#like i can retake it
edwinisms · 3 months
george rexstrew deserves awards for many things but i have to say. edwin’s bloodcurdling scream as niko gets killed deserves a whole award unto itself. like. that scream did not feel at all like a tv show scream. to a somewhat jarring degree. and i can’t express how much I respect that
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muddysocks · 1 month
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keicordelle · 2 days
Thinking about Ryuu's first time on stage. Ryuu, who'd never performed in front of anyone before in his life. Ryuu, who grew up as a fisherman's son in Okinawa, and whose greatest aspiration is to fix his father's boat and send his brothers to university. Ryuu, who wasn't even on a popular sports team playing in front of a crowd before he joined up with TRIGGER.
Ryuu, surrounded by two of the most exacting people he's ever met, up on stage staring out at the people gathered there to see them. TRIGGER. And it doesn't matter if it's a dozen or a hundred or ten thousand, that first time it seems like a million. Two thousand eyes on you, hotter even than the spotlights making him sweat. No matter how you try to prepare yourself for that, you can never really be ready for the reality of that sort of thing.
Do you think he froze up? Got nervous and missed a cue? Tenn stepping in from behind him to make up for it, and he's smiling, because of course he's smiling, he's on stage, but Ryuu can feel how angry he's going to be later. Gaku trying to cover for his fumbled dance moves with a little extra charm, but it makes the weight on Ryuu's shoulders weigh all the more heavily.
He just wanted to fix his father's boat.
Stand on the stage. Sing. Dance. Smile. It sounds so easy.
It will be. Eventually. Easier, at least. Never easy.
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I just did so abysmally on an online test. The lecturer changed the due time from 11 to 9:30 and I only got 20 mins to do the hour long exam. Im gonna be sick. Really need a yves in my life.
That isn't very fair. Students have a life outside of their classes, and any changes like these have to be accommodated appropriately.
After telling Yves what you had to go through today, he offers you a hug and allows you to cry on his shoulder if you need to. Take however long you need, he will be there to console you. He said he would take care of it, you're too upset to bother asking what he meant, and you might have brushed it off as something he's just saying to make you feel better.
Once you're ready to part from him, he told you that he's going to be in his office if you need him. Yves told you to come to him whenever you're feeling hungry or unwell, he will remedy it for you.
Only when you leave, he opens up his laptop to send an email to your lecturer. He spends the next hour or so negotiating with them, gathering any and every material that could be used to his advantage.
The next day, you would find that the results of the said exam were nullified. It doesn't count in anyone's grade and your lecturer had sent out emails explaining that it was an unfair test, a good portion of students didn't even get to do it or finish it on time. He should have given ample notice before changing the due date like that.
Perhaps you felt relieved, maybe even angry at your lecturer for putting you and others through that stress. But whatever it is, you're simply glad it will not be affecting your overall academic performance. It's a nice thing to wake up to, you couldn't wait to tell Yves about the good news and unexpected luck you just had.
When you did, he would simply smile and watch you happily chatter away, never once disclosing that he was the catalyst of this change.
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weezerlvr228 · 2 months
Blast Off! Performed live in San Diego last fall! 🫶
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clouffy · 3 months
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mmeeee from the other day smile
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thedemonsurfer · 3 months
tsams really out here proving the thing of 'no one hates something like the people who love it'
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petz5 · 3 months
i might go apeshit if i think abt school too long but other than that i'm normal 👍
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entryn17 · 8 months
exam stress lessened because i remembered i'm aiming to pass, not get a high grade. university culture shock yayy <3
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drugsforaddicts · 4 months
Hey google, got any tips on how to learn swedish in 3 days to pass this exam? 💀 I failed the first one already and tbh I should've just told her I'd take the course again in year 4 or something because I have zero interest right now in learning and memorizing 300 words…
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betweenlands · 1 year
based on the infamous quiz from Clickhole, i have made the only personality quiz this fandom will ever need. select a response and be assigned a dominion member, guaranteed 100% accurate (source: dude just trust me).
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pearl-kite · 4 months
I think part of my lack of drive to draw is because I feel stuck between fixations, which is always a bit of a lonely place to be. It's probably why I'm doing other crafts and revisiting older hyperfixations, but man I would love a fixation that didn't feel like a party of one right now ._.
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platypusisnotonfire · 6 months
I applied to college again today I’m so scared but I really wanna finish this damn degree
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minecraft-sideblog-tm · 6 months
For that Hermit Permit uquiz I think I channeled all my teenage-self's frustration from my first attempt at getting my learner's permit where I failed the test because of a question that went like "When driving behind another vehicle in town, what is a safe distance to keep between the vehicles?" and the answers were like A) 20 feet, B) 3 car lengths, C) 30 feet, D) a safe distance
want to guess what the correct answer was?? take a wild guess at which one it was
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drinkingbitterboy · 1 year
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guys. i know i'm vain and i'm milking these pictures. however, in case you were wondering where the specific outfit inspo came from, here you go
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spacepunksupreme · 7 months
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Sylvester Stallone Billy Dee Williams Gay Little Hand Hold Thursday
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