#like i expected twitter to drop below 400s after this but
hearvex · 7 months
me gaining more tumblr followers yet losing a ton on twitter after the statement™ is something
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theonyxpath · 6 years
Well, in a manner of speaking, Luke. This week wraps up our Lunars Kickstarter for a deluxe edition of this Exalted 3rd Edition sourcebook. The 72 hour warning just went out today, and we’re already seeing a dramatic upswing in pledges!
Look below in the Kickstarter section of The Blurbs! for more info and links!
Looking forward to see how it wraps up, and thrilled so far with how it has been going. Next up, we’ll be taking a couple/few weeks off and then starting the Contagion Chronicle Kickstarter for our Chronicles of Darkness “crossover” chronicle book.
More news on that as we get closer to the start, but if you want to get started with early Contagion Chronicle info, go ahead and check out the link to Matthew’s character creation session in the Onyx Path Media section of The Blurbs!, below.
Wraith20 Book of Oblivion art by Ken Meyer, Jr
Meanwhile, last week I placed Print On Demand proof orders for five different projects, and I expect to put out a couple more in this coming week. They’ll come my way whenever the PoD printers get them done and out, but it is still really great to know so many of our projects are nearing the finish line.
(PoD Proofs are the books printed out just like they will be for any of you who order them from DriveThruRPG, just early so that I can look through them and make sure there aren’t any printing errors.)
In the Monday Meeting this week, we reviewed our thoughts about next year’s brochure and found them good. Thanks to all of you who sent me your thoughts, either in the comments or directly!
We’ll be setting up a separate meeting group to handle what we’ll actually be putting into the brochure, it’s size, how many we’ll print, all that stuff, now that the strategy has been set in the larger Monday Meeting.
Signs of Sorcery art by Alex Shiekman
Having just had a full schedule review meeting last week, this week’s reports on the projects were done in record time. We had a few discussions on switching a few of our developers around; mostly because of some of their life issues.
This is really an important part of what we have been trying to do for years at Onyx Path, and which has been working out very well with our in-house dev crew being able to pitch in and resolve issues this last year, in particular. If a creator needs to ease back, or even drop out for a while, we want to work with them to make the transition something that is actually a good thing, or at least minimally disruptive, as they tackle the challenges of their “real” lives.
If you listened to last Friday’s Onyx Pathcast where our crew interviewed Rich Dansky, you’ll hear him mention how the chance to develop Wraith20 had him dancing with joy. But, you’ll also hear him talk about the real-world losses that occurred while Wr20 was being worked on: he lost three cats, both his parents, and went through a divorce.
Through all that personal upheaval, we were prepared to reconfigure the development of the project in whatever way Rich needed, and ultimately Matthew was able to help Rich finalize the project by providing both creative and process support.
EX3 The Realm art by Gong Studios
It might have been easier to just drop Rich when the rest of his life, day-job included, started to slow down progress on the project, but I am very glad that Onyx Path is able to maneuver to support creators like Rich through their tough times.
It’s not easy and does not come without cost. I know we have lost fans who wanted/needed their KS’d books earlier, and while most of our backers understood the reasons, some didn’t. Nor are we always perfect in how we work things out.
But we’re trying, Ringo. We’re trying real hard….
Changeling20 Players Guide art by Ken Meyer, Jr
It’s what we do so we can take all of you to the many amazing game lines, the…
Many Worlds, One Path!
With our Kickstarter for the Deluxe version of EX3‘s Lunars heading into the last three days, we are well over 400% funded and have over 2175 backers! Multiple Stretch Goals have already been achieved, and we’ve just gotten started. So c’mon and get your beast-form on and join the fun!
The Story Told Podcast has a wonderful interview about Lunars: Fangs at the Gate: https://thestorytold.libsyn.com/bonus-episode-5-exalted-lunar-ks-interview-with-eric-minton
Illustration by Michael Gaydos
This Friday’s Onyx Pathcast is a Sell Me On episode where our titanic Trio take the suggestions they received from our listeners on Twitter, and give five minute spiels on the wonders of ten Onyx Path game lines. If you ever wanted to know why one of these lines is cool – this is the episode for you!https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
And Here’s More Media About Our Worlds:
If YOU have a podcast, YouTube or Twitch channel, or talk about games on a blog or other website, and want to perform actual plays or make reviews of our games, please reach out to the Gentleman Gamer on the Onyx Path forum. From there we’ll share emails and get you started, so when you do start producing content we’ll be able to promote it on our blog and YouTube channel!
In case you missed it last week, we hosted an Exalted character creation session for Lunars: Fangs at the Gate. Here’s the link to the video Neall Raemonn Price, Dixie Cochran, and Matthew Dawkins put together: https://youtu.be/cRr9WZHa2PA
Matthew’s also been busy running They Came from Beneath the Sea! for the folks at Red Moon Roleplaying! Here’s the latest episode in that series: https://youtu.be/QM2f6njFwng
And to show Matthew clearly has too much time on his hands, here’s a link to a character creation session for the upcoming Contagion Chronicle! More sessions will follow: https://youtu.be/STOec6if8NE
We have a new game to show you this week, with Occultists Anonymous – an actual play of Mage: The Awakening 2E – having put a first session up on YouTube. Check it out, as the viewer numbers are shooting up already: https://youtu.be/r6NroG9vRe4
Devil’s Luck Gaming continue with their excellent costumed Scarred Lands actual play: https://www.twitch.tv/DEVILSLUCKGAMING
Red Moon Roleplaying also uploaded their finale to the Changeling: The Lost 2E chronicle they’ve been running: https://youtu.be/cjRkH8HHJ5I
And last but not least, one we might have missed from a few weeks ago: Garblag Games has several episodes of their Scion series up on YouTube and we seriously think it’s worth checking out: https://youtu.be/yXz0Quc_Ln0
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is now live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is both rolling and rocking!
Here’s an update from the App devs:
Onyx Dice!  We’ve recently released the Changeling: The Lost, Trinity Continuum: Aeon dice, and now the Geist dice.  Next up on our radar is: Demon: The Fallen,  Mummy: The Resurrection,  Kindred of the East, Vampire Dark Ages, and Mummy: The Curse.
We have a serious issue on the Pixel and Motorola phones that prevent the user from using the app correctly.  A fix is coming shortly.  A temporary workaround is to minimize the app without shutting it down, and then restore it.
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue you bought it from. Reviews really, really help us with getting folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the Screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can now order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=296
And available this week! Deluxe Changeling: The Dreaming and Deluxe Beckett’s Jyhad Diary! The additional books we have after the Kickstarter ship-outs are done are now at IPR!
On Sale This Week!
This Wednesday, we’re thrilled to offer the second Exalted 3rd Edition novel: False Images by Aaron Rosenberg and Lauren Roy! PDF, physical book PoD, and ePub versions will all be available on DTRPG, and in the Kindle and Nook stores!
UK Games Expo: May 31st – June 2nd Gen Con: August 1st – August 4th Save Against Fear: Oct 12-14 GameHoleCon: October 31st – November 3rd We’ll also be back at PAX Unplugged later this year.
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM FAST EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
Geist2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
TC: Aeon Ready Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Heroic Land Dwellers (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Monsters of the Deep (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Tales of Aquatic Terror (They Came From Beneath the Sea!)
Masks of the Mythos (Scion 2nd Edition)
Scion: Dragon (Scion 2nd Edition)
Wraith20 Fiction Anthology (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Chicago Folio/Dossier (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Let The Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Cults of the Blood Gods (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Distant Worlds (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Second Draft
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Scion Ready Made Characters (Scion 2nd Edition)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Hunter: the Vigil 2e core (Hunter: the Vigil 2nd Edition)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Memento Mori: the GtSE 2e Companion (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Pirates of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
Manuscript Approval:
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
CofD Dark Eras 2 (Chronicles of Darkness)
V5 Chicago By Night (Vampire: The Masquerade)
V5 Chicago By Night Screen (Vampire: The Masquerade)
Spilled Blood (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
Scion Jumpstart (Scion 2nd Edition)
CofD Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Witch-Queen of the Shadowed Citadel (Cavaliers of Mars)
Post-Editing Development:
Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon (Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Edition)
Tales of Excellent Cats (Monarchies of Mau)
Wr20 Book of Oblivion (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
C20 Novel: Cup of Dreams (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Aeon Aexpansion (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
In Art Direction
Ex3 Monthly Stuff  
Chicago By Night
Aeon Aexpansion
They Came From Beneath the Sea!
EX3 Lunars
Hunter: The Vigil 2
Shunned By the Moon – Sketches and finals coming in.
Contagion Chronicle – AD’d for KS.
Scion Jumpstart
VtR Spilled Blood – Going over notes.
Marketing Stuff
In Layout
Dystopia Rising: Evolution
Book of Oblivion 
Signs of Sorcery
M20: Gods and Monsters – PoD proof ordered.
Pugmire Roll of Good Dogs and Cats – PoD proof ordered.
Adventures for Curious Cats – Waiting on art fixes.
Trinity Core – Putting inMind Meld changes.
Trinity Aeon – Putting in Mind Meld changes.
Ex3 Dragon Blooded – PoD proofs ordered.
Geist 2e – 2nd Proof.
C20 Player’s Guide – Waiting on fixed piece of art to do 2nd Proof
In Media Res – Inputting proof corrections.
The Realm – Art is arting, book is proofing.
At Press
Scion Hero – Printing. PoD proof getting worked on.
Scion Origin – Printing. PoD proof ordered.
Scion Dice – At Studio2.
Scion Screen – At Studio2.
Fetch Quest – At Studio2 prepping for shipping.
False Images – EX3 novel – On sale at DTRPG.com this week in PDF/PoD/eBook versions.
Our friends at The Bodhanna Group have published their first book! Wizards, Warriors and Wellness: The Therapeutic Application of Role Playing Games is a short booklet that gives a basic overview of the benefits that can be gained through intentional use of Tabletop Role Playing Games. It introduces readers to the therapeutic value of RPG and how this can be focused for treating various mental health disorders and behavioral challenges. One warning: although this should be enjoyable and informative for gamers of all sorts, the therapeutic strategies inside are for trained professionals. https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/268200/Wizards-Warriors-and-Wellness–The-Therapeutic-Application-of-Role-Playing-Games Congrats to all the team at TBG!
8 notes · View notes
cindylouwho-2 · 5 years
RECENT NEWS & STUDIES, late April 2019
Tumblr media
Welcome to my latest summary of recent news & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & ecommerce! This covers articles I came across from April 9th to May 2, although some may be older than that. 
I am really interested in hearing what you think of this new format - please leave a comment below, or convo, Tweet or email me through my website. Let’s make this as useful as possible! 
US Amazon sellers were told via email that they will have to pay taxes on some Amazon fees, as Etsy has been doing with sellers in the EU and in Quebec. 
The Instagram look may be dropping out of favour; apparently, reality is in. “Instagram museums and walls were built to allow normal people to take influencer-quality photographs—but they worked so well, those types of photos became common enough that they don’t resonate like they used to. “#unfiltered 
In case you missed it, my review of Etsy’s Spring & Summer Trends Guide, including all of the keyword data (which you do need to check out, as they reveal some interesting search info). 
