#like i Can believe it because the orange is maybe one of Thee most 'fine but so insanely overhyped' poems ever (in my opinion)
i know enjoyment of poetry is deeply subjective and blah blah when youre matched in actual skill level it comes down to taste yada yada but i cannot BELIEVE that in the poetrysmackdown poll the orange is sweeping the tenor of your yes
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alphaofdarkness · 4 years
not me here for the oc ask ! can't wait to answer the ones you asked me, tomorrow i have my exam and then i shall live again haha ! but now i'll ask you 1, 2, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 31 — i know, it is a lot ( you don't have to do them all 💕) , but i really want to know something more about your wonderful babies and Dany ofc ! I missed her sm during this semi-hiatus 🤧💕💕💕 hope you're doing fine, sending you lots of love 💞💕💘
@carmenio Edgy!! 🥺 so happy to hear from you! ✨ I love these kinds of asks, especially on my many, many OC babies! I hope these answers are good and interesting to thee! I’ll present more info on Dany to some way, some how cause I love her 😭💖
I have gone and included the other questions you asked as well! 🤗 Let’s dive in! 😳
1. Gone and Answered Here ! UwU
2. Do you have a personal favorite among your OCs?
Personal favorite is often shown in the one I draw the most lol, which for a long time was Danielle LWW, but just because she was also my wolfsona at the time. After I made my own personal one I think I went onto Sam for a good while, also eventually going to Dany from Bsd!
So a tie between two beautiful girls, Sam is definitely my favorite LWW Oc, she is just precious and the one I hold the most and most always feel terrible and bad when I put her through it TM. 
Also Dany is my self insert, U//w//U, she has definitely allowed me to slowly self love and allow me to appreciate myself, especially the parts of me I didn’t think to much about or consider so appealing, I think? She has definitely been changing gradually into more of myself since I first came up with her almost 2 years ago! Watch me slowly knock her down to my height of 4′9″, let her have her 3 inches for another year maybe lol.
My dearest Atsushi agrees lol ✨🐯
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17. Any OC OTPs? 
👀 lol yesss~ so many and so many crack ships too, which I'll answer next 😂
I’ll just go on and list them off, plenty more of them but~:
And lastly TakaSam is the one I have definitely drawn and thought of the most! They are the top OTP and just best trope of Childhood Friends to Lovers trope, also filling in that trope of Oblivious to both of them but everyone else 🙄. While SoraYama may have been the OG Couple in my story, my love and warmth for TakaSam is unmatched TwT.
It is wild cause I always draw anguish between them as could-have-been-lovers-had-it-not-been-for-death, but recently been drawing them purely happy and content. Total sweethearts, the love everyone wants, excluding possibility of being old friends or not!
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18. Any OC crackships?
L o l, I never seem to focus on the main couples because of this specific thing.
I’ll again just go off in list an maybe add a trope or something to get an idea of them:
DanyYama: Rivals, Constantly arguing, and can be petty as heck, but oh the potential and just possibility of opening up after the traumaTM 👀 also the couple that is always in your face about being in a relationship.
DanySora: Sparing partners, the sass and stubbornness, BiPan solidarity 👀
DanyLidia: Pure, wholesome, best friends and so much hugging and lifting from the tol to smol, the nature love vibes
SamJay: Wholesome, soft, healing together from traumaTM, protectiveness, also their Digimon were lovers and married in their previous life, what does that make us? 😳
SamDany: Mostly sibling-like relationship, but damn they have that Sun and Moon tropes?! How can you not possibly ship them!
SamLula: Shy and Confident, Bisexual/Lesbian solidarity 💕✨
JaySora: Opposite of the DanyYama tropes, why are our partners constantly arguing, can they please stop, pure and soft together.
DanyTaka: Digimon Au specifically, Oh you and I are the voice of the revolution? We are rallying up the troops together? Oh boi my Digimon feels love for yours, am I falling for you or are we falling together? Depression buddies but also each others hope and spirit boost ;;w;;
Any of the Warriors with the Sins: A whole lo t of mess, and just not healthy ... but I can already seen fandom people sayin g otherwise~
LustWrath: Spicy, no strings attached kind of deal.
WrathEnvy: ...Oof um, not healthy, kind of manipulative, we are devils there is nothing but toxic vibes.
PrideWrath: Rulers, King and Queen vibes, Yeah we are toxic for each other, f*** off.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
Definitely Darkwolfmon! I am sure I explained in the first question why, but again I consider her to be that other half of me, the part of me I never discovered or the parts that essentially fill in the gaps within me. She is my precious partner Digimon and has honestly come a long, long way since I first created her. I believe sometime in 2009-2010, so almost 11-12 years since. She was the first ever OC of mine and is one I hold closest too in my heart.
For the longest time, even too now, I have always wanted her to just manifest at my side. Go on this journey of life together. While she might not be physically here like my child-self would want, she is still in my stories, my imagination, my inspirational drive. I think that is definitely more than enough, I don't know where or who I would be without having created her. I probably wouldn’t have a whole tale of OC’s and stories to tell if it wasn't for her. 
I am more than grateful and thankful that I am who I am because of this lovely Oc of mine. I can only hope to have her at my side for the rest of my days!
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20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
Most, if not all, my OC’s can sing! Their voices and tones vary, to which I cannot give a straight answer on how I headcanon most of their voices right now ^^; I will say that Danielle has a British accent to her voice as well as Spanish speak, and Sora has a Russian accent to her voice, so may be just lightly deep, but not to much.
I will definitely go with my Bsd Oc/Self Insert Danielle Mika Mason, however! Because I have gone and done a thing on how she would speak in her Japanese and English Dub! Other than me also being her voice, her Japanese VA would be Yui Ishikawa, same VA of the queen herself, Mikasa 💕 English VA would be Barrett Wilbert Weed, with an English accent, good Veronica from the Heathers! You can have a listen to her here in this post! 
