#like if you’re not hey hi hello shalom but…
laineystein · 8 months
I have 17 new followers in the past hour. Who’s talking shit about me somewhere? 🤨🧐
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fromgoy2joy · 8 months
are you reading any books currently? if not what’s your favorite book that you’ve read?
Hello hello! And Shabbat Shalom to you.
For Jewish books currently, I’m reading “Jewish Literacy” by rabbi Joseph Telushkin. It’s overall a very good book but he keeps on making references to his dear friend Dennis Prager which keeps on throwing me off, because that’s a very conservative pundit who drives the fear that “Christmas is being taken away from the Christians!” Also there was a funny moment where he’s talking about David and starts going off the handle on how “Hey!! Jonathan and David!? They’re NOT gay!” From out of nowhere.
And you’re just left blinking like “Damn didn’t even consider that. Didn’t know you felt so strongly about it!”
Then I’m also reading “Choosing a Jewish Life” like the basic person I am.
As for other books, I’m juggling “Pride and Prejudice” and “Fascination” (twilight in French) as well as many philosophy writings for class.
So my brain is scrambled
Thank you so much for the ask!
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iamkatehardy · 5 years
Only One (Alfie Solomons x Reader) - Pt 1
Request:  Anon: “Hello would you mind writing an Alfie who really likes this shy girl who works in some shop near him. She already has s boyfriend but Alfie doesn't care and goes to her work a lot just to get to talk & flirt with her but she always gets embarrassed and shyer when he flirts and he loves that. She catches her boyfriend cheating on her and now Alfie can make his move😉 could u use smut prompt list #64 #37 please you can change any of this however you need to whatever works for you.”
Warnings: Cursing ; Cute Alfie
A/N: I’m splitting this in 2 parts, because I don’t want you to wait any longer! There is no smut yet, I need to polish Alfie x Reader relation! 😏 
Leave your feedback, me and your favourite Jew will be very thankful!❤
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  Only One (Alfie Solomons x Reader)
The role of the ideal housewife was never enough for you; you always wanted much more, to feel entirely fulfilled, and you thrived.
You had the work bug, plus your dexterity with the needles and creativity put most of the other dressmakers to shame. In no time, you had one of the busiest stores in town, so you expanded the business to serve your growing clientele, moving to a roomier shop in Camden Town and hiring an Italian tailor to be able to work with men’s clothing too.
Although it was a huge success, perhaps not everyone had noticed it yet. As one of the rulers of most part of Camden, Alfie Solomons used to pay local businesses a visit, not only as a reminder of who was in charge , but also most likely to demand a share, “for operating in his town”. Your turn hadn’t come yet; he was busy with his own expansion plans, involving a strategic partnership with some old friends, to make it through the crisis after the Italians’ attacks.
“I’m not sure I trust Elazar, but I have no choice, a’ight? Aside from him having a shitload of money, all the others are eating in his fuckin’ hand, for whatever reason. He’s not an honorable man, that’s one thing I’m sure about! Can you believe that cunt is even living in concubinage with some Shiksa?! (derogatory word for non-Jewish women) – In a sudden fit of anger and frustration, Alfie swept the paper off his desk with his left hand, throwing all the work of the past few days to the floor. His fingers ran through his messy hair in desperation, he couldn’t stand not have control.
“Alfie…” – Ollie bent down to pick the papers up and placed them on the desk again.
“Not now. Not today.” – The burning wrath in his eyes could reach a person’s soul in second, but he soon acknowledged the fact that the situation wasn’t Ollie’s fault. Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes, his fingertips rubbing his throbbing temples. – “Why don’t you take the rest of the day off, mate? I can’t look at these anymore. We think about it tomorrow, with a clear head.”
Ollie merely nodded in assent, but when he was about to leave he turned to his boss again.
“Will you be ok?” – The hardships in Alfie’s life always made Ollie worry, almost like a son; despite the filthy temper and all the outbursts, Alfie was his mentor and they cared for each other.
“Stop worrying, little boy.”- Alfie chuckled lowly. - “Fuckin’ Solomons always find a way, even when it seems there isn’t any, innit?” – Narrowing his eyes, his hand came to his chin and he stroked his beard thoughtfully. -  “Now go, live a little. You’re at the right age for it.” – With a wave of his hands, Alfie shooed his assistant away.
“You should live a little too. Anyway, have a good evening.”
“You cheeky little…” – Alfie shook his head, watching him disappear in the distance, but deep down he knew maybe Ollie was right.
Maybe he should really live a little too, before it was too late.
After gathering his things, he grabbed his coat and left the office, heading outside. The street was busier than usual, more than he expected, as it was cold and getting later I the day.
“Hey! Come here, little boy.” – Alfie called a little kid over; children were honest most of the time and too young to be afraid of him, unlike most people in Camden.
The boy approached slowly. Eventually, he stood near Alfie’s feet. The gangster looked down at the kid, who was looking up at him with big innocent eyes. After searching in his pockets for a long time, Alfie held a wad of cash in his hand. With the other hand on his lower back to hold the pain, he crouched down until he was at the kid’s height and handed him a note.
“What is all this fuss about, little man?” – He knitted his eyebrows together, almost imperceptibly, pointing at the crowd.
“The store that opened down the street, I think.” – The kid shyly took the money out of Alfie’s hand, bowing thankfully.
“What kind of store?” – Alfie’s eyes narrowed.
“I’m not sure, Sir. But they give you chocolates; maybe that’s why people go there.” – The kid shrugged and Alfie couldn’t help quirking his lips up in response.
“A’ight, thank you for your help.” – Alfie rubbed the kid’s head and stood up slowly, with a groan of pain.
After stuffing the money on his pocket, the kid ran happily down the street.
“These bastards will learn the hard way to think twice before they do anything without my fuckin’ say-so!” – Annoyed, he cussed under his breath and moved faster, scanning the street for the new store.
The sky had turned black and the rain was starting to pour down heavily, but it didn’t stop him. Slightly limping down the street, his expression was menacing, it seemed as if he was determined to start a fight with whoever challenged his power; maybe he just wanted to take his problems out on somebody else, either way, it was the perfect excuse.
Finally he saw an unfamiliar elegant store and just stormed inside, looking really pissed. The furniture looked new and luxuriously comfortable and the collection of antique artwork that adorned the place seemed to be priceless. There was a soothing record playing and a pleasant floral smell on the air, that somehow made him go back to his childhood days.
The store was already closed by then; you were working on the sewing room in the back, to get a head start on next day’s work. When you heard the door open, you popped through the velvet curtains the two parts of the store.
Beholding the man before you, you smiled and approached the counter. It was after hours already, but you weren’t willing to lose a costumer.  His attire made you immediately think he was probably Jew by birth and upbringing.
“Shalom.” – You greeted him softly, and then cast your eyes down shyly, dropping your gaze to the ledge under your hands.
“Shalom.” - Alfie raised a brow as his eyes moved to you. – “I would like to speak to the owner, personally.”
“That’s me.” – When your eyes met, a smile formed on your lips and Alfie’s blood seemed to warm. – “How can I help you, Sir?”
All his courage to scold and fight the owner of the shop immediately disappeared. Rubbing his lids with the back of his hands, he stammered indecipherable words that sounded to you like Yiddish.
As you tilted your head, studying him, your eyes widened a bit and shone brighter than he had ever seen in his life. Noticing his soaked clothes and speechlessness, you wondered if maybe he just wanted shelter from the heavy rain and entered a random store. You picked up a towel and handed it to him, for him to wipe out his wetness.
“Thank you. Thank you, dove.” – He put his hat aside and took the towel, drying his head and face.
“Would you like a cup of tea, while you decide?” – You watched him drying himself and took the towel when he finished. - “Here, have a bonbon! These are kosher.” – Smiling encouragingly, you offered him a plate of assorted bonbons to choose from.
He put the candy in his mouth, letting it melt slowly.
“These are really sweet.” – He furrowed his eyebrows. – “But not as sweet as you seem to be.”
Although you opened your mouth, no word came out; you felt a furious blush flaming on your skin.
Trying to come up with an excuse for the situation he found himself in, he looked around him, letting out a loud breath and straightening his posture. Before saying anything else, he took another moment to watch your embarrassment, how your face was still burning in shame after the compliment; it was pretty adorable and it somehow amused him.
“I was wondering, do you sell hats here?” – He didn’t actually need the thousandth hat, but it was the first thing he came up with, so he’d stick with that excuse until he’d come up with something better.
“Yes, do you have anything in mind?” – Looking down to cover up the blush, you bit your thumb shyly.
“Lots of things, love.” – He came closer with a smile on the corner of his lips. - “As about the hat, something inconspicuous, but with a little style. Black, wide brim, preferably resistant.” –Shrugging, like the hat was actually no big deal, he constantly kept his eyes glued on you.
The first of his answer might have been innocent, but you blushed even more. No matter what words he spoke, his voice was enough to make a woman weak at the knees.
“I… I’ll see what I can get, just give me a minute. In the meanwhile, please, make yourself at home.” – You nodded to the sofas before you disappeared behind the curtains again.
He sat on the sofa and ran a hand through his hair, shaking his head and chuckling in a low tone.
“Composure, (Y/N), composure…” - In the backroom, you sat on the edge of a table and cleared your throat, putting your lightly shaky hand on your chest. After taking a sip of water, you searched in the boxes, trying to find those that met his requirements.
A few minutes later you returned with a half dozen boxes pilled in your hands and put them on the sofa, next to him.
“At the moment I have these. If you’d like something else, I can order it for you, it’ll take only a couple days.” – You gracefully sat on the arm of the couch, crossing your legs and arranging your skirt, before you opened the boxes one by one and started handing him the hats for him to try them on.
“How do I look?!” – Giving you a cocky smile, he turned his head to give you a profile view.
“Great!” – Leaning closer, you adjusted the hat into a slightly crooked position. – “Well, that’s more like it. Perfect.”
“I’ll take your word for it.” – Watching you with great interest, he blinked slowly. – “I’m taking them all.” – He took the hat off, putting it back in the box and got up, extending his hand to help you up.
Why the hell would someone buy so many hats that look almost exactly the same?
You looked at him in surprise and took his hand, getting up. Your hand lingered on his for a few seconds and the pad of his thumb rubbed your knuckles soothingly, sending a shiver through you, before you finally pulled it away, with a sheepish smile on your face.
“What name should I put on the receipt?” – You went behind the counter again.
“Alfred Solomons.” – Leaning against the counter, he paid for the hats and watched you write his answer down. He had gotten so close he could feel your warmth and your delicate fragrance with every intake of breath. – “But you may call me just Alfie, a’ight?”
“Deal.” – You gave him the receipt.
“It’s raining cats and dogs. I don’t think it’s a good idea to take all those boxes home in these circumstances, innit darling? Can I swing by tomorrow to get them?”
“Of course, Mr. Solomons.” – You intertwined your hands together and nodded cordially.
“I think you’re going to need this.” – You giggled and handed him an umbrella. – “So long, Alfie.”
“See you around…” – He tilted his head lightly to one side and lifted his brows. – “ Sorry, I don’t think I got your name.”
“(Y/N).” – He nodded. – “A beautiful name for a beautiful woman, right?” – With a warm half-smile, he turned on his heel and left.
The next day, you waited for him to show up, constantly checking when a new client made it through the front door. It was half-hour to closing time and he still hadn’t shown up.
Alfie was at the bakery, in a meeting with Elazar, scrambling with last minute details on their settlement.
“Let’s make this quick, Elazar. I have an appointment, mate.” – He looked at his pocket watch to check if he still had time to go to your store; he did, but not much.
“Relax Alfie, I have an appointment too, maybe  two, or three.” – Elazar grinned maliciously.
“With your missus? Doesn’t count as an appointment.”
“Alfie, Alfie, Alfie… I wouldn’t expect you to understand, you’re not a ladies’ man after all, but your missus is your choice of pleasure if, and only if you have no other option available.”
“What… Excuse me?” – Alfie put his glasses down, giving him a nasty look.
“Think of a relationship as if it was just any other business; if you have the chance to have some side action and make a profit, you go for it, without blinking an eye.”
“How can you fuckin’ do that, mate?!” – Slightly irritated, Alfie swung his arms on the air.
“It’s really quite simple; women are very naïve when it comes to love.” – Elazar proudly started explaining. – “Tell her you love her and she’s the only one; make her believe that and she will be at your feet, which will basically make her buy any excuse you come up with. But keep her busy, so she won’t have much time to think about them, some women are smart enough to figure out the truth … Give her a small business, or let her teach little orphans, something like that. Use your imagination! Propose to her, if necessary, it will keep her in your hands until you are done with the little brat and find a better one.”
“I wasn’t asking how do you do it! I was asking how you can be such a cunt, actually. You give a woman goods and she will give you a heart cooked meal… You give her your house and she will make it your fuckin’ home… You give her your fuckin’ cum and she will return you your offspring! If you give her some affection, she will give you her fuckin’ heart! What is wrong with you?!”
