#like i feel like since it's said Knuckles is the last echidna left i need to respect that not include any other echidna's besides Tikal-
noeggets · 6 months
i was looking up animals in the hedgehog family cause hedgehog's are not rats/rodents they are erinaceidae's and the only other erinaceidae i could see included in the family is a moonrat which looks like this
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it looks like a mix between a hedgehog and possum, it looks like a hedgehog but with long legs,snoot and tail. Hedgehog but no spikes version
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arahdow · 5 months
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Pairing. Knuckles x reader
Content. fem!reader. lil angst, hurt-comfort, knuckles having trouble with his emotions. kissing but nothing too sensual or anything.
Word count. 1.3 k
A/N. Not beta read, we die like men. Also, again, sorry if it's too occ! I had the time of my life writing this sjdjs (it's 4:51 am atm send help)
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At the distance, you could see the echidna and the bat talking to each other. Rogue was smiling and occasionally pushing his shoulder, a playful glint on her lips, as he seemed to not mind her closeness. You frowned at their interaction.
It wasn’t the first time it happened, it actually became a usual thing. Rogue speaking with Knuckles about her life, him telling her stories about his past, like old time friends. He always said she was his best friend, even before you two met. It was sweet at first, knowing he had such a reliable someone to hold on to. But not right now. Right now you were fuming.
You and Knuckles have been a couple since a couple of months, both of you getting used to each other’s mannerisms and habits, it was something you really treasured as you spent a good year or maybe more, trying to open your way into his heart. In the end, he let you build a little nest in his mind, as he kept thinking more and more of you every day, and not the typical worry, no, it was something beyond that. Something that wanted you close to him at all times. To protect you when he was around, and if he wasn't you were in his thoughts until he sees you again.
So, with a lot of effort and patience, he explained his feelings and you ended up catching on what he was talking about. Needless to say, you spent the whole evening together, speaking about deeper topics and stuff. It was such a sweet memory.
But it’s been days, even a few weeks since the last time he has kissed you. At first it was fine, you were busy with tasks around the island, and Knuckles was busy guarding the emerald, you barely saw each other and you were okay with that. You knew it was a temporary thing and there was nothing to worry about.
Even then, the thing that made your heart grieve in the worst way was how shy and reserved he became since you don’t spend much time together anymore.
It’s like you returned to base one again.
You were sad, of course, worried. And even then you showed empathy, knowing he needed space and maybe time to grow closer to you again. But seeing him right now being his extroverted self with Rogue ticked you in a bad way. He seemed genuinely happy. He laughed at her comments and didn’t seem to mind her hand touching him. It made your blood boil.
Standing from the beach chair you were sitting on, you started walking towards your shared home. The whole crew went to the beach to rest for a bit after the week’s activities, and you thought it was a good idea to try and make an advance on your boyfriend. But right now, you were just pissed off and wanted to sleep the anger away.
As you entered your home, the first thing you saw was two rocks on the top counter. It was the two rocks you both chose as a token from the day you both became lovers. One was a reddish stone with white undertones and the other was a shimmering one. It made your eyes sting just remembering how nice those times were. It was hard noticing how sad times got.
Getting close to the rocks, you took the reddish one, that symbolized Knuckles, and felt your eyes water. Your emotions were caught red handed when you felt a presence behind you. Wiping the few tears away, you left the rock on it’s place and started to go to your room, when a big hand stopped you, holding you from your forearm.
You whined a bit, not because of pain, but because you missed his touch more than ever and this is the first time he has touched you in days. It was pathetic.
“What’s wrong?” You heard his low voice, and something inside you stirred. Oh you were so in love with the oblivious echidna and there was nothing you could do about it.
“Nothing…” The voice came out in a thread. You winced listening how broken you sounded.
“You left, why?”
And you wanted to punch him so bad right then and there, but you knew better. He was so muscular, your hand would hurt first than his body if you were to punch him. Shaking your head, you looked at him in the eye. “What’s the matter with you?”
He looked at you confused. “Me?”
You choked on a humorless laugh. “Yeah, you seemed pretty occupied with Rogue, I didn’t want to intrude…”
“What’s this about?”
A groan left your throat. Time to let it all out. “Knuckles you’re not the same. You haven’t been the same. You’re not the guy I wanted to be with a few days ago.” You started to breathe fast. “You’ve changed. You feel like you don’t love me anymore. You don’t say it, you don’t show it, and I can’t handle that kind of treatment..."
Taking a deep breath, you continued, speaking fast and breathy. "What do you think it feels when other girl can have all of your loving self and not me?" The air was soon leaving your lungs making you feel like burning. Choking on a sob you didn’t know was there, you continued. “I’m sorry, but there’s space for one girl inside of your heart and if it’s not me then, what are we doing?”
The echidna stood there, motionless, and you didn’t know if it was a good signal. You thought he wanted space.
Trying to leave, you yanked your arm. But it was no use, he had such a strong grip on you. Looking at the floor, he seemed deep in thought. He pressed his lips, motionless. His breathing was easy and calculated. Almost too calm.
“I don’t…” He started, then shaking his head. “I’d never…” His eyes met yours. “I… Don’t… Why…” His body seemed composed, but in his eyes, you saw fear. And the tremor in his voice confirmed that he was scared. Of losing you, perhaps. “I don’t know what to do…” He said rapidly.
You sighed, walking slowly to the couch on the living room making him follow with short steps. When both of you were close, you sat down and made him mirror your actions.
“I don’t know how to make it better, help me, how can I…” He looked at the floor with furrowed eyebrows.
“First of all, don’t be so hard on yourself.” You said, breathing in slowly, trying to make him follow your inhaling and exhaling. “Second, tell me how are you feeling, what are you feeling?”
Silence reigned between the two of you. The only thing to be heard was both of your breathing.
“I feel bad. I feel angry, and sad, and like the worst boyfriend…” He said with an annoyed grunt.
“Now, what would be good thing to say?” You ask. It was like a mechanical thing, but it always helped him with his unknown emotions. And he loved you for understanding him and helping him even in these moments.
Knuckles turned a bit and took both your hands, he kissed them and sighed. “I’m sorry, darling.” He looked down. “Rogue is just a friend, I always see her as my big sister, helping me with things regarding of our relationship… But I didn’t think how that might’ve looked from your perspective.” He pouted a bit making you smile lightly, suddenly your mind imagining a lost Knuckles asking Rogue for dating advice.
“You ask her about us?”
“Of course!” he exclaimed. “I wanted to know how to make a special dinner for us, you know, it's gonna be our anniversary soon… It was a surprise but it wouldn’t be fun if you break up with me before I can even start to plan it.” He said sheepishly.
A smile broke into your lips. “You’re so silly, but also cute.” you said, holding a hand out to caress the fur on his cheeks. “We can plan it together!”
“But what about the surprise? Rogue said it was indispensable to have a surprise on a special dinner.” The echidna complained.
You thought. “Well, we can give each other a special gift, what about that?”
Knuckles thought for a bit before he nodded. “Agreed!”
Both of you smiled at each other. One of his hands traveled to your cheek, caressing the skin under his covered palm. Looking at him lovingly, you kissed the inside of his palm, trying to convey your feelings with your lips.
He seemed deep in thought, when suddenly his hand cupped your cheek firmly and started pulling you towards him. His face coming close to yours, watching intently at your sparkling eyes. With a swift movement, you got closer and cut the space in between the two of you, kissing his lips.
The echidna gasped lightly in between the kiss but soon reciprocated sweetly.
The kiss was brief. You pulled away and he looked at you enamoured. "I feel my stomach fuzzy."
Giggling at his words, you nuzzled on his chest fur and smiled. "I missed kissing you too, Knux."
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werewolf-cl4ws · 17 days
Sonsally Week 2024: Day 7 - Transformation
I couldn't come up with a full scenario for this one, but I really, really, really, really wanted to write this scene in general because my absolute favourite thing about Sonic in general is that he's a silly little guy, a goober, a clown. Until he isn't because the universe thinks he's the right person to give god-like powers to.
Plus I wanted to play with one of my favorite SatAM theories.
This is just a spillage of thoughts but it was fun to just write, y'know?
Sally had never heard of the Chaos Emeralds until a few days ago, when a strange red echidna named Knuckles had somehow entered New Knothole and demanded they hand over the one they had in their possession.
None of the Freedom Fighters knew what he was talking about, and a tiny war had almost broken out when Sonic tried to force Knuckles out of the village when he refused to leave until they met his demands. It was only when Knuckles marched over to the Power Ring pool and pointed to it, explaining he could feel its energy coming from under the lake’s surface, that everything started to make sense. If barely.
The Power Rock, a mysterious stone discovered by Sonic’s uncle years ago that could produce Power Rings only Sonic could use, turned out to be a Chaos Emerald that sat contentedly with them for said amount of years. And there were six others like it in Knuckles’ possession, as he had been hunting practically all of Mobius for them for the last year, and theirs was the last one he needed.
Why he needed them was still a little unclear to Sally, only because what she was seeing was not matching up to Knuckles’ explanation. He said he knew of a rumour that stated when all seven of the Chaos Emeralds were together a miracle would happen. What kind of miracle he didn’t know exactly, but he needed something to happen as his island was under attack by robots that looked eerily similar to a dictator long since dead.
They had all followed Knuckles to his island to help him, but also because they weren’t willing to give up their one defence until they were sure he was telling the truth. Sonic had been adamant of doing this as legendary item or not, he had been trusted with the Emerald by his uncle, and he obviously had a deep connection to it that they couldn’t just give away.
It turned out that Sonic not only had a connection with the yellow Emerald, the supposed Power Rock they had kept for most of their lives, but with the other six, according to what Sally was seeing now.
Sonic floated in the air, his quills now a bright, golden yellow that pointed upwards and wavered gently with a power that practically radiated off him. As he stared down the giant robot that now had a death grip on the Master Emerald – another Emerald that apparently controlled the smaller ones and allowed Knuckles’ island to float - his features were sharpened, a seriousness possessing him that Sally had never seen in her life.
Beside her she just barely heard Knuckles mumble something about Sonic having the power of a god now, something that would have injected cold fear into anyone’s bloodstream. The cold stare on Sonic’s face nearly made her fear it, too.
But she knew Sonic better. She knew whatever power was flowing through him wasn’t going to change him.
She hoped.
The robot suddenly jettisoned away in a blast of fire and burning fuel, moving much faster than its build should have allowed. Sonic watched it, his stare still cold and calculating, before he took off after it, practically disappearing in front of Sally’s eyes. The streak of glowing gold left behind him was her only clue of where he was, but his speed – already beyond any other mobian – had multiplied to a point that it was like he was teleporting to his destination now as barely a second later he was intercepting the robot like it had never moved.
Even with Sonic’s high speed intervention the robot still dodged him, and Sally watched as the robot’s chest compartment split open, revealing a chamber big enough for the Master Emerald to fit into. The robot placed it inside itself, and the second the chamber snapped shut, it too seemed to power up with a similar energy that possessed Sonic.
With another roar of its engines it blasted off into the sky, heading for the stratosphere. And, to Sally’s horror, Sonic followed it without hesitation, his Chaos Energy fuelled body taking on the feat like he was heading out for a jog.
Then… nothing.
Sally stared up at the sky where the two figures had disappeared into, her heart hammering in her chest against a cage of anxiety. After a while she fell back onto her rump, barely feeling the grass under her, barely acknowledging Knuckles or her friends sitting next to her, also waiting and watching.
Waiting for what she wasn’t sure about. Deep down she knew Sonic could handle… whatever it was that was happening. But it didn’t make her chest feel any looser.
It could have been hours, or even seconds later, but as they all stared up at the sky a small dot appeared. A dot that slowly became larger, and closer, until it was no longer a dot but a somewhat familiar glowing golden hedgehog. And in his hands was the Master Emerald, being guided to the surface of the island.
Sally scrambled to her feet as Sonic guided the Master Emerald down a few feet away from them, watching it land safe and sound – much to Knuckles’ relief – then looked it over for any damage. He hovered above the ground as he did this, and it made everything feel all the more stranger.
His features were still sharp, almost wild, and being this close to him Sally realised his usually amber eyes were now a radiant red that were piercing in their own right. She felt her breath catch in her chest at the sight, and Sonic’s ears perked as his gaze snapped over to them. With how sharp his hearing was Sally could believe it, and she didn’t doubt that the Chaos Emeralds had enhanced all his abilities.
But she had caught Sonic’s attention, and for a moment he stared them down, his gaze almost cutting.
Then all at once his features softened, and he grinned, flashing all of his teeth, a rare full smile that was only seen when he was particularly proud of something he had done and didn’t give two damns who knew it.
Even with the glowing yellow quills that floated around him and the eerie blood red eyes, Sally now recognised him completely, and her chest finally loosened as she gave a relieved laugh.
Whatever those Emeralds did to him, it didn’t change him on the inside, where it mattered most. God-like powers or otherwise, it was still Sonic.
It probably wasn’t the smartest idea she ever had, but Sally ran to Sonic, relief washing through her. Sonic dashed forward, still hovering above the ground, and the second they were close enough Sally leapt at him. Without hesitation Sonic scooped her up mid-air and pulled her into a bear hug, giving a little spin in the air as Sally clung to him. When he stopped he looked down at her, grinning broadly.
“Please don’t ever do that again,” Sally scowled, or at least tried to. The giddiness of her relief and the warmth of Sonic’s chaos-charged body was making it hard for her to even pretend to be mad, and Sonic could see it in her eyes.
“First I gotta figure out wha’ I actually did, Sal,” Sonic laughed, and to Sally’s surprise his voice was deeper, almost ethereal as it had a reverb to it. It almost derailed her thoughts, and she had to shake her head to get her focus back.
“Of course you do,” Sally sighed, rolling her eyes, then gave him another squeezing hug.
It was still Sonic. Somehow doing the impossible, but that’s what made him Sonic.
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mama-qwerty · 2 months
Do you think knux has a secret shrine where he mourns his tribe?
Knuckles climbed the stairs to his room, keeping an ear on Callie, who was on a phone call in the kitchen. She was arguing with someone regarding a recent repair to her vehicle. Judging by how animated she was becoming, it wasn't going well. She'd be there for a while.
Cresting the staircase, he moved down the hall and turned left, entering the room that had become his since agreeing to stay with the librarian. It wasn't as comfortable as sleeping outside beneath the open sky, but Callie had done her best to make it as welcoming as she could for him.
The window let in bright sunlight during the day, and it faced east so he could rise with the dawn. In the left back corner, a thick curtain hung from a hook embedded in the ceiling, forming a tent-like enclosure. Inside sat a collection of thick blankets and pillows, allowing him to burrow beneath when he felt like sleep. Strands of fairy lights circled the perimeter of the ceiling, giving off a softer light when needed. The ceiling was covered with little splotches of what appeared to be milky white paint, but at night, in the dark, they glowed like stars in the night sky.
"I know you'd rather sleep outside," she had said, "but I wanted to bring the outside in to you for when that's not possible."
He had appreciated the gesture, and in all truth, the little glowing dots did make him feel more at ease when he chose to stay in for the night.
On the right side of the room was a pair of doors that opened to a closet. He wore no clothes, so the little room within a room went mostly unused.
With a quick check on the librarian--she was still arguing, the snark in her tone becoming thicker the angrier she got--Knuckles closed the door and went to the closet. Pulling those doors open, he went to his knees and pulled a little box toward him.
Inside were a few things he'd worked on in secret. It was nothing objectionable, but these were things that were special to him, and in his time on his own in the galaxy, running from bounty hunters and evading capture for the arenas, he'd learned to keep anything that was important hidden away. If people knew something held value to you, they tried to take it from you.
Knuckles took off the lid, setting it next to him as he looked at the items inside. The box had once contained shoes of some kind--a fairly impractical design based on the picture on the front, with heels too thin and tall for practical use--but now held a few rocks and pieces of wood. He'd painstakingly carved them in the images of the people and gods of his tribe, in an attempt to keep some parts of his heritage from falling into obscurity.
Far too much had already been lost to him. His time in the galaxy, fighting to survive, had stolen much of his memories of his days in the village. He had been so young when he had left. Rituals and language and culture were fading into a fog now. Bits and pieces would sometimes float into view, but the harder he tried to focus on them, the longer he concentrated, the murkier the details had become.
He worried they too would soon melt away, and he would lose the last tether that connected him to his lost people.
As it was, he felt he had been the last for as long as he could remember. The face of his father was starting to fade. Sometimes he would stand in the bathroom, staring in the mirror, trying to imagine his father's face in place of his own reflection.
Sometimes he could see his father, with his wise eyes and proud expression.
And sometimes he could only see himself.
The last. The only living echidna.
He turned, taking in the Master Emerald, perched on its culet inside a clear case on the other side of the closet. It was deceptively vulnerable, but that was a Miles Prower exclusive design, and would trigger an entire arsenal of weaponry hidden in the closet and around the property should anyone without the accepted energy signature or DNA try to touch the case. Namely, if anyone besides the Wachowskis or MacPhersons try to mess with it. (And Wade.)
Knuckles had a . . . difficult connection to that gem. It had been his people's quest for generations. His driving force his entire life. And he felt a strange bond to it, one that he hadn't heard any mention of in the stories passed down as a child. He'd heard of priestesses pledging their service to it, but had never heard of them actually being connected to it. Feeling it the way he did. It seemed both comforting, and disconcerting.
That gem was what cost his entire species their lives. Having it now seemed a hollow victory. What good is completing his people's quest, if his people weren't here to enjoy the success?
His brow furrowed and he gave his head a little shake. No matter.
He turned back to the box.
Carefully, gently, he pulled the first totem out. A stone figure, carved painstakingly over the course of a week. It was the priestess Tikal, a long passed guardian of the Chaos Emeralds. She was who the tribe prayed to when they needed wisdom and guidance.
The next stone was the god Chaos. A destroyer of worlds, eater of those He deemed unfaithful to the true ways of the echidna. A literal boogeyman to the young, usually used to scare them into eating unpleasant vegetables.
Knuckles could still remember his mother's words when he was just a puggle. "The Lord Chaos does not strike down those who are pure of heart. Those who fight for good purpose. Keep your heart pure, and your path noble, and you have nothing to fear from him, ki'kone."
He wondered how she could consider his path up to now. What he'd done to find the Master Emerald. Had he been noble? Pure of heart?
Would she be proud of the person he'd become?
He didn't know.
Knuckles placed Chaos next to Tikal and reached for the next stone carving. This one was his father, and he picked up another that was his mother. He'd spent more time on these two, wanting to get them just right. The length of the snouts, the quill placement, their tails. His father had lost the tip of his tail during a battle, he remembered that. The other warriors had teased him about it. It brought a smile to his face to think of it.
The last figure in the box was made of wood, a rough carving of a figure with wings spread wide.
An owl warrior.
He had to rely on his memories of the drawings from his village, as he'd never actually seen an owl warrior in person. He'd heard tales of them since he was hatched--how they were evil and cruel and had stolen the most sacred relic the echidna had ever known. How they had viciously killed so many of his kind for no reason.
Now he wondered how many of those stories were true.
This owl was to represent Longclaw, the one his tribe had fallen trying to capture. The guardian to Sonic, and the reason the hedgehog had been sent to Earth as a small child. And the last of her kind.
The echidna killed the owls, and the owls killed the echidna.
He looked to his left at the Master Emerald. Glittering and glowing under its own power. The thing that had led to the extinction of two species.
Well. Near extinction for one, he supposed.
Footsteps down the hall drew him out of his thoughts, and he hurried to put the figures back in the box when a knock sounded on his door. It swung open before he could respond, and Callie popped her head inside.
"Hey Knux, arguing with insurance companies makes me crave chocolate," she said. "Wanna head out for some ice cream?"
Knuckles attempted to shove the box back into the closet, but he pushed it with too much force and it hit the doorjamb, crumpling the cardboard and spilling the contents onto the floor. He reached out, trying to hide the little figures with his large mitts.
"I am not hungry!" he cried in a voice even he found suspicious.
Callie furrowed her brow. "What's going on? What are those?"
She came into the room fully, and knelt down to pick up the figure that had skittered across the floor the furthest from him. "Did you carve this?"
Caught. His carvings were found, and now he may lose them. It was a foolish thought, Callie had been nothing but kind to him since he arrived, but that fear of losing anything that mattered to him remained.
