#like i think the way the bossman kinda slammed the phone in my face at end today when i called to quit is like. a little telling.
recklessmoss · 2 years
it’s kinda funny of me to quit a job after just a week but oh my fucking god this was the most miserable work experience of my life
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deans-baby-momma · 5 years
Rescue Me-And Baby Makes Three
Being the Advertisement & Publicity Director for the Bunker was the job of a lifetime. Not only had it brought me back home to Lawrence but it also brought me back to my two best friends, Sam and Dean Winchester. The Winchesters and I have been best friends since childhood since my family had moved next door to them when I was 7 years old. Dean had been 9 and little Sammy, just a chubby 5 year old. Our parents got along great and their mom would sometimes take me with her when she took the boys to the park. They had been in my life for as long as I could remember. They were my sidekicks, partners in crime and my protectors. No one messed with me without feeling the wrath of the Winchester boys.
After a few years and more distance apart, a divorce leaving me with practically nothing brought me back to my hometown and back into the caring and secure shelter of my best friends. Sam was still the little brother I never knew I wanted or needed and Dean...well Dean was my confidante and dearest friend.
It took 3 years of working closely with Dean at his bar and being a shoulder for him to lean on when his life took a rocky turn, for he and I to confess our true feelings for one another. In the years as being a co-worker and colleague,  Dean and I had unknowingly fallen in love. Now, nine years after coming home here I am; Mrs. Dean Randolph Winchester and 8 ½ months pregnant with our first child, our daughter.
My life hasn't been a proverbial walk in the park and honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. I have fought and struggled for everything I have now and can genuinely say that I am 100 % happy. Okay, wait, let me rephrase; I'm like 95% completely happy and 5% anxious and more than ready to get this kid out of me! Who knew carrying a Winchester was so difficult.
It is almost time for the annual B4 event and seeing as I will be off on involuntary maternity leave (bossman is very adamant about it), I am going over the pre-final preparations with Angela, my temporary replacement. The menu has been set, the booze has been ordered so the only thing left to do really is edit the advertisements and flyers and send them off to the printers.  
I stand from my chair when it happens. A rush of moisture floods my pants and thighs and I look up at Angela, wide-eyed. "Dean!"
Dean comes running in, Sam right on his heels. "Wha-what's wrong?" Dean asks, slightly out of breath.
I smile at my husband and best friend. "It's time."
The next few minutes are a flurry of activity. Dean races to my side as he and Angela help me walk toward the exit and Sam pulls out his phone to call ahead to the hospital to let them know we are on our way.
"De-," I try to speak through a contraction but have to grit my teeth. I know the pain I'm having now is nothing compared to what I am in for and that terrifies me. As soon as it subsides, I look to my husband.  "My bag is at home."
Dean smiles and kisses the top of my head.  "No, it isn't.  I put it in the trunk last week. I knew the way you weren't slowing down, this was going to happen."
We get outside to the car and Dean helps me in. He runs around the front as Angela closes my door. "Go have a baby. Everything here is taken care of," she tells me through the open window. I nod as cringe as Dean starts the engine. The vibrations of the motor through the leather seats can be felt through my whole body. Dean slams the vehicle into gear as Sam jumps into the backseat,  leaning forward to put a hand on my shoulder.
"The hospital has been put on alert that we're coming and they'll be ready for you," he tries to comfort me.
That was Sam for you though; always thinking ahead, making sure everything was in place and as perfect as could be. I smiled at him over my shoulder. "Thanks. Did you call Jess?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
Jess was the woman Sam had been seeing for the last year or so and was a nurse at the very same hospital we were speeding toward. She and I had hit it off remarkably well and she was as anxious for our newest arrival as we all were.
"Yeah, she's gonna be there waiting for us," Sam said with a smile. I had figured out that he was in love with Jess long before he even realized it just by the dreamy look he'd get whenever her name was mentioned.