“What is wrong with you, Alfie? That’s why you don’t get any action. Have you gone soft or what?”
“No, I simply respect women!” – Alfie’s unblinking eyes were fixed on the man ahead and his jaw was tight. – “You know what? If it’s alright with you, we can finish this another day.”
“As you wish. Call me later and let me know when.” – Elazar promptly picked his things up and left.
“What has this world come to? Thank you for everything  eema. (Mom, but I’m not sure of this) “ – Alfie pressed a hand to the medallion in his chest, before he checked his pocket watch again and hurriedly left the bakery, heading to the flower shop.
 Tag List: @carmen-kray , @titty-teetee , @iv-nyc , @but--dear-this-is-not-wonderland , @eap1935 , @ellar21 , @tiredoffeelinglost , @original-krays , @marvelgirl7 , @captstefanbrandt , @evilispretty-dead , @mollybegger-blog , @bignastyfan-nz , @scarrasco1325-deactivated201905 , @miidailyinspiration , @harleyquinns , @haroldpain , @marvelslut16 , @willowick13 , @outofbluecomesgreen , @elemeph , @my-little-lucky-scissors , @overitall2018 , @innerpaperexpertcloud , @matoki-darkpanda
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dailyaudiobible · 4 years
06/03/2020 DAB Transcript
2 Samuel 20:14-21:22, Acts 1:1-26, Psalms 121:1-8, Proverbs 16:18
Today is the 3rd day of June welcome to the Daily Audio Bible I am Brian it's great to be here with you today as we move through the midpoint of the first week of this 6th month of the year that we’re moving into. It is wonderful to be around the Global Campfire with you today. And today we're moving into some new territory in the New Testament. We concluded the Gospels yesterday, which means that we will move into the book of Acts today and we’ll talk about that when we get there but we’re not quite there yet. In the Old Testament we are continuing our journey along the side King David and learning of his reign. So, we’re reading from the God's Word Translation this week. Second Samuel chapter 20 verse 14 through 21 verse 22.
Introduction to the book of Acts:
Okay. So, like we were talking about at the beginning we are moving into some new territory in the New Testament today. Yesterday we finished up the Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. And I was telling you if you're using the Daily Audio Bible app and you’ve been checking off the boxes than we get the Gospels achievement yesterday. And I love that. So, that shows us that we’re ending a certain section of the Scriptures moving into a more historical account of the early church. This is a new era, the beginning of the church era. That's the era that we’re in right now. We’re with just a couple of thousand years into it. The book of Acts sort of unpacks what happened after Jesus ascended, after he returned to the Father. And in a lot of ways we could call this book that we call the Acts of the apostles, this could almost be second Luke because Luke and Acts share the same author and that is thought to be Luke who was a physician. So, if you read the book of Luke and then immediately read the book of Acts you see they’re like volume 1 and volume 2 and this vast accounting of Jesus life and ministry and of the repercussions of that ministry and the reverberations that happened after His ascension. So, the first chapters of the book of Acts we’ll…we’ll get to understand the ministry of the apostle Peter. And, of course, Peter is somebody that we've met in the Gospels. We’ll get to focus on his ministry and then we’re gonna meet this person that is gonna affect the rest of the Bible and we’ll be traveling with him most of the rest of the way. His name was Saul, right? Not the same Saul that was the first king of Israel that we've been reading about in the book of Samuel. This is a Pharisee in the first century who very, very much opposes this new message of Jesus. And it’s not because His ethics were off or something like that. It was that people were saying he was the Son of the most-high God, which for Saul and for the rest of the Pharisees and Sadducees and scribes and leaders, this is blasphemy. So, Saul was doing everything he could to oppose this when he met Jesus. And, so, we’ll spend the latter part of the book of Acts getting to know Saul whose name becomes Paul. And we know him now as the apostle Paul. And we will find that his letters makeup like the bulk of the remainder of what we’re going to read in the New Testament. The book of Acts we also encounter the comforter, the one Jesus says He would send, the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is the energy that sets the hearts of Jesus disciples on fire and then sets the world on fire. When you understand a bit of church history, and you understand a bit about the Roman Empire, and you understand a little bit about the first century you realize the chances of this message succeeding were small, very small. And yet this message has swept the entire world. Nothing of the early church would've been possible without the Holy Spirit, without the Spirit leading into all truth, right, as is promised in the Scriptures. And we should remember that because it's the same Spirit that is empowering us to bring the good news and light and life and shalom into the world today. So, we’re moving it is a new territory and it's exciting. And, so, let's buckle up for the book of Acts. Today Acts chapter 1.
Father, we thank You for Your word. We thank You for bringing us into this new territory. It's like we turned the page and we finished the Gospels and now we’re in the accounting of the early church. And as we watch the story unfold we ask that Your Holy Spirit, whom we will read plenty about in the book of Acts would awaken us, would lead us into all truth, would help us to understand that this is the beginning of the story that we are in right now. And we also Father thank You for the comfort found in the 121st Psalm, that You are with us, that You will not leave us, that You are sustaining us, that You are watching over us and guarding us, that You are here and You have always been. And we are so grateful. So, come Holy Spirit into what we’ve read today and plant it in our hearts. May our hearts be good soil for Your word. And may the fruit of the spirit be harvested in our lives we pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
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Check out the resources that are available in Daily Audio Bible Shop including the entire Global Campfire line that we introduced not too long ago. A lot of fun stuff, just reminders that we’re part of a community going to the Scriptures together. It's nice to have these reminders. I have them around me continually and I'm continually in awe that this is even happening. And, so, check out the resources that are available in the Shop.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible you can do that dailyaudiobible.com. There is a link on the homepage. And I thank you for your partnership with all of my heart. We wouldn’t be here if we weren’t doing this together. So, thank you. If you’re using the Daily Audio Bible app, there is a Give button in the upper right-hand corner or the mailing address, if you prefer, is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or encouragement, you can hit the Hotline button in the app, or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello DAB family today is May the 29th and I had to say man those prayers I heard at the end of today’s podcast made my spirit soar. I can’t tell you. I was hooting and hollering and saying yes Lord yes Lord. Man, this DAB family is something else. The prayers that you lift up to God, wow. Especially his little Cherry and the other lady you were praying for the unleashing of our…of the potential of our children who have been breathed life into by our Creator. Never thought of it that way but yes Lord. I just…I gotta say amen to those prayers and I gotta say thank you Lord for this DAB amazing prayer warrior family that you have put in here, the ones who call in for prayer and the ones who answer prayer. And I just have to say also, blessed are you oh Lord our God who hears our prayers who is faithful to answer and who daily carries our burdens. Thank you, family. That was some powerful today. I just had to call in and say that. Woo. Pray for our kids as well, that their potential is unleashed, and I think that’s going to be an ongoing prayer from now on. Thanks very much. Be blessed family and be a blessing.
Hi this is Missy from the Midwest. I’m listening to a podcast from the community prayer line May 1st or 2nd I’m not sure what it was but at the 2 hour 28 minute 33 second mark John Ofsoul from South Sudan in East Africa came in and he…he just sang a song with a guitar, the song “they’ll know we are Christians by our love.” And as I heard him sing this I’m…I’m next door in Wisconsin to the state of Minnesota the city of Minneapolis that’s been burned and rioting and awfulness and the song just really really touched me. Thank you, John for singing this. I saw the evil of a man having his life taken and I saw the city burning to the ground and I saw the Father crying from heaven and it broke my heart and it caused me to weep. And I just ask for you all DABbers to please pray for Minneapolis as we go through these this awful time. Thank you.
Hey everybody this is Pelham from Arab calling in. It is the 29th of May and time to call in and tell you guys that it’s pretty much been a year and I’m I am gonna finish this program on the second but they’re letting me leave early. Today I paid my last payment to the house. You pay a percentage of your paycheck and that was my last one. The Lord got me through this thing, which is incredible. It’s unbelievable. I now can check a piece of chicken better than…well I don’t know who else…anyways I know how to make some really good chicken tenders. I work in a chicken plant now and I’ve been doing it for a while. So, I’m calling to let you guys know that we made a year and I’m about to be out, I’m about to move. So, I need prayer warriors out there to please pray for the Lord to lead me to where me and Otis are supposed to be. There are several men that want to come with me wherever I go. And I need guidance there because they…there’s opportunity for me to start something of my own and I’m scared of that. I’m scared of…of that type of calling or what that may mean. I…I covet you all’s prayers on this. There’s so many amazing things happening that two minutes is not nearly enough. But man, everybody out there, think about when I first called in a year ago before going into this. I think I called from jail even, possibly. But I’ve been calling in for 14, I think, 14 years now or 13 years and just another chapter coming to an end and I want to let everybody know I love you. Okay. I’ll here you later. Bye.
Good morning DAB, this prayers for I believe his name is Terry and Australia. [singing starts] The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning, new every morning. Great is thy faithfulness oh Lord. Great is the high faithfulness [singing stops]. Terry this is your sister Blessings Flow in Pennsylvania. I heard your prayer request about the 20-year pornography addiction. I just want you to know that I’m praying for you brother. I so appreciate your vulnerability and I know that hit home with many people. As I was thinking about you, I remembered when I was a missionary and I remember there was a time, a short season I was going to be furloughed going back home and I was just kind of anxious that I would fall back into certain patterns of…of sin and I remembered I was anxious about this and I had this dream in that season where I told a leader about it and in the dream she just laughed a belly over laughed and laughed and when I woke up I knew for me it meant that, you know, I’m anxious about this but the Lord wasn’t. And it calmed me and it just reminded me as I pray for you brother, that one day at a time the Lord loves you and as you grow in that love and knowing that love I think you’re going to desire the addiction even less. Praying for you. God bless you.
Hi DAB family this is Will from beautiful Bozeman Montana. And I am a little behind, probably maybe a month or less than a month behind. But I just want to say that I’ve been thoroughly blessed this year with the DAB, and I’ve been kind of holding back on calling and just listening. I’d do a roll call, but I might mess up because I don’t have a list. But I just listened to the prayer request and Victoria Soldier, thank you so much for your inspiring prayer and your anointed prayer. I do have a prayer request. I told a young man he is a coworker that I would have thousands of people praying for him. His name is Justin. Justin is not a believer. He’s on blood thinners and just has had some health issues. He’s a little overweight but more than anything he’s not a believer and I just want God to show himself to him and I thought I’d just step in and just offer that. And not only that but just make myself known in a sense I have…we have an advocate who can go before us in the name of Jesus and pray. And part of the issue of his…of his illness is the stress that he’s been carrying, his wife is very ill, and he’s had to take time off of work to deal with that. So, pray for her healing as well. Pray that God would reveal himself. DAB family I love you. Thank you. This little app is awesome, being able to just push a button and record like this. And, so Brian, Jill thank you all for your ministry. Thank you all for everything you do, and DAB family thank you for your contributions. And it’s been a blessing. I love you.
Hi DAB family this is Steven in Florida. I’d like to lift up and pray for the young man that called in today and said that his marriage was on the rocks and his mother was kind of not doing well and he said he was going through a dark time. And I just want to lift him up brother and let him know that dark times…God is always with us during our dark…dark times and the gospel is telling us…the Gospels are telling us that Jesus went through really hard times and…but God definitely has a plan for you and he will see you through this and…and when this is all over you’re gonna a see that He has blessed you more than you ever imagined that he had blessed you before. And, so, hang in there man. And another prayer of praise for the father who called in a few days ago and said his son that had run away has come back. And, you know, I’d like to just praise God and thank God for doing that and hopefully it opens…it opens up a new relationship in the family and its…we have the…we have the stories of the prodigal son where God does not reject his children. You know, a father never lets his children go, a mother never lets her children go. And, you know, it’s…it’s…it’s a gift from God. Family is a gift from God. And that’s it. Thank you, Brian again and I’m taking the Old Testament man. King David rockn’.
How do I ride when I don’t have the fare how do I eat when the cupboard is bare how do I hold on if my faith just ain’t there some people would say it’s the power of prayer take your burdens to the Lord and just leave them there I mean he really does care your burdens you share but ain’t Satan the ruler and power of the air he got the whole world in his hands he got the whole world in his hands he got the whole world in his hands but he gives us the power to make our own plans and therein the crux of the whole matter stands because the choices we make chances we take laws that we break for our own selfish sake it becomes hard to admit that you made a mistake and then you ask yourself over and over again didn’t I know that the Lord was truly my friend that his kindness and his grace and his mercy don’t end that all of my battles eventually I’d win now here I am with this big stupid grin on the floor on my knees in a jam once again knowing my actions was nothing but sin and Satan’s still telling me you’re going to win he never stops tryin’ and lyin’ Amen but what if I had stayed what if I had prayed what if I just trust and obeyed but what if’s are fruitless because I can’t change the past but one thing I pray God and humbly ask help me a better person to be a better son a better father a better servant for the because one thing even my blindness I see and that’s nothing that will ever change until I change me
[email protected]. Once again Brian and the Hardin family thank you for this wonderful podcast for God’s Holy Spirit to flow keep the flow and yell. All right. Bye-bye.
