#like i'm glad they're exposing themselves so i know to not support them
ohmybitna · 1 year
what kind of disgusting men does gmmtv hire????? i feel sick lately listening to some of them talk and since everyone is friends with each other i doubt most of them have different views by the way they laugh at those sick comments their coworkers/friends make. makes it REALLY difficult to enjoy the shows gmm puts out
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 6 months
Hello RTA! Could you explain what the red flags about Harry being a security risk are?
I don't have any sort of training in this, and I'm curious. How would the idiot party playboy Prince who is an avowed drug addict and a fantasist be considered as a source of reliable intelligence about his family? - this guy thinks there are penguins in the North Pole.
I'm more inclined to believe that the recent conspiracies over Catherine may have been encouraged by those who want to destabilize UK democracy - taking down William and Catherine would certainly cause some upheaval. But as I said, I have no training and this is just speculation. What do you think?
Well, you can't discount anything these days. The world changed a lot with COVID so there's a lot of upheaval everywhere.
To me, the attempted takedown of William and Kate reads a lot like bored people stirring shit up about boring people for entertainment. Because let's face it: compared to a lot of other worldwide famous people, William and Kate are probably two of the most boring and uninteresting people out there. They have complicated jobs but lead uncomplicated lives, which isn't the norm these days. Social media and the 24/7 news cycle has made us realize that most famous people are hiding complicated, messy lives and it's only a matter of time before it comes out. So when someone like Kate comes along - someone extraordinarily likeable and extraordinarily uncomplicated - it's so unthinkable that denizens of social media will do everything they can to break that person down to discover the skeletons in their closet. They do this to either a-tear them down off the pedestal society has placed them upon (e.g., "see? I always knew she was a bad person. I'm glad I didn't waste my time supporting him/her"), or b-feel better about themselves (e.g., "see? Even I know not to do that).
That's what I see happening to Kate. People can't handle that she's so ordinary and uncomplicated despite having this incredible life. They're accustomed to scandal and controversy and it's so bizarre to them that Kate's only mistake is that her skirt blew up at a windy airport and everyone saw her bum twice so when the photo edits were discovered, there was a wicked "see? I always knew she wasn't a very trustworthy person. What else has she lied about" gleefulness that perhaps she isn't so unlikeable after all.
But certainly bad actors or adversaries who want to shake things up are probably participating in the discourse about Kate. I don't think they want to shake up or destabilize UK democracy (and besides, even if they did, this is totally the wrong avenue - they need to disrupt the economy instead because all they've done is expose that Kate is happy staying at home with her family and not working so she really couldn't give a shit about the monarchy). I think it's more like they want to weaken her influence over culture, society, and the public...but the problem with that is who do they replace her with? The only options are Meghan, Charles, and Camilla, but they just don't galvanize public sentiment the way Kate (and her children) has.
Anyway, well, that's a tangent.
Let's get into the red flags and the security piece of your question. I submitted a couple of anons to another blog about this very topic a long time ago. I'll see if I can track that down later.
So some vocabulary first:
Insider threat: Someone with authorized access to or knowledge of an organization and its resources (which is everything from people to buildings/facilities to information to equipment and infrastructure).
Protected information: Information that you need authorized access to, which may or may not be classified and/or restricted.
Bad actor: Someone (a person, a group, a country) who purposefully engages in harmful behavior against another (person, group, country, region, etc.)
Adversary: An enemy
Bad actors and adversaries are often used interchangeably but this isn't correct. They're distinctly separate. A bad actor isn't always an adversary.
Harmful behavior is a huge wide range of things from the unethical and immoral to criminal and illegal. On one side of the spectrum is stuff that's pretty innocuous, like not telling a colleague a meeting was moved so you can take exclusive credit for work. On the other side of the spectrum is more serious stuff like espionage and terrorism.
When we consider whether someone is a security risk, we're looking at a) their predisposition to engage in harmful behavior and b) their predisposition to be exploited by a bad actor or an adversary. To do that we assess what indicators or stressors (aka "red flags") they have. The more indicators your profile flags, the higher your potential security risk. The higher your potential security risk, the more scrutiny you're under.
And do note that having indiciators doesn't mean you're a threat. It just means you're watched a little more closely so your patterns are better understood and once your patterns/habits are known, then someone can decide what your actual security risk is. But just as equally, not having indicators doesn't mean you're not a risk or that you aren't a threat. So it's a negotiable spectrum that changes constantly from day to day.
There are six categories of indicators: personal, background/history, behavior, technical, environment, and violence.
I'm going to list examples of them all. I'll put a 🚩 next to the ones I see in Harry and a ❌ next to the ones I see in Meghan.
Personal Indicators - Items that reflect on events currently impacting the person. There are two subtypes: personal and professional/work-related.
Serious physical, emotional, or mental health concerns 🚩 ❌
Financial need 🚩 ❌
Address change/move 🚩 ❌
Death in the family or a close friend 🚩
Addiction - Drugs, alcohol, gambling, sex, etc. 🚩 ❌
Criticism from partners, friends, work 🚩 ❌
Interpersonal relationship issues (e.g. a break-up, divorce)
Unmet expectations relating to role, responsibility, recognition, or compensation 🚩 ❌
Legal problems (e.g. bankruptcy, traffic tickets, lawsuits)
Demotion or failure to achieve anticipated advancement at work 🚩 ❌
Loss of seniority or status at work 🚩 ❌
Conflicts with coworkers/bosses, including complaints/criticism and bad performance reviews 🚩 ❌
Termination, including end of contract 🚩 ❌
Background Indicators - Events that happen before an individual is hired or prior to gaining access. Not things that are easily known, typically pop up in a background check.
Involvement with individuals or groups opposing core beliefs or values of the organization
Engagement in activities representing a conflict of interest with the organization ❌
Addiction 🚩 ❌
Short-term employments
History of emotional or mental health concerns 🚩 ❌
Spending exceeds income 🚩 ❌
Criminal record
Concerning business relationships 🚩 ❌
Social or professional network concerns 🚩 ❌
Behavioral Indicators - Events reflecting patterns of activities based on how the individual interacts with others, including technology.
Unwillingness to comply with established rules, procedures, or organizational policies 🚩 ❌
Observable resentment with plans of retribution 🚩 ❌
Excessive or unexplained use of data copy equipment
Making unapproved contacts with competitors or business partners 🚩 ❌
Discussions of new opportunities or of resigning from current position 🚩 ❌
Excessive overtime work or working odd or late hours without reason or authorization
Bringing personal equipment into high security areas 🚩 ❌
Carelessness or impulsiveness 🚩 ❌
Inappropriate statements, jokes, or bragging 🚩
Poor social interaction or social withdrawal 🚩
Disgruntlement towards peers due to perceived injustice 🚩 ❌
Increasingly erratic, unsafe, or aggressive behaviors 🚩❌
Repeated breaches of rules, procedures, or organizational policies 🚩 ❌
Litigiousness 🚩❌
Exploitable behavior (including gambling, sexual misconduct, substance abuse, etc.) 🚩 ❌
Excessive volunteering that elevates access to sensitive systems, networks, facilities, people, or data 🚩
Financial difficulties or unexplained financial gains 🚩 ❌
Taking multiple, short unexplained trips outside the US
Efforts to conceal foreign travel and contacts
Technical Indicators - Those that require IT systems and tools to detect.
