#like is this starting to sound like the functions of a simple VN? yes
lbhslefttiddie · 4 months
abruptly rather nostalgic for like old choose your own adventure novels where you flip to the page indicated by your choice and like. how hard do you think it would be to rig something like this in ao3
like obv it would be easy to like. be like "if you choose A go to chapter 32" or whatever but like you can embed hyperlinks into fics so you could have it as a thing you click and it takes you there yourself. but then That has me wondering just how far one could, hypothetically, push the limits of a fic on ao3 using just html and sheer force of will.... like that could be really fucking fun to toy with actually....
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The M3thh34d visual novel, process thread
Monday, September 23, 2019
So, yesterday I decided that I'm going to be changing tmh into a visual novel instead of a comic. I'm not that sure how I feel about this decision but i KNOW I'm gonna have a lot more done quickly and efficiently, I'll be able to tell my story completely without cancelling anything. And since renpy coding is the simplest thing in the galaxy I have a feeling this will be super fun too.
Oke, just some clarifications for myself.
I'm going to write all of the stories code first.
Then I'm going to draw the sprites and backgrounds as needed
Then I'm going to work on major art pieces for it like title pages and large stuff etc
Now for mobile users who won't be able to play, don't worry. I'm planning on posting a play through on my yt channel and I'm going to post the script here with all of the photos and visuals for those who would rather read on their own turn.
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
OK, so since school is kind of keeping me busy I wasn't able to do much besides figure out how basic GUI and options editing worked.
Added some about information
Fixed transitions
Added a default text speed of 18 characters per second
I also taught myself how to turn the game into files to download, also figured out a system of how people will be able to download the files without actually having to install it from itch.io, gamejolt, etc.
As far as scripts are concerned I have essentially added dialogue for the entire prologue (though I may edit it because I feel it may go by too fast)
And up to the whisper scene in part 1 (which is around a bit into part one,)
I'm also deciding that I'm going to be posting this thread on Friday/saturday and adding more to it as we go.
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Alright! Things I got done:
Added LOTS of dialogue, pretty much around halfway done with chapter 1
Completely rewrote to prologue, its a bit clunky so im gonna need to edit it later to make the dialogue flow better, but for this medium of storytelling its kind of necessary to change it how I did
Brainstormed son sprite pose ideas, I realize I'm probably gonna need some tweek-twitching sprites so that's something I'm going to get on once I start the drawing process
Also found out that typing these things: [] make the code wonky so I can't type [REDACTED] kind of a shame but that's fine
May or may not be using to much of the pause function, but Its not bothering me so I guess when I get someone to test it (yes u heard me, I'm gonna let people test it once everythings,,, y know,,,, playable) and I get some thoughts I'll know how it is
Through this whole process I realized how easy making a simpl e visual novel truly is, and now I finally know how to tell my stories in a way that's both fun and easy!
I've been thinking about making h&h, a never-before-seen card deck au I made like a year ago and never posted, the mythical creek au and a monster au all into visual novels! This is a perfect way for me to stay focused and make stuff!! I'm v excited and happy!! (Let's hope this stays this way because u all know me by now!!)
I may add some complex choice decisions after I get the base game script finished but I have no idea how the story would play out to an alternate ending? Idk I'll have to think about it maybe :p
Anyway I've also been thinking about voice acting in it butttt if I had that they're probably just gonna be mini sound bites like "hmm" or "gah!?" Just stuff from the show probably.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Life is cray and I'm in pain! Here's the shit I got done today!!
Added slightly over 50 lines worth of dialogue
Slight edits here and there about other things
Also im trying to build tweeks character and persona for chapter 1 and I'm finally getting that done
Y know, a really fun thing about visual novels is that I can add as much dialogue as I want without worrying about how crowded it looks
Like, text boxes on comics are NIGHTMARES to add, like u don't want to have a full paragraph of words for one panel! Because no one will want to read it.
But with vn's all you have to do is write dialouge now and then worry about expressions later
No clunk, only funk B)
Also thinking about his ark, now that I'm fully working on scripts and and the story I can finally focus on how to add the hashtag foreshadowing for the uuuuhhhh twist :^)
Anyway I'm having fun and I'm pretty much half way done with chapter one. After I get it done I'm going to reread it and jot down changes until I'm happy with it then I'm going to move on to chapter 2 :DD
Friday, September 27, 2019
Ok!!! Finally done for the week, here's what I did today:
Added an additional 70 lines of dialogue, I now have just over 300 lines
Finished chapter 1
Added a scene where tweek doesn't know how to pronounce hypothermia, that's not important just want you all to know that was a thing
Its been so fun working on this so far, I'm planning on testing it over the weekend to see what dialogue tweaks and grammar/spelling stuff I need to fix. Once that's done I will be continuing onto the chapter 2 script!
I will update this thread on Fridays, I might add some mini weekend updates whenever the time calls for it.
I hope you all are excited as I am for this! Its the first time in a long time that I've felt this sure about a project before!! :DD
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