Etsy published a new census/survey of sellers in its 6 core countries, and also did a summary (if you don’t want to read the whole thing). “More than nine out of ten Etsy sellers (91%) are the sole owner of their businesses.”... “The majority (82%) of Etsy sellers would like to grow their business, but more than three out of five would not want to grow so big that they would have to hire more help.”
The bugs & errors with financial statements and records continue; Etsy botched the VAT statements yet again, even overwriting them all the way back to 2016. No word on whether any sellers have notified EU authorities on this yet. 
New seller handbook article covers advertising; not much new or gripping, but it does discuss general ad approaches, not just Etsy’s. 
There is also a new free shipping tool, in case you didn’t realize that Etsy wants more sellers to offer free shipping more often. “When we talk to shoppers during research, many say things like “I want to feel like I’m getting a deal!” and “I would love to see free shipping across the board, even if it meant increased prices.” Offering free shipping can be a great way to give customers like these the shopping experience they are looking for.”
CEO Josh Silverman participated in The Wall Street Journal’s “In the Elevator” interview series [video link]. Every 90 seconds, an engagement ring or wedding ring sells on Etsy. He also talks about free & fast shipping not always being a reasonable expectation when shopping on Etsy, unlike Amazon. 
Speaking of free shipping, a limited number of US customers will be getting it from Etsy, with Etsy reimbursing sellers for the costs. Non-US sellers and buyers get nothing. 
Etsy’s 2019 1st quarter results will be available May 8.
Rand Fishkin released Part 5 of his Learn SEO in 1 Hour series: technical SEO [video & written transcript]. This is the one most of you can skip or just skim over, as it does talk a lot about coding.Some tips are important to everyone, however, like page linking/site structure (for websites), and having https set up. 
Part 6 covers link building, in 10 minutes. Remember, if you are going to put effort into getting links, do it for your website & not your Etsy shop or other marketplace page. If you are creating traffic, make sure you own it. 
Don’t forget looking beyond Google for your search engine traffic; this podcast [with written transcript] breaks down an approach to several of the biggest ones beyond Google. Spoiler: they only recommend worrying about the biggest, Bing, if you have around 1000 unique search visitors to your website per day. 
How to get keyword ideas from the Google search results: there’s a lot more available now, beyond the search bar suggestions. 
Google is asking local businesses if they would pay for their Google My Business listings. This possibility raises concerns about the impact on organic rankings. 
More SEO tips for Amazon, including discussion of the various factors involved.
If pages on your website aren’t indexed by Google, there are some steps you can take to fix them. (For websites only, not Etsy shops)
Advanced/semi-advanced content: Great tips on using bookmarklets in Chrome to get SEO things done quickly. (A lot of these involve tools that work best in the paid version, so I suspect most of us will not have much use for this, yet.)
Possible Google algorithm update last week. (I am seeing changes)
CONTENT MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails) 
Looking for new hashtags for your social media accounts? Try: https://www.tagshitter.com  (apologies for the name; that’s what they call it. It’s good, too! Just like its regular keyword research partner, http://keywordshitter.com/ ) 
Email subject lines [infographic] are crucial to top interaction with your newsletter etc. Includes Dos & Don’ts, plus the shockingly low open rates in most industries. 
Selling through social media directly is a great way to avoid people losing interest as they keep clicking. Note that this seems to work best with items under $50, though, which they suggest solutions to in the next part of the article.  
Despite all the scandals and negative media coverage, US social media use hasn’t really changed in the past few years. “A 2018 Center survey found that some Facebook users had recently taken steps to moderate their use of the site – such as deleting the Facebook app from their phone or taking a break from the platform for some time. But despite these findings and amid some high profile controversies, Facebook users as a whole are just as active on the site today as they were a year ago.”
Facebook scandal watch:  FB’s “stock price jumped after it said it expects to incur a fine of up to $5 billion from the Federal Trade Commission. And that’s all you really need to know about whether the historically large penalty matters to the company.”
they admitted to asking for your email password then importing all of your contacts. “...Facebook disclosed to Business Insider that 1.5 million people's contacts were collected this way and fed into Facebook's systems, where they were used to improve Facebook's ad targeting, build Facebook's web of social connections, and recommend friends to add.”
The Canadian Privacy Commissioner is taking FB to court over breaches of Canadian privacy law. 
But hey, it’s all fine, because they beat earnings expectations in the first quarter. 
70% of YouTube videos watched are recommended by its algorithm. “ The recommendations are fueled by the artificial-intelligence arm, Google Brain, of YouTube’s parent company. The machine-learning models help identify videos that aren’t exactly what you just watched, but similar enough that you might like them.“
Does directing people to the link in your Instagram bio really work? Testing says that it probably doesn’t work for most accounts, and more importantly, that Instagram may be limiting the algorithm visibility of posts that direct visitors to the link in your bio. 
Twitter has now limited the number of accounts you can follow in 1 day, to 400 down from 1000; this is intended to cut back on spammers. 
US Twitter users are better educated & better off than the average American.(Good article for target market considerations)
Amazon is reducing/removing the ads for its own products, possibly due to increased complaints of unfair competition. “Amazon is now the third-largest digital advertising platform, behind Google and Facebook”, and could grow 50% this year alone, based on projections. 
Facebook retargeting tips. And everything you need to know about the Facebook pixel for tracking your ad performance. 
Some Google Analytics tips for websites - almost beginner level! 
The Google Search Console delays are nearly all fixed. 
Stats programs all give you different numbers, and that isn’t likely to improve. (This piece is semi-advanced; don’t bother with it if you aren’t a stats geek.)
eBay’s Spring Marketplace Updates include several back end changes and a fee increase for sellers who run afoul of eBay’s seller performance standards. 
Amazon sellers can buy so-called “black hat” services to beat its algorithms. These include tips from Amazon employees who are making money by reporting on Amazon’s inner workings. Amazon “also said it takes action against sellers who pay for internal information; penalties include terminating their selling accounts, deleting reviews, withholding funds, and taking legal action.” No doubt the company already has closed some of the loopholes discussed in the article.
Amazon also fires warehouse workers by algorithm, based on productivity. 
GoDaddy launches an ecommerce sharing tool that lets you list across multiple websites including your standalone. Current marketplace options include Etsy, Amazon, eBay, Jet & Walmart. They bought Sellbrite as part of this move. Quite a few different entities are releasing this type of service, so shop around if it is something you are interested in. 
eBay released their 1st quarter 2019 results on April 23. Total sales were down 4% from 2018 (they were close to even when currency fluctuations were accounted for), but eBay’s own income from seller fees was up. “eBay reduced their marketing by a significant amount where their cash was being used to effectively subsidise the sales of high value items. Put simply, eBay have been buying sales and now they’ve stopped and this has seen a reduction in high ticket items being sold in comparison to sales of lower value items.” Easter being later this year may have slowed ecommerce growth overall in the quarter. 
...but Amazon reported record revenue, up 16.9% over 2018. Despite that, analysts note that growth is slowing, & that Amazon’s own projections for the second quarter are lower than many predicted. “Amazon’s CFO Brian Olsavsky said during the call with analysts that part of the lower guidance is due to an $800 million investment in making free one-day delivery shipping the default for Prime members.” - if you thought buyers wanted stuff yesterday already, wait til this becomes the norm ... I mean, Walmart & Target stocks fell after the announcement. Walmart is already hinting at offering the same. 
You can return your Amazon purchases at Kohl’s in the US, starting everywhere in July. Ease of returns is going to be a bigger battleground in the next few years, as retailers continue to increase free & speedy shipping options. 
Generation Z will be making 40% of US retail purchases by next year; they are going to change a lot about selling. “ Fair trade products, ethical business practices, and a strong mission statement have never been more essential. Vend reports, “Research has shown that this particular generation cares about various environmental issues (76% are concerned about humanity’s impact on the planet) as well as social causes such as racial, gender, and income inequality.” [Gen Z come after millennials, and are currently more numerous than millennials or boomers.] 
Millennials & Gen Z are big gift card buyers in the US - over 1/3 buy a card every 3 months. 
Brick & mortar stores & malls are using your phone location data (location analytics) to make marketing and product decisions. “Every company interviewed for this story said it chooses not to use information that could identify individuals. But for the most part they’re on an honor system because rules governing data remain relatively lax.” This surprised me: “To glean details, including an individual’s age, income, ethnicity, education level, number of children and more, firms connect the phone’s evening location with U.S. Census data”
US copyright law: the USSC rules that your copyright registration must be finished/approved before you can sue an infringer in federal court.  
If you hate Gmail’s current layout, you will love this Chrome extension. 
And if you use Google Sheets fairly often, you will likely learn something useful from these tips. 
Google’s parent company, Alphabet, missed industry revenue expectations in the first quarter of 2019. 
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Does Bitcoin’s Ongoing Rally Have Legs? Here’s Why Analysts Think It Does
Bitcoin is pressing higher after a $300-400 correction on Sunday morning. The leading cryptocurrency currently trades at $10,400 as of this article’s writing, around $200 from the lows.
This comes after the leading cryptocurrency printed a pivotal weekly candle close above $10,000. $10,000 has long acted as an important horizontal level for Bitcoin, having marked three separate highs over the past year.
Analysts think that Bitcoin’s ongoing rally may have legs despite it being so nascent and relatively small.
One sign that this is the case is the price action of altcoins.
Many altcoins, especially those in the DeFi space, are breaking out and surmounting the highs they posted before Sunday’s drop. This suggests that buyers have re-entered the market, seemingly in response to strength in legacy markets.
Related Reading: Here’s Why This Crypto CEO Thinks BTC Soon Hits $15,000
Why Bitcoin Is Primed to Press Higher
One reason why Bitcoin is primed to move higher is due to positive trends in the derivatives market. One trader recently shared the chart below after the drop on Sunday morning, noting that the correction allowed Bitcoin to tap key liquidity zones around $10,300:
“As usual, liquidity levels is where it’s at. Liqs get taken, price dumps. We just took some liqs again.  I can see this going back up from here, otherwise it maybe dumps a bit further to 10100. This move feels like a classic shakeout by the way. Also you should follow this guy if you want to know what a real whale is thinking.”
Chart of BTC's price action over the past few days with analysis by crypto trader Byzantine General (@Byzgeneral on Twitter). Chart from TradingView.com; custom indicators that show liquidity levels from HyBlock Capital.
Adding to the expectations that Bitcoin will soon rally are funding rates. The funding rate is the fee that long positions pay short positions in a perpetual futures market to ensure the price of the derivative is at the price of the spot.
Negative funding rates are now prevalent in the crypto market due to immense selling pressure on derivatives platforms.
This suggests that Bitcoin could soon bounce.
Related Reading: This European Crypto Exchange Was Just Hacked for $5 Million
Legacy Market Rally Could Help
A rally in the legacy market could aid the crypto market recovery.
Alex Kruger, a macro analyst and economist, recently shared that there is a macro factor that could send legacy markets skyrocketing:
“Could have an obscenely green rocket start of the week. From Wednesday on it will be up to the Fed to let the party continue. Quite a few IPOs this week could help fire up risk appetite.”
