But none of the loose-fitting t-shirt styles in that shop had fit Yoohyunie.
The circumference had been alright, but all of the shoulder widths had been too narrow. As a result, what he’d ended up buying instead had been a zip-up rashguard. Even if it wasn’t as good as the t-shirt, it was still pretty roomy, and more than anything, the zipper made it comfortable to wear. Comfortable clothes were the best, after all.
“Yeah, alright.”
I took the hooded zip-up rashguard Yoohyunie had taken out.
“You hurry up and change too. Yerimie might break the door down.”
The bottoms came down to slightly above my knees. A longer style would feel too constraining, and it would be difficult both to wear and to take off. An outfit that just resembled a hooded zip-up and shorts really did appeal to me the most(1). It didn’t even look like swimwear. 
“Kids, come here.”
Velare wrapped around my arm, and Chirpie settled into my embrace as well. However, though Peace had followed along, he didn’t seem to have any intention of being held like usual. Had he realized we were going to the pool. 
“Would I let you fall in the water.”
- 끄앙.
“Though swimming together would be nice.”
He was too quick on the uptake. I’d wanted to get a picture of Peace swimming with Chirpie and Velare riding on top, though. I’d even brought a waterproof cellphone case in preparation.
“Where’d I put that waterproof case.”
Yoohyunie held the waterproof phone case out towards me. Seeing me holding Chirpie with one arm, he slotted my phone into the case for me. He hung the lanyard attached to the case around my neck. 
“That must feel constricting.”
My dongsaeng was wearing the same zip-up rashguard, but unlike me, it’d been left unzipped. We’d made sure to buy the right size, but it looked like it’d still be a bit too tight if he zipped it up. He should’ve worn just the trunks only instead. 
‘Though there was a time when I’d carried him around.’
Seeing how big he’d gotten, I’d occasionally feel peculiar. No matter how much he might’ve shot up, since he was still younger, it’d been difficult for me to imagine him outgrowing me way back then. I’d never thought he’d get this big, even when he was in elementary school.
The growth spurt he’d encountered in middle school had been quite impressive. Since he’d still been growing at a rapid pace when he entered high school, he probably would’ve surpassed 180cm even if he hadn’t Awakened. 
Thinking back to how well I'd fed him, it really made me feel gratified. He’d grown up well.
“Ah~ juh~ ssi~”
“I’m coming now, coming.”
If you kept that up, you might get stuck sounding like a broken record.
“The weather’s nice, too!”
In high spirits, Yerimie stretched out both arms way overhead. Yerimie was wearing a rashguard, too. Did people not wear swimsuits nowadays, like before? It was a loose-fitting half-sleeve top plus shorts set. Taking off in a run,
She entered the water. Her form maneuvered underneath the rippling waters with the ease of a mermaid, before shooting back up and breaching the surface. And as the water was sent soaring alongside her,
“Ah, this feels great.”
It swirled up around Yerimie to hold her aloft in the air. The water droplets around her reflected the sunlight in a dazzling dance. 
“Hyung-nim, why’re you all bundled up like that?”
It was Moon Hyuna’s voice. Turning my head, I saw Moon Hyuna dressed in a bra-top rashguard and, of course, shorts as well. Wow, look at those muscles. Yeah, it’d probably feel too restrictive to wear a tee like Yerimie. Especially her shoulders and arms, they were no joke. Though, it was only natural when you thought about how her weapon of choice was a giant spear. 
…I was kind of envious.
“Unnie, let’s have a match!”
Grinning, Moon Hyuna leapt into the swimming pool. 
The swimming pool area consisted of a large pool in the center, and a long river-style pool that encircled the perimeter. As the swimming pool spanned a wide expanse, the outer lane’s length was substantial as well. Yerimie and Moon Hyuna moved to the end of the long pool.
“Ahjussi, give us a signal please!”
“‘Kay. If you use your Skills, it counts as cheating.”
In a worst case scenario, the pool might get obliterated. We’d need to be careful. As the signal dropped, the two of them took off. Yerimie was fast, but without her Skills, besting Moon Hyuna was naturally difficult. The gap in height and muscle mass was pretty significant. Even then, the distance between them didn’t widen overly much, and she seemed to be gamely hanging on. 
While I was spectating the swimming match, Noah and Myungwoo arrived at the pool as well. The two were only wearing swim trunks. Myungwoo needed no further words, and Noah may have been a support-type, but since an S-rank was still an S-rank, well… I’d done well by wrapping up, after all.
“The rest seems to’ve done you good, your complexion looks healthier.”
“Turns out that rest is necessary too, after all. Though Ismoire seemed to be a bit sulky about it.”
Myungwoo said, smiling. It being a vacation, he’d decided that he wouldn’t be doing any work until he returned to Korea. Adding that the sauna water quality at this place had been great, he promptly entered the swimming pool. Myungwoo was good at swimming too, huh. 
“Here, Chirpie, Velare. Or is it too deep?”
I was apprehensive, but Chirpie leapt into the water first. It had a flight Item, so it should be alright. Velare started swimming towards Chirpie, who was bobbing up and down on top of the water. Perhaps because she liked water to begin with, she was swimming smoothly and effortlessly. 
I quickly took a picture of the scene, and recorded a video as well. How adorable they were. 
“Peace… is a no, as expected, huh.”
- 끼양.
Having made his way on top of a pool lounge chair at some point, Peace let out a thinner cry than usual. Yes, what could I do, if you didn’t want to. Enjoy sunning yourself, at least. 
“Yoohyun-ah, aren’t you going to get into the water?”
I asked my dongsaeng, who was standing next to me. Why was he only watching. 
“I don’t know how to swim.”
“That so? You were floating so well in the ocean, I thought you knew how already.”
“Since floating is easy.”
Huh. Then again, I did know how to float, too. At any rate, I got into the water first. It got deeper the closer I got to the edge of the pool in the back, until the water in front of me came up to slightly above my waist. 
“They say that if you know how to float, then you can learn how to swim in no time. Come in, hurry. I’ll hold hands with you.”
“Mhn, thanks.”
As Yoohyunie smiled sweetly and entered the water, Noah, who had been standing nearby, spoke up with an embarrassed air. 
“I-I do…not know how to swim, either.”
“Noah-ssi too? Are you capable of floating, at least?”
“Um, I haven’t tried before, so I’m not certain.”
Poor thing, so he’d never been to a swimming pool before.
“Please wait just a moment. After I help Yoohyunie, first.”
I had just linked hands with Yoohyunie, when water suddenly rose up at my side. Appearing with a spray of water, Yerimie shouted. 
“Ahjussi, don’t get taken in by him! Just imagine, an S-rank saying something like they can’t swim.”
“That’s right, hyung-nim. So long as they’ve got at least B-rank stats, much less S-rank, if you toss ‘em in the water, they’ll start swimming expertly enough on their own in under three minutes.”
Moon Hyuna supplemented, appearing alongside her. 
“I can see now, the young master really is a complete vixen(2), huh. The coy act he puts on in front of hyung-nim is no joke~”
“That’s right, unnie! It’s honestly deplorable, watching it happen. Hey, Vixen! Quit wagging your tails, and race me instead!”
What did they mean, calling him a fox. But Yoohyunie didn’t even bat an eye at Yerimie’s provocation. He was as serene as if his ears were plugged. Weirdly enough, the one whose face had turned crimson was Noah.
“I, I’m, I’d, just……”
Bright red up to the tips of his ears, Noah sank down into the water while his words were still intelligible. Not by swimming, but by incrementally slipping down, as though sinking into the depths. Since he was an S-rank Hunter, there wasn’t a risk that he’d drown, but.
‘That kind of thing can happen, it’s fine if he doesn’t know how.’
What was he getting all embarrassed for. But even so, maybe it really would be faster to just try instead of holding my hands. 
“Mhn, hyung.”
As if he was entrusting everything to me, my dongsaeng looked guilelessly back at me. On second thought, learning slowly was fine too. It wasn’t as though he’d be participating in a swim meet or anything anytime soon. That was when it happened.
촤아악, with a rush of sound, water wrapped around my body. And then, in an instant, I was yanked backwards. 
“H, huh?”
“Bak Yerim!”
Yoohyunie—who’d had to let go of my hand instead of pulling back, in case I got hurt—shouted furiously. The water, which had retreated a far ways back while still encasing me, transformed into a chair-like shape. If it had been regular water, I would’ve fallen straight through, but somehow it was being controlled into a gelatinous state that could support my body. It felt like an inflatable tube that had been filled with water on the inside. 
“Come at me, you insidious Vixen!”
With her feet planted on the g—no, wait, while standing buoyed on top of the water in front of me, Yerimie shouted unabashedly. 
“That you can’t swim is a lie, right? It’s clear as day!” 
Hesitating, Yoohyunie looked over at me. Then he answered.
“I can’t.”
“Wow, as expected of Han Yoohyun! But to take ahjussi back, you’ll have to swim!”
Hey, instead of just laughing, please talk them down a bit, Hyuna-ssi.
“Don’t fight here.”
Was what I tried to tell them, but neither of them seemed to be keen on listening. How about some peaceful, um, beach volleyball…that was probably far from being an activity that could keep the peace. Someone bring us some sand or something. That way I could have them do a sandcastle building contest instead.
“Yoojin-ah, you’ve got your share of hardships too, huh.”
Myungwoo said, having wandered over to my side.
“But it’s still cute, right. Since they might get caught up in things, could you bring Chirpie and Velare out?”
Myungwoo moved to collect Chirpie and Velare, who had been bobbing around, and Noah emerged from his submerged state to approach. Standing outside of the pool, Noah asked me.
“Would you like something to drink?”
“Ah, yes. Then, I’d like to request a caffè latte, please.”
“And for you, Myungwoo hyung?”
“A grapefruit lemonade for me.”
As soon as Myungwoo answered, Yerimie’s hand shot up into the air as well. 
“A java-chip frappuccino with extra java chip, and extra whipped cream for me! If they don’t have that, then a parfait, and if that’s out, then a caramel macchiato with espresso and whip!”
“An iced americano, please.”
“Beer and anju(3)! The greasy kind, while we’re at it!”
Noah, flinching, froze. All those orders, weren’t they too much. Especially you, Yerimie, I don’t know who’d remember all that. Having caught sight of the flustered Noah, Myungwoo exited the swimming pool. At a ledge that didn’t even have a ladder, he easily lifted himself out of the water with just his arm strength. A stat increase really was nice, huh. How enviable. 
“I’ll go with you.”
He was kindhearted, too. From what I’d observed, Myungwoo seemed to enjoy looking after the people around him. Even in the case of the people working at the smithy, he was instructing them diligently at the expense of his own time. I suddenly recalled when we had first met. He’s really changed a lot. Greatly, in a positive trajectory. 
Myungwoo and Noah headed in the direction of the bar, and Yoohyunie and Yerimie resumed glaring at each other again. 
“Start after the beer gets here, alright.”
Moon Hyuna sniggered, showing zero inclination to dissuade them at all. 
“Just this once, I’ll turn a blind eye! I’ll give you five minutes, so ‘learn’ how to swim.”
“Hyung said he would teach me, so give him back.”
“Ahjussi said that he only knows how to float, too. Spare some conscience, Guild Leader-nim-ah.”
“You all seem to be enjoying yourselves.”
Another voice interjected. It was Sung Hyunjae. Having appeared at some point, he approached the pool. Eh, what was with that kimono-style beach robe. Though I’d briefly considered buying one, too, since it looked like a good way to cover up. Except, Sung Hyunjae was only wearing it draped on top. 
In any case, hm… He did have a good body. When the difference was that great, it was basically a different realm altogether, so I didn’t even feel jealous. …though, to be honest, I did feel envious. Must be nice, for real. Why did I have to come to a swimming pool, and. Though, maybe it was lucky that Section Chief Song and Kim Sunghan-ssi were absent, at least. 
Whether Sung Hyunjae appeared or not, Yoohyunie and Yerimie didn’t bother sparing him a glance, as they were still locked in a contest of psychological contention amongst themselves. Moon Hyuna, too, only tossed out an offer to spectate together and left it at that. Upon seeing that reception, Sung Hyunjae turned his gaze towards me. 
The way he was smiling was a bit ominous. When he met my eyes, Sung Hyunjae brought up his hand so his fingertips could be seen. 파직, small sparks flew between them. No way.
“Wait a, hey!”
I quickly snatched Chirpie and Velare into my arms, and activated Eunhae. As soon as he’d confirmed my actions.
Electricity crackled. Blindingly brilliant, throughout the entire swimming pool. Ah, that damn guy, really!
“Oww!” “Ngh!”
“That son of a bitch!”
Though the electrical currents were staggering, it seemed that, for S-rank Hunters, it only amounted to a brief moment of pain or so. Yoohyunie and Yerimie began glowering at Sung Hyunjae, who was laughing haha. Moon Hyuna let out a growl as well.
“Han Yoohyun, a temporary ceasefire.”
I heard the voice faintly. Guys, hold on. It’s deep here. I could float, but perhaps because I’d suddenly fallen in. Yerim-ah, your Skill released after being hit with the electricity. And Chirpie and Velare seemed to be clueless about the situation. 
“My, but Han Yoojin-goon's matters might be more pressing, it seems to me.”
“Wha—ack! Ahjussi!”
- 컁!
My body, which had been sinking downwards, was suddenly snatched upwards. Usually, if you held still, you’d start floating, so why had I sunk instead. Yoohyunie and Yerimie pulled me towards a shallower location.
“Hyung, are you alright?”
“Why didn’t you make any noise?”
“It’s, cough. Since you usually float, if you just relax. If you try to shout underwater, you just end up taking in water and won’t be able to float.”
Even so, had I been too placid. It seemed like the fear resistance had also factored into it. But if I sank all the way down, I could have kicked off of the bottom and surfaced, even if just for a bit.
- 끄앙.
“Yeah, Peace-yah. Even though you hadn’t wanted to go into the water.”
He was all soaked now. Having verified that I was safe, Peace quickly exited the water. Then, eyeing me with noonchi, he slunk behind the flowerbeds for a moment before re-emerging dry and fluffy once more to climb back onto his lounge chair. So he actually could dry himself off on his own, huh. 
“It might be best to learn to swim properly after all, would you not agree.”
The perpetrator serenely prattled on, having drawn close. If it hadn’t been for you, I wouldn’t have fallen in to begin with. Just as I’d been about to rebuff the teaching offer that accompanied his yammering about doing it for my Partner’s safety with a no, Yerimie suddenly interjected. 
“I can teach you! I’m good at swimming.”
Then, as if showing off, she smirked at Yoohyunie. Yoohyunie’s eyes narrowed dangerously. 
“Just now, didn’t you drop hyung in the water because you couldn’t even sustain your Skill. Hyung, come learn slowly with me.”
“Or, should I teach you, hyung-nim?”
…I just wanted to ride a tube and play. Would it be possible to craft a life vest out of Dungeon materials. I could just carry it with me all the time. 
“First, let’s rest a bit.”
Leaving the water, I sat down at a bench. From the direction of the bar, Myungwoo and Noah returned, holding the drinks that had been requested.
(1) 후드집업에 반바지로 보이는 후드집업 래쉬가드 + 하의
why do koreans wear rash guard? | korean rashguard CF
other than the significance kr readers would’ve picked up on behind yoohyunie’s unsubtle bid to match with yoojin, another cultural nuance behind the preference towards clothes that lean more ‘beachwear’ versus swimsuits is in part bc of the distinction koreans make between 물놀이 (water+play=’playing in the water’) and actual 수영 (swimming). as yoojin notes when he puzzles over yerimie’s attire (since he’s out of touch, from not going swimming for so long), modern trends for ‘waterplay wear’ in kr is usually ‘rashguard (popular for limiting sun exposure) + bottoms’ (at least in public/’family-friendly’ venues), like in the example listed above. for pool play, yerimie’s style is popular with the younger crowd, as modeled on (ahn) yoojin here, and at places like waterparks, you’ll see everyone dressed similarly even in the water. anecdotally, i’ve noticed that koreans tend to cover up more when at domestic beaches etc., but prefer the more ‘revealing’ styles when overseas on vacation, which leads me to believe it’s cultural expectations of modesty at play (since private parties for twenty-somethings etc are a different matter).
(2) ‘불여우’
expanding on this one a bit, bc it reccurs as one of yh’s monikers. first, a bit of etymological background info on why koreans categorize people (skewing female) as ‘bears,’ since ‘fox’ is more self-explanatory: 
Ungnyeo & korea’s foundation myth  
of course, what yerimie and mha are using are the colloquial variations of ‘fox’ seen in the present day (cc available for vid links). the association between foxes and this archetype is so prevalent that, under the dictionary entry for ‘홀리다 (to bewitch),’ the examples given are:
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which demonstrates how the two are essentially conflated in modern-day usage. 
the ‘불-’ sfx denotes a ‘fiery’ proclivity, which leads to a more ‘dangerous’ type of ‘여우’:
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because a 불여우 is ^ added to the pre-existing ‘여우’ characteristics. i think people who don’t know that ‘불-’ is supposedly from ‘붉은’ assume that the ‘불’ prefix is either ‘fire (‘playing with fire’ + potential temper)’ or ‘불행 (misfortunate/ill-omened/calamitous),’ bc all of those seem plausible enough given the way the term is used. in short, mha and yerimie are calling out yh for behaving like a fox and “trying to use his wiles on [yoojin]” (“이제 보니 도련님 완전 불여우네. 형님 앞에서 내숭이 장난이 아니야~” “맞아요, 언니! 보고 있으면 진짜 웃기지도 않는다니까요. 야, 불여우! 여우짓 그만하고 시합이나 하자!”) 
(3) 안주 → food that you eat while drinking, which is its own category (~’bar food’)
(4) 비치로브 가디건 beachrobe cardigan
+ a comic for visual aid that was provided by one of my lovely proofreaders, which is 100% how this part & the next ch should be read. spoilers for part 2 if u go past the halfway point in (2/3) of the comic.
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twiceblackvelvet · 4 years
Five Years
requested, sort of.  
a/n; hi, i had half of this drafted and decided to finish it up just to give you all... something because i felt a bit guilty lmao. the original prompt was "I just wished you really meant it when you said you loved me back" but i decided to change it up a little bit, hope you enjoy! 
tw // mentions of alcohol abuse, mentions of death (kinda?)
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Did you know, the first cardboard box was created back in 1871? An Englishman produced it, likely by accident and it became a commercial success. But, he probably didn’t think that one of it’s most common uses today would be to transport your personal items from one place to another, more often than not whenever a negative situation arises. 
Someone loses their job? They pack their things up in a cardboard box. You break up with your girlfriend of the last five years despite her claiming she’d never hurt you but then ended up doing it all throughout your time together? Pack all of your memories into a cardboard box... or multiple.
The first year was the easiest, the best… everything seemed a lot more simple back then. Dinner at new, expensive restaurants that neither of you could truly afford or wine tasting bottles from far beyond either of you were even born. It wasn’t practical, nor was it smart to use up the majority of your pay slips for the month on such exuberant dates but it became a thing… your thing… together. Now, those same wine glasses the two of you purchased in hopes of one day having the bottle worth more than your life to go along with it are about to be split apart like the two of you. The reviews about the best nights of your life haunting your phone whenever you decide to scroll through it idly, anything to take your mind off her and the end of what was supposed to be your forever.
Back then, at least, it felt like your forever. The nights simply laughing at ridiculous jokes or watching those old Hollywood classics where the main protagonist is a burly man and his only purpose is to save the frail,  meek young woman from whatever is ailing her. You’d always mock how ridiculous the plot was and how neither of you needed saved from anything. The truth, however, is that you possibly needed saving from each other more than anything else.
The second year brought change. A new job for her meant far less time together than usual, but you both agreed to make it work, both agreed to put in the effort necessary to continue your relationship. It lasted, for a small while. But then meetings or appointments began to crop up seemingly out of nowhere and whilst it had begun to affect you both, neither of you bothered to address it. Smiling and waving away the nagging doubts in the back of your minds instead of facing it head on. Thinking about it now, you’re sure this is where the downfall began. It’s quite a feat you were both able to remain for another three years afterward.
You’d be lying to say that you didn’t think for quite some time that perhaps it wasn’t the job which was distracting Siyeon or taking up all of her attention, but rather that she had met someone else. Someone she had perhaps fallen for without realizing until it was too late. Someone she loved more than you. But, there were never any red flags about her being with anyone other than you, your life within the bedroom department remained steady and you’re certain she wouldn’t be capable of that if their were another person for her to sleep with.