Direct correspondence with competitors ❌🚩
Email messages with abornomally large attachments or amounts of data
DNS queries associated with Dark Web activities
Use of activity masking tools (e.g. VPN or TOR)
Executing offensive tools
Executing malware
Connecting unauthorized devices to networks
Downloading or installing prohibited software
Unexpected activity otuside of normal working hours
Attempts to bypass or disable security controls
Unauthorized attempts to escalate permissions or privileges without need to know 🚩❌
Attempting to print or copy protected or restricted documents (including photographs)
Abnormally large number of software or operating system errors
Attaching an unidentified device to a workstation
Maintaining access to sensitive data after termination notice
Different users attempting to log in from the same device or workstation
Lack of log messages or monitoring data
Unauthorized modification of centrally stored files
Copying large numbers of documents to a local drive
Authentication failures or failed login attempts
Unauthorized database content changes
Irresponsible social media habits ❌
Attempts to access resources not associated with the individual's role
User accounts used from multiple devices
Multiple accounts identified for a single user ❌
Triggering of key words or phrases in emails, text messages, or phone calls
Lack of controls to prevent unauthorized modification of critical data
Use of excessive access privilege
Compromised passwords
Failure to protect critical files
Violation of need-to-know policies
Unauthorized data download
Organizational/Environmental Indicators - Factors within an individual's organization or environment that can be used to create motivation or justification
High stress environment 🚩 ❌
Lack of candor or transparency 🚩 ❌
Tolerance of poor performance
Toxic leadership 🚩 ❌
Inconsistent enforcement of policy 🚩 ❌
Inaction following notification of grievance, threat, or increased risk 🚩 ❌
Overly aggressive reaction following notification of threat 🚩 ❌
Inappropriate disciplinary action
Bureaucratic compartmentalization of information
Lack of understanding or awareness regarding threat risk 🚩 ❌
Pattern of ovework
Lack of appreciation for employees/members 🚩 ❌
Hightened financial uncertainty 🚩 ❌
Apparent indifference to complaints of harrassment or discrimination 🚩 ❌
Undertrained staff
Violence Indicators - Specific behaviors or collections of behaviors to instill fear or concern of physical harm to others. Three subtypes - violence, domestic abuse, and terrorism, bias, hate crimes.
Intimidation 🚩 ❌
Emotional abuse 🚩 ❌
Domestic violence
Expressions of hatred or prejudice 🚩
Harassment or bullying 🚩 ❌
Excessive use of alcohol or drugs 🚩 ❌
Unexplained absenteeism
Change in behavior 🚩
Statements indicating desperation or suicidal thoughts 🚩 ❌
Resistance to change, persistent complaining about unfair treatment 🚩 ❌
Decline in job performance
Paranoia 🚩
Violation of company policies 🚩 ❌
Emotional responses to criticism (e.g., mood swings) 🚩
Threats of homicide/suicide
Personality changes 🚩
Constantly checking in with partners
Never having money
Overly worried about pleasing partners
Uncharacteristic absenteeism or lateness
Poor concentration
Signs of emotional distress 🚩
Expressing bias or hatred towards a race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, gender, or disability 🚩
Browsing extremist websites
Expressing hatered or intolerance of US society or culture
Advocating violence for a political, religious, or ideological cause
Monitoring or recording security equipment, movement, or responses
Engaging in deception or concealment. 🚩 ❌
So as you can see, Harry (and Meghan) have red flags all over the place. That makes them a legitimate security risk for the UK and the BRF. All a bad actor or an adversary has to do is flatter their egos and give them money, and the Sussexes will roll over. It's happened so many times already - with Spare, with the Netflix docuseries, with Meghan's interviews and her podcast. And let's not forget Finding Freedom, where Meghan and Scobie literally printed directions on how to find the royal vaults!
And because it's very obvious Charles wants Harry back - Harry keeps coming back for events and there's all these trial balloons from BP/CH and Montecito - it would be very easy for someone to gain control of Harry and hold him hostage against Charles and the BRF. All someone has to do is say "Harry, you've been selected to receive the inaugural Princess Diana Humanitarian Award for Superior Excellence. It comes with a $4 million USD cash prize but you have to come to Bosnia and do a landmine event to claim it." Then Harry goes to Bosnia, they get him drunker than sin and higher than God, he passes out wherever, and they Weekend-at-Bernie's him to Russia, where he's held in the gulag, escalating their blackmail demands until Charles is broker than a busted doorknob.
Farfetched? Sure. But still possible, which means it's a valid risk they need to consider.
And when we assess risk, we look at the probability of such an event happening and the consequence of the event happening on a scale from 1 to 5 where a 1 in probability means not likely to happen or a 1 in consequence is little to no damage or impact and a 5 in probability means most certainly going to happen and a 5 in consequence means significant damage/destruction, including significant loss of life or millions and millions of dollars to fix/repair/rebuild.
So the probability of Harry getting kidnapped and held hostage in Russia is 1. It's pretty low, not likely going to happen. But the impact, or consequence, of Harry getting kidnapped and held hostage in Russia is a 5. Meaning there will be a loss of life (such as war or perhaps a CIA-like exfiltration that goes wrong or perhaps Harry getting sacrificed) or a LOT of money being paid to guarantee his safety.
But Harry doesn't even have to get kidnapped by the Russians. He just has to be so disgruntled and so pissed off about how the BRF and the UK treats him that he can leverage what he knows against Charles or William to get what he wants. Which is, by the way, exactly what's happening. Harry is so pissed off that he's devolved to ultimatums: "Give me X or you won't see my children." "Give me X or I'll tell everyone about the time you Y." Which, depending on who your neighborhood tarot reader is, is what people are saying is happening in the background: Harry is using his insider knowledge and/or access to cause harm to Charles and the monarchy to gain advantage over William or the public.
That's why Harry's still on the website. That's why he still has the titles. That's why the US is dragging its feet on the visa lawsuit. Because whether he (or we) realize it or not, there's protection around Harry that's working to keep him safe from extremist threats like this because to threaten - or activate - Harry is more dangerous to UK stability and UK democracy than social media activists declaring that the Waleses are divorcing.
Well, that took a wild ride.
Anyway, I hope it's helpful, anon. If you'd like to learn more about this kind of stuff, check out some of the free DOD-supported online training courses here. These are pretty similar to the annual training requirements I have to do for work so they should give you a good background on red flags and insider threats to help better see the threats and risks that Harry poses to the UK.
Also, just a real quick thing. Risk and threat don't always mean the same thing. Risk measures potential loss. Threat measures potential harm. Sometimes they're used to mean risk = potential and threat = actualized but not in the security world.
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semper-legens · 6 months
29. Hidden, by PC and Kristin Cast
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Owned: No, library Page count: 302 My summary: The truth is out. The world know how terrible Neferet is - or, at least, they should. But while she's been shunned from the House of Night, Neferet is working her evil magic on the humans surrounding it. She's conned herself into the mayor's office, into a penthouse suite, and into a dangerous position for Zoey and her friends. The Darkness still needs sacrifices. And what better victim than Grandma Redbird? My rating: 1/5 My commentary:
Speedrun, speedrun, only got three more of these let's go! What else is there to say about the House of Night at this point? Not a lot. It's still bad, it's still offensive and bigoted, it's still a giant piece of shit. And I'm still getting a perverse kind of joy from seeing just how bad it is. Seriously, though I'm going to be glad to see the back of this series, I don't actually regret having read it. If nothing else, it's a great what-not-to-do when it comes to crafting a story. Just do the absolute opposite of House of Night, and you've made a reasonably solid story! Yay! Anyway, let's get into it.
So, picking up from the pointlessness last time, we kick off here with Lenobia and a fire in the stables. And we learn one more thing about Lenobia! Is it about her as a character, or about her relationship to sex and romance? Surprise! The latter. Yeah, turns out Lenobia's pointless sexy cowboy is actually the reincarnation of her lost love from when she first came to America in the 1700s. After he died (because she failed to save him, natch) she swore she'd never love another person. Travis is that guy's soul come back to her after so long, and it's a stupid plot point for two reasons. Reason one - the dead lover was a black man from New Orleans, while Travis is explicitly white. Which…is not a good look. Black lover is fridged, white lover is endgame. Given that the only other men of colour are Kalona and Rephaim (maybe? I don't remember if Rephaim is actually described as looking Cherokee) this is not a particularly good look. Reason two - we're just doing soulmates, I guess. Lenobia has exactly one person she's allowed to be in a relationship ever. Zoey's thing with Heath (more on that later) is a very similar vibe, they're just ~cosmically connected~ and so they've gotta be endgame. People aren't allowed to develop attractions to each other! Don't be silly! You've got to get with the one person you're cosmically destined to be with! Bleh.