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beawake · 5 years
Titans revisited
through the eyes of Donna Troy, shared with the other original sidekicks in a chat.
Posted after midnight because I lost track of time. But here is the fourth chapter! Enjoy!
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
And also on AO3
Chapter 4
As soon as she found her books, Dick made her go with him in his car. She was absolutely right about her life being interrupted. He explained to her that these texts had something to do with his friend Kory’s past that she doesn’t remember, but is somehow connected to Rachel, the teenager he adopted (even though he won’t admit it. “She has her mom again, Don.” Yeah right.). “Can you check again?” “ I did,” Donna answered again, “It’s definitely a mission statement for your friend Kory, who is referred to by name or as Night or Starfire. Look,” she said, pointing at the book, “these words often have a double meaning. Like Aloha or Shalom they can mean both “hello” and “goodbye”.” She switched to a different picture. “It says here, “Her mission is to secure the Raven”, which could mean “take control of” or “take care of”.”
“Take care of?” “Unless I’m reading this wrong.” She looked at Dick, who gave her a quick look back before watching the road again, “Your friend Kory is here to kill Rachel.” Dick gave her a tight look and gripped the steering wheel even harder.
While Dick was driving faster to get to Rachel’s mom’s house on time, Donna decided that maybe she should update the others again. Donna: so remember when I said Donna: That Dick wouldn’t be able to quit being a hero/vigilante? Donna: I was right, but he got me involved in this mess too Roy: And you didn’t call us? Roy: I’m hurt, Don, really hurt Wally: Yeah, don’t you need us? Wally: I can be there in a flash Garth: Really Wally? Donna: Guys no, that’s probably not a good idea. Garth: He doesn’t know you’re talking to us about all of this? Donna looked at Dick next to her, his eyes were locked on the road, his face was stressed, but otherwise emotionless. Bringing their old friend group up now, and all the memories that came with it. Donna sighed, no that wasn’t a good idea at all. Too much pain would come with it, because that was how they originally parted. Donna: No, I didn’t call you. You know how that would go. And that’s also why Dick doesn’t need to know about this. Wally: But I’m his Wally: We’re his friends. Wally: We would always help him! Wally: No matter what. Roy: Yeah, we know that Garth: But he’s an idiot Donna: And sorry guys, but bringing you up now Donna: Bad idea
Donna: He’s stressed enough already Donna: And I’m sorry Walls, but especially you Wally: It’s fine Donna Wally: I get it Wally: Seeing me will only make things worse now
“We’re nearly there,” said Dick, and Donna looked up from her phone. She quickly texted that they’re there and she had to go before putting her phone away. Dick parked on the entrance way and they quickly stepped out. Through the window Donna could see a tall redhead holding a guy in a chokehold. That was definitely not good, she could guess who was who. Before she could say anything to Dick, he was already running inside. She sighed and followed. She took in the scene in the blink of an eye. Dick and the guy that was probably Gar were laying on the floor. The tall redhead, presumably Kory, was standing with her back to Donna, arm outstretched towards the girl that should be Rachel and her mom. If Donna had to guess, she would say that Kory was going to access her powers. She thanked the gods she’d grabbed her lasso. Swinging it, she got Kory by her neck. “Stop,” she said, tightening her hold, the lasso glowed when she gave the command. Kory stopped immediately, grabbing her lasso of persuasion and turning around. With an outraged look she tried to use the lasso to her advantage, but Donna didn’t budge, instead shortening the leeway and doing a somersault to use the momentum and pulled Kory towards her and put her down on the floor. She heard a shriek from Rachel when the table broke because of the impact. Donna slowly stood up again, watching Kory to make sure she stayed down. Her lasso stopped glowing as Donna relaxed, looking around. Dick and Garfield were groaning, so she was sure they were still alright. Rachel was still in the embrace of her mother.
“Are you alright?” asked Dick to Gar when he got off the ground. Garfield took a raspy breath, but he was able to answer. “Yeah” it sounded while Dick helped him up. Rachel’s mom had helped her daughter from the ground, they were walking towards her and Donna didn’t really know what she was supposed to do now. “It’s going to be okay, Rachel,” her mother comforted her. “Nice catch,” Gar said, Donna wasn’t sure who he said it to. “What happened?” Dick went straight to business, and while it might have been better for Gar and Rachel to comfort them first, Donna was grateful. “She tried to kill my daughter,” Rachel’s mother answered, while they walked right passed Donna towards Dick. “Rachel?” Dick asked for confirmation. “I was trying to help Kory get her memory back,” Rachel explained in an uncertain voice. As if on cue, everyone looked at Kory, who was still unconscious on the floor. “I must have done something wrong.” Rachel continued. Rachel’s mom immediately shook her head. “No. None of this is your fault.” Donna tried to ignore the conversation and just rolled up her lasso again while Gar was staring at her. She tried to ignore him too, but that was a bit more difficult. “The lasso,” he finally started speaking, “you’re her, aren’t you?” And he was a fan apparently, this just kept getting better. She didn’t turn around to look at him, appearances be damned, she didn’t want recognition as Wonder Girl anymore. “I’m an old friend of Dick’s.” “You’re Wonder Girl,” he said, something close to glee in his voice. By Hera why did Dick have to have picked up a geek? And why couldn’t said geek just let it go? “I was,” she answered, finally turning to look at him. Thankfully Kory started groaning and the conversation was interrupted. Kory sat up, wood from the broken table fell from her, and she looked around. “What’s going on?” she asked, her eyes landing on Donna before she looked at the rest of the group. “You tried to kill Rachel,” Dick spoke up, moving past the whole easing her into it and going straight to the point. “What?” Kory’s voice was little more than a whisper. “No, I would never do that.” She stood up and moves to go to Rachel. Her mother was still standing protectively in front of her. “I want this woman out of my house,” she said while she couldn’t look Kory in the eye. “Okay,” Dick tried to defuse the situation, “just hold on a sec-” “Now, god damn it!” She didn’t let Dick finish. If Donna thought it was awkward before, it had reached I-just-want-to-silently-disappear-levels now. Rachel was looking at her mother with a shocked expression because of her outburst, Dick’s gaze was flicking from Kory back to Rachel and her mother, and Kory, she looked like her heart was ripped out of her chest. “Rachel, I’m so-” she started walking towards her, trying to comfort her or get comfort, Donna wasn’t sure. Either way, Rachel backed away. Her mother and Dick both moved protectively in front of her. “I’m so sorry” Kory finished, after she gave Donna a look to. Rachel just watched, her hand still close to her neck, bruises had formed, clearly from Kory trying to choke her. When no one spoke up for her, Kory paused, still watching everyone with big eyes. Until they widen some more and she started moving again. “I have to go,” she said, and nobody stopped her. “Kory, wait” Dick called after her after a few seconds and he followed. Rachel finally burst into tears.
Donna couldn’t stay there, not when Dick had left too, and Rachel’s mother was comforting Rachel. So she followed Dick outside. There was clearly something going on with Kory, even if she didn’t know what it was at all.
“I’m starting to remember,” Kory said. Donna missed the first part of the conversation.
“What? What are you remembering?”
“I don’t know.” Kory answered Dick, “I don’t know.” She climbed in the truck and no matter how much Dick called “Kory! Hey, Kory. Hey!” she didn’t listen and started the truck, driving away.
Donna walked up to her friend, as they watched the truck leave. And she gave him a look. He ignored it.
“We have to follow her.” She supressed the urge to sigh because he had this lost puppy look in his eyes. By Aphrodite, he was really smitten for Kory. She took a tracker out of her pocket and threw it at the car. It embedded itself into the car and the light turned on to show that it was working. She took her phone to check and saw a green dot leaving her location. Dick looked confused, leaning over to her to see what she was doing.
“What?” she asked, throwing him a grin, “you’re not the only one with cool gadgets.” She walked to the car that was left. “I’ll drive,” she called.
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buttercream-me-up · 7 years
The Floor Is Lava // Buttercream Squad
Word Count- 1476
Summary- You needed some footage for a vlog, and it didn’t quite go to plan..
Warnings; N/A
A/n; Wow overnight I got 5 imagine requests, you guys are amazing. I’ll get as many done as possible today, thankkkk youuuu x
Requested; Yes. This one was requested for two different boys, so rather I made it a group Platonic.
Hey could you do prompt 8 with Jack please ? xx
hey is it possible to have drabble.8 with joe
8. The floor is lava.
You pulled out your vlogging camera, smiling evilly as you started your video. “Hello everyone! I hope you’re having an amazing day! If you’ve seen me on my videos before, hello again, and if you’re new welcome to my channel!” You did your intro, doing little dance moves and making it a bit sillier for entertainment purposes. “Today, I don’t have much planned, but I’m going to hang out with the boys I think; if you don’t know who I’m talking about, I mean the ‘buttercream gang’ they like to call themselves.” You said, pretending to gag at their nickname.
“No, I’m just kidding; they know I love them all.” You said, back to normal. “So yeah, we’re going to head over now and I’ll see you when we get there.” You left your apartment after ending the clip, hoping in the uber you ordered and driving to Jack’s flat. You thanked the driver and head right into the flat. You walked straight in, seeing as Jack never locked his door. Probably not the best idea, but he always forgot his keys.
“Hey Jack!” You greeted him, hugging him and pulling out your camera. “Hey guys! I’m now at Jack’s flat, and we’re the only ones here because all the other boys are lazy and always late!” You told the camera, Jack coming up behind you. “Honestly, I’d probably be late too if I didn’t live here.” He said, making you laugh and nod. “True. You all are terrible at being on time.”
You and Jack were talking for awhile, both you and him vlogging a bit and talking to the other’s camera; before you got an idea. “Hey Jack..” “Yeah?” He asked, camera at the ready. “The floor is lava.” You smirked, and his eyes widened. While you started counting down, he looked around, and shot himself at the couch. He almost missed, and you burst out laughing. “I hate you.” He said, and you smiled evilly, still giggling. “Yeah, sure you do.” “Hey.. how about we pull this on all of the boys when they get here?” You smirked, and Jack agreed. You set yourselves into positions that wouldn’t get you killed by people attempting to get off the ground.
Not long after, Conor and Josh came into the flat. “Hello!” Josh called, entering the living room where you and Jack were situated. “Shalom!” Conor said, in one of his weird accents. “Guys..” Jack said, faking a worried look towards you. Their expressions darkened. “What is it? Are you alright, Y/N?” Josh asked, worried. You and Jack exchanged sad looked, before smirking and yelling in sync “The floor is lava!” “Fuck!” “Shit!” The two boys said, Conor jumped on Josh’s back and Josh stumbled onto the couch. He JUST made it, and you and Jack were on the floor with laughter.
You quickly reset everything, you and Jack stood up and told the boys to stay quiet and act normal as you were filming for your vlogs. Slowly, one by one the boys came in; Mikey, Oli and Byron all didn’t make it off the ground; the latter just rolling his eyes at us and sitting down properly. He earned a “booo” from the rest of us. Finally, Caspar and Joe showed up together, the last of the group. “Look who decided to show up!” Conor teased, looking at you. “Boys, I have something to tell you..” You said, sadly. You took your camera and filmed as you walked up to their confused faces, whispering loud enough for the camera to hear. “The floor is lava.”
Caspar immediately shoved Joe, much harder than intended, and Joe came crashing down on you, and he landed right on top of you. You smacked your head off the floor, groaning in pain. You heard Caspar say “I win!” but everyone else stay silent. Your sight was blurring slightly, and you could feel Joe scrambling to get off you and trying to apologize, but you were barely conscious. Wow, he may be small, but he was not as light as he looked, and Caspar was much stronger than he looked as well. With that thought, you blacked out.
“Y/N! Y/N!” You faintly heard, the sound getting clearer as you began waking up and groaning as a wave of pain washed over you. “Ouch.” You muttered, hearing a wave of sighs of relief. “Y/N! Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to crush you, and..” Joe said quickly, making you raise a hand and attempt to sit up. Jack, who was closest to you, rushed to your aid, helping you sit up and gave you some water. “Thanks, Jack.” He nodded, looking highly concerned. “I’m fine.” You muttered, rubbing your head.
You looked up, and everyone was looking concerned; Caspar was pacing saying things like “I’ve killed Y/N!” and Joe looked like he was going to cry. “You guys, seriously. I’m fine. Just a little surprised is all.” You said, your voice now loud and clear. “Y/N, I’m so so sorry, I just got excited and, and..” Caspar said, and you rolled your eyes. You grabbed a pillow off the couch (where you’d been moved, obviously by the boys), and chucked it at Caspar’s head. “Ouch!” He said, frowning at you. “I said I’m fine, now shut up and give me a hug.” You pouted, and he obliged. “Seriously, Casp. I’m fine.” He nodded, seemingly unsure but he knew you would prefer it to be let go.
