#i was also assigned to the boys toilet for some reason??
italiantea · 2 years
mindblown to learn that it's apparently common for japanese schools to ban kids from buying snacks between meals. bro when i was a kid $5 ntd mystery ice pops from the corner store were my childhood. if we got food poisoning that was on us lmao we knew what we were getting into
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kiryoutann · 27 days
disclaimer and cw: fem! reader. one-nightstand, unplanned pregnancy, vomitting.
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journalist! reader, abandoning her draft of an article about SpecGru's (your favorite hockey team) recent win, is forced by her coworkers to "have some fun" AND got dragged to a party. seated around a table full of alcohol that your friends have ordered, loud music blares around you almost to the point of damaging your eardrums.
they say you deserve it - something about how they know you're burying yourself in work not only because you're a workaholic and a huge fan of SpecGru, but also to distract yourself from your recent breakup with your cheating ex.
"honey, you need to forget him, at least just for tonight! look around you, that guy over there has been eyeing you for a while. why don't i hold your drink so you can say hi to him?" one exclaimed, and the others cheered in agreement.
at first, you were reluctant, continuing to plant your back against the back of the couch as if glued to it. but, glass by glass, the alcohol lowers your inhibitions and ability to think rationally. you then slam the glass on the table and approach the brunette with confidence, your friends' cheers ringing out behind you.
so why is it that when you wake up in a strange room - with strange walls and an even stranger bed - the man next to you is a blonde?
you would've just shrug this off and slip out of the bed like any other woman after a one-night stand if he was someone else. but, you recognize that face everywhere - that stubbled jaw and inked left arm peeking out from under the covers. simon riley, SpecGru's top defender.
this must be a dream, you think. this must be some weird, absurd dream you harvested after spending too much time in front of your laptop browsing about him outside of his athletic abilities (whether he's actually single, dating rumors, or some secret Instagram account he has). cause, honestly? out of all the pretty guys in SpecGru, simon is the one who catches your eye.
you slap yourself lightly, intending to wake yourself up from this too-good-to-be-true dream. one slap. two slaps. and the third one is so hard that the said man shifts and grumbles in his sleep. before you can get out of bed, he opens his eyes and looks at you confused.
"uh.. hi," you try, wincing at your own nervousness. "i'm.. well, i'll be going now."
you don't give simon time to respond because the next thing you know, you're already gathering your clothes and heading out of the five-star hotel room.
and of course. of course simon has to give you a "souvenir". cause two months after, you're sitting on the toilet with a positive pregnancy test. you've had your suspicions, but now that you have proof to hold, the fear creeps into your spine.
the cost of living alone is enough to put a dent in your bank account, let alone having a baby? with the father somewhere far and you can only see him on television every time he plays at the hockey rink.
yet, turns out, SOMEHOW, simon isn't as far away as you thought.
two weeks in limbo considering what to do, your boss assigns you to cover this sport lunch event at a hotel. his briefing is short, but you don't think anything of it. probably because you already have a lot on your plate. besides, going means more bonuses for you to receive.
but boy, it's a disaster at first sight.
simon fucking riley is there, with a few of his teammates. his presence is hard to avoid as he stands like a fucking mammoth in the room. you're smaller than him, so you hope, pray to god and the gods in the sky that your size makes it hard for him to spot you (if he even remembers you).
misplaced optimism, apparently. because firstly, simon has the eyes of an eagle. and secondly, for some reason, he remembers you (or even remembers everyone he's ever slept with? you wonder what he's got stacked up in his hippocampus.)
fucking eggs. the second you smell it, you feel your breakfast kicking, wanting to breach your throat. you excuse yourself, walking briskly towards where the toilets are probably located. out of the corner of your eye, you see simon get up from his chair, but you couldn't care less when you're at risk of staining the expensive marble.
"ma'am?" a deep voice called out to you. simon. you felt the stomach acid reaching the tip of your throat now.
to make the day better, this stupid hallway is too long, and simon turns out to be quite determined in his pursuit. when he grabs your hand, you turn to him and-
you stained his armani suit with your vomit. his face was twisted in disgust mixed with shock, but his grip on you didn't loosen. drawing a conclusion, simon knew what this was all about.
well, at least you don't have to worry about the marble now.
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the-au-queen · 2 years
Our Transfer Student Can’t Be This Cute! (1/?)
Giftee: @vindhler Rating: Teen and Up (some cussing) Words: 2644 Pairings: Adrinette, later JuleRose as well Warnings: None Beta reader: @faunusroman Event: @mlsecretsanta
Prefer AO3? Here you go! It includes me rambling about stuff in the notes.
Summary:  When a new transfer student from Shanghai arrives, Adrien gets assigned to guide her around. In his purely objective opinion, she's unbelievably cute. Also, Chat Noir makes friends with a trickster. Bonheur Rouge is not amused.
“Everyone, please welcome your new transfer student, Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Mlle Bustier led a small girl with black hair into the classroom. “While she is half French, she lived her whole life in China with her family and only speaks Chinese. Please be nice to her, and help her if she needs anything.” 
The girl bowed and smiled. 
“Now, about your seat…” Mlle Bustier pointed at a seat behind Adrien. “M. Agreste speaks Chinese. He can help you if you need it.” 
Adrien watched the girl pass him and sit behind him. He turned around and smiled. “Welcome to our class. The teacher said you can ask me if you need anything, since I speak Mandarin.”
Marinette looked surprised, but returned the smile. Oh god, she was cute. “Thank you. It’s nice knowing I’m not completely alone in here. I didn’t expect anyone to speak Mandarin.”
“Yeah, it’s not a common language to learn.”
Marinette looked like she wanted to ask more, but Mlle Bustier called for attention and began the class. Adrien reluctantly turned back and focused on the lesson instead. He wouldn’t have minded talking with Marinette some more.
“..... and here’s the cafeteria. The food’s pretty good here, but you can bring your own, too.”
Marinette nodded and took a curious look around. “It’s much smaller than in Shanghai.”
Adrien laughed. “I can imagine. Let me show you the locker rooms next.”
“That sounds nice.” Marinette smiled and walked along with him. “Say, why did you learn Mandarin? Do you like the country?”
“Oh.” Adrien tried not to show the uncomfortableness show. “My father made me learn it. He said it’s a useful skill to have.”
Marinette seemed to have sensed his unease, because she elbowed him lightly. “Hey, it has some use now! I’m glad you’re here to help me.” And in that moment, Adrien’s heart was stolen.
“Thanks.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I can also show you around Paris, if y-” He was interrupted by his phone beeping with an akuma alert. Really? Right now? He looked back at Marinette, who still smiled innocently. Right. She didn’t know about them. She just moved here.
“That was an akuma alert.” He explained. “We’re kinda dealing with a supervillain around here. He akumatises people when they feel angry or sad. This one is…” He glanced at his phone. “... pretty close. We have superheroes like Bonheur Rouge and Chat Noir to deal with them, but we better get to safety nonetheless. It can get pretty crazy.”
Marinette nodded, looking a bit confused, but determined. “Okay. We will get to safety.”
“Yeah. You, uh-” Adrien tried to think of a reason to separate. He had to help Bonehur Rouge, and she wasn’t fond of him being late. “You go hide in the toilets. I’ll check if our class is safe.”
“If you say so.” Marinette looked unsure, but still ran off to the toilets. Adrien sighed in relief. Good, now to find a place to transform.
“Plagg?” He whispered to his inner shirt pocket. “Are you awake?”
“Wide awake and ready to go, boy!” The kwami peeked out of the pocket. “Just say the word.”
Adrien ducked into an unused classroom. “Plagg, transform me!”
Chat Noir hopped from roof to roof and landed next to Bonheur Rouge.
“Kitty reporting for duty.” He grinned at her. She only rolled her eyes. “What kind of akuma are we dealing with?”
Bonheur regarded the chaos below them with a calculated look. “It seems like a tree based akuma. He’s been rooting people in place, quite literally. Everyone hit grows roots from their legs and can’t move.”
Chat Noir shuddered. He loved the freedom that came with his powers. He was forced to stay in one place against his will often enough that he absolutely did not want to get hit by that guy.
“Any thoughts on the item?”
“I haven’t gotten that close to him yet, but I think he’s holding it in his right hand. He’s not letting go of whatever it is, so it’s fairly obvious.”
“Alright.” Chat bounced and got ready to jump down and fight the akuma, but Bonheur held him back by pulling on his tail.
“What did I tell you about his powers? If you’re hit, I’ll be all by myself.”
Chat placed his hand on his chest in mock hurt. “You wound me, Bonheur. I’m a nimble cat. I’d never get hit like that.” 
She raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Okay, maybe sometimes I get hit. But not by this guy! He’s my absolute nightmare!”
“If you say so.” She let go of his tail. “Be careful. I will need your Cataclysm.”
“Yes, Mademoiselle.” He saluted at her and jumped off. On the ground, he was met with people janking at their feet or trying to take their shoes off, trying to escape the roots holding them in place.
“Ah, Chat Noir,” a deep voice rang out, and when he turned, he could see the akuma approaching. 
It was a weird concoction of man and tree, his left arm transformed into a branch that grabbed people and made them grow roots. His right arm, the one that was holding the item, was the most human looking thing about him, but everything else just gave Chat the creeps. Covered in bark, the man couldn’t move much, except for the left arm that grabbed people. But not moving much didn’t mean he wasn’t fast. His left arm grew at will and sometimes even grabbed several people at once. 
“I am Racineur. Welcome to my forest.” 
Chat jumped on a mailbox when the arm branch lashed out to grab him.
“Sorry, this kitty prefers to run around.” 
He jumped from object to object –a car, a fire hydrant, another car, a lamppost, a trapped person’s head, a café umbrella– each time elegantly escaping the branch that was trying to take hold of him. It was effective for not getting grabbed, but he couldn’t get any closer. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he could spot Bonheur struggling similarly. It seemed like Racineur had more than just his arm to trap people. She didn’t even have enough time to call for her Lucky Charm. He was this close to just using Cataclysm on the ground to give them some breathing time when a giggle distracted him.
“Need help?”
Chat almost fell from the lamppost that he had just landed on. He spotted a girl in white, sitting on a nearby windowsill, seemingly undisturbed by the whole chaos. How was she so calm? She almost looked like she enjoyed watching the two heroes struggle.
“Who are you?” 
Chat barely escaped Racineur’s branch and landed on another car, briefly looking back to see the previous car he had stood on grow roots from its tires. Chat had enough of this and decided to jump on the window sill the girl was sitting on. Her legs were crossed leisurely, and she watched Racineur with a hint of amusement. 
Her face was covered by a white half mask with pointy ears, and Chat could see whiskers painted on her cheeks. The eye holes on her mask were lined with black eyeliner and one spot of red on each corner of her eye. Above them were two thick black spots, probably because the mask covered her eyebrows. Her top seemed to be some kind of variant of Asian traditional clothing. 
Chat remembered seeing some similar clothes pictured in the decorations of some Chinese restaurants, the kind with overly long sleeves that covered the hands and seemed generally impractical. He couldn’t quite remember the name of that particular piece of clothing, but he could always ask his Mandarin teacher some time. 
Her top stopped shortly below her chest and the rest of her torso was wrapped in a broad sash. The sash held up a pair of wide pants that were stuck in leather boots that had bells attached at the top of them. Chat could spot two more bells dangling off the ornamental hair sticks in her almost ribbon shaped updo. From her get up, he would guess that she was another hero, but what kind of hero just watched as people were being terrorized by the minion of a supervillain? 
“Why are you just sitting there? Don’t you have anything better to do?”
“Oh, how rude.” The grin didn’t leave her face. “I was just holding back, since I didn’t want to get in the way of the local authorities.” 
Was she kidding him? Any help would be appreciated. Bonheur wouldn’t complain either. 
She must have been reading his mind, since she gave him a look. “My powers are the type that can confuse friend and foe alike. So it would be detrimental, had I just done what I thought would be best.” 
Fine, he’d give her that point. His thoughts were interrupted when Racineur spotted them again, and he had to leap out of the way. The strange heroine just jumped one floor up to the next windowsill. Chat could see three tails trailing after her, attached to her top. He still couldn’t quite grasp why she was so calm about this, but just as he landed next to her, ready to grill her, Bonheur landed on the windowsill as well.
“What are you doing? This is no time to stand around and chat!” Her eyes fell on the heroine in white. “Oh.” She narrowed her eyes. “And who are you?”
“You may call me Hu Shen.” Hu Shen…. fox god. Hu Shen let her legs dangle. “I am new to this city. I thought I’d lend my power.” Bonheur looked like she was about to ask something, but they were once again interrupted by Racineur reaching for them.
“Let’s go somewhere else,” Bonheur conceded. “We can’t talk like this, and we do need to talk.”
“Great!” Hu Shen smiled. “Follow me!” And she was off. Bonheur and Chat had no choice but to follow.
“What’s with her?” Bonheur’s voice was low, but Chat could still hear her. “Wouldn’t we pick a spot to talk? Why is she just taking the lead like that? Who does she think she is?” 
Chat had no answer for that either. 
Hu Shen landed on the railing of a small roof garden somewhere close to their school and made an inviting gesture.
“Make yourselves comfortable.”
Bonheur looked skeptical. “What about the civilians that live here? Won’t we be discovered?”
Hu Shen giggled. “I’ve come here plenty of times. We’re safe.”
“I don’t see what’s so funny about all this.”
“How serious you are, of course!” She pushed Bonheur’s shoulder. “No one’s dying! We can relax for a little.”
“No one’s dying?!” Now she had done it. Bonheur was furious. “We’re in the middle of an akuma attack and you tell us to relax because ‘no one’s dying’?! Are you insane?!” 
Chat couldn’t understand how Hu Shen could meet Bonheur’s furious gaze and still smile like nothing was wrong. 
“You have five seconds to explain yourself or else I’m leaving. I’ve got civilians to save.”
“Oh, Bonheur.” Hu Shen was at Bonheur’s other side in an instant. How did she move so fast? “You need to learn how to enjoy life. Live the fox way.” 
Bonheur lashed out at her, but she jumped up and Bonheur’s arm only met air. 
“I didn’t help because my power is tricky. If the ally doesn’t know about my illusions, it can only waste time, instead of giving them a chance to trick the enemy.” 
Chat heard the faint ringing of bells behind him and whipped around to see her drop down on the railing again. 
“Who knows, you might have even attacked me, if I joined the fight without introducing myself. Which I suppose I should do.” She bowed deeply, meeting their eyes with a playful grin. Chat noticed that she had slit eyes, just like him. “Hu Shen, the white fox, trickster, illusionist, lady of tricks and benevolence alike. At your service.”
Chat saw his opportunity and returned the bow with one of his own. “Chat Noir, master of destruction and puns.” He winked at her. “Purr-leased to meow-t you.”
“Not another one of you,” Bonheur groaned. “Fine, we know you now. Let’s get back to Racineur. You tell us what you’re gonna do, and we use the confusion to take his item. But I don’t trust you yet.”
Hu Shen tilted her head, the bells attached to her hair ornaments ringing quietly. “The fox is never fully trusted. A wise judgement, Bonheur Rouge.” She pulled a flute out of her sash and twirled it. “Where do you hide a tree? The forest.” 
She set the flute to her lips and played a melody made out of strong, playful notes. A red fog formed at the end of her flute and she took it off her lips, whipping the fog down at the ground. Bonheur and Chat materialized. Then again. And again. And again. Over and over, until even the roof couldn’t fit them any more. She flicked her flute and one by one, the pairs departed, presumably towards the akuma. Chat had to admit, he was impressed. 
Hu Shen bowed once more. “If you need any further help, please request so, within the next five minutes.”
“No, thank you.” Bonheur watched the last fake Chat and Bonheur depart. “This is as far as my trust goes. I appreciate your help, but we need to go now, before Racineur sees through the ruse.” She nodded at Chat. “Let’s go.” Chat watched her jump off the roof and turned to Hu Shen one last time.
“She’s just cautious.” Hu Shen shrugged, as if it didn’t bother her. “But if you ever need a partner in crime, just ask this cat. I’m always up for some mischief.”
“The white fox and the black cat, huh?” Hu Shen hid a sly smile behind one of her long sleeves. “I look forward to it.” 
She bowed, and moments later she was gone, jumping from roof to roof before dropping down in some alley. Chat watched her disappear, then made off after Bonheur. Time to test those illusions of hers.
The illusions worked perhaps a bit too well. Sometimes, he wasn’t even sure which the real Bonheur was, until Racineur managed to get one of them, only for her to turn into red smoke. Several times he shouted out to his partner, only to realise she was somewhere else entirely. He started to get why Hu Shen didn’t help immediately. 
He was about to push one of the Bonheurs out of Racineur’s reach, when a red yo-yo wrapped itself around Racineur’s human arm and a triumphant Bonheur snatched the item, a self made bookmark, out of his hand and tore it in half. Racineur transformed back into a young man, and after Bonheur cast her cure, the people hit by him were rid of their roots. Chat even spotted one guy so happy, he kissed his own freed feet.
“What happened?” The young man that was Racineur looked around in confusion, “My tree…. Where is my tree?”
“You were akumatized,” Bonheur explained calmly. 
Usually, akuma victims felt better after she had cast her cure, but this man only looked distraught. Chat gave her a look of ‘I’ll handle this’ when he heard her earrings beep. He hadn’t used his Cataclysm, so he had more time than her. He kneeled down next to the man and rested one hand on his shoulder.
“Do you remember what set you off?”
“They cut down my tree!” The young man’s lip trembled. “Just to make space for some condos!” It seemed like Chat would be here for a while. This wasn’t something easily solvable. He offered the man a hand.
“Let’s get some coffee. You look like you need it.”
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bun8un · 2 years
Looking back, it weirdly felt like my public school like was a show. Mostly since most if not everyone fell weirdly well into some kind of trope. The show would have probably been a slice of life I’ll be honest - Like alone, my class had - (Me) semi-mysterious(tho really just an airhead) artist, talks well with everyone but is most frequent seen either with the boys or sitting on brick wall, watching everyone play. (once threw a table out of the window.) - super duper Genki and outgoing girly girl, super pink, jolly happy, BFs with artist, is an artist too, “secretly” has an extremely dark humor. Also had a love drama between two friends. - White guy, extremely into health and soccer, only said the n word once cause he was bitching at a black teacher for unfair treatment but had little to no other incidents, frequent receiver of punishments thanks to his own ego or pride. - British guy, also really into sports, gets along decently with others but can assume the worst in some. Finds it strange that the school has this many guys and yet also finds it unfair that girls gets treated a little nicer. Likes to bet high only to regret it later - A “rebel”, loves learning, hates listening to the teachers, never pays full attention to class but gets good grades anyways. For some reason has an obsession with toilet in his DND campaign. - an absolute isolated genius, spent hours, if not days, researching and self teaching. A bit of a control freak but good intentions. Childhood friends with both girls. - (Guy who was misdiagnosed and thus didn’t know he had schizophrenia & Multiple identities disorder) (I won’t elaborate) - “new” girl. Absolutely nonverbal in communication but is the most “”extroverted”” of the girls, tho all three are shy. Owns two lizards. Loves sharks, I can’t compare her to Komi out of the sheer fact that she’s only shy about her voice. Honorable mention goes to (The next door class that’s boys only, who every Friday has to suffer cause I baked desserts for my class every Friday, and they get nothing but the smell.) (The only other Asian in school, chubby kind boi, gentle mofo who’s a bit of a joker, was close friends with the “new” girl) (The one class clown in my English class that everyone out side of class thought he was a dumbass n a weedsmoker but really his brain was like sherlock levels of sideways but right. We once had a writing assignment and he turned in a story about getting said assignment, it was the funniest thing I ever got read to me.)
