#like im obviously not the target audience so i have no right to judge
stormyoceans · 6 months
watching the only boo! trailer like
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hayleysstark · 5 years
Queenie here! YOU. WATCH. TROLLHUNTERS??!! OH MY GOD I! LOVE!! THAT!!! SHOW!!!! My sis and I are obsessed! We've binged all 3 seasons plus the follow up series, 3Below. I hope to buy the art book when it's released this summer. What do you like about the show? It must be thrilling to have TWO Jims in your roster of "sass master brunette boys who have a heart of gold but who will also definitely THROW HANDS"
Yes!!! I’m not finished quite yet, still somewhere in the middle of S3, I think I just hit episode ten, but I haven’t actually seen it yet, it’s just where I left off!! Merlin’s bein a shady bitch oof he’s,,,,,,,, up to something. bUT i have a legit weakness for any and all adaptations/interpretations of the character of Merlin ((i really don’t know why I decided to stan an old-ass man from 12th century Wales but there we are)) so i don’t dislike Merlin here by any means. he’s just pretty manipulative of Jim so far and im like oh fuck off man this kid is 16 give him a break u know??
@etheriumart actually got on me to watch it a while back, and I really,,,, didn’t like S1 at all, I sat through probably the first ten episodes and it just didn’t catch my interest at all. It felt more like a high school sitcom with fantasy elements than anything, and it really turned me off, so I said I wasn’t going to finish it, but I felt bad ’cause I felt like maybe I just didn’t give it enough of a chance, and Mason’s my friend and I want to explore what interests them just as much as any of my other friends, so I went back to it several months later and binged the remaining episodes of S1 and all of S2 in a BLITZ lmao and then I fucked off and never caught up on S3 so I’m doing it now that it’s on my mind!!
Oof is 3Below any good?? I’m thinking about giving it a shot once I’ve finished out the main series, but I’m not sure yet! Aliens really aren’t my area so I’m,,,, hesitant lmao
Oh, I didn’t know there’d be an art book!! Thanks for letting me know!! That’s super cool, I’ll have to snap it up when I can! ((pls stop me I have,,,,,,,,,, sO many art books at this point lmao))
“sass master brunette boys who have a heart of gold but who will also definitely THROW HANDS” LMAO I KNOW WHAT MY NEXT TATTOO IS GOING TO SAY FOR SURE. listen,,,,,,,, listen,,,,,,, im WEAK for snarky boys who overflow with kindness and compassion but also hostility and aggression lmao I AM,,,,,, A BASIC BITCH,,,,,, DONT JUDGE,,,,,, U DONT KNOW MY LIFE,,,,
 I really love all the imagination that went into this series, to be honest. The designs for the trolls + various other creatures are all so unique and diverse, I think my favorites are Queen Usurna and Nomura’s changeling form!! The little details, like Usurna’s bio-luminescent markings and sharp head quills, or the sleek colors and catlike shapes of Nomura, are just so enchanting, I absolutely can’t stop looking when one of them is on-screen!! Argh is Shaped Like a Friend. Gunmar and Morgana are pretty bomb-ass in their design, too, and I really appreciate the similarities and the subtle distinctions between Blinky and Dictatious. 
AND DRAAL’S DESIGN IS,,,,,,,,,,,,,, SO SOFT????? I WEEP,,,,,, ((my last brain cell tells me he has sharp stone spikes all along his back but I remember nothing but Soft Friend. 10/10 would hug.))
And I like that the series is pretty obviously geared toward kiddos, but it’s not afraid to get serious, it’s not afraid to let the stakes get super high. Like. my jaw pretty much hit the floor at the end of S1, and stayed there throughout all of S2. A cute, forgettable comedic show about an average high school boy gaining magic powers and juggling his responsibilities as a student, a son, and the sole protector of a secret world got so REAL, like I lost my goddamn MIND.
Argh was DYING. And then Argh DIED. And they TALKED ABOUT IT. They let it be a THING. They let everybody deal with their grief in different ways, on-screen, right there for everyone to see. 
Jim went into the Darklands on his OWN, and they didn’t let him off easy there, either. They go to pretty extreme lengths to display the psychological repercussions of solitude, imprisonment, constant fear, loss of control, repeated traumatic experiences, like they really DO. Could have gone deeper, I know, it really only JUST scratches the surface of PTSD, but the fact that a children’s show did that honestly left me speechless. It’s a big step. 
Fingers crossed good ol’ Dreamworks makes more shows like that!