The third year is a blur. Empty promises of adventures and quality time together that somehow always managed to blow up right before you both mere moments before you were due to finally have the space or freedom to be a couple. The late nights at the office becoming more frequent than not, sometimes neither of you would even see each other whatsoever for days on end. A coat would sometimes rest on the back of the living room chair to signal she was home, but physically, her presence was not anywhere to be seen in your shared apartment, in your mind and worst of all in your heart.
Communication began to dwindle and loneliness replaced the full feeling you used to feel deep down inside. You’re not even sure the two of you did speak at all at this point. She was merely a light breeze whisking in and out of your life whenever she pleased leaving behind a coldness that couldn’t possibly be cured. No amount of warmth could melt the icy barricade you’d built up around yourself.
The fourth year was full of trying. Real, honest trying. Both of you finally wising up to the fact that things were heading for disaster if nothing changed and fast. It wasn’t anywhere close to the first year, nor was it anything for either of you to be proud of. You’re sure if a relationship counsellor looked into the connection between you both they’d have told you things were dead in the water already, but you both tried. Even if that meant quick ten minute “dates” where eye contact couldn’t even be maintained. In reality, it was eating one meal together maybe once a month if you were lucky where she’d offer you small talk as if you were strangers meeting for the first time.
It wasn’t honest trying, nor was it real. It was a delusion. A façade. A lie to yourself in order to be able to keep some form of hold on this relationship that you refused to let go of for reasons you’re no longer sure about. Whatever the reason was at the time, you regret it now and wish you had just left when things went downhill the first time rather than putting yourself through extra heartbreak for someone who couldn’t care less about you, your relationship or sometimes even herself.
This year, everything fell apart. You could no longer lie to yourself about the fact that both you and Siyeon had managed to self-destruct within the confinements of your relationship. She began staying at random hotels, sometimes not even sleeping in a bed at all but rather resting wherever her head landed after a long night of drinking away her days work. That didn’t last, as she was eventually fired for not showing up, or showing up under the influence. You’re not even sure which as your brain had stopped processing her slurred words half-way through the conversation. She promised to find a new job and get back on her feet as soon as possible, instead, your savings account balance ended up being raided and left without a penny to feed her habit.
Despite every part of you screaming that you should leave and not think twice about it, a guilty feeling would always spring up into your head and chest whenever the fleeting thought crossed your mind. Fear consumed your every thought that she’d one day end up on the news having been found in a ditch unconscious or worse no longer alive.
Surprisingly, the breaking point finally came about from something far less dramatic. It’s what you needed otherwise it’s very possible that ten, twenty or even thirty years from now you could both be still stuck in the exact same position, moving around each other rather than with each other. Avoiding any and all confrontation in case it made her situation worse and putting up with all of the small things that have ended up building up a far larger pile of problems.
Nothing from this relationship has been fair on your heart or mind. It’s been a relentless battle everyday from the second your eyes open in the morning to when they close again after your mind has finished it’s final spin of thoughts, self-doubt, self-hatred as well as resentment for the person that the body lying mere inches away from your own belongs to. Well, when she does decide to return home and sleep beside you that is.  You never imagined a day would come where you hate Siyeon, despise her in fact, and yet whenever you see her perfectly sculpted face now that is slowly beginning to show the wares of her alcohol abuse, you’re left with inner torment and pain, rather than the  happiness you had once upon a time felt. Though, you’d be lying to yourself if you were to deny the fact you do still have a tiny amount of love left within you for her.
The weekend prior to the fall out, your family had decided to pay the two of you a visit. This alone was rather out of the blue and peculiar, however, you agreed to open up your home, if you can call it that, to them and Siyeon promised she would be there if only to keep up the appearance of a happy life together. But, as always, she was nowhere to be found. Not even a single text or phone call to explain why she had decided to not show up or why she had left you to try and explain away how she’s just “too busy lately” but that you’re both still as in love as ever. Her days are only ever busy with which hard liquor to pour down her throat next.
Nobody bought it. In fact, hiring someone in a clown suit to come and recite a monologue of known lies would have been more convincing than the performance you attempted to put on. It took all of one question to finally break the dam and unleash everything you’d been holding back from them all.
“Are you happy with her?”
The answer perched itself onto the tip of your tongue, threatening to spill out at any second, however, your eyes had other plans and instead allowed a steady stream of tears to douse your face. Everyone in the room remained stiff, stuck in place almost as if they were scared to breathe too loud out of fear it would break you further.
It was mid-week by the time she decided to finally return home. Your clothes neatly packed into a suitcase by the front door, everything else slotted into a cardboard box as best as possible. Old newspaper wrapped around some of the more fragile items, something you wish were able to protect your heart too. She stalked past all of it without even a second glance, nor did she bother to look your way as you sit on the edge of your seat hoping desperately that she’ll finally see how her actions have broken you both. Perhaps, offer an apology and make some actual promises that she will keep and the two of you could return to the happy place you once adored and cherished.
Instead, she moves toward the kitchen to grab a glass from the cupboard and pour herself some juice from the fridge. Her head resting in her hands as she sits down at the dining table. Her face looks tired and clothes unkempt. Whichever hole she decided to stay in this time, she hasn’t been taking care of herself that much is clear. But you’re far too enraged by her ignorance to offer her the last drop of sympathy remaining within you.
“They waited for you. They waited all weekend for you to show your face even just for a few seconds, and you couldn’t even do that for me.” Her head dropping further down onto the table, you hope out of embarrassment but you doubt it. “I asked you for one thing. Just one single thing, Siyeon.”
As you expected, she doesn’t speak. Her body moves every now and then from her breathing but nothing more. You’re not sure you even want her to say anything but the silence only further fuels the anger you’ve allowed to brew within you.
“I can’t do this anymore. I can’t do us.” Her body finally sits itself up and her eyes lock onto your own immediately. “You’ve taken too much from me these last five years and I’m tired of it. Things were supposed to be different between us, you were supposed to be the person I spent the rest of my life with. Now, you’ll always be the person I wish I’d never met at all.”
You turn away from her before you say something that you may end up regretting, however, her hand latches itself around your wrist as she pulls you back toward her encasing your retreating body into a loose hug that you don’t reciprocate, instead allowing your hands to rest inside your coat pocket to make sure they don’t weakly hold her in return. Her shoulders slump upon realizing you aren’t going to offer her any lasting piece of affection and she nods her head in self-realization that things really are over as she pulls away.
"I love you. I need you to know that. I always loved you and I always will. I’m just not good enough for you, I never will be." She says, eyes dazzling from the light reflecting on her tears she’s holding back. She groggily sits back down in her seat, head once more resting her hands, however, they wipe away a few stray tears that managed to escape.
Without giving it a second thought you turn to leave one more, because you’re sure that if you had thought about it even for a second longer than she deserves, you’d end up falling back into her arms and back into the depressed state you’d been ignoring. Picking up the suitcase and opening the front door, you can’t help but whisper out words you know that Siyeon can’t possibly hear, but you need to let them out regardless in order to finally say goodbye to everything you’ve both been through.
“I wish I could believe you, but I love you too.”
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wasithard · 4 years
i was tagged by my love leanne! thank u @augustsippedaways 🧡
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? black 2. name a food you never eat. tomato sauce (or ketchup if you’re nasty) 3. are you typically too warm or too cold? too cold and i hate it 4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? reading @ananbeth‘s when you were sleeping au and just....melting.  5. what’s your favorite candy bar? anything cadbury. probably just the plain one. 6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? yes so many!!!! mostly rugby league.  7. what is the last thing you said out loud? probably i love you/goodnight 8. what is your favorite ice cream? neapolitan!!!! 9. what was the last thing you had to drink? water 10. do you like your wallet? my “wallet” is the mum phone case i have that folds over the screen and has slots for my cards on the side. i love the convenience but i hate it too. 11. what is the last thing you ate? tabouli tabouli :)) 12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? nope  13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? my footy team’s last game of the season a couple of weeks ago.  14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? plain butter 15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? my dad 16. ever been camping? yeah i did alot of camping in year 9 17. do you take vitamins? not regularly 18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? sunday mass every fortnight babey!!! 19. do you have a tan? im naturally a little bit tanned :D 20. do you prefer Chinese or pizza? chinese (but i love a hawaiian) 21. do you drink your soda through a straw? ideally not #savetheturtles 22. what color socks do you usually wear? literally any and every colour 23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? absolutely not. speeding? stop it or cop it.  24. what terrifies you? being tickled.  25. look to your left, what do you see? books 🧡 26. what chore do you hate most? changing the bedsheets (leanne ur so right ohmyGOD i hate it) 27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? home 💚💛 28. what’s your favorite soda? lemonade 29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? go inside 30. what’s your favorite number? 8 31. who’s the last person you talked to? my mum 32. favorite meat? chicken for sure. so versatile 33. last song you listened to? breathe from in the heights 34. last book you read? brisingr by christopher paolini 35. favorite day of the week? friYAY 36. can you say the alphabet backwards? like...yeah but itd take me a sec 37. how do you like your coffee? tea 🧡 38. favorite pair of shoes? i have these heels i bought in new york....they’re black with gold sequin stars and they’re gorgeous and comfortable 39. time you normally get up? between 7 and 8 40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? sunsets! 41. how many blankets on your bed? two 42. describe your kitchen plates: white ceramic with blue olives around the side 43. describe your kitchen at the moment: umm clean?  44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? anything resembling a slushie (because im a child) 45. do you play cards? YES love it 46. what color is your car? bubblegum blue 47. can you change a tire? i wish! 48. your favorite state or province? thats such a random question? i dont know um new south wales i guess? 49. favorite job you’ve had? working in a library. literally the BEST i just get to gush about books all day
im tagging @fruectose @spookyannabeth & @butiknewyou and anyone who’d like to do this :) 
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hotwirings · 4 years
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      ── “ hey, it’s me. ”
restless and uncertain, jace passes the phone from one hand to the other. he isn’t entirely sure where he is, now. he’s grown so used to suffocation that being out under open air suddenly feels overwhelming, space around him swallowing him up into the dark, the cold--- with the past months crowded into overpopulated cages, he’s entirely forgotten what an EMPTINESS can feel like. it’s welcome, for the most part, and he’s held his breath and dove straight back into the deep end of it, getting as far from the city as he can in a single evening to find the expanse of the highways. he could stretch his hands out to either side of him and still wouldn’t be able to get his arms around it all. this should be a reassurance.
he doesn’t feel like HIMSELF, anymore. the clothes he’s wearing are unfamiliar, not his own, a pair of pants and a stiff-pressed sweatshirt a size too large that had been given to him upon his exit. they’d given him a box, too, to pack anything he wanted to take with him as he left. jace had opted to leave it empty. he had no sentimentality over anything he had with him in prison, didn’t want any of it lingering. he feels some halfhearted resentment over his stubbornness, now--- it would have been nice to have something of his. anything. his shirt still smells like the same bulk-bought detergent they used on the laundry on the inside, and it’s making him sick. maybe he hasn’t left prison as the new man he was supposed to be, reformed, but he isn’t exactly unchanged either. something’s wrong, OFF-BALANCE. he's tired. he’s hungry.
it’s been a moment of weakness, on his part, finding a payphone and dropping some of his sparse change into it to dial out. getting no answer couldn’t be much of a surprise ; it’s LATE, and he’s calling from an unknown number. besides, his father isn’t exactly known for his welcomeness when it comes to jace. still, remorsefully, he tries. like admitting defeat, he tries.
“ i’m out, now. in case you were wondering. ”   having no response might be a relief. it’s a bit easier to talk to a voicemail, jace thinks. he pauses for too long between words, sentences, trying to fight a balance between his desire to beg and to scream into the receiver ; it wouldn’t help any to have to talk over his FATHER, too.  “ i know they called you. probation officer suggested i reach out to loved ones, find somewhere to stay. she thought you’d wanna come pick me up. ”
jace LAUGHS, then, humorlessly, picks at a sticker alongside the plastic phone booth. it’s something to do with his hands, at least. one of the first things he’d done upon his release was find a pack of cigarettes--- he’d burned through them in a steady chain, however, so easy to indulge in old vices, and now he’s feeling the absence. it’s made him ANTSY all over again. the past months had forcibly sobered him from his addictions, though he has no intention of staying clean. all that time had done was make him want worse. he can feel his heartbeat in his temples, like he’s drunk, like he’s speeding down the interstate. surely something must be playing a kind of cosmic joke on him, then, and he closes his eyes against it, a cold edge sharpening his tone.  “ and wasn’t that stupid of me, huh ?  i thought, maybe, you actually might. that i’d walk out of there and see you waiting for me in the parking lot like it’s seventh grade and you’re picking me up from the principal’s office. ”
it’s not a fond memory. it rarely is, with them. his father’s distaste for him may be unpleasant but at least it’s something SOLID to stand on, something familiar. his family rarely feels like a safe place to land, but occasionally it’s better than no place at all. taking a deep breath, he leans his forehead against the wall of the phone booth, metal cool against his growing headache.  “ i tried to call before, too. the night i got arrested. ”  jace keeps his eyes closed. he doesn’t want to see himself, his hands, the way he’s come to grip at the side of the booth to hold himself steady.  “ i don’t know anyone else’s number. ”
his jaw is stiff as he talks, and he stops for a moment to work it silently. not often is jace a fighter, preferring to find his excitement elsewhere, but prison had been so stale otherwise that he had little choice. often does he talk himself into trouble, and before he could simply RUN before it caught up to him, though confinement offered him no same luxury. and so it was some goodbye gift, he supposes, getting thrown to the cafeteria floor a day before his release by a man he’d run his mouth to. he’s still sporting the results of it, a yellow-curve of a bruise beneath his eye, discoloration all down his jawline. he wonders if that’s why he’s received some strange looks since returning to the world, or if other people can simply look at him and sense his WRONGNESS as he does. he doesn’t belong anywhere, like this.
“ you could have come to see me. not like you didn’t know where i was, like i was going anywhere. ”  for a while his voice has been softer but it gains momentum, now, shoving past some few seconds of vulnerability to find his anger again. he never truly expected anybody to visit--- he doesn’t have much to offer when he’s just sat at some metal table, a few careful feet away from the other. still, he’d WONDERED. even if his father had come solely to berate him, at least it would have been recognizable.  “ you can’t just not look at me and pretend i’m not real. i’m right fucking here. ”  he wishes could sound more assured than he does, wants to mean it. or at least be a better liar in believing it.  “ i’m real and i’m HERE. ”
jace opens his eyes again, turns away from the booth to stare out towards the space behind him. the roadside bar is exactly the dodgy sort of place he’s been told to avoid, stretching out towards the state line and tempting himself with crossing it. so badly does he want to be AWAY, and he can see  ‘ gone ’  right there at the other end of the highway. surely he can reach it if he tries. there’s muffled music coming from inside the bar, all dim and smokey, and he attempts to breathe into the beat of it.  “ you don’t care, do you ? ”  he’s thought it often but rarely voices it, and surprises himself with how worn-out it sounds. like he’s already grown used to saying it.  “ tell me. i’d appreciate it if you’d TELL me. i’ve gotten pretty good at hating you but i think i could do it even better. fucking tell me. actually say something to me. ”
there must be a time limit on how long a message he can leave, though he doesn’t know what it is. some clock is counting down, forcing him to find words before he can really think them though.  “ people are gonna look up YOUR name and find my goddamn mugshot, you know. ”  again does he laugh, bitterly now. at least he can revel in this ; his father has tried endlessly to make jace into his legacy, and in his harsh determination it’d backfired. by trying to mirror himself into jace, he’d tied himself into every stupid thing his son has ever done, will ever do.  “ good. i hope it ruins you. you might think i’m no one, but so are you. it’s fucking genetic. ”
and isn’t that just their TRADITION, the sheas, a whole line of nobodies trying frantically to fight that birthright. at least, jace thinks, he can be nobody on his own terms. he can be out here, in the dark, half-lit by a streetlight and the neon signs of the bar, an itch in his legs that’s making it difficult to stand still. it’s an anonymous kind of place, an in-between, a pit stop on his GOING. prison had made him too seen ; the same rooms with the same people, knowing his same name. it’d ruined something, and jace has yet to figure out if that’s irreparable or not.  “ no, actually, you can keep your fucking name.  i don’t want it. ”
he doesn’t know how to hang up, and so he doesn’t, instead choosing to simply wait there silently, listening to the nothing on the other end of the line. after an undefined few minutes, a voice tells him that he’s run out of time, asks him if he wants to send or rerecord his message. jace pauses, again, pulls at the collar of the shirt that isn’t his, CONSIDERS. it isn’t until the voice asks him again, a then third time, before he fully reacts--- presses the pound key decisively to ERASE the voicemail, slots the phone back onto its hook. jace refuses to face it again, now, looks instead at his own hands as if to ensure they’re still there. uselessly, he wonders if he could get his quarters back, then gives up, heads inside for a drink.
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mybukz · 3 years
Fiction: Drilling Down by Aimee Lee
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Image by Rudi Fargo on Unsplash
“Morning, Dr. Leong,” Teck Wai’s dental assistant greeted him as he entered his clinic from the back entrance. The smell of disinfectant punched through the air. He never got used to it despite running this surgery for 15 years. It reminded him he had more than ten grueling hours of melodramatic patients, pointless small talks and back-breaking procedures ahead.
He gave his assistant, Gayathri, a quick nod, and entered his office. Through his peripheral vision, he saw a middle-aged woman in a ridiculously elaborate outfit peeking into the treatment room. Datin Hayati was a dental cerewet disorder. She carried a bejeweled hand-held mirror to identify flaws invisible to the naked eye. Teck Wai loathed her, but put on his best chairside manners for this fat cash cow. He would need two cups of coffee if he was going to start his day with her.
He shut the door of his office behind him and flipped his Macbook open. A window with a lewd video from last night popped up at him, and he hastily closed it. His friend and business partner, Vincent, had sent it with the subject line: Syok. Must watch! A grainy cell phone footage showed a young woman sprawled unconscious on a hotel bed, the cameraperson slowly removing her clothes and fondling her. Teck Wai wasn’t sure if the video was real or staged, but it didn’t stop him from enjoying it.
Finally at 8 in the evening, after two molar root canals, countless orthodontic follow ups and a tricky veneer case, he put his instruments down for the day. It was a Friday night, and he usually met up with Vincent at a karaoke place in Kuchai Lama for beers. Vincent was Teck Wai’s classmate in university way back in 1995, and while they came from drastically different backgrounds, they hit it right off at dental school, and had been firm friends ever since. Teck Wai’s parents had to make withdrawal claims from their EPF to put him through university, while Vincent strutted confidently into the orientation hall with a beautifully pressed shirt and a Patek Philippe glistening on his wrist. When they graduated, Vincent had given him a huge loan to get his clinic up and running, in exchange for a share in the business. Although Vincent passively reaped in profits from his running of the clinic, Teck Wai still felt indebted to his friend’s generosity. It took him many years to arrive at this point, but these days when they were together, Teck Wai no longer felt insecure of his own humble beginnings. After all, he had convinced his parents to move out of their shabby home in Rasah New Village to a trendy 3-storey bungalow in Seremban 2. Like Vincent, he had a sports car, several luxury watches and a Callaway golf set he never touched.
He circled the shoplots three times before he found an empty parking slot. He was growing resentful of these new bubble tea and dessert places in Kuchai Lama, and all these youngsters and their Myvis double- and triple-parking everywhere. As he was about to turn off the engine, his phone buzzed in his pocket—a text from Vincent.
Bro, sorry lah I have to ffk today. Meeting up with A, it read. ‘A’ was a twenty-three year-old woman Vincent had swiped right on and been texting for two weeks. Apparently things have gotten hot and heavy digitally, and they were ready to meet in person. This was where Teck Wai drew a line. He had been married for nearly 20 years. Of course like any man, he would occasionally visit a massage parlour for a B2B, or sit with flirtatious Vietnamese girls at a karaoke. But he would never have a mistress; that would be cheating.
Lucky bastard, he texted back.
Face 7/10. Boobs 10/10 came the reply.
It was no fun drinking alone so he decided to head home. Teck Wai and his family lived in a comfortable bungalow in Bukit Jalil. He bought the house 10 years ago, when his wife, Poh Yi, was pregnant with their second child. She had insisted that they would need the space. The mortgage came up to be more than RM 10,000 a month. Teck Wai reluctantly added this to his growing list of monthly commitments. Since his wife had worked so hard to marry into wealth, she didn’t think she should ever have to lift a finger to work again. Shortly after they moved into this beautiful, spacious place, Poh Yi suffered a miscarriage. Their daughter, Serene, remained an only child ever since.
