#but yeah i guess im just gonna hope it will be cute enough
stormyoceans · 6 months
watching the only boo! trailer like
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what's also great about the ichi watch is that the gold and red goes well with the arakawa-inspo outfit i have..
#snap chats#aka the outfit im wearing right now BYE#its so funny that i have really accidentally stolen his clothes. like idk what to tell you#owning a grey suit and a three-piece black suit's commonplace i really did just need the shirt LMAO#did eventually find a scarf buried in my closet so i even have that on lock down 😩 perfect for fall ig LOL#POINT IS i do have that gold bracelet plus the gold-buckled belt but also the red shoes.. that i and everyone around me love..#its perfect goku idk what else you want from me.. was meant to be even#what I want tho is food but i dont have time to make rice and im going out to eat in the city after class anyway#anyway love how i know im gonna preorder it but i havent yet because I Dont Know i like waiting until the last second i guess#ive reasoned with myself only to get the watch since as cute as the bag and wallet are#the wallet i have now is perfectly fine- plus my sister gave it to me. and i dont need a bag enough to warrant getting it#love how i never even considered the jacket LMAO LIKE ITS A CUTE JACKET just.. not $200 cute..#that's what my puffer is tho.. dont tell anyone--#ANYWAY YEAH <3 once i get the ichi watch i can stop wearing this bitch ass cringe ass watch my mom gave me#i just hope changing the battery in the watch wont be a pain down the line cause i dont think its solar powered WHOOP..#it'll be worth it to me.... ok bye im gonna stare at the wall until i have to leave for class#i have all my commission stuff done for now and i wanna rest from drawing for the rest of the day. maybe.#might stream tonight but i also might be drunk LMAO we'll see#if i stream uhhhhhh dude i dont even know.... funny y3 stream ???? drawing stream ????#we'll see what happens anyway BYE
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bruhnze · 3 months
Apple tarts and tiramisu - part 3 - Lucy Bronze x reader
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Other parts: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4
Lucy Bronze x Barista!reader
Summary: this story takes place in 2022, when Lucy just moved to Barcelona, ​​all fictional of course.
Wordcount: 3k? Maybe a bit over that .. warning, i didn't proofread..
Apple tarts and tiramisu 3
You dropped besides her on the bed out of breath and laid on your back panting.
"You are so good in bed" Lucy said after a bit "you probably won't believe me but usually others can't really make me cum"
You laughed because not only did you make her come multiple times in the past couple of hours, yesterday you had also made her come twice and that happend pretty quickly if you remembered it right "yeah right, you dont have to try to make me feel good, i already do" you chuckled.
Lucy rolled her eyes "i told you you wouldn't believe me, but now your even laughing at me ouch" she put her hand on her chest and faked being offended.
You climbed on top of her "aw sorry did i hurt your feelings" you sarcasticly said "Do i have to make up for it with another orgasm?" You traced you fingertips at certain parts of Lucy's body, resulting in the exact reaction from her body you had hoped "see, we just did all that and you still can't get enough" you came closer to her ear and wispered "if anything, i think your easy".
Lucy's jaw dropped open, she was usually, almost always, the one who would take the lead in the bedroom with her previous partners.
Lucy couldn't believe what you did and how much effect it had on her.
You broke the tension "but sadly im totally done for" you sighed and stepped out off the bed "shall we take a shower?"
She looked at you confused and with refueld desire "are you just gonna- now you want too-
You smirked and then joked "yeah im not an athlete like you,.. i should probably work on my stamina"
She groaned "sure you dont want to come back to the bed for a minute"
"Lucy," you laughed "if i lay down one more second i am a thousand percent sure i will fall asleep"
"Okay" she sighed "lets take a shower then".
The following days were quite busy for Lucy, she wouldn't be free until next sunday. You had asked her if she usually only had an off-day on sundays.
''Hmm, yeah i guess, sunday is supposed to be my rest day, because it's usually the day after the match, so then i shouldn't do too much, saturday's before games are also free time, but then i have to be even more carefull. But my scedule is very versatile, so i just try to live day-to-day really. I look at my agenda weekly and keep it at that''. Had her answer been.
You had a lot of respect for her, you knew she loved football but it was truly a life dedication to play for Barca, you imagined the pay would be quite good but you didn't know if you would trade your own simplistic for such a hectic one.
You thought about how things would be if you and Lucy would get together as a couple one day and daydreamed about it during your whole monday shift.
Lucy had told you she had a busy day that monday and besides that, you weren't sure if she would get her matcha at your coffee shop still after the weekend you had. You didn't know why you had the thought because the two of you had basicaly been texting ever since you left her house that night until she, and you, had to go to sleep. That morning you had recieved a goodmorning text and you had send one back, you had already opened the shop. When she send a picture of her brushing her teeth, you send her one back of you preperaring the coffee machine, deserving a ''cute x'' You didn't know what to reply so you had just replied ''no you x'' After that it had been quiet, resulting in you daydreaming the whole shift.
Around noon your phone buzzed again, for the umpteenth time this day you quickly checked if it was Lucy. Normaly your phone was on silent when you worked, but today you were so eager to recieve another text from the woman that had taken over your thoughts that you had left it on vibration mode.
You smiled, your lockscreen said 'Lucy apple tart send an image , unlock to see.'
You opened it and saw a selfie of her with a sweaty face on some kind of massage table.
@Lucy apple tart: still think im cute 🙃?
@y/n: yes but what are you doing, getting massages?
@y/n: thought you had training 😂
@Lucy apple tart: just done training, and this is physio btw not massages
@Lucy apple tart: although we get those too sometimes, but thats more a recovery thing
@y/n: ah, got it, when is your next game?
@Lucy apple tart: saturday why
@y/n: you have to recover after that right
@Lucy apple tart: yup
@y/n: need a masseur?
@Lucy apple tart: 👀
@y/n: 👀
@Lucy apple tart: its a nearby away game which means i will be back v late 😔
@y/n: ah and sleep is the most important recovery!
@Lucy apple tart: wise and pretty you are!
@y/n: thats just me quoting my PE teacher friend, she's quite a serious gym girl haha
@Lucy apple tart: the one u took to the game?
@y/n: yes shes my bestfriend
@Lucy apple tart: can i meet her sometimes? she sounds v nice
@y/n: bet she would love that
@Lucy apple tart: cool
@Lucy apple tart: if you want it could be at the game saturday?
@y/n: maybe a bit too public no?
@Lucy apple tart: GIF
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@y/n: sticker
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@y/n: cant be seen in public with u
@Lucy apple tart: 😂😂
@y/n: but fr?
@Lucy apple tart: love that you care and take my side in to perspective x
@Lucy apple tart: but ill fix tickets thatll get you access to the lounge before and after the game, we wont be there before the game but after we will, and then i could meet her?
@y/n: really
@Lucy apple tart: yeah im excited to meet your friend, usually that comes before the parents right
@y/n: lol u already met my mom tho
@Lucy apple tart: 😳
@y/n: well (yfs/n) will be v excited
@Lucy apple tart: im too!
You took a screenshot of the conversation to send to your bestfriend to tell her that she had been invited.
You wrote ''Espero que encara sigueu lliure, vau ser convidat per la mateixa senyoreta abs xx'' (hope your free, you were invited by miss abs herself xx) send her the screenshot.
One second later you realised you had send it back to Lucy.
@y/n: fuck
@y/n: wait dont translate pls
@y/n: just wanted to send yfs/n that she should keep her saturday empty
@Lucy apple tart: 😂😂😂😂Lucy apple tart
@y/n: omg
@y/n: didnt even remember that i had put that as your name
@y/n: 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
@Lucy apple tart: senyoreta abs 👀
@y/n: nooo abs is something else in catalan
@Lucy apple tart: what does it mean then?
@y/n: it means absolutely :)
@Lucy apple tart: ah okay!
..you texted your friend the screenshot and one of this part of the conversation..
@y/n: my excuse was terrible wasnt it
@Lucy apple tart:😂
@y/n: sry for objectifying you 😔
@Lucy apple tart: nah you give the best nicknames lmao
@y/n: really?
@Lucy apple tart: yh i cant pick if i like guapa or senorita abs best
@y/n: senyoreta abs
@Lucy apple tart: 😂 okay that ll be it then
@y/n: no you wrote spanish dummy
@Lucy apple tart: oop, senyoreta abs*
@y/n: good
@Lucy apple tart: good girl?
@y/n: now your pushing it apple tart!
@Lucy apple tart: sticker
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@y/n: Sticker
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@Lucy apple tart: ah shit gtg
@Lucy apple tart: ttyl pretty girl
@y/n: sticker
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''I love this for you'' your friend said to you as you were sitting in the car driving to the stadium one town away ''and that you sent her the screenshot omg, so funny''.
''i felt so dumb omg'' you replied in Catalan ''but luckily she passed all the tests, she's not stuck up at all'.
Your friend quirked an eyebrow ''all the tests?''
''yeah, the putellas shirt? and now this too, she didn't even tease me about it'' you said.
''Maybe she's saving that'' your friend grinned.
You had told her to very detail about your experiences in bed with the dark-haired defender. The two of you always shared everything, eventhough her story's would be about men and yours about women.
''Stop it!'' you kept one hand on the steering wheel and with the other you poked her side ''and you will not say anything embarrasing about me later''.