Bitcoin is likely to move higher if stocks do.
Could have an obscenely green rocket start of the week. From Wednesday on it will be up to the Fed to let the party continue. Quite a few IPOs this week could help fire up risk appetite.
— Alex (@classicmacro) September 14, 2020
Related Reading: It’s “Logical” for Ethereum To Reject At Current Prices: Here’s Why
Featured Image from Shutterstock Price tags: xbtusd, btcusd, btcusdt Charts from TradingView.com Does Bitcoin's Ongoing Rally Have Legs? Here's Why Analysts Think It Does
from Cryptocracken WP https://ift.tt/33vwLf8 via IFTTT
0 notes
joshuajacksonlyblog · 4 years
Does Bitcoin’s Ongoing Rally Have Legs? Here’s Why Analysts Think It Does
Bitcoin is pressing higher after a $300-400 correction on Sunday morning. The leading cryptocurrency currently trades at $10,400 as of this article’s writing, around $200 from the lows.
This comes after the leading cryptocurrency printed a pivotal weekly candle close above $10,000. $10,000 has long acted as an important horizontal level for Bitcoin, having marked three separate highs over the past year.
Analysts think that Bitcoin’s ongoing rally may have legs despite it being so nascent and relatively small.
One sign that this is the case is the price action of altcoins.
Many altcoins, especially those in the DeFi space, are breaking out and surmounting the highs they posted before Sunday’s drop. This suggests that buyers have re-entered the market, seemingly in response to strength in legacy markets.
Related Reading: Here’s Why This Crypto CEO Thinks BTC Soon Hits $15,000
Why Bitcoin Is Primed to Press Higher
One reason why Bitcoin is primed to move higher is due to positive trends in the derivatives market. One trader recently shared the chart below after the drop on Sunday morning, noting that the correction allowed Bitcoin to tap key liquidity zones around $10,300:
“As usual, liquidity levels is where it’s at. Liqs get taken, price dumps. We just took some liqs again.  I can see this going back up from here, otherwise it maybe dumps a bit further to 10100. This move feels like a classic shakeout by the way. Also you should follow this guy if you want to know what a real whale is thinking.”
Chart of BTC's price action over the past few days with analysis by crypto trader Byzantine General (@Byzgeneral on Twitter). Chart from TradingView.com; custom indicators that show liquidity levels from HyBlock Capital.
Adding to the expectations that Bitcoin will soon rally are funding rates. The funding rate is the fee that long positions pay short positions in a perpetual futures market to ensure the price of the derivative is at the price of the spot.
Negative funding rates are now prevalent in the crypto market due to immense selling pressure on derivatives platforms.
This suggests that Bitcoin could soon bounce.
Related Reading: This European Crypto Exchange Was Just Hacked for $5 Million
Legacy Market Rally Could Help
A rally in the legacy market could aid the crypto market recovery.
Alex Kruger, a macro analyst and economist, recently shared that there is a macro factor that could send legacy markets skyrocketing:
“Could have an obscenely green rocket start of the week. From Wednesday on it will be up to the Fed to let the party continue. Quite a few IPOs this week could help fire up risk appetite.”
Bitcoin is likely to move higher if stocks do.
Could have an obscenely green rocket start of the week. From Wednesday on it will be up to the Fed to let the party continue. Quite a few IPOs this week could help fire up risk appetite.
— Alex (@classicmacro) September 14, 2020
Related Reading: It’s “Logical” for Ethereum To Reject At Current Prices: Here’s Why
Featured Image from Shutterstock Price tags: xbtusd, btcusd, btcusdt Charts from TradingView.com Does Bitcoin's Ongoing Rally Have Legs? Here's Why Analysts Think It Does
from Cryptocracken Tumblr https://ift.tt/33vwLf8 via IFTTT
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brettzjacksonblog · 4 years
Does Bitcoin’s Ongoing Rally Have Legs? Here’s Why Analysts Think It Does
Bitcoin is pressing higher after a $300-400 correction on Sunday morning. The leading cryptocurrency currently trades at $10,400 as of this article’s writing, around $200 from the lows.
This comes after the leading cryptocurrency printed a pivotal weekly candle close above $10,000. $10,000 has long acted as an important horizontal level for Bitcoin, having marked three separate highs over the past year.
Analysts think that Bitcoin’s ongoing rally may have legs despite it being so nascent and relatively small.
One sign that this is the case is the price action of altcoins.
Many altcoins, especially those in the DeFi space, are breaking out and surmounting the highs they posted before Sunday’s drop. This suggests that buyers have re-entered the market, seemingly in response to strength in legacy markets.
Related Reading: Here’s Why This Crypto CEO Thinks BTC Soon Hits $15,000
Why Bitcoin Is Primed to Press Higher
One reason why Bitcoin is primed to move higher is due to positive trends in the derivatives market. One trader recently shared the chart below after the drop on Sunday morning, noting that the correction allowed Bitcoin to tap key liquidity zones around $10,300:
“As usual, liquidity levels is where it’s at. Liqs get taken, price dumps. We just took some liqs again.  I can see this going back up from here, otherwise it maybe dumps a bit further to 10100. This move feels like a classic shakeout by the way. Also you should follow this guy if you want to know what a real whale is thinking.”
Chart of BTC's price action over the past few days with analysis by crypto trader Byzantine General (@Byzgeneral on Twitter). Chart from TradingView.com; custom indicators that show liquidity levels from HyBlock Capital.
Adding to the expectations that Bitcoin will soon rally are funding rates. The funding rate is the fee that long positions pay short positions in a perpetual futures market to ensure the price of the derivative is at the price of the spot.
Negative funding rates are now prevalent in the crypto market due to immense selling pressure on derivatives platforms.
This suggests that Bitcoin could soon bounce.
Related Reading: This European Crypto Exchange Was Just Hacked for $5 Million
Legacy Market Rally Could Help
A rally in the legacy market could aid the crypto market recovery.
Alex Kruger, a macro analyst and economist, recently shared that there is a macro factor that could send legacy markets skyrocketing:
“Could have an obscenely green rocket start of the week. From Wednesday on it will be up to the Fed to let the party continue. Quite a few IPOs this week could help fire up risk appetite.”
Bitcoin is likely to move higher if stocks do.
Could have an obscenely green rocket start of the week. From Wednesday on it will be up to the Fed to let the party continue. Quite a few IPOs this week could help fire up risk appetite.
— Alex (@classicmacro) September 14, 2020
Related Reading: It’s “Logical” for Ethereum To Reject At Current Prices: Here’s Why
Featured Image from Shutterstock Price tags: xbtusd, btcusd, btcusdt Charts from TradingView.com Does Bitcoin's Ongoing Rally Have Legs? Here's Why Analysts Think It Does
from CryptoCracken SMFeed https://ift.tt/33vwLf8 via IFTTT
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The Kin price Ecosystem was initially developed by the Canadian firm, Kik Interactive Inc. In 2011, it built the famous Kik messenger which had over 300 million active users by 2016.
The Fin Foundation initiated by KIK seeks to build an ‘open and decentralized ecosystem of apps,’ rewarding the contributors of the ecosystem. The App developers can integrate the Kin SDK into their platform to participate in the ecosystem.
Since Kik Interactive along its messenger was backing the blockchain development, the authorities claim that the company is in a position to use the cryptocurrency for the growth and liquidity of Kik.
What is Kin Cryptocurrency? Kin cryptocurrency is the incentive in the Kin Ecosystem between app developers, content creators and customers. The KIN token ICO was conducted in September 2017.
Apart from building a blockchain based system, the Kin Rewards Engine (KRE) is designed to reward the developers in proportion to the daily active spenders of KIN on their apps and the contribution to the P2P pool.
The Blockchain was originally designed on Ethereum [ETH] as an ERC-20 tokens. Lately, the Kin Blockchain was developed and the tokens are eligible for migration from ERC-20 to KIN until June 2020.
Legal Dispute with SEC SEC has sued Kik Interactive Inc. for violating the 1933 securities law by conducting the Kin ICO. The SEC Vs. Kin Token is one of the most iconic cryptocurrency cases because its viability reaches to all past and future ICOs and SAFT tokens.
Furthermore, the Kin Token ICO (raised $100 million) was conducted via two methods, to accredited investors (SAFT) and a public sale. This was done to ensure the maximum outcome of the fundraiser and to avoid securities law.
According to the SEC, Kik’s costs have always far outpaced its revenues, and the company has never been profitable. The cryptocurrency project was expected to revive the firms’ revenue.
Currently, both parties are seeking summary judgement from the court. While the SEC is confident of an undisputed securities claim, Kik is relying on making a case from the technicalities of the sale.
Kin Price Analysis Kin’s supply is one of the largest in the market with a total plan of 10 trillion tokens. By June 2020, 1.5 trillion have been released in the market. The total market capitalization of KIN has been below $10 million for a greater part of the past year.
The massive downfall of the cryptocurrency began as the SEC sued KIK for an illegal sale of security tokens in June 2019. It dropped over 90% of the price during Q1 in 2019. The price has been consistently low as the court case with the SEC is still unresolved, and it looks like the SEC has an upper hand as well.
Eventually, Kik shut-down the messenger completely due to massive legal fees and failure of the app. Since, it is primarily a payment focused currency, to attain ‘Store of Value’ properties, the price must oscillate between bear and bull cycle round a pivotal point; where the peak and trough stabilizes with time.
Kin price chart Kin price chart by Tradingview The weekly chart illustrates a long-term downfall in prices, which have now reached consolidation levels since the last quarter of 2019. The decay in price has been significant and there is little hope of revival to the highs.
Nevertheless, crypto bull-bear markets usually follow a 4-year cycle. Moreover, Kin has not witnessed a significant bull rally in the markets yet. Given, the legal dispute is resolved, the investors can expect upside over $0.000025.
Kin Future Prospects The first monthly Kin Foundation transparency report was published in May 2020. The link to the report can be found here. The monthly report introduces three new metrics to depict the status of the chain - Kin spent per day, B/I ratio and Net Dollars Bought (NDB). The total market capitalization of Kin is currently around $8.7 million. It is ranked way down at 400 with respect to market capitalization. Due to the shut-down of the Kik messenger, legal dispute the prospects of growth of the cryptocurrency is low. The number of twitter followers of Kik saw a massive decline in 2019. .
Kin price chart Kin price chart by Tradingview Currently, the ‘Kin Ecosystem’ only has little over 25k followers. There are over 57 monthly active apps ranging from social media, communications, lifestyle, education and gaming apps.
Last but not least, the recent judgement against Telegrams’ and the end of the TON project does not set a positive precedence for the Kin Ecosystem. Tanner Philp, head of Corporate Development and Operations at Kik told the media after Telegram’s demise.
“The SEC has continued to regulate by enforcement rather than through rational rulemaking, and as we've seen, this threatens the crypto industry globally.” The court can order a return of the entire amount back to the investors, or impose a fine for the ICO to be paid to the SEC. In other cases like EOS, the SEC just imposed a fine on the developing firm.