Inside the house, Poh Yi and Serene were at the dinner table, finishing up their meal. He often worked late at the clinic, his dental assistant having to tapau a greasy pack of chap fan for him. They looked up in surprise. The Indonesian maid brought out a bowl of steaming white rice and a pair of chopsticks.
Serene whipped out her phone and started to watch a series of 15-second dance videos, each with music more annoying than the last. Teck Wai cleared his throat. He had not had a conversation unrelated to patients or investments in a long time. And he definitely had not had anything in common with his own daughter for years. It seemed like yesterday he had taken her and her friends for badminton, tennis and swimming. He didn’t know where all this time went, and suddenly she was already 16 and no longer took any notice of him, other than to ask for pocket money. Even so, she often solicited her mother to do it on her behalf.
“How are your studies, Serene?” he asked. It was a question his father often asked him over the dinner table when he was 16. He always indulged his father with how well he did in class, and how he measured up to the brightest students in school.
“Fine,” she replied, not bothering to look up from her phone, her thumb repetitively swiping its screen. He looked dejectedly at his wife, willing her to break the ice. She hardly seemed to notice, as she moved towards the living room, and tuned in to some Korean drama or other on her iPad.
“So tell me. What has been going on with you? Your friends?” Teck Wai was determined to have a conversation that lasted more than 5 seconds with his daughter.
“Fine,” she repeated.
“Don’t you have anything more to say to your daddy than just fine?”
She looked up from her phone and rolled her eyes. “You are never home, why do you suddenly care now?” she said without a hint of anger, so softly he was not prepared for the venom her words packed. Also, when did she start speaking with an American accent? That bloody international school. He never should have sent her there in the first place.
The next day in his office, Teck Wai was still haunted by his chilling, but perhaps unsurprising, fight with Serene. He couldn’t even call it a fight, there had been no yelling or display of emotions on his part, she simply got up from her chair and went back up to her room. The house and the dinner table were full, but there he sat all alone.
He didn’t think it was that long ago when he felt like he was the most important person in Serene’s life. She made Father’s Day cards for him every year for the longest time, and called him the best daddy in the world when he brought her to Hong Kong Disneyland and Universal Studios in Singapore. He always gave her what she wanted, and now he couldn’t even get more than a cold ‘I’m fine’ from her. He just wanted to know what was going on in her life, was that too much to ask?
Suddenly a thought struck him. These teenagers. They put everything online these days, don’t they? Only a couple of weeks ago, she took a selfie with him on her phone that digitally applied horrendous make-up on him. It made him look a little like Datin Hayati, if he were to be honest. He turned on his Macbook and typed her name into a Google search bar. It didn’t take long to find a blog with the title ‘Not-Your-Typical-Girl’ splashed across its home screen. In the About Me page was a selfie of his daughter pouting, clad in a skimpy black top he had never seen her in. ‘ENFJ, Gryffin-whore, #wokeAF’, read her bio. He had no idea what any of those words meant. Serene revealed quite a bit of herself, both physically as well as emotionally. Her latest blog entry, from only a week ago, read:
OMFG - X surprised me at school today!! He came to pick me up after school and parked his bright red Mazda convertible, and parked right in front of the school gates. There was LITERALLY a small commotion as everyone was wondering who the hell’s sports car it is. To be honest, I was a little embarrassed but also a little proud. Like, HELL YEAH that’s MY MAN!
Anyways, X said that he had got us tickets to watch Avengers in Mid Valley at 3PM. I told him there was no way I was going to go to MV in my school uniform, it’s so embarrassing! And oh my gosh, would you guys believe it?! This sweetest man reached into the backseat of his car and pulled out a ZARA paper bag with a beautiful dress inside. He really spoils me. Of course once we got to our usual quiet parking lot in The Gardens, I had to reward him, and OBVIOUSLY we never made it to the movies lolz ;)
Before Teck Wai could read any other entry, there came a knock on his door. “Coming,” he responded as he adjusted his facemask and slipped on a pair of gloves. He greeted his patient half-heartedly and mechanically picked up his handpiece and started prepping a large cavity on his patient’s lower molar. His mind was still on the entry that he had read on his daughter’s blog. Who was this supposed boyfriend X? He didn’t have much to go on, but could deduce that it was an older, and apparently wealthy boy with a sports car. What did she mean by rewarding him? He didn’t care how mature his daughter thought she was, in his opinion 16 is way too young to be getting physical with boys - especially with college boys! He had no idea how much his daughter knew about sex and birth control, he had just assumed that these were girls’ talk, and Poh Yi should have had it with her. But then again, after her miscarriage, Poh Yi has been increasingly distant with Serene. She much preferred spending time with her friends, having high teas and shopping with his credit card every other day. The only time she ever perks up with regards to her daughter is when someone remarks that they must be sisters.
He felt the tip of his dental bur slip and nicked the inside of his patient’s cheek. The patient did not notice but blood started to ooze from the cut. He clenched his jaw in frustration, and saw his assistant, Gayathri roll her eyes as she moved the suction tip to the small pool of blood in the patient’s mouth. He then rushed the procedure along and filled the tooth without his usual meticulousness to it, his heart was just not in it today. As his patient leaned over to gargle and spit, he noticed the blood “Eh doctor, why bleeding ah?”.
“Uh, your gums. You should floss regularly,” Teck Wai answered, already making his way back to his office.
He went down a rabbit hole reading his daughter’s blog. She wrote frequently and most of the entries were pretty mundane. They were usually about friend dramas at school, or pictures and videos of some Korean boy band or other. X made his first appearance in the blog only about 3 months ago, in some older entries Serene had referenced numerous boys - B, R, Z and many other initials, that she had been chatting with on Tinder. It was the same dating app that Vincent uses to meet women online. On more than one occasion, he had whipped out his phone and started swiping furiously at his phone, showing a series of women’s profiles to Teck Wai.
“See this one, this type of woman is my favourite. Confirm got daddy issues, little bit insecure, always want to impress in bed. Syok man!” Vincent would remark. Teck Wai felt sick to his stomach, imagining that someone somewhere was also saying something similar about Serene. He had to find out who this X is, he just needed to know. Of course, he would have no objections to Serene having a boyfriend, he thought of himself as a modern 21st century father, and accepted that she wouldn’t be a child forever. But he would not tolerate sneaking around after school and doing God know what in a parking lot. He would not be kept in the dark.
He had to strategise. It was nearly impossible to get his daughter to speak to him about her day, moreover something as personal as this. She would be mortified if she knew that he had found her blog, and read about her escapades which might or might not be sexual. He shuddered at the thought. If X frequently picked her up from school, then he could probably get a glimpse of who this boy was. Maybe he could find out where he went to college, and try to speak with him there, man-to-man. He knew he couldn’t wait around Serene’s school in his Porsche, it was much too conspicuous and she would recognise his car at once.
“Gayathri, can I borrow your car?” he asked his assistant during lunchtime. It was an old navy Proton Wira, the perfect camouflage that he would need. He knew that she often walked to the nearby shops for lunch, and never needed her car at this hour.
She was quite taken aback at the request, “Ummm..”
“Don’t worry lah, I will help you put petrol,” he added quickly. He also knew that no one would ask too many questions about free money. Gayathri passed him her car keys, albeit hesitantly.
He drove her old car towards Serene’s school, and on the way reminisced about how decades ago as a new dentist in government service he drove a Proton Wira, not unlike this one. Vincent was the one that convinced him to upgrade to a BMW, he said that which doctor would be seen driving around in a Proton? At the time, he was trying to save up to repay his PTPTN loan, but Vincent was right - his car had to reflect his current social status. Only wealth can attract more wealth, right? But what he felt was only loans attracting more loans. First it was his old BMW, then it was the cost of setting up his business, his extravagant wedding dinner, their first house, Serene’s arrival, a bigger house, a flashier car. Before he knew it, he was 45 years old, stuck in a hamster wheel of back-breaking work for long, gruelling hours. His only joy being increasingly expensive toys.
He parked Gayathri’s car under a tree near Serene’s school and waited. He didn’t see any red sports cars, that would have been hard to miss. He caught sight of his daughter with a group of friends, and they seemed to be headed towards the shops. No surprise visit from X today then, Teck Wai thought. He was simultaneously relieved and disappointed - he wasn’t sure what he wanted to achieve from this stalking, and was glad that he didn’t have to face the upcoming confrontation just yet. He continued doing this everyday with Gayathri’s car for 2 weeks, when he finally saw a red Mazda MX-5 parked at the school gates one day.
His heart raced, he wanted to walk right up there and speak to this young man right away. He had to be careful, it was 1.00PM and the last bell would ring anytime soon and Serene would see him accosting her boyfriend. The window of the Mazda rolled down, as the driver’s hand stuck out, a cigarette dangling from his fingertips. Disgusting, Teck Wai thought, a smoker? There was nothing he hated more as a dentist than a smoker. He snapped himself out of his judgment, and slowly drove by the Mazda, with the windows rolled down he could perhaps get a glimpse of the boyfriend.
To his horror, this was no college boy. Despite the modern haircut, and trendy clothes, the Mazda owner must have been in his forties, perhaps even close to his age! What in seven hells was Serene doing with this man, this predator? It cannot be, his sweet baby daughter, his only child. His blood began to boil, and in his rage failed to see an oncoming car at an intersection, and nearly crashed his assistant’s car.
For the next several weeks, Teck Wai was completely consumed by the thought of his daughter being exploited by a much older man. He couldn’t get the image of this man, this ‘X’ out of his head. His narrow, untrustworthy face, his lecherous hand all over Serene, his disgusting smoker’s breath. He felt nauseated at the thought of this, and had lost his appetite, he felt his regular surgical scrubs loosen. He was distracted both at work and at home, imagining possible scenarios of confronting his daughter over and over again. There was no point discussing this with Poh Yi; she had a terrible temper and would definitely widen the rift between them and their daughter.
His friend Vincent has to get in touch with him, but he had been too distraught to engage in a proper conversation. Several days ago, Vincent had sent him a photo of several of their buddies from university at their regular karaoke bar. They were all flushed with alcohol and were surrounded by half a dozen scantily clad young girls. ‘You are missing out, bro!’ read the accompanying text. Only a couple weeks ago, this would have been a completely normal Friday night for him, and now he felt absolutely disgusted by himself. Were his friends and him so different from Serene’s boyfriend? But surely, none of the Vietnamese girls who worked at the karaoke were as young?
One day a new patient walked into his clinic, a man who looked to be in his late 30s or early 40s. He was extraordinarily well-groomed, with perfectly coiffed hair and overpowering, unmistakably expensive cologne. The patient perched his Ray-Bans on top of his head, and reached out to offer Teck Wai a firm and confident handshake. Teck Wai was taken aback, it was rare for patients to shake his hand. It is unusual, if not a little bit rude to shake a gloved hand. He peeled off his gloves, and reached for a new pair. He motioned for the patient to take a seat, as he glanced on the patient’s file that Gayathri had just laid down on the desk.
‘Xie Jason’ it read, he was a new patient and had no prior record. That’s an unusual surname in KL, Teck Wai thought. He scrutinised the patient who was now sitting docile on his dental chair. Was this X? Was this the man that he had been vividly picturing himself strangling for weeks? He had been playing it out in his imagination for so long that he had distorted the real image of X from the afternoon outside Serene’s school. Now that he was possibly right in front of him, Teck Wai couldn’t even be sure if it was really him. He felt a burning sensation in his ears, he clenched his jaws under his surgical mask and calmly asked the patient, “Yes, what can I do for you today?” A stench of halitosis and tobacco escaped the patient’s mouth as he answered “Just cleaning, doctor.” Surely there was no mistaking that this was the cursed boyfriend that he saw?
He didn’t think that his hatred for this vile being could get any stronger, but when he peered into the patient’s mouth with his probe and mouth mirror, it was a dentist’s worst nightmare. The inner surfaces of his teeth were completely stained and there was nothing more stubborn than tobacco stains. He set to work wordlessly as he removed the heavy chunks of calculus a fleck at a time, each time his nostrils completely attacked by the putrid stench. The patient got comfortable and settled himself deeper into the dental chair and pulled out his phone. He opened up a bright pink app with a flame on it that was somewhat familiar to Teck Wai. Soon it became clear that it was the same dating app that Vincent had often used in front of him. Teck Wai glanced at the patient’s phone as he could see picture after picture of attractive young women pouting back at him. He felt the tip of his scaler slide as he was momentarily distracted and probed too deep into the patient’s periodontal pocket. “Ouch! Watch it!” he winced.
Teck Wai was seething with anger and disgust at this man, for not only taking advantage of his 16 year old but also clearly cheating on her by preying on other young women. He made very little progress with the cleaning, looked up at the clock - it was 7 in the evening. He told Gayathri that he could finish up the case on his own, and she could leave. After he heard the surgery’s door click shut, he turned to the patient and said “I have spotted a few cavities which look quite deep. I would need to give you some nitrous oxide to relax, okay?”. The patient nodded as he pulled the mouthpiece over his face.
He could feel the patient’s body begin to relax and his eyelids drooped, he didn’t protest when Teck Wai bound his wrists tightly to the dental chair with latex gloves. He was only half conscious and the dentist held a pair of forceps against his upper incisors. Teck Wai gripped the tooth firmly and began rotating expertly for several seconds before the tooth luxated from the patient’s jaw. He dropped the tooth onto the metal tray with a delicate clink, and moved on to the next tooth, and the next. Some of them slipped easily like popping pills out of their blister packs. The molars were trickier as they had thick, long roots that anchored strongly to the alveolar bone. He heard several roots fracture, as the patient groaned in his semi-consciousness, but he couldn’t care less, this was no ordinary procedure. When he finished removing every single tooth, he laid down his forceps and looked at the gory pile of teeth piled up on the tray. Some dental student would be very lucky to have this complete set, he thought. He stepped back and looked at X, who only 20 minutes ago swaggered unassumingly into his surgery, flawlessly put together. It was a stark contrast with the now-edentulous patient, his mouth collapsed and bright red, the front of his chest covered in blood and saliva.
“Not looking so handsome now, are you Romeo?”
Aimee Lee is a Sri Petaling girl who grew up sipping pasar malam bubble tea before gentrification and fancy tea rooms took over the local area. She practiced dentistry before pursuing a Masters in Public Health at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine under a Chevening scholarship. She now works in scholarly publishing, developing editorial content for public health and medical journals. In her spare time, she empties her bank account buying books and runs a quarantine book club at @i.read.and.drink.tea on Instagram. She lives in London with her husband.
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joonbird · 7 years
Passionfruit | 1
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➭ “To you, matters of the heart have always been simple. You’ve always lived by three rules: you don’t do emotions, you don’t do attachment, and you don’t do love. That is, until you meet the enigma that is Kim Namjoon- a man who shakes your entire world upside down.”
pairing: reader x Namjoon
genre: smut
words: 3.3k
inspired by → this song
part one | two | three | four
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You are drunk.
God, it's a good feeling. The warm feeling in your stomach, the fuzzy state of mind, and most of all, the way being tipsy makes you feel sexy and confident. Being drunk is instant gratification- and you love instant gratification. 
It was Friday night and you were at a house party. One of the girls in your university cohort was known for pulling these huge, crazy parties whenever her rich parents were out of town. She had decided last minute to throw a ‘small gathering’. The house was full of happily drunk people, music buzzing, drinks flowing. You’d walked in the door, feeling eyes on you and more accurately all over you and your outfit. You had chosen a miniskirt and a tight cami that accentuated your curves and emphasized your figure. As always, you didn’t shy away from the stares, rather, you encouraged them. You had done shot after shot, tequila of course- enjoying the burn that went down your throat and the sharpness of the lime on your tongue. Your inhibitions had slipped, just a little, enough to remind you that you were drunk. It was time to get laid. You gazed around the party, taking in your options. It wasn’t a Friday night without ending it next to a warm body, and you were deciding on your pick of the night. You pursed your lips a little, folding your arms and taking in your surroundings. Hm... Haesong? No, he was the worst, he had just gotten on top of you and fucked you like a rabbit, thinking going as hard and fast as possible would be good somehow. Michael? You wrinkled your nose a little, you’d given him a blow job at the last house party and been thoroughly unimpressed with what he had packing downstairs. Your eyes widened a little in surprise when you spotted Kim Taehyung and his friends lounged all over one couch, laughing noisily and drinking. They all oozed with the confidence of guys who knew they were hot, guys who knew they could walk up to any girl at the party and take them home. They were worshipped for it, guys wanted to be like Taehyung and his friends, and girls wanted Taehyung and his friends. In fact, right now, there were a few girls standing to the side eyeing them off possessively, too nervous to approach. You could almost understand that, except you had learned a few years ago that guys weren’t intimidating if you simply owned your confidence.  Taehyung had to be the most popular guy you knew, he was at some party or the busiest nightclub every week, and he often didn’t bother showing up to college house parties. Him and his friends being at this house party was an interesting development. You hadn’t hooked up with Taehyung -yet- but you’d always vaguely considered it. You’d heard people refer to him as the ‘male version of Y/N’, as if that was either meant to be a compliment or an insult, you weren’t sure and you certainly didn’t care. You studied him for a moment, assessing him carefully. He was definitely sexy. He was dressed in a in a dress shirt and wide leg pants, beer in one hand. As if he was reading your thoughts, he glanced up from his conversation and smirked at you, biting his lip a little. You almost rolled your eyes- you knew that move like the back of your hand, the smirk, the lip bite. It was so predictable. You simply eyed him back and turned away, slotting him as an end of the night option into your mind. So far, you weren’t fully convinced. You made your way through the party, going upstairs to where you knew the bathroom was. You opened the door, jumping back a little when two girls whipped their heads around to glare at you. You groaned a little when you recognized them- Sally and Jisu. They were in some of your classes and had hated you ever since the guy Jisu had liked all of first year decided he wanted to sleep with you instead (and had done so at a house party). “Oh, its Y/N. I’ll be done in a min.” Jisu, the bitchier one of the pair, cooed. Her eyes were piercing as she stared at you up and down slowly, before turning and leaning closer to the mirror, applying her lip gloss. “Sorry, I didn’t recognise you. I’m not used to seeing you with your clothes on. Usually by this point you’re on your knees with the latest guy of the week in your mouth.” Her voice was dripping with honey, saccharine sweet, but you could hear the venom behind her words. You just rolled your eyes. “Give it an hour.” You replied shortly, wanting her to fuck off and let you pee in peace. She smiled a little, stepping back. “Honestly, I would be embarrassed if I were you. You’re such a slut, it’s pathetic.” Jisu said icily. Your jaw dropped a little. “What the fu-” you began, your eyes narrowing, but with that, she wheeled around and was out of the bathroom, Sally following behind obediently. Fuck. You stared at your reflection moodily, annoyed that some bitchy girl’s comments were getting to you so much. You knew you had a reputation by now, as the girl who was always ready to fuck, the girl who was always ready to get hammered. Usually it didn’t bother you, but her words had struck a nerve tonight. Sighing a little, you finished up in the bathroom and walked downstairs. “I need a drink,” You muttered. It was decided- the only way this night could be redeemed would be with a few more drinks, and a good fuck. Maybe Taehyung. Or one of his friends, you weren’t fussy at this point. As you made your way downstairs, you headed straight to where the drinks were, pouring yourself another tequila shot and downing it. As you gazed around the party looking for the guys, you spotted Taehyung. He walked straight up to you, confidently. You just watched him, unimpressed. “So, want to get out of here and fuck?” He grinned, you were suddenly aware of his friends watching the two of you, grins on their faces. Suddenly that same feeling you felt in the bathroom crept back in the pit of your stomach.  “Jesus, way to introduce yourself,” You masked your feelings with a challenging smile, he just grinned and shrugged. “What’s the point? You know who I am, I know who you are. Let’s fuck.” Normally a straightforward direct approach like that would be appealing to you, but tonight, you felt irritated by him. “At least offer a girl a drink first,” You laughed a little, Taehyung tipped his head back and laughed. “God, do you want to fuck or not? I heard you’re the girl to come to for it. Although now I’m not so sure.” His voice was playful, he was definitely drunk. He glanced over at his friends, and nodded, grinning, giving them a thumbs up. You suddenly felt like a piece of meat, hating the way he was leering at you. “Maybe another time babe,” You said shortly, before turning and walking away.  “Your loss!” He shouted after you.
