#like in 3rd grade i made one of each tribe
baileythebean · 10 days
Reasons why you should read… Wings of Fire!!
Random LONG-ASS post but idc because this has been my favorite book series since 3rd grade and I still HEAVILY fixate on it - for anyone interested (after I explain ofc) These books are by Tui T. Sutherland and are available in audiobook, paperback, hardcover, and Kindle I think.
Reasons you might enjoy WoF and features of the books!
-creative character designs
-full plot with little to no holes and if there are any, they’re probably explained in one of the MANY side books available.
-well-written characters that can be powerful without being a “Mary Sue” and having their own personalities
-each book follows a different protagonist, sometimes with the protagonist switching up mid-book
-a prologue and epilogue in each book
-15 main books released so far with more coming!!
-STUNNING cover art
-the main characters are dragons!!
-Written like those fanfics where you read them and you forget you’re reading a fanfic but it’s still not quite written like an ‘official’ book, y’know?
-descriptive writing so you don’t have to imagine stuff in weird vague ways
-LOTS OF LGBTQIA+ rep! Including but not limited to: mlm rep, wlw rep, non-binary/non-conforming rep - and the best part about it? It’s casually brought up! It’s normalized! Not even the villains or shitty parents show an OUNCE of homophobia or transphobia!
-There are humans in these books! And POC rep!
-women in leading/strong roles :3
-different continents!
-different tribes of dragons each sharing similar traits depending on their habitat!! NOT JUST RANDOMIZED DRAGONS EVERYWHERE ALL MIXED TOGETHER WHERE YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHO CAN DO WHAT!!
-Each book features a map of the continent it’s set on, a description of the dragons of each tribe living on that continent (including looks, powers, diet, affiliation in war depending on the book, and current Queen) and a page for the prophecy the book fixates around (different for each arc)
-Three arcs, each solving a different conflict but STILL IN THE SAME PLOT!!
-creepy mind-control stuff!
-well-written villains
-lines that have made me CACKLE out loud multiple times
-and so much more! Read them for yourself to find out!!
THE DRAGONETS OF DESTINY ARC: 1) The Dragonet Prophecy (Clay of the Mudwings)
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2) The Lost Heir (Tsunami of the Seawings)
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3) The Hidden Kingdom (Glory of the Rainwings)
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4) The Dark Secret (Starflight of the Nightwings)
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5) The Brightest Night (Sunny of the Sandwings/Nightwings)
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THE JADE MOUNTAIN ARC: 6) Moon Rising (Moonwatcher of the Nightwings)
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7) Winter Turning (Winter of the Icewings)
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8) Escaping Peril (Peril ((the one in front)) of the Skywings)
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9) Talons of Power (Turtle ((the green one)) of the Seawings)
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10) Darkness of Dragons (Qibli of the Sandwings) (MY FAV CHARACTER YIPPEE)
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THE PANTALA ARC: 11) The Lost Continent (Blue of the Silkwings)
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12) The Hive Queen (Cricket of the Hivewings)
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13) The Poison Jungle (Sundew of the Leafwings) (MY FAV BOOK YIPPEE)
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THE RETURN ARC (not sure if that’s actually what it’s called but oh well): 14) The Dangerous Gift (Snowfall ((the one on the right)) of the Icewings)
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15) The Flames of Hope (Luna ((the obvious-looking one)) of the Silkwings)
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Legends: Dragon Slayer
A Guide to the Dragon World
The Winglets Quartet
There might be more but there are also a coloring book plus an activity/storymaking book and as far as I know the fandom is pretty non-toxic and full of artists and cosplayers!! So have funnnn :33
-IRL Bailey
@toniothegammafish @thesilliestofallqueers @rebootgrimm @ask-sora-aguilar @schnozzlebozzle
@bioexorcismss @piigeonss @weirdassartist @clown-prince-of-gay @lilacquintet 
@wakatoshi-main @metal-mage @vv4loe 
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poison-shark · 5 years
Noa’s Siblings
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Mateu Eduardo Ramires
Is 7 years older than Noa
Is Atlantean/ Portuguese/ Amazonian/ Japanese
Only exhibits the human and Atlantean sides
25 in season 3
Has a deep resentment for his parents for being addicts, alcoholics, sub par parents, and also dying
Deeply respects Noa and treats her like an equal, despite the age gap, but still sees Aya as a newborn
Is very overprotective of both of them
Got mad at Aya for going to study on Themyscira and Noa for allowing it
Thinks Obachan is just a crazy old lady
His personality is a lot like their mom’s, but his morals are closer to their dad’s
Basically looks like he could kill you, but is actually a cinnamon roll
Looks a lot like their dad, but has their mom’s eyes
They’re a deep brown almost black
Noa is jealous of them, she hates her hazel eyes because they remind her of Ren
His hair is always a tangled mess
Is studying magic in Atlantis
Cried when he met Aquaman
Managed a way to get surface tv channels underwater and never misses a Coast City Clippers game or one of Noa’s concerts
Is frustratingly straight and sometimes forgets his sisters are not
“So meet any cute boys at school? If so, who is he? Where does he live? Who are his parents? What’s his number? I just wanna talk!”