Could definitely live without the toilet humor, but hey, again, it’s a show geared toward kiddos. I think it’s safe to say I’m not the target audience here.
Anyways. Thanks so much for letting me scream abt Trollhunters!!! Feel free to keep talking about it, I’m always down!! :3 
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midoriyasbones · 6 years
(pt.1)you totally don’t have to answer this if u don’t want to but: what’s your opinion on the whole adam/shiro situation? at first i was positive and was like “its fine etc focus on the good” but now after a while it’s hitting me hard and im really upset. its just the fact that they built up so much hype and did interviews on this only for him to be a character with 10 secs of screentime. theyre claiming representation points even tho if I was my 8 year old homophobic self i wouldnt think twice
(pt.2) about them being friends. they had so much potential and out of the small amount of characters killed in voltron they had to choose the one “confirmed”(not even confirmed in the actual show) mlm to die. that’s just my opinion though and again u don’t have to answer this if you don’t want. im just upset because i expected actual lgbt representation, u get what i mean??            
(sorry this is two days late i’ve been ridiculously busy and i’ve been tackling easy asks first)
i have been thinking about this for a while now, and i did briefly speak on the issue before, but i wanted to wait until i had a better head on my shoulders and more perspective before i took this one on. the fandom is kind of a mess right now, and as a person who’s usually referred to as ‘the positive one’ i needed to step away from that and focus on what i enjoyed from the season first. i know a lot of people look to me for what to do in these kinds of situations, and i want to set a good example and be mindful of those around me.
i think this truly isn’t a black and white situation. i think there is a lot we don’t know about what went on behind the scenes. working in media is tough, especially on shows meant for kids. you need to keep in mind that the primary purpose of these shows (to corporate i mean) is to sell entertainment, and we are actually not the target audience. obviously this show has a great deal of depth and darkness to it, but still great points of levity. it’s one of those things like avatar and gregor the overlander in that it takes these big huge concepts and gives it to kids in a way they can handle... but at the end of the day it’s still a kids show and sometimes that means hearing the words ‘you cant’. not every place is as progressive as tumblr, or even america (and for the rest of the world america as a whole is pretty darn progressive). in japan they erased shiro and adam’s relationship entirely, and it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s how it was in other countries too. vld had to keep it subtle or else it would’ve never been passed.
and i know that’s hard to hear, especially when you’re upset, it’s hard for me to keep in mind too. i wanted adam and shiro to have happy endings as lgbt+ characters, whether that was together as a couple or separated (i just wanted both of them to live okay), but unfortunately that isn’t what happened. i knew we weren’t going to get an indepth lgbt+ arc for them the minute i saw the flashbacks, and now knowing how they glossed it over in other countries i’m... i’m doubting we’ll have any more lgbt+ content at all, just because if they had to paint over that there’s no way in hell anything else got approved, but PLEASE don’t take my word as law. who knows. there are still 13 more episodes, maybe something will happen, we just need to wait and see.
to be fair, vld crew never did PROMISE us anything. also, keep in mind that they can’t really say yes or no when they’re asked that question because they can’t give away anything in the plot. they could’ve been under contract.
so maybe vld isn’t as forward as steven universe, and i don’t want to say ‘we should be grateful’, because a part of me wants to say no, we deserve better. the thing is i’m trying to keep in mind that there are things beyond the control of the show runners. they were trying to do their best for us, and maybe it’s not what wanted, but for now it’s what we’ve gotten. there is a whole lot we don’t know, and i don’t want to judge anything before i know all the facts.
i’m not saying im angry about it, but i’m definitely not over the moon either. i’m saying i’m choosing to keep things very light on my blog, and this will be the only time i probably talk about it. i need to stay positive for you guys! and for myself! plus patience yields focus. we just need to wait, and see.
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powerovernothing · 7 years
Different anon here: because I'm lame I crack myself up thinking of an au where yondu survives and travels with the guardians, getting to know them and slowly becoming more and mores done with his sons weird taste in friends.
Oh my, isn’t this a rare treat, and something that completely puts a massive smile on my face! To go from writing a super fun meta for one nice Anon based around our local space dad…and then to turn around and see that another lovely Anon has wandered into my askbox to discuss more Yondu things?
And not only that, but also share with me an adorable headcanon of him and his son post Vol 2 where everything is good and happy and nothing sad ever happened no matter what James Gunn tries to make us believe?
