#like honestly i have blocked my fav groups yesterday
bandzboy · 1 month
Sorry but bts are literally serving in the South Korean military they likely cannot speak about Palestine due to their commitment to the military rn. The virtue signaling has gone too far here how would blocking bts help the cause for Palestine in the slightest.
do you think that bisan knows that?? like people outside of the kpop sphere have no idea in the slightest and palestinian people are supporting this blockout movement so who i am to say is not helping the palestinian cause?? “gone too far”?? it’s been 7 months and 75 years but i am sorry their feelings are valid and palestinian fans also feel sorta bad that nobody has said anything and i understand that to an extent because if my fav group did not say absolutely nothing abt the genocide that my people are going through i would be disappointed
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weishenkun · 3 years
Ppl were saying fendi only invited ten and they stuck lc there but what about yy? Iirc he was there too so they put him there on purpose as well or they won’t mention him because he’s not the one in trouble here? I’m not trying to give an attitude but if it sounds of it I’m really sorry. Idk there’s so much back and forth and ngl to that hardcore cbar fan and revealing all that info, if you saying he was such an a-hole throughout his entire career you didn’t bother leaving his fandom earlier and saying nothing? Idk that really irks me that this only came out because of what has been happening. Idk if you agree with me but I want to rant and I have so much to rant about but idk who to turn. Everything is being picked about from the littlest thing he has done or said and ppl are saying those interviews the 3 groups he in esp wayv ones have done were they praise him all must be fake. We don’t know his side of the story and in honest truth we will never know because how these things are handled through the west and Asian entertainment is so different. But I have I guess I have some reservations about what one of the victims said because of apparently who she is and it has made me think about some things. I still believe he was wrong for some of the things he has done because he needs to understand cheating and manipulation isn’t good. Idk idk idk my heart is heavy and people using this as a lololol ahahah moment to his fan community hurts too like going on and on how all along he was a douche and they always knew and we didn’t. And honestly I feel like there has been so much bandwagon hopping on the hate train because before this most ppl apart from the wayv fandom didn’t give a two cent shit about wayv. They never cared when sm mistreated them or that they got scrapings and were not treated like how 127 or dream were treated. But suddenly everyone who has never cared is up and arms about him in the group because when wayv is going to do their next projects I want to see if all these ppl are going to be cheering them on as loud about you cheering on about what’s going on currently. like I can guarantee you won’t watch an interview or stream their music. And there has been this post going around about what was revealed yesterday and it was about that cat and someone said to the girl well he didn’t give you the cat cause you ain’t his fav and she’s like go ask him on bubble cause that wasn’t what he told me yesterday and idk what it even means because everyone is jumping on it and going lololol he’s still in contact after the apology. Idk she had said it sarcastically and Idk if she’s being truthful or not but everyone is adamant he is still doing all this regardless. And honestly IF he did do that and you let him contact you like that i feel like it’s on her esp since everything has been going on for days. He was dumb for all of this and rn his entire career isn’t surviving so I can’t even tell if she is serious or not and given how this is going on I can’t imagine his devices not being taken away from him cause that’s dumb or someone watching him like a fucking hawk cause I would. Cause on top of everything ppl are saying he mistreats the animals/pets and it’s like wtf is going on?! Oh And with the surfing coach confirming they didn’t flirt but were just friendly, you could have said something earlier but did nothing for hours until you were asked directly because everyone was saying she’s number 5 but apparently in reality she wasn’t but you let it go on. Everything is plaguing me rn and I have so much more to talk about but I’m just so frustrated.
okay this is a long ask so let me just go through each point
1. i saw the fendi story and yeah, yangyang was there too but people are more 'forgiving' towards him cause hes not badmouthing other members like allegedly lucas is. also, labelv was basically trying to get more members into the thing than the organizer originally wanted to, so yangyang, since hes less popular, is pretty logical but lucas? really? he had his own shit almost always so what was the point
2. about that hardcore cbar fan, true, they did only come out with the rant after the stories came out but like they said - they were a hardcore fan. probably theres some money involved or even it was just ignoring stuff cause youre a fan. we did know about most of the things they mentioned, it was just over a long period of time so there were big gaps between each of the incidents and people forgot? idk
3. i agree, there's been a lot of analysis of every little thing he did, but like i said earlier - it was happening over a long period of time and people were blaming it on idk, the culture or the lack of knowledge of some language. now, when theres a chance it could be something more, because of the alleged badmouthing, people will bring that stuff up 🤷‍♀️
4. he had a chance to say something in the apology letter. he said literally nothing instead :D
5. there has been a lot of bandwagon hopping on the hate but theres also been a lot of just straight up ignoring everything. i saw a fan acc on twitter share a list of translators so the fans could block those, cause they've been spreading false news 🤡 like, he was trending for days so people will get interested in whats going on and they will have opinions, thats how world works. and yeah no one will give a single fuck about future wayv project for example but i just hope it will be because they wont care and not because there wont be any future wayv projects :DDDD cause wayv was never big lol, lets be realistic, and this scandal isnt helping them at all and also the fact its happening right when there's that social media/fans campaign going on, i think its even worse :D
6. the bubble thing... labelv isnt the brightest so idk if its that unrealistic. and i think theres the other girl who also said he was calling them non stop when they released their story so idk idk lol
7. wheres the cat :/ we all saw the pic of him getting it, i think i reblogged it with something like 'omg omg ot11 soon' lmao and we havent seen it ever since. it is weird, just like in general. i want to know wheres the cat
8. the coach 🤡🤡🤡 idk idk her story was weird but i think it made another person release their story so thanks i guess :DDD even if he didnt flirt with her, wow, omg, hes so brave for this, wow, bare minimum :)
okay i think i went through everything, thanks for letting me write a whole essay back to you, i will call it an english practice in my brain 😍
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aggressive-p0tat0 · 3 years
You said you get crap for some criticisms you have of DA. Samesies. 😛 What are yours? Disclaimer: I love the series. Some of the stuff just drives me mad.
Okay, disclaimer, if you don’t like DA criticism you probably shouldn’t read this, but it’s tumblr so I feel like they won’t really care lol.
Was it you who told me about your blocking incident or someone else? idk username seems familiar lol. If it is you, then I think we’ve learned from these two experiences (skip over this paragraph if you wanna get to the meat of it lol), and that is that “terminology” we use in friend groups does not translate the same outside of those friend groups. Yesterday I told a friend on Discord, “You realize we have to kill you now, right?” The day before I told them all repeatedly that I hate them. The latter is a joke, the second translates to, “You are annoying me.” But these do not translate well to people outside of our friend group. They do not realize if I say I hate them that I don’t actually hate them. It’s like my more popular blog. Thousands of followers, a lot like the content. Some hate me. Well, no, they don’t really hate me. They’re annoyed by some of my content. I’ve encountered “hate” on my blog and I’ve encountered “hatred” on my blog. I think the fact that people outside of the friend groups don’t get these different meanings (we did not personally attack anyone; we said stuff about a blogger’s content) is why months back the admins said we can’t talk about anything outside of the group. There is one person in life I actually hate, and it is not the person who blocked me lol. It is someone that I keep trying desperately to block.
ANYWAYS. Onto the meat.
So I think DA has a variety of issues, from racism (and hiring people for the comics who look at one photo of a character or two then having them color the entire comic is not helping lol) to sexism. And the latter is the issue I usually mention, since it’s the one that I don’t really get talked about a lot as well as the fact that I think some issues on race are being taken to DA races (e.g. elves or Qunari) and comparing them to irl groups despite devs confirming their quick analogies should not be taken as coding, which is setting yourself up for disappointment, imo. It is also unfair, because since they personally see it as such and make it canon to themselves, they accuse the devs of being hateful of real life groups despite the fact that it was never supposed to represent them.
