#like holy heck
strawberry-seed28 · 2 years
Day 1 and 2: Acorns and Handheld
Thank you so much to @aaytaro-gt for giving the prompts for g/t inktober! Not sure how committed I’m gonna be this month, but I’ll sure as hell try my best lol
Another thank you to my beta Soldier Blade, you are a freaking lifesaver when it comes to editing <3.
“Whatcha doing?” Ostreatus turned to the human lounging on the couch, a book cast off the side of the cushion.  She watched him intently as he carved, curiosity burning in her expression. He raised a brow, setting down the acorn and blade.
    “Carving” He said, looking down at his current project. Sylvia sat up and her eyes flicking to the small basket of acorns that he’d been working on. After a few months of watching him come and go, it still surprised her when the borrower would bring something strange back to work on. This week, it was acorn carving. Specifically, hollowing out the inside of an acorn. 
    “How come though? Do you use it as some sort of tiny basket or something?” Ostreatus stared at her, before snorting out a laugh. It was a rare occurrence, but it brought a smile to her face nonetheless. He walked to the edge of the table, the in-progress acorn in hand. Sylvia turned to face him fully, curiosity shining in her eyes.
    “Unfortunately, the bottom is too curved to really work as a container, though I do like where your heads at,” He began, tapping the hollowed seed in thought before shaking his head. “No, these are for the colony. From what I recall about you humans, you have a celebration known as “Halloweens” or something, but we celebrate our own version of that!” He said, his body language becoming more and more animated as he spoke. “It's called “Helios Falls”, and descends from when our ancestors would celebrate the nightfall tonight.” He said, a smile creeping onto his face. 
    Sylvia hummed in thought, listening to the rambles of him as he spoke. Normally, he would be reserved, only coming to shelter when he would be injured or lonely. At least, she thought so. This sudden excitement was strange, but she found herself enjoying it more and more as he continued. “The acorns are for carving faces, similar to the pumpkins you use, for masks or decorations. The kids love it and it's one of my favorite parts of the celebration” He said, and Sylvia's smile only widened in response.
Ostreatus noticed this, and quickly quieted down, a blush darkening his copper skin. Slowly, he sat back down, continuing to carve the acorn. Though she was disappointed that he was no longer openly rambling, she understood his discomfort from being watched. Slowly, she turned back to the book she was reading prior, letting him finish his work in peace. The hours flew by as she became lost in the narrative.
It was only as the sunset streamed through the windows that she noticed him in his traveling gear, strapping the large skullcap mushroom to his messy black curls. The basket of acorns sat beside him, each seed hollowed out fully. Ostreatus turned to her, a small grin on his face.
“Leaving so soon?” Sylvia joked, a teasing smile on her face. He huffed, though the smile on his face showed his lack of anger. He grabbed one of the acorns from the basket, cradling it as if it were a porcelain figure. Slowly, he stepped forward, his cheeks slowly turning a deeper shade of pink. Sylvia became puzzled at the display, but walked over to the table nonetheless. Gingerly, Ostreatus presented the carved acorn, and she quietly gasped.
“Please be careful with it, I-I worked hard on it” He said quietly, his gaze fixated on the ground below. She could only nod in response, her voice escaping her as she studied the seed. It was the acorn from earlier. Her initials were front and center, yet she noticed a variety of flowers and bugs carved near them, all made with care. She slowly took the acorn from his grasp, noticing the little hole at the top so she could wear it. Never in her life had someone gone this far out of their way to make something this special. Carefully, she maneuvered the acorn from her hands onto the table before facing him again.
“You… you made this for me?” She whispered, her voice filled with awe and warmth. Ostreatus nodded, looking up through the mushroom hat he wore. She was touched and without thinking she scooped him into her hands and hugged him, yet the embrace was loving and warm, like a friend hugging you for the first time in years.
He froze, his heart spiking at the surprise onslaught of warmth permeating from her hands and chest. It was slightly overwhelming, yet he found himself relaxing into the touch that he rarely received. Unfortunately Sylvia noticed her mistake and tried to pull him away, but was met with the sight of him curled around her thumb, hugging it close. She smiled softly at him, with his strange mushroom hat covering his head and the leafy-green cloak that obscured most of his body, all messy from the odd position, but it warmed her heart at the open display of comfort.