Dany is meek when it comes to her singing, she will often be caught humming and softly singing something, but quickly tends to stop around others. She is often back and forth with how she sounds and often shuts down when she hears someone she considers better than her. She just needs some encouragement and a gentle push from someone she really cares about. When she does feel the push and genuineness from someone she will sing her heart out. But of course prefers to sing for only that one special person~ can ya guess~ 🐯
31.  Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really).
Oh boi! I literally have moodboards to add to this! I pick Samantha, or Sam! 
She would totes have a Tumblr blog, and Instagram! You always look forward to see what she post and just feel an instant calmness and warmth when you see it! She is always tagging her things appropriately, a soft and warm spring like layout that is shades of yellows, golds, orange, white; an occasional blue and teal as well! She would reblog anything of her aesthetic, golds, yellows, dance and ballet related things (may even post videos or poses of herself in practice and dance related things), cafe shops, sweets and desserts, warm night lights, cats, lots and lots of cats and felines of all shapes and sizes! Her best friend/boyfriend, Takaru always cameos in her stories and posts 💖
She would also reblog or spread awareness of any issues happening in the world, marking them and making her own voice heard as well. In spur moments, you may see her not tag things, but will likely go back to name things accordingly. She would also reblog anything of Bi Pride too!
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28. Your most dangerous OC? 
Hmmm,,, my most dangerous Oc, I am taking the notion that they are just plain dangerous and likely of evil intent in their actions. Because plenty of my Oc’s on their own are dangerous in their own right, such as the Legendary Wolf Warriors, who have a great power at their paws. They can be destructive in their actions if they lose control or use it for the wrong intentions, which they wouldn't do of their free will. 
I will say Danielle and Sam are the strongest of the seven, because of their powers of Darkness and Light, respectively. Their souls created the others, so the other Warrior’s power does not match theirs. They can definitely be lethal together if used for the wrong reasons or if they are under the control of a Human or Deadly Sin.
Which leads me to say that the most dangerous of my OC’s with the worst intentions and evil thought processes that makes them dangerous is likely the Deadly Soul Sin Pride, or Mikka Penelope King/Pride as her solid name goes. 
She is definitely the most sinister of the seven sins, even worse than Wrath, who you may figure would be the worst. She has a calculating mind and is very precise in her actions and ways of manipulation. She has a poison within her veins that is just as deadly, capable of blinding others or even killing without remorse or care. While she may be a ghost like entity in my stories, a person/digimon holder in my Digimon College Au, she has enough power to influence people to fall under pride and vanity in the most dangerous level possible, heck even possess them if she wishes. That makes her stronger, as well as the other sins. Does not matter if she is dead or fades away for a while, her influence remains and if it does, than she can exist for a long as she desires.
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48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
Lol I saw cinnamon roll and instantly had a list of ocs ready, honestly any child OC I have is instantly a cinnamon roll and to good and put for this world, please treat them all kindly!
Current top Oc’s that come to mind are Haruko Mason-Nakajima, along with their nameless sister/pup! They are the sweetest babies ever and love them so much. Too good and pure, especially nameless pup with her love for tigers; she wants to grow up and be like her sibling and papa 🥺🥰  You can see the post on them here!
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Next up is my precious flamey boi named Alik Azure Mizuhara! A next gen. LWW, son of Sora and Yamato! A little sightless boi with the softest heart and warmest empathy for others. Very much like his mother in likeness and pure curiosity of the world’s secrets and tales. His father worries for him a lot, but gradually learns to trust in his ability to guide himself. Don’t worry too much about him, he is very smart and knows how to care and guide himself!
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Thank you so much for the time and questions you asked me Edgy! I had so much fun with these and gave me a chance to gush about my dearest OC’s! I do hope you find them of interest! 🤗🥺🥰
May your day be beautiful and amazing!! 🥰✨💖
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hithisischris · 5 years
Down The Road. (D.D x reader) pt!1
I got super excited for this idea and so I couldn’t just leave it at one part lol but also i really hope you like it!
According to neuroscience, the human brain only remembers bits and pieces of one’s childhood; but y/n could remember the day she moved from New York City to Vernon Hills at the age of 5, she remembers it so clearly because it had been a year later that a foreign boy from Slovakia moved to the same little place. She remembers his name being said by the teacher and she remembers how scared he had looked to be there she knew what that felt like, to come from one place and have everything you know up until that point taken from you, so she did what someone should have done a year before to her, she befriended him. The memory from childhood with David mostly faded and the new memories made with the shaggy haired boy were ones y/n knew she’d never forget. Freshman year during homecoming week David and y/n decided to go to the dance together because why not, they were friends personally David believed that he could never be friends with y/n, he never meant that in a bad way he meant that he thought there was more than friendship with them. This became a reality in sophomore year. David was high in his roof with y/n and they looked up at the stars mesmerized by the universe when David spoke up “y/n I have a secret to tell you” y/n looked towards his direction and with a smile, the smile that David tripped over one to many times, “what is it Dave?”
David a little scared but gutsy enough because of their high trance he said “I really really like you, I think I have since 3rd grade and I have always felt we were meant to be more” David giggles at the last part and y/n turned to face him entirely now saying “I completely agree” their first kiss took place on that roof and if it hadn’t been of fear from falling a lot more would have happened, they smiled back at the sky David in a low whisper asked “do you think we will remember this in the morning” y/n nodded “I don’t think I can ever forget a moment we spend together Dave.”
The next morning y/n had woken up in David’s floor while David snored softly she smiled at his direction remembering their confessions and their kiss, she touched her lips and an even bigger smile spread across her lips, she picked herself up from the floor and slid into bed with David to catch a few more minutes of sleep.
The next time they woke up David had his arms wrapped around y/n and she had her face pressed into his chest he smiled down at their position and woke her up softly “y/n/n wake up bub” y/n snuggled closer to him and David let out a laugh because she had snuggled up in a place he had been ticklish in y/n had brought her hands up to his lips and said “shhh sleepy” David smiled at the sentiment and answered back with “come one I want to take you out on a dateeee” y/n hadn’t said anything but was contemplating what to wear “fine but I’m going home to at least try and look pretty I’ll be back here around 2:30” David nodded and said “you wouldn’t need anything to change to look pretty you’re always beautiful” she picked her bag up and said “that was cheesy, is this what it’ll be like from now on?” David giggled lowly and nodded “I’m going to say hi to your mom and then I’ll leave” y/n’s and David’s family had always been close so it really wasn’t weird that she had slept over.
