#like i guess i'll call the leave group tomorrow and cry and beg for an extension. i guess i'll grovel bc it's the difference
serkonans · 7 months
the way we handle medical leave in the states even for people with good benefits is cruel
#the number of hoops i have to jump through. the way that my requirements for one surgery are apparently different from another surgery#even though there's nothing in the paperwork to indicate any need for that and the surgeries don't differ all that much#the way that they lost my initial letter and now i'm up against my deadline next week and they haven't even told me what day next week#so i'm worried that it's literally tomorrow#the way i am not receiving ANY pay for an entire month because of all the delays so i'm having to live off my savings#the way that every single person i've talked to has said something different about what is and isn't required#the way that for a lot of this i had to be navigating it while high on painkillers immediately post-surgery#the way that the group my employer contracts through has two different emails and names and flips between them constantly#the way that my healthcare provider does it differently than every other healthcare provider so i need special forms from them#instead of the leave group but then the leave group doesn't seem to accept the forms that they send#the way that the doctors office has seemed incredibly confused by my requests#the way that the ROI office told me they'd send over a completed form and never did#the way i literally don't even know who to call next to try and sort this out or if it's possible TO sort out#like i guess i'll call the leave group tomorrow and cry and beg for an extension. i guess i'll grovel bc it's the difference#of getting a few thousand dollars or not and i can't just be like oh well guess i won't get my short term disability pay#especially bc none of the hospitals have billed me yet and i'm getting scared bc i don't know what my ER bill is going to look like#bc they did xrays and a CT scan and they gave me a splint and a sling and a lot of drugs#so i do need the money. just sitting here like. idek what to do lmfao.#not tagging this bc i'm on desktop and i can't do the accent mark easily and idk where my phone is rn sorry
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Caught In The Storm" *Part 7*
I'm sorry I cut the last one at a REALLY bad part and this chapter HAS to end here. I'M SO SORRY It's so short!
....Especially because I think I'm gonna wait to post the rest tomorrow. {later today?}
I'm so sorry don't hate me!!!!
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“Hey baby I grabbed us some champagne,” Nathan smiled, coming back with two glasses of champagne. “Hey guys isn't she amazing?” He acknowledged the others.
“She really is,” Olivia smiled back.
“Hey So--sweetie, I know that this is your big night. But I've got a really big case tomorrow so I need to take off. Are you going to be okay?” Nathan made a “Sorry” face.
You looked back at him, stunned. Was he really going to take off on your big night? You looked at the group of your family who didn't seem as offended as you felt; which was weird, because they usually feel more protective of you than you do.
“Are you serious?” Rafael suddenly came up from behind you out of nowhere. “You're going to abandon your girlfriend on the biggest night of her life?”
“Rafael.. I don't think you need to be so hard on him,” Olivia told him through gritted teeth.
Something was going on. Something Rafael was clearly not in on. He looked at Liv, still confused.
“How are you not more upset about this?” He asked her. “I'm the biggest lawyer in New York and I'm not even leaving for a case!”
“I just think that you should let Nathan do what he needs to do,” Olivia insisted.
“Whatever,” Rafael rolled his eyes while You looked between all of them with a super confused look on your face.
“I mean if you have to go, then you have to go. I'll see you tomorrow,” You smiled awkwardly at Nathan.
“Thank you baby I promise I'll make it up to you,” he smiled. “I love you very much and congratulations again I'm so proud of you!” He said before running off into the crowd.
“Can you believe the nerve of that guy?” Rafael scoffed
“Why do you care so much?” You suddenly turned back to him with an angry look.
“What are you talking about?”
“Why do you care what my boyfriend does?” You asked him again angrily. How dare he just insult Nathan like that.
“I don't,” Rafael scoffed.
“Bullshit,” you spat. “You constantly drag on him at work. He tells me things, Rafael. That’s what two people do when they love each other, they TELL each other things,” You enunciated, making it clear this was bigger than Nathan.
“So why are you so mean to him?” You accused him.
Olivia, Nick and Fin watched the fight unfolding between you two in nervousness, looking around as if they were waiting for something to pop off quickly.
“I just don't think that he's good enough for you!” Rafael finally yelled, causing the others to gasp softly.
“Barba, I really don't think that now is the time to start this…” Amaro tried whispering to Rafael, but he was too angry to hear anything.
“I'm sorry, he's not good enough for me?!” You laughed sarcastically. “Then tell me Rafael,” you started, with tears starting to form. “Who is good enough for me?”
Before Rafael could answer, you heard someone tapping on a mic. You looked to the stage to see Nathan standing there with a huge smile. You looked to the left and saw Sonny and Amanda had returned with food watching anxiously. You looked at Rafael who was staring in horror. You felt your heart racing.
“Please don't be happening….” You begged Silently.
“Hello all. I don't know if you know me but I'm Nathan Price, Y/N’s boyfriend. I know that this is the biggest night of her life, I know it's something she's wanted for a very long time, and I am so proud of her.” He looked at you with love and affection.
“And I know that tonight is all about her and her album, and her accomplishments and I don't want to take away from that but..”
“No no no…” you thought you heard Rafael whisper. You glanced over but Nathan started talking before you could see him.
“Y/N could you come up here please?” He asked.
Everyone in the room turned to look at you. You took a shaky breath and made your way up to the stage. You could feel the hot lights burning down on you like the sun. You knew that you should be absolutely ecstatic In This moment, if it was going to be what you expected it to be.
“I love you so much Y/N and I am so proud to call you mine,” he started. “And I want to be able to call you mine for the rest of my life so…” he knelt down and pulled out a huge diamond ring.
“Will you marry me?”
You could hear the whole room gasp and then go so silent, you could hear a pin drop in the room.
You looked out into the crowd searching for Rafael's face to see if he was excited for you or something else. But all you could see was the bright lights, nothing else. You felt your hands shaking, your whole body was shaking, your breath was quickening, you were sweating. You should be absolutely happy in this moment, here was this great man, asking you to be his.. his? Like you were his property? Whatever. He's asking to spend the rest of his life with you and he was a good kind man. And you didn't have anyone else.