“I need a cigarette,” You sighed to yourself, before turning and walking straight out of the house.
You didn’t have any cigarettes on you, you weren’t a smoker, but it seemed like an appropriate moment for one. Outside of the house a few couples were hooking up, a few girls standing on their phones waiting for an Uber. No one really noticed you, but you walked up to one of the guys from your English Literature class, he was standing there smoking a cigarette. “Hey babe,” You said, forcing a little smile on your face as you walked up to him. He raised an eyebrow at you. “Can I have one of those?” You nodded to his cigarette, smiling up at him. He didn’t smile back, shrugging and throwing the butt to the ground. “Sorry, all out,” He said, laughing a little as he walked away. “Slut.” You blinked at his words as you watched him retreat back into the party. What the fuck? “Hey Y/N right? Uh, do you want a cigarette? I’ve got some.” You whirled around at the voice, but paused when you saw who it was. It was the guy from one of your classes, you couldn’t remember his name, but he was a massive nerd, always focused on his work and study.  “Um, yeah, okay.” You relented, he smiled a little and pulled out a brand new pack of cigarettes, fumbling awkwardly with the box before passing one to you. “Didn’t take you for a smoker,” You commented lightly, he looked at the ground in embarrassment. “Yeah, I’m not. But my friend wanted to buy some for tonight.” You raised an eyebrow at him. “For tonight?” You asked. “Lighter?” 
He passed you a lighter, watching you as you lit up the cigarette, inhaling. You coughed a little, but relaxed. “Uh, yeah. He doesn’t come to these parties often. Said he didn’t know whether it was cooler to bring whiskey or bring cigarettes. So he bought these beforehand. Just in case.” His words came out in a rush and  he shrugged a little. You nodded slowly, not sure if he was being serious or not. Probably serious, you mused. He was considered a loser amongst the University party crowd, it made sense that he and his friend would go to that much effort to prepare for a house party. “So uh… who’s your friend?” You asked awkwardly, feeling like you had to fill up the silence somehow.  “Seokjin. Kim Seokjin?” He searched your face for a hint of recognition but you kept your face blank. He continued on. “Some girl he’s into invited him tonight and he asked me along as well… but the minute we got here he was off somewhere with her. Anyway, no one was talking to me all night, so I was out here about to catch an Uber home when I overheard you and that guy.” You nodded, dropping your cigarette to the ground. It wasn’t finished but you were happy with your few puffs. They had settled your nerves and that what you had wanted. “Maybe no one in the party was talking to you because they don’t think you’re worth talking to,” You said shortly, looking him dead in the eyes. He just stared back, unintimidated. “Do I look like I care what they think?” You couldn’t hide the surprise that flashed over your face, he smiled a little at that. “I have other friends, you know. I don’t need to be accepted by these people, to be honest, I really could care less about what they think of me.” “Fair.” You gave him that, eyeing him thoughtfully. You hadn’t really noticed him before, but studying him now, you had to admit he was attractive. He was tall, taller than most of the guys at the party, and he had a long body and lean muscles. He was clumsy, you could tell, by the way he fumbled with his hands and kept shifting his weight from foot to foot. His hair was long, but brushed off of his forehead thoughtlessly, unlike the other guys who had carefully combed and gelled every strand into place. He was kind of weird, but, he would do. “Wanna fuck?” You propped one hand up on your hip and eyed him. You didn’t bother with small talk, you usually didn’t, and you figured it would work with him. He was such a loser, you figured he’d probably nut in his pants as soon as you even said the word fuck. He just blinked at your words, and looked at you, an unreadable expression on his face. “Do you even know my name?” His question caught you off guard, you opened and closed your mouth a few times, unsure of how to reply. “No,” You finally admitted, he just smiled ruefully. “But what has that got to do with anything? I’m not writing a biography on your life story, I’m just asking if you want to fuck.” He just looked at you again, and you didn’t like the look in his eyes. Usually by this point, guys are looking at you with a horny, excited look in their eyes. This guy is just staring at you, studying you so closely it was making you feel a bit uncomfortable. “Fine, if you don’t want to, whatever,” You said, throwing your hands up and then striding straight past him and down the path of the house, walking down the street. The party was at a house just off campus, and your apartment was only a few streets away- thank God. “Fuck this party,” You muttered to yourself, reaching your street. You were so busy feeling annoyed that you didn’t realize he was still walking beside you. “I never said I didn’t want to.” His voice suddenly cut into your thoughts, you whirled around in shock, eyes wide. “What?” He just smiled. “I never said I didn’t want to.” You frowned a little. What is up with this guy? “All I’m saying, is that you can’t be having very good sex if that’s how you go about it.” You scoffed at his words. “Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are? I have great sex, thank you very much.” He just smirked, it was a look you never thought you’d see on someone like him. Cockiness. “Mm, I don’t think so.” “You know what, fuck you. See ya.” “Look, all I’m saying is that good sex isn’t just walking up to someone and asking if they want to fuck. It shouldn’t be that easy.” You rolled your eyes at him, annoyed. “Well, it’s not my fault it’s easy for me.” 
He just stared back at you challengingly. “Why do you think it’s easy then?”
You just laughed at that, a little short, bark-like laugh. “Because I know what I want and guys appreciate a girl who is up front and up for a good time. It’s not like you guys want anything more than a quick fun fuck anyway. Doesn’t matter who it is.” He just shakes his head. “No. See, that’s the problem. You should think that any guy is lucky to touch you. A guy who fucks you should make you feel like that... special.” You were suddenly aware of how close he was standing to you. He was staring at you with such intensity that it was causing heat and uncertainty to rise up through your chest and all over your face. “Sit here,” He said suddenly, commandingly. Your eyes followed where he was pointing, at the brick wall right outside of your apartment building. It was a low wall that stretched over to the apartment next door, low enough that if you sat on it now, your feet would touch the ground. 
“What, my neighbour’s wall?” You laughed, he just shrugged and nodded at You, a serious look in his eyes. Intrigued, you just cocked an eyebrow at him and walked up to the wall. hoisting your body up so you were sitting on it.  He was still staring at you when he suddenly put his hands on both of your knees, slowly opening them and then pulling off your underwear. A knowing smile spread across your face. “So we are going to fuck. Finally,” You grinned, and he just shook his head. 
“Nope,” He murmured. His voice was low, and throaty, as he got on his knees and pressed his lips to the inner part of your thigh. He planted quick, purposeful kisses along the length of your thigh and you felt your back stiffen,
Surprise shot through you. Yes, guys went down on you, but they had never gone down on you in the middle of the fucking street in the middle of the fucking night, on your neighbour’s fucking brick wall. You were about to tell him to stop it and just go inside your apartment already when he suddenly kissed in closer to your thigh, against the apex of your pussy and it made your entire body tremble. You stiffened, hesitating, the words faltering from your lips. And then he leaned in and slowly ran his tongue down the entirety of you. You couldn’t help but moan a little at the feeling, as he pulled his head back a little to look into your eyes. His eyes were full of lust and his stare was searching, his eyes roaming you as if you were the sexiest thing he’d ever seen. You were about to say soething to him but he simply returned his attention back to you, back to your pussy laid out in front of him as he began flicking his tongue against your clit.  Your entire body stiffened, your hands clenching together. It felt so good, his tongue was slow, but each movement purposeful. His tongue darted against the swollen bud of your clit at such an excruciatingly slow, teasing pace that you were convinced you were about to explode. “Go faster,” you moaned uncontrollably, he just chuckled into you and hummed, doing what he was told to do, and picking up the pace. “God,” you whispered. You’ve had guys go down on you before, sure, but usually all they did with head down there was quick, rapid and dissatisfying. It was always a sloppy, messy, kind of nothingness, and then their head was popping back out from between your legs, an expectation of a blowjob lingering in the air and a proud look on their face like they’d just returned from war or something. But this… fuck. Every movement of his tongue had your core throbbing, he was making you so wet just from his tongue stroking your clit.  
He pulled away from you a little, looking at you again. “Your pussy tastes amazing,” He said simply, his words made you groan a little, before he leaned in and sucked gently on your clit. The pressure had you gasping out shakily as he pressed his tongue flat against your clit and massaged it with his tongue. He arched one finger inside of you, using it to tease the entrance of your pussy. Your back was arching into him desperately, and you were aware of the husky, fevered moans leaving your lips. He eased one finger into you, arching his finger up and then pumping in and out slowly, his tongue working on your clit. You moaned louder, as he went faster. You didn’t even remember how you got to this place, you didn’t even care if your moans were going to wake up everyone in the entire street, all you could focus on is how good it felt, his tongue against your sensitive, aching core. He eased another finger in and then used his other hand to stroke your clit in time with his tongue. There was so much stimulation and so much going on that you felt like there was a fire surging through your body, you were so aroused that you were focused only on him between between your thighs, the feeling of the cold brick underneath your bare ass and the way your pussy is tightening and clenching at every single thing he does. “Oh my God,” you whimpered and moaned again, you were like a broken record but you couldn’t even stop yourself from moaning, too focused on all the things he was making you feel. “I’m going to come,” You whispered desperately as he eased a third finger into you, just enough to stretch you out a little more, and make your back arch and stiffen, you entire body shuddered and you felt the most intense, explosive orgasm surge through your entire body, through every cell it felt like. You could feel it everywhere, even after your orgasm starts fading, it leaves behind a glow that you can still feel. Slowly, he pulls his face away from between your legs, removing one finger at a time and watching you, desire on his face, his lips slightly parted. You wobbled a little, trembling, and he was up, supporting you. You were still weak from the orgasm, it was so intense your body is still shaking a little. You glanced down, he was so hard you could see the entire outline of his cock straining against his jeans, and you knew never in your entire life had you wanted someone so badly. “Please, come up to my place. Please,” You mumbled, your voice was husky with want, desire, and from the glow thanks to what his mouth and hands did to you. He was staring at you still, his eyes fierce with desire, his cock so hard that all you wanted to do was see how it looked fucking you. “You feel good?” He asked simply, you just nodded breathlessly. He smiled. “Can you stand? You can make it back into your place okay?” He asked, glancing over at your house. You nodded eagerly and hopped off the wall, swaying a little but altogether fine. You couldn’t wait to take him upstairs and rip his clothes off. Everything about him was sexy to you now, the way his hair fell in his eyes before he pushed it back, that smoldering stare he kept giving you, his sunkissed skin. “I feel amazing,” You breathed out. “Good,” he said, leaning in and kissing your cheek gently. He was so tall he had to bend down a little to do it. “That’s how it’s supposed to feel.” He pulled back, his eyes were a little dimmer and he had replaced his look of intense ‘I want you’ with a calmer expression. “I’ll see you another time,” He said simply, cocking his head and looking at you. Your mouth dropped open in protest but he simply turned around, walking down the street. You watched him go, dazed. “Wait…” You began, he turned around and smiled at you, a big, sunny smile. You noticed he had two dimples in each cheek. You wondered what else you hadn’t noticed before about him. “Goodnight,” He said, you just blinked back. “Good night,” You replied, not sure what else to say. “Get home safe?” He said, walking backwards now. You just nodded. He paused for a second. “I’m Namjoon by the way.” And with that, he turned and kept walking, leaving you wanting more.
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AN- I can’t express enough that I don’t think the OC/reader character is a slut at all. In fact, I hate slut shaming and I fully support women having autonomy/freedom over their own bodies and own choices, free from judgment. However, in reality sadly many people do and that’s just the point I’m trying to make in this story :)
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thatishogwash · 7 years
The Ugly Sweater
Summary: Kuroo gets nervous before his first date with Sawamura.
No warnings.
AN: I'm going to do a 13 Days of Halloween (Fall or October) type of writing, trying to beat this writers block.  So if you have any pairs or prompts feel free to shout them at me!
Kuroo stood leaning against a pillar as he watched the various trains pull up to the blinking lights, stopping and spilling forth commuters before moving on their way again.  He watched as tourists and those not use to the Tokyo area stepped onto the solid ground almost as if in a daze, glancing left and right before shuffling out of the way as those just trying to go about their normal routine moved past them.  Some people were already bundled up tightly while others didn’t seem to get the message that it was well into October already.
Kuroo was wishing he had gone for a little more comfort than style because his fingers were feeling the cold.  He couldn’t help it.  He was nervous and he couldn’t remember the last time he had actually planned out an outfit then promptly tossed it aside to try on what seemed like every article of clothing he had only to find it all left wanting.  He had thought he had a sort of casual sense of style but he couldn’t wear any of it, not a single thing.
It was ridiculous really.  This fluttering nervous feeling, the sense that time was moving at a snail's pace and yet everyone around him was flying by.
Kuroo had known Sawamura for years.  Sawamura had seen Kuroo in his school kit, in sweatpants and overly large sweaters.  There had even been that one horrendous night when Sawamura had found Kuroo sprawled on the bathroom floor, someone’s bathroom floor and covered in his own sick.  That was a night Kuroo was particularly glad he didn’t remember much of.
But on the other hand it was Sawamura, who Kuroo had known for years.  The same Sawamura with the soft eyes and wide shoulders.  The Sawamura who hid his craftiness underneath layers of stalwart country boy attitude.
The Sawamura who had asked Kuroo out on a date only a week prior, stating he would be in Tokyo visiting with Sugawara and oh hey, do you want to catch that new superhero movie?  Maybe get something to eat afterwards.  My treat.
And Kuroo had laughed into his phone as he shuffled through his microbiology notes, had jokingly asked Are you asking me out Sa-wa-mu-ra?When Sawamura had replied that if he was, would it change Kuroo’s answer Kuroo’s brain had stopped.
It wasn’t as if he didn’t realize he flirted with Sawamura, and yes, he had noticed that sometimes it seemed like Sawamura didn’t completely hate him and maybe, just maybe, he flirted back with Kuroo sometimes too.  They had exchanged numbers after their first practice match, had really started texting each other on a regular basis after the training camp, and had somehow become pretty good friends in college despite the fact that they were separated by about five hours.
Up until rather recently Kuroo would have spent a typical Friday night hopping from party to party, or party to bar.  He had dated around but nothing had stuck.  Within the past year he found himself spending more time in his dorm, having skype calls with an old Karasuno captain while they watched whatever one of them had picked for that night.  Sometimes it was Spanish soap operas, other times Korean dramas, and even a few true crime shows managed to slip themselves in there.  More often than not Kuroo would find himself drifting to sleep under the glow of his laptop and listening to Sawamura’s deep, warm chuckle.
Kuroo had even spent last Christmas with Sawamura and his family after he learned Kuroo would be home alone for the holiday since his mother was going on a cruise with her two sisters.  Kuroo had been planning enjoying the mostly empty dorms and finally having the kitchen, which the whole building shared, to himself.  He could take hours to do his laundry and no one would take his clean clothes and put them on the dirty dryer top.  But Sawamura had demanded he come to Miyagi, and Kuroo hadn’t met a person yet who would say no to Sawamura Daichi when he put his mind to something.
So go to Miyagi Kuroo went.  He spent the holiday with the Sawamura’s, a huge family whose shenanigans put a certain understanding about why Sawamura Daichi had so easily been able to control his trouble maker of a team with such ease.
Kuroo could admit that he liked seeing Sawamura right in the morning, ruffled from sleep and blearily looking for food.  Kuroo liked a lot of things about Sawamura actually but he had thought it had been an unrequited crush.  That had been fine with him.  Friendships were rare and to be treasured, Kuroo would never despair that he couldn’t hold Sawamura’s hand or kiss him when he was able to text him daily, to get snapchats of him and Iwaizumi at the gym or practice, to receive care packages simply because Sawamura had heard a catch in Kuroo’s throat when they talked the previous night.
Kuroo pulled at the bottom of his shirt, wondering if he should have gone with something with a bit more color.  Why was everything he owned black?  When did he become that person?
Though it was very likely that Sawamura would show up in sweats and a hoodie.  Not that it didn’t look good on him but it was his usual wardrobe.
Kuroo looked up when he heard another oncoming train, the train that should be holding Sawamura who had asked him, Kuroo Tetsurou, out on a date.
When Sawamura stepped off the train Kuroo’s first thought was he definitely was not wearing sweats and a hoodie.  It was just jeans, a sweater, and some white converse but Sawamura looked good.  It had to be the sweater, Kuroo thought, it was the only logical explanation.  It was a dark orange, green, and yellow.  Simple fall colors that should have clashed in an ugly way but seemed to warm up Sawamura’s deep skin tone.
Sawamura was looking around before he spotted Kuroo still leaning against the pillar, a smile warming up his sometimes far too serious face as he made his way through the crowd towards Kuroo.
“Hey.”  Sawamura greeted, his tone even.  Kuroo couldn’t tell if the redness in his cheeks was from the cold or because Kuroo couldn’t seem to stop staring.
“Nice sweater.”  What the hell!  What the ever loving hell was that Kuroo?  Sawamura glanced down at the sweater, running a hand over the soft looking fabric before looking up at Kuroo with a quirked eyebrow.
“Really?”  Sawamura asked before a grin slowly carved itself into his handsome features.  “You bought this for me for my birthday.”  Kuroo let out an indignant squawk as he looked over the sweater, which now that he was looking at it up close and not taking in the full picture of Sawamura Daichi in the sweater, he did feel like it was familiar.
“I sent you ugly sweaters!”  Kuroo cried in mock outrage.  “It’s got to be your shoulders.  Or your shoulder to hip ratio.  It’s ridiculous.”
“Well, this was a nice experiment but I’m going to go back to Suga’s and we can just pretend this never happened.”  Sawamura motioned behind him to the trains before taking a step away from Kuroo, who let out a real cry as he leaned forward to grab a handful of that traitorous sweater.
“I’m sorry.”  Though he really wasn’t and it was clear that Sawamura had no plans to go anywhere else.
“No, this is about how I pictured it going.”  Sawamura let out another grin as he stepped forward.  “Your fingers are freezing.”
“I know, they are like icicles, I’ve lost all feeling you’ll have to help me.”  Kuroo then got a brilliant idea.
“Kuroo I swear if you-” Sawamura let out an indignant sound as Kuroo pushed his fingers underneath that lovely sweater to press against Sawamura’s warm skin.  “Unbelievable.”
“You said something about a superhero movie?”  Kuroo reminded him.
“Now it’s a horror movie, and you’re paying for the popcorn.”  Sawamura grumbled.  His cheeks were red but he wasn’t forcing Kuroo away from him, which Kuroo counted as a win.
“Mean Sawamura.”  Kuroo wasn’t good with horror, he hardly could stand the true crime shows Sawamura sometimes wheedled into their weekly movie night.  Kuroo let his fingers fall away from Sawamura, he had regained some feeling back in them and he knew when he was pushing Sawamura too far.  “Don’t act like you didn’t know what you were getting into.”  Kuroo reminded him as they began walking together towards the cinema.  Kuroo casually, or as casually as he could which meant it wasn’t casual at all, reached down to take hold of Sawamura’s hand.  His fingers weren’t as long as Kuroo’s but his palm was wide and warm, their fingers slotting together nicely.
“I claim temporary insanity.”  Sawamura grumbled, but there was a smile playing at the edge of his lips.
“Claim denied!  Case thrown out of court!  Order!”  Kuroo shouted until Sawamura pulled on their entwined hands, shushing him through his laughter.  “You are sentenced to a lifetime of me.”
“I’ll take the jail time.”  Sawamura deadpanned but when they got to the cinema Sawamura paid for the popcorn and they ended up seeing the new superhero movie.
Right before the previews Kuroo managed to get them in a picture together, claiming that he needed to send it to all their friends to prove that this was happening but mostly he just wanted a picture of Sawamura in that fall colored sweater, the one Kuroo had bought for him for his birthday nearly a year ago.  The one Sawamura had purposely worn to please Kuroo.
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pixiealtaira · 7 years
Errands to Run this week…
pairing: Kadam
Kurt glared at the note on the refrigerator.
“Kurt, we are out of anything edible! Pick up some tofu on the way home and some produce, fresh! Oh, and I now solely buy at the organic food shop five blocks south of campus.  I heard it is the place to buy organic foods.              Rachel”
Kurt reached into the grocery jar, and found it empty…again.  He’d put in his percentage from his last paycheck but he figured neither Rachel nor Santana had, as usual, and Brody never does.
Well, if he was going to be grocery shopping for Rachel, he was doing it somewhere a hell of a lot closer to the loft.
Kurt opened the door to the refrigerator and read Santana’s note.
“Lady Hummel, we need meat. Real food. None of this fake crap.”
Kurt sighed.  And there wasn’t even any of his yogurt left.