Y/n walked into the kitchen and David’s dad was there making pancakes while his wife made some homemade chocolate milk “good morning my second pair of parents” they both turned around and looked over at y/n “good morning y/n are you staying for breakfast” she shook her head and pouted “no, as much as I would love to stay for your infamous pancakes and chocolate milk David wants to go on a date later and I would like to go home before that.” not really realizing what she had told them she gave them each a hug and waved goodbye.
David’s parents were in shock after years of David and y/n growing up together something had changed and feelings were confessed they were happy but in shock. “Who do you think was the first to confess” asked David’s mom “I don’t know, we will ask Dave later, should we call y/n’s parents to tell them that the bet has finally been settled” they laughed at the memory of both set of parents sitting in the dining room drinking coffee while their kids played god knows what “I bet they’ll end up together”said y/m/n “why do you say that?” Said David’s mom, y/n’s mom shrugged ”it’s an intuition but look how happy they are with one another they are kids but this happiness is one they have forever”
As their husbands sat listening in y/n’s dad was the first to say “shall we make a bet. If they do end up confessing feelings. This bet must be during high school and since they’re four of us we each take a year, so who is taking 9th grade?” David’s mom took that year and so one by one they each had a year. Y/n’s mom having 10th grade and y/n’s dad having 12th grade, while David’s dad had 11th grade and his mom 9th grade.
They had also become good friends over the years too. Family dinner also consisted of them once and awhile and when Ester was born, David’s mom asked y/n’s parents to be her godparents.
Y/n arrived at her house not shortly after, she did live like a street down from the Dobrik home. “y/n is that you” asked her mom from the room down the hall that led to her office. Y/n walked closer to the room and popped her head in “yeah i slept over at David’s” her mom smiled and nodded her head “your dad went to pick up an order of breakfast from IHOP he will be back soon” y/n nodded and kissed her moms cheek so she could get back to work and leaving the room to go to her own so she could shower. Walking up the stairs and into her own room she noticed the mess and scolded herself slightly but decided to clean it up another time, she walked into the shower and turned the water on so it could get warm before getting in. Y/n undressed herself and got under the warm water letting it rinse her back relaxing her muscles.
After her shower she got out and picked an outfit, it was a simple pair of jeans matching with y/f/c shirt and some black vans as she let her hair dry out she went into the bathroom again to put some products in it and a little bit of mascara.
“Y/n your dad's home” she gave a glance at the mirror and walked downstairs she neared the kitchen hearing her parents whisper, “can you believe it, I was right all ya bitches owe me 5 bucks” she watched her dad hit his hip against hers and say “okay okay yeah when they both leave we will go over to David’s house to settle it” her mom grinned and y/n’s was in shock ’had they bet weather y/n and David would start a relationship?’ She walked in as though she had heard nothing and said “hi dad” she smiled and hugged him her parents turned around abruptly their faces with a nervous glance her dad smiled down at her and said “hi sweetie. Where are you going?” He set her plate of pancakes down in front of her and she poured herself some orange juice “me and David are going to the mall” she had been careful not to call it a date she knew they knew what it was, so she wanted to see if she could crack them. They smiled at her and nodded.
As she walked back to David’s house she realized how happy she had been since their kiss. Did it mean they were dating? Everyone thought they already were, what difference would it make, would Nat be pissed at them for this? She had been friends with both of them for a long time so they’d never want her to feel like the third wheel maybe she’d been happy. By the time she reached David’s house he was coming out and said “why did you walk all the way over here when I could have picked you up?” Y/n shrugged “gas wastage dummy” David shook his head and opened the car doors “I have to tell you something and you will not believe it!” Y/n said enthusiastically “ooooo tell me” David giggled “our parents made a bet as to when we’d start dating!” David turned on his seat with his mouth slightly open “you’re kidding-” she shook her head “-ohmygod they are fucking insane” he let out a big belly laugh and started the car “I know I thought the same thing” y/n said as she clicked on her seat belt.
After a thirty minute drive they arrived at Vernon Hills mall. It was not too big nor too small it had most of the major stores and movie theaters. “So where shall we start my lady” y/n giggled and said “well the movie starts at 1 so we can walk around and go eat” they started by going into random stores and playing with anything they found “y/n you’re gonna get us kicked out” David said as he laughed “what do you mean David you're the clown here” she giggled as she zipped up the costume she found “okay close your eyes I think I found my Halloween costume” David shut his eyes and heard the door unlock “okay open them” he did and started to laugh as she was wearing a clown costume “I have decided to go as you for Halloween, a clown” she giggled at her own remark
“where did you find that” “Dave we are in a costume store” he shrugged and stood up to her “I at least make a cute clown” she rolled her eyes “looks like someone isn’t getting a kiss after this date” David looked offended and shook his head “the audacity” y/n walked back into the changing room to take off the costume “well maybe, I’ll reconsider if we go buy some food” after a minute she left the room to find him in the position she had left him in “maybe I’ll get us some McDonald’s” she giggled and grabbed his hand to walk out of the store “what time is it?” Asked David “time for you to get a watch” answered y/n “you’re feeling snarky today aren’t you?” He looked at her “it can happen sometimes. We have half an hour left” y/n said as she looked at her watch. “So Mr. Dobrik where shall you take us to eat?” He grabbed her hand to hold it and lead her “I shall take thee to McDonald’s like my lady asked of me” they neared the fast food restaurant and looked up at the menu knowing what they already wanted. “Okay the McDonald’s burger is delicious and you can’t say anything to change my mind.” Said y/n as she put her burger down to get a fries “Why would I you’re right” she looked at David and smiled “we should hurry to buy the tickets for the movie” David smiled right back at her and nodded.