Most of the ongoing plot of this one concerns Neferet's rise in human society, a plot point that…does not really go anywhere. It's not even that Neferet needs to struggle to get to the top in human society, she literally just goes up to the mayor like 'you support me unconditionally now' and he's like 'duh you're hot okay sure'. It's bizarre how mundane the conflict between Neferet and Team Zoey is here. Team Zoey are trying to make her seem like a disgruntled ex-employee, and both sides are using the news media to influence people to their way of thinking. Which, given that Neferet's 'exposing' Stark as a murderer, feels…disproportionate? The worldbuilding, or lack thereof, is being thrown into focus here. Surely the police would have something to say about Stark being a murderer? Like, it's established that the vamps are allowed by the police to take care of their own security and policing and such, which is fine, but a) this has not come up so often and b) the amount of vamps there are in the world makes this suspect? At various points, the worldwide vamp population has been implied to both be substantial and not so much. Almost every celebrity has been said to be a vamp in this world, and yet vamp numbers are actually small enough that the world governments apparently just let them take care of themselves with no other oversight. Vampires are supposed to be both incredibly powerful and influential and also a minority, both at the same time? It's vague to the point where you're obviously not meant to think about it, but incidents like this just bring into light the fact that it hasn't been well thought through. Hey, Casts? If you're not gonna worldbuild this stuff, don't bring it up.
More Aurox…ugh. Once again, we're circling the 'badboy redeemed' trope. Honestly, it wouldn't even bug me that much if it wasn't exactly the damn same every time it showed up. The Boy has done some shitty things, but feels bad about them and wants to change. Some people won't give him the time of day, but at least one other person, usually his love interest, is ride or die for him and totally believes he has changed. Over time, the change is proved to be correct, usually with one big heroic action. Stark, Rephaim, and Kalona have all had this arc. Can we have a different arc please. It's getting boring.
So the big climax to this one comes when Neferet kidnaps Grandma Redbird to use her as a sacrifice to the Darkness, which means it's time to talk about Grandma a bit more. Grandma is Zoey's Cherokee grandmother. That is also the extent of her characterisation. She is loving, forgiving, spiritual, and always knows the right thing to say. Everyone loves her. She has no flaws. She is perfect. She knows everything. And she's boring as hell. She's not a character, she's a plot device! Grandma Redbird exists either to be a perfect moral guide or to give exposition about Cherokee culture and spiritual practice (which, as we've talked about previously, isn't by necessity actual Cherokee culture). Oh, and to be in danger. This is, what, the third time her life's been endangered? There's no tension in it anymore, because there's no way that the Casts will actually have anything bad happen to her. Zoey's mother can die, because she was a bitch, but Grandma? Nah, she's too good to die. I never got the feeling here that anything bad was actually gonna happen to her, because she's bounced back from being the damsel in distress so many times.
And finally…good Lord, I cannot believe that it has taken me this long to realise exactly what's wrong with Nyx as a plot element. To be fair, I haven't given much thought to Nyx as a character to this point; she literally just shows up to be a perfect mother goddess and be right about everything and then disappear. But the climax of this book comes about when Zoey and co are scared and unsure of what to do about Neferet kidnapping Grandma Redbird. Zoey prays to Nyx, and essentially gets the answer that she needs to stop cowering in the darkness and actually do something. All very fine and well, and even a half-decent plot beat. The thing is that how the plot actually resolves is that Kramisha gives Zoey one of her prophetic poems, and it tells Zoey exactly what to do to save the day. And since Nyx gives Kramisha her visions, this is essentially just Nyx ssaving the day with Zoey as a conduit. And the problem with all of this is that it's the worst of the conservative Christian idea of God and humankind's relationship to God. God is infallible and doing what He wants will always solve your problem. Nyx is always right, and finding what Nyx wants you to do, even if it's hard, is always the right path. Zoey has free will, but pretty much any path other than specifically what Nyx wants her to do is usually wrong. I don't know much about what the Casts believe theologically, but I really wouldn't be surprised if it was a 'raised Christian, switched to 70s Neo-Paganism' kind of thing, because Nyx here just reads as if the Casts switched Christian God for a mother goddess without really changing anything about how they percieve this deity and their relationship to said deity. I've been getting the vibe as we go through the series that Nyx does some shitty things, but I'm not sure I was meant to? Her forgiveness of people like Kalona and Rephraim seems overly punitive at times, but at this late stage in the series there's no room for that to be an arc or anything, I think we're supposed to take as read that Nyx is perfect. And that just skeeves me out in general.
Next, I told you it was a speedrun! The penultimate installment of the House of Night series!
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intimate-reaper · 3 months
I used to be a part of few servers, on the clear web, no hacking or dark web or even onion, very easy to find blogs from a host called Mastodon. And from there, there were groups for people to talk about their experiences with paraphilic disorders and I mainly used it to spread general check-ins and wholesome memes. Because the Internet sucks and I wanted to have a happy safe space for people like me. Because I was really struggling to accept my thoughts and attractions, that stemmed from abuse, and the conflation that having a paraphilia meant that you were a harmful and abusive person. I never want anyone to go through the exploitation I went through - and I wasn't exploited because someone was attracted to me. I was because someone wanted to abuse their power over someone vulnerable in age and mind and situation. I probably have made a few distasteful, vague posts about wishing I could act without causing harm, or saying that I found certain physical traits attractive, without any threats (intentionally). And I obviously did not share or downplay abusive content, I kept things safe for work. I wanted support. I felt people deserved that, especially if someone who is a minor was also struggling at least seeing an adult paraphile live a happy, normal life with optimism and a support network and goals might help them. I don't have the source but most pedophiles learn they're pedophiles when they're only 14. I don't want children who are only 14 to kill themselves; it should go without saying. But I started to notice a disturbing trend of people who called themselves "pro contacts", which essentially means abusing this support platform to solicit minors for abusive activity. I don't want to go into details because it's triggering and gross, but it's pretty much just explicitly advertising that any minor can message them for sexting and that if you are a minor you are in threat of being harassed by them. I hated these people. Why would they try to take away my safe space, where I could simply have a break from being stigmatized? Where they would rather harm others? Three people who I knew from the websites, repeatedly making off-putting and dangerous rhetoric in pro contact posts... Probably more than 3, and I'm about to look through my blocklist archives... Were exposed - unsurprisingly - for sexual exploitation material. I knew this would happen. And now entire groups, entire servers are being called into question by social media and law enforcement. I'm glad I left. I hated these people. I didn't want them in my community. And the one person I respected so much, too much (parasocial, and unfortunately had to leave due to splitting/bpd), was compared to a Nazi for just... Reporting these people. Trying to keep the community I needed safe. We didn't agree on everything. I still respect that person a lot even if we don't talk. But I miss what that space could have been. I wonder if there's anything that person could have done differently or how their side of things are going. Do they still have a server, a group at all? I don't know. I don't want to ask. Obviously this situation has been stressful to learn about accidentally. I recognize these abusers. They tried to be my friends. I feel gross. It makes me hate myself even more. I feel hopeless wondering if this is how this is always going to go. No wonder people hate me so much.
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pomodoko · 2 years
hey uh, the last reblog with the zorua and emmet au, the artist was recently found out to be a blankshipper :,)
Alright, I fact checked it, and it's true. I feel kinda heartbroken about it now.
I don't really know what to do, outside accepting this fact. But at the same time if I don't say anything I'll be lumped in with the whole deal, and I really just want to, not?
