#like i'm being disloyal by saying it out loud
ghost-in-the-hall · 6 months
I Swear (Sanji x OC!Anastasia FLUFF)
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Hello! Have a thought that's been rattling around in my brain for the past couple days. This is my OC for The Brass Knuckle pirates (cr: @lunar-cherries) I'm very excited to start dabbling in OC stuff, hopefully you guys like it! ALSO! I would like to preface this fic by saying I'm still very new to One Piece, I just finished Arlong Park, so they way I write these characters will change over time!! If you would like to be added to the tag list for One Piece content let me know, enjoy!!
My Masterlist!
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The still night air was broken up by Anastasia’s loud laughter, a bottle of rum clenched tightly in her hand as she toppled into Sanji’s side. She lets out a breathless sigh, wiping at her eyes with the heel of her hand, “I’m going to miss you Straw Hat’s when we part ways.” She smiles up at him, her green eyes glinting in the dim lantern light.
“You know, I’m sure Luffy would let you join us in a heartbeat.” She didn’t miss the way his eyes flashed briefly down to her lips before his gaze rose to meet hers again. “You want to document great pirate battles? Being with him would definitely get you front row seats.”
She breathes out a laugh, letting her fingers slide over the hand he had resting in between them. “It’s a very tempting offer,” she whispers, “but I would rather die than be disloyal to my crew.”
Sanji smiles down at her, slowly reaching up to tuck a copper curl back into place, his eyes tracing along the intricate display of piercings that wrapped their way around her ear. “I know you would, but can you blame a guy for trying?” Her cheeks flush under his playful gaze.
“Sounds like you’re starting to become obsessed with me.” She shoots back with a smirk.
“Well, if being in love with you is being obsessed with you, I guess I am.” He chuckles. Anastasia never could get used to how blunt Sanji was when it came to him discussing his feelings about her. It knocked the wind from her lungs like she had been punched in the chest, she just couldn’t understand how someone could so adamantly declare that with unwavering confidence like he always did.
“You’re out of your mind.” She chuckles softly, shaking her head slightly as her eyes drop to her lap.
“Maybe I am, but that still doesn’t change how I feel about you.” His hand slips out of her grasp, his fingers gently tilt up her chin, making her meet Sanji’s gaze. “Promise me, when we both achieve our dreams, you’ll marry me.”
“What?” She asks through a shocked laugh. “Sanji, a lot’s going to happen between now and then, you’re not going to want to marry-”
“I swear on The Baratie.” He cuts her off. “I swear on the Straw Hat’s, I swear on Zeff’s good leg.” They both laugh, Sanji runs a thumb across her cheek in order to wipe away the wet trails her tears had left behind. “I swear, whatever it takes, I am going to marry you one day Ana. I’ll open a restaurant in the All Blue and you can document all the different species of fish we catch and how we cook them.” He jokes.
“Don’t tell Zeff you made a bet on his good leg, he’ll kill you.” She sniffs, wiping roughly at her eyes with her sleeve before Sanji pulls her into a tight hug.
“Do me a favor and stay safe wherever you guys are headed next.” He states softly, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.
“I will.” She reaches up, gently caressing his cheek, bringing his attention to her face. “I have to get back to some hot headed chef I’m supposed to marry.” She giggles as Sanji pulls her to him, his lips slotting against hers with ease. For now, the time they had together was brief, but they planned on making the most of every second.
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Can I request a match up for Baldur's Gate 3 & Castlevania (Netflix) please?
My personality : I'm shy, timid, quiet & polite to strangers. With people I'm comfortable with, I'm loud, outgoing, playful, mature, responsible, motherly(to naughty friends), childlike(to mature friends/family) and sarcastic (unintentionally).
I'm kinda tomboyish as I wear over-sized t-shirts, baggy pants, sneakers but don't play sports or video games. I'm a slow learner, not smart, not strong, and not talented.
I'm pretty dense, straightforward, oblivious, and naive too.I get confused or misunderstand what people meant easily so it's best if you tell me straight to my face so I can't be mistaken. I'm also touch starved as I love giving & receiving affection but I only can hug one person and even then, I do my best to not overdo it.
I'm a hopeless romantic, sensitive, forgetful, & overthink often. I work as hard as I can & try my best & be careful as I can to everything I do, as I'm pretty clumsy & makes mistakes more often than most people. I try to help my family and friends as they've helped me & cared for me dearly.
I try to communicate properly & ask for their consent first before doing anything because I misunderstood that I had their permission before. I do my best to give people the benefit of doubt but I do have my limits. I don't really get angry often that even my family & friends are surprised when it happens once in a blue moon.
I don't believe in compliments I get occasionally or why my family & friends care for me because I don't see good things in myself only bad things.
I'm kinda perverted which contrasts my innocent & baby face. I keep it to myself though. I always need to let the cinema employees check my identity card to verify my age whenever I watch a R-rated movie.
Although a kind stranger realises I'm older than I looked when we talked about how I didn't lashed out in anger at someone who didn't do anything wrong to me because I know how it felt to be in that position.
Best attributes : None
Worst attributes : unintentionally sarcastic, not smart, not strong, dense, oblivious, naive, sensitive, overthinks a lot, clumsy, misunderstand easily, get confused easily, forgetful,unreliable. That's more but that's all I could think of.
Hobbies : drawing, reading manga, listening to music, fanfics especially reader inserts, and watching anime, movies, & cartoons. My favourite genre is romance but I love comedy, mystery, action, sci-fi, fantasy, and historical too! My favourite music genre is pop, but I also love ballads, & alternative rock!