He sat back, casting his gaze to the ones that remained near the box. "Yes."
She turned the little wooden figure over in her hands, running a finger down the sides and over the tips of the wings. "Knuckles, this is very good. I didn't know you could carve."
He shrugged. "My father taught me."
Callie sat quietly for a moment, before her eyes went to the shoebox. "Are there more?"
Knuckles' brow pinched. "Yes."
"May I see?"
He sat still for a moment, contemplating telling her no. When she left he would take these carvings and hide them somewhere else. Where she wouldn't find them and take them away.
Stop it. She wouldn't do that.
Without a word, he reached forward and pulled the box toward him. Callie scooted forward, looking inside but not reaching in for them herself.
"What are these?"
They're mine, you can't have them!
"They are," he said instead, "totems to help me remember."
"Remember what?"
None of your business!
"My past."
Silence settled over them for a moment. Callie looked at the wooden carving in her hand, before holding it out to him.
"Will you tell me about them?"
His head jerked up at her. "Why?"
She offered him a smile that was kind. One he saw from her often when she tried to share in his heritage. "Because it's important to you, which means it's important to me. Will you show me?"
He warred with himself for a moment. The part that had denied anyone close as he traveled throughout the galaxy said NO, it wasn't her business, this was something only for him.
But the part that had grown to enjoy having somewhere safe to stay, having someone who cared and watched out for him, was eager to share. To keep his people's memory alive.
And in the end, that's the part that won out.
And so he told. He explained each carving, handing them to her as he shared memories of his people, his parents, the stories handed down. She listened quietly, turning the figures over in her hands as he spoke, asking questions to better clarify a part he may have left too vague. Callie was always respectful of his heritage, encouraging him to share his culture with her to help him keep it from disappearing to time.
He talked for a long time, and when he had finished, she suggested setting his carvings up in a more honorable way. Over the next few days they worked to create a little shrine in his closet, lit with fairy lights and little signs painted with Echidnan sigils and designs.
Over time this shrine that had started as a memorial to his people slowly turned into a way to memorialize those who were important to him.
A taller figure joined his parents, one with a carefully carved braid halfway down her back.
Two smaller figures stood in the back, one with spiky quills, and the other with two tails.
More human shapes appeared--one for Wade, Tom, and Maddie.
Soon little keepsakes joined the figures. A pretty rock he had found while on a walk with Callie. A keychain from Reno from a road trip with Wade. A little plastic trophy, won from Sonic during one of the hedgehog's annoying contests. A roughly carved image of himself, done by Tails.
His treasures. Each one meaningful in a different way.
And on nights when he wonders about his place in life, about the path that had led him here, he sits before his closet, staring at these precious items.
And he smiles, feeling as though he'd found a new tribe to call his.
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nightfurylover31 · 1 year
I decided to write something for a special someone. Happy birthday @starrjoy! What happens when I take a scene from Sonic Frontiers and sprinkle it a bit of their Pandora AU with it? You get this! I loved the moment Sonic and Knuckles had in the game, and I hope you like it too. Just a bit of what might be going on in Sonic's head during this heart to heart chat.
For the first time, the vibe on Ares Island was calm and stale. Even more so for being a desert environment. Things were seldom after the final vision of the Koco, and their… departure. These little guys were fighting in a war, and seemingly, none survived. Only their souls remained in these little figurines, but now they were just empty husks. 
Knuckles sat on top of one of the ruins overlooking the plain. Sonic made his way over and sat beside his friend. There was tension in the air. Sonic was about to make one of his wisecrack comments to cheer him up, but stopped himself. It didn’t feel like the time.  
Knuckles was taking what happened to the Koco hard. He did lead the Resistance during the war. He also panicked a bit when those robots were going to attack the bunker earlier. Maybe that brought back some bad memories.
Finally, the echidna spoke. 
“Ages ago, my people were wiped out by a cataclysm. I know the Koco faced something similar. It reminds me I’m the last echidna. That I’m alone.” 
A strong pain echoed in Sonic’s heart then. A pain he hadn’t thought about in years. The pain he felt losing his home, his entire culture, and his family, to such an event. One that he caused. It surprised him he didn’t think about it that much anymore. Old memories did start to pop up when he heard that spooky sky voice. The beginning of how it all fell apart. Every fiber of his being screamed to ignore it. But with his friends’ safety on the line, how could he? 
Still, it finally dawned on him how similar his own past was to Knuckles’. All alone in the world, with no family. All because of some sort of deranged water deity took it all. At least you weren’t the one to cause the cataclysm, Sonic thought to himself. 
Sonic did not say a word about his past. Knuckles might be the most understanding, since he shared a similar burden. But then again, Rad Red might start a rant about Sonic screwing up everything in his life. Maybe not right now, but later. No, now was not the time for that. Right now his friend needed cheering up. 
“You may be the last, but you’re not alone. You’ve got us, knuckle-head,” he said with less sass than usual. And I’ve got you guys.  
That did seem to perk Knuckles up a bit. To be reminded of the friends he made whom care about him so much. Despite their repeated fights and bickering, the two of them were very close. 
“I’ll admit, I do envy your lifestyle,” Knuckles continued. “Freedom to go where you want, when you want.” 
It wasn’t like the echidna to say something like that. Guess being stuck in between cyberspace and the real world left him wanting more. Amy said the experience made her feel detached. And Knuckles was a hands-on guy. He did come off his island occasionally when Eggman’s schemes, or anything, got too threatening. But he never really got the chance to explore the world freely. To truly enjoy it. It made Sonic happy to hear Knuckles say that.
“So do it! Get out there and live a little.” He had tried to encourage that before, but now it felt like the offer was ready to be taken.
“Maybe I could.. but first I need to be back to normal.” Knuckles stood up and added some extra sass to his voice, along with a smug grin. “So hurry up and get me back to normal!” 
“Anything to get you away from me,” Sonic barked back.
The two glared for a moment, then bursted out laughing. To anyone, it would probably seem odd. But Sonic and Knuckles have known each other long enough to read pass the insults to know what they really meant. Their playful banter becoming one of the things that made their bond so strong. 
For the most part, Sonic saw himself and Knuckles as opposites. One as free as the wind, the other strong as a mountain. Sonic lived by his own feelings; Knuckles was full of a sense of duty. It seemed amazing that the two became friends, but opposites attract, I guess. 
Sonic was not one to believe in fate, but he did feel that maybe the two of them were brought together for a reason. Their cultures’ actions impacted their lives. The blue hedgehog realized Chaos had to have been the god that Pandora was separated from by his ancestors, back when he first saw it in Station Square. The one who used him to wipe out everyone on Christmas Island. Sonic never told Knuckles about this; he never even told Tails. How could you tell someone, no matter how close they were, about your greatest mistake? The one that costed the lives of thousands. 
Sonic pushed those feelings and memories back down, focusing on what was happening right now. A peaceful moment with his dear friend.  
Maybe one day I’ll have the courage to tell you the truth, Knux. But for now, I’m glad to have you by my side. As a rival, and one of the best friends I could ever ask for. 
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thatninjacat27 · 2 years
(god I hope this story goes with the prompt.)
This was inspired by HungryHero.EXE.
@sonicexelle-junkary is the creator of it and they let me write something inspired by it. Check their stuff out. It’s really cool.
Notes: Tails is the cannibal instead of Sonic.
Warnings: Cannibalism warning and maybe slightly out of character.(I tried my best though). Also not edited heavily.
(Link above and same stuff below like usual)
Sonic came home way earlier than he was supposed to. He had just been on Angel Island hanging out with Knuckles when Rouge came by and stole his echidna friend away on a date. Needless to say, he left because he wasn’t going to be the third wheel and felt slightly tired.
The blue hedgehog unlocked the door and entered inside. The house smelled funny like fresh blood. Sonic brushed it off. Tails had recently been craving more and more fresh meats and brought home a tons of it. Their freezer was stuffed to the brim with that stuff and they had to purchase a meat locker to keep the rest of the meats Tails had to keep from spoiling. The blue hedgehog let him as he was a growing fox and he needed the nutrients.
Sonic walked into the living room and found something unsettling. A much paler body that looked exactly like him at dead center of the room on a plastic tarp.
The blue hedgehog froze in shock. That could not be an actual body. There was just no way. It must have been a really terrible and cruel prank that someone thought would be real funny to do. Sonic wondered who would do that.
He ran up to the the body on the ground to confirm if this was really just a bad joke. The blue hedgehog did a once over. Whoever created this copy had all the details correct but a few things were off. The eyes looked glassy, the skin looked pale like death, and the fur looked a bit dull. Sonic lifted the arm to spot blood leaking out from underneath.
Disturbed by this revelation, the blue hedgehog looks for a pulse. He checks the first wrist. It didn’t have a pulse. He checks the second wrist. And it was the same case there. Sonic finally decided to check the neck, just in case. Nope, no pulse, and that meant he officially had a dead body in the house.
The question in his mind now became ‘What to do with said body?’. But before he could really think about it, The blue hedgehog heard the sound of footsteps rapidly approaching living room. Sonic threw himself to hide in the hallway where he came from. It was silent for a few minutes before he heard something.
From his hiding spot, Sonic could hear loud munching and slurping sounds. The blue hedgehog cursed his curiosity. After all, one peek could help him understand what is going on. So with a decision set, Sonic peeked and saw Tails kneeling over the body.
The stomach area of his unfortunate clone was cut open with all his intestines, stomach, bladder, bones, and all other organs in that section exposed. The knife used was set aside. It was the sharp, brand new, large kitchen knife that Tails had begged him to buy to “upgrade” his cooking since he was the chef of the house now. There was so much blood on the plastic sheet.
The fox looked like he was having the time of his life. He was digging into that corpse as if it was his last meal on Möbius, savoring ever last bite. An expression of pure delight was on his face as he feasted on different sections of the body.
Tails used the knife he set aside to cut up the more difficult and hard to get to places with meat. Soon it wasn’t recognizable anymore.
Watching this all happened was sickening and made the blue hedgehog feel queasy. He wanted to scream and shout right then and there. He wanted to get out of house and leave somewhere far away. But he couldn’t. Sonic’s legs were just not cooperating in the way he wanted and he couldn’t risk making any loud sounds for fear of alerting the fox about his presence.
The fox doing this could not be his brother. Tails would never do this. But if this was his brother, then it would explain some of the disappearances in the town.
Sonic couldn’t do anything at the moment however to prove this. His legs were planted firmly on the ground and would not budge. He waited in silence for about 30 minutes until Tails finished cleaning everything up. To Sonic’s surprise (somewhat), the fox was incredibly through with his cleaning. Clearly this was not the first time he had done this. So much for the benefit of the doubt
The blue hedgehog decided to make his presence known. Managing to move his legs for the first time in almost an hour, he went back to open the door and close it loudly in order to alert Tails. He hears Tails scramble around to put the supplies away.
After a few minutes, Sonic walks inside the living room. He walked not because he wanted to, but because he didn’t quite trust that his legs wouldn’t run the other way.
“Oh hi, Sonic!”, the fox exclaimed gleefully but nervous. He wipes his mouth but it still had some small meat bits and blood particles on the corners. “Didn’t expect you to be home so soon.”
“Yeah,”, Sonic eyes dart away to look anywhere but at Tails’s mouth. “Rouge came over and the visit was cut short. Then I decided to turn in early.”
Tails hummed thoughtfully to that. He tapped his chin and it highlighted more specks of blood residue. Seeing more of that made Sonic want to gag but he kept a blank face. “Makes sense with Rouge and Knuckles dating and all.”
The fox was interrupted by a loud crash coming from the kitchen area. Both of them turn in that direction. Sonic stares back at Tails but he doesn’t look back. The fox stares in that direction with a concentrated facial expression. Then he slowly faces back at Sonic.
“Hey,”, the fox said with a creepy smile. “Want to play a special game with me?”
“Hell no.”, Sonic replied immediately without thinking through what he said. Tails looked confused, slightly hurt, shocked at the quickness of the response.
“Oh. Okay.”, the fox’s ears and both tails dropped. “Sorry for asking.”
The look of hurt stabbed the blue hedgehog’s heart. Even if the fox was definitely a cannibal and a very plausible murderer, Sonic couldn’t help but feel bad for his actions even if they came from what little he had for his self preservation.
But despite the lack of better words to say, the blue hedgehog knew he was still right. First of all, there was no way he could play anything after what he saw Tails do to his clone(?) body. Second, this was most certainly felt like a set up to kill him. He hadn’t giving the fox enough time to clean up everything and he was willing to bet on Amy’s crush on him that parts of the corpse were stashed in the freezer.
Also there was just no way that Sonic was getting out of this ‘scot free’ if Tails’s “special game” might required him to go in that kitchen. Sonic needed to play up his obliviousness and some ignorance until he got more information to protect himself and understand the situation. For now, Tails was still his brother.
”No,”, Sonic sighed. “I’m sorry, Tails. I’m just very tired all of a sudden and want to hit the hay face first, you know.” He ruffled Tails’s hair. “I promise we’ll play some other time, okay?” The blue hedgehog then walked away in the direction of his bedroom. “Night, bro.”
“Night.”, Tails said reluctantly. The fox stared weirdly at Sonic and the blue hedgehog had to focus all of his energy to stay calm and not appear like he knew what the fox did. As soon as he entered his bedroom, Sonic doubled locked his door. Then he leaned back against the door frame with a sign of relief.
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theflashdriver · 3 years
A Measure of Trust
Knuckles' birthday is on the horizon, Rouge had schemed up a surprise costume party for him. Unfortunately, a certain blue blur has taken much too long in picking out what he's going to wear, and a pink hedgehog has taken notice. Written for Sonamy/Silvaze Week 2021, but for the pirates or the knights prompt? You'll have to read to find out!
Despite his usual arrogant antics, Sonic wasn’t without his share of weaknesses, that much he could freely admit. His cool demeanour tended to slip when it came to open bodies of water and he did like to the centre of attention more than he was willing to admit, but neither of those issues were plaguing him today. No, today’s grievances were derived from a two related yet contrasting sources; the need to plan and being forced to wait.
His issue with the latter was more obvious, his pseudonym was the blue blur for a reason after all. Sticking around in one place just wasn’t his style, he had to feel the beat of ever-changing terrain beneath his sole and watch his surrounding rush by so fast that he could scarcely make them out. No matter how much people watching he did, tapping his right foot all the while, hanging around outside the third costume shop they’d visited today wasn’t achieving the same purpose.
A sigh slipped through his lips as he readjusted his grip on the overlarge boxes stacked up to his chin, each of them a different colour and sealed with a bow. He couldn’t blame anyone but himself for his present position… but if he was asked, he’d absolutely point fingers at Rouge, Knuckles and the girl he was presently waiting on. His claim for the echidna was admittedly the lousiest, as this was all happening without his knowledge, but he was the central cause. Having heard that the master emerald’s guardian had never had a birthday party, the bat had seen fit to organise one. The bat’s chosen party type of fancy dress was the hedgehog’s reason to blame the girl currently rummaging through boxes and coat-hangers somewhere behind him, trying to pick out matching costumes.
In truth, Sonic knew that his current circumstance was entirely his own fault. Rouge had passed out the invitations months ago and Tails had literally read the letter to him, just to be sure it wasn’t forgotten. The fox had also reminded him of all this last week but there being seven days till he had to act meant seven more days to put it off. It’d taken Amy’s intervention, a mere half day before the party was set to start, to get him on the right path.
To his credit, while running through station square, Sonic had made a mental note of a hat that seemed to be Knuckles’ style and would make for a good enough gift… but the hedgehog hadn’t given a single thought to his own costume. Apparently being fashionably late and undressed for a surprise costume party was too much of a faux pas. Well, he knew it was but that didn’t mean it hadn’t been destined to happen.
Amy had dragged him out to buy the hat on the spot before insisting that she would help him pick out an outfit. The serious yet excited look on her face had left him unable to come up with a quip or excuse. He supposed he could just have run, just as he could now, but he’d told himself if he showed up late after her offer she’d have a genuine excuse to be mad at him. That was what he’d told himself, but the truth was that his inability to refuse the pink hedgehog was third weakness of his, especially when she’d so plainly planned this out. She’d probably known this was how it’d all play out upon first reading her own invitation.
Her aid had come with a few catches, the first being his status as her luggage caddy for the day; that wasn’t so bad, though he couldn’t help feeling the boxes were meant to weigh him down. It was the other two that were filling his stomach with butterflies; he wasn’t allowed to pick out what he’d be wearing, and he had to stand outside while she picked out all the pieces. He’d stepped into the first costume shop and been overly thoroughly measured before being promptly kicked out. Every garb and accessory she’d brought out since was so thoroughly packaged that he had no chance of guessing what was in store.
He’d tried not to think too about it too much, but boredom had made him laps a handful of times. They were here for his costume, not hers, which implied Amy had already picked out what she was wearing. The moment she’d insisted on her plan he’d known they’d end up matching or contrasting in some way, and that’d only fed his potential embarrassment. The most savoury hypothetical that he’d managed to imagine was that he’d be the knight to her princess, at least the visor of his helmet would hide his embarrassment. With Amy at the reigns though, and all the time she’d had to plan, he really doubted it’d be so simple.
Sonic shut his eyes and leaned harder against the side of the building; just how much longer would she take? They’d been to three different costume shops, three! Whatever she had planned had to be elaborate; he would have picked up whatever was nearest the door and called it a day or wrapped himself in toilet roll and claim to be a mummy.
Amy plainly had a vision for what he was going to wear. Maybe she’d pull something specific from one of those corny romantic movies she liked to watch? Perhaps he’d end up more princely than knightly, dressed in some overly restrictive ensemble? That was what bugged him the most, not something he didn’t like but that it’d keep him from movi-
“I should have known I’d find you here, Big Blue,” He didn’t have to open his eyes to know who’d said that; he fought to make his grimace a grin.
“Long time no see, Rouge,” Sonic said, keeping his eyes shut so as to avoid the smirk that was surely on her face, “I figured you’d have already picked out your outfit, given that you planned this whole shindig.”
“Oh I have, you don’t have to worry about that sugar,” The hedgehog couldn’t help but hear another set of footsteps come to a halt just in front of him, “Why don’t you go stand next to him, Shadow. You two are matching after all.”
At that, Sonic’s eyes snapped open. Rouge nigh perpetual flirtatious gaze was present, as expected, but just left of her was a figure more obscured by boxes than he was. If it wasn’t for the dark quills poking out from both sides of the tower, and the presence of some metal boots, identification would have been impossible. Without warning, the figure stepped directly toward him, clearly unable to tell where it was going. Sonic took a step to the left only for Shadow to fill where he’d been standing.
“I’m glad I left sorting Red’s outfit to Tails, Amy must have predicted I’d have my hands full,” That was a half-truth, Amy and Tails had talked the bat into handing over that job after hearing what she’d schemed for the guardian, “I’ll see you tonight then, assumedly on Amy’s arm?”
The bat slinked off laughing through the automatic doors, only half covering her mouth with her hand. As soon as she was out of view, the blue blur returned to his prior head raised and eyes closed position. That was just a taste of what was to come tonight… at least the birthday boy would get a laugh out of it.
He opened one eye, glancing to his partner in embarrassment. Though the black hedgehog was a natural scowler, but the look on his face was truly tremendous. He was staring into the box in front of his head as though he was willing it to explode. It looked like, at any second, he might just faint beneath his own exhaustion and frustration at this whole situation.
Seeing a silver lining to this dower situation, and an opportunity to distract himself, Sonic opened his mouth, “So, Shad-
“Not a word,” Shadow cut him off, “I’ll be dealing with your nonsense enough later, I’m sure.”
“Aww, come on, I want to guess what you’re going as. Rouge has a sense of humour; it’ll be something like a vampire, right? That way it won’t be hard for you to stay in character,” Sonic teased.
For a moment, icy silence hung in the air. The dark hedgehog’s eyes closed, “I don’t care what she’s picking out.”
“W-Wait, you trusted Rouge to pick your outfit?” After he asked that though, realisation struck him. Trust had nothing to do with it.
“I don’t care,” Shadow flatly insisted.