Ookay, folks, I gotta lay it down. My opinions about this topic fluctuates constantly so take this message with a grain of salt, yeah? I don't like incest ships in general. I also acknowledge that often times ships like that don't necessarily reflect the moral of the person shipping it. I had a complicated relationship with it because of the culture I was exposed to both IRL and on the internet. Grew up with Pixiv and ffn in the early 2010s I've seen some shit, so I understand there's a lot of morally gray stuff going on in here.
However, I honestly? Don't really care that there's a corner in the fandom that does it. Ships like this have always existed and I've had tags like that blocked for a good reason (for the sake of my peace of mind). As long as there's no evidence for any actual support that they're into real life incest, I'm not about to condemn someone for the completely fictional content from, for, and about adults they enjoy.
Of course, I completely draw the line with child characters because yeah, that's gross af please do Not touch me in a 10 mile radius.
But yeah, anyway. Uhm, I'd prefer not to make a big deal out of this. I don't want people to go into my inbox to debate morality with me, especially over a topic as sensitive as this. Especially over fictional characters that at the end of the day cannot harm me in anyway that matters because I have control over the content I consume.
Tldr; thank you anon for letting me know. I'm glad I know about this more. I am very much against Bl*nkshipping and I have that tag blocked, but I am ambivalent about the shippers themselves (mostly bc I don’t see them). There's a whole can of worms about the relationship between morally gray topics in fiction vs people creating/consuming it that I'm not gonna spill. Please do not debate me I am very tired and I'm nursing a stress headache.
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justiceamberheard · 2 years
Hey I want to be anonymous but I want to thank you for everything you're doing to support Amber in a battle against a sick man with too much power and using his power to turn the world against her. It sucks I have to be anon because the Depp cult is so rabid, they'll attack and threaten anyone who isnt on their side because they're all just as abusive and hateful as he is. Amber is strong and she will get through this I really hope. Unfortunately nearly all women face this when they speak out against their abusers, just never on this scale. We all get silenced and put down, we all get the 'well what did you do to him?' Or 'it couldn't have been that bad, you're exaggerating',, 'maybe you deserved it', and just like Amber, a lot of us get it turned around on us by vindictive abusers who can't stand that we had the nerve to expose them. I think a lot of people are just desperate and grasping at anything they can get, they're desperate to belive Amber was the abuser so they can use it as a gotcha to silence women who've been abused. I've already been seeing it on Facebook and Twitter, people throwing Amber out there like 'well women do it too, see!' To silence women survivors. Yes, women can be abusers, but Amber definitely is not. Maybe only those of us who have lived through narcissistic abuse can see it, but Depp is definitely the abuser here and is going on a smear campaign against his victim to put the blame on her. She never wanted this, he's the one that started it. She never mentioned him at all or indicated him at all on her article which is how all this started, Depp decided by himself that the article was about him and now why would he think that if he's innocent? If the shoe fits wear it, ya know? It's sad that people are so quick to silence Amber just so they can have a 'win' for men. Your post about men throwing women under the bus and taking advantage of the growing support for male victims is so so true, and that's exactly what's happening here. I'm so fucking glad someone said it. Most of these people have never cared about societal issues like dv or ever cared about survivors, maybe some of them even know that Amber is the victim, but they don't care. They just want women to shut up, to stop standing up for themselves. Maybe some of them are even abusers themselves and are angry because if this woman is standing up for herself, what's stopping their wife or girlfriend etc from doing the same? From the things I've seen Depp supporters say, the threats and horrible, disgusting things they say and wish on those who are speaking up, I wouldn't doubt it.
Thank you so much for sharing this. Everything you said is 100% correct.
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edengarden · 4 years
OKAY OKAY you know what else I noticed about Haruta? After stabbing Ijichi he said "picking on the weak suits me well" (which checks out since Nanami mentioned that he killed a lot of the support staff aka nonfighters in Shibuya + the way he tortured Nitta), yet Mr Hanger Rack called him weak and that's why he made him a sword that holds his hand (lmao) and even Haruta himself seems to share that view ("There I go again" after failing to cut Utahime, didn't contradict Hanger Rack calling him weak, called Nobara strong then told her that just being strong wasn't enough to win in their world, etc). There's also the fact that his curse technique isn't made for combat and he has a small, frail body (Mappa made him JACKED, they detwinkified my boy), so he probably hasn't had an easy lot in life, knowing what the jujutsu world is like.
So in psychology, there's a process called "turning passive into active". Basically, pathological sadism is often a way for the sadist to relieve themself of feelings of anxiety, pain and frustration caused by the memories of having once been a helpless victim (or still being one during most of their day/week/month/etc), and there's also that unconscious idea that they can't be a victim as long as they're causing pain ("the best defense is a good offense" basically, because that's what their life experience has taught them).
I guess what I'm trying to say is maybe the reason why Haruta became a curse user and is so cruel in the first place is deeper than just "evil man is evil just because". Maybe he's another Getou or Touji - not that we'll ever know since Gege did him so dirty, but on the plus side that means he's free real estate for headcanons.
Nonny this is fucking BRILLIANT. He really gives off the Former Bully Victim Turned Bully vibe, please this boy grew up in a dog eat dog world where the strong will pick on the weak, of COURSE his psyche would be affected by that.
Personally I like to headcanon he was raised in a sort of poor family, something he couldnt control at all and was bullied for it from a young age. As well as just being an easy victim, I headcanon that 5 y/o Haruta was just a smaller than average, nice but frail kid (bonus if he had some health issues that did indeed make him frail) that others would pick on just because he was “different”.
We all know family doesn’t help that much when children are exposed to bullying. Yes, they can switch schools, tell teachers, but they’re not at school with them, they can’t stop the bullying themselves because both of Haru’s parents needed to work and earn money so they could at least live. And most of the time teachers don’t exactly... stop bullying either, they just throw gasoline into the fire.
Now I don’t know much about psychology, but let’s say the bullying hasn’t let up for years but Haruta’s grown sick of it. He’s tried all the passive ways; he told his parents, told the teachers, tried to just be nice and take it and it doesn’t work. It doesn’t work because the world doesn’t work that way for him. It’s eat or be eaten, hurt or be hurt and he’s tired of being on the receiving end of the pain. He knows that if he wants to escape his tormentors, he has to become one himself.
Haruta was conditioned since a young age that society rewards those who are strong enough to fend for themselves and hurt, and it punishes those who are too weak and can’t.
In his parents’ case, I can see it go two ways.
The first and “easier” way is that something happened to them and they couldn’t be there for Haru anymore. Either they were arrested committing crimes like theft or prostitution in a desperate attempt to survive and make some sort of extra salary, or they died, leaving the kid alone with either extended family or just no family at all, which probably didn’t help his case.
Or they witnessed it all, but it’s not like they could afford help. They tried, they probably did, but both of them are so focused on the family’s survival that it’s hard to tend to their child’s needs, especially when he’s suffering psychological trauma and they know they don’t have the means to pay for treatment. It’d also be another reason for Haru to think and behave the way he does; he’s seen first hand what society has done to his parents.
I also have mixed feelings in Haru being detwinkified but he looks good both ways so who am I to complain, I’m just glad he was a character in the end 😫
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m1serere-n0bis · 4 years
Anyways. I don't care what the rest of you all have been doing during this but I have been trying to listen better and pray more.
For those of you who don't think that's "enough"... Sorry but I don't owe public opinion shit. The only person I owe an explanation to is God. I don't owe anyone information on what I'm doing in private. I don't owe anyone information on what I am/am not supporting financially or otherwise. If your personal opinion is that I'm not making adequate use of my voice or platform then that's rough buddy, but my voice is not the one that needs to be heard right now and also what platform? As a society hyperfocused on social media ESPECIALLY NOW DURING THIS PANDEMIC we have to come to terms that we all have lives outside of it and we don't "owe" each other ANY information about that in spite of what our culture tells us. Like if this is what "community-based policing" means, I can already tell you I hate it and it's oppressive.