''i wont y/n'' your friend said truthfully, but jokingly added ''i love getting to watch these games from the stands, im not going to take risks and end up behind the TV again''.
''good keep thinking about that'' you said.
''you aren't nervous are you?'' she asked
'' a little bit maybe, but i dont really know why, just healthy nerves i guess'' you stared at the road.
''hm, well im there to hold your hand'' she said and rubbed your arm affirmatively.
''Thank you''
''by the way, i wanted to pick up going to the gym a bit more if you still wanted me to come with? '' you asked.
''ugh i hate the fact that i know your motivation is sex but i love that you finally want to come so ill take it'' your friend groaned.
''nah dont play stupid, you told me yourself that you lacked stamina to keep up with her''.
''Sorry sometimes i forget we share too much with eachother'' you groaned back
''nuh uh no such thing as oversharing'' her smile came back ''i love hearing about your life and i love oversharing mine''
''yeah true that, how did that date go anyways?''
It was after the game. Your friend and you had watched Barca beat Girona FC with 1-4. It had been a scary start, as Girona had been 1-0 ahead, but overall Barca had been the better party.
''Here'' your friend handed you a drink ''got it from there'' she pointed at a bar in the corner.
There were quite a few people hanging around in the lounge. You saw your friend observing everyone ''recognise annyone?''
Your friend laughed ''yeah it's funny, i see some family members of the players'' she nodded in a direction ''i believe that is Olga, she's Putellas girl''.
''How do you know?''
''Instagram'' she replied ''honestly i cant believe how bad you're living under a rock, even now, i would've been searching the whole internet if my girlfriend was famous, you have-
''she's not my girlfriend'' you hissed as your cheeks got flushed.
''oh sorry'' your friend smirked but when she saw your face she said ''ill behave''.
''Good, corazón de melón''
Your friend cringed, she hated when you used that nickname. But when she looked over your shoulder her face came back to a smile ''if that isn't senyoreta abs''.
You turned around shamefully quick and saw a few Barca players entering the lounge, freshly showered and dressed in a tracksuit.
You turned back to your friend wanting to ask were, but when you saw a stupid grinn on her face you know she had fooled you.
''ahhh you shouldve seen how quickly you turned'' she burst out laughing.
''Something funny?'' you heard a farmilliar face.
This time you turned around more slowely ''Lucy?''
''heyy you remembered my name'' Lucy said as she walked over to the two of you and gave you a hug.
''well this is yfs/n'' you looked over to your friend ''yfs/n this is Lucy''.
''yep i knew'' your friend said unusually shy.
You chuckled ''where did your big mouth go, it's just lucy''.
Lucy became also a bit shy ''hey yfs/n heard so many good things about you., can i hug you?''
''yeah ofcourse'' your friend said enthousiasticly.
The three of you chatted for a while and when the players left the room one by one , Lucy was the only player left in the lounge.
When your friend and Lucy talked about a subject you didn't really care for, sports, you're eyes wandered around the room.
''eh Luce, dont want to be a buzz kill but your mates have left''
''Oh shit'' Lucy said ''thanks, should probably get running, dont want to miss the bus''.
She dapped your friend up, which made you frown, but then gave you a hug. ''bye pretty girl'' she wispered in you ear.
As she walked off you said ''bye apple tarts'' but you doubted she heared it.
You were back in your apartment, you had dropped of your friend at hers and was now walking to your bed, dieing for something more comfy to wear.
Your phone rang, it was Lucy.
''Hey'' Lucy said carefully.
''what's up'' you said as you had the phone between your ear and shoulder pulling of your pants and socks.
''Hello to you too'' lucy laughed ''wanted to ask if you got home safe''
''sorry'' you laughed back ''im multitasking, but yes im at home''
''oh what are you doing?'' She asked sincere, truely curious what you were up too.
You snickered ''well if you need to know, im getting undressed''
''oh, really'' she said cheeky
Your phone buzzed and you took it in your hand to look.
*FaceTime request from Lucy apple tarts*
''ohh nooo apple tarts, cheeky bastard'' you laughed.
''ugh, worth a try'' she pouted true the phone.
''If you really want a peek you'd have to come here'' you teased
''Well,.. i guess i still have that offer for a massage to take you up on'' she said.
In the same tone she used you replied ''yeah i guess you do, you should probably cash that, never know when it will expire''.
You had taken out oil from somewhere and lit a candle, on the bed you had placed two folded towels and a white bathrobe.
''hello'' you called true the intercom as Lucy had buzzed it.
In the time it had took her to come to you, which had been suprisingly little, you had put on some lingerie and on top of that a oversized shirt.
''y/n'' she said as you opened the door.
''hey Luce-'' you said with a dopey smile.
''what? were are you smiling at?'' She asked and looked at her sweater, thinking she had maybe spilled something.
''No silly'' you stepped into her space ''happy i can finally kiss you again''.
''hmm'' lucy said as she came closer to your mouth with her own ''yeah finally indeed''.
''wow, you have prepared'' Lucy smiled
''yeah, you can wear the robe i guess, i have to admitt i dont realllyy know what im doing''.
''hm'', Lucy grinned ''well im with you, i only know sportsmassages and than im in my kit'', ''or underwear''.
You looked at her with a raised eyebrow ''underwear''
''yeah you know, sportsbra'' she lifted her shirt a bit and pointed at her briefs ''boxers''.
''ohhhh underwear'' you sarcasticly replied ''okay so, underwear? or i could put those towels over you''.
''mkay'' Lucy grinned ''if you insist, i wouldn't have minded to be bare''.
''well we haven't started yet, you could-
''no ill take that towel'' she smirked ''for over my butt''.
you had spent a fair time kneeding Lucy's back muscles and shoulders and was now busy on her hamstrings.
''very thight'' you said, not realising how dirty that sounded.
Lucy hadn't picked up on it either and groaned ''yeah especially that left one''
You moved to her left.
''ah yeah, there'' ''uhg, a litte more le- ahrggghh yeah like that'''.
The sounds Lucy made and the words she grunted had you blushing.
You went to her calves for a bit before retrieving back to her hamstrings creeping up slowely but surely. Your hands were already pretty far under the towel, but the towel had been so big that when you had folded it double, it still covered way to much area for your liking.
''i think i have to get the towel out of the way'' you say ''cant reach your gluteus maximus''.
Lucy laughed into the bed ''if you want to touch my butt just ask''.
''no'' you stayed in your role ''this is a sportsmassage, cant ignore the largest muscle of the body, can i''.
''Calling my ass fat'' she snickered
''You think its funny?''' You said smugly and experimentally gave a little smack to her butt.
'Agh' a moan escaped her throath.
You massaged her ass, grabbing hands full and kneeded it. Before you tracked back to her muscles, continuing the 'sports' massage.
You didnt know if you saw it right, but you thought you saw her lifting her butt just a bit from the bed.
You stood up. "Turn around?" You asked.
She groaned bit turned around, she didn't bother trying to cover up anymore. Leaving the towel where you had dropped it next to her on the bed.
You shamelessly let your eyes roam her body.
Lucy squirmed under your gaze and reached out to one of your hands and placed it on her body.
"tan bonic" (so beautiful) you said softly almost wispering it.
You traced over her abdomen, feeling the buldging muscles below her skin.
Lucy's nipples hardened, and she grabbed her boobs with her own hands.
"Ey, atura ho" you said with an husk voice "i thought i was giving you the massage".
"O" lucy retracted her hands and laid them back besides her.
The way she obeyed you turned you on increddibly.
You climbed on top of her, sitting on hip height of her body, feeling your pulsating heat press into her body.
You want to reach forward to cup her breasts but the long t-shirt that you wore was caught between your bodies, restricting your movement.
With your knees on either side of Lucy you sit up a bit and pull of the shirt. Leaving you in just your underwear but still more dressed than Lucy is.
"Best massage ever" lucy grinned " a masseuse that takes of her shirt"
"It got in my way" you said a you palmed her chest.
"Im not complaining" she said.
When you took her nipples between your fingers she closed her eyes.
You leaned down to kiss her neck. Making you grind on her a little wich make you realise how wet you were.
Her hands found your hips and encouraged your movement.
You sat up a little bit more searching for the angle that worked best for you.
Lucy looked you in your eyes, you recougnised lust in her eyes.
"Tell me" you pant, slowing your movement "what's your happy ending?"
She tried to read your face, not completely understanding you or wanting to make sure she understanded you correctly.
"Anyting" you wispered ensuring "celebrate the win with me?"
She gulped and sat straight up, your upperbodies were now almost touching as you sat on her lap.
"Are you sure?" She asked.
"Mhm" you grinned "i can see in your eyes you need something"
Luxy pulled you in for a kiss and turned the two of you so that she was now on top of you.
"I brought something" she wispered "wait for me"
You laughed "no i wont go anywere i promise" after all you were laying in your own bed, you wouldnt even know were to go.
You blew out the candle that you saw was still burning, thinking it was hot enough in the room. And made yourself comfortable.
You realised how late it actually was and thought about the fact that you didnt feel sleepy at all.
If anything you felt adrenaline, curious about the thing Lucy had brought.
You didnt have to wait for an awnser long because Lucy stepped back into the room.
You saw her wearing a strap-on, with a black harness.
Lucy looked at you waiting for a respons.
When she didnt move, you stood up from the bed and walked her way.
You gave her a little kiss on her bottom lip and then went to her cheek.
