#like i guess some people don't know everything about him so they're confused why ppl hate him
golbrocklovely · 2 years
hi, i don’t know what really to think of this situation, but this just peaked my interest since i saw a comment on tiktok that basically said that elton is copying them, as well as corey basically using them for whatever he could and then leave to go with elton.
it doesn’t make sense how corey said he hated doing the things that sam and colby did with the seances and everything, but then does some provoking on elton’s channel? i understand he could’ve gotten more confident but at the same time, why leave the people that were there for you at the start, and not the person who you literally had a petty argument with and had elton move out because of how stubborn he is.
i just don’t really know why they all stopped talking to one another, obviously except sam and colby themselves. maybe something behind the scenes had happened and the fact they don’t live near one another is also a factor ( not sure about jake talking to them, but i don’t see why not ), but i find it so horrible that elton are copying sam and colby. like? especially whenever did they do their ghost adventures 😭
sorry for the rant, i just dislike people like elton. have a good day 🫶🏻🫶🏻
i've talked about corey and elton a lot on here before, especially my distain for elton lol
i do my best not to pay attention to either of them, since they clearly want nothing to do with snc anymore.
while i don't think corey used them per se, i do think him leaving was probably motivated by other reasons. idk about the whole situation at large bc it just seems confusing.
corey moved out, claiming he wanted to focus on music and whatnot, but then he moved in with elton and just immediately jumped headfirst into paranormal videos again. and corey has alway been hesitant in videos with snc about doing anything related to seances or anything of that nature. but once fans started calling him out for it, he got super defensive and was like "i never said i didn't like doing the paranormal, i've been doing it since i was kid, ect ect" and it's like…. while that might be true, you ALWAYS bitched in snc's video about doing literally anything, borderline crying every time. hell, he skipped a whole trip with them strictly bc he was done with the paranormal, only to jump back into by the end of that series.
and elton…. elton is just jealous of snc, or at the very least doesn't feel confident in the content he makes and thus takes it out on others who are equal or more successful. the second snc announced 25x25, elton jumped to the conclusion that they were copying him, and even tho in his own argument with fans he proved that he was WRONG, he went on to copy them once they stopped doing 25x25, i guess to even the score or whatever. he spent half of 2021 just being petty towards them and shit talking them to fans, and they never even acknowledged him. that's fucking embarrassing lol
and then for corey to just up and move onto elton, WHILE elton was shit talking snc…. that's just wrong imo. i get not wanting to be the friend in the middle, but corey had been friends longer with snc than he did with elton. at one point him and elton hated each other, so like… why keep siding with him other than bc yall collab now??
and jake is just a weird, side thing too. from what it seems like, he got upset he couldn't do everything and then some in a house that wasn't his. but the fact that not only him, but a lot of snc's old friend, just moved onto knj… is just strange to me.
i don't think anyone purposefully used snc (minus a few, i think, in snc's old friend group), but clearly they were fine with up and leaving like snc never mattered to them. and now to awkwardly ignore their name or not even mention them is silly to me. while they don't want to be friends with snc, they're glad to continue the facade to the fandom that they're still snc's friends (even tho they don't mention or hang with them anymore) bc it still brings ppl back to their content. imagine if any of their old friends said "oh i'm not friends with snc anymore"…. they would lose followers. so instead, they just keep ignoring the question even tho most of the fandom realizes they aren't close anymore. it's all just so dumb to me.
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ungirthed · 2 months
the kisses in atla are actualyl good and cute and wish we could have seen that in action for LoK. also never wish to pin down sexuality cos thanks to the europeans that's when they made stuff that already sucked worse.
maiko with
"i'm bored" "i know" "i'm hungry" "so?" "so get me some food" "sure"
first of all, theyre pissed at each other. and even when they're annoyed they have to touch each other and be in each other's business and be strange and misunderstood but together. she didn't even say "get me some food" that pissed and zuko was irritated but still. he'll do it.
people say they wouldn't work and i don't really get that at all...maybe that ppl don't see It for them (which is fine!) or maybe because fandom wars of things that aren't real (which is stupid).
you can't disentangle their livelihoods and nationhood from their conceptions of self and the way they live. and i think that they are the most likely people—who growing up under, accepting, and/or being a footsoldier of imperialism, colonialism, and fascism and whatever political-economic system they have based on the falseness of ordained rights—could change or at least be open to it. also theyre teenagers. nothing about them lends to intelligibility with regards to their future besides their ages. usually the swiftness of the characters liking each other would make me laugh but it feels nice to be with them and the way they relate to each other.