Likes : music, fanfiction, manga, anime, cartoons, books (If I find it interesting), family, friends, potato chips, chocolate, cakes, bread, anyone who is kind, patient, supportive, helpful, tries at least, trustworthy, responsible, fair in general, respectful, flexible, honest, open-minded, humble, sincere, accepting, thoughtful, encouraging, forgiving, careful, understanding, wise, mature, cooperative, caring, etc. That's more but that's all I could think of.
Dislikes : anyone who's rude, disrespectful, doesn't listen to others, refuse to admit mistakes, blames others for their mistakes, ignores people yet demands attention from them, demanding, won't acknowledge what you said, hypocritical, biased, irresponsible, careless, disloyal, inconsiderate, insensitive, inflexible, petty, hostile, untrustworthy, immature, uncooperative, unforgiving, judgemental, narrow-minded, self-centred, unethical, self-righteous, etc. That's more but that's all I could think of.
Preferred gender result : Male except Raphael, Emperor, Cazador, Thorm, and the Withers!
I'm open whether it's a poly or a monogomous answer.
Please & thank you!
A/N: Okay, first let me just say, HOLY SHIT, this is such a detailed ask! Thank you for being so specific as it really helps the matchup process! Secondly, I would like to say, OF COURSE YOU HAVE BEST ATTRIBUTES! You say so yourself, silly! You’re caring and considerate (always looking for consent, and giving people the benefit of the doubt), you’re hard-working (you try your best even though you’re clumsy and make mistakes often), and you’re extremely considerate, responsible, and self-aware (having this sense of duty to care for your family as they’ve cared for you in the past). 
I know it can be challenging to believe in yourself, god knows I don’t all of the time. But I just wanted to tell you that just by reading this I can tell you you’re an INCREDIBLE person worthy of all such love, friendship, respect, and happiness. And I wish for all of that for you. People give you compliments because they love you, and they want you to love yourself. I know we’re still technically strangers, but from this, I can tell you’re a brilliant, responsible, and empathetic young lady; I would feel proud to call you a friend. Feel free to message me if you ever need to talk, okay?
Okay… Sorry. Mushy rant over. On to the matchups!
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For you my Unconvinced Anon, I think your best matches are Halsin (BG3) and Hector (Castlevania)!
Your BG3 Matchup: 
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Halsin would be a great match for you! He’s kind and wise, and very soft-spoken. You’re extremely compatible as Halsin is fairly intuitive when it comes to feelings and relationships, so even if you are forgetful or misunderstood, it’s no matter. 
Halsin is also very forward and direct in telling people how he feels and what he wants. Some people (and some game players) can find this to be offensive. But Halsin does not intend to offend or overstep. And should you tell him to please reel it in, he will gladly do so. You too mention how you are often unintentionally sarcastic and straightforward. Halsin is someone who greatly appreciates this level of honesty in a partner. He finds it preferable to those who would play games or beat around the bush with their feelings. 
Halsin also likes your style. Druids tend to appreciate function over form in most that they do, and clothing is no exception. So long as you are comfortable, and covered enough to not break any public indecency laws, Halsin doesn’t care that you aren’t wearing flower skirts or embroidered coats. What works for you, works for him. Although yes, he still doesn’t see a big deal with people walking around naked. He’d fit right in at a nudist colony that’s for sure lol. But he understands not everyone is as comfortable with nudeness as he is, so he promises to remain clothed unless you would ask otherwise of him ;) 
Halsin appreciates your more mature, motherly nature. Especially since he can use all of the help he can get teaching and sort of parenting all of the orphans he’s taken into his new settlement, outside of the city. He admires how you inspire the children to be honest and kind in their actions, even when it may get them into trouble. You lead by example, and to Halsin, there simply is no better way to lead. 
He also rather enjoys your naughtier side. Gods know he certainly has one. And it’s always a comfort to find someone with an open mind surrounding such adult or perverse subjects as opposed to someone who would be judgemental and stick up their nose. 
Halsin is also very understanding when it comes to physical boundaries. Yes, he would love to be intimate with you, as well as hold you or cuddle during the long cold nights. But he also understands that not everyone is as friendly to touch as he is, so he will always ask for permission before touching you or hugging or kissing you. And who knows? Maybe in time the two of you can work through baby steps to a level where you feel comfortable with him touching you. Don’t worry, however, Halsin will still make a point to check in with you first. And if you don’t ever feel overly touchy, that’s fine too. Halsin enjoys your company just as much. 
However, Halsin does take a small issue with you not believing you have ‘best qualities’, as you said. He thinks you’re full of great qualities! He loves how excited you get when you talk about the latest historical romance novel you’ve read. He loves how considerate you are, especially when it comes to speaking to the children or irritated people, and how you don’t immediately assume the worst of them. He thinks it admirable. 
Halsin is an ENFJ (at least in my opinion), so when you are introverted, he’s extroverted. If you’re around unfamiliar people and feeling shy, he’ll do the talking for you, no problem. Halsin’s extroversion is also great for you because it can push you out of your comfort zone, and into trying new things and meeting new people. He’s always bragging about you, how incredible he thinks you are. And he proudly shows off the drawings you allow him to share. He just can’t help but beam when it comes to you. 
On the other hand, you’re both NFs (Intuitive Feelers), so you end up creating a very soft, and understanding harmonious relationship. You’re both highly empathetic and compassionate, so once you’re in a relationship together, you can stay in it for the long haul. You believe in working things out via communication and love. ENFJs are also driven by a need to be better, whereas you as an INFP, are driven by a sense of responsibility to do something important. The two of you understand that life is about those around you, not just about yourself. Your combined selflessness makes you the perfect couple!
And don’t tell him I said this, but get a few drinks in him and Halsin will reveal that he actually has a decent singing voice. Let him serenade you with old druidic ballads about the land and love and nature’s greatest creations. Just try not to blush too hard when he stops the song to inform you that in his eyes, YOU are nature’s greatest creation. 
