#like i have nothing against evc or sharon
gay-jewish-bucky · 2 years
It's my not so humble opinion that they had to SEVERELY limit team Cap because if they included everyone it would have probably have been about twice the size of team Iron Man, especially considering the people on team Iron Man mostly were loyal to their own agenda+ a lied to kid.
i have two characters i'd have replaced with her
one (and im sorry to my friend who likes him) is clint since 99.9% of the time i forget he was even there, like i'm not kidding i frequently got "WAIT CLINT IS IN THIS MOVIE?!?!"
idk since they didn't bother to properly establish sharon in tws at all and she played no part in aou it would have made more sense to have maria, but then they couldn't have no-homo'd so
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cblgblog · 5 years
Anyway, hate Hayley, she's a b***ch, you can defend her all you want but that doesn't change the things she said in the past, people were rude to Emily especially her and idiot Evans and their "fans", glad it's over for them in the MCU so hopefully we can try to have her in the MCU without their negativity and I hope fans start to respect her as an actress and person.
Lol, anyway, you’re a moron, and not because you like Sharon or EVC.. The only people who have actually disrespected EVC are other fans. You talk about respect, but call another actress a bitch...why? Because she ended up with more screen time than Sharon? How about you not be a moron, and blame people who actually have control over the franchise, like Feige, the Russos, the writers... 
Because she was mean to EVC? Show me. Show me where Hayley Atwell ever said a word against EVC as an actress or a person. And no, joking comments about Sharon Carter don’t count, because they are not, in fact, the same person.  Where’s the part where Hayley said publicly that EVC was garbage? It doesn’t exist, because the most she ever did was to say she didn’t like Staron. Her fans are a different matter, for sure, but she can’t control them, just like EVC can’t control people like you. 
You wanna blame fans? Cool, blame the fans. Chris and Hayley have no control over what their fans say. I like EVC as Sharon and as an actress in some other things, just don’t like Staron. There are a lot of people like that. If other people have been rude to EVC for stupid ship reasons, and yes, they have, that has nothing to do with the actors. Put your hate where it belongs.
Also....you are telling me this...why? I’ve got a Steggy picture as the header on my blog, so obviously I’m not gonna agree with you, so like...what’s your point? To troll? To  bitch about actors instead of idiots on the Internet? 
Hey, at least Chris, Hayley, and other actors put themselves out there, for dumbasses like you to hate on. You’re on Tumblr, already hiding behind a screen, and you can’t even come off anon to do your whining? Either get enough of a spine to stand behind your words, or don’t bother.
EVC deserves better fans than a spineless moron who thinks that calling another actress a bitch, and being so half-assed about it that you can’t even do it off of anon, is actually accomplishing anything, or “defending her.”
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If you have to credit yourself for “winning” about supposedly erasing a whole character out of a film franchise because you’ve underachieved and failed at everything else you’ve ever tried in life then I’m all for it. Pat yourself on the back for doing the bare minimum and receiving nothing out of it but petty glee.
I can only safely assume that most of them have insecurities or other issues that they haven’t checked out, and the only way they compensate for it is finding some escape- or reason where they can feel powerful and better about themselves.
Outside of here I have a job I love, I have friends I can talk to, I have a supportive family, my mental health has only improved since I moved away from home. As a matter of fact- I’ve taken an opportunity to possibly stay here working for Disney up to a year, and hopefully transition full time (my full honest intentions).
Now aside from losing on social media- I have other things in my life I can be happy about. Of course news of Emily possibly returning to Marvel adds a little more excitement to my life. It’s comical to watch antis gloat and jump with glee over ANY news of Sharon not being treated justly- because we understand they’re trying to fill a void in their unhappy life of nothing working out for them and having nothing else to live for.
I do question why I myself even spend this kind of time and energy fighting with likely a small group of petulant fangirls, because they try and act hard on here, but if you talked to them in person they’d get shy and quiet anyway, and they’re way of attempting to reason and justify their petty hatred flies over my head quite literally 100% of the time. They’re going to tell me it’s because i’m stupid like almost anyone who doesn’t know how to disagree and argue civilly with another person, would.