But yeah, my main issues with DA are mostly towards the earlier games. I definitely think the writers have gotten better at it, fwiw. We were like, just having this discussion on reddit. Basically, so many writers are like, “We need this person (usually a woman) to have a tragic backstory” or “We need to get across that this villain is evil/this scenario is messed up”. So what do they do? Sexual violence. This was exactly the case in the City Elf Origin. Yeah, you could kill Vaughan and that felt really good, but this seems to be almost a pattern? Broodmothers is a good example as well. I hear everyone like, “Oh, it’s brilliant,” and “yeah, it’s supposed to be disturbing,” but it’s a B horror flick trope where you torture women and make them bear monsters against their will. I honestly didn’t see the problem with City Elf Origin or Broodmothers until it was explained to me by someone who found it problematic, and I see it now. We see it in DA2 as well with Leandra and Fenris. “Torture woman bad and evil so let’s do that with Leandra” and with Fenris it’s “his backstory isn’t bad enough so let’s give him a history of sexual abuse”. I mean, there are series who do this so much more often and so much worse than DA (literally one of my fav series is like this and it’s frustrating as hell), and DA seems to be getting better, but it’s still something we can acknowledge and look at. And I feel saying, “Duh, it’s supposed to be disturbing” is kind of missing the point that relying on sexual abuse and torturing woman every time you want to write something especially sinister maybe isn’t that great.
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leakylungs · 5 years
Omfg yes that Zico w/ kids video was soo cute, I love he ! Honestly I’ve only listened to some of Block b’s title tracks, but I’m down to get into them more cuz I’ve loved everything I’ve heard so far and I think they are hilarious! Any recs?? And lol wait was kyung right for calling thosepeople out im lost😩😩 hahaha I’m a Virgo!! (Moon is taurus but that’s all I know) what does that tell you about me👀👀 I wanna learn more about astrology so gimme all the knowledge pls 🐙
Life has been pretty good, just stayin busy with work since it’s the holidays (I work at ulta) but at least this semester for school is almost over!! Have you taken your finals yet? Tbh you can call me whatever you want but I’m female (cis??) ive never actually had to identify myself before but thank you so much for checking! How about you? I’ve gotten in the habit of calling people dude/bro/girl/sis (lol kill me) is that ok or do you have a preference? You are lovely as well!! 🐙
oh also I’m 22, rip sorry for all the long ass asks😩😭 🐙
omg so sorry this took so long I was just finishing up finals so it was a little hectic for me. Block B has some pretty solid music like Walking in the Rain is so good probably one of my fav songs from them, Park Kyung is a genius. I would recommend their album Blooming Period and then their songs Her and Yesterday as well. they are a super fun group and their early stuff is great for some mindless fun music!  as for Park Kyung, everything I'm seeing is saying he was right like afterward a few other idols have spoken out in general about the manipulation he just outright named people tho so he's being hit the hardest. 
OH LOVE that Virgo sun Taurus moon combo you are super earthy!! I'm a Capricorn so i’m an earth sign too!! I am personally a Virgo lover !! Here is an article about Virgos if you want it! 
I'm doing good now that I'm on break honestly I'm just going to vibe and watch some horror movies when I'm not working! I hope this holiday season isn't too hectic at Ulta for you! I work at a smoothie and juice place so it's dead in the winter : / i have some art stuff to do for my thesis project this break so ill keep busy with that at least ! Do you have a hobby or anything? 
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boo1a4 · 6 years
Music Tag Games x 3
Hey guys so recently I've been tagged in several music themed tags and I figured id throw them all together here as to not tag y'all several times lmao
10-10-10 Music Tag
alright so I was tagged by the lovely Nom @achuu-nice and the loml @s-lay-ing my lil Cloudy!!
Rules: Write down 10 songs you’re obsessed with, 10 songs when you put your library on shuffle, and tag 10 people(I'm just gonna tag all of y'all at the end!)
10 Songs I’m Obsessed With: In no particular order
1. 3% (Solji Solo) - Exid 2. Wi ng Wi ng - Hyukoh ( I LITERALLY CANNOT GET THIS OUT OF MY HEAD) 3. My Childhood Story - Sandeul 4. I Love You, I Remember You - ioi 5. With You - B1a4 (listen to this whole album its so great) 6. Martini Blue - DRP Live 7. Curious - Momoland (THIS WHOLE ALBUM) 8. Now (Jongup Solo) - Bap 9. Sonatine - Loona 10. I Loved You - Day6
First 10 Songs On Shuffle
1.Paradise - Snsd 2. First Love - Exo 3. Dracula - F(x) (so much sm I'm exposed) 4. Angel - NCT 127 (WAHT IS THIS) 5. You Need Me - B1a4 6. Remember You - Got7 7. Week - Chungha 8. Just Tell Me - Btob 9. Can’t Stop - Cnblue (I love this song sfm) 10. Zero For Conduct - Bastarz
Top 17 Songs of 2017 Tag
I was tagged in this hell tag by once again the loml @s-lay-ing ☁️💕
this is not in any order (also these are only songs released in 2017 idk if that was the rules but whatever)
Habit - Seventeen
DDD - Exid
Aloha - Pristin
Call Me - B1a4
Trauma - Seventeen
Good Love (Aron Solo) - Nu’est W
Missing You - Btob
Rocket - Seventeen
You, Clouds, Rain - Heize
I Loved You - Day6
Teenager - Got7
Red Flavor - Red Velvet
As If Its Your Last - Blackpink
Rumor - Kard
Love Cherry Motion - Loona (Choerry)
I Like It - CLC
Kingdom Come - Red Velvet
I really feel like I'm forgetting a fav but a lot of my faves last year were older releases!
30 Songs Tag!
I was tagged again by @achuu-nice and @undinefin thanks guys!
1. A song you like with a color in the title? A: Cream - EXID
2. A song you like with a number in the title? A: 3% - EXID (damn two songs off Street blessed)
3. A song that reminds you of summer? A: Red Flavor - Red Velvet
4. A song that reminds you of someone you’d rather forget? A: ok like Nom said I don't really feel like I need to forget anyone but, a song that I listen to when I’m missing my dad is Home - Sandeul, if you wanna cry read the lyrics they HURT
5. A song that needs to be played out loud? A: Interstellar - Monsta X the bop of the century 
6. A song that makes you want to dance? A: Let’s Hang Out - SF9 (literally the best song of all time literally listen to it its the best listen to it love it I live for this song its the besssst stan sf9)
7. A song to drive to? A: Red Lie - BTOB literally all of Brother Act tho would be 👌🏼
8. A random song you first think of? A: You Better Know - Red Velvet
9. A song that makes you happy? A: Yesterday - Block B
10. A song that makes you sad? A: Downpour - ioi
11. A song you never get tired of? A: Star - Heize
12. A song from your past?
A: Kpop? Call Me Baby - Exo life? 25 or 6 to 4 - Chicago
13. A song that’s sexy? A: Woo Yoo - Exid
14. A song you’d love to be played at your wedding? A: Im not getting married but September - The Shins
15. A song you’re currently obsessed with? A:  Nirvana - Ravi
16. A song you used to love but now hate? A: umm I dont hate it but Boombayah has gotten a bit overplayed for me
17. A song you’d sing a duet with at karaoke? A: tbh any Beatles song cause they are all really simple
18. A song from the year you were born? A: ok I only know this cause Weezer is one of my fav groups but The Blue Album is from 94′ so I'm gonna have to go with the fav Surf Wax America