As they bought the tickets for the movie Thor they went into the screening room and joked till the lights dimmed and movie started, “holy shit he is hot” y/n whispered. David watched her as she looked at the movie he was so entranced in her beauty she’s noticed his staring and whispered “what?” “I’m glad you befriended me all those years ago” he whispered back. Y/n blushed but he could never tell as it was to dark she gave him a smile and turned back to the movie, nothing else was said till the end of the movie. “I’ve gotta say Marvel is becoming such a great cinematic universe I wonder what they have coming next” David said as they left the theater “I know right? It’s gonna be so much fun to see, thank you for today Dave” y/n said as she got into the passenger seat the card ride to y/n’s house was small talk with laughter; as David pulled over on y/n’s house he got out of the car to help with y/n’s door and walk her to her front door “well Davey this was a successful day” David smiled at the name and nodded “I would agree, this is going to sound cheesy but I’ve been waiting to do this all day.” When he was done talking he took a step closer to y/n and leaned down to kiss her. It was slow like their first kiss but with more feeling and David loved the way y/n’s lips fit into his perfectly he’d tell her later on but she was his first kiss; so in summary David Dobrik was glad that he had gotten high on his roof with y/n and had his first kiss with his best friend who he’d love since third grade.
AN: hi I hope u like it. This took me forever to write cause I want it to be perfect, I am not giving you guys a summary of this story so stick around an find out!
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squidbatts · 4 years
my love is (not) a weapon
“Fine! I like it, are you happy now, Your Majesty?”
Amethar is. It fills his chest enough that he wants to slam Calroy up against the wall and kiss him senseless, no matter what the Candian elders say about propriety and proper courting behavior.
or: an afternoon with his majesty the king and his intended
((i continue to have Prince Consort Calroy on the brain, so accept this amethar pov fluff piece where they do a little sparring and a little kissing. please enjoy!))
Amethar’s study is the one room of Castle Candy that is entirely his own. The brassy rancher-wood orange of his desk, the paintings of battlefields on the walls, the bookshelf bearing only atlases; it’s all picked out by him, all only for him.
“Oh, this one is a lot of whining about the consequences of something that we told him not to do three seasons ago. Want me to read it to you now or later?”
Him, and Cal. Calroy is perched on the edge of his desk as he goes through Amethar’s mail, slowly swinging one leg back and forth. The letter he has in hand bears the seal of a minor lord that Amethar does vaguely remember advising during a banquet last Highharvest, though Amethar mostly just remembers the way Cal had held onto his arm and whispered relevant bits of gossip to him all evening. Now, Amethar leans back in his desk chair and sighs.
“Is it important?”
“It’s not not important. We’re going to have to fix his mess eventually so we might as well stay up to date on it,” Calroy says. After a moment’s pause he glances at Amethar over the letter and hums, face softening. “But it can wait a while longer. What’s up?”
“I don’t think I can focus on these reports any longer without breaking something,” Amethar replies, and it’s only half a joke. It feels like there’s something beneath his skin, hot and fizzling and inescapable, and if he doesn’t do something that requires more movement than sitting in a chair listening to Calroy talk then he might explode.
“This wouldn’t be a great place to break things in,” Calroy agrees. His smile changes, grows mischievous as he lowers his voice and asks, “Do you wanna spar?”
“‘Do I wanna spar?’ What kind of question is that! Of course I do,” Amethar stands, slinging Payment Day over his shoulder. Amethar is technically not supposed to be sparring, he was told when he was given the crown that it was too much of a risk for him to continue, that he could supervise drills from the side but could no longer participate in them. Still, Amethar’s found that no matter how many times someone tells him to do something, none of them can make him change his behavior. Not anymore.
Calroy hops off the desk and brushes the creases out of his pants, the movement drawing Amethar’s attention to the thick golden ring on Calroy’s thumb. Amethar is grinning before he’s done noticing, before his eyes leave the chevron curve of it or the delicately etched vines. It fits Cal’s style while still standing out next to the cool greens and creams that he favors, a spot of well-suited opulence in his best friend’s humble fashion. Amethar loves it, has loved it since he commissioned the ring from a local jewelry smith, and he loves even more to see it on Calroy.
“You’re wearing it again?” Amethar asks as they fall into step in the hall, gesturing towards Calroy’s hand. Calroy ducks his head away, but not before Amethar sees that he’s smiling as well.
“It was a gift,” Calroy says, voice Court steady despite how he still doesn’t look Amethar in the eye. “Do you think I’d be so rude as to ignore a gift?”
“You would wear a gift so often out of courtesy?”
Calroy huffs but he’s smiling ever so slightly in that way that he only ever lets Amethar see. “Fine! I like it, you picked a good courting gift. Are you happy now, Your Majesty?”
Amethar is. It fills his chest enough that he can barely feel the hollows that grief and anger have carved into his heart, makes him want to slam Calroy up against the wall and kiss him senseless, no matter what the Candian elders say about propriety and proper courting behavior.
He settles for bumping his arm against Calroy’s and grinning like a fool. “Yes, for now.”
If someone had told Amethar ten years ago that he’d be walking the halls of Castle Candy with his intended, his father’s crown atop his head, he would’ve punched them. Even if someone had told Amethar just a few years ago, when he was in the trenches of a war and Calroy had kissed him for the first time, he wouldn’t have believed it; Amethar wasn’t exactly chaste during the War, ready, willing, and able to try just about anything with just about anyone, but most of his mid-War escapades were with people who he wouldn’t have significant contact with: commonfolk in small towns or other soldiers who were sure to be cool about it. Calroy was -- is -- different, because they were friends first and friends after, because he never asked for a more that Amethar was unable to give. In fact, after that first whirlwind hookup, Cal never approached him like that again, though Amethar wouldn’t have minded if he had; but, well, it was the War, and then there was Catherine, and then there was everything else, and... Amethar is just glad they’ve made it to this point, eventually.
They don’t go to the main training yard, because the Tartguard should be running drills right now and Amethar can only stand so much tickling with swords in the background of his relaxing afternoon spar, but settle into a smaller courtyard.
“Sparring rapiers or our normal weapons?” Calroy asks, though the way he’s already unsheathed his saber means that he knows what Amethar is going to say.