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alexthecapri · 2 years
IF I COULD KILL YOU, I WOULD - the boys x reader
author’s note: been hooked on the boys for the past few weeks and the beginning of season three left me feeling very frustrated, so here’s how i decided to vent. warning of spoilers up until the beginning of season three.
!: there are like three song references in this lol hope you catch all of them
presets: i like to write body-neutral inserts as well as i can, but this once i felt like the reader “looking” like a girl to homelander made plot difference, and it’s explained eventually why at the end of the story. reader has no assigned gender, but talks about using female appearance to manipulate a situation! no gendered pronouns used.
:. 2.816 words
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In preparation for what you knew was going to be a long night, chasing after your leftover tasks of the day, you went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, returning to the living room ready to start your marathon of catching up with everything you missed.
Except that just as you sat down on the sofa you were interrupted by your stomach, that started to make you feel unexpectedly bloated, and your bladder, that screamed at you to go to the bathroom. And so, you decided to listen to your body and scurried away to the toilet. 
When you got there, you opened the door, turned on the lights and moved to lock yourself in. You spun on the back of your feet to face the mirror above the sink, just for that casual check of if you looked as hot as you felt like, and you found yourself face to face with a very big room, with windows that went from the floor to the ceiling, showing you skyscrapers in the distance. Inside the room, there were TV panels with some news being broadcasted by different channels, and some graphics you couldn’t even begin to comprehend. In the middle of the room, there was a big table in the shape of a triangle, with the inner part cut out. But… it didn’t really look like a triangle, more like-
Fuck. Oh, fuck. The table was shaped as a V, with the bottom and middle corner pointed towards the windows.
V as in Vought. V as in The fucking Seven.
“What the fuck.” You said, shivering as soon as you heard your own words echo back at you.
You didn’t even have time to ponder over how the hell you got teleported from your parent’s house, from the bathroom, even more, to another place entirely. The real issue was that you were standing in a room that by itself could mean one of two possibilities:
you were accidentally trespassing the site of filming for Amazon Prime’s series The Boys;
or, and the most terrifying option,
you were at the actual Vought Tower.
And even though some part of you tried to call you stupid for even thinking of option 2, the other side of your wrinkly gray matter counter argued that teleporting from your bathroom to another place was also stupid. Improbable, inconsequent, impossible, indictive-
Were you having a stroke?
You lifted your hand to count your fingers, for no reason whatsoever. It just seemed like a good idea to use your counting ability as a measure of if this was reality or if you were currently having a seizure on your bathroom’s floor and were hallucinating, or something.
Then, the doors opened behind you, and you heard a voice that chilled your body.
You swore to yourself, then and there, that if you turned around and saw Homelander, that you’d attack him and ask questions later.
And as you saw him, that idea went completely out of your head. 
You could see, even from afar, the twinkle of absolute depravity and madness on his face. He looked exactly as he did on the show. Once more, you thought that you could also be on the filming set of the series, and that physically attacking an actor wouldn’t be good for you - but, to be honest, what ultimately made you not act on your impulses was the bloodlust that you could see in the way his lips curled, mimicking a smile, even though it looked more like he wanted to rip his own face off.
You’d gladly help. Just looking at Homelander in person made your skin crawl. Fucking disgusting piece of-
“And what are you doing here?”
He asked, and his haughty demeanor didn’t change for a second. Behind him, you saw Black Noir turn the corner, and you felt your luck running out as the clock ticked by.
“Oh! I’m, uh, so sorry, Mr. Homelander!” And you brought about the nicest, good-girl looking grin you had, pretending to be shy and trying to look flustered. He had to believe that you were a silly fan, and that your heart was racing in attraction and not terror, or he’d blast your face off. “My mom works at the lab, and she took me here to see what my future could look like if I interned for Vought!”
Many times before, your ability to lie easily had put you in trouble, nonsensically creating small lies by habit and compulsively, but this once, you were very, very proud of what you could come up with on the spot.
He changed his smile for something more fan-service like, and you willed your brain to see him as something other than a fucking genocidal dictator, so you could keep pretending you were enamored with the piece of shit that called himself Homelander.
Black Noir, meanwhile, stood exactly where he was. Not moving a single fucking muscle, almost making your hairline sweat by pure intimidation tactics.
“Ha!” Laughed Homelander, and you tried not to let your smile tremble at the loud noise. “It’s very admirable to have your future planned, especially at a company as special as Vought.”
“Thank you!” You answered, lowering your head and making your eyes fidget back and forth from his face to anywhere else. You could literally hear a giggly ‘I’m shy’ going off in your head, and it took all of you to keep the sarcasm away from your voice. This was a man that could literally fry you. “I’ve actually always wanted to work for The Seven. I think the work you guys do is admirable,” and you also gestured to Black Noir, just out of spite, “and being part of the people that back your patriotic service is the most important thing I could do.”
For a moment, you could feel your neck and back tense, scared of having overdone it. You hated the patriotic nonsense this spangled asshole spewed, and you would never work for his cause - especially after that whole thing with Shitfront, being a Nazi and all - and you really, really wanted to bash his head in.
But diplomacy first, aggression later. You had to survive this before you blew Homelander to pieces.
He laughed again, and your escape made itself aware to you by the return of the pressure on your lower stomach just before he opened his slimy mouth.
“I also got lost, I, uh, was looking for the bathroom?”
After Black Noir simply pointed the correct way, you sprinted out of the room with a sweet smile and a call of “thank you for your service!” that made you want to swallow your own tongue.
Disgusting. Despicable. Derogatory. Diminutive-
“Are you alright?” And at the sound of someone else talking to you, you spun away from the mirror only to see Annie looking concerned.
Well, understandable. You did spend the last twenty minutes with your face shoved into the sink, eyes wide and unmoving. The fact that you didn’t see a single camera or filming crew on your way to the bathroom further drove the point home that, unfortunately, you weren’t going to be arrested for trespassing on private property, or even fined.
You might actually be a part of the fucked up and apocalyptic world of The Boys, and with that being true, you kind of wanted to spontaneously combust.
“You won’t believe how happy I am to see you.”
She seemed startled, but tried to smile, possibly thinking you were a crazy fan. Well, you were a little crazy, so she got at least one thing right.
“Do you have your phone on you? I need you to put on a song for me.” And even though you knew you sounded crazy, her own tactics to avoid being overheard were simply too genial for you not to borrow them. You wildly gestured with your eyebrows, even mimicking Homelander’s pose, so she could try and gather why you’d ask something like that of her.
Her eyes shone both in suspicion and recognition. “Uh, okay.”
Before she could scroll through her playlists, you intervened. “Chelsea Dagger. That’s a good one.”
Annie really looked like you were the weirdest person she’d ever seen, but honestly, considering the recent events on episode four, of Homelander killing Alex, you for sure weren’t the weirdest and-
Wait, wait. Were you even on episode four?
As the song started to ring out, you swallowed your lasting nerves of not knowing what the fuck was going on and cut the chase as soon as the vocals joined the instruments, knowing the fast-paced rhythm and singing would cover up your words for anyone else but her.
With a glance around the bathroom to see if the other stalls were vacant, you found yourself satisfied and opened up the conversation with, “I need you to take me to Butcher.”
Starlight took a step back, but you could see she was intrigued, despite being extremely on edge.
“Look, it will take me a while to explain, and I’d rather just do it once,” you carried on, before she could interrupt, “but for now, you just need to know that I know a lot more shit than I was supposed to, and I need to talk to all of you. The whole team.”
She stuttered, but held her ground of suspicion. “And who’s this ‘whole team’ you’re referring to?"
“Butcher, you, Hughie, Marvin, Frenchie, Kimiko. Last I checked, they’re all laying low at a store’s basement or something.” Her eyes started to glow, and the lights in the bathroom flickered, and you rushed to add on to anything that would make her feel less threatened. “Look! Look. I’m on your side, ok? I- fuck, cuff me, or you can, like, torch me with your powers if after we all talk you still feel like I’m a threat, but just please hear me out? I really want to help.”
Honestly, if it were you hearing your own speech, you would have fried yourself on the spot. Weak ass arguments, completely crazy and a liability for their kill-Homelander-plans, but you must’ve done something right, because Starlight was dimming her powers and looking at you with slightly less murderous intent.
“If you try anything, I’ll make you regret it.”
And even if she was a super, you didn’t really take her narrowed eyes and grinding teeth as seriously as you should. But, well, after facing Homelander and lying straight to his face, and surviving to tell the tale, you were feeling a little too lucky.
You were sure they were going to believe you.
“I don’t believe a fucking word you’re saying.”
Ah, there goes your confidence.
William Butcher was even brasher than you thought he could be, leering at you with that creepy, arrogant smile of his. It was still kinda nice to get to see this completely deranged anti-hero in person.
“And where the fuck did you find this idiot?” He asked, this time turning to look at Annie.
“Look! I’m not fucking lying, you bully.” You said, making Hughie’s eyes widen in astonishment. You had told them everything you knew, down to what you were doing before getting kidnapped into this mess of a universe and what happened at the tower, even exactly what you told Annie before convincing her to take you to the hide-out, and it had no effect on them. Time to pull out the ‘I know what you did in the dark’ card. “Hit me with the most recent supe-related news, and I’ll tell you what I know about it.”
Frenchie jumped at the chance. “Termite!” And when you just stared at him, even though Hughie was most definitely doing the cutthroat gesture at him, Frenchie just powered through, gesticulating wildly to illustrate his words. “Is it true that he shrinks himself and goes up people’s ass?”
Just like that, you had a lightbulb moment, even though the idea of recalling what happened sent a shiver of regret up your spine already.
“You haven’t gone after him yet?” And Hughie facepalmed, obviously concerned about having shared the mission with you, specially after Frenchie told you they’d do it tonight. “This is perfect, then. I’m going to detail everything that’s going to happen to Starlight, and she can confirm after the mission if I got it right.”
“And if you are, how do we know you didn’t set everything up?” Called Hughie, trying to look tough. You grimaced, and his pose faltered. “And why Starlight?”
“Trust me, I couldn’t make up what’s going to happen even if I tried. This is just a level above having outside interference, I guarantee you.” You rolled your shoulders back, looking at Annie now. “And she’s the only one I trust to not try to change things, and to keep secrets. She’s also not going to the mission, so. Self explanatory.”
When you told Starlight, away from everybody else, she looked completely mortified, face twisting up with every word you said. You told her about how Frenchie would see Termite fucking a barbie doll in front of an audience, and that the only sweet moment would be Kimiko watching a girl play the piano, and then the whole endeavor of Termite exploding a guy and then Butcher finally catching him with a bag of drugs, and you knew that for a second she wished she’d killed you in the bathroom so that she wouldn’t have to hear any of this.
“Oh, and Frenchie?” You called, just before he left the room with Kimiko to get ready for the mission. “Wear the tightest underwear you have. You’ll thank me later.”
Starlight left to go back to Vought, and the rest of the team left to deal with Termite and the visions of hell you had to endure back when you watched that episode.
Or was it this episode? Back home, were you part of the show now? Part of you didn’t even want to ponder over that, considering that being in the supe universe hadn’t really clocked in yet with your brain. Maybe you felt like you were really having a seizure and convulsing around, alone at night in the bathroom floor, because nothing else could explaing how the fuck you got here, much less how you’d go back home. No way were you going to stay in this twisted reality for longer than-
“So.” Marvin interrupted your daydreams, being the only one left to look after you. He complained with Butcher for hours before finally agreeing to come, the tipping point being when you took over the call and told him everything you knew of his life. Even though he was, as he said to Butcher, ‘out of the business, asshole’, he still rushed over. Marvin was mostly here to make sure you wouldn’t just wander off and disappear, or fuck everyone over, since now you knew where the hideout was, but you tried to think that he also wanted to keep you company. “Are you really as good at improv as you made it seem?”
You laughed, more to fill the silence than anything else. “It doesn’t make me look like a good person, but uh, yeah. I’m very good at lying, especially on the spot.”
He hummed, looking back at his hands and the drink he held, which looked like Whiskey. Or just some orange alcohol, you had no fucking clue. “You gotta be, by how cleanly you managed to evade Homelander. What was up with that whole story of being an intern?”
“Well.” You remembered your words to the shitty metahuman back on the meeting room, and gave MM a disgusted simper. “Had to fill up his ego, make him disarmed by seeing an innocent girl looking up to him. I guessed that the fastest way to make that fucker underestimate and disregard someone is by hitting both his desperate need of being loved and his chauvinistic view on women. So, had to make him see me as a docile and demure good girl and disassociate myself as a puny human from his grandeur as a god.”
MM’s mouth twisted downwards the more you spoke, and you lifted your own cup of water towards him in salute. Homelander was pathetic, infuriating and disgusting.
A few moments of silence went by, and you smiled before catching Marvin’s attention again.
“In the end, I guess I only made Annie get me to you guys because I actually believe you have a chance of killing that fucker.” Marvin’s eyes widened. You sat back, and he swore you looked a little too much like Butcher, with a crooked grin that reeked of chaos. “And, well, I’ve never been too much of a gore fan, but watching his head get bashed in is a show I wouldn’t miss for the world.”
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allandoflimbo · 3 years
Ashens (Part 19)
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Summary: She falls in love with Bucky Barnes from the moment she sees him. Bucky, still in love with a woman from his past, hates Y/N and plans to make her life miserable. To both their dismay, they are assigned together to go undercover into The Capitol for six months. There, they develop a heartbreaking friend with benefits agreement. Dystopian. 
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Chapter Word Count: 3,000
Chapter Warning: Smut.
Rating: M for Mature, E for explicit. Enemies to lovers trope, sharing a bed trope, friends with benefits trope, temporarily unrequited love, heavy and angry sex, heavy on the angst, and very strong language.
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You were woken up to the violent sound of vomiting.
Opening your eyes, you noticed the bedroom was still pitch black, so it must’ve been very late. Drowsily, you sat halfway up and looked over to see that Bucky wasn’t next to you.
You cringed as the soft glow from the A.I hit your irises.
The vomiting started again, followed by retching. Always being an emetophobic, you tried to ignore it, swallowing down thickly. You didn’t want it to affect you.
You stayed that way, sitting up and waiting for him to come back inside so you could ask him if he was okay.
After some time, You laid back down, and stared up at the ceiling. You grew concerned as long seconds turned to minutes.
He was taking too long for your liking.
Having made up your mind, you tossed the comforter aside and made your way to the end of the bed.
You hesitated for a moment before standing up. Your eyes quickly darted over to a pillow that was in the foyer, wondering how the hell it got there. Quietly, you made your way down the hallway until you saw the bathroom door ajar. The lights were on.
You stopped next to it before looking inside.
“Bucky?” You called out. Your voice was timid and soft.
No answer.
You began to hear crying.
Your heart tore in half at the sound. It was loud, but it was heavy. You could tell that he was trying to contain it as much as he could.
You grew even more concern, this time knocking softly on the door before pushing it open.
There he was, half hunched over the toilet, his other half falling towards the floor turned away from you. His metal hand gripped the side of the toilet while his right hand pulled at his hair.
You watched as he shook, sobs racking his body.
You didn’t want to seem annoying but you found yourself feeling scared.
“Bucky, what’s wrong?”
He didn’t say anything.
Blindly, he reached for the lid and closed the toilet. Then he crawled over to the wall directly in front of him, right next to the shower, and fell up against it.
He grabbed at his hair with both hands. You watched as his knuckles turned white.
He let out a groan as he started to shaking his head back and forth, sniffing hard. He ran his hands down his face before letting them fall at his sides.
The look on his face was heartbreaking.
He looked like he was suffering some kind of pain that you couldn’t physically see. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, tilting his head up towards the ceiling.
You know that it wasn’t something he ate. That’s not why he was sick. He was going through something emotionally.  This was mental turmoil.
You didn’t realize how true your words rang about him needing to get help until now.
“Nightmare,” he says so quietly and out of breath that you wouldn’t have caught them if you weren’t staring at his lips, “nightmare.” He repeats again, almost defeated.
He looked disappointed in himself.
Bucky isn’t sure if he dozed off but when he opens his eyes again, you’re knelt down in front of him with a glass of water.
He looks at the glass and back up at you. You looks so scared.
He takes the glass and downs it in a few seconds, scorched.
He hands you back the glass.
“Thank you.” His voice is hoarse.
You put the glass on the floor and he watches your movements, still in a heavy daze.
When his eyes meet yours again he can see the worry in your eyes.
“You’re sweating so much.”  You grab a towel from one of the cabinets and hand it to him. He takes it from you but just holds onto it, letting his eyes close again, “You don’t have to tell me what it was about, but I’m glad you’re awake. You’re here now.” You say.
He physically cringes at the end of your sentence and you notice.
You take the towel from him, seeing he wasn’t even using it, and your roll it up. You bring it gently to his forehead to wipe away his perspiration. He shivers at your touch. He watches you intently. You look so innocent and sweet on your knees like that, and the memory of how he’s treated you in bed eats away at him. Not only was it a distraction, but you weren’t a piece of meat. He doesn’t understand how you still care after all he’s done to you.
You continue to wipe down the sides of his face, and eventually, underneath his eyes where the tears have now dried.
You were beautiful.
“It was a memory.” He says as you finally pull away from him.
You do a double take. You didn’t expect him to tell you this.
“I was,” he looks away from you, “it was nineteen fourth five. I was in Germany.”
He looks at you hesitantly and you give him a short nod, raising the towel back to his forehead. “Hydra—Hydra had me go to a base, just outside of Buchenwald. эти проклятые ублюдки.” He mumbles is disgust, sniffing, “There was a concentration camp nearby,” you watched as his flesh hand shook violently at his side, “It wasn’t instructed for me to be there. But we took the drive by, and I —“ his voice broke and he closed his eyes again, “I remember the smell, the smell of death, and I remember the bodies. I
remember children watching, this one young boy, and I did nothing.”
He was surprised when you took his metal hand in his.
“I don’t understand how I couldn’t control myself, my body, how I could let it happen, how I couldn’t save him. It was like deep down somewhere I knew it was wrong what I saw but I couldn’t —”
“You need to stop blaming yourself for something that is not your fault.”
“I was a Nazi.” He spats like the words are venom.
“You were not a Nazi. They took advantage of you and you know that. Even if you did what you did, you weren’t aware of it. Those monsters did that. Not you.” Your grip on his hand was tight and he could feel it, “you were a  young boy that they —“”
“I should’ve been stronger. I should’ve fought against them harder.”