19. A song that makes you think about life? A: You Were Beautiful - Day6
20. A song that has many meanings to you? A:  Wi ing Wi ing - Hyukoh , I really love the lyrics to this one.
21. A song you think everyone should listen to? A: honestly just listen to b1a4 they are the best group fite me. Rollin, A Lie and Sweet Girl are a good place to start
22. A song by a group you still wish was together? A: Rewind - Wonder Girls I would highly recommend their album reboot I listen to it constantly
23. A song that makes you want to fall in love? A: Stay As You Are - Sandeul 😭😭😭😭😪😪😪 this boy has really taken my life over lmao
24. A song that breaks your heart? A: Yanghwa Bridge - Zion.T Ever since reading the lyrics for this one man I cry.
25. A song with amazing vocals? A: Baby Don't Cry - Exo will never not give me chills
26. A song with amazing rap? A: Baby Don’t Like it - Nct 127 👀👀👀👀
27. A song that makes you smile? A: Sleep Talking - Nu’est
28. A song that makes you feel good about yourself? A: Hot Pink - Exid ok literally all of their songs are such a confidence booster for me like when will your faves ever
29. A song that you would dedicate to you and your best friend/mutual/someone close to you? A: Unfair - Exo @babybyuny it will always be that song kelby no matter how much time passes or how much we change we still have exo’s best song to bring us together 😆
30. A song that reminds you of yourself? A: Habit - Seventeen its the Emma song Imo, this song makes me hella nostalgic too cause last summer was a dream summer tbh the best of my life.
Thanks for all the tags guys!!
Tagging: @sambashua @s-lay-ing( for the one you didn't tag me in! 😈) @kiheehyunie @indiepoptime @yongpal-i @kae-popx @forgetjunnot @howcaniwait @jinglehoonie @maetaamong AND IDK WHO EVER ELSE WANTS TOO AND ALSO IF YOUVE DONE THIS YOU DONT HAVE TO AGAIN OR ANYTHING BYEEEE
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warmau · 7 years
{Special} College!AU Yuta
major: plant biology
minor: n/a
sports: soccer team
clubs: photography club, earth coalition, did debate team for a while but only because he liked getting into arguments with doyoung in front of people LOL
is really popular, fun, and relaxed,,,,,,you can see him taking a stroll from the library to the lab looking absent mindedly at the trees or at the sky
but don’t underestimate him,,,,,because he’s actually really smart and organized
a lot of the research he does in his courses is praised by his teachers even though he’ll play it off and be like “ah~ i got it right? what luck!”
but in front of other students he’s like hell yeah im the prince of the plant biology major ~~
likes nature so decided he may as well make a career out of it, also taeil told him once that he looked good in white so getting to wear the lab coat kinda makes him giddy
but he frequently likes to hike and go to forests,,,even on days when it isn’t required for his major
flirts naturally with everyone, from the TA in class, to the people in his group, to people in completely different majors, once came in to check up on an experiment his group was doing on some eucalyptus plants and i shit u not he touched a leaf and was like “ahhhh, you look pretty today~” to the freaking plant
tried to tutor for plant ecology but yuta has this thing where he can plan everything perfectly in his head but when he gets to actually trying to explain anything he’s like ah,,,well,,,you see,,,,one plant,,,and other plant,,,,become friends??? wait no,,,,,biologically plants cant make friends,,,,,,they,,,,,,interact? first date? yEARS of EVOLUtiON haVE CREATed This pLANT,,,,,,,,,,,,does that not make sense
but hey,,,he tried his best
doyoung calls him “narcissist nakamoto” anytime they see each other on campus dfldskdg
but honestly,,,he’s not wrong,,,,,because every soccer game the uni has yuta somehow ends up flashing that handsome smile of his and ending up on the front page of the uni’s sports website, the uni journal, hell even the other teams school has photos of yuta because he’s undeniably attractive
esp in a soccer uniform with his hair pulled back, pretty sweat down his strong jawline, and his eyes that can go literally from ^__^ to the most sERIOUS expression
comes of cool~ and suave~ and like suuuuuch a smooth talker
but all of his friends just sneer when people gush about yuta because they’re all like “this is the dork who calls his mom at like midnight and says he misses her and cries” and also apparently enjoys kidlike things like amusement parks and kamen rider 
“isn’t yuta soooo manly and dreamy~?”
taeyong somewhere: he collects anime figures don’t trust him
jokes jokes
but it’s cute,,,,yuta is all flower boy charm in his pressed lab coat and brilliant big smile and always trying to show off that he’s a gentlemen 
but also squishing winwin’s cheeks during lunch because wahhh so cute and getting all happy over the new pokemon release like,,,,,how soft
his dorm is slightly disheveled but it proves that he works hard with stacks of books and highlighters alongside the many trophies and medals he’s won for the school
(and ofc,,,,,his kamen rider figurines lmfao)
but yep it’s summer!!! which means a lot of kids have left the campus but some classes are still going on
you happen to not be taking any,,,,but you get a job at the local fair that’s going to run all summer a couple blocks away from the uni so you decide it’d be better to just stay in the dorm and well,,,,,make that Money
yuta,,,,,,,is also staying but that’s because one of his group studies is being conducted by a teacher who won’t be back in the fall
and tbh you only know yuta vaguely,,,,you’re friends with jaehyun who has talked about him and you’ve seen him in the school news
but,,,,,you’ve also “heard” rumors about him,,,,,how apparently he likes to flirt as much as possible and isn’t really interested in anything serious
someone once said something about how he accepted ten confessions in a day but then broke up with the girls through text
and you don’t???? know him???? but those rumors feel weird and full of jealousy
but at the same time like what is it your business anyway not like you and yuta have ever interacted 
until,,,,,,that changes
see your job at the fair is pretty simple,,,,you sell tickets to the ferris wheel and tell people which cabins to sit in
the ferris wheel is pretty tiny considering this isn’t a permanent fair,,,,and the rides like 5 minutes tops,,,,,but it gets fairly popular
esp at night when all the couples walk by sharing ice-creams and cuddling up close when they buy tickets
and secretly you’re like blEGh,,,but at the same time cant lose this job so u just smile and sell tickets
and??? that’s when you notice that almost every night
yuta comes by
and you know it’s him from the face but also,,,you’ve heard him speaking japanese on the phone when buying tickets,,,,,and you don’t think anything of it
but he keeps only,,,buying,,,,one ticket,,,,,every night
and idk you don’t want to say anything because maybe,,,,this is his stress relief from summer classes????? but at the same time everyones saying this popular boy who could have anyone he wants on campus is spending his nights. alone. on the ferris wheel
somehow, without either of you saying much to each other you memorize the time he comes by and save a ticket just in case 
like two weeks into this whole ordeal you dont even ask him to pay you just hand him the ticket and yuta gives you a look but you’re just like,,,,,go
because honestly you start thinking up ridiculous scenarios like,,,maybe he cries in there???? maybe the ride reminds him of a lost loved one??? maybe,,,,,,,,he uses it as a place to scream out all his frustration 
and the tickets are way 2 overpriced anyway college kids need to help each other out
but ,,,, the night before the third week of summer classes starts yuta finally says something to you 
and when he does you almost fall down,,,,because????? but as you slide the ticket over he goes “this place closes in half an hour, right?”