Slowly, he uncurled, and just sat on her palm, a sheepish yet happy smile on his face. Sylvia set him down on the table, and he scurried off her hand onto the flat surface. Ostreatus righted himself, straightening his hat and cloak in an attempt of looking somewhat put-together, and she could only chuckle at the display. 
“Well, I best be off at the colony before nightfall, I’ll see you again soon,” He said, walking to the open windowsill, stopping right at the edge of it before turning back to her. “Thank you, by the way, for listening… and the hug. It.. it means a lot.” He finished, a blush creeping onto his face as he turned back to the window. Sylvia didn’t get the chance to say anything else as he quickly attached his hook to the edge and leaping off like some kind of bird.
As the sun set in the distance, she once again noticed the small acorn sitting on her desk, and the smile grew on her face once more. If Sylvia started wearing a new acorn pendant shortly after, who could blame her?
That’s all for now, have a great day/night ya’ll :]
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cure-rosie · 8 months
What in the freaking frick did I just watch
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nirelaz · 2 months
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"Yes... Belle and Beau. Beauty Alliance!" "Beauty Alliance!" "Ha, what kind of name is that?! Do you guys spend the day looking pretty?!" "How dare you!!" "Also, yes??? Just look at us." (Isabeau strikes a pose, and Mirabelle follows suit a beat later.) (They both look striking.)
I love these teams and my greatest grief is that I can't pick both Beauty and Age on the same run. (As far as poses go, Isa is going for Vogue and Mira is going for Sailor Moon.)
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tech-obssessed-shark · 4 months
I knew Megatron was Tall but DANG
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Ratchet is going to get neck cramps looking up at him, god
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dystopia-incognito · 6 months
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schantsan · 2 years
so so i tried jump academy
it...did not go well-
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firelise · 10 months
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I've seen thousands of Evelyns, but never a Evelyn like you. You have so many goals you never finished. Dreams you never followed. You are living your worst you. I can't be the worst… what about the hot dog one? No. Everyone here agrees. This one's worse.
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dkettchen · 1 year
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cosmicdreamgrl · 4 months
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wishing that love is perfect as itself wishing all my weakness is hidden in a dream that can't come true i raised a flower that couldn't bloom
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angermango · 12 hours
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a few weeks back i suddenly had a lil kick and remembered I haven't tried making something for Madness Day or really done Madness stuff for a long time even though i still love these violent jellybeans dearly and figured I could redo a concept I did for the last Madness Day i did something for back in 2021.
so naturally i left it until last night to actually do most of the drawing. Jeb, Hank and Tricky have all died a stupid amount of times.
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screwpinecaprice · 1 month
Guys, I am thinking of evil connverse AU and it's so dangerously distracting while I'm working on commissions. 😣
Brain, I need moni let work in peace. 😭
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little-pup-pip · 9 months
heyyyhaiiii(i dunno how 2 do requests hope this is... okay)
cld um i request a like.... 2010s.. teenage gamer board? if ... tht makes sense
like,,,, doritos, mtn dew jokes stuff like that!!!
masc leaning :3
have fun with it me thinks :3
For sure!!
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thesmallestmango · 3 months
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esterigermaine · 2 months
"A Snapping Sound" still lives rent free in my head.
I'd be rich if I put a quarter in a jar every time something has reminded me of or made me want to reread this masterpiece of a story.
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venelona · 2 years
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Eyyy it's Red Boi and McMan!
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wexhappyxfew · 5 months
24. whispering in their ear, lips touching the skin
For Annie and Brady please!!! I adore them and your writing!
HI ANON!!!! thank you so much for stopping by the askbox!! greatly appreciated, especially when it is annie and brady!! :) these two have my heart and deserve all the best things life has to offer. please enjoy this take on the prompt and these two just being so soft on each other (and brady well....brady being BOLD). lmao! ENJOYYYY!!! thank you for all the love on them! :D
you in my A-2
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(a/n): partially inspired by the prompt, partially by an ask i got earlier. just....annie x brady getting more and more comfortable and slowly realizing things about this war that they didn't realize earlier. them. them them them. i need them to be the happiest they can be when this is all done :')
Ever since that first night in the Stalag that she'd crawled into the bunk with Brady, it had become a nightly thing that she'd evacuate by the time morning came, but yearned for with each passing day.