“It was against your control.” He’s stunned at your conviction and he watches you curiously. You tilt your head at him, “But look at you now. Look where we are. You’re here to save the world. Everyone outside of The Capitol is counting on you, wether they know it or not. And that is something that it is you that is doing. This is who you are.”
Bucky closes his eyes together and another grimace fills his features. You feared he would start crying again.
“Have you—have you ever spoken to someone before?” You ask gently, “Bucky?” You repeat when he doesn’t answer.
“I did. I had a therapist, but it didn’t go well. I eventually just started to going to Sam,” you nod. You feel him grab your flesh hand, and he runs his thumb over the top of it. The act startles you, “but you don’t understand. I’m not just a veteran with PTSD. I’m different.”
His touch was hot against you.
“And I get that,” your voice shook slightly, “but you can’t stop trying.”
He tilts your head at you this time.
“Trying for what? I’ve tried what I can and I still feel empty. It’s not that I’m unhappy, I’m just, I don’t know.”
“You have suicidal thoughts.”
The silence that follows your comment is palpable.
“My time has come and gone,” his voice is filled with emotion and you feel your own eyes fill with tears, “I am glad I am doing this. I’m glad I’m here on this mission. But after this?” His eyes are filled with tears and you can tell he’s clawing at anything at this point, “give me something to live for.”
You slowly let go of his hand to wipe under your own eye. His words hurt you deeply. He was in so much pain you could feel it yourself.
Maybe you were an empath or maybe it just hit too close to home for you.
“I was bullied my entire life,” you started slowly, watching as his eyebrows came together, listening intently to you, “People made fun of me because I was always different. I didn’t hang with the cool crowd or the regular crowd. People always assumed things about me because of my parents. They always thought that just because mom and dad thought a certain way or had money, that I was taking advantage of them or I also thought like them. Nobody in my life ever took the time to get to know me just for me, and I was a girl that always cared about everyone, regardless of that.” His hand tightened around yours, “It didn’t matter when they dropped Mac and cheese down the front of my favorite sweater or when they would make me drop my books in the hallway and then laugh, because I knew they would grow up one day, and I knew the things that thought about me wasn’t true anyway,” Bucky’s heart began to fall as tears filled your eyes and your voice began to waver, “but I was still human.” Your voice broke. You cry quietly. You run the back of your hand under your nose,  looking away from him, “so of course I still got sad. I got depressed. I used to eat lunch by myself in a dark classroom everyday. How could something like that not affect a person? At one point I also thought to myself, is this how I’ll be forever? Alone? Hated for no reason? Will no one care? Why am I here?”
The amount of guilt that consumed Bucky was intense.
A month ago he had selfishly vowed to not get to know you because he was afraid of getting too attached to his mission partner. Now he’s cursing himself for unbeknownst doing something that was your ultimate weakness and your greatest pain. Because of it, he had underestimated everything about you. You were already beautiful to him, but knowing your heart was just as pretty made him feel other things for you. Things he hadn’t felt in close to a century. It terrifies him.
The last time he felt this way about another woman, because of him, she was killed. He couldn’t handle that again, the risk or the pain.
“I’m sorry .”
“But I still stayed strong, because someone did end up giving me a chance.” His eyes meets yours, “Will.” You breathe his name, “And he got taken from me. You know what that taught me? That it might seem bad right now and like the future is impossible, but life is full of great surprises, too.”
Bucky watches as you grab the cup, getting off the floor. His heart is still swelling.
“About what I said yesterday,” you stop at the sound of his voice, “I was out of line to blame you for what happened between us. It was my idea, and I took it out on you because I was scared we ruined the mission. I wasn’t in the best mood. I take blame.”
You look down at the floor, somehow still feeling hollow inside.
“Thank you.”
“I—” he cuts himself short and clears his throat. You turn around to look at him. He wasn’t on the floor anymore. He was standing and he looked a bit shy, “Look, what I said before about us not doing anything ever again…” his voice runs off as he swallows down and looks down shamefully at your feet.
He felt disgusting. He felt insanely attracted to you and you didn’t even know it. It wasn’t that he wanted to keep using you, he wished he could give a part of his heart to you and if this was a different life, maybe you two could work out.
He feels disgusted with himself. You deserved so much better than him.
“You know what, it’s okay. Forget I was going to say anything.” He whispers, clearing his throat after. You watched as he walked over to the cabinet to grab a larger towel.
You don’t how what it was. Maybe you’re growing up. Maybe you’re changing, but you walk over to him and grab his arm.
He looks over at you surprised.
“It’d be different this time.” You say, eyes darting over his nose, lips, and neck, “before there was hostility and pent up energy. We’re friends now, right?” You searched his eyes.
He squints at you.
“I guess we are.”
You nod.
“Friends with benefits?”
“Friends who occasionally just have sex?” He asks.
“We’ll make rules. No physical gestures that can have a double meaning, no intense eye contact, just something to get our edge off.”
“No kissing, anywhere.” He says, “And only at night. During the day, we act like it doesn’t even happen. We can’t allow distractions.” “And when the mission is over—”
“We go our separate ways.” He finishes.
You continue to stare at each other for a few more seconds before you give him a nod. He watches you as you walk away.
He’d always watch you as you walked away.
+ + +
“This show is the stupidest thing I’ve ever seen. You like this?” Bucky asked with a mouth half full of sushi, pointing his chopsticks at the screen, comically.
You smirked as you took a sip of your water.
“This show is a classic. You just don’t get it because you’re old.”
“I’m not that old.”
You snickered.
“You old old man.”
“Shut up.” He says, “it’s not even from this century, right? What year did you say this came out?”
“Nineteen ninety four.” You grumbled, looking for another California roll in your plastic tray, “It the epitome of nineties and early two thousands era. It takes everyone back to a good time, before everyone used to just text each other.” You shrug, “it makes me happy.” You look over at him to see his eyes glued to the screen and a smile playing on his lips despite his verbal hate towards the show, “you don’t even have one character you like?”
He shrugs.
“Chandelier is funny.”
“Chandelier?” You laugh out loud, placing your tray on the coffee table as you do so. Bucky watches you, captivated by your laughter, “you mean Chandler?”
You continue to glare at him, giving him a small smirk.
“I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not.”
“I won’t tell you.” He says shoving another sushi in his mouth.
You continued to stare at him, intrigued. Was this the real Bucky Barnes finally showing his true colors?
Ever since your talk in the bathroom last week, things between the both of you got better. Despite the blow out fight you had in the kitchen the other day, you really were friends. Friends in the most messed up sense of the word.
After your talk, you both had agreed to becoming friends with benefits, but you had yet to consummate the agreement.
The mission had kept you both very busy, between you trying to avoid Silas at work and keeping your eyes for any other possible intel, to Bucky staking out his nights at the tower trying to find new information on Ashen, including where he lived.  
Tonight was the first real night where you both felt relaxed for the first time in a very long time. Maybe too relaxed.
You heard Bucky snicker as a scene unfolded on TV -and you tried to contain your smile.
He liked it. Bucky liked Friends.
You watched from the corner of your eye as he leaned forward and put his own tray on the table.
“Does this remind you of your childhood?” He asks you.
“Kind of. I was very little when it ended but I remember that time period, yes. The world was different.”
“Tell me about it?” He asks you.
You perk a brow at him.
“Sure, but only after Ross accidentally says Rachel at the alter.”
+ + +
“Could you stay on your side and with your fair share? You keep hogging up the blankets and the bed, Y/N.”
“I’m trying to make a cocoon because last time you snatched all the blankets in the middle of the night while I was asleep and I had to sleep shivering in fetal position.”
“I did not.”
“You did.”
You both calmed down until you started moving your legs around, trying to find a comfortable position.
You stopped, and then started again, tossing and turning.
“Oh my god, if you don’t stop I’ll cut off your legs.”
“Do it I dare you.”
“It’s not my fault it’s somehow freezing and super hot at the same time.”
Thankful, he thought you had finally found a comfortable spot because you stopped. He was wrong because you started moving.
Fed up with you, he quickly turned around and grabbed your leg.
“Stop.” You stretched down to push his hand off of you when he grabbed your hand and quickly held it up against the pillow next to your head. He did the same with your other and caged you under him with his legs.
You were breathless as you stared up at him. Finding the proximity intoxicating.
He was panting against you as he stared down at your face.
He watched enthralled as you whispered the undeniable words:
“Fuck me.”
+ + +
His boxers had been flung somewhere across the room and he had your legs right around his waist.
He followed your rules. No excessive gestures and no eye contact.
He hated it. He absolutely hated not being able to cup your face as he stared down at your nose, his cock thrusting into your at a languid pace. Slow and torturous.
Instead, his hand grabbed at the pillow beneath your head.
Bucky moaned as he felt you squeeze around him.
“God, you know just how to do it to me.” He mumbles, licking his lips.
“Faster.” You whine, tightening your legs around him.
His thrusts pick up speed as he continues to fuck you for several minutes. Eventually he switches to hold onto the head board.
His right hand leaves it to hold onto your waist and his eyes goes to where his dick is fucking you.
You were so perfect for him. If this were another lifetime, he knows he could be good for you. He knows this could’ve have had a different ending. You were so good.
When his orgasm hits him, he flicks your clit with his thumb and he unravels with you. You both cum together.
When he goes to bed later than night after slipping out of you and throwing away the condom, you don’t feel used like you used to. At least you don’t think you do.
But you still wished you didn’t love him anymore. You wished he felt the same, and you wished you had the strength to stop torturing yourself.
As you looked out into the city with your bare back facing his front, you reminded yourself that Bucky Barnes would never love you.  
This would always be just sex. And when it came to your friendship, it had no future. You were to both go separate ways at the end of this mission.
@snakeeatery17 @utterlyhopeful-fics , @marvelfan1017, @iheartsebastianstan , @annathesillyfriend , @redhairedfeistynerd, @perksofbeingabookworm, @amyrose051, @meegggoooo, @morganclaire4 , @captainchrisstan, @bxndys , @shoesonpointe ,  @writerwrites, @rainbowkisses31, @lindatreb , @littlemissner98 , @dezzylou24, @ayeitslelee , @hardygal69 ,  @emmabarnes , @redbarn1995@thequeenreaders@ilovemysupersoldiers@maximumplaidzonknerd@ceapa-mica @s-trawberryv-eins@buckysknifecollections@sobangie@lindatreb@theseuscmander @nervous-plant @wildmoonflower @aya-fay@appreciating-fanfics @kaitlynisinfinite@justreadingfics@kaitieskidmore1 @mrsdancing​
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Use Only as Directed
John Egbert is a normal boy who takes his roommate's estrogen as a prank. John still didn't know why he was stealing these pills. They weren't prescribed to him, and they lived up to their name as death mints, but he felt almost compelled...and Rose hadn't noticed yet that she’d been losing her meds at twice the normal rate.
John jumped as someone softly knocked at the door.
“John, are you almost done? It's time for me to take my hormones!”
Shit, it was Rose. John quickly double checked that the bottles were sealed before faux-washing his hands and opening the door.
“Sorry about that, all yours!” John said, gesturing grandly to the bathroom.
“No need for theatrics,” Rose said, sliding past John towards the pill bottles on the counter. “I’ll be in and out like a thief in the night.” She picked the bottles up and shook them before frowning slightly. “It seems they run out faster each month, if only to make me interact with Mother Dearest.”
“What does your mom have to do with hormones?” John asked nervously, watching Rose pop back the spironolactone expertly.
“Oh, she doesn’t trust the ‘bargain basement chemists and seedy pharmacists’ of the world, so she synthesizes my doses herself. It’s cheaper, if a little overbearing.”
John nodded as he watched her stick the estradiol… under her tongue?
“Oh this?” Rose said, noticing his quizzical expression. “If you stick estrogen under your tongue, it dissolves into the bloodstream and provides more bioavailability. You should try it sometime.”
“Wuh-” John sputtered, unable to come up with a response.
“Just kidding, of course.” Rose smiled. “You’re a cis man and as such don’t need hormones, right?” She watched, seemingly satisfied, as John nodded.
John snuck out of the bathroom, little blue pills under his tongue, and headed towards the kitchen. “Oh hey Wose,” he said as he waved at his roommate, drinking a glass of Orange Juice.
“Hey Jown,” Rose said mindlessly, barely seeming to be paying attention. “I was just thinking about an assignment I’m having some problems with.”
John swallowed deeply and tried limbering his tongue up through sheer willpower. “Oh, which one?”
“Well, aside from the male assignment I was so ingloriously given-” She chuckled at her own joke and eyed John as if expecting him to laugh along. “The essay Professor Moon gave us on the Practical Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Composition is frankly kicking my ass.”
John brightened up, spotting a chance to talk about something he actually knew something about. This was, in his eyes, a rarity, so he was happy to try and help Rose with the assignment.
A few minutes into the conversation Rose switched from rapt attention to concern, and when John stopped to ask why, Rose reached out to grab his glasses off his face.
“You’ve got a smudge, do you mind?” she asked.
John shook his head, but as Rose delicately removed the glasses they immediately fell out of her grasp and to the floor, cracking.
“Oh no!” John cried out, diving after the now ruined glasses. “My only pair!”
They worried over the glasses for a few minutes before Rose had an idea. “You’re nearsighted too, right?”
"Yeah I used to wear minus 3.3, now I just use contacts," Rose explained. "If your prescription is close to mine, I could lend you an old pair." 
"Oh… that's convenient..." John said, suppressing his suspicion that Rose wasn’t only trying to help. "Hopefully the frames aren't too girly." He forced out a chuckle. 
“Don’t worry about that John,” Rose said almost... mischievously? She began digging through a bag near her bedroom door. “Aha! These should fit you perfectly.” She smugly held out a pair of sky blue, delicate frames. “And they’re your color!”
“Ha, yeah, funny how that works out, huh?” John said, waiting for a returned laugh that never came. After an awkward moment, he accepted the glasses... and then tried them on. “These fit… surprisingly well actually.” He went into the bathroom and looked into the mirror. “I’m surprised. Your face is so much smaller than mine!”
“It’s really not, John.” Rose stood behind John. “It’s all about hair and makeup.”
“Oh that’s interesting, but... your hair is so nice I could never…” He stopped as Rose began carding her hand through his hair. “What are you doing?”
“Just demonstrating, John my dear.” Rose calmlypulled out a brush and some mysterious spray. “Sit still and let me work my magic.”
John decided not to push the issue and let her primp and comb his hair until she was finally done, and he didn’t look half bad. Weirdly feminine in a way he didn’t want to examine, but honestly quite good in a way he didn’t want to interrogate.
“Hey John, can I borrow you for a minute?” Rose called, rousing John from reading a textbook far too closely.
He stretched and popped his back as he opened his door. “Sure, what do you need, Rose?”
He jumped back as she held her wrist up to his face just outside his door. “You’re the perfect skin tone match. Would you mind trying on some makeup for me?
“Uh, sure, I guess I already promised,” John said sheepishly. “Why don’t you try it on yourself though?”
“Well, I figured we could have some bonding time. You don’t see the macho type to run away from makeup.”
John shrugged in agreement, though he was actually feeling pretty excited to see Rose’s magic after the Hair Incident.
“And I really want to practice my eyeliner and it’s easier on someone else.”
“Can’t argue with that I guess…” John said, only now realizing he was already in the bathroom. “Uh… where do I sit?”
“You can just sit on the toilet, This shouldn’t take too long.” She patted the seat and, once he’d sat down, began to work.
Aside from a few chidings about watching his lip and not flinching and an accidental brush against a surprisingly sensitive chest, the entire thing went smoothly. Well, smoothly enough. Rose looming over him definitely conjured up some surprising feelings, though he guessed tall goth girls were popular for a reason.
“Aaaaaand we’re done!” Rose called out with triumph. “Now, take a look at the pretty good if I say so myself results!”
John tentatively stood up and turned to the vanity mirror. 
And he was flabbergasted.
There was a girl with a messy imitation of an expert coif, wearing stunning blue eyeliner that perfectly matched her glasses and her eyes both.
John had a lot of very mixed feelings right now. He was sure Rose was talking but he couldn’t repeat what she said if his life depended on it.
“I’ve gotta go Rose, I’ve got dinner in the oven!” he cried out as he rushed into his room and locked the door behind him.
Rose was sitting beside John on the couch. “John, I’ve got something to confess to you,” she said softly, laying her knitting down. “I think I might be a lesbian?”
“Oh.” John felt weirdly jealous and hurt and happy all at the same time. “That makes sense I guess.” Why was she telling him?
“Well, as I said, I think.” Rose licked her lips in something approaching but definitely not anticipation. “I was hoping, with your permission, to use you as something of an experiment.”
“Haha, sure, you gonna make out with me?” John laughed, though the laughter died out as Rose’s face remained serious. He hoped she couldn’t tell he was blushing, even under the blush he happened to be wearing.
“John, I’m serious. This is science.”
“S-sure, but I don’t know if-” John was cut off by Rose’s lips. He felt like he should be taking the lead but this was nice. It was also easily described as rote. He could tell Rose wasn’t really into it, and it made sense.
A few seconds later, Rose broke the kiss off and nodded. “That’s the control, now for the experiment.”
“The whah?” John wasn’t sure where this was going anymore.
“Well, I kissed a boy, and now I need to kiss a girl, and since there’s no girls around you’ll have to do!” Rose said this so matter of factly it was hard to argue. “Now pick a name. Joan?”
“June, but...” John shook his head, she was rapidly losing control of the situation. “Why would I pick a girl name?”
“Because, my dearest Junebug, for the purposes of this experiment, you are in fact a girl.” This was all the warning June got before Rose crashed into her, her blush from the nickname deepening as Rose kissed her in a way that easily eclipsed the previous kiss.
Rose’s tongue barely needed to brush June’s lips before her mouth was open, begging for more. Rose’s hands traced her hips, brushed her legs, and paused at her nipples before lightly massaging them-producing far more pleasure than they should, damn those hormones she was taking for absolutely no reason. After several minutes of heavy petting, Rose once again broke away, though this time looking far more disheveled.
“Well I think that settles it,June.”
June nodded exhaustedly.
“Wanna be my girlfriend?”
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silenceofthecookies · 3 years
Cookie!!! I hope I made it!! Congrats on 800, hun! :DD
im asking from a new fandom and because I literally just started it and have yet to see anything about him, would it be okay to ask for Yuno [ Black Clover ] and prompt number 3? Fem! Reader is the royal! :>>
( sorry if I sound mean or rushed!! It’s 6 am and I’m tired ;-; but feel free to ignore but thanks so much in advance though! :)) )
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Thanks for coming back with those extra characters Syd! Buuuttt I haven't written much for Yuno yet, so let's go!
