#like bruh how did this guy bring food full of live ants
pinksdoodles1 · 1 year
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some more doodles of my homebrew dnd goddess vega, 'cuz even though my brain is fried i promised myself and more importantly my homies that i'd post my art - regardless of what i thought of its quality. and also because i won't get better at drawing if i don't draw.
anyways, i'm allergic to posting drawings without at least some short text accompanying them, so here's a bunch of other scattered ideas i have had for vega that may or may not become canon for the campaign. there's a tradition in celebrations that include her to "dedicate" the first glass of wine to her - by pouring it into the ground.
she's in good standing with sun chariot (temp name), the.... well, sun god (he's the guy that looks like a bull-shaped suit of golden armor with a mane of fire) - and this has reflected on their followers, with interfaith marriages not being unheard of. and them just having generally good relations.
there was also something about ribbons being a possible gift of affection/confession but uhhh uhh, i haven't thought that far yet. tune in tomorrow for more stuff?
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