when zuko said "i don't see it that way" in boiling rock, mai didn't even respond. she was pissed because he left her a note without saying goodbye and she loves him but she wasn't mad at his thoughts. his beliefs. that she must have known he always had. that she may have felt but allowed herself not to—which is a failure in itself and something she will have to atone for forever. they all will.
from what i have seen there seems to be some idea that mai is just a bitch? i guess? but zuko's character shows just how real these people are and how conflicted he is. he's complex but i thought it would be harder to connect to him because i hate everything harmful in this world but you can tell there's so much in him that's just very sensitive, intense, and good. good IN the dark because the dark is light too.
to me i dont think he could be with mai if she couldn't accept that or if she mocked it. her yawning the first time we see them with each other reminded me sm of iroh. at first i was like bitch wtf (after i laughed lmaooo)??? but then i laughed more cos like she obviously did it on purpose. he's not doing well. he never is but he's really not doing well. i was looking forward to the both of them anyway but i didn't want it to be like she's some cunty unfeeling gf and i feared that my fears would be cemented. but it was the opposite!!!
"i don't see it that way" and i think mai is starting to not see it that way too. if she even ever was connected to herself for long enough to think on what that means. her non-response and the fact that they were still talking to each other was such an important signifier. she had nothing to say because that's how they are it seems. the truth is something they need and zuko is genuinely a terrible liar and cannot keep his insides...inside lol. and even though she seems to have a tight lid it's not dishonesty she has a problem with at all. it's the consequences and with him the consequences will never be injurious. it hurts like hell to have someone leave you, break up, have this mission they feel they need to do but harm?
i'm so tired but i love them lmao
which is why i guess i got kinda confused when i saw something about mai not being a person outside of zuko. i REALLY like her character. she could be my favorite if she had a bigger role but i definitely liked her the moment i heard her. that's such a different way to introduce a female character that looks so dark and stoic...she just complains. and her voice is so beautiful lmao but like. she sounded miserable in a funny way. and the comics are really uh interesting (lmao) but it made me like her even more. she's very cool, very funny, very real.
learning how upset and scared she was for/at azula to put an apple on her head to set on fire. knowing that zuko is a sensitive boy who looooves his mom and her love and didn't want mai to hurt because he's a human being seeing another human being in distress so he pushes her to safety. (his "girls are crazy" made me laugh sfm. WE ARE.)
what i really loved was when azula decides to fuck around with her baby brother. i literally said "OH SHIT" irl because that's just such a fucked fucking thing to do. and mai's pause had me thinking she would try something else because you could tell that she didn't appreciate that and was calculating some other way to get what azula needed to finish this bullshit. and in another ep when mai gives azula the Look after she gets up to tend to ty lee bc azula was upset that no one was making out with her...mai makes it sound easy like she's fine with it but it isn't, she's not, and she's tired of all of this bullshit. she wasn't tired or angry enough but she got there.
i looooove love love love love when she says "helping the jerk that dumped me" #1 bc shes making fun of herself and him #2 because it helps her realize what the fuck is going on. i laughed bc she's dragging herself, betraying her imperial lover4life "best friend", and ruining her life in the process. it isn't really over a boy. it's over one of the few things she gives a single shit about because she was given a reason to care.
her scenes are heavily with zuko but that's because, narratively, atla being majorly his story she is in his life. that's how this stuff works. the world does revolve around zuko because the show is also about this amazing character. so the people in his orbit are about him. azula is a person outside of zuko but he is central to her life so he is why her character exists. they dont strip mai of her personhood but to us as a viewer watching the main characters worlds esp the other half of the protagonists (i call him a protag sorryyy) we know mai through zuko. i don't think being a girlfriend to the show's second main character and being introduced via that lens means you are nobody without them. that's a big part of her story tho! but he is not the reason i like her. i like her because i relate to her.
being different is hard especially if you've lived through abuse. being called melancholy and weird, resrved, intense can get really frustrating. having people misunderstand your interests and outlook. and then just being fucking depressed. i saw that the voice actress said her character is depressed (and probably anxious) and it makes complete sense now. that void in you, that need for serotonin, lack of joy in anything, turning yourself off so you can just exist for once. and having oppressive forces always telling you what to do. how to think act talk feel. even how to love. and fucking hating being told what the fuck to do.