"Hey" you said in her ear and turned to kiss her neck. You felt her shiver below your tender kisses.
"Hey" lucy said back "what do you think?" She asked carefully.
"I think your hot" you said softly biting her skin "and maybe you should carrie me to the bed" you hand felt up her stomach and went to her bicep.
Lucy smiled "you ike me muscles pretty girl?"
Her voice was low and she sounded more english, you took it as a sign that she was just as turned on as you.
She grabbed your ass and effortlessly lifted you up. You sat against the thick plastic item attached to Lucy.
You groaned, the 'massage' you had given lucy and the grinding on Lucy had already worked you up so much that you were sure you didnt need much to come undone.
Lucy turned around before the bed and sat down with you on her lap.
The two of you became entangled in a heavy make out session.
She was such a good kisser, you lost yourself in the kiss and your hips moved on their own.
She broke away from the kiss, placing a few more on your lips.
"Want to ride me?"
"Mhmm yeah" you moaned out, imagening feeling her inside already.
You stepped of her lap and quickly took of the pieces you were still wearing.
Lucy scootched back on the bed. Leaning her back against the headboard.
She looked at you with a glistering in her eyes. "la chica mas bonita" (the prettiest)
You smiled and got back on the bed, taking place on her thighs.
"cant wait to have you on my cock" Lucy said as she rubbed your upper thighs and hips.
You looked at her with wide eyes, not expecting those words.
"sorry, too much?
You didnt answer but kissed her. She returned the same energy but let yku lead the kiss.
When you broke the kiss you wispered " want to feel you inside me luce"
She guided you on to her strap, you lowered yourself carefully.
You closed your eyes and your hands found Lucy's abdomen to stabilise yourself.
She replaced her hands so they were a bit more on your ass rather then your hips and leaned in to kiss your neck.
The movement with her inside you set a low moan free from your throath.
She kissed your neck softly.
Once you had adjusted to the object that was within you, you began to move slowly.
"Lucy you feel so good" you said grinding down on her.
She kneeded your ass and sat up straighter, you removed your arma from inbetween the two of you to around her. Pulling her even more close to you.
Her mouth working you neck, her hands on your butt and her body coliding with yours in many places by the intimit embrace you shared all took part in the uncontrolable high you experienced.
You cried out Lucy's name and digged you nails in her back as you rutted up and down her dick a few more strokes before collapsing against her.
Her fingers traced your back and then went to wipe some strands of hair out of your face "that was amazing" she said with a scrill voice.
"Hmm" you nodded against her neck "you feel amazing, show me how good you can make me feel?"
"Mhmm" you groaned "i want you lucy"
That concludes part 3 😳 hope you liked it
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ada7201 · 9 months
hi ada! may I request something very similar to the "only girl in blue lock" request? the reader is a bit more closed off and keeps to herself- like rin. but she's not mean just a bit sarcastic, and she's friendly-- like not hard to approach. although the guys in blue lock might be crushing on her, she's only focused on one thing and one thing only, becoming a successful footballer. she has a good relationship with her teammates, joking around with them and all-- her skills are still extraordinary! you can totally ignore this if you'd like, no pressure pookie <3
hello! this sounds so cute, and im happy to do your request! here you go!! (๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)
my apologies if this was short, i didn’t know how to write it so that everyone could like her - and i didn’t really know how to write y/n as reserved, but i tried 🤍!
hope you like it ^ ^
a girl at blue lock? 𖦹 version 2
❥ blue lock x female reader
“THERE’S NO WAY SHE’S BETTER THAN ME!!” “calm down.” “she probably is…” “SHUT UP!” “i hope she’s cute!” “you think she’d be into me?” “how was a girl even let into blue lock?”
wow. that’s a lot of voices…
as you walked into the room - room Z? you were greeted by the voice of way too many people.
“hello! you’re the girl everybody’s talking about, right!” another voice would ask from behind you, a sickeningly polite smile on his face.
oh, it’s that boy who decided to talk back to Ego.
“mhm.” you respond with a hum, walking past him with your eyes focused on the floor. he seems a bit too… charming. did he think he was going to win you over?
you found yourself a nice corner - near lockers or something? and wow, that’s a really muscular guy.
you stayed quiet, choosing not to interact with him either.
“hello.” he said, looking down to you.
wow. just great.
“hello,” you smile politely, glancing at him briefly before shuffling through your bag again.
that bug eyed bowl cut freak was nice enough to let you bring it, so you guessed that you should be grateful.
“HEY!!” a voice shrieked out from behind you. another? and has he had any water today? why is his voice so dry?
“hm?” you turn around - eyes widening as a figure rushed towards you.
what’s with that grin on his face?
“SHOW ME WHAT YOU’VE GOT!” he shouts, before crashing straight into you.
you and the sharp toothed boy crashed straight into the muscular man with a loud “thud”
“ouch-“ you were cut off by the loud boy’s hand straight on your mouth as he stood up, towering over you.
does he not have any manners? what’s his deal?
“are you alright?” the orange haired male asks from behind you, placing a gentle hand on your back. “i’m sorry about - him.” he’d sigh.
“mhm… yeah.” you groan, shuffling away from the two boys. is this how it’s going to be like for the rest of… blue lock? yeah, that’s what it’s called.
he stood up, holding a hand out for you to take aswell. you gently held his hand, standing up. you turned your head to the weird teeth boy, sending a soft glare his way before looking back up at the muscular man.
“thank you.” you mumble, letting go of his larger hand.
the whole tag game went by pretty fast, with most of them avoiding you - why?
it’s not like your weak. you could argue that you were probably the best player in the room.
were they trying to be gentlemanly? how pathetic.
the evening soon came, and you were not very pleased to hear that you had to share - yes, share - the bathrooms with the rest of the team.
how wonderful.
“y/n! you getting into the shower yet?” a bald headed boy - no, buzz cut - sang from behind you.
“no, i’m gonna escape from blue lock - of course i’m getting into the shower.” you scoff, side eyeing the boy before looking back to your bag - making sure you’ve got everything.
“without me-“ he was cut off by a slap to the back of his head from - Chigiri?
“thank you.” you smile softly the red haired boy, picking your bag up. it seemed that he was also heading for the showers.
he didn’t look like the pervert type, so maybe it’ll be fine. his skin is pretty clear, too. he reminds you a lot of a girl from your school.
“no problem. you mind if i join you?” he asks simply. was he… avoiding eye contact?
“i don’t mind.” you say, rather quietly.
he nods in response, nodding towards the entrance to the bathroom. the two of you started walking, both staying quiet.
each game with team Z was exciting, and with you being the great player you are, it’s no surprise how you guys made it that far.
“y/n right?” a little voice said from behind you.
you were stood in the cafeteria, munching on some food that you have been basically dying for. who was that boy, again? oh. Niko, you think.
“yup.” you say quietly, before taking another spoonful of the rice in front on you. it wasn’t extremely delicious, but you could live with it.
“you’re a good player.” he says in a soft voice, walking towards you. “i watched some of your matches.” he adds, sitting down next to you.
“oh, thanks.” you respond, glancing over to him.
“y/nnnn!” Bachira giggled from the entrance, followed by Isagi and Kunigami who walked behind him.
“oh, hello.” you say quietly, looking back at the three boys who just arrived before looking back at your meal.
Niko looked over to Isagi, his eyes narrowing slightly. he was so lucky - he got to be on a team with a pretty, and talented, girl like you. how dare he.
the three boys appeared behind you, Kunigami placing a hand on the top of your head. Bachira looked down at your food, before looking at your eyes.
as soon as you blinked, he swiped your food and took a few spoonfuls.
“ah- hey!” you exclaimed, eyebrows furrowing as you glared up at the dual haired male.
Kunigami chuckled, along with Isagi. “i can give you my food, if you want?” the orange haired boy offered, ruffling you hair a little.
“no, thank you.” you say softly, followed by a sigh. “i’m probably gonna head to the showers anyways.” you add, getting out of your seat. “bye everyone.” you wave them goodbye, before making your way towards the showers. Chigiri had promised to share some of his hair and skin products with you, if you shared your face masks with him.
so, that’s exactly what the two of you did! you were sat on the bathroom counter, smiling happily to yourself as you placed the face mask onto your face - Chigiri’s slim hands reached out, helping you smooth it out as he tried not to smile, causing the face mask he was wearing to crinkle. but it was just so hard - you’re so cute!
the two of you had a nice time, until Bachira decided to ruin it by running in, graciously wearing a towel - that was about to slip.
that wasn’t a very fun experience, you would say.
the night was just like any other, with Raichi clinging onto you in his sleep - mumbling curses and sometimes even managing to hit you. how did he do that… while sleeping? at least he was nice enough to apologise in the morning when he woke up.
“i’m- sorry.” he grunts, folding his arms as a blush covered his cheeks.
he wouldn’t ever admit it, but it was actually kind of nice to wake up next to a pretty girl, hugging her no less.
during the second selection, it was an understatement to say your team missed you.
couldn’t say the same about you, though - you trained hard, and managed to be one of the first to get out - go you!
until you saw him - Itoshi Rin.
you couldn’t lie, he’s real hot. but you have a goal - to be the best striker in the world!
Ego allowed you to join up with Rin, Tokimitsu, and someone called Aryu who would not stop talking to you. something about being beautiful?
you couldn’t help but feel your cheeks growing warmer at his compliments.