After a very long time of you in your head, in a very awkward silence Nathan jokingly whispered. “Kind of leaving me hanging here babe,” with a nervous laugh.
“I am.. I.. well..” You took a deep breath and put on the biggest smile you could.
“Of course I will, Nathan,” You answered as tears were lining your eyes. You knew that people would think that you were crying in happiness, but you knew that they were for a different reason. Nathan smiled hugely and put the ring on your finger and then picked you up and spun you around.
“Now it's the happiest day of my life!” He laughed.
Afterwards you went and found your family in the crowd. They were all smiling hugely.
You knew this was going to happen didn't you? You asked
“Maybe... Olivia smiled. You looked over to Kelsey and Kenny. “And you too? Maybe…” Kenny Laughed.
You looked at Kelsey, who had a guilty look on her face. This is exactly why she was trying to talk you out of being sad last night. She knew that Nathan was going to ask you to spend the rest of his life with him, to trap you. Trap you shouldn't be the first thing you think of when being engaged you realized. Then you also realized that Rafael was nowhere to be seen.
“Where did Rafa go?” You asked innocently and you saw everyone's faces but Nathan's turned into weird looks.
“Oh I think he left,” Kelsey piped up. “I think he actually did have a case in the morning,'' she added with a smirk. You wanted to yell at her that he wouldn't do that, especially after he gave Nathan such a hard time.
You wanted to yell at her that she should have minded her own fucking business, and now she was setting you up to be stuck for the rest of your life. You wanted to tell her that a best friend would never let their best friend be anything but happy. But instead you just smiled sadly and said:
“I guess so,”
Outside the party, Rafael was standing outside practically hyperventilating. He couldn't believe that he had screwed this up so bad. He couldn't believe that he didn't stand up and say something while that stupid prick was talking. He couldn't believe that he hadn't said anything sooner. He regretted so many things, so many times and now he really had lost his chance and he'd have to live with it forever. He broke down crying as he sadly walked away from the party and you, forever.
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kuronanox · 4 years
Childhood promises - Hisagi Shuhei
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"Shuhei wake up! It's snowing!" (Your Name) says putting on her torn up shoes while running outside. Rukongai in the winter was harsh and they were poor but it didn't mean they weren't happy.
"I'm coming!" He calls out putting on his robe and touching the white floor.
She was playing with the snow and smiling. He shyly watched. "Come on!" She yelled out and grabbed his hand.
"Ahh!" He protested and stood next to her and she smiled.
"Let's make something!"
They made a snowman and laughed as it fell apart from their poor attempt of it.
"I'm hungry (Your Name)." He says clutching his stomach.
With a worried face she walks back into their house and looks at what they had left. "Here eat this."
It was the last of their rice balls they had.
"But you won't be able to have any."
(Your Name) smiles and gives it to Shuhei anyways. "It's okay eat it."
Looking at the rice ball he broke it in half.
"Thanks." She smiles and eats it in one bite.
Shuhei zones out in the office and smiles sadly to himself. He had missed (Your Name) deeply and regret being a weak friend at the time.
He remembered he thought of her as family, they had no one. Although she was 5 years older than him (Your Name) worked hard for them.
Shuhei remember she worked at a small stall in rukongai and she made enough money for them to live enough to survive. Although they starved from time to time they were happy.
Kensei walks in with papers and places them on Shuhei desk. "Need these done by tomorrow."
"Okay Captain."
Kensei stares at Shuhei and walks out the office. He noticed that his Vice Captain had been spacing out recently but he didn't want to push any matters that were unnecessary.
"Are you okay (Your Name)?" Shuhei asks with teary eyes as he watched her wrapped a cut she got from work that day. "I'm okay thanks."
She smiles and sets down some hot soup she warmed up, although there was no rice today.
"What did you do while I was gone?"
"I played out in the fields with some friends."
"Fun, I'm glad you made it back safe."
"Actually... we were almost killed by a hollow."
"What?! Shuhei you could have gotten killed!"
He looks down and starts to cry. "I know, I'm sorry I was so scared. I couldn't do nothing. It was so big and strong. I didn't want to leave you either."
(Your Name) pulls him to an embrace like a mother would and kissed his head. "It's okay you are safe now."
"I met a Captain, and he saved my life. It made me realize that I wanna be a Shinigami when I'm older. I can take care of us and get strong!"
(Your Name) laughs and ruffle his messy hair. "Okay one day, promise me."
"I promise!"
The next morning they were rudely awakened when their door was knocked down and a group of men came in.
Shuhei eyes frighten as (Your Name) became alert and pulled him behind her.
"Your the bitch that sold us the fake metal." One said and grabbed her harshly.
"(Your Name)!" Shuhei yells and runs after her but she stops him.
"Don't come after me!"
He panics and watches as she struggles to get off the grip of the men. They were dragging her somewhere unknown.
"Leave her alone!" Shuhei screams and grabs the stick to hit the men.
Shuhei was sent flying a few feet in the air as they punched him and his nose bleed. He wanted to cry but he was losing (Your Name).
As they dragged her off Shuhei was left with one other dude as he beat Shuhei black and purple.
Lying on the floor (Your Name) was out of sight as he cried and ran to find her.
He screamed and fell to the ground.
Shuhei grips his hand in a fist as he laid in bed looking at the ceiling. He thought about (Your Name) wondering if she ever survived.
Rubbing his eyes he pushed the tears threatening to fall. She had sacrificed everything for them and he couldn't even save her that day.
The next morning Shuhei walked into the publishing office and greeted everyone with a smile. It was a new day and new opportunities waited for him.
"Me and Renji are giving some rookies a tour of Soul Society wanna join me?" Kira asks him as Shuhei had to pass. "Um nah seems kinda boring but good luck though!"
(Your Name) ended up stuck with a group of new comers like her as they toured the place, the blonde dude was kinda bland and gloomy but he showed everyone the important stuff which was the only thing that mattered.
