#like i didnt even get any particularly abusive teachers or anything like i was one of the lucky ones
italiantea · 2 years
mindblown to learn that it's apparently common for japanese schools to ban kids from buying snacks between meals. bro when i was a kid $5 ntd mystery ice pops from the corner store were my childhood. if we got food poisoning that was on us lmao we knew what we were getting into
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dearqueerdeers · 3 months
things fall apart anon here, i just thought it so interesting bc i ALSO had an incompetent english teacher assign that book to me but she was incompetent in a different way she just barely taught anything at all and gave us study guides she clearly did not make and never held any discussions on the material of the text which honestly was fine enough, she could barely get anyone to speak up and express a thought in the class anyways. it was very upsetting to me bc i think the book is a very important text re: postcolonialism particularly wrt religion, abuse, and patriarchy and i didnt get to fully appreciate it five years ago bc i didnt even have to read the book to get 100s on the quizzes which i think made me not finish it lol BUT from what i remember okonkwo is extremely volatile and abusive and the first part of the novel is the people in his town literally punishing him for that (again, been five years, could be wrong). the book is titled 'things fall apart' for a REASON, he's falling apart in part bc he's a godawful miserable person but also bc of the reality of postcolonial life. the fabric of what was precolonial society is falling apart or more accurately being torn apart but it is never depicted in the text to be some magical stainfree idyllic existence without an idea of abuse like your teacher was suggesting like thats so incredibly paternalistic and racist. sorry didnt mean to get heated in ur inbox lmfao i rlly need to reread that book in its entirety though thank u for reminding me of it!
ok that's absolutely bizarre of your teacher tbh. that book absolutely needs context and peer discussion. also yeah it's explicitly in the books, one of okonkwo's close friends is like "hey man don’t you think you're being a little too harsh?" and okonkwo was basically like "no. shut up." I agree it's super weird to suggest that other cultures are without flaw or somehow immune to criticism. enjoy (or not) your reread!
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kibybun · 4 years
Hawks x Reader Highschool and No Quirk au!
Tw: Abuse, starvation, angst, fluff
Your heavy pants mix with the sound of the heavy rain beating onto the ground as you try and catch your breath. You didn't have time to as Keigo grabs your hands and smiles as he continues to jump and run around.
The sound of laughter was so pleasant in the silence. The rain had made you hair and clothes cling to you and the asphalt slick. Your pant legs get caught on each other causeing you to fall but you didn't care, you had Keigo to catch you.
You try to wipe some of the rain off his face as the two of you laugh and gasp for breath. Keigo settles for pushing your soaking hair out of your eyes. You giggle and pull away from him to check your phone.
You smile and hold it up to him, the bright screen showing the time as 11:11 pm.
"Eleven eleven! Make a wish!"
He pulls you close and spins. "I wish for this moment to never end!"
Annoying and rhythmic beeping awakes Keigo from his slumber. He yawns and stretches, turning off the alarm.
It was a school day and he wasn't too excited to get ready today. His body was shivering and aching. Maybe dancing in the rain wasn't the best idea he's ever had.
Nonetheless Keigo takes a hot shower and gets dressed in his school uniform. It had just come out of the drier so it warmed him up even more.
He walks out of his room and sees the whole house was a mess. He carefully tip toes his way around the mess, careful not to make noise or move anything out of place.
He makes it out the front door successfully making no noise and sighs in relief. Keigo basks in the sun for a moment before looking at your house on the right.
He had contiplated knocking on your door to walk with you like the two of you normally did but decided against it, knowing you had already left for school.
The walk to school was bland due to you not being there. You had always made him stop to appreciate the flowers every now and then or made him laugh with dumb jokes. But you'd always sneak off and disappear when the two of you arrive at school.
It's cute how you play hide and seek with him throughout the day.
Keigo arrives at school and heads to class knowing he'll see you there. You're normally late to every class but he manages to cover for you every time.
Today the teacher was preaching about grammar. It didnt intrest Keigo in the slightest but he knew you loved it so he played extra attention and took notes for you. He even left little doodles and jokes on the paper for when you studied.
"Pssst! Hey! What'd I miss?" Your sudden appearance next to him started him but he quickly regains his calm demeanor and smiles back.
"Nothing, I got it all written down for you."
"Aww Keigo, you're the sweetest!" Your sweet smile makes him blush and look away.
"Y-yeah, of course!" He hears you soft giggle as the paper on his desk disappears and reappears on your desk.
"Sorry I left without you, my mom had to work early and gave me a ride to school."
"Oh it's fine but I wish I could've ridden with you."
"Hehe maybe next time but you gotta be sure to wake up and not throw a fit!"
"That's only because you keep me up so late!"
"Keigo and (y/n). Care to stop disrupting the class?"
"Sorry Mrs. Johnson, we'll be quiet." Mrs. Johnson gives a strict nod before resuming the lesson.
Keigo holds back a snicker and lowers his head to his desk.
"Hehe I don't know how you deal with her."
"Hey! Keep your voice down dummy! I dont wanna get caught again." Your voice was now a whisper mixed with light laughter.
"Welp, I'll be quiet just so you don't get in trouble." He was slowly drifting off with a smile evident on his face.
"Really? It's only first period!" The last thing he saw was you adorable face before he drifted off to sleep.
Keigo wakes up to the school bell ringing and the murmur of his classmates. He lifts his head and wipes the drool from his face. Looking around he sees that everyone left quickly, leaving him by himself with the teacher.
"Hey, it's the end of the day and I dont want to stay here any longer so get out." Keigo was shocked by Mrs. Johnson's sudden annoyance with him but left quickly nonetheless.
While walking through the halls Keigo keeps his head down to look at his phone. He was texting you, telling to meet him at the cafe close by.
He was too infatuated with his phone to notice that he was bumping into people and pushing them aside.
Everyone scoffed but let it slide, knowing nothing they say would change his behavior.
Keigo mindlessly makes his way to the cafe and takes a seat it the far corner, his usual spot. He doesn't even look at the menu when he orders, just interrupting the waitress and ordering a cheap coffee and your favorite coffee.
But the waitress doesn't flinch or falter at his rudeness due to being used to it.
Keigo waits impatiently for the drinks and you to arrive. You always made time tic by faster somehow. Keigo would meet up with you around one pm then it'd suddenly be four pm but he didn't care.
It only made his time with you more precious.
His head shoots up as the soft chime of the bells attached to the door rings. Beneath the doorframe was you.
Keigo stands and waves you over even though he knows you know where he is. You happily wave back and make a beeline to your seat across from him.
"Heyo! Did you order already?"
"Yup! It should be here in a sec."
"Ok awesome!"
As if on cue the waitress comes over and sets down the drinks before leaving. You smile and inhale the sweet aroma before going to grab your cup.
Unfortunately you're clumsy and knock over Keigo's sending his hot coffee towards him, burning his hand.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry!" You jump up and run to get napkins while Keigo stays and cradles his hand.
It stung badly but he masked it when you asked if it hurt. He doesn't like making you worry.