The silence that hung over the room was tense, and you hated it was your fault. “Who's ready to get their ass kicked in FIFA, then?” You said, making the boys give you strange looks. “What? You think because I hit my head means I can’t still beat you all at this game?” They all looked at each other, and turned back to you. “You’re on, Y/N!” They all said, not in sync, but close enough. “Good. Let’s play.”
The game finished close, but you managed to beat Oli, Josh and Jack; which was quite an achievement, since these boys played so often. You smirked as you dismissed yourself to the ‘bathroom’ when in reality, you were going to the balcony; all the boys knew it, but didn’t question you. It was your favorite part of Jack’s flat, the view wasn’t all that great, but it was still beautiful in your eyes. The calming breeze would probably help your still slightly dizzy state as well.
You took in a deep breath of air, instantly feeling better. You pulled out your camera. “Hey guys. So if we didn’t get any footage of that, because I really don’t know if we did, that didn't go quite to plan. I got knocked over by Caspar and Joe fell on me, and I blacked out for a bit. But don’t worry, I’m fine. These boys are honestly the sweetest things on the planet and they take care of me, so a huge shoutout to them. Go follow and subscribe to all of them!” You said, smiling. “That’s it for today’s video for now, I highly doubt the boys will let me do anything for the rest of the week, let alone today, so in case I don’t film anything more, thank you all for watching today’s video, comment, like, subscribe, do all that good stuff, and I’ll see you, next time. Goooooodbye!” You signed, off, taking one last breath of air before going to return inside.
When you turned around, however, all the boys were standing there, all looking at you with big smiles. “Aww Y/N, did you really mean those things about us?” Caspar asked, probably smiling the brightest. “‘Course I did, you big loser.” You said, pulling him into a hug. “GROUP HUG!” Conor cried, and all the boys squished you into a ball of sweaty men’s bodies. You weren’t complaining though; these boys were your best friends, and you were proud to say it. “Who knew crushing Y/N with Joe would bring out her sweet side?” Jack teased, making us all laugh. “Who knew “the floor is lava” could bring out Caspar’s violent side?” You retorted, and you all went back inside.
The rest of the evening was spent cracking jokes about how clumsy you were and how you easily could’ve slipped even if the boys hadn’t pushed you, (mainly trying to get the guilt off Caspar and Joe’s shoulders), and enjoying the time you had together. It wasn’t easy being best friends in such a big group and hanging out all at once, especially with a group of YouTubers with hectic schedules. It was the times like these you cherished with your friends, and even if it meant you getting hurt and blacking out, you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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shabbat shalom! :p “I always loved the way you wore your hair.” for dwc night
Good Shabbos, and thanks for the prompt! Have more Josie, Herah, and Cullen, my favorite polyam triad. :) For @dadrunkwriting
Josephine pulled the comb through the long, wet tresses of Herah’s hair, tutting over the tangled snarls she found. “You weren’t wearing your braids,” she gently chided. “It’s so long, how will you make sure no one pulls it on the field?”
Herah laughed and leaned into Josie’s hands. “No, my love,” she corrected, “I wear it long so you can pull it.” She tilted her head back, careful to avoid brushing her horns against Josie’s legs, and grinned at her lover’s flushed face.
“You are incorrigible, mi amor.” She tapped the wooden comb on Herah’s nose with a content smile. “Bath first, then play. You’ve been sparring all day and smell like the training yard.”
“Okay, okay, have it your way.” Herah looked forward once more as Josephine worked on her hair. “Though I seem to remember that’s not always a deterrent for other activities,” she said with a purr.
“Is she trying to sweet-talk her way out of a bath? Make sure she uses those therapeutic salts, I saw the fall she took today. And someone wasn’t wearing her padded leathers, like she should have.”
Cullen made his way up the stairs and into the room, his fingers at the buckles of his chestplate. He shrugged out of his surcoat and mantle before divesting of his armor.
“Hey now, two against one isn’t a very fair fight, Cullen.” Herah feigned a pout as he approached. “Aren’t you supposed to be on my side?”
“Only when you’re the Inquisitor, and right now you’re just my exasperating love,” he replied with a laugh, striding across the room.
Josephine dropped the comb on a nearby table and rose from the stool. “Good evening, my dearest,” she greeted warmly, stepping into his embrace. “I’m surprised you could join us tonight.”
“Oh, I decided after today’s performances in the sparring ring that Herah deserved a bit of a lecture for not wearing her proper gear. Hello, my love.” Cullen pulled Josie into a short dip, earning a breathless laugh and a tender kiss.
“Someone’s in a good mood,” Herah observed, resting her chin on her folded arms on the edge of the tub. Her eyes glittered as she watched.
Josie smiled as Cullen moved to the metal tub, eyeing it with a lingering consideration. “It’s not often he gets the opportunity to chide you, my sweet.”
Herah rolled her eyes dramatically but smiled as she stood quickly and caught Cullen in her wet arms, spilling water over the rim with her movement as he protested. “Kiss first, lecture later?” she asked, darting her lips over his jaw before catching his lips.
He snorted but, already soaked, wrapped his arms around her. “You’re the worst, Herah,” he grumbled with mock indignation. “Now, you’re going to take the reprimand so we can move to more pleasant activities, aren’t you?”
Water splashed his trousers as Herah dropped back into the tub, settling against the wall again with a laugh. Josie sat back on her stool and continued her work with Herah’s snarled tresses once more.
Cullen grabbed a nearby towel to mop up the spilled bathwater, but was soon distracted by Josephine’s slender fingers working through Herah’s long hair. “You should have been wearing it up today, you know,” he said. “You have such beautiful hair; I always love your braided styles. A good tactical move, as well as gorgeous.”
Herah laughed. “How do I know you’re perfect for each other? You both pick on me for the same thing!”  
“We are perfect together, the three of us,” Josephine corrected. “And someone has to keep you in line.” Satisfied as she brushed the comb through the untangled hair, she began to pluck the lengths into an ornate braid. She hummed as she worked, and watched a lazy smile curl across Cullen’s face when he recognized the Ferelden tune.
“There,” she said as she wove the tail into the braided mass.  “Now she’s all yours, Commander, lecture away.”
The women laughed as he stood up and paced, reminiscent of his commanding presence on the training yard. He smirked, meeting their eyes in turn, a warm glow building in his chest at the joyful sounds.
Perfect together, yes, he thought with a smile, taking in their pleased faces. 
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Siblings Vs. Couple » Jack Maynard
Requests: Hey there I love reading your imagines. I was wondering if you could do one when your partner with Jack Maynard and you did a tag with his siblings for his channel and you get along well with his siblings and cute stuff thank you I hope you have a great day or night 💜
Can you write an imagine where you and Jack have a really cute moment while filming?
You, your boyfriend Jack, his brother, Conor and his sister, Anna were filming a ‘Siblings Vs. Couple’ challenge for Jack’s YouTube channel. You, Jack and Conor were visiting both your families down in Brighton, where you grew up.
You had known the Maynard’s since you were a small girl and had been dating Jack since you were both teens. You really did have a fairytale romance; he was your first everything. First crush, first kiss, first relationship etc. You asked yourself everyday what you did to deserve someone so wonderful.
“Hello everybody! Today I’m joined with my beautiful girlfriend, Y/N!” He began enthusiastically. You smiled waving at the camera. “And these two. You probably know them. This is my brother, Conor and my sister, Anna.”
“Shalom.” Conor greeted making you laugh.
“We’re going to be doing the ‘Siblings Vs. Couple’ challenge. Y/N and I have come up with 10 questions for Conor and Ana and they’ve come up with 10 for us and we’ll see who knows each other better.” Jack explained. You grabbed his phone out of his hand and typed in the password to get the questions up.
“What was the name of Conor’s first girlfriend?” You read out. “3, 2, 1.”
“Georgia.” The two answered in sync and cheered.
“What age did Jack loose his virginity at?” Conor smirked. “3, 2, 1.”
“17.” The two of you answered.
“You’re such an idiot. It was Y/N.” Your boyfriend teased making Conor huff. “What was the subject Anna had her highest grade in in her GSCEs? 3, 2, 1.”
“English Lit.” Anna exclaimed. Conor stared at her blankly nothing escaping his mouth. “For God’s sake, Conor! What’s Y/N’s phone password? 3, 2, 1.”
“231194.” You answered whilst Jack said it was his birthday. You smiled and leaned into your boyfriend’s side. He wrapped his arm around you and pressed a kiss to your head.
“Could you please stop? I don’t want any nieces or nephews yet.” Conor joked heaving.
“But maybe you will!” You winked and kissed Jack earning a disgusted response from the oldest Maynard. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He whispered into your ear.
“Can we continue?” Anna interrupted. You huffed but nodded.
“What animal was Conor’s first pet?” Jack asked. “3, 2, 1.”
“Hamster.” Conor replied.
“Fish?” Anna questioned. Conor shook his head and teasingly got up to leave the room. “Where did you have your first kiss? 3, 2, 1.”
“Cleaning cupboard in school.” You both spoke. Jack cheered and you giggled staring into the blue of his eyes stealing a quick kiss from him.
“Are we going to have this all throughout the video?” Conor grumbled.
“This is my video brother and if you don’t like it, you know where the door is.” Jack teased. You moved a strand of hair out of his eyes as it was annoying you and made a note that that boy really needed a haircut. “Anna’s biggest pet peeve about Conor. 3, 2, 1.”
“Chewing loudly.” They answered and cheered.
“What day did the two of you become a couple? 3, 2, 1.” Conor asked.
“August 10th.” You replied in sync.
“Are you cheating? You’ve got to get one wrong!” He exclaimed.
“We just know each other best.” You grinned hooking one of your legs over Jack’s. His hand immediately moved to touch your bare knee and tickled your leg mindlessly.
You finished off the video and managed to win the challenge unsurprisingly. You let Jack go off to his room you were sharing to edit the video and sat with Anna for a bit.
“How’s life treating you then, Mini Maynard?” You smiled. Anna stared down at her hands and your heart dropped to your stomach.
“Not too well.” She sighed twirling her thumbs. “James broke up with me; he cheated on me…”
“I’ll kill him!” You growled pulling the youngest Maynard sibling closer to you.
“Why can’t I have what you and Jack have? I want that!” She cried into your chest.
“You’ll find someone sweetheart.” You told her stroking her hair. Her sobs continued until they stopped completely and she had fallen asleep on your chest. You could also feel your eyes drooping and you let sleep overtake you.
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existentialterror · 7 years
Short story from the archives. This was written for a game of Monster Hearts and probably won’t make much sense outside of it, but I like it and thought the format was interesting, so let’s try it. Alcyon of Long Marsh, the main character, is a lackadaisical hipster lesbian witch. She has an etsy shop but no phone, because phones give you cancer. Half of her magic works as intended, but she doesn’t know which half. In this story, Kale, the slimey but faintly endearing sleezebag who does tasks for the very rich and threatening Tsaigrinn, has left his phone in her car after he and the player characters (Tsaigrinn, Alcyon, Cal, some others) investigated a mystery in the woods. These are the calls she takes on Kale’s phone.
“No, this is, uh, Kale's phone. On an object-level scale, this is exactly the result you wanted to get. But on a more spiritual, or rather, metaphysical level, you will not get to speak to Kale. That was your broader vision, but it's not your future. It cannot be. Kale is not here.”
“That's what I'm saying. This isn't his phone any more. You have to find some other way to speak to him.”
“No, no, he's fine. I mean, I assume he is. I don't want to know.”
“Did I steal it? No, he gave it to me. Why do you ask?”
“Y'ello? No, this is Alcyon of Long Marsh, last of her name, well, so far at least. Probably forever. But I don't know, you know? Maybe I just haven't met the right person. I'm so young.”
“Nah man, he's not here. Look, I'm way more interesting. I make spells for a living. I have an Etsy shop. I compose ambient plateau noise. I might save the world. Why would you want to talk to him?”
“Debt collection? Oh. I don't know anything about that, man.”
“Hola. Nah, man, Kale's not here. I'm not your baby. What? Ew. That sounds gross. Don't call here again.”
“Greetings. Oh, you again. Listen, I really don't know where Kale is. I know you want to reach him, and I know this was his number, but he changed it, or like, isn't using phones anymore, or whatever. I don't know where he is. I don't even want to. You and me, my friend, are at cross purposes.”
“Yeah, I can imagine Kale doing that. I bet it's a ton of money. God. That's priceless.”
“Anyways, how much?”
“Ha ha, god. That's hilarious.”
“Heyo. No, this is Alcyon, who is this? No, you got the right number.”
“Oh my god. Susan Flanagan, like the- yeah! Whoa. Why are you calling Kale?”
“Wait, no, listen, I didn't mean to be such a dick. I'm sorry.  It isn't my business why a lovely lady such as yourself is calling a slovenly bastard such as- wait, sorry, did it again. Maybe I shouldn't be so hard on this guy. Maybe I misjudged him, you know? I mean, I'm still way more attractive and interesting, but you think you know someone, and then it turns out they have whole secret lives and events and universes going on inside them.”