Female reader, warnings: mentions of gore and blood, nothing explicit
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Before, you liked to sneak into the kitchen to chat with the maids, maybe have them sneak you some extra snacks, but mostly to have a simple chat with them, to get to know them. You'd ask the stable boy to take a horse for a ride and to sit behind him, just so you could feel the wind in your hair for a bit. You liked to sneak into archery practice and ask some of the archers to teach you how to shoot a bow. Your parents didn't know about any of these actions, you never told them because you were sure they'd misunderstand you.
But then the threat came, a threat you assassinate you in particular. You had no idea who sent it, or why they had it out for you specifically, but a guard was assigned to you at all times. He was filled in on your regular schedule and which places you were and weren't allowed to go. You couldn't blame him for stopping you every time you wanted to do something else, he was ordered to follow those instructions by your father, but you hated everything about it. You couldn't do any of the things you enjoyed doing anymore, you were getting a little cranky because you couldn't get the snacks you always enjoyed and the worst part was that this guard was way too serious. Never once had you seen him crack a smile.
Why did someone have to come and threaten you? This ruined everything.
More than once, you had tried to reason with your parents that this was unreasonable. There were enough guards in the castle and most of all, wasn't it improper for a young lady to have a man with her at all times? Having him stand outside of the toilet or the bath at all times made you uneasy, even though he never said anything. But time and time again, your father assured you it was for your own good, and that you'd only have to deal with it until the culprit was caught.
It did NOT make things any better for you, and you avoided talking to the black-haired knight at your side at all cost. Your father had introduced him as Yuno, a young but very promising knight. At first you were a little taken aback by how handsome the man was, but that infatuation was short lived. He was blunt, unmannered, serious and just downright boring. He would stop you from doing so many things, saying they were dangerous or even that they were unladylike. He barely had the manners to address you properly, what did he know about being ladylike?
It didn't take long before you were in a constant bad mood and realising that put you in an even worse mood. You decided that enough was enough, and you went for a walk in the garden to try to clear your head. Of course, Yuno followed wordlessly behind you. You weren't sure if him being so silent made it better or worse. He didn't bother you by talking, but him not talking also made it a little uncomfortable, as if he was stalking you. With a sigh, you sat down at a table in the rose garden. It was almost teatime, and maybe some tea while taking in the sweet scent of the roses would improve your mood. Yuno silently moved behind you, so he wasn't in the way of your view.
Not too long after, a servant came to bring you tea. You had never seen this maid before, but you figured that she must've been new. You hadn't been in the kitchen for a while, after all. The servant approached the table quietly and bent down to set down the tea.
The next few seconds all happened so fast, you barely had any idea what was going on. One second the servant dropped the tea in favour of revealing a knife she had hidden in her hand, and you saw the knife coming straight for your throat. The next moment there was a hand on your arm, pulling you off the chair, and there was a slicing sound as you heard the maid scream, which was soon followed by the shrill sound of metal hitting the ground, as well as the dull thud of something else.
“Don't look.” Yuno said.
You didn't. Your imagination had already filled in the blanks of what just happened, and you did not want to see your imagination confirmed. The screams of the maid did not help at all and you pushed your hands to your ears, wishing desperately to not hear her anymore.
Other guards arrived soon and took the maid away, but you stayed on the ground where you were, looking away from the table, hands still firmly pressed to your ears, eyes shut firmly. Two hands gently took hold of yours and tried to guide them away from your ears. Your eyes snapped open to see it was Yuno. Somewhat hesitantly, you let him lower your hands.
“It's alright. It's over now. I'm sorry for pulling you to the ground. Are you hurt?” “No, I'm not...” “That's good. I'm sorry, that must've been scary.”
You were unsure of how to react. This was probably the most you've heard him talk so far, and his voice was much gentler than how he normally spoke. It comforted you a little. Your shock only grew as he put his hand on your head and gently started stroking it.
“It's over now, the danger is gone.”
The gesture was highly inappropriate, a mere knight comforting the princess like a child, but somehow, it helped you relax a little, and you felt the tension leave your body. The adrenaline wore off and the tears started flowing. You quickly covered your face with your hands, not wanting him to see.
Yuno simply stayed with you as you cried, continuing to gently stroke your head, hoping to see your smile again soon.
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Love and Medicine ~ 12
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,815ish
Summary: You are still trying to cope with the fact that Steve’s married. (Read note at the end of the chapter.)
I do not own Grey’s Anatomy or Marvel.
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You and Natasha eventually found your way back to your house and into your bedroom’s adjoining bathroom. Natasha was in the bathtub as you laid on the floor.
“It's not us. It's them,” you said. “Them and their stupid boy penises. They didn't tell me they had a wife. They gave absolutely no warning that they were going to break up with you.”
“It's not that Banner broke up with me,” Natasha began. “It's how he broke up with me. Like it was business. Like it was a business transition like he's the boss of me!”
“He is the boss of you.”
“And what's worse is that I care.”
"I'm gonna throw up again.” You moved so that you were leaned over the toilet bowl. "No. Wait. False alarm.”
“Look, the problem is estrogen.”
“No, the problem is tequila.”
“I used to be all business, and then he goes and gets me pregnant.”
“With the stupid boy penis.”
“Now, I'm having hormone surges. He ruined me. I'm ruined. He turned me into this fat, stupid, pregnant girl. Who cares! Estrogen!”
Having heard the commotion from your bathroom, Val, Scott, and Clint found themselves standing in the doorway.
“Penises,” you stated. “Penises Val.”
“Estrogen, Scott. Estrogen,” Nat added.
“Okay…” Scott said, looking around. “What did I miss?”
“I came home to full on vomit drama,” Val explained. “Apparently she dumped Derek and her—“ Val pointed Nat’s way. “She’s been sleeping with Banner!”
“So you really broke up with Rogers?” Clint asked.
“I feel empty,” you responded.
“Two hours of vomiting will do that to you,” Val said with a shrug.
“You’re lucky,” Nat added. “I feel pissed off.”
Arriving in the parking garage, you could clearly see Steve waiting for you. Getting out of your car, you slammed the door as he came closer.
“Stop,” you growled at him.
“What?” Steve questioned, pretending to be all innocent.
“You're stalking me. Stop it.” You continued into the building with Steve following you.
“Did we not communicate last night?”
“Did you hear what I was saying?”
“Your wife screwed your best friend.”
“And then from that point on she no longer existed to me anymore.”
“You had marital amnesia?”
“No.” Steve reached out and grabbed your arm, successfully stopping you. “Come on I bared my soul to you last night.”
“It's not enough.”
“How can that be not enough?”
“When you waited 2 months to tell me and I had to find out by her showing up, all leggy and fabulous and telling me herself, you pulled the plug. I'm a sink with an open drain. Anything that you say runs right out. There is no enough.” You pulled away hurrying inside with your friends after you.
“She probably could've picked a better metaphor,” Clint commented.
“Give her a break,” Scott said. “She’s got a hangover.”
With a huff, Steve followed. Tony, who was also coming in, quickly caught up to him.
“Dr. Rogers!” He called.
“Dr. Stark,” Steve replied.
“We have an organ donor coming in this afternoon. We're doing a harvest.”
“Commendable, but—“
“In OR one at four.”
“I’m in OR one at four.”
“Your surgery is non-critical.”
“You can’t bump me!”
“As Chief, I can. You’ll be first up tomorrow.”
“Interim Chief. Bump somebody else!”
“You’re in the OR we need.”
“Why can’t the harvest be done somewhere else?”
“Cause the donor’s coming in from a small facility. We have the location, the airport nearby and the staff. Your surgery is rescheduled.” Then Tony turned, heading away.
“I’m not done talking about this, Stark!”
“Well, I am! See ya around Rogers!”
Rounds weren’t too bad, especially because you successfully ignored both Peggy and Steve. It even became slightly better when Gamora called you in for a bowel obstruction. Except the guy wouldn’t tell you what he ingested.
“You know, Mr. Sanders, it would be easier if you just told us what you ingested,” you pried, taking him to radiology. “We’ll know anyone, once we see the films.”
“You’re beautiful, you know that?” Mr. Sanders responded.
“Mr. Sanders, whatever you’ve ingested could kill you. Are you sure you don’t just want to tell me?”
“It might offend you.”
“It might? Is it drugs?”
“Mr. Sanders.”
“It’s not drugs, I promise.”
“Well, good, I’m glad.”
“I… Nope, not going to tell you.”
“Fine by me. We just reached radiology, so I’m going to find out anyway.”
It wasn’t long before Mr. Sanders was back in his room and the radiologist had found you with the scans.
“It’s drugs,” the radiologist stated handing the scans over to you. “Looks like at least 13 small balloons in the bowel. My guess, cocaine.”
“Hmm,” you hummed, holding up the scans up to the light. 
They didn’t totally look like balloons, so you weren’t completely convinced. Before you made any judgement calls, you found Gamora.
“It’s drugs,” you told her, handing her the scans. 
“Stupid, stupid, stupid,” she muttered, placing the scans onto a screen. “One burst and he’s dead in minutes. Okay, what do we do?”
“Run his bowel.”
“And what does that mean?”
“Running the bowel entails removing all 36 feet of the intestine from the body cavity, hand searching for the balloons and then cutting them out.”
“Good. Book an OR and get two other interns on board, need all the hands we can get.”
“Dr. Gamora,” Y/N called as Gamora tired to leave. 
“Are you sure they’re balloons?”
“You have reason to believe they’re not?”
“Well, the more I look the more I realize that this one,” you pointed to the scans, “has a face.” Gamora looked closer. “And this one… they all do.”
“I’ll be damned. They’re Barbies. He swallowed 13 Barbie doll heads.”
“Barbie heads?” Scott repeated after you told him, Natasha, and Peter what happened.
“Yeah,” you responded. “And Gamora wants two of you to join us in surgery.”
“I’m already booked.”
“I can do it,” Natasha said.
“Me too,” Peter said.
“My foster mothers used to buy me Barbie dolls. All sorts of them.”
“I also wanted one,” you added. “My parents never let me.”
“I dissected them. Cut off their arms, shaved their heads.”
“You’re a little scary,” Scott stated. “You know that?”
“I try.”
“Sounds like there’s a sick and twisted story behind this,” Peter said.
“No, they’re sexist, distorted devil toys that create unrealistic expectations carrying to the porn driven minds of men,” Natasha expressed.
“You swallow a bitter pill this morning, Romanoff?” Gamora questioned, coming up to you interns. “They’re just dolls. Quill, call for a psych consult. Then see if he has family.”
“Should I still book the OR?” You wondered.
“Blocked bowels become necrotic bowels. Check with Dr. Stark, see if we can bump someone. Those Barbies gotta come out today.”
Gamora had given Clint the impossible assignment to revive a patient. And, unfortunately for him, he was stuck with Laura.
“Any family members waiting?” He asked as he stapled up the man’s chest.
“Still trying to reach them,” Laura responded.
“Good. Well, I mean, not good that we haven’t reached anyone. Good that I don’t have to, uh…”
“It’s always hard.”
“I’m sorry about Peter.”
“It’s fine. It’s good. No need to talk about it.”
“You do understand that I had sex with him before you, not during, right? Because when you and I were together—“
“I understand.”
“I just wanted to clear the air.”
“Oh, it’s clear. Perfectly clear… okay.”
“And about the syphilis—“
“We really on’t have to talk about it.”
“Which is, I mean, I didn’t know I had it. I definitely should have, I’m a nurse. Like, there was a sore and I was all itchy.”
“Okay!” He backed away almost knocked the tray beside him over. “You know I, uh, got it. You know things happen.” He moved to the door, away from Laura.
“They really do. Things you wish you could change.”
Clint’s pager rang and he looked down. “It’s the Chief, I gotta take this.”
“Sure… Clint.”
“You have to call it.”
“Call it?”
“Oh, yeah.” He looked at his watch. “Time of death 1:37.” He turned to leave again.
“And, Clint,” he paused, not turning around this time, “if we could, I wouldn’t mind trying again.”
“Maybe… some day…”
Tony was walking down the hall with Maria, going over the donor surgery.
“When is the donor getting here?” He asked.
“Should be here at 3. Harvest team’s not heir way in.”
“I also need to touch base with the transplant center about a patient here getting his son’s liver.”
You walked up. “Dr. Stark,” you called. “Dr. Gamora needs an OR and they’re all booked.”
“An emergent bowel obstruction.” She handed him the scans.
“Barbie heads. 13 of them.”
Maria looked at the films. “I can see their little faces,” she commented. “That patient must have serious issues.”
“Hill, can your hernia in 1 be bumped?” Tony asked.
“Most likely.”
“Do it.”
“On it.” Maria left.
“Thank you, Dr. Stark,” you said, moving to go.
Tony grabbed your wrist and stopped you. “Y/N, are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“Don’t lie.”
“I’m not. I’m really fine.” And you pulled away.
You, Gamora, and a doctor from psych were currently discussing the psych evaluation on Mr. Sanders.
“He’s not talking. It could be pica,” the psych doctor stated. “Doubtful for a man his age. Maybe an oedipal complex or an idolization of the doll as his partners. Or it could be that he simply enjoys it.”
“Now I've seen a lot of strange things in strange places but how does he enjoy this?” Gamora questioned.
“He’d enjoy it when they came out.”
“I didn’t need to hear that.”
“Dr. L/N,” Peggy called as she walked back. “May I speak with you for a moment?” You looked at Gamora for help.
“Don’t look at me. I’m not gonna help you.”
With a sigh, you went to Peggy and the two of you began walking away.
“I assume he told you why he left me,” she said.
Annoyed, you stopped in front of her. “Look, Dr. Rogers, will all do respect, this has nothing to do with me,” you said.
“Really? So you didn’t take him back. Good girl.”
“And int he future, I’d appreciate it if we could keep our relationship strictly professional.” You walked away.
“Y/N!” You stopped and turned back slightly to give Peggy your attention. “Sometimes people do desperate things to get someone’s attention.” You shook your head and started walking again. “There are two sides to every story!”
You, Peter, and Scott arrived at lunch first. The three of you picked a large table farthest away from the others.
“Look what I went out and got,” Peter said, putting a grocery bag on the table.  Opening the bag, he revealed 13 headless Barbie dolls.
“Really, Quill?” You wondered.
“That’s gross,” Scott cringed.
“I think it’s funny,” Peter said, smiling, as he laid them out on the table.
“Of course you do,” you muttered.
“Oh! That is sick!” Clint commented as him, Natasha, and Val walked up.
“Who would do that?” Val asked. They looked to see Peter smiling.
“Oh, look!” Natasha said, picking up a doll. “See Barbie fly.” She throw it at Peter, who ducked.
“Hey, Clint,” Laura greeted, walking by.
“Hey,” he replied, sitting down at not looking at you. The interns all gave him a look. “What?”
“She was trying to make up with you, Clint,” you told him. “You should go eat with her.”
“No, I shouldn’t…. No.”
“She’s cute and she likes you,” Scott said.
“You shouldn’t let a little syph get in the way of that,” Val added.
“It’s not the syph,” Clint insisted.
“It’s so the syph,” Natasha said.
“It’s not the syph!”
“Then what is it?” Val asked. Clint didn’t answer, looking down. “Oh.”
“What?” You wondered. Clint simply shrugged. “What is it?”
“There’s this other girl,” Val responded.
“Val!” Clint exclaimed.
“Other girl?” Natasha questioned. “You have another girl?!”
“He hasn’t told her that he likes her yet,” Val said.
“Val!” Clint exclaimed again. “This isn’t high school.”
“Clint has a little crush.”
“I do not… It’s a thing, a very personal thing. One day I would like to build on this thing with this other girl—woman. She’s all woman.”
“What are you doing, Clint?” You asked, slightly harsh.
“I-I don’t—“
“With Laura. What are you doing with her?”
“Oh. Nothing.”
“You’re letting her think you’re emotionally available. You’re letting her think she has a chance. And there is nothing worse in the world than think you have a chance when you really don’t!”
“Y/N is right,” Natasha said. “Tell her that there’s someone else. And tell her why, Clint. I mean— I mean at least give her the chance to have some feelings about it!”
“Why are you both yelling at me?” Clint asked.
“Because of the estrogen Clint! Because of all the estrogen!”
“Was it an act of desperation?” You asked Mr. Sanders as you headed into his surgery.
“Not at all,” he replied.
“Something to attract attention?”
“I’m just trying to understand here. Why 13 doll heads?”
“Well because 14 would’ve been too much.”
You cringed and helped the nurses get Mr. Sanders on the operating table before going to scrub. It was Gamora, you, Peter, Val, and Natasha in the surgery.
“I think it has something to do with his mother,” Val suggested. “Maybe she always wanted a girl and gave him Barbie dolls because of it.”
“Ah, ah, I’ve got another one,” Peter said, showing the head in the intestine.
“Uh!” You groaned.
“Doyen clamps to Romanoff,” Gamora ordered. “L/N, push the head up to the incision.” You began to squeeze the doll head up through the intestine.
“Maybe his mother looked like a Barbie doll and he’s into voodoo,” Peter suggested. “Instead of sticking pins in… well…”
Dr. Stark entered the OR. “You good here?” He asked Gamora, observing you though.
“Couple more heads to go,” Gamora responded.
“Then L/N stay here. All you other interns I need you on other cases.”
You met Tony’s eyes before he walked out of the OR.
Clint was put on a case with Steve. They were about to go separate ways so that Clint could run labs, when Steve stopped. He looked back at Clint.
“Is she okay?” Steve asked.
“Who?” Clint questioned. He looked up at Steve and knew. “Y/N? She’s… hanging in there.”
“Look out for her.”
“I will.”
Then Steve walked away. Before Clint could get really far, Laura found him.
“The family of the guy we worked on this morning is here,” she told him.
“Thanks for letting me know,” Clint responded.
“Clint, I just want an answers, so that I can get on with my life if I need to.”
“Look, maybe I’m not over the Peter thing yet or the syph thing… And I really want to be, but there’s also another girl. And, to me, it doesn’t matter there’s this other guy and frankly I wouldn’t care if she gave me the Ebola virus… I like you, Laura, I really do. Just… I—“
“You’re going to need some time.”
“Yeah.” He kissed her forehead. “Thank you for understanding.”
Steve was standing alone in the elevator when Peggy walked in, both dressed to leave.
“Just when the day was improving,” he murmured.
“You told Y/N what happened?” Peggy asked.
“I did. Why? What did you tell her?”
“That sometimes people do desperate things to attract attention.”
“What? Wow. That's your side of this? That I didn't pay you enough attention. Is that you were thinking when you got naked with my best friend?”
Peggy reached over and stopped the elevator. "No, by that point I wasn't thinking at all Steve. By that point I was just scratching an itch. We got successful you and me. We got busy and we got lazy. We didn't even bother to fight any more Steve. And Bucky was there and I missed you. And now I'm sorry.” Steve restarted the elevator. “I’m more sorry than you can possibly imagine. But at least I'm talking to you about it.” The doors opened and Steve walked out. “Steve.”
“I’m a sink with an open drain, honey.”
“Did you get them all?” Mr. Sanders asked. You were checking on him, post-surgery.
“Yes,” you replied. “It wasn’t easy or very pleasant. How do you feel?”
“Empty… I feel empty now.”