“That’s what your mouth says, but your face says you didn’t have a choice,” The blue blur smirked, “Amy stopped her from picking Knuckles’ costume for a reason you-
The sound of the automatic doors sliding open, and the footfalls derived from a familiar set of boots cut Sonic off. His blood ran cold as a long box was added as a new peak for the mountain he was carrying. He scarcely managed to see a set of pink ears line up in front of him.
“Alright my darling, that’ll do,” Amy Rose had returned, Amy Rose had finished her creation, “Let’s get you home and try it all on!”
“Alright, let’s do it,” He managed to grin as he poked his head around, locking eyes with the girl in red.
Immediately he was of two halves, the look on her face had split him in twain. She was beaming with excitement; the red on her cheeks, the smile on her muzzle and brightness in her eyes was overbearing. The hedgehog was so plainly happy with what she’d made, so overjoyed that all she’d planned had come together. That happiness struck him to his core and made the waiting worth it, but it also brought him certainty that this outfit would be his undoing.
She only managed to walk a couple of paces, her happiness unyieldingly blunt in her step, when she came to a sudden halt and looked to her left, “Shadow? Is that you?”
The set of legs beneath a mound of boxes gave no response, so Sonic spoke for it, “Rouge is picking his outfit for tonight.”
“Oh, Shadow…” The sympathy in Amy’s voice only lasted for a moment, being quickly replaced by a lecturing tone as she puffed up her cheeks, “Well, after tonight I’m sure you’ll have learned your lesson, just as I’m sure my darling Sonic will.”
Up until her last claim, seeing Amy talk down to the once named ultimate life form had been the highlight of the speedster’s day. Instead, it was just another source of conflicting joy and fear. Like two ships crossing in the night, without another word, Sonic walked past Shadow to catch up with Amy.
He wasn’t used to moving like this, walking slow to keep everything balanced. Usually, the only thing he could see was what was directly in front of him, now he was reliant on Amy to carve him a path through the people walking Station Square. Just looking at her from behind all these boxes, the sight of her red dress and boots, was conjuring more theories. He’d ended up a werehog due to one of Eggman’s schemes, would she make herself red riding hood? Maybe they’d visited so many places because she’d been looking to perfectly recreate that style?
Haphazardly poking his head out from behind the pile, seeing an opening, he rushed forward to walk next to her, “So…”
“So?” She cocked her head, plainly already aware of what he was going to ask but enjoying dragging it out.
“Now that you’ve picked everything out, I get to know what I’ll be dressed as. That was the deal,” He reminded her.
“The deal was that I get to pick out your outfit and you don’t get to know what it is,” She responded, rubbing her chin and pretending to be in deep thought, “I don’t remember saying I had to tell you what it was.”
“So, I can just open the boxes now?” He asked, already knowing the answer.
“Well, I didn’t say that,” A sing song tone had entered her voice, “Besides, do you want to reveal my decision with all these eyes around?” That was a fair point, if he was set to be the nutcracker for an evening, he didn’t much want to pull the outfit out now, “My flat’s just a couple blocks away, after all this, I’m sure you can wait five more minutes.”
“Just five minutes till the embarrassment really starts,” He hummed, being forced in behind her by the passing of a group.
“Don’t you trust me, my darling?” She sounded from ahead.
“Ames, I trust you with my life,” Sonic honestly responded, but he wanted to match her teasing, “But I know not to trust you with the little things, you know you can take advantage of those.”
“Well, if my choice really embarrasses you, we can always swap. I’m sure I’ll look quite dashing in what I’ve picked you out, almost as handsome as you would,” She grinned back at him again and he had to duck behind the boxes, for whatever reason his face felt hot.
“Y-Yeah, well,” He muttered, biting his tongue. The only comebacks the came to mind played similarly to the half compliment she’d just given; he didn’t have the will for that sort of teasing right now.
As a result of his heavy tongue, the remaining walk back to her place was relatively quiet and left him with far too much time for speculation. The elevator trip up to her apartment was even more difficult, being side by side with her meant perpetually catching her excited grin and the dual mirrors in the metal box didn’t much help him avoid it. Amy Rose would never truly hurt him, physically or emotionally, he knew that for sure, but teasing was more than fair game. After all the times he’d jokingly run off and talked about dates, this did rather feel like karma.
He didn’t drag his feet though as they alighted the elevator and took the small walk to her door. The instant it was unlocked however, the scent of flowers just about knocked him from his feet. He’d been in Amy’s flat a handful of times, mostly just to escape the rain or crash for a night, and it never failed to perfectly reflect its inhabitant.
It was as if he’d stepped into valentine’s day as he made his way through the door and into her combined kitchen-dining room; pink, red and white were absolutely everywhere, from the tablecloth to the walls to the painted wooden fixtures. Even in the middle of the table, perfectly pristine and unwilted, sat a large bouquet that contained half a dozen red roses and various pink flowers he couldn’t identify. Admittedly only this room was that overpowering, her living room was far more regular looking, but the space’s first impression was certainly strong.
Finally, Sonic managed to set down the ludicrous pile of boxes on the kitchen table. Quickly, he managed to separate out the round ribboned hatbox that contained his gift for Knuckles and set it aside. A cold sweat swept down his back as he looked upon the four other boxes, he’d been made to carry for so long. While only one of them truly had any heft, Amy had made sure to have them sealed as though they were presents. The serious of difficult to carry shapes this had resulted in were not only difficult to carry but truly gave zero clarity regarding their contents. If he had to guess, he’d say the heaviest box contained shoes, but he didn’t have to wait any longer!
As Sonic reached to undo the first bow however, a single finger came down to hold the knot in place, “Not yet, my darling.”
“Eh?” He looked up only to be met with the pink hedgehog’s bright green eyes, “What’s holding up the show?”
“What you said before hurt me so badly,” Amy pouted, “I need to prove that you can trust me with the silly little things.”
“What’re you getting at Ames?” His bit back a stutter, totally lost about what was on its way.
Bounce still in her step despite the theatrics, the pink hedgehog slipped around the table and into her kitchen. She quickly returned with a pink dishtowel in her hands and a cunning look in her eyes. Immediately Sonic understood her plan and an embarrassed, wiry, smile crept onto his lips.
“I said you don’t get to know what your costume is,” When it became apparent that he didn’t understand her plan, she smiled oh so sweetly, “If your blindfolded, you’ll have to trust me to put your costume on.”
“Really, Ames? I can’t even dress myself?” He snorted, trying to play off her suggestion as a joke.
“Well, considering your usual attire, I’m not sure you know how to,” She only half fought back her laugh, “Have you ever even worn a shirt?”
“I’ve…” His mind went blank as he thought back, “Worn jackets?”
“You never even button them up though. You just sling them over your shoulders and decide that’s good enough, regardless of the weather,” She correctly established, but, rather than cockiness or excitement, a certain sincerity crossed her face, “I want your first view of it to be the full picture, everything put together,” She seemed to be aware of just how foolish this was, but it seemed like she’d planned it too, “There’s not that much to it, just some accessories, it’ll barely take me five minutes.”
Sonic hesitated, feeling his face grow warmer. He’d said no to Amy in embarrassing situations like this countless times, she’d ask for a date and he’d run off and she’d follow, that was the way things worked. Sure, he’d let her catch up in the end and they’d hang out for a while, usually doing something close to what she had planned, but by that time he’d have cooled off and come up with quips. With how late he’d left all this, there was no time or space to run. Unless he truly said no to her, he’d just had to face whatever she’d schemed up. Though he said no to her a lot, it’d never been wholeheartedly.
“At this point, what’s five more minutes,” He sighed, running his hand through his quills, “If it’s really what you want, then fine,” It was just so embarrassing, he had to do something, “No pictures or anything until after I’ve seen it though, alright?”
By the time he’d dared look down her eyes were sparkling like emeralds, enthusiasm had claimed her, “Deal!” She pushed the tablecloth into his gut, practically bouncing, “Put it on and don’t peek, I’ll try to be quick.”
Swallowing his embarrassment, the hedgehog tied the cloth behind his head. For a moment there was silence between them, by the wind on his nose he could tell she was doing something to check he was truly blinded.
Suddenly, a set of hands were on his shoulders, “You’ll need to bend down just a little,” He acquiesced immediately, and her fingers left him, “Now, where to start…”
“The beginning probably,” His nerves had forced a quip loose, he really hoped his muzzle wasn’t as red as it felt.
Her snort, followed by the shifting of boxes, only made that heat worse. Something about her contact, so gentle when she knew she could be so strong, struck a chord deep in his gut. Amy rivalled Knuckles in terms of strength, Sonic had seen her swing her hammer hard enough to behead metallic titans. Having her take control away from him and then so gently ask him for something she could take was just so heart wrenching yet surreal.
Her next contact sent the same static up his spine; she took hold of his right hand, raising it to be more accessible. Her fingers went from loosely locked around his wrist to fiddling with the hem of his glove and soon that garment was fully removed. Soon after, equally gently, a glove made from a thicker material with a wider cuff made its way onto his hand.
Reflexively, Sonic raised his left for easy access only to hear, “Thank you,” Uttered in response.
Trying to guess an outfit from the internal feeling of a single glove was foolish at best but when he closed his fist, he didn’t feel pointed nails. Well, that probably ruled out him going as the werehog. Puzzlement crept into his mind again as she finished with the left hand; the gloves were matching, that was clear.
Before he could think any further, her voice caught his ears, “Turn around.”
He spun on his heel, trying to make the action look cooler than it had any right to be. The hedgehog felt anything but cool however when she stretched over his back, pressing a loose shirt to his back before pulling the sleeves along his arms. It took her a little bit of shifting to fit the holes in its back, likely custom cut in the shop to fit his spines. He managed to keep cool until she moved at his neck, plainly fiddling with the shirt’s collar, before reaching around to do up his buttons. Did there have to be so many of them? This was why he never closed his jackets, it felt so restrictive! He was getting hotter and hotter in the face.
Well, it was a fun excuse to think about. She seemed to hang on the top two sets of buttons for a moment, as if debating closing them, before opting not to. Now with two distinct articles of clothing on, Sonic had no idea what he was set to be, but he felt reasonably confident ruling out that they were going as a knight and a princess. The next garb served to confirm that theory, it was some sort of loose waistcoat that she’d slung over his shoulders like he would a regular jacket.
Things got more confusing with the addition of what felt to be a large belt that was tied around his waist. That wasn’t too bad but then he felt another’s buckle on his shoulder, soon followed by her hand slipping beneath the supposed waistcoat and around his back; for whatever reason, she’d opted to bring that second belt out through one of the spine holes in his back. It was so bizarre, was there something on the belt? He was getting the feeling that he was being dressed as some sort of handsome prince when she reached for his midriff again, looping something new across the belt on his gut.
“A-Are we about done?” His stutter caught him off guard and shut him up.
“Very almost,” She sounded so pleased with herself, but that sound was followed by the dragging of a chair across carpet followed by her hands again arriving on his shoulders, “Sit down, the chair’s just behind you.”
He followed her lead only to then feel her, left hand grazing across her shoulders, walk around to face his front. After a little bit more shuffling he felt her hands in his quills and was relatively confident a crown of some sort was coming. The end result was strange though, he felt something pass between his quills and then heard the familiar sound of fabric knotting. As if that wasn’t a strange enough addition, the touch of her hand on his ear was followed by something cool and metallic being left behind. If he was set to be a prince, it wasn’t like any he could visualise.
“Wait right there, don’t peek, I need to get one last thing!” The excitement had put a tremble into her voice, matched only by the sound of the skip in her step as she rushed past him and through a door.
They hadn’t been exceptionally talkative, but something about the still silence her absence brought perturbed him. Once again, he had been forced into a position of patience. There was a reason he was known as the blue blur and not the azure anchor, stillness like this, unless he was snoozing or distracting himself some other way, just wasn’t his style. Though his face felt cooler, his thoughts were lingering on the various sites she’d made contact across his body. Words like intimate weren’t commonly thought of, let alone used, by the hedgehog, but feeling her fasten button after button couldn’t have been described any other day.
She was just so bouncy and jubilant most of the time, capable of throwing herself at him without a care. Amy Rose wasn’t afraid to use her strength, in moments of need and casual excitement, but her potential for softness always hung beneath those efforts. He’d seen her gently look after Cream and handle flowers with such softness. She was an adventure in and of herself, capable of being so surprising. Maybe that was why, no longer how far or for how long he ran, he’d always let her catch him again, eventually.
Sonic heard the door reopen, but Amy’s pace was bizarrely slow. He could hear the rubbing of fabric and the pad of very slow footsteps. Was she wearing some sort of long dress? That would validate his prince and princess theory, but he really didn’t feel like what he understood of his outfit matched it. The fabric rubbing sounded like some sort of strange flapping, it was as if she was waddling in her rapid approach.
“Here’s the final part of your ensemble, just a little something for you to carry!” She shouted bringing his head to snap, eyes still blind.
“Ames, wha-
He was cut off by a sudden form jumping into his lap, a form that weighted the exact same as Amy Rose but was weirdly textured. Whatever she was wearing, it was covered the entirety of her lower half. Anticipation and contemplation built toward climax as he felt her hands on her shoulders again. The feeling of her wrists sliding beyond the sides of his head absolutely renewed the warmth on his muzzle.
While his vision had been very red, the blindfold had been thin enough that his eyes barely had to adjust. He was greeted by Amy’s green eyes and wide grin first, but his eyes were quickly drawn to her forehead and a seashell headdress. From there his gaze was brought down and came to collide with a loose-fitting red shirt. Its sleeves were long rippling, almost like there were waves in fabric. Just beneath her midriff, he identified the source of her slow movement; made of what looked to be a red plastic material, dotted with sequins, was a fish tail.
As he looked down at himself too, it all clicked. Brown mariners gloves for handling ropes, a loose white shirt, a blue overcoat, buckles and belts and sashes. Sonic reached up, feeling what she’d attached to his ear and put through his quills, he was wearing an earring and an orange bandana. She’d made him pirate and herself a mermaid.
“Do you trust me now?” Mermaid spoke with mocking befitting of his stupidity.
“With my life,” The pirate cheekily grinned back.
“What about with everything else?” She asked, putting on a joking pout.
“Well,” He stuck his tongue out, “I trust you with my outfit at least.”
“I suppose that’s a start,” Amy hummed, “I’ll be trusting you to carry me to Tails’ airship and back here tonight, I’m afraid that walking’s not my strong suit.”
“Well, swimming up to a flying island does sound difficult,” He mock rubbed his chin, in thought.
“And I’ve got just the thing to help you,” She reached across and knocked the top off the last, and heaviest, of the boxes. Hitched on two of her fingers, up came a set of brown, “I figured, unlike everything else, you could handle the shoes,” A grin, more teasing than any prior, claimed her muzzle, “You’re used to those after all.”
He took them from her, matching her expression, “Didn’t want to leave the gloves up to chance though, good call.”
“Well, it’s not every day you let me hold your hand,” She repositioned herself, sliding to rest her shoulder on his, “So, seems like I planned this all pretty well then.”
“I can’t deny it,” He shrugged, more than content. Sure it was all a little tight around the chest, but it could be worse and at least his legs were free.
“I’d love to bask in this more, but we should probably get going, the actual party still needs set up and it seems like Rouge could use the extra hands,” The pink hedgehog leaned up and reached for the table, gathering up the boxes that contained their respective gifts for Knuckles and the keys to her flat.
“Only one set of feet though, apparently,” Sonic joked, shifting to hold her before rising, only to be struck with a realisation, “With us decked out like this, Shadow’s gotta have drawn the short straw.”
“Try not to tease him too much, he’ll be embarrassed enough as it is,” Amy half insisted as she was walked toward the door.
Between her as the arms and him as the legs, they managed to make it out and close the door, “Yeah well, if he’s hit rock bottom then I can’t push him down any lower.”
Their back and forth over how much to tease Shadow didn’t get very far by the time they’d reached the bottom floor. The moment they arrived there though, the talk didn’t stand a chance of surviving; with Amy in his arms, Sonic shot off like a rocket. He tore across pavement, skidding and weaving around people and over roads as if they were nothing.
In a matter of moments they’d reached the city’s edge and then, a further three moments later, they’d ran across enough green grass to sight Tail’s workshop. Above, just visible from this distance, Angel Island was hanging. He couldn’t help thinking that Knucklehead would probably be surprised he’d shown up on time, let alone with a halfway decent gift and a good outfit. It’d be a surprise within the greater surprise.
The hedgehog duo slid into the open door of the massive workshop, finding the scent of oil quickly caught up with them. At the heart of the space stood the overlarge plane that Tails had modified to transport not only the party people but the party goods. The mechanic himself was to the back of the room and looked to have just finished putting on his own costume. It was jokingly low tech compared to his usual work, plainly made from carboard boxes with slap on buttons made from loose junk, but the youngster had made himself into a carboard robot. He’d scarcely be identifiable if it wasn’t for the outfit’s cut face and tail holes.
“Hey Tails,” Sonic called across, getting his attention, “Cool costume!”
“You look so cute!” Amy shouted from his arms.
“Thanks guys,” The youngster beamed before throwing a knowing look, “I see Amy caught up with you.”
“Well, I mean, it looks more like I caught her,” Once the words fell from his mouth, he realised he hadn’t played this whole situation off as well as he’d planned. Instead, he tried to change the subject, “What did you end up picking out for Knuckles?”
“Oh, I just put the finishing touches on it,” He picked up what looked to be a heavy-duty briefcase, flipping it open, “I figured he’d want something cool and practical, something that could double as a proper gift.”
Inside was a set of ornate hand axes, a metal breastplate, a pair of metal shoes and a traditional knight’s helm. The whole get up was admittedly giving Sonic some very strange flashbacks to events he was only half certain were dreamed, but he couldn’t deny that the metalwork looked superb. It was all exactly to Knuckles’ style and, if that perhaps dream was to be believed, it’d look great on-
The sound of fast moment coming to a sudden stop, punctuated by three quick footsteps, pulled the blue blur from his thoughts. That was a sound Sonic knew well and could only associate with one prickly fella. It was finally time to see what the bat had made of him.
“Hey Big Blue, fancy seeing you here on ti-
In an instant, the prior gloating confidence seemed to hitch in Rouge throat as Sonic turned and the two pairs came eye to eye. The blue blur found his counterpart dressed in red and brown, with knotted ropes punctuating leather shoes and gloves. A belt with a golden buckle, a red overcoat with shoulder flares, a tricorn hat and an eyepatch made for a dissimilar yet still much too familiar view. The familiarity was again shoved to the forefront with Rouge, the tail that’d come to replace her legs was black and she’d opted for a pale crop top with a matching shark tooth necklace, but the intent so blatantly matched Amy.
Somehow, just as they’d ended up at the same costume shop, both girls had settled on the same concept to share with their partners who’d waited far too long to pick out an outfit.
“Well,” Rouge blinked, for once entirely deadpan and serious, “Two of us need to change.”
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allhailshadamy · 4 years
[A/N: UHH ok so this chapter will involve Sonally/Sonal (which ever you perfer) and well, I don'twant anyone to think that I hate that ship or hate Sally due to what happens. I'm trying to stay as close to the series as possible. Once again the reactions of the characters and their actions are all part of the series. I don't hate any ships nor any Sonic characters! Without further ado, enjoy and once again thank you:)]
As Sonic and Amy returned to the Clinic, Jane looked at Sonic and let out a sigh of relief when he saw Amy was with him. She smiled at them, Sonic smiled back then let out a happy sigh when he turned to look back at Amy. Her green emerald eyes piercing right through him. The feeling he had gotten on their first date coming back to him. Her cupped her face and gently kissed her forehead then planted a soft kiss on her lips. Amy more than happy returned the sweet kiss and smiled as they pressed their foreheads against eachother.
"I have to go. Tails has been trying ro reach me the entire night." He said softly as he held her hand and brought it to his lips kissing it softly. She let out a small chuckle as she nodded, "Sure. Plus, I'm getting tired. Today has been one hell of a day." She giggled then sighed, she stared at the blue hedgehog for a longer while before finally letting go of him. Before he left Amy grabbed one of his arms.
"What's wrong?" He asked, Amy scratched the back of her head as she looked at him.
"I know I'm asking for a lot but can you please keep all of this a secret? Don't tell anyone, not even Tails." Sonic's eyes widen, he got closer to Amy.
"Amy...Tails is my best friend..."
