#like for this one i thought 'oh i wanna give v2 something cute to wear!'
meldailyarts · 5 months
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04/29/2024, if i knew today was dect's anniverserary i wouldve drawn mv2 instead unfortunately i dont have the energy to do that so take a quick v2 doodle instead
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littlemisssquiggles · 6 years
I think another obvious reason why we’d all love Oscar to join JNR is so that they can all begin to notice his crush on Ruby and become his “wingmen,” giving him advice and tips on how to win her over. Just wishful thinking 😂
Well…you’re not wrong Miggy. You’re definitely not wrongwith that. I have so many JNPR Reborn headcanons whereJaune, Nora and Ren pick up on Oscar’s obvious interest in Ruby and do theirbest to help him while also making sure to tease the living daylights out ofhim from time to time. Especially Nora.
Like one scene I’ve imagined is Jaune giving therundown on a team strategy but Oscar is too distracted by Ruby to payattention. At this point, Oscar has already integrated well into the group tothe point that Jaune has acknowledged the young farm boy’s tactical talents andas a means of grooming those skills, Jaune often pulls Oscar in on helping himdevise battle strategies and it becomes their way of bonding outside oftraining together.
I love the idea of Jaune realizing Oscar’spotential as either a leader or atleast very goodstrategist and develops a desire tomentor him the same way Pyrhha did for him back in the Beacon Days.
I love the idea of Oscar and Jaune bonding as bros with Oscar becoming the surrogate little brotherJaune admittedly always wanted to have since he only grew up around mostlysisters. Oscar coming to admire Jaune as a big brother figure is something Ineed canon. Doyou know what would also be pretty cute? IfOscar comes to admire Jaune as a huntsmen to the point that he considers himone of the coolest huntsmen he’s met, even going so far as to comment thatJaune must’ve been one of the best huntsmen at Beacon Academy (second to hisbeloved Ruby Rose, of course) while Ren and Nora both glance at each other andsnicker, knowing the truth full-well but not being able to bring themselves to breakOscar’s fanboy enthusiasmof their fearless leader.
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As a Rosegardener, I’m already riding the Oscar crushing onRuby romantically hype train. But have you also considered, Oscarhaving a slight bro-crushon Jaune? Like Deku and All Might. Like he admires Jaune a lotand wants to become a great leader like him some day.
And of course, Oscar admiring Jaune so much, comesto see our titular Arc boy as a lucky duck in the ladies’ department and mimicsJaune with Ren back in V2 where he goes to Jaune for advice on girls.
I’ve actually pictured this scene where Oscar goesto Jaune for advice on how to handle his feelings for Ruby. So Oscar corners Jaunein the hallway but when he goes to bring up the subject, he’s interrupted byRen and Nora showing up. Though Oscar is enthusiastic to see Ren, he’s kind ofshy to talk since Nora is in the room and asks if she can give just the guyssome privacy saying it’s a guy thing he needs to talk about.
RWBY Squiggle Script #008: Guy Talk
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Picture it like this:
Oscar: …Hey Jaune, can I…talk to you for a sec.
Jaune: Sure Oscar, what’s up?
Oscar: It’s…
Ren walks around the corner.
Oscar: Oh good! Ren, you’rehere too. Great.
Nora then comes skipping behind her boyfriend.
Nora: Ooooh are we having a secret team meeting or something?
Jaune: Kind of. Oscar wantedto talk about something.
Nora: Oh yeah? *hands on hipslooking at Oscar concernedly* What’sbothering our CuteBoy Oz?
Oscar: I…*blushes* actually…if it’s not too much of aproblem—I just want to talk to Ren and Jaune if that’s okay, Nora.
Nora: *double takes* WHAT!You’re singling MEout! Whatcha gotta say to them that you can’t say to me? Don’t you love meanymore?
Oscar: No…it’s nothing like that. I just… I really, reallyneed to talk to just Ren and Jaune aboutsome…stuff.Guy stuff. Withjust…the GUYS.
Nora: I see. You do realize I’m manlier thanall three of you combined, right?
Oscar: Nora…please!
Nora: *pouts grumpily but otherwise complies* Fine. I’ll let you guys have your little boy’s club meeting. But only because you’re so darn cute,Oscar. *pinches Oscar’scheeks playfully*
Oscar: *fans away Nora’s hands but otherwise smiles* Thank you Nora. I’ll make it up to you.
Nora. You better. Now if you boys need me, I’ll be rightoutside; listening at the door.
Oscar: Wait what?
Nora: I said I’ll be outside.
With that, Nora exits the room, finally leaving the boys to themselves.
Jaune: Alright spill Oscar, what kind of guy stuff do you need to talk about? *gives a wry gasp of surprise* Are you going through the change? Is our little farm boy finally becoming a farm man?
Jaune snickers, nudging Ren who snorts.
Oscar: Oh, ha-ha! Very funny guys but… no! It’s… nothinglike that.
Ren: So then…
Oscar: …I…*pauses for another minute; his face reddening more beforefinally speaking again* I…wanted totalk to you guys about…girls.
Jaune and Ren: …What?
Oscar: Girls…I…like…a…girl but I…I don’t know how to…girls.So help. Please.
Ren: …And…you thought we… *indicates betweenhimself and Jaune* …would be helpfulwith that?
Oscar: *enthusiastically* Yeah,of course. You guys are like my big brothers so Ithought who better to ask for advice about this kind of stuff than you. Ifigured since Jaune is such a great leader and all round good guy, I’m sure youmust have a lot of ladies running after you back at Beacon, right? Left a lot ofbroken hearts behind in Vale?
Jaune: …Oh. Oh Oscar…you poor misguided fool. If by brokenhearts, you mean my own then yeah, I broke a lot of hearts. All the time.Sometimes twice a week.
Oscar: You…didn’t have a ton of girlfriends?
Jaune: I couldn’t even score one girlfriend. If I’m beingcompletely honest, my love life hasn’t exactly been fairy tale perfect. Back at Beacon,I spent most of my time chasing after a girl who I knew wasn’t into me and theone girl who actually was into me died in the Fall of Beacon…after our first and…last kiss. How’s that for luck.
Oscar: Ouch. Jaune…I’m…so…sorry.
Jaune: It’s alright. I’m flattered that you thought ofcoming to me for advice, Oscar. It’s just that when it comes to romance, I’mnot exactly your guy.
Oscar: Well…… what about youRen? You’re in a relationship. How’d you…y’know…charm Norainto wanting to be your girlfriend?
Ren: … *spaces out with an expression of sheer vacant confusion asif Oscar has just asked him to figure out an extremely complicated mathematicalequation*
Oscar: *looks over at Jaune wearily* He didn’t charm Nora,didn’t he?
Jaune: No. No he did not.
Oscar: *sarcastically* Wow…my bros.
Jaune: Yeahhh sorry kiddo. But you do have one more personclose by you can ask for advice. Someone who can definitely help you a lot better than me and Ren.
Oscar: If they’re better than you and Ren, I’ll take em. I’m really desperate here, guys.
Jaune: Say no more.*turns to the door* NORA!
Immediately, Nora kicks down the door and comessauntering in. Without even needing any of the boys to explain anything to her,the thunder goddess drags a vacant chair across the room, plunks it in front ofOscar and sits down facing him wearing nothing but an amused grin on her facewith her hand on her cheek all smug.
Nora: So…you wanna talk about girls.
And scene.
I would love for a moment like this withTeam JNPR 2.0.You’re not wishfullythinking at all Miggy. We’re sailing in the sameboat, m’friend.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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