everyone's got it all fucking together but the girl who pretends at having it together gets scolded for it but also for ever even thinking of falling apart. she doesn't have to leave those strange gloomy parts of herself behind with zuko and shouldn't with anyone (i know ty lee accepts her so much tho!)
she's not boring in the slightest. she's fucking cool and carries stilettos. fashion icon! but like when things get brighter she can have more interests, a say in herself, a say in her life. she has a safe haven with zuko because he's also all those things that she is too (but very open and honest). being different and unhappy and wanting something more when the world youre in cannot give it to you. for mai she accepted it (mistake. a bad one) and for zuko he just couldn't do it.
when he tells her that he wasn't himself she listens. she knew what he meant. i'm assuming she's felt what it's like to simply not be able to do This anymore. to hold on.
and she does like other people. i mean when zuko asked about that boy when he was being a pussy and jealous during The Beach i was surprised she didn't say "i don't think about him at all" but her reasoning was i don't know him so how can i? that's a different response than simple dismissal over someone you don't know to placate your boyfriend. she's not gonna do that anyway lmao but idk it was so interesting she displayed no hatred. how can i feel for him when i don't know who he is? but not you're the only one for me zuko pls cry some more! thank god
(aside: i like kiyoshi a lot for being serious and stoic but also not. shes' probably not as funny or playful but i love a bisexual bad weird tall bitch. her empathy weighing with the necessity of what is to be done. an individual in a crowd. idk i just like girls like that. and i think kiyoshi is exemplary of the type of person mai could become. all the things that make you different and off to others because you hate pretense and feel a lot become a strength.)
i also love that she lets ty lee hug her. yea personal space but whatever with your close friends you put up with shit. that "clumps?" thing was my faaaaaavorite. first of all cos theyre cute together gotta find some art and fic but also she was playing along. when she asks ty about the circus...did anyone else ask ty lee that? and mai actually being annoyed when ty lee makes fun of her with the makeup.
she is a very full human being living in a place where being an empty miserable shell is normal and they live like the tiny town in footloose. i forgot what katara told the man who killed her moms about himself that was so spot on. just about how EMPTY and unreal their lives are. how they don't know anything at all. they're tiny tiny men. that's what theyre living in and all the people who got out one way or another seem to have that problem: being different.
every time she defies azula even if it isn't to her face. when mai's fed up she cracks a joke at her own expense. if someone gave her some mao she'd def sit and think on it ;) i don't think it's fair to say she had no knowledge of things that her "nation" did but she is a teenager and a sad abused one whose conception of herself is so tied to all the order their environment dictates. the only way out of it was to paper over and try to have people understand her through the necessity of being walled off.
i think as the show goes on the problem is that the characters all feel and know they have to change. what used to work no longer works. they, every single one of htem, are living as abused kids and are trying to make that abuse work. some can never ever make up for the wrongs and probably dont want to, some will always have to attempt but can make an amazing life with that. in the fire nation, mai will always be bored because she's miserable and that misery is part of the fire nation's existence.
we didn't spend a lot of time with her but they made a character people really liked and connected to. whose motives are weird, human, and will forever need to be atoned for. looking cool while kicking people's asses > and having a best friend fuck up her own life cos u inspired her and she loves u then u go 2 prison and then the world is kinda free so she joins a girl gang and gets a gf (i made that up)
in the end mai is with zuko (the series finale group scene is one of my fav scenes in the series and i wish we had more and less of that kiss where i had to watch 2 5 year olds kiss with dramatic ass music omfg) but if she didn't want to be there she wouldn't be. ty lee isn't there. and yes suki is there and we could say it's the couples but suki has been fighting with them (and she and zuko are friends! i mean that's mostly after in the comics but whatever). so they want to be there. mai wants to connect with people and see what they have to do! and a big part of that is being with zuko and caring about what he cares about but her own interest herself. what are her interests? i wish we had gotten more time to see her hobbies or who she was. that isnt because they made her about zuko but simply the structure of the show. now i could expect more but considering they made a character who is relegated to girlfriend and, in typical atla fashion, wrote something solid is good to me. that's why i can like them a lot.
i don't think mai has also ever really lied except if she needed to. i have to go back and check but it strikes me that she's actually honest. i think this bitch is so cool!!!
the beach = ember island
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scarrletmoon · 10 months
"the beauty of queer people is how often we can't be easily defined" - tag on a post ab trans men
to clarify first, i do not want to come off as confrontational, i'm just curious and idk if you have any interest in discussing this bc i dont know you but
i'm bi, a lot of my favorite people are gay or trans, and that comes off as a really weird statement? it's *the* beauty of, exclusively. what about when it's perfectly easy to define? a man saying, i exclusively like other men, for example?