Grocery shopping was added to his mental list of errands.
Kurt got to the school, ten bucks poorer, since he had to buy something to eat to get through till his very late lunch time slot and headed to his first class.  Script Analysis was an interesting class, but Kurt found it took up way more paper than he ever planned on using at NYADA. He’d tucked an extra notebook into his bag at the end of last week, when he realized he was getting to the end of his current one.  Less than ten minutes into class and he had hit the need for the new notebook…only it wasn’t there.  However another note from Rachel was.
“Can you believe it? I left my whole notebook in a classroom on Friday, don’t know which one.  I just need this to do the write up I was supposed to do about my strengths and flaws in voice with Madame T.   Flaws, Kurt, I’m supposed to write about flaws in my performance. Preposterous.                  Rachel.”
Kurt sighed and removed the notebook he used for his Drama class notes.  He hated mixing notebooks like this.
Stationary shop was added to his mental errand list.
His next class was Voice. Luckily he didn’t have Rachel in his section of it.  He wasn’t to perform until the next class anyway.  However it was in that class he found out his extra pencils were missing from his bag.  Those he briefly recalled seeing Santana with over the weekend.
He managed until dance before disaster struck again.  (It was not really the accomplishment it seemed.  He just had Drama between Voice and Dance and in that class they were flames and trees.)
Dance provided the addition of buying new dance shoes and a trip to the laundry mat to wash all his dance clothing to his mental list of errands after the red head with the frizzy hair dumped her soda on his dance bag at the start of class and didn’t even bother to tell him until the end of class.  All his dance shoes were in it…the men had danced barefoot that day for some reason that Kurt never did figure out.  Three pair…but, not the tap shoes.  Thank all that might be holy somewhere he’d left the wretched tap shoes at the loft after fixing the laces on them for like the 15th time that semester all ready.
Ms. July smiled when she informed him he needed the gear the next day.
By the time Kurt showered and got dressed back in his street clothes (which he’d thankfully left on the bench in the changing room accidentally because he was running late, screw the rules on days like this) and was ready to head lunch all he really wanted was to go home and bawl.  His hair products weren’t in his bag, a note from Rachel telling him…he thought…that she had lent them to Brody. The note was very soggy.   Kurt only hoped they were at the loft.  His dance bag had leaked soda onto his regular bag before Kurt realized how big a soda the girl had spilled was.  His wallet was missing his debit card, fortunately he knew where that was, and so he only had had a five to buy lunch with.  Finally, he broke a lace on his boot when putting his shoes back on. Unfortunately, he couldn’t just head home.  He had a group meeting for a class and then Apples rehearsal.
The group meeting went like all group meetings Kurt had ever had to deal with in high school.  Half the kids gossiped with each other while most the rest played on their phones and Kurt and someone else did most the work. Or two someone else’s in this case.  Kurt was almost ready to tear his hair out and he sort of hoped that they all flunked at this rate.  If they managed to get their scene picked, blocked, costumed and props picked before they needed to perform it, it would be a blasted miracle.   Kurt figured that with the day he had been having it would have been surprising to most that used to know him that he wasn’t the one who finally snapped.  However, he was the one who had ended up in the path of the book one of the gossipers had thrown at the girl who snapped. He left the group meeting as the screaming started with a confirmation from one of the others that they’d try again the next day and to expect a call later.  He realized that although he thankfully did have some pain meds in his bag, he’d have to add picking up an ice pack to the list when he went to do errands.
Adam wasn’t at Apple practice when Kurt got there and never showed up.
Kurt left the moment practice was over.  The loft was filled with shouting when he got there.  Luckily, someone hadn’t shut the loft door when they entered and the girls were yelling at each other in Rachel’s room. He slipped in, grabbed the debit card from his jacket pocket and dropped the wet nasty dance bag on the floor, and then slipped back out.
The dance shoes and a set of dance clothing was the top priority.  Kurt realized there was no way he’d get his dance clothing washed in time. He hit a regular shoe store after the dance store and bought new laces for his boots.  He was on his way an office supply store he’d seen by the dance store to buy notebooks and pencils when his phone rang.
“Darling, Joey said you had a black eye!” Adam said the moment Kurt answered.
“I got hit in the face with a book during a group meeting for a project.”  Kurt sighed.
“Where are you, love?” Adam asked.
“Outside the stationary shop by the dance store we got your dance pants at the last time.” Kurt said.
“The one at the corner?”
“I’ll meet you there. I’m less than five away.”
“Adam, you don’t have to. I’m sure you have…”
“Darling, would you like me to?” Adam asked.
Kurt didn’t even hesitate before he issued probably the moment pathetic sounding “Yeah” he’d ever uttered before.
“I’ll be there in five.”
Kurt went into the store and located pencils and notebooks and some wipes to clean leather products with. Adam was coming into the store just as Kurt was wondering if he needed to look about and waste time waiting for him.
“Kurt!” Adam exclaimed upon seeing him.  Adam rushed to his side and briefly stroked his fingers against the bruise Kurt could feel forming.  Then he ran his fingers through Kurt’s product free hair.
Kurt sighed and leaned into Adam touch.  “I had a bad day.”
Adam lifted the items from Kurt’s hand and tucked his arm around Kurt’s shoulder as they headed to the checkout counter.
“And it is done.  I’m taking you back to mine and feeding you and tending to you and we’ll do your homework and then I’m tucking you right into bed right next to me for a good night’s sleep.”
“But there are still all these errands I need to do.” Kurt said.
“And you can finish them throughout the week.  There isn’t a thing that can’t wait, I’m sure.  If there is, we’ll take care of it together.”
Kurt sighed and leaned against Adam more solidly. “I should go back and get my dance bag, otherwise everything in it will not be able to be saved at all.”
Adam put the items on the counter and paid for them before Kurt even managed to get his wallet out.
“I’ll go up and get it.” Adam said.
“It’s by the front door on the floor. It is soggy. My school bag is by it, I’ll need it as well. Someone spilled a soda into my dance bag.”
Kurt leaned against his building as Adam went upstairs to get his stuff.  Adam wasn’t even ten minutes before he was back.
“Did you know your roommates are arguing?” Adam asked.
“Still?”  Kurt asked.
Adam chuckled.  “I am most definitely kidnapping you for the rest of the day.  They are very frightful right now.”
Kurt grumbled.  “They are always.”
True to his word Adam took Kurt to his place where he fed him, iced his face and tended the bruise, helped him with his homework, and then put him to bed.  They also hand washed his soaked dance clothing and used the leather wipes to try and salvage his jazz shoes. They washed the bag, and wiped down Kurt’s school bag.
Adam, tucking Kurt into his bed in boxers and one of his own t-shirts, looked around his room, where Kurt’s dance gear was lying about drying.
“I think I like having so much of you here, love.”
Kurt smiled.  “I’m just glad I left stuff here last time I slept over.”
Adam chuckled. He locked up and turned off lights throughout his apartment. “I keep telling you.  I wouldn’t mind if you just stayed right where you are now all the time.”
Kurt snuggled into Adam as he climbed into bed.  “It sounds better all the time.” He muttered as he slipped asleep.
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a-gert-lush-holiday · 5 years
Day 4 & Day 5
I woke up at about 9am - Lucy had already been awake for some time trying to chase down someone to tell her when her luggage would be delivered. Whilst there wasn’t much luck on this front, Lucy managed to talk to one of the ladies on the front desk who speaks really good English, who was able to confirm the hotel were told her baggage would arrive today. She was also able to confirm she started her shift on the desk at 5pm yesterday, at which point my bag was already there.
Both of us were still tired from yesterday, my shoulders were especially aching from carrying my backpack and camera, so we decided to have a more lazy day, and perhaps explore more mid-afternoon.
Around half past 10 we received a phone call from the front desk confirming that Lucy’s bags had finally arrived! We went to the elevator to go and collect them, and as soon as the doors opened on our floor a member of staff was there with the cases, as they had brought them up for us!
The rest of the morning we spent doing what we should have been able to do on our first night here, unpacking, using our own shampoo and soaps to have an extraordinary victorious shower, changing into our own clothes, and finally, finally getting to use deodorant. I cannot tell you how much you miss deodorant when the day jumps between drizzle and intense heat, all that humidity really makes you sweat.
After sorting ourselves out finally, we headed out to Akihabara as I realised that apart from a very small period on our last day, we had not planned this in at all so it might be a good way to spend the afternoon.
On the way, we stopped by Family Mart (who are getting a fair amount from us this week when we buy snacks there), and I bought their luxury grilled salmon onigiri for lunch. The salmon in this was absolutely delicious, and I would eat this again in a heartbeat. We also used the luggage lockers when changing trains at Ueno to store our light jackets, as it was getting very hot very quickly!
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We finally stepped into colourful Akihabara, and had a good period of time browsing a couple of different figure shops. The plan then was to go for lunch somewhere - Lucy spotted Radio Kaikan on the way and thought there may have been a cafe or restaurant in there so we checked it out. As most people have advised in their own reviews, it is just tourist, anime and figure shops. We were going to do a U-turn when all of a sudden I spotted the AmiAmi sign in the corner of my eye, and up we went for a long, long look!
Some more tax free shopping later, we finally found a small restaurant for a late lunch that had a member of staff who spoke English. The speaking English thing isn’t a dealbreaker for me, but at the minute it helps us feel more comfortable. Call us baka gaijin if you like, but I am working on introducing some new places, for example more local restaurants where the vending machine system of ordering is used. Lucy had some kind of chicken casserole with the rice and vegetables cooked in; I went for pork cooked in ginger sauce with rice, which oddly was also served with spaghetti neapolitan. No idea why >.<
After eating, we hit up the arcades and put some money in the machines to try and win a few items. We quickly found though that the machines were either nerfed to hell in strength, and/or all had been set perfectly to make it hard to win. Therefore, we ended up leaving the arcades and going into the figure shop next door, where Lucy bought the figure she wanted from the machine and we also had a good browse.
It was getting kind of late by this point, so the pair of us decided it was time to head back to the hotel. We were closest to one of the stations on the Ginza line at this point, so we caught this up to Ueno, grabbed our jackets, and got back on the train to the hotel.
After having a rest and a clean up, we went out again to the combini to get a few snacks for dinner. This time I went for the bacon onigiri, a taiyaki, and a vanilla ice cream made with Hokkaido milk. All very nice, but I’d probably skip the taiyaki again as it isn’t the same as the fresh street stall ones. We ate these on the roof, and then went to bed.
We woke up about 20 to 9 on day 5, I went downstairs to make use of the light meal tokens and brought the food back up to the room. Both of us seemed to be extraordinarily tired, so we stayed in until 11 and then headed out to Shibuya for lunch at Genki Sushi. We got a bit confused on our way there initially, and also upon arrival as there was a large queue to go in blocking the door. When one of the staff came out looking for 2 people, we found that you you to write your name on the waiting list inside, then go back out to wait anywhere until your name is called. Which we would have seen if people hadn’t blocked the door as it was on a tiny notice.
I can definitely recommend Genki Sushi as a good sushi joint - or at least, some of the best sushi I have had in my life so far, when you realise my reference of sushi is Yo! back home and the pre-made maki you can get in a supermarket. Whilst the plates are about the same size as at a sushi place back home, you also get a lot on your plate, and we were full very quickly!
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We then headed over to Shinjuku to go to our reservation at the Robot Restaurant. Again, my bad luck seemed to strike here. To explain, I need to give you some backstory. On arrival in Japan I found I had an email stating that the showtime for the Robot Restaurant had changed, they had moved us to an earlier slot, and therefore please check in earlier. They also stated that if we did not reply they would assume this new time is okay and keep us on the earlier booking.
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On turning up at the restaurant we were told that Expedia had cancelled our reservation, and therefore we were unable to see the show. I later checked Expedia and this was a flat out lie as it was still confirmed on there, so god knows where that came from.
To burn off steam we ended up popping into an arcade a couple shops away, which had the flip the table game! The game is based on the trope of people getting so angry they’re at breaking point, and therefore in their anger they flip the table! I of course had a go, and had to laugh at the absurdity of watching the characters get covered in toner ink. In case you’re interested, I found a video on YouTube which I have put at the end of the post.
I also managed to win two rabbit keychains, and one tiny Pomeranian keychain.
At this point we both felt unwell still and we were only feeling worse, so we decided to just write this day off and head back to the hotel to rest, arriving back around 4:45. I had a nap for a couple of hours whilst Lucy finished off a Uni assignment she needed to submit whilst away; we then pottered around a bit before calling it a night.
0 notes
solosorca · 7 years
Monaco fic is here! I probably should have put more of the yugioh boys in, but hey. I think I’ll mess around with this before it hits AO3 and add in some bits and bobs. Monaco comes in the start of the season, but there are quite a few races before hand so there’s stuff in here that alludes to things that happened beforehand.
Anyway, enough rambling, enjoy!
Monaco was the jewel in the F1 crown. The tight, unforgiving track winding through the streets of the principality was top of most driver's 'to win' lists. It was also one of the most glamours races on the calendar. There weren't any other races where you could find Ryoma as a runway model on Friday night -granted, he hadn't really been given a choice. Ryoma loved it all. Flying around the track with only milometers between success and a race ending crash and the parties afterwards. "Did you see who Kin-chan's bought?" Mokuba asked as they both dressed in their expensive suits, ready for the Amber Lounge fashion show. "No," Ryoma replied, fixing his tie. He hated wearing ties, but he'd been given it so he had to put it on. "Has he finally asked out Sakuno?" Mokuba laughed, "don't be stupid! He's bought his new girlfriend." "I'll give you $100 if they're still together by the end of tonight," Ryoma said. "His favourite press manager is in the audience to make sure I don't run away." "Nah, I'm not into losing money to you.  Should I flirt with Sakuno to make him jump in and save her?" "I don't think Kin-chan needs help ruining his relationships." "We're ready for you," one of the organisers of the show came in, giving them both a smile, "come on." They followed after her, joined by various other drivers and models. "How about you?" Mokuba asked. "What? Do I need help ruining my relationships?" Ryoma asked, laughing. "No, I'm good." He and Tezuka had been staying on Atobe's boat, It wasn't the most comfortable living cheek-to-cheek with his boss, but Ryoma had always slept on Atobe's boat during Monaco and he'd always done well around the street track and he wasn't willing to give up that lucky streak just so he could be more intimate with his boyfriend. For his part, Tezuka had taken to life on board the boat like, well, like a duck to water. It didn't hurt that he looked great in nautically inspired clothes. It wasn't hard to spot his boyfriend talking politely with Atobe and drinking champagne as Ryoma walked out on the catwalk. Ryoma couldn't wait to join them. He threw Tezuka a wink as he sauntered along as though he did this every day. One thing that this job had taught him was that he had some very unexpected talents- like being at home on a catwalk. Atobe looked indifferent about the whole thing, but Tezuka looked captivated. He probably wasn't meant to high five Mokuba as they swapped places on the catwalk, but he did anyway.
"Did you enjoy it?" Ryoma asked Tezuka later as they left to head back to the boat. "You looked very nice," Tezuka replied, which was high praise indeed to receive in public. "I did, didn't I?" "Wait! You two! You're missing all the fun!" Mokuba chased after them. "Kin-chan's girlfriend has just been introduced to Sakuno." Tezuka gave Ryoma a confused look. "Kin-chan and Sakuno are in love and won't admit it, so they date other people who imminently dump them as soon as they see them together," Ryoma explained. "We decided it was better to laugh at them then get annoyed." "So, you coming back?" "Nah, I'm tired," Ryoma replied. "Damn, I was hoping someone would keep me up to date with what's happening, I've gotta go save Seto from a party." "If he wants to go to the mechanic's poker night I've got an invite," Ryoma offered and Mokuba laughed. "Yeah, that'd be a sight," Mokuba turned to Tezuka, "are you enjoying Monaco so far?" "I am," Tezuka said, "although I've been warned the race might not be interesting." "Bane's lying, Monaco's great!" Ryoma cut in. "I'll reserve my judgement," Tezuka said. "You should trust me! I'm your boyfriend!" "You mentioned your brother needs saving," Tezuka said, grabbing the last thread of conversation before Ryoma loudly outed them. "Yeah, the people at KaibaCorp that he can't control threw a party he has to go to and his ex is going to be there too," Mokuba explained, "if I turn up and he hasn't had a heart attack I will be amazed." "Then you should go rescue him," Ryoma said. "And leave you two alone?" Mokuba looked scandalised. "Yes, now go!" Ryoma pushed him in front of them. "Have fun," Mokuba said, winking at them as he left.
There was champagne waiting for them in their room. On the table by the window overlooking Monaco. It looked like something out of a high end magazine.
"A nightcap?" Tezuka asked picking up the bottle. "Atobe won't let us hear the end of it if we don't," Ryoma replied. "Can I tell you a secret?" He asked as Tezuka popped the bottle. "I promise I won't tell." "I don't like champagne," Ryoma said. Tezuka raised an eyebrow. "You're a Formula One driver." "I know, I should be kicked out," Ryoma replied, chuckling and taking a glass of champagne. "I can drink it, I just don't like it much." "I won't tell," Tezuka promised, clinking their glasses together. "I promise." "No one would believe you anyway," Ryoma muttered, pulling out his phone as it vibrated in his pocket and laughing when he read the message. "Mokuba's found his brother. Apparently he slipped out of the party and is now crashing in Joey's hotel room." "Didn't you tell me they hated each other?" "Obviously not enough to avoid sharing a hotel room," Ryoma shrugged. He thought for a second and then decided on something that had been worrying him for a while. Best ask now and have it off his chest before qualifying and the race. "I know this is out of nowhere, but my parents are coming to Canada. You don't have to come if you don't want to or I can just call you my friend, but-" "I'm your boyfriend," Tezuka said firmly and Ryoma's admiration for Tezuka grew exponentially. Tezuka put down his glass and cupped Ryoma's face, "I know we're not ready to publicly out ourselves," he said and Ryoma wrapped his arms around his waist, "but I want to be with you." "Thank you," Ryoma sighed, kissing him gently. Tezuka kissed back and Ryoma barely had time to put his champagne flute to one side before Tezuka swept him up and took him to bed.