Tokimitsu would mumble apologies every second, saying things like “im sorry for being in your presence, y/n” “i don’t deserve to breathe around such a pretty girl” he was quite a cute guy, you wish that he would have a little more self confidence.
and there was Rin - he was a bit like you, so the two of you didn’t talk to each other much. not like you wanted to, anyways.
your only goal is to become the best.
“you’re a good player, y/n.” Rin would compliment shyly, a faint blush dusting his cheeks.
“thank you.” you respond politely, cheeks growing warmer - at this point, you think your cheeks will explode from how many compliments you’ve gotten!
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furuyalover · 5 months
hey Mars! Can you do dark red by Steve lacy with Kenma? like they confessing to eachother and all? Thank you! (I'm sorry if it's not cleared enough)
dark red | mars & her music event
“i belong with you, and only you babyy”
— ft. kenma kozume & some cute confessions
AN: i love this song sooo much u have no idea, so i ofc loved writing this !! i had a lot of fun writing this so be prepared for a loooong read. hope u enjoyed & tysm for the ask <3
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“something bad is 'bout to happen to me. i don't know what, but i feel it coming”
kenma was never one to be good at dealing with other peoples emotions, much less his own. yet he found himself often thinking, even caring, about you. it was an occurrence that was strange to him. he couldn’t understand why he felt this way, but he knew that he liked you more than anyone else.
“kenma, you realize you have a painfully obvious crush on y/n right?” his tall rooster headed said to him while pinching the bridge of his nose. dealing with kenma’s obliviousness to his crush on you had started stressin him out a lil too much.
“what? no i don’t?? she’s just my friend.” he would protest, not noticing how red the tips of his ears got whenever you were mentioned. but no matter how many times he tried denying it, kuroo was right, he did have a crush, the biggest, crush on you. yet you were oblivious to this as well
“i hink of her so much it drives me crazy. i just don't want her to leave me”
you had been friends with kenma for a while now, spending almost every day with him & his friends. but when you yourself developed feelings for him, you tried to ignore them, not wanting to ruin your friendship in case he doesn’t feel the same.
your relationship began to stray a little bit though. after finding out another girl confessed to him, you assumed he said yes, and began distancing yourself from him. not out of jealousy, you just wanted to be respectful, but also avoiding him was also the easiest way for you to stop the ache you felt in your heart over the boy you’ve been in love with.
kenma found himself missing you more than usual. where is she? why doesn’t she hangout with us that much anymore? was it something i did? he couldn’t handle not being with you daily. hell, he practically confessed his love to you to the girl who confessed to him.
“don’t you give me up, please don't give up. on me, i belong, with you, only you, babe”
when he saw you walking home after school alone, part of him was upset because usually he’s the one walking with you, but another part of him saw this as a perfect opportunity to try see why you’ve been avoiding him.
lost in your thoughts walking home, you’re startled when you hear someone call your name from afar. even more so when you realize that you recognize that name, your crush, kenma kozume.
“hey y/n wait up a sec” he calls after you sheepishly, while jogging over to meet you. “why don’t you walk with me after school anymore?” he asks slightly out of breath. steadying his breath and readjusting his jacket, he looks at you waiting for your response
at a loss for words at this awkward encounter you manage to say “well.. um, i just thiught you’d be walking with your girlfriend i guess” a look of confusion smeared on his face, he blinks a few times in disbelief of what you just said. “my what? who are you talking about?” now it’s your turn to be confused.
“that girl who confessed to you? kuroo told me about it & i figured you started dating her” the look of confusion on his face is now replaced with one of annoyance. palming his face and then rubbing his temple he retorts “oh my god im gonna kill him shit. wait is this why you’ve been avoiding me?” facing your embarrassment head on and looking at the ground, you decide you might as well tell the truth.
“yeah, i just didn’t wanna make things awkward by letting my feelings get in the way.” kenma definitely knows something’s up so he asks “what feelings..?” a slight blush creeping up on your face you confess. “i like you kenma, i’ve liked you forever probably. and i didn’t want to ruin our friendship with my own feelings” you notice a small smile form on kenma’s face, and next thing you know he’s pulling you towards him into a hug.
letting out a sigh, followed by a small laugh he confesses to you himself. “y/n, i don’t know how you never realized, but i’ve liked you the moment we met. kuroo will tell you how much i talk about you. and i even told that girl how i only have eyes for you after i rejected her.” a warm feeling fills your heart, and everything just felt so right. you know how quiet kenma can be, and how little he expresses himself, so this confession was just that more meaningful.
to reassure him & his feelings, you look at him with the biggest, genuine smile, squeezing him tightly in your hug. he places a chaste kiss on your head, then simply says, “so will you stop avoiding me now?” his heart is so full <3
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reblogs appreciated and admired ૮₍ ˃ ⤙ ˂ ₎ა
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nomazee · 1 year
haii :3
could you write how shinsou would take care of a reader when they are sick :0
i’ve been a little sick this week so this would really cheer me up :D
pairing: shinsou hitoshi x reader
word count: ~800
content: sickfic AGUGHHH, friends-to-lovers slash unspecified relationship could be established could be not, cutesy, literally just fluff, vague mentions of puking etc typical sickness stuff
this was such a cute request omg thank you for sending it in! i hope u feel better much love! i decided to do this in bullet point format!
ALSO IM SO SORRY GUYSSS IM GETTING THROUGH REQUESTS SO SLOWLY <//3 i promise i will try to get as many of them done as i can but many of them are like long-fic format so they will take me a bit FEEL FREE TO SEND REQUESTS IF U STILL WANT TO!!! rules are linked here!
you're both in the gen ed department + living in the dorms
it's the middle of the week and you've been feeling ROUGH for the entire week but just haven't had the time to focus on yourself between studies and everything
shinsou and you are in your math class sitting together at a two-person desk while your teacher lectures
you're super dizzy even while sitting down, there's a sheen of sweat on your forehead and you feel way too hot overall, you're holding back a coughing fit because you know if you let it happen you're gonna end up puking everywhere
the bell finally rings signaling the end of class and the start of lunch and you can't bring yourself to stand up at all
shinsou is packing up next to you and doesn't really notice your unmoving form until he's slinging his backpack over his shoulder and looking down at you, expecting to see you packed and ready to go but you.... look like you're dying
"you good, man?"
he packs up your stuff for you because he's secretly a SWEETHEART and carries your bag and pulls you up by your elbow with a big sigh
"guess i gotta take you to recovery girl now"
"do NOT take me to recovery girl..."
it's not like you have anything against recovery girl but it's not like she would be able to help you with a sickness and she'd end up giving you a bed to sleep on or just send you to your dorm to rest anyways
you just want to sleep in the comfort of YOUR bed already
you tell that to shinsou and urge him to just walk you to your dorm before you throw up on his shoes
he tells you that the teachers will think you're skipping class but you flutter your lashes at him (it probably looks more like you're seizing with how sick you are) and say something like "you'll cover for me, right?"
he rolls his eyes but. yes. he will cover for you. (he's whipped)
walks you to your dorm with an arm around your shoulders and you try not to collapse from both ur fever and the feeling of him walking so close
your delusions are running rampant in this HEAT
walks you alllll the way to your room and helps you lay back in your bed, pulls the covers over you and everything and your hands are TWITCHING because you wanna kiss him so bad but you'd end up puking all over him in this state
leaves your room for a bit and comes back with an ice pack wrapped in a towel to put on ur forehead and hot tea mixed w honey for when you're ready to drink something
puts the ice pack over ur forehead with a gentleness you've never seen from him before and you're like dying and clawing at the sheets trying not to scream with how in love u are with this guy
"you should go back to lunch man you're not gonna have enough time to eat"
"you're on the verge of death and that's what you're worried about"
stays with you until there's like 5 minutes left in the lunch period and he (unfortunately) HAS to leave
you're holding back a whine because yeah you feel guilty that he wasted his lunch time taking care of you but also... stay here forever?!?! duh?!?!
he notices the hesitant look in ur eyes while he stands up and takes his bag with him and sighs and rolls his eyes all fake-annoyed before leaning down and kissing your cheek and you hold back the urge to swing and punch him because he CAN'T JUST DO THAT AND THEN LEAVE???
"i know you can't stand a minute without me but i promise i'll be back the minute classes are over"
"i'm gonna set an alarm to make sure you're telling the truth about that"
"you can count on me"
you sleep for like the rest of the day and only wake up when you hear your door opening and smell soup and there's totally no way shinsou made that for you except he definitely did because when you ask about the soup his ears are flushed and you're literally gonna kiss him if he doesn't stop being so hot
overall shinsou would be so soft with you in his stupid sarcastic way and tease you about getting sick because he's a JERK but also a cutie so you let him get away with it
would definitely spend the rest of the day sleeping in your bed with you and then also get sick and force you to make him homemade soup (it's only fair, he argues)
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Quick question, what are your thoughts on the One Piece live action 💖
Oh thank you so much for asking!
I am so FRIKEN EXCITED for it, man, you have no idea.
One Piece is obviously going to be very difficult to transition into a live action setting, but i think theyre doing the absolute best they can with the cards they were given. I like to keep my expectations low so that im always surprised, and boy howdy was i surprised with that trailer. I literally watched it like 5 times over in pure glee.