why, and again i say this purely from a position of trying to get it, is being particularly undefinable an achievement? does confusing people help with something? is it more important in general for advocacy than ppl being simply gay? i'm kinda new to everything lgbtq+ online and trying to figure everything out
god sorry this is long but thanks for coming to this with an open mind
i said "often" and not "always" specifically because you're right. sometimes someone finds a label or identity that fits them, and is perfectly simple. that's fine!
i'd push back on "perfectly easy to define" though, bc that's often where i think people miss one of the most interesting parts of the queer community, which is how we challenge existing social "rules" by just existing. like, a lesbian is a woman attracted only to women, right? but feminists used to say that lesbians aren't women, bc you have to be attracted to men to be a woman. so are lesbians women? or a third gender? and who gets to define that (i'd argue, not homophobic feminists)?
you don't HAVE to know the nuances to identity as whatever makes sense for you, but what i'm talking about here is like, reading a book in high school vs specializing in a literary topic in graduate school. do you need a master's degree in Romantic Literature to understand Frankenstein? of course not. but it sure helps you dig out the nuances that weren't obvious to you until you learned more.
i also didn't say being undefinable is an achievement either, just an aspect of of queerness. any of our identities can be confusing -- me being a bi nb person who often presents femme but uses he/him pronouns confuses the shit out of some people, but not others. and who are my labels confusing to? the labels i use aren't always for other people to understand. they're how i communicate with other queer people. but they're mostly how i understand myself. cishet people don't have to understand me to respect me. my labels aren't for them. they're for me.
when i personally talk about "confusing" or "weird" labels, i'm assuming an audience of other like-minded queer people who're familiar with things like he/him lesbians and trans men who aren't men and people with neogenders. i didn't come out of the gate knowing any of this stuff. i learned about it by seeing weird stuff and thinking "i don't get it, but it's not my job to GET it and i can still respect this person even if i don't understand their identity". and eventually, it clicked. like, it took me years to understand neogenders. and once i did, it was fucking awesome! it's a way of looking at and playing with gender that made ME more free to mess around with gender and figure out how i feel
not everyone has to do this! if saying "im bi" works for you, fuckin cool! if saying "i'm a non-binary trans woman who uses cat/catself pronouns" that's awesome!
i guess what i'm trying to say is that queer identity isn't ALWAYS straightforward and i think we could learn a lot from each other by being open to weirdness. and like i said, you don't have to do any of that shit at all. most queer people aren't this deep into queer studies and they don't need to be in order to still be queer. i just think it's neat™️
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flying-elliska · 2 years
Idk if this’ll be worded correctly but I was reading that posted you reblogged about gender expression in clothing but also just people saying a person is queer baiting because of xyz. And here’s my thing as a person who’s ace spectrum and generally confused by many things 😂 while I do find it funny when people point out certain things like cuffed pants or just any random style choice and are like ok they’re bi, at the same time in general I find it quite strange that people in the community will then see other people who they don’t know and just because of the way they dress they’ll be like yeah so they must be gay. Idk how you feel about this but to me it’s like ok so people will get bullied for this sort of thing when they’re younger and I can’t help but compare that they’re saying a lot of the same things that these homophobic bullies would say. Context tho is EVERYTHING so someone saying that in terms of what they think their sexuality is can be harmless but it gets a bit weird to me when they become insistent on it. Maybe it’s cause I’m ace and I dress however the f I want but anybody seeing how I dress wouldn’t be able to guess that hey I don’t really want to fuck anybody 🤣 so I feel weird about it even tho I know maybe it’s harmless in most respects. But I feel like it’s a bit much when people are saying, an example, Shawn Mendes MUST be gay because of xyz. When he’s said he’s not and no one would really know. Unless they fully caught him balls deep in someone who didn’t identify as female and even then he could still be bi/pan/ any other sexuality! It’s like unless your that person why is it your business 😭 Sorry this got so long I just wanted to know your thoughts because you always have very insightful things to say lol
😂😂😂 great comedic wording anon
My take on this :
there's a historical aspect to this : when queerness was forbidden/reprimanded, queer ppl needed signals to find each other without alerting straight ppl necessarily, a sort of secret code. Still todat it makes finding each other easier. It's a signal. So yes for ace ppl it might be less useful in some ways, but also cool in order to find kindred spirits ? Idk
Queer culture, often tied with gender non-conformity, favorised the adoption of non-mainstream, subversive ways of presenting, dressing - often a way to rebel against an oppressive mainstream and express themselves - with their own fads and trends which then were recognized as "queer styles". A lot of those are about going beyond traditional beauty/desirability standards. There is a lot of history and pride in some of those and I understand why ppl would want to continue these traditions and feel connected to the wider queer community and its history. For groups that have traditionally been less visible, like bi ppl, I get why there is a hunger to create those codes even if it's a bit artificial at times.