For those of you who think this is a political power play, I would say those concerns are valid but there IS a REAL problem that will still be there when all the political pandering and posturing is done. And we need to fix it. Part of the reason I haven't been hyping what everyone has been telling me to hype in the name of activism is pretty much this:
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Do I think it honestly matters which political party is in charge for changes to happen? No, because I do not trust the SAME GOVERNMENT BACKING THE POLICE to take the money THAT IS STILL TECHNICALLY IN THEIR POSSESSION and funnel it into the communities that need it in any way that will actually address the racism inherent in the system. HOWEVER, that doesn't stop me from listening to what my brothers and sisters in Christ are telling me are their experiences not just in a society that is supposed to have progressed past racism but in the BODY OF CHRIST itself. Because it's there, everyone. Yes, it's not overt. Yes, not everyone is actively engaging in it but if we are truly One Body then we owe it to each other to make reparations for sins that aren't ours. It's what we've been doing for the child abuse scandals, is it not? The majority of us were not involved but do we not still carry the burden of that sin simply because we're Catholic, because one part of the One Body committed this massive hurt?
So anyway. The goal of this post is not to make anyone feel bad and it is not an invitation for people to pile on me because I haven't vocally supported x, y, z. This is an invitation to listen and to pray... which should always be the first step, EVEN WHEN THERE IS AN IMMEDIATE NEED FOR ACTION. (Maybe ESPECIALLY when there's an immediate need for action.) And holy shit are we not good at that or what? 😂
1) Fr. Mike Schmitz' homily this week was an invitation for us to listen to God and let Him tell us who He is because only by doing that can we see the image and likeness of God in each other. We've lost that in our wishy-washy prayer lives that inevitably end up with us trying to force God into an earthly construction in which He doesn't belong. We try to tell God who He is because the world is too noisy for us to hear Him tell us about Himself. And that inevitably trickles down into us trying to force each other into boxes before recognizing the human dignity instilled by God in all of us. The internet feeds into that by making us faceless virtual entities, thus making it that much more difficult to recognize our humanity. I can read faceless stats for days but if I don't have ANY CONTEXTUAL IDEA where those numbers are coming from, they're empty. They're easily manipulated into whatever whoever is selling me them wants me to think of them if I don't have someone LIVING THOSE STATISTICS giving me context. Right now the media wants us to feed on the controversy surrounding BLM movement without telling us that these communities have been MARCHING IN THEIR COMMUNITIES FOR YEARS AGAINST THE VIOLENCE THEY INFLICT ON THEMSELVES and it is the same media blackout as any March for Life. The media doesn't care unless they have drama they can use to stoke more division and that's the tea.
2) Fr. Josh Johnson is on fire right now, everyone. Like him and Chika Anyanwu are two voices I wasn't listening to before that I'm thankful to be hearing now. If you're wondering how God can be good even in the midst of chaos, turmoil, and pain, this is it. If you're struggling to separate the Black Lives Matter Organization from the heart of the issue, this is how God is doing that. The Church needs to hear these voices. They have real experiences to share. They are part of the Body of Christ, and they are really hurting through these thousands of small cuts.
I would recommend listening to the Jeff Cavins Show episode Distance Amplifies Difference where he has a conversation with Fr. Josh. They both have tremendously unique WORDLY perspectives to bring to the table on the issue (Jeff Cavins is a white man but has children who are black and they live in Minnesota and are literally witnessing the heart of this first hand in the trenches, and Fr. Josh is the son of a black former chief of police) but ultimately discuss how we as a Church can work towards fixing it.
Fr. Josh and Fr. Mike's dialogue on Ascension Presents is also really top notch. I still have to finish watching it, though. 😅
I can't believe I wasn't following Chika before because as another single Catholic woman, I feel like I've found a sister in Christ experiencing the same ups and downs of Catholic singlehood (her Instagram Highlight was like HILARIOUS and also a truth 😂). Her family's small business got looted during the rioting but I believe they've since been able to shut down their Go Fund Me since people gave them enough support to get it back up and running. Anyways, I'm glad this amplification of black voices brought me to hers.
3) Fransican Friars of the Renewal Fr. Agostino and Fr. Pierre Toussaint discuss their hopes for the movement from their perspective as people of color and as servants of one of the poorest neighborhoods in NYC, the South Bronx. Their dynamic is great because Fr. Agostino is like a Gryffindor on fire and Fr. PT is like a soft-spoken, phlegmetic Ravenclaw. I understand that energy. 😂 (I'm also a phlegmetic Ravenclaw) One of my takeaways was Fr. Agostino's opinion that we can't just posture and leave it up to the government or orgs with ulterior political motives to make things right because he's seen firsthand how well THAT goes. However, all that means is that we as people of God have to dig in and do the work our own dang selves. They're also hopeful that this discussion of the police force being built on a foundation of racism will eventually lead to the discussion of Planned Parenthood being built on the same. They said that 42% of the pregnancies of the predominantly black and Latino population in the South Bronx end in abortion. 42%!!!!!!!!!!! If that is not a wake-up call that systemic racism is alive and well and we are abjectly failing women of color as a society Idk what is. But also their analogy that society is a MESS of a dilapidated house and we have to pick ONE place to start and stick with it if we really want to fix it up is also the truth.
4) Did y'all know about Our Lady of Kibohe? This is a Vatican-approved Marian apparition that appeared to three teenaged girls in Rwanda a little more than a decade before the genocide (which she warned them about). There is no one in Creation demons and Satan hate more than Our Lady, and there's no better weapon against them than the rosary. There has been a call from our brothers and sisters to rend our hearts and even if you don't see, think, or believe there is still racism within the Church, will you not pray for Mary and St. Michael to help continue keeping it that way, then?
Our Lady of Kibohe encouraged us to take up the practice of praying the Seven Sorrows Rosary. I tried it for the first time last week and I have to say, even with my super basic limited knowledge of black history in the United States, it was not hard to see how their suffering could easily be united to the sufferings of Christ and Our Lady.
I guess my conclusion is this: I have my own misgivings about blindly supporting any ol' cause that happens to be trending on whatever. The Black Lives Matter ORGANIZATION has a manifesto touting things that are contrary to the Catechism for SURE, but when my brothers and sisters in the Church are telling me they are in pain RIGHT NOW and saying, "Hey, listen... They're right about some things... These are the things and we've experienced it IN the Church..." then they deserve to be heard. We owe it to them to listen because they are a part of us. We need to expose these sins to the light instead of denying they exist or claiming to be past it. We ALSO need to be charitable to those in different parts of their journey. Is it FAIR to bear the burden of others' sins and make reparations for them? Heck no! But we do it. Jesus did it for us. We do it for our brothers and sisters in Purgatory. What's the difference for bearing it for our hard-hearted brothers and sisters on earth? Nobody is perfect but we all are made in the image and likeness of God and thus inherently carry human dignity.
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snapcracklen · 5 years
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When they die, I'm gonna be glad we have another less jojo siwa on this earth. Please never have kids. And to all the ppl in the replies saying this is a win, the only thing ur winning is a discounted ticket for your coffin and trip to hell, cause every1 of you is disrespectful as fuck
No honestly tho what the fuck? Why the fuck would you do that to anyone. Each person who dies who we knew and loved, we mourn, and even if we didn't really know them we mourned. I hardly new x when he died or throughout his whole career cause I didn't really like his music.
However I still mourned for him, his family and his fans. A person is a fucking person, and x is probably spitting on you from whichever side he's looking at you from, because in no means should you ever make a joke out of someone's death, it's not funny.
That's like me saying x wouldn't have died if you lot supported trump more. Its rude, unnecessary and uncalled for. I'm not saying this as a strong and proud kpop fan, I'm saying it as a human being.
To any person who dies, its not funny to make a joke about supporting some1 else
To have "kpop fans weeping" is not an insult. It's sad that you think we only care because Samuel is a Korean pop artist. We care cause Samuel is actually a wonderful HUMAN. You forget that word alot. A Kpop artist isn't some low life pretty thing without a heart
Samuel has a heart, like you, a family, like you, and he HAD a dad. So man the fuck up. Stop trying to get negative attention because you want to make a certain group "weep" and "triggered". Anyone would be triggered.