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Your Castlevania Matchup: 
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Hector would be another wonderful match for you! He’s more on the quiet side, but once he develops a relationship with someone, he does open up and show off a more witty sort of dark-humored funny side. 
In the early seasons, Hector is also rather naive, almost childlike in his understanding of the world and the figures around them. He takes everyone at face value, not bothering to wonder if there’s something unsaid lying just beneath a conversation or agreement’s surface. Of course, once he is tricked by Carmilla into betraying Dracula, much of that changes. Sure, the childlike wonder and innocence Hector has for all of his undead animal creations is still there, but he’s matured. He’s learned. 
Hector would be a good match for you because he understands what it means to go through life not quite understanding what people are saying, and what’s more, being an outcast because of it. He will do his best to be direct/straightforward when talking to you because he knows you need it, and because he’s learned that when it comes to the people you love, honestly, however painful it may be in the short run, is the best policy in the long run. A temporary bruised pride or ego is nothing compared to the scar left by a former relationship that was ultimately built on lies. 
Hector also has a very distinct fashion sense. I mean, have you seen his hair? He’s gorgeous with that hair and skin and he doesn’t mind that others know it. He likes your more relaxed style. In Dracula’s court, he and Issac were always under such pressure to look clean-cut and important. It’s nice to be able to relax and not worry about his manner of dress when you’re around. 
And if anyone is touch starved, oh my god, it’s this man. Sure he had some experiences in the past, and then he spent a short while with Lenore, but it wasn’t the same. It didn’t mean what he wanted it to. It was all an illusion and a fleeting one at that. Hector doesn’t know what it means to feel a lover’s touch. He’s completely inexperienced in that department. He’s no stranger to sex, but what of softness and tenderness beyond that? Has he ever had one of those incredibly comforting bear hugs, the ones where both people wish they could stay there, holding onto one another for eternity? Has he ever sat next to his lover on the couch, their thighs just barely brushing up against one another, and felt safe, felt at home? Hector doesn’t know whether or not he’s touch-averse because touch is foreign to him. The two of you would get to learn together where each of your boundaries are, and how each of you would need to be touched to feel loved. The great bit is you’d be discovering all of that together. 
I would also argue that early seasons Hector, and even later Hector is a hopeless romantic. Not necessarily in the lovey-dovey sort of way, but in the looking to the future with rose-colored-glasses sort of way. His vision for Dracula’s future was certainly much more lush than what Dracula suggested. And his view of summoning souls into corpses in his forge-mastery is also clouded by this sort of soft, glamourized view. 
The other thing you have in common with Hector seems to be this recurring theme that you need to be or should be better for the people you love. Hector has a fair amount of guilt for doing what he did, with choosing to believe Carmilla over Dracula, with not understanding the true scope of either of the vampire’s plans. He feels like he let Dracula, Issac, vampire society, and humanity down. I can sort of hear a similar thing in your writing. Now, I don’t know the reason for you feeling this way, so I can’t relate it to Hector’s internal justification, but I can confidently say this: he understands, probably more than anyone, why you feel this way. He sees the way you shrug off his compliments, how you don’t seem to believe him when he says he’s proud of you and so happy he gets to share his second shot at life with you. He knows it will take time, but he won’t stop reminding you that, to him, you are beyond incredible. And he’s so unbelievably fortunate to have met you. 
In the past humans have treated him horribly. They’ve been all the things you dislike: closed-minded, judgemental, hypocritical, superiorly indignant… They cast him out. But you, you’re so kind, and considerate, empathetic, and humble. You are living proof that humans can be more than cruel and closed off- you’re the best humanity has to offer. Hector can’t believe he almost condemned someone like you, and the other side of humanity that you represent, to death. Knowing you, he swears he will never make a mistake like that again: no ignorant group judgments from here on out. 
Plus Hector is (in my opinion), an INTP. With you being an INFP, you’re both introverts who enjoy the quiet. The big difference is that you are an Intuitive Feeler, he’s an Intuitive Thinker, so he tends to be driven more by logic and facts rather than emotions. In some cases, this may result in Hector not quite understanding why you react to something because he’s looking at it from a distanced, scientific view. He may come off as critical at times because of this, but I believe his more recent experiences have taught him the importance of communication. As long as the two of you are willing, you should be able to talk these disagreements or misunderstandings out. It’s also great for him because you keep teaching him that some choices cannot be logically quantified, there’s no clear-cut rationale behind them. In a lot of instances, choosing to be kind doesn’t make sense: it doesn’t follow any specific rules or purpose, but it’s the right thing to do. Your unique approach to thinking about life and people and problem-solving pushes Hector to become more aware and compassionate when it comes to his fellow man. 
Plus, with his plans to write a book, and your love for interesting reading, Hector would love nothing more than for you to enjoy his writing, and offer any feedback you’d have. He values your opinion, your company, your… Well, everything. You mean the world to him. 
The two of you get to live a kind, peaceful life, with your friends, family, and of course, your own little army of undead pets to keep you company.  
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A/N: Holy fricken shit this answer is 2,000 words long! Whoops. My apologies. It kind of got away from me a little bit lol. I just want to reiterate for other readers, this isn’t my norm. These matchups are intended to be shorter. But this Anon here sounded like they could use some cheering up, so my creative juices jumped into hyperdrive. 
If you enjoyed, don’t forget to like and REBLOG! Likes are nice, but reblogs are extra nice! 
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snowqueenlou · 8 years
TW: abuse One of the questions I have is if I “remember” my mother being a “good mother” until I was 5-6 or so, what happened then, OR am I remembering it wrong? She used to have this story that I was “so happy” as a baby, and “never cried.” But I remember crying ALL THE TIME when I was 4-5-6-7-8, it was the #1 reason I got spanked by her during that stretch of time, for “crying for no reason.” #2 reason was “antagonizing” my brother. From my dad it was the other way around, fighting, then crying. 