The coffee gets cleaned and the two of you sit and goof around. Nothing was particularly notable about what either of you said, it was just mindless fun.
"Aww getting sleepy?" You giggle and tease Keigo as he yawns and rests his head down on the table.
"Hehe maybe... you should nap with me." He finished his sentence with a yawn.
"Mmmm no... I got homework to do." You place your head on his head and play with his hair a little. "I can help you with yours if you want."
"Nah..." Keigo grabs your hand and brings it to his lips to mumble a few more incoherent words before falling asleep.
This time it was the soft chime of the bells above the doorframe that woke him up. Admittedly, it was a lot more pleasant then the aggressive school bell or the annoying alarm but it was still tedious he had to wake up.
Keigo checks his phone for the time and stays to leave the cafe. It was still relatively early but he was just so tired.
As soon as Keigo entered his room he layed down and fell asleep. It was a dreamless slumber but it put his body at ease from the aching hunger he felt.
This time, instead of an annoying alarm it was loud shuffling that disrupted his sleep. It was about twenty minutes earlier than his alarm would go off.
Confused, Keigo carefully exits his room to find the noise coming from the kitchen. There he sees his mother shamelessly shoving the little food in the kitchen into a big plastic bag.
"Mom?" His voice made her flinch before she realized it was him.
"Oh! Keigo sweetheart, don't tell your father about this ok?"
He wants to beg her to take him with her but he knows her life would only lead to more dispare for him.
"You... you should be more quiet not to wake him up."
"Oh, thank you my sweet boy!" Her words were empty praise and she quickly took everything else in the little kitchen and left.
Another hungry day for him.
He doesn't see you until lunch this time which was odd because he has every class with you.
He was sitting under the tree in the back of the school when lunch started. It was his usual spot that you'd join him at. It was especially beautifully as the cherry blossom petals fluttered around durning mid spring.
"Hey! Still no lunch today?" You plop down next to him and lean back against the bark. Keigo sends a lazy but happy look your way before answering.
"Nope. I ate a big breakfast so I'll be fine." It was a lie, he hated lying to you, but he hated seeing worry on your face.
"Well, I brought extra if you get hungry!" You use your chopsticks to pick up a piece of fruit from your meal and eat it.
Keigo was envious of your food but he'd never take your food away.
His head slowly lands on your shoulder as you eat.
"C'mon! Don't you dare fall asleep on me!" Your voice was filled with laughter as you poked his face with your chopsticks.
"I can't help it! Sleeping is just so nice!"
"Nicer than being with me?"
"Of course not!" Keigo lifts his tired hand and cups your check, rubbing his thumb against your face for a moment before letting it grab your hand.
"You're like my dream come true."
"You're incredibly cheesy but adorable." You lean your head against his as his eyelids grow heavy.
"You love me... admit it..." He was barely awake when he felt your lips kiss his forehead.
"So what if I do?"
Again, it was that dumb school bell that woke Keigo up from his nap.
His eyes flutter on and see all the petals that had fallen around him. He stands and stretches before wiping all the petals from his head.
Time to finish this boring day. He slouches and walks back into the school to finish the last few classes he had.
Keigo saw you again last period but he couldn't really talk to you because everyone was taking a test. Instead the two of you made silly faces and mouthed words that neither of you understood. It was totally worth getting scolded after school for.
You disappeared right after getting scolded but Keigo didn't mind, he knew you didn't like getting yelled.
He checked the time as he exited the school, it was still quite early. Keigo contemplates asking you to hang out but he was far too tired right now.
He slowly makes his way to his house and closes the door to his room. He then throws his things to the ground then himself on the bed.
It was a minute or so before Keigo reached for his phone. It was far too quiet for his liking, so he called you.
It was only two rings before you answered.
"What's up?"
"Nothing, just wanted to hear your voice."
"Aww you cheesy idiot!"
"Yeah yeah.... what are you up to?"
"Being responsible and doing homework."
"Ugh would could you do something so boring?"
"Because its required dummy!" He smiles as he hears you laugh.
"Pfft that's why I have you!" You let out a mocking gasp.
"I ought to let you fail so you have to go through and do twice as much homework!"
"That didn't even make sense, smarty pants."
"Still smarter than you!"
"Are you though?" He ends his sentence with a yawn.
"Awww sleepytime already?"
"Yup. You should sing me a lullaby."
"W-what? You know I have the voice of a pterodactyl."
"I don't think so. C'mon, for me?" He shifts in his bed and gets comfy.
"Fine! Only this once and you better not laugh!" You let out a huff.
"Cross my heart."
"What do you even want to hear?"
"Twinkle twinkle little star."
"That's such a baby song, you baby."
"Twinkle, twinkle, little star..." You had barely started and he was half asleep. Your voice was simply angelic to him. That was the most at ease hes felt in suck a long time.
There wasn't an alarm to wake him up this time. Keigo sits up and pats around his bed to find his phone, only to see it across the room.
He brushes it off and gets ready for his tiresome school day.
Today was one of the days he saw you every period. It made him happy seeing you so much and it made him even happier as the two of you were assigned partners.
The task was read a few chapters of the class book and take notes. Of course the two of you didnt do that.
"Keigo, are you even paying attention?" He wasn't.
"If I saw no will you get mad?"
"I guess you'll have to take notes on your own." You giggle and turn away from him.
"Wait, no, please! I don't know what this is even about!"
"You should've paid attention!"
"How could I pay attention if you're looking that adorable?" He rests his head on your shoulder as you try and hide your blushing face.
"Don't just say stuff like that if you don't mean it!" He looks at you confused.
"But I did mean it." You huff and lean your head onto of his and continue reading, slowly lulling Keigo into a peaceful slumber.
Keigo jolts awake due to his teacher screaming at him to leave. He gets the impression that Mrs. Johnson doesn't like him that much.
He gathers this things and leaves, texting you to meet him at the park. It was a cloudy day with a slight chill. It was nice out.
"Sorry if I kept you from your homework." He held a mocking grin as you simply rolled your eyes.
"Whatever, your just jealous I spend more time with homework than I do you."
"Yeah, so what if I am?"
"Then I'd say you're silly."
"Then I'm the silliest person there is."
The two of you lay down in the grass and watch the clouds. Nothing much was said, just watching clouds as he scooted closer to you to stay warm. At one point he even held your hand before he fell asleep.
The splatter of cold rain jolted him away. Keigo was startled to see himself still laying in the park while it being nearly pitch black. It didn't help that the rain was coming done harder and harder by the second.
He staggers to stand and checks his phone.
11:12 pm.
His heart drops as he runs through the slick streets to his home.
He was late.
This isn't good.
Why didn't you wake him up?
The pitter patter of his feet on the ground slows as he reaches his house drenched in sweat and rain. His hand shakes violently as he hesitates to open the door.
His hand didn't even have the chance to touch the handle before the door flung open to reveal his drunk father.
"Who the hell do you think you are? Coming into MY house this late?" His taller physique intimidating Keigo as he took dangerous steps towards him.
"I-I-I I'm s-sorry... I lost track of t-time..." His father's fist makes contact to his gut and he falls to the wet ground.