Sociologically speaking it's common for subcultures to have their codes of appearance to distinguish themselves and bond over shared identity ; this has been fading somewhat as queerness becomes more mainstream in some places
Personally I think those things can be fun and cute when they're optional and you can be creative about it. It annoys me when people take them too seriously or judge ppl who don't look queer enough, or try to police who can or can't wear certain things like discussed in that post. The ideal is indeed, anyone can wear whatever the fuck they want (cultural appropriation and other offensive shit aside) so that means some people want to be more discrete and some ppl want to wear signals, and some ppl want to experiment - should all be possible !
I think a lot of people are uncomfortable with the fact that gender and sexuality can be fluid and blurry at the edges and so is gender presentation and they would rather keep ppl in boxes. And the queer version of this is that "men can't wear dresses unless they're outspoken about being queer" bullshit
And finally I think it's normal that people look for queer role models/icons etc and speculate a little w their friends when they recognize relatable things, but modern online celebrity culture has made some people deranged re:boundaries and how far they think it's acceptable to dig into ppl's private lives and that sucks. And the idea that they're entitled to total transparency from ppl they don't even know about this is some creepy as hell totalitarian surveillance culture bullshit and I do not vibe with it. It makes life hell for anyone figuring out their sexuality while in the public eye, esp later in life, and especially bi ppl, so I think it's also distinctly biphobic.
Anyway yeah I think overall I agree with you ! But also the way you dress can be a language so that can be fun to express things with and have shared codes and subvert heteronormativity/the male gaze/figure out new more expansive ways to be seductive and embodying your ideal gender/vibe etc etc ! But it should never be mandatory
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fxckyeahclintasha · 3 years
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With Loki's finale it's canon now that Katie Barton exists in the MCU in at least one universe.
62 notes • Posted 2021-07-14 21:50:13 GMT
It kinda suxks how Clintasha used to be so huge, everyone shipped them in 2012 and now ppl hate it or act like it's illegal. We really could've had it all...
I miss 2012 too but we still can have it all!
It frustrates me to see so many other ships that are also "not canon" on the mcu that still thrive like, Steve ended up with Peggy but that doesn't stop people from shipping him with other people. The same goes to Tony Stark, he's married too and has a daughter but that doesn't stop people from shipping him with other people.
So why are we afraid to do the same? Why don’t we do the same thing as them? Clintasha is a CANON SHIPP in the comics, there’s nothing wrong with it. They’re both fictional adult characters with no relation to each other so there’s nothing illegal with this. MCU wise yes, he has a family but divorces can happens so again, i don’t see where this would be iligal and if people say “it’s ooc of him to leave his family” you just respond that his mcu conterpart is just ooc in general so fuck it.
People ship what they want to ship and fuck the ones that police other people’s ships.
If you ship clintasha, don’t be afraid to show it! Reblog things, post fanarts, edits, fanfics, headcanons and everything because that’s the only way to show them to more people so they can get to know the ship.
77 notes • Posted 2021-09-30 13:15:04 GMT
This is aimed at all clintasha fans out there (i know there’s still a lot of us, some may not be too vocal but i know there is) please, don’t be shy to share your headcanons about clint and natasha and your takes on mcu or comic stuff! fix ups, aus... fuck canon and let’s cominitue creating our own canon together so, let’s all work together to keep creating and spresding somethin we love even tho it’s not the most popular (becuase this means nothing in the end). I miss seeing more things about them!
We need to remind ourselves that it's not because they weren't canon in the mcu that they're not canon anywhere else. they are canon in the comics, heck, they even have kids in the comics (katie barton, a brand new and recent character being the proof of it) so let’s keep sharing stuff!
83 notes • Posted 2021-02-11 19:09:10 GMT
Who’s gonna write a clintasha fic about the 2  days in an airvent together?
101 notes • Posted 2021-07-10 18:08:15 GMT
“Your daughter, she looks a lot like you, you know?” Carol's words cause natsha to frown in confusion.
