#like i have no evidence for this but i just havr this feeling idk
fiendslothful · 2 years
Does anyone have any movie recs for when you're either sick, up past 11, experiecing pms even tho u can't remember ur last period, or a combination of all three? It'd be very helpful.
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echidna-auxiliatrix · 6 years
Bleh. Here's my onion on the lesbian flag discourse. Feel free to ignore.
I hope this blows over soon. I really do. I've seen at least 20 proposed new flags and most of them aren't even from lesbians. I can't see any of these new flags taking off. None of them have memorable color schemes which is the strength of a good pride flag imo. You have the infamous rainbow, the neon pan trifecta, the pastel trans flag, and the complementary color scheme of the NB flag just to name a few. And the current lesbian flag thats being used is monochromatic pink. It's a flag that's been here for me ever since I realized I liked girls over 2 years ago now. I have no connection to these new flags and I don't have any real reason to embrace them. I love the pink flag so much in part because of my synesthesia- the shades of pink have this awesome aroma and taste (btw for anyone who doesn't have synesthesia in my case the tastes and smells arent literal like I dont taste and sniff colors like terezi or anything. I might make a post explaining more later.) and a lot of these new flags just look...dull. I also think its very telling that lesbians after all these years STILL don't have a widely used pride flag for ourselves. Even on #woke tumblr a lot of ppl leave us out of pride posts. Lesbians have a rich complec history separate from gay men due to the differing ways we were persecuted throughout history which is why we deserve a separate flag (no shade to lesbians who use the rainbow flag, you do you!) But like. I havr the pink flag in my room at my mom's house! She bought it for me for my 18th birthday this year and it was probably the best gift I received. Yes, I have heard the 2 main reasons for this new discourse:
1.) The stripes have no meaning
We can apply meanings to the stripes! It's that simple.
2.) The creator of the flag was very racist.
Yes I have read the evidence for that claim and let me say that racism in that blog post was absolutely disgusting. I'm getting flashbacks now to how terfs co-opted the purple labrys flag to where that flag is now seen as synonymous with terf. I've seen non terf lesbians try and reclaim that flag recently and I think that's awesome! But I won't use that flag for myself personally. The difference between the pink flag and the labrys flag is that unlike the labrys flag, there isnt a subgroup of violently racist lesbians who have claimed that flag for themselves specifically like terfs have done with the labrys flag. The pink flag wasn't made specifically to promote racism. I bet you could dig up all sorts of problematic shit about the creators of all the popular flags and we could all go on a frenzy of trying to redesign and make less problematic flags BUT. What is the point of a pride flag in the first place? Some would say its more personal and ithers would say it ties oneself to a community- in the latter. If youre using an obscure redesign flag nobody knows about how does that tie you into the broader community? I get you could make this argument with the pink flag too since its still a bit obscure but it's on the Google images search for lesbian pride flag so its gained some traction. Idk I mean the pink flag is just recently getting traction like within the past year or so and its so far gone from its original creator too. Nobody knew about this until someone dug up an old blog post from like 2010 or 2009 I think? And yes let me say again that I think the blatant racism in that blog post is indeed revolting. Ugh. Idek where I'm going with this anymore but I will say that I won't adopt any of these redesigns unless they gain serious traction.
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