"Good," I squeaked through another painful squeeze in my abdomen.  Hearing the noise leave my lips, Dean pressed down in the gas harder. "Dean Randolph Winchester, if you don't slow this car down right now, I'm going to murder you! We do not need to be in an accident or given a speeding ticket on the day our little girl decides to come. "
As promised, when we pulled up to the emergency entrance of Lawrence General, Jess was there with a wheelchair; another, older nurse stood nearby with a clipboard full of paperwork. Sam jumped out of the back of the car, kissed Jess' cheek and then turned to help me out of the car.
Jess helped get me situated in the chair as the older lady, Janine, began asking questions. "What time did your water break?" "How far apart are the contractions?" "On a scale of 1-10, how strong would you say they are?" I smiled as I answered her, even though I could already feel another one coming on.
Sam had traded places with Dean, going to park the car while we got registered and settled into a room. Dean held my hand the whole time, answering the registrar's question when I couldn't due to contractions.
As soon as all the questions were answered, Janine gave me a gown and left the room so I could get changed. "This is it," I said, looking at Dean after I had got changed and settled back into the bed. "We're going to be parents. Are we ready?"
Dean chuckled as he pushed some hair from my already damp forehead. "Kinda have to be, don't we?"
Before I can answer, the door opens and our doctor, Dr. Franklin walks in. She smiles at us as she pulls on her latex gloves and checks me.
"Looks like your progressing well,  you are already at 4 centimeters. How's the pain? Do you need something to take the edge off?" she asked cautiously. We had already discussed it with her at my last visit that unless it was deemed necessary, I was going to give birth drug-free.
"Hurts but nothing I can't handle, " I answer honestly. "I want to be fully aware when she gets here."
"Okay," she says smiling still. "If it gets to be too much you let me know.'
As she turns to leave, Dean bends over and kisses me on the forehead. "You know, no one will think any less of you if you need to take something. You don't have to prove you're superwoman. You already are in my eyes."
"I know that. And I'm not doing it because of that. I want to be fully conscious and not all doped up when I see our daughter for the first time," I explain to him.
"Okay, baby."
The next few hours are spent the same; breathing and gritting my teeth through the pain, Dean next to me cheering me on and sporadic checks by the doctor.
When she tells me it's time to push and calls for the nurse it all hits me. I am about to become a mother. I am about to push a human out of my body, a baby that is part me and part Dean. I am so happy that I cannot contain the tears and they seep out of my eyes and trickle down my face.
Dean never leaves my side the whole time, even when he has to hold one of my legs up and can see everything down there. He gets a little pale but he pushes through.
"I see the head! Oh my God, hunting. She's got a head full of hair," Dean says as he looks from me to where our daughter is making her appearance. He is already so enamored with her.
"Ok, one more big push on the next contraction and your little one will be here," the doctor tells us. I look over at Dean to see his is torn. He can't decide if he wants to watch my face or watch as she enters the world. I smile at his dilemma and motion with my eyes for him to watch her.
Her cries are loud and vociferous and music to my ears. I watch as the doctor hands Dean a pair of funny looking scissors and the concentration on his face is firm as he cuts the cord separating us.
As soon as the cord is severed, he returns to my side and I can see the tears in his eyes. Tears of joy, tears of elation, the pride on his face is undeniable. He bends over and kisses me softly. "You did it! I'm so fucking proud of you," he whispered as he lays his forehead against mine. We watch together as the nurse cleans put baby off and weighs her.
As soon as she is finished and wraps the baby in a blanket,  I am reaching for her. I want to see my daughter, our daughter. Dean and I look at the baby snuggles in my arms. Our family was complete.
Tumblr media
Adrianna Parker Winchester
8 pounds 6 ½ ounces. 22 inches long
@larajadeschmidt13 @lostinaseaoffictionalbliss @mahalaraewolfe @internationalmusicteacher @death-unbecomes-you @thewinchesterchronicles
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iwasnthere622 · 7 years
Hi My Name Is... (Ch. 3)
AO3 Link
Jaylee moved quickly, locking up the house and grabbing her lockbox, shutting herself up in the bathroom. She had a solid three hours before she'd have to worry about cleanup and she didn't want to waste a second of it.