“Yeah. I've been feeling a little bit of that myself lately.”
“I can tell.”
“Mr. Sanders, why does eating doll heads fill you up? What’s the satisfaction?”
“Do you really want to know?”
“Would it be too much information?”
“Maybe I’m better left in the dark.”
next chapter >
I leave for Disney World in a week. It is the last big family vacation that I will be on for a while. Because of that, I will not be on tumblr March 19th through March 24th. I will actually be deleting the app so that it’s not a distraction.
Most likely, nothing will be posted during that time. If something is, it will have been queued up. Things that are posted while I’m out of town will not have tag lists attached. I will put this note in all the fic posts until then.
So do not come at me for spending time with my family instead of including the tag list. (I say that knowing that people won’t care and still come at me.... be respectful and get over yourself.)
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balillee · 2 years
ive had this on my mind all day and i don't know why but if i don't spit it out i'll psychogenically perish
if you, as a school teacher, principal or administrator, do not allow your students to go to the bathroom when they wish, that is a form of abuse.
i'll go more into why with an anecdote i have.
back in year 8 (around 12-13 years old), i suffered frequently from UTIs, and each time i would be in so much pain that i could barely move, and my asscheeks were glued to the toilet while i was doubled over in pain. each time i had a UTI, i would have to take a week off from school in recovery while taking a course of antibiotics (because the canesoasis cranberry sachets would just make me chuck up).
it happened so frequently that my parents and my GP thought that i may have had a bladder issue. so, we got an appointment for me to have an ultrasound for my bladder. absolutely nothing. my bladder was completely fine.
eventually, my mum got a letter home telling her that i 'was not allowed' to take more time off.
i wasn't taking time off for the hell of it. i was sick. i could not go to school. in one instance i actually had to go home in the middle of the day, and despite my walk to school being short, i almost collapsed on the way home.
obviously, i ended up having to take more time off, but i had to provide a doctor's note to 'prove' that i was actually sick, and not skiving. we had to do so to avoid having to pay a fucking fine.
eventually, i tried reasoning with the school to allow me a toilet pass, which would overrule a teacher's ability to deny me going to the toilets given that i present the toilet pass to them. other students had them, and even though they got stink-eyes from the teachers, they were begrudgingly allowed to perform a necessary bodily function. i even also mentioned an instance in which i had started my period just after break and needed to sort myself out, to which my FEMALE teacher denied me the ability to do so, citing that it should have been dealt with at break. as if i had a sixth sense for when i'd start bleeding out of my fucking hole.
i was denied the toilet pass, because of course i was.
however, the year after, i did notice a majority of teachers lightening up on female students in particular being able to go to the toilet during class after an incident in which some poor girl was denied the ability to go to the toilets and ended up bleeding on her chair.
as long as i used the period excuse (which was ironic, considering i don't have one), i was able to go to the toilet. this was effective with male teachers in particular, because they were all fucking manchildren.
all of a sudden, i don't have UTI's anymore. but, i was 13 years old, i don't think much of it. i was mostly happy that i wasn't sick anymore.
it has been seven years since then and i can definitively tell you that all of those UTI's were caused not because of poor hygiene, but because i was forced to hold my bladder for hours at a time, and then use unhygienic toilets that were locked for most of the day. i specifically remember there being two girls toilets - one on the ground floor and one on the middle floor. the one on the middle floor was locked almost 24/7, so the bottom one was cramped and most people wouldn't be able to pee before break ended. a breaktime, i might add, that they shortened. from 30 minutes to 25.
it was even worse for the boys. people assigned male at birth are far less likely to get UTI's, so i doubt that was an issue for them. what was the real issue was that the boys toilets were almost always locked due to vandalism. this meant that since none of them could use the boys, and none of them could use the girls, a lot of them either ended up having to sneak into the disabled toilets (which was one stall, btw), or try and sneak into the boys changing rooms to use one of the cubicles in there, which also was often locked during breaktimes.
denying a child the ability to perform a necessary bodily function is abusive. penalising a child for recovering from an illness that was not their fault is abusive. penalising a child for being ill at all is abusive. forcing sick (and especially contagious) students to come to school is abusive.
had i not had the time off to recover, that UTI could have led to fucking sepsis, kidney stones, a yeast infection or a bladder infection. this would have led to even more time off, and more probable complications down the line.
teachers love to make the argument that since they have to hold it during lesson, students do too.
newsflash: no they don't.
nothing is stopping a teacher from quickly and quietly popping out to use the toilet while their students are doing work. in fact, they left the class unattended all the time to go chat with other teachers, grab something from the office or another room, or because they decided to be late to our lessons.
and even then, the risk of severe illness aside, denying a student their bodily autonomy is the lowest of the low.
i had some wonderful teachers in school. my year 4 teacher was a lovely young woman and i remember her fondly. the teacher i had for the last two years of spanish was strict in some senses, but she was funny and she was friendly and most importantly, sympathetic.
but the majority of my teachers, it felt to me almost, were dictators of the classroom. they yelled at students for acting out. they did not choose the career they did out of their love for that area of education, they did it so they could control their students - a lot of these kinds of teachers were middle aged and above, so i imagine they suffered similar abuse at the hands of their teachers too.
it was a wonder when i got to sixth form. i wasn't restricted to an overpriced uniform that got people bullied. there was no social hierarchy. there were no authoritarian teachers. i wasn't forced to participate in humiliation classes like PE against my will. it felt like a real place that i could learn. now, obviously, it was all bogged down by covid, but in the building, i felt i was treated as a person. if i let the teacher know, i could pop to the toilet whenever i wanted. i could have my drink of water on the desk. i could go for a quick snack during lesson if i felt a little hungry before break. i could take my coat off if i was too warm without having to ask permission. i wasn't penalised for having to take time off. the toilets were never locked. we were given short breaks during our long lesson times to cool off or catch up. students didn't require a 'provable' disability and 4 million tests before they could apply for extra time on exams - all they had to do was be a slow writer. i felt trusted, and respected.
people don't treat under 16's like they are human beings with sentience, autonomy or dignity. they are real people. they deserve better than to suffer the abuse of teachers who should be educating them and creating a young generation of people who are excited to learn and find their passions.
moral of the story: students, if a teacher denies you the ability to use the restroom during lesson, if you find yourself confident enough, employ malicious compliance. piss in the bin.
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gryficowa · 2 years
That Rowling is a tomboy? I feel offended, I am myself, and somehow it does not give transphobic content (At least as far as I know, I can only laugh at it, because let's respect each other, sometimes transphob comics are so stupid that there is only so much that can be done, the level of these comics has the level of creations boomers)
Rowling, woman, get over it, you're making fun of all the tomboys
And yeah, for some reason I feel an inner urge to ridicule the transphobic creatures (In the sense of what they make, you know, the comics)
Although I wanted to do the same with the stereotype of a gay in pop culture (At least from my country, because as I mentioned before, in Polish films and series, a gay is presented as a fashion fanatic, who loves shops and other similar things, you know, such a woman in a male body, showing certain features, but I thought that even if I gave it, I'll go the other way, where I mention that you don't always have to force your way away from the framework when you are like this, although not all people have to stick to what they are told… Damn, I can't explain it with words, just be with yourself and don't care if someone is considered a stereotypical person from any group, because that's what self-acceptance is about)
On the other hand, how transphobi show trans people, has the level of ableists showing people in the autism and ADHD spectrum, no sorry, but it has the same, offensive message
Trans women, whose femininity is rejected at every turn, have the worst situation (I'm talking about trans women and men, not about other gender identities, because they have it even worse when it comes to respecting their pronouns), they are most often attacked in professions for women, the funniest thing is that just because of trans women in competition, people got interested in sports for women, please, before that people didn't care
While intersex people are no better at identifying with their assigned gender at birth, they are still attacked by non-intersex people, so yes, in this respect many people who do not fit into the "Gender Scheme" are distorted and just because there is a gender division in occupations, and it was created by this, that men did not want women to take part with men (The first woman who took part in the competition was almost fired, because "How does a woman take part with us?" and we have effects until now, and people recognize the gender division as holiness)
I do not have to comment on the absurdity with toilets, yes, as a girl I used a men's toilet and I will mention to my opponents that there is an invention such as a toilet and a woman can use it, not as in one comic book a woman used a urinal (Probably it was created by anti-feminist because by whom else?), anyway, I don't know if you know but men (Even those who have been assigned this gender at birth and identify with it) also use the toilet like women (I mean they sit on it, sometimes pee the same way too)
So Rowling and the other TREFL abominations, grow up, you Rowling are a year older than my mom, and you act like you are younger than her, that's probably not a very good sign
And no, no Rowling, a tomboy and a trans boy it's not the same, I say it as a tomboy
So stop attacking the trance and tomboys like me, because because of people like you, we have a fucked up life
Again, I wrote much too much
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wordupcomics · 3 years
We would like to see more about the adventures of the boys (Violet, Scoops, Becky and Tobey) when they were teenagers we really love to see our favorite team interacting with each other 💗
Hey Anon! Sorry this took so long! It took me a while to think of things and then when I did I wanted to draw them but by that point I'd already kept you waiting for a while so I only have two drawings but I have a lot of ideas I will share through text instead!
First lets do the moment with the drawings
So it starts with the gang as teenagers, all four of them in detention. The girls and the boys got detention for different reasons, and ask the other why they are there. First Becky and Violet ask Tobey and Scoops why they're there. It's a long answer, so I'll just have Becky sum it up for you
Becky:...So...let me get this straight...Scoops saw Mr. Smith and Mrs. Stevens kissing in the parking lot, and decided to right an article about it and why we should remain loyal to our partners...and then Tobey pointed out that if anyone saw that article he could damage Mr. Smith and Mrs. Stevens marriages and get in trouble. So to avoid getting in trouble you two decided to flush the article down one of the toilets in the boys locker room and it clogged the pipes and flooded the boys locker room and you two got detention for causing damage to school property????
Tobey: Yes we hear the irony that we did that to avoid Scoops getting in trouble and then ultimately got in trouble because of it
Becky: Not even on my list of concerns right now. First of all...why did you have to destroy the article? Why couldn't you have just not published it? You could have hidden it or thrown it away?
Violet: No they should have recycled it!
Scoops: What if I recycled it and someone found it? Or what if I lost it and someone found it? it would spread like wildfire!
Becky: Okay, but why flush it down the toilet??? You could have shred it?
Violet: Or painted over it!
Becky: Or used one of Tobey's robots to destroy it
Violet: Or you guys could have thrown it in my fire pit when you came over next weekend to roast marshmallows!
Tobey and Scoops (realizing they're right): ...
Becky: And secondly (Looks to Violet as they both try to choke down a laugh) Mr. Smith and Mrs. Stevens are married
Scoops: I know, that's why I wrote an article on cheating Becky!
Violet: No, you guys, they're married to each other
Tobey and Scoops: ...What..??
Becky: Mrs. Stevens wanted to keep her last name so she never changed it
Violet: They've been happily married for twenty years
(Tobey and Scoops then realize they got detention for basically no reason at all as Becky and Violet burst out laughing):
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Tobey: Oh yeah! And why are you two here, hmm? What bad thing could the two most rule-following students in the school have possibly done to end up in detention with us?
Becky and Violet (paniced): No reason
Scoops: No no no! We told you, now you gotta tell us! What'd you two do?
Violet: ....Well...Becky brought her laptop to school today so we could look at Pretty Princess fanart at lunch...
Scoops: At lunch? A teacher shouldn't give you detention for goofing off on a computer at lunch
Becky: Yeah the problem wasn't when we were looking at it...the problem was the particular fanart that just happened to be on the computer when the teacher passed by...
Tobey: ... What in the world kind of fanart were you two looking at?????
Becky: We were just looking at normal fanart! As it turns out some people one the internet are...messed up and we accidentally ran into some fanart that...um...
Violet: Will haunt my nightmares for the rest of my life...
Becky: and was ultimately deemed "highly inappropriate" by the teacher...
(Tobey and Scoops then burst out laughing):
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I'm gonna put some more scenarios under the cut!
Becky begged Tobey to read this amazing book she just loves:
Becky: Have you read it yet?! Wasn't it amazing?!
Tobey: ...Becky you are one of my dearest friends but I have to be honest with you-This was the worst book I have ever had the displeasure to read
Becky: (Yanks the book out of Tobey's hands and "covers it's ears") (Gasps) IT CAN HEAR YOU!!!
Tobey: ....please see a shrink...
Mrs. McCallister is finally ready for Tobey to meet her new boyfriend and Tobey is super nervous. Scoops gets this idea that he'll look up the guy in the phone book, call him, and pretend he's randomly interviewing people on the phone for a school article, when instead he's actually getting information Tobey needs to get to know the guy better so he knows what to expect (fun fact: this man would later become Tobey's stepdad, his name is Alex). Scoops has the phone on speaker so Tobey can hear
After a bunch of oddly specific questions:
Alex, on the other end: ...Are you a friend of Claire's boy, Tobey?
Scoops: ...
Alex: ...
Tobey: ...
Scoops: Bye! (hangs up in panic)
Tobey: SCOOPS!
Scoops: He was on to us! I panicked! What was I supposed to do???
Scoops wrote an article about WordGirl. He didn't see anything wrong with it...Becky did...
Becky: How could you say that about me!?
Scoops: I didn't think you'd care!
Becky: Well I do!
Scoops: I'm sorry, Becky. I didn't know you felt so insecure about this or I never would have written it, I promise!
Becky: Insecure! I am NOT insecure!
Scoops (raising an eyebrow): ... define insecure
Becky: ...
Scoops: ...
Becky: I'm leaving! (leaves)
Tobey is in the park reading, Violet is also at the park, doing an art show. She walks up to Tobey all sad and sits next to him
Violet: Hi..
Tobey: What's the matter?
Violet: Someone came to my art show and said he thought all my art was terrible...
Tobey: ...Who in the world would say such a thing???
Violet: That guy over there...
Tobey: You know he's probably just jealous of how talented you are and is masking his insecurities behind rude comments
Violet: ... You really think so?
Tobey: Oh yes, I used to do it all the time..I still catch myself doing it to be honest
Violet: Well now I feel bad for him..
Tobey: Well there's nothing you can do about him, so if I were you I'd just go and continue your art show like normal
Violet: You're right Tobey! Thanks! (leaves for her art show)
Tobey: (pulls out his remote) Insult my dear innocent friend? Not on my watch
Becky and Violet talking about Pretty Princess
Becky: I mean...I know none of it is canon but it's still a good idea right?
Violet: Becky! This is the best AU idea I've ever heard!
Becky: (gasps) I'll write fanfiction for it and you draw fanart for it?
Violet: YES!
Becky and Violet: (Excited screams)
Tobey, now officially having given up crime, is doing community service (of his own volition) to make up for his past actions. Becky, Scoops and Violet come up
Becky: How's community service going?
Tobey: It's awful! But I'm glad I'm doing it
Violet: Want some help?
Tobey: No, it wouldn't feel right
Scoops: Well, can we just sit here and keep you company then?
Tobey: ... Of course!
In high school, Violet got into acting and often performed in school plays. Her first play ever she invited all her friends to come see, and of course they were happy to watch her have fun on stage! However when they saw the play it was....horrendous. Worst thing they'd ever seen. After the play was over Violet happily came over to ask them what they thought of it. Important note: Violet and Scoops were dating at the time
Tobey, seeing Violet coming: What do I do??? I can't tell Violet it was terrible! It would break her heart! But I can't lie to her either! That's wrong!
Becky: Tobey, relax, just do what I do
Violet: Hey guys! What'd you think?
Becky: you looked like you were having so much fun!
Tobey and Scoops: Yeah you did!
Violet: I was! But what did you think of the play itself?
Becky: ...Well...honestly you guys mispronounced so many words I couldn't really enjoy it. I mean it's not your fault, no one uses those words anymore but you know...I know how they're pronounced and can't stand when words are pronounced wrong so...
Violet: Oh that makes sense! We'll work on that! Maybe you can tell me how to pronounce them!
Becky: Sure!
Violet: Tobey what did you think?
Tobey: Um...I wasn't really a fan of the genre so I probably didn't enjoy it as much as I could have
Violet: Oh, what kind of genres do you like?
Tobey: ....a consistent one...
Violet: (laughs) You're so silly Tobey! Scoops! What'd you think?
Scoops: ... Um... I loved it of course! I mean, you were in it! And I love you! So how could I not love it!
Becky, having learned from the WordGirl stuff, later told Violet the truth and explained that she didn't like the play at all and only liked that Violet seemed so happy doing it. Violet took this well. Tobey and Scoops however...:
Tobey: What?
Scoops: The school paper wants me to review the school play! I can't say it was good, that goes against my oath as a reporter! But I can't say it was bad either, I already told Violet I loved it!
Tobey: Ask someone else to do it
Scoops: No one else has the time to take on any more assignments! What am I gonna do?! I don't wanna upset Violet!
Tobey: um...uh...could you post it anonymously?
Those actions eventually lead to Scoops and Violet breaking up (don't worry, they did get back together years later)
Scoops took his and Violet's break up particularly hard, and Tobey tried to cheer him up by finding weird things happening in the city for Scoops to write about. It didn't help a whole lot, but Scoops appreciated Tobey trying to cheer him up. Meanwhile Becky, who by this point all her friends knew she was WordGirl, essentially tried to fix Scoops and Violet's now ended relationship, and between trying to help them, school work, hero work and family life, she ended up stretching herself a little too thin to the point that all her friends had to do an intervention and tell her to stop because it wasn't good for her.
I've mentioned before that Becky's necklace in Word Up in significant and special to her. This necklace was actually made by Scoops, Violet and Tobey. Note the fact that her friends made it isn't the reason it's so important to her, but it is sweet they took the time to make it for her.
For one of his birthdays Tobey invited his friends to a demolition derby. When his friends said they thought it odd he'd be into that, he stated it was his new outlet for seeing destruction now that he was no longer doing crime.
Hmm that's all I have for now! If you are wanting more and have any particular questions or ideas, feel free to send more asks! If they are a little more specific I'll probably get to them a little sooner
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voiceswithoutlips · 4 years
Sugar - Chapter One
— pairing: Jimin x Reader — genre: College AU, Smut, Fluff, Minor Angst — word count: 2.7K — warnings: none yet 
Click for Tag List
— chapter summary:
Its a normal day for Y/N, homework, lectures, club meetings and smack in the middle of it lands a hot boy, can Y/N resist him?
— A/N: This is my first time writing smut so I’d really love some feedback <3
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“...what you need is some hardcore de-stressing,” Donna whispered in the middle of the lecture. “The kind where you are on your knees and …” 
I elbowed her in the ribs before she could continue. Sure I was a little stressed, maybe more than a little but I wasn’t going to have some ‘hardcore destressing’. I stayed as far away from any kind of relationships as possible, even casual ones that came with certain ‘benefits’. Why? Because I didn’t want to fall into a pit of despair again. My last relationship blew up like a balloon with too much helium. It took a really long time for me to pull myself out of depression. So no more relationships, no more men or women. I was going to prioritize my sanity and focus on my studies. At least that’s what I told myself.