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Oh, I am going to have a fun time with this~
(Lots of Yondad meta and headcanon under the cut, as well as a small drabble where Yondu and Drax get along and embarrass Peter! Prepare for feelings as well as silly things!)
First off, I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. The Guardians of the Galaxy fandom is just absolutely and all around lovely, and they certainly know their way to my heart with really great ideas coming from their really awesome minds!
Honestly, how could you not just adore this fandom and the people within it?!
Ah, but regardless! Hello there different, but equally as great, Yondu Anon! (Or would you rather me call you Yondad!Anon instead? Seems kind of fitting, yeah?) And thank you very much for popping into my askbox! Seeing all these messages from you guys just really makes my days all the more brighter; you just have no idea!
But there I go, getting off track; for shame! Anyway, you said that you make yourself giggle over a scenario where Yondu travels full time with Peter and his Guardian family after the events of the second film, and that he just, slowly but surely, becomes even more done with his son’s very bizarre choice of friends the more and more he gets to know them?
And, on top of everything, you somehow actually consider that idea to be lame?
Oh, but my dear Yondad friend! That is where you are sadly mistaken, because I don’t think that that idea is lame whatsoever! In fact, I think that it’s a very wonderful idea actually! And one that I, too, often think about in terms of post Vol 2 headcanons – be it silly or cute or just somewhere in between!
And actually, reading over your message reminded me of various ideas that me and my friend @packratofdenialism had in regards to Yondu’s relationship with the Guardians. The ones that come to mind first and foremost being that, other than Rocket and Groot, it would probably be Drax that Yondu would end up having the best kind of friendship with, before anyone else in the group.
And why him of all people, you may be wondering, and not someone like Mantis, considering that she is basically in some ways Peters’ adoptive sister, and Yondu has a thing for strays?
Well, honestly, the reasoning behind this is that Yondu and Drax are actually rather similar. Both warriors/killers with their own sense of honor, both fathers in their own right, both pretty bad with emotions, and yet ends up, after a massive tragedy, accepting a new family…as well as various others I’m probably not remembering.
And besides all that, there’s also the fact that both Yondu and Drax have one amazing ice breaker to spark their friendship. And something that would most certainly embarrass the hell out of Peter once he hears them talking about it.
That Drax was one of the first Guardians whom considered Yondu Peter’s father.
And since we’re all about giving out headcanons, and you had such an awesome one messaged to me above – how about I give you one in return? One that will give you all the emotions, possibly silly and heartwarming both?
(Inspired by late night conversations with @packratofdenialism​, love ya friend~!)
Because honestly, can you imagine the look on Yondu’s face when Drax pulls him aside and he begins to discuss just how wonderful the relationship that Yondu has with his son is? And how proud he must be to have raised such  a grand warrior, or how blessed Yondu should feel to see Peter grow and become a leader of his own crew?
I mean, it’s one thing to say it among friends, and have it be played off as a really big misunderstanding…
As well as have Peter totally deny that Yondu is the dad he’s always wanted, or that he ever called him Dad emotionally after he was saved from space, or how this is something that both father and son are still trying to get used to saying at all…but, dude, that’s only meant to be private sappy bullshit just between them! Not said in mixed company, or aloud, or ever! What the hell, Drax!
But to bring it up again, in a small ship where everyone can hear, and in front of Yondu no less! Peter isn’t sure whether to crawl under the ship’s controls or just smack his head repeatedly into the wall, because he knows well enough that nothing that comes out of this is going to be good, and he’ll probably never live it down…
I mean, just imagine!
“Ah, at long last! I get to go one on one with Quill’s father!” “Sure as hell hope yer not expectin’ the two o’us ta’arm wrest –” He pauses half way through his playful words; realizing slowly just what Drax said. “Wait, whadda’yer sayin’?”“You are indeed the true father of Star Lord? I know that your son tries to deny it with great enthusiasm, but it is surely so plain to see!”
So Peter would just groan aloud, because it was bad enough the first time around but now other members are listening in, and part of him just really hopes that Yondu will cut Drax off with some joke.
And yet, Yondu just smiles. Letting out that very asshole kind of laugh that is hidden with deeper emotion; because it may be slightly embarrassing to be considered Peter’s father by someone – as well as surprising, considering no one is judging him for said feelings…but somehow it just feels right.
“Hah, yeah, ah’guess ya could say ‘dat.”
And at hearing that Yondu isn’t angry, and is possibly going along with it, Peter just pops his head in and glares at them both with a massive blush on his cheeks.