"I know and I'm sorry I'm even asking but I'm just afraid of how he would react and knowing him he will probably run some expirements and I'll have to be stuck in his shop all day. By the time you know it Eggman will attack and well..." she said refusing to imagine what Eggman might do to her. Sonic looked at her, a small smile forming on his face.
"I understand, don't worry. I won't let anyone know about any of you guys okay? I promised I'd protect you and I am going to." He planted another kiss on her forehead, Amy smiled she finally let go of his hand and he waved at her goodbye. She watched him run off until Jane approached her taking her somewhere she could sleep in.
The next morning Amy woke up to the sound of birds chirping. She sat up from the single bed she had slept on and then stood up making her way to the restroom where she began to get ready for the day. When she started to get undress she looked at herself in the mirror, a huge cross across her stomach could be seen in her reflection but when she looked down at her stomach nothing but fur could be seen. She formed a small smile then went into the shower where the stubborn graveyard dirt finally lost the battle to the soap. When she was done she got out to the smell of breakfast being served. Jane had arrived early to bring them their first meal of the day. Amy walked towards her, Jane noticing almost immediately, looked at the pink hedgehog and smiled.
"Early bird gets the worm huh?" She teased, Amy smiled and nodded.
"I guess so, the worm smells delicious by the way." She continued making Jane giggle. Amy sat down after grabbing the plate Jane offered her. She began to dig in after thanking her, the food melting into her mouth and a memory coming back to her. She recalled a morning like this one where she woke up to the smell of burning food only to find out Sonic had almost burned down her kitchen trying to cook her something. She soon snapped out of it and let out a small laugh, she was just so happy to be back. To be back with the person she always loved and in the town where she had stayed in almost her entire life. Everything was just too perfect.
"So how did you and Sonic meet?" Jane interrupted her eating. Amy jumped a little, she took a napkin and cleaned her mouth before speaking up.
"Oh right, I never formally introduced myself to you. I'm so sorry. I'm Amy Rose, to answer your question well we have to go back about fifteen years?" She said with a small laugh, Jane's eyes widen.
"That long? You guys been dating for that long?" She asked, Amy shaking her head almost immediately.
"No, Sonic and I met when I was eight. He saved me from an attack from Robotnik and well it was love at first sight for me." She said looking down at the cup of coffee she was cupping, a small blush coming onto her cheeks.
"I was always after him, I always told him how much I loved him and I never gave up on him which seemed to work because well we started dating when I was nineteen. We dated in secret for a while because Sonic was so afraid of commitment and well I'd say he still is but he still the inevitable happened and The crew found out." Amy let out a small smile, Jane returning one herself.
"Sally, Tails, and Knuckles?" Jane asked, Amy raised an eyebrow taking a bite of her food.
"Sally? You know her?" She asked after swallowing her food, Jane simply nodded, her lips formed into a clueless pout.
"Uh yeah, is she not who you're talking about? The crew?" Amy shook her head, "The crew is Knuckles, Tails, and Sticks. Is she no longer around? Don't tell me she died too?" Amy said as her eyes began to tear up. Jane shook her head, "Oh no no she left about two years ago before I came into the picture. Sonic and Tails told me she wanted to complete a mission of her own and we haven't heard of her since." Amy sighed in relief then smiled, "Typical Sticks." She muttered with wiping a tear off her face before taking a careful sip of her hot coffee. It didn't take much time before the others woke up and join Amy at the table. Soon Sonic had arrived and Amy ran to him hugging him tightly, he happily returned the embrace.
"Hey, you missed me?" He asked as she smiled, nodding.
"Of course I did. Where have you been? We almost finished all the breakfast!" Sonic smiled as he began to walk towards the others, his hand holding onto Amy's.
"Well it's fine. I just ate so don't even worry about it."
After greeting everyone he took out a small note pad and looked at everyone around.
"So I have some information about you guys. Before heading home last night I went to the graveyard. I have a few names here that'll hopefully help you remember something." He informed everyone, "Before I continue, I would like to let you guys know that you were dead before." He said, the echidna and Chameleon's eyes widen. The racoon simply scoffed, letting a small chuckle out afterwards.
"Dead? Right." She said not believing it. Amy turned to the racoon and nodded, "It's true." She backed Sonic up, Sonic nodding.
"You may not believe me but this is Amy, my girlfriend of four years, she's been dead for about three years." Amy nodded, the racoon simply shook her head.
"Do you remember dying Amy? Because I don't and I feel like something like that would stick by me." She said, Amy simply glared at her. "You know he's right..." she said then looked away as Sonic opened his notepad and began to read.
"Espio age twenty seven when he died. You've been dead for about seven years." Sonic read, the Chameleon began to nod.
"Yeah Espio that's it..." he muttered as he had finally remembered his first name. The Racoon rolled her eyes as Sonic read the next name.
"Tikal, died age twenty one." The orange echidna looked up at Sonic, a small frown coming upon her face. The racoon let out another scoff shaking her head. "You're seriously not believing this are ya? I mean the doctor here examined us. Do we look like zombies Doc?" She asked looking over at Jane who simply shook her head. The racoon turned to look at Sonic who despite the racoon's remarks, kept speaking. "There was a tomb that had been messed up, all I could see was Marine, missed by Blaze..?" the racoon's eyes fell. Her expression sadden as she recalled her own name and the name of whoever had missed her. "Blaze..." she muttered, the rest took a few seconds to think about the information Sonic had just given them but a wince and grunt coming from Tikal made them turn their attention to her.
"Well I'd say Tikal needs to go to a hospital right about now..." Amy suggested, Sonic sighed and nodded as he carefully started to pick her up but another complain came out of her. He quickly and very carefully put her down.
"Are you okay? I'm so sorry." He sighed, Espio immediately stood up and helped Tikal by taking one of her arms and putting it around his shoulder.
"I think we should use the doctors van..." the chameleon suggested, with a sigh Sonic nodded.
"I guess you're right. Jane do you mind?"
"Not at all, go ahead." She said with a smile and taking the keys out of her pocket she handed it over to Sonic. The blue hedgehog and the chameleon made their way out of the clinic with the orange echidna holding onto them. After carefully putting her in the van and Espio going with her Sonic closed the doors to the van, just when he was about to hop on Amy appeared behind him. He looked back at her and smiled, she was quick to hug him and he happily returned the warm hug. She then pulled away cupping his face, Sonic kissing her forehead and smiling.
"Be careful okay?"
"I will don't worry Ames. I'll come back in one piece."
"Afterwards can we head home?" Amy asked, Sonic simply smiled and gave her a small kiss before finally getting into the van and driving away. Amy smiled and walked back to the clinic where she was left with Jane and Marine.
Driving towards the bridge that was used as an entrance and exit to hedgehog village, Espio and Tikal who had been resting her head on the chameleon's shoulder, started to feel a bit uneasy. The closer they got to exiting, the weird feeling inside worsen. It wasn't until Espio noticed Tikal's eyes bleeding that he turned to inform Sonic.
"She's bleeding..." he called out as Sonic looked at the rear view mirrored looking back at him.
"You are too..?" He said as Espio started to cough as well as Tikal, Sonic's eyes widen as he started to drive back until they were no longer feeling sick.
"You guys okay?!" He asked, Espio turned to look at him nodding.
"We're okay..."
Back at the Clinic, Amy had been reading a book that she had left behind a few years ago. The folded page still intacted reminding her where she had left off before the war had begun. As she folded back the corner of the page a flashback begun inside her head. Sonic was talking with Tails when she overhead something about Eggman and his new plan, she remembered asking what was happening and Sonic refusing to tell her ending them in an argument. Her flashback once again interrupted by a knock on the door. Amy immediately snapped out of her flashback startled but then smiled widely when she though Sonic had returned. Just when she was about to go open the door, Jane stopped her.
"Go hide in my office and do not come out okay?" She said, Amy nodded after realizing she couldn't open the door at all costs due to her condition. She took Marine with her to Jane's office where they both started looking around. Jane sighed and walked towards the door opening it just enough for her face to be seen. She saw knuckles smiling at her.
"Hey Jane! Can I come in?" He asked, Jane bit her lower lip and then looked back at the clinic.
"I'm with a patient Knuckles, is it something important?" She lied, Knuckles simply scratched the back of his head apologetically.
"Oh well, I just wanted to speak about the cemetary business last night? I mean I can wait inside till you're done." He suggested, Jane immediately shaking her head.
"It wouldn't be appropriate Knuckles... maybe some other time yeah?" Knuckles scoff with a small smile.
"I mean I guess so, I'll come by when it's appropriate yeah?" Jane nodded at Knuckles statement. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion then turned around to leave.
"I just can't believe it... he's wrong." Marine complained, Amy letting out a sigh.
"What he said is true Marine. You have to listen to him... you're dead..." she calmy yet annoyed tried to explain to the racoon who was still stubborn about it.
"I have to go see it and confirm it." She said as she went out a window from the office.
"Shit! Marine, come back!" Amy complained as she followed Marine. It wasn't long when Jane came back to inform the girls that Knuckles was gone but to her surprised they were gone as well. Jane sighed and softly slammed her palm against her face, her fingers going through her own quills.
As Marine walked barefooted around the road that led to the graveyard Amy followed, they soon arrived at Marine's tombstone where he name and information where written at, just like Sonic had said. Marine's eyes widen as she began then began to crt rapidly digging through her own grave.
"No no no no..!" She exclaim as she cried at the sight of her own headstone. Amy hugged her and tried to calm her down,
"Marine, Marine, Marine, calm down it'll be okay I promise..." she said and eventually she ended up consoling Marine. Soon they were back on the road and onto the Path to Amy's hut which had always been near.
"I think I remember now Amy... I think I died when my ship began to sink... my cremated and I must've all died..." she said in a shaky voice, Amy looked at Marine and put an arm around her giving her a side hug.
"It'll be all right Marine! Plus, you're here now! You get a second chance!" Amy tried to cheer her up, Marine simply glared at her then looked away.
"Easy for you to say, you have your house and boyfriend around..." Marine made a side remark, Amy simply sighed.
"Maybe some of your crew mates survived Marine, maybe you still someone around here..." she said as she picked up the pace when she saw the top of her hut. Amy smiled widely as her eyes winced in happiness.
"This is my place!" She exclaimed happily looking at Marine who looked back at her.
"How do we get in?" She asked as Amy made her way to her front door and picked up a flower pot that was beside the door. The key to her place was there just where she always left it at, she took no time in opening her place and walking right in after letting Marine in first. She closed the door behind them and then furrowed her eyebrows.
"Oh I guess Sonic changed the furniture..." she said as she looked back at Marine. "I used to have the cutest lavender couches ever!" She said with a small sad smile, she then shrugged it off and began to walk towards her room.
"You want any clothes Marine?" She offered, Marine muttered a simple sure and Amy began to look through her closet. She let out a pout when she looked through the clothes and all she saw were some blue vests and some navy blue shorts. She began to open some drawers and saw some of Sonic's scarfs neatly folded in them. When she didn't find any of her dresses and over night tees she turned to look where she used to keep her jewelry but all she found were some bracelets similar to hers but in a light blue color. Along the jewelry box she found a small wedding ring.
"These aren't mine..." Amy said, Marine who had been looking around the hut then locked her eyes on a picture of Sonic and a chipmunk hugging lovingly, the chipmunk wearing a wedding dress. When Amy started to come out of her room she noticed Marine staring at the picture and she turned to look at it too. She saw the picture and one of her eyebrow rose, Marine looked at Amy's reaction which was hard to read until she began to talk.
"That's... that's my friend... Sally..." she said with a scoff coming out of her. Marine looked at Amy who was in disbelief.
"I'm sorry Amy..." she said, Amy ignoring her comment, she had all her attention on the situation at hand. Amy let out another shaky scoff as she then began to walk circles in her living room.
"How could he..?" She asked as she held back some tears. "Oh shit..." she said under breath as she started to feel the tears coming closer to rolling down her face. She walked to a small table that was near the window which had a picture of Sally and she pushed it down. Suddenly footsteps approached, Marine looked at Amy.
"Someone's here..." she informed, Amy taking Marine's hand and quickly yet carefully walked towards her former room to hide. Sally started walking to the front door holding some groceries bags. She put them down picked up the flower pot to find the key missing from its place. While Sally was looking for the key Amy and Marine took advantage to escape. Amy took Marine and went out through the garden where she hid behind a large tree. Sally slowly opened the door and as much as she wanted to stay outside she built enough courage to go in.
"Sonic..?" She asked, taking a knife from the kitchen. Sally walked out of the back door and looked around to see if she could find anyone but when she didn't see anyone she let her guard down and walked back into the hut. Amy caught a glimpse of her before she disappeared, she had seen to be a bit bigger than usual. Her stomach was round and her feet were swollen. Amy's tears finally rolled down her cheeks as she then began to quickly walk away from her own hut and away from Marine who tried to stop her.
"Amy wait!"
"Stop following me!" She cried out, Marine furrowed her eyebrows.
"Why are you yelling at me? I didn't do this to you!" She replied as Amy began to slow down, a sob coming out of her.
"I know..."
"Where are you going?" Marine asked as Amy began to pick up her pace once again.
"Anywhere but here!"
Back with Sonic who had finally arrive back at the clinic. He honked and then got out to open the van doors for Espio and Tikal, Jane came out and looked at him.
"You need to check on them. Make sure they're okay." He said, Jane simply nodded as she helped Sonic get Tikal and Espio out. After Jane examine them and made sure they were okay Sonic took her out of the office to speak to her.
"Jane, as soon as we approached they bridge they started to bleed from their eyes and they started grunting in pain. Do you have any explanation to this?" He asked, Jane simply shook her head speechless.
"Well we're going to have to tell them to stay close to town. Where are they?" He asked and Jane bit her lip looking guilty.
"Knuckles came earlier...he asked questions so I told them to hide but when I came back they were gone..." she said, Sonic looked at Jane then sighed as he started to walk out the clinic to look for them. While he was on his way out he got a call from his communicator, he immediately answered.
"Sonic I just got home there was someone in the hut."
"Wait wait wait what?"
"They went out through the back door."
"Did you see them?"
"No but they were in the hut when I came in, I have no idea what they've taken yet..."
"Okay get out of the hut now."
"No, it's alright. They're gone now." She sighed then began to walk through the hut to make sure nothing was missing.
"I could've chased them if I was as big as well Big himself!" She said referring to their feline friend.
"No, no. Listen, just stay inside and lock the doors. Are you okay?" He asked as Sally kept looking around.
"Yeah I'm fine."
"Well, call Tails and Knuckles."
"Okay okay!" She hung up. Sonic cursing under his breath as he started to run. It wasn't long till he bumped into Marine, he immediately stopped and looked at her.
"Marine, where is Amy?" He asked, Marine stopping in her tracks and glaring at Sonic.
"She is gone... she's leaving town... she knows about you and Sally..." she mentioned, Sonic's eyes widen, a worried look planted across his face. He then sighed.
"Get off the road and go back to the clinic. I don't care what happens don't leave okay? The clinic is two blocks on your left." He said as he started to run through town looking for Amy. Eventually he found her, she was walking towards another exited Hedgehog town had, another bridge. Sonic began to jog towards her trying to talk her.
"Amy I'm so sorry I meant to tell you!"
"Please stop Amy..."
"It's alright, you have Sally now!"
"You were dead! I thought you were dead!"
"You said I died three years ago," Amy turned around to face him. "How long did you wait till you hooked up with her?" She asked, Sonic looked at her staying quiet which enraged Amy more. "Just fucking tell me!"
"We've been married for eight and a half months..." he confessed, Amy grunted in disgust as she began to walk towards the exit again.
"What about the baby?"
"It's due in two weeks..."
"Ugh! Where you seeing her while I was alive?!" She asked as she kept walking. Sonic followed behind her.
"No! Of course not!"
"Am I suppose to believe that?"
"It's the truth!" He exclaim as Amy let out another grunt of disgust
"Well it worked out for you. It was just me you didn't want to commit to." She responded, Sonic caught up to her and held her arm.
"How can you say that? My life ended when you died Amy..." He replied to her as he looked into her eyes. Amy jerked her arm away from him.
"Then why her, why my bestfriend?"
"Because she was in as much pain as I was." He said softly but loud enough for Amy to hear.
"Yeah right..." Amy kept walking eventually making her way mid Bridge until she back away. Her eyes bleeding, she collapsed and began to shake uncontrollably.
"Ames what's wrong?" He asked as he made his way towards her, Sonic then noticed her bleeding as started to back her away.
"No no no I've seen this happen." He informed as Amy tried to pull away from him but her body had been weakened.
"Let me go!" She yelled as she let herself collapse in his arms. He picked Amy up and started to jog towards the clinic.
"It's going to be okay..." he reassured her as he picked up the pace and ran towards the clinic.
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ninjakasuga · 4 years
Sonal Celebration Week Year 2
Here’s my next submission! @boundforfreedomsonsal   Taking place after a certain infamous issue of the comics, but in this ‘universe’ a certain ‘slap’ never happened. Never, ever, ever, ever screw that noise! For the rest of the prompts, I’m going to use my ‘Reunion’ fic as the base for this take of the Archie-verse in that Sonic and Sally got together after Endgame. So unless I state otherwise all my submissions will have some sort of interconnectivity for readers to enjoy! 
Double Date:
“Unck really decked out this place into a full friggin’ restaurant while I was gone in space didn’t he?”
At the quip stating the obvious, from across the table Knuckles and Julie-Su, both busy with their own meals; fried steak in gravy, with a side of various veggies, and a double burger with fries respectively; merely nod and continue eating. Not that either Echidna was unwilling to engage in small talk, they were just that hungry!
Chuckling at the two, for being engrossed in their meals, but truly not begrudging them, Sonic gave his Uncle’s restaurant another quick look around. The place had been a walk-up, and sit down at a counter to eat and go joint; now it was a full-on eatery with indoor dining and looked nice. Not fancy-fancy, but it was clean and well kept. He was glad in a way, his Uncle kept busy while he was tracking across the galaxy to get home. So much had changed, both at home and across the planet with Eggman pretty much trying and in some cases, succeeding in reclaiming territories the original Robotnik held and then lost after his defeat.
Realizing he was dwelling on stuff that he should focus on another day; Sonic shook his head to clear it, and the hedgehog had not just finished the gesture when he found a delicious chili-dog hovering near his face. Smiling, he craned his head to his side. “I can feed myself Sal, I still got one arm I can use.”
The lovely squirrel-munk holding said object of deliciousness, merely smiled back in a manner that made Sonic’s heart melt. “You do, but…” Her free hand snaked into his uninjured hand (the other was in a sling) and held it firmly. “You can’t feed yourself while I’m bogarting your remaining appendage.” After a brief beat, her expression turns to that of a sly grin he was all-too-familiar with. “Also I’m not letting go, so let me indulge you sweetie.”
Shrugging in defeat, Sonic opened his maw, and bite down on the offered chili-dog. Chewing and swallowing the bite in quick order. Then going for another bite, and rinse and repeat until it was gone. After licking his lips, he made a moan of delight as his taste-buds delighted in the morsel he just polished off. “Mmmm-hmmm!! By the Almighty I missed food from home!”
Seeing an opportunity for a playful jab, Knuckles swallowed his own bite, a roguish grin on his face. “Gee, a whole year in space, and he just missed the food from home. I guess Sally and the rest of us are chop-liver.”
Unable to help herself, Julie joined in, setting her half-eaten burger on her plate and clutched her chest as if wounded. “Oh woe, we mourned and cried over his seeming demise and he only cares for chili-dogs upon his return!! Sally, you should break up with him, or just break him. Make for a helluva show after dinner.” The tease in her voice was thick, and the ‘ham’ piled on as the pink-furred echidna ran with the joke and enjoying herself immensely. 
Narrowing his eyes as the two echidnas start to laugh together, Sonic rolled his eyes again and exhaled an exasperated breath. “Why did we invite you two to double date again?” Looking to his left side, he feigned a hurt expression, seeing Sally was trying to hold back her giggling by covering her mouth with her hand. “Oh, I see how it is, fine maybe I will just take this plate of chili-dogs and be by my lonesome!”
 Snorting, Sally reached up with her hand not holding his and cups his face tenderly. “S-sorry, but I needed that laugh. Forgive me?” She pleads softly, batting her eyelashes in a cutesy manner that Sonic only had seen Sally use back when they were kids and wanted her way. Darn it, it still worked on him!