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Crowds disturbing your peace? Here are 5 hikes to explore at Yosemite National Park, California - travel
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Dappled sunlight kisses the valley floor of Yosemite National Park. Granite monoliths, gushing waterfalls and giant sequoias abound. The wilderness is calling.But instead of hitting the trails in a place John Muir called “by far the grandest of all the special temples of nature,” you’re sitting in a traffic jam, vying for limited parking.More than 4 million visitors poured into Yosemite in 2018, and because its main attractions are concentrated along a 7-mile loop, it gets congested. Like, 5 p.m. in downtown Los Angeles congested. Parking can take hours.“In general, national parks everywhere, they become more and more popular every year, and a place like Yosemite, you can’t just show up unprepared,” says James Kaiser, author of Yosemite: The Complete Guide. “It feels like a huge disappointment visiting a place to experience natural beauty and spending your time looking for a parking space.”But there’s no reason anyone’s trip to the majestic park should be so fraught. Going any other time than summer, planning valley activities on any day but Saturday, getting an early morning start and choosing lesser-known trails can all help ensure a peaceful and restorative vacation. The following hikes aren’t as famous as Half Dome or the Mist Trail, but that’s the point. They offer just as much beauty and a lot more serenity.1. North DomeLike most of the recommended hikes on this list, this 8.8-mile roundtrip trek is off Tioga Road just north of the valley. Everything outside the actual valley automatically will be less busy, but the views are no less stunning. The last quarter of the hike offers a front-row view of Half Dome and the valley floor below, and without the crowds.“The view of Half Dome is so unlike any other view in the park,” Kaiser says. “Half Dome is such an iconic site in Yosemite — to be able to enjoy it from North Dome I really think is special.”To get to the trailhead, take Tioga Road to Porcupine Creek, about 28 miles east of Crane Flat and 21 miles west of Tuolumne Meadows. It’s easy to miss, so keep your eyes peeled for a small building with pit toilets and parking spaces in a row on the south side of the road. After parking, look for a wooden sign that says, “Porcupine Creek Trail Head.” Below that you’ll see it’s 4.4 miles to North Dome.The first few miles of the trail are easy, quiet and heavily forested. Don’t be surprised if you see deer or even a black bear (don’t worry, they’re more afraid of you than the other way around). The views start opening up after 3 miles, but the highlight of the hike is hoofing it to the top of North Dome, scurrying a bit farther down the other side and drinking in views of Half Dome.Climbing the actual dome can be challenging but isn’t dangerous unless you like to court peril by walking too close to the edge. Hikers who tackle the dome should be generally fit or highly motivated.Temperatures can vary wildly from the bottom of the dome to the top, where there’s nothing to block the wind. Bring layers, 2 liters of water and snacks. Even better, bring a lunch and restore your energy on top of the dome. On the way back, check out Indian Rock Arch, the only granite arch in Yosemite and just a .6-mile detour.2. Dog Lake and Lembert DomeAnother conquerable dome in Yosemite is quicker to get to from its trailhead than North Dome. Lembert Dome looms over Tioga Road, jutting so seemingly straight up, it looks doable only with rock-climbing gear. All it really takes is a smidgen of bravery.The well-marked trail to Lembert Dome is next to Tuolumne Meadows, just 10 minutes from the eastern exit of the park. It’s a haul if you’re staying in the valley or the towns south of the park, so consider combining the hike with other smaller jaunts to May Lake (2.8 miles roundtrip off Tioga Road) and Tuolumne Grove (see below).Start the loop trail by going clockwise and head first to Dog Lake. You’ll pass the junction for Lembert Dome at the .8-mile mark. Stay straight and go another .3 miles to the lake. Take a few photos before moving on, or walk around the entire lake and explore more.To get to the base of Lembert Dome, retrace your steps back .3 miles from the lake to the Lembert Dome junction and take a left. The trail will lead you gradually up for about a mile and a half. From there, go as far as you feel comfortable.Some parts of the dome are too steep for some people’s comfort levels and may have you scooching back down on your bottom.The reward for continuing on up: 360-degree views of Tuolumne Meadows and mountains, and, of course, a sense of accomplishment.3. Gaylor LakesUnless you’re a regular hiker accustomed to elevation, this 3-miler will make you huff and puff. The trailhead, just a stone’s throw from Yosemite’s eastern entrance, starts at an elevation of nearly 10,000 feet. Plus the beginning of the hike is up, up and more up, a steeper climb than say, Lembert Dome.But the pain is relatively short-lived and the payoff big: two beautiful alpine lakes. After climbing 600 feet for just over half a mile, the trail evens out before dropping down to Middle Gaylor Lake. Explore the area before heading northeast a short hop to Upper Gaylor Lake. Follow the trail to the north side of the lake, turn around, and drink in the views of both sparkling bodies of water before continuing up to the Great Sierra Mine historic site and trail’s end.Given its eastern location, this could be a great last hike before exiting the park, and is easily combined with a visit to Mono Lake and its otherworldly tufa formations. In the fall, nearby June Lake in the Eastern Sierra has deciduous trees awash in golds, oranges and reds.4. Tuolumne GroveSure, Mariposa Grove gets all the love. It’s a quick and easy stop just inside the park’s south entrance. But that means more crowds. For a little more peace with your giant sequoia gazing, head to Tuolumne Grove. This westernmost destination off Tioga Road is simple to get to from the valley, and there’s a decent-size parking lot.The 2.5-mile roundtrip hike is a riot of color in the fall. The trip down is a breeze and includes a couple dozen giant sequoias, including one you can walk through. The way back up can be a workout, 400 feet of elevation gain.5. Taft Point and Sentinel DomeThese hikes are off Glacier Point Road, and again are only doable from roughly June to October because of snow. But because Glacier Point is so popular (the views are spectacular and require no hiking), Taft Point and Sentinel Dome get more traffic than the hikes along Tioga Road. Still, except at peak times, they offer plenty of serenity, particularly Taft.To get to the trailhead, drive up Glacier Point Road for about 13 miles until you see a parking lot and pit toilets on the left. At the trailhead, take a right and head toward Sentinel Dome, where a relatively easy climb will reward you with 360-degree views of the valley, including El Capitan and Half Dome.Then head back down to the trailhead and continue straight for roughly a mile of easy trail to reach Taft Point. It offers jaw-dropping views of El Capitan and may prove challenging for anyone afraid of heights. Unlike the other hikes on this list, Taft Point ends at a sheer drop-off, a 3,500-foot straight shot to the bottom. People have fallen to their deaths here, but as long as you maintain a comfortable distance between yourself and the edge, there’s nothing to fear.Look out for couples getting married; adventurous sorts jumping off the side and swinging from what has to be the longest tire swing in the world; or ``highlining,’’ which is basically extreme tight-rope walking.For similar views with even fewer people, Kaiser recommends hiking to nearby Dewey Point, a 7.5-mile loop trail also off Glacier Point Road. With a permit, you can stay overnight and take in the stars and sunrise. Tips to keep in mind: — Tioga and Glacier Point roads close in winter, from around mid-November through late May or early June. The ideal time to take them is fall and summer, though early starts in summer will provide a more serene experience.— Don’t expect to find food or water at the trailheads. Be grateful that most at least have pit toilets. Stock up on food before entering the park, as the valley has the only food options, and those are minimal and amount to dry sandwiches, sad salads and soulless pizza. Stock several gallons of water in the car.— Check out the National Park Service’s tips on how to handle potential encounters with black bears.— As with any serious hiking, have shoes built for that purpose. Traction on the domes is a must. A backpack with a 2- to 3-liter water pouch is recommended.— Don’t expect to have cell service. Do your research before you arrive, and either bring paper maps or a map app you can access on your phone without internet service.— The National Park Service runs a page for Yosemite’s current conditions, including road closures, water levels and trails. Check it before you travel.(This story has been published from a wire agency feed without modifications to the text. Only the headline has been changed.)Follow more stories on Facebook and Twitter Source link Read the full article
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lauraramargosian · 5 years
When is the Logan Paul vs KSI fight?
When is the Logan Paul vs KSI 2 fight?
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#KSILoganPaul2 is live on Sky Sports Box Office on November 9. Full details of @KSIOlajidebt vs @LoganPaul spectacular rematch in Los Angeles here: https://t.co/3AQvCCJSLu pic.twitter.com/pgYyIYijSq
— Sky Sports Boxing (@SkySportsBoxing) October 7, 2019
Logan Paul and KSI (Olajide Olatunji) are prepping for the second fight, which will take place at the Staples Centre in downtown Los Angeles on November 9th.
Further, 21,000 eyes are going to witness history, and it will all begin with insane amounts of wonder regarding who will lose.
What time is the Logan Paul KSI rematch?
First and foremost, let’s hash out the important details about the Logan Paul and KSI rematch.
The two will tap gloves on November 9th, Saturday at 3:05 p.m.
Unfortunately, many missed KSI vs Logan Paul’s first fight.
To be brief, KSI and Logan Paul first touched gloves in Manchester and their fight was ruled a majority draw, setting up a second fight between Logan Paul vs KSI.
With that in mind, Logan opened up about KSIs toxic persona.
For this reason, Paul texted him asking to “keep this slightly professional,” but it didn’t work.
Ultimately, they now have both insulted one another, which in Logan’s head will make for a “great fight.”
“How many times can I let a man insult my family, my girlfriend, my vulnerability. It’s disrespect, it’s hectic.”
For this purpose, we have no doubt Logan Paul has trained hard to put KSI in his place with the highly anticipated Logan Paul vs KSI fight.
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"I texted him and asked him not to."
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@LoganPaul is using @KSIOlajidebt's words from the press conferences as motivation ahead of November 9
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Full interview here: https://t.co/HnPt2IoKKl pic.twitter.com/C4cxdXsiTu
— Sky Sports Boxing (@SkySportsBoxing) October 27, 2019
Which celebrities are attending the Logan Paul vs KSI fight?
It begins, the highly anticipated event has attracted the eyes and minds of many celebrities including Justin Bieber.
In fact, Logan made a statement about respecting J-dawg.
“By the way, if anyone in my family and friends section asks Bieber for a picture, I am kicking you the f*** out.
Just leave the kid alone. I just want to promise him sanctity and safety and entertainment.”
With that in mind, it’s nice to see him looking out because all talent receive a lot of unwanted attention during their free time.
Justin Bieber and Tom Cruise in the UFC octagon?
Justin Bieber came out to support Logan Pual after YouTube posted a trailer for the fight. Bieber commented “Rip his head off,” which indicates he’s definitely in Logan Pauls’s corner.
Isn’t it true it would be interesting to see the Biebs take on KSI (just throwing that out there)?
In fact, we’ve seen him box before and he’s fire BUT that’s for another story.
Fortunately, the first Logan Paul vs KSI fight had quite a few celebrities in attendance including…
Jake Wood English actor.Wes Nelson Professional UFC fighter. Jimi Manuwa English retired mixed martial artist.
Aside from Justin Bieber, who will likely have Hailey Bieber right by his side as a date, many are expected to attend the fight.
Interestingly, Logan Paul happened to name-dropped Brooklyn Beckham who may attend the Logan Paul vs KSI fight.
Where Can I watch the Logan Paul vs KSI fight?