"Pathetic. You and your excuses." The pain Keigo felt was immense due to the relentless blows dealt to him but he could care less. It was the embarrassment that hurt more.
All the lights in the neighborhood slowly flicked on as people looked out their windows to investigate where all the noise was coming from.
His father was yelling slurs and insults that barely affected Keigo but made everyone flinch.
Yet Keigo still didn't care.
He just wished you wouldn't come out and see him like this. He had always been careful to avoid a public beating so you never had the chance to see him in such a weak and pitiful state, but it seems he failed.
"Don't you dare come into my house again." He gives a final kick to his already heavily bruised gut before going back in to drink some more.
Keigo lays there with his face up to the sky knowing no one would dare come over and help him. Everyone in this damn town knew about his family. How much of a bastard his father was but they never tried to help him.
Fear separates him from the rest of society.
Keigo lays there for an hour or so before attempting to sit up.
Everyone's lights had turned back off and the sound of rain created a soothing white noise.
He takes his time to stand and starts to hobble down the street, holding his bruised stomach. He didn't care that moving around would only worsen his condition.
His hand trembles as he grabs his phone and tells you to meet him at the park. He needed to see you.
Keigo sits on a soaking bench when you arrived without a coat or umbrella.
"Keigo! Oh thank god!" You capture him in a tight embrace that he returns. "Are you ok? Oh my god are you bleeding? Keigo we should go somewhere dry-"
"Run away with me." You loosen your grip on him and pull back to look him in the face.
"Run away with me. Let's leave this god forsaken life behind and start a new one, a better one, just us! Let's go live a life where no one can hurt us ever again. We'll have each other whenever we need. We could watch the stars and swim in a lake and pick berries and dance in the moonlight and we could just be ourselves."
His tears mix in with the heavy downpour of rain. He cups your face as gently as he can as he lets out a shakey sob.
"We could be infinity."
You smile a pained smile as you rest your hands onto of his.
"Oh Keigo... we ARE infinity." Your tears begin to mix with the rain as you pull his hands away and wipe his tears.
You pull him closer and kiss him, savoring that sweet moment of bliss before pulling away and resting your forehead against his. He looks you in the eyes as your body starts to fade away.
He cries harder as he tried to grab you, pull you closer, as he refuses to let you go.
"Please! Don't leave me!"
"I'll always be here whenever you need."
You wake up and get ready for school. It was hard to focus on your breakfast as your mind was pledge with thoughts of your neighbor getting beat.
You had tried before to talk to him but he ignored you.
You leave your house and him still completely passed out and soaking wet. It doesn't look like he moved at all.
You step closer and call out his name.
Keigo right?
One of his eyes fluttered open due to the other one being swollen.
"Hey... are you okay?" Yoh kept your voice low and gentle.
He looks at you with a blank expression before wiping his face, grabbing his soaked bag, and walking off.
You sigh, it wasn't the first time this has happened.
To him you were probably just that nosy neighbor. He probably doesn't even know your name.
You follow behind him as he walks to school. You hear him talking to himself. It seemed like he was talking to someone else but no one was there. He makes silly puns and jokes that make you giggle.
You had asked if you could walk with him before and he had just ignored you.
The two of you make it to school and head to your classes. You had most classes with Keigo but not all. He normally sits in the back of the classroom and sleeps. Most of the time and mumbles something in his sleep and laughs.
Sometimes you take notes for him and leave little doodles and jokes on it so he wasn't completely behind, even if everyone tells you it's a lost cause.
At lunch you watch him walk to the back of the school and sit under the big cherry blossom tree.
Most days you sit with your friends but today you decided to join him. Keigo was already asleep when you arrived so you didn't stay long.
Without all the bruises and if his cheecks weren't sunken in he'd truely be handsome.
You leave your lunch for him and return to your friends before lunch ends.
When Keigo wakes up he sees someone's lunch left next to him. You never left things behind in his dreams so who's lunch was this?
It didn't feel right to take it but they left it there for a reason. Against his better judgment he scarfs down the food and goes to finish the day.
It was the last period of the day when he saw the real you. He had used you as a fantasy to make his life better and he wasn't ashamed. He didn't know you, he didn't care for you, he had made is own version of you that loves him. That version of you helps the pain go away and make the days go by faster. He had no interest in getting to know the real you or anyone in that manner.
He was walking home when the real you approached.
"Hey... can I walk with you?"
"No." He walks faster, leaving you behind with a hurt expression.
All he wanted to do was get home and dream of his version of you. It was his only escape, his only happiness in life. Pathetic, he knew that but he didn't care. He was content with living with living his bittersweet life. He wanted nothing more.
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discountdyke · 3 years
i do not understand why ppl think kamoshida is such a well written villain
okay so like not that i spend a lot of time ranking video game villains bc im generally not interested in those sorts of characters but i feel hard pressed to call any of the ones in p5 particularly well done or well written. 
the common theme between them is the power imbalance which is mentioned over and over in the game (rotten adults). adults are older, have higher positions in society, and in a lot of ways its their word over a childs. this is fair! this is an interesting theme!
but when we get to the actual motivations for the thieves to go against them it gets less and less interesting. kamoshida gets a lot of praise and i think thats probably because beating him is like going against that one high school teacher you hated and its satisfying.
however, in the actual arc, shiho and ann as well as the other students seem like an afterthought compared to the boy’s expulsion. rather than avenging those who’ve been abused, the narrative plays along like its only really important to the protag when all of that affects him specifically - completely opposite of his interference with shido in the beginning of the story. 
on top of this, the palace goes out of the way to overly sexualize ann - they didnt HAVE to put her in underwear, they could have picked any other revealing clothes - and even shiho in the updated boss fight. it feels very much like fanservice under the guise of “oh, look how terrible this character is!” and then after they beat him he just...leaves. shiho’s left hospital bound, 
and then the very next arc they introduce a character by having ann be sexually harrassed as a joke. the narrative didnt learn anything from kamoshida’s arc - why should we? in fact, after that arc its almost as if it never happened. life goes on, ann only talks about shihos rehabilitation, theres nothing to indicate anything in the school changed. 
so why is he scary? why do i keep seeing listicles and tweets and posts about how hes the best written p5 villain, or even the best written video game villain? ive seen ppl say “well, hes the only one that harms his victims directly”. do u really think none of the other male villains have ever committed sexual assault or rape? yall think shido was pushing that woman in his car so they could go have consensual sex? you think kaneshiro or okumura or madarame never used their position to coerce or force women? 
and, as for the suicide, madarame has done this. he directly harms his students. he’s literally been starving yusuke as well as killed his mother. thats pretty direct to me. okumura knew or at least could have predicted that harus fiance was abusing or planning to abuse her. 
i just dont get it. hes the opening act for the story. its convenient to have the metaverse open at a place where the characters commonly are. hes “bad” but he isnt interesting. hes a stock character. theres nothing about him thats particularly well written. im at a loss here.
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voices-ringing-out · 4 years
CHARACTER BIOGRAPHY: Maximilian ‘Max’ Navarro
Trigger Warnings for religious trauma and religious abuse, as well as a fairly disturbing death, please proceed with caution.