“Well, eh I’m in a forgiving mood, plus I missed you too much.” He replied back, moving his arm not in a sling from where she held it between them on the seat and snaked it around her waist to pull her closer. Once close enough the two share a quick kiss, followed by a nose-to-nose nuzzle, ending with the two smiling at the other as they stare into one another’s eyes.
Any further playful quips died on Knuckles and Julie’s mouths as they both simply smiled and let the two have the moment. Briefly, their gazes met, and not unlike the pair across the table; they each slid a hand into the others’ and squeezed back. Considering they both dealt with their own ‘death and separation’ situation a year ago just before Sonic was thought to have died; they could deeply empathize with the need to reconnect.
When you had a second (or in Sally and Sonic’s case third), chance to be with your loved one after thinking they were gone; you took it. This was something both couples at the table understood to the core.
“Hey, Jules?” “Hmm?” She looked over at Knuckles, finding his purple eyes staring gently into her own.
“Love ya,” He leaned in and kissed her cheek. Simple, and direct but it was very Knuckles to the core.
Which to Julie, meant worlds, her own face turning a darker shade of pink. “Love you too… but you made a mistake.”
This made him blink, as well as worry he goofed somehow. “I did?”
“Yeah, you should’ve kissed me here.” Sliding closer, and her arms around his neck Julie fastened her lips to his, kissing her boyfriend deeply, uncaring of the public setting.
Both Sally and Sonic stare at their friends boldly making out and slowly turned to look at one another.
“Are you thinkin’ what I’m thinking Sal?” The blue hedgehog inquired with one of his usual, cocky, devil-may-care, smiles.
“If your thought is ‘I need to make out with my girlfriend and show up Knuckles and Julie-Su’, then yes, yes I am in full agreement.” She replied playfully, eyes sparkling with want, if not need for such a thing. Scooting closer, Sally carefully angled herself, while making sure she didn’t disturb his arm in the sling. “I love you Sonic, welcome home.” “Glad to be home, and love you too Sal, now c’mere.” Leaning in, Sonic finished closing the distance and the two happily kissed, and like their friends across the table, not caring too much if they disturbed any patrons in the restaurant.
Luckily for the two couples, at this mid-evening hour, and the fact all of Knothole had celebrated Sonic’s return earlier, most of the city was winding down if not asleep. Save for one or two people drinking coffee in the corner booths, only two others in the place paid them any mind.
As the plate with her sandwich was laid before her, followed by a refill of her tea, Rosie Woodchuck glanced one last time at the booth near the windows by the door; rolled her eyes, and smiled. “A bit improper making out so boldly in public, but ah, young love, and it’s so nice to see the Princess smiling again.” Turning back to the hedgehog with greying fur over the counter, her eyes looked into his, her smile widening as she noticed his gaze was on the two couples as well. “Seeing you smiling again is also a welcome change.”
Chuck chuckled, his mustache twitching as he returned his attention to Rosie. “Just happy to see my dear Sonny-boy again. I swear these kids are already making me grey early.”
Rosie idly touched her own greying locks before picking up her sandwich to take a bite. After she chewed and swallowed, she spoke again. Her voice soft, with a touch of forlorn but also with purpose. “I’ll take being grey as long as they’re alive and happy.”
“Likewise,” He nodded firmly, then looked around the diner doing a final head-count since closing time was within the next thirty to forty-five minutes. Eyeing the couples and then Rosie again, Chuck waggled his bushy eyebrows as a cheeky smile crossed his face. “I’m surprised you haven’t ‘ahemed’ at them for such impropriety.”
“I’m going to let it slide tonight, but next time I will.” The former royal nanny and all-around caregiver replied with her own wicked smile. “Sometimes, it’s alright to let young love be… bold. It’s not like I wasn’t young once myself.”
Hearing that Chuck couldn’t help himself. “So even prim and proper Rosie made out with boys?”
“As I said I was young once.” She stated with a slightly saucy smile.
“You’re not old yet Rosie, you’re still a knockout.”
“Flatterer.” She snored, but she sent him an appreciative glance and reached over the counter to touch his hand resting on it. “Still, thank you, Charles it’s nice to hear that.”
“I can tell you much more later tonight if you wish.” He added in a polite if sly manner.
A sparkle lit in Rosie’s eyes. “Is that a promise?”
Lifting her hand, Chuck placed a gentlemanly kiss upon the top of her hand. “If the lady wishes.”
A light blush at the smooth but very welcomed gesture, made Rosie feel tingly. “I think, perhaps after you close up, you escort me to my home, and we can enjoy some ‘proper’ quality time out of the public eye.”
Now with the same sparkle in his eyes, Chuck smiled warmly at Rosie as he kissed her hand again. “It’s a date.”      Author’s Notes: I had fun with this one, especially Chuck and Rosie’s dialogue at the end. May not have had as much Sonic and Sally focus, but the story just flowed to me.
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another-sonic-blog · 5 years
Can I request a Shadow and Amy nutcracker au or roaring 20s au ficlet? I just love their dynamic haha
The Great Hedgehog
ShadAmy Roaring 20s AU
"I remember when he used to be nobody."
"How did he get this rich?"
"Rumor has it that he sells alcohol."
"Can you both please concentrate on your job?"
Cream and Blaze looked at Amy, surprised and relieved that it was her and not a certain black hedgehog.
"If Mr. Shadow hears you, he will scold you."
1927, the economy was good for some and others not so much. Although the prohibition of alcohol angered the civilians, others saw this as an opportunity to become millionaires. Shadow the Hedgehog was not the exception, working all of his life with no results, he was finally given an opportunity to rise in the world of smuggling alcohol.
And in a couple of years, Shadow was the most wanted bachelor.
"Mr. Shadow must be tired from last night." Cream said. "He throws parties as if it was new years every weekend."
Blaze began to mop the floor as she added a small comment. "Or he is tired of attending all the ladies he brought to his room."
"Whatever it was if you want to keep getting paid 40 cents an hour then keep cleaning," Amy said she was cleaning one of the hundreds of windows the mansion had. Her eyes averted to the outside, she noticed a white hedgehog waiting outside the gates of the mansion.
"Guess who is here?" Amy looked at Blaze and teased her. "Loverboy if here for you."
"He is not my boyfriend!" Blaze looked around the room, not sure how to hide her embarrassment. "He is my friend ... besides, I can't see him right now. I need to clean the kitchen first."
Cream spun around the purple cat and smiled at her. "Don't worry, you go to your ... friend. I 'll go to the kitchen."
Blaze smiled shyly at her friends and whispered a 'thank you' to them. She left the two and Crea, was fast to go to the kitchen. Amy was by herself now. In what was one of Shadow's multiple 'resting room.' It was smaller than the others he had. However, Amy noticed that this room was Shadow's favorite room. The resting room consisted of a king-size bed, three windows that showed the outside of the house, a small sofa, and a vanity. Soft white colors and gold, and perfectly clean to show how rich he was. Amy was about to leave the room when she noticed she had missed a spot on the window. She grabbed her rag and as she was cleaning the dirty spot, she noticed a purple cat and white hedgehog.
Outside the gates, they whispered between each other. Sharing smiles and giggles. It was like this almost every day. Silver actually comes from a rich family but Blaze not so much. In one of Shadow's multiple parties, he met Silver and they clicked instantly. They became good friends and after coming to visit Shadow multiple times, Silver found himself falling in love with the purple cat.
But their love couldn't be.
Silver's parents would never allow him to be with Blaze, someone from the low class. For this reason, they could only meet in secret like this.
"It's wrong to stare."
His voice runs down her spine. It seemed like he had just woken up. His husky voice and his sleepy voice was something that Amy found oddly satisfying. Amy turned her body fully to face her boss.
"Good morning Mr. Shadow," Amy said.
"More like afternoon." Shadow walked towards the window and right away noticed the two secret lovers. Amy found herself close to the black hedgehog. She could smell his natural smell and cologne along with other types of expensive perfumes coming from the girls that were certain to be in his room.
"I don't know what is taking him so long to propose," Shadow said out loud. He wasn't meaning for that to be answered by his maid so when she did, he was surprised.
"If Mr. Silver marries Blaze, he will be disinherited." Amy added, "What kind of future will he provide Blaze if he doesn't have any money?"
"She won't be lonely ... they won't be lonely."
Shadow turned around to look at Amy. Within all of her maids, he trusted her the most. After all, she was the one who would arrange secret meetings with a certain white bat. "Just look at me ... I have all the money in the world and I am alone."
Amy felt embarrassed. She was aware of the undying love Shadow had for Rouge the Bat, the most beautiful female in all of Central City and wife of Knuckles the Echidna. One of Shadow's associates and owner of the mining caves outside the city.
Shadow and Rouge used to be in a serious relationship. Shadow was poor and the night he was going to propose to her, Rouge left him to marry Knuckles.
"My apologies Mr. Shadow. I shouldn't have-" Amy said but she was interrupted.
"It's alright Ms. Rose ... Please leave this room."
"Yes, Mr. Shadow."
Amy walked away and she slowly closed the door. Before closing it completely, Amy peeked through the door gap. She saw Shadow looking outside the window, sadness covered his face expression and melancholy was predominant in the air.
She closed the door, for some reason, she always found herself feeling the same grief as the black hedgehog.
"Come Shadow, I know Rouge and I know she won't leave Knuckles."
"But she loves me!"
"She loves the diamonds."
Sonic looked at himself in the multiple mirrors that surrounded him.
"I can give her that too!" Shadow responded.
"Exactly, if she has you both she will get double the diamonds. Sorry, but you know I think she is just using you."
Shadow looked at himself in mirrors along Sonic, he had gotten a new white suit imported from Italy and thought it would be good to wear it for tonight's party.
"Also, I don't understand how Rouge lets you be with other girls."
Sonic was one of Shadow's friends. He was honest with him, something that Shadow appreciated. Unlike him, Sonic worked hard to be where he is. A famous Olympic winner athlete and although he didn't have as much money as Shadow, Sonic already had a couple of business under his name. However, his main concentration at the moment was to create a new car brand.
"If I am with other girls, no one can suspect that she and I are secretly together." Shadow went outside his room, he looked around and like always he found Amy outside. She was there in case he needed anything. He invited her in, and she softly walked with towards the large closet room where enormous mirrors surrounded him.
Sonic noticed a pink hedgehog enter the closet, he stares more than he wanted but to be honest, it was strange to see a pink hedgehog.
"Believe me," Sonic said. "A girl who loves you would never want you to be with other girls no matter the circumstances."
Shadow sighed and went back to the mirrors. "Amy, pass me my suits as we talk."
Shadow began to undress and he was surprised when he didn't hear an answer from his maid.
"Amy?" Shadow asked again. He didn't hear an answer, he decided to turn and look at the pink hedgehog. What he found was actually interesting. A shy pink hedgehog staring at his blue friend with loving eyes.
Amy felt someone's eyes on her and she realized her position.
"Yes, Mr. Shadow!"
Shadow smirked at the pink one. Maybe it was time to pay off his debt.
"Sonic, Silver said he was going to be arriving around this time." Shadow said, "Would you mind checking outside the gate?"
"Sure," Sonic said and with the left the closet and the room.
Now, a shirtless Shadow and his loyal pink maid. Amy wasn't comfortable at all, she had seen Shadow shirtless multiple times. What made her uncomfortable, was the silence that surrounded them.
"The first time I asked you to arrange a secret meeting with Rouge, you didn't complain." Shadow said, "Everything was kept a secret and even know you never complained about it."
Amy stood quiet, waiting for her boss to continue.
"If you like Sonic ..." Shadow started, "I can help you with that."  
Amy has had the longest crush in Sonic the Hedgehog since she can remember. She remembers living in the same orphanage as him however they parted ways as the orphanages began closing in the country. They used to be close friends but it seemed like Sonic had forgotten about her.
After they parted ways, Sonic was recruited to run competitively and Amy was simply a sewer assistant.
She still remembers hearing his name on the radio as he won the gold medal for the in the Muigleb Olympics.
And here she was now.
Walking down the stairs to join the party.
Amy has been Shadow's maid since around 3 years ago and not once has she ever participated in one of these parties. She mostly went the day after, ready to clean the mess made by the elites.
Her long black dress accentuated her figure. It was sleeveless and she places her hands in front of her, making her long white gloves stand out, contrasting with the black dress. Beautiful golden patterns decorated the dress, up and down, around her waist and her chest area. Instead of her usual red headband, her hair was decorated with a diamond headpiece that placed itself on her forehead. Amy had always thought of herself as an average looking but she couldn't help and giggle as she felt the male's eyes observing her.
Who could have thought that Shadow had such a good taste?
However, Amy felt out of tone. The biggest party she had been to was Blaze's 21 birthday. They had music playing on the Radio, not live musicians. There was confetti, not all of these bright lights. They were drinking lemonade and of course no alcohol.
She was curious about the taste and of her goals tonight was to at least take a sip of that.
Her main goal was to have a decent conversation with Sonic the Hedgehog.
As soon she finished walking down the stairs, she was approached by multiple males. Asking her name. She had to tell lies, of course, she couldn't say she was a maid.
She was starting to panic until someone came to rescue her.  
"Excuse me, miss?"
She recognized that voice. It was the blue one. The males surrounding Amy opened up the space between him and the girl.
Sonic smiled at Amy and offered her his hand. "May I escort you?"
Amy didn't even think for a second and she held his hands. The other man backoff and Sonic took Amy and they began to walk across the gigantic backyard.
They walked around the pool, and across the water fountain where the buffet was. All class of food was on the buffet table, Amy always had pride in her cooking but the food here made her cooking look like trash. Or so, that she thought.
"You were in trouble back there, right?" Sonic added, "You are Shadow's maid correct? Don't worry I won't anyone."
Sonic offered Amy a glass of water which she accepted sadly. "How ... did you?"
"You are a pink hedgehog, you don't see that very often." Sonic decided to tease her a little. "There's a royal family in Muigleg that only consists of only pink hedgehogs. You know, the first time I saw you I thought you were a princess that decided to hook up with Shadow."
Amy felt the heat rise in her cheeks. Just the thought of Shadow and her ... no.
Sonic left out a few laughs and he was content with the results. The pink one, although she wasn't speaking much, had funny facial expressions.
"So ... what is your name?"
"Amy?" Sonic tilted his head a bit in confusion. "That sounds oddly familiar ... do you mind telling me your last name?"
"I am Amy R-"
"Mr. Shadow! Let's go to your room!"
Amy's attention was drawn towards the black hedgehog. As always, he was surrounded by beautiful girls.
But this time it was different.
"No, I want to be alone."
"Come one! You will have fun with us."
A girl came closer to him and began to kiss him. He tried pulling her away but she back to kissing.
"No, I said no," Shadow said again. He was having difficulty standing up straight and keeping his eyes open.
Amy looked back at Sonic.
"I think we need to help him."
"Shadow?" Sonic asked. "He will be fine. This is what happens every weekend. Shadow gets drunk, girls get all over him, he says no but they always convince him to go to his room."
"But he is drunk," Amy replied.
"Don't think about it too much, he is ok with it," Sonic walked towards Amy. He placed a hand on her shoulder, making her had her whole attention. "Let's not think about this ... Instead, let's spend the night together, shall we?"
Amy thought that she was willing to give up on everything if that meant she could spend a night with Sonic.
Seeing him smile once again was everything she needed.
But even with that, her answer was clear.
She didn't hesitate, it wasn't even a question. It was her priority.
"I am sorry ladies, but the bank's closed."
Amy interrupted the crow of girls who were dragging Shadow to his room. All of them stopped and looked at her, not wanting to go without a fight.
"And who are you?" One of the girls asked.
Amy was surprised that she came alive out of that one. One good thing about rich girls is that certainly, they didn't know how to fight. It was over soon, everyone was too into the party to even bother with them and my finish with a small scratch in her cheek.
She was victorious and her trophy was taking a drunk Shadow to his room.
She placed him on his bed and closed the door behind them. Shadow sat down on the edge of the bed, too drunk to know what was happening.
Amy examined him, his suit was tight making his strong physic stand out. Amy had to admit that it made him look very attractive but it wasn't very convenient at the moment.
She began to undress him. She took off his suit and Amy wanted to take off his shirt as well but Shadow stopped her.
"No," Shadow said.
"If you throw up, I don't want you to stain your shirt," Amy said.
"I have more."
"Oh yes ... looking at your like this makes me forget you are rich." Amy replied as she attempted to take off his shirt again. "But I don't want to be cleaning it tomorrow anyways!"
"Why you clean?" Shadow asked with a hiccup.
"That's what I must do," Amy replied. Shadow seemed more comfortable now. He was letting her unbutton his shirt.
"Why? Are you my wife?"
Amy let out a small laugh and replied. "Mr. Shadow, if I was your wife then you wouldn't be like this. That much I can promise you."
"Then marry me."
Amy knew that he didn't mean it but his voice showed so much sincerity that it scared her. She was in almost done unbuttoning his shirt. However, she stopped and looked at him in the eyes.
"I don't want to be like this," Shadow said as he grabbed Amy's eyes. "I don't want to be alone anymore."
Shadow may have gotten all of his money out of selling alcohol. He may have a cold personality but he was alone. Shadow felt alone all the time.
Even with that Shadow had a kind heart, he was caring and selfless. Amy knew this was true because in the three years she had been working with him, he had shown her that and more. Shadow was a great hedgehog.
"I can't promise you life but I can promise you this night," Amy replied. "Go to sleep, don't worry I will be here with you."
"You won't leave?"
"I won't, I promise-"
Amy looked disgusted at Shadow. Not only had he vomited on his pants, but he had also throw up her dress.
It had been hell bringing up Shadow to his room. But it was going to be a whole new adventure to make him shower.
But Amy was willing to that and more ... everything for Mr. Shadow ... the ‘great’  Hedgehog. 
A.N: I am so sorry this took longer to write. However, I really hope you enjoyed this. It was fun to write and I had to re-watch the Great Gatsby. It's slightly based on that with some twists. Anyways thank you for the beautiful prompt!
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alison-anonymous · 4 years
flawsome bandits pt. 17 ♡ sonic
Flawsome Firewood
So sorry for the later update, my darlings. Been suffering from some writer’s block and I also was working on an actual novel I’ve been writing too! Let me know if any of you are interested in checking it out and maybe I’ll upload some snippets sometime ;) I hope you all enjoy this chapter!! Much love!
Warnings - immense fluff, what else is new?
It should be common knowledge by now that going off alone in the woods is a bad idea. And since our favorite four are not complete and utter idiots (like some may believe), they were quick to adapt to the Buddy System. A couple of days had gone by that were pretty uneventful, mostly consisting of more cute moments between Sonic and Y/n and a bunch of plotting from Robotnik as he drafted his Metal Sonic. Plus a couple of mishaps caused by Shadow (who was growing increasingly more distracted by the minute) and some more internal debating coming from Knuckles. Robotnik had finally managed to revive some of his more powerful drones, programming them to shoot at either of the hedgehogs or their little friends on sight so that if one of them ventured a bit too far, then they would be taken care of without him having to do anything but lift a finger. 
He was SUCH a genius; Shadow and Knuckles were lucky they had such a benevolent leader like him. Little did Sonic and Y/n know that all it would take would be one little trip into the woods to understand that.
“Aww, shoot,” Spirit sighed from her spot kneeling before the fire. Her blue eyes swept across the flames as they crackled before her, lighting up the evening sky. Y/n glanced up at her friend from the top of the truck.
“What’s wrong?” She asked.
“We’re running low on wood. Want me to go and get some?” 
Y/n’s stomach instantly churned as she pictured venturing out into the woods this late during the day. It made her terrified enough to even be three feet away from her friends anymore thanks to Shadow, her yandere… She shivered in disgust as the thought of him crossed her mind. Him pressing her up against that tree, the amount of fear that she had been under was so debilitating that she couldn’t move… She hated him for it. Hated him with every fiber of her being for making her feel helpless. She wished that she never had to see him again, even though she knew she would have to at some point. After all, he was one of Robotnik’s henchmen. But still. Y/n’s e/c orbs glanced nervously into the dark underbrush of the forest, her ears flickering silently to see if there were any snapping twigs or rustling leaves. She tried her best to not picture Spirit going out on her own and getting stabbed or shot at by one of Robotnik’s plots.