you nod 
and he’s like “ill be by the entrance. let me treat you to dinner.” 
at first you think you’ve heard wrong - maybe that he needs to treat someone to dinner
but when you meet his gaze, yuta smiles and is like “i promise to be there.” before walking off like it’s the moST Casual thing to ask a STRANGER to dinner
it shocks you so much that you barely manage to stutter out a “ok” when he’s literally gone
as,,,,he promised yuta is standing at the entrance as you come out still wearing your uniform t-shirt with the fairs name sprawled across the front
and yuta motions to it and is like “cute” and you’re like um,,,,,,what is happening
and he smiles again,,,so bright even though it’s nearing ten pm and he’s like “i know you,,,,,not from the fair but from college. you go to the same one as me.” 
you nod slowly but you’re still obviously confused
which only makes yuta chuckle, throwing his head back a bit when he does but he’s like “don’t worry, im not being creepy or whatever. it’s just,,,,,i know you’ve been giving me the tickets for free for a while so i thought i should do something nice back.”
the sentiment calms you down a bit,,,even though you try to say it’s fine you don’t need to be treated but yuta just throws his hand around you
pulling you by the shoulder closer and he’s like “nah,,,,we college students need to jump at any chance we get not to waste money - so c’mon!”
and that’s how you end up at a small stall at the night market,,,,yuta piling food onto the tiny plastic table as you watch him balance drinks in his other hand
for a moment you think back to those photos you’d seen of him on the school website. the star shining athlete of the soccer team
yet here he was,,,,looking something close to a fool,,,,,but in the most endearing way
you don’t expect to talk with him for a longtime,,,,but you do. 
yuta has a way of making people feel comfortable,,,,he’s obviously sociable and sweet and it’s hard not to like someone who gives compliments and actually seems interested in you
especially since the summer semester has left you pretty lonely on campus,,,,
but when you check your watch you’re shocked to see it’s nearing 1am and you have a shift tomorrow at the fair 
so hurriedly you and yuta clean up and practically sprint back to the dorms,,,,yuta making a joke about how he hasn’t run this much since soccer practice ended 
but as you stop in front of your dorm yuta says your name,,,,,smiling and adding that he’ll see you tomorrow before heading off into the other direction 
and it’s not till your brushing your teeth,,,,,looking in the mirror that you realize,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,that you just hung out with nakamoto yuta
the next night yuta shows up as usual,,,,this time he slips something toward you in exchange for the ticket,,,,,,a ice-cream bar from the grocery 
he says that it must suck to not be able to leave and take snacks and you look at the ice cream and go “how did you know my fav-”
and he grins and is like “ah, did you forget, you told me yesterday~ i personally like their green tea flavor more but,,,,”
and with that he waves,,,,going toward the ride and you sit there,,,,looking at the ice cream
and before you know it,,,there’s a small smile on your face
yuta is even waiting for you at the entrance again so you guys can walk back to campus together
this,,,happens for a bit,,,,,and then there’s a day when you have off and you pass yuta on campus only to have him call out to you and pout because you’re not at work~ he won’t see you later??
and you’re like nope i have the day off, you’ll actually have to pay for your ticket tonight 
he makes a face that makes you burst into giggles and he’s like ill have to call my sister for more money at this point,,,,,,,or oh,,,,,should i try and get doyoung to use his card,,,,
you shake your head because what street fair accepts cards???? and he’s like rats ur right,,,,,,
but it’s cute seeing him like this,,,,, in the daylight,,,,,eyes sparkling and pretty,,,,,,,
bUT you shake that thought off as soon as you see a group of underclassman walking by and calling out to yuta,,,,,saying something about how he still owes them all lunch or something
and the rumors you’d tried to forget come back to you,,,,,,,because hey he probably isn’t treating you any differently than how he treats others
catching feelings for him???? Big No No
but yuta turns back and says he’ll see you tomorrow then and there’s a hint of happiness in his tone,,,,,but again you’re sure you’re imagining it
so why is it that the next evening,,,,your stomach is full of butterflies,,,,,,you’re practically straining your neck to see if yuta is coming,,,,,,
the moment you see the familiar silhouette you start adjusting your hair and shirt,,,,,,,,god it makes you feel embarrassed but also,,,,,when his face appears in the window,,,,,smiling and happy
it makes your heartbeat surge and you mentally have to keep yourself in check as yuta tells you about something doyoung texted him this afternoon 
tbh as you hand him the single ticket,,,,,you get the sudden urge to ask ‘why don’t you ever take someone with you on the ride? like on a date?’
but you know you shouldn’t say something like that
but when you feel his hand brush against yours,,,,,you just,,,,,,you burst
“yuta, why don’t you ever ride the ferris wheel with someone else? someone,,,,,,special?”
yuta seems taken back,,,,,for a split moment even speechless but he just looks down at the ticket and you,,,,snap back into reality
and start to apologize because that was,,,,,rude of you,,,,,super rude,,,,,god why do you never thinK properly before speaking
but yuta just chuckles and is like “ok, you’re right i should take someone special can you give me another ticket?”
your heart literally drops into your stomach,,,,because,,,,,he does have someone special,,,,,,,,,,,,
but hiding your trembling hands as you print the ticket you hand it to him only to have yuta give it back and he’s like “let’s go.”
honestly speaking you shouldn’t ever leave your post at the ticket stand but the park is closing in ten minutes and there isn’t another person in sight so when yuta pulls you in behind him ,,,,,,
you find yourself sitting in the see-through cabinet,,,,,the lights of the two flickering below you as the wheel starts to turn
and you’re too busy looking at the view to notice yuta is staring at you
funnily enough,,,even though you’ve worked most of your summer there,,,,you’d actually never gotten to ride it before
so with the sudden invitation to get on,,,,,you kind of got excited,,,,,taking your phone out even to take photos
until you hear yutas voice
“so, ive taken someone special now. are you happy?”
and you look at him and blink,,,,,,,because wait,,,,,,,,are you that special someone???????
but ur like no no no way and so you change the topic and you’re like “why do you ride this every night? does it help you think?” 
but yuta just shrugs and is like “no. i just like it. i,,,,,,like it enough to ride it twice,,,,,three times but,,,,,,,”
and you look up from your phone at him and suddenly he’s leaning over
hand coming up to hold the side of your neck
and just as you reach the top you feel his lips against yours before he’s pulling away and whispering “but i like you so much that i thought if i come everyday,,,,if i ride this everyday,,,,,won’t they notice me in time?”
and,,,,,,,,no one has ever,,,,,,so straightforwardly,,,,,,,said something like that to you so you’re shocked,,,,, 
nearly dropping the phone in your hands but,,,,,,,,,but also,,,,,,you manage to ask “w-why?”
and yuta laughs,,,,,,hand on his stomach and he’s like “seriously? why? because,,,,,i saw you and it was like i was looking at my dream,,,,,,the person of my dreams,,,,,,,,and then when we got to talk i knew it was right. that you’re the one.”
the ferris wheel starts moving slowly again and once you and yuta get to the bottom you step out of the cabin,,,,,still trying to process the confession from him
when yuta’s hand slips into yours and he’s like c’mon your shift is over. let me treat you again.
and,,,,,,,you follow him but suddenly halfway down the streetyou stop and yuta turns to look at you and you’re like,,,,,,, “don’t play around.”
and he’s like ? what
and you yank your hand from his and you’re like “don’t play around with me. i don’t want to be just another person you woo and then,,,,,and then dump.”