“Seriously Donna, I don’t need any kind of de-stressing, I’m fine,” I whispered back. Professor Cameron was talking about Paradise Lost today. He had the unique ability to turn every exciting story into a boring ramble. Something I learned on my first day when he taught Shakespeare as if he was reciting his grocery list. I bet even his grocery list was more exciting. 
“Just come with me to the cafe, there's this new barista ...mmm the muscles on that guy. I wouldn’t mind having him with some cream,” she said, licking her lips. 
“Eww Donna, keep your dirty mind to yourself,” I shook my head. Donna was the kind of person who enjoyed life to the fullest. She ate when she was hungry, drank when she was stressed and fucked when she was horny. I always envied her simplicity. I grew up learning control, you plan, you strategize and then you make a move. That’s what my parents taught me. I never did anything spontaneous, caution was my base nature. 
“...Ms. Y/N do you have something to share with the rest of us?” Professor Cameron was staring daggers at me.
“Uh ..no Professor,” I said sheepishly as everyone in class stared at me. The rest of the class was uneventful, Professor Cameron went on and on with a few sarcastic remarks here and there about ‘undisciplined students’. I swear to god the man was a dinosaur, if it were up to him we’d be using slate and chalk to take notes. 
“Thanks for that,” I said as Donna and I collected our bags and left the building. 
“Come on, I’ll buy you a coffee to show you how very sorry I am,” her tone was solemn but her eyes held mischief. 
“Pfft, you only want to go there to ogle at the hot barista,” 
“He is sooo hot. He is a second year dance major, he just transferred here. Man, the way he moves …” Donna was almost drooling. 
“Not my type,” I said dismissively. There was something about muscular guys that put me off. Donna loved guys with big muscles, she loved Jocks. Personally I never saw the appeal, I liked my men on the softer side. 
“Oh honey, he’s totally your type,” Donna scoffed as we entered the cafe. It wasn’t far from the main building so it was always full of students drinking their sixth coffee of the day so they could stay awake in their next lecture. We were no different, after Cameron’s class I desperately needed a ‘pick me up’ or I’d be too sleepy to assist Professor Min in the next lecture.
The first thing I saw as I entered the cafe was a bunch of girls making heart eyes at the new barista. He wasn’t much taller than I was and man was he hot. Donna was right, he was totally my type. He was muscular but not in a jock kind of way, he reminded me of a panther. He was lithe, his every movement was graceful as if choreographed. His mouth was feminine, plump lips that made me wonder what it’d be like to bite into them. His eyes slightly unfocused as if he was daydreaming about something intense. I wondered what it’d be like to put his tiny wait in a corset. 
“Fuck,” the word left my mouth. I knew I was done for. Just looking at him made me hot. 
I made my way to one of the corner tables, leaving Donna to get our coffee. Dumping a bunch of books on the table I started working on my assignments. I was determined not to get anywhere near that barista. I had a feeling I wouldn’t be able to resist him. He was totally my type. Destiny was determined to torture me. 
“This is my friend Y/N! She’s our resident assistant,” I heard Donna and I lifted my head. My heart stopped. He was standing there, beside Donna, looking at me like I was the sweetest candy in the world. 
“Y/N this is Park Jimin, he is moving to our dorm today, can you believe it?!!” I could not. Dear universe, stop torturing me.
“Nice to meet you,” he said offering his hand. His voice was just like the rest of him, a mixture of delicate and sexy. 
“Let me know if you need any help,” I said, taking his hand like the good RA that I was. Instead of shaking it, he lifted my hands to lips, sending electricity right down to my core. 
“I’m sure I’ll need a lot of help,” I didn’t even realize I was holding my breath until he smirked at me. 
I quickly took back my hand. That man was doing things to me. I hadn’t gotten laid since I broke up with Dan months ago, my body was screaming at me. There was just something about Park Jimin that made you want to ride him till he begged for mercy. The thought made me incredibly horny. 
Donna was practically bouncing in her seat. She had informed me multiple times that Jimin was staring at me from behind the counter. I just couldn’t make myself turn my head to confirm it, I didn’t want to confirm it. That’d be a terrible idea. He was bringing down my walls like a stick of dynamite and I’d only met him an hour ago. I had to stick to my resolve. 
I sipped on coffee as dark as my soul. Donna always made a face whenever we went out. She had a sweet tooth, I hated sugar. Anything sweet was bound to make me nauseous. The only sweet food that I could tolerate was ice cream. Even on my birthday I only ate two bites of the cake before I tapped out, sugar just wasn’t my thing. 
“So, what do you do for fun around here,” Jimin said, slipping in the chair beside me. He had taken off his apron. He was wearing a pink turtleneck that hugged his body and tight black jeans that left nothing to the imagination. I was surprised to see him in boots with two inch heels. Dan would’ve scoffed at him for wearing them. 
I was hot as a furnace and wet. I was practically leaking, I thanked all the higher powers out there for giving me the brains to wear jeans instead of a skirt. I was two hundred percent sure that he could smell my arousal. The only saving grace that I had was that none of it showed on my face. 
“Depends on your definition of fun,” I said as I watched him pour 4 packets of sugar in his coffee, eww.
“Do you like movies? You can join our movie club!” Donna said with puppy eyes.
“Are you in the movie club Y/N?” Jimin asked. I almost didn’t hear him, I was too busy staring at hands as he stirred his coffee. He had the cutest pinkie in the world. 
“Pfft, she’s the club president and the RA and she’s also Professor Min’s teaching assistant. Y/N is like super smart,” Donna bragged. I could see the excitement on Donna’s face. This wasn’t the first time she’d tried to set me up with a guy. I knew all her tactics. It started with bragging and then swiftly escalated to Donna setting up dates. I never went to those dates. I wondered if I would go if it was Jimin.
“It’s not that big of a deal,” I mumbled. I was never good with compliments.
“You must be so busy, doesn’t your boyfriend mind?” Jimin asked with a curious look. 
“I don’t have a boyfriend,” I knew what he was getting at.
“Good to know,” he smiled. He was cute when he smiled. I mentally kicked myself for staring, in my defense he was gorgeous. 
“I should go, I can’t be late for Professor Min’s lecture. He’s really strict,” I apologized as I gathered my stuff. It was true, Professor Min was known for his no-nonsense attitude but that wasn’t the only reason. I desperately needed some release. “It was really nice meeting you Jimin, see you at the dorm I guess,” I gave him a smile and before he could reply practically ran out of the cafe.
I woke up this morning thinking about my thesis, not even in my wildest dreams did I expect a Park Jimin to land right in the middle of it. He was the embodiment of my desires. Just looking at him made me horny, which was very uncharacteristic for me. I was a romantic, I wanted to fall in love and go on silly dates. The first time I had sex with Dan was two months after we started dating. I was the kind of person to take it slow. I’ve never even had a one night stand. 
“This is so uncalled for,” I mumbled to no one in particular. I quickly made my way to the women’s locker, thankfully it was empty. I locked myself in one of the stalls, put one foot on the toilet and unceremoniously stuffed my hand in my pants. I sighed as my fingers touched my nub, finally! I rubbed myself in rough circles, pressing down hard. I was biting my lips to stop the moans that threatened to burst out. 
I imagined what it’d be like to have Jimin’s fingers inside me, what it’d be like to have him lick the slick off of my dripping pussy. I wondered how his dick would feel stuffed in my folds, it definitely belonged there. Would he slowly make love to me or would he fuck me like some animal in heat? 
My pussy was clenching on nothing, I desperately needed something inside me. But the downside of wearing skinny jeans is that there’s not much room to maneuver down there and I didn’t want to take off my pants on the dirty bathroom floor. I had to settle with rubbing my clit as if my life depended on it. 
I imagined Jimin's beautiful mouth wet with my juices as he looked up at me from the floor, my hands in his hair, holding him there, on his knees. I was so close...
“Y/N you there?” I almost jumped out of my skin. It was Donna, how the fuck did she find me?
“Yeah,” I said, my voice was breathy. I reluctantly took my hand out of my pants and adjusted my clothes. 
“Come on, we’re going to be late for Professor Min’s lecture!” I followed her out. My face was flushed with embarrassment. I was annoyed at Donna, I was so close... I screamed internally, this day just kept getting worse. 
After the lectures were over Donna had dragged me around the campus in search of Professor Cameron because she forgot to log her attendance. And then there was the student council meeting that ended with us having a mini party to celebrate the start of the semester. To conclude, I didn’t get a chance to do anything about the wetness in my panties. I was still hot, horny and absolutely frustrated. 
“Come on in Y/N,” our dorm supervisor said as I knocked on his door. “We have a new student who needs a buddy, I hope you won’t mind,” he said as soon as I entered. 
I internally sighed. There he was, Park Jimin, in all his delicious glory, standing in front of the desk. He gave me a smile as our eyes met. I quickly looked away, I felt guilty, just hours ago I had imagined him doing things to me as I played with myself. If he ever found out what I did, he’d think of me as some creep. 
“Of course not, welcome to Drake Hall Jimin!” I tried to sound welcoming but I was still horny and my state was only getting worse the more I looked at him. 
“Excellent, it's settled then! Y/N why don’t you show him the dorm,” yep, sure, why not. It’s not like I wanted to jump him then and there, rip his clothes off and ride him like a friggin pogo stick. 
It was well past midnight and I was all alone in the study room. I had given Jimin the standard dorm tour and then left him at his room, telling him to call me if he needed anything. I was his buddy after all. I groaned internally. It was like a meteor had hit my safe little planet and now it burned my body like never before. 
I slowly slid my hand down to the crotch of my cotton shorts and cupped myself, slightly humping into my hand. The feeling made me gasp but it wasn’t enough. I tugged the fabric to a side, revealing my pussy to the room. Nope, I wasn’t wearing any panties.  “Fuck you Park Jimin,” I gasped as I slid two fingers in easily, I was ready for a dick but my fingers would have to suffice. I slowly fucked myself, moving my hips to meet my fingers, trying my best not to make a sound. 
“Need some help?” a voice whispered in my ear. I squeaked and tried to get up but he pushed me down on the chair. “So you want to fuck me?” I could hear the smirk in Jimin’s voice. 
“Dream on loverboy,” I whispered back. His hand trailed down my arm and he cupped me over my hand. He buried his face in my neck, licking and biting until he heard my moan. He chuckled. 
“Tell me, were you imagining what my dick would feel like in this pussy?” he said as he slipped a finger into me. “What it’d be like to be fucked senseless?” another finger. “To be fucked so hard that it’d be impossible for you to walk the next day,” third finger. His voice was breathy, sending vibrations through my body. He refused to move his fingers.
“Stop teasing,” I said through gritted teeth as I forced myself not to hump on his fingers like a bitch in heat. 
“So eager, so wet for me,” he bit down on my neck as he finally started moving his fingers at a maddeningly slow pace. He licked and bit, leaving a trail of purple bruises. I desperately wanted to touch my breasts but he trapped my hands in his other hand. Not allowing me to touch myself.
“Faster,” I commanded.
“No,” he chuckled. Why was he so frustrating? 
“Please ..” I whined.
“Please what?”
“Please make me cum on your goddamn fingers,” I begged.
“As you wish,” he earnestly started fucking me with his fingers. The room was filled with unholy squelching sounds. I couldn’t move my hands, he was holding them too tight. I couldn’t kiss him because he refused to leave me neck, the only thing I could do was gasp and moan. 
I could feel the pressure building in my abdomen as he fucked my mercilessly. He curled his fingers and I came undone. My orgasm exploded through me, literally, I squirted all over his fingers. He kept going, helping me ride out the pleasure. Finally he withdrew his fingers and patted my crotch as I went limp in the chair, all blissed out.
“Good night princess,” he lightly kissed me on the cheek and left. 
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stradlingmrstradlin · 4 years
So I enjoy writing and I this is the first story that I wrote with the intent of being posted. Constructive criticism is always welcome ♥️
Here's the story
Steven x Duff
Reader x Izzy
(No warnings, maybe swearwords if that counts, also I don't promote underage drinking)
I think I managed to stay gender-neutral
Words: 2794
You were on a road trip with the guys, how did you end up here? Oh well, you've known the guys for a few years as you were good friends with Steven since you were kids, but you had a falling out because he moved around quite a lot and your family did too.
When you were 14 your family moved to Seattle and stayed there for 4 years. In those years you met a blond-haired dude whose name was Michael or as you and a few other people called him, Duff. You and Duff met at a corner store when you were 15 and tried to steal a bottle of vodka. Duff was also lurking around the alcohol section, also probably trying to steal some alcoholic beverage.
But he was, according to the store manager, a suspicious punk guy...so he got kicked out before even getting his hands on anything. You felt bad for him so after sliding a bottle in the inside pocket of your denim jacket and throwing a wink and a charming smile towards the cashier you walked out.
So there you were at eighteen having to say goodbye to Duff because your family was moving away... again but now to Ireland. You had a huge argument with your family about always moving and you losing all of your friends because of them so you made a decision, to run away. Ok, I know that's a stupid idea because how the fuck will you survive on your own?
Your family was well off so you decided to take a bit of money with you, they probably wouldn't even notice.
You lived in quite a few places after that, from the back alley of the theater to Duff's place, his family loved you so it was ok. When Duff decided to move to LA to pursue his dream of being in a band you of course followed him.
You moved into a small one-room apartment together, but it was great. Living with Duff is fun. But he always moved stuff on the top shelf to mess with you, and also money was tight. You guys both worked a lot but it was alright.
He joined a few bands and played a few gigs in shitty bars but none of them worked out. You played guitar so you tried but it was the same with you, never being able to keep a band together for more than a month. Also being a girl didn't help, because many bands thought that it'll ruin their image if a girl is in the band.
Eventually, he put an ad in the paper looking for a band and that's how he met the other guys. You were super surprised to see Steven there but also happy to see him. Also, you remembered Slash from meeting him with Steven maybe a couple of times. The only new people were the two boys, who, as you later found out were from Indiana. The one who looked a bit like Johnny Thunders was hot, but you ignored that fact for now.
The first thing you noticed between your two blond friends was a bit of jealousy, at first you thought maybe they liked you and were jealous of each other, but after a while, even before they knew it, you caught onto the real reason. They didn't like you, at least not romantically, they liked each other. But for about four years they didn't act in their feelings...(later on about that)
Eventually, in 1985 they formed Guns N Roses. The guys liked you, and Axl tried to fuck you, but after a big smack on the head and an angry talking to by Duff he quickly forgot that idea.
So now in 1988 here you were sitting in the back of a van, that Izzy was driving because he was the only sober one...today. Tomorrow probably you'll have to drive.
Your pov.
We were in the car for about twenty minutes and everything was calm...for now. Led Zeppelin was coming from the radio and Axl was softly singing along, in the front seat and Izzy was driving. Duff sipping something from a bottle, probably something alcoholic, and slowly falling asleep and leaning on Steven's shoulder. Steve was smiling per usual, but if possible his smile got even bigger when Duff's head landed on his shoulder. But as all good things come to an end, the comfortable silence got broken.
"I have to pee!" Steven suddenly yelled out, causing Duff to lift his head off of Steven's shoulder and look around in confusion. "The fuck is going on?"
Axl just grumbled "Steven is a fucking baby and can't go and use the toilet before road trips...no he has to use them when we are in the middle of a fucking highways"
Slash snorted at Axl's response but didn't say anything as he didn't want to get into this argument, surprising.
Can't the guys stay still for one second?
"Izzy, can you please stop the car at the next rest stop?" I asked, as kindly as possible not wanting to further upset Rosie and listen to him throwing a temper tantrum for the next hour or so, he's annoying sometimes.
Anyways we stopped at the next stop, and Steven almost ran to the restroom. I switched places with Axl because he was tired and wanted to sit in the back, so he could stretch out a bit. Now Axl was sitting next to Slash, and Steven came back jumping in next to Duff. We're on the road again.
"Can I switch the music?" Izzy looked at me with almost puppy dog eyes, well I didn't think that was possible.
"Of course, what do you have in mind?"I replied almost laughing because of the face he was making
"Maybe Hanoi Rocks?" He again looked at me with the same stupid face.
"Fine, just stop making that face because I'll probably die from laughter" At this point, I just straight up burst out laughing and he just threw a cute lil smile my way. I was super proud of myself because I made THE Izzy Stradlin laugh.
A little background on me and Izzy. When we first met I ignored that he was hot because I didn't want to mess anything up for Duff with the band, but in the next two years that feeling grew from "oh, he's hot" to "I want to fuck him". No, we never fucked, but at a party in 87' we had a really hot make-out session which was sadly ended by a drunk Slash passing out on top of me...that was a wild party. There were no awkward feelings between us but we never took it further either. We sometimes cuddled and kissed when we needed human contact but nothing else. I always wanted more, but Izzy...Izzy is a mysterious guy, hard to figure out, the only person who somewhat is able to figure him out is Axl...but you don't go to Axl asking for advice, because Axl's advice is usually bad advice.
..My thoughts were interrupted by the opening cords for Don't You Ever Leave Me, which's one of my favorite songs. Izzy glanced at me and seconds later we were quietly singing because we didn't want to disturb our four friends who were asleep in the back. Axl and Slash were leaning on each other and Axl's face was barely visible because of Slash's hair. Duff was leaning on a window and Steve was cuddled up to him.
As I was looking at my friends when Iz asked me a question "When do you think they'll realize that they like each other because you have to be an idiot to not realize it, I mean Steven always smiles around Duff, and Duff is so cuddly with steven?" Oh boy, the problem was, that our friends were indeed stupid, at least on the topic of love. "I don't know Iz, they are after all a bit ignorant when it comes to love" As I said this I saw something in Izzy's face change, but I couldn't identify it because it was gone pretty soon. After that we didn't talk much, only glancing at each other a few times but it wasn't uncomfortable or anything, we just didn't have anything else to say out loud.
However, my thoughts were really loud... Ignorant with love? That sounds like us, maybe after all Duff and Stevie weren't the only stupid ones.
...It was around 6 pm when we got to our destination, a fairly large cabin up in the hills, between a shit ton of trees. Nice, finally we can rest without reporters, fans, and annoying paparazzi asking about the private life of the guys.
Everyone had their own room as nobody really wanted to share, we specifically looked for a cabin with 6 rooms, we love each other but sharing a room is annoying. In the beginning, when we didn't have much I shared rooms with probably all of the guys.
Axl is an annoying little fucker, he kicked me in his dream a lot of times, my back hurt a lot after. Slash is nice, he let me have my own space on the small bed we slept on and didn't bother me, well he accidentally woke me up when he fell off the bed, but that sucks for him, not me. Steven and Duff both love cuddles, Steven almost suffocated me once but other than that it's nice sleeping next to them. Izzy...He doesn't hug you or cuddle up to you when you're going to sleep but somehow you always wake up tangled together.
After we brought up our luggage to our assigned rooms Slash had the awesome idea to watch a film. Steven wanted to watch something funny but Axl quickly told him to fuck off.