She better go instead.
“No, no,” Y/n stood up, glancing over to see Sonic and Tails going over some of their defense lines again. They had been busying themselves by building defense traps (at Sonic’s suggestion thanks to Shadow and his grabby hands) and were getting along quite well. “I’ll go. Hey, Son?” 
Sonic’s head whipped up the second his nickname left Y/n’s lips. She offered him a warm smile that made his heart skip a beat. 
“Want to go get some firewood with me?” He was already by her side before she even finished her sentence. Throwing his arm around her shoulders, Sonic sent her a sly wink and grinned.
“You need a protector? Don’t worry, M’Lady, I won’t let anyone touch you.” He was just playing around, but it still made Y/n’s heart skip a beat as she smiled appreciatively at him. Spirit and Tails nodded in affirmation, letting them know that they would be alright on their own while the two hedgehogs with super abilities left them for a couple of minutes. Still keeping his arm firmly wrapped around her shoulder, Sonic guided Y/n into the woods. He couldn’t help but notice how the instant they left the warmth of the fire and entered the hangings of the trees that her body tensed. 
As they walked in a light silence, he glanced down at his girlfriend and frowned. Her eyes were scanning the woods before them repetitively, like she was afraid the light was playing tricks on her and that something was going to come popping out of the woods when she least expected it. Slight PTSD, Sonic thought to himself, tightening his grip on Y/n’s shoulders. A slight flare of anger went through him as Shadow’s name crossed his mind. That bastard… Next time he saw that dark hedgehog, he was as good as dead.
“Are you alright?” Sonic asked. Y/n let out a small hum, and rapidly nodded her head.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, I’m fin-” She suddenly stopped. Literally, stopped in her tracks. Her ears straightened up and her back arched, like she was trying to be a giraffe. Her e/c eyes flitted across the scene in front of her. “Do you… Do you hear that?” 
“Hear what?” Sonic questioned, growing more concerned by the minute. Was she hearing that strange singing again? 
That didn’t seem to be the case as she put a hand on his lips gently and shushed him once again. The implication of personal space no longer existed between the two, and he wouldn’t have it any other way, as her body was practically pressed up against him. His heart pounded within his chest, and that was when he finally heard it. 
A high-pitched humming noise. Of a laser warming up.
His emerald eyes scoured the trees until they landed on a little red dot hidden within some brambles that was getting brighter by the second. Y/n was searching in a different patch of leaves; she hadn’t seen it yet. Of course, his number one instinct was to protect her at all costs. But… they were alone. And she hadn’t seen where the laser was yet. And Robotnik was probably on the other end, watching them through some security camera like the stalker that he was. And if there was one thing Sonic loved almost as much as Y/n, it was pissing that crazy mustached man. An idea began to formulate its way through his mind, and a small grin began to spread out across his face.
Who said that they couldn’t have some fun?
“Hey, N/n,” He whispered into Y/n’s ear, sensing her shiver from his breath against her neck. She turned to look at him and furrowed her brows when she saw the look on his face. He was up to something. 
“Follow my lead.”
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Before she even had a second to ask what he meant by that, Sonic quickly grabbed ahold of her hand, wound her up into his chest, and spun her out in such a perfectly timed dance move that by the time their arms were fully extended, she rocked back on her heels just as a laser fired above their arms. Right where Y/n would have been standing. 
Her eyes bugged out in shock and she looked up at her boyfriend, only to see him wink at her. Oh? Ooh! So he wanted to dance, huh? Well, she had never really been one for swing dancing before, but he seemed to be into it. And besides, they needed to have some fun out here, didn’t they? Help lighten the mood a little? A smile plastered itself onto Y/n’s face and she spun herself back into Sonic’s chest, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Another laser zipped through the air, missing her quills just in time. Their hearts raced with the excitement of the revelation of a new way of fighting.
“Hey, Egghead,” Sonic called as he swept Y/n off her feet into a dip, causing her to laugh. Another laser missed them by about a foot, barely even getting the chance to scrape Sonic’s quills before they were back up and dancing again. “Wanna give us some awesome dance music?”
A couple more lasers were shot and missed before Robotnik’s voice suddenly came crackling from one of the drones that were hiding in the trees. 
“I’m trying to kill you! You could at least act like it! A scream or two would be nice!” Robotnik growled like an annoyed kid who didn’t get the toy he wanted. But, despite himself, the all too familiar tunes of Die Young by Kesha began crackling through the damaged speakers of his drones. Y/n couldn’t help but burst out laughing at the appropriateness of his song choice as she was picked up and swung around by Sonic to miss some more lasers being shot at them.
“Aww, come on, Eggy,” She giggled, listening to Kesha sing about the beat of the drums. Her heart thumped along to the rhythm. “Can’t you learn to let go of the hate?”
“I literally begin to shoot lasers at you, and what do you do? You dance! YOU FUCKING DANCE!” Robotnik began to lose control through the speakers as Y/n and Sonic dodged more lasers, their movements becoming enhanced from their abilities. As they danced along to the thumping of the bass of Kesha’s song, Y/n and Sonic couldn’t help but laugh. It had been so long since they had had this much fun together. Fighting a cranky Robotnik who seriously needed to try Match.com, using each other’s abilities to build each other up, and making sure that they were always smiling. 
It made them completely forget about the weight of the situation they were in for a little bit. But while Sonic was holding a giggling, happy Y/n in his arms, it seemed like he had all the time in the world to forget. He couldn’t help but wish for this moment to last forever. 
A couple of days later, Knuckles had finally had enough.
He wasn’t the sharpest echidna in the… box? No. No he was not. But just because he put a rock on a sandwich once and tried to eat it doesn’t mean that he is completely incapable of judging a person’s qualities for himself. And he had finally decided that Robotnik wasn’t the nicest guy on the planet. No, it wasn’t because he had forced him to get electrocuted seventeen times. On the same day. It wasn’t because of him constantly criticising him for being “dumb” or “inconceivable”, which Knuckles didn’t even know the meaning of that word. It wasn’t even because of how drained Knuckles had felt since the day that he started working for the man. Or even because the second he looked into Sonic and Y/n’s eyes, he knew they weren’t evil. No. No, none of these reasons were the ones why Knuckles decided to quit.
Want to know why he decided to quit?
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“He took away my bathroom privileges,” Knuckles sighed, looking down at the grass beneath the log he was sitting on. Only silence came from the four shocked teenagers sitting before him. Y/n sat cuddled up underneath the protective arm of her boyfriend, Sonic, while the teenage girl and Tails sat next to each other on the neighboring log. He had gotten swept up into a netting-trap thing of sorts when he had first set foot onto their campsite, but after he had explained to them that he meant them no harm, they decided to hear him out.
“He… took away… your bathroom privileges,” Y/n repeated, scrunching her nose up in confusion. “That was the reason why?”
Knuckles began to nod, then stopped. “Well, there were more reasons. But that was the drawing point. What happens if I need to pee? I have a very weak bladder, and my poo-”
“Stop!” Spirit held up a hand to stop him before he continued, ignoring Sonic trying desperately to stifle his laughter by burying his face in Y/n’s quills. Knuckles was very… bold, wasn’t he? 
“How did you get away from him?” Tails questioned. “I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t just let you waltz out because of something like that.”
“Well, he kind of didn’t know…” Knuckles scratched his neck anxiously, clearing his throat. “I sort of slipped away when he was sleeping and Shadow was busy practice-kissing a tree. I really don’t know who he’s trying to impress, but he needs some help.” He paused for a moment, completely oblivious to the range of horrified emotions littering the four teenagers’ faces. “Come to think of it, Robotnik doesn’t seem very mentally stable either. Anyways, I would like to join your team, if you will have me. I know that this may seem like a trap, but I assure you, it isn’t. I just feel like something is… off about Robotnik. I think he might be dealing with power that he shouldn’t be reckoning with.”
Y/n and Sonic slowly nodded, exchanging worried glances with one another. Should they take him on? I mean, Knuckles wasn’t very… threatening to them, so to speak. If anything, Robotnik was crazy and Shadow was a lustful back of dic- I MEAN a very… interesting specimen, to say the least. Talking to Shadow was like trying to swallow a gallon of detergent. It’s not fun for anyone.
But Knuckles…
“Okay,” Sonic finally spoke. “We’ll take you on. BUT if we find out that this was all a trap-”
“I assure you, it isn’t!” Knuckles quickly defended himself. “I promise! I’ll even do a, what is it you humans do? A blood oath?”
“Please don’t,” Tails stressed. “You could get a sexually transmitted disease from blood on blood contact and-”
“STOP!” Spirit whimpered, having enough with the strange conversation topics for today. Y/n found herself getting a headache too as she stood up and extended her gloved hand out towards the echidna. He looked at her with stars in his eyes.
“Let’s just shake on it instead.”
Knuckles eagerly grabbed onto her hand and gave it a firm shake, but with one death-glare from Sonic, he let it go before it went on for a little longer than it should. Y/n rejoined Sonic on the log and he wrapped his arms around her once more, this time pulling her closer to him in protectiveness.
“Welcome to Team Bonnie & Clyde!” Y/n smiled. Knuckles smiled back.
“Pleasure to be here.”
And for once… Knuckles felt like he truly belonged.
Later that night, Y/n lay wide awake next to Sonic. 
He had his arms wrapped around her to make sure that she wasn’t taken away from him in the middle of the night, and Knuckles had even promised to keep an extra close eye on the forest for her while he took the first watch. And yet, she still couldn’t find a way to sleep. 
The worry of everything had finally become enough to drive her to insomnia. Well, you made it to the fourth week, Y/n, she silently congratulated herself. Fourth week and then the nights finally became a little scarier. Not that she was complaining. The stars were absolutely gorgeous from here. But that wasn’t the problem.
The problem was, well, the problem.
She couldn’t stop thinking about the visions she had had. The burning forest. The screaming filling her ears. The figure that she now knew was Shadow forcing her to drink something that might kill her. It was more than enough to drive her crazy wondering why she had to see that, what the little wisp before her had been. Why was it singing to her? Why hadn’t it come back yet to sing to her again? Did it only come to her when there was a time of need? Something to be fixed? Something to be stopped? Like Robotnik, perhaps?
She shivered, but not from the cold.
It was terrifying to even think about having to face him again. Sure, she had already faced him today. But she was with Sonic then. And back when she and Sonic had fought against him in Green Hills, they had been working together against him. Two to one, he would have been outnumbered anyway. But now he had Shadow on his side. And while Knuckles had come over to their side, plus Spirit and Tails, Y/n couldn’t help but worry. 
Shadow. Shadow was… a problem.
He debilitated her. And she couldn’t figure out for the life of her why. It was probably because she had never met anyone that forward and that terrifying before. He loved her, and that was the most dangerous thing. Of course, she had Sonic to protect her if the time ever came, but Sonic wasn’t going to be there twenty four seven. She had to find a way to stand up for herself. But even punching him in the face and verbally saying no didn’t get her anywhere. He made her freeze up in terror. And she didn’t even want to think about what he would do to her friends just in order to make her his. 
And the last thing she wanted was to be his. 
Y/n rolled over to face Sonic and smiled when she saw his sleeping face. His mouth was open a little bit so that a soft snore came out of his nose. She stifled a giggle, feeling her heart flutter within her chest. God. She loved him so much… She would do anything to protect him.
Even if… No. No, he would never forgive her if she did that. Y/n instantly shook the ridiculous idea out of her head and thought back to Robotnik. He was planning on making a Metal Sonic, which was what Knuckles had told them. A version of Sonic that was entirely man made and suited for combat. Which meant that he might even have powers that Sonic himself didn’t have. Y/n scrunched up her nose in thought. So they would have to fight Robotnik, his drones, Metal Sonic, and yandere Shadow. And they would all be very angry and blood-lusting. All against herself, Sonic, Spirit (who was actually pretty good with a baseball bat), Tails (who was a techie), and Knuckles, the ex-Robotnik lover. 
Could they defeat him?
She was afraid to know the answer.
♡ a.a.
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thatcrazysonicchick · 5 years
Come Back to Me A Fan Fiction by That Crazy Sonic Chick
Summary: It's been a year since Sonic's death, and everyone is still struggling to move on... Some more than others. So much has changed, and a new face appears, but who is he? What is he doing here, and why now? What is he hiding? So many questions, and so many answers, which can only be answered by joining this adventure.
~ Act I ~
Sonic, 20
Tails, 15
Knuckles, 22
Amy, 18
Rouge, 21
Shadow, ??
It was pure Chaos.
Everything was fine thirty minutes ago. His attack had come out of nowhere.
You saw your occasional badnik, only to be crushed by your everyday heroes. Threats being made in the air from Eggman, and snarky remarks coming down from Sonic. A few small explosions, here and there. That wasn’t where everything had turned.
More robots came from everywhere, on the ground and in the air, surrounding them.
Okay, Sonic, think. What’s the safest move here? Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Knuckles and Amy battling. And not too far from them, Tails was by the Tornado, shooting lasers at the minions, defending the two while he shot close in their direction, too close for comfort.
“Tails!” Sonic called out. “Get her out of here!” Tails acknowledged the order and hovered towards Amy, dodging flying scraps of metal. Knuckles repelled a piece of robot away from Amy and Tails' way. Amy continued to fight, but was limited to her abilities.
“Get her somewhere safe,” Knuckles said. “I’ll cover you.” And he did, as Tails led an exhausted Amy to the safety of the Tornado. He air lifted her into it, and started the plane, striking any enemies in their path.
“Go!” Sonic yelled, not looking back as the two slowly began to accelerate. “We’ll meet up later.”
“Sonic!” He looked over to Amy, with a look of exhaustion and fear.
“I’ll be okay! I’ll see you soon.” He reassured, his voice strained.
“Be careful!” Amy called out, not feeling anything but worry for her hero. “I love you!”
“I love you too! Now get to safety!” And with that, they were off.
The two were in the air, flying away from the chaos below. Amy was panting. Tails looked over his shoulder, and saw her leaning forward in her seat.
“Are you okay?” He asked, concerned.
“Yeah, just tired. I usually don’t get tired this quick in a battle.” She said, leaning back.
“I mean, we can all understand why. Have you seen yourself?” The two looked down to her belly, bigger than usual, and round. “We should’ve gotten you out of there sooner. You know that’s too risky.”
“I just feel so useless. I’m ready for it to be here.” Tails, chuckled, scanning the area with his eyes.
“Don’t worry, Amy. Only three more months to go. And just one more week until we can stop referring to it as, well, it.” Amy groaned, looking back at the battle. The two stayed silent, listening to the battle going on below.
“I’m worried, Tails.”
“Don’t be, Amy. They’ve got this. We’ve got this. So stay calm.”
“Doesn’t mean I can’t be concerned for everyone’s safety.” Tails turned to give her a reassuring smile.
“That’s not what I meant. All I’m saying is, has Sonic ever let you- AMY, GET DOWN!!!” Instinctively, Amy whipped her head around, but immediately felt Tails’ hand on her shoulder and pulled her down as the plane was struck, and began to shake. She again pushed herself up straight only to be pushed back down by Tails, who then turned his attention to his plane. Amy choked on the smoke flying in the air.
“Stay down!” He yelled, flipping switches and pushing buttons.
“What’s happening!?”
“A missile hit the back right elevator! We can’t fly without it!” Tails called back, struggling to keep the plane level as it descended at an uneven rate. “We’re going down!”
“Be careful!” She said, leaning forward towards him.
“We’ll be fine. Just stay covered.” Tails ordered, looking down below.
~    ~    ~
“Sonic!” Knuckles called out. Sonic finished spin dashing a buzz bot and landed, looking over his shoulder to Knuckles. Nothing else needed to be said. Sonic saw the trail of smoke following the plane, as it was quickly declining towards the ground. It seemed Tails had it under control, but he wouldn’t be able to focus until he knew Amy and Tails were safe and unharmed.
Sonic drop kicked an egg pawn out of his way and began to speed off towards where they were about to land. Something from behind tackled him to the ground. As he rolled to a stop, he saw none other than Metal Sonic, pushing himself off the ground.
“Agh, I don’t have time for this!” Sonic said, wiping the dirt off his face. Before he could turn back towards the others, Metal swept his foot under Sonic’s, bringing him back down to the ground. He felt his back quills crunch under his back, and screamed out in pain. His metal counterpart was already on top of him, quickly bringing his arms towards Sonic’s throat. Sonic reacted quickly, locking his hands with the others, and pushed back with all of his might. Through clenched teeth, he spoke in a deep growl.
“You… are not winning this. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever.” He narrowed his eyes, swinging himself around, bringing him on top of his rival. He found an opening, ripped his left hand away, and forced it through his exterior. “You stay the hell away! From me, my friends, my family!” With a loud cry, he yanked his hand back, with a fist full of wires. Before he could do enough damage, something pulled at one of his fingers. He tried again, but it only got more stuck. Metal Sonic was still functioning, but remained still, his red eyes still glowing. Sonic looked closer to his hand, to see what was stuck. He saw a wire, that had somehow managed to wrap around the small gold band on his ring finger. His eyes got even more narrow as he grit his teeth, trying to break free, whether it was to rip out his wiring, or get his wedding band to slip free.
“Commencing Self Destruct in: Sixty Seconds.” Sonic’s eyes grew wide, and began to panic, doing anything he could to free his hand and get away before he blew up... with Sonic on top of him. A loud crash sounded in the distance, and he jerked his head up to see the Tornado sliding to a stop. With one last attempt to free his hand, he knew what he had to do.
“Knuckles! Go!”
Knuckles wasn’t far, and ran in his direction, stopping when he saw his hand inside of the robot beneath him.
“What are you doing?!” Knuckles yelled, throwing a hand in the plane’s direction. “We gotta get them out of here!”
“I know! My hand’s stuck. Go help them!” Knuckles didn't understand what was happening. He drew a fist back, ready to break Sonic’s hand free. Sonic waved his free hand to stop him. “No! He’s about to self destruct! Get away and go help them!” Knuckles looked from Sonic, to his hand lodged in the metal, to Sonic again, to the plane, and back at the struggling Sonic.
“But Sonic, you-”
“Self Destruct in: Thirty Seconds.”
“There’s no time to think!” Sonic said, a pained expression in his eyes.
“Knuckles, please…” the blue hero begged, his voice heavy with agony. “Go. Protect my family.” With one last look at his friend, the red echidna blinked back tears, and ran towards the crash site, calling for Rouge and Shadow over his ear piece. Sonic looked on as he saw Rouge and Shadow appear in a flash, hopping onto the plane, reaching for Tails and Amy. As Shadow raised his emerald, his eyes met with Sonic’s. There was no time to dwell on it, but in that moment, Shadow revealed an expression of sorrow. He gave one subtle nod, and in a flash, all but Knuckles were Chaos Controlled out of sight.
“Self Destruct in: 10… 9… 8… 7…”
“SONIC!” Knuckles screamed out, running as fast as he could to his rescue.
“3… 2…” Sonic squeezed his eyes shut, tears streaming down his face. His final moment, his final breath, his final words…
“I’m sorry… I love you all.”
X     X     X     X
I really wanted to wait until this whole story was complete to start sharing it with  my readers, but I have been putting work into this whenever I have free time, like after work or on my days off. I’ve been really bad about being consistent with uploading my other stories regularly, but I have the feeling this one will be a game changer. I’m super excited to show you what I’ve been working on, and I appreciate any feedback. I decided you guys can see it before I post it to my collection on FanFiction.net.
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thankskenpenders · 5 years
While we still have three issues left featuring stories written by Karl Bollers, we’ve pretty much come to the end of his run as lead writer on Archie Sonic. As I’ve said many times, his work certainly had flaws, and there were stories of his that bored me. (I definitely could’ve done with less stories where Sally’s parents prevent her from joining the action.) But there were also many I quite enjoyed, and on average I’d say his stories were usually pretty okay. He definitely went out on a high note with Return to Angel Island, though. That’s for sure
In this post, I’d like to look over the list of scrapped story ideas listed on Bollers’ wiki page, and give some thoughts. Had he continued writing Sonic, this is what he would have done
Sonic and Amy becoming a couple after being stranded at sea together and keeping it a secret from Princess Sally.