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"The closer I got to the Church, the more hypocrisy and corruption I saw. The so called ‘keys to heaven’ were being held by perverts and con men, the very evil I wanted to fight. What kind of god would allow that scandal? So I quit the Church, quit believing in their lies... figured that there is no God so I could live by my own rules; pick on somebody else. All I ever knew was religious rituals, labelism, and prayers. So me and my best friend, we started this show. I didnt think it mattered it was fake. People loved it. People loved me.”
Max was born to two staunch Catholics, so religion was interwoven with his upbringing from the very start. For most of his childhood, he took it all very seriously, but certain parts of it - the long Masses, then later Catholic school - clashed with his naturally active and energetic nature. He was constantly finding himself punished by either his parents or members of the Church - or his teachers later on - because of his struggles with staying focused and staying still, and his inability to memorise the things he was supposed to memorise. 
Despite his high levels of energy, Max had a hard time with socialising, which meant that while it was easy for him to make friends, it was difficult to keep them - either because their interests weren’t the same as his, or because he was simply ‘too much’ for them to handle. So when one friend that he made when he first entered Catholic school - Andrew - stuck with him, regardless of his shortcomings, Max decided early on that he would do anything he could to stay friends with Drew. 
School is not an enjoyable time for the two. Drew does well - if not for what the nuns see as Max’s ‘bad influence’, he would be a model student - but since he refuses to leave Max’s side, whilst Max struggles to know when the right time for cracking jokes are and has trouble memorising the prayers and Bible verses that they are required to know, he is dragged down with him. When Max is punished for being unable to recite a prayer, Drew tries to mouth it to him and is punished for helping him. At the age of 13, Max and Drew are kept after class yet again; lectured about not taking the rules and rituals seriously. Drew tries to take the heat to protect Max, and the teacher - fed up - grabs him by the hair and begins to slam him into the desktop again and again.
When his cries for her to stop go unheard, wracked with panic and guilt that his friend was going to die, Max lunged forward and knocked the nun over. Unfortunately, he did so at the same time a pencil rolled off the desk, and she fell onto it; it went through her eye, blinding her and she later died. Because it was marked an accident, Max and Drew were not punished for it - but Max was haunted by that teacher for the rest of his life, through high school and college. He entered seminary, hoping to make amends for the things he had done, but upon realising how corrupt the religion he had followed his entire life was, he rejected it.
He and Drew remained friends, and when Max left the seminary, he had the idea of The Cleansing Hour - an online webseries that aired live once a week, where he performed exorcisms, fake though they were. It indulged his love for theatre, as well as his deeper and quieter need for attention, and gave him some sensation of defeating evil like he had always wanted to... even if it wasn’t real. The older he had gotten, the more Max had fallen back on a facade; playing up a charming, debonair, and outgoing character to hide his own insecurities, and this also made the show a perfect way to keep that facade up, as well as gave him a way to distract himself from the evil he had already witnessed.
Unfortunately, whilst playing with the concept of demons, he ended up attracting one of the real ones.
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the basics
full name: maximilian david navarro.
aka: max, maxi.
age: since he’s a new muse, he only has his main verse, in which he is 33.
gender & pronouns: cis man, he/him.
orientation: pansexual and desperately trying to keep hidden the fact he has had a massive crush on drew since they were kids.
species: human
occupation: 'priest and exorcist’ (a false identity), actor, online influencer.
residence: at the moment, los angeles.
physical appearance
hair: usually messy or in a bun; a dark brown, though on occasions before he started The Cleansing Hour, he would dye it in fun colours. it’s very wavy by nature, so sometimes he straightens it.
eyes: whiskey brown.
complexion: tan.
build: tall, thin, and fairly fit. he frequented the gym before he started his show, and still goes every now and again to stay fit but nowhere near as often as he used to be.
scars: his knees, back, and hands are covered in varying scars from the various beatings and punishments he endured as a child at the catholic school, as well as some from self harm on his arms that he makes a point to keep hidden. he also has a scar on his chin from an automobile accident in college.
tattoos: for now, just one, a matching tattoo that he and drew got - the two of them, in college, got matching anchor tattoos on their forearms. back then, their life plan had been that they would save up money, get a houseboat, and spend their life taking it easy at sea. as they got older, plans changed, but max still treasures the tattoo.
piercings: both of his ears are pierced and he often wears golden hoops, though he takes them out when filming episodes for the show to keep up the ‘man of god’ image.
etc: his grin is often described as ‘crooked’ or ‘lopsided’!
face claim(s): ryan guzman; he seems to have short hair most of the time which doesn’t fit my interpretation, so i’m currently searching for some other faceclaims!
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zodiac: leo.
alignment: chaotic neutral.
hogwarts: slytherin.
positive traits: ambitious, clever, determined, affectionate.
negative traits: hedonistic, self-centred, temperamental, stubborn.
medical record
mental: PTSD, social anxiety (which he masks with a facade), borderline personality disorder. 
physical: N/A
phobias: necrophobia (fear of death), sphenisciphobia (fear of nuns; though it’s more a trigger of his past trauma than a phobia), taphophobia (fear of being buried alive), aerophobia (fear of flying/planes).
eyesight: 20/20 vision.
drug use: due to his hedonistic nature, he has tried most drugs and will often go back to them, though he has been fortunate enough not to get addicted to any of them. 
alcohol use: alcohol, however, he has an addiction to. he drinks regularly, oftentimes at irregular hours on his days off.
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birth place: reno, nevada; his parents eventually moved to sacramento, california before he entered school.
ethnicity: hispanic and jewish primarily, with some english and norwegian.
parents: manuel and hannah navarro. 
siblings: one younger sister who still lives with his parents; grace, 15 years old.
pets: his parents kept dogs growing up; he was only ever particularly attached to their yellow lab, Domingo. in present day, he doesn’t have space for a dog in his apartment, but has taken in two stray cats that he rescued - two small kittens who were dumped in the street by an asshole who didn’t want them. one’s a male dark striped tabby he named Sixx (after the Motley Crue singer) and the other is a female tortoiseshell he named Nikita (after the Elton John song).
education: he graduated high school, and got most of the way toward an associates’ in arts degree in college before attempting seminary - which he also eventually left without completing his education there.
notable skills: he enjoys music; he is a good singer (except when he’s too drunk), and dabbles in playing the guitar and the drums. he has a way with words if given the chance to think on them a bit, and has perfected his acting throughout the years. similar to his passion for music, he is also a good dancer. those are the skills he’s most proud of anyway.
languages: english, and he is passable in spanish. he also knows some latin.