When is the Logan Paul vs KSI fight? Get more details right here on positive celebrity gossip, film and entertainment news!
According to released details, viewers in the UK can watch the fight.
Sky Box Office offers a great deal for merely £9.95.
Next, those who are outside of the UK can view Logan Paul vs KSI fight by using DAZN.
Further, on DAZN you can watch and stream stacked lineup fights for fall. You also get Canelo, GGG, plus some of the biggest re-matches of the year including Ruiz vs. Joshua 2.
What happened at the Logan Paul vs KSI fight press conference was pure disrespect.
Unfortunately, on October 7th the pair exchanged some major insults during the press conference.
In fact, Logan Paul was mocked by KSI after he stepped onto the stage with a Pomeranian.
In case you missed it, Logan recently lost a pet named Kong.
As a consequence, charities like PETA are standing on Logan Pauls’s side of the boxing ring as well.
As a result, PETA had some harsh criticism for KSI.
“A news conference – with its bright lights, loud noises, and crowds.
It can be stressful enough for humans, let alone small animals.
who aren’t inanimate props to be used for a cheap gimmick.”
“Peta encourages fighters to battle it out between themselves – and leave animals out of it.”
Unfortunately, when KSI took to the stage and announced the name of his dog as“King Kong.”
Truthfully, this was a disgusting attempt to hit Logan Paul emotionally.
‘That poor dog is terrified, can we get him off the stage please?’
Logan Paul is ready to show KSI he’s not playing a video game for YouTube.
Most importantly, you never attack someone’s family, including pets who have passed away.
In any case, that was pure disrespect to Logan Paul.
Despite the draw, the fight will continue, both fighters have been training hard.
Lastly, check out the fight below and sound off in the comments below!
Blessed be!
KSI VS. Logan Paul – FULL FIGHT #KSIvsLogan
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newstfionline · 7 years
In a Volatile Climate on Campus, Professors Teach on Tenterhooks
By Laura Pappano, NY Times, Oct. 31, 2017
“Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life,” a guide to spreading kindness, is an odd choice for a political science syllabus. But Shannon Mariotti sees the need. Her seminar about race and class alienation invites contention; course readings swing between Tea Party and far-left perspectives.
The 13 students represent the stew of political views at Southwestern University, a liberal arts campus in mostly red Georgetown, Tex. Dr. Mariotti pushes buttons, but prudently. She wants reactions, she said, somewhere “between nice and angry.” She hopes the book--from step one (“Learn about compassion”) to 12 (“Love your enemies”)--will teach students “to develop compassion and empathy” for opposing, even distasteful stances.
It is not her only Zen move: As students settle at a long conference table, Dr. Mariotti taps the timer on her iPhone. Classes start with silent meditation. “All you are supposed to be doing right now is to breathe in and breathe out. Every time you think of something,” she said, “just let it go.”
Dr. Mariotti designed this upper-level course in response to political divisions at Southwestern, divisions that have fractured friendships. “The only way that kind of polarization in politics will get better is if we can find a way to talk to each other in a way that is sympathetic, but not wishy-washy.”
These are fitful times on college campuses. Tumultuous current events--the revocation of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, known as DACA; the Charlottesville attacks; the Black Lives Matter protests--have brought both relevance and volatility to academic debate. Inside classrooms, professors feel newly exposed. They want strategies to manage testy exchanges and challenges they don’t see coming.
At Reed College this semester, instructors abandoned the stage during the first meeting of Humanities 110, a required freshman course on early Greek and Mediterranean civilization. “We cannot have our class if we have students interrupting the teaching,” Prof. Elizabeth Drumm announced as a student grabbed a microphone and talked over her. Others joined onstage. One protester held a sign: “Don’t teach us white supremacy.”
At George Mason University, “a fervent Trump supporter” last summer in Jeremy D. Mayer’s course on the presidency sparred at the start of each class. One session, he dismissed an article Dr. Mayer had cited as fake news, with: “The Washington Post hates Trump!” It was “very frustrating,” Dr. Mayer said. “How can you have a class that touches on current events when you don’t have an accepted, fairly standard source of information?”
Even content in fact-heavy courses like biology looks less neutral with hot-button issues like reproduction and genetic testing.
Today’s students bring a multiplicity of personal identities to campus--their sexual orientation, race and ethnicity, religion, political leanings--and they want to see that reflected in course content. The values in readings, lectures and even conversations are open to questioning. All good--that’s what college is supposed to be about--except that now the safety screen around the examination of ideas has been pulled away. Higher education is increasingly partisan, and professors must manage these disconnected ideologies, which are sometimes between themselves and their students.
With so many professors identifying as liberal or far left (60 percent, according to a U.C.L.A. poll last year), it’s not surprising that the right distrusts the profession. In a Pew Research Center survey released in September, respondents indicated on a thermometer scale how they felt about professors. Democrats rated them a warm 71 degrees, Republicans a chilly 46 degrees.
It’s a charged climate and professors know it. The culture wars playing out in the classroom have made them fearful of being targeted. That has been a particular issue at Northern Arizona University, a politically mixed campus in a red state. Six professors there have received death threats or harassing emails or calls, some after being the subject of posts on conservative media sites, amplified by Facebook and Twitter.
“The air is different now because what you do in a classroom can end up on Fox News,” said Luis Fernandez. His fall course at Northern Arizona, “Political Crime,” considers Russia’s use of media tools to meddle in U.S. affairs. This semester, he received threats on his office phone, naming his wife and siblings and citing addresses. The day after, Dr. Fernandez found himself scanning the classroom--messages had alluded to a student in class--trying to guess which of the 36 was responsible. “Then I started thinking, ‘This is really silly. My job is not to identify this person; my job is to educate and teach.’ “ The police are investigating.
An English professor at Northern Arizona, Anne Scott, did end up on Fox News. After she deducted one point from a first-year student’s paper last spring for using “mankind” instead of “humankind”--she said she had told the class that “inclusive” vocabulary is required--the student contacted the website Campus Reform. She received more than 400 emails, rude voice mail messages and dropped calls. This semester, when the student’s name appeared on the wait-list for a course she was teaching, Dr. Scott said, “I was terrified.”
As campuses grow more racially and economically diverse, navigating strong emotions has become a coveted skill. Anita Davis is in a newly created post of director of diversity and inclusion at the Associated Colleges of the South, a consortium of 16 institutions that help professors with “hot” conversations. “They are struggling to handle tense, confrontational, challenging moments,” she said.
Tools she shares are new to professors focused on conveying content. On the first day, she urges instructors to work with students to create ground rules for class discussions, including what to do when talk gets heated. She shares tricks like asking students, before peers pounce, to rephrase or repeat a provocative utterance (often it’s less harsh). If someone suggests that people who ride busses are poor, instead of calling him “classist,” she said, a teacher could reframe: “Let’s talk about the labels that come up when we talk about social class.”
It’s also important to openly discuss cultural identity with students, rather than make assumptions. “You can be from the same background and be very different,” she said. “Or you can be from very different backgrounds and think very similarly.” Digging below the surface is critical because students “are asking for more opportunity to be complicated individuals.”
Professors who once skipped pre-semester faculty workshops now want to know “how to model productive disagreement,” said Theresa Braunschneider, associate director of the University of Michigan’s Center for Research on Learning and Teaching. “We are responding to increased demand across the university for programming that helps instructors.” A recent workshop had a wait-list of 50; 10 colleges, including an engineering school, have requested custom sessions.
The center also has a theater program in which actors perform classroom scenarios; a facilitator debriefs faculty audiences. Popular sketches hit touchy subjects--a Muslim student accidentally leaves behind a backpack; a student jokes that it contains a bomb. What should the professor do?
In “Conflict in the Classroom,” a sketch recently staged at Skidmore College, a statistics “class” discusses correlation and causation. The “professor” posits an example: the link between infant mortality and maternal income. The “students” raise questions that have nothing to do with math. “It becomes a debate about the variables,” said Sara Armstrong, the artistic director: One student wonders why the example doesn’t consider household income, and defines a household as man and woman. Another objects. The first accuses the other of attacking. The instructor interjects, “I don’t think this is appropriate for this class. We really can’t talk about this.” The upset student insists, “This is a problem! We have to talk about this!” A student records on his phone.
In the post-performance discussion, the faculty members backtrack: What could the instructor have done ahead of time to prevent problems? What could the instructor do in the moment? And afterward? Approaches involve addressing not just what is taught, but how and why.
Getting faculty prepared is why Kristie A. Ford, director of the Center for Leadership, Teaching and Learning at Skidmore, invited the Michigan troupe as part of a semester series she calls “Teaching in a Time of Turmoil.” “Regardless of discipline, we cannot shut out the world,” she said. “It is seeping into our classrooms, and we need to hone our skills for how to productively engage with it.”
Sydney Cardenas, a Trump voter, objects to liberal students’ special alliances with liberal professors. “They make those jokes,” she said, and instructors slyly signal approval “under the table” or with a giggle. You expect politics in political science, she said, but she was irritated that her education class “was extremely political for no reason whatsoever.”
Camille Martin and Mikaela Manion, left-identifying students who have strong religious backgrounds, face prickly moments, too. “People can be hostile when Christianity and the whole evangelical movement are brought up in class,” Ms. Martin said. “It triggers me.”
Ms. Manion felt her anger rise in class when a student dismissed religion as “the opiate of the masses.” “It was very derogatory toward Christianity and that was very hard to deal with,” she said. Later, she wrote “liberation theology,” a term that marries religion and social justice, in large pink uppercase letters in her notebook.
In the seminar, silent meditation over, Dr. Mariotti dove into the assignment, which was to speak with someone holding an opposing political view. She would use their reactions to help draft ground rules for class discussion. For example, notice your own bias so you can grapple more generously with others.
Rachel Arco said she is “a competitive person.” The exercise and the Armstrong reading told her that every conversation “does not need to have a goal or something you can win.” It’s an opening. To which Oscar Barbour offered a useful idea: People should “let go of their personal stake” in a charged conversation.
A kind thought, but Ms. Manion wasn’t buying: “I want to challenge Oscar. We are part of the conversation. We can’t distance ourselves from what we care about.”
Mr. Joyce jumped in to defend Mr. Barbour: “It can be honoring your own values to open them up to challenge.” But then you risk being “nice” rather than “authentic.”
Assuming the best of classmates, Ms. Arco confessed, “is something I’m not very good at.”
Agreement may not be the point, or possible. But talking about how to talk proved helpful when a few weeks later the class was faced with “Strangers in Their Own Land,” a book about a Tea Party-leaning community in Louisiana. Some students saw themselves in portrayals they found condescending, or thought the writer was too kind toward those with racist views.
In what may prove to be the hidden gift of these provocative times, grappling with dicey subjects may force students to reflect, and not just to react. “They are struggling with how the book makes them feel,” Dr. Mariotti said. “We’ve had a lot of conversations about where the limits of our empathy are.”