She propped her phone on the counter as she dug around and pulled out the different things that she would need, loading the video she'd bookmarked a week ago. It was a new one from her favorite makeup artist and the look was amazing and she wanted to try it.
She followed along slowly, priming her face, applying highlighter and contouring and blending, making it work despite none of it quite being her skin tone's natural shades. She didn't have any setting powder, but then again she wasn't doing this look to last so she skipped that step, moving on to her eyes.
It took a while to get the gradient right because she didn't quite have the shades for it, but when she finished and looked in the mirror... it actually didn't look that bad. It was even, which was the hardest part according to everyone she watched, and the purple color actually made her eyes look really bright.
Encouraged, she picked up the eyeliner she'd stolen from Kim and watched that part of the video, rewatching a few times until she felt confident enough to try, leaning close to the mirror and keeping her hand steady, wanting to do the wings at the ends.
These didn't end up quite as even, but she didn't hate it, putting on mascara and then picking out a lip color from the few she had. She ended up with a nude color that just made her lips a bit pinker and shinier.
She finished, pressing her lips together one last time, before leaning back and blinking at herself in the mirror.
She reached up to tug at her hair, at the way it was just starting to curl behind her ears -- getting long, her dad mentioned going for a cut soon just the other day -- but the curl helped with the image she was trying to create, able to imagine her hair longer and fuller and framing her face.
Smiling to herself, she grabbed the bottle of clear nail polish she'd borrowed from Pearl and sat on the edge of the tub to apply a fresh coat to her nails -- this at least she could keep on and no one noticed.
She nearly dropped the bottle when her phone started ringing on the counter, only her faster reflexes saving it from spilling everywhere. She set it aside and reached for her phone, heart racing. Zack?
"Hello?" she said, answering and immediately bolting up into a stand at the chaos on the other line. "Zack?!"
"Putties!" Zack shouted, a loud crash sounding as she got an earful of Mandarin curses. "At work, I can't -- fucking -- morph!"
"Hold on, we're coming!" Jaylee said, hanging up and quickly dialing Trini. "Putties are attacking Zack at work, he can't morph!" she shouted, shoving makeup into her lockbox and hanging up on Trini when she started cursing, knowing she'd get to Zack as fast as possible.
She slammed the box closed, looking around frantically for anything she missed as she called Kim and repeated the message, hanging up and dialing Billy last. She hung up and spun around, meeting her own panicked eyes in the mirror.
The makeup!
Zack needed her, needed everyone, she didn't have time to remove it properly, it took forever to take off eye stuff, why did she do a full face...!
She didn't have a choice -- her team needed her. She ran out of the room, hiding her box and throwing open her bedroom window, morphing and jumping out, belatedly hoping none of the neighbors were watching as she ran into town.
Trini was already there, smashing putties who were destroying the diner where Zack was a waiter. "Black?!" she yelled, shoving in right next to Trini.
"Don't know!" Trini answered, frustration and worry clear in her tone if you knew her.
Kim and Billy showed up just as they made it inside, people hiding in the booths screaming and crying in terror, most of the place destroyed, with another six putties bashing their way into the back.
"Pink, get the people out of here," Jaylee ordered firmly. "Blue, Yellow, let's finish this!"
She charged forward with Billy and Trini, leaving Kim to get everyone out and away from the diner, searching for Zack but unable to call his name, as that would be too dangerously close to revealing his identity.
Trini and Billy made a hole in the putties and Jaylee dove through it, finding Zack backed into a storage closet with two girls hiding behind him, the teen brandishing a mop.
Relief flooded her that Zack was okay, tapping her helmet to switch to internal comms. "Found Zack, he's okay," she said, switching back to the open channel. "It's okay, you're safe," she said, grinning back at Zack though he couldn't see it through her mask, turning back around to fight the putties from this side.