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lesbeet · 5 years
this might be a strange question but what goes into becoming a teacher? i've been thinking about becoming a teacher and i'm nervous even though it's something i really think i want to do and i'm curious as to how you go about becoming one like what courses/requirements do you need to take and how do you come up with a lesson plan and everything? and how did you know teaching was something you wanted to do or realize it was something you would be good at?
hm well i can only tell you about my own experience, which i would say is probably pretty unorthodox, but it’s been working really well for me! 
so i’ve been working on a masters in teaching for english/language arts grades 5-12 from western governors university, which is an (accredited) online program for aspiring teachers who need to be licensed as teachers in general as well as certified/endorsed in their particular subject areas. depending on what you want to teach, there are a couple of undergrad teaching degrees they offer (i believe it’s elementary ed, special ed, and a couple of different math and science programs), but to do like language arts or social studies etc, you’d need to have a bachelors degree to qualify -- though i also did my bachelors at wgu (in business management sdklfdjskdflsjd i hated it) so it doesnt need to be education-related or anything
if you wanna know more about my particular program let me know, bc it works fairly unusually but is a legitimate post-secondary educational institution and is also incredibly affordable, and idk what i’d be doing if i hadnt found out that it existed lmao
but so yeah idk what an education undergrad would consist of, but for my program in particular there were a lot of english content classes, obviously, like secondary disciplinary literacy, english pedagogy, secondary reading instruction and interventions, stuff like that
and then there were a lot of more generalized pedagogical courses, like educational assessment, foundational perspectives of education, classroom management, fundamentals of diversity and inclusion, principles of psychology: child and adolescent development, and stuff like that
again, this is just based on my own experience, but re: lesson plans, i actually just had some assignments for my courses where i had to write them and justify the thought process behind the decisions i made! like in my english pedagogy course, i had to write 3 essays (one for a literature-based lesson, one for a grammar-based lesson, and one for a writing-based lesson), and in each essay there was a section where i had to plan an entire lesson using their lesson plan format, and then explain and justify why i made each choice that i made. 
i’m starting student-teaching next semester, as soon as we get back from winter break, and i assume i’ll get more practice with lesson-planning through that, but basically it kind of comes down to like...figuring out the standards your students are supposed to reach, then figuring out how you’re going to break them down into a curriculum, and then for each lesson you figure out what objectives/goals you want your students to reach by the end, and you figure out how to present the material and then assess in some way whether or not the students understand it. once you know what the purpose of a lesson plan is (whether re: the idea of lesson plans in general, or a specific lesson plan you’re working on), the rest is just figuring out how to achieve that purpose. and it comes with practice! and trial and error, and figuring out what works and doesnt work with your own teaching style and in your classroom, etc. ik that’s super vague but so much of it depends of the parameters you’re given—like while i’m student-teaching i won’t be picking the books we read, so i’ll already have that requirement figured out for me, yknow?
as for your last question, my mom has been teaching my whole life, and my dad started teaching when i was about 10. my aunt is also a teacher, and my other aunt is a speech-language pathologist, so. i grew up around teachers kfjsldkfjs
i’ve just always liked explaining things to people and helping them understand them! i think really what it comes down to is that i just have a lot of passion and a lot of things to say sldfksjdkflj like i really do believe that english/language arts in particular is applicable in all parts of life, because all people communicate. i can’t speak for like. calculus or biology or whatever, but 99.9999% of people will need to do some sort of reading, and some sort of writing and/or speaking and/or communication of some type or another, and for all of the “the curtains are just blue!!!” whiners out there, it’s crucial to know how to communicate with others, and to understand what others are attempting to communicate to you, and i can’t think of a single scenario in which that isn’t the case. 
plus like, idk a single person who doesn’t like some form of story, whether through tv shows or movies or books or plays or podcasts or video games etc etc etc, and imo those can all be enhanced and made even better by having some sort of background knowledge of storytelling as an art, or as a process, or as an established medium with its own structures and intertextual lexicon etc! like the more i read about the art and history of storytelling, the more i enjoy movies and tv shows (which i already love and watch frequently), bc storytelling isn’t just a textual medium!
tbh part of the reason i think i’m good at explaining things is because i grew up in an emotionally abusive household, and i learned very early on how to anticipate the way another person (usually my dad lol) would interpret something i said to him, regardless of what i actually meant by it. so i subconsciously learned to apply that skill to other people, and now i’ve got sort of a knack for being able to cater my explanations to different people based on how i think they’ll best understand the information, and not just in a classroom setting—like i sometimes serve as a mediator/”interpreter” when my sister and my dad are having difficult conversations, because i know them both well enough, and the way they think well enough, that when one of them says something, i can usually understand both their intention AND how the other person is going to interpret it, and i can rephrase or explain things so miscommunication doesn’t end up making the problem worse
so in a classroom, i can explain things in several different ways, and if i’m working one-on-one with different kids i can usually figure out what isn’t clicking and can try another way to explain it. also bc my adhd brain processes information by making connections to other things i already know, i’m particularly good at coming up with (often unusual) metaphors or analogies for things, and people are like “oh wow ok that’s a weird way to explain it but i definitely get it now” and stuff
so basically i’ve learned bc of necessity how to communicate more effectively with others, and because i want everyone else to get the enjoyment out of language arts that i do, i’m drawn to teaching because i hope to help the students find at least some area of it that they’re interested in, and to show them that literature/storytelling/communication aren’t just about reading old boring books written by racist white dudes who hated women, but about learning to represent and interpret and take part in the human experience, because the foundation of any sort of society is communication, and that very basic desire to be understood by others
so even when i didnt actively Want To Be A Teacher it was always kinda in the back of my mind like “well if i dont find anything else i wanna do, i can always be an english teacher” bc most of my favorite teachers growing up were english teachers, and even at my absolute worst i did just fine in those classes, even when i hadnt read the books we were discussing (which was most of the time jsdklfsjd which is now kind of a problem for me as a teacher so i do think i shot myself in the foot there but oh well, i was 14)
anyway, as usual that got super long, but i hope it was helpful! lemme know if you have any other questions :)
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sir-adamus · 6 years
I’ve literally seen six good metas already about the fighting styles in the bees vs Adam fight but the YouTube rwby critics will swear it sucks because “hurr durr they made Adam too weak.” At this point I’m embarrassed that they’re still calling their whining criticism.