yuta watches you,,,,,nervously looking toward the ground and he lets out a sigh and is like “do you think im playing? do you know how much money i spent on that ferris wheel in the first two weeks? 6 bucks for 6 days out of the week. that’s 36 a week, that’s 72 for tWO YOU KNOW WHAT 72 DOLLARS IS FOR A COLLEGE GUY DONT YOU”
and you look up and he’s like “listen,,,,,,some rumors about me are true. like how i stare out the window during class like a moron but am also ranked in the top five of my major. yeah i tend to fall over things because im not looking, but im still the ace of the soccer team. and yeah,,,,,,,,,i like to talk and be nice to lots of people but im not a player. my feelings for you are for real.”
you swallow the lump in you throat,,,but you’re also like,,,,,,,r-really?
and yuta is like yES really now do you feel the same or no?
you look at his outstretched hand,,,,,,,and you look at him,,,,,,,the smiling boy who’d treated you to dinner, who’d come everyday not to ride the ferris wheel but to see you,,,,,,,,,,,,and you take his hand
because what is there to lose in trusting this handsome, sweet guy,,,,,,who just happens to love corny things like the ferris wheel LOL
and most people cant believe yuta is actually dating,,,,,,,,,but not because of those stupid rumors but because he seemingly has never been interested
and when you meet his friends for the first time johnny asks if yuta didn’t perhaps pay you on the downlow to pretend-
but yuta is like heY im not you mr. chicago and ur like ????? and johnny is like fine fine fine
taeyong pats your shoulder and is like “good luck, he’s a handfull.”
you also learn of yuta’s undying fondness when it comes to transfer winwin which you dont mind because,,,,,the kids adorable and you and yuta are both like “he’s so cute” like 24/7
much to the disdain of literally everyone else,,,,,,,,winwin is lowkey savage though he told you once that you were too good for yuta who apparently is much more airheaded than it seems
but you were sure he was joking
until yuta literally almost burned down the dorm trying to make homemade takoyaki,,,,,,
but boyfriend!yuta is just,,,,,the best
he’s so fun and upbeat and never,,,,,like,,,,,,pushy
like sure he makes jokes about being prince of plant biology or the only man worthy of your attention
but he’s coming from a place of genuine love,,,,,and his want of your attention
which is kinda cute because if you ignore him for more than like twenty minutes you meet aegyo!yuta which,,,,,,,can either infuriate you or melt you it’s always a 50/50 draw on that one
yuta also loves taking photos which is something you leaned when everytime you’d go on a date he’d start taking candids of you
and you’d be like babe im just ordering off the menu we don’t need to take pic- but yuta is already like its fine i took one of you and it’s up on insta i tagged you check it out
his sister calls to check up on him and you’re always nervous to talk to her,,,,even though she roasts yuta to you and it’s amazing,,,but you’re always like i want your family to like me,,,,and yuta is like how could they not like you when i like you so freaking much
his sister told you about his flowershop job in highschool which you think is just the CUTEST so you always jokingly ask him to get you pretty custom bouquets 
but the thing is,,,,,,,,he does,,,,,,,he really does
and he surprises you with this big arrangement on the 100th day of dating and each flower has a meaning for what he thinks about you and it’s so beautiful,,,,,,,,yuta no matter how greasy he comes off secretly is a big sappy romantic. fight me on this
takes you hiking with him and if you get tired he’s always trying to get you to let him carry you and you’re like NO and he’s like “why not i am a man of nature, man of the mountains-” and ur like man of the mountains when you drop me accidentally off the cliff hell no nakamoto
if anything you do like hearing him talk about his major,,,,because people think he’s good looks and athleticism
but he’s also so smart,,,,,and his notes are all over the place sure but he knows what he’s doing and it makes you so proud
you caught him dancing in the lab once when he thought no one was alone. did he serenade a plant? he most def did
the hottest thing about him though,,,,is during his soccer matches it’s like 0 to 10000. at the beginning he smiles and waves at you blows air kisses and does the usual cringy sappy stuff
but,,,,,once the game is in heat,,,,,he changes completely
the softness in his eyes and smile are gone,,,,,,it’s just a fierce stare and raw determination 
and,,,,,,it’s ,,,,,,,,,a turn on especially when he wins and runs up the bleachers right up to you to get a kiss and slip his medal off to put around your neck
liKE,,,,,,,how idea,,,,,,,,,also getting to shower with him afterward?????? even more ideal
even though yuta can get pretty interesting,,,,intimately he’s always mush and goo for the kisses you give him on the tummy
when you both are just lazing around and he’s playing some 3ds game and you heads on his stomach going through your phone and you just lift up the hem of his shirt and kiss his tummy 
he makes the cutest,,,,,,,like the CUTEST hehehehe laugh,,,,,,,
“yuta,,,,don’t you have lab hours to do?” “yes,,,,but i also have cuddle hours to do so get over here”
when you’re upset,,,,,,yuta is,,,,,actually really good at comforting, he reminds you that he’s here,,,,,,by your side and nothing will hurt you and he’ll help you no matter what
and no matter how childish his interests are like video games and amusement parks,,,,,,he’s a serious man when it comes to you and your happiness
his mom texted you like 40000 baby photos of him which you love and cherish and yuta isn’t actually embarrassed at all tbh he thinks it’s adorable you fawn over him
(aka he lives for your attention. if you don’t give it to him, like i said, he turns into a mess of bad attempts on getting you to show him your love LOL) 
sleeps in class and still gets straight A’s - it’s infuriating 
but also,,,,,whenever you guys have time you’ll head into the city to the amusement park and get on the ferris wheel because no matter what yuta remembers it as your “first official date spot” even though that’d technically not be true
but it’s cute and it’s important to you two even though doyoung is like “go to a restaurant like ADULTS” but you and yuta aren’t rushing to grow up
any1 who spreads rumors about him gets you super worked up and you’ve screamed at a good number of people and yuta and the boys always hold you back
but afterword yuta is always kissing you madly because “wow i love you so much you stand up for me all the time and wow i love you ok im gonna keep kissing you no-”
you guys are a fun couple ok
still flirts with u even tho ur dating but he does it with plant puns to be cheesey. “will you never leaf me?” “if you were a flower you’d be a damndelion” “we were MINT to be”
what im saying is yuta comes off as not being a dork, but he’s the biggest dork
OH wearing his soccer team hoodie and people being like “wait, you’re dating nakamoto?” and you getting to be like yes ;-) yes i am ;-)
find other college!aus:
taeyong | bangtan | vixx | monsta x | got7 + kard + amber | seventeen | 
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kumorijimin · 7 years
questions tag ♡
i was tagged by the lovely @crocsgene !!
1. Ultimate bias(es)? taeil and yugyeom
2. Who are your top 3 groups? block b, got7 and highlight 
3. What are your 3 favourite songs? action by block b, i like you by got7 and lie by bts
4 What do you like to do in your free time? i spend a lot of time drawing or playing guitar, aside from being on here and twitter of course !