“My daughter? Carol what-”
“Oh, right! I haven't told you about my last adventure, right?
“Carol Danvers, what you’re up to this time?”
“It’s actually a long story but- I've been in the future and i've seen your daughter, Katie. And she looks a lot like you.”
“Yeah, guess Clint’s the one how chose the name. She looks like him too, always with her bown in her hands. She’s a sharpshooter. She never miss.”
“So he’s the father?”
“Don't pretend like you're surprised.”
Natasha smiled, looking at the archer, from a distance.
“I’m not surpised at all.” Her gaze turns to Carol again. “Tell me more about her.”
139 notes • Posted 2021-07-21 15:39:44 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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gunsatthaphan · 4 years
Doreen! Firstly, hope u r doing well 😊💖 Secondly, whats ur thoughts on the LBC2 producers/writers deciding 2 completely ignore the fact TinCan even met in S1 & having them start from scratch again?! 😫 Apparently they announced it but I'm sure I would of rememberd sumthin that important. The trlr didnt hint at it either 🤷‍♀️ The fact that int-fans (who watched illegally on yt 😬) r more pissed about storyline being changed than having 2 wait an extra week 2 watch on Viki is hilarious tho 😅😂
-> The whole concept of restarting TinCan when everything else moved linearly is ridiculous to me. How do the people in charge of these shows come up with this nonsense? Just tell the story better if people were upset with the end of season 1. Isn't that why season 2 exists?!?!??!?! Sorry. LBC2 is just stretching the bounds of believability for me.
-> LBC2 is confusing me a bit. I get why Saint isn't there cos of all the drama but they had so much time to come up with a good story regardless and I feel so... let down? I don't think I'll keep going after ep 1 but I'm glad so many people are happy it's back.
-> This tincan reboot thingy... Either they didn't even feel like trying to salvage the storyline (more dramatic but still doable) or they're trying to induce a mass amnesia, both of which make me go mehhh. Still, I'll give it a go because I'm curious how they'll manage this mess. So far, the continuations (s2g, lbc2) seem a bit underwhelming to me (sadly). Let's just hope my engineer and tharntype don't disappoint.
hellooo there all!!! 💕😙 I’m doing well, thank you, @randomfrigginwords!!! 🥺
okay SO I finally found the time to watch the full 1st ep and I have.. some thoughts lmao. I collected a few reactions so it doesn’t get too repetitive 🙈Also I’m trying to word this as well as I can and this is just my personal opinion so don’t come for me please. 
So I went into the ep the first time right after it came out, not knowing anything about the story or the timeline etc. and I just kind skipped through it bc I was curious and wanted to see what was going on lol. But just from the snippets I saw I got a little confused bc??? what up lol.  
After I read some first reactions by ppl who were pissed af about the timeline rearrangement etc. I was initially very disappointed bc I had waited so long for this and now it seems like they messed everything up??... So when I actually watched the episode for the first time just now I was obviously biased, thinking it was gonna be horrible. But in reality.....it wasn’t?? lol. 
Like,,,, tbh it was super weird seeing all of it again and getting back into the characters & stories after more than 2(!!!) years; but after I rewatched LBC1 a few days ago, I realized that regardless of the timeline etc., everything is just completely different?? And not just because of the TinCan situation but just like,,, the whole thing in general. Idk if I’ll be able to articulate this well enough but I tend to judge a lot of things based on the vibes I’m getting and the vibes this season compared to the last one were... something else lol; the characters all have changed a lot, especially Ae like hell I barely recognized him. They all seem much more mature which I’m guessing probably wasn’t intended. But!!! I like it!!! :)
Though with the different vibe I was getting during this ep, I honestly couldn't imagine a sequel as in “picking up where we left off”, set just a few weeks/months after ss1. That would’ve seemed even more off than it does now. At least to me. Maybe I’m the only one. idk. 
So the fact that the TinCan story is being retold from scratch basically makes it a reboot of ss1, just with a slightly different setting and more mature characters AND we get to see their story unfold again; maybe even into a different direction. Which?? I like?? a lot?? 🙈 like yes, it was a little confusing at first but after accepting the new concept for what it is, I really enjoyed it.
So yeah sorry if i’m rambling but I’m just thinking out loud. I understand where the critical voices are coming from though; We were all anticipating a sequel to ss1, but looking at it as a reboot/new edition-kinda situation, rather than a messed up continuation makes it better imo. So yeah. I guess it’s an unpopular opinion but. I like it ;) Let’s see how the season continues!  