oh yeah
the ones i’m dreading are the ones attributing Yang fighting ‘better’ as if she was a bad fighter until her father ranted at her for an entire episode (when her fighting style isn’t better, it’s dull and clinical and she’s not enjoying it anymore), acting like she needed his advice to be able to handle Adam when that’s just horseshit
Yang didn’t know what she was up against last time, she didn’t know how he fought, what his semblance was or what he could do 
“but she was too ruled by emotion and that’s why she got hurt” (oh yeah blame the victim, classy)
it’s a very popular lie that Yang was ‘too ruled by emotion’ and ‘had no control over her temper’ - Yang demonstrates a lot of control over her temper in the first few volumes if you’d actually pay attention and isn’t nearly as ruled by her emotions as people pretend she is (and blowing her lid isn’t a sign of her losing control when observation indicates she’s still controlling herself while angry - in fact on more than one occasion losing her temper and letting the rage out actually helped her re-focus)
people - and Taiyang - act like Yang should’ve acted like a goddamn machine on finding Blake lying there on the ground, stabbed in the gut by some asshat in a mask, and seem to think Yang had any other options in that scenario beyond a direct charge
any of Yang’s other techniques, or approaching him slowly, could’ve put Blake at further risk - either from Adam or the fallout of Yang’s own attacks - which is something Yang would absolutely want to avoid
on top of that, it’s completely ignoring the very extenuating circumstances of that situation
the fall of Beacon had been going on for a few hours by that point, everyone is stressed out and exhausted because they’ve been fighting for ages - Yang has more stress than anyone else because it’s been an incredibly rough 24 hours for her, with the Mercury incident, being told by some jumped up general that the world hates her and there’s fuck all she can do about it (seriously why couldn’t one of her teachers handled that? why does Tinydick Copperschlong have to throw his weight around with everything?) and then finding out that not only was she lied to her whole life again (Qrow telling her that, contrary to what she previously believed, that he had seen Raven since she left) and getting some idea that Raven wasn’t a particularly nice person (in fact it’s implied that’s when he told her about Raven completely, bandit leader and all, so she’s got that weighing on her) and now the school’s being attacked, she’s separated from her team and has no idea where Ruby is
so yeah, maybe when she sees something incredibly distressing and being goaded by her opponent, she’s gonna hit her breaking point and fly into a rage - but that isn’t representative of how she normally would react if it weren’t for the extremely specific and stressful circumstances
compare this circumstance, this is Blake and Yang’s only fight that day, all they’re really worried about is making sure this plan goes off without a hitch - so there’s no overabundance of stress. when Yang arrives, not only is Blake still holding Adam off but Yang hits him before he realises she’s even there - he had absolutely no control, unlike last time. and on entering the fight, she already has a better idea of how he fights and what to avoid from past experience
Yang was already an adaptable fighter, acting like she could’ve only adapted because she got advice from Taiyang - and not, say, because she’s a smart fighter with a functioning brain for whom the extremely generic and situational advice from her neglectful, bullying idiot of a father (”find another way around” yes, thanks pops, i will also try “not dying” and "breathing”, any other sage wisdom you got?) who clearly doesn’t understand her at all might not be terribly applicable, especially because looking at previous fights showed that she was already doing that - is ridiculous. she has a better idea of what to expect and adapts accordingly, she’s very quick in that regard, as demonstrated in this same fight where on learning how Adam’s semblance works she deliberately focuses on hitting him without hitting the sword
but i just know people are gonna attribute it to Tai ‘being such a great teacher’ and ‘Yang really learned her lesson from getting her arm brutally sliced off by an abusive shitstain - the message of that fight totally wasn’t that the heroes still have a long way to go and that the villains are brutal and monstrous or anything, no, Yang needed to learn a lesson and the only way she could learn it is by being maimed and getting PTSD’, or that once again ‘Adam got nerfed’ and it’s gonna be so annoying
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dwindlingashesburnt · 5 years
Golden Child at socialising
Honestly, if you want to know a huge reason behind my utter lack of social skills?
In terms of friendship and social skills, going to a very small, private primary school acts pretty much like being a real smart kid does - ie, you cruise and make no effort instead of working hard, because hard work isn't necessary at that stage, then when you're met with a harder task you have no idea how to handle it.
Like people describe barely having to revise because they knew they'd more or less ace the test even without revising, but years later they have no idea how to revise and aren't used to regularly revising, so crash and burn as soon as they face the more difficult tests.
Now imagine that...But with social skills.
Thing is, the school was TINY. There weren't many new students. Pretty much everyone there at the end of school went to kindergarten (age 3 or 4, for reference) or even day care at the same school. The "big school" had kids aged about 6, to about 14, and if you count all those kids plus all their teachers then at the time, there were roughly 40 people total in the "big school". Let me emphasis - FORTY.
There were only 4 kids in my year on the last year of primary school, INCLUDING me!
Let's use a scale of 1 to 10 to describe friendship scales here, where 1 is someone you would never ever want to be in the same room as, 2 is someone you dislike, 3 is someone you vaguely dislike, 4 is a complete stranger, 5 is an acquaintance and 10 is a life long partner
You got to know a lot of the people you'd interact with throughout school when you were three years old. I cannot even remember much from that age, so I literally do not remember anything about the one time before leaving primary I was actually required to make friends on my own. And even here, at the lowest stage, every person kind of defaulted to at least a 5
After this, you mostly know everyone. Everyone in your year, the year above and or below is on about a 6 with you. That gets moved up to about a 7 or 8 simply through forced proximity and a limited number of kids to play with on the playground - that's about it. Very little social skills were involved or even required
So after age 6 or 7 at this school, every single person defaults to about a 7 around you even if you've rarely, of ever spoken. You could theoretically actually employ social skills, make more of an effort etc, and probably get friends that were like a 9.5, but what was the point? Everyone was already on about the same level of found family or close friends without you doing anything so why would you as an 8 year old bother? Better yet, where would you even learn the skills to do so from?
Whenever anyone new joined the school, which was rare, it was always about 1 friendly stranger among 40 people you knew well - quite frequently the really really outgoing people would befriend the new person first, and then you would be able to attempt to befriend this friendly stranger (So probably a good 4.5 already) with help, back up, etc, from like 5 other people you've known for like seven years.
......And then you get to a public school, and suddenly, you've gone from 40 people who you've known for practically you whole life, are all like 7s or above, and have required about no social skills, to a school where one year group is over 200 people (May I remind you - 4 people in my year, 40 in most of the whole damn school previoudly), everyone already has their own preformed groups and eyes you as being a 3 or worse,and there you'd stand with zero social experience and zero backup for about the first time in your life
I don't think it's particularly surprising to now tell you I didn't make many friends.
I was mostly screwed in the first place, due to the above reasons, but at the same time as the people, I was also facing absolutely huge grounds I was constantly getting lost in, quite a lot of unfamiliar work I'd never seen before and the teachers insisted I should know (apparently public primary schools do a lot more work on shapes than we did), an unfamiliar working style (I spent most of my first year being told off for spending too much time on presentation and not enough on the actual work, and then being told I shouldn't write in cursive because they couldn't read it - so I stopped writing in cursive and discovered that my lowercase writing was utterly illegible because I hadn't done it since I was about 8 when they first started teaching is cursive) and huge huge huge huge amounts of stress all around but especially from my mother
My response to all this was to plunge into the only thing that I believed I could easily solve - the schoolwork. It took me a good three weeks or so to even start contemplating actually trying to make acquaintances, let alone friends, instead of burying myself in work, and at that point....Well
At that point, my lacking social skills, generally stressed and distracted state, work over people policy, and my utter incompetancy in remembering anyone's names or faces meant that I was, really and thoroughly, screwed.
I tried making friends after that.
Failed miserably.
Got called a bitch several times, actually. And just stared down when I asked if I could join or tried to start a conversation many more times. Got laughed at a LOT.