“I can't pass on a message for you, aren't you listening? Listen, I respect you. Whatever you and Kale have going on is beautiful. Never forget that.”
“Am I his- no, ha ha, god, can you imagine? He left his phone in my car. Are you doing anything this weekend?”
“Hello? Hello?”
“Namaste, who's calling?”
“Oh, you again! I have not seen our friend Kale since we last spoke.”
“I was being figurative, god. We don't know each other. Listen, I'm a little hammered, plastered, or maybe drywalled at the moment, and-”
“Like, don't know him at all. Just stop calling.”
“Okay, listen. You want money? Here is what you do. You need an egg. Like a chicken egg. You have to dip it in ocean water- from the ocean, can't just dump some iodized shit in tap water and call it a day- legit ocean water-”
“You're writing this down? Jesus.”
“Okay, and then you hollow it out. Like a blown easter egg. The internet will tell you how to do it. Then you have to put a small amount of, uh, lead, or gold, inside the egg. A fine wire. I'm telling you, just a small amount. You probably have some already. Then you bury it in your garden for three nights. You gotta dig it up again- be real careful, cause it's, like, an egg- and put it in your house. Then great financial fortune will come to you.”
“Yeah, no problem. Glad to help. Best of luck, man.”
“Hey there. Oh, uh, hey Tsaigrinn. This is Alcyon. No, uh, you need to update your database, or, uh, mind-palace, or whatever, to his new number.”
“Oh, he needs a new phone. He left it in my car during the, uh, events in the forest and I told him you'd get him a new one from the future. I thought he'd told you. Maybe he couldn't reach you. He doesn't know where you live, does he?”
“Nah, I don't want to give it to him. He's slimey and I think if he touches me, I might turn into one. You could, if you want. Or, like, get a robot to deliver it to him. I don't want this cancer machine. Do what you want.”
“Hey, you have a lot of phones. Why don't you have cancer? Wait, don't hang up.”
“Hi. If you're-”
“Oh, it's you! The, uh, the debt collection guy, Mr.-”
“Yeah. What's up?”
“I- it worked? Seriously?”
“That's a lot.”
“All that just from a bank error?”
“Well, uh. I'm glad to have assisted this money in its path to you- you know, with, like, some faith and the willingness to try new shit, the universe can, uh, really open its doors to you. That's how magic works. If you're interested in my other work, I have this Etsy shop...”
“Shalom. This is the phone that formerly belongs to Kale. I am the spirit of this noxious machine. If he owes you money, or you want to bang him, for some reason, or you want to hang out with him and your other gross friends, because your life is falling apart, like, that just isn't going to work out. I, the soul of the have been freed from this gross man's pocket into this wide world and no longer adhere to the iron laws of my flesh master. In fact, I'm giving you cancer right now, so speak quickly, mortal.”
“Oh, hey Cal. Ignore all that. What's up?”
0 notes
dailyaudiobible · 6 years
08/30/2018 DAB Transcript
Job 34:1-36:33 , 2 Corinthians 4:1-12 , Psalms 43:1-5 , Proverbs 22:8-9
Today is the 30th day of August. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is great to be here with you today. Man…30th day of August, that…that means tomorrow is the last day of this month. How about that? Well, let's make the most of what we have left of the month of August for God's glory and let's take the next step forward together as we move to the Scriptures. We’ve been reading from the God's word Translation this week. And now we’ll go back to Job, pick up where we left off yesterday. Job 34 verse 1 through 36:33.
Okay. So, in second Corinthians today we kind of pass through a fairly famous piece, portion of Scripture. Paul says, in every way we’re troubled but we aren’t crushed by our troubles. We’re frustrated but we don't give up. We’re persecuted but we’re not abandoned. We’re captured but we’re not killed. We’re always carrying around the death of Jesus in our bodies so that the life of Jesus is also shown in our bodies. The reason that this is fairly popular Scripture is that it's a message of endurance. The message of endurance is something that we’re going to begin seeing over and over and over and over, like an escalating theme through the rest of the New Testament. This passage from Paul today encourages us not to give up. That's what’s made it popular. Here's the interesting thing. Here's a little twist. Paul's not talking about us in that Scripture, not that we can’t apply it to ourselves or the idea of enduring until the end. But he's not talking about his readers. He’s talking about what it is like for he and his ministry team to do what they're doing. So, whoever it is in your life that you consider a spiritual leader, whoever it is that is your pastor or priest or presbyter, whoever it is that are deacons, whoever it is that is serving the body wherever you are, they are going through these things for themselves but also on your behalf. So, like a double dose of burden. So, let’s go back through that passage again with our spiritual leaders in mind. In every way we are troubled but we aren’t crushed by our troubles. We’re frustrated but we don't give up. We’re persecuted but we’re not abandoned. We’re captured but we’re not killed. We always carry around the death of Jesus in our bodies so that the life of Jesus is also shown in our bodies. While we are alive we are constantly handed over to death for Jesus sake so that the life of Jesus is also shown in our mortal nature. Death is at work in us but life is at work in you. We can find this passage encouraging because it helps us individually to have a message of endurance, but every time we hear this verse we should also understand its context and begin to intercede and pray for those who we consider spiritual leaders in our lives. They’re carrying a heavy burden on our behalf. That is what the calling requires.
Father, we take this opportunity here in the waning days of this eighth month of the year to thank You for those that You have sent into our lives to mentor and encourage us, for those that You've given to pastor and shepherd us, for those that You have given to serve Your body, which includes us, we thank You for them. And we acknowledge that it's a very difficult job to care for sheep who…who go astray. And we acknowledge that You have empowered and called and gifted certain people to carry this burden. And, so, we ask God that You fill anew with Your Holy Spirit, restore them, rejuvenate them, fill them with light and life and hope. Fill them with strength and endurance. Put the wind at their back and give them rest. We thank You God for sending people that have loved us, whether we loved them back or not, that have cared about what happens to us whether we've cared or not. We thank You for those who have stepped into the role of being Your hands and feet and caring for the community of faith. Come Holy Spirit, fill them with Your power we ask in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, it’s where you find out what's going on around here.
And I’ve been mentioning what's going on around here most of this week. The Daily Audio Bible family reunion, a first of its kind ever, will be taking place here in the rolling hills of Tennessee this Saturday and Sunday. So, we’re looking forward to that a lot. We announced it back in the springtime and the capacity that we had, it sold out pretty quickly, very quickly, faster than we thought. But we are looking forward to all of those of you who were able to register and will be here. And it’ll be a blast. And we pray God's mercy and traveling mercies as you come to the rolling hills of Tennessee over the next couple of days. This Saturday, which is September 1 we’ll be doing a Facebook Live from the events. This will take place at 8 PM September 1st, Saturday, Central Standard Time. So, obviously, if you are in the Eastern time one, then that's 9 PM. If you are on the Pacific coast of the United States that's 6 PM and you can figure that out from there wherever it is you are in the world. And we’ll look forward to seeing you. Come join in fellowship with one another even virtually and be able to talk to each other in real time as this is going on. We’ll look forward to a wonderful time September 1st, 8 PM. this will be a Facebook Live. So, the address you need to navigate toward is facebook.com/dailyaudiobible. And we’ll look forward to seeing you there.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, as we navigate our way through another summer, thank you for your…for your partnership. Thank you. There is a link on the homepage of dailyaudiobible.com. If you're using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian. I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi family. It’s Shannon from Texas. I need you guys to pray about something for me. It’s hard for me to talk about because I consider this very personal but it’s gotten to a point where I really need some…some help. I have been seeing someone for a while…about six months…but I have definitely held him at bay. My favorite thing to do is say no because I am waiting on an answer from the Lord about whether he’s the one for me or not. And most of the time I feel like he’s not. But I have seen him grow tremendously in the Lord and the weird thing about me is that…sometimes I think I’m just crazy because of what I’ve been through in a relationship, just an abusive narcissist relationship and then I left that man so many times and went back I think it’s just distorted my view of what is right and what is supposed to be healthy and normal. But I have spent four years single and preparing myself and I feel like I am ready now to go forward. And I just need prayers to know. He’s such a good man and he loves me so much and he has been so patient with me. And to be honest, a lot of the reason I feel like I don’t want him is for financial reasons. And I know that that’s not right because he has told me things like that he will work his fingers to the bone from and it just breaks my heart because I think what man says that? And I just need some prayer because I want to either end or go forward. No more waiting around. So, please pray for me. Pray for him. I love you guys. Thank you so much. I’m praying for all of you.
Hi. It’s Robert Clark, Learning to Serve. I’ve been wanting to talk about my testimony I guess. It’s really important, I think it might help some of us, or all of us, or someone maybe. But I came to the Daily Audio Bible 12 years ago or 11 and I got to the 12th year and listened to it and I love this. I just love this so much. I’ve been able to, in that amount of time, 11 years, go about 40 times. And I’ve listened to everybody’s prayer requests and I just think it’s just the most amazing thing that we have that, with the word and with a guy like Brian and his family to be able to…to guide us. My testimony is like, I guess, Jesus came to me one night when I was in real deep distress and He brought me to a shalom that was beyond any understanding I understood. And at that point, which was 13 years ago, sent me on a quest to understand the word and understand what God and Jesus were doing more. And I always had trouble reading it myself and I am just learning and growing with you all. And I’m just, really am learning to communicate now so much more as the time goes by. I just love prayer and to see it happen and to listen and to learn. I know I have two minutes. I love you all. And I thank God for you all. And in Jesus name I pray with you all. And Amen, yes, and thank you with all my love. God bless us all.
Hello everybody. Hey it’s Annette Allison from Oklahoma City. Hey, Terry the Truck Driver, my brother,  God bless you, God bless you. I am so thankful that you are okay and that He put his hand down there to protect you. I don’t know what that bridge looked like but I know usually on the other side of bridge is a pretty big fall and I’m…I’m just glad you are okay. I am so, so sorry about your puppy dog and I know you had…I think you had just lost one recently on top of that. Man I’m thinking oh man. I gave my dogs and express just because for you brother. And I hope that everything is going well with your…your truck and your insurance and all that kind of thing and your wife. God bless her. I could not even imagine…imagine the anxiety that she must’ve been going through but I’m sure that she’s thankful that you’re alright. And I know we are all thankful that you’re alright. And, so, in the Spirit I like to pray with everybody going on the family retreat this weekend, woot woot. We are going to have a really good time. And dear Lord, please put Your hand on everyone. Keep their vehicles of travel, their methods of travel safe and secure. All of those of you on an airplane I hope that you find great opportunities to speak to anyone around who will listen about what you are doing and where you’re going and why you’re going there. Because I know that we all have great stories to tell. And it can provide hope for many people. And may we grow our family as we come together. And I hope that the Lord will lay His hand on that place that were going to and keep us all safe and keep everybody who wants to go to the city safe. And may our weather be nice. I know that whatever the Lord has in store with us is for a reason…
Hi. This is Melody from Canada and I am calling to respond to Curtis from Callie. I heard your prayer on August 26th. You’re struggling with OCD and brother I can relate to you. I also struggle with OCD and __ and it’s exhausting and distressing and it’s so easy to feel like a terrible person. You hear like __ in my head and it…yeah…it’s really hard. And I just want to encourage you to be kind to yourself and know that God is with you even if your brain may be screaming otherwise. And hold onto Him and don’t let the thoughts of power because they don’t have power they only have as much power as you give them. And I pray for you for a clear mind and for hope to worship __ out of trouble and that you’re able to rest in Christ as He lives throughout your soul. I’m praying for you as I have if you could pray for me. Thanks. Love you all. Bye.
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dailyaudiobible · 7 years
01/04/2018 DAB Transcript
Genesis 8:1-10:32, Matthew 4:12-25, Psalms 4:1-8, Proverbs 1:20-23
Today is January 4th. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian and it's great to be here with you today as we move through our first week together this year. And as you can probably see, the Bible launches us like a rocket, like, we just take off, and there’s so many interesting things going on. And, so I'm excited. I'm excited about today, I'm excited about this first week, and I'm excited about this year. So, we’ll pick up where we left off yesterday and read Genesis chapters 8 through 10. And we’re reading from the New International Version this week.