I really cant explain why… i think it’s just the childlike wonder within my soul being like “omg my fav characters doing something fun :O!! Im so excited :DD”
Plus the actors (from what ive seen) are all really fun and i really wanna watch their full on screen chemistry. Like sure its childlike wonder, but its also so much curiosity. Like how are they gonna pull this off :D??
The only thing i could see happening that would make me dislike it is the cgi, but like… i know in my heart that i Will Not Care if the cgi is bad. I used to watch Supergirl AND The Flash CW TV shows and didnt mind.
Actually that’s not true, i have another fear for the show. About a year ago or so there was some kind of leak (idk if its even real or not) for the script that depicted luffy acting not very luffy-like. But like… surely they fixed that. I dont want to live in a world where luffy is depicted giving genuine pep talks and not just telling someone that “yeah if i dont accomplish this then I’m probably dead” (which winds up being more inspiring than anything else he could possibly say)
Plus, if this live action thang turns out to be good????? Ohhhhh ohh hohohoooo. The friends of mine who dont watch one piece and have no intention of watching one piece will be secured tightly in a chair with duct tape and forced to watch it.
I think this little bite sized nugget of one piece could be a lot less pressure to try to get others into since it’ll be so short (in comparison to its 2d counterpart). And who knows, maybe watching the first bit will inspire them to continue watching. :’).
So i guess you can say ive got high hopes.
I can really tell this whole thing has been a labor of love, and thats enough to get me hype.
And also luffy’s actor is very cute.
Thanks for the ask!
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cupoftaae · 1 year
9 & 6 with jimin hehe 🥹
6- "I hate how much I love you." x 9- "and why are you so jealous?" x JIMIN
warnings- swearing, fluff , College AU
A/N- Hi sweetheart, so sorry this is so late, and kinda short, I am a bit behind with my work but I hope you enjoy this <3 -Nini
"and why are you so jealous?" Jimin smirked, nudging his shoulder against yours as you both walk home.
"who the hell said Im jealous? me? jealous? thats really funny, jimin" you roll your eyes and adjust your bag, wishing you were at your house already.
"so you dont care if I invite Felicity over as my date for the christmas party?"
"why would I?"
"because" he looked down at his feet as they walked, "you seemed pretty upset when I originally told you"
Scoffing, you respond, "jimin I was upset because you and I agreed we would go together if we couldnt find dates, and I actaully did want to go, now I cant"
"mhm, okay well you do know you can still show up" he smiled
"nope. I am not gonna show up as the one and only single, that is just awkward"
He giggles, "oh im sure you wont be the only one"
"yes I will...whatever Im done discussing this, didnt you just walk past your house?" you gesture behind you, "why are you following me"
He shrugged, "just wanna walk you home I guess"
You glared at him, "okay...."
It was a silent walk up until you got to the footing of your yard, you awkwardly looked at him, "well, I'll see you tomorrow I guess?"
He smiled, "you wanna come to the Christmas thing with me huh?"
"what??" your eyes widened
"cmon y/n, why are you being stubborn, just admit it" his voice was teasing
"ok jimin, sounds like you are the one who wants me to go with you, not the other way around"
"and what if I do?"
You stopped and turned around, facing him completely, "What?"
"what if I do wanna take you?" he laughed softly, "is that such a bad thing?"
"um...what about Felicity?"
He scoffed, "you are so difficult, I was never gonna take her, she asked me and I already told her no....just wanted to rile you up a bit"
"asshole" you glared
"so you wanna come or not? I know you do"
You cross your arms "and what If I already have a date"
He smiled, "you dont, you literally just said you didnt. You kinda suck at playing it even, doll."
You sighed deeply, "god, youre annoying"
"you love me, you know it"
"more like I hate how much I love you" you voiced, scoffing as he slowly stepped forward
"so....i'll pick you up at 7 tomorrow?" he mumbled, standing close to you as your face slowly turned red. You mentally punched yourself for showing your emotions on your face 24/7 around him.
Yeah you had a tiny crush on Jimin.....
Okay maybe you reaaaally liked jimin.
But the ass was cocky enough, a small blush from you was enough to boost his ego by 5x.
clearing your throat, you spoke, "um..if i have to, like theres no other choice here"
He smirked, "yeah I bet you hate this"
"I do" you lowered your gaze
His hand gently brushed your hair back, the touch making you still all movements as your eyes widened. Youve never seen him this close.
"mm, show me how much you hate me when I come by tomorrow, dress cute okay? I'll show you off" he whispered before beginning to step back and walk the other way towards his house, leaving you speechless on the front porch.
Your mom suddenly opened the front door, smiling
"was that jimin?!"
You watched as he walked out of site
"yup....that was Jimin"
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rewritingcanon · 1 year
ok here are some of the revised one-part melbourne hpcc play highlights (part two yah) in an attempted chronological order:
part one
part two
the whole dark wand dance was such a fucking knockout everyone was popping their whole pussy to it. i wanted to twerk.
polly chapman also had a cute little bob in this era. i don’t know why they changed wigs for her but i guess she’s emo in the dark world
craig was carrying this big ass book and when scorpius went up to him trying to ask where snape’s classroom was he squeaked and tried to HIDE BEHIND THE BOOK like twice 😭 he only emerged to sideye the shit out of scorpius for being weird
when scorpius was talking to snape and snape was writing on the class board, i was close enough to see what he was writing and it was mostly random scribbles but he did write “E=mc?” 😭😭 bro is doing the calculations
ravager ron 🥵🥵 (aka hottest mf in the hpverse idc idc)
also snape was the biggest comedian ever? bro did not care if he was dead in the other dimension, he just started immediately roasting hermione and ron because ofc he has to
remember when i said scorbus mirrors romione? yah well they do it again with the dementors with ron and hermione fighting beside each other, and scorpius having albus emotionally fight beside him (as he will confess to him in the owlery later)
snape didnt tell scorpius who hes giving up his kingdom for but asked it instead, and scorpius said “im doing this for albus i-i think” boom timeline change
scorpius went to tackle his dad in a hug after returning from the dark world but he was dripping wet so draco just thrust out his cloak in between them to protect himself lmfao
he was like “daaaaddd 😆😆😄😙😯☹️ aw ☹️” nah draco was not gonna get water on his valentino white bag for anything
yann starting the fuckinng gossip
yann doing a fucking backflip over the staircase to spread more gossip
and i was sitting on the side a bit and could literally see matt holly who acts as yann run up a disappearing staircase and just leap off into the darkness of the wings 💀 idk if every yann is like a fucking stunt man or just this specific one
james and karl comforted rose when mcgonagall started lecturing hermione about the time turner by saying her kids didnt exist
rose looked like she was about to cry for the entire duration of the scene and hermione looked so ashamed of herself as well. which when you’re up close u can see how the bg characters are still acting, and it made their hug at the end of the scene all the more meaningful
meanwhile scorpius the whole time hermione and harry were being roasted by minerva was enthusiastically emoting like 😗😨🫢 bro could not believe the headmistress was just flaming the minister of magic like that
also when craig, karl, yann, rose and james were listening to mcgonagall… idk this was really minor so it COULD be a coincidence but when mcgonagall focused her attention on albus (because she was flaming harry and hermione first for a while) and started with “albus you were very brave,” james put his hand on the rail and leaned in closer to listen, like he was smushing his face against the rail trying to listen when it involved albus and idk. i thought that was very cute if that was purposeful
then the fucking owlery scene. omfg the owlery scene. the gayest ass place in the school for these nerds.