“I’ve never used a training sword with you and I don’t ever intend to.”
Calroy grins, bright as the glare of the sun off his sword, and gets into a ready position. “Have at thee, then.”
Fighting with Cal is a bit like dancing. Amethar was taught to wield a sword alongside the guard, though his personal style evolved to turn his strength into broad strikes and brute force during the War. Amethar doesn’t know where Calroy grew up or how he learned to fight, and the shadow that passes over Calroy’s face whenever he’s asked about his family or his past makes Amethar reluctant to probe, but he fights like he barely has to touch the ground, leaping and spinning and somehow managing to be everywhere with a perry or a slice. It’s exhilarating and centering.
Amethar settles into the duel, moving on instinct and muscle memory until he missteps and Cal’s able to trip him. Calroy puts a knee on Amethar’s heaving chest and his blade to Amethar’s throat, the warm sunlight making Calroy’s hair glow like a roseate halo.
“Got you,” Cal says, his voice low and weighted, like he’s pinning Amethar with his words as well as his weight. “Do you yield?”
Amethar tries to speak but his mouth is so dry that it comes out as an embarrassing squeak. He clears his throat. His voice still seems strained when he manages to say, “I yield.”
Calroy blinks, then moves, not to put down his sword but to lean in. Amethar swallows thickly and Cal’s saber moves with his throat, sun-warm, solid, and sharp in a way that makes Amethar’s stomach flutter. Calroy’s eyes are dark, pupils wide.
“I appreciate My Majesty's submission,” Calroy murmurs, and then he leans down and presses his lips to Amethar’s. He starts gently, almost tentative, but when Amethar’s hands move automatically to Calroy’s hips, Cal takes it as an invitation to deepen their kiss and Amethar feels for a moment like he can’t breathe.
Calroy’s thighs straddle Amethar’s waist to press ever closer and Amethar arches off the ground to meet him, their mouths falling open and breath mixing as one peck flows seamlessly into desperate, delighted making out. After what feels like a small eternity, Calroy pulls back and Amethar, even his soft love-struck daze, realizes that his difficulties with breathing were, in part, because Calroy’s sword was trapped between them; Amethar’s neck now features a shallow but long cut, bleeding sluggishly. Calroy all but throws the sword away when he notices.
“Oh, Amethar, I’m sorry-”
Amethar cuts him off with another kiss, short and sweet. “It’s fine, Cal. Hey, maybe it’ll scar, then I’ll have even more reason to remember today.”
Calroy huffs but he still presses gentle fingers to the wound, an admiring look in his eyes. Amethar decides to count it as a win.
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cruzrogue · 5 years
F’M Smoak Part II
#Fictober19 @fictober-event
for fanfiction:
Prompt number: Prompt 31 “Scared, me?”
Fandom (AU if applicable): #arrow fanfiction #olicity
Warnings/Tags:  Fluff (friendship)
Thomas Merlyn/ Felicity Smoak/Oliver Queen
Summary: Continuation from F’M Smoak Prompt number: 5  “I might just kiss you.”
Notes: Halloween Bash and Felicity takes the stage. F’M Smoak is has an appearance at Verdant for a one time performance.
I want to thank @fictober-event​ this was a blast! Thank you!
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​F’M Smoak Part II on A03
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Verdant has been gearing up for the Halloween Bash. Tommy loves this holiday. He revels in being someone different and watching people be more enticed to party with as the added bounce to their normal festivities. Having a club, he can decorate as he sees fit keeping of course within a budget. He needs the club to turn a profit. Choosing the orange and black theme. Plenty of pumpkins and black cats, spiders, crows with the usual skulls, witch’s hats, and a few more Halloween décor choices.
He is excited that Felicity is helping him with a few designs. Using this to cover why they are spending loads of time together lately. He excitedly got her aboard to be one of the main event singers. She even deciding to write an extra song or two. That means he hired a local garage band to work with her. It has been so cool to see her walk in and meet the band members. Her squeaky-clean image throwing the grunge band for a loop.
Tommy moving some crates around. “Yea?”
“Why is Felicity’s name on some of these foam things?”
Tommy looks at the designs that will be used for the bash and he just shrugs, he promised Felicity that Oliver wouldn’t find out about this. The man is set to go on a trip with his mom and sister to visit a family member and won’t be here for this particular event. It’s the reason Felicity signed on to do her comeback for one night.
“What makes you think those have anything to do with Felicity?”
“Tommy? It’s her name. I may be dense at times but I know Felicity’s initials.”
“Of course, you do, you probably know all sorts of little facts about her.” Oliver gives him a dead stare. “What? You probably do and I’m not taking back that comment.”
“Felicity’s been helping me with designs maybe she took a break and did her name…” He won’t say she hasn’t helped him. She’s been busy practicing with her band. He admits she’s even better than he remembers.
Oliver goes to where the large cutouts that say ‘F’M Smoak’ are and counts a few. “There is about half a dozen here.”
Tommy just waves his hand, “Maybe it’s a prank I’ve set up and don’t need your disapproving overprotective tendencies when it comes to her.” He can see Oliver’s demeanor change as the man is super protective. “You’ll be away anyhow and…”
“No, I won’t.”
“No. You won’t, what?”
“My aunt is coming here to Starling so change of plans.”
“Oh. Does Felicity know?”
“No. Why should she? What are you planning Merlyn?”
“Whoa, you only call me by my last name when your peeved with me. Are you jealous?” Oh, yea the boy is jealous he can practically see the fume come from the man’s nostrils.
“No. You still haven’t answered the question.”
“There is nothing to tell.” Tommy goes back to moving crates. “If you are going to stand there like a stalk you can help me out here.”
“There is something going on.” Oliver does move to help move some crates. “Since you and Laurel are off the table…”
“I’m not seeing Felicity. You don’t have to worry.”
Tommy puts his hand up as he makes a growly sound. “I wouldn’t go behind your back and you can shove this denial shtick with me.”
“Tommy, I’m sorry. It’s just everyone expects… you know what forget it. Let’s just get these crates moved.”