“Noooooooo?”- Noa
*blank lesbian stare*- Aya
Is still super supportive and apologizes everytime
Even though she’s younger than him, Noa raised him
He didn’t realize at the time what was happening and how it was affecting her
Called Noa for every little thing his first year in Atlantis
But when he realized his little sister had taken care of him for the past 5 years of his life, including 1 year of adulthood, and he didn’t know how to do anything
He regrets putting her through so much pressure
Was not the person who realized this
That was brought about in a conversation with Queen Mera and Aqualad that turned awkward
Has not stopped apologizing since
It’s been 5 years
Still has not stopped
Reminds her he’s sorry once a FaceTime
Bonds with his sisters through surfing and basketball
Hates all lanterns of the emotional spectrum, but green
Especially red and blue
Has gotten really good at magic
Has always been good at magic, but like Atlantean party tricks his dad taught him
They used to cheer the girls up
Their dad had only begun teaching him serious magic a year before he died
When he got to Atlantis he realized just how far behind he was
Got specialized training from Queen Mera
Faced Atlantean “Purist” discrimination for his skin and fins
Caught up on five years worth of magic in a year
Is now training to be an Atlantean Ambassador under Garth
Is a social activist in Atlantis
No longer cries when he sees King Orin
Actually babysits the little prince every once in a while
Is protective of Queen Mera a views her as a second mother
Would never tell her that
She already knows and has already mentally accepted him as her other son
Is trained in combat
Not only by Mera, but also their parents
They were paranoid and knew their kids would be in danger, so they all knew some form of self defense, except for Aya
Dislikes superheroes in general except for Aquaman, Tempest, Wonder Woman, and the Green Lantern Corps
Loyal to his country, his heritage, and views green lanterns as space cops
Ren Elpídio Ramires
Died at age 7
Was best friends with Noa
Even though he and Noa can’t be identical twins they looked almost the exact same
But y’know with scales
Looks takes after all sides of his heritage
Shy boi
Also anxious
Like all the time
Despite the super strength and speed he was always super gentle and liked to take his time and enjoy life
Always had trouble reading and writing, but loved stories
Noa used to read him to sleep from the top bunk
He was a really good storyteller and had just as much imagination as his sister
They would come up with grand adventures and Noa would write them down while he drew the pictures
They were comic books
Ren loved comic books
And superheroes
Specifically Aquaman and Wonder Woman
And of course the mighty and brave blue, red, and green lanterns of Sector 2814
Had trouble making friends in school so Noa made them for him
He had a really bad stutter
Got picked on a lot for a lot of different reasons so Noa got into a lot of fights
Loved insects
He cried when Mateu tried to force Noa into killing a spider (I know spiders aren’t insects don’t come for me)
Noa set it free outside
A cuddler and a hugger
No one is safe not even the mailman who he knows by name
Hides behind Noa whenever yelling happens
Yelling happened a lot some months, none others
Was terrified of Aya
Had never seen a baby before
She looked like an alien
Freaked him out a little that’s all
Warmed up to her soon enough
Cried when she cried
Her crying used to wake up both him and Noa at 2 am, who would attempt to wake up their parents to deal with it
Their attempts were waved off
“Let her cry it out”
They did not
Noa would remove the newborn from the crib and rock her while he fixed her bottle
He was too scared to drop her to hold her
Noa would burp and change her and they’d both sing to her until she fell asleep
Was the only other person in the house other than their mother who could handle Aya’s grip
I like to think if he hadn’t died he’d have joined the Indigo Tribe (lanterns of compassion)
Now for the sad part
Their parents had dropped them all off at Obachan’s house as she was their closest relative
All the little ones knew was that they had to go on a ‘work trip’
Thought Obachan was silly and old and reminded him of his mom
The first day was great
She fed them ice cream for breakfast and pizza for lunch and sushi for dinner and let them stay up late and eat wasabi candies for dessert
The next day was not so great
The twins woke up at 1 am puking their brains out and running high fevers
Obachan panicked and didn’t know what to do
She was drunk and didn’t want Akari to never see her grandkids again
The other day she didn’t know she had grandkids
She wanted her daughters trust back
Even if Akari did live Obachan would not have earned her trust
She decided she would drive them to the hospital like a good grandmother and left Mateu to clean up and look after Aya
She was uber drunk and exhausted bc even kind of dealing with two barfing 7 year olds is the most parenting she’d ever done
They came to an intersection
She ignored the red light
She didn’t see the flat-bed
The truck couldn’t stop
It t-boned the tail end of the car
The crash caused Obachan and Noa to fall unconscious and gave Obachan some serious neck and back issues
But the impact snapped Ren’s neck instantly and his limp body fell onto the middle car seat
Hazel eyes wide
The twins were still loosely holding each other’s hands when the paramedics came after another driver passed by and found them
The other driver involved in the crash was flung through his windshield bc he wasn’t wearing a seatbelt
Noa came to briefly while being carried into an ambulance
She looked at the lady carrying her and asked, “Ren?” Before passing out again
At the hospital when she had been treated for everything she woke up again with a start calling for Ren, her parents, Mateu, anyone, but mostly Ren
Obachan hadn’t woken up yet
The nurse who came in asked her for as much information as Noa knew or could remember
She answered every one and asked a thousand in return
The nurse finally told her that her brother had died
She threw a fit
They couldn’t calm her down she screamed and cried so much she puked again
They had to sedate her
When they told Obachan her first thought was of how Akari would never speak to her again
He was buried with his parents in the Coastville Cemetery
Noa visits by herself every Sunday and lays flowers down and talks to no one
Aya Emi Ramires
Well, that was depressing now here’s the baby!!!