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j0sgomez-blog · 5 years
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By Michael Lanza
The heat presses in from all sides as we hike down the Bill Hall Trail off the North Rim of the Grand Canyon. The overhead sun feels as if it has expanded to a supernova threatening to engulf the planet. The rocks radiate waves of heat up at us; I wonder if they might actually reach egg-frying temperature today. Even the air seems to be rising to a boil like a vast kettle on a stove. We hike cautiously over broken stones that slide underfoot, leaning out onto our trekking poles for the two- and three-foot ledge drops on this path—which appears better suited to bighorn sheep than to bipedal primates hauling backpacks weighed down with gear, food, and a surplus of a rare element out here: water.
It’s not even 9 a.m. at around 7,000 feet in the second week of May, and the forecast for the bottom of the canyon—where we are headed—calls for highs in the 90s over the coming days. In other words, we must remind ourselves that these are the coolest hours of the day, and we should try to enjoy them because this respite from the heat—however much it may not feel like a respite—won’t last long.
Three friends—Todd Arndt, Chip Roser, and Jeff Wilhelm—and I have set out on a four-day backpacking trip on the 25-mile Thunder River-Deer Creek Loop off the Grand Canyon’s North Rim. We’ve come in mid-May hoping to get lucky with the temperatures during one of the two brief seasonal windows for taking this trip. And it turns out we did get lucky in that the trailhead access road only became free of snow and passable days ago; had we planned dates much earlier, we might have been shut out. (Autumn often has a slightly longer ideal window for backpacking this loop. See my trip-planning tips in the Take This Trip section at the bottom of this story.)
Chip Roser on the higher Tapeats Creek Trail in the Grand Canyon.
When reserving a backcountry permit months in advance, it’s a roll of the dice to guess which dates in spring will reward you with snow-free roads and lower-than-supernova temps. While the recent heat wave melted away the last snow and dried out the roads on the North Rim, it unfortunately also transformed the inner canyon into the inferno it normally becomes from late May well into September—when this environment shows its true face as a place hospitable to lizards, snakes, and scorpions, but not so much to humans.
The Grand Canyon doesn’t just get hot, it gets really hot.
But our circumstances can certainly be viewed as a water bladder half full rather than half-empty. While the higher stretches of the Thunder River-Deer Creek Loop pass through parched, waterless desert—the reason we are each hauling three liters or more of water now—the lower sections that form the roundish part of this lollipop loop we’re hiking have an unusual abundance of water in fast-moving, perennial streams.
  Hi, I’m Michael Lanza, creator of The Big Outside, which has made several top outdoors blog lists. Click here to sign up for my FREE email newsletter. Join The Big Outside to get full access to all of my blog’s stories. Click here to learn how I can help you plan your next trip. Please follow my adventures on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube.
  Todd Arndt backpacking the Granite Narrows route in the Grand Canyon.
In fact, the two creeks and one river (in addition to the Colorado River) that we will hike along pour over some of the Big Ditch’s prettiest waterfalls, course through spectacular narrows, and nurture oases of trees and vegetation. That’s why the Thunder River-Deer Creek Loop has become a prized destination for in-the-know backpackers and river rats. Plus, even though the upper parts of the loop are dry, the vistas are the biggest of the hike, revealing the Grand Canyon’s majestic breadth and depth.
And while most of the route’s mileage offers no more shade than you can find under a prickly-pear cactus, there are pockets of shelter from the sun beneath trees along the creeks. We can hunker down like native desert fauna through the incinerating heat of the middle hours of each day, while hiking in the cooler early mornings and evenings.
We came here with a clear-eyed understanding that this hike from the North Rim down a vertical mile to the Colorado and back up again, on often-rugged trails, in heat that pushes the edges of human tolerance, will be really tough. But in compensation for that suffering, we’ll explore one of the more unique corners of the Grand Canyon.
All we have to do is survive it.
Read about how climate change is affecting the Grand Canyon and other parks in my book Before They’re Gone—A Family’s Year-Long Quest to Explore America’s Most Endangered National Parks.
Thunder River
After hours of perspiring copiously while hiking downhill, the incongruous sight of the Thunder River can make your stewed brain suspect it’s a mirage.
By early that first afternoon, we’ve dropped nearly 4,000 feet from the Monument Point-Bill Hall Trailhead. We traversed the Esplanade—a broad plateau of slickrock, massive boulders, and sand at around 5,000 feet, with long views of the canyon—and descended off that plateau on a double-black-diamond-steep portion of the Thunder River Trail, occasionally surfing the smashed dinner-plate stones that comprise it. Then we crossed the starkly barren and absolutely-devoid-of-shade Surprise Valley in skull-baking heat. Only the wind, ash-hot but mercifully strong, makes the steadily rising temperature barely tolerable.
Now, standing the edge of Surprise Valley, we’re looking down at today’s third long, knee-pounding descent through countless switchbacks over loose and rocky ground on a steep canyon slope. Hundreds of feet below us, a lushly green oasis of tall trees stands out against the landscape of cliffs and dirt in shades of ochre and brown. Immediately above this tiny but spirit-lifting soul patch of forest, a roaring, spring-fed waterfall erupts from the middle of a cliff face: the origin of the Thunder River.
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In one sense, the Thunder River isn’t much of a river: From that waterfall at its source, it only flows about a half-mile, although it drops some 1,200 feet in a continuous cascade to its confluence with Tapeats Creek. One of the shortest rivers in the country, it’s also certainly one of the few rivers that’s a tributary of a creek.
But the sheer volume of water gushing from the cliff makes it one of the most dramatic tributaries along the Colorado River’s entire 277-mile length through the Grand Canyon. Unlike most rivers that begin as trickles and streamlets coming together, it leaps from its headwaters birthplace fully formed. Naturally, it’s a great spot to escape the heat. In the shade of the trees and the mist below the waterfall, it feels about 25 degrees cooler. We lounge in the water and beside it for an hour or more. Not surprisingly, in the time we’re there, several parties of river rafters arrive, having walked a couple miles up the Tapeats Creek Trail from the Colorado River to see this waterfall.
We reach a designated campsite in the Upper Tapeats camping area on Tapeats Creek around 3 p.m., in the full-on blacksmith’s forge heat of the day—it’s probably in the mid-90s. We’ve hiked nine horizontal miles and almost a vertical mile downhill, somehow also accumulating over 800 feet of elevation gain over the course of the descent from the North Rim. Although we’ve all completed days of hiking that were three to five times that distance, the fatigue of the heat, the rugged terrain, and the equivalent of walking down well over 400 flights of stairs carrying a pack—if those stairs were intermittently built of loose stones ready to tumble with each step—has left us all feeling physically spent far beyond what we’d expect.
Plan your next great backpacking trip in Grand Canyon, Grand Teton, or other parks using my expert e-guides.
Jeff Wilhelm on the Tapeats Creek Trail, Thunder River-Deer Creek Loop, Grand Canyon.
The almost inevitable dehydration resulting from hard exertion in that kind of heat certainly contributes to the physiological toll: We’re all guzzling water in camp to refill our tanks. Chip and I will both go hours before peeing again.
Of the two campsites at Upper Tapeats, the one slightly upstream is larger, but the downstream one has shade sooner and plenty of space, and sits right on the creek; both are empty, so we grab the lower. While walking between them and the creek for a matter of minutes, I make the egregious error of leaving the top of my backpack not securely closed, and return to find Jeff saying he caught two ravens pulling food from my pack. I assess the damage: a bag of bars torn open, and another bag of the pita bread that was to be part of my lunch every day shredded, with its contents torn up in the dirt or gone. A little while later, as I’m still cursing them, we see one of the ravens fly overhead with a chunk of pita in its mouth.
As dusk dims toward night, bats emerge, making jet-fighter aerial maneuvers overhead, somehow throwing together a meal from the meager offerings of insects in the desert. The steady drone of Tapeats Creek gifts me with a night of coma-like sleep.
Tapeats Creek
In the morning, Todd emerges from his sleeping bag after spending the night out under the stars instead of in one of the tents, and tells me he didn’t sleep well; mice and other small critters kept darting over him, startling him awake. “I may have to rethink the tent thing tonight,” he says.
Today, we have to hike only two miles from Upper Tapeats to the Lower Tapeats camping area, where the creek spills into the Colorado River. Knowing there’s no shade down there, we decide to find shade to hide out in for most of the day. After the sun hits our campsite shortly after 9 a.m.—instantly jacking the temp up about 10 degrees, from pleasant to “time to go”—we start hiking, passing through sprawling, beautiful prickly-pear cacti gardens, with flowers in bloom, on the canyon bottom before the trail climbs up the canyon wall.
While stepping carefully along that narrow goat path, with a potential hundred-foot plunge below my left elbow, I glance down to see a bighorn sheep, with a full curl to its horns, leisurely sauntering through the sparse scrubland along the creek below me.
The trail descends again, and we find a sandstone ledge beside Tapeats Creek with a four-foot wall that casts a strip of all-day shade just wide enough for all of us to lie down on pads. And there we pass the next several hours reading, talking, eating, and chugging water.
I can help you plan this or any other trip you read about at my blog. Find out more here.
. . .
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New Post has been published here https://is.gd/xtDSAD
Brock Pierce, Mark Karpeles and the War of Words Over Mt Gox’s Future
This post was originally published here
Brock Pierce wants Mt. Gox creditors to receive 100 percent of whatever they’re owed – or so he says, anyway.
Weeks after announcing Gox Rising – his ambitious effort to unite the long-defunct exchange’s creditors, submit a civil rehabilitation plan and relaunch the Mt Gox exchange itself – Pierce, a prominent crypto-entrepreneur, is walking back just how concrete these plans are.
He’s also fought with former Mt Gox CEO and majority shareholder Mark Karpelès on Twitter about the feasibility of his plan and whether it’s even legal.
Gox Rising was launched as an alternative to Mt Gox bankruptcy trustee Nobuaki Kobayashi’s civil rehabilitation effort. Billed as a way to ensure creditors receive as much of their money as possible, the organization has published a proposed plan on its website, alongside a list of goals.
Two points, in particular, stand out: under the Gox Rising plan, no further bitcoins from Mt Gox’s estate would be sold, and “equity [holders] will make no claim on any of the cash held by the trustee,” according to the proposal (more on both later).
Gox Rising comes after years of bankruptcy proceedings for the Mt Gox exchange, which collapsed in 2014 after the theft or disappearance of nearly a million bitcoins (though some 200,000 were later recovered).
Before its fall, Mt Gox was the world’s first – and at one point, its largest – bitcoin exchange, conducting some 70 percent of all crypto transactions at its peak. When it first announced the loss of customer funds, the price of bitcoin tanked from $850 to $681, a nearly 20 percent drop at the time.
The exchange’s shutdown did not help what was turning into a bear market, which saw bitcoin’s price fall well below $400 over the next year, not beginning to recover until 2015.
Following Mt Gox’s collapse, Japanese prosecutors indicted Karpelès in 2017 on charges of fabricating information about the exchange and embezzling $3 million in customer funds to his own account at the end of 2013. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges, with a verdict expected sometime next month. If convicted, he could face as much as a decade in prison.
Last year, the exchange shifted to civil rehabilitation proceedings rather than outright bankruptcy, meaning creditors will receive bitcoins distributed directly on a pro-rata basis, instead of a cash equivalent based on bitcoin’s price at the time of the collapse.