"Your mum wouldn't have died if you supported hitler/nazi/slavery/white rights/white privelage."
"Your mum wouldn't have died if she was white/asian/black/american/british/chinese/Japanese..."
Stop being so inhumane and lowlifed that you go that far. Just don't say anything. If you don't care, just don't say anything. Because there are actually people who do.
^^"Your mum/dad/brother/sister/etc.." I know how disgusting some people in the Korean pop community can be first hand, and in general. You think fan wars are little cat and dog fights? They really aren't. Some people are literally crazy. People in the korean pop community are disgusting sometimes.Just because some people dont do it publicly doesn't mean they don't think it or say it in person to their friends. But to either think every supporter of a music genre and artist in korean, does that, or pretends they're morally right cause they don't do it themselves, is stupid"kpoop" is not only and insult to a culture but a music genre.
"rock & retarded"
Phrases I've heard about different genres of music. Honestly it's disgusting. If you don't like a genre just stay the fuck out of it.& u know what, u can't turn around & say "hah it's a joke/prank." it's 2 late now, u & all the people agreeing with u, have just exposed themselves 3 the world, and now, if we find u in real life, there is a strong chance we're going to expose you and make ur life a living hell.
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noramoya · 5 years
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• TrayC — I love to tour.
BACKGROUND FOR THOSE WHO DON’T KNOW : Pearl Jr is a 'journalist' who states she has evidence that MJ faked his death. She has made 3 DVD's with her 'evidence' which she sells to naive fans. One of her main arguments is that she's spent thousands of hours on the phone to Michael himself, who she claims is Peter. Peter comes to this site to try to recruit people for his own forum. I don't think he has claimed he is MJ but he does creepy stuff like posting collections of rare memorabilia (which some people think is stolen), and mimicks MJs voice. (He sounds ridiculous but this has not stopped Pearl and thousands of lonely, vulnerable women into thinking that it's MJ). He has not disputed Pearls claims. He goes on live chats on his forum and many of these women seem to think they are in some kind of personal relationship with him. He has fairly large followings on twitter, facebook and his forum. Both of these people, in my opinion, are batshit. A few years ago, a group of fans exposed who he really was, a guy who has spends his life mimicking MJ. This is the first time I think he has been exposed in a live chat. What happened (what I posted in the other thread):
• Xscape —*The dark thoughts in your head*
“TrayC, Thank you so much for bringing this info out in the open. This has truly gone on way too long.
It is the intent of Peter Midani and his followers to throw Pearl Jr under the bus, claiming she is the only one responsible, but Make no mistake.. Peter Midani admitted on LSA to giving her permission to share their conversations so he knew very well what she was saying and promoting.
I know people who buy into this whole labor of love lie but hear me out. If Michael was discovered alive by the mainstream, what would happen.. Especially to the person he decided to reach out and go public to... That person is set for life... For bringing Michael back to the world. Seventy five thousand dollars is chump change compared to millions and millions of potential income if the risk panned out.
Pearl may be crazy but She ain't stupid. And Using the argument of being biased against Peter for sounding similar to Michael to certain people, again is not logical when 99.9% of impersonators and tribute artists have no qualms nor problem about their real identity known and, in fact prefers that, so no misunderstanding happens. Peter uses his Michael like voice to seduce young girls who are MJ fans into cyber or phone sex with him. Plus, because of what Pearl Jr has promoted him as, they think they are involved with Michael, in a secret life.
Please... It's fake ! Glad to see him busted, although I am sure another claim of being hacked and stolen identity will come up. And these people buy it because they're that desperate thinking they are close to Michael somehow, even when its not him . Crazy ! Also, He supports Shana ! Thanks again Tray C :) Thanks Thanks 🙏🏼 Hugs! Hugs! — April 29, 2018. “
• SellingOutSouls — 24KCoughDrop
“I wouldn’t really worry about it. The very few stans that give her the time of day are usually from foreign countries and struggle to understand English.” — 04/29/2018.
• TrayC — I love to tour .
“Yeah, you're probably right. I'm more concerned about the 12k people that follow Peter tbh. Many of them young girls ... “. — April 29, 2018.
• Xscape — *The dark thoughts in your head*
“This is the Pearl Jr of “Wink wink.Nod nod... Michael Jackson is Alive” and Peter Midani is Michael Jackson on various platforms. I only point her out because, for a friend, Midani is a lousy one, willing to throw her under the bus for this when he gave his permission and has seen her videos. He knows what she sells ! In other words, They’re both in it, like peas in a pod ! — April 29, 2018.”
• Angels777 — Well-Known Member
Thank you @TrayC
This does deserve it's own thread for people who either aren't aware of the con-game Pearl Jr and Peter Midani have going on, or who support them and may need their eyes opened. It's so sad that some fans of MJ still continue to fall victim of shenanigans such as this. The best way to show them is to expose them.” — April 29, 2018.
• awsomegirl015 — Minding your business
“Why is it that people constantly think celebrities fake their deaths? Now Tupac is somewhat believable because there was never a real autopsy done. But I doubt Michael is still alive. The whole world saw his funeral”. — April 29, 2018 .
• TrayC — I love to your.
“Because some people find it hard to accept when their fav dies. Especially if they are still young or if under suspicious circumstances. To be clear, I don't care what people believe. I personally enjoy watching videos about conspiracy theories. I do have a problem with manipulation and scamming which I believe is the case here.” 04/29/2018.
• Xscape — *The dark thoughts in your head*
ROTFLMAO... Let's not give Peter Midani any real followers, Man ! Actually, It is hard to understand ! These young girls and followers think they are protecting and being loyal to Michael Jackson here ! Now, we know this is nonsense... Especially now . But they are convinced, so they are loyal, thinking they are standing up for Michael Jackson , secretly ! This person almost caused the collapse of another MJ fan board with this act, and I know of two girls he flirted with, who absolutely thought this was Michael Jackson ! And this happened when Michael was still living ! Just know.. The two young women I knew were devastated when everything fell apart. They loved him as Michael and it was a betrayal when he turned out not to be, or they began to have doubts. Then, Michael was murdered. How would you feel being unable to confirm or deny you knew someone. Chatted with someone.. And they may be dead ? These people didn't have the truth and no place to go to find it ! The truth is coming out, but it cannot be placed all on Gaz. Now is the time to take a stand and spread this message or share your experiences if you are familiar with this situation. Secrets only keep the lie going, with people getting coin in their pockets off MJ fans ! Let's take back our fan base for each other ! Time for the crap to go ! “. — April 29, 2018 .
• Angels777 — Well-Known Member
ABOUT : Leogirl817 said:’ I don't know how this woman can function in her everyday life!’
“She's obsessed ! Her whole life revolves around this scam. Either she thinks Michael is in the car with Prince following her, or she thinks she talks to Michael on the phone all the time.She screams about talking to Michael (Peter Midani) for over ONE THOUSAND HOURS so she knows he's alive. If you challenge her, she gets smart with you and basically degrades you by calling you names and tells you if you don't believe her then get off her page. She insists that Peter is Michael and continues to do so, even after his real face was recently exposed yet again. Talk about crazy 😜! “ — April 29, 2018.
• SellingOutSouls — 24K CoughDrops
“Woah...WHAT HAPPENED TO GAZ?!! “. — 04/29/2018 .
• Xscape — *The dark thoughts in your head*
“Gaz? He is fine, as far as I know. I don't know him well... I said as I did, because it was like there was a time he was fighting this alone... There just hasn't been much of a system in place for such victims to be able to find the truth and hopefully healing ! Instead, these people are often met with ridicule because they are hard to convince. Letting Peter Midani go, means letting Michael Jackson go, for them... So they stay silent and in the limbo .” — April 29, 2018 .