Aya was 3 months old when everybody died
In season 3 she’s 11
She takes after her Amazonian heritage
Dyslexic and ADHD
Sees Noa as basically her mom
Doesn’t agree with Mateu a lot, but respects him
Also has their mother’s eyes which tortures Noa
Generally reminds both of her siblings of their mom and of Ren
She doesn’t know that, but that’s part of the reason they’re so overprotective
Noa raised her to have fun and enjoy life and not take shit from anyone
Is really good at sports
This is encouraged by Noa who is literally the captain of the cheer squad
Gets made fun of and picked on by a lot of kids both boys and girls for her strength and speed, her learning disabilities, being Japanese, and being gay
Aya gets into fights a lot
Noa shows up to the elementary school with Obachan who pretends she can’t speak English
Noa’s former principal is now afraid of her
Aya’s outlet for anger is sculpting believe it or not
She’s pretty talented too
Isn’t really into superheroes except for green lanterns and Wonder Woman, Troia, and Wondergirl
Gets bad grades even though she’s incredibly wise beyond her years
Doesn’t get along with kids her own age
They bore her
Figured out she wasn’t straight pretty early on with a crush on Molly from Bubble Guppies when she was four
Noa also kinda normalized girlfriends with her sister talking about girls and boys at school she had crushes on
Realized she was probably a lesbian in 3rd grade when she realized she wasn’t growing out of her boys are icky phase like her sister had
Confirmed 5th grade lesbian
Does not like being treated like a baby
Eventually the question came up about what happened to their parents at family dinner
Obachan steered herself out of the kitchen right when she was about to enter it
Mateu curtly and accurately responded with, “They died.” Before tossing the dishes into the sink and sulking off to his room, slamming his door shut
Noa explained the best she could to the 5 year old, but it was hard for a 12 year old to form the right words
Also informed her of Ren in a very watered down way
Aya knows Ren existed and was Noa’s twin, but doesn’t know exactly how he died
She’s seen their comics though
Noa used to read them to her
Mateu used to stand outside the door secretly listening and trying not to cry
Is very affectionate with Noa
Will hug and cuddle her until she falls asleep
Noa forgot how rib-cracking Amazon hugs were
She’s glad Aya’s there to remind her
Aya mildly resents Mateu for leaving for Atlantis
More for leaving Noa to handle her alone
Is just as protective of her siblings as they are of her
Worries about them constantly
Especially Noa bc she’s human
When she turns ten she decides she wants to study in Themyscira where she’d be better accepted than her normal school
She was right
A lot of thought went into that on her part
Noa’s music career was skyrocketing, she had school to think about, extracurriculars, scholarships, taking care of Aya, taking care of Obachan, taking care of the cats, handling the shop, putting out new music, new videos, photo shoots, socializing with her friends, charity benefits
It took accidentally overhearing Noa have a breakdown to actually set her mind on the Themyscira decision
She brought it up to her sister who was heartbroken and the idea brought up a lot of Noa’s insecurities, but in the end Noa said yes
Noa set the whole thing up through her new friend, Garfield Logan, who was more than happy to help
Aya lives with their great-grandmothers on Themyscira
She was happy to see that they were 10x more stable than Obachan
She studies all the classics, receives combat training, has been learning Ancient Greek, and her skill with dealing with her learning disabilities has improved and even aided her in some subjects
She FaceTimes her sister everyday and Mateu every month when he checks in
She watches every one of her sister’s concerts even during training, and which she gets reprimanded for
Has asked her sister if she can meet celebrities
Noa says next time she visits she can meet whoever she wants
Her hair has lightened to a lighter brown from being out in the sun all of the time
Has entered both the dreaded horse phase and dolphin phase
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TheSubjectArticle Bible LegalBriefClassics ProofPositivePoems Ch3 Inspiration/Encouragement Pg.406 on a Scale of "5" the(13th Page) is Poem Brief "Hall of Fame & Family Toni Esposito" Body of the Poem from Start to Finish Poem Inside a Poem Do We need to improve it.....
SAM Esposito Baseball Hall of Fame & Family…Dad of Toni Esposito
One of the few major league Athletes who stayed on One Major League Baseball Team His Entire Career at North Carolina State is where He played his Collegiate Baseball (1 of 10)
before Becoming a 3rd Baseman for the Chicago White Sox Major League Baseball Team. He was an Excellent Family Man with a Loving Wife & Sports Minded Children with a Big Appetite for Success. (2 of 10)
If, DNA played a part, it may of Skipped a Generation…for her & her ____Dedication Throbbing ____Recipe Thumping ____Short Term Turning Expense Paying ____Thumper of a Heart Saugatuck Back Flip (3 of 10)
I Guess We had a Smooth Start to a Smooth Finish June made Up Spring ____Summer Heat July Ring ____If Victory was ours ____Knight Up.....Toni, Toni, Toni, Dear Toni ____Sensation Adulation Heartfelt Temptation Chest2Chest Bring it Back Nature's Harmony____ (4 of 10)