"What squad do you wanna join?" A girl as her as she looked around amazed at the place.
"I'm not sure yet! I guess any that accepts me!"
Passing all the barracks Kira goes into the editing room. "And this is where we publish all the paper work, stories and headlines. The head of editor and chief is Lieutenant of Squad 9."
Shuhei greets everyone and smiles talking about how fun and hard working the publishers are.
(Your Name) looks at him with confusion. He didn't state his name but he looked familiar to her. "My name is Hisagi Shuhei! I can't wait to see what squad everyone joins!"
"What a minute? That's!"
"Okay everyone follow me." Kira boringly says and walks them out as she turns to find Shuhei but he was already gone talking to a few coworkers.
"I guess I'll catch up to him at another time. He's so grown now."
She smiles knowing that he successfully took care of himself. Although the scar and 69 was new.
"(Your Name)?" Shuhei calls out as she washes the rice for them that night.
"Will you ever leave me for someone else?"
She tilted her head in confusion and laughs. "What do you mean?"
"Like if a guy came and you liked him."
"No silly, we have each other."
"I promise! Trust me when you get older all the ladies will swoon for you."
"He's so hot!" A few girls giggled to themselves as they continued the tour.
By night time came they entered a dorm place for all new comers. Tomorrow was the day that they picked their squad whether they wanted to be in it or not.
(Your Name) was placed under the 6th squad, which to her seem pretty good because her Captain was a noble and everyone seemed fairly strong. Although she wasn't nearly as good as a seated officer she didn't mind working her way up.
"Abarai Fukutaicho?" She calls out one day as he turns to her. "Um? Do you know where I can talk to Shuhei?"
"Uh?? You mean like the Lieutenant from squad 9? Are y'all close like that?"
"Yes, I'm his childhood friend. We lost contact a long time ago but I just found him."
Renji was bewildered, he didn't know much about Shuhei past but it sounded a lot like him and Rukia so he couldn't reject her.
"Yeah I'll let him know."
Shuhei was in the middle of a rush when Renji walked in. "Yo! Someone was asking for you!"
"Not now! I'm kinda busy." Shuhei states skimming through the papers rangiku messed up on.
"It's (Your Name) she really wants to see you." Renji says as Shuhei drops the papers and looks up shocked. "You mean it?!"
"Yes, like she's in my squad and everything."
"Where?! Where is she!" Shuhei yells with a big smile on his face as he gets up from his desk.
"Woah woah calm down!" She's over at the fields training-" without letting Renji finish his sentence he made a run for it.
Renji smiles and scoffs. He was happy knowing that the reunion was going to be a good one.
Shuhei saw her with her sword training hard as she sweated and concentrated on her spiritual energy. "(Your Name)!" He yells out as she turns to him.
She smiles and ran towards him as they pull each other in a embrace.
"Shuhei! You're so grown now!" She says and he crushes her with his inhuman strength now. "Well you're so tiny!"
They let go as they both couldn't stop smiling. "How?" He says as she sat on the grass as he took a seat next to her.
"Remember when they took me, I managed to escape but we were so far away I couldn't find the way back home."
Shuhei groans and looks down. "If only I was strong back then, I would have saved you."
"It's fine, you were a kid. I don't blame you."
He smiles softly as she touches his face and he starts to blush. "What happen to your face?" She asks with concern.
"Don't worry, just battles and the 69 is something I got from the man that saved my life. He's actually my captain now."
She laughs and lets go. "Well you succeeded, now you can protect me from now on."
2 years later
"Why don't you tell her!" Hinamori pouts at Shuhei trying to push him into the restaurant.
"Be-because it's weird! She was like an older sister to me."
"But you like her right?" Rangiku jumps in unintentionally popping her breast out as Shuhei looks away in awkwardness.
"Better tell her before someone else beats you to it." Kira adds looking into the restaurant spotting (Your Name) dressed in a nice kimono waiting for a certain childhood friend.
"Come on! Renji even asked Kuchiki Taicho to reserve the best restaurant in Seireitei right now!" Hinamori says making Shuhei feel a bit guilty that Renji made the effort to beg his captain.
"Oh fine fine fine! I was going to do it my own pace but since everyone is telling me to."
Shuhei takes a deep breath and enters the restaurant.
"Shuhei!" She calls and waves him over.
"Sorry I'm late, how was your day?"
"It was good! I can't believe you got a place like this for us!"
Shuhei sweats a bit and drinks some water before answering. "Yeah me too."
"Ahh little Shuhei is so handsome now." (Your Name) smiles and push the messy part front of his hair away from his eyes.
He blushes and grabs her hands with his. "You've grown to a fine lady also... but you kept your promise."
"What promise?"
"Remember when we were little, I didn't want you to leave me for another man."
(Your Name) laughs and covers her mouth with her free hand and tighten her grip with his hand.
"Of course, why would I want anyone else?"
"I wouldn't want anyone else but you (Your Name)." Shuhei confesses as she drops her smile.
They had been through so much she could see a life with him and he could see a future with her. A future with laughter and happiness where they no longer starved or lived poor.
"I'm making enough money for us and I'm strong enough to protect you now. That means I'm the man I told you I wanted to be and the man you deserve to have."
She chuckles and set their hands down on the table as she rubs it softly.
"Always, I don't see why we wouldn't work out. The future tied us back together."
Shuhei grins like the child he once use to be and boldly kisses her from across the table.
"I've been waiting for this for years, our first kiss."
"And many to come." (Your Name) adds with a blush.
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pufflocks · 3 years
I wanna have a group chat with mutuals. 🕴🏽♂️
Just sending random thoughts and fun to eachother through text sounds fun. Haven't really been in a proper gc where everyone talks in a while.
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Cast: Older!Brother!Reader and Tobio
Warning: Slight crying of younger brother
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"What am I supposed to say for you to let me in ?" You sighed. Kageyama rolled his eyes taking a preoccupied slurp from his carton. "I know you don't care, but help me in dude." You practically begged. Begged for this heathen to let you in the house. Your mom was already on his behind about locking his older brother out. And you needed to piss bad.