Road to reopening
The crux of Gox Rising’s plan is to create a central store of information for Mt Gox creditors, ensuring that they receive accurate information about its civil rehabilitation as proceedings progress, said Pierce.
“Gox Rising is an initiative or movement to ensure creditors get what we believe is rightfully theirs. It’s an organization that’s selecting all of the information related to Mt Gox’s bankruptcy proceedings, aggregate that information so people know what’s going on,” he explained in an interview.
He told CoinDesk that the plan begins with an effort to acquire the Mt Gox brand. Gox Rising has yet to submit any bids to do so, but Pierce claims his organization has been working with the Japanese bankruptcy court overseeing the exchange.
He initially intends to buy Mt Gox’s “intangible assets,” meaning its domain and brand, pending court approval.
After that, Pierce has a three-part plan. The first part is to take stock of how much remains in terms of fiat and bitcoin holdings and share that information with creditors, as well as distribute funds as quickly as possible. Part two involves relaunching the exchange itself, giving creditors some level of ownership.
It’s the final part that is by far the most ambitious: an effort to try and recover somewhere between 650,000 and 850,000 BTC that remain missing.
“The question is can any of those coins be recovered. Maybe? We certainly have better tools today than we previously had to track down those coins,” Pierce said, though he did not go into detail when asked if his team has had any success in tracking the missing bitcoin thus far.
Who’s the boss?
However, questions remain over who actually owns the Mt Gox platform and its assets.
As of the beginning of 2014, the exchange’s two shareholders were Karpelès, who owned 88 percent of the company, and Jed McCaleb (who would go on to co-found Ripple and then Stellar), who held the remaining 12 percent. Pierce claims he bought them both out, but Karpelès insists neither purchase was legally finalized.
In the case of McCaleb’s shares, Karpeles argues the sale required approval from Japan’s bankruptcy courts. Pierce denies this.
“Jed McCaleb is of the opinion that we own the 12 percent, that is his current position as of this week. That has not changed over the past five years, there is no dispute,” Pierce said, adding:
“The sale was done prior to the courts so the courts may just have bad info. If Jed McCaleb is saying ‘yes, I haven’t owned these shares in five years and yes, I sold them to Brock,’ the courts can say whatever they want. We just haven’t bothered to go file anything.”
McCaleb did not respond to a request for comment from CoinDesk by press time.
While Karpelès did sign a letter of intent outlining terms for a possible sale of his Mt Gox shares to Pierce, he later sent a second letter rescinding the first, citing the fact that the Tokyo District Court did not approve any sale. Pierce did not sign the second letter.
Still, on Twitter earlier this week, Pierce said Karpelès “knows” he sold his 88 percent of Mt Gox to Pierce (Karpelès disputed this assessment).
However, Pierce was less certain when speaking to CoinDesk, explaining that while his U.S. counsel was confident that Pierce owned Karpelès’ shares in the exchange, he was waiting for his Japanese counsel to confirm.
For his part, Karpelès told CoinDesk via email that “the trustee confirmed to me [Mt Gox’s ownership] hasn’t changed and [is] still the same,” meaning Tibanne, Karpelès’ company, owns 88 percent of Mt Gox shares and Jed McCaleb owns the other 12 percent.
Kobayashi did not respond to a request for comment by press time.
Despite his insistence that he is the sole owner of Mt Gox, Pierce emphasized repeatedly that “we don’t care who owns the equity of Mt Gox,” but only “that the creditors get 100 percent” of their funds back.
Surplus funds
Part of the fight stems from a potential surplus of funds which may benefit shareholders. This surplus was created by selling bitcoins at their market value during the 2017 bull run, well above what they were worth when Gox was still in business. (The trustee ceased these sales after Gox entered civil rehabilitation.)
As a result, Pierce told CoinDesk, Karpelès might receive $700 million through the Tibanne bankruptcy, as it’s the bankruptcy trustee’s job to “get that money.” He’s repeated this claim online as well.
“We want to make sure Mark Karpelès doesn’t get any of it,” he added.
Karpelès, on the other hand, said he does not anticipate getting any funds paid through the Tibanne bankruptcy.
“Expecting money from a bankruptcy as a shareholder is typically nonsense, and the possibility only appeared because of the very unique circumstances the Mt Gox bankruptcy was in,” he said. Given that Mt Gox is now in civil rehabilitation, rather than pursuing bankruptcy proceedings, “there is definitely no chance” of shareholders receiving any funds.
Pierce did acknowledge that the change in status might affect whether Karpelès receives any funds, saying that “the bankruptcy trustee publicly stated that the owner of Mt Gox would be entitled to whatever the surplus was … now that it’s in civil rehabilitation, that may not be the case.”
He further added, however, that Karpelès is the “only person who cares about who owns” Mt Gox, saying:
“From our perspective it’s irrelevant … Karpelès is the one bringing it up and he cares a great deal because you know, he might be going to prison for 10 years, his sentencing is in March, and I imagine he’d be much more comfortable in prison with $700 million to his name than nothing.”
Still, if Pierce is granted control of the Mt Gox brand and domain, he hopes to relaunch the platform with creditors’ buy-in.
In the interview with CoinDesk, Pierce outlined how creditors would sign up and share in profits from the exchange.
“It would start out as a contract and it would most likely end up as a security token,” he said, noting his previous work with the asset type. “I started the first-ever security token at [Blockchain Capital] and I used to run a top 10 syndicate on AngelList … I know quite a bit about security tokens.”
He likened the prospective token to one issued by Bitfinex after that exchange was hacked in 2016. At the time, Bitfinex issued customers debt tokens representing their losses, which it bought back over the next year.
Further down the line, the token’s structure may change (to something more similar to Binance’s BNB token), though details are still to be determined, Pierce said. Despite his plans, however, he said he does not know when he might file a bid, though he hopes to have a clearer timeline in the coming days.
The delay stems from the fact that he has counsel in the U.S. and Japan trying to coordinate, he said. The vastly different time zones are effectively slowing down proceedings, though Pierce hopes to file his bid for the Mt Gox domain “soon.”
As for the ongoing civil rehabilitation efforts, “hopefully [the current plan under the bankruptcy trustee] will cover all the things that matter,” he said, adding:
“So unless we have a reason to believe that plan is not going to provide creditors with with they should have, there’s no reason for us to file a CR plan. The only reason is if there’s a problem with the CR plan.”
Karpelès was less confident about Pierce’s motivations, saying he “doubt[s]” that Pierce does not also see a benefit for himself.
In particular, Pierce’s belief that there is “some sort of surplus payout” for shareholders makes Karpelès think that Pierce is keeping something behind, and “that it’s probably not going to be good for creditors.”
“Creditors have done an extraordinary job of putting Mt Gox in civil rehabilitation and are still fighting for their rights by proposing changes to the trustee’s rehabilitation plan, and I do not believe they need someone to step in now and claim all the credit while trying to profit from the situation,” he said.
Photo via Shutterstock.
Source: Coindesk
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Bitcoin Establishes 3,700 as Fresh Level of Support Following Latest BTC Price Plunge
Bitcoin’s price once again dipped after it was unable to hold $3,800 as a level of support. This drop led many cryptocurrencies to plunge nearly 5% and has further confirmed that BTC does not have enough buying pressure to allow it to decisively push above $4,000.
Now, Bitcoin has established a fresh support level at $3,700, which one analyst claims is an important price to hold above in order for further gains in the near-future to be possible.
Bitcoin Drops to $3,700 Before Finding Support
At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading down over 2% at its current price of $3,760. Earlier today, BTC plunged to the low-$3,700 region before finding support and swiftly climbing back to its current price levels.
Luke Martin, a popular cryptocurrency analyst on Twitter, spoke about Bitcoin’s recent price action in a tweet, noting that $3,700 is now an important support level to hold above in order for further gains to be in the cards.
“While this third dump in the last 7 days into 3700 is slightly worrying, I still prefer to be long from down here until we start seeing closes below 3700. 4hr closes would give a hint the level is going to give. Daily close below would confirm it,” he explained.
$BTC weekly thread updated.
While this third dump in the last 7 days into 3700 is slightly worrying, I still prefer to be long from down here until we start seeing closes below 3700.
4hr closes would give a hint the level is going to give. Daily close below would confirm it. pic.twitter.com/0kvntspKmk
— Luke Martin (@VentureCoinist) March 4, 2019
He later noted that Bitcoin has still been able to hold above the aforementioned support level, despite the relatively large amount of selling pressure on this “bloody Monday.”
“$BTC still respecting support half way through Bloody Monday.”
$BTC still respecting support half way through Bloody Monday pic.twitter.com/dmsRYUpCIS
— Luke Martin (@VentureCoinist) March 4, 2019
Because this latest drop was significantly smaller than recent plunges that have led BTC to shed as much as $400 off of its price, it is possible that this drop will be quickly reversed by bulls looking to send Bitcoin back above $3,800.
Analyst: Traders Should Look Towards RSI For Insight into Where BTC is Heading Next
Although price action certainly gives traders and analysts significant insight into the strength and trends of a specific asset, one popular trader is now claiming that an analysis of Bitcoin’s RSI can give more insight into where BTC is heading next.
Wendy O, a popular cryptocurrency trader on Twitter, recently spoke about the importance of RSI, noting that she expects Bitcoin to continue trading sideways for the foreseeable future based on BTC’s monthly RSI.
“1M $BTC Monthly RSI is still in a downtrend – this is important because RSI measures change of price movements. Instead of analyzing the candles this tells me until we break the channel we can expect to see further sideways movement on a larger scale.”
1M $BTC Monthly RSI is still in a downtrend – this is important because RSI measures change of price movements . Instead of analyzing the candles this tells me until we break the channel we can expect to see further sideways movement on a larger scale pic.twitter.com/bGemwftY62
— Wendy O (@CryptoWendyO) March 3, 2019
She further added that Bitcoin’s weekly RSI is currently surging, which has historically been followed by a price drop.
“Stoch RSI is running mighty high on the weekly. Last time this happened we had a nasty fall incoming.”
1W #BTC Stoch RSI is running mighty high on the weekly. Last time this happened we had a nasty fall incoming pic.twitter.com/KwGyPrtcA5
— Wendy O (@CryptoWendyO) March 3, 2019
As the market’s price action continues to unfold in the week ahead, traders and analysts alike will likely gain greater insight into which direction Bitcoin is heading in the near future.
Featured image from Shutterstock.
The post Bitcoin Establishes 3,700 as Fresh Level of Support Following Latest BTC Price Plunge appeared first on NewsBTC.
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joshuajacksonlyblog · 4 years
Ethereum May Still Confirm a Pattern That Would Imply a Breakdown to $320
Ethereum has been pushing higher after reaching $380 late last week.
The asset trades for $400 as of this article’s writing, bouncing around 5% from last week’s lows.
At the highs on Monday, ETH traded for $410 as buyers stepped in en-masse. Ethereum is now closing daily candles above $400, which is notable for bulls.
Despite this growing strength, an analyst notes that a chart pattern that will confirm a $50-80 breakdown for ETH is still in formation.
The pattern has not confirmed, but it may soon be validated if ETH moves below the $380 region.
Ethereum analysts remain optimistic about the asset due to the fundamental trends of the underlying network.