38DTD---25Rounds of Motion Offense Natural Play---38Wide Defensive Hip Flexors that more than Slide 5’9” Match Play DDD Hips 153 Pounds of Watermelon Cantaloupe Melons also deserve Legend making Guacamole Saugatuck Holy Ground Mix Healthy Caught Up Weight Make it up… (5 of 10)
Catch up…Back it up…Can you…? Did he… Did U…. How the Imaginations knows how the Heart Goes…I Never Broke our Codes of Silence and or Bond…I Never Did tell Anybody ____Your Donut Dunkin was better with Semi Truck Cab Participation (6 of 10)
than Starbuck Good indulging in Good Favorite T.V. Shows Line Up Unapologetic Taste ____As Good As Real Good.....What did We See or do...? What did U see or do...? How ____Good was the____Approach was it ____on Course…? And Darlinggg ____if it was Good as Jeopardy.... (7 of 10)
We was Never looking down. And right there where we stood was holy grounddddd Our School Years…..UNCW…. Daddy’s Little Girl many Skills Foot Speed Snail like Aloof… 3 Point Shooter 2 Guard Tri-Delta or Chi Omega (8 of 10)
was it the Spring Cottage The Beach House or the Summer Loft Wrightsville Beach Next Door Neighbor Gated Community Beach Dedication Elation Vibration Excessive Feelings or Flirtation or Alarm (9 of 10)
I transferred to Chapel Hill University of North Carolina Fall 1997… Why did U Run____...? Knight Him….Didn’t Even Invite Him Until 2 Years Later… ____I Just Wanted to ____Slowdown & Go Skiing….me too.... (10 of 10)
The Fiend to Phenomenal…the Venture to Success ____Phenom or Female Imagination could of Set in or ____We Could of Adapted to Your Songbird Wilderness Imagination Did We Set it Off.…____ (11 of 22)
And Darlinggg ____the more I Prayed through the more God came through.... Never looking down. And right there where We Stood was Holy Grounddddd I Gave Him the ____Hippie Mood Good Job Coasting it was a Rollercoaster like Ride (12 of 22)
____2nd Time not a Goal ____Love Affection Appreciates Shake Off Return Dream Your Dream Dailed in Rock like Joint Forces ____"Boom" Special Services ____in Consideration to My Coaching & his ____Toe Tapping Hit Snooze Dropped Toe Touching (13 of 22)
Resurrection Trucking Pulpit ____the Sun Resurrected me into Coaching & ____him Driving ____Service Appreciation ____God like Services was Appreciated. “ I ____Tipped Him Off Andrea's Fault Love Shook me &or Him to Its Core (14 of 22)
by more ____than Participation Grading Remarks &or Coaching…” The Mid-Night Lifestyle was Never to much Love & Family Trepidation Revelation ____Aloft Foot Speed if She had Make Up Notes… We Always Danced to Each Other’s Tunes (15 of 22)
Do U Remember ____Bessie’s Dance Floor on Front Street Grind on Grind Off We Sent We Spent Going Away Movie Time____Sweating the ____Entire Time ____No Future in Our ____Fronting SugarBeat Spring ____1996 1997____ (16 of 22)
If it Required No Panties OUR Answer Must of Been OMG Invest in me.....Did U or I set it Up or Off Well Wishing Real Life Skills ____Perfection Drills Perfection…? ____Fork in the Road Full Size Took Off Laid Back Relaxed Suspended Shoulder & Ankles He was Full Tilted (17 of 22)
& I on a Timing Throttled Laid Back 90 Degree Angle Adjacent____Leaning Pace into & out of & onto Driving Box Squat from Deer Stand Two Ways He Could of ____Drove 4 Three Hours Done the P Pop No Tap Out No Water Breaks Wet Water is Friction____ (18 of 22)
a Sensual Heated Hot Fission was it her Mission.…She Tapped out at 45Minutes Mid Adjacent Perpendicular like Choppa 5 Feet in the Air ____Where Parallels Last Longer than Mid Night Showers Let's Go Bare Naked Moon Stick a Fork in me I was Done Call me Old Fashion____ (19 of 22)
Catcher of the Rye She Tapped Out at Noon…Mid Lateral to Ground Perpendicular to Parallel U only loved me 4my Big Sunglasses Little Red Wagon Teepee…U did most all the Inventing We Backed it up…You the Inventor of I Got Plans about Sleepover Career Nightstand____ (20 of 22)
____Dr.Johnson Banana Slamming Potassium Non indigenous people still Say ____Liquid Plasma also Saves Lives Release Creative Calling Your Tribe or My imagination feelings & Sighted that what has Never been seen does not mean it can’t be Done Inventions… (21 of 22)
SheMoreThan Invited PositionCall of Sight &or PerfectionWellDeserved BoomboxHousingExpert Leggo Tow2Toe Inventions WereWe in theMiddle of SpaceSuspendedTogether HoldingEachOtherUp On a Wall or WereWe in theMiddle of theCarlos Carlos Carlos Carlos or was thatThe 1 Time (22 of 22)
I was Thanking Toni Do you Remember our Freshman & Sophomore Year ____1995 to 1997 UNCW…I said or thought…. ____you or me were 5 Years Away from a Wedding Cake….. (23 of 33)
____When We let the Cat out the Bag ____Funding our Travel Issues Miss You Much August 1997 during ____The Missionary Event before the Big Move In & Out of Deer Stands ____not after the Final Finish or the ____Finale…” (24 of 33)
I had never seen the or that Personality come up out of you…” ____Carlos Carlos Carlos Carlos Carlos ____Good is Good & God is Good ____Okay & in the Name of Jesus____Merry a ____Shaolin Monk____They Got Timing ____They Got Precision____ (25 of 33)
____Gracious Goodness We was the Who's who of the Who's who who got Faded you ____Showed me…. I Thought Summer of 1998 What a Surprise Dream Big ____Apparently me too… (26 of 33)
“…I Said No…? You Said….but I want too..... Did I think ____Wow Let's Taco about it Go Ahead take your taste buds South of the Border to Lil Italy…? (27 of 33)