I still couldn't remember anyone's names
And now I was being called bitch, swot, teachers pet, etc, roughly half the time I tried talking to anyone. And pretty much every time it was said outright or heavily implied that I hadn't been interested in being their friend last week,that I thought I was too good for them, that I had rejected their offer of friendship- which, in my defense, was often something like smiling at me and handing me the scissors when I asked, which I OBVIOUSLY didn't recognise because as far as I was aware or had experienced, that was common decency, not any special attempt at being friends
None of this was helped by the fact that for a good half or more of my first year at that school I was being targeted very specifically. Two boys, twins, were in my form, so with me at the start of the day. They would follow me to my first lesson so they'd know where it was, then come follow me from 1st to second, follow me most of the way from 2nd to break, then come find me after break to resume following me, etc. A few times they spent large portions of break or lunch with em too which terrified me - I couldn't get them to leave me alone, I ran once, sprinted out of the building and shoved through the crowd, and they laughed, called after me mockingly and later caught up to me without breaking a sweat. They'd walk, one on either side, arms slung across my shoulders even though I told them please not to touch me, and I'd try to duck and run but they wouldn't let me. They'd ask me constant, often rather intrusive questions, and demand I answer - if I didn't or asked them a harmless question back (for example "How long does it take you to get to school by car?" "....Um. I don't want to- What's your favourite colour?-") Lucius would get in my face and scream and yell at me in threatening tones and they still wouldn't let go of me and I couldn't fucking move away while he practically spat in my face, or they'd both casually insult me, or Ben (the other twin) would talk calmly and soothingly about how they weren't doing anything wrong, I should just answer the question, we were friends weren't we? It was the most fucked up version of Good cop Bad Cop ever, where Lucius would threaten and insult an laugh in my face while Ben would smile and sooth and gaslight constantly and excuse their actions as GOOD things, and the entire time they'd have an arm slung around each of my shoulders, and they were stronger and faster than me, and they never physically hurt me, not really, but by god was I terrified they would. Was I terrified of them in general. I kept hoping and praying someone would see what was happening and help me, I had no friends to back me up, but I hoped someone would see what was happening and help me. Nobody seemed to. Everybody saw me being escorted everywhere by them, and almost everybody must have seen me flinch and or try to get away many many times, but nobody stepped in. Nobody helped. This didnt help me have any even ideas of trying to make friends because it seemed they must all already dislike me pretty strongly to allow that to happen when they could have helped
Anyway. Didn't mean that to get so long
Eventually I gave up on making friends. Went miserably back to working my ass off, and resolved to try and learn the teachers names instead, which was about as difficult frankly and had about no reward except if NOT being regarded like the stupidest thing to ever live counts
I didn't make any real friends until about a year and a half later, so. Yeah.
And every single day from my first day of secondary school, my mother was screaming at me, insulting me, heaping on verbal abuse, guilt trips, etc, because I hadn't yet made dozens of friends, or learnt all the teachers names.
This was apparently, supposedly, because she was worried about me. Because she was stressed
Considering this is one of the main factors that I spent most of the time for a good year or so in a constant state of outright terror, and many experiences since, I've learnt to dread my mother being stressed about anything
I have some friends now. But not many. And none of which I actually approached first. It's. Pretty pathetic and even though I'm glad I have them and I love them I sometimes feel really really miserable about it
I want more friends
I keep trying
I'm not having any success..
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I didnt go on my first legitimate date until I was 19 and in college, and the sum total of sexual experiences I had during this blissful undergraduate years wouldnt even require the remaining fingers of a grizzled old high school Wood Shop teacher to count, so while I wasnt completely inexprienced, Id hardly say I had a particular set of skills, acquired over a long career. Somewhere between general study at one university and applying for much higher education sexy furry pussy at another, there was a seismic shift in my ability to interact with women I find attractive and, more importantly, their overall interest in me. Im wired a bit differently than a lot of guys I meet - flat tummies and thigh gaps do fuck-all for me. As a result, I now refer to my graduate school career as the Era of Man Slut, because sweet bouncing bits, I had a lot of sex during that time. Stephanie was a bit on the thick side, meaning she had a little extra of all the things I particularly enjoy - tits, ass, thighs, and that bit of belly that drives me completely insane. So Stephanies body was on point, but what really pulled me in was her hair. If you enjoyed this article and you would like to get additional details concerning hairy cunt women kindly see the internet site. Good god, she had this huge mane of thick red curls. In my first year, I met a young woman well call Stephanie. I went from zero to erection in one single stare. This was during a time when big hair wasnt really in fashion, so at the time having her natural hair be so giant was a major and immediate turn on for how different it was. However, we were both attracted to each other, so it was inevitable that during one of our afternoon hang out sessions at her apartment that we would finally make out, which was enough for me but atk hairy login naked amateurs I didnt realize for a while was not enough for her. Im not going to bore everyone with the slow story of how we met, the multiple conversations we shared, the gradual flirting, and etc. Its not that I cant appreciate a woman who works hard on maintaining that figure, but I get so much more from a woman with a little more substance. Instead, she threw me for a loop when she said, "I need you to be aggressive. Stephanie told me early on that she didnt want a boyfriend, and that was fine with me, because as much as I enjoyed talking to her, she wasnt what I was looking for in a long term relationship either (we had some ideological differences that would have made a serious relationship fall apart eventually). I felt a bit like an idiot for not realizing shed wanted more, and tried to rectify my mistake immediately by grabbing her and holding her close to me as I began to kiss her neck, and suck her earlobe into my mouth to nibble it. " I had to pause at this because her words could mean a lot of different things and I needed to make sure we were all very clear, because I was definitely not going to be okay with anything involving hitting or choking or other simulations of physical abuse. She wanted me to use her to get off, basically. I breathily asked her what she wanted to do, assuming shed just shyly kick her pants off and pull me into her on her couch. This changed when I entered graduate school, though to be honest, I dont know what specifically changed, or how I can harnass it for amazing personal gain (because if I could do that, Id already be living in Atlantis and fucking my harem of mermaids - I like to dream big). It was perhaps Day 3 of making out and some general feeling up that she finally became frustrated and began to ask me if we were ever going to do anything else. Give your partner what she wants is a pretty solid philosophy thats served hairy cunt women me well and resulted in some pretty phenomenal sex. I pondered this for all of a nanosecond before I reached out to run my hand through her hair and pull her face into mine for an extremely hard kiss. I tightened my hand in her hair as I kissed her and pulled, which caused her to gasp into my mouth - a moment that still puts a smile on my face when I remember it - and I saw in her eyes the exact moment that she went from curiosity to full-blown lust. Fortunately for me, she sighed, shook her head and explained that she wanted me to "be selfish," to have her do what I want to do. I leaned in close to her ear and in a voice that wasnt quite a whisper but wasnt loud enough to be heard beyond that couch, I said to her, "I want you to get on your knees and show me what that slutty little mouth can do. My dirty talk game is generally on point but I recognize that it is not for everybody, and its a real crapshoot determining if your partner is going to be into it or completely offended by it. I have some personal history there that still renders me feeling a little sick if I think I might be hurting somebody. " That statement was a gamble, I realize in hindsight. At this early stage of my