Ryoma looked down the short run to Sainte Devote and felt the familiar rush of excitement flood through him,. He had a clear run down to it and just one car to pass. His chances after that were low, the narrow track that gave Monaco it's excitement also meant it  was notoriously hard to overtake. To his right was Mokuba's shiny red Ferrari, sat on pole position a couple of meters in front of him. "You ready?" Bane-san asked, throwing an arm around Ryoma's shoulders. "Remember, don't hit the wall." "I don't need to be reminded of that!" Ryoma snapped, trying to wriggle out of Bane's tight grasp, well aware that this was probably being broadcast to the world. "You sure? Remember what happened on Thursday." Ryoma sighed, he'd tapped the wall and broken the steering arm, ending the first practice session for him. "I'm not gonna do that again." "Of course not," Bane ruffled his hair affectionately and then let him go. "Don't you need to be back in the pits?" Ryoma muttered, "it's almost time for the formation lap." "Then get in your car." Ryoma pulled on his balaclava and helmet before climbing in. Bane helped him get the five-point harness fastened properly and then he was left alone with his own thoughts... and the radio. "Don't crash out there, Brat," Atobe said over the radio and Ryoma pointedly ignored him. A few minutes later and the tyre warmers where whipped off Ryoma's car and it was lowered to the ground. The formation lap went as usual, following behind Mokuba as he wiggled around, getting heat back into the tyres and breaks and getting fully into race mode. He pulled up in his grid slot, did one final check to make sure his car was in the correct settings and then the waiting began for the rest of the grid to line up. There weren't any words that could describe the few seconds before the lights went out. The roar of revving engines filled Ryoma's ears as his eyes fixed on the five lights above the track as they came on one by one until all were illuminated. He waited, his body ready to spring into action as soon as those lights vanished. They went out. Ryoma's start wasn't the worst, but he'd had better. His car bogged down slightly, but he managed to pull away fast enough to keep Joey behind him. Much to his disappointment, Mokuba got a textbook start and Ryoma had to slot in behind him. It soon became clear that this race was going to be won or lost on pit stops and tyre strategy. Ryoma set himself four seconds behind Mokuba and started to manage his tyres and engine. He could catch up and try and hassle Mokuba into a mistake -and last year he would have done, consequences be damned-, but that could easily lead to Ryoma putting himself into a wall and if he managed to avoid that he'd certainly destroy his tyres. It was going to be a case of who blinked first. He had to rely on the strategy people and his pit crew to work out the best time for him to pit. There were two ways this could go in Ryoma's favour. The first was Ryoma pitting first, coming out in a nice gap without traffic and putting in some super fast laps and managing to come out ahead of Mokuba once he'd had his stop. The other was waiting till Mokuba pit and hope he came out in traffic and put in some fast laps whilst Mokuba dodged the slower cars and hope that it was enough to come out of his own stop ahead. In a normal, non-Monaco race, the first option was normally the faster option  and of course, there were so many factors that could mess all this up. A safety car could help either of them depending on when it came out. All Ryoma could really do right now was hang back and wait, making sure he didn't stuff the car into the barrier. Behind him, Joey seemed to be having the same thoughts. He couldn't help but pity Tezuka back in the garage, watching a bunch of cars driving around without any hint of on track action. Tezuka wasn't all that interested to begin with, Ryoma doubted a processional race would change that. Lap after lap went by, each daring the other to pit first. Ryoma had been good on his tyres, but he'd seen Mokuba lock up a couple of times, surely his tyres would have a flat spot or something. Behind them, Joey swerved into the pits, obviously hoping to jump them both and the next lap, Mokuba turned off after Rascasse and dived into the pits. Even before Momo had begun shouting at him to speed up, Ryoma had turned up the engine and accelerated hard. Flying laps were Ryoma's speciality, no matter what pressure he was under he could always drive fast. "They're both in traffic," Momo came over the radio to say just as Ryoma left the tunnel, exploding into the bright light. "Don't talk to me through corners!" Ryoma snapped, forcing the car around the chicane. But his words spurred him on. He knew his times were great, but he had no idea if Mokuba had cleared traffic. Ryoma might have saved his tyres, but their performance paled into insignificance when compared to a fresh pair if the car was in clean air. He just had to trust that his team knew what they were doing. "Box, box," Momo said over the radio as Ryoma was passing the swimming pool. "Box," Ryoma confirmed, pulling into the pit lane. The speed limit in the pit lane felt like Ryoma was crawling along it on his hands and knees. Eventually, he pulled into his pit box and he was immediately lifted off the ground, his tyres removed and a fresh pair put on before being dropped down in just over two seconds. Ryoma was ready to go as soon as the rubbed his the track and the front jack man had moved out the way. His heart raced as he got to the pit lane exit and could speed up. He couldn't join the track properly until after turn 1 and he knew Mokuba must be somewhere near him. A flash of red in his mirrors told him he was behind him and Ryoma floored it on the drive up to Casino, desperate to keep the Ferrari behind him whilst his tyres warmed up to their optimum temperature. Thankfully, Monaco's reputation for being impossible to overtake at held true. And the race settled down again. It wasn't boring for Ryoma -threading a car through the narrow streets at 150MPH was anything but boring- but the race for the lead was well and truly over unless Ryoma made a mistake. Mokuba had had to fall back, staying in the dirty air behind Ryoma would only overheat his engine and mess up his tyres. He knew things were happening further down the grid, he'd gone through the yellow flags and seen the cars scattered at the side of the track, but none of them had caused a safety car. Ryoma took the chequered flag to cheers from the crowd and his team down the radio. "Well done, Kiddo!" Bane cheered and Ryoma wished he wasn't in a car so he could punch him for the stupid nickname. "You didn't crash!" "Of course I didn't!" Ryoma snapped before being treated to some condescending words from Atobe. "Congratulations," Tezuka's voice came over the radio in Japanese and Ryoma almost hit the wall in surprise. Bane must have given him his radio. "You drove very well." "Thanks," Ryoma replied, grinning to himself. Atobe's boat or not, he was going to take Tezuka to bed this evening and not let him go until midday. He grinned all through the podium ceremony. Someone -most likely his Dads- had taken Tezuka with them in the group of mechanics who'd made it round to the track where the ceremony was being held. He gave Ryoma a small smile and Ryoma winked at him. When he found Tezuka later he was soaked with champagne and so high on adrenaline that he kissed him in the marina as they hurried across to Atobe's boat so Ryoma could have a quick shower before his press commitments. "Ryoma," Tezuka said quietly, "people can see." "There's no one around," Ryoma said, "don't worry." There were people around, but Ryoma hoped they weren't paying attention. Tezuka gave him the 'I know you're not telling the truth' look, but didn't say anything. "It's a taste of what's to come tonight," Ryoma told him, unable to keep the smirk off his face. He was talking in Japanese so he didn't have to worry about eavesdroppers. Tezuka just frowned and prodded his arm. "Hey love birds!" "Shut up, Mokuba!" Ryoma snapped, turning to see his friend jogging up to them. "Hey, if you want to be all lovey dovey in public," Mokuba grinned and Ryoma fought the urge to push him off the dock. "Congratulations on second place," Tezuka said, from anyone else it would be an insult, but Tezuka was sincere about these things. "Thanks, I would have gotten first if it wasn't for this guy," Mokuba replied, shoving Ryoma playfully. "It's called a race for a reason," Ryoma shoved back. "You coming out tonight?" "No, I'm staying in the closet." "Ryo~ma~" Mokuba whined, "you have to! You won, people want to see you!" "Maybe," Ryoma replied and Mokuba decided that was the best he was going to get. "I'll text you where I'm going, I'll drag Kin-chan and Joey along too." Tezuka cleared his throat, "You have interviews, Echizen." "Oh God, so do I," Mokuba said, "I'll see you later," he called, running off. "I should ask for you to be my press officer," Ryoma teased as they set off for Atobe's boat. "You wouldn't want that," Tezuka replied, "I wouldn't be as kind to you as Ryuuzaki is." Ryoma laughed, "I don't doubt it."
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jayankles · 7 years
Mermaid Expert
Pairing: Dean x Librarian!Reader Word Count: 4109 A/N - this is written for  @jalove-wecallhimdean 's #500Doitlikedeanchallenge “My kinda librarian or your kinda librarian?” And @little-red-83 's #Love Your Flaws Writing Challenge with the prompt of Scars and Shania Twain's From This Moment
Look at Dean in this GIF - isn’t he adorable.
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Sam and Dean had searched the majority of the Men of Letters Bunker and had found nothing on mermaids when they were looking for others. Their memory was pretty good when recalling information, especially on cases, they had to be. One of their victims had been lured to their death at sea, they were certain it was a mermaid.
It had been three hours and they still couldn't a single thing; typical. One of the easiest creatures to understand in the Disney stories but in their supernatural world, it was all different and they knew it. Maybe the library was the best place for them to go. Usually, they would have had some idea by now, even the internet wasn't bringing anything other that The Little Mermaid story by Hans Christian Anderson.
Dean grabbed a smaller than usual duffel and filled it with a few cases of beer bottles, he knew he was going to be there for a long period of time. A handful of snacks, a pen, and a notepad followed quickly after, he was going to need to write all of this down, just in case there was a next time - or he could pass it on to his own little hunters someday, if he ever got to that stage in life, but he did want to pass on something that he was proud of. They would become legacies.  
He zipped it up and carefully hoisted it over his shoulder, making his way to the garage to where his baby and Sam were. His duffel was tossed into the backseat, yet still mindful of the glass inside.
'Dean, why are we still in fed suits?' Sam threw his classic bitch face, his lips quirked up, but not quite into a smile. His brows were slightly furrowed, clearly perplexed on why they hadn't changed.
'Because, Sam, we're going to the crime scene again. See if we can find anything else that they - or we - could've missed. Scope out any infrequent activity. Your genius big brother bought our other clothes since you're clearly clueless. And I thought you were the smart one. Pft.' He mocked his little brother. He was jealous that Sam got out of the life, even for as long as he did. He still had the freedom to do what he wanted, he was on the way to becoming a Lawyer, he had a girlfriend. In this life, you couldn't get that, not in Dean's eyes anyway, he forgot about his parents, about Ellen and Jo, the real reason for his was that he was afraid to start a family, he was scared he would love them too much and get them killed in the end. 'Plus we get to go on a boat, so there's that.'
After the Winchesters had arrived they had searched around, looking for new evidence. There was no blood, not even under the UV light, none at all. The man at the docks that had taken care of the victim's boat had told them that he was late getting in. Usually, he would have arrived back at the docks to tie up the boat and go home to his wife. Mr. Martin had told the "Agents" that although he worked for Mr. Montgomery, they were still close enough to converse with each other about their days and part of their lives. No troubles. No enemies. Apparently, he was the greatest guy Mr. Martin had ever met. Dean inwardly rolled his eyes, surely no one is that perfect.
They thanked him, but before they had gotten too far away, Sam had asked to borrow one of the smaller boats that he was looking after. They had asked the other detectives and police officers, where the boat and body were found. Another thirty minutes later, after calculating the correct bearings to the real crime scene, they found a rock pool, blood covering a large portion of a boulder-like rock, already confirming their earlier suspicions of a mermaid. They had taken quick snapshots on their phones and sent it to Cas, seeing if he knew anything about those kinds of creatures.
The sun was still up high when they made it back to the docks, they thanked Mr. Martin again and left for the nearest library in their location.
Dean pushed in a random cassette and the classic rock came from the speakers in the Impala.Their journey began once again, both of the brothers singing at the top of their lungs as Bon Jovi's Livin' On a Prayer sounded through.
The cassette flicked through a few more songs before Dean had parked in front of the library. Sam walked ahead of Dean and into the doors as the older brother clasped the handles of his full duffel.
Just as Dean stepped across the threshold, Sam was quickly making his way towards him, apologising to the patrons that he had clumsily walked into. 'Dude. Librarian.'
'Your kinda librarian, or my kinda librarian?' Dean raised his eyebrow in question as a smirk crossed his face.
Sam rolled his eyes in agitation, 'well she's wearing clothes but she's hot so I'd say my kinda librarian.' He nodded his head up and smiled, a big toothy grin covering his face. He turned around and stepped behind Dean, holding his shoulders, steering him in the right direction.
'You're right. She is your kinda librarian.'
Sam smile dropped, as well as his grip on his brother's shoulders, as he realised what Dean was looking at, he was looking at an older librarian one of the stereotypical women that had a permanent scowl on her face, when Dean had burst out a laugh, he attracted her attention. She put her fingers up to her lips and looked as if she had scolded them for stealing cookies out of the cookie jar.
'Sorry.' Both of the brothers mouthed.
They made their way around each bookshelf, going their separate ways, it was all neatly organised in the correct categories, then sorted alphabetically. He rounded the corner but had bumped into something, rather someone. When he first saw her, he didn't really see her, just the stack of books she was carrying. He reflexively reached out and wrapped his arms around her as the books scattered around them on the floor. Dean was instantly mesmerised by her beauty.
'I'm sorry. Are you okay?
'Yeah, but why are you whispering?' She whispered back with a giggle. A melody in his ears.
Dean started to scramble, to pick up the books as he placed you upright on your feet. 'I, uh, the librarian quietly told me to shut up and she had a look in her eye that told me not to cross her or be loud again.'
'You mean Gail? She's actually really sweet.'
'You know her?'
You pick up the books and put them into a pile so that you could see over this one now as the man made his own small stack to carry 'I should do. She has been my mentor for three years now. And thank you...' you trailed off with a smile, waiting for the man to say his name.
'You're the librarian.' He murmured to himself. You were definitely his kind of librarian. 'Dean, my name is Dean.'
'Well thank you, Dean. I'm (Y/N) by the way.'
'(Y/N), that's pretty. Where do you want me to take these?'
'That was cheesy.' You looked at the books in his hand and ran your fingers over the spines as you quickly scanned the names. 'The ones you have there,' you picked out the third book, 'except that one, is going in literature, which is behind you. And these,' you gestured to the books you had picked up, 'go to greek mythology but I'm going to take these to the table back there.' You pointed over his shoulder, to the table you were previously occupying.
'You wouldn't happen to know anything about mermaids, would you? Or where to find a book about them?'
You raised your eyebrow at his inquiry, fingers twiddling with the ring that was set on your thumb.
'What? I have a sudden interest in the mythical creature.'
'I might know a little. So what's brought on this sudden interest in mermaids.' You asked as you walked you the literature section of the library.
'I may have watched one too many Disney movies and wanted to know more about them, they seem interesting and I had to know.' He shrugged nonchalantly as you took the novels from his arms, placing them back on the shelf, one by one, in its correct slot.
'I could answer those questions for you if you wanted. I'm not tryna brag but I consider myself an expert in that department.'
'Are you an expert in any other department?' Dean shamelessly remarked, without thinking.
He thought that you would blush considering the librarians he knew were all quiet, not that he knew anything about librarians.
Your eyebrow quirked and you pursed your lips, pretending to be clueless until you opened your mouth as you knew exactly what he was doing.
'What? You mean in the bedroom? I'm not just an expert in sex,' you sauntered to him, whispering in his ear, 'I'm a fucking pro.' Winking as you pulled away, leaving him stunned and in awe of you.
'Was not expecting that response.'
Nodding, you replied, 'I got that. So what did you wanna know, Rapunzel?'
He led you to your seat at the table you were at before, taking off his suit jacket and throwing it over the back of his chair, making sure the both of you were seated comfortably before he began questioning you.
'Do mermaids lure people to their death?'
You almost choked on nothing. 'Well, you got straight to the point.'
He dropped his duffel on the floor, unzipping it before he pulled out a pen and his notepad. Dean chuckled lowly, 'I don't like to beat around the bush.' His teeth toyed with the lid of his pen, only momentarily before he lowered his hand and hovered the pen's ink over the paper.
'Gotcha. No, mermaids don't lure people to their death. On the contrary to what people believe, they use their voice to help others. In all the folklore about them, they save sailors when they are out in the sea.' You stopped talking and looked around, seeing if there was a large enough gap between you and the people at the other tables. You leaned in closer to Dean, whispering lower so only he could hear your words. 'Is this connected to the death that happened this morning out in the sea? Because I don't think it was a mermaid, I think it was a siren.'
Deans eyes were blown wide at the revelation. 'You believe in sirens and mermaids?'
'I kind of have to. And I know what you are, so I know you do as well. It's your job, your life, you know what's out there and so do I. People like me are supposed to stay away from people like you; hunters would rather kill me because they think I did something bad but they get the wrong creature, every time, but you're different, I know you are. I hope you are.'
Internally, Dean was freaking out but he kept it cool on the outside. He just discovered that you are one of the creatures that he and his brother hunts. Taking off you glasses and putting them on the table, your head tipped forward, staring at your feet and covering your eyes. Feeling the salty tears well in your eyes, you stood up and wiped away the tears before they started falling. He stood with you, putting a hand on your shoulder and another cupping the side of your face.
'Can I trust you, Dean? I can help you but I need you to not kill me, to protect me, please?' Staring into his eyes, you saw the emerald orbs shining back at you. Dean nodded, he took his hand away from your face as your fingers caught his wrist.
Dragging him away, you lead him to the private room behind the table that was hidden away, camouflaged, in the corner. He closes the door behind him.
Hearing the beginning of your hyperventilation, he closes the gap between the two of you, each hand on both of your shoulders, he promises you that he will protect you and not harm you, not allowing any harm to come to you in any way, shape or form, as long as he is around.
Reaching up, your hands find his forearms and the reassuring clamp down on them. You breathing evens out again. Looking into his eyes, you quickly return to the here and now. Stepping out of his hold, he looks dejected, but you quickly reassure him with a smile. You shake your hands in front of you, warming them slightly, you take off the glasses and put them on the shelf near the door.
'I need you to promise not to freak out, and you cannot judge me. I'm going to show you something. And you're probably going to be surprised, you have to promise before I show you.'
He is quick to let you know that he is not going anywhere.
Taking another deep breath, you wiggle your fingers and a hue of purple and gold colours form, flowing and glowing from your fingertips. They hovered over your left cheek, the glow revealing the large scar that ran from the bridge of your nose over the soft plump flesh of your cheek, stopping at the base of your ear where your jaw started.
Dean watched on with baited breath, a small gasp left his lips, your hand still moved over to the other side of your face. Revealing dying skin, a crust, formed on your right temple. Your eyes remained closed, scared of what he may think, scared of whether or not he would break his promise, scared of what he might say, just scared.
Dean was speechless, he saw the ruin and damage that tarnished your face but he looked past it. He thought that you were a survivor, whatever happened to you, you had gotten past it. He didn't care what had happened before but he had this sudden urge to protect you, to make you feel loved.
One song came to mind. He didn't know how much Shania Twain's From This Moment would change both his and your life.
He thought your scars were beautiful, even though he knew you hated them.
He took your hands in his but one of them quickly let go to wipe away a stray tear that fell.
'Open your eyes, sweetheart.' He whispered.
You tore your eyes open at his gentle command. 'Dean, I'm a mermaid. People like me, we don't do that, we help people.'
'You're a mermaid? That's so awesome. Wait...where's your tail? You know what, never mind that was insensitive of me.'
You giggled a little. 'Really that's all I get. Where's my tail? I'm telling you mermaids didn't kill these vic's and you wanna know where my tail is. Unbelievable.' You smirked.
'I'm sorry.' His face contorted, clearly regretting bringing it up.
'Were there feathers?'
He tilted his head at your question.
'At the crime scene, do you recall seeing any feathers? Brown or white?'
'Hold on one second, my brother took pictures, do you wanna come with me? He should be in here somewhere?'
You nodded but tugged on his hand before he unlocked the door.
'What is it, (Y/N)?'
With your hand still in his, you tightened your grip, looking at the floor as your hair curtained around your face. He caught your silent plea, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear, mindful of your scars, thumb stroking over your right cheek, instantly calming you.
'You can come out as whoever you want to. If you are more comfortable without the scars, then so be it. I don't care, I just see a beautiful woman either way.'
You waved your hand over your face and reverted back to the (Y/N) that you used to be, you still weren't comfortable and most of the people in the library had seen you without the scars. You swiftly completed your look with your glasses, placing the frame in front of your eyes and the arms hooking over your ears.
Unlocking the door, Dean took your hand in his, in search of his brother. He turned the corner and saw Sam standing in the middle of an aisle, scanning the book in his hand.
Sam glanced up at his brother, and the librarian he saw earlier was with him. Hand in hand. He inwardly rolled his eyes and faced you both again.
'Lemme see your phone.'
'What? Why?'
'Just give it to me.' Dean sighs, exasperated already.  
He handed it over with hesitation, through squinted eyes. Dean flicked through the recent images, with you looking over at the device as well. You saw the rocks, the blood and when he zoomed into the picture you saw the brown feathers floating in the water. You pointed it out to Dean, automatically claiming that there was no mistaking those feathers for another bird. It was definitely a siren.
You waited until it was dark and the middle of the night, you didn't want any witness to what you were about to do.
'Okay, Sam I need you not to freak out. And Dean this is probably going to answer your question from earlier.'
You fiddled with your ring again and pulled it off of your thumb, handing it to Dean for safe keeping. You walked to the edge of the dock, with both the brothers in tow behind you.
Diving in head first, arms outstretched, you landed in the deep parts of the water, the glow around you returning as your legs transformed into a purple tail, gold flecks shimmering over it. The gold scale like skin climbed up your torso and covers your breasts, eventually exposing the majority of your stomach.
Rising up to the surface, you smoothed your now wet loose hair down.
'I'm going to go find the siren and kill her. But I'm going to need your help. One of you is going to have to get a bronze knife and dip it into the blood of one of those who are under its spell. We need to find the siren and stab it in the heart. It's the only way to kill it, only downside, one of you needs to be the bait to be put under its spell. I promise I will kill it before either of you are harmed.'
You promised them, you needed to get this siren once and for all, for what she did to you and what she was doing to others. Dean quickly agreed, not giving his brother anytime to argue or disagree with him. Dean put himself in danger all the time without thinking, even to save the ones he didn't know, this time was no different. He would do anything in his power to protect those around him. Especially if they are worth protecting.
Dean drove the jet ski slower than you swam so you decided to slow down and swim next to the boat. It felt good to be back in the water, it had been a long time but the motions were trapped inside your brain, you were still swift when twisting and turning in the ocean.
Then you heard it, to you, it was the most annoying screech you had ever heard, the creature's voice didn't work on sea creatures like you. To Dean, it was the prettiest voice he had ever heard, he had fallen under its spell.
He walked towards the edge of the small boat, almost falling over the sides before you jumped up from the waves and pushed him back. He blinked, still under the spell, you reached into his canvas jacket and pulled out the bronze knife and small glass of his blood.
The siren came closer and you knew you had to work fast, if you didn't you would break your promise and put Dean in unnecessary danger that would be all your fault.
