#like im not just an introvert or antisocial—being in public and interacting with people is such a sensory overload and causes breakdowns
alilaro · 5 years
it’s weird having social phobia and being an online creator at the same time.
on one hand it lets me share all my thoughts, feelings, and ideas through a platform without much consequence. i join fandoms and make friends, and people give me the confidence and feedback that otherwise i would never have in person. you get to be unique in a sea of other unique individuals.
but on the other hand, in real life doing things like sharing my artwork with another individual instantly puts me into a spiral of anxiety and manic depression. peers could say good kind things about my art to my face and i would probably burst into tears of despair and self-loathe myself for the interaction for at least a month.
but online I do this most days? and sometimes interactions do still lead to panic-ridden breakdowns, but its different, somehow. it feels safer showing things to people on the other side of the world than it does showing it to friends and family. it takes the edge off.
it's nice.
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the13colonies · 4 years
question; ok, you seem like you are very very smart so i'm asking for advice. i'm a smart child, i like to think (124 iq??), but i procrastinate a lot and have no motivation for anything. so, how do you do your studies and how did you figure out what you wanted to study and also::: how do i stop being so antisocial??? idk you're my favorite tumblr so i thought i'd ask, sorry. <333
First step: dont apologize!
This is an interaction blog. I love talking and answering questions, so don't hesitate to send them! I'm glad you were brave enough to send this ♡. I'm continuing this ask under the cut line:
I'm a pretty interesting case. I'm both extroverted and introverted. I like going out, im able to make conversation easily, and make friends, but I also prefer to be alone most of the time.
First step to being antisocial: know it's gonna be hard
Small talk? Everyone hates it and most people like to talk about themselves. Get them talking about things they really like! And add your own opinions as well, encouraging them. For me, I surround myself with people who are just as nerdy as me, and I can talk to people about history all day
As for procrastination, I'm literally on tumblr rather than doing my Seminole history work, so I'm not really one to talk, but for me what helps is the promise of a reward. Ex: if I read 10 pages and watch a lecture for my Seminole class, then I can have 5 minutes of scrolling through tumblr/tiktok/Instagram, or read ___ amount of fanfic before I return to work
I also get into the zone for long study sessions. I usually put on a really good song, dance to it in the mirror, then I silence my phone and work for an hour before taking a break. Do something you REALLY enjoy before studying for long periods of time; it will get the dread out of the way faster
I figured out what i wanted to study in college. Now, I've always loved history. I watched the historical school house videos on loop when I was a child, and my favorite topic was always history
Before college, I wanted to be a journalist or a photographer. I loved writing and taking pictures. But then, I got into community college in my senior year of high school, and everything changed
I took AMH2010 my first semester, which was American history to 1877. This included native American history, discovery, colonialism, the founding, all the way through the Civil war and reconstruction. My teacher was very introverted, he was always anxious about public speaking, so he had us do our readings before coming to class and then letting the students lead discussions. As I became more comfortable with speaking and discussing the material with my classmates, I knew this was what I wanted to do
So I sat down with the prof and had a very long conversation on being a history professor in college and how I can achieve those goals. I knew I was hooked, and I owe my entire passion to that professor. We still talk about history to this day
It really depends on what you want to do. Not everyone has that moment I did, and I'm very thankful that I got the opportunity to know what I wanted to do before applying to university and have a pretty solid plan
My point is, make connections with your teachers, theyre there for a reason. And try to base it on your interests: you like math? Study math!
Also apply your skills. You like to read and write? You're good at problem solving? You're creative and innovative? There's majors out there where these skills are essential to the study and job field.
Thank you for me being your favorite blog ♡ but honey there's better out there than a college girl getting haunted by jeffersons ghost
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