life I didnt quite realize that dropping a "slut bomb" even in the height of passion can have the potential to end sex really fucking quick (I learned this lesson the hard way later). Can I quickly say as an aside that I love watching a woman do the slow descent to her knees? I decided right then and there that if this is what she wanted, Id deliver something a bit rougher. She moved slowly, photos of hairy women pulling me out, but then seemed unsure of herself. " Not in a commanding way, or a laughing way, but in a voice that communicated that I had an expectation and couldnt see any reason why it would not be met. For her part, she was still a bit slow. In later hook-ups from her I came to realize that she did this on purpose to coax me to be rougher or meaner, but at the time I genuinely thought she was a bit shy and wasnt sure what do do now that I was legitimately delivering on her request. Luck was with me that day because she immediately bit her lip and stood up from the couch only to sink down to her knees between my legs. This wasnt some tender necking session at this point. As my hand was already in her hair, I once again tightened my grip, giving a very light pull close to her scalp. She held me in her hands and sort of looked back and forth from my cock to my face, as though she coudlnt really figure out what came next. I asked you to suck my cock. It was cute, but definitely not what Id asked for. That was all the evidence I needed that I was on the right track, so I decided to up the ante a bit by saying, "I didnt ask you to lick my cock, sweetie. She gasped again and I distinctly remember her legs came together, and as I held her hair she was squirming in place. " This demand, coupled with the hair pull (which I later found out was the way to get her from zero to soaking wet in a matter of seconds), caused her to drop all pretense of being coy. She crammed so much of my cock in her mouth it actually surprised me, because nobody in control of themselves or their words would have experienced that scene and uttered out, "Whoa! She dove onto my cock, for lack of a better word. I was still a bit high off of taking on a more dominant role, so I gently pulled her head forward and said, "Now suck my cock. She was very regularly gagging herself on me, to the extent where my concern began to rise and I had to fight back from saying, "Jesus, holy shit, maybe we should calm it down for a second; its not like the cock is going anywhere. Try to imagine James Bond saying that the next time a supermodel joins him in the shower, just really shocked and surprised but mostly happy to be there. " It felt like every other second I heard this glangh sound come from her mouth and throat. Rather than immediately taking me in her mouth, she began a series of slow licks up my cock punctuated by tiny kisses to the head. Im normally not into frantic, fast blowjobs full of noise and drool, but damn if this girl didnt try to convert me. I can honestly say no girl has ever blown me like that since and Im not sure Id want any of them to because it was so fast and intense that my cock reached a sort of heightened numbness that more or less gave me a zero chance of achieving orgasm. Now, its not necessarily important that I set much more of the scene, but just in the interest of full disclosure, Ill mention that she wasnt dressed for classic seduction. I could feel her spit just collecting at the base of my cock and dripping down my balls. She was wearing loose sweats and a t-shirt. " To be fair, the reaction was appropriate, because she proceeded to give me one of the sloppiest blowjobs Ive ever received. 007 emphatically crying out, "Whoa! And to be fully honest, that laid-back comfort look does more to turn me on than any sexily cut dress or lace covered night-time attire that can inevitably accumulate in a womans closet specifically for those times when she suspects shes going to get lucky. They werent the biggest, but they were more than big enough to work for me. And, when she quickly and quietly assumed her position at the end of her couch, I found a matching green thong as I pulled those loose sweatpants to the ground. Shed been prepared for the whole thing. Lazy home clothes that communicate disdain at the idea of another evening of light kissing and then solo frustration, but underneath? No, wear the old oversized t-shirt you got for free at some stupid event - the one that communicates "business hours are over. The "I might get lucky, who knows? The somewhat frumpy outerwear hid secret treasures underneath. " underwear collection. I was in love with it the moment I saw it, and Im not exaggerating this because I immediately kissed each one of those pale white cheeks and said, verbatim, "I am in love with this ass. The thong was a good choice. " I never claimed to be smooth. She was so wet that I actually saw a droplet run down her leg. Her t-shirt had come off at some point during her insane blowjob and for a good portion of her head game I was treated to this green lacy push-up bra that did an amazing job of putting her tits on display. " So I pulled her panties to the side and, with very little preamble, began to slide myself in. An amazing choice, because while she didnt have the biggest tits, she did have an enormous, fantastic ass. I had the remedy for this because, quite frankly, I felt like shed more than earned something for her as well, so with yet another tug on her hair, I pulled her off my cock and, breathing heavily, told her to bend over the arm of her couch. I was just outside of her, and then, suddenly, all the way in. Id intended to tease a little bit but this one singular action caused her to grip the couch and growl out, "Holy shit, just fuck me. Within seconds I had both hands gripping her hips so tight I swear my knuckles turned white as I began colliding with her repeatedly. From that point forward every time I fucked her was either doggy style or with her bent over some piece of furniture, because there was no way Id ever miss the sight of that ass jiggling and reverberating with each hard thrust I gave her. I licked it, and the trail it left, all the way up her leg and back to her pussy. There was no need to ease myself in. " She, on the other hand, picked up all of my slack about halfway through, turning her head to look behind her at me (thats a fucking power move, FYI, save that - face forward until you need your partner to go nuts and then do the look behind) and her face was just all angry lust as she spouted out a litany of amazing material that I cannot remember verbatim but I can paraphrase thusly: "You like that tight pussy? Yeah, you take that pussy. That pussy is yours, you take it whenever you want. The most I was able to utter out was an occasional "Fuck, that feels good," or "Love this fat ass. Her pussy clenched tightly on me several times, as Id later come to learn she orgasmed very easily, and my constant hard fucking drove her over the edge repeatedly. My capacity for dirty talk was completely out the window and all I could concentrate on at that point was just fucking her with every last fiber of my soul. She was tight, but so wet that I hit bottom without the slightest hint of resistance. This pussy was fucking made to milk that fat cock. I was not wearing a condom and even though she was on birth control, it was my first time having sex with her and for all I knew she could have been a harbinger of sexually transmitted diseases that modern science has yet to even discover. Quick PSA, sorry to interrupt the fapping - this was fucking stupid of me. On her end, she wasnt kidding about the milking part, because with each blast of cum I shot inside her, those inner walls were stroking me, tightening and releasing to try and get every last drop out. I completly collapsed on her back, kissing her neck and for a long while she just worked her inner muscles on me. She was nice enough to let me take a shower with her, but nothing particularly sexy happened and I eventually softened up again. I came hard inside her. " That whole built for comfort look just makes me want to extend business hours. Thats the power of a solid gold fuck. She did such a good job that I never went completely soft, and in no time at all I was fully hard again, but at that point shed decided she had enough and she booty bumped me backwards, sliding me out. I am massively, massively lucky that I didnt wind up with some kind of penis rot. I wasnt complaining - Id just had fantastic sex with every indication that Stephanie and I would hook up again (and we did, several times, until she found an actual relationship and wanted to keep it monogamous with him), so after I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she playfully told me to get out, I was able to walk back to my car with a spring in my step which is miraculous considering that my next stop that day was a tutoring job for a guy I nicknamed Pringles because the dude always smelled like Pringles. " She threw out so much dirty talk all at once that she drove me completely over the top. Or silver if you have some kind of gold allergy. Thanks for reading, everyone! Even Pringles couldnt keep me down that day. I hope all your fucks are also solid gold!
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