When we got spanked, if we cried too loud or too long, we got spanked again. 
So clearly, neither one of them could tolerate crying. 
But babies and toddlers cry. Babies cry a lot, even happy babies and toddlers. So what happened then? If I were looking in at any other family, where kids got beat at 6 years old for crying, it would take a lot to convince me that it had just started. 
So why, all of these years, have I assumed that MY abuse didn’t start until I was older? 
I know, according to the family narrative, that I never got my first “spanking” until I was 3 years old. My parents had both just converted to christian fundamentalism, and were at church, and I became “defiant” at my father, when he wanted me to sit quietly in my chair. (Services were 2 hours long, with NO breaks and NO childcare or Sunday School for littles.) He says “You jerked your arm away, gave me a look, and shouted ‘NO!’ and that’s how I knew that they were right about spanking." 
In retrospect, I realize he was either waiting for permission or validation. I’ve just had the epiphany that you don’t suddenly start abusive action from nothing. You may start a NEW action, but you were probably already using other tactics. 
So what was happening when they reached their frustration level with me as an infant? By the time my brother came along, they started right in on the corporal punishment. He probably got his first hard swats by 6 months. That was the "advice” in my church. I remember one of the mothers telling a new mother: “By six months old, they should know how to be quiet. If they aren’t, it’s on purpose, and you should give them a spanking." 
But if I got my "first spanking” at 3, what were they doing before? Shouting? Restraint? Shaking? 
My uncle used to cry until he passed out. They would strip him naked and put him in the front yard. Sometimes they’d blast him with the hose. 
My mom liked to throw glasses of ice water on me. 
Did she do that when I was a baby? I don’t know. I don’t know if I’ll ever know. But I think the bookends I’ve placed around my childhood abuse are probably not true. My mother was pretty irrational about kids (or anybody) making noise, and I suspect that didn’t start with me, so I’m finding it harder and harder to hold on to this idea that she didn’t abuse me until I was older. 
I’m just trying to figure this out. My body anxiety (twitching, restless legs, biting cuticles, fidgeting, that elephant sitting on chest feeling,) has been off the charts the last several weeks. I think I’ve been cycling through emotional flashbacks. I get all the body feels, but they aren’t fully associated with anything specific. 
I did have a pretty big triggered reaction a few nights ago when my husband pulled his leather belt out of the belt-loops very fast. I didn’t see him do it, but I heard that leather zip-snap, and my whole entire body jolted. My heart rate shot up so hard I felt like I got kicked in the chest. Took me hours to go to sleep and then I had nightmares. 
I’m writing this all here because not many of my IRLpeople read here, and the ones that do, they get it. But all of the writing snippets I keep saving on my hard drive, they feel like they don’t exist. Like I write them, and then hide them on my brain storage locker. I feel like I only ever make headway with this when my words exist out there in the world. 
I feel like a human-being failure. How can I help make the world better for anybody else? I’m 46 years old and obsessing about things that happened over 4 decades ago. Fail. 
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dreamingofaizawa · 3 years
Rainbows After Rain
Cheating! Bakugo // Kirishima x Fem! Reader
There aren't any gendered terms used for the reader, but it becomes glaringly obvious reader at least has female anatomy.
Warnings: Angst. Lots and lots of angst. Mentions of depression. And then comfort, cause I'm weak.
Word Count: 1.7k
Author's Note: Okay, so this didn't go in the direction I had intended. But I like it anyway. I did end up making the reader female for...eventually obvious reasons. Which you will find out once you read :P. I'm going to actually not write the second ending I had in mind, since they ended up kind of blending together here.
This is a part 2 to this. You should probably read it, but context clues from this one should be enough for you to figure out the general plotline if you're too lazy.
Anywho, enjoy~
Your body feels heavy. So so heavy. How long have you been walking? Where are you right now?
"Hey! Y/n!" Huh? Who's calling you?
"Y/n? Hello?" A large, scarred hand waves in front of your face. It takes you a moment, some blinking back to reality, before you recognize the burly redhead in front of you. Turns out you took a lot longer to snap back to reality than you thought.
"Hey, what's wrong? Are you hurt?" His rough hands cup your face, turning your head to inspect you. When was the last time you were held this tenderly? Tears make their way down your face again and you nuzzle into his palms, bringing your own hands up to keep him there.
"What's wrong? I can't help you if you don't tell me what's wrong."
"He cheated on me." Kiri freezes, blinks down at you completely dumbfounded.
"He...wait. What?" Your chest tightens again, the heart-wrenching sobs bubbling up your throat.
"He's been cheating on me." Your whole body shakes as you say it out loud, the hurt settling in for the nth time tonight. Kirishima still seems to be in shock, mind reeling at the fact that Katsuki fucking Bakugo of all people was disloyal. He only snaps out of it when a heavy sob falls from your lips.
"Let's... let's get you inside." That's all he says before bending down and scooping you up in a princess carry. You don't have the strength to protest, or do anything other than sob into his chest, clinging to his shirt.
He's holding you so close, so tight. You miss being held like this. You miss being cradled in strong arms, miss resting your head against a broad, sturdy chest. You miss feeling loved.
You allow yourself to go limp, burrow into him and make a home in his arms, seek all the comfort he offers because you need it right now. You need anything and everything he can give you. You shut your eyes, cry, and pray this is all a nightmare.
Kiri gently lays you down on his bed, carefully placing your head in the fluffy pillows. When he tries to pull away, your hands cling to him. You wine, cry for him, mumble something that sounds like 'don't go'.
You look sickly.
Your skin is almost gray, no warmth, any healthy color gone. Dark half moons have settled beneath your eyes. They look like they've been there a long time.