scorpius told albus in the owlery that (its literally a fucking love confession atp) he’s been doing everything for him and that he makes him stronger and was fighting alongside him and albus was like “y-yeah? 👉👈🥺” and then scorpius was like “yeah” and he leaned in and then ALBUS LEANED IN all very hopeful and then scorpius ruined it by saying “AND saving cedric wasnt a bad idea” COMPLETELY oblivious smh. which made albus flinch away and scratch his neck all sheepish and very adorably embarrassed. but basically it was a near kiss. and i’m not over-exaggerating just because i like the ship, albus wanted to kiss that boy 💀💀
(in this moment i also realised that albus literally only really laughs around delphi and scorpius. and he only really goes soft and quiet with scorpius ☹️)
then delphi comes in and literally plants herself in between al and scorpius… which is an interesting choice of placement
and scorpius sideyes her as aggressively as rose was sideyeing him at the start of the play lmfao i’ve never seen this boy look so disgruntled before
delphi actually screamed in delight when she betrayed scorpius and albus. like she shrieked and it was echoing as the scene was moving and fading to black it was SO GOOD
ron’s voice is like gruff and low and stuff mm (when he said “oh shut up will you” to hermione when trying to propose 🤭)
hermione also spoke in a specifc tone with ron when shes scolding him. like its lower and really fast. an example is when she said the “ronnotnow” moment when hes picking on dracos ponytail 😭😭 she’s so funny bru
ron getting down on one knee and saying “marriage renewal 🥰” with empty ass hands
ginny walked in on ron and hermione making out and then hermione got all flustered and did a little run up to draco and slapped him on the shoulder 😭😭 and he flinched too… you know that man still remembered her punch in third year
albus got down on all fours as soon as delphi turned her wand onto scorpius after he said “do your worst.” he literally BEGGED delphi to not hurt scorpius before she started torturing him. and then he was full on crying when it did happen
delphi taunting al by saying “if you want to stop me from hurting your FRIEND then do what you’re told.” and the emphasis on the word ‘friend’ was really taunting and sarcastic bc SHE KNOWS. it’s literally a fuck you to the ridiculousness of the queerbaiting in the og and i love it
ofc the change of albus’ weakness going from “friendship” to “LUVVVVV” (the actress had fun emphasising the queerness of it all i swearrr)
when draco, harry, ginny, ron and hermione are all in delphi’s room trying to find evidence of her identity, draco cuts hermione off by bellowing “SPECIALIS REVELIO” and then nothing happens. nothing happens. then ron goes “MUMBALIS RRRREVVVELIO” really dramatically in a thick accent to bully him 😭
ron is constantly bullying the shit out of draco for the entire play lmfao and the delivery is so fucking funny. draco cant say nothing either because he knows he deserves it deep down 💀
scorpius and albus’s hostility towards that one scottish station master on the platform was absolutely wild. albus looked innocently confused but scorpius cant mask for shit. bro was giving him a bombastic confunded look as he was speaking, leaning in to hear him better and staring flabbergasted at bro as he walked off 😭😭 14 year olds are brutal gawd
idk this might be the usual case for every cursed child play, but tom russell played both james sr and james sirius which insinuates james sirius looks like the og james which is so …
harry looked so small in the scene with dumbledore and him in his office and very boy-like. the positioning of the stage made it seem like harry was still looking up at dumbledore for guidance and when he started crying it just seemed like he needed a father mannn. phenomenal acting but bro 😭😭😭
and dumbledore looked so in pain too, and so GUILTY and because paintings are “nothing but paint and memories” makes it mean that dumbledore had felt that guilty and pained about treating harry like that in real life 😭 kill me now it was just a horrible time for everyone
all the drarry shippers deserve a medal for predicting that draco’s canon way of comforting harry or being nice to him is to literally just insult him more 💀 bro comes in and sees harry sobbing and just stands there like “my son said i was head of magical law enforcement in the other reality 🧍‍♂️ maybe this will be my office one day🧍‍♂️”
it makes it even funnier if youve read the script and know that the next direct line is a stage direction saying “harry is consumed in his grief”
when draco took out the time turner he owned to show harry he was like “yeahhh 😏real gold 😏😏 just the way the malfoy family likes it 😙” HELP
scorpius facing the audience, talking very softly about how he and albus should lean over the baby (harry), and so they both do, and then scorpius just starts screaming “HELP HELP HELLPPPPP” over audience members omgggg 😭
“it might traumatise the baby slightly 🤔”
scorpius got so excited about albus’s plan with the blanket and love potion that he tried to do a cartwheel and landed flat on his ass 😭
scorpius said “theres a rumour bathilda bagshot believed in never locking her doors” and then opened her front door with his bum 💀 he just playfully sticks it out on her door and he nearly fell inside bc it actually opened
ginny’s actress deserved an oscar for her scene with harry in albus’ room… like she was actually sobbing and shaking and yelling at harry, it was such a powerful scene for her character as a grieving sister and a grieving mother too. only scene that almost made me cry. katie jean-harding. remember the name fr
cue me pissing myself and just completely overreacting when the crew went to godric’s hollow and harry, hermione, ginny and ron were all talking about the dreary memories there and draco was just geeking out over how the houses had thatched roofs and that theres a farmer’s market 😭 his whole face just lit up when he spotted the market lolll he’s def thinking about a holiday home there or sum
get you a man (ron) who will hold a grudge (against draco) for you (hermione) for decadesss because of the things he said to you in your youth (very loyal husband material… hermione fr the smartest hp character, she saw the vision)
albus and ginny just throwing themselves onto each other and hugging and then harry just jogs up to albus, stops himself, and excitedly pats his shoulder
draco saying “we can hug too if you want” and scorpius slowly reaching out to him like the uppies meme
after the chat with ginny in the church in which ginny tells harry that albus needs to feel specific love from him, and albus was explaining the plan to defeat delphi, he says something like “and we should do this because do you know what im good at? polyjuic—” then harry yells behind him wayyy too loudly “I THINK THERES PLENTY YOURE GOOD AT ALBUS” and they all stare at him and ron just gives him a big thumbs up
and later when harry is trying to convince draco to go along with the plan to transfigure himself albus butts in saying “you should trust my dad, draco because he won’t let us down” and harry gets SO happy from it he and ron literally high five and he does a little jump in the background
also scorpius was constantly looking at draco when harry was talking about transfiguring himself into voldemort and it was fucking priceless. scorpius was so animated in his expressions he was literally staring at his dad like 😨 whilst draco is silently watching the whole encounter like 😐
when ron said “blimey theres two of them” when referring to scorpius and hermione, it literally had scorpius’ face LIGHT UP, hands over his mouth, and his posture straightened. i find it so cute how much he idolises hermione!
when harry turned into voldemort everyone flinched a step back except ron who went like “bloody hell! 😯” love him
the dramione scene was so minor, but it’s probably the biggest dramione moment to happen between the two of them in the entire hp series so im actually so surprised dramione shippers dont talk about it
breaking it down: draco says “im being bossed around by hermione granger” and theres a silence in which ron stops and looks at him very threateningly. then draco says “and im mildly enjoying it” with this big flirty ass grin on his face 😭😭😭 and then hermione has to HOLD RON BACK AND DRAG HIM AWAY LMFAO
draco the only type of guy to shoot his shot at a woman in front of her husband and his motherless son 💀💀
the fight scene with delphi and harry (+co) was hottttt and i dont mean in an attractive way but in the sense that it was literally fucking sweltering like i could feel the hot ass fire on my face as they were throwing spells at each other. i dont know how the actors could simply just cope on stage
albus was hiding behind ginny during fight scene with delphi and she was holding him close behind her. idk if it was because he hid behind her of his free volition or if she dragged him behind her but it was cute asf either way
when voldemort walked down into the middle aisle he stopped randomly and started staring at this random poor woman for a moment 💀
im sorry i know it wasnt funny but when everyone was witnessing voldemort kill lily and she was heart wrenchingly screaming “NO NOT MY BABY” voldy was like “step aside u silly gal 🙄” i fucking shat myself omg 😭😭 he’s so unserious 😭😭😭
and then they’re back at hogwarts and everyone’s having a good time after bearing witness to all this trauma and what do you see? - polly chapman trying to fight THE minerva mcgonagall by boinking her with a big ass textbook. rose had to intervene and stop her 💀 girl wanted all the smoke
the last scorbus scene. oh my gawd. people talk about this but not in enough detail so i WILL QUOTE IT for you because i remember it by heart (and i also wrote it down immediately after the show ended so my memory was fresh). i haven’t seen people actually quote it so far so maybe i’ll be the first (unless someone else has already done it and i just didn’t see it), because people are literally missing out if they don’t go see the play themselves. it is a bit long and i dont want to make an already long post longer so i will leave it here if you’re interested in scorbus at all
but also, if you go read it, just take into account the way they’re speaking to each other. ive seen the play a total of three times, twice in two part and once in the revised one part and you can just tell it’s romantic from the way theyre talking to each other. the actors know what theyre doing
and ofc the coming out scene between albus and harry with albus saying “scorpius is the most important person to me, and he might ALWAYS be the most important person to me” and harry saying “i think thats a very good thing”
also not to brag but during roll call draco looked at me 😻😻 and ron looked in my general direction (he was smiling at the people in front of me because i think he knew them personally since the first three rows are like VIP (sorta) tickets and not open for general public sale but it was close enough)
anyways those are my notes! if youve read this much im impressed by you fr
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failsafes-guardian · 2 months
The Cayde Ones - yeah these ones just contain cayde, thats it.
Two convos which Cayde-6 is present, because I really need to get these down and start writing new stuff.
[Cayde's Concern - Originally written on 06/22/24]
"Hey Failsafe, I got a question."
"(depressed) yes cayde unit?"
"You know Charlotte right? Cute thing bout yay high, usually silent, good with a cannon?"
"yes, and?"
"Do you think she's been actin weird lately? Usually she goes solo wherever she's needed but she hasn't been doing much work lately."
"(Cheery) She's been talking to me a lot and sounds fine!"
"Oh! That's uh, good. Good for her, she seemed lonely a lot."
"She's very sweet! She describes other planets to me so I can imagine what its like outside of this husk of a ship!"
"Oh wow. She's never really been talkative enough to anyone to do something like that.."
"(depressed) weird, she loves doing it for me, she talks about how much I would have loved io a lot and where she would take me."
"Are you.. two, like, a thing?"
"(Cheery) I hope so!" --- I don't have any huge comments for these but I hope that people enjoy my Cayde writing as much as I do. ----
[Sometimes You Don't Even Know You've Got A Winning Hand - Originally written on 06/23/2024]
"Hey kid, got a second?"
"of course."
"Great, awesome, I've been wondering and uh no disrespect or anything, not gonna scold you, but you've not been on a lotta ops lately."
"oh. yeah, uh, just wanted a break i guess.."
"I've seen your logs kid, im not gonna pry buuuuttttt, you've been to nessus a lot. wanna tell me the details?"
"i- i mean-"
"It's failsafe ain't it? Little robotic heart in there feeling a little warm? Nothin wrong with it, I get it even, yknow, ba-"
"ssshut up. she just, had a low battery and i needed to clean her solars and refill her generators.."
"You'd think your helmet would make you better at bluffing, its why I always sweep you in poker."
"you sweep everyone at poker."