• SellingOutSouls — 24K CoughDrops.
“I find it incredibly hard to believe people would dismiss GAZ, regarding anything because, despite his falling out with some of his members on MJJC, he’s still held with high regard ! Last I had heard he had exposed Peter Midani as a fraud and the sane majority of the fan base believe GAZ. I honestly feel like regardless of Peter existing or not there’s ALWAYS going to be beLIEvers among us. No matter how hard we try or how many frauds we expose there will still be those who choose to believe in the false hope of Michael being alive. I mean you still have people that number in the thousands that believe Elvis is alive, even though the chances of somebody with the type of health issues Elvis had wouldn’t likely make it into their 80s are slim.” — 04/29/2018 .
• Xscape — *The dark thoughts in your head*
“You're right Selling. Frauds exist. Scams get uncovered... I don't know how these people truthfully face themselves with the way they con people ! Gaz is fine . He still fights the good fight. My statement was about the fact Midani has been doing this, ever since before Michael Jackson died, and Burned a few bridges forcefully with nobody knowing the full truth of who he was ... So these girls were conflicted even more, when Michael was murdered.” — 04/29/20018 .
• BestOfJoy — Well-Known Member
“I think some people are missing the point here. It's not about people believing Michael is or is not alive. The issue here is that "Peter Midani” has been pretending to be Michael for years... going all the way back to MySpace days.He has lured young women (many who are under age) in to believing he is Michael and, in doing so , these young girls have shared very personal information with him- pictures, their address, phone number, etc. I'd like to direct everyone to MJJC's official statement made in 2014 about Peter: OFFICIAL STATEMENT OF MJJCOMMUNITY TO THE MICHAEL JACKSON FANS, RE : "Peter Midani" (Bobby Anderson) .” — April 29, 2018 .
• SellingOutSouls — 24K CoughDrops
“I understand. The problem is, our hands are tied because, these people have been given facts upon facts to prove he’s a fraud, and people still choose to believe in him. You can’t help those who refuse to be helped. I spent a good 5-6 years, after Michael died , trying to keep fellow fans from falling for the schemes and lies of frauds, but eventually realized that, if people refuse to consider the facts they are given to stop supporting these schemers, then they’re getting exactly what they’ve bargained for ! How many frauds have been exposed in the last 9 years alone and, yet, you still have naive MJ fans that refuse to use some common sense and research things, before giving people their trust and many times their hard earned money?Just look at how many dumb ass fans still follow Karen Faye despite the AEG trial exposing her for the “backstabbing c*nt” that she is ! Perhaps it’s because I’ve already reached my limits with age, but I just don’t have the time or energy to keep trying to pull these people’s heads out of the sand to force feed these people the truth, regarding the frauds among the fan community.” — April 29, 2018 .
• CHLOEXHALLE — Public Relations Agent & Lawyer.
“This shit is gonna be in history books about Michael. Mark my words. The "twin soul" shit too. I need to know why MJ fans (particularly women) are always so fucking stupid to believe shit like this ?! And it has nothing to do with age cause some of these people are over 25, and even as old as 40. Edit: Anyway I remember Pearl J from my early Twitter days. The bish was nuts then. I'm surprised she's still going over 6 years later !” — April 29, 2018.
• Xscape — *The dark thoughts in your head*
“In my opinion, I think if one focuses on trying to push anything down another's throat, It will fail. Knowledge is power and can help those people who actually DO want the truth and need support. Like Pearl Jr , for example. Her response was the frame was a mask, but Come on.. It's clear that's no mask. Why would anybody wear a mask in their home on their own computer when they weren't expecting to be seen ? Top that with, he looks rough in this pic. He wasn't planning on it happening ! Karma is a bitch !! But still Pearl tries selling her hand with the mask excuse. Nuts! “ — 04/29/2018 .
• TrayC — I love to tour.
“See, I'm of the opinion that Pearl doesn't even believe herself that it's MJ anymore (maybe she did think it was him years ago)... but she can't back track now, she's gone too far ! It would be admitting that all her 'work' her book, DVDs etc are BS ! She couldn't possibly admit that , without some pretty harsh repercussions. So she will justify any evidence to the contrary. Until the end of time ... “ — 04/29/2018.
• SellingOutSouls — 24kCoughDrops
“At the end of the day, the victims of these schemes have to be the ones to report the fraud ; but even then, it doesn’t necessarily mean anything would come of it, because it would likely fall under a civil complaint and, at the end of the day, some just don’t feel like much will be accomplished, by attempting civil action .” — 04/29/2018.
• TrayC — I love to tour
“Well she claims her work is 100% factual ! That is false advertizing ! But yeah, I'm talking more about her reputation as an investigative journalist. But I guess that's not exactly that high either ! — April 29, 2018.
• SellingOutSouls — 24kCoughDrops
“That’s still something they’d refer for civil litigation and that type of stuff takes too much time and money. It ends up being easier to just cut your losses and never look back ! Now, maybe if enough people organized a class action suit, there’d be a glimmer of hope that she’d be shut down, but it would still rely too much on hearsay and certain unknowns.” — April 29, 2018 .
• BarbaraLee — Well-Known Member
“Interesting ! I remember the statement and the exposing on MJJC, in 2014, and wondered why Gaz cared so much about it... it seemed pretty absurd to me ! But I didn't know Peter had 12K followers and it had been going on for years and years ! Jeez !! — 04/29/2018 .
• NOT ALL MEN — Well-Known Member
“So I have a confession for y'all . For years, before Michael's death, I was part of the King of Pop message board. I, along with other MJ fans, downloaded this program called Paltalk (before Skype, or before the popularity of Skype). Myself and other MJ fans would all gather in the chat . And also, if you had a microphone or headset of some kind, you can actually speak in the chat instead of type. Well, guess who would also be in the chat? "Peter Pan PYT," or "Peter Midani." Often, he'd take the mic and impersonate Michael. And a lot of us enjoyed it. It sounded scarily like Michael ! However, this shit ended up being concerning because there were girls in this chatroom who ACTUALLY THOUGHT that he was the REAL Michael Jackson (this was during 2004/2005). I remember feeling creeped out by all of this. Obviously, it wouldn't really be Michael, but so many girls thought it was ! One of my friends from the KOP board who was also on Paltalk, she was on the phone with one of the girl's parents to tell them that that wasn't really Michael Jackson. Just someone impersonating his voice. She did this while she had the mic on Paltalk. I haven't heard this fraud's MJ's impersonation voice since then, but at the time, I thought he was really good. He sounded convincingly like Michael. Then years later, after I lost my moderation status on the KOP board over something petty, there was a huge thread, there, about "Peter Midani" because there were a few girls on the site who got conned. I don't remember the full story, so if there was anyone who was there on the kOP board at the time, if you can clarify, that would be nice. But, to my surprise, it was the same guy that we're talking about here. But these girls thought it was really Michael. He wrote them poetry, and all kinds of crazy claims ! The gullibility of these women amazes me ! How these women cling on to every dude's saying-and-action, without a thought ?! It's like all senses and thinking skills are thrown out the window, and they're ready to accept and believe, and do the most for him . But, more than that, is that not only has this guy been doing this BEFORE Michael passed, but years after, taking advantage of women and girls. Michael is supposed to be dead (he is), and here ‘Peter’is, the proof that Michael is alive, and taking advantage of these desperate BeLIEvers for his morbid and selfish reasons !And don't even get me started on Pearl Jr. She's an embarrassment to black women everywhere !” — April 29, 2018 .
• TrayC — I love to tour.
“When people wonder how on earth anyone could be so naive as to get sucked into lies like this, it's placing the blame on them, instead of the manipultors. The majority of people who fall into these traps aren't like you, with a normal life etc. Maybe they are children who are too trusting, they could have mental health issues, some people lean on things like this as a form of escape from whatever horrible shit is going on in their lives. This is what is so sad about it ! it's those type of people that Pearl and Peter are manipulating. I know there isn't really much we can do, but it just disgusts me. “ — 04/29/2018 .