He crawls into bed beside you, and you curl into his chest. Just like you would with Bakugo, he imagines. With the way you latch onto him, he wonders how long the blonde has been neglecting you. How long has it been, since he started leaving one side of your bed cold?
Gently, he tugs you over him so your head is on his chest and your arm is hooked around his waist. He should feel guilty, being so close to his best friend's girl. But he can't find it in himself.
He's loved you for as long as he can remember you. He can recall being heartbroken, torn apart, when Bakugo got to you first. He remembers the regret he felt for not confessing sooner, maybe then you'd be laying in his bed every night.
But you're here now, and he should hate the circumstances. He does, in a way. He despises Bakugo for putting you through this, wants to rip the man to shreds to make him feel even an ounce of what it looks like he'd done to you. He hates that you've been reduced to shambles, hates that he'd found you in a depressive daze so far from where you should be.
He can't help but feel some guilty happiness, feeling you breathing next to him. But for now, he'll comfort you like you need him to.
Your pounding headache is what wakes you up. That, and the matching pounding of a fist on a door. And a loud ringtone. And sunlight. You groan, go to cover your ears and bury into your comforter.
Except you're not in your bed.
When you finally pry your heavy, swollen eyelids open it's not an empty bed you're greeted with, but a slowly awakening Eijiro Kirishima. When his eyes open, they're as beautiful as Katsuki's, but they hold a warmth the blonde never possessed. His smile is like the sunshine that filters in through the window, but it suddenly fades when he registers all the commotion.
"I'll be back." You miss his warmth, once he's gone. You can hear the door opening, hear muffled voices. You can hear Katsuki, he's looking for you. It wasn't a nightmare. It's very much real.
You shuffle out of bed, out to the door where Kirishima nearly fills the whole frame. He's blocking Katsuki out, a hand on either side of the door.
"Please! I need to see them! I need to know they're okay!"
"What you need to do is leave."
"Eijiro, move, or I'll blast through you myself."
"We both know you can't do that, Katsuki." The blonde's responding growl is intense, angry. You shuffle up behind the redhead, place a hand on his back. He looks at you over his shoulder, and you nod over to Katsuki. With a sigh, he moves aside for you.
The blonde's eyes lock onto you, relief washing over him. You can see it, see the tension drop out of his shoulders, see his face relax. When he reaches for you, you step back, and he lets his arms fall uselessly to his sides.
"You didn't come back last night. I was worried."
"Well now you know what it's like, not knowing if your parter is coming home to you." Your response surprised the both of you. You hadn't meant for it to be so venomous.
"I... I'm sorry..."
"That doesn't fix it, Katsuki."
"I know. But-"
"No buts. You can't just expect me to be okay, expect me to come running back to you." He stays silent, head dropping in shame.
"I trusted you, Katsuki. Even after I found out all those months ago, after waiting up for you every night, hoping, praying you'll come back to me and love me like you used to, I trusted you." The tears are falling freely now, and you don't bother to wipe them away.
"I- baby I still love you."
"No, Katsuki, you don't. You stopped loving me the first night you slept in someone else's bed. I'm tired of lying to myself. I can't keep waiting for you to come back anymore. Don't you get it? It's over, Katsuki." His head snaps up, those red eyes brimming with tears. Somewhere in your sad, angry, rattled mind you realize this is the first time you've seen him cry.
"Please...Please I can make it better, I can make it right."
"Nothing can fix this, Katsuki. You can't just fix it and make everything go back to the way it was. You can't change what you've done. You did this, Katsuki. You. You're the one that ripped us apart."
For the first time, you watch the man before you shed tears. You let the silence stretch on, let your words sink into his chest and stick. You want him to realize what he's done wrong, recognize the consequence to his infidelity. He only cries, hands clenched into fists at his sides.
"I'll come pack my stuff later today." With a solemn nod, he walks away. You go back inside with Kirishima, watch the blonde through the window until he's out of sight.
Your heart lurches in your chest. It feels like someone just reached in and squeezed, crushed it to dust. Kirishima catches you when your legs give out beneath you, holds you to his chest and lets you sob and thrash and pound your fists against his chest. He lets you scream and cry, wail because you still love him.
He holds you until you pass out from exhaustion.
***Five years later***
You wake up to warm ruby eyes and a smile like sunshine. Nothing beats mornings like these, waking up next to Eijiro and feeling nothing but pure joy. He's propped up on his side, head in his hand as he gazes down at you like you're the only other person on earth. His other hand is rubbing your slightly swollen belly, as he always does in the mornings now, paying special attention to the product of your love.
"Good morning, my loves." You smile back at him, at his words. Ever since you started showing, he's referred to you as two. You, and your baby, his two loves.
If someone had told you five years ago that you'd be pregnant with Eijiro Kirishima's baby, you'd never believe them. You were too stuck in your depression, too heartbroken to even eat. You had no motivation for anything anymore, doubted everything you said to Bakugo, doubted your own resolve, doubted your self-worth.
If he cheated, there had to be a reason...right? Bakugo doesn't half-ass anything, everything he does has a purpose, a reason. So why? What's the reason for this?
The only answers you could come up with involved your own self-worth plummeting to bedrock. Everything that happened was because of you, somehow.
Eijiro took care of you back then. He let you stay with him, held you when you couldn't hold yourself, fed you when you didn't have the strength to eat. After going far too long without bathing, he caved and bathed you himself. It became normal, to have him wash you because you lacked the will to take care of yourself. You lost the willpower to survive.
You lost your will to live.
But he picked you up from your worst point, built you back up after you'd fallen apart. His sunshine gave you a rainbow after the storm you'd wallowed in.
And now, you're here, starting a family with him.