"not the point but thank you, my point was- uh.. where was I?"
"Ah! Right, yeah her, it doesn't take 10 trips over the course of a week to clean some panels and fuel up her generators kid."
"I've been mentoring you for, god I can't even remember how long, but I know the face you're making right now, i've got you."
"I know what's up, and I don't wanna say this because failsafe already dislikes me but, on the down low kid. She likes you too."
"Yeah, don't worry, nobody needs to know, it'll be our little secret, you've got a winning hand if you play it right."
"… thanks cayde."
"Anytime kid, anytime." --- Cayde is such a good wingman, forget hunter vanguard, get him on the bachelor or something.
these ones are kinda long to put together but i mostly just need to get through the rest of my backlog.
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torialefay · 2 months
First of all, wishing you all the best of luck on your assessment🍀🍀🍀🍀
Second, mad agree with you on the hair post like😊
Third, coming from a lower middle/middle class area, i have never met a single person who was financially "normal" to this area or on the poorer side who would dare throw their electronics like chan has before. Even if they got richer later, old habits die hard, and you learn the value of money. I mean, I've seen people toss or flip their phone softly when bored, but never that hard or with a laptop or something, holy shit. You can tell a lot about someone by their interactions with not only people, but everything. The amount of times i watched an idol and went "🫵rich kid attitude" is kinda funny. And i totally agree with all the asks that came in between you and your mutuals and some anons, skz are all mad hardworking, but i dont think you can or should ignore or cover up the fact that they had the financial help and the resources to learn more and give them an advantage above the rest both personally amx through jype. Its kinda like college acceptance imo. And YES creatively free with many many many restrictions. Not even talking about k-idols, normal musicians have talked about the restrictions and requirements they need to have for their appearcance and the songs they released, i can only imagine being an idol is just exponentially demanding and restrictive. Their real voice is there, but it's smaller than a lot of stay think. Hayley Kiyoko talked about her company (label?) Not wanting her to write anymore songs about girls and Colbie Caillet has a whole song about her frustration that her label wanted her to write more love songs.
*incoherent noises* i could go on forever, but my god, cortana, play "we dont believe whats on tv" by twenty one pilots
And oh my god, i wish fandoms lighten up some. Its okay to not like everything every artist or show or whatever you like comes out with. It may even be healthy to not. When you love someone, youre not gonna let them keep fucking up and then you go "youre doing amazing sweetie", no, you have to tell them that they fucked up so they are aware of their mistakes and get better. Im pretty sure i read somewhere that skz mentioned thats what they prefer anyways. Sure its gonna hurt, especially since so much heart and hope, and hardwork went into it, but if its not good, its okay to admit that and that goes for every relationship ever. And if they dont wanna listen, then, thats on them.
Im really loving all the reality checks on here recently and i havent even ranted on about "i like it" yet lmao
thank you baby!!!! and tbf, i think they could look good in absolutely any hair color or hair style. except i never want to see christopher in another fully-red moment again. his lil red highlights or whatever he had recebtly for the mv were cute, but i'm not here for the full red like leave that man alone 😭
i was talking to one of my moots about this a little bit, so i'm actually glad you brought it up... but idk it's kind of embarrassing(?) idk for me to talk about so please bear with me im queasy lol. i was never some like super spoiled-brat rich kid or anything, but growing up i would say my family was very well-off or privilged maybe? idk it's kind of awkward to talk about bc i don't want people to feel certain ways about me but yeah. i think when you are in that kind of position, it's so easy to not even realize how advantaged you are. like there's that mentality of "oh i'm such a hard worker and that's how i've gotten here" when really, as uncomfortable as it is to admit, you don't *actually* know how far you would've gotten if you'd done it ALL on your own. not relying on anyone else... and not knowing if "just you" is good enough is a veryyyy hard pill to swallow- aka why most people disregard their privilege even being brought into the equation. it's easier to just pretend it doesnt exist. hence, i guess, why we love to think of SKZ coming up from nothing... it's just so easy to fall into that trap. and i feel like even the skz members fall into that trap themselves
unfortunately, that is the biggest drawback of being a kpop idol. in a way, you can't even be your full self anymore. which is sad. like not only do you not have full control of your own music (which is supposed to be your livelihood), but you don't even have control over how you're perceived. i talk a lot ab how i wish i could hang out with the guys behind the scenes, just to see what they're REALLY like... and when you think about it, that's kind of sad. i consume so much SKZ content, but even with all of that, it's very apparent that we don't know how they are when the cameras cut off. everything we see of them is specifically controlled by their team... except for things like bubble ofc and we see what that has revealed to us about chris lol. it's just so sad, but then again, it's exactly what they signed up for. (bonus points to u for the twenty one pilots reference though my god how i love them)
it's definitely not healthy to tell someone that they're amazing and perfect in every way and agreebwith absolutely everything they say. that's not helping anything. there's obviously a lot of stays who felt uncomfortable with the song, but imagine if no one said anything??? like literally everyone was too scared to say it and everyone just went along with it. theyd have a whole new comeback w songs ab not fucking liking you and just wanting to fuck and shit 😭 which like, power to them, but stays would just be playing themselves at that point lol
haven't ranted on "i like it".... YET?!?! oh lord, i'm strapped in and ready 😭😭😭😂
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iguessitsjustme · 5 months
Deep Night Ep 5 Thoughts
Oops. Got distracted by Stardew Valley and also the return of my headache. Here’s hoping the meds kick in soon. But also I got the Stray Kids merch I ordered! Now I’m living in my new hoodie. Anyway it’s time for Deep Night 5: Rae Blogs Live. Wait no that one is too easy. Deep Night 5: Jealousy Dive. Yeah that one sounds right:
Who is hiring these unfluencers to talk shit when the police come? That’s a typo but I’m keeping it. Cause there’s no way they’re not in on it
I don’t know what Freya pays Dai but it is not enough. 
I don’t think I talked about the opening vocals when I liveblogged episode 4. So here’s me gushing about how absolutely fucking amazing they are. I do not think this would be an easy song to sing. It sounds easy but that’s because of the sheer talent and skill its being performed with. Like, I’m a passably decent singer. I can carry a tune. I am not the most impressive vocalist in the world but I have had multiple people ask me if I sing professionally or as a hobby somewhere. I would not be able to perform this song without HOURS of practice. Vocals are also an instrument that requires practice and technique and I am just so damn impressed with these vocals. I think the song itself is okay, but the singer does so much. The singer is actively carrying the melody and I cannot. I’ll stop talking about this now but if you want my thoughts on how the opening fits the show, let me know. Cause I do have some thoughts there but I think I should probably actually continue watching now
Freya and unnamed gorgeous woman are so cute. What is her name? I need to know for reasons. 
Unrelated to anything but I am having an excellent hair day and I am annoyed that only I will see it. 
Seiji. You can love both of them. I promise. It’s okay. They’re gonna fall in love with each other too. I don’t know if they actually do in the show but don’t worry about that. Semantics. You’ll all be in love.
Ken can be the one that tucks them both into bed at night. 
I need Khem to apologize to Wela so bad. He very clearly actually feels bad and wants to apologize.
Honestly, I don’t think I could say no to Khem’s face. I mean just look at how cute he is
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Awww he apologized. Now make it a good one.
I love them????
Now boys. You’re on the roof. Not even gonna lay down a towel or nothing?
Ooohhhh here comes his mother. Oh she got distracted. Seems Wela knows his mother well. But still. The roof? Boys. 
Khem is very good at apologizing. It’s because he thinks about how his words and actions have hurt the people he loves. And he cares more about not hurting them than he does about being right. And I think he will not make the same mistakes twice. 
Obsessed with this. More please. 
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Khem and his mom are so cute. 
I’m sure someone else has talked about Khem giving Wela his watch and how that was so good for both of them. Khem can lay a small inconspicuous claim on Wela and when Wela is working he can use it to show Khem that he’s thinking of him so no need to get jealous. Its beautiful and brilliant. 
My man don’t do drugs in the bathroom. This isn’t the club for that.
Of course the cops showed up. Good for Khem knowing someone hired that man to do drugs. 
Honestly are the cops not bored?
I know what pink milk is. But what is red soda?
Is Ken gonna rat them out? Trying to make Seiji number 1? Got bad news about who Khem is and how his mom already knows. But I still see how that could be an issue. 
I mean, Seiji makes a good point. These issues did start when Khem started. It’s not his fault and it’s obvious who it is but he has no way to know that. 
Ken’s a bitch. I actually don’t like him. There was no reason for him to do that.
Yeah somehow I knew Seiji wouldn’t like that.
Get him Seiji. Get im.
I am so surprised that that woman showed up with the cops. Shocked I tell ya. Picking my jaw up off the floor. 
Time to watch episode 6 I guess. I don’t really care about this plotline but I’ll watch it anyway. But only after this commercial break (I caved and subscribed to dropout so i can watch game changer so that is what i will be doing for a minute between these episodes)
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tyunzonlystar · 8 months
yuri hello!! how are you doing?? ʚ♡⃛ɞ hope you enjoy this drabble :>
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you're sitting on the couch with taehyun by your side, huffing randomly as you both sit in silence. you ignore it, but then he does it again.
"tae?" you turn your head to face him, watching him look at nothing in particular, almost like he was zoning out.
"hm?" he hums, not blinking nor turning his head to face you.