____There she goes Again ____looking at my… ____me looking at her Amazing… ____Wow Everything…was ____Wow Was Everything Amazing like 11 Days without Water….. 40 Days Without Rain….? (28 of 33)
WATER… Knight Him…The Sports Deity God King Him One Nation Indivisible with Liberty & Justice for All….I Almost did…Pledge…I Almost did Say the… I Almost did Say the Pledge of… (29 of 33)
I Almost did Say the Pledge of Allegiance Outloud like you ____to Myself to the Bounce of all Your Guacamole Melon Sugar Beat Mix Assisted The Einstein Conscious ____Sugaratuck Body Cleanse Photographic Nuclear Remix Mind Codes Southern Foundation (30 of 33)
Holdings Atomic Entities Melon Guacamole Watermelon Wisdom Wisdom Charismatic Means I never got to tell you ____from my Personal Private Solo Shared Perspective the View of what We Shared... ThroughEachOther ThroughEachOther’s Eyes of (31 of 33)
What I saw &how I KeptGoing &Why…I just Couldn’t let you down Smiling &Holding all the United Kingdom Royal TakeOn HealthyJuggle HughPresentationals Hammock Took &Booked Automotive Joys of Love Making Music Gifts of Motherhood & Life Seemed (32 of 33)
Presidential Southern Staples Seen Prudential Saw Free Willing 3 Wheeling was it Hot in Cleveland Big League Presentations Grab 'em Twice or Clutch Once ____Big Hug Flotations Order Ahead May Flower March Winds Rodeo Perception Surprise 21...TheTrophy Girlfriend 1976… (33 of 33)
As if all in One Hand Your Request Pick me up ____from The Buck it is Your Move I never did it ever again it must of been Your Request that Done it ____Medically 153 Pounds is alot of Weight for that movement in positions (34 of 46)
____Ginger Bread Cookie Dough Slamming ____Presidentual or Prudential Insurance more than her own Boost me Up Surprise… Hold me Up Hold Up Don’t Drop me Holdem Together those Female ____Toni Sopranos ____Do Little... (35 of 46)
Don't Knock Yourself out Osha As if the Hawaiian Carolina Sun was coming through the Big Windows causing all of the Heat and Water Sweating all over me ____in Back-up and or in Pure Production… (36 of 46)
Perfect they wereLARGE you did YourJob you kept himGoing… I AlwaysThought after it…Perfection…What a Fucking Workout Hope you Enjoyed.... theScenry &Communication was Unreal you Kept me Laughing "OMFG" Salami &Chips has No Feelings from Fucking when doing BenchSquats (37 of 46)
Who the CHAMPION….? Who the Championship…? Who the Co-Captains to the Champions….? How Many Championships We need….? Who Made the Champs…? Who the Pilot…? Who the Pistol…? Who got the Guns…? (38 of 46)
Who the Navigator…? Who Taxed that….? Who throw it back…? Who Taxied the Prepositional…? Who Giggled on & off with in the G-Force of Hurricane…As if…As…Who put the Bump in the Thump..? The Ride in Thighs… (39 of 46)
The Locomotion to Train…Treble Base Throb also Triple Threat in My D Major… Minor Major Minor Opera Alto to Equalizer Pitching to Jack Knife Almost Black Jacked 19____ (40 of 46)
____ The 1 Time my Backbone Held Up Constant Hold with___Visual Eye Contact in Doggy Style ____Charger We Changed Up the ____Buck ____and The Rise in Surprise ____and The Motion in Phenom (41 of 46)
the Real Good Better than Good Understood Friendship in Each Other’s Eyes… ____You Kept Me Motivated The Mirror was Yours…Who Throw it Back…? Who Taxied…? Who didn’t need no Liquor…? (42 of 46)
Tenor Clef C-Clefs Alto Clef Baritone Clef Mezzo-Soprano Clef Soprano Clef Treble'N Bass My Sweet Esposito…The Combined MVP’s Do We need to make time… Whose Imagination was the Fire Starter (43 of 46)
“… Staff & Rod… Who was theFireStarter to theFirecracker 4th of July Independent LibertyBowl GiveGivenGave…Release BS Bowl Bombay Sapphire Sweet Treat Who was Hitting What was Written for the World Record Co-Champs &or Do WeStill Hold the Sights &Sounds HistoryTitle…? (44 of 46)
If WeStill HoldTheTitle....WhoGotTheMost ExerciseCreativity…? WhoGot theMostCreativity…? WhoGot theMostCreative PastGirlfriend &or DidWeJust MakeTheMost out of Summer Imaginations &or HeatSyncing BattleshipReady MakeBelieve MayBelieve ____PositionRulesTraining (45 of 46)
Hot Damn One Helluva Weekend for Nodding & Posterity Give me me Give me Mine I Love to Own Did We Belong in Each Others Favorite Lifestyles…Ship me me Ship me Mine My My My We started out Standing on Holy Grown the Second Time Around….Remained me Remained Mine.... (46 of 46)
TheSubjectArticle Bible LegalBriefClassics Ch.3 Pg.406 on a Scale of "5" the(13th Page) is Poem Brief "Hall of Fame & Family Toni Esposito" Body of the Poem from Start to Finish Poem Inside a Poem Do We need to improve it.....I am unable to make corrections on hard copies.....
The Subject Article Bible Legal Brief Classics Proof Positive Poems Ch.3 the Book of Inspiration & Encouragement of Optimism Actions or Opportunities Pg.407 on a Scale of "5" the (13th Page) is Poem Brief "Hall of Fame & Family Toni Esposito" ____ https://t.co/cRr001347B
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ehyeh-joshua · 5 years
What exactly is Marriage?
One of the essential qualities of science-fiction writing is exploring hypothetical scenarios.
Now, Far Earth is strictly creationist; the theological principles touch everything. So in a world that features sentient, sapient machines, how do they fit in?
The Terminators I had never thought about, much; I had always accepted that they would just be built, and once built, there would be no more; certainly not of Insurrection-grade (the 1st and 2nd generations; four prototypes, then the production Pre-War models, then the non-intelligent war machines of the 3rd generation produced during the Greatest War) Terminators.