5. Are there any places you would like to visit that you haven’t already visited? japan and chicago !! (lmao strange second choice but still)
6. Do you have a dream job? honestly i dont even know what im doing w my life so really whatever would make me the happiest in the future
7. If you could meet ANY Korean CELEBRITY (Includes Actors, Models, K-Music artists, etc.), who would it be? i really wanna meet jackson oh my god i just wanna have a conversation w him bc i feel like we’d just spend the whole time laughing at each other 
8. What do you love most about your bias group(s)? i love that theyre really down to earth people and that i can feel a connection with all of them. like, i feel like their personalities match mine and we would get along well omg
9. Who are your ultimate bias wreckers? oh fucc zico and bambam for sure
10. What do you wish for the most to happen? i hope for all my favs to be happy and healthy + successful, also i want them to come here ahhhh
11. When did you get into kpop and how? the first time i got into kpop was wAaaaaaaaAAAAy back in middle school when my sisters showed me shinee song lmao. but then it was just me kinda listening to it and that ended quickly. but my friend showed me yesterday by block b when it came out and sudDENLY HERE I AM AGAIN. BACK INTO KPOP
12. What made you decide to have a tumblr blog? ive been on tumblr since 2012 but i made this account so i dont annoy my regular followers on my main w all the kpop reblogs lmao
13. Favorite colour?  blue, black, purple and pink
14. Favorite animal? fennec foxes !
15. What are your interests? gaming, drawing, dancing, and music  
16. Would you prefer movies or music? music 
17. What would you like to achieve (or experience) before the age of 60? itd be cool to have meet all my favorite bands from every genre i listen to, also maybe being in a band would be cool
im gonna tag: @addicktedtoyu @yugy @taeilsboobies @pastelminhyuks @eternaltaeil and @wangraps yall aint gotta do it but :^)
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Energy Healing-Read it Anyway
Inspiration is a God thing. When it hits my mind is on fire. It courses through me. I LOVE it. Rarely am i somewhere i can write it down as its happening. I’m on the toilet or driving..recording doesn’t help. I forget i recorded and have zero to negative patience for listening back.
I read Lean Dunham’s piece on her breakup this morning when i woke up b/c it was front and center in my Instagram feed. IT’s gross how addicted I am. i had been looking at her photo’s lately, wondering if she’d broken up. I sensed it. The energy surrounding here screams it. She’s been looking so clearly sad behind what looks like attempts to put on a strong and happy front . 
Someone wrote a reply saying so. I wanted to annihilate that person. I cannot tolerate the ease with which other people decide they're on an intimate enough basis to say this kind of shit to pepole. Of course she looks sad you ignorant fuck; you think she doesn’t see that or know that? She’s a fucking creative genius living in her emotions at every flipping second. So that’s not a helpful reflection.
I hate the word trigger but that comment clearly did just that to me. But that’s not at all what i want to write about.
What happened when i read that was that i fell in love with LD again. She blows my mind. She is an INCREDIBLE writer. She can talk about shit that we all talk about and experience in a way that no one articulates it. She has this special sauce ability with language to get into the nooks and crannies like a Thomas’s English muffin,  so deeply descriptively. 
I fell in love and i was jealous..so fucking jealous. I want to write that well. I want to be that fucking famous; not for fame sake, but i think maybe for the flow of cash (so i could work from an Adirondack chair) and for people desiring to hear more from me and thus paying gigs would fly in..a beautiful viscous cycle.
I had a mind blowing energy healing session yesterday and one of the things she said to me was, “I can just imagine your next speaking gig when you show up completely authentically; how powerful that will be.”
Well, i had that next gig this morning. I had to read  a “purpose and overview” statement to my networking group at 7:15 am. i wrote it last night. I took two bowls of ground curried lamb topped with black salt, and three cups of chamomile tea get it good and done. It took probably an hour and 1/2 to complete. I love it and its torturous.
I read it this morning and i will tell you i was amazed at my sureness confidence. No longer is my voice shaky when i speak. I”m finding that to be true in my speaking club group too. I just feel right; strong, upright, grounded. I was listening to myself and i thought, “God, this is really good.”
I was speaking to a room full of humans of an incredible caliber. They are all seasoned vets, with solid truly “successful” and thriving businesses. More importantly,  they are also stellar humans. 
Interestingly there’s a lot of lesbians in this group. We have the woman who brought Title IX to Yale, back in the day. She was also the first female plumber in the state. She’s unbelievably awesome. We have an amazing acupuncturist and a landscape architect to die for: all lesbians. Amazing, so cool. 
And in terms of men; stellar men. Incredible to be able to say that; and its true.
One of my mentors and fav’s among uttered, “wow” when i finished reading. Another caught my eye from a distance, beamed at me and gave me the thumbs up.
They’re all human of course, even though i pedistalize them (constant challenge for me). They've al made  gaffs in the building process. I of course LOVE to hear about them. Nothing more fulfilling than hearing about stellar fuckups made by people i so admire. It takes a ton of come to Jesus moments, courage and perseverance to create a business, build it, hone it and nurture it constantly. Beyond belief.
The first thing i thought when sat down was: “is that what i’m supposed to be doing, speaking publicly”? The answer is yes. I’ve known this ALWAYS.
That question came this morning though b/c my energy healing session was about clearing a blockage between my solar and lunar chakras. She said she’d never seen a more perfect and equal imbalance. she was psyched and I was psyched. she cleared it. 
The imbalance was making it impossible for me to live my life’s purpose. 
I knew exactly when the imbalance came in. It happened after the best six years of my adolescence. And ironically i have been through 6 years  physical pain, illness, total annihilation of feeling like Emily. So the six year thing she thought was incredible. I guess the jig is up.
What i learned: ANYTIME one has pain or feet issues it is because they are having Lunar issues. FASCINATING to me! Can you imagine if we all did energy healing instead of taking pills or having surgery? WTF!!!!!
Anyway a part of me got scared when she talked about showing up now authentically.  Could i do that after mastering looking like i was showing up authentically so well? What would that feel like?
I talked to her about how I am able to create great intimacy, make people laugh, connect, when i speak publicly. So I am living my life purpose..sort of; the blockage part is that i keep the all at a 5 feet distance. 
She asked about friendships; which ironically my former therapist asked me recently through an FB chat we were having. I said i have them; very close one’s but i never see them; any of them. it’s always been a source of great pain.
I don’t have daily intimacy. It makes me so so sad. You know those people who command the stage and can’t bear talking intimately with a group? I’m not that person. I have very intimate interchanges and time with close friends ..but it’s far from often. And when i do I then go home alone, and spend inordinate amounts of time alone.
Some of that is okay..but id prefer less at this point. Pain and illness have made that alone time grow; but it has been there since as early as I can remember.
And while i would love a best friend/partner who makes me laugh and with whom i can go to the movies, hang out, talk about nothing and everything with; i also stay away from it b/c i think it would suck to be with someone who has such intense forward and backwards and ups and downs..id be afraid of bringing them down and of becoming dependent upon them.
I know. I have a fear of true intimacy. I come by it so honestly it’s beyond.
I blocked off from true intimacy b/c performing was exhausting; performing in real life. i learned in my house that revealing all of me was going to receive very intense judgment and rejection.
Ive had two long term lesbian relationships. They were both abusive. Im so different now; that would not happen. And i think the right person will show up when the time is right; but i keep feeling like that may be close. I have a great curiosity as to what that will look like. It will be something i’ve never known before. This much I know.
I’m writing all of this b/c during the energy healing session my feet were buzzing. Afterwards i was able to walk in my adidas flip flops with the nubs comfortably for the first time in months. I was elated.
I thought...this shit works.
I talked about my very clear image of myself in my 60′s galavanting all over the globe with a partner having the time of my life; pain free; joyful, healthy. She asked that i write about the crazy creative that i was at Far Brook when i was a kid; when i was encouraged every day to be as insane and out there as I could possibly be. 
My surrogate grandfather Mr. Finckle, would sit in the back of the hall while i did this larger than life evangelical thing. He loved it. My friend Donna would play some soap opera music and gospel music and i would just go. If I was watching myself now i think i’d find it hilarious. I was off my rocker in the best possible way.