Sorry this got so long...
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cryolyst · 6 years
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fluffi · 3 years
so should i reply in tiny font or just regular font?
hybe should do better in spreading out the comebacks of the groups under them :/ they're already at a huge advantage, might as well use it strategically. AHA streaming mvs is so convenient for a multi. the filler vids i could use in between could be mvs from the other groups that i stan. also you know what, i still haven't watched a single final performance bc im waiting for a friend to watch with me :D
i have a chinese movie recommendation in case you want something to cry over. i still love its ost and it's been months since i watched it. i'm not sure if you watched it already but more than blue. i've never cried over a movie as much as i cried for that one. the angst *chef's kiss*. i'd do anything to wipe my memory of it and watch it again for the first time.
also sungchan is mc-ing in inkigayo every sunday! and honestly, what the hell is nct hollywood :D but a part of me thinks it's just going to be a bunch of asians living in america like johnny that'll be a part of it. just a hunch tho. imagine having all 4 units coming back in a year with like 1 unit per quarter of the year. i'm not sure if sm even has the money to do this, especially when they filed bankruptcy recently.
and i've seen a lot of twitter memes saying taro's ghosted stans T_T alexa play ghosting by txt T_T sm come on give him smth to do, you're wasting talent.
the mall didn't burn down entirely (like from the outside it looked fine). the ventilation system caught fire so it was more internal—ceilings and all that. covered things with soot(?) and ashes so the entire mall was closed for nearly 2 years. and hey, i've experienced a school fire too back when i was younger. i, too, thought it was nothing but a fire drill until i saw the charred remains of the buildings behind our school : D thankfully, no one died.
the new nct track is for a samsung commercial AHAHA it's funny because nearly everyone uses apple TT_TT and the mv screams neo culture tech tho (well as it should lmao). yes, i was talking about that part in hot sauce but yes, it grew on me too.
ateez really know how to do a performance. they put the standard so high for me when it came to performing. their facial expressions and overall stage presence just impresses me. it's been a while since i've seen idols draw me to them by those standards.
ah, the long stan list! good luck in getting through it and i hope you do have fun as you go :] (also you can check out aurora by ateez and whiplash by tbz. the songs popped up in my head as i was typing this reply, you might like them)
ohhhh, what was the pd48 scandal? i don't watch survival shows so i don't know any of the stuff going on. would you care to elaborate? about their disbandment :(( i hope you're okay now tho! are the other girls still debuting in new groups? anyone eyeing an acting career instead of being an idol?
YES, A PATTERN IN THE BIASES (if you count an analysis of two ppl as a pattern, that is.) because it's the same pattern i have for my biaswreckers :D jake & seungmin, not only do they have the same animal to represent them, they have the same 'golden retriever' type of personality that just makes you go all soft. ygwim ;n; i wish i could elaborate but both boys just devastate me in the same level and my friends pointed out that they were quite similar in some aspects.
jaemin used to send really long bbl messages :< like if there was anything he loved most it was nctzens and it was obv in his messages. speaking of dream, album repackage news today! idk what to feel bc my hot sauce albums haven't even arrived yet :D + i'm dead br0ke.
how do you even manage to read 30k TT__TT i cant handle long fics bc of my attention span :D also, yes, i found the user now, i'll check if i'll like their works soon. <33
YES YOU SHOULDVE BEEN THERE T_T what a day that was. i think seungmin is still sweet and active in bbl. not a single cent goes to waste with him. also i think i'll post the drabble some time this month.
and oml seungmin vs jake :o let's see how that goes O.O XDD
clickity-clackity AHAH do you have a mechanical keyboard? :c i wanted one too but i haven't got around to saving up for one. but yes indeed, typing asmr v relaxing \m/
sunny hyuck day, fullsun sunday, fullsunday T_T feels were very strong that day. i kept seeing edits on my twt tl and i would just s o b : D i've only stanned nct for a year but i've seen him grow so much i just wanted to crie i love him sm :') yk my mom didn't cook spaghetti for my birthday, but she cooked for hyuck's? : D
and i checked ur recs blog and indeed, full of nct T_T
also have i mentioned that your desktop thing amuses me so much HAHAH i got confused for a sec if i had twt opened or tumblr. plus, i've been wanting to mention that i noticed that our mobile themes are opposites. black and red, white and blue. it's cute XDD <3
help, people have been telling me that our asks are long but i highkey love it. i added a ‘keep reading’ for the mobile users though, sorry in advance hh.