"Axl, that's very rude" Duff quickly came to the help of Steven. "Yeah, well I ain't watching some shitty comedy, that's for pussies" ..Axl is an asshole sometimes
Slash had enough of arguing and just put on a horror movie and told everyone to shut up and watch the movie.
Halfway through, Steven was cuddled up to Duff, hiding in his chest.
Axl laughed every time someone died, and Slash always shushed him.
Outside pov.
As the movie went on Steven was buried under his hair, two blankets, and most importantly to him, in Duff's arms. How can they be so stupid? Not noticing something that's there?
But they weren't the only stupid ones, no there was a black-haired boy, and you. Also stupid... too stupid in love to notice what's there.
After the movie ended you made food for the guys. Duff decided to help, as the others were pretty incapable of cooking or didn't want to help.
Your pov.
"You know y/n you're blind for not noticing how Izzy looks at you." Duff stated bluntly. "Well McKagan then you're pretty blind for not noticing how Steven looks at you"
"What do you mean?" He asked with...hope? His eyes got wider and you could hear his voice shake a bit.
"Duff, are you serious? Steven likes you, he always tries to be close to you, looks at all the groupies you fuck with so much anger in his eyes, I never thought he could be so angry. And don't think I don't see you staring at him all day" I said with a sweet smile on my face.
"I don't get it y/n..he..he likes me?"
"Yes Duff, he does, he really does, so please don't mess this up, promise me you'll talk to him while we're here"
I really hope he'll talk to him because it's probably eating them up from the inside to keep these feelings locked away.
"But! Y/n, you should talk to Izzy too, you have something between the two of you" Duff looked at me with pleading eyes
"Duff, things are complicated, we.... well, we know about each other's feelings but, I don't know, I guess we're just too afraid to fuck it up"
I don't know about his feelings, to be honest, but I'm definitely scared to fuck up because I really like him. For a time I never thought I'd be able to love someone, and I know that's a strong word to use, but when he came along, stuff changed.
By the time we were done cooking the guys were all hungry and basically ran to the kitchen, I was really conflicted inside from our conversation with Duff. Should I mention it to Iz? Probably should. Whatever, I'll think about it later.
Night came around and everyone retreated to their own rooms to sleep, or in my case think.
Outside pov.
Slash and Axl were fast asleep in their rooms, but the others weren't.
Duff was sitting in the kitchen, head in his hands muttering to himself about being a coward and stupid. Steven however noticed someone downstairs and when he saw Duff and what he was muttering to himself he got sad. How could this perfect human being think that he's stupid? He tiptoed behind him and pulled Duff in his arms from behind. Duff was sitting so the back of his head was pressed into stevens chest. At first, Duff was scared but as soon as he smelled the familiar and calming scent of Steven he instantly felt comfortable, like he was at home. Steven turned Duff around and carefully put his fingers under the taller man's chin and leaned down to press a love-filled kiss onto his lips. At this moment both of them understood everything without words. Duff stood up hugging Steven and lifting him up to take him to his room. They didn't do anything else besides cuddling and a lot of kisses, but both of them felt safe and eventually, they fell asleep with Duff on his back pulling Steven close to him, almost on top of him. This is how they'll be found when you walked into Duff's room in the morning to tell him something.
What was that something?
Well after a lot of thinking you got up and went to Izzy's room. It's now or never you though.
Your pov.
My fingers softly collided with the wooden door and a rustling noise inside told me that Izzy heard it. This seemed like a really bad idea all of a sudden. Well, can't do anything about it now.
A soft "Who's there" could be heard from inside the room "Just me, can we talk?" I replied really quietly wondering if he heard me.  "Yeah, come in"
"Iz, look I'm going to tell you something, ok? Please don't interrupt me."
"So you know when we met, I immediately found you extremely hot. Well, those feelings grew a lot since then, and when we kissed at the party, it just, felt so...right? I know you'll probably tell me that you were just drunk all of the times you kissed me, or just felt lonely. But Iz, I like you, a lot." Silence, that's all, he said nothing. Just staring at me with his signature poker face.
"I knew it, sorry for disturbing  you, I'll just go now, forget it please!"
As I turned to walk away he grabbed my arms and pulled me back into a hug that soon turned into a kiss. When I opened my eyes again we were cuddling on his bed. This is where I felt home, felt alright, in his arms.
"I'm sorry for not responding love, it was just shocking to hear that you liked me. I thought you kissed me all those times just to anger Duff or Axl. I guess I just never thought you'd want to be with a junkie " Izzy whispered looking down at his arms sadly
"You thought wrong Iz, I don't give a fuck about what you do, well yes I don't like you doing drugs, but also you can get over that and to me you are perfect" 
"Maybe it's too soon to say, but I love you y/n, I really do."
"I love you too Iz"
Outside pov.
Maybe they weren't so stupid after all, just scared of their feelings. The two blond boys, who understood each other without words. Izzy and you, on the other hand, needed words to understand each other fully.
But what matters is that in the end, everything was alright.
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Day by Day, Month by Month
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AN: This is a server prompt for MHA & readers server which I own along with @liliesoftherain​ . It’s a soulmate AU with fem reader x mirio
Warning: Explicit sex with Mirio Togata, angst, with a bit of one sided enemies to lovers
Read the rest of the prompts here.
Y/N gritted her teeth as Hado cheerfully loudly greeted Amajiki at 8 AM. All mornings were terrible for her, but Mondays were the worst. The fact that Hado had no consideration for other people’s nerves on an early morning, really, really made Y/N dislike her even more than she already does. And she already disliked her enough to ignore all of Hado’s many attempts to befriend Y/N. Especially when Hado figured that Y/N and her quirk were the same. Which is not true, Y/N’s quirk worked on the fact she could absorb small wavelengths of energy like incandescent bulbs, LEDs, or artificial lights that didn’t generate violet waves. Y/N then used that energy to make whatever she desired from beams to moving at lightspeeds using her absorbed energy.  Nothing at all like Hado’s whatever waves.
Now there was a good reason to hate Hado and that reason was the fact she was friends with her mortal enemy AKA Togata Mirio. He probably didn’t even know she existed, but Y/N hated him since second year. First year, Y/N did the impossible with her difficult to control quirk as she absorbed the LED lights in the stadium to blast her way to 4th place in the Sport’s festival. 2nd year she didn’t even make it to the top 10 because Togata had knocked her out in the 1st round of the last tournament. Ever since then Togata Mirio had exploded onto the scene of U.A., he was praised universally, and all the 3rd years worshipped him like he was a god. Y/N’s grinding of her teeth became even louder as she thought of the blonde idiot. Yes, Y/N didn’t just dislike him, oh no she hated him with every fiber of her being. She might be called a monster for it, but what she wouldn’t do for a chance to wallop his idiotic face. Maybe even strangle him for a minute or two after getting a few hits in.
Y/N watched as the slouched, nervous boy with pointed ear greeted Hado back quietly and sat in his seat. See, she didn’t make a point to be rude to Amajiki. What would be the point of doing that when he was basically a scared rabbit? Even she wasn’t that much of a monster to destroy his badly needed confidence, so she mostly just ignored him.
Finally, the sensei had come in and all the student quieted down for the morning lessons. Y/N stood up and bowed as the class president called out the greetings and they all sat down when the teacher let them. Most of the morning passed by quickly as Y/N actually did pay attention since she had a couple of tests coming up, otherwise she would be sending texts to her best friend in 3B all throughout classes. The bell rang indicating it was time for lunch, sending a quick text to her best friend to save her a seat as Y/N needed to use the restroom. She took her time leisurely to wash her hands and straightened her school uniform and made sure her hair wasn’t mussed. She even reapplied her nude pink lipstick, before taking a quick selfie to send to her friend. Y/N walked out as she used the Line app to edit some cute stickers and added on the hashtag “felt cute”. She didn’t notice until it was too late as she crashed into a wall of muscles. Y/N bounced off their chest, and her phone scattered to the floor. Quickly grabbing the device, she made sure the screen wasn’t broken. A huge sigh left her, and she turned around to give that idiot a piece of her mind.
“You moron, can’t you watc-“ Y/N cut herself as she realized she looked into the eyes of Togota Mirio.
Her whole view disconnected and reconnected as both of their minds melded. Her feelings were no longer just hers, but rather a whole of synergy of emotions as both of their desires, wants, and even fears entangled. Why was she so angry most of the time? So afraid. So anxious. She was no longer alone because he was her-
Those thoughts disconnected as the meld ended, their connection broken. Y/N stepped back in horror. Oh no. Togata was her soulmate. She just found the one person who was supposedly the perfect match for her, and it turned out to the person she hated the most in U.A.
‘Fuck my life.’ Y/N thought. She quickly turned around, ignoring his very loud protests, sprinted all the way back to the 3rd year hallway. She sent a quick text to her friend saying she was feeling sick and was at Recovery girl’s office when in reality, she was currently hiding out in the girl’s restroom. Sitting on top of a covered toilet, she frantically searched the web for a way to get rid of one’s soulmate.
Y/N knew since she hit puberty the science behind soulmates. Basically, a body’s way of finding your perfect mate that will the create the most optimal offspring. When two individuals’ eyes meet, their minds would mesh and basically their souls would connect. Y/N had watched a health video in her junior high year as two soulmates would stand there make eye contact for 5 mins with large creepy smiles and hazy eyes. Basically, looking like two drugged out idiots before regaining their senses. She remembered thinking how dumb the two looked whereas everyone else cooed at how romantic it was.
As for their souls’ connecting, it was another sugarcoated way to say the two soulmates would share emotions. Even now despite being hopefully far away from Togata, she could feel his frantic worry causing her chest to burn. Y/N tried to sooth the pain with one hand and the other one scrolling through articles. Anything that could help get rid of the moron that was her soulmate. She didn’t know how fast the lunch period passed because she was reading articles when she got jerked out of trance by the bell.
Y/N aggravatedly sighed. All the damn articles were no help, they just kept spewing the gospel of soulmates and how 80% of all soulmates would succeed in creating a healthy, loving relationship. She scowled, the only thing she would create with blonde Astro boy will be a lawsuit after she kneed him in the family jewels. As the bell rang once more, Y/N got up and kicked the toilet out of pure frustration before sulking back to her classroom.  She made it to her seat and slumped over her desk. Y/N rested her eyes for a few minutes as she could hear her fellow classmates make it back from lunch. She jerked out of her nap when she heard the familiar voices of Hado and Amajiki. Keeping a close eye on them without being obvious, she noticed how they didn’t acknowledgeable her more than normal.
Letting a sigh of relief, she relaxed knowing that Togata hadn’t let his friends know what happened in the hallway earlier.  The rest of the classes continued as normal except for the occasional bursts of happiness and the need to laugh startling her throughout the day. Y/N scoffed, of course he would be happy whereas he continued to be her source of frustration. The last of the classes were soon over so she headed home on her own. Usually Y/N would walk with her best friend, but she had an appointment with the support department to fix her hero costume.
Y/N walked leisurely down the sidewalk, enjoying the warm sunny day when a voice called underneath her.
“Hey-“ A familiar blonde face appeared in the sidewalk. Y/N screamed and bunched her skirt together so he couldn’t peak at her underwear.
“Pervert! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she screamed as she stomped at the face.
“N-no wait! It’s your soulmate, Togata Mirio!” the face yelled desperately as he dodged her stomps.
Y/N paused in her stomps. “Well, that’s even worse than a pervert!” She resumed her stomps before giving up entirely and running away.
  The next morning, Y/N used a baseball cap to keep her face from being visible and hopefully go unnoticed until she arrived in class. She didn’t need a repeat of yesterday. Arriving in class, she took off her the cap and settled in her seat. The morning lectures continued as she halfheartedly took notes and completed her assignments. Everything was going well until Togata walked in during lunch break.
Y/N jerked in her seat and turned away using her long hair as a curtain to hopefully escape his eyes.
She could hear Hado yelled out Togata’s name as the two friends conversed.
“Oh, this time I’m not here to hang out. I’m looking for Y/N. She is in this class, right?” She heard him ask.
Y/N looked up when she heard her name and saw Hado looking in her direction in confusion. She also saw Togata follow Hado and turn in her direction. Her eyes shifted to Togata, noticing the way his face lit up as he waved her over.
Y/N groaned. There was no way she could get out of this. She got up reluctantly and approached Togata, the entire class erupting in whispers and some of the girls were either giggling or shooting her glares. Y/N couldn’t help the flush, she never did like being the center of attention. Togota led her out of the classroom before pulling her aside in a nearby hallway.
“Look, I’m not sure why you are calling me out,” she began.
“I wanted to introduce myself.” Togata held out a hand for her to shake. “I’m Togata Mirio.”
Y/N stared at his hand in disbelief. “Of course, I know who you are,” she spat out.
“You do? I thought you ran away yesterday because you didn’t know who I was,” Mirio sheepishly said.
“No, I know. I ran away because I want nothing to do with you!”
“N-nothing? But I’m your soulmate, we should get to kno-“she interrupted before he could finish.
“No, No! And No! I wouldn’t want to get to know you if you were the last guy on earth. So, you better leave me alone!” she yelled. Seeing the shocked face of Mirio, Y/N felt satisfied that he had gotten the message and marched away to enjoy the rest of her lunch period. Still, she couldn’t help feeling a bit guilty when she felt the hurt coursing through Togata.
Meanwhile, Mirio shoved the hurt away and looked on in determination at the challenge that was walking away. Next time he wouldn’t let her walk away so easily, he promised as his eyes burned and sparkled.
Y/N drew a makeshift figure of Togata’s face on her notebook before she viciously started stabbing the drawing. ‘Stupid Togata, why can’t he get that he’s not wanted’ she thought. She threw a glare at the pretty arrangement of flowers on her desk. Every morning there was a new bouquet waiting for her on the desk. It attracted a lot of unwanted attention from her fellow classmates. At first, she threw all of them away in the garbage in a fury. But, over time the arrangements became more complicated and more beautiful than the last and her heart couldn’t bear the thought of throwing them away. So, she took it upon herself to donate it to Recovery girl’s office. She knew the older women appreciated them. Y/N saved the scattered chocolates in the bouquet for herself before dropping off the peony flowers at the Pro Hero’s clinic.
As Y/N walked to the lunchroom, she was interrupted when Togata came through the walls and in front of her.
“Y/N! Do you want to eat with me today? I brought a bento," Togata asked.
She looked down on her own bento and wondered how he knew that she was going to bring her own lunch today.
“Are you a psycho? How many times do I have to say no to you before you get it through your head?”
“I’ll keep asking until you say yes. I won’t ever take no for answer,” he cheerfully replied.
Y/N felt the fury inside of her build up and her face became tomato red. “Time to die, Togata.” She stepped towards him before tripping on her foot and her entire bento fell on the ground. She watched in shock at the hard work that had gone wasted and she turned towards Togata and sent him a death glare. Togata fearing for his life, slipped his bento into her hands before bolting out of the hallway. He activated his quirk and vanished through the walls.
Y/N panted as sweat dripped down her face. She’s never felt so tired in her life yet so energized. The roar of the crowd helping her forget the aches and pains of the fight. Togata wasn’t even winded as he stood across from her.  This was the revenge she wanted. The second round of the battle tournament of the Sports Festival.
 “Come on, Togata. Give me everything you have. Otherwise, I swear I won’t ever forgive you. I’ve given everything to be here. So, extend that courtesy to me,” Y/N said.
She knew he wasn’t taking her seriously. Though, she landed a few hits and gave 100% percentage to her energy attacks. She couldn’t say the same for him. His punches and his overall speed were too slow. She knew he was capable of being faster than what he was displaying right now. Her words affected him, as his face lost the pensive look and a look of concentration overcame it.
She remembered the humiliating defeat by him in second year. A blonde blur, a scream of “Poweeeerrr!” and Y/N was knocked out of the ring. She wasn’t even able to display her growth or how much she improved from the 1st year.
However, this year Y/N showcased everything she learned in U.A. and she showed everyone in Japan that Y/N was ready to be a Pro Hero. When she would lose to Mirio and she knew she was going to, Y/N had no regrets.
Y/N raised her hands to gather the energy from the LED lights in the arena as they blew out one by one overwhelmed by her quirk. She felt the energy rush through her body and readied herself for a charge at Mirio. This time she would lose on her own terms.
Y/N sat nervously on Mirio’s dorm room bed and watched as he scrambled around his room to get her birthday gift. She had gone home last weekend to spend her birthday with her family, so this was the only time Mirio had to give it to her. His relationship with her was still pensive. Y/N didn’t scream at him to leave her alone and she stopped calling him Togata. Most of all that bitterness dissolved after the Sports Festival, there was no reason to keep him at arm’s length anymore. Still, there was a degree of unsureness, Mirio being too afraid to set her off again and she too unexperienced on how to properly convey her feelings.
Mirio came back with a small gift bag that he held out for her. Y/N took and peered into it to see an assortment of chocolate.
“Remember how I would send you those bouquets and you never kept them except for the chocolate in it? I thought this time I would give you something you would want to keep.”
Y/N couldn’t help but chuckle. Mirio smiled goofily in return, satisfied that he had made her happy. She wanted to do something in return to show him how happy she was. Y/N leaned forward to kiss him on his cheeks, while at the same time Mirio purposely turned his face so she could kiss his lips instead.
The touch of his soft lips quickly made Y/N break contact. She turned her blushing face away and was about to quickly run out of his room in embarrassment, when Mirio grabbed her and mashed his face into hers. Their teeth clanged together, and it was soon clear neither had any idea on how to kiss.
Y/N pushed Mirio away and clutched her lips and teeth.
“Mirio! Why did you do that?!” She could feel embarrassment surging within him and a small ounce of shame for hurting her. Feeling bad for her overreaction, Y/N grabbed his hands and pulled him close.
“I-I think we should try again and maybe a little bit slower. Like how they do on TV dramas,” she said as she coaxed him into trying again.
Mirio gave her a small peck, withdrawing to see Y/N’s reaction. She nodded in encouragement, excited he continued to slowly give her kisses that caused her to chase him and eagerly respond to his ministrations. He caressed her cheeks and snaked his hand down to her waist to pull her close. Licking her lips and asking for permission to enter, Mirio entangled his tongue with hers as it sensuously made contact and cajoled her to respond. Following Mirio’s lead she responded back to each lick, feeling her body get hotter and hotter. Wanting to get closer to his body, she sat on top him and wrapped her legs around his waist. They continued to slowly kiss; Y/N liked this attempt immensely compared to their first one. Mirio wanting to feel her, grabbed Y/N’s hand and placed it on his member. Y/N curiously touched it, wondering what she was touching that was so hard and warm. She broke contact from his lips and looked down at her hand. ‘OH MY GOD. I’M Touching A MAN’s PENIS!’ she thought hysterically. She poked it a couple times, finding it rock solid and admiring the length of it. Her tiny hands couldn’t even fit most of it. Mirio startled her out of thoughts when he placed his hands onto hers and started moving them along with him.
“Like this, Y/N, ok?”