You dipped the knife in Dean's blood and turned just in time to see the siren flying towards you. You only had one chance to shove it through her chest and kill the last known of her kind.
Plunging it through her heart, she collapsed into the water, her body transformed into steam and she floated into the air with a final scream tearing through her lungs.
The spell on Dean broke and he fell forward into your arms, forehead resting in the crook of your neck. His arms wound around your waist and yours flew around his shoulders, steadying him as your fingers threaded through the short brown strands of his hair.
'I hate sirens.' You both breathed into each other's skin, causing you to giggle and him to chuckle.
Settling back on his feet, he pulled out your ring and returned it to its rightful place on your thumb.
He questioned why you had to take it off.
'It holds magical powers, if I am in public and want to go for a swim, my legs don't transform into a tail. It's like a protection of my identity if I keep the ring on it keeps me from changing to my true form. And it's pretty, so there's that.' You shrugged.
'Okay,' he smiled softly, 'let's head back, Ariel.' He tossed his arm over your shoulder. You playfully nudged him back with yours.
'Sure thing, Rapunzel.'
'I don't have long blonde hair.'
Risking a glance up at him, you caught him already blatantly staring at you but your rebuttal sent him into a little fit of laughter. 'No you don't but you have the eyes of a Disney princess. And Rapunzel fits the bill with her beautiful emerald green eyes, perfect match.'
You were back at the docks in no time but you didn't want to part from Dean. Not in the slightest.
As if he could read your mind, he took hold of your hand and started to dawdle towards his car. 'I wanna ask you a question. Is that okay?'
'Well you just did but I'm guessing there is more to it than that. So go ahead.'
He smirked at your sassiness before asking a question that would change both of your lives. And no it wasn't to marry him, that would be preposterous.
'You seem to know a lot about the supernatural world that we live in obviously...' He drew out.
'Yeah, Ariel over here is waiting?'
'If you want to, would you wanna move into where Sam and I live? We could use your help, from this moment on.'
You nodded at his proposal, 'yeah but why did what you said remind me of a song?'
'Because it is.'
'Shania Twain, right?'
'Dance with me?' Dean asked as he played the song.
From this moment life has begun From this moment you are the one Right beside you is where I belong From this moment on
He held your hand and led your other one to his shoulder, his other hand held you close.
From this moment I have been blessed I live only for your happiness And for your love I'd give my last breath From this moment on
He began to sway with you in his arms.
I give my hand to you with all my heart I can't wait to live my life with you, I can't wait to start You and I will never be apart My dreams came true because of you
Dean pulled your interlocked hands and pulled it over his heart, resting his forehead against yours.
From this moment as long as I live I will love you, I promise you this There is nothing I wouldn't give From this moment on
'I would love to.'
You're the reason I believe in love And you're the answer to my prayers from up above All we need is just the two of us My dreams came true because of you
'Definitely my kinda librarian,' he thinks and makes it a priority to tell you every day how beautiful your scars are.
From this moment as long as I live I will love you, I promise you this There is nothing I wouldn't give From this moment I will love you as long as I live From this moment on
Buy Me a Coffee?
Wanna Be Tagged? 
Dean Tags: @thorne93 @becaamm @you-know-whodoesthat-crazypeople @jotink78 @love-kittykat21 @jensen-jarpad @hymnofthevalkyries @marvelbase001 @kurosaki224-new-blog @supernatural-jackles @cyrilconnelly @purgatoan @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @iwantthedean @goody2shoessmut @ruprecht0420 @mrswhozeewhatsis @feelmyroarrrr @redlipstickandplaid @mogaruke @anotherhunter @sometimes-iwritee @caplanbuckybarnes @pureawesomeness001 @mizzezm @jpadjackles @jesspfly @1amluke @skybinx-blog @aubzylynn @balthazars-muse
People who might be interested: @just-a-touch-of-sass-and-fandoms @dancingalone21 @callmesweetheartifyoumeanit @daydreamingintheimpala @winchesterenthusiast @torn-and-frayed @bringmesomepie56 @chaos-and-the-calm67 @grace-for-sale @sleepywinchester @percywinchester27 @lipstickandwhiskey @sincerelysarah @katnharper @plaidstiel-wormstache
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cupkayke · 7 years
11 Answers, 11 Questions
I got tagged by @nardaviel! <3
Rules: Always post the rules. Answer the questions asked, then write eleven new ones. Tag eleven people to answer your questions as well as the person who tagged you. 
1. what’s your favorite thing to do when you want to chill out and just enjoy yourself?
I’m so lame, it’s sleeping, mostly lol. I love naps like nothing else. As for hobbies, if I’m actively roleplaying with anyone it’s that, or relaxing and reading fanfics or watching Markiplier videos. Just hanging out by myself, really. (Tho cuddling the BF ranks on the list too lol)
2. describe the most beautiful thing you can think of or imagine
Object or concept? If we’re going with object... the perfect-fitting dream dress, heart shaped neckline, flowing skirt with iridescent colors that all blend into one another in varying shades of pinks, purples and blues... (idk I’m working on cosplay right now so all I’m thinking about is clothes). Concept? Coming home to your loved one(s), falling into an embrace and feeling that all is right with the world.
3. what is your favorite combination of colors?
Pink is my all-time favorite standalone, but I really like how royal blue and turquoise look together especially on clothing. 
4. tell us about an AU that you desperately want to make but haven’t been able to, for whatever reason (can’t think of a plot, your faves don’t work well in the setting, w/e)
;^; I actually don’t like AUs too much... I get attached to a world AND its characters, not just one or the other. That’s why I don’t particularly care for reading fics/doing rps that are set in an existing universe but using OCs or AUs. Now Alternate Reality/Slight Canon Divergence I can do- I love me some ‘what if X happened instead of Y’. So I guess I’ll go with an AR answer since it’s kind of AU...
I’d want to do an AR of Boueibu where the CA don’t leave and join the DC, either staying in their CA outfits or becoming Battle Lovers themselves to fight the VEPPer. Now that would be entertaining.
5. what does your phone case look like? did you go for style or sturdiness?
I work in cell phones, so I love me some cases lol I swap out cases so often it’s not even funny. When I had an iphone 6/6s I had something like 10-15 cases at one point but now I have a 7 for work so I don’t have as many  yet;
I have the first one I bought, a Speck hardshell with a purple/blue galaxy print on it. I got stuck with a black phone since it’s a work phone, so I wanted something that matched but was cute. The one I actually use at work is another Speck in turquoise with a slot for a credit card so I can keep my Target card on me at all times so I can buy lunch faster and not lose my card. The one I’m using right now because the Galaxy one is starting to deteriorate is a pink and navy otterbox symmetry that I got on clearance. I wanted the teal one but it was too light colored and was gonna get dirty too fast. All my cases are a blend of protection/function and style so...
6. what is your ideal hairstyle for yourself?
Just cut my hair again, actually; something short and easy to maintain with bangs to hide my forehead that I don’t like but cutesy. I always go with a chin-length bob with sideswept bangs when I cut my hair so... that’s it. 
7. what’s the first favorite song you can remember having?
The first song that I liked just for myself and not because my parents played it all the time was Blue (Da Ba Dee) by Eiffel 65. I fucking love them. 11-year-old me was all over that early 2000s electropop shit. Going back even earlier, though, I want to say it was Hey Hey (We’re the Monkees) or Last Train to Clarksville by the Monkees because my parents played their favorite music for me and my sister when we were really little and I’d dance to everything. I also really liked the Beatles and Kansas around that time but the Monkees pops into my head more easily.
8. what’s the grossest food anyone has ever tried to make you eat? (and did you eat it?)
No, seriously, I actually cannot think of an answer to this question because I am so afraid that I’m not going to like something new/want to vomit when I try it that I actively avoid trying things when someone tries to shove a forkful of something in my face or encourages me to eat it. So any new food is gross. I get so pissed off when my bf or my parents do this because they KNOW I don’t like to try things unless I decide to do so, myself (because then I’ve mentally prepped and imagined what it tastes like and why it might be good) but they don’t understand my anxiety/aversion. They just think it’s a picky thing. It’s absolutely a ‘I am afraid of vomiting therefore I do not want to risk trying something that might make me gag especially in a public setting’. I don’t even have a strong gag reflex, I just have a texture thing and a phobia of vomit :/
I guess to phone in an answer- at the time cheesy potatoes were my worst enemy. I still don’t like cheese that much, but I’ve learned to like varieties of cheesy potatoes prepared well enough. 
9. would you rather never drink anything but water again, or never eat anything again besides the blandest, most boring necessities?
Ack, this is difficult. I suppose while I like water well enough I suppose I’d rather eat bland necessities because my palate is rather limited anyway and that’s kind of been my diet in general until recently when I’ve been experimenting with cooking. I don’t think I can live without soda or flavored carbonated water.... or alcohol. <.<
10. describe your dream home
Somewhere near an ocean where it’s cool enough that I can have the windows open to air out the house and somehow there are no bugs to fly inside. It’d smell like the ocean and i’d be able to hear it outside. The house would be big enough for my family but small enough that it isn’t too huge with lots of cozy living spaces, a game room, a huge sewing/craft room/office for me with more cozy seating while I work. It’d have a nice, well-stocked kitchen with a dining room close by surrounded by windows that look out at the sea. There’d be windows everywhere, basically, but all surrounded by thick, heavy curtains to draw when it gets dark. There’d be a screened-in patio with comfy deck furniture and maybe a minibar, that overlooks my own private pool (maybe an infinity pool!) and backyard oasis with lots of flowers and trees that mostly blocks anyone from seeing into the yard but has views of the ocean peeking through. The bedrooms would all be large enough and super comfy and my bed would be so, so soft and huge enough so I could fit my partner and several cats (and maybe a small, not smelly dog) comfortably. The master bath would be my own private sanctuary, with heated floors, some seating, a huge, gorgeous bathtub big enough for two people and a separate shower that has multiple heads. Y’know, rich people bathrooms. My pets would have everything they’d ever need (catios, lofty cat highways and lots of scratching posts and toys; a big enough side yard for the dogs to run around and maybe a built in doggy bath to get rid of dog smell lol). Oh, and the entire house would have one of those sweet Sonos sound systems so I could play music all day in each room. <3
That was long and specific...
11. i need u to come up with a brilliant, scathing insult that contains five words or less
Fuck... I can’t think of anything other than “Douchnozzle McCuntWhistle”. Its not scathing as much as it’s ridiculous but I love it.
1) If you could have any animal in the world (currently living or extinct) as your pet, what would it be and why?
2) If money were no object, what would your dream career be? 
3) How many hours of sleep would you get a night if you were free to sleep as much or as little as you wanted?
4) What’s more frustrating, having a great idea (for a fic, costume, song, presentation, anything) and being unable to produce it (either not having the means, motivation, funds, etc) or having all of your tools to create the thing at your disposal but not having any ideas?
5) Describe your favorite meal ever. Including dessert (if there is any).
6) What’s the most-used bookmark on your phone’s browser?
7) What chore do you absolutely hate and wish you would never have to do ever again?
8) It’s the end of your best day ever. What’s happening?
9) Would you rather go skydiving or climb to the top of mt. everest?
10) If you suddenly became rich beyond your wildest dreams, what would be the first thing you’d do with your money?
11) If you could master any skill on earth, regardless of what your current abilities are, what would it be and why?
Aaaaand I tag @magiccatprincess, @vashtijoy, @vagarius, @liarino, @angry-jewish-magical-girl, @cryptid-crusader, @metalliclioness, @amateurcatalyst, @thatlittledandere, @dazesprite and @nakedxtime <3
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rachelvalente · 4 years
Recent Amazon Finds
I’m constantly asking my friends about what they’re buying & loving from Amazon because there’s so many product offerings that it can feel overwhelming – and I’m always afraid that I’m missing out on something good!  Plus, there are so many third party sellers now, that it’s hard to sort out the good from the bad.  So I thought I’d share some of my own recent purchases with you today – with the exception of some dog toys & treats, this is everything I’ve bought over the last month that I’ve been impressed with.
Cropped Workout Top I was needing some more long-sleeved tops for the gym so I ordered this one and loved it so much that I went back & immediately bought more colors.  I went up a size and the fit is perfect – it’s just the right length for wearing with my high-waisted leggings & I like that it doesn’t shift around when I’m running.
Blue Light Blocking Glasses My beloved blue light glasses that I’ve had for years met an untimely death thanks to my rambunctious puppy.  So I ordered these as a replacement & was amazed by the quality for the price – they come in a hard case with a microfiber cleaning cloth + I think this tortoise wayfarer style is universally flattering.
Sleek 7 Day Pillbox With all the travel I’ve been doing over the last few months, I was getting pretty tired of putting all my supplements into baggies every time I packed.  This is the prettiest pillbox I’ve ever seen – it takes up minimal room in my luggage, there are dividers for each day and it’s just the right size for all my vitamins.  I bought the rose gold color, but it also comes in champagne or black.
Silicone Dish Washing Gloves In my last Amazon post, I mentioned how we switched the whole family over from traditional loofahs to this silicone style – these gloves are like the kitchen version of that!  Not only do they protect my nails while I’m washing dishes, but they make it so much easier to get plates & pans clean (compared to my old scrub brush).  I ordered a second pair to use for giving the dog a bath – total game changer!
Beach Waver Tool My daughter was begging me to order this for her after using it at a friends’ house – so, of course, I had to try it out for myself!  I probably wouldn’t do it every day, but it’s a fun way to create waves that are different than what I normally make.  I would say these are a little bit tighter (think mermaid/island hair) and I was impressed with how long the waves held up.  The other bonus: it’s much easier to use than a curling wand for those who feel intimidated by them.
Stainless Steel Odor Remover Bar I honestly don’t understand how this works, but it is like magic for getting rid of smells from fish, onion, garlic, you name it.  Simply rub your hands over the bar under running water for 30 seconds and all those scents will vanish.  Some of the reviews mentioned that they use it in their underarm area after working out, which has me intrigued!
Vitamin C Serum The vitamin C serum I was previously using got discontinued (hate it when that happens!), so after doing research and reading hundreds of reviews, I finally settled on this one to replace it with.  I’ve only been using for a couple weeks, but I feel like my dark spots are getting lighter & less noticeable.  This serum is 20% vitamin C and 5% hyaluronic acid, which really packs a punch.  I apply this in the morning & only need 3 drops to cover my entire face.
Stainless Steel Squeegee I didn’t think there was such a thing as a pretty squeegee, but this stainless steel style is so modern & sleek.  This works great in the shower and for cleaning windows or mirrors.  It comes in 4 different lengths and is also available in silver.
Stackable Acrylic Storage Container My collection of hair accessories has definitely grown over the last couple of years so I needed a way to keep them all corralled neatly.  This stackable storage tower is the perfect solution – you could actually use this for lots of different things (kids craft supplies, snacks, beauty products, etc.), but it’s just the right size for holding hair scarves, slips, scrunchies & headbands.
Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies I’ve been taking ACV gummies for a while but these are much better tasting than what I was using before.  They’re not the cheapest supplement in my arsenal, but it’s worth it to me to buy the best quality I can get.  For those who aren’t familiar with the benefits of ACV, it improves digestion, boosts your energy & can even help clear up your skin.
Croc Toiletry Bag Set When I travel, I use (and swear by) this makeup bag for all my cosmetics, but I was needing more bags to store my hair products & other toiletries in.  This chic croc set of pouches gives you so many size options – I’ve been keeping the smallest one in my purse and the other three go into my suitcase.  These also come in black, cognac, navy or red.
Scalloped Bikini I’m pretty excited about the fact that we will have an in-ground pool in our backyard starting in June, so we can go swimming anytime we want!  So I decided I needed to order a couple new suits for the summer and I found some great affordable options on Amazon.  This scalloped bikini has great coverage & is so flattering – I ordered based on the size chart & the fit is perfect (comes in 6 different colors).  I also ordered this colorblocked 2-piece in pink, which hasn’t arrived yet…but the reviews look promising!
Peanut Butter Protein Bars I’m always on the hunt for portable snack options that have clean ingredients and this one is a new favorite of mine.  The texture is a little crumbly at first bite, but it gets creamy as you eat it (these come in other flavors if you can’t do peanuts).  I like that it’s a smaller size than other protein bars + there’s only 2 grams of sugar.
Pearl Drop Earrings My love for pearls knows no bounds so when I came across these pretty earrings, I couldn’t help myself!  The size & weight of these makes them look so much more expensive than they are and they literally go with everything.
Adjustable Drawer Dividers I mentioned these last month, but I can’t say enough good things about how they have transformed my dresser and actually given me more space than I had before.  They’re ideal for long drawers where you want to fit a bunch of different things in an organized way.  And, because they’re adjustable, you can move them around as much as you need to.
Dainty Huggie Hoops Lately I’ve been wearing these 18k gold plated hoops in my second hole and I just love the look of them.  They don’t irritate my sensitive skin and they add just enough interest while still being subtle enough for everyday wear.
Glycolic Acid Exfoliating Cleanser I’ve been experimenting with lots of new skincare products lately and, while not all of them are worthy of sharing here, this one is definitely something I’ll be buying again.  It’s a really gentle exfoliant that produces a nice lather (a little goes a long way).  I was a little worried that the glycolic acid would irritate my skin, but I’ve been using it every other day with no issues.
Checkered Sunglass Travel Case This was definitely an impulse purchase, but I love it so much!  If you’re going on a warm weather vacation, this would be perfect for bringing along different pairs of sunglasses with you.  At Christmas when we flew back to Oregon, I packed a pair of mine and my husband’s in two of the slots and put some bracelets & rings in the other slots.  You could also stash this in your car so all your glasses are protected & in one spot.
Brown Sugar Container There’s nothing worse than going to bake and finding your brown sugar as hard as a rock.  This storage container has solved the problem – just soak the terra cotta disk in water, snap it into the airtight lid and it will keep your brown sugar soft!
Microfiber Bed Sheet Set After hearing so many people rave about these sheets, I finally caved & ordered some for our master bed.  Let’s just say, they definitely live up to the hype.  These are so much softer than the cotton sheets we’d been using previously + they’ve held up great after multiple washes – and you just can’t beat the price!
Paleo Pancake Mix I’ve been using this pancake mix for a while and just discovered that it’s actually cheaper on Amazon than at Target, where I usually buy it.  Even though the rest of my family isn’t paleo, they all prefer this grain-free mix over traditional pancakes (you can make waffles with it too).  I’ve tinkered around with the recipe and have found the best results when I add 1 egg, use half water & half almond milk, plus a dash of vanilla extract.  They come out fluffy & delicious every time!
Portable Phone Tripod I’ve been going through lots of family photos recently and found that we have so many of just the kids or of one of us with the kids…but so few of the 4 of us together.  When we’re on road trips or camping, it’s hard to get pictures of our whole family, so I decided it was time to invest in a tripod that we can take with us when we’re traveling.  This one is a great portable size, the legs are bendable (you can even wrap them around a pole or tree!) and it comes with a bluetooth remote.
Lifting Chin Mask I blame this purchase on Kathleen Jennings (who is great to follow for skincare tips & product reviews).  She shared an Instagram story showing before & after of her results using this mask and I immediately added it to my cart.  I’ve left it on for an hour and noticed a visible difference in the definition around & underneath my chin.  This isn’t something I would use every day, so I plan on saving for special occasions, date nights/girls nights or when I’m really needing a little extra lift.
The post Recent Amazon Finds appeared first on Penny Pincher Fashion.
Recent Amazon Finds published first on https://skinalleyupdates.tumblr.com/
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techprolonged · 5 years
Huawei’s Y-series focuses on the mass market covering a wide range of budget from entry-level to mid-range smartphones. The very first smartphone from the series recently landed into Pakistani market, the Huawei Y7 Prime 2019. We have already published a separate unboxing session (video after the break) with very quick look on the phone.
Well, the company launched a mid-ranger from the series, Huawei Y9 2019 last year. We have done a full review of that phone if you want to check. But if you want to get every detail about the cheaper model, you are good to go down to have a full review of the Huawei Y7 Prime 2019.
If you were having an interest in this phone to buy, you might know that Huawei Y7 Prime 2019 first remained in the pre-orders phase for a couple of weeks before getting on store-shelves recently. Now that if you have bought the phone already, you can still continue to know the things we are going to disclose in this review. But if you have not made a purchase yet, then we will be glad to help you make a decision.
Let me make some important things clear about the pricing of this phone compared to its predecessors. The Huawei Y7 Prime 2019 is the third iteration of its model – the original Y7 Prime came in 2017. The interesting thing about the three models is that they confusingly priced and featured. In fact, not all but only the last year’s model actually did confuse with a downgraded hardware and decreased price over the original.