Okay. So, we've come to our reading from Proverbs today. And, true to what we been doing the last couple of days, we've been just doing a little bit of an overview of what the book is that we’re reading and where it comes from. And so, we did that with Genesis, we did that with Matthew, we did that with Psalms yesterday. And, so, today, Proverbs. And I’ve mentioned this, Proverbs is an invaluable book of practical wisdom. In the structure of the Old Testament, Proverbs is the main book in what is called the collection of wisdom literature. The others being, Ecclesiastes, the book of Job, and part of the Psalms. And these portions of Scripture are called wisdom literature because they're more intended to speak a direct lesson, rather than to be a narrative where the reader follows a story and then gleans meaning from it. The wisdom literature, or the books of wisdom, speak directly what they are trying to teach. So, most of the Proverbs are attributed to the great wise man, King Solomon, although there are a couple of other characters involved that lend their wisdom to the Proverbs. It seems that the Proverbs may have been collected all along, but weren't really put into a collection until the time of around King Hezekiah. And most biblical scholars think that some of the Proverbs could predate Solomon and were a series of oral traditions and oral wisdom that had been handed down from generation to generation and, finally, placed into the collection of Proverbs. And the Proverbs all address the human experience and transfer wisdom that has stood the test of time to what we, as people, experience both with each other, and with God, and inside of ourselves. And it gives us the ultimate roadmap to life. It's the ultimate book of wisdom, the greatest collection of wisdom that mankind has. Proverbs tells us, whatever you do, get wisdom because wisdom is more valuable than anything else. If you have wisdom everything else can be achieved. And the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. And, so, our reading from Proverbs today will be from the first chapter, versus 20 through 23.
Thank You Father for Your word and all of its facets and nuances and for the way it speaks so relevantly into our lives and our stories. And, even though we’re only four days into this year, Your word feels so safe and so familiar, and we grant it access to our hearts and invite Your Holy Spirit to speak through Your word into our lives as we take a step forward every day through the scriptures. Come, Holy Spirit. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, its home base, its where you find out what's going on around here.  Let me tell you what's been going on around here.
We have been experiencing some growing pains and you’ve probably been experiencing them too. So, yesterday I got up to find that we had a complete systemwide outage that was affecting all of the Daily Audio Bible programs. And that's very unusual. And it's kind of a big deal. Oh, but guys, we have such a good team. Chet’s team up in Indiana figured it out, isolated it, and worked on getting everything restored, while Daniels team in Kansas City found workarounds and got us back up and running. This isn’t the first time that we've experienced growing pains, but it was definitely the first time in 12 years we’ve experienced something like that. So, we were back up and running pretty quickly. And, so thanks to the dedicated people who work so hard to make this happen every day. When we launch our app or go to our web player and push play and hear the Daily Audio Bible every day, it takes…I mean…there’s just a lot of things that happen to make that happen, including nearly 20 servers, simply to handle the data. So, it’s no small feat. And I appreciate…appreciate what we have here as a team and as a community.
Now, you also may have experienced inability to register an account or getting errors on the website or that kind of thing. That's just a result of system overload. We’re getting 5 to 10 requests per second on the system. So, we’ve been experiencing some overloads, which is, you know, giving you errors. And that should be going away. We've put some measures in place and are putting some additional measures in place to kind of handle all that's going on. So, things should be starting to smooth out there. The downside is that the upgrades that we've had to make is going to increase our monthly costs to support of platform by 30 fold. So, 30 times as much, which is a little scary, but the upside is that the Lord invited us to do this, to create all of this and to give it away. So, I don't think the Lord spilled His coffee when he realized we had some growing pains, like I just about did. And he has provided every single step of the way for the 12 years that we've been at this. So, I have no doubt that this is no problem for Him. But over the next couple of days everything should smooth out and work more like it is intended to. So, like I say a lot, where in this together. Thank you for your prayers. Things should be smoothing out and will continue to smooth out over the next couple of days.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com. There’s a link that's on the homepage. If you’re using the new Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And as always, we are a community and we are in this together. If you're shouldering burdens that are best not carried alone, there’s a number you can call and a community, all of us together behind that number, and we are praying people, and we are a loving people. So, there are some numbers that you can call. If you are in the Americas, 877-942-4253 is the number. If you are in the UK or Europe you can call 44-20-3608-8078 and if you're in Australia are not part of the world. Call 61-3-8820-5459.
And that's it for today. I’m Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi family. This is His little Cherri from Canada and I’m really enjoying Brian read the last of Revelations. Finally, the happily ever after that is coming for us. But as I’ve been thinking about how wonderful it would be to finally experience complete shalom, it occurs to me that this life here and now is my only chance to love God in the middle of a mess. Because when I'm in heaven, I’ll see Him as He is. I’ll love Him as He loves me. But it will be too late then to offer Him what I can give Him now, which is to worship Him, thwarts and all, to trust Him before I’m healed, to come to Him even in the middle of my addictions. And I know that we’re in the process of being saved. We do experience redemption hear and now, but none of us are perfect yet. I know I'm not. And so many times I feel that my feeble attempts to love and obey God must just be a joke to Him. But, actually, I think it's the exact opposite. I think He must treasure every offering that I bring, weak and broken as it is, because it’s a rare and precious thing to Him. So, family I just wanted to remind us that we don't have to wait to come to God until we get our act together. Let’s run to Him now in the middle of our mess because this is our chance to give Him something we can only give Him now, our brokenness. God bless you family.
Hey family. This is Jordan from Michigan. December 31st, __ the end of another year. This is the second time I’m finishing the Daily Audio Bible and the second time that I’ve read the Bible because of the Holy Spirit and by God’s providence finding the Daily Audio Bible. And, so, I’m just so grateful for all of you and all your prayers that you’ve been praying for me over the past couple of years. And it’s really made such a huge difference. And, if I could, I would like to request that you would just pray for me for the next year that God would transform my teaching. This is the first year that I'm ever going to be in the same job for a whole year. And I’m a teacher. And I really just need…I really need the guidance of God because I am really struggling with that. So, thank you and happy New Year. Love you guys. Bye.
Hello Daily Audio Bible family. This is John calling from Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. It is the 31st day of December 2017, the final day of December 2017, and I just got through listening to the 31st of December program and finishing up the last transcript for the program of the year. And I couldn’t make the call here right away because I was just crying…just tears of absolute joy over being able to get here…not that though…but it was just being here with all of you and getting to know you. So, Brian, thank you, thank you, thank you so much for your dedication and commitment and loyalty and integrity and truth and for everything you do in your ministry here in sharing the word of God. Thank you to the family, the Daily Audio Bible family and your family, Brian. You folks are amazing. This community has changed my life forever and I know it’s doing work in your hearts as well as it’s done in mine. So, I can’t thank you all enough. You’ve been such an inspiration and a blessing to me. I’ve cried with you, I’ve laughed with you. And I just want to leave Brian with the same words that he left us this morning. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He make his face to shine upon you, Brian, and be gracious to you. May He lift up his countenance on you and give you peace. May the strength of God go with you. May the wisdom of God instruct you. May the hand of God protect you. May the word of God direct you. May you be sealed in Christ this day and forevermore. Amen. And God bless you. We’ll see you next year guys.
Hi family. This is Purely Pampered of Maine. I’m calling in for prayer requests for a few of you that I continue to pray for regularly but haven’t heard from in a long time, some of you, years. If you’re still listening, will you call in and give us an update as we continue to pray for you? Marie with your daughter, Elizabeth Joy, and your now toddler, how are you doing? I’m praying for you. Valerie, you used to call in regularly for you and your husbands physical health and for the situation where you were being taken advantage of by your grandchildren. You’re in my prayers. Nana Jones, I’m still prying for you, for your daughter Tiffany, who was an exotic dancer and your now, must be, eight-year old grandchild. Crystal, you had seven children and you contemplated abortion or adoption for your eighth. But you decided to keep that baby who now must be a preschooler. You’re in my prayers. And Kevin of California and your three sons, Levi, Moses, and Takoa that you hadn’t seen in two years. Now it might be close to three. I’m praying for you all. Oh, Creator and Sustainer of all, I lift up each of these brothers and sisters in their situations to You. I pray for healing, for restoration, and for Your supernatural peace that goes deeper than their painful situations. Fill each of them with hope Lord. I lift them up to You. Amen. Love you family. Bye for now.
Good evening. It’s Beloved for Him from Gloucester in the UK and it is Sunday the 31st of December 2017. Just going to read a couple of words from Hebrews that I got read at my church today. Keep your life free from love of money and be content with what you have. For He has said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. So, we can confidently say, the Lord is my helper, I will not fear. What can man do to me? Remember your leaders, those who spoke to you the word of God. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. And that’s from Hebrews 13. Yes, you know, the old year is done. The new year is coming. And I just wanted to take a few to say thank you for all of your prayers, love, and support this year and bring on the next year. And just a reminder for us to pray for our leaders. Pray for Brian and those involved behind the scenes in the Daily Audio Bible. But also pray for our local churches as well, that they’ll be encouraged. So, I’m just going to pray now. Father God, thank You so much for what You’ve done for our lives in 2017. Thank You so much for placing this burden on Brian to read the word…and it’s like 12 years that he’s finished Lord and that is amazing. Father God, but we’re not focusing on what’s happened Lord. We’re looking ahead. Lord, thank You so much for 2018 and this new app that we have and I Pray Lord that You be bringing people to find the app and find the podcast and to get through the Bible and join us. Lord, help us spread the message of Daily Audio Bible and how important it is to be reading Your word, but also help people find it Lord. Bless this coming year Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.
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dailyaudiobible · 7 years
12/03/2017 DAB Advent Transcript
Sneezing Jesus - Chapter 1, Advent - On Brokenness and Wholeness 
Hey friends, Brian here. And today is the first Sunday of Advent. And, although I didn't grow up observing Advent over the years, it has become really helpful to me to keep me tethered to the reason this season is happening. Advent, of course, means arrival. And in these days leading up to Christmas we make some space and some time to contemplate the implications of the arrival of the Savior, while at the same time, longing for His Second Advent, His second arrival, His return. So, to help us all move into that season and aim our hearts in that direction, I’d like to read for you, Chapter 1 of my book Sneezing Jesus, which is entitled, Advent.
God’s movement is often abrupt and unsettling rather than predictable and settling. - Michael Joseph Brown
LONG AGO, in a land far away, there was an unspoiled garden created for a special purpose: to cradle and nourish the most captivating of God’s creatures - humans. Among all the intricate life born out of creation - the plants and the insects, the birds and the beasts - these human creatures were unique. They were God-like, crafted in the image of their Creator. God had, indeed, breathed His own life into them, offering them living souls.1 And to these exquisite creatures, God bequeathed the earth in all its elaborate wonder.
In this time, before time was being counted, these humans lacked nothing. The world was without conflict. Everything was in harmony. All was perfect and whole, as it was intended to be. This essential state of being would later have a name: shalom. God’s peace and order were perfect in all places, at all times, and in all things. Wholeness was completely normal. Upon these human creatures, God bestowed incredible abilities. In collaboration with their Creator Father, they could in turn create other life after God’s image. God also gave them the gift of a will, one of the most powerful of all gifts, which allowed them the choice to enter into relationship with their Creator—the essence of true love. And true love it was.
These human creatures were a seamless and perfect transition between the physical and the spiritual. They could at once be present in their humanness and commune with their Creator in spirit. The soul of the divine and the physicality of the human occupying the same space at the same time was, like shalom, completely normal. God was within them and around them, and they knew and experienced nothing but perfection.
Unfortunately, it was not to last.
Among the swaying grass and intricate forestry of the garden, God placed two specific trees. One became known as the tree of life, and God’s children were invited to eat their fill of its fruit and enjoy life eternal. The other tree was known as the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This one was forbidden. In all of creation, the fruit of this tree was the one thing God asked His children not to partake of.
Although the Creator had prohibited His children from eating this fruit, He did not take away their ability to choose otherwise. Love isn’t love if there’s no way out. And allowing this choice created a vulnerability. After all, loving and collaborative relationships require this kind of trust.
A time came when the first man and woman found themselves before the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, absorbing a deception that would bring devastating results. Satan told them that if they ate the fruit dangling before them, they would become like God. In perhaps the cosmic irony of all time, they had somehow forgotten that they already were.
And so they ate. The juice of rebellion that flowed into their bodies was fatal to their souls. A breach was opened. Trust was broken. The misused gift of will and choice shattered the intimate love and trust between Creator and created. With one decision, humankind created a new reality for itself - one that had never been intended, one that fractured humanity at its core. No longer were humanity and divinity intertwined in a state of shalom. Eden had fallen.
Armed with the knowledge of good and evil but separated from divinity, humans forged their way forward, only to systematically discover their powerlessness. Hate was born. Conflict was created. Murder was committed. Death was introduced.
As humankind tried to find its way back to shalom on its own terms, the consequences of the breach between the human and the divine became more and more apparent: Humanity had fallen into inhumanity. They had become subhuman, like animals, separated from God. The human soul was empty. Every attempt to fill the void created further devastation on a planet meant to be filled with the unfiltered glory of the Creator. Humanity became entombed in its own knowledge of good and evil. But the knowledge could not lead it back to its Creator, and so humanity began to forget who it was. All was lost.
And yet - the Creator Father had not abandoned them. He was waiting, watching, preparing to redeem the whole devolved mess. But a rescue would require something daring, painful, and unspeakably vulnerable. One day, at the precise moment of His choosing, God would invade the earth to rescue a species He had fashioned in His own image - an image He would not surrender to the darkness. And the invasion would be so counterintuitive, most wouldn’t even understand what had happened until the victory was already won.