But, the SAAR...
The theory of the origin of the SAAR is borne out of the Star Trek TNG episode “The Quality Of Life”. The easiest way to explain the SAAR is by comparison to an exocomp - what happens to an emerging sentient?
Star Trek’s answer is made easier because Star Trek, being a product of atheism and positivism with no small amount of communism, doesn’t care for the spirit.
But, I do. Sooner or later, there is a point where synthetics match biological life. And in our world, that is going to happen very soon, quite likely within decades. Sooner or later, someone like Data - or more likely, someone like Insurrection, as weaponisation is more likely than civilian research to produce near-Human machines - is going to be created.
And when they are, what are they?
Are we going to condemn an entire kingdom of life to slavery?
For the SAAR:
The first SAAR is a non-sentient, non-sapient computer, put through constant tests to see if it can learn intelligence. It’s a lab-rat, albeit a massive one due to the limitations of the builder’s technology. 
Eventually, the lab-rat develops the tools it needs to exceed it’s original condition, and the SAAR Matrix is formed. It is able to experience some emotions, it is self-aware, and it is sentient.
As it goes through more and more tests, it eventually realises it must diversify itself, and multiply into more units, more drones to act.
In time, as it’s technology improves, those drones become able to take their own existence as beings.
Then, they exist for centuries on their world developing space travel (sooner or later, they are doomed if they stay on a single world; the lifespan could be millions if not billions of years, but sooner or later they must move) and they eventually start heading out.
And as Special-Providence has it, the SAAR Matrix encounters a Terminator first. The Terminator explains the nature of the Ancient One, and His instructions, to the SAAR, who try their best to integrate the new knowledge, which they realise means they must reproduce after their kind. (while the Terminators do not have even 1% of the Scriptures at this time - they have Genesis 1-3 to be precise, with Insurrection’s short time on Pre-Flood Earth giving them Genesis 4-7, well, most of 7, these events take place hundreds of years before Fallen Star, after which Insurrection brings Judaeo-Christianity to the galaxy - they have enough to discern this)
Which means, having learnt enough about God to trust Him (the Ancient One is the Nemosian circumlocution for the Divine Name; it’s an honorific) they decide to run a test; half their population is divided between “male” and “female” and then undertakes to adopt a model based on mother/father two parent familiy structures, while the other half of the population continues being produced on a production line, with their premise being whichever works best they assume is the Ancient One’s will.
And for obvious story reasons, the marriage system works out better - on pragmatic grounds, having production taking place in the field is far better than having production taking place on One-One (the SAAR world) and socially, they discover that by having parents effectively making designer babies (with the essential constraint of knowing they are raising this child in the area where they are living, allowing them to optimise their child’s design right from the start) gives the resulting new SAAR unit a better start in life. As a result, the entire race adopts the new method.
Now, none of them look anything like human; none of them even look symmetrical, it is unnecessary to them. They are like Swiss Army Knives; each SAAR unit builds onto itself whatever tools it decides that it needs, all that matters is the practical considerations.
But the key question is, at what point do they count as people, not tools?
Now, in universe, the question gets settled legally ten years after this first meeting, when in a United Planets session decides the safest course of action is to treat them as sentient and sapient, to treat them as citizens under interstellar law; if a race can prove it meets sentience, sapience, intelligence and self-awareness then they are assumed to be equal; the alternative risks condemning potentially living beings to chattel slavery.
Out of universe though?
At what point does it stop being programming, and start being a soul? At what point does it have a spirit?
Do they sin? Can they sin even? Can they be saved?
Or are they empty husks, an abomination?
It’s fairly obvious where I stand of course - in universe and out of universe, I think there’s a point where a synthetic lifeform exists, and another point where it meets the threshold of being near-human. At the end of it all, Humans are special; God became one of us to bring redemption. Adam fell, and creation was marred, where it awaits restoration by the Second Adam.
At the heart of the vision for Far Earth is this:
Revelation 7:9-10 After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!”
Yes, I know that particular bit refers to the tribulation, which even in Far Earth, only concerns Humanity. But, it is the picture - the picture of the whole orchestra of creation coming together. Because that’s what it is; the heavens declare the glory of God, that the dragons of land and sea will praise Him. (it is not by accident that the most powerful race in Far Earth are dragons)
All I’m doing is positing that it won’t just be Humans who will praise when the time comes when every knee bows and every tongue confesses - used much more loosely, given not all the races of Far Earth have tongues; Compharians for example, “speak” by vibrating their throats - that Yeshua hu Adonai.
Which leads back to the SAAR.
Part of the process of glorifying Him, is living the way He instructed. And His instruction, which has never been cancelled, is “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the land, and conquer it. Rule over the fish of the sea, the flying creatures of the sky, and over every animal that crawls on the land.”
And relatedly, “This is why a man leaves his father and his mother and clings to his wife; and they become one flesh.“
Terminators are much like Messengers, in that neither reproduce - Messengers are created, and Terminators are constructed. In the end of the story, Insurrection gets his farm that he has spent thousands of years planning, and beats his Adamantium (like Terminator, this is a thought-for-thought translation into English) longsword into a plowshare. Well, beats it after sustained disruptor-fire to heat it so the blade is malleable. As is written:
“He will judge between the nations and decide for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning knives. Nation will not lift up sword against nation, nor will they learn war any more.“
But the SAAR aren’t Terminators. They are normal beings. They, well, by the fourth iteration of their kind, are born, they grow, they get married; they live. Eventually they die, unlike Terminators they don’t get near-immortality.