The 10 year old boy chuckled before realizing his milk carton was now empty. Thinking back, there was none in the refrigerator since he used the rest for his cereal this morning. He guess – he could let you in.
"Fine. Go get me some milk at Ukai's store 'n I'll let you in." His cocky remark made your nerves edgy as you turned around without hesitation nonetheless, to your coaches store.
"Fucking kids man." You mumbled under your breath. Swinging open the door to the refrigerated beverage. "He's only 10 and he has me doing stuff like this." You sighed digging out half your lunch money from today. Ukai looked at you as you handed him the money while he begged the big carton of milk.
He shrugged at your hidden temper as you walked out the store.
"No comment." He turned around to light a cigarette.
When you made it home you saw your little brother wasn't there anymore. Probably mom is home and he got caught – again. You thought, but you also entertained the thought of you getting the milk for nothing.
"Fucking- Fuck‐!" You growled under your breath as you unlocked the door to the house. Your mom locking eyes with you as she sees your still in your uniform. You would have been out of it if that thing you call a brother, didn't lock you out.
Her slender polished finger pointed to your attire in question. "Son, where were you still in your uniform ?" She asked from the kitchen sink. You by now have already kicked off your shoes by the door and dropped your back pack by the sofa. Dragging the now very heavy gallon of milk in your hands to the refrigerator for later uses.
Simply sighing. "Milk. Tobio made me get it." You said. She rolled her eyes at her eldest son going back to doing whatever she was cooking. "He's freaking 10, Ma ! He locked every door that led to the inside and took my key once !" You nearly hollered. Though your tone is hushed a bit because you're talking to your mom. She chuckled while trying her sleek black hair in a bun. Not liking how it felt in her face when cooking.
"It's silly and funny because he got it from you. You did the same thing when you used to walk home with your cousins." She smiled. And you did, but he was a toddler then. "Even if he was 3, he still has brain as sharp as your dads." She sneered. Now it was your turn to roll your eyes. It was unfair that it kinda made sense too. Trauts could be passed down like that if the child saw it often. It still felt off on how much he did this though.
"Sitting in a chair, waiting for me to fuckin' piss myself." You mumbled walking away to your room before a wooden spatula hit your back.
"Watch your mouth." Your mom said. Tight in the shoulder blade too.
"Sorry, sorry ! Gosh-" nothing was going good today after volleyball practice it seemed.
It's been about 2 hours since then and your mom had left to go shop for some vegetables for lunch later. She didn't want you guys to waste money on school food tomorrow, so she left to the shops leaving you with Tobio. Doing homework in your room for the past 2 hours did help your mind release stress from the locked door incident though.
Just right in time, a curt patterned knock was heard on your door. "Come in, Tobi." You answered. In walked your brother with a small stack of homework and a colored pencil. The ones you bend and would easily break after one use. Sitting down next to you on your bed, sure not to sit on your papers. "You need help with your homework ?" He nodded. Besides all the trouble he seems to be, Tobio was a nice kid. A nice quiet kid. A nice quiet kid who was also stingy and locked you out of the house. Nevermind -
"Sorry." He said. Your eyes twitched a bit before nodding and taking the work from his hands. He looked up at you with a pouted lip. Ugly– "I said sorry !" He semi shouted. "Do you not care ?" Tobio was now standing with tears in his eyes. Why was he crying ?
"Why're you crying dude ?" You asked. He wasn't the one to cry often, but when he did it was an ugly snot nosed one. Which honestly, almost made you want to hug him like this the kid he was. "You said your sorry now just calm down. You wanted help right ?" You calmly said.
That was the last straw. Tears rushed out of his dark blue eyes as he rushed out of the room.
At this point you felt a bit bad for not accepting his apology head on for locking you out, but why was he so worked up over it ? He always did this and said sorry if he blatantly knew you needed access for whatever reason. The tears you saw on your little brothers face were glistening when he ran out the room too. Yeah, you most definitely felt bad.
So like the big brother you were –, you got up and went to ask "what was wrong". If your mom got back to see Tobio was shedding tears she would most likely be worried and ask you. Of course you would be in the same boat though. His thoughts were so one sided it was kinda hard to read him.
After opening the door to his room you found him on his bed face first. Walking towards him you lifted his very light body up to your face to see his read puffy eyes and snotty nose from crying. Yeah ugly. "What's wrong with you ?" Your voice was loud with concern. He only turned his head with sass crossing his arms making him look like a real kid.
"Put me down and I'll tell you." He said with a hoarse voice. You begrudgingly put him down on his feet and waited for him to speak. He took a deep breath and looked at you dead in the eyes. "I'm mad because you still help me." He mumbled. His blush overcoming his cheeks with red.
Your eye quilted up a bit. Of course you help him. Deep down you knew he's still a kid and is having "fun". Even though it was kinda sadistic for him. Knowing full well that he doesn't make friends like that.
You smiled nonetheless. "It's cringey, but it's because you're my little brother." You said. "I am annoyed about you locking me out, but it's what I used to do." You cringed at that a bit because your mom was right.
"We're like twins." Tobio smiled. You both were now in your room doing homework together. As brothers. ♡
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{ Still want that group chat. ☝🏽💀 }
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starlit-serenade · 4 years
Along the Red Thread | Chapter 4
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🧣 Summary: It is said that a red thread connects people who are soulmates and destined to be lovers, regardless of place and circumstances. What makes this difficult is that you stopped believing in love a long time ago. OR. You go to Korea to visit your father after several years. There, a mysterious red thread that seemingly only you can see shows up when you least expect it, and you meet a childhood friend you’d never thought you would see again.