The putties were quickly turned to dust with three rangers focused on them, and Jaylee helped Zack lead the two girls out, who seemed to be in shock.
Kim stepped up to join them as they exited the diner -- or what was left of it -- Jaylee watching the girls and Zack head over to the rest of their coworkers. She nodded at Zack, then tilted her head in the direction of the mine, watching him grin and hoping he'd gotten the message.
"Let's go!" she said, leading the morphed rangers away and up to the mine, stopping them at the cliff overlooking the water entrance to the ship.
"That was crazy!" Billy said once they were alone.
Kim nodded. "I'm just glad Zack's okay."
"He should be here in a minute," Jaylee said. "If he got my message."
"Do you think the putties knew he was there, did they attack him?" Trini asked, hard edge in her voice.
"You think...?" Kim asked, clearly not having thought of that.
Jaylee shook her head. "I don't know. But I think we all need to be extra careful, now."
"You got that right," Zack said, huffing as he ran up.
"Zack!" Kim said, hugging him. "You okay?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Kinda weird to be hugging you when I'm not morphed, too," Zack laughed, the press of the armor interesting to feel on this side.
They laughed, all demorphing.
"So were you really planning on fighting putties with a mop?" Trini asked, punching Zack's shoulder, teasing.
Zack rolled his eyes, knowing he'd worried her -- worried everyone. "Well I had to do something! There were too many people, I couldn't morph, and it's not like I could let them see me smash them with my bare hands, either," he protested.
"That was quick thinking," Billy agreed, smiling at him.
"See, Billy approves," Zack laughed. "I'm just glad Bossman got the bat signal out to you guys so quickly!" he continued, turning to grin at Jason, blinking in confusion.
Jaylee had gotten so caught up in the relief of getting to Zack in time, protecting the team, adrenaline crashing as they all joked and laughed and everyone was okay, that when they demorphed, she did, too, without thinking, it an ingrained habit.
She'd forgotten about the makeup, until Zack was suddenly grinning at her in confusion and now everyone was staring.
Her heart started racing, stomach dropping out completely, feeling like she was going to be sick, breaths short and panicked. She quickly pulled on her armor, the morphing grid responding to her fear -- she was terrified, she'd ruined everything -- and quickly morphed again.
"I'll report to Zordon, you guys go home," she said quickly, voice shaking, throwing herself off the edge of the cliff and sailing into the water with a splash.
She stumbled as she landed, looking up but no one was following her which was good... oh god... what was she going to do, what could she possibly tell them to make this okay?
She felt like the walls were closing in around her, finding it hard to breathe, tears pricking her eyes though she tried her best to swallow them down.
It took ten minutes before she felt controlled enough to walk to the ship, shoving everything down -- she was good at that, she'd handle it, tell them she was playing with Pearl, make any excuse, bury it -- and heading to the command room.
"Master Jason?" Alpha-5 said, clearly surprised to see her.
"The putties attacked Zack at work," Jaylee said shortly, giving Zordon and Alpha-5 the full report of what had happened.
"You did a good job of protecting your team," Zordon said. "But it's troubling to think the putties would have enough access to Rita's lingering power to be able to track you..."
"So this wasn't a coincidence," Jaylee said, worried.
"I'll run some scans," Alpha-5 said.
"Be cautious," Zordon said, Jaylee nodding and heading out.
She walked slowly back to the water entrance, staring up at it, trying to psych herself up. It was fine, she'd told Kim Pearl likes to do makeup for other people, she could just lie and say Pearl did it, they'd probably tease her a bit but they'd accept it as her being a good sibling.
Comforting herself with the thought, she jumped back up and landed on the cliff, standing and stilling at the sight of everyone sitting around, apparently waiting for her.
"What did Zordon say?" Trini asked when no one moved or said anything, Jaylee keeping her armor on.
"He doesn't think it was a coincidence, he thinks the putties are pulling on Rita's power to track us," Jaylee answered.
"What about our families?" Zack asked, worry clear in his tone and posture.