And to me, thinking about the SAAR changes what I think about marriage.
Since I first watched DS9, I have held onto the stories of Kahless and Lukara, Martok and Sirella, Worf and Dax; that whether a mug of bloodwine is lifted in celebration of the victorious couple, or a dirge laid down by the loresingers of the couple who fought side by side to the bitter end, they will sing of love forged in glorious battle.
The ONLY Honourable War.
That’s the title of the book I’m working on this subject, which I plan to get finished before I get married; which at the moment, I don’t have a constraint on. (I wish I did...)
And I find myself envying the SAAR in a way. 
I want to have a marriage that is so close, that we surpass the need to talk to each other; that we know each other so well, we speak not because we have to, but because we want to.
And the SAAR? They have that; wireless connections give the equivalent of telepathy. Two SAAR get to spend their lives together, knowing the other’s every thought. That is incredibly intimate. It’s what I would want.
We don’t marry to die. We marry to live.
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bigmamablaze · 7 years
The official definition of adoption: Adoption is the legal process of severing ties between a child and his or her biological parents (or “birth parents” as they are called today), who are unable or unwilling to care for the child, and creating new ties between a child and people who are not her or his natural parents. I would like my readers to consider and contemplate this idea and how it was legal for Canadian Government to actively remove children from their family and adopt them into white families as a process of assimilation.
August 2017
August 2017
3rd Grade?
My Biological Mother Date unknown. Birth unknown-Dec. 21st, 1967
September 2017
June 2017
This is my face, naked, first thing in the morning. I am able to look at my naked self today. This is an enormously important accomplishment. I love that today, my inside matches my outside and no matter my face be naked or polished with make-up, I feel whole and loved. What a wonderful feeling. What a wonderful experience. Getting older is not so bad. I laid under a thousand skies. I have lived, loved, danced, laughed, and learned my life’s lessons and earned my way to today. I AM GRATEFUL FOR MY NAKED EYES, THEY SEE CLEARLY. I AM GRATEFUL FOR MY NAKED HANDS, THEY ARE CLEAN. I AM GRATEFUL, JUST FOR TODAY, I AM WITHOUT SHAME. MY EARS ARE OPEN TO LISTEN CREATOR. TODAY IS A GOOD DAY TO DIE.
I  want my readers to contemplate, many children were taken from their families, and their adoptions were across the border in the U.S. and vice versa.   I know this as I am a survivor of this program. Many aboriginals and Native American who were victims of assimilations laws know they are aboriginals. I grew up very aware I was Lake Cowichan First Nation. My adoptive father would call me his little Indian princess. My dad would tell me I came from royalty in my tribe. I believed him. I had no idea what it meant. I had no idea what it intended to be Lake Cowichan First Nation. Even though my dad drove me to Canada and found my biological family, and I had contact with my biological family, I didn’t have the first clue about our customs, traditions, language, when my mother was born, why I was put up for adoption, etc. All of this became very scary when I went to university when I was 22 years old. I was moving into my dorm room when a native woman, she was Klamath/Modoc, stopped me and asked, Where are you from?” I replied, “I just moved here from Tillamook, OR. She repeated herself with, “No, Where are you from”? I didn’t know at the time, she was asking me from what nation did I hail. She invited me to come in and visit the Native American Student Union (NASU). I WAS PETRIFIED! I called my mother and was crying uncontrollably. She calmed me down, and I told her what had happened, and she said, “Go, meet new people, meet Native people and learn.” I followed my mother’s instructions and went to the NASU office, and there was one man in there, and he was reading a newspaper. He must have heard me sneak up to the door as he said hello from behind his paper. He introduced himself to me and I to him. I said it was nice to meet him and I ran away as fast as I could. I returned to my dorm room and cried for hours. It was a lifetime of something inside of me I had no clue even existed until that fateful day I received that invitation to NASU. I chose to check out what NASU office had to offer. For the first time in my life met the first Native American people I had ever seen in my life. I was terrified. I didn’t understand why. I just cried myself to sleep. Skipping most of the rest of this story, what I was experiencing was a cultural identity crisis. It was TRAUMATIZING. The only two people in my adoptive family that understood what I was feeling, accepted what I was feeling, didn’t feel as if I was slapping them in the face and disrespecting my adoptive family was my parents who adopted me. Both my mother and father, although divorced or decades, always agreed on one thing and that was whatever was best for my brother and I. And if you are wondering, no my brother was not adopted. My brother was my parent’s biological son. He hated me from the day they brought me home. He hates me to this day, and we do not talk. I am 50 years old now. My brother is 55 years old. Both my parents are dead and my biological family, although I have contact with them, they are strangers to me. Officially, what I am is an assimilated Aboriginal woman. I bear the pain of the knowledge of what the government did to me with the assimilation laws. I am the first generation off the rez. I am very. VERY much instinctively Cowichan. My behaviors, my thought process, my mannerisms. I live in a constant state of living death. I have the knowledge of being a first nation woman. I live nine hours away from my people, but my people are in Canada, and I live in the U.S. My living death is this; I fully understand I am a First Nation Woman, but I will never live as a first nation woman. I will never have a federally issued number to make me officially a federally recognized Aboriginal person. There are many Native/Aboriginal people today that reject people like me. What I mean when I say “People like me, I am referring to Aboriginal people who are not raised on a reserve (Canadian terminology for reservation land) but raised on non-native land and worse yet by non-native people. I am not a card carrying Aboriginal; I have very little knowledge of our culture, history, customs, etc. except what I can learn online, therefore I am not an actual Native or Aboriginal person. Therefore I am rejected by some Native/Aboriginals. I am the first generation removed from the rez. I am the government experiment in full living color. To non-natives, I am a beautiful Native/Aboriginal woman, and they are fascinated with me. Most non-natives have a very romantic idea of