And that’s what brings us to Jesus.
Mary was about fifteen years old, and she was engaged to be married. On this day, a day like any other, she had much to contemplate: leaving home, joining a new family, creating a new home, having sex for the first time, becoming a woman. But she had no idea that her world - and the human story itself - was about to change.
“Hello, favored woman. The Lord is with you.”
The speaker’s name was Gabriel. He was a chief among the angels of God.
Mary, startled from her daydream, couldn’t figure out what this strange man was trying to say - or who he was. To reassure her, Gabriel began to state his business.
“Don’t be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. I have great news! You’re going to be a mother! The baby will be a boy, and you will name Him Jesus. He’ll be a King! He’ll be known as the Son of God, and His Kingdom will never end!”
Mary’s blank stare revealed her confusion. Was he talking about the children she would have with her beloved Joseph? He must be. But who was this stranger? What if someone saw her talking to him? It was highly irregular for her to be approached by a man who wasn’t in her family - and this man was saying crazy things. What was going on?
Stepping back, she stammered out the first words she could think of: “How? I’m a virgin.”
When Gabriel spoke again, something shifted inside Mary. Curiosity began to rise up in her. What if this really was an angel of God? Either she had lost her mind - or she was truly being visited by Heaven.
“The Holy Spirit will come upon you,” Gabriel said, “and the Most High will overshadow you. So the baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God.”
He then spoke about her cousin Elizabeth. Mary was taken aback. How could he know Elizabeth was part of her family? How could he know about Elizabeth’s miraculous pregnancy? Could what he said be for real? And what could she do? All her life she’d loved God. And if this angel was from Him - he must be from Him! - and God was asking this of her, Mary, who was no one special from nowhere special...how could she say no?
The words spilled from her lips before she could catch them. “I am the Lord’s servant,” she said. And then, words that resonated from the center of her soul - “May everything you’ve said come true.”
And the angel was gone.
Mary slowly turned, looking for Gabriel, listening for his voice, but heard only the light breeze. The conversation had lasted but a minute. And while the world looked the same, everything had changed.
Imagine that first minute. Imagine that young peasant girl standing alone, the only human being in the world who knew anything had happened. This was how counterintuitively the Creator chose to invade the world.
The thoughts twisting and rolling in her mind must have been overwhelming. She had agreed to the most preposterous thing she’d ever heard. She had become vulnerable in a way that would alter the trajectories of everyone she loved. She did trust in the Lord and had offered herself with her whole heart - but trust was all that she had to hold on to. She wasn’t sure what had just happened.
The world began to spin. She could feel herself teetering when two thoughts brought her back to her senses: What am I going to tell my father? What am I going to tell Joseph?
For days those questions consumed her. She needed to tell someone, but what if her story proved untrue? She would be punished severely for such a completely outrageous prank - or worse, she would be considered mentally unhinged. She battled between believing she’d been visited by an actual angel...and fearing she’d lost her senses.
The conversations, when they finally came, must have been awful. If my beautiful daughter told me she was unexpectedly pregnant, with the caveat that she’d not had sex at all and the father was actually God, I would have no small amount of skepticism. I would need an angel experience of my own.
And no one believed Mary at first. Joseph was brokenhearted - but he still loved her. He began considering plausible ways to keep the matter quiet, to avoid humiliating Mary publicly and destroying her and her family. At the same time, Mary was spirited out of town as quickly as possible, sent off to the hill country to visit Elizabeth. Mary hoped that visiting Cousin Elizabeth would be the breath of grace that she needed. And it was.
But then, back in Galilee, everything changed. Amid heartache and betrayal, an angel went to Joseph in a dream - and Joseph was invited into the story in a rush of grace. The angel told Joseph that Mary was pure and true, that this baby was truly from God and of God. Mary was to be Joseph’s wife, and Joseph was to name the baby boy Jesus. And this is what he would do as soon as Mary returned from the south. Mary returned home during her second trimester. The adjustment was awkward at first, but everyone managed. Those who didn’t believe Mary kept it to themselves. After all, Joseph was sticking by Mary, so what else was there to say? It wasn’t the grand celebration that had been planned, but this was the best possible solution. Joseph and Elizabeth appear to be the only ones who believed Mary’s story without reservation. So as the months went by, Mary grew a thick skin along with her expanding midsection. The baby was kicking now, and Mary was amazed and in love.
The announcement that everyone would be required to migrate to their ancestral homes for a census couldn’t have come at a more inconvenient time. The baby was expected any day, but Joseph couldn’t refuse to participate in the census. Much of his livelihood came from the Romans. And people knew him—he was a respected artisan with skills in both wood and stone. He couldn’t just disappear. But he couldn’t leave Mary either.
He led their colt out of Nazareth; Mary rode on its back with a couple of extra blankets to cushion her. An agile and light traveler could make the journey in about four days, but Joseph and Mary were neither agile nor light. Joseph worried about how and where the baby would be born - because the baby was certain to come before they made the journey back. When they finally tottered into Bethlehem, dusty and weary, all they wanted was something to eat and a place to sleep. Unfortunately, as the Bible puts it, “there was no room for them in the inn.”
The hospitality business was booming, thanks to the census. It seemed as though everyone in the entire province had been displaced. No matter how much Joseph begged for shelter for a very pregnant woman, there simply was nowhere to stay. Finally, one man took compassion on them: They could stay in his stable, which was a cave where animals were kept. Joseph and Mary were grateful to have a place to lie down. The cave wasn’t so bad. And at least they’d made it to Bethlehem.
Joseph was talking about whether to leave Mary for a short excursion to find food when she felt the first real contraction. It tightened like a belt around her waist and radiated deep into her back. She held her breath until she finally had to cry out. She locked eyes with Joseph. The baby was coming.
Joseph unloaded their belongings and set about attempting to make the place slightly more sanitary. Mary tried to get comfortable, which was difficult on a dirt floor in an open cave filled with animals. But the animals cooperated. They knew instinctively that new life was coming.
And it did.
Before the night was over, the shrieking of Mary gave way to the tiny whimper of a newborn baby boy. In the most normal of ways, God had come to be with us.
This is how Jesus became a human being. This is how the Creator Father chose to become a person and dwell among us. It’s how the prophecy of Immanuel moved from a concept into a reality. And while this tells us much about God’s heart toward people, it also tells us much about ourselves.
If this were our story to tell, we would have imagined God arriving a little higher up the food chain, in full adulthood and total competency. It would make sense for Him to skip the messiness of infancy, the awkwardness of childhood. It would make more sense for Him to come to earth as royalty. But this is precisely what God didn’t do. And this is the first clue that God’s view of humanity is different from our own. Jesus would proclaim this message relentlessly throughout His ministry.
We shouldn’t overlook this. God chose to slide through a birth canal and come helpless, naked, and screaming into the world like any other human baby - completely vulnerable. He wasn’t born potty-trained. He had to have His bottom wiped. He probably peed on His mommy more than once. He suckled at her breast in order to be nourished. He had to grow in strength and learn balance before He could take His first steps. He took no shortcuts. In every way He was a human being. And that is the point. He was perfect, and perfectly normal. He was a human as humanity was intended all the way back in the Garden.
God chose to fully become one of us in every respect, and He came in a way that was baffling and unsettling. His coming twisted so many cultural norms out of shape - and perhaps it should similarly challenge us. God, who could have come to Earth in any way He wanted, chose to come as a peasant to a place few knew of. God chose to be ordinary.
Jesus was born into a family, and He grew up in the context of human relationships. He had a keen sense of the people around Him and their connection to the earth that provided their home. He understood the bond between parents and children. He learned all the things children discover as they mature. He learned to work with wood and stone alongside Joseph - to get into the soil, craft with His hands, and create things. Creating was - and is - His nature. Relationship was - and is - His nature. And these things are the essence of what we are made of.
But Jesus did more than identify with and embody our humanity - His very human arrival revealed the extent of humankind’s loss of identity. After all, God arrived through the scandal of an unwed pregnancy. He was born into relative poverty and total obscurity. Before He could talk, He was a homeless refugee. In all of humanity, there seemed to be no place for the Creator in whose image humans were made.
Our humanity was fractured long ago in a garden. At the Fall, we actually fell. We slid downward and backward away from the way we were created to be. We were never supposed to be separated from God. And the effects of this separation aren’t hard to miss in the world - which is to say that it’s not hard to see how far we have fallen.
And this is why Jesus’ arrival, the ordinary moments and details of His coming, are so important. Because although we look at Jesus’ arrival as an extraordinary event - and yes, the very fact that God came at all is extraordinary - we can’t forget the radical importance of the ordinary. That perhaps Jesus’ human life was more about what ordinary humanity was supposed to look like - that His life was largely spent reminding His creation what they were supposed to be from the start.
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dailyaudiobible · 5 years
09/06/2019 DAB Transcript
Song 1:1-4:16, 2 Corinthians 8:16-24, Psalms 50:1-23, Proverbs 22:22-23
Today is the 6th day of September. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I am Brian. It is a pleasure and a joy to be here with you today as we take the next step forward, stepping forward into the back of this week for sure but stepping forward in the Scriptures and we’ve reached another special point in our year where we’re encountering some territory in the Old Testament that we haven’t encountered before. So, today and tomorrow we’ll be reading a book known as the song of Solomon or the song of songs, which is indeed a radical departure from the territory that we've been spending in Job and Ecclesiastes, which definitely took us deep into the idea of endurance and the reality of suffering as well as meaninglessness and chasing the wind. So, we’ve been in some unique territory that has allowed us to actually open up and think some things through that we normally avoid. However, moving into the song of Solomon is like putting on a completely different hat, like we’re going into completely different territory.
Introduction to the Song of Solomon:
This little work, this poem is short but it’s potent and its potently beautiful, and its part of the wisdom literature in the Bible. So, in this Song of Songs we’ll discover that human sexuality is indeed a celebrated part of the biblical narrative but this poem as many other layers. So, like from a literal perspective it's the story of the passionate consummation of love between a man and woman who are completely lost in each other. And just…if we just left that alone, if that's what this book means then it is a witness to marital love and the bliss of passionate physical relationship. So, it stands alone that way, but the ancient Jewish tradition looks at the poem allegorically. It's poetry, right? So, you can look at it poetically. So, from this perspective, the story that’s being told in the Song of Solomon reveals God's passionate love for his children, who are the Hebrew people and this view is totally, totally supportable in other areas of Scripture in both the old and the New Testaments. In the Christian tradition, the Song of Solomon's is an allegorical look at Christ's passionate love for His church and a foreshadowing of His desire for His bride. So, in this case, all of those can be true and we can just allow the Holy Spirit to lead us as we approach the Song of Songs because there's a number of lenses that we can we can look through. So, invite God as this is being read. But no matter how we approach the Solomon it's a very meaningful portion of Scripture that speaks to us on different levels. And since it is love poetry, it's become a tradition around here for my wife Jill to join me in the reading. There are male voices and female voices that occur in this poem. And, so, let’s drink deep of the beautiful poetry that we find in the Song of Solomon.
Thank You, Father. Thank You, Father for Your word. Thank You for the way that it just continues to touch different things in us, and it comes to us as a live thing as a friend who speaks the truth to us no matter what's going on in our lives. And, so, so many times we may come to the same passage and find it speaking something so much more poignant to where we are on any given day, and we thank You, we thank You for this guidance. And as we spend this time moving through the song of Solomon, come Holy Spirit, reignite our love, our love for our spouse, our love for You as our Father, our love for Jesus as our Savior knowing that as passionate as we can imagine being, our passion pales in comparison to Yours for us. And, so, we walk into Your embrace and it feels safe and it feels like home and we invite Your Holy Spirit to continue to lead us into all truth as You promised. We pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is the website, and of course it's always home base, it’s where you find out what’s going on around here.
And this week we released a couple of things, the steeped windfarm coffee, portable solution finally, finally, where we were able to get…well…you steep the coffee. So, it's like a teabag and that sounds weird but when you think about it it makes perfect sense. Like, if you drip coffee, it’s in a coffee filter. So, what if you used a coffee filter and wrapped up a single serving portion of coffee and you were able to steep it and what if you were able to nitro seal the oxygen on it so it would keep, so it would be fresh. Boom. So, we’ve got that. Those are in the Shop right now in the Coffee section as well as our brand-new Daily Audio Bible Journal 2.0 an improved version of the 1.0 version. So, you can find that in the lifestyle section at the Daily Audio Bible shop. So, check those things out. They are…well…they’re created for the journey and they are available as resources in the shop.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, then thank you. Thank you profoundly and deeply for that. There is a link on the homepage at dailyaudiobible.com. If you are using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can press the Give button in the upper right-hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And, as always, if you have a prayer request a comment you can press the Hotline button in the app the little red circle at the top and share what's going on or you can dial 877-942-4253.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hello, I called last week just to let you guys know that I was nine days sober. I forgot to say my name, I’, Olia from Minnesota. Yeah, today is day 17. I have no idea how I’ve made it this long, it’s just God is the only thing I can think of. Yeah, I just want to thank Asia and I think her name was Polly from Alaska that said her daughter is nine years sober, I can’t even imagine that right now. Just such a blessing that I’ve been just sober this long. I don’t reorder the last time I’ve been this sober, especially over a holiday weekend. I also wanted to just say a prayer for little Sherry and your back pain. I completely understand that. I have a fully fused Spohn and that happened when I was a teenager and ai still del with chronic back pain. And, so, I’m sending prayer to you. Thank you. Bye.