"what's up? you sound like you have a lot on your mind." he shifts slightly in his place, turning his head to look at you with an expression you can't really read well.
"yeah, it is a lot. it's you." he replies, still maintaining eye contact with you. it never gets easier looking at his big, brown eyes.
"are you saying I'm a lot?" your accusatory tone has him turning away, laughing at your minor misunderstanding.
you have no idea why he's laughing, but you're not mad. his laugh is so cute and his smile is so pretty, you could watch him laugh all day if you could.
"no, silly. well, sometimes." he reaches out to pick up your hand closest to him, playing with your fingers as he intertwines them with his. "I'm saying you're on my mind a lot."
your cheeks start burning up from your misinterpretation and the way he straight up told you. your situation with taehyun's been a little confusing in terms of labels, and this is his first time expressing it so casually — his first time expressing it at all.
"you made it sound like you had something burdening you." your eyes concentrate on the way he clasps his other hand on top of the back of yours, his thumbs caressing the your skin.
"yeah because I had no idea how to tell you without telling you. but I guess that worked anyway." taehyun admits, looking at you with a smile on his face, his asymmetrical dimple popping out to say hi.
"you're so odd, tae." you giggle, shaking your head.
most of the time he makes sense. and this is the first you were unable to comprehend or even work out whether it made sense. all you knew is that taehyun actually managed to do it anyway, in his own way.
"you're always on my mind too, tyun." you confess. "you're also a lot to handle."
he laughs, the same that you heard a little earlier.
"touché. we're gonna be a lot to handle as a duo I fear." he says, now the both of you staring at the ceiling.
"well, they're gonna have to put up with us one way or another." you smile to yourself, thinking about the possible reactions your mutual friends are going to have when they find out the two people in the group who usually bicker are finally dating.
hi smiles!! Im doing good ig im just really stressed out at the moment and like have no motivation to write or answer any of my smut asks but im doing good and how are youuuu???
yes i liked the drabble it was so like cute I reread it a few times and i just cant get enough of Tyun! I just wanna eat him up!!
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like I know I've read Russian roulette a billion times but this part-
Like Im gonna write a fic on it, with a few changes abt it
Note: what timeline? Never heard of one
-------- [yassen pov] -----
'You coming?' John stood relaxed, hands in his pockets, with a small smile on his face, 'you know, no matter how much you go around here, there's always more to see. '
'yeah, I'm coming' I replied, running over to him.
We spent the whole day walking along the streets of Venice, talking, sightseeing, and just... Relaxing.
The feeling was almost foreign after everything-- Scorpia, Sharkovsky, Moscow
But that feeling was good, good pretending that he and John were just friends in a foreign country. In fact, we were similar enough to be brothers.
Yeah, brothers. Maybe not by blood but brothers. After all, John had taken him under his wing, protecting him from everyone.
I looked at him smiling while petting a dog, motioning me to do the same.
Seriously, where did that dog come from, and how did it trust John so much? I guess he just has that effect on people.... And dogs. Hes a good man. The very best
I don't know what I'd do without him
Subconsciously, I rub the cut on my neck, a reminder of what happened in the jungle.
'yassen? Hellooo?' alex calls, nudging me with his elbow.
We sit in Venice, after I took him there after a his mission. There was no way I was simply ignoring him after he took down the Snakehead in operation Reef Encounter. I didn't even know it was going on, I was recovering from my bullet wound. And, since I didn't know where to go, anywhere outside of England, away from Mi6, we came here. He deserved a break, after all.
'yeah? ' I look at him expectantly
'so I know you're this like, (retired) assasin and you night not care for him, but look at this dog! Isn't he cute?' he held up the dog in question, and the beady eyes looked back at me.
'alex, we are on a gondola, and you are carrying a dog almost as tall as yourself' I reply, 'how...? And why.?'
'Oh, but you gotta admit, he's cute' alex shot back, with a grin on his face.
'but either way, Yassen, thanks for taking me here... I needed the break'
I smile in response, steering the boat. Watching the sunset and seeing the tired smile on his face, I realise something.
Although alex is a spitting image of his father, and they're alike in many ways, there's a part of him that's... Alot like how I was. And if he's me from the past, I guess he needs a John in his life too.
I think he looked like me when he had seemed so exhausted, and had that gutted expression. He'd seemed so... Alone.
I mean, everyone he knew had died or betrayed him. That Ash person did both.
Though I wish I got to torture him, not give him a relatively short death
I could make Dr Three seem kind
But now, it's just Alex and I (and the dog) , in the middle of a canal, watching the rays of sunlight shimmer across the water, watching the sky slowly turn from a deep pink to dark blue.
'anything for you, little Alex' I add on the last two words, as an afterthought.
I hope I can save him.
He's not a lost cause
He's still human
He hasn't.... Killed without reason
He's not the current me
'and... That dog, is pretty cool'
I guess, similarly to John, alex also has that effect on everyone.
It's also because his smile warms what little left of a soul I have
I rub the scar once more. I hope John is proud of me, I'll take care of alex for him. I'll become a good person. For him, for alex
Anything for him, he's like a little brother to me.
And with the sunsetting in Venice, with Alex (and the random dog???) half asleep in the seats,
I think we're gonna be OK
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girl-hobbit · 1 year
PDA ask game: ft. @onemossygoblin 𓍊𓋼𓍊🌿
🚨: you intimidate me
i knew i was gonna get at least one of these 😂
yeah i guess i am kinda intense and i come on a little strong or slightly unhinged.. i'm an acquired taste as they say (if you stick around long enough you'll get used to me ;3)
💛: i just think you’re cute!
hehe! thamk u,, i think i'm you're cute too! uwu;
👀: im too shy to talk to you
nooo :(
it's okay you can just scream at me in the tags<3
🎁: i actually don't see the gift emoji on the original list hmmm 🤔
so i will just take it as you leaving me a little present at the end of the game :33
i hope it's a shiny rock or perhaps an insect friend 🪨🪲
thanks for the ask!! <3
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
Here’s a Harutaka ask for you! Do you think they’d get married? If yes what do you think their wedding would be like? Also I hope you feel better soon!
HIII if it isnt the little guy i watched slowly get into kagepro. whatsup. how are u holding up being into kagepro. ALSO THANK U im already a lil better i ate 1 single boiled egg and now im laying in bed
yes haruka and takane 10000% get so married. i have this silly headcanon that haruka is begging her from day 1 to get married because IDK he's just excited about being alive and takane liking him💗💗💗 and maybe he is also terrified of her changing her mind abt liking him and for some reason thinks getting married will solve that feeling of feeling not good enough for her💗💗💗 wait who said that. but takane's all like No haruka we're only like 20 and he's like AUUUUGGGHHH!!! fine
honestly its a hc born from a bit in the novels (im not sure u read them) where haruka says man i wish takane stopped swearing so much she's gonna have a hard time finding a husband💔💔💔 ITS SO FUNNY TO ME idk likeeee since he knew he'd die, he never imagined being an adult at all. this is more in the territory of the early twenties crisis he apparently has post str i guess. which is also hilarious.
i think haruka's like... he thinks of marriage of this weird alien thing bc as a teen he wont even entertain the idea of dating or anything bc HES DYING like he literally shoots down the acknowledgement of his feelings for takane BECAUSE he is dying. he's like man whats the fucking point if im just gonna die this sucks ASS
so marriage. well it's an adult thing. and he turns out to be alive!! and takane REALLY LIKES HIM FOR SOME REASON!!! and he's like WELL WERE ADULTS ARENT WE WHY THE HELL SHOULDNT WE GET MARRIED???? takane's like because we're BARELY adults like BARELY. and also IN SO MUCH NEED OF THERAPY. and haruka's like i dont see how that's related🙄🙄🙄 whatever takane ur such a bore🙄🙄🙄 its just a silly argument they laugh and tease each other about *rips hair out* theyre so CUTE AUGGHHH
yeah they do eventually get married. not IMMEDIATELY though but still probably rly young. like before their mid twenties young. LOL!!! as for a wedding i dont think they'd actually care about one??? because haruka and takane are really introverted ppl and being the center of attention mortifies both. well takane's used to attention bc streamer slay but its not. the same. like that's different BASICALLY i dont think takane would care to throw money in something like this and haruka is also like whatever man just sign the paper so i can officially be ur boywife. they still probably have like a little get together with the dan though. maybe they dont even tell them they're like OH BY THE WAY WE DID SOMETHING FUNNY TODAY wjxnoefuoendoefundkc call shintaro&ayano on the phone like can u come with us to sign as our witnesses. and shintaro and ayano are like WITNESSES OF WHAT? erm. haruka&takane engaged for exactly 14 hours when haruka asks takane to marry him for the millionth time and this time she's like uhhh. yeah alright👍
thats my harutaka wedding hc. that theyre too lazy to have a wedding🫡 ayano mourns it so much she's been like wedding planning her whole life for her siblings. seto&mary get ultra married as soon as theyre 18 im not getting into those hcs i already did but ayano goes so crazy with it. and then haruka&takane are next (tho years later) and ayano's like WH?? BUT IM?? SUPPOSED TO PLAN ANOTHER WEDDING????? WHAT DO U MEAN U WONT MAKE ONE???? and theyre like 🤷‍♂️ maybe she forces them and she organizes it alone and forces them to kiss in front of everyone and only then stops being annoying. sorry i love crazed wedding planner ayano
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