🧣 Chapter 4: 3,500 words
🧣 Pairing: Reader x Kim Geonhak (Leedo) / Characters: GenderNeutral!Reader; Kim Geonhak (Leedo); Kim Youngjo (Ravn); Lee Seoho (Seoho); Lee Keonhee (Keonhee); Yeo Hwanwoong (Hwanwoong); Son Dongju/Xion; a couple of OCs;
🧣 Rated: T / Warnings: Mentions of divorce (Y/N’s parents); Mentions of abuse (physical); Instances of abuse (non-physical); Mentions of child abuse; Swearing / Genre: Angst; Fluff; Soulmate!AU (Red Thread of Fate); ChildhoodBestFriends!AU; Happy Ending;
《 Boy Group Masterlist // ONEUS Masterlist // Series Masterlist  》
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You wake up early in the morning to the sun in your eyes. This room isn't familiar. It isn't your bedroom at home. And it isn't the bedroom at your father's apartment.
It takes you a moment to remember that this is Kim Geonhak's dorm with his group members, and that, after getting in an argument with your father, Geonhak allowed you to sleep on their couch.
You sit up and rub your eyes. You're still wearing the white T-shirt that Geonhak lent you. It's several sizes too big for you, and is very comfortable.
You hear the door open, and suddenly someone emerges from the bedroom door next to the couch. Kim Youngjo, the brown haired man you had met last night, comes out from the bedroom. He's wearing sweatpants and a white T-shirt with a design on the front.
"Oh, good morning," he says. He smiles his warm smile as he moves across the room toward the kitchen. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yes, I did, thank you," you say.
"Would you like breakfast?" he asks. "I don't make the best eggs out of the group--that's Geonhak--but I'm a close second."
You shake your head. "No thank you. I should probably head home, I don't want to be a bother and overstay my welcome."
"Oh, don't worry," Youngjo says. "We're all happy to have you here. Any friend of Geonhak is a friend of ours. Besides, he really likes you. You must have been really good friends when you were kids."
"He was there for me when no one else was," you say. "From when my father would scream at me and my mother for getting in his way. When my parents would fight and I couldn't stand it. When my parents finally got divorced after years of fighting. He was there for me, as a shoulder to cry on, a second home to stay at. He was my best friend. He was my home," you explain.
"That's sweet of him. I would tell you that he's a warm, sweet and kind person beneath his intimidating appearance, but it seems you already know that," Youngjo says. "And I don't know you well, but if you need any help, I am always open to talk to."
"Thank you. Like I said, though, I should get going. My father might be worried about me," you say. You've already gathered your clothes and put on your coat. "Thank you for letting me stay."
"Thank you for blessing us with your presence," he jokes. He walks over to the front door and holds the door open for you as you leave. "Stay safe on your way home."
"Thank you, Youngjo."
You exit and wave goodbye as Youngjo closes the door behind you. Then you sigh and walk down and out, bracing yourself for whatever you might encounter when you get back to your father's apartment.
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The door creaks open and you push into the living room. Besides your light, careful footsteps, there isn't a single sound. Which isn't too much of a surprise. It's the weekend, so Sunho doesn't have school and neither of his parents, your father nor Sooyeon, have work today.
You head to your bedroom, close the door behind you, and plug in your phone to charge. There, you see several texts and calls from your father that you'd ignored from last night, begging you to return.
Last night, you had not felt safe at all. You'd wanted to stay at a hotel, but none were open. Perhaps you should stay at a hotel for the rest of your stay here in Korea. Maybe you would be--or at least feel--safer at a hotel.
As you start packing your stuff, suitcase on your bed with clothes folded inside, you don't hear the footsteps in the hallway. What you do hear is the door opening behind you. You turn around again and see your father, dressed in his work clothes, standing in the doorway.
"Y/N, where have you been all night? Your Eomma and I were up until midnight waiting for you last night," he says. His eyes drift over behind you, and settle on your suitcase. "Where are you going?
"I was thinking I might get a room at a hotel and stay there until I go home," you say, turning back to the suitcase, intentionally not meeting his eyes.
"What? Why?" he asks. You don't respond, not trusting your own voice. You're a little afraid that if you try to speak, your voice will break and you'll collapse from the inside out.
"Because of our argument last night?" your father asks, and you're already feeling bad for even thinking about staying elsewhere. "Y/N, are you kidding? It was an argument, leaving last night wasn't necessary--wanting to stay at a hotel isn't necessary!" He pauses. "Look. Y/N. I know that things have been difficult between us for the past few years. But I haven't seen you properly for so long, akd now you want to leave in the middle of your visit? Y/N, be reasonable. Please, I won't yell anymore. I just wanted you to try with your Eomma . . ."
There's a long silence, and you're left to respond to him. You feel so bad for leaving last night. It was unreasonable. It is unreasonable for you to want to leave . . .
You turn around, head hanging. You still can't look him in the eyes, but now it's much more because of shame.
"I'm . . . I'm sorry. You're right," you mumble, barely recognizing your own voice. You feel so small, sounds so small.
"It's alright," you hear your father say. "I have to finish getting ready for work, but how about you finish packing and relax. I'll take you, Eomma and Sunho out to a nice dinner tonight. How does that sound?"
You nod, but you really don't know what you think. Your brain is lagging behind a bit, you almost feel like you aren't in control of your body and mind. You feel lost.
"Perfect. And, do you think you could take Sunho to school today? He was asking about you all night after you left, I think he would want you to take him," your father says. Deep down, you know that this is your father manipulating you to stay through your little, five year old half brother. But on the other hand, you do care about Sunho.
"Sure," you say.
Your father leaves the bedroom, and once you hear the door close, you blink and look up. You're back in control, but now you're just confused.
"I guess I'm staying," you mumble to yourself.
You remove everything from the suitcase and put them back where they were before. Really, you're confused about the past few minutes. You walked into this apartment this morning, expecting to leave with your things and get a room at a hotel where you'd feel so much physically and mentally safer. Instead, you have spoken to your father and somehow agreed to stay here.
After you finish folding your clothes again, you sit on your bed and lean with your back against the headboard and grab your phone. You can see several texts from 'Geonhak 🐥'. You click to see what he wrote.