I did this every day all day for 6 years. I laughed straight for 6 years. it never occurred to me to button up or quiet down. My music, humor, authentlic prowess, improv gifts were living LARGE. It was a magical creative faucet turned on and flowing at full force.
That’s me. That’s my essence. 
I remember being at a visual art opening this past winter  at a crystal gallery (yeah, really). I was being told as the artist was playing her violin. That not only did she create art. she was clearly a musician, and a writer. I thought: Jesus  this art is hideous; but regardless, she has as show and is playing her music at her show and people are here loving all of it! WTF.  And i thought, i too am a musician and an artist..and used to produce on full throttle. What happened to her?
So this morning...i was wondering after i read that piece: “was i being authentically me?” I know i was talking to a bunch of  business people...but i think i was being me.
Im working on that really consciously now. I told my energy healer that really me is kind of messy looking and tatted abundantly. I wasn’t messy enough today for sure. And i would LOVE a few more tattoos.
I walked by a  woman looking like an artist coming home from yoga yesterday. She was disheveled and nothing matched. And i thought she was stunning. She made me feel completely at home. She was a huge reflection of me at my most creative self. She would have been floored had i told her how much i loved her look.
So i am trying to button down  big time; to be me in the realm of business and the real world..and watching; seeing what that might be. 
I write all of this because i left my networking meeting early. I was in a fuck load of pain. My foot is not healed. My knees were killing me. another part of my foot was really hurting and i though omfg i think i restrained the right ankle area again..this is of course not the left ankle that is always stressed and restraining if i have the boot on. 
A couple of people asked me why was there if i was in pain. I was completely flummoxed and searching for the answer. Why was I there when i was in pain?
Because i didn’t want to be in pain; because i thought i’d be okay. Because i rarely cancel on business things. Lately I'm cancelling more and not feeling guilty.
I was so fucking mad at my pain this morning. I told people i was mad, over it. Tired of shelling out cash like an ATM to heal myself. O.V.E.R. IT!
I get to say that. I so get to say that.
Im over the shame and i’m over the isolation it causes..i do everything in my power to heal. I seek every possible Western and alternative person on the planet..and still I am in  pain. 
I’m also confused and not sure how to proceed. I’m not good at figuring it out.
And because i’m me, this is what i think: There is something that i am not getting. There is something about my souls path that i am not answering. 
That’s why i ask: “am i supposed to be speaking and not building this business?” Logic to me, and the inner voice says, “yes, that’s right.”
My life should flow. My life can flow. My life is not flowing. 
When i’m in pain its really hard to be positive. Someone used the word “positivity” today at our meeting..a visitor. No one in our group would use that word. I wouldn’t be in a group that did. I would be throwing up all over the group if that was the case. I can’t stand that word. 
It’s complete bullshit. You have to get the core of your shit to feel positive..i think i’m at my core. I cannot stand “words or quotes of the times”..horrifying.
I also wonder: "If i start speaking publicly will my physical pain just go away?”
I’m an unbelievable magical thinker. So i think that’s what the universe is waiting for. 
For today i will wear my cool blue Bomba’s peds with my Adidias flip flops b/c for some reason that seems to ease the pain a bit. I think it’s just because the feeling of the nubs takes over.
I have no cohesive ending here; i’m just ending.
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bbgleeproject · 7 years
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[2/8/17, 8:26:45 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: so basically my plan this week is to win veto and pull zach down and put up nic!
[2/8/17, 8:27:18 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: nic and dom are a power duo and they keep making snide comments at me and julia and its getting kind of annoying. i KNOW that they would target me if they won hoh so i might as well take the first swing!
[2/8/17, 8:27:39 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: while i do want to see if zach is actually here to play, i do want to keep him around
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[2/8/17, 8:38:26 PM] veronica [ sin-hoe host ]: dr: ok whew so obvs i was not nominated and im a lil bummed i dont get to play in veto but its alright since i know im 100% safe and so now i can just rest up all of my energy to hopefully win next week’s hoh and just pass it back and forth between nicholas and so we make it to the end!
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[2/7/17, 11:03:24 PM] Ruthie: (*) NICHOLAS WON HOH.  HOW ARE YOU FEELING ABOUT THAT? (*)
[2/9/17, 12:03:41 AM] Sydney Dianne Hickery Dickery Dock: IM HAPPY NICHOLAS WON HOH WOO
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[2/9/17, 8:51:11 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: GUYS I AM SO NERVOUS FOR THESE RESULTS!
[2/9/17, 8:51:15 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: ANYONE BUT DOM
[2/9/17, 8:51:17 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: CAN WIN
[2/9/17, 8:53:45 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: IF DOM WINS POV MY PLAN IS SPOILED
[2/9/17, 9:05:32 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: IVE TURNED INTO SUCH A BITCH SOMEONE HELP DSMFKMDFSS I FEEL SO MEAN
[2/9/17, 9:06:58 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: its probablyfoolish of me to be playing so hard this early
[2/9/17, 9:07:11 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: but i need to make sure what i want to happen happens
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[2/9/17, 10:09:45 PM] zach: On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)
On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)On 2017-02-09, at 9:26 AM, zach wrote:
> hey khaled you straight ;)
[2/9/17, 10:09:47 PM] zach: its for my friend
[2/9/17, 10:17:12 PM] Ruthie: :O
[2/9/17, 10:17:24 PM] zach: im just asking i promise
[2/9/17, 10:17:40 PM] jeffery: i hope he says “now i am"
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[2/9/17, 10:35:21 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: I WON VETO
[2/9/17, 10:35:23 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: OH MY GOD
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[2/9/17, 10:35:34 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: ME RIGHT NOW
[2/9/17, 10:35:36 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: IM SO HAPPY
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[2/9/17, 10:41:47 PM] zach: dr:
honestly my dad won veto so he’s going to use it on me and nic’s being backdoored like im actually happy my kink! nicholas is honestly one of my fav people ever and like im so glad i met him literally first wheen i joined this community
[2/9/17, 10:43:04 PM] jeffery: nicholas nominated you and he’s using veto on you?
[2/9/17, 10:43:16 PM] zach: yeah bc he promised everyone safety
[2/9/17, 10:43:20 PM] zach: so he put me up bc i offered
[2/9/17, 10:43:27 PM] zach: and he and i were going to try hard in veto
[2/9/17, 10:43:30 PM] zach: it was a plan
[2/9/17, 10:44:07 PM] zach: also ill post tea here
[2/9/17, 10:44:14 PM] zach: [2017-02-09, 11:58:22 AM] Madison: Zach i hope you dont get evicted so i can take your crusty ass to f2
[2017-02-09, 12:07:55 PM] zach: ilysdfdsfns
[2017-02-09, 12:08:57 PM] Madison: If you dont get taken off I'll vote to keep you even tho you're on the block with my best friend
[2/9/17, 10:44:15 PM] zach: i love her
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[2/9/17, 10:46:39 PM] veronica [ sin-hoe host ]: dr: woohoo ok so nicholas won veto which is great and means dom is probably going but i kinda want to just get zach out anyways bc like the sooner i can get some of my friends ive had before the game started the better because the longer theyre in the game the more chances of us having fights are gonna happen so i want to not fight them and just have them be out of the way. i accidentally exposed that nicholas is my duo f2 to madison but i think most people know already because everyone knows we know each other irl its not a secret anymore and like i finally had a chance to be on the detention call and so i think i bonded a lil more with matthew colin and madison and so thats good but either way i just dont trust people enough so i do wanna win hoh and since its over the weekend i should have enough time to try and do whatever the comp is and if i dont win hopefully another warbler wins idk im going to message more people after work and just keep being me and hopefully slide under the radar considering i know a lot of these people know i can do really well in orgs
[2/9/17, 10:47:16 PM] veronica [ sin-hoe host ]: also i wanna do vl shout outs but im going to do them tomorrow considering ive told ppl i went to bed already when in reality i wrote a dr fjldksafjslakfj
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[2/9/17, 10:47:24 PM] Chrissa (survivor island of shade hoest/ihos germany host): I don't have anything to dr about except dom and Zach are on the block and that's crazy but I am split on who to vote at the moment lol idk
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[2/9/17, 10:48:41 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/9/17, 10:50:43 PM] Matthew Henning: PoV went just fine, I knew that the outcome didn't really matter, Nicholas said I'm safe. Two of the three in my clique I think are going to be deadweight, I think Sydney will probably carry the group if she's active enough. Otherwise it's going to be me using Elijah and Nic as meatshields.