honestly, both works. tiny font saves space but regular font does more justice for my poor eyes haha. its your call!
hybe comebacks :( yeah enhypen got lucky because they came back right before cb season so they got three wins (yay)! on the bright side, txt just got their first win and bts has six wins, so it all works out i guess. omg yes, the streaming thing is perfect. i stan like 20 groups so i have a never-ending cycle of filler mvs and its always so helpful. ooh for the final performances - you wont regret watching any of them! literally wild, kingdom's budget and talent are wild.
ooh, I don't watch any cdramas lmao. i want to but i can barely finish kdramas. if its a movie ill watch it! ive never heard of more than blue but ill check it out <3 where can i watch it?
yes yes i have just realized that sungchan is yujin's co-mc! i watched their special stage (which is literally adorable) and was today years old when i realized that the dude is sungchan pls. nct hollywood was so unexpected and i still have mixed feelings about it now. LMAO JUST ASIANS LIVING IN AMERICA...help. that would be interesting (?) but the concept reminds me of those horrendous awesomeness tv shows. lets hope sm pulls this off well and proves me wrong. lmao all 4 units coming back would probably happen, but i hope none of them get overworked :( i constantly feel like mork lee has four clones :'( also...sm filed bankcruptcy??? dang, what happened?
ugh omg yeah shotaros talent is seriously being wasted in the basement right now. as for fires, scary T-T i wasnt that fazed by them until the australia wildfires happened, and i learned about the consequences of fire and got really scared. its good that the entire mall didnt burn down though! although its weird that no one is opening it :( schools really need to tell us the difference between drills though, it might be dangerous for those rebellious kids.
yeah i just realized that the nct track is an endorsement which partly explains why i cant listen to it. the mv's visuals are stunning!! the set and people are so gorgeous aa i cant
oh yeah im not an atiny but i have acknowledged since 2020 that they have one of the best, if not the best stage presence and expressions on stage for 4th gen. i think their only worthy competitor would be stray kids actually. theyre truly one of a kind and all of them are cute especially that yeosang guy. i will definitely check out your song recommendations though!
oof the pd48 scandal is extremely complicated. to condense it in a few statements: all of the girls' rankings have been rigged since the very beginning and it was rumored that they already had their end group before the show even started. it was like this for pf48 and pdx101 (group x1) which was why x1 disbanded within a month of debuting, and izone were on hiatus for like 4 months. im not the best at explaining stuff like this haha, but i think you get it. you can check out yt or search up 'pd48 scandal', a ton of articles and videos. as for new groups, nothing has been made clear yet. theyve only made instagram handles for now and appeared on variety shows haha. as for acting career, hyewon was supposed to do acting but was forced to join pd48 so maybe she'll continue acting afterwards? nothing is confirmed yet!
lmao two similarities, its okay it counts. ah, true, i can see their similarities now that youve mentioned it, as well as how jeno is kind of like that. however, i am currently attached to jaemin so we'll see what happens from there hehe. i swerve easily.
jaemin on bubble grr, that would be a whole experience. from the bare minimum of vidoes ive seen for him wbk jaemin is so whipped for czennies. ah yes repackage! i saw the post on instagram and went to the comments to see everything screaming ‘iM bROke!’ and it was lowkey hilarious lmao. kpop is really trying to suck our money T-T.
ope the longest fic ive read is like...40k words i think? and it was by jeonginks. ill read anything eiko produces lmao, theres always so much substance in her work. ooh, tell me what you think of luvdsc’s stuff, i just finished binging their entire masterlist lmao.
seungmin vs jake yeah, i havent been catching up on skz enha content because im still obsessing over the dreamies but when that saga is over then im going to focus on my ults lmao (which might include dream soon, hehe).
yes yes i have a mechanical bluetooth keyboard that i use to connect to my computer! it literally sounds amazing lmao, its only 10am here but i feel like im going to doze off from the clickity clackitys already. i cant wait for you to get one! tell me when you do, we can match hehe.
hyuck is an aodrable brat please. hes like the best comedian of nct at this point, so hilarious and filled with variety i love him. he rose up my bias list pretty fast too. LMAO YOUR MOM IS SO COOL I LOVE HER ALREADY. if only my mom would cook for my ults’ borndays.
yes my rec blog is a mess right now, ill organize it soon haha.
omg thank you and yes my website theme is one-of-a-kind. even i get confused when i open it or edit it, and i constantly get comments about it. also i just realized our opposing theme colors and i love it! its adorable.
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