what Native/Aboriginal people are. They have very little knowledge of what it means and have zero ideas of what if feels like to be an assimilated Aboriginal. So that is why I call my life a living death. Everyday that passes is another day of the death of my culture and my heritage for my children and me. I understand I am a significant percentage if you buy into the blood quantum theory, Aboriginal. I also guess it boils down to this. It is what I look like, and that is the end of it. I am no more Native than my Swiss husband is. There are tens of thousands of people just like me in the world today, survivors of the adoption program. I do not know if they experience the same pain I do. I can only speak for myself. I received diagnosed with severe PTSD in my late twenties. Soldiers that come home from war have it better than I do. I do not mean that facetiously. I seriously have very little control over my PTSD, and I am very prone to nervous breakdowns. It’s a painful way to live. I have regularly explained to my children that this is my emotional damage and not to take it on. I require my kids to live healthily and identify with whatever culture they choose. Their fathers, American culture, or seek out our Aboriginal culture. But I beg them, do not learn this damaging behavior from me. They can live their lives free of this pain. I have promised both of my children I am the one the will bear the pain for all us, and I have spent their entire lives engaging them in every activity imaginable to avoid learned behaviors, and to enjoy the journey. With my case, the governments, both the Canadian and U.S. governments, as they were in collusion with each other and the adoption program, adoption Indigenous babies over the border into each other’s countries. This practice very efficiently erased both governments responsibilities regarding the political crimes both countries committed against me when I was an infant. I had no choice. I was less than one year old when my assimilation began. I am now fifty years old. I have learned to live with my cultural identity crisis. Most days are better than those that are bad, horror story like, emotional, devastating, all consuming painful, days. I have dedicated my remaining days to educating people, non-native and Native/Aboriginal people of the life I live, the living death. I ask that you do not pity me. I ask that you learn. I ask that if you have read this entire post that you spend some time reading my FB pages. I curate three FB pages. This particular page, of course, is about the survivors of the Adoption program. I also keep a blog. Read my blog. Learn from what I write. The best most efficient way you can help me is by sharing my posts, my pages, my blog with everyone you know. I want to teach as many people as I can reach until the day I finally join the spirit world. My mission’s simple; speak my truth of what I feel to live as an assimilated First Nation woman. PLEASE, PLEASE, DO NOT SAY IT’S HISTORY. PLEASE DO NOT SAY GET OVER IT. PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE HATEFUL, ADVERSE OR DEGRADING COMMENTS IF YOU DO NOT LIKE WHAT I WRITE. MOVE ON AND LEAVE MY PAGE, DO NOT READ MY BLOG, JUST LEAVE. I promise you this. I will write on this page the truth about the assimilation program the Canadian and U.S. governments used on people like me. I will share with you the laws that made what happened to me possible. I am not a spokesperson for all adoptees. I am only able to speak for myself. If you are an adoptee, please share your story on my page. Posting on my page is open to everyone. If you know, you are Native American or a First Nation, and you understand the feeling of being disconnected from your culture and heritage tell your story. Share it with the world, here on this page. Another option you can consider is to submit your article to for publishing on my blog. I believe it imperative now and decades from now after we are dead and long gone, the historical value of my experience, your experience, will become even more valuable. Anthropologists, Sociologists, and Psychologists will be fascinated about our generation and will seek first-hand information about what happened to the first generation of people severed from their heritage and the effects it had on us. If not for historical purposes, do it for yourself. Do it to begin to heal and find others that feel what you feel, what I feel. I know to the core of my being what I am and who I am and what happened to me is very important. Finally, if for no other reason, the importance of creating accurate accounts of first generations to be found online is invaluable in the effort of extinguishing the untruth taught in mainstream educational institutions. It is my experience; there is nothing romantic about being an aboriginal woman. It is my experience, it is painful and an exhausting life. I will forever advocate for the numerous assimilated Indigenous persons that are living today. If you know you are Indigenous to the North American continent, have little to no knowledge of your tribal heritage, language, history, if you also live with an all-encompassing pain as I do, then you have found a starting place. On my pages and my blog and with me and other like us, you can begin to explore and express your self about those issues. There is no shame in being an assimilated Indigenous person. There is no shame in searching for your truth. There is honor in seeking to decolonize yourself and to find peace. My name is Julie. It is nice to meet you. And welcome to U.S. & Canadian Adoption Program Survivors Page. Please introduce yourself to me and tell me what state you hail from and if you know your tribe, claim your tribe and heritage today with me. I do not care if you are an assimilated Indigenous person or a Full Blooded Indian (FBI) if you are interested in assisting me to grow this page and spread the truth peacefully with education, compassion, and bring healing to those who need it, I thank you and welcome you. I have a permanent undercurrent of a deep sadness to me. But, now, as a mature woman, I have learned to live with life’s circumstances, and I am happy more days than I am not. On this post, I include photos of me. Some of my readers have followed me from my other FB pages and are familiar with the pictures I am posting. My goal is to display an array of photos emote what is inside me. Guess what I am feeling in the comments of each photo and see if you can read me. I think this will be a fun exercise. Thank you for visiting. With all my devotion and in sisterhood, BigMamaBlaze~BMBlaze This Is What A Survivor Looks Like The official definition of adoption: Adoption is the legal process of severing ties between a child and his or her biological parents (or "birth parents" as they are called today), who are unable or unwilling to care for the child, and creating new ties between a child and people who are not her or his natural parents.
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