"We'll protect them, all of them," Jaylee promised, voice firm. "Alpha-5's working on something, maybe it can find the source."
"We can't be with our families all the time, though," Kim said, worrying her lip, glancing at Jaylee and then away, Jaylee not quite prepared for the hurt that stabbed through her in response.
"They should only be able to track us, though, so when we aren't with them, our families are probably safer," Billy pointed out.
"Great," Trini muttered.
"We'll figure it out," Jaylee said, already mentally preparing to do nightly checks on the town, to up their awareness.
They fell silent, all worried and trying to think of ways to protect everyone.
"Jase?" Kim said hesitantly.
Jaylee stiffened, heart picking up, hands flexing. "...Yeah?"
"It's... okay, if you like makeup," Kim said hesitantly, Billy nodding encouragingly next to her.
"That's not a girls-only thing, you know. I do eyeliner all the time," Zack added.
Trini rolled her eyes. "We know, Zack, you always run around yelling at us to look when you get it winged."
"Well, yeah, you guys gotta appreciate my art," Zack grinned.
"So it's okay," Kim said, smiling at Jaylee. "You're still a guy even if you like it."
"We would never make fun of you for something you liked," Billy said earnestly.
"Well, we'd probably tease," Zack mused, yelping when Trini smacked him. "What, I'm being honest! We wouldn't take it too far, though!"
"It's fine," Jaylee choked out, grateful to the armor for making her voice even. "It was Pearl anyway--"
"I thought Pearl had gymnastics class on Thursdays," Billy said, frowning.
"Yeah, don't you usually have the house to yourself today if your dad is working, since your mom has to take her to the class?" Kim added.
Jaylee sucked in a breath in panic -- why did they all know her family's schedule?! -- stammering out, "Y-yeah."
"Look, Kim was right. It's cool if you like traditionally feminine stuff," Trini said, tackling it head on and not wasting any words, something Jaylee usually loved her for but now was making her heart race and her palms sweat and her eyes burn. "We've all seen you dancing around some stuff and we just want you to know you don't have to hide anything from us. You're still Jason, the Red Ranger, regardless of what you like. And society's gender roles are fucking useless anyway, so fuck them. Do what you want, J. We've got your back."
"Yeah, dude," Zack said. "It's totally cool, do what you want. You're still a guy and besides, girly shit is fun sometimes."
"Well, as long as what you want isn't, like, mass murder," Kim teased. "We aren't jerks who would judge you for something like this, Jase."
"Well, technically, we are all mass murderers considering how many putties we have killed," Billy pointed out. "They are technically sentient so I think it counts as murder when we stop them."
"Okay, so you can even be a mass murderer," Kim laughed.
"Not of people," Billy clarified, "just putties. But yes, you should be able to like what you want. We're your friends."
"I..." Jaylee said, not knowing what to do, listening to their support but for the wrong thing, shaking because she should just accept it, it'd make everything so much easier, but that felt like she'd be confirming she was guy and she wasn't and while she'd never told anyone she was a woman, she'd also never told anyone she was a man, either, people just took one look at her and assumed and it would break something in her to confirm that assumption.
"J, we're good," Trini said, smiling softly. "You're a badass dude, even in purple eyeshadow."
"Seriously, man, I didn't get that good a look but damn your liner is on point," Zack complimented easily.
"Jason," Kim said softly. "It's okay, I promise. We don't see you any differently, you're still a guy, the leader... our friend."
They all just kept saying it, over and over, just assuming that she was a guy who liked makeup and that was fine -- Zack was a guy who liked makeup -- but that wasn't her, and her chest ached and her eyes burned and she just needed them to stop saying it.
"I'm not," she said, all of them blinking at her in confusion and she flexed her hands, terrified, god, so terrified but somehow the idea of coming out to them was less terrifying then accepting the lie. She was so tired of pretending and they were asking her to basically say the pretend life she presented was the real one when it wasn't and the reckless courage that got her into all the trouble she'd ever been in in her life welled up and she couldn't hold it back. She refused to.