He leans down, presses his lips onto yours. It's sweet, soft, full of love and adoration. With Eijiro, you always feel loved. Always feel like the universe revolves around you. You swear the sun only shines when he smiles. He pulls away, still smiling that bright, sharp-toothed smile of his.
"I'm going to make breakfast, okay? I'll bring it to you when it's done." You shake your head.
"I wanna get up today. Don't feel like staying in bed."
"Alright. I'll come get you when it's done, then?" You hum, nod, and he leaves with a peck on your forehead. You lift your left hand, gaze lovingly at the pretty little diamond on your finger. You're happy, with him.
Everything is going to be okay.
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shihozaki · 3 years
Could I get a HQ matchup please? Thank you in advance and sorry if this is too long.
Appearance & style: I'm barely 5'1, black hair, and wear glasses. I'm also chubby. My style is kind of all over the place. I dress in the y2k, classic slip dresses, and the occasional homeless college student attire. I am Asian.
Personality: I’m a she/her bisexual (prefers to date men but love flirting with girls). I’m a very organized person when it comes to making plans or meeting deadlines. I’m a super understanding person to the point where I give the wrong person more than two chances if they did something wrong to me (like my ex who cheated on me). When you first meet me, I’m a bit quiet and nervous. Once you get to know me, I’m a super loud and energetic person with a dark and inappropriate sense of humor. I’m also very blunt and will tell it like it is, so don’t expect sugar coating from me. I’m an ISFJ (I’m 49% extrovert, 51% introvert). I'm the mother of the friend group, but also the crackhead. I like looking out for others and I'm crazy enough to do weird things in public.
Me in a relationship: I love giving gifts to people to see the smiles on their face and that’s because I’m not good with my words when it comes to relationships due to my mother issues. I like touching people, but dislike it when they initiate it. I’m a bit of a tsundere when I’m in a relationship. I also bully the person I love by calling them names like "idiot." Whenever I fantasize a relationship, I love to be taken care of, but whenever I get into in real life, I immediately close myself off. Before the relationship, I'm more open because it's just flirting but then I get shy and insecure when I'm in a relationship. I'm the type that falls HARD. I will give my all in the relationship, even if it hinders me in some way. I get insecure to the point where it's almost toxic. Like I have to always make sure you're not cheating on me (it's happened before so it's a fear).
Fun facts: I love food and watching horror movies. I sometimes watch children’s movies like Barbie or poorly produced movies (like Sharknado) just to laugh. I have a horrible shopping addiction. I love anything soft like plushies, pillows, and blankets. I do not like sports. My Harry Potter house is slytherin and I'm an Aries. I love just staying in all huddled up in blankets and watching horror movies.
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Okay I’m literally SO SORRY that I’ve been so inactive, I hope you’re still here, because here is your matchup!!
I pair you up with Tanaka Ryonosuke!
- You know he fell for you as soon as he saw you. He would usually feel “guilty” whenever he had a crush on girls since he was being “disloyal” to Kiyoko or whatever, but as soon as he saw you, he forgot all about her.
- Then it was his goal to impress you, so he would train extra hard when you’re around, occasionally throwing his shirt off to show off his ✨abs✨
- And when you flirted back? Something he never had received before? He was determined to make you happy.
- It was a funny confession. You guys were walking home together like always, and he accidentally said something along the lines of “When we get married.”. So you were like “We?” And he panicked and was like “we?” And then you guys went back and forth with saying “we?” And ended up confessing.
- He didn’t notice at first, but after getting into the relationship, he realized that you were really shy. He found it cute but also really wanted to bring up your confidence
- He LOVES gifts, because it means you thought of him- he loves the idea of being in your mind, since you’re always on his
- You guys fit perfectly with the “inappropriate sense of humour”. People see you guys as a chaotic duo
- He understands your past with relationships and he’s trying his best to prove that he is worthy of you. He let you do the face recognition, fingerprint, and told you his passcode for his phone.
- He’s very thick (I mean his personality), so your blunt, tsundere self does not need to worry about hurting his feelings- he loves anything that you do, even if you’re calling him baka😏
- That was a joke I’m sorry
- Overall, he drinks “respect” women juice everyday and is absolutely whipped for you, and you for him :)))
Scenario: Watching movies!
“But Princess and the Pauper is a classic!” You said. “I liked The Twelve Dancing Princesses better, The guy was way hotter.” Replied Tanaka. You laughed, taking in another popcorn into your mouth. It was a rainy saturday afternoon, and Tanaka’s volleyball practice had been cancelled. Your boyfriend was being pouty, so you called a movie day. As Barbie began to sing, you scooched over to Tanaka and wrapped your arms around him. “Feeling touchy today?” He smirked. You pulled back. “Please don’t say it like that.” You said in a monotone voice. Tanaka laughed. “Right, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, do continue.” Said Tanaka hurriedly. “Please!” You hug your boyfriend, and you could hear his heart beating faster. “We’ve been dating for almost 3 months, and you still get excited by a hug? You’re such an idiot, you know that?” You roll your eyes at your boyfriend. “But I’m your idiot.” He was sometimes like a dog, perhaps a golden retriever. “That was cheesy. I’m leaving.” “No, you can’t. You need to keep hugging me.” He clutched onto your arms. “Or what?” You whispered. Tanaka shrugged. “I might die.” You giggled. “Then perish.”
Song: Soft Universe by Aurora
Thank you so much for requesting, I hope you enjoyed it :) Please do not hesitate to criticize my writing, it would help a lot. I hope to see you again soon!
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thetempestcup · 4 years
45 Day Challenge: 10/45
I’m getting into the sneaking habit of posting these a day late. But, hey, still not dead. Still not dead.
(Also, the age switch is a bullsh*t call and that’s all energy I’m going to waste on that.)