“Okay, I get it now. At first, I didn’t. I admit I acted like I did but I really didn’t. For that I am also sorry.” Oliver with one of the last crates that need moving looks at Tommy confused. “The laurel bit, the trying to act like 5-years never happened, a few little things. Like acting like everything is okay when it’s not.”
“What do you mean?”
“Let’s start by me telling you. Felicity is a great catch. You know. I know it. Someday the man who is lucky to have her will know it.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“Because you should hear it out loud, maybe even hear this over and over that she is thee catch. I also think you should not start anything with her until you figure your shit out.”
“Then why tell me this?”
“Oliver! It an incentive.” Tommy shakes his head. “We aren’t those dickheads of our youth anymore. I know I want more. And you know damn well you do to.”
“It’s complicated.”
“When is it not? Life is full of crappy situations but it also has these moments. Ollie don’t be so afraid to live.”
“It’s more not wanting to see her hurt.”
“You know that is a copout, right?”
“Hey, I didn’t know I was going to lose my best friend five-years ago. Not once during my grief did, I wish our history stopped existing.”
“What’s your point?”
“That no one is guaranteed a tomorrow. If there is a chance that you can make her happy than it’s worth the gamble.” He can see Oliver just begin to think things over. “Just figure your shit out first!”
“I wish it was that easy.”
“Yea well join the club. If things were that easy, we’d all be happily in love.”
Oliver takes a breath but he asks one more time because the thought came back, “Are you going to tell me the truth about those foam pieces?”
“Nope.” Tommy moves around the bar. “If I were you, I would stop by Verdant tonight.”
Oliver looks around the club. It actually looks really good and that cauldron front center to the stage he wonders how that’s going to look when everything is in motion. “You need any help setting up?”
“Nope, the crew will be here soon. All the last-minute touches will be handled. You go hang out with Auntie Beatrice.”
“Fine. I’ll see you later.”
Tommy wants to tell the man not to text or call Felicity that his plans have changed. Now that Oliver has left, he can place the pamphlets that holds the main attraction the reason the place is going to be packed. F’M Smoak is preforming tonight and her music sample is available online. With his panache of adding some videos taken of her college hey days it brought buzz thank goodness Oliver is so not into trends.
“Tommy! Tommy!” Felicity scrambling around the crewmembers that are putting the last bites of the pieces for tonight bash. “Tommy? Where are you?”
“Hey there superstar.”
“Oliver, hasn’t left. He’s still in Starling.”
“I know.”
“You know. Yea he told me not that long ago.” She’s fidgeting. “I can’t. I just can’t perform.”
“Why not? You sound amazing.” Tommy makes a gesture of rocking it. “Are you scared of a few people rocking it to your music?”
“Scared, me?” Felicity continues, “I… I didn’t think Oliver would be here. He says he’ll be passing by. I just can’t…”
“Yes. Yes, you can. Girl you are amazing. You’ll be in disguise. The music will speak for itself.”
“I can’t believe I’m going to do this.”
“Felici-ty, think of this as something years in the making. You know the club owners and you’ve got the voice.”
“Fine, I know your right.”
“Good, because I know you got this. Go get yourself transformed and become this amazing F’M Smoak I know you are.”
He watches her leave and is glad she listening. Taking a look at the amazing setup that Verdant has done he can’t wait to open the doors in less than an hour. If Oliver comes, he hopes seeing what he is dubbing Ollie’s girl up on stage will shake the man unto his core.
As Tommy gets his crew ready. He goes through the drill. Making sure his people work safe yet keep an eye out for any disorderly clients. People having fun and remembering a good night is all he wants. As the time dwindles down, he calls out, “All right people show time. You all have this. Let’s make this Halloween Bash be the talk of town. Best service, great atmosphere and one hell of a night of musical performers.” Here his crew cheer on everyone is ready. Doors open and the costumed guests start to fill in.  
The music begins to play as the bar fills up. Tommy goes and checks on his musical guests, Thanking them all personally again. He notices he can’t find his number one girl. A little worried until her voice calls to him and he gets a good look at Felicity.
“Nah, wow you look amazing.” He gives her another look over. “I love the Goth you, not that the blonde you isn’t spunky.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment I think.”
He just chuckles, “Well I can’t wait to your set.” He can visually see her take a moment. She looks nervous. “Hey, you can so do this. F’M Smoak can. Knock them out of their boots.”
As her time comes, she goes up on stage. She’s glad that the lighting keeps her from truly focusing on any person. This way she can just sing to the crowd and not see any familiar faces, one especially.
Tommy is amazed as he watches her first set. He is singing along until he gets jabbed in the side and smirks to see Oliver make his presence known. The man is taking in the foam signs as his eyes fall on the singer. Tommy can pinpoint the moment Ollie recognizes Felicity and wow he doesn’t know which show to watch because Oliver is entranced and it’s like watching a movie as the most stoic man is showing so many different sentiments. From surprise all the way to lust.
Felicity words capturing the audience as her voice rocks the club.
“I'm kicking all the doors down I swear I'm gonna pull you out 'Cause your demons have been screamin' loud Na na-na-na na Throw me up against the wall There's nothin' that could scare me now Na na-na-na na”
She does a few more known songs and when she’s down the roar of the crowd clapping has her take a bow and then she moves to go back stage. Oliver is already moving quick. Tommy trailing behind he does not want to miss this.
Taking an offered water bottle Felicity chugs it. She is so glad this is over. She doesn’t know if Oliver caught her performance. Its freaking her out. She has no idea what he’d say or do and he’s only ever seen her be his tech girl.
His soft voice, she never noticed him sneaking up on her. She’s afraid to turn and see. As he calls out to her again, she tightens her closed eyes. She’s afraid of the disappointment she’ll see. He comes around to face her and she finally gazes at him. His blue eyes mesmerizing.
“I didn’t know but you were amazing.”
She’s stunned. Though his brightening smile gets her to smile.
Tommy watching this two fools dance around each other is sickening. “Well yea, you’ve always known she’s amazing.”