Geonhak 🐥: Hey, where are you?
Geonhak 🐥: Are you okay? Are you safe?
Geonhak 🐥: Youngjo said you went home. I hope you're okay and safe. Please let me know.
Geonhak 🐥: Call me if you can? Let me know if you're ok.
You realize that you’re smiling stupidly at your phone. You're not only happy to have someone to listen to you, but you're also just happy to have a friend back.
You think back to when you two were kids. You would read together. You would play video games together, play on the playset together, despite being too old for it. You would spend hours talking, playing, and just hanging out.
You click the call button, and he picks up the phone almost right away. You wonder if he was waiting by the phone for your call.
"Y/N? Hey, are you okay?" he asks, his voice slightly muffled by the phone, but your heart flutters a bit at the sound of his voice still. "You weren't here when I woke up. I was hoping to maybe make you breakfast or something?"
"Yeah, I'm fine," you say, purposefully ignoring the fact that he wanted to make you breakfast. It's sweet of him. Really sweet.
"Do you need any help getting a hotel? Or do you have that figured out?"
You pause. "I'm staying at my father's apartment."
"But what about yesterday? Didn't something happen? Isn't that why you needed a place to stay?"
"Yeah . . . I talked to my dad and . . . well, he apologized," you say. "He said he wouldn't be like that again."
"But . . ." Geonhak sighs. "Alright. If anything happens again . . . if you need a place to stay, the dorm is always available."
"Thanks, Geonhak."
There's a long pause. You can feel him wanting to speak on the other end of the phone. And you also want to tell him that you can't find the words for.
That while you've agreed to stay here at your father's apartment, you actually would so much rather stay at ONEUS's dorm. You hate it here, and you have no idea why you agreed to stay when you had come back planning to leave and stay at a hotel instead.
"Y/N, I'm worried about you," Geonhak says.
Now would be the perfect time to tell him exactly what you're thinking.
"You don't have to worry," you say. "I'm an adult. I can get a hotel if I need to. And I can call you if I ever need help."
Geonhak sighs. "Alright."
You nod, and are about to wish him goodbye when he speaks again.
"Hey . . . would you like to hang out today? Or tomorrow? Maybe go to the library or something?"
You smile, and almost giggle into your phone. Your cheeks are warm. "Yeah. Sure. I'm busy today, my father wants me to take Sunho to school and then I have some reading to do. But tomorrow works."
"Alright. Who's Sunho?"
"Oh. My dad's kid. My half brother. He's six."
"Oh, cute!" Geonhak exclaims. "Would you like me to come with you to take him to school? I'm good with kids, I swear."
"Aren't you busy?"
"No. My schedule today is flexible."
You smile. "Alright. I can text you my father's address and we'll take Sunho to school. See you soon."
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Sunho is clinging on tightly to your hand as you leave the apartment building together. When he saw you after he finished brushing his teeth, he almost burst into tears. You apologized to him for not reading to him last night, until he calmed down and finished getting ready for school.
As you exit the building, you see Geonhak standing further down the sidewalk. His clothes are plain--jeans, a black T-shirt and white overshirt and glasses--so he doesn't stand out too much, but you recognize him right away.
He sees you at the same time and smiles, walking over to you and Sunho. You blink, surprised by how handsome he looks now that it's the daytime. Not that he wasn't handsome last night when you stayed over.
Geonhak bends down in front of Sunho, so that their faces are at around the same height.
"Hi," Geonhak says in such a sweet and gentle voice that catches you by surprise. He holds up his hand for Sunho to hi-five. Sunho does, indeed, hi-five him, and you watch Geonhak's smile widen. "I'm Kim Geonhak," he says softly. "You must be Sunho."
Sunho looks up at you, and you nod. He nods back at Geonhak.
"I'm friends with your sibling Y/N," Geonhak says. "How old are you, Sunho?"
Sunho raises his hands.
"Six? Woah! You're so tall for a six year old. Are you the tallest in your class?" Geonhak asks. Sunho nods. "Cool. I'm going to be coming with Y/N to take you to school. Is that alright with you?"
Sunho nods.
"Great." Geonhak looks up at you with the most adorable smile you've ever seen on his face as he stands up straight.
"I see that you wanted to say hello to Sunho before saying hello to me," you joke. You gently tug at Sunho's hand and he follows you and Geonhak down the sidewalk, toward the bus stop you use to get to Sunho's school.
"I wanted to be friendly with him first," Geonhak explains. "Didn't want him to think I was just some stranger."
You nod.
"Are you alright? Last night was a lot, I think, for you," Geonhak says.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Can we talk about it after?" you ask. You glance at Sunho, trying to signal to Geonhak, not in front of Sunho. He seems to get the message, and nods.
"Right. Sorry." He looks at Sunho and smiles. "Sunho, is it okay if I hold your hand while we walk?"
Sunho nods his head while smiles widely and holds his hand out to Geonhak, who takes it and smiles at you.
"So, Sunho," Geonhak says. His voice is soft and gentle, shocking now that you're used to his deep voice. "What do you like to do for fun?"
Sunho thinks for a second. "I like reading. Y/N reads an English book to me at night!"
"Oh? Do they?" Geonhak smiles over at you, and you swear your heart starts to beat a bit faster. His smile is really . . . lovely. "What books?"
"Y/N reads me 'The Kiss . . .'" Sunho frowns, scrunching up his face while trying to remember. "'The Kissing Hand'! It's in English."
"Oh? I've never read it. Is it good? Do you like it?" Geonhak asks. Sunho nods. Watching the way Geonhak smiles at Sunho is adorable. He's so good with kids, and you can tell he's having a lot of fun.
"Yeah! It's my favorite English book!"
"Oh, I should read it sometime then."
You laugh a bit and Geonhak looks at you curiously. "Geonhak, it's a kids book."
"I'd love to read a kids book," Geonhak says. "Sunho, would you want me to read you a book sometime?"
Sunho nods.