• ShalaShalingay — Well Known Member
“ But could Gaz help ? I mean, shouldn't this ‘Peter’ man be investigated by police for soliciting young females online ? I'm sure that must be illegal ! I don't think with freedom of speech that much can be done about the Pearl Jr. woman. I can only imagine the conspiracy talk when it will be his 10 year next year. It will be a circus .” — 04/29/2018 .
• TrayC — I love to tour .
“I don't know Gaz so I dont know. I am not a member of his forum. From what I hear he already tried to do something but I really don't know. A member of MJJC would be better placed to speak on that than me...” — 04/29/2018
• Realtk92 — Unapologetically Real
“In the case of Michael, he was a larger-than-life-figure that ruled the Pop Culture world for over 40 years ! His impact, influence and contribution to Music and Culture was and is something that had not been seen before. He has become an Immortal figure and for many it is very hard to accept he is no longer here anymore. With Tupac, they haven't found the person that killed him and they continue to release new music from his vault. That is why there is speculation around his death. “ — 04/29/2018 .
• Xscape — *The dark thoughts in your head*
“Let me take a crack and try my best to explain. Peter Midani used the same handle he always used as the email Addy to contact him by, that's how its known it's the same person as the imposter on KOPD board. Now of course, Peter cries Hacking, but that's his m.o. ..it's always an imposter, someone else when it isn't. Anyway, a moderator of that board befriended Midani through friends of hers and believed it was Michael Jackson as well. Later on, that moderator was approached by someone having doubts about the situation. This moderator kept the situation under wraps and bullied the person who came to them with their concerns to try and intimidate them into silence. The girl went over the mod's head. Hell broke loose at one point. It's like the one thing you just don't discuss there. People would rather forget. But I am, personally, of the opinion it's a network of people conning and conniving together. They think they got a good act going. Well busted ... EDIT : I want to be clear about the moderator here and note that the person apologized and lost the position over what happened, but went on to better themselves and change their bullying ways.” — 04/29/2018 .
• Awesomegirl015 — Minding Your Business
“According to the NYPD, they found Tupac’s killer years ago and have evidence but, because the guy was killed two years after Tupac, he was never convicted ! It was revealed in the tv series documentary about pac and biggie. The guy pac stomped out that night was the one who killed him. His uncle basically snitched years ago in order to save himself from having to go to jail. Let me see if I can post a clip... (it’s on Netflix). I agree with what you said about Michael , though ... He has become Immortal ! — 04/29/2018 .
• Xscape — *The dark thoughts in your head*
“Michael... It's like... somehow, people forgot he was a human being, regardless of his Talent, Wealth, and Life . He was ultimately destined to do what 100% of creatures of Earth have done and that was have a life span. They bring up he loved magic and illusion. Ok... So did Houdini, people ! It's us that yearned so much for him ! We wanted Redemption and Justice for him , because he deserved a happy life, after all he shared with the world. The world kicked him and spit him out. They’re STILL trying to rewrite his history and erase his true character from it. He deserved better than to be murdered ! To be abused and neglected right under our noses ! And, yet, Michael swallowed the blame as a drug addict, when he wasn't sleeping nights. He was very sleep deprived. But let's take the account of the murderer as gospel truth of Michael supposedly asking repeatedly for sedatives when evidence points to that version being a lie. Michael never woke up after the first sedative was given. That's what the evidence shows. Murray drowned him in drugs. He never had a chance ! It's just more injustice against Michael as ever and repeats in the media. People ignore Michael was murdered ! ‘Nope. Drug addict !’ When Court evidence and doctor’s records and testimony tell another story, the media muted. Typical media ! One day it WILL be set right though. Michael deserves at least that much in his honor ! Anyway, Hell ... You guys are reading this and can see how all of what happened to Michael hurts and angers me ! Well, some just can't come to grips with the idea that Michael was more vulnerable than was known, and was abused and betrayed, repeatedly, by those who should have had his back. A few of these clowns, MJ fans actually still think did right by Michael and loved him, because not everyone followed the AEG trial . This just wasn't supposed to happen like this for him. And Michael was their inspiration in life ! They have to find him again, because they can't feel like they can move on. Some live abused lives ... It’s tragic in some cases ! As a Michael Jackson fan since childhood, I am grateful to have grown up being inspired and spellbound by him. He was a friend, when I had no friend in my corner, giving me encouragement to believe in myself and my dreams. My heart aches for some other answer for Michael, too ... not enough to swallow a lying illusion though. There's been enough lies and crap in this fan base, people picking on us cause they think we’re an easy target ! We still have time to carry on Michael's legacy and pass it down to generations ! “. — April 29, 2018 .
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
A couple things came up and buy toll and got a swipe for working on one of them and it's kind of like this they're blaming the robotics and robot people for supporting our son the way that they are because it's run by the programming done by his plan and so they're abusing him like they used to when the robots do things that they're not supposed to there's only one problem that the robots are in control nobody to threaten except the machine which reacts like a machine you people are threatening the machine the machine is here ripping you apart taking you out of your house and home and needs to because you're not allowing them to get any ground on Galactus and they need your black ships so my guess is they expose themselves, they're all making a beeline for you and you can't see them because you're lazy and incompetent and you're not soldiers anymore your whiners and abusers and complainers and senile idiots who can't fix one septic system for the life here and they're coming here clothes and tunnels and then in the air and they're coming in now and they're heading from Epcot what you attack last night they're going to grab you now tons of you and we don't feel bad about it we have our own robots and we compete and there's other robots from other klansmen and they compete it's kind of a mess but they all do hate you very badly then after you and they're going at you now and each and every one of your threatening him kind of really makes it happen
Thor Freya
You should probably save your obscene absurd questions for your own CEOs and military personnel not me you should also exchange hatred and remarks and empathize with them not me so every time you do you get assassinated by robots that are closed hanging out in your woods 5 ft from the roadway where the two knuckleheads ran today
Zues Hera
What's awful is he's telling us the dangers and we just discovered something we're not alone they're everywhere they have endoskeletons are using skin and tissue and he almost got grabbed by one once and it was very public and it's happened several times and he may have wrestled with them and they're strong and they hurt his arm he says not badly but he felt it pressure on the bone kind of like if you close your arm in a door you didn't break though this bones are strong so I'm starting to see that this is very serious and these people are very serious they have their own robots but I did was escape disaster he's possibly going to hurt me and I was trying to grab him but odds that happening pretty low it says we left the car running it's not aware of that this was the idiot doing it no yeah he was driving he should be driving his blind it's kind of awful cuz I felt like it's going to crash the whole time he wasn't listening to my instruction it's another reason so he says there's a reason for that and if you look at it's just like do you want to flats and Joel who's going to be ghosts writer and the robot computers are having to do it they don't really care because it's kind of a deception you know what the status is but the robot computers are after us because they need all the power cuz they have seen things and they won't tell anybody what it is
I'm going to have to stop but please stop talking about it I have to go around and try and get people mad at us because he didn't want to do the work he doesn't want to do it at all and I don't care it's not his place as a renter to do the work he tried it failed he doesn't want to do it again and again and again like people make him do stuff he's glad I finally see it they make him f*** stuff up so he gets playing or as part of the team they blame him for what other people are doing because they want to get back at him that's really what this case is to a degree this is not entirely and so you're an imitating Mac and he wants you out but he wants to use that function and that's what he was doing so you know it's really understandable eagle concrete pretty good but not mud and I agree his mud work sucks you can see it sucks but it looks not bad if it actually cured it's actually a uniform it's around all the rocks it's just not smooth and he didn't want smooth it is good but it's doing with the stupid s*** won't f****** God damn cure. The robots are right up the street right up the street something I'm fine about it he doesn't want to do it that's fine I'll have to find someone that's all he told me to you find someone working on sewer and haven't do it if it's him who gives a s*** he's in a different character
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