"Not what?" Kim asked confused.
"A guy," Jaylee answered, keeping her head up because if she was doing this, she was doing this. "I'm not a guy."
"Okay," Zack said slowly, dragging the word out, clearly confused.
"I'm a girl. I've always been a girl. You all just assume, everyone assumes I'm a guy but I'm not," Jaylee said, breathing in short pants, feeling lightheaded with how hard her heart was beating. "I'm a girl."
"You're trans?" Trini asked, the first to get it.
Jaylee nodded, studying the rest of them.
"Fuck," Zack whispered, eyes wide, staring at her.
"Oh my god," Kim said, sharing a look with Billy.
"What's your name?" Trini asked, stepping forward.
"Jaylee," Jaylee answered, voice a bit shaky because she'd never actually said it out loud.
Trini nodded. "Hi, Jaylee. I'm Trini," she said, offering her hand.
Jaylee stared at her, glancing down at her hand then back up at her face, cautiously reaching out to shake her hand.
Trini gripped her hand tight. "Can you demorph?" she asked quietly.
Jaylee glanced around, they were all staring again, it looked like Kim might start crying, and she was confused and scared. But it's not like she was hiding anything now, they knew, so she let the armor dissolve, letting go of Trini's hand.
She stumbled back a step when Trini hugged her tight, cautiously returning the hug, just waiting for them to shove her away, call her a freak, tell her to give up her power coin...
"I'm sorry," Trini said when she pulled back, "for assuming. I'm so sorry."
"Me too!" Billy said, stepping up closer but not touching her. "I saw that you didn't seem to like your name, but I didn't guess... I'm sorry. I should have asked."
"I'm so sorry, Jase -- fuck, I'm sorry," Kim said, pulling her into a hug and feeling her flinch at her slip up. "I'm sorry."
Zack punched her on the arm -- when had he walked over? -- grinning at her. "Just like I thought, killer liner, girl," he said, and it was something about the easy acceptance in his voice -- in all their voices -- that made the tears Jaylee had been swallowing down finally spill over.
They all moved to hug her, collapsing into a pile right there on top of the cliff and letting her cry.
She clung to them, afraid they would leave, slowly calming down, makeup ruined now and smeared by her tears.
"It's... this is really okay?" she asked, trembling.
"Of course it is," Kim said firmly.
Jaylee wiped at her face. "I look like a freak," she mumbled, knowing she wasn't as pretty as Kim or Trini and knowing she'd ruined her makeup and knowing that it didn't look quite as right on her as it did on real women.
"Hey," Trini said, waiting for Jaylee to meet her eyes. "You are not a freak."
"You're fucking gorgeous," Zack said.
"You are really pretty," Billy agreed.
Jaylee laughed, wiping away tears and snot, looking around at them all.
"So, you've really been a girl the whole time?" Kim asked.
Jaylee nodded, nerves coiling.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Billy asked.
Jaylee sighed. "I'm Jason Scott," she said, mouth twisting around the name she hated. "You wouldn't have believed me."
"Dumbass, of course we would have," Trini said, smacking her shoulder.
"Yeah, dude," Zack said, feeling Jaylee stiffen and stiffening himself. "Ah, shit, sorry. Dudette."
"It's fine, I'm used to it," Jaylee said.
"That's bullshit," Kim said. "You should get to be who you are and be called what you want."
"Definitely," Zack agreed.
"Does anyone else know?" Billy asked.
Jaylee shook her head. "No..."
"We'll keep the secret," Trini promised, not about to forcibly out her.
Jaylee slumped into them, not sure she really believed this was happening but relieved at how it was going. "Thank you," she whispered.
"C'mon, we're having an emergency sleepover at my place," Kim decided. "My parents are out of town, and we need to get to know Jaylee better."
"Good idea," Billy grinned.
"I'm totally in," Zack said.
"Red?" Trini asked, smiling at her -- you're still the leader of this team.
Jaylee sucked in a breath, smiling hesitantly. "Okay."
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