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[2/9/17, 10:50:59 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/9/17, 10:51:53 PM] zach: i fucking love my dad like idk he is literally the nicest person and unless he memes the fuck it and doesnt save me idk dsfosudbf id laugh still but i love nicholas and i trust him and he’s like the greatest person i met from this community and im so happy he won like idk its fun and i kind of dont want to leave this game??? im ready to?? win??
who’s in my clique again
[2/9/17, 10:54:07 PM] zach: ok so
daniel? walked bye i guess he’s gone but thats sad bc he was an obvious target but was annoying zz
rhea? i love her she’s precious and my memequeen but like idk i havent messaged her once in this game and tbh i forgot she was in this game till i just read that chat and saw she was on my clique??
madison? i love her so much omg no like she’s such a good person and wants me safe and i love her i am just worried that if i have to cut her later it’ll get messy bc i am a GLEEK!
[2/9/17, 10:54:58 PM] zach: i dont think i’d actually ever cut madison bc i like her too much and im such an easy person to manipulate but
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[2/9/17, 10:47:50 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/9/17, 10:52:16 PM] Madison: Nicholas winning pov is great because now I know that my alliance has full control over this week. I'm hoping the rumors are true and he uses it on Zach and puts up Nic because I would like for both Zach and Dom to stay this week and Nic to go because he annoys me and could be very dramatic. As for my clique, I feel a lot better about them now that Daniel is gone, and I'm hoping that we don't lose any more members this week!
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[2/9/17, 10:51:35 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/9/17, 10:53:01 PM] dom (Festive BB2 Host): Nicholas isn't gonna use it and I'm so upset because I really want to stay and fight in this game but I know I'm gonna get evicted against Zach
[2/9/17, 10:53:30 PM] dom (Festive BB2 Host): and my clique is just too much for me they're not gonna save me
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[2/9/17, 10:47:31 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/9/17, 10:54:18 PM] Colin McC: Nicholas winning hoh AND pov?? YAS THATS MY DAD AMERICA. Nicholas is such a king and an icon and the Warblers would be lost without him. As for people in my clique? I literally love them all. so. much. Chrissa is a literally like the nicest person ever, the queen of foot diseases herself. Nicholas, like I said, my dad. I can def rely on him to win comps for the clique, not to mention he has an amazing social game as well; everyone loves Nicholas. And finally, Veronica. Tbh I was kinda on rocky terms with Veronica, like we didn’t mesh super well in the last game we played but we had a long, nice conversation yesterday and??? She is so nice and fun to talk to omg.
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[2/9/17, 10:49:59 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT THE PEOPLE IN YOUR CLIQUE? (*)
[2/9/17, 10:54:45 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: omg I’m happy i won pov!!!
[2/9/17, 10:54:49 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: I LOVE MY CLIQUE
[2/9/17, 10:54:54 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: THEY ARE ALL SO PERFECT
[2/9/17, 10:54:59 PM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: AND I WOULD KEEP THEM SAFE EITHER WAY
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[2/9/17, 10:49:28 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/9/17, 10:55:15 PM] Rhea <3: Diary Room
So, when I found out Nicholas and I were going to play a game together I nearly SCREAMED out of joy! He has hosted me twice, and I hosted him once, but we have never played together.
So, I think this will be lovely! And so far he hasn't nominated me which is nice. He controls all the power this week's and if he's being legit with me, that's good because it means I am going to be safe. I REALLY like him and I hope he and I can take this game and let it ride! I think he's someone I can work really well with. So I am looking forward to this!
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[2/9/17, 10:56:07 PM] Colin McC: On 2/7/17, at 10:12 PM, Colin McC wrote:
> (i’ll try to do a video of cast assessment for a dr tomorrow unless I forget kdlsgjdkg)
YIKES i forgot to do this. Ummm I promise I’ll do one tomorrow, and if not I’ll AT LEAST do it over text sakljgdg
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[2/9/17, 10:47:09 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/9/17, 11:42:06 PM] elijah D: DR: WHAT A KING , and honestly I want different clique mates
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[2/9/17, 11:43:35 PM] dom (Festive BB2 Host): On 2/9/17, at 11:42 PM, nicholas wrote:
> whew ok first of all thanks so much for messaging me!!! this week is wild so i am going to take some time to think things over and make a decision but i will take that into consideration! have a good night!
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[2/10/17, 12:11:17 AM] andie welch: I feel good about Nicholas winningg pov!! idc about these noms that really I know dom is in a premade with madion + nic so yeah I want them #gone
ALSO people in my clique? I love Julia rae, dom is okay, Julia roxy is a FREAK and it's kinda funny but also weird.
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[2/9/17, 10:49:08 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/10/17, 12:32:42 AM] Roxy (EMVivor Host): Nicholas is bae and p I my cliwueare there
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[2/9/17, 10:48:07 PM] Ruthie: (*) HOW DO YOU FEEL ABOUT NICHOLAS WINNING POV? (*)
[2/10/17, 3:33:09 AM] julia rae: I feel good about Nicholas winning bc hes prob one of my closest allies and we best buds!! but we've been fake fighting a lot on call so it seems like we don't like each other hehehe
[2/10/17, 3:33:35 AM] julia rae: and then the people on my clique are alright, I like andie and julia but like dom is gross
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[2/10/17, 5:55:02 AM] zach: i heard tea that matthew told nicholas to use the veto on me ?? why am i so loved oh my god people want me here
also veronica has an advant. in the next hoh so she scary. her/nich f2 confirmed, ver leaked to Mad about it.
im going to be asked to be nominated every week bc that sounds fun
i think everyone wants dom out over nic but like i prefer nic bc nic is emotional and dumb zzz and i think i can forge a relationship with dom since talking to nic is like talking to a fucking wall
also i didnt know colin/rhea were in this game
andie is a king but he’ll nom me soon i know it
elijah king but will be pawned by others zzz
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[2/10/17, 7:00:19 AM] Chrissa (survivor island of shade hoest/ihos germany host): so I can't sleep but that's not new lol so I am just here lol thinking about how I am jesse st. james trash but Sydney got him first lol
[2/10/17, 8:19:12 AM] Chrissa (survivor island of shade hoest/ihos germany host): also I will answer: I love my clique honestly I get along with all of them.
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[2/10/17, 8:50:03 AM] nicholas [ sinnoh host ]: ok so i'm pretty sure i made my mind up about what i might do with the veto but i'm going to brew over my decision while i'm at school today! i definitely need to lay low moving forward and do my best to not draw any more attention to myself!
0 notes