Resorting to name calling, talking down condescendingly, stalking one’s blog to find a personal flaw to use against them, searching for grammatical errors because they can’t prove themselves correct in one argument so they have to find one or more areas to win, burdening the inbox of another confession blog because the one they used to resort to by default wasn’t very popular and didn’t (and still does not) have that wide of an audience. If they really wanted to rock Marvel’s shit, they would’ve done a better job at it because to this day I’m still seeing Emily in the news with Marvel sharing the same headline. If I was a follower of these anti people I’d be more vocally disappointed.
Do you know WHY M&M came out and said stevexsharon didn’t work (twice now)? it’s because people are asking about Sharon, no one has forgotten about the character or EVC. Clearly more people are paying attention and tumblr is more ecstatic about Sharon this time around then they were a while ago. And now all the crafted publicity you were talking about is gaining traction, it had Sharon trending on twitter literally the day BEFORE the news came out.
If you want to gloat about the news simply because nothing is confirmed then go off, it’s your life.
Just know you’re telling me running a woman out of her job and slandering a fictional character who feels nothing for you is perfectly fine. And talking all that shit over anon about the fans of said person, gloating when we’re put down and gloating when we’re lifted up is alright to you because you are, with out no doubt- unhappy Marvel hasn’t listened to you yet?
If you want to make a difference, write to the higher ups at Marvel and Disney, did you know anyone employed under the Walt Disney Company has a company email for you to get in touch with? Please do write Alan Horn, Kevin, Robert and get back @ me with what they had to say about your petulant rants over a fictional character.
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agentxthirteen · 7 years
maddrabbit19 commented on mainstreetmousee's post “How come you don't like Hayley Atwell? No hate, I just happened to see...”
I have never seen Hayley diss Emily
Never directly, but for the past five years, she’s talked about how Emily’s character is disrespectful, disgusting, borderline-incestuous, taking her aunt’s man, and how Emily’s character shouldn’t have an expanded role in the universe now that Hayley’s character is dead. That reflects on Emily in a variety of ways, one of which I mentioned in the post - fans go after EVC in order to get her to kill herself/drop out of Marvel, articles are written about how Hayley says Peggy would punish Emily’s character for going after Steve - and they always point out that Emily VanCamp is playing Sharon...
I highly doubt we’ll ever see Hayley directly insult EVC, especially since Chris’s mom and brother are fans of hers, and Chris Pratt worked with EVC for years and even dated her. But Hayley is still talking disparagingly of EVC’s character in a way that sends a lot of hatred toward EVC (comments range from “ur ugly” “ur talentless” to “u shuld kill urself” type stuff).
By hating the character, she’s opening the floodgates to hatred for EVC, the actor who plays the character and is most strongly associated with the character.
Here’s an example: Hayley has called Sharon “disrespectful” for a couple years; it shows up at multiple conventions. During press for Civil War, EVC was interviewed by someone who told her, directly, that she was “disrespectful” for taking on the role. There’s nothing wrong with the role, and someone was always going to be cast for it. The character hasn’t done anything terrible, hasn’t even killed anyone, fought against Hydra, saved the life of another SHIELD agent. But they still said she was disrespectful simply for playing the role. He went on to talk about how important Peggy was, and how does EVC view the relationship between Sharon and Steve given that Peggy was there first? It became obvious that the man loved Peggy/Hayley and was echoing some of her views on the matter.
So, no, Hayley has never said in public, to my knowledge, “I hate Emily VanCamp,” etc. But she’s created an atmosphere where EVC has to deal with hateful comments and disrespect from interviewers that she likely would never have to deal with if Hayley had just said, “I ship Peggy with Steve, so seeing him with someone else is hard for me,” or even, “I’m still trying to get over Peggy and Steve not working out, I don’t want to talk about him moving on with anybody.”
Hayley might be completely charming and sweet to EVC’s face, like when they made the dubsmash videos and tweeted each other, but everything she’s ever said about Sharon has been about undermining her for the sake of a ship- even going so far as to say that Sharon shouldn’t have an expanded role in the universe because Peggy isn’t around anymore. EVC is still the one who has to deal with that fallout.
I hope that helps! 
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