Oliver gives his best friend a dire look. Tommy just shrugs. These two aren’t going to move faster than a glacier so he goes back to front to watch the next act.
“You think I did good?”
“I do.” He’s really rattled by her look. He’s really digging it. “You also rock this getup.”
“Its something of a vintage. I first met Tommy wearing this.”
“Wait? What?”
“During some of my college days I may have also dabbled with music.”
“And you met Tommy than?”
“He was unreal and a perfect gentleman as he took a nice shiner to the face.”
Oliver is flabbergasted and actually recalls Tommy telling him about the black eye and his friend shrugging it off saying “The angelic voice was worth it.”
“The angelic voice.”
“That is what he called you. This is what you’ve been doing all these weeks?” She nods. “I thought you and Tommy were getting chummy.”
“You did?”
“I almost wanted to give him another shiner to the face.”
“You won’t?”
He smirks, “F’M Smoak, I guess will never know.”
“Oliver, I’d like to get out of this ridiculous outfit.” She already grabbing a bag as she heading to where the foundry is. “I also have some…”
“Felicity?” he stops her.
“You mentioned its only Halloween that you’ll where a mask. I was hoping to prolong the moment. Would you honor me with a drink at the bar?”
“Oliver, I would love to but there will be fans out there and…”
“And for a night, allow yourself to be the star, I promise to look out for you.” Getting really close to her as he whispers. “Tommy told be about the stalker.” He can see her processing that info but just nods as she takes his arm and the walk back.
The crowd loved her. For the rest of that night Oliver made sure she felt safe as she mingled with the fans. He enjoyed seeing her so out of the element for the quiet IT girl she has always portrayed to him. His girl is truly amazing and he promises himself that he won’t waste another second and ask her out soon. Though tonight F’M Smoak is in the house as Tommy gets her to do an encore.
This concludes the 31 days of Fictober!
Thank you!!!
song inspired:
Notes: https://genius.com/Valerie-broussard-deeper-lyrics
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grace13star · 5 years
Better Get Superstitious (Chapter 2)
Logan Dennison is a firm believer in science, and the facts are that no one can come back from the dead. Witches and magic could never exist, he's known this since he was a kid. But after a sudden move to Salem, Massachusetts, suddenly everything he's ever believed is challenged by a talking cat, a cute believer, and a trio of undead witches from the 17th century. What's a skeptic to do?
Character(s): Logan Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Patton Sanders, Roman Sanders, Deceit Sanders, Remus Sanders, Anton (Antagonist, Sanders Shorts), Joan Stokes (mentioned)
Relationship(s): Analogical (Virgil/Logan)
Triggers: Deceit, Remus, graveyards, death mentions, spiders, eating spiders, minor sex joke, electrocution, poison mention, needles mention
AO3  Prologue  Chapter 1  Here  Chapter 3  Chapter 4
“Oh, sweet revenge,” the leader said. This was, presumably, the famous Damien Sanders. “Do you see, brothers? My curse worked perfectly.”
“Damn, I left the cauldron on,” the orange one muttered. Anton Sanders.
The last one, Remus Sanders, grabbed something from the wall. “My lucky rat tail! Right where I left it!”
“But who lit the Black Flame Candle?” Damien mused, mismatched eyes searching the room.
Logan tried his hardest to sink into the floor. This could not be possible. They were just very realistic costumes! And realistic special effects. They were just being pranked. It was trick or treat, right?
Damien spotted the display case with the book and rushed over to it. “Wake up!” He ordered. Then his voice softened. “Oh, how I’ve missed you. Come on, now, we’ve got work to do.”
“Hey, Damien?” Anton said.
Damien whirled around in a swirl of his cloak. “What is it?” He snapped.
“I smell a child.”
Logan tensed up. He could smell children? Was he like a bloodhound or something? A childhound?
He was far enough back that the witches weren’t in his view, but he could practically see the evil look on Damien’s face.
“Sick ‘em.”
There was some sound of moving, and then Anton spoke up again. “It’s a little boy, maybe seven or eight.”
“Come out, dear, we will not harm thee,” Remus crooned.
“We love children,” Anton said, sounding like he very much did not like children.
There was a banging sound, and Patton yelped. Logan was about to stand up to protect his brother, when he started talking.
“I thought thou’d never come, brothers,” he said, voice shaking.
“Greetings, little one,” Damien said.
“Twas I who brought you back,” Patton continued.
“Tell me, child, what year is it?”
“Brothers! We have been gone 300 years!” Damien announced.
Patton came into view as he was pushed into a wooden chair in Logan’s view.
“Well, how time flies,” Anton grumbled.
“When you’re dead!” Remus giggled.
The witches laughed, and Patton joined in hesitantly.
“Well, this has been fun, but I’d better go,” Patton said, making to get up.
“No, stay for supper,” Damien said.
“I’m not hungry,”
“We are,” Remus exclaimed.
Patton got up and tried to run, but the witches caught him and shoved him back in the chair.
Logan mustered up all the courage he had and leapt up.
“Hey!” Everyone turned towards him, the witches letting go of Patton in surprise. “Let go of my brother!”
“Roast him, Damien,” Anton growled.
“No, let me play with him!” Remus laughed.
A bolt of lightning appeared from Damien’s fingers and hit Logan in the chest. The force of it pushed him up a wall.
“Logan!” Patton yelled.
Logan dimly heard Virgil yell, “Hey, Anton!” and then the sound of grown man hitting the ground. Then Patton was yelling, and then Damien was on the ground and Logan was free.
The black cat that had attacked Logan earlier jumped on Damien as he tried to get up.
“Ahh!” He shrieked. “Remus, get this filthy thing off of me!”
“Go, get out!” Logan yelled.
Virgil and Patton ran out the door, but Logan had an idea. He climbed up to the second floor and raised the lighter.
“You messed with the great and powerful Logan,” he announced. “Prepare to face the consequences. I summon the burning rain of death!”
He flicked the lighter open and held it up to the sprinkler near his head.
“He makes fire in his hands,” Remus said wonderingly.
It took a second, but the sprinklers went off, splashing everyone with water. Logan stood in triumph as the witches shrieked and ran for cover.