You, Sunho and Geonhak board the semi-crowded bus. You stand, one hand holding Sunho's while the other grips the pole for stability as the bus starts to move. Geonhak stands behind you, his hand holding the pole above yours.
"Did you know Y/N disappeared last night?" Sunho asks. "I got really scared. It was night time and I was scared they were gonna get lost. But they came back this morning."
"Right," Geonhak says, looking at you. "You don't have to worry. Y/N was with me! I made sure that they were safe, and protected them."
Sunho's face lights up brightly. "Really? Thank you for protecting Y/N, Mr. Kim! I was scared Y/N wasn't going to be able to take me to school today."
"Do you like school, Sunho?" Geonhak asks. Sunho nods quickly with the biggest smile on his face. "Do you have friends at school?"
"Yeah!" Sunho says, grinning. "I have my best friend Areum. Areum likes reading too! And also my other friends."
You smile down at Sunho, then over at Geonhak. Geonhak's smiling down at Sunho with the most precious smile you've ever seen. He's got little tiny dimples, you notice. And his eyes are like little crescents because he's smiling so hard.
You shake your head and look back at Sunho.
The bus comes to a halt at the bus stop outside of Sunho's school. You and Geonhak dismount with him, and walk over to the sidewalk. You kneel in front of him and fix his shirt.
"You're gonna have a good day, right?" you ask. He nods, and you hold up your hand for a high five. "Good. Have a good day at school, okay Sunho?" you say.
"Okay!" He nods and high fives you.
"Give Geonhak one too," you say. He walks over to Geonhak, who raises both of his hands and gives him two high fives. Sunho lets out a giggle, and you can tell from the way he's grinning that he likes Geonhak.
You and Geonhak wave Sunho off as he walks the rest of the way to school, joining his friends. You both watch as he walks with them toward the school building, laughing and talking.
"He really likes you," you say, eyes still on Sunho. You can see Geonhak look at you out of the corner of your eye. "I can tell. You made him really happy."
"That's nice to hear." There's a pause. "Do you want to go to get drinks with me?" he asks "Coffee or tea or smoothies?"
You nod. "Smoothies sound nice."
"I know a place we can walk to from here," he says. He reaches for your hand, but stops himself and smiles.
"This way," he says, nodding his head down the road. You follow him as he starts walking, considering what flavor of smoothie you want to get.
"Is Sunho your half brother, then?" he asks, after a minute of silence. You nod.
"Yeah. We have the same father. But his mother is Sooyeon," you explain. "I actually never met Sunho before I visited. He's a sweet kid. I hope that my father treats them better than he treated me and my mom."
Geonhak nods. "About this morning . . . are you okay?"
You nod. "Yeah."
"I thought you were planning to stay at a hotel tonight? But you said you aren't? What happened with that?" he asks. "I don't want to be invasive, so if you don't want to tell me, that's alright."
"No, it's okay. When I went to my father's apartment to pack my stuff, my father confronted me. He apologized, I think. And asked me to give him another chance. He promised not to do anything threatening or aggressive anymore."
Geonhak nods. "He said that a lot when we were kids, too. 'I won't do it again.' 'I'll do better next time.' Forgiving is alright, but if you keep doing it every time, he'll only do it more."
"I know," you murmur. "But I guess I want to believe that now that he has this new family, he's changed."
Geonhak sighs. "That makes sense. Just remember, you can always call me for help, Y/N."
You smile. "Thank you, Geonhak. I . . . really appreciate you letting me stay over last night. Your members were very nice to meet."
"You think so?" Geonhak asks, laughing a bit. "They liked you. I think Seoho would have spent time intentionally telling you every embarrassing thing I've ever done if he could."
"Oh?" You raise an eyebrow at him, grinning evilly. "Well, then I guess Seoho and I have some catching up to do."
He sighs and rolls his eyes. "Whatever. It's not like you haven't seen my embarrassing self when I was in school with you."
You grin. "You were pretty embarrassing back then."
"So were you! There's the smoothie stand."
You both line up for the smoothies, and he helps you decide on which flavor to get and helps you order. You grin at him as he hands you your smoothie.
"You know," you start, "besides last night, you and I haven't really hung out yet. Which is a shame, since we haven't hung out in years."
"True. I'd love to walk Sunho to school with you more, if you'd allow me," he chuckles, sipping from his own drink.
"You're really good with kids," you note. "Or, at least, with Sunho."
"Right. I'm studying early childhood education, so it's only natural that I've learned a bit about how to work with kids."
"That's cute," you blurt out. Geonhak gives you a shy, smiley look, similar to the adoring look he gave Sunho.
You roll your eyes and nudge him. "Yeah, sure. Cute. Don't let it get to your head, though. Sunho is still cuter than you."
Geonhak gasps, feigning shock, and places his hand in surprise in mock offense. "Really? I'm offended." He chuckles a bit.
You can feel your face heating up from the way he looks at you. You clear your throat and look away. "Uh, yeah. I'd love it if you could join me and Sunho in the mornings, whenever you can. But that's not what I meant."
"Oh?" He tilts his head curiously.
"What I meant was actually hanging out. As friends. Maybe we could go to the library or park or something," you say. "Maybe see a movie."
He grins. "Sure. Have you been sightseeing yet?"
You shake your head. Your father hasn't really taken you anywhere since you arrived. If anything, you've spent most of your time here as Sunho's babysitter and a shopper for Sooyeon.
"No? Maybe I could . . . take you sightseeing?" he offers. You nod.
"I'd like that."
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v-hope · 6 years
His members upset you
Pairings: Park Jimin / Kim Taehyung / Jeon Jeongguk x Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff
Request: "Please do “His members upset you” but the maknae line ❤️❤️❤️❤️ btw your writing is amazing"
A/N: The hyung line's one can be found in my masterlist 💞 Also, I realised I always make Jimin's reactions angsty so I changed things up a little bit hehe.
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Park Jimin
“Baby…” Jimin gave you a questioning look, “heels?”
“What about it?” you wondered, standing up after having put them on and walking towards one of the mirrors in the store. “Don't you like how I look in them?”