Y/N short-circuited realizing what Mirio was asking from her. ‘Oh god, we are doing this now? Are we going to have sex!! That thing is going to fit inside of me? I’m going to die!!’ her thoughts spiraled and made Y/N panic. She quickly disentangled herself from Mirio, ignoring his grunt and his confused call of her name. Y/N grabbed her gift, not forgetting to say a quick thank you to Mirio before hightailing it out of his room and back to the sanctity of her own dorm.  
Y/N waited anxiously outside in the cold, windy afternoon. Yesterday’s snowfall had already covered the entirety of the park, most kids were playing in the snow. Either making snowman or trying to hit their friends with snowballs. She huffed out a few breaths, watching as her warm exhales became smoke. She overheard footsteps and saw Mirio heading her way. Y/N sighed, relieved that he had showed up. Ever since a month ago Mirio had lost his quirk and Sir Nighteye, he had been avoiding her. She wasn’t the best person when it came to comfort, so she figured he needed time on his own. But as weeks went by without any sight of his blond hair or blue eyes, she couldn’t help but worry. So, Y/N had tracked him down and called him out during lunchtime just like he did so many months ago and made him promise to meet at the local park so they could talk things out.
She stood up to greet him, but he just motioned for her to sit back down and took a seat besides her on the park bench.
“Hey, Mirio. How have you been? We haven’t talked in a while,” Y/N cautiously began.
“Well, you are my soulmate. You probably know better than me how I’ve been this past month,” Mirio said quietly.
It was true, she felt his sorrow and loss like an aching pain in her chest. Y/N knew he went around school acting happy go lucky, but she knew he couldn’t fool her or himself.
“That’s true and its probably why I was so worried-“ Y/N began.
Mirio interrupted, “Worried? Why? You must be happy that I lost my quirk. No more competition!” He let out a weak chuckle.
Y/N couldn’t help the hurt that rose in her despite it being a fair assessment. She had treated him terribly, the fact he was lashing out at her now just showed how much patience Mirio really had. She swallowed the lump that had arose from her needing to cry because this wasn’t about her or her feelings now.
She turned to him, watching as his face twisted with guilt and he opened his mouth. Y/N cut him off.
“I know. You can throw everything at me, Mirio. I will take it if that’s what it takes for you to feel better. I don’t know what to do or what to say to make you feel like your old self again. I’m not good at any of this. But I don’t want you to feel like you have to be alone. Don’t shut me out,” she pleaded.
Y/N saw the way the shine returned to his dull eyes and the soft blush that made its way to his face. He was looking at her like he had never seen her before. She could feel her own cheeks heat up due to the unnerving way he was looking at her. Mirio leaned forward as if to kiss her when Y/N put a hand to his chest to stop him and turned her face away.
“We can’t we’re in a park. There’s too many people,” she whispered.
Mirio let out a boyish giggle. “Right, sorry.”
She toyed with her fingers as a thought occurred to her. “Do you wanna go to my house instead? It’s nearby, we can warm up and get some hot chocolate.”
Mirio at the thought of seeing the place where Y/N had grown up shyly agreed. They both got up and walked for 15 minutes before coming to a modest house. She unlocked the outdoor gate and let them both in. They went up the steps before Y/N unlocked the door.
“No one’s home it’s just me,” she said as she turned the house’s light on and started to prepare some hot chocolate for them both.
Mirio made himself home in the living room as he snooped around and looked at the various pictures of a younger Y/N. She came back with 2 hot chocolates. Mirio thanked her and steadily drank the hot chocolate. Y/N sat next to him and observed him as she finished hers. Though, her earlier words lifted his mood, she could tell that her distraction was only temporary.
“Mirio,” she began as he looked up at her, “I wish I could do more for you. I feel everything, all your pain and I can’t imagine what it’s like for you. I wish I can take it away even just for a while.”
Mirio looked at her seriously and put his drink on coffee table. He grabbed Y/N’s drink and put that on the table as well. She just looked at him in confusion as she hadn’t finished yet. Mirio grabbed her by the waist and pulled her close. Y/N blushed at their proximity as her breasts were squished against his firm chest.
“I know what you can do for me, Y/N..,” he trailed off as he leaned in close to kiss her. She closed her eyes as his soft lips connected. She could taste the remnants of the hot chocolate on his lips as she desperately responded back. She clutched him tightly as she couldn’t remember the last time he held and kissed her. Y/N didn’t think it was possible to miss someone so much who wasn’t her immediate family let alone someone she used to hate. Her fingers dug into his soft hair as she tightened her hold and pulled. Mirio let out a groan in response and rolled his hips into hers. He disengaged from her and quickly kissed her cheeks, forehead, and nose in succession.
Mirio panted. “Y/N, please I need you.” She blushed as she knew what he was asking from her. “I-I’ve never…,” she trailed off.
“Neither have I, we’ll go slow. I promise I won’t hurt you,” he said. Y/N nodded, giving him consent. Mirio pushed back one of the curls on her face and brought her close enough for him to kiss. Giving a nip to her lips, he explored the inside of her mouth, still tasting the chocolate. She moaned into the kiss and messed with the hoody he was wearing, trying to get to the smooth skin underneath. He tried to help her take off while still kissing her hard. He broke away in frustration when the hoody wouldn’t budge.
“Wait maybe we should take this to my room,” she suggested. He liked the idea at least they would know beforehand if they were about to get interrupted.
Mirio tried to get Y/N to let him carry her bridal style up the stairs like in the movies, but she adamantly refused. She led them to a very pink and feminine room unlike the fierce Y/N he had gotten to know. Y/N stood in awkward silence not knowing what to do when they had arrived in the room. Mirio taking the lead, took off his hoody and his jeans. He immediately went over to Y/N to help her take off her clothes. She tried to protest but it got muffled by a kiss.
Hoisting Y/N in his arms, he dropped her delicately onto her bed. It was medium size just enough room for both. Mirio couldn’t help himself as he let his hands roam the entirety of her soft skin. Her heaving breasts caught his attention as she looked at him with dilated eyes. He tugged the cups of the bra just a tiny bit for her cleavage to spill over, He bit and sucked them, leaving red marks all over. Y/N let out a whimper as he continued his ministration on the other breast. Mirio moved her legs aside, allowing his body to settle in nicely between her thighs. Slipping his fingers into her panties, he immaturely explored her.
“Like this,” she said as she showed him what she liked best. Wanting to see all of her, he slipped off her panties and snapped off her bra with ease, tossing them somewhere in the room. The two teens continued to explore every inch of their soulmate. From the beginning they were connected by their minds and hearts, now they were crossing the final threshold of their bodies. Preparing Y/N had paid off as he inspected his fingers that were wet with her essence. Curious he tasted the wetness and discovered he liked the tangy flavor. He wanted to lick up all of it, to savor the taste, but that was something he wanted to try out in the future. Mirio shimmied out of his boxers as he lined up his member with her center. He felt her tense, so he whispered reassurances as he stroked her face.
Y/N felt his member slip a few times before he finally got it into her. The initial pinch startled her before she forced herself to breath and relax. Mirio didn’t lie, he went slow prioritizing her needs over his own. Y/N hardly felt a pinch when he broke through her membrane and filled her up to the brim. She raked her short nails down his back, causing him to buck into her. She gasped at the sudden movement.
“Y/N, don’t do that, love,” he panted into her neck.  Y/N flushed at the impromptu nickname Mirio had bestowed upon her.
He waited a few minutes before trying out short, shallow thrusts to see if she flinched in pain and seeing her writhe and moan gave him the signal to move.
Mirio tried out different rhythms to see what she liked first, matching his thrusts to her reactions. When he lifted up her hips a bit and hit a particular spot that had her gasping and tightening her hold on the bedsheets, he hit that spot over and over in a frenzy. It wasn’t long before Y/N became a babbling mess as she came all over his penetrating member.
Mirio lifted his head up in confusion when he heard the slam of a door and muffled talking.
“Y/N! Is that you? Okasan and Otousan are home. Come downstairs we brought food!” Y/N’s mother called out.
Y/N looked at Mirio in panic. She tried to push him off so she could get dressed and go downstairs to greet her parents.
Instead he held her hips tight as he slammed into her over and over, muffling his moans by biting onto her shoulder.
“Mirio! Ahh, what are you doing? We’ll get caught,” she said.
Letting her shoulder go, he whispered back, “just a little more I’m so close.”
When she didn’t say anything else, Mirio took as a sign to keep going so he chased his own pleasure. It wasn’t too long before he pulled out and came in the junction of her thighs.
Luckily for the teens, they were both able to get dressed and downstairs in time for Y/N to introduce Mirio as her soulmate. Her parents were delighted to meet him, and Y/N flushed with happiness knowing that her parents approved of him. Though, she didn’t notice how her mother kept sending them suspicious glances when she noticed the bite mark on Y/N’s neck.
Mirio’s tousan watched in absolute happiness as his son graduated from U.A. Who knew his son would one day graduate from the most prestigious hero school in Japan?
He looked around for his tall, blonde son as many graduates filled in from the auditorium outside in the sun to find their parents.
He finally found his wayward son and was about to call out to him when he noticed his son holding and teasing a girl. She seemed very frustrated, gesturing wildly and pointing at him in anger. Mirio just laughed and hugged her. What was even more astonishing was that Mirio kissed her forehead and the girl blushed and yelled at him some more before she stomped away. So that was his soulmate.
He remembered how his son came home one day in jubilation and explained everything in one breath. Though, Mirio seem to be disheartened when he explained how his soulmate didn’t seem to like him. Mirio’s tousan just laughed in glee and Mirio watched him in confusion.
He went on to explain how Mirio’s okasan hated him at first glance and threw a glass of water at him when she discovered her soulmate. He remembered how each day he would do everything to win her heart over and he encouraged Mirio to do the same. He smiled now knowing that Mirio had won his soulmate over just like he did his.
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choccos-aaart · 3 years
Close enough to 10 mintues of “Ms Axel is a Goon”
Screw it. I'm posting it here, too. *NOTE: This is 100% fictitious and not going to happen*
Final Assignment Script Writing, Winter School 2021 ONE-PAGE PITCH
TITLE: Ms Axel is a Goon
GENRE: Action, comedy, sci-fi, family
LOGLINE: In the humid city of Dasmus, Mei Axel is a former goon who's just escaped captivity. Since her escape, she's been trying to better her life with her new found passion for music, but she quickly learns that the entire country wants to trade her name and face for a price.
FORMAT: Full-length animated film
MAJOR AND RECURRING CHARACTERS: Mei Axel – A wanted fugitive. Mid 20s. Despite her physical competence, she's mostly a foolish, plucky girl who steals a guitar one day.
Alicia Vonarb – CEO of a liquor company. Late 30s. The last boss to hire Axel to do her sneaky business work. Confident and vain, but does everything in spite of her mother. Wants to capture Axel because she doesn't want to get ratted out.
Kannie Orma – An old gadgeteer friend of Axel’s. Mid 50s. Also a “lame uncle” sort of figure to Axel. Their friendship must remain secret because his work is also involved with Vonarb.
O. Miho - Axel’s former coworker from when she was working for Vonarb. Early 30s. His current assignment is to capture Axel. Smug and thinks he's funny.
K. Claymont – Axel’s other former coworker. Late 20s. Works together with Miho. A kind man, but only most of the time.
SYNOPSIS: Mei Axel. She's a goon that's been caught and jailed. Eventually enough, she makes a successful escape and ventures outside. Not much happens afterwards other than stealing a guitar, and once discovering that she's got a passion for music, now she aims to live up that dream. But while attempting to live her new life, her face still reads as an incompetent menace to her former friends and foes, as well as to the majority of the country – they all seem to want to trade in her face for a cash reward. Now, aside from escaping the hands of everyone that wants to hand her over to the government, it is now up to Ms Axel to figure out how she is going to be able to pursue her new life goal that heavily conflicts with her current place among her people. This first follows the story of a wanted fugitive who sets off on a quest for redemption which, unfortunately, never works out. The story ends when Axel eventually escapes the country. She finally acknowledges that she can never truly change the way she's perceived, as well as never fully experience the life that she wants. However, she still performs under a low profile, happily living a drifter's lifestyle.
RATIONALE: This is a story about someone whose wrongdoings and nurture had shaped the way that others view them. Our protagonist is Mei Axel who had been built up to become a significantly infamous member of society, but once discovering a part of herself that showed her potential in a more respected position, being a musician, she starts wanting to better herself. A problem with this scenario is that her past actions prevent her from fully achieving that dream. She can relate to audiences who want to change aspects of their past, particularly their mistakes or the wrong ways they've been brought up, but can't.
MARKET: Children ranging from 11-16, particularly those that are interested in scenes that involve action-packed chases and fighting between individuals. The [film] will present itself through retro-futuristic aesthetics in its city setting. Rock is also a prevalent music genre for the soundtrack, which may interest audiences who particularly like the genre.
The Script
Axel checks out the guitar from every angle with a grin, having a feel of its neck, strings and body. She sits it on her lap as if to play it.
Oh... I hope those lessons never went to waste...
She wobbly plays a C major scale while slightly wincing through every second. She runs over the same scale again, but this time it flows a bit more smoothly. She smiles a little.
- Axel goes over the same scale a couple of times and with every run, her playing gets smoother.
- She then moves on to a different key and practises that scale
- She then moves on to another key and practises that scale
- She plays some chords now, beginning with the I IV V I progression
Axel continues strumming. A light turns on from a nearby building.
Who is playing that garbage?!
Axel stops strumming. Silence.
(Breathes in)
I'll get the hang of it.
She slings the guitar over her back and runs into the shadows. Eventually, she disappears into the dark.
A view of a cranny on a roof between two walls. Axel sleeps there resting her guitar on her lap. Waking up, she yawns and then lazily sits up.
A view of the market grounds. Axel smugly and excitedly, yet discreetly scurries out of an alley between a bakery and a liquor store, with a paper doughnut bag in one hand and a small bottle of liquor in the other.
She sits by a cafe playing some instrumental reggae rock music through a speaker. Axel hums along to the melody of the soundtrack while tipsily bouncing her finger to the beat. She then quickly strums a few chords for a brief moment, all which clash with the song's key signature, until right on the chorus, where she strums a chord that matches the root note of the song.
Ooh, it's a G song. God, why do they always gotta be G songs? (Giggles)
She strums along with the music, landing every chord. Her smile grows and she gradually plays more confidently. She whistles the melody, then proceeds to hum. A TEENAGE BOY chucks a coin in front of her. Axel looks up and grins. She finger guns at him as he skids away to his friends, laughing. Axel stands up and plays more purposefully. The background starts dimming down.
Soon the marketplace around her blends into a stage. An abstractly drawn audience watches her perform and cheer her on. The chorus section of the song finishes.
I'm going to be known! I'll make myself the talk of the town! Everybody's gonna love me!
Axel starts strumming along to the background music again. Suddenly, a MAN with a large, muscular build grabs onto her shoulder.
The stage fades back into the marketplace. Axel is still strumming.
You got that last part wrong.
And who are you?
The man bats Axel with a club.
SFX: Walking footsteps.
In an alleyway, the man carries a bag containing Axel's body, also with Axel's guitar strapped around his back. After some time, Axel can be seen moving inside of the bag.
Huh? Hey. You keep still down there, would you?
Axel still moves inside of the bag.
Look, this is goin'a be a long walk. That means you better cooperate with me, you hear that, Girlie? (Pause) You don't want to make me hurt you, now--
Axel falls out of a hole the bag with a shank in one hand and one of her boots on the other.
What the?!
The man looks behind himself while Axel stands up in front of him, holding her boot in both hands. She sends a finishing blow at the back of man's head and he falls to the floor. Axel cautiously looks at the man for a brief moment.
The man lies motionlessly on the ground. Axel drops her boot and fixes her shank back inside her pocket, then dusts off her hands before then squatting down next to him.
Gosh, they really never hired me for nothing, huh... But I ain't into that stuff anymore. Say, can I have my guitar back?
The man does not respond. Axel lifts one of the man's eyelids and learns that he's out cold. Axel sighs with a slight chuckle. She lifts up the man and, with a struggle, unstraps the guitar from his body, before eventually slinging it over her own. Once fitting her boot back on, she then stands up and slowly walks over to the edge of the alley, whistling a chipper tune – the same melody she was playing earlier - on her way there. At the edge of the alleyway, her eyes look up. Then they widen.
containing Axel's mugshot and in large writing, "WANTED". Below is a list of details including Axel's height, approximate age, gender, race and the time and location of where she was last seen, “18:50, Southwest of Dasmus City”. There is also a cash prize.
containing the same contents as the previous poster, except the location which reads, “Southern markets of Dasmus City at 15:47, drunkenly playing a red Phenver brand guitar”.
A view of Axel between the alley's walls. All around are copies of the same two posters, both in electronic and printed forms. A mildly shocked expression crosses her face.
A view of a row of toilet stalls. None of the stalls' doors are closed, except for the one in the centre. Axel's guitar leans on a nearby wall. Her feet can be seen in the gap between the bottom of the door and the floor. Axel kicks the wall.
Damn it! I'm such an idiot! What was I thinking?! Me? A musician? That's just one way to draw attention!
Axel? Is that you?
I can't b-- (Pause) Ms Vonarb?
Axel immediately opens her stall's door and looks in the direction of ALICIA VONARB'S voice. Vonarb walks towards Axel.
And to think I'd meet you here of all places?
I never expected to see you here, either.
Well, isn't this quite the reunion?
Eh. Not really.
I'm surprised you got clever enough to get yourself out of prison.
Axel exits her stall.
So, is that to say you're impressed with me?
Nope. How'd you think I found you here so easily?
Easily? That was easy?
Anyway... Don't think I came trying to find you for no reason, now.
Oh yeah! Coincidentally, I'm a bit short on cash. You don't happen to want to hire me again, don't you?
What? After getting yourself thrown in jail?
Oh... (Pause) What are you even here for, anyway?
Well. First of all... (Clears throat) Whatever you do, please don't take this the wrong way.
Silence. The two stare at each other. Axel tilts her head in confusion. Eventually, O MIHO and K CLAYMONT enter the room. Miho holds a taser while Claymont holds a bag.
Now, I don't mean to spread any panic or alarm--
You gotta be kidding me!
I just said to not take it the wrong way--
I knew it! You are as easy to see through as a window! It's 'cause of my “WANTED” sign, isn't it, Vonarb?
You see, we're here to keep you away from those authorities. And knowing you, you're probably so incompetent that you'd just wind up stuck in prison again! So, since you're with us, you're going nowhere.
What? Why?
You're pretty infamous now. And I've got my business to worry about, too. So, if it didn't all add up in that brain of yours, let's just say, I don't want to risk you ratting me out.
Yeah, I'm not doing that!
Grabbing her guitar, Axel jumps on the sinks and runs along them. Miho runs to tase her. Axel whacks him with her guitar and then heads right out the door. Claymont follows.
I got it!
A view of the front of a pub. There is people scattered everywhere. Suddenly, the door swings right open and Axel sprints outside with her guitar now strapped over her back. She continues along the street. Claymont chases right after.
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