Ethereum Could Soon Break Lower if Price Slips Below $380: Analyst
Ethereum is still forming a potential head and shoulders pattern that predicts a strong bearish reversal, crypto analyst Josh Olszewicz recently commented.
He shared the chart below on August 24th, noting that ETH falling below the $380 region could trigger a drop towards $320-350.
Chart of ETH's price action over the past few months with a head and shoulders analysis by crypto trader Josh Olszewicz. Chart from TradingView.com
He’s not the only one to have suggested that Ethereum could soon undergo a correction.
Tyler D. Coates, a cryptocurrency trader and technical analysis author, shared the chart below around the same time as Olszewicz. It shows that ETH may be trading in a massive Livermore Accumulation Cylinder, which precedes macro breakouts to the upside.
This textbook chart pattern predicts that Ethereum will fall towards the bottom of the formation, around ~$300-320, before heading higher.
Chart of ETH's price action over the past few months with a Livermore Accumulation analysis by crypto trader Tyler D. Coates (@Sawcruhteez on Twitter). Chart from TradingView.com
How Are ETH’s Fundamentals?
Pundits argue that Ethereum’s fundamentals remain positive in the long run despite the recent weakness in terms of its price action.
Chris Burniske of Placeholder Capital remarked that Ethereum’s “on-chain economies” and the public’s perception of the asset could fuel a parabolic move this cycle:
“Meanwhile, to the mainstream $ETH will be the new kid on the block — expect a frenzy to go with that realization. Given $ETH’s outperformance of $BTC over its lifetime (chart below again), not to mention smaller network value and strong on-chain economies, I see every reason for $ETHBTC to surpass ATHs.”
With DeFi taking off, analysts like Burniske have all the more reason to promote Ethereum as a good investment for the cycle.
Featured Image from Shutterstock Price tags: ethsd, ethbtc Charts from TradingView.com Ethereum Could Still Confirm This Chart Pattern That Would Confirm a Breakdown to $320
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brettzjacksonblog · 6 years
Bitcoin Establishes 3,700 as Fresh Level of Support Following Latest BTC Price Plunge
Bitcoin’s price once again dipped after it was unable to hold $3,800 as a level of support. This drop led many cryptocurrencies to plunge nearly 5% and has further confirmed that BTC does not have enough buying pressure to allow it to decisively push above $4,000.
Now, Bitcoin has established a fresh support level at $3,700, which one analyst claims is an important price to hold above in order for further gains in the near-future to be possible.
Bitcoin Drops to $3,700 Before Finding Support
At the time of writing, Bitcoin is trading down over 2% at its current price of $3,760. Earlier today, BTC plunged to the low-$3,700 region before finding support and swiftly climbing back to its current price levels.
Luke Martin, a popular cryptocurrency analyst on Twitter, spoke about Bitcoin’s recent price action in a tweet, noting that $3,700 is now an important support level to hold above in order for further gains to be in the cards.
“While this third dump in the last 7 days into 3700 is slightly worrying, I still prefer to be long from down here until we start seeing closes below 3700. 4hr closes would give a hint the level is going to give. Daily close below would confirm it,” he explained.
$BTC weekly thread updated.
While this third dump in the last 7 days into 3700 is slightly worrying, I still prefer to be long from down here until we start seeing closes below 3700.
4hr closes would give a hint the level is going to give. Daily close below would confirm it. pic.twitter.com/0kvntspKmk
— Luke Martin (@VentureCoinist) March 4, 2019
He later noted that Bitcoin has still been able to hold above the aforementioned support level, despite the relatively large amount of selling pressure on this “bloody Monday.”
“$BTC still respecting support half way through Bloody Monday.”
$BTC still respecting support half way through Bloody Monday pic.twitter.com/dmsRYUpCIS
— Luke Martin (@VentureCoinist) March 4, 2019
Because this latest drop was significantly smaller than recent plunges that have led BTC to shed as much as $400 off of its price, it is possible that this drop will be quickly reversed by bulls looking to send Bitcoin back above $3,800.
Analyst: Traders Should Look Towards RSI For Insight into Where BTC is Heading Next
Although price action certainly gives traders and analysts significant insight into the strength and trends of a specific asset, one popular trader is now claiming that an analysis of Bitcoin’s RSI can give more insight into where BTC is heading next.
Wendy O, a popular cryptocurrency trader on Twitter, recently spoke about the importance of RSI, noting that she expects Bitcoin to continue trading sideways for the foreseeable future based on BTC’s monthly RSI.
“1M $BTC Monthly RSI is still in a downtrend – this is important because RSI measures change of price movements. Instead of analyzing the candles this tells me until we break the channel we can expect to see further sideways movement on a larger scale.”
1M $BTC Monthly RSI is still in a downtrend – this is important because RSI measures change of price movements . Instead of analyzing the candles this tells me until we break the channel we can expect to see further sideways movement on a larger scale pic.twitter.com/bGemwftY62
— Wendy O (@CryptoWendyO) March 3, 2019
She further added that Bitcoin’s weekly RSI is currently surging, which has historically been followed by a price drop.
“Stoch RSI is running mighty high on the weekly. Last time this happened we had a nasty fall incoming.”
1W #BTC Stoch RSI is running mighty high on the weekly. Last time this happened we had a nasty fall incoming pic.twitter.com/KwGyPrtcA5
— Wendy O (@CryptoWendyO) March 3, 2019
As the market’s price action continues to unfold in the week ahead, traders and analysts alike will likely gain greater insight into which direction Bitcoin is heading in the near future.
Featured image from Shutterstock.
The post Bitcoin Establishes 3,700 as Fresh Level of Support Following Latest BTC Price Plunge appeared first on NewsBTC.
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vrisrael2013 · 3 years
Virtual reality's breakthrough is still a long way off.
Virtual reality, which comprises computer-generated 3D environments that can range from startlingly realistic to abstract wonderlands, has been on the verge of widespread adoption for years but has yet to take off.The pandemic should have been VR's big break, providing a way out for millions of cooped-up families. People can interact with a 360-degree, three-dimensional environment using special headsets and gloves, which appears to be a good fit for those stuck inside. Consumers, on the other hand, preferred simpler and more accessible technology such as Zoom, Nintendo's Switch, and streaming services such as Netflix. It's the latest setback in an industry known for its halting progress. After the lockdown began, Amit Caesar, 43, decided it was time for a VR headset. He has a PlayStation and a Nintendo Switch, and when he couldn't do outdoor hobbies like rock climbing at the start of the pandemic, he would spend about an hour and a half a day gaming. He has an Oculus since 2013, when it was still a Kickstarter project, and predicted that it would be ready in 2020.📷 He explained, "I was stuck at home here in Israel," “I figured now was the time.” For years, industry observers have been saying the same thing. Early demonstrations of the Oculus Rift wowed Facebook so much that it purchased the company for $2 billion in 2012. In 2015, rivals such as the HTC Vive and Samsung's Gear were released. In 2016, the Oculus Rift became available for purchase.Consumers, on the other hand, have objected to the cost of the hardware: a headset costs several hundred dollars, the same as a video game console with hundreds of games. Early VR headsets also lacked a game or service that would make them seem indispensable, such as web browsers for personal computers or mobile Internet for iPhones. The heavy weight of headsets, slow software, and tendency to cause nausea have also stifled VR's growth. “Trying to work out while wearing a 4-pound weight on your head is difficult,” Caesar said. “It also doesn't feel good to sweat right into a $400 pieces of electronics you just bought.”📷 Facebook decommissioned the Rift last month. Its most recent devices have fared better. In October, it released the $300 Oculus Quest 2, a less expensive and more advanced version of the original $400 wireless Oculus Quest. Facebook doesn't disclose sales figures, but it claims Quest 2 is selling better than expected and has already outsold all of its predecessors since its release. They designed the headset for gaming with dual hand controllers and does not require tethering to a computer or gaming console.In an April conference call with analysts, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg stated that the Quest 2, while still primarily used for games, is increasingly being used for fitness and virtual workplaces. “I believe that augmented and virtual reality will enable a deeper sense of presence and social connection than any other platform, and they will be an important part of how we interact with computers in the future,” said Zuckerberg. “As a result, we'll continue to invest heavily in creating the best experiences here, and this will account for a significant portion of our overall R&D budget growth.” “Quest 2 is a necessary step toward VR maturity,” said Amit Ceasar from VRisrael2013. “It's also an expected step in the sense that smartphone trends have conditioned consumers and the market to expect frequent technology upgrades.”Hardware updates are good, but more content and ways to create content, as well as improving the usability of the gadgets, are required for the technology to fully mature, according to Caesar.According to Nielsen's Super Data, the first-person shooter VR game "Half-Life: Alyx" sold about 680,000 copies in its first month, contributing to the original Quest's success. That's a success for virtual reality games, but it's still a niche market when compared to games like Nintendo's Animal Crossing: New Horizons, which sold 13.41 million copies in its first six weeks worldwide. Creating content for virtual reality is a “heavy lift,” according to
Caesar. “A lot of companies are developing platforms on which you can build things. However, the talent and content pipelines are still lacking.”Susmilch scoured online retail sites for an Oculus Quest he could pick up at a local Best Buy. He liked it, but the novelty wore off after a few days, he said. “Superhot VR,” a first-person shooter, was entertaining, but he beat it after a few hours. He hoped games like “Beat Saber,” a rhythm game that encourages movement, and “Box VR,” a boxing game, would help him exercise, but the headset was too cumbersome for him.The lack of networking capabilities on the workplace side of VR has also put a damper on things. When the pandemic struck, Zoom was ready to go, and people could connect using existing hardware. While some small VR companies, such as Spatial, offer virtual reality meeting software, most people who found themselves working from home didn't have a headset, and employers weren't likely to spend money shipping them out.📷 The Quest 2 is a major turning point for virtual reality, according to George Jijiashvili, principal analyst at research firm Omdia. Its lower price and wireless connectivity are two major selling points. According to Omdia, 2.3 million Quest 2s were sold worldwide in the fourth quarter of 2020. That's about half of what Sony sold in four years with its PlayStation VR headsets.Despite this, “mass adoption of VR headsets remains well over a decade away,” according to Jijiashvili, owing to a lack of hit games or a “killer app” as well as the difficulty in setting up and using the headsets. In 2020, he estimates people will spend $1 billion on VR content, a drop in the bucket compared to the $168 billion spent by consumers on video games in the same year. Perhaps when Quest 3 will released, we will see its append.Virtual Reality, Augmented and Artificial Intelligence 2021 specialist Amit Caesar wrote the article. Send me an email: [email protected] may also be interested inOculus Quest 2 accessories Oculus Quest 2 full review. Amazing products for your virtual reality glasses from Amazon For 2021, the Best Virtual reality Headsets 10 Accessories to Improve Your Flight Simulator in VR You may also be interested in our YouTube channelYou may also be interested in our Facebook PageYou may also be interested in our twitter pageWhat are your thoughts? Please let us know in the comments section below!
15Jan Accessories for Your Flight Simulator in VR 16Jun Oculus Quest 2 full review. 20Jan Best VR games: gaming at home 2021
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