“They make your legs look fantastic” he gushed immediately, making his way over to you. “But I thought you found them uncomfortable?”
“I just want to try something new” you simply replied.
However, once the two of you were back at the dorms after your shopping day, Jimin for some reason started to feel like the intention behind buying high heels was not only you wanting to try something new, but you wanting to look taller.
And his realisation kinda had to do with the words Hoseok had said later that day, when all of you were having dinner and Jimin told them about the things you guys had bought earlier.
“I hope this is just for aesthetics because you'll still be the shortest person we've met”.
Now, you had never considered yourself a short person, nor had the rest of the people you had met through your life, for your height was actually pretty average for a woman your age.
But you were shorter than Jimin.
With that, plus being also a little shorter than the others’ partners, you were officially the shortest of the group, and you were reminded of that by all of them every single time they had the chance to. It was as if all the height related jokes that used to be directed at your boyfriend had been transferred to you. And you were not very fond of it, to be honest.
One look at you was all Jimin needed to know it was definitely not about you wanting to experiment new things. No, this was about your height and you being self conscious.
He could not let that happen.
“Okay, new rule” he drew everyone's attention, “no one is allowed to make fun of Y/N's height”.
Yoongi smirked. “You do know that means all our jokes are going back to being directed at you, right?”
“Yes, I know, you hypocrite who's only one centimeter taller than me” your boyfriend's bold words made everyone laugh. Everyone but Yoongi, that's for sure.
Not minding about that, and focusing only on the bright smile he had managed to get from you, Jimin pulled you towards him, pressing his lips to your temple.
“Only I can tease my shorty from now on”.
Well, you guessed that was one of the perks that came with being your boyfriend. And as a reward for having sacrificed himself for you, of course.
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Kim Taehyung
Taehyung was a very affectionate person. And just like that, he expected his significant other to be the same, which is why he absolutely lived for your daily calls and constant visits when you knew he was free from work. They were the highlight of his day, to say the least.
So, when you stopped doing so out of the blue, it was normal for his mood to drop a little bit. But he thought nothing of it. Maybe you were just busy.
When you started also blowing off his intentions of going to see you, however, he knew something was definitely wrong – that being confirmed when you had him beg you for hours to go see him to the dorms one evening.
“Oh, look who's back!” Namjoon announced after seeing Tae open the front door for you.
“Couldn't live any longer without your oxygen TaeTae?” Jeongguk teased from the sofa.
You felt Taehyung tense by your side, making you close your eyes. This was exactly what you didn't want to confront.
“What the hell was that?” he snapped by your side, leaving you behind to go face his members.
“Nothing” Jin was the one to speak up, “it's just funny how clingy she is”.
Tae's eyes went straight to fix on yours. “Is this why you've been so distant lately?” he softly asked; his heart hurting once you tried to turn around and leave without a word.
He was fast to grab your hand, though, pulling you to his body and protectively squeezing your upper arm before his stare turned cold as he focused it back on his friends.
“I don't appreciate you calling my girlfriend that. Especially when it's so far from the truth”.
“We just thought you–”
“Well, you thought wrong” he cut Hoseok off. “I love having her around and it's really not your place to make such comments. If I considered her clingy I would've talked to her. Talked” he emphasised, “because mocking her like you've been doing is straight up rude”.
“Taehyung-ssi” Jimin tried to explain, “we didn't think it'd upset you so much, we were just messing around”.
“You've upset her, of course I'm getting upset too. Besides, how could I not when Y/N's been distancing herself from me? I thought I had done something wrong but turns out it was you guys?” he furrowed his eyebrows.
“No” it was fair to say, Taehyung was livid. “You know she's my escape from this crazy life we live, and you don't get to decide the dynamics of our relationship for us”.
By this point, all of them were just sitting there with their lowered heads, not knowing what to say.
But Tae for sure did.
“I want you all to apologise to her. Right now”.
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Jeon Jeongguk
Although Jeongguk and you had been dating for nearly a year now, everything was still pretty new not only to him, since he had never been in a serious relationship before due to his busy schedule, but also to his members.
Which is why they had all freaked out when Jin was cleaning up around the dorms one day and found a black lingerie bra that most definitely did not belong to his girlfriend – and after asking around one by one, the truth came out by Jeongguk that it was yours.
Now, his hyungs trusted that you guys were being safe and all, but you were still babies to them. That being the reason they would fake cry every time any sexual topic was touched in your presence.
And it came a point when you started feeling like what you guys were doing was wrong, which Jeongguk had denied the second you let him know your thoughts. You were a couple, for crying out loud, how could that be wrong?
But he said nothing, not wanting to seem disrespectful towards his hyungs. Of course, that until they were the ones to make you really upset. Jeongguk knew then where his priorities were.
“Okay, you all need to stop this now” he finally snapped one evening, furiously closing the door right after he came back from dropping you off at yours. Everyone stood frozen.
“I'm not a baby anymore!” he threw his arms up in frustration.
“Jeongguk, we know that…”
“No, you don't” he furrowed his eyebrows, “because you still treat me like one. I know I'm the maknae here but I'm an adult now. Y/N's an adult!” he said as if it was brand new information, “and you have no right to make her feel bad about her sexual life. About our sexual life” he corrected.
“Guk-ah” Taehyung looked at him apologetically, just like the rest, “we're sorry, we didn't know it bothered you guys so much”.
Jeongguk sighed, trying to calm himself down.
“I know, just… please, stop” he pleaded, “she was supposed to stay over tonight but you really upset her today with all your comments to the point she just wanted to leave, and I… I hate seeing her like that” he weakly shrugged.
Watching Joon open his mouth to talk, he stopped him by shaking his head.
“Whatever, I'll go back to hers. Be back tomorrow”.
Because he both just wanted to be with you and didn't feel like being with his hyungs right then.
And maybe then, just then, it hit them all, the fact that their maknae was no longer a little boy and shouldn't be treated like one anymore.
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