“OH MY GOD YONDU NO. Don’t encourage him, ya stupid ass blueberry! Seriously, man, he’ll never stop at this rate and dude, we’re getting a damn audience here!”
And Drax interjects, because how rude of Peter to call his father a blueberry!
“Do not disrespect your father, Quill!”
And slowly, Yondu just looks over at Peter and sees his flustered look, because he knows that they were never the type for outward or open emotion. But after everything they went through, they could use a little bit of lighthearted teasing, and oh god it’s just so easy!
And he gives him a far too knowing smirk – like yep boy, ya wiggled yerself into dis, now ya gotta deal wit’it.
“Ey, ya heard him, son! Ya go on and treat yer daddy wit’ ‘sum kinda respect!”
And Peter just goes full on blood red, because oh my god Yondu why, and stomps out all the while screaming.
Then Drax would look over at Yondu curiously; still hearing Peter squealing down the hallways.
“Is he always such –”
“A big ol’ drama queen? Hell yes. I mean, damn, th’ stories I could tell –” 
“Oh! Please share your tales, Udonta! I would be overjoyed to listen!”
Hours later, Peter comes back totally drunk, and being far too done with his new extended family of embarrassing people and dad jokes, and oh my god are those two still at it after all this time? If I turn that corner they better not be exchanging baby pictures, what the hell.
And Yondu is still next to Drax, and he has this massively proud smile on his face. And he’s explaining in detail about the first time that Peter tried to shoot the special blaster that that he had given his boy for his birthday, and how their training session ended with Peter accidentally shooting Yondu in the leg instead of the Yaka Arrow that was meant as the target.
And Drax is just laughing out loud, as he often does when he is happy, and Peter expects Yondu to still be angry because of the accidental maiming that happened all those years ago and yet –
“Boy gave me one helluva scar! Still got it too! And oh damn, was he sheepish! Thinkin’ I was gonna up and whup ‘im for doin’ it. Hell, lookin’ back I probably scared im’ cussa my shouting an’ all…but I was REAL DAMN PROUD!””As one should be! To know that your child holds the courage to take down his target no matter who it may be! That shows true strength!””And even’tho dat shit hurt like hell, I was just thinkin, durin’ his stupid ass apology, how ‘dat trick shot coul’ be used on the field! Git’im all backed inna corner, and hav’im hit his target when ‘dey least expect it?”“Ahaha! Imagine the look on your enemy’s face when they are taken down by such a small and frail child!”“Hell yeah! I mean, I always ‘igured Petey to be sumfin’ special, but after all ‘dat, th boy just kept on surprisin’ me!“
Maybe Peter assumes that half of this conversation is just his drunken mind playing tricks on him, because Yondu was, and is proud of him? And Drax is agreeing? And they’re actually getting along? And it’s not just at Peter’s expense?
Obviously he had one too many.
And yet, the more he continues to listen in secret, the more he sees his old man actually smiling, and sees him getting along with his team, and not having to worry about anything that Ego put on his shoulders, or Ravagers betraying him for daring to care…
And sure, maybe he’s still getting used to all of this; the thought of him having an actual family.
…One that is filled with talking raccoons and green skinned warriors, tiny trees that enjoys his odd taste in music and a blue skinned dad with a flying arrow, as well as a brother that still is loyal even though he doesn’t have to be after what happened with the Ravagers…
Okay, so maybe his family is a seriously weirdass one…but it’s still a family nonetheless. And the more that Peter thinks about it, the more he walks away from the conversation, and finds himself placing in certain earbuds from a certain Zune and playing a certain song to help him deal with his awful hangover…
…He realizes that yeah, embarrassing and mismatched and crazy as it may be, this family is still his – and it just feels right.
There you go, Anon! You gave me the wonderful idea of Yondu getting to know the Guardians and just wondering where he went wrong in Peter’s upbringing because SERIOUSLY SON WHY THESE IDIOTS. And in turn, I gave you an idea where everyone else slowly just becomes totally done with Yondu – mostly Peter, because THE EMBARRASSING STORIES, DAD WHY.
As well as some additional feelings on top of the silliness, because why not?
Thank you so much once more for coming into my askbox and talking Yondad related headcanons with me! I deeply appreciate it, always totally have fun with it, and I surely hope that you enjoyed my little mini fan fiction that I gave you in return! (If anyone wants that posted on it’s own without additional talk, just ask.)
Lots of hugs, hope you have a great day full of joy and fandom feelings, and I hope to see you around soon! Pop back in anytime!
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