Huawei Y7 Prime 2018 (left) – Huawei Y7 Prime 2017 (right)
The very first Y7 Prime was priced Rs. 25,000 in 2017 with 4000mAh battery and Snapdragon 435. The next model brought a visual upgrade with an impressive full-view display and some better camera in Y7 Prime 2018. That model interestingly cost lower than original with the price tag of Rs. 20,000. But that lower price came with an older processor and a smaller battery.
The most recent Huawei Y7 Prime 2019 costs you Rs. 29,000 which is a real first upgrade from its predecessors. It keeps the bigger battery from the original and even better front/rear camera than last year’s Y7 Prime. On top, this year’s Y7 Prime brings an upgraded Snapdragon 450 processor along with a notched-display design.
With the Y7 Prime 2019 in hands, we think that the belief, which stated as the company won’t be using notch displays after when it adapted hole-punch display later last year, is debunked. They are rather keeping it for its budget smartphones, which will sure attract willing consumers. It’s just like last year when the company started using the full-view display on its budget phones.
You can check our thorough comparison between the new Y7 Prime 2019 and the last year’s Y7 Prime 2018. Here are the main features of Huawei Y7 Prime 2019.
Huawei Y7 Prime 2019 – Features and Specifications
HUAWEI Y7 PRIME 2019 / HUAWEI Y7 PRO 2019 Software Android 8.1 Oreo EMUI 8.2 Dimension 158.9 x 76.9 x 8.1 mm Weight 168 grams Display 6.26-inch Dewdrop display 1520×720 HD+, 19:9, Pixel density: ~269 ppi Screen-to-body ratio: ~80% Chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon 450 CPU: 8x ARM Cortex A53 1.8GHz GPU: Adreno 506 Modem: X9 (300Mbps↓/150Mbps↑) Memory 3GB RAM 32GB Internal Storage Camera Dual-Rear: 13MP + 2MP, f/1.8, AI Front: 16MP camera Battery 4000 mAh, 5V/2A Network 4G/LTE, 3G, 2G Sensors Fingerprint, Proximity, Ambient Light, Compass, Gravity Price PKR 28,999/- (estimate ~USD 206)
Before we go further, we want you to know that – in case if you plan to buy this phone, you will get these things with the retail box.
Unboxing Video
[iframe width=”850″ height=”470″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/ceek7i8dUXI?controls=0&#8243; frameborder=”0″ allow=”accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture” allowfullscreen=”yes”]
Huawei Y7 Prime 2019 Box Contents
The device – Huawei Y7 Prime 2019
Connectivity/Charging cable
Travel charger – 5V+2A
Stereo earphones
SIM eject tool
User guide
Add-on silicon back cover
Add-on screen protector
10-watt charger (left) – Micro USB cable (center) – Earphones (right)
Build and Design
Huawei Y7 Prime 2019 follows the company’s recent design language but it’s all plastic – sure it’s a lower mid-range category phone. As you know plastic is always prone to attract scratches far quicker if not covered with a back case. But don’t count it as a bad thing about this phone, as you won’t get anything better in this price. You can, though, talk about the quality and it’s a good one like any other Huawei device.
The mid-frame is also plastic and joins right between the screen frame and the back panel. The branding and labels are at the side of the phone following the most recent releases from the company. Some light labeling is on the opposite side.
The rear side hosts the dual-camera module on the top-left corner and prints the camera labels below in the same direction as logo. It reads “AI CAMERA” with no camera or lens specifications, unlike a few other Huawei devices. An LED flash is also there below the camera module. The fingerprint sensor is also on the rear side which is always the most appropriate place for it.
Components and Ports
The Huawei Y7 2019 simply has a common layout of components and ports as we usually see on other phones. micro USB port is on the bottom of the phone along with the speaker grill.
Thankfully the audio jack is on the top side of the phone along with a secondary mic for noise cancellation and stereo recording.
The power button and the volume buttons are on the right side of the phone, while on the other side the SIM slot is available.
It’s not a hybrid SIM slot and you won’t need to worry about choosing between a SIM card or a memory card. Instead you can use all – a microSD card alongside two SIM slots.
Weighing 168 grams on paper this phone doesn’t feel much heavy in hands. However the size of the phone may not impress you if you have a bit smaller hands. Thanks to slim bezels around three sides that it gives you little less bulk.
You can see the display bezels and a notch on the top, right? if you didn’t, look at the following photos closely. That tiny dewdrop notch may impress those who didn’t like the wider version of the cut-out on top of the displays. So the phone offers a single piece of camera for your selfies – we’ll cover in detail in camera section.
Unlike other mid-rangers from the company, the Y7 Prime 2019 manages keep a bit larger chin with “HUAWEI” branding that we didn’t see in other recent phones. And we indeed liked the front without that branding.
The full front profile features a 6.26-inch display with aspect ratio of 19:9. The HD+ resolution of 1520 x 720 pixels serves with the pixel density of around 269 ppi and approximately 80.2% screen-to-body ratio.
Unfortunately, once again, oleophobic coating isn’t on the screen. That means you may have fingerprint smudges more frequently that will want you to clean with a wet cloth.
The IPS display on Y7 Prime 2019 is not that bad – it’s bright in most conditions. However very bright sunny day may make you struggle under heavy reflections. The 720p resolution on this big screen may let you feel little uncomfortable with less sharp content.
My favorite feature for hiding the display notch is still present with through the software settings interface. The feature enables a dark status bar covering the notch from both sides so it won’t stand out of the top edge.
Software and UI
Huawei Y7 Prime 2019 runs Android 8.1 Oreo operating system out-of-the-box with the proprietary EMUI 8.2 software layer on top. It’s just like the most mid-range smartphone Huawei has shipped recently including Huawei Y9 2019 or little more worthy Nova series.
The display notch as we noted above that could camouflage with a software based dark status bar. Even important thing is that it keeps the information intact including all those statuses and notification icons.
Lock, Unlock and Home Screen
The lock screen comes first with the same Magazine style by default as always. You can change the categories to load wallpapers from, in this specific style. The magazine style loads a new wallpaper every time you press power button to wake up the phone. Some quick options are also present on the lock screen.
The home screen can be configured as always to have different layout of icons. Folders and context menu is there that you can initiate by tap and holding an icon – you can still drag the icon that way by ignoring the menu and continue with dragging.
App Drawer
Default home screen style is just old without the app drawer but you can turn it on by going through Settings > Display > Home screen style > Drawer. Huawei must move this option to the home screen customize settings, it will be more quick and easy that way.
Variety of Navigation Styles
In addition to common three-key navigation that you have seen in above screenshots – recent apps, home, and back keys, the new Y7 Prime 2019 has three more navigation options. Gesture based navigation, Single-key navigation, and a navigation dock.
Gesture based navigation totally works without any visible keys. Only right, left, down, or up swipe gestures are used to go back and forth.
Single-key navigation comes with a single little bar at the bottom of the screen. You drag that key towards different sides to navigate.
Navigation Dock, when enabled, a dock is appeared floating on the screen which you can simply tap, tap & hold, hold & stretch and drag to respectively navigate to back, home, recent tasks view or move the dock itself.
System Performance
Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 450 processor is driving the Huawei Y7 Prime 2019. We usually see this processor in this price range, with an exception where the same processor we saw in the 18k Realme C1. Also note that the C1 lacked many other important things you would need to use a phone these days. It didn’t have a fingerprint sensor as well as the phone packed with mere a 2GB RAM and 16GB storage which is a no-deal in today’s life when you are taking photos every 10 minutes.
So all that again would end up with a little more price tag in the shape of Huawei Y7 Prime with moderate 3GB RAM and 32GB internal storage. Along with that you get Adreno 506 GPU which won’t have big troubles running good amount graphics on a 720p display.
Our most used titles during review process – Asphalt 9 and PUBG Mobile worked just fine. However playing for a little longer period may give lagging experiences. If you are interested to know, PUBG chose “Medium” frame rate settings by default which gave good experience most of the time. The graphics option sets at “Smooth” which is the basic one for experience giving up on picture quality.
Game Suite
The new Y7 Prime 2019 also comes with Game Suite just like the recent Huawei releases. It allows users to add certain games in a list that will provide the users with uninterrupted gaming experience. In addition the system will optimize the settings for better performance for selected games. This may also consume more power and you may experience device-heat.
Game Suite – EMUI 8.2, Huawei Y7 Prime 2019
Benchmark Rating Comparison
Here are some benchmark tests. We put the phone on trial with AnTuTu, Geekbench and GFX Bench tools.
AnTuTu score: 73,433
Geekbench score (single-core): 764
Geekbench score (multi-core): 3,835
GFX Manhattan (on-screen): 3,835
Battery Performance
With the massive 4000mAh battery capacity, the Huawei Y7 Prime 2019 has nice battery timing. It could last up to three days with one full charge for normal calling, texting, little internet surfing, little camera usage, only a few minutes of YouTube, less frequent Facebook and Twitter and likes.
It would last up to 1 day with little moderate use with social networks, in-browser video playback and YouTube, a couple of minutes GPS navigation, a bit of gaming, and a few still shots with camera.
Like many other phones, excessive camera usage and GPS navigation may take some battery juice but it’s much better than most in this class we have tested recently. Excessive gaming will take most of the battery if you spending a lot of time with PUBG like titles.
While the phone doesn’t have notable fast charging, it does come with a 10-watt charger at least. So it won’t take unusually long to fill up the battery.
Huawei Y7 Prime 2019 features a dual camera setup on its back with a 13-megapixel main unit paired with a secondary 2-megapixel depth sensor. It’s pretty much the same package as last year’s Y7 Prime, however the new model comes with a large aperture lens. That means, you should get better low-light photos from Y7 Prime 2019.
The main camera features an f/1.8 aperture lens and an LED flash. Unlike recent Huawei devices, this phone doesn’t have a specific “Portrait” mode for portraits with blurred background. However the camera will allow you take photos with blurred background, aka bokeh effect with a “Aperture” mode which is present for all-kind closeup shots.
Provided the single 16MP front-facing camera, Y7 Prime 2019 won’t allow you to take similar selfies with blurred background. However many vendors are providing that feature with even single-camera unit via software, it’s always been unusable. So you better be with standard selfies as long as they are good.
Camera UI
Overall the native camera user interface is same as we have seen in other Huawei phones. But this phone has very limited options to play with.  AR Lens is yet present to play with.
Image Quality
Huawei Y7 Prime captures nice shots in bright daylight. Huawei’s vivid colors also make its way through the images. Noise handling was good at some extent, however the images usually come with purple fringing at edges.
On the other hand low-light photos are impressively well tuned with noise handling. But sometimes it doesn’t get the focus right, ending up with softness across the frame.
[slickr-flickr search=”sets” set=”72157707056470424″ account=”1″]
Aperture Mode
Aperture mode is impressive in most case, however at some places the system gets confused to decide which part of the frame needs to be blurred.
[slickr-flickr search=”sets” set=”72157707056470474″ account=”1″]
Front Camera
Front camera with its f/2.0 aperture lens is good for your daily social doze of selfies. It’s quite good indoors well as outdoors.
[slickr-flickr search=”sets” set=”72157707056470434″ account=”1″]
Conclusion and Verdict
Huawei Y7 Prime is a good contender in this price range. The Snapdragon 450 is not that great to be impressed as it’s not so uncommon in this price range. The chip indeed impressed us with its presence in Realme C1, though the other system attributes were not that great to fall for.
Considering the specs on paper, we think the Honor 8C might be better in terms of performance due to much better chip, Snapdragon 632. But we can’t guarantee about that because none of us here has tried that Honor device.
The rear dual-camera is good on Y7 Prime 2019 for your regular personal and social presence. The front camera is also totally fine. Build quality has no objection but the presence of oleophobic layer on the screen would be much better
Just let us know about your questions below and we’ll bring the right answer for you about anything in this phone.
Huawei Y7 Prime 2019 Full Review – All things Budget Huawei's Y-series focuses on the mass market covering a wide range of budget from entry-level to mid-range smartphones.
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vdbstore-blog · 7 years
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My big fashion moment: 'I wore jogging bottoms on my first date' | Fashion
What I wore when… I went on my first date
Pearl Mackie, 30, plays Bill Potts, companion to the 12th Doctor in BBC1’s Doctor Who. She is wearing white Adidas jogging bottoms, a white vest top and white shell-top Adidas trainers.
I used to wear jogging bottoms a lot when I was teenager. I wore them on my first date, when I was 15. He became my first boyfriend. We went to the McDonald’s at the end of my road and I got a strawberry milkshake and he ordered a banana one, and I was like, “Mate, why you getting banana?” We went for a walk, then sat in the park, and it was really sweet.
The high street is full of all this stuff again now, but I can’t imagine wearing jogging bottoms on a date.I’ve got about 25 pairs of trainers under my bed. I wore a pair of yellow trainers to my Doctor Who audition. I felt Bill would wear something bright.
There are things in her wardrobe I wish I could take, like her red Urban Outfitters jumper or her jeans (I’m quite curvy and they were taken in to fit, so they’re better than any other jeans ever). But they save everything to exhibit at the Doctor Who Experience.
I don’t take clothes too seriously. My wardrobe is a collection of mostly insane items. My idea of a classic white shirt is my grandad’s old white shirt from the 1940s that does up with cufflinks. I like vintage a lot. I bought an amazing Moschino jacket on the Depop app. It’s really bright and fun, and covered in Las Vegas-style pinballs and cars. I went through a phase of buying leather jackets, which sounds expensive, but most of them were about 30 quid. I’m a hoarder and often feel like I need to have a big clear-out. My friends and I often do clothes swaps. The trouble is, I come away with even more stuff.
What I wore when… I became a full-time artist
Tali Lennox: ‘I’m obsessed with nostalgia.’ Photograph: Amanda Hakan for the Guardian
Model Tali Lennox, 24, showed her first solo exhibition, Ashes And Confetti, at New York’s Chelsea hotel in December 2016.
I found this kimono at Chelsea Flea Market in New York. It’s a really junky, filthy, old-school market. The clothes are pretty scuzzy – old, beaten-up jackets you wouldn’t really want to touch – but last year I found this silk robe and I’ve been wearing it ever since. I used to paint in a T-shirt and stained tracksuit bottoms, and wouldn’t change for about three days, which I found quite liberating after doing a lot of modelling. Then I thought, if I’m going to be a reclusive artist, I’d rather wear something that feels more elegant.
I have a super-colourful wardrobe. Guy friends of mine will get lost in there and come out wearing a little sequined crop top. I love dressing up friends in my clothes and I have a little set-up in my apartment where I photograph them.
I’m obsessed with nostalgia and buy only vintage clothes. I don’t enjoy spending a lot of money on fashion, when you can find a whole outfit for less than £50. I don’t often wear high heels, but I have this great pair of rhinestone-studded platform shoes that my mum [singer Annie Lennox] gave me. I also have some of her vintage jackets and I’m a big fan of costume jewellery, which she has a lot of. She loves giving me stuff, so it’s a win-win situation.
Lately, I’ve been drawn to sparkly colours and pink. I wear a lot of Eric Schlösberg, a New York designer, who is kitsch, weird and unafraid of colour. Maybe it’s to do with the loneliness that comes with painting, but it makes me a happier person. If I’m in a bad mood, I wear pink. It makes you feel better.
What I wore when… I started working at Radio 1
Clara Amfo: ‘I wanted to wear something that would make me feel good.’ Photograph: William Selden for the Guardian
DJ Clara Amfo, 33, presents Radio 1’s weekday mid-morning slot.
I love a tour tee. I collect vintage ones: Prince, Tina Turner, Whitney. You need to have bought it from the gig, or at least be a massive fan. My pet hate is when people wear band T-shirts but have no concept of the music. I’m really particular; I will research tour dates and cross reference them with what I see on eBay, because people often sell fake ones.
I bought this OutKast T-shirt when they played Wireless in 2014. When I started my weekday BBC Radio 1 show in May 2015, I was really nervous, so I chose jeans, trainers and this T-shirt, out of comfort. I wanted to wear something that would make me feel good. Even though I’d been at Radio 1Xtra for two years, I didn’t really know what to expect in the way of attention. I thought, let me wear something that feels like me, just in case there is a snapper outside the building.
Part of the appeal of working in radio is that you can roll into work looking like crap. Other days are full hair and makeup situations. When I interviewed Jay-Z for Radio 1’s Live Lounge Month, I wasn’t going to put on a ballgown for him; but Beyoncé is Beyoncé, and I just thought, there’s a chance she might see this on iPlayer.
The night before, my friend Shirley Amartey, who is a stylist, lent me a load of clothes. Her catchphrase is: “For God’s sake, try it on!” I opted for a Weekday bomber jacket, high-waisted jeans from Asos, trainers and a plain white T-shirt. I would never in a million years wear a Beyoncé T-shirt if I was going to meet her. Can you imagine?
What I wore when… I got my dream job
Isamaya Ffrench: ‘This belt signifies something powerful.’ Photograph: William Selden for the Guardian
Makeup artist Isamaya Ffrench, 27, began her career face-painting at children’s parties and is now creative artist consultant for Tom Ford Beauty.
This belt is so not me, but preparing to meet Tom Ford, I just thought: “Cinch that waist!” I found it at an Alexander McQueen sample sale where I go every year to find nice, smart stuff; the rest of the time, I’m in sportswear. This belt signifies something quite powerful, because it’s not a belt that holds up trousers, it’s a belt that accentuates your feminine qualities.
I was surprised to be considered for this job, given my background is quite wacky. But once we started talking about our personal tastes, there was a lot of crossover. Our sense of humour is the same. At one point, I was showing Tom my work on my phone and he took it off me and I said: “Wait! Don’t scroll left, there are nudes!” I like to think that’s what got me the job.
I really admire women who dress up. I think about buying those clothes, but would never wear them. I’m drawn to functional pieces such as La Sportiva and Undercover, anything a bit hard – you can’t wear Gucci loafers when you’re dragging three makeup kits between New York and London. I go out of my way to buy things that aren’t designer. I’ve not seen anyone else wearing Adidas goalie trousers or Salomon trekking trainers.
My first big red carpet event was the British Fashion Awards last year. I borrowed vintage Fiorucci trousers with high-waisted chaps, and they gave me the worst camel toe. I was also wearing the Vivienne Westwood platforms that Naomi Campbell wore when she fell over on the catwalk in 1993. And I fell over. I thought, things can’t get any worse. It’s only up from here.
What I wore when… I reopened the Whitechapel Gallery
Iwona Blazwick: ‘This was the most exciting moment in my career, so I had to be comfortable.’ Photograph: William Selden for the Guardian
Iwona Blazwick OBE, 61, has been director of the Whitechapel Gallery (which launched the careers of David Hockney and Gilbert & George) since 2001, overseeing its expansion in 2009.
I bought this black MaxMara number for the reopening. It was the result of eight years’ work, and £13.5m in fundraising. The thrill of the evening was bringing three generations of artists together, from Bridget Riley to Paul Noble to Goshka Macuga, against the backdrop of a tapestry of Picasso’s Guernica, arguably the greatest history painting of the 20th century.
This was possibly the most exciting moment in my career, so I had to be comfortable. When you’re head of an organisation, you can’t run around looking sweaty, you’ve got to look cool, which is a challenge. I have at least 10 black dresses. It’s a bit like having a school uniform; however much I try to change, I always buy the same thing. A typical day might start with a studio visit in Hackney (they’re full of paint, so you have to watch where you sit), followed by a meeting with the Arts Council, then I might have to speak at a dinner. I’ll add something sparkly – Swarovski rings come to my rescue.
If I had the budget, I would love to wear Céline. When I was a baby curator in the late 80s, I wore horrendous giant shoulder pads, like something out of a sci-fi movie. It was a master-of-the-universe moment for women wanting to assert themselves, but it didn’t look very good in retrospect. I still treasure stuff I bought in the 70s from the Biba store in west London. It had the rudest, most over-privileged shop assistants in the world, but it was achingly cool.
Thomas Ruff: Photographs 1979-2017 is on show at the Whitechapel Gallery, London, until 21 January 2018.
Makeup for Clara, Pearl and Isamaya: Bobana Parojcic. Hair for Clara: Virginie P Morera. Hair for Pearl and Isamaya: Laurence Close at Carol Hayes Management. Hair and makeup for Iwona Blazwick: Sam Cooper at Carol Hayes Management
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