Update: apparently I never actually hit the post button on this...yeah. I just. I.
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“I don’t know you,” Sokka says.
There. It’s out, he’s said it. The horrible, butt-naked truth. The Katara he knows is barely tall enough to hug his waist with a smile full of milk teeth and the plump cheeks of a crab-puffin. He's tended to the memory of those cheeks for over seven years; it feels painfully disloyal to discard it for the sake of this – living phenomenon. Real thing or not, the Katara in front of him is stranger as green cats and toasted icicles.
Sokka barely has enough family left to fit on a leaf; the miracle of raising that number can't be overestimated. He should be happy. He wants to be happy. Why does 'happy' feel like such bitter work?
“You put on your snow boots like a five-year old. You’re fussy. You’re so, so fussy. Your mouth barely touches your chopsticks when you eat, and you eat like you’re debating every bite. It’s ridiculous, who do you think is trying to poison you? You go around hiding a giant knife –”
“– up your sleeve. You don’t know how to trim a lamp wick. You sound like you're imitating a lawyer when you're nervous. You leave too much food on your plate. If you make one more list I'm going to eat it. You've got eerily soft hands."
I’m the worst, he thinks. The absolute, unadulterated, no holds barred, put-him-head-first-into-a-bucket-of-mad-lobsters worst. However, if that's what Sokka's going to be, he might as well be it completely. "And I wish you'd stop looking guilty about being here. With us."
A silence drops anchor between them.
“Well,” Katara says twenty years, or half a minute, later. “I don’t know you very well either. You're not at all what I'm used to and I'm usually quite good at getting used to people. You'd sleep until high noon if someone didn't kick you awake. You're always finding an excuse to tell me what to do. You treat me like I'm five – and not a very bright five. You pick your ears. All. The. Time. You’ve mispronounced ‘allegory’ four times since I explained what it meant. You act like Bending is a magic trick. You still sound barely half convinced that Aang is the Avatar. You're loud. Why are you always loud?"
"Mostly you don't trust me," she adds in a simple, catastrophic tone. "I get that, it's fine, but you should try to if only for Aang's sake."
There are a lot of complicated things wrong with that statement, but Sokka can't move past the biggest and most ridiculous one. "I don't – Katara, what are you talking about? Of course, I trust you. You're my sister."
"What's that got to do with the price of cabbage?" Katara shrugs. "Really, it's fine. You don't have to trust me, you just have to trust that I'm on your side. I'm going to do my best for Aang."
"No. No way. You don't get to say dumb stuff like that and expect me to nod along," Sokka says. "Katara, listen; you are my sister. We're family. You being here? It's the best thing that's ever happened. I don't care if we dig out fifty Avatars tomorrow, okay? You would still be the best thing, person, event, whatever. Nothing can change that."
She looks almost unmoored at the words, which is wrong, horribly and inexplicably wrong.
"And even if you left tomorrow, I'd keep on thinking that," Sokka says. "You don't need to be on my side, Katara; you just need to be okay."
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worldsentwined · 7 years
Okay, so, I still haven't read the new book, but since it's an AU anyway I figure spoilers aren't so much an issue as long as I'm familiar with the characters and thus: for Kamet/Costis, either "our friends that we came here with went off together and now we’re making awkward small talk" or "my date just made a scene in public and got arrested and now i’m stranded in a city without a ride home" (that second one could be a canon-divergent AU from QoA frankly)
(So I’ve been sitting on this one for a while because I couldn’t decide which one to do - I liked the idea of “my date just made a scene in public” but couldn’t decide whose date would do that. Then I realized: Why not both?)
Kamet/Costis - my date just made a scene in public and got arrested and now I’m stranded in a city without a ride home
“Are you all right?”
The words startled Kamet out of the loop his thoughts had been in ever since they dragged Nahuseresh from the bar in handcuffs. He’d been staring at his own hands, taking note of the ink staining the callus on his his right middle finger. If he’d been left to his own devices, he would be at home right now, safely ensconced in his bedroom (the smaller of the two - he’d let Nahuseresh have the big one) with a pen in his hand and his notebook open on the desk. For all that late nights got lonely in an empty apartment, there was a certain peace to it, too.
But Nahuseresh had insisted on dragging him out drinking (”You’ll never meet someone if you stay holed up in here all the time!”) and as with all things involving Nahuseresh, Kamet hadn’t resisted very hard. There was no point in telling his roommate the truth: that he didn’t want to “meet someone” because the guy who slept in the room next to his was everything he wanted. And he’d thought, foolishly, that one night out wouldn’t kill him.
That was before “that little shit Eugenides” (Nahuseresh’s words, spit out like a mouthful of vinegar) waltzed in with his hulking boyfriend/bodyguard and stirred everything up. Kamet had seen it coming: his roommate’s increased agitation, his muttering, the way he couldn’t stop scowling at the table where the other two were sitting. But nothing he did could calm Nahuseresh down. Then the bodyguard had gone off to the bathroom, and Eugenides strolled over “to say hello”. Ten minutes, three broken chairs, and one shattered window later, Eugenides and Nahuseresh were being ushered into separate police cars. And now Eugenides’ boyfriend was inquiring after Kamet’s health.
“I…what?” Kamet hadn’t really gotten a good look at the guy before, but now he found himself staring into a pair of concerned eyes that didn’t match the persona he’d conjured up. Any friend/boyfriend/lackey of Eugenides should have been no friend to Kamet. He was pretty sure that was how it worked, anyway.
But the other guy didn’t seem to know that. “You look pretty out of it. Did you get in the way of the fight? Gen flails all over the place when he gets riled up.” He searched Kamet’s face for injury, and finding nothing, picked up one of his hands. Kamet flinched, and the other man quickly released him. “Sorry. I thought you might be hurt.”