Ehh... I’d have to see how this really played out. Sega was pushing SonAmy super hard at the time with Sonic X, though, and the Archie comics had barely even acknowledged Amy’s crush on Sonic, so I guess something like this had to happen eventually. I’m also sure it wouldn’t have lasted long, since it was obvious Bollers would have Sonic and Sally reconcile eventually
Tails reuniting with his parents by traveling into space on a modified Tornado.
This would’ve been pretty neat, honestly! I’d just hope that Tails wouldn’t stay out in space for too long
Amy's origins being explored in a fuller adaptation of Sonic CD.
Very cool! Definitely would’ve liked to see this. But Ian ended up doing more with Amy and incorporating the stories of the Genesis era games into the comics later on, so I guess we didn’t really lose much by not getting this story from Bollers
Knuckles departing Angel Island after learning that his presence exposes the location of the Master Emerald, going on a global pilgrimage to learn martial arts, and battling a Dr. Eggman controlled-Monkey Khan while under the control of the Iron Queen before discovering the Master Geode.
Now THIS sounds cool. While I’m not exactly a fan of Monkey Khan, I think sending Knuckles off on a big adventure and having him learn more fighting skills would be a great use of his character. Way better than having him sit around on Angel Island all day, that’s for sure. And after how great Return to Angel Island was, I would’ve loved to see more Knuckles stories from Bollers
Mammoth Mogul beginning to age rapidly due to his original Chaos Emerald running out of energy, forcing him to seek out alternative sources through illicit archaeological expeditions and hiring mercenaries like Nack the Weasel. The Master Geode, a powerful gemstone that would fulfill Mogul's needs, would be contested by him, the Iron Queen, Robotnik, and Rouge the Bat.
Also pretty cool. I’m assuming this is all part of the same overarching story as Knuckles’ martial arts training. It’d be fun to see this combination of new and old game characters as well as old Archie characters vying for power. I also love that all these forces would be vying for control of this powerful gem, but then Rouge is also there because... she just wants it. All of these characters would have their time to shine in Ian’s run, though
Sally being a pawn in a villainous plot by the corrupted Source of All and Ixis Naugus to prevent the future first previewed in Sonic In Your Face.
Antoine gaining his scar due to an accident with a knife and becoming a villain after allowing himself to be possessed by a corrupted Source of All in hopes of winning Bunnie back.
The Source of All surviving Robotropolis' destruction and reconstituting itself in a remote mountain range, beginning to exert control over King Max, brainwashing the Arachne and another group of Spiders known as the Strand, and possessing Antoine while under the control of Ixis Naugus.
We’ve already talked about this canceled subplot before, but oh man, I would’ve loved this. I always hated the concept of the Source of All, and the idea that Max’s actions were all justified by some sort of omniscient future vision. The Acorn family rituals surrounding the Source were also already extremely creepy, so turning their bonding with the Source into a bad thing would’ve been an incredibly easy pill to swallow
Bunnie and Antoine breaking up due to a change in Antoine's personality, with Bunnie's origins later being explored and her true name being revealed as Scarlette O'Hare
I mean, Bunnie’s last name being Rabbot (pronounced Rab-OH) was always silly, but I don’t know if we really needed this. Y’all know I’m down for more Bunnie, though
Rotor retiring from field duty in order to pursue a role analogous to that played by "Q" of James Bond fame.
They’d already been leaving him out of missions for years. I guess this makes sense, and at least turning him into the guy who makes the gadgets for everyone would give him a more clearly defined role
Locke and Lara-Le putting aside their previous disputes to help raise Knecapeon "Kneecaps" Mace after his father Wynmacher ends up in the Egg Grape Chamber.
I’ve talked about all this a bit before. Really not sure what to think of it. My gut instinct is that I don’t like the idea of Locke reuniting with Lara-Le at all. He hasn’t earned her forgiveness. But I’d have to see how Bollers wrote it, I guess
Robotnik kidnapping Hope Kintobor under the pretense that he is the only correct choice to be her legal guardian, while genuinely using her as bait to lure in Shadow the Hedgehog.
Not sure how I feel about Hope getting kidnapped, but the mental image of literal tyrant Dr. Eggman going to child protective services and pretending he’d be a good guardian for Hope as part of a scheme to get Shadow is really funny to me
Ixis Naugus attempting to return by transforming Max's body into a duplicate of his own, only to be thwarted by the destruction of the Crown of Acorns
I would’ve liked to see Naugus explored more, but hey! Ian sure used him a lot. So this is another case where we aren’t missing out on much
Nate Morgan surviving the destruction of Robotropolis, being De-Roboticized by the Bem, and returning as Coconuts' amnesia-addled ally, who creates a new Metal Sonic, Metal Amy, Metal Knuckles, and Tails Doll that are mistaken for Robian versions of the heroes.
This would’ve been a REALLY interesting development. Bollers was very open about how he hated the direction Nate Morgan had gone in and had some interesting plans to bring him back. And, well, this is it. Kind of reminds me of a certain subplot with Eggman in the IDW comics, except in reverse
I also love how this would’ve brought in Metal Knuckles, Tails Doll, and a new Metal Amy. Bollers really seemed to be enjoy bringing in elements from the older games in his later years at Archie, with much of the action in Return to Angel Island taking place in actual zones from S3&K. Getting Coconuts involved is also wild. This would’ve been a really fun story
Snively taking up a fifteen foot-tall mechanical battlesuit and the alias "Skarkus" in pursuit of revenge against Robotnik for leaving him alone against the Xorda, leading to an alliance between him and Shadow.
Yeah, this one sure is. Something. Honestly I have no idea how it would turn out. It’d be all about the execution
A.D.A.M. and NICOLE becoming romantically involved, leading to A.D.A.M. seizing control of the Shadowbot army and leading them from New Megaopolis to Knothole.
Okay I hate this one lol. But to be fair, I mostly hate it because the other writers ended up taking Nicole in a completely different direction and giving her her lynx form (and eventually pairing her with Sally). Bollers had no way of knowing that Nicole would become such a central character, so I can’t really blame him for having an idea like this, I guess
A new Dingo Regime leader named Colonel Mange being introduced, with Croctobot, Jack Rabbit, and Gala-Na being reintroduced as Robotnik Sub-Bosses over Downunda, the Great Desert, and Albion. This would have led to the disappearance of the Downunda Freedom Fighters and a confrontation involving the Mercian Freedom Fighters.
Ah, the beginnings of Eggman having Mobian sub-bosses working for him. I guess Kage in Return to Angel Island was really the start of this, but still. Gala-Na becoming a subordinate of Eggman actually makes a lot of sense to me. She was already an antagonist in the Chaos Knuckles arc, and it’s painfully obvious that the Albion echidnas are selfish pricks who only look out for themselves. If she thought that siding with Eggman would protect Albion, I totally think she’d sell out
Anti-Sonic coming to enjoy impersonating Sonic and enjoying the love of his parents and adulation of his people, leading him to plan to eliminate Sonic and permanently take his place.
This one’s also kinda interesting I suppose, although we definitely got no shortage of Anti-Sonic impersonating Sonic in the last year of Penders stories. Can’t say I’m dying to see this story told
So, all in all, definitely some interesting ideas! If there’s two major throughlines I see in this plans, it’s 1) bringing back forgotten elements from both the games and earlier comics and 2) reinventing Penders characters and concepts. Which makes a lot of sense, because that’s exactly what he was doing with Return to Angel Island
Part of me is sad that these stories were never told. The Source of All being evil and Knuckles’ martial arts training stand out to me in particular. But there are other ideas that are pretty similar to things Ian would do in his run, like Eggman having Mobian sub-bosses or Naugus coming back, so it’s hard to feel too sad. It’s also hard to know how good the execution would’ve been on these pitches
Of course, if there’s one thing I’m certain of, it’s that these stories probably would’ve been better than the ones we actually got from Penders and Chacon over the next year and a half
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chaos-societies · 4 years
Episode 5, Back In The Homestead
The float on the end of Knuckles’ fishing line bobbed up and down gently among the small ripples of water. He was lounging back on an oak tree next to a rocky ledge above the water with one leg resting on the knee of the other. His fishing rod was tactically positioned between his legs so that he could feel the tugs from any bite he might get while he rested, eyes closed and chewing on stalks of grass.
“I figured you’d be somewhere all alone.” Rouge spoke up from nearby. Knuckles opened a single eye, otherwise not reacting to her presence. “You spend all your time alone up on that floating island and when you are here you just spend more time alone.” She continued as she came over and sat next to him.
“You all had a rough day or two. Didn’t want to disturb you guys.” He answered, again barely moving or acknowledging her existence.
“Nothing we haven’t handled before.” Rouge rested her head on his shoulder and began twirling her fingers between some stalks of tall grass.
“So the old man had you go all the way to Cap for some book? Must be a big deal for you to be attacked for it.” This time, both Knuckles’ eyes opened as he looked over to Rouge.
“Something weird is going on and Chuck wants to look into some old dusty ancient history for some answers.” She huffed. “Your desert red buddies just happened to catch us with something they thought of use.” She said flicking some bangs hair beside her face.
Knuckles grumbled. “I’ve told you, I have nothing to do with those guys. They’d probably do the same to me or Mighty.” He growled.
Rouge smirked. She loved seeing him all worked up. “Oh I know I know. Besides, that run in might have been good. Apparently some man is looking for people like Sonic and Tails…and you for a matter of fact. Good to know we need to be extra careful watching our backs.”
“Like us?”
“Found out, outside our two little peculiar corners of the world, Mobians with ‘abilities’ is a bit of a rare occurrence. Sonic with his speed, Tails and his …well tails, and you. Goodness, you’re probably the oddest of us all!” She gave a light chuckle.
Knuckles took a second to process it all. His contact with others was so limited he couldn’t understand what anyone would want to do with them other than pick up little tussles and fights like the Rockbase Reds or even some Reds from his chapter up on Angel Island. But the latter is more for friendly banter than anything else. “Did you come over here to just to pick on me?”
“As much as I’d like that to be the case, Sir Charles wants to see us.”
“Alright, unless anyone else left we should all be here by now.” Rouge said as she entered Chuck’s hut with Knuckles following behind her. Chuck was washing his hands in the sink while Amy Tails and Sonic were sitting around. Amy was drinking some tea and Sonic’s foot was subconsciously tapping the floor in a rapid rhythm that the others seems to ignore as it surely was not done of his own cognition rather than just reflex.
“Good.” Chuck said as he turned off the water and shook his hands for a moment before drying them on a towel on the rack. “Now, I’m going to get right off and say that I don’t really have any further answers for you all. The Stair na Seacht is in rough condition and is written in words and grammar not particularly used anymore. Many notes and parts are in other and older languages.” Chuck wiped his hands further on his vest. “On top of that, there is more symbolism in it than I recall when I gazed upon it last many many years ago and it will take some time before I make any sound conclusions.”
“So no ghosts are coming to drag us to the underworld or anything?” Sonic asked with a façade of words to give the illusion he was cool and calm. But the truth was he was concerned and never ceased to get chills whenever he recalled his visit to Stark Ruins that day.
“Heh.” Chuck smiled. “No sonny boy. No ghosts. But… I’m afraid something is happening and the fact that I’m not sure what or how it plays into all of this makes me concerned for your safety. Out of everything in my life, that is my upmost concern.” His tone dropped to a fatherly tone that the group had often heard before. “I was both angry and terrified when you were late last evening. But the moment I saw all of you in one piece, a little battered yes, but together and well I was filled with joy as I am every time I see you come over that bridge from the Greater Area. I want you all to be a little more attentive while out and about.”
“Surely you don’t mean me as well?” Knuckles asked with arms crossed, wondering why he was here with everyone.
“I do.” Chuck’s mustache twitched a little. “The Rockbase Reds attacked you saying someone was looking for people of your sorts. I’m not sure why things became so dangerous overnight but I take it you saw some shifted eyes in Cap while you all went about as you normally do.” The group looked around and nodded as they in fact did. Even Eiméar made note of their ‘abilities’. “You are all special in very unique ways. I’ve known this and the entire town has known this for so long. But we are a haven who watches out for each other, for our friends and family. To everyone here, you are just as normal as everyone else. But we are not a normal community here in South Island. It pains me to say, most of the world is not as friendly or as caring as each and every person who has found safety on this island. If someone out there is looking for you all, for malice or not I don’t know; it is best to remain vigilant and on guard. Which includes you Knuckles.”
The echidna was humbly silenced a bit. His arms remained crossed and his face was still stern and slightly pouty but there was a reason he still came around South Island and Chuck spelled out that reason accurately.
Later that night, the gang was hanging around the tavern as they tended to do. Inside a group was on the stage livening up the place with some music. Sonic was on his guitar, Tails on the whistle, Craig was on the bodhran and Mina was singing. Amy Rouge Knuckles and Mighty were at a table conversing and Mrs. Mongoose was tending to the tables. Chuck was in the back relaxing and enjoying the high spirit of the place. Vanilla came to enjoy the social life as well and she let Cream run around the place with some of her friends too, Ray was playing as well. Vanilla, always looking to lend a helping hand, offered Mrs. Mongoose some help which she gladly accepted.
The song the band was playing just ended and the tavern gave their applause. “Thanks everyone! We’re glad to have Sonic and Tails back. And of course they had to go get themselves all roughed up.” She looked back and gave the two a wink. “But them, Rouge and Amy as well are back safe. We’re going to take a short break but we’ll be back soon enough.”
Sonic and Tails moved to the already full table of their friends and pulled up two more chairs to even further crowd the spot. “Didn’t take long for you two to get back into the swing of normalcy I see.” Rouge commented as Sonic gave Amy a quick kiss before taking a swig of his drink.
“Not much to bog us down right buddy?” Sonic held out his fist which Tails responded with a fist bump.
“So, you plan to run around the Greater Area on the regular still?” Rouge asked.
“You know nothing can stop my feet from moving.” Sonic said with a friendly wince.
“Sonic, please. We need to be careful!” Amy said concerned but knew her words couldn’t keep him from running around freely.
“Don’t worry, with you all by our sides no one has a chance shaking us up.” He answered.
“Except when you need saving by Mighty and me.” Knuckles jested.
“A one off chance I’m sure.” Sonic shrugged.
Their conversation continued as normal as a group of three came in the door of the tavern. A mongoose name Ash and two of his cohorts. They came up to the bar where Mina was working behind the counter to help her mother before they took the stage again. She glared at him. “I’m hoping you’re only looking for some brews and not any trouble Ash.”
“Brews, yes. Trouble, only if you bring it.” He said coldly. “Three.” He said as Mina turned to pour them some beer. Ash and Mina were once a couple, often taking the stage together to perform rather than with Sonic Tails and Craig. They had a falling apart and both have been bitter to each other ever since. But despite their past, the three are still residents of South Island and thus are still part of the communal family. Both sides have been decent at remaining civilized.
Mina swung back around and placed the drinks in front of the three. Ash slapped down the tokens for all three for the first round.
Things moved smoothly during that time, groups of people enjoying themselves and their respective company while the noise and chatter of the tavern added to the ambience. A decent couple of minutes had passed before Mina walked over to Sonic and Tails to let them know she was ready to hit the stage again. The two stood up and from across the room, Craig stood up to leave his group of friends to also join.
As they did, Ash and his group walked up to the stage. The two with Ash picked up a spare set of strings and a violin. Mina confronted them. “Ash, what the hell do you think you are doing?”
“Me and the boys wanted to play a little something. It’s been a bit since we’ve hit this stage. You remember those times don’t you?” He stated.
“I try and forget.” Mina snapped back at him, causing a smug grin to form on Ash’s face.
“How about a little play off? Some jigs between your group and mine? Figure it could be fun.” Mina looked back at Sonic Tails and Craig. They each shrugged in indifference. “That fine with you?”
“I appreciate you asking first. One would almost think you had some manners. Let’s go boy.” Mina said as she walked up to the microphone, directing her attention at the rest of the bar now. “Got a little something we’re going to try out up here. A bit of a dueling act between my group and Ash’s here. Hopefully it will run smoothly. Let’s kick this off!”
Ash’s group started off first and began playing a set of chords. Sonic Tails and Craig joined in and matched their chordset. The pace was relatively quick and in good timing and rhythm, Ash stepped up to the microphone. All players switched to a background melody as the vocals were about to take the lead.
"Mina Mina, you were a girl oh so fair. I heard your voice and saw your eyes I couldn't help but stare."
Mina stepped up to chime in as the two improvised the collaboration with words aimed to take shots at each other.
"You were just a kid stealing drinks from the bar, I knew you were trouble, don't know why I fell so far."
Ash waved his hand to signal to his group of musicians and they changed the pace. Mina’s group kept up seamlessly.
"We used to sing our songs all night."Ash started off.
"Right before we'd start a fight." Mina then gave her addition.
"Shots of whiskey and pints of beer," Back to Ash now.
"That's all that got us through that year."
Mina gave the final line and the chorus was established. The song again took another slight change. The two groups of players bounced off each other’s lead so well one would think the entire song was previously coordinated instead of the spontaneous performance that it was.
"You brought me home I was drunk as a mule!" Ash kicked off the second verse.
"You puked all over my good gown I got just that yule. You apologized and I felt bad; a symbol of our love." Mina continued.
"But remember you came back to me, said I was a gift from above."
Since the chorus and sequence of chords for the verse was previously established, the improvising led to a set rhythm. Both Ash and Mina began singing their chorus together.
"We used to sing our songs all night. Right before we'd start a fight. Shots of whiskey and pints of beer, that's all that got us through that year."
The same post-chorus interlude played between Ash’s group, Sonic Tails and Craig. Then the verse again, now started off by Mina.
"I had some friends that you thought were too close."
"I never said those words you know, I knew you were my rose. But your thorns stabbed me again and again."
"I hoped you would change your ways but that added to the pain."
One of Ash’s groupmembers jumped in and gave an unexpected extension to the verse. The rest of the performers rolled with it.
"A pain you so willingly passed on to Ash!" He shouted.
"Shut your dirty mouth boy it wasn't you I asked. He had another girl the same time as me." Mina spat back.
"And you didn't hesitate to love equally as freely." Ash joined back in to conclude the new verse and bring back the regular pacing of the song.
"We used to sing our songs all night. Right before we'd start a fight. Shots of whiskey and pints of beer, that's all that got us through that year."
Ash went on to sing the next verse alone.
"It's a shame that things had ended so poorly. My only regret is to get out so forcibly. It would have been nice to end on a smile. One coated in acceptance instead of denial."
Mina now sang her verse.
"I know I had mistakes, the same as you, We're both shy of demented, we've both lost some screws. But crazy doesn't fix broken, And my hand's a little warmer now that it you aren't holding."
The two bands slowed down together with impeccable synchronization. The chords were the same as the chorus as they gave signal to conclude the improvised piece.
"We used to sing our songs all night... Right before we'd start a fight... Shots of whiskey and pints of beer... That's all that got us through that year..."
The two groups ended the song and Mina and Ash stood glaring angrily at each other. The bar clapped at the dueling performance as what was emotion and expression for the two singers, was entertainment for the rest of the tavern. Ash took a drink of his beer, never breaking eye contact with Mina, as him and his group moved off the stage now that their fun was over.
The rest of the evening at the tavern was a much more low key than the excitement of the dueling duet. Slowly but surely the bar crowd started to thin out until all that was left was Mina and her mother, stacking chairs and wiping down the tables.
“There is room at the inn. You and your kits can stay there until we work with the rest of the village to accommodate your stay. There may not be many whites that have passed through or stayed here but you are welcome nonetheless. If you need anything, assistance, supplies, anything for your own individual societal needs come find me okay?” Chuck said to a rabbit outside his hut. She was visibly tired and behind the tears forming in her eyes, it was clear she hadn’t slept peacefully for many nights. She was holding hands with a young child as he sucked on his thumb and a sleeping newborn was swaddled in a cloth that draped over her back. Chuck placed his hand on her shoulder and gave her an endearing smile.
“I- I can’t thank you enough.” She said wiping her tears away with her free hand. “I don’t know how to repay you for your kindness!”
“No payment is necessary.” His mustache remained curled upward as he never dropped his smile. She turned and headed toward the inn and was on her way.