Logan jumped down and ran for the door, but he slipped on water. He groaned as his head hit the floor.
The black cat jumped on his chest. “Nice going, Logan.”
He stared. “You can talk?”
“Yeah, no kidding. Now move it! Grab the spell book!”
Logan decided to have the existential crisis later. He got up and tore part of his shirt off, then wrapped his hand to smash the glass encasing the book. He grabbed the book and ran, leaving Damien wailing for his precious book.
“Oh, confound it,” Damien cursed. He held out a tentative hand and felt the water.
“Damien!” Anton said, uncharacteristically worried.
“Shut up!” He snapped. “It is but water.”
Remus stuck out his tongue to catch the water. “Tis most refreshing.”
“You idiot,” Damien sighed. “The boy has tricked us, and he stole the book. After them!”
They hurried outside, but were stopped by...something.
“‘Tis a river,” Anton said.
“Maybe it’s not too deep,” Remus said. “Ha, that’s what she said.” He stuck a foot out to test it. Damien and Anton pushed him from behind, causing him to fall onto it. He waited for a second, expecting himself to sink, but nothing happened.
“It is firm!” He announced.
Damien took a step onto it as well. “It is a road. Now, onto my book!”
They were about to continue, but a strange contraption with flashing red and white lights came screaming past. They all screamed and hid in the bushes.
People came out, wearing strange clothes and carrying axes and red containers. They ran into the house.
“Why are they in our house?” Remus asked.
“Shut up!” Damien snapped. “They beest witch hunters! Observe their black robes and axes.”
A few minutes later the witch hunters came back out.
“Teenagers again. Another stupid Halloween prank,” one said.
“Man, this is the worst night of the year,” another one complained.
They got back in the contraption and it turned around towards the village.
“Alright, they’re gone now,” Anton said. “What should we do next?”
“Brothers, listen closely. The magic that brought us back only works this one night. When the sun comes up, we’re dust. Fortunately, that potion will keep us alive and young forever. Unfortunately, the recipe is in my spell book. That little miscreant has it. Therefore, we must find him, take back my spell book, brew the potion and suck the lives out of children by sunrise.”
“Ooh, what a pretty spider,” Remus said. He picked it up and put it in his mouth. All that was left was one leg hanging out.
Damien groaned. “You’re an idiot. Come, we fly!”
So, yeah, the cat could talk. Logan was definitely going crazy.
Nevertheless, he followed the cat, Virgil and Patton trailing behind him. They were led to the gates of graveyard, where they stopped.
“Woah, woah, This is a graveyard.” He said.
“It’s hallowed ground,” the cat replied. “Witches can’t set foot in here.” Then he jumped through the gates.
Logan turned to see Patton looking confused and Virgil even paler than he had been before.
“Uh, yeah the cat can talk,” he said. He pulled on the gate and opened it, letting the other two go first.
“Follow me,” said cat called. Logan could barely follow him in the dim light.
“Who are you? Why are you a cat?” Virgil asked.
“My name is Roman Binks,” the cat said. “I was cursed 300 years ago into this form by the Sanders Brothers.”
“So that’s what happened to you!” Virgil said. He still looked pale, but now he seemed to be calming down a bit.
“Guys,” Logan spoke up. “Um, I wanted to apologize. I don’t believe in any of this stuff, but I was never going to light the candle. I don’t know if you’re going to believe this, but there was like, this force telling me to light it.”
“Maybe the Brothers put a spell on the candle to make sure someone would light it?” Virgil guessed. “Or maybe the spell they cast to make them come back from the dead was more of a prophecy.”
Logan shot him a grateful smile. At least someone believed him.
“I believe you, Lo-Lo,” Patton said, hugging him from behind. “I’ve never seen you like that before. It was like you were a different person.”
“Whatever it was, you still did it,” Roman snapped. “But fine. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.” He stopped in front of a grave. “We’re here.”
“Where is ‘here’ exactly?” Logan asked.
“I wanted to give you an idea of what we’re dealing with.” The cat motioned towards the headstone.
“‘Joan Butcherson, Lost soul.’” Logan read.
“Joan Butcherson was Damien’s lover, but he found them...ah, fooling around with Remus. So, he poisoned them and sewed their mouth shut with a dull needle so they couldn’t tell his secrets, even in death.”
Virgil whistled. “That’s messed up.”
“Indeed,” Roman said. He moved to another headstone nearby. “Because of me, my sister’s life was stolen. I swore to myself that I would never let it happen to another child.”
“I mean, we’re talking about three ancient dudes against the 20th century,” Virgil said. “How hard could it be?”
Logan started to open the book out of curiosity, but Roman interrupted.
“Stay out of there!” he demanded.
“Why?” Patton asked. “I wanna see their spells!”
“Damien cannot be allowed to get that book.”
“Why don’t we burn it, then?” Logan flicked open the lighter again.
“It’s protected by magic,” Roman said. And indeed, the pages seemed to repel the fire whenever Logan brought it close.
Stereotypical evil witch cackles filled the air, and the Sanders Brothers were there on their broomsticks, hovering over the ground.
Damien pointed in different directions and Anton and Remus split off to come behind the group. They were surrounded.
“Hey!” Virgil snapped. He grabbed a tree branch from the ground and swiped at Remus when he got too close. “Take a hike!”
“Book!” Damien called. “Come here, baby.”
The book started rising off the ground towards the witch, but Roman jumped on it before it got too high, sending it back to the ground.
“‘Fraid not,” he snarked.
“Ahh, Roman Binks! You’re still here, are thee?” Damien purred.
“And waiting for you,” Roman growled.
Damien laughed. “Then thou hast waited in vain! Thou shall fail to save thy friends, just as thou failed to save thy sister!”
Roman hissed at her, then called back to Logan. “Grab the book!”
Logan scooped it up, then retreated back to the safety of the group. Virgil and him stood back to back, Virgil brandishing his branch and Logan hugging the book to his chest.
“They can’t touch us here, right?” Logan asked, voice high pitched with fear.
“They can’t,” Roman muttered.
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