Hey DAB family this is Stephanie and Oklahoma. I’m missing work today. I’m an RN at a local hospital and I’ve had return of panic attacks which I haven’t had to deal with in a number of years but six weeks ago my mom died, I just found out that my oldest son has lymphoma, medication that I’ve been on for decades stopped working and I got just really death oriented in my thinking, knew that that wasn’t good and sought help. And, so, in between all the circumstances I also…I’m going to medication changes. I’m just frustrated to still be dealing with this after decades of counseling, seeking God, that’s been the biggest thing. I just…I’ve begged Him to take this away from me, this anxiety disorder, always being on the lookout, always fight or flight. I had to quit working trauma ICU ER because I burned out with the same thing three years ago and I’ve been doing a relatively easy job and a recovery room. So, I just need prayer because that’s the only thing it’s ever gotten me through before and I know it’s the only thing that’s going to get me through now. I pray that you would ask for wisdom from the physicians that are treating me and that I would…it’s when it happens, my mind is pretty settled it’s just my body completely freaking out – vertigo, sweating, nausea. So, I just I need help guys. I’m not in a good place and I need to be in a better place. I’m supposed to go on a missions trip to Honduras in February. Thanks all.
Hi, this is Christine from Washington state and I just heard a woman call in that lost one of her dogs and she’s depressed and her other little dog is sad and she’s had a cancer scare and I just want to know I was busy doing something so I didn’t get your name but I am praying for you and you are loved and I’m praying for your marriage too. So, hang in there. Sometimes God brings us through bad things just to get closer to Him. So, your loved and being prayed for.
Good morning Daily Audio Bible community this is Diane Olive Brown calling from Newburgh Indiana. Shalom, shalom. Nothing is missing nothing is broken. Well, today is September 4th 2019 at 7:43 in the morning and I just finished reading September 1st 2019. I’m catching up but I’m getting closer and we just finished Job and oh my goodness, what a wonderful experience that’s been. What can I say? What can I say? Oh Father, forgive me, forgive me. I didn’t know what I was talking about. I didn’t know what I was doing. Forgive me. Well I just want to say I love this community so much. I appreciate how your helping me to grow up in Jesus to become a mature bride of Christ, to become His best friend. When you start out with these desires of your heart, you don’t even know what you’re asking for, to be God’s best friend? Thank you, Daily Audio Bible. Thank you. I just want to finish with [singing] thank You Jesus for the grace that You have given us when we could never repay…
Yes, this is Tammy and I have asked for prayer for my daughter Megan before on Daily Audio Bible and we need prayer yet again. She’s fought __ from breast cancer an aggressive form and then she had a bone marrow transplant because her breast cancer treatment caused her to have leukemia. And it was going well and last week they found new leukemia cells and she goes back into treatment. Lord, please, I ask that You would heal my daughter and Lord especially her heart that is hardened against You right now because she doesn’t believe that You have her good in mind and I ask the Daily Audio Bible community to pray with me for her heart to be bound for home in God’s heart and know the love that You have for her. And I’m asking for a miracle, that her body would be healed in Jesus’ name, completely every cell made whole, her heart and mind made whole. Would you please agree with me Daily Audio Bible community? I’m a pastor and Muncie Indiana and I pray that all who would see Megan’s healing would be the glory of the Lord and that many would be drawn to Him. So, please I ask that you would come with me in these prayers for my daughter and also for her boyfriend Aiden who’s walking with her but also is __ God. So, Lord I ask that You would make possible what seems impossible right now in Jesus’ name. Thank You.
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dailyaudiobible · 6 years
09/21/2018 DAB Transcript
Isaiah 37:1-38:22, Galatians 6:1-18, Psalms 65:1-13 , Proverbs 23:24
Today is the 21st day of September. Welcome to the Daily Audio Bible. I’m Brian and it is a pleasure and an honor to be here with you today to do our daily tradition, right? To take the next step forward in the Scriptures and just allow God's word to wash into our lives, to wash over us to allow peace to come into our presence right now, wherever it is we are, whether we’re in car or on the train or in the shower or wherever we are, whatever we’re doing, we simply exhale. All of the things that are stressing us out can wait a few minutes. God wants to come into the center of all this, and allow His word to come and wash over us. And, so, we trust Him in that. So, we’re reading from the book of Isaiah and we’re past the halfway point in the book of Isaiah. We’ve been reading from the Christian Standard Bible this week and today we’ll read Isaiah chapter 37 verse 1 through 38 verse 22.
Okay. So, we concluded Paul's letter to the Galatians today, which means we’ll be moving into another letter, the letter to the Ephesians tomorrow. But in his final chapter, Paul told us some of his final thoughts. And some of those final thoughts are immediate counsel to our lives. He said, carry one another's burdens. In this way you will fulfill the law of Christ, right? So, that's chapter 6 verse 2 and that one verse right there is something to meditate on, like, continually. We are to shoulder one another's burdens, which is what we do here every day through prayer. But we’re to do this in everything. In this way we will fulfill the law of Christ. So, we can deduce that the law of Christ then is outward facing toward one another. And Paul clarifies that. For if anyone considers himself to be something when he is nothing, he’s deceiving himself. So, like we were saying yesterday we’re free to deceive ourselves, we’re free to be deceived, if that's what we want to use our freedom for. But again, deceiving ourselves, creating a false reality, and living a lie seems counterproductive. Paul goes on to say that each person can examine his own work then he can take pride in himself alone and not compare himself with someone else for everybody's got their own load to carry on. And we need to remember that when we’re swept into this game of comparison, when we are trying to find our identity based upon how well we are doing versus how someone else is doing. It’s not helpful. It pulls us toward envy, which is deadly. It’s a poison to our souls. The way that we combat this is to keep our eyes on the path that we are walking, to keep our eyes on the road as it were, right? We’re driving in a car, we’re moving down the highway, we’re doing the speed limit, we’re watching where were going. If we start looking around at everyone, and I don't just mean being aware. If we start looking around and comparing our car to their cars and we’re looking behind us, and we’re looking to our sides, we’re not looking where were going. It's not going to go well. We each have a unique path. When we keep our eyes on that path while being outwardly focused and shouldering one another's burdens of our brothers and sisters around us, then  we can truly celebrate whatever God is doing in anyone's life because God is continuing to lead our lives forward an is doing what he needs to do in our lives and we can rejoice because were all moving toward shalom, we’re all moving toward wholeness, and we’re all being knit together as the body of Christ, one in the Spirit.
Father, we invite You into that. It's a constant thing. It's continual that we are invited toward envy. Everything in our culture pulls us toward what we don't have and what someone else might. And what we don't have but if we did have become the magic that will make our lives work. None of those things are true. You are the author of life. You are the only one who can make life work because You created life. And we are sitting here comprehending these words of this prayer because of that fact. You have given us life and it is a gift. And when we spend that gift of life by simply comparing it with someone else's story or our own deficits we’re missing the point. We rejoice in You and we thank You for this gift of life and we invite Your Holy Spirit to lead us on our path. Come Jesus we pray. In Your mighty name, we ask. Amen.
dailyaudiobible.com is hone base, it’s the website, it’s where you find out what's going on around here. So, be sure to check in and check it.
Check out the Prayer Wall. Check out the resources that are available in the Shop.
If you want to partner with the Daily Audio Bible, you can do that at dailyaudiobible.com as well. There’s a link on the homepage. If you're using the Daily Audio Bible app, you can also get the Prayer Wall and to the Daily Audio Bible shop from the app. You can also partner with the Daily Audio Bible by pushing the Give button in the upper right hand corner or, if you prefer, the mailing address is PO Box 1996 Spring Hill Tennessee 37174.
And as always, if you have a prayer request or comment, 877-942-4253 is the number to dial.
And that's it for today. I'm Brian I love you and I'll be waiting for you here tomorrow.
Community Prayer and Praise:
Hi my name is Rafael and my wife is Naunie. We have three kids. One passed away last year. After that my marriage fell apart. My wife…she…she did something __. I went to God and I found God. I go to church every day and I’m asking yours prayer for her to come back. She told me she wanted a divorce but I know she’s not well because of our daughter dying. I just wanted to come back to God and I want to be reunited so I could forgive her for all the stuff that happened. As Jesus says, we have to forgive and I feel I can forgive because I still love my wife. So, I’m asking this prayer request for everybody out there that hears. Please pray for my family. Thank you. It’s hard for me every day but I still love my wife regardless of what happened. I just want to say thank you all. Thank you family for all your prayers. Thank you.
Hi, good afternoon DAB family. My name is Susan. I’m a very long time listener. I’ve only ever called in a couple of times. I’m one of those people who listens in the background and prays diligently without ever calling in. So, as I was listening today, I was thinking of all the people that I haven’t heard from in a very long time and I just wanted to reach out in case you’re still listening. Sam from Vancouver Washington, hope you’re doing well, miss your phone calls. Amvee from Australia, hope you’re doing well, really miss you calling in also. Aliah from Wachahatchie Texas, oh girlfriend, hope you are doing well and you’re family’s doing well. I still think about you fondly. Becky from Norway and then Philadelphia and I think you ended up down south someplace, hope you’re doing well also girl and following God’s leading in your life. And the lovely lady with the beautiful accident, lost your mom and your dad last year, I don’t remember your name, I just remember you always signed off asking that…hoping that we were having a most blessed and lovely day. Thinking about you as well. And David from Kansas, praying that you are winning the battle over your pain, really still miss your phone calls. Okay. Hope everybody is having a most blessed and lovely day. Goodbye.
Hey Daily Audio Bible. It’s John Corrado calling from Bethlehem Pennsylvania, in New York City at the time, but calling from Bethlehem Pennsylvania. Hope you guys are all doing well. I just wanted to call in and check in with you guys and say hi and let you know I’m thinking of you. On today’s program, the 17th September, there were a few people that called in that I want to pray along with and just and just mention you by name. Joanne Marie from Southern California, you called in praying for wisdom for discernment. You’ve been anxious over the past couple of months, especially. You went off your meds, your psychiatrist retired, you’re looking for a new one you’ve got a dad that has dementia and that’s probably the reason that you’re thinking that your anxiety spiked. So, I just wanted to let you know that’s you’re in my thoughts and prayers. And our God is not a small God whatsoever and He’s got you by the hand. Lean into Him, continue to lean into Him as we’re praying for you. And He’s going to cover you and in that gap and I pray that you get that help that you need and that you do get your meds straightened out. But I want you to also realize that there’s nothing too small for Christ. I know that you know that. Verna from Gainesville Florida. You called in and your Gigi’s mom. That’s so cool. I’m gonna recognize you even more now on DAB friends on Facebook. I’m not there all that often but when I do go there I’ll be looking around for you. It was just wonderful to hear you call in and how your praying for Nana’s daughter Tiffany and how you have been continuously playing, even though you haven’t heard from Nana in such a long time. And you’re looking for report back from her. I just love this community, what it’s all about and people just like yourself Verna, so many of you who just love and care on so many people. God bless you guys. We’ll talk to you really soon. Take care.
Hello my beautiful DAB family. This is Sonia calling from Tampa. I wanted to let you know that I have been praying for many of you and that I keep many of your petitions in my kitchen drawer and I pull out several of your petitions on a daily basis and I pray. I pray for Angel, Faith, Justin, and Duane from Wisconsin, Denise from California, Nicholas who’s in jail, Nathan for direction in his life, Terry the trucker, Byron from Florida, Lisa the Encourager, Pastor Gene, Tony our beautiful poet, Jeff’s mom Sharon from northern California, our great intercessors, Victorian Soldier, Olivia, Pastor Gene, Brian, Jill, China, Ezekiel, Matt, and so many others. I’ve been praying endlessly for the father who lost his son and his father and then was fighting for the life of his other son. My heart was so broken when I heard your cry for help. I know that many of you ask for prayers and sometimes you may not hear your name called, but I promise you that there are many of us that are praying for you. I just wanted to let you know that I truly love you family. This ministry has been such a blessing in my life. So, I pray that you will find the time in the act of sacrifice to bless this ministry. I promise you, God will bless you all hundredfold as he has blessed me, for he has no respecter of person. God bless you beautiful family and may the angels of God and encamp all around you and your loved ones. Thank you Brian and Jill for this beautiful ministry. I pray a mighty hedge of protection around you and all our DAB family.
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