Not too far off, Amy was standing there waiting for them to finish their discussion. She was not waiting long and felt no need to interrupt. As she walked off, Chuck remained stationary and Amy approached.
“Sir Charles, do you have a minute?” She said as she walked up.
“Of course deary. I was just welcoming a new villager. What is it you need?”
They walked into Chuck’s hut. Amy took a seat and Charles offered her some tea. He hadn’t put any water on so she politely declined to save him the trouble.
“I wanted to seek your opinion on, well…a dream I had last night. I know you entertain my thoughts on my dreams more than the others.” She explained.
“Sure.” He nodded.
“It’s just– I really believe sometimes they are telling me something. They always have! I can recall so many dreams that ended up being premonitions that came true.”
“You don’t need to justify anything Ms. Rose. Now what was this dream about?”
“Well…Fire. Fire and flood. It was strange but the two forces seemed to be battling each other. Meanwhile the world was suffering in the devastation. I saw seven lights too. They seemed to be simultaneously helping the two forces but also trying to subdue them. I couldn’t make much of it. But I awoke with fear and dread. I’m concerned it was an omen of some kind.”
Chuck sat there thinking for a while. He slowly got up and moved to the kitchen where he proceeded to wash his hands. “I believe you are right. I too have been getting strange feelings of many trials that are to come.” He explained. “Do you have any further interpretation of your dreams?” He turned and moved to sit back next to Amy.
“No. I’m not sure what to make of this one. But I know there is great significance, I just know it!” She said with concern.
“I’m afraid I’m not sure what to make of it either. Fire and water. These were the basis of the symbols Sonic and Tails found at Stark Ruins. And I’m sure you’ve already concluded that the seven lights must be representative of the seven Chaos Societies.”
“I have.”
“I will keep all this mind. But Amy one thing is for sure, something is coming. I need you and the others to be on your toes and to stay strong for whatever may come. Continue to listen to your dreams, you have a great gift my dear. They may not make sense now but in time they may.”
“Time…” Amy mumbled.
“What was that?”
“There was…something else in my dream.” Chuck sat patiently listening. “I saw a man. A human. And though there was nothing connecting him to the rest of the dream, I felt an estranged away of time being part of this.”
Chuck sat there thinking. Nothing was coming to mind but he took note of it all regardless.
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l-sincline · 4 years
Cybernetics- Cyberpunk!Sonic AU- Chapter 4
Amy Rose has been working tirelessly at her broken down booth for as long as she can imagine. Ever since Tails left their work to join forces with the revered hero of Mobius, ‘The Blue Blur’, she’s grown lonely and desperate to make her life exciting. A strange customer comes in one day asking her to fix his cyborg arm, what she didn’t know was that he would be the catalyst for a brand new life.
AO3 Tags:
Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Amy Rose/Shadow the Hedgehog, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Amy Rose (Sonic the Hedgehog), Shadow the Hedgehog, Sonic the Hedgehog, Miles “Tails” Prower, Dr. Eggman | Dr. Robotnik, Rouge the Bat, Whisper the Wolf, Cream the Rabbit, Knuckles the Echidna, Badnik (Sonic the Hedgehog), E-123 Omega, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Cyberpunk, Angst, Slow Burn, Partners in Crime
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He had walked Amy back to her booth that night, thanking her for her service on his arm, and claiming that he’d come back if he ever needed anything else. She’d offered for him to come by any time to say hello and thanked him for the dinner, but with his personality she quite frankly doubted she’d ever see him again. She’d turned to walk into her booth, and by the time she’d looked over her shoulder to see which direction he’d already disappeared without a sound. She wondered how he did it.
Anyways, she was feeling quite refreshed this morning. Smiling at every potential customer that passed, fixing minor defects on ProjScreens for free, finally talking to someone outside of work had done a world of good for her. Amy could tell it had cleansed her mind and relaxed her a bit, and she felt a bit more like she had when Tails had co-owned the booth with her. She didn’t know how long this feeling of security and peacefulness would last, but she intended to take advantage of it for as long as she could. So, she put up her ‘be back soon’ sign and stepped out of her booth to go and visit Whisper.
The rusty bell jingled as she pushed open the creaking wood door, Whisper’s weapon shop bustled quietly with activity. A few children stood staring at an impressive sword like weapon in a glass case, and a few seemingly more serious buyers turned a base model of a blaster over in their hands.
“Amy! Come on behind the counter.” Whisper’s damaged voice reached Amy’s perked ears as the mechanic turned to look at the weapon maker and quickly headed to get behind the counter.
“Hey Whisper, sorry I couldn’t do this last night.” She apologized as she walked around the counter to stand in front of the wolf mobian.
“It’s quite fine, I understand being exhausted. I caught a glimpse of the piece you were putting back on, it looked very different from anything I’ve ever seen before.”
“It was pretty strange, but enough about my work, what have you got for me?” Amy redirected the conversation as it twisted to be on ‘Myst’s strange cyborg arms. She was sure he wouldn’t want them to be a topic of conversation, even if she didn’t know him that well, she could tell that much.
Whisper merely nodded in response before reaching under the counter and pulling out the model. As it was, it looked a lot like the metal ‘bag’ structure she’d been picturing.
“It’s made out of aluminum, so when you finish it I’m assuming you’ll make it with perhaps cobalt or some other lightweight strong metal, but this is the base form.” She explained. “The strap is here-“ Whisper popped open a compartment and the strap fell out. She continued to speak as she hooked it on to a loop on either end. “-it has magnetic fibers in it, so when you want to be able to go from using it as a weapon to using it as a bag quickly, it can just attach itself to the outside, as long as your metal is magnetic.” Whisper hung the bag over her shoulder to demonstrate how it looked. When she dropped the bag from her shoulder, she pressed a button on the top and the handle of the hammer shot out the other side. Whisper grasped it by the handle and twirled it a few times before stopping to grip it with both hands in a strong stance. “And here’s the finished product.”
“Wow...” Amy breathed out in awe as Whisper lowered it and handed it to her. “I can’t wait to work on it!” She smiled. “Beautiful work, Whisper, really.”
“I’m glad you think so.” She smiled back. “I can’t do lunch today, unfortunately, but something tells me you want to get to work right away.”
“Right- I’ll see you later, Whisper.” She smiled as Whisper waved a quiet good bye.
Amy weaved through the stands displaying weapons and out onto the busy, outer ring streets, where she dodged mobians walking quickly past her to get back into her booth and put away her ‘be back soon’ sign. She set the model down on her desk and quickly got to work on it, now eagerly hoping that no one would bother her for the rest of the day so she could get it done as soon as possible.
After a few hours of replicating pieces of the aluminum model with cobalt she had almost finished forming the head of the hammer, but it was then that she realized there was an odd silence coming from outside the booth, accompanied from a familiar hum she didn’t quite like to hear. She turned to see the mobians in the street parting the way, parents tucking their kids away, others ducking into alleys to be out of the line of fire of the devilish thing- a Robotnik Robot, easily most common to the outer ring, where people were less likely to be able to defend themselves against the flying robots, and where the government didn’t care to check up on often. The white and black robot hovered off the ground, it’s one beady red ‘eye’ shooting off a beam that it used to scan the crowd. This was normal- it was looking for someone, maybe a citizen had gotten ballsy and kicked one and the Doctor wanted his revenge. It wasn’t as much of revenge as it was an excuse to spill some blood though, she supposed. What she didn’t find normal was when it stopped on her. She hissed in pain and shielded her eyes at the sudden bright light of the robot scanning her.
Subject: Amy Rose
It spoke emotionlessly and Amy froze- what did that mean? Usually it just scanned subjects and moved on- why had it said her name?
Amy Rose, you are the last Mobian in contact with Project Shadow, reveal his whereabouts immediately.
What? Amy shrunk back a bit and found herself grabbing the aluminum hammer, it might fall apart if she used it, but she would still have all the pieces at least.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” Amy shouted.
Amy Rose, reveal the whereabouts of Project Shadow.
It repeated with no care for her testimony.
“I don’t know about any ‘Project Shadow’!” Amy shouted again, angrier this time, desperate for the robot to hear her and give up.
Amy Rose will be: Terminated.
She gasped as the robot came shooting towards her, eye beginning to shine as if it were ready to hit her with a terrible blast. In a moment of adrenaline, she spun on her toes and lifted the hammer with both hands. By the time she’d made it all the way back around again, she swung as hard as she could, and BANG- home run.
The Robotnik Robot went flying back out into the street as she followed through and the hammer poised back up behind her head again. It’s white body clanked to the ground and skidded, creating a horrible screeching noise before thunking against the wall of the building opposite of her and powering down. Amy breathed heavily in fear as she lowered the hammer and dropped it to the ground, the reality of the situation coming back to her senses as the mobians in the street slowly stopped staring at her and began carrying on with their day. A couple kids scrambled to tear the broken robot apart for parts, and she clutched a hand over her chest.
What. Was. That.
She had never, never in a million years, ever been targeted by Robotnik robot. At first she thought it might’ve been because he had found out Tails had used to work here- but Tails was no ‘Project Shadow’ unless he had suddenly changed drastically in the last twenty four hours. It seemed that ‘Myst’ was her only viable culprit for the ‘Project Shadow’. Amy picked up the aluminum hammer off the floor and placed it back on her work desk, amazed it hadn’t fallen to pieces like she’d thought it would. She sat back down on her stool and pulled out her ProjScreen.
Her first search was ‘Project Shadow’
The web showed it as nothing more than some Projection vlog channel of a kid who had no more than ten subscribers.
She looked up ‘Robotnik Project Shadow’
Same kid as before, except it seemed he had made a video ranting about the Doctor, seemed like it might be amusing, just not right now.
She tried ‘White Cyborg Arms’
Most of what came up we’re just arms taken from androids modeled after white colored mobians- cats seemed to be the most common, though she also saw what appeared to be a bird- and a few were actually pictures of Mobians with white cyborg arms, but none of them were what she had looked at only a few days ago.
Then ‘Cloaked Cyborg’
And now she was getting somewhere. The first article that came up was from about two months ago, and the headline read ‘Blue Blur goes head to head once more with the Cloaked Cyborg’ she clicked on it and was met with a gut wrenching picture.
It was the Blue Blur, just as handsome as everyone claimed, right in the middle of kicking her familiar mysterious customer in the cyborg arms with his cyborg legs, through the shadow of the hood he wore she saw the gleam of clenched teeth, it seemed that his shoes were skidding on the ground as well. Something told her he would have flown into a wall right after this picture. Her stomach churned- the man she had met did not seem deserving of this treatment, but then again, she hardly knew him. What had he done to get to that? She read the article quickly, the most she got out of it was that the people were lucky to have the Blue Blur to save them from wrong doers like the Cloaked Cyborg- but it still didn’t tell her what he had done. Clearly he had some sort of connection with Robotnik, she was almost one hundred percent sure that it was the doctor himself who had made ‘Myst’ those arms now. He had also apparently done something to get on the Blur’s bad side, and by extension Tails, which meant that it was good she never showed Tails the arm, but bad that she’d let a fair amount about Tails slip to ‘Myst’. Amy groaned and powered down the ProjScreen. She wasn’t quite sure what to make of all this. She didn’t like that she couldn’t find what ‘Myst’ had done anywhere on the web, but a part of her felt like she was betraying Tails by not immediately contacting him to tell him what had happened. Her unease swirled in her mind as she clenched her hands into fists in her lap. For now, it seemed that it might be best to just not say anything at all. She didn’t have to lie to Tails if she just didn’t talk to him, and with any luck, ‘Myst’ would not reappear at her booth anytime soon. She felt like she was trapped in a web, but all she could do was toss the ProjScreen to the top of her table and start working on the hammer once more.
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mobius-prime · 4 years
162. Sonic the Hedgehog #94
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Okay, okay. I know. I know how many of you just put your heads down on the table in complete exasperation. I get it. But just stick with it. Bear with me here. I had the same reaction when I first read through the comics - the reaction of why the hell does a Sonic the Hedgehog comic have a back to school episode?! - but in the end, it does tie further into previous points I've made about Sonic's character as well as the state of the war. That said, Spaz, what the hell happened to Mina up there? Why does she look… like that? Sonic and Tails look totally normal but Mina looks like she was dragged straight out of some badly drawn early 90s anime that only aired once in Japan and was never even officially subbed because it was so low quality. I know you're a better artist than that, Spaz, we've seen your work before! Come on!
New Order
Writer: Karl Bollers Pencils: FRY Colors: Frank Gagliardo
So right away, we've jumped forward a month and a half from last issue. That's one hell of a time skip, especially for a comic that doesn't usually do big time skips.
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Of course, Sonic is not at all happy about being confined to Knothole. We’re talking about a character whose entire personality has always revolved around being able to run free and fight back against anything threatening his friends, who's now stuck hanging out in his room all day. Worse still, the entire time he's been in Knothole, he hasn't seen Sally once, having been prevented from seeing her by a combination of his house arrest and her royal duties. He still finds himself thinking about her, however, and she in turn has been thinking about him.
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I honestly really like the use of Art Mawhinney's art to indicate that she's looking at a photo from when they were younger, given that his cartoony style contrasts with the more anime-like style that the comic has been going for lately. Also, while it's great that Sally has her family back at last, it's still concerning that they've been monopolizing 100% of her time lately so she hasn't had any time to see her old friends, even though they live in the same village. Sonic has also found his mind preoccupied with thoughts of the Overlanders he failed to save, who are still stuck inside Robotropolis for the time being, with shadow-bots enforcing nighttime curfews on them and keeping a close eye on their activities. Colin, exploring the palace, finds his brother working on something in the lab, and in the interest of keeping his dealings secret Eggman overenthusiastically invites him, along with Agnes and Hope, to spend some time together as a family. Hope, to her credit, seems very suspicious of Eggman, officially making her the smartest Overlander here despite being only fourteen or so (at least, the wiki has extrapolated that age from the dates of other significant events like the Great War and the length of the first war against Robotnik, though I'd personally put her at more like twelve). Eggman, to deflect from questions concerning how much he's changed over the years, asks Colin to describe why he and the other Overlanders were apparently just hangin' out in space for the past ten years.
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Really, this entire interaction seems like something that should have happened right after the Overlanders' first entrance into the city, not six whole weeks afterwards, but eh, whatever. Anyway, Sonic finds himself unable to sleep properly the night before starting school, and gets irritated when Tails teases him about Sally being in looooove with him and wanting to get married in the future. The next morning, they find themselves roughly awakened by an earthquake, and immediately spring into action, falling right back into their routine as heroes.
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At least Sonic is still able to keep his heroic actions up even when confined to the village, eh? In Robotropolis, Eggman visits Snively in his prison cell, and Snively begs not to be roboticized for being caught out after dark. Eggman agrees, in return for his loyalty of course, as well as zipping his lips about Eggman's true intentions for the Overlanders. He even decides to give Snively a little more incentive, in the form of a promise of revenge against his father Colin for not recognizing his brilliance all those years ago…
After breakfast, Sonic and Tails meet up with Bunnie and Rotor. Amy, if you'll recall, is still back in Mercia with her cousin Rob, and interestingly, Antoine isn't part of the crowd heading to school at all, suggesting that by now he's past high school age, making him the oldest Freedom Fighter. Sonic is concerned and disappointed that Sally is nowhere in sight, and reluctantly parts from Tails to go to his own class, since Tails is with the younger kids. However, back in Robotropolis, Hope has found herself becoming too suspicious of Eggman to ignore her concerns any longer…
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Uh oh, Hope, you may have seen something you weren't supposed to see… better get back to safety before Eggman finds out about that and silences you. Tails is heading toward his class with the other kids when he realizes he's lost his bookbag somewhere, and in retracing his steps to find it, he suddenly finds himself confronted by the ghostly image of Athair, who tells him that he's needed as the Chosen One immediately and teleports him away, to the bafflement of a watching turtle in the hallway. Sonic gets to his class, and Mina is happy to see him there, thrilled that they're sitting near each other. Bunnie arrives as well, but when Sonic tries to introduce her to Mina she only gives her a cold "howdy," her mood suddenly turning quite chilly. And then, their teacher arrived, and class begins…
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So this is what I was talking about before. We've already been over in previous issues how when it comes down to it, Sonic and the other Freedom Fighters are child soldiers who have never known a day of peace in their life. At least back when Robotnik was thought to be defeated permanently and the king was trying to get the kingdom back to a state of relative normality, Sonic was able to partially come to terms with the idea and find happiness in being able to settle down with his family. But now, the kingdom is back in a state of active war, and here he is, the spearhead of the resistance, forced to stay out of the conflict and learn physics and algebra in a standard high school setting. It's obvious that it's getting to him in a big way. We sort of end up stuck in this strange position where on the one hand, yeah, children and teenagers shouldn't have to be the ones on the front lines of a war, and should get a chance to just act their age and have a childhood, but on the other hand, Sonic the legitimate war hero is now stuck in Knothole with his hands tied, twiddling his thumbs while everyone else, even the others his age and younger (remember, he's the only Freedom Fighter on house arrest), are free to go and do whatever they like. It doesn't even seem like anyone has had the idea to try and get the Sword of Acorns back from Eggman, even though that's what started this whole mess. Honestly, I just feel bad for him. Once class has finally ended - after one hour of agonizing boredom for Sonic - he and Bunnie approach Nate, asking why they haven't seen Sally at the school yet. They're shocked to hear that she is instead receiving private lessons at the castle, only further isolating her from everyone else…
The Best Laid Plans…
Writer: Ken Penders Pencils: Rom Lim Colors: Frank Gagliardo
Unlike the previous story, there's no time skip at all between last issue and this one - I'm just going to presume, honestly, that the disappearance of the Floating Island is an event that happened during that time skip, and the main story has only just caught up to it, because otherwise the timeline makes no sense. Nic is surprised to find Nack returning to her without Knuckles in tow, but is quite pleased when he tells her they got their money and a bonus to boot, and can wash their hands of the whole affair. As they leave, they remember that they left Charmy and Saffron further into the woods, but decide not to worry about it, as in the end, what can a couple of little bees do? Charmy and Saffron, meanwhile, begin to realize that they've been left alone, and immediately spring into action, hoping they can reach Knuckles before anything bad happens. Unfortunately, that's not really in the cards, as Knuckles has already been hooked up to the Chaos Syphon, with another echidna linked in on the opposite side, presumably to act as a conduit for the energy being sucked from Knuckles so it doesn't just explode into the air. At least, that's what I'm assuming, because it doesn't really specify, but this echidna does become important later on, so I figured I should mention him. Gala-Na again offers a weak non-apology for what she's about to do, before ordering the syphon switched on.
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So, this is torture. This is just straight up an actual torture scene. Gala-Na is knowingly, willingly, torturing a sixteen year old because she's afraid of the power he wields despite him not even asking to be born with it in the first place. If anything, Locke should be the one facing punishment for what he's put Knuckles through, but of course, we know Penders would never let that happen. Knuckles starts screaming uncontrollably, and to the shock of the echidna onlookers, begins trying to resist the power of the syphon, making Gala-Na worry he might actually break free. The other echidna on the receiving end of the energy also begins to feel the pain, yelling that he thinks he can't handle any more, and while the others try to encourage him to hang in there, Charmy and Saffron happen upon the awful scene. As Knuckles finds himself actually reduced to begging for it to stop through gritted teeth and Gala-Na gives another "apology" to her "young friend" (can you guys tell how much I hate her? Is it too obvious?), Charmy and Saffron dive in towards the operators, hoping they can stop the syphon before Knuckles gets hurt too much more. Of course, this is Penders writing, so he can't resist throwing in another weird, stilted 90s feminist comment somewhere.
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Earth to Penders: women don't actually talk like that. Also, oh yeah, remember that whole "flight mode" thing where apparently bees can turn small or big as they please? I almost forgot about that, but I guess that's what's supposed to be happening here. With the device shut off, Knuckles breaks free of the syphon, but only seems more powerful than ever, with his irises replaced by pure white eyes, and as everyone watches he disappears in a flash of energy. Gala-Na, aghast that her plans seem to have only made things worse (GEE, YOU THINK, GALA-NA?), tries to contact the weasels once again before they get out of range, but they witnessed the entire thing from the air and refuse to get involved any more than they already have, leaving a horrified Gala-Na to stand over the now-unconscious echidna on the receiving end of the energy, wondering what to do next…
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