Where it was just the two of them, side by side, curled into one another's bodies, their eyes the only innocent thing held between one another in this horrid place.
Sometimes they'd talk, whispering quietly between another about random things, about some of the sad things of the world, about their lives back home that would be entirely different if they ever got out of here. Sometimes they'd just stare at each other, with what little light there was from the moon outside or the lights from the guard huts outside.
And by that point, Brady would usually thread his fingers into her somewhat tangled hair and she'd apologize for something she could hardly control and he'd whisper all the sweet things that it was fine, he just wanted to be there with her. And that usually lent to her fingertips brushing against his stubbled cheeks, her pointer finger tracing all those stress lines that popped out when it was just them, or she'd let her hands dip into his hair and brush it back in a calming motion that usually got him right to sleep.
And so by morning, when she was back in her bunk, curled in her blanket, looking across the way as people would start moving about, waking up, rubbing their eyes, yawning and stretching, she'd meet Brady's gaze from across the room and they'd share that silent look that meant more than whatever words either of them would manage to find.
It never went past that - the longing looks, the occasional forehead kiss. Maybe they were both scared to go over that line they'd drawn. That maybe if there was anything more, they'd lose it just as quick.
As Annie slid out of her bunk and crossed the small room towards where Brady was, she couldn't help but feel her heart bit a little faster just at the sight of him asleep there - his face scrunched up in a way that made her heart ache. The visible stress on his face even in his sleep made her want to pull him right into her arms and tell him over and over that everything would be okay, that they'd make it out, that she was okay beyond anything. Because he cared so much, that he stopped taking care of himself sometimes. And she always would pick up what pieces were lost and stitch them back together again and hold him in the darkness.
As she approached, she softly bit back her lip and reached out to prod him awake, which always made her feel guilty for doing such a thing, but he welcomed it and told her it was fine, despite her want to make sure he got a full nights sleep. Brady woke with a shake awake and turned to look towards her and smiled softly in the darkness.
"Hey," he whispered, before opening up the blanket, "hop in." Annie watched him for a moment, before her cheeks warmed - they always did when he looked at her like that - and she slid in beside him and let him engulf her in a mixture of his arms and blanket.
The second she felt her body pressed against his in the cocoon of blankets and warmth, her worries were stripped away, as they normally always were. She curled herself against the heat from his neck, her body begging for some sort of comfort in all of this, as he pressed a kiss against her temple, something he'd grown more akin to recently it seemed. It's not that they didn't want people to see them, it was more of the fact that they finally were back with each other and trying to keep things like they had been back at Thorpe Abbotts - friendly, maybe dancing the line of flirting but not nothing more. But here at the Stalag, they were anything but. And they both seemed to recognize that.
"You doing okay?" he whispered softly against her ear as she cuddled further into him the best she could and sighed, "That cold finally going away?" She nodded against him.
"Yeah," she whispered, "just a little bit of a stuffy nose, but can't complain. How about you?" She leaned back from him, from his warmth and smiled at him as she leaned a hand up against her head. Reaching forward, she ran her hands through his hair and watched a sense of calm wash over his form for a minute as she did so. And it did settle Annie's own nerves and worry for Brady that she constantly endured day in and day out. She always worried about him and seemed, but it was always mutual for the two of them.
"Okay," he said quietly, before the corner of his lip turned upward, "better now that you're here, I gotta admit." Her cheeks warmed and she shook her head before holding his gaze in her own.
"You're too sweet on me, John Brady." she whispered softly to him, cupping his cheek for a minute and brushing her thumb across his cheek as she grinned at him with her rosy cheeks. Brady watched her, that slightly far-off look in his eyes, a hint of a smile. He grinned.
"You deserve it, Annie," he whispered back to her, reaching up his own hand and brushing his fingers against her warm cheek and grinning, "that and you blush red like a tomato."