“I’m fine,” Kamet said automatically. It usually worked when he said it to Nahuseresh, but it didn’t satisfy this guy.
“Are you sure? How much did you have to drink? Can you tell me your name?”
Kamet shook his head. “I only had half a beer, it’s fine.” And then, because the other guy was still waiting, he said, “I’m Kamet.”
“Costis,” the man said, extending his hand. As Kamet shook it, he added, “And sorry for all the questions. You looked like you were in shock.”
Shock would certainly explain the numbness, but that wasn’t why Kamet felt like he’d been kicked in the chest. It wasn’t even seeing Nahuseresh arrested. It was what his roommate had said right before they took him away.
Get the hell out of here, Kamet. I don’t want your help anyway, you’re useless. It wasn’t the first time he’d something like that, but that didn’t mean it hurt any less.
“Kamet. Hey, earth to Kamet.” Eugenides’ boyfriend - Costis, his name was Costis - was still talking to him. “Look, do you want to get out of here? Maybe some fresh air would help.”
There was plenty of fresh air coming through the broken window, but Kamet followed him anyway. It was better outside. He could stop trying to keep an eye on everyone around him - the bartender scowling as he swept up glass shards, the whispering girls at the end of the bar, the policemen hanging out as though waiting for something else to start - and focus on Costis. For all that he was a potential enemy, his solid presence was a comfort. He led the way down the street like someone who knew where he was going, so they’d walked two blocks before Kamet dared to question him.
“Umm. Where are you taking me?”
Costis stopped so fast that Kamet nearly ran into him. “Oh. Oh, I’m sorry! I was in such a rush to get you out of there and somewhere quiet, I didn’t even think to ask where you live. Do you know which bus you need? Or a cab might be better, at this time of night.”
“A cab?” Kamet shook his head. It was a kind thought, but impractical. “I live all the way out in Mede. If we go back to the bar, I can find where we parked and - oh.” Nahuseresh had the car keys. And the key to the apartment, because Kamet had left his behind, thinking he wouldn’t need it. “Shit.”
“What is it?” It was weird, how concerned Costis looked. They were strangers to each other. If it had been the other way around, Kamet would probably have left Costis and hoped he figured things out. At least, he thought that’s what he would do. It was what Nahuseresh would do, probably.
But since Costis had offered to help, Kamet wasn’t about to turn him down. The situation was pretty desperate. Kamet sighed. “I think I’d better go to the police station, actually. Nahuseresh has the keys. And I should wait for him, anyway.” There probably wasn’t anything he could do, but maybe his presence would be a comfort. Gods, I’m pathetic.
Costis didn’t seem too happy about that idea. “The police station? They’ll be stuck there for hours, and it’s late already. Even if you want to pay your friend’s bail, it’ll take forever. It’s probably best to catch some sleep, let them cool off, and go deal with it in the morning.”
“But I can’t just leave him!” Why didn’t Costis understand? Nahuseresh might be a little thoughtless and quick to anger, but he didn’t deserve to spend the night in jail without even a friend to support him. Even if he didn’t share Kamet’s feelings, that didn’t change how Kamet felt. “And are you really going to leave your - Gen there? I thought you’d want to help him.”
Costis waved that away. “Nah, I’ve already told him I’m not bailing him out anymore. I called his wife, she’s going to deal with it.”
Kamet’s thoughts ground to a halt. “His wife?”
“Yeah, Irene. I almost feel a little bad for the police officers, having to deal with her,” Costis said. He grimaced. “And I’m sure she’s pissed at me. I was supposed to keep Gen out of trouble, and look what happened. She won’t let me forget this anytime soon.”
The universe was still rearranging itself in Kamet’s head, so his next words weren’t well thought-out. “He really has a wife. I thought you were his—”
“You thought - Gen? And me?” Amazingly, Costis didn’t seem at all offended, he just laughed. “No, no. There was a time when I might have, but - no.” Then, as though it had just occurred to him, “Are you and Nahuseresh…?”
“What? No! No no no.” Was he that obvious? He probably was. “We’re roommates. That’s all.” Unfortunately.
“Ah. Good.”
“I mean - sorry! I didn’t get a very good impression of him, that’s all. That stuff he said to you was pretty nasty.” Costis gave him a searching look. “Is he always like that when he drinks?”
Nahuseresh was always like himself, whether he was sober or shit-faced. But it felt disloyal to say that out loud. “He doesn’t mean it when he talks like that. He regrets it later.” Not that he ever said so.
Rather than looking reassured, Costis frowned harder. “And he was your ride home.” They’d walked back to the corner where they’d started; any minute, Costis would probably call a cab and be on his way. Kamet found himself regretting that. It was kind of nice, having someone to talk to who actually seemed interested in what he had to say. Maybe they could exchange phone numbers and meet up some time - but no, not if Costis was friends with Eugenides. Nahuseresh wouldn’t like that.
“So if you’re stuck in the city until he gets out of jail,” Costis said, “Do you have a place to stay? Because if you don’t…well…you could stay at my place. It’s not very big, but it’s close, and my roommate moved out last month so I have an extra bed…but only if you want to! I know we just met, it’s a little weird…” He trailed off, looking everywhere but at Kamet.
On the other hand, maybe it didn’t matter so much what Nahuseresh liked. Especially since he was in jail, and it was his fault, really, that Kamet was in this situation.
“That…would be great, actually,” Kamet said. “If you’re sure it’s not too much trouble.”
Costis raised his eyes to meet Kamet’s, and he smiled. “Okay. Come on, it’s this way.” He slung an arm around Kamet’s shoulder to get him out of the way as a drunk staggered past, and even when they got past the crowd in front of the bar, he didn’t let go. After a moment, Kamet put his own arm around Costis.
Maybe this night wouldn’t be the death of him after all.
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