"You a fan of that?" she whispered back quickly with a laugh and she watched him bit his lip and smirk.
"I'd say I'm a big fan of that," he whispered back, "'specially when you look like this." Annie watched him - she could probably be covered in mud and he'd be staring at the way he currently was. And now, stuck in a Stalag camp, looking slightly malnourished and sickly, with slightly matted hair and sunken in eyes and he still looked at her like that and said things like that.
"I could say much of the same," she whispered back to him, turning her head slightly to nuzzle into his hand against her cheek, "you look cute when you blush." John Brady did in fact blush when she said that, even though she couldn't even really see much of his face in that darkness of the room. She grinned and then leaned forward and cuddled into his neck again, Brady chuckling the slightest bit as he curled into her as well.
"You're so warm." Annie whispered against his neck as the rumble from his throat echoed in her ear and made her grin like a loon, "You're like a personal blanket." That got him to chuckle quietly again as her lips danced near her ear and she could practically hear each and every breath that left his lips - a mixture of knowing he was alive and right there next to her - and even more so; knowing that all they were in that moment right now were two people dying for an ounce of comfort in this world.
"Consider me your personal blanket," he whispered back as his lips continued to ghost over her ears, "I was thinking….." Annie listened to him trail off and gulped for a moment as his breath trembled and his heart pounded.
"I'd give anything if it was me and you back at Thorpe Abbotts, just you in my A-2 jacket and nothing else." he whispered and her body grew hot - whether from his soft, husky voice in her ear or the way his hands had found their way underneath her clothes, fingertips grazing her bare back, traversing her battered and hot skin, her thoughts were suddenly in a blunder and all she could think about well was….that. Annie pulled back from her spot curled against his neck and met his gaze.
"Just your A-2?" she whispered softly, looking at him shyly from underneath her eyelashes, a small smile growing on her face as a look dawned on his features that almost seemed like he hadn't meant to let that slip from his lips, but it had, "What does that mean for you?" Brady watched her, the look in his eyes matching the touch of his fingertips on her skin and she suddenly couldn't focus on anything else but that gentle touch of his fingertips. He leaned closer and brushed his lips against her forehead again with that tender touch.
"You can have me anyway you want me." he whispered against her forehead and her eyes instinctively shut as he pressed up against her and she overwhelmed with him. His presence, his touch, the way he held her so gently and close to him, but with a level of protectiveness and care that made her know that this was safe, that she was safe, just like this.
Annie reached up and wrapped her arms around his neck, slowly running her fingers up into his hair as his head fell to the inside of her neck and he pulled her close, like a warm, tender hug that you never wanted to pull away from. Gleefully his hands raced along her bare back as she curled against him, feeling the way his hands explored underneath her coat and wooly top, dancing across her skin and making her feel things she hadn't quite felt in some time.
"Can I tell you something?" Annie whispered softly to him, rubbing slowly again through his hair as he sighed against her.
"What is it?" Annie listened to his heartbeat for a moment before blinking.
"This is the safest I've felt in years." And to even say a statement like that, in a place like this was ironic even in it of itself. She hadn't even felt the safest at home, a place that was supposed to be safe. No, no, she felt safest in the arms and embrace of someone she had only met a couple of months ago and had proved himself to be more of a home to her beyond anything.
"With me?" Annie nodded against him.
"Right here." she whispered back to him, "You and me." His grip didn't loosen, he only held her tighter and it seemed in that moment, the realization and the weight of whatever was going on between them seemed to hit. Her truth spilling from her lips quietly into his body, his grip tightening, their bodies pressed against one another in a way that should've felt foreign. Brady seemed to want to say something, she could tell, but when he stayed quiet and instead pressed another soft kiss to her forehead, she didn't question it. Because whatever they had here was okay for right now.
"I feel safe with you too, Annie." he whispered back and Annie was convinced even she wasn't so comfy, that she wasn't sure what she would've done if they'd been looking right at each other, inches apart. For now, she cuddled closer to him, enjoying his hands on her stomach and his lips near her ear, their soft breaths, mixing into deep